Ordinance | |
1 | Offices of town clerk and town treasurer combined (Repealed by 375) |
2 | Weeds and rubbish (Repealed by 57) |
3 | Intoxicated while on street or other public place (Repealed by 140) |
4 | Disorderly persons (Repealed by 521) |
5 | Maximum speed law (Repealed by 134) |
6 | Missing |
7 | Council meetings (Not codified) |
8 | Clerk-treasurer’s salary (Special) |
9 | City attorney’s salary (Special) |
10 | Marshal’s salary (Special) |
11 | Police judge’s salary (Special) |
12 | Missing |
13 | Licensing of dogs (Repealed by 39) |
14 | Wheels on trailers (Repealed by 51) |
15 | Claims by voucher (3.16) |
16 | Trailer courts and mobile home parks (Not codified) |
17 | City employee expense vouchers (3.16) |
18 | 1959 budget (Special) |
19 | Planning commissioner (Not codified) |
20 | Land purchase and lease to Junior Chamber of Commerce (Special) |
21 | 1960 budget (Special) |
22 | Nomination of town officers (Repealed by 130) |
23 | Appointment of deputy marshal (Repealed by 538) |
24 | Ordinance procedure (Repealed by 54) |
25 | Streets and street light fund (Special) |
26 | Park fund (Repealed by 59-A) |
27 | Salaries for 1960 (Special) |
28 | Bonding of town marshal, police judge and town clerk (Repealed by 537) |
29 | Licensing of dogs (Repealed by 39) |
30 | Land annexation (Special) |
31 | Arterial street fund (3.20) |
32 | Traffic code (Repealed by 134) |
33 | Cattle restraint (6.12) |
34 | 1963 budget (Special) |
35 | Salaries for 1963 (Special) |
36 | Booking persons procedure (Repealed by 138) |
37 | 1964 budget (Special) |
38 | 1965 budget (Special) |
39 | Dogs (Repealed by 55) |
40 | Appropriation of funds (Special) |
41 | 1966 budget (Special) |
42 | Building code (Repealed by 94) |
43 | Plumbing code (Repealed by 94) |
44 | Electrical code (Repealed by 50) |
45 | Location and use of building, zoning (Repealed by 58-A) |
46 | Trailers (Repealed by 51) |
47 | Comprehensive plan (Repealed by 148) |
48 | 1967 budget (Special) |
49 | Planning commission (Repealed by 195) |
50 | Electrical code (Repealed by 85, 88) |
51 | House trailers in R-2 residential districts (Repealed by 141) |
52 | House trailers in R-1 residential districts (Repealed by 141) |
53 | 1968 budget (Special) |
54 | Repeals Ord. 24, ordinance procedure (Repealed by 71) |
55 | Dogs (Repealed by 109) |
56 | Adoption of reference of state criminal statutes and code (Repealed by 139) |
57 | Removal of hazardous material from sidewalks or streets; repeals Ord. 2 (8.08) |
58 | 1969 budget (Special) |
58-A | Zoning ordinance, repeals Ord. 45 (Repealed by 148) |
59 | Fire prevention code (Repealed by 64) |
59-A | Repeals Ord. 26, park fund (Repealer) |
60 | Water and sewer system fund (3.20) |
61 | 1971 tax levy (Special) |
62 | 1970 budget amendment (Special) |
63 | Garbage and water material franchise (Special) |
64 | Fire prevention code; repeals Ord. 59 (Repealed by 94) |
65 | 1971 budget (Special) |
66 | Salaries for 1971 (Special) |
67 | Curfew established (Not codified) |
68 | Sales and use tax (3.04) |
69 | 1972 budget (Special) |
70 | Salaries for 1972 (Special) |
71 | Publication of ordinances, repeals Ord. 54 (Not codified) |
72 | Acquisition of water supply and distribution system by sale of water revenue bonds (Special) |
73 | Regulation of water supply system (Repealed by 143) |
74 | 1972 Supplemental budget (Repealed by 76) |
75 | Special election (Special) |
76 | Water system purchase (Special) |
77 | 1973 tax levy (Special) |
78 | Traffic ordinance (Repealed by 134) |
79 | 1973 budget (Special) |
80 | Salaries for 1973 (Special) |
81 | 1974 tax levy (Special) |
82 | 1974 budget (Special) |
83 | Litter control code (8.04) |
84 | Electrical power license fee (Repealed by 224) |
85 | Repeals Ord. 50, electrical code (Repealer) |
86 | Electric franchise (Special) |
87 | Ambulance cumulative reserve fund (3.20) |
88 | Repeals Ord. 50, electrical code (Repealer) |
89 | 1975 tax levy (Special) |
90 | Dogs (Repealed by 109) |
91 | 1975 budget (Special) |
92 | Salaries for 1975 (Special) |
93 | 1976 tax levy (Special) |
94 | Building code; repeals Ords. 42, 43 and 46 (Repealed by 177) |
95 | 1976 budget (Special) |
96 | Salaries for 1976 (Special) |
97 | Leasehold excise tax (3.12) |
98 | SEPA (Repealed by 118) |
99 | Water revenue bond (Special) |
100 | 1976 water system construction fund (Special) |
101 | 1977 tax levy (Special) |
102 | Sanitation fund established (3.20) |
103 | 1976 sanitation fund (Special) |
104 | Delinquent water fees and charges; repeals § 21 of Ord. 73 (Repealed by 143) |
105 | 1977 budget (Special) |
106 | Salaries for 1977 (Special) |
107 | Abatement of dangerous buildings (Repealed by 177) |
108 | Repair and demolition fund established (Repealed by 177) |
109 | Animal control (6.08) |
110 | 1978 tax levy (Special) |
111 | Amendment of 1976 budget (Special) |
112 | 1978 budget (Special) |
113 | Salaries for 1978 (Special) |
114 | Residential and commercial assessment rates (Special) |
115 | Annexation (Repealed by 116) |
116 | Repeals Ord. 115, annexation (Repealer) |
117 | Water rates; repeals §§ 12, 13 of Ord. 73 (Repealed by 143) |
118 | SEPA; repeals Ord. 98 (18.04) |
119 | Office of duty clerk (Repealed by 367) |
120 | Supersedes and amends § 1 of Ord. 113, hours and salary of clerk-treasurer and deputy clerk (Not codified) |
121 | 1979 tax levy (Special) |
122 | New bookkeeping system (3.24) |
123 | Water service charges; repeals § 1(C) of Ord. 73 (Repealed by 143) |
124 | Amends § 1 of Ord. 117, water rates (Repealed by 143) |
125 | 1979 budget (Special) |
126 | Water system improvement (Special) |
127 | LID No. 79-1 (Special) |
128 | 1980 tax levy (Special) |
129 | 1980 budget (Special) |
130 | Repeals Ord. 22, town officers (Repealer) |
131 | Amends §§ 8, 10 and repeals § 5 of Ord. 109, keeping of animals (Repealed by 170) |
132 | General provisions language (1.04) |
133 | General penalty (Repealed by 487) |
134 | Adoption of traffic ordinance; repeals Ords. 5, 32 and 78 (Repealed by 521) |
135 | Repeals §§ 1 and 2 of Ord. 122, bookkeeping system (Repealer) |
136 | Repeals § 2 of Ord. 94, building code (Repealed by 177) |
137 | Amends § 2 of Ord. 107, abatement of dangerous buildings (Repealed by 177) |
138 | Repeals Ord. 36, booking persons procedure (Repealer) |
139 | Repeals Ord. 56, adoption by reference of state criminal statutes and codes (Repealer) |
140 | Amends §§ 2 and 5 of Ord. 4, repeals §§ 1(c), (d), (e) and (k) of Ord. 4, disorderliness; repeals Ord. 3, drunkenness (Repealed by 521) |
141 | Repeals Ords. 51 and 52, house trailers in residential districts (Repealer) |
142 | Water system regulations (Repealed by 549) |
143 | Repeals Ords. 73, 104, 117, 123 and 124 (Repealer) |
144 | Moratorium on building permits (Special) |
145 | Assessment roll of LID 1979-1 (Special) |
146 | Council meetings (Repealed by 191) |
147 | 1981 budget (Special) |
148 | Land use ordinance (Repealed by 216) |
149 | Water revenue bond (Special) |
150 | Amends Ord. 149, water revenue bond (Special) |
151 | Amends § 7 of Ord. 49, planning commission (Repealed by 195) |
152 | Annexation into fire protection district No. 8 (Special) |
153 | Providing for sale of surplus city property (Special) |
154 | Subdivision ordinance (Repealed by 479) |
155 | Adoption of code (1.01) |
156 | Annexation (Special) |
157 | 1982 budget (Special) |
158 | Adopts Uniform Building Code (Repealed by 483) |
159 | Town hall hours and holidays (Repealed by 283) |
160 | Amends Ord. 148, land use (Repealed by 163) |
161 | Amends §2.04.010, regular council meetings (Repealed by 175) |
162 | Amends subsection (B) of § 2.20.010, planning commission (Repealed by 195) |
163 | Amends Ord. 148; repeals Ord. 160, land use (Not codified) |
164 | Additional sales and use tax (3.06) |
165 | Annexation (Special) |
166 | Amends §§ 6 and 8 of Ord. 164, sales and use tax (3.06) |
167 | 1983 budget (Special) |
168 | Business licenses (5.04) |
169 | Employee attendance, holiday and leave policies (Repealed by 186) |
170 | Dog licensing and control; repeals §§ 2-12 of Ord. 109 and Ch. 6.04 (Repealed by 514) |
171 | Amends §§ 18, 19 and 22 of Ord. 148, zoning (Not codified) |
172 | Adopts 1984 budget (Special) |
173 | Mayor’s compensation and penalties for unexcused absences of mayor or councilmembers (Repealed by 180) |
174 | Adds § 2.20.055 and amends §§ 2.20.010(A) and (B) and 2.20.060, planning commission (Repealed by 195) |
175 | Amends § 2.04.010 and repeals Ord. 161, council meetings (Repealed by 191) |
176 | Adopts 1985 budget (Special) |
177 | Building codes; repeals Ords. 94, 107, 108, 136 and 137 (Repealed by 483) |
178 | Quit claim deed (Special) |
179 | Ad valorem tax (Special) |
180 | Repeals Ord. 173, mayor compensation and penalty for absence (Repealer) |
181 | Emergency fund transfer (Special) |
182 | Emergency expenditures (Special) |
183 | Budget for 1986 (Special) |
184 | Amends Ord. 142, water rates (Repealed by 549) |
185 | Water main size determination (Special) |
186 | Repeals and replaces Ord. 169, employee provisions (Repealed by 505) |
187 | Annexation (Repealed by 201) |
188 | Amends Ord. 142 § 3, water service (Repealed by 376) |
189 | Lot numbering, street name change (Special) |
190 | Amends Ord. 142 § 11, water service (Repealed by 549) |
191 | Amends § 2.04.010, council meeting (2.04) |
192 | Ad valorem tax certification (Special) |
193 | Budget for 1987 (Special) |
194 | Auditing, signing officers designated (Special) |
195 | Establishes planning commission; repeals Ords. 49, 151 and 174 (Repealed by 536) |
196 | Establishes various funds (Special) |
197 | Adds paragraph (c)(5) to § 5 of; amends paragraph (1) of § 5, paragraph (c) of § 10 and paragraphs (a) and (b) of § 14 of Ord. 170, dog licensing and control (Repealed by 514) |
198 | Grants variance (Special) |
199 | Adds second amended Exh. A and certain provision to Ord. 142; amends Ord. 188, water system (Repealed by 549) |
200 | Withdraws town from North Central Regional Library District (Special) |
201 | Annexation; repeals Ord. 187 (Special) |
202 | Ad valorem tax (Special) |
203 | Amends Ord. 191, council meeting (2.04) |
204 | Potentially dangerous dogs (Repealed by 514) |
205 | Grants variance (Special) |
206 | Grants variance (Special) |
207 | Hazardous materials incident command agency (2.28) |
208 | 1988 budget (Special) |
209 | Establishes and closes certain funds (Special) |
210 | Grants variance (Special) |
211 | Amends §§ 1 and 6 of Ord. 195, planning commission (Repealed by 536) |
212 | Cable television (5.08) |
213 | Street use (12.04) |
214 | Grants variance (Special) |
215 | Amends Ord. 203, council meeting (2.04) |
216 | Zoning ordinance, repeals Ords. 47, 58-A and 148 (Repealed by 453) |
217 | Ad valorem taxes (Special) |
218 | 1989 budget (Special) |
219 | Property tax and abatement lien regulations (3.28) |
220 | Amends § 7(g) of Ord. 216, zoning (Repealed by 453) |
221 | Prohibition of irrigation water upon public roads (12.08) |
222 | Use of town park for yard sales (Repealed by 553) |
223 | Amends § 10 of Ord. 216, zoning (Repealed by 453) |
224 | Utility occupational tax; repeals Ord. 84 (3.08) |
225 | 1990 ad valorem taxes (Special) |
226 | 1990 budget (Special) |
227 | Amends §§2 and 3 of Ord. 57, junk and weeds (Repealed by 574) |
228 | Amends §1 of Ord. 17, claims against the town (3.16) |
229 | Amends §6 of Ord. 224, utility occupational tax (3.08) |
230 | Amends §2.24.040, employee leave policies (Repealed by 505) |
231 | Amends §5 of Ord. 142, water system (Repealed by 549) |
232 | Authorizes mayor and clerk to issue warrants (3.16) |
233 | Noise (Repealed by 442) |
234 | Amendment to 1990 budget (Special) |
235 | Tax levy (Special) |
236 | Grants conditional use permit (Special) |
237 | Rezone (Special) |
238 | Grants conditional use permit (Special) |
239 | Adopts 1991 budget (Special) |
240 | Amends § 2 of Ord. 223, zoning (Repealed by 453) |
241 | Amends §§ 1 and 2 of Ord. 211, planning commission (Repealed by 536) |
242 | Grants conditional use permit (Special) |
243 | Grants conditional use permit (Special) |
244 | Excise tax on real estate transactions (3.32) |
245 | Establishes capital improvement fund (3.20) |
246 | Grants conditional use permit (Special) |
247 | Amends § 12 of Ord. 142, water system regulations (Repealed by 549) |
248 | Amends Ord. 215, council meetings (2.04) |
249 | Department head spending limits (Repealed by 546) |
250 | Compensation for mayor and council members for attending town meetings (2.36) |
251 | Approves zoning map (Special) |
252 | Water system cross-connections (Repealed by 381) |
253 | Speed limit near school (10.08) |
254 | Parental responsibility for children’s adherence to curfew (Repealed by 521) |
255 | Tax levy (Special) |
256 | Adds § 7(aa) to Ord. 216, zoning (Repealed by 453) |
257 | Amends 1991 budget (Special) |
258 | Adopts 1992 budget (Special) |
259 | Amends § 26 of Ord. 216, zoning (Repealed by 453) |
260 | Grants conditional use permit (Special) |
261 | Fireworks (Not codified) |
262 | Adds Ch. 9.16, graffiti removal (9.16) |
263 | Amends § 24 of Ord. 83, littering penalty (8.04) |
264 | Burn barrel burning (8.16) |
265 | Amends § 9 of Ord. 216, zoning (Repealed by 453) |
266 | Repeals Ord. 248 (Repealer) |
267 | Solid waste collection (13.12) |
268 | Critical areas and resource lands (Repealed by 492) |
269 | 1993 tax levy (Special) |
270 | Grants conditional use permit (Special) |
271 | Establishes water system construction fund (3.20) |
272 | Amends 1992 budget (Special) |
273 | Adopts 1993 budget (Special) |
274 | Solid waste disposal (13.16) |
275 | Amends Ord. 170 § 14(C), penalty for dogs at large (Repealed by 514) |
276 | Adds subsection (aa) to Ord. 109; repeals paragraphs (A) and (B) of Ord. 109, animal control (6.08) |
277 | Arterial street fund (Special) |
278 | Repeals and replaces §§ 3 and 5(C) of Ord. 177, building code (Repealed by 483) |
279 | Adds §§ (A)(1)—(3) to Ord. 264, penalties for outdoor burning (8.16) |
280 | Variance (Special) |
281 | Prohibits feeding of seagulls (8.20) |
282 | (Not passed) |
283 | Amends Ord. 186 §§ (1) and (3)(c), employee policies; repeals Ord. 159, town hall hours and holidays (Repealed by 505) |
284 | Slaughtering of animals in public (9.20) |
285 | Variance (Special) |
286 | Amends Ord. 240 § 2, zoning (Repealed by 288) |
287 | Revenue bond (Special) |
288 | Amends first paragraph of Ord. 240; repeals Ord. 286, zoning (Repealed by 453) |
289 | Ad valorem taxes (Special) |
290 | Budget amendment (Special) |
291 | Renames Riverside Street to Riverview Street (Special) |
292 | Police civil service commission (2.40) |
293 | Amends Ord. 186 § 11(b) [II(b)], employee personal leave (Repealed by 505) |
294 | 1994 budget (Special) |
295 | Business licenses for temporary locations (Repealed by 564) |
296 | Street displays and sales (12.16) |
297 | Grants conditional use permit (Special) |
298 | Grants conditional use permit (Special) |
299 | Amends §§ (4)(B)(1) and (2) of Ord. 233, noise (Repealed by 442) |
300 | Extends note maturity (Special) |
301 | Closes Town Hall building fund (Special) |
302 | Adds section to Ord. 133, general penalty (Repealed by 487) |
303 | Adds § (4.1)(i) to Ord. 134, traffic ordinance (Repealed by 521) |
304 | Amends § 2 of Ord. 197, dogs (Repealed by 514) |
305 | Amends § 14 of Ord. 170, dogs (Repealed by 514) |
306 | Fireworks for calendar year 1994 (Special) |
307 | Exempts town from subsection (4) of RCW 9.41.050, firearms (Repealed by 521) |
308 | Amends § 7(j) of Ord. 216, zoning (Repealed by 453) |
309 | Amends § 6 of Ord. 216, zoning (Repealed by 453) |
310 | Extends note maturity (Special) |
311 | Amends 1994 budget (Special) |
312 | Ad valorem taxes (Special) |
313 | Adopts 1995 budget (Special) |
314 | Annexation (Special) |
315 | Sale of property (Special) |
316 | Extends note maturity (Special) |
317 | Amends § 23 of Ord. 216, zoning (Repealed by 453) |
318 | Amends § 26 of Ord. 216 and part of Ord. 259, zoning (Repealed by 453) |
319 | Amends § A of Ord. 278, technical building codes (Repealed by 483) |
320 | Amends § 17.24.020(M), zoning (Repealed by 453) |
321 | Binding site plan (Repealed by 453) |
322 | Adds section to Ord. 254, curfew for children—parental responsibility (Repealed by 521) |
323 | Licensing of concessionaires (Repealed by 509) |
324 | Discharging of fireworks for 1995 (Special) |
325 | Water revenue bonds for 1995 (Special) |
326 | Amends 1995 budget (Special) |
327 | Water conservation and rates; repeals § 1 of Ord. 199 (Repealed by 549) |
328 | Ad valorem taxes (Special) |
329 | Sewer system construction fund (Repealed by Ord. 399) |
330 | Amends § 7 of Ord. 168, business licenses (5.04) |
331 | Amends § 3 of Ord. 327, water conservation and rates (Repealed by 549) |
332 | Adopts certain portions of State Model Traffic Control Ordinance (Repealed by 521) |
333 | Amends § 5.04.120, business licenses (5.04) |
334 | Adopts Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings (Repealed by 483) |
335 | Adopts 1996 budget (Special) |
336 | Amends §§ 2.36.010 and 2.36.020, compensation of mayor and council (2.36) |
337 | Street vacation (Special) |
338 | Annexation (Special) |
339 | Amends § 1 of Ord. 338, annexation (Special) |
340 | Adopts comprehensive land use plan (Repealed by 453) |
341 | Amends § 15.04.020(B), technical building codes (Repealed by 483) |
342 | Adopts zoning code and zoning map (Repealed by 453) |
343 | Readopts and ratifies development regulations (Repealed by 453) |
344 | Transfer of funds (Special) |
345 | Amends Ord. 335, 1996 budget (Special) |
346 | (Missing) |
347 | Tax levy (Special) |
348 | 1997 budget (Special) |
349 | Amends § 13.04.120, water system (Repealed by 549) |
350 | Amends Ord. 344 § 5, transfer of funds (Special) |
351 | Amends Ord. 344 § 5, transfer of funds (Special) |
352 | Amends Ord. 320 § 2, zoning (Repealed by 379) |
353 | Ad valorem taxes (Special) |
354 | 1998 budget (Special) |
355 | Amends Ord. 348, 1997 budget (Special) |
356 | Amends § 13.16.050 and adds new sections to Ch. 13.16, solid waste storage containers (13.16) |
357 | Prohibitions and restrictions on cargo containers and similar structures (9.28) |
358 | Burglary and robbery alarm systems (9.32) |
359 | Creates account No. 621, library fund (3.20) |
360 | Bond issuance (Special) |
361 | Establishes U.L.I.D. No. 1 (Special) |
362 | Adopts 1999 budget (Special) |
363 | Amends 1998 budget (Special) |
364 | Wastewater pretreatment (Repealed by 496) |
365 | Sewer system (13.24) |
366 | Water and/or sewer service outside town limits (Repealed by 495) |
367 | Repeals §§ 2.08.040, 2.08.050 and 2.08.060, deputy clerk (Repealer) |
368 | Amends § 13.04.130, water system (Repealed by 549) |
369 | Amends § 17.32.030, zoning (Repealed by 379) |
370 | Amends § 3.08.030, utility occupational tax (3.08) |
371 | Tax levy (Special) |
372 | Sewer revenue bond (Special) |
373 | Fireworks (Repealed by 569) |
374 | Amends § 15.04.020, technical building codes (Repealed by 483) |
375 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 2.08, administrator-clerk/treasurer (Repealed by 500) |
376 | Repeals and replaces § 13.04.030, water rates and fees (Repealed by 549) |
377 | Authorizes payment of undetermined employee benefit (Special) |
378 | Amends Ord. 371, tax levy (Special) |
379 | Repeals § 17.32.030, zoning (Repealer) |
380 | Amends Ord. 344 § 5, transfer of funds (Special) |
381 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 13.08, cross-connections (13.08) |
382 | Amends § 15.04.020, technical building codes (Repealed by 483) |
383 | Solid waste fund (3.20) |
384 | Adopts 2000 budget (Special) |
385 | Amends Ord. 362, 1999 budget (Special) |
386 | Authorizes closure of sewer/water reserve fund No. 450 and transfer of balance to water reserve fund 404 (Special) |
387 | Amends §15.04.020(B), permit requirements (Repealed by 483) |
388 | Amends §2.36.010, compensation for mayor (2.36) |
389 | Amends §5.04.160, renewal of business licenses (5.04) |
390 | Annexation (Special) |
391 | Bond issuance (Special) |
392 | Establishes water and sewer emergency repair and maintenance fund (Special) |
393 | Authorizes interfund loan for partial payment of the 2000 street resurfacing project (Special) |
394 | Establishes police vehicle replacement fund (Special) |
395 | Adopts 2001 budget (Special) |
396 | Amends Ord. 393, interfund loan (Special) |
397 | (Missing) |
398 | Amends Ord. 384, 2000 budget (Special) |
399 | Repeals §3.20.070 and Ord. 329 §§1, 2 and 3, sewer system construction fund (Repealer) |
400 | Amends §13.04.135 and §2 of Ord. 199, water availability charge (Repealed by 549) |
401 | Bond issuance (Special) |
402 | Amends §9.12.030 and §3 of Ord. 254, curfew for children—parental responsibility (Repealed by 521) |
403 | Adds Ch. 15.08, minimum off street parking requirements (15.08) |
404 | Adopts Uniform Housing Code (Special) |
405 | Adopts 2002 budget (Special) |
406 | Amends §§5.04.070, 5.04.080, 5.04.120, 5.04.130, and §§8 and 13 of Ord. 168, §1 of Ord. 330 and §1 of Ord. 333, business licenses (5.04) |
407 | Amends §6.04.030, §5 of Ord. 170 and §1 of Ord. 197, dogs (Repealed by 514) |
408 | Amends Ord. 395, 2001 budget (Special) |
409 | Amends §16.12.090 and §13 of Ord. 154, application submission—fees; repeals §16.16.080 and §61 of Ord. 154, preliminary and final plats (Repealed by 479) |
410 | Amends § 16.20.020 and § 63 of Ord. 154, fee (Repealed by 479) |
411 | Amends § 17.40.030 and § 46 of Ord. 216, public hearing—application fee (Repealed by 453) |
412 | Amends § 17.32.020 and § 27 of Ord. 216, front yards and fences (Repealed by 453) |
413 | Authorizes segregation assessment (Special) |
414 | Amends § 6.06.080 and § 3 of Ord. 204, certificate of registration-issuance-conditions (Repealed by 514) |
415 | Stationary vendors (5.16) |
416 | Establishes procedure for foreclosure of utility local improvement district assessment liens (Special) |
417 | Amends § 26 of Ord. 216, Ord. 259, Ord. 318, and § 17.32.010, zoning (Repealed by 453) |
418 | Adopts standard specifications for road, bridge, and municipal construction (Special) |
419 | Amends § 14 of Ord. 142, as amended by §§ 2 and 3 of Ord. 184, and § 13.04.140, water rates (Repealed by 549) |
420 | Adopts 2003 budget (Special) |
421 | Amends and adds to Ord. 224 and Ch. 308, utility occupational taxes (3.08) |
422 | Adds Ch. 9.36, residential soliciting (Repealed by 570) |
423 | Adopts update to the 2000 Comprehensive Water Plan (Special) |
424 | Amends §§ 2.36.010 and 2.36.020, compensation of mayor council (2.36) |
425 | Adds Ch. 5.12, gambling (5.12) |
426 | Amends §§ 13.04.060 and 13.04.200, use of potable water (Repealed by 549) |
427 | Adopts 2004 budget (Special) |
428 | Amends Ord. 420, 2003 budget (Special) |
429 | Compression brakes (10.12) |
430 | Adds § 1.08.015; amends § 1.08.010, general penalty (Repealed by 487) |
431 | Private construction of water, sewer or storm drainage improvements (Repealed by 686) |
432 | Grants cable TV franchise (Special) |
433 | Motorized foot scooters (10.16) |
434 | 2005 budget (Special) |
435 | Annexation (Special) |
436 | Adds Ch. 17.52, §§ 17.08.174, 17.08.178, 17.08.184, 17.08.204 and 17.08.224; amends §§ 17.08.080, 17.08.160, 17.08.170 and 17.16.080; repeals § 17.08.240, zoning (Repealed by 453) |
437 | Authorizes interfund loan for purchase of sewer operating equipment (Special) |
438 | Ratifies Res. No. 05-07-10 (Special) |
439 | Amends 2005 budget (Special) |
440 | Amends 2005 budget (Special) |
441 | Adopts 2006 budget (Special) |
442 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 9.08, noise (Repealed by 456) |
443 | Public dances (9.40) |
444 | Circuses, carnivals, outdoor musical assemblies, amusements and shows (5.20) |
445 | Annexation (Special) |
446 | Adds § 13.04.061; amends § 13.04.060, water system (Repealed by 549) |
447 | Adopts Ch. 2.50, hearing examiner (Repealed by 481) |
448 | Adopts by reference policy and procedure on disclosure of public records (Special) |
449 | (Not passed) |
450 | (Not passed) |
451 | Establishes delinquent fee for late payment of water, sewer or garbage service charges [adds §§ 13.16.075, 13.24.235 and 13.28.035; amends § 13.04.140] (13.16, 13.24) |
452 | Adds T. 14, development code administration (14.01, 14.03, 14.05, 14.07, 14.09, 14.11, 14.13) |
452A | Comprehensive plan (Not codified) |
453 | Repeals and replaces T. 17, zoning (17.02, 17.06, 17.10, 17.14, 17.18, 17.22, 17.26, 17.38, 17.40, 17.44, 17.46, 17.48, 17.50, 17.52, 17.56, 17.60, 17.68) |
454 | Amends § 2.20.010 and § 1 of Ord. 241, planning commission (Repealed by 536) |
455 | (Not passed) |
456 | Repeals and replaces noise control ordinance [Ch. 9.08, Ord. 442] (9.08) |
457 | Budget amendment (Special) |
458 | Adopts policy and procedure guidelines for contacts by members of Mattawa police department and town of Mattawa employees with persons having limited English language proficiency (Repealed by 482) |
459 | Requires assignment of water rights or payment of water rights acquisition fee upon approval of subdivision of real property (Repealed by 479) |
460 | Budget amendment (Special) |
461 | Amends Ord. 447 and § 2.50.120, hearing examiner (Repealed by 481) |
462 | Regulates use, travel and parking of heavy and/or long trucks within the town (10.20) |
463 | Budget amendment (Special) |
464 | Amends Ord. 215 and § 2.04.010, council (2.04) |
465 | Amends 2008 budget (Special) |
466 | Amends 2008 budget (Special) |
467 | Amends 2008 budget (Special) |
468 | Adopts 2009 budget (Special) |
469 | Town council (2.04) |
470 | Claims paid approval (3.36) |
471 | Adds Ch. 2.44, hearing examiner (2.44) |
472 | Administrative enforcement (Repealed by 555) |
473 | Review and approval process (14.09) |
474 | Appeals (14.11) |
475 | Repeals Ch. 14.15, comprehensive plan amendment process (Repealer) |
476 | Enforcement and penalties (14.13) |
477 | Nuisances (8.28) |
478 | General administration and enforcement (17.88) |
479 | Repeals and replaces Title 16, subdivisions (16.05, 16.09, 16.11, 16.17, 16.20, 16.26, 16.29, 16.33, 16.40, 16.44, 16.48, 16.52) |
480 | Annexation (Special) |
481 | Repeals Ch. 2.50, hearing examiner (Repealer) |
482 | Repeals Ord. 458, language assistance plan (Repealer) |
483 | Building codes (15.12) |
484 | Employees leave policies (Repealed by 536) |
485 | Moving building (15.16) |
486 | Appeals (14.11) |
487 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 1.08, general penalty (1.08) |
488 | Repeals Ch. 17.64, administration and enforcement (Repealer) |
489 | Repeals Ch. 14.15, comprehensive plan amendment process (Repealer) |
490 | Changes classification of town to noncharter code city (1.06) |
491 | Adopts 2010 budget (Special) |
492 | Adds Ch. 18.12; repeals Ch. 18.08, critical areas (Repealed by 694) |
493 | Rental license (5.24) |
494 | Killing and slaughtering of animals (9.20) |
495 | Repeals Ch. 13.28, water and/or sewer service outside town limits (Repealer) |
496 | Repeals Ch. 13.20, wastewater pretreatment (Repealer) |
497 | Sewer system (13.24) |
498 | Checks and drafts (3.40) |
499 | Finance officer (Repealed by 536) |
500 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 2.08, city clerk (Repealed by 536) |
501 | Customer service clerk (Repealed by 536) |
502 | Budget amendment (Special) |
503 | Council (2.04) |
504 | District use chart (17.40) |
505 | Repeals Ch. 2.24, employee leave policies (Repealer) |
506 | Business licenses (5.04) |
507 | Solid waste disposal (13.16) |
508 | Adopts 2011 budget (Special) |
509 | Business licenses (5.04) |
510 | Utility occupation tax (3.08) |
511 | Traffic (Repealed by 521) |
512 | Budget amendment (Special) |
513 | Budget amendment (Special) |
514 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 6.04; repeals Ch. 6.06, dog and animal control (6.04) |
515 | Standards (17.18) |
516 | Residential performance standards (17.44) |
517 | Moratorium on the establishment of medical marijuana collective gardens (Special) |
518 | Stationary vendors (5.16) |
519 | Circuses, carnivals, outdoor musical assemblies, amusements and shows (5.20) |
520 | Adopts 2012 budget (Special) |
521 | Repeals Chs. 9.04, 9.12, 9.24 and 10.04 (Repealer) |
522 | Extends moratorium on the establishment of medical marijuana collective gardens (Special) |
523 | Amends Title 1, general provisions (1.01, 1.04, 1.06, 1.08, 1.10, 1.12, 1.14, 1.16, 1.18) |
524 | Amends Ch. 17.40, district use chart (17.40) |
525 | Amends 2012 budget (Special) |
526 | Amends § 17.44.070, residential performance standards (17.44) |
527 | Adds Ch. 12.02, street naming and addressing (12.02) |
528 | Adds Ch. 17.78, personal wireless service facilities (17.78) |
529 | Amends Ch. 5.04, business licenses (5.04) |
530 | Amends Ch. 17.78, personal wireless service facilities (17.78) |
531 | Water and sewer revenue refunding bond (Special) |
532 | Amends 2012 budget (Special) |
533 | Amends Ch. 17.78, personal wireless service facilities (17.78) |
534 | Adopts 2013 budget (Special) |
535 | Amends 2012 budget (Special) |
536 | Repeals Chs. 2.08, 2.10, 2.20 and 2.60 (Repealer) |
537 | Repeals Ch. 2.16 (Repealer) |
538 | Repeals Ch. 2.12 (Repealer) |
539 | Adds Ch. 2.08, planning agency (2.08) |
540 | Annexation (Special) |
541 | Extends moratorium on the establishment of medical marijuana collective gardens (Special) |
542 | Interim zoning regulations for marijuana producers, processors and retailers (Special) |
543 | Adopts 2014 budget (Special) |
544 | Adds Ch. 6.10, chickens (6.10) |
545 | Amends 2013 budget (Special) |
546 | Repeals Ch. 2.32, department head spending limits (Repealer) |
547 | Amends § 6.08.010, animal control (6.08) |
548 | Amends § 2.36.010, compensation for mayor (2.36) |
549 | Adds Ch. 13.02; repeals Ch. 13.04, water system (13.02) |
550 | Amends § 6.04.010; repeals § 6.04.140, dog and animal control (6.04) |
551 | Amends § 15.12.050, building codes (15.12) |
552 | Adds Ch. 8.30, fire prevention and investigation (8.30) |
553 | Repeals Ch. 12.12, yard sales in city parks (Repealer) |
554 | Amends § 5.04.020, business licenses (5.04) |
555 | Adds Ch. 1.30; repeals Ch. 1.20, civil code enforcement (1.30) |
556 | Adds Ch. 17.42, medical marijuana (Repealed by 584) |
557 | Amends §§ 3.08.030 and 3.08.040, utility occupation tax (3.08) |
558 | Adopts 2015 budget (Special) |
559 | Amends 2014 budget (Special) |
560 | Amends Ch. 3.32, real estate excise tax (3.32) |
561 | Amends 2014 budget (Special) |
562 | Amends § 5.24.010, rental license (5.24) |
563 | Amends § 6.10.040, chickens (Repealed by 656) |
564 | Amends Ch. 5.04, business licenses (5.04) |
565 | Amends Ch. 5.16, stationary vendors and solicitors (5.16) |
566 | Adds Ch. 5.28, special events (5.28) |
567 | Adds Ch. 5.32, yard sales and garage sales (5.32) |
568 | Adds Ch. 3.30, Mattawa transportation benefit district (3.30) |
569 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 8.24, fireworks (8.24) |
570 | Repeals Ch. 9.36, residential soliciting (Repealer) |
571 | Additional sales and use tax ballot proposition for November 8, 2016, election (Special) |
572 | Amends 2015 budget (Special) |
573 | Amends 2015 budget (Special) |
574 | Repeals Ch. 8.12, junk and weeds (Repealer) |
575 | Amends § 16.44.010, violations (16.44) |
576 | Amends §§ 8.28.030 and 8.28.050, nuisances (8.28) |
577 | Amends § 12.04.130, street use penalties (12.04) |
578 | Amends § 8.20.010, feeding seagulls prohibited (8.20) |
579 | Amends § 8.04.220, litter control violations and penalties (8.04) |
580 | Amends § 3.06.070, sales and use tax penalties (3.06) |
581 | Adopts 2016 budget (Special) |
582 | City assumption of transportation benefit district; amends §§ 3.30.020 and 3.30.030, Mattawa transportation benefit district (3.30) |
583 | Amends 2015 budget (Special) |
584 | Adds Ch. 17.58; repeals Ch. 17.42, marijuana regulation (17.58) |
585 | Amends § 1.30.030, declaration of public nuisance (1.30) |
586 | Establishes multimodal transportation fund and transportation benefit district fund (3.20) |
587 | Adds Ch. 2.12, police chief (2.12) |
588 | Adds § 13.02.045, water system development charges (13.02) |
589 | Adds § 13.24.075, sewer system development charges (13.24) |
590 | Amends 2016 budget (Special) |
591 | Adopts 2017 budget (Special) |
592 | Amends 2016 budget (Special) |
593 | Adds Ch. 12.06, snow removal (12.06) |
594 | Amends §§ 6.04.010, 6.04.080 and 6.04.130, dog and animal control (6.04) |
595 | Annexation (Special) |
596 | Amends § 13.02.020, water rates (13.02) |
597 | Adds § 1.30.250, code references (1.30) |
598 | Adds Ch. 12.18, park rules and regulations (12.18) |
599 | Adds Ch. 12.20, street and utility construction permits (12.20) |
600 | Amends Ch. 15.12, building codes (15.12) |
601 | Adds Ch. 15.14, unfit buildings (15.14) |
602 | Adds § 1.30.115; amends §§ 1.30.030, 1.30.120, 1.30.130, 1.30.140 and 1.20.170 [1.30.170], civil code enforcement (1.30) |
603 | Adds Ch. 12.24, sidewalk maintenance and repair (12.24) |
604 | Adds Ch. 10.30, wheeled all-terrain vehicles (10.30) |
605 | Amends § 13.02.040, turn-on and turn-off charges (13.02) |
606 | Amends § 12.20.010, street and utility construction permits (12.20) |
607 | Annexation (Special) |
608 | Adopts 2018 budget (Special) |
609 | Amends § 3.02.040, policy for purchasing of materials, equipment, services and supplies (3.02) |
610 | Amends 2017 budget (Special) |
611 | Amends § 2.40.010, civil service system (2.40) |
612 | Amends § 13.24.270, sewer fees (13.24) |
613 | Amends § 5.28.090, special events permit (5.28) |
614 | Amends § 5.04.040, business licenses (5.04) |
615 | Adds Ch. 2.16, city clerk (2.16) |
616 | Adds Ch. 2.20, bonds of city officials (2.20) |
617 | Amends §§ 16.09.180 and 16.09.280, subdivisions (16.09) |
618 | Amends §§ 16.11.020 and 16.17.020, subdivisions (16.11, 16.17) |
619 | Amends Ch. 5.04, business licenses (5.04) |
620 | Adopts 2019 budget (Special) |
621 | Amends 2018 budget (Special) |
622 | Amends § 12.18.040, park rules and regulations (12.18) |
623 | Amends 2019 budget (Special) |
624 | Adds Ch. 2.12 [2.14], police reserves (2.14) |
625 | Amends 2019 budget (Special) |
626 | Adopts 2020 budget (Special) |
627 | Amends §§ 3.08.030 and 3.08.040, utility occupational tax (3.08) |
628 | Annexation (Special) |
629 | Adds § 10.08.001, speed limits (10.08) |
630 | Temporary relief from collection of interest on delinquent accounts and service termination for nonpayment (Special) |
631 | Temporary relief from collection of interest on delinquent accounts and service termination for nonpayment (Special) |
632 | Adds Ch. 12.10, complete streets (12.10) |
633 | CARES Act fund No. 104 (3.20) |
634 | Amends 2020 budget (Special) |
635 | Extends the temporary relief from collection of interest on delinquent accounts and service termination for nonpayment (Special) |
636 | Adds Ch. 3.52, impact fees for parks, open space, and recreation facilities (3.52) |
637 | Adds Ch. 16.56, park land dedications (16.56) |
638 | Amends 2020 budget (Special) |
639 | Amends § 5.20.020, circus, carnival, outdoor musical assembly, amusement and show licenses (5.20) |
640 | Annexation (Special) |
641 | Amends § 5.28.060, special event permits (5.28) |
642 | Amends § 5.32.030, yard sale permits (5.32) |
643 | Amends § 5.08.020, grant of authority, cable television (5.08) |
644 | Amends § 5.16.010, stationary vendor license required (5.16) |
645 | Amends § 17.10.335, home occupation, definition (17.10) |
646 | Amends § 17.44.080, home occupations (17.44) |
647 | Amends Ch. 5.04, business licenses (5.04) |
648 | Amends Ch. 5.24, residential dwelling rental business license (5.24) |
649 | Adopts 2021 budget (Special) |
650 | Amends 2021 budget (Special) |
651 | Amends 2021 budget (Special) |
652 | Amends 2021 budget (Special) |
653 | Amends 2021 budget (Special) |
654 | Amends 2021 budget (Special) |
655 | Amends Ch. 2.40, police civil service system (2.40) |
656 | Amends Ch. 6.10, chickens (6.10) |
657 | Amends § 8.24.040, investigation and granting of retail fireworks sales permit (8.24) |
658 | Amends 2021 budget (Special) |
659 | Establishes local fiscal recovery fund (3.20) |
660 | Amends 2021 budget (Special) |
661 | Amends Ch. 6.10, chickens (6.10) |
662 | Amends 2021 budget (Special) |
663 | Amends 2021 budget (Special) |
664 | Amends Ord. 480, annexation (Special) |
665 | Amends Ords. 480 and 664, annexation (Special) |
666 | (Void) |
667 | Amends § 2.04.040, youth liaison position (2.04) |
668 | Amends 2021 budget (Special) |
669 | Adopts 2022 budget (Special) |
670 | Adds Ch. 13.20, sewer—pretreatment (13.20) |
671 | Amends § 2.04.040, youth liaison position (2.04) |
672 | Amends 2022 budget (Special) |
673 | Amends Ch. 10.20, truck regulations (10.20) |
674 | Amends 2022 budget (Special) |
675 | Amends 2022 budget (Special) |
676 | Amends 2022 budget (Special) |
677 | Declares city’s intent to annex into fire protection district (Special) |
678 | Annexation (Special) |
679 | Adds Ch. 17.80, cabarets and adult entertainment (17.80) |
680 | Adopts 2023 budget (Special) |
681 | Amends 2022 budget (Special) |
682 | Approves development agreement with CAD Homes LLC (Special) |
683 | Amends §§ 5.04.070, 6.04.040, 6.04.150 and 6.10.030, fees (5.04, 6.04, 6.10) |
684 | Adds Ch. 2.06, tree advisory board (2.06) |
685 | Annexation (Special) |
686 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 13.32; repeals Ch. 16.36; private street and utility latecomer contracts (13.32) |
687 | (Pending) |
688 | Amends 2023 budget (Special) |
689 | Adopts 2024 budget (Special) |
690 | Adopts Mattawa Growth Management Act periodic update and Grant County critical areas ordinance (Repealed by 694) |
691 | Adds § 10.20.035, city arterials and residential streets (10.20) |
692 | Amends Ch. 6.04, dog and animal control (6.04) |
693 | Adds Ch. 6.14, dangerous dog and potentially dangerous dog (6.14) |
694 | Repeals Ch. 18.12, critical areas (Repealer) |