Ordinance Number |
1 | Revises and consolidates city ordinances |
2 | Amends Ord. 1 Art. 5, § 32, laundry business license fee (Not codified) |
3 | 1896 property tax (Expired) |
4 | 1896 property tax for levee purposes (Expired) |
5 | Electrical plant franchise (Expired) |
6 | Employee removal or dismissal (Not codified) |
7 | Electrical plant franchise (Expired) |
8 | Animals running at large (8.04) |
9 | Expectoration in public places (9.36) |
10 | Amends Ord. 1 Art. 3, § 7, fire department hose cart driver (Repealed by 30) |
11 | Street name change (Special) |
12 | Milk regulations (Not codified) |
13 | 1897 property tax for levee purposes (Expired) |
14 | 1897 property tax (Expired) |
15 | Accepts certain streets as fully constructed and completed (Repealed by 178) |
16 | Gas pipes and mains franchise (Expired) |
17 | Amends Ord. 1 Art. 5, § 23, boxing match license fee (Not codified) |
18 | Prohibits spraying of clothes in laundries by means of water emitted from the mouth (Not codified) |
19 | Amends Ord. 1 Art. 8, §§ 10 and 27, nuisance abatement (Not codified) |
20 | 1898 property tax for levee purposes (Expired) |
21 | 1898 property tax (Expired) |
22 | Amends Ord. 1 Art. 5, § 13, hotel operator license tax (Not codified) |
23 | Sweeping, cleaning and sprinkling of certain streets (Not codified) |
24 | 1899 property tax for levee purposes (Expired) |
25 | 1899 property tax (Expired) |
26 | Saloon license (Not codified) |
27 | Nickel in the slot machine license tax (Repealed by 114) |
Ordinance | |
Number | |
| |
28 | 1900 property tax for levee purposes (Expired) |
29 | 1900 property tax (Expired) |
30 | Salary and duties of combined chemical engine and hose wagon driver, repeals Ord. 10 (Not codified) |
31 | Authorizes peace officers and mail-carriers to ride bicycles on sidewalks and crossings (Not codified) |
32 | Hotel register maintenance requirement (9.56) |
33 | Not passed |
34 | Amends Ord. 1 Art. 5, § 23, boxing match license fee (Not codified) |
35 | Sweeping, cleaning and sprinkling of streets (Not codified) |
36 | 1901 property tax for levee purposes (Expired) |
37 | 1901 property tax (Expired) |
38 | Amends Ord. 1 Art. 10, § 11, prohibits bicycle riding on main streets (Not codified) |
39 | Amends Ord. 1 Art. 7, § 3, animals running at large (8.04) |
40 | Amends Ord. 1 Art. 3, § 13, fire limits (Not codified) |
41 | Not passed |
42 | Placing, storing and keeping of flammable oils (Not codified) |
43 | Amends Ord. 1 Art. 5, § 12, licenses places where intoxicating liquor is sold (Not codified) |
44 | Regulates use of mobile, automobile, locomobile and other similar vehicles (Not codified) |
45 | Nickel in the slot machine license (Not codified) |
46 | 1902 property tax for levee purposes (Expired) |
47 | 1902 property tax (Expired) |
48 | Amends Ord. 1 Art. 3, § 8, salary and duties of fire department hosemen (Not codified) |
49 | Amends Ord. 1 Art. 10, § 11, prohibits riding bicycles on named sidewalks (Not codified) |
50 | Southern Pacific Company franchise (Expired) |
51 | Special election (Special) |
52 | Sewer system bonds (Special) |
53 | Sanitary sewer system bonds (Special) |
54 | Prohibits vegetable gardens in certain area (Not codified) |
55 | Adds § 22 1/2 to Art. 5 of Ord. 1, license fee for swings (Not codified) |
56 | Amends Ord. 1 Art. 1, § 8, city scavenger (Not codified) |
57 | 1903 property tax for levee purposes (Expired) |
58 | 1903 property tax (Expired) |
59 | Prohibits maintenance of vegetable gardens in certain area (Not codified) |
60 | Cleaning, sweeping and sprinkling of streets (Not codified) |
61 | Saloons (Not codified) |
62 | Adds § 32 1/2 to Art. 5 of Ord. 1, clairvoyant and palmreader license (Not codified) |
63 | Prohibits exhibiting gambling paraphernalia and visiting places where such equipment is exposed (9.16) |
64 | Adds § 21 1/2 to Art. 5 of Ord. 1, ferns wheel operator’s license (Not codified) |
65 | Adds § 38 to Art. 10 of Ord. 1, prohibits throwing balls on or across Eighth Street (Not codified) |
66 | 1904 property tax for levee purposes (Expired) |
67 | 1904 property tax (Expired) |
68 | Western Pacific Railway Company franchise (Expired, 1953) |
69 | Authorizes sale of certain real property to Western Pacific Railway Company (Special) |
70 | Amends Ord. 1 Art. 5, § 13, hotel or restaurant business license (Not codified) |
71 | Regulates and licenses saloons where intoxicating liquor is dispensed in retail quantities (Repealed by 224) |
72 | Requires secondhand dealers to maintain record of goods bought (Not codified) |
73 | Regulates exhibition, advertising and exercising of stallions (8.04) |
74 | Cleaning, sweeping and sprinkling of streets (Not codified) |
75 | Prohibits maintenance of vegetable gardens (Not codified) |
76 | Amends Ord. 1 Art. 1, § 5, city printer (Not codified) |
77 | Sanitary plumbing and house drainage (Not published) |
78 | Sanitary plumbing and house drainage (Repealed by 225) |
79 | Amends Ord. 78 § 52, sanitary plumbing and house drainage (Repealed by 225) |
80 | Amends Ord. 1 Art. 8, §§ 2 and 8, appointment and duties of health officer and sanitary inspector (Not codified) |
81 | 1905 property tax for levee purposes (Expired) |
82 | 1905 property tax (Expired) |
83 | Western Pacific Railway Company franchise (Expired, 1952) |
84 | Western Pacific Railway Company franchise (Expired, 1953) |
85 | California Midland Railroad Company franchise (Special) |
86 | Cleaning, sweeping and sprinkling of certain streets (Not codified) |
87 | Construction of buildings, sheds and other structures within fire limits (Repealed by 219) |
88 | Northern Electric Company franchise (Expired, 1956) |
89 | 1906 property tax for levee purposes (Expired) |
90 | 1906 property tax (Expired) |
91 | Duties and salary of engineer of steamers (Not codified) |
92 | Regulates saloons where intoxicating drinks are dispensed in retail quantities (Not codified) |
93 | Amends Ord. 1 Art. 2, § 4, compensation of city policemen (Not codified) |
94 | Amends Ord. 1 Art. 3, § 7, duties of hose wagon driver (Not codified) |
95 | Amends Ord. 1 Art. 3, § 9, duties of engine driver (Not codified) |
96 | Amends Ord. 1 Art. 3, § 6, duties of assistant engineer of steamers (Not codified) |
97 | Franchise granted to J. R. Foster to construct and maintain a passageway or bridge (Expired, 1956) |
98 | Amends Ord. 1 Art. 3, § 3, duties of chief engineer (Not codified) |
99 | Amends Ord. 1 Art. 3, § 4, duties of assistant chief engineer (Not codified) |
100 | Western Pacific Railway Company franchise (Expired, 1907) |
101 | Amends Ord. 1 Art. 1, § 8, election and duties of city scavenger (Not codified) |
102 | Yuba Construction Company franchise (Expired, 1952) |
103 | Amends Ord. 85, California Midland Railroad Company franchise (Special) |
104 | Northern Electric Company franchise (Expired, 1957) |
105 | Amends Ord. 1 Art. 3, § 8, salaries and duties of hosemen (Not codified) |
106 | Northern Electric Company franchise (Expired, |
107 | Regulates use and burning of fuel oil (Not codified) |
108 | 1907 property tax for levee purposes (Expired) |
109 | 1907 property tax (Expired) |
110 | Establishes sidewalk grades between named streets (Special) |
111 | (Dated September 19, 1907) Western Pacific Railway Company franchise (Expired, 1952) |
111 | (Dated February 24, 1908) Amends Ord. 92 § 1, licensing of saloons, barrooms, bars and dram shops (Not codified) |
112 | Amends Ord. 1 Art. 10, § 27, firing or discharging of firearms (9.24) |
113 | Franchise granted to J. R. Foster to construct a passageway or bridge (Expired, 1958) |
114 | Repeals Ord. 27, licensing of nickel in the slot machine (Repealer) |
115 | Cleaning, sweeping and sprinkling of certain streets (Not codified) |
116 | Creates office of street superintendent and prescribes duties (Not codified) |
117 | Hanging of business signs (Repealed by 195) |
118 | Construction of buildings used for public entertainment or assemblies (Not codified) |
119 | Amends Ord. 92 § 7, saloons (Not codified) |
120 | 1908 property tax for levee purposes (Expired) |
121 | 1908 property tax (Expired) |
122 | Amends Ord. 1 Art. 3, § 3, salary and oath of chief engineer (Not codified) |
123 | Amends Ord. 12, milk inspection and sale (Not codified) |
124 | Amends Ord. 1 Art. 11, § 21, prohibits parking obstruction (Not codified) |
125 | Western Pacific Railway Company franchise (Expired, 1910) |
126 | Amends Ord. 1 Art. 2, § 4; Ord. 1 Art. 3, §§ 3 and 5; Ord. 1 Art. 7, § 2; Ord. 1 Art. 8, § 2, duties and compensation of health officer, policemen, chief engineer, engineer of steamers and pound keeper (Repealed by 1166) |
127 | Omitted |
128 | Prohibits gaming (Repealed by 131) |
129 | 1909 property tax for levee purposes (Expired) |
130 | 1909 property tax (Expired) |
131 | Repeals Ord. 128, gaming (Repealer) |
132 | Amends Ord. 44 § 2, speed limits (Not codified) |
133 | 1910 property tax for levee purposes (Expired) |
134 | 1910 property tax (Expired) |
135 | Abandons a certain portion of land and reconveys it to the grantor (Special) |
136 | Western Pacific Railway Company franchise (Expired, 1953) |
137 | Western Pacific Railway Company franchise (Expired, 1953) |
138 | Northern Electric Company franchise (Expired, 1960) |
139 | 1911 property tax for levee purposes (Expired) |
140 | 1911 property tax (Expired) |
141 | Amends Ord. 1 Art. 17, construction and maintenance of sidewalks (11.04) |
142 | Prohibits posting material to telephone or power poles (Not codified) |
143 | Construction and maintenance of telephone, telephone power and trolley posts, masts and towers (11.04) |
144 | Regulates and licenses places where intoxicating liquors may be sold, served or furnished (Not codified) |
145 | 1912 property tax for levee purposes (Expired) |
146 | 1912 property tax (Expired) |
147 | Prohibits gambling for money (Not codified) |
148 | Requires building permit for construction or enlargement (Not codified) |
149 | Establishes street grades (Special) |
150 | Repeals § 1 of Ord. 115, cleaning, sweeping and sprinkling of certain streets (Repealer) |
151 | Amends Ord. 44 § 2, speed limits (Not codified) |
152 | Oro Electric Corporation franchise (Expired, 1963) |
153 | Great Western Power Company franchise (Expired, 1963) |
154 | Specifications for construction of sidewalks, curbs and gutters (Not codified) |
155 | Amends Ord. 115 § 2, cleaning, sweeping and sprinkling of certain streets (Not codified) |
156 | Storage and use of benzene, gasoline and/or other petroleum products (Not codified) |
157 | Northern Electric Railway Company franchise (Expired, 1963) |
158 | 1913 property tax for levee purposes (Expired) |
159 | 1913 property tax (Expired) |
160 | Amends Ord. 144 §§ 45 and 48, regulation of places where intoxicating liquors are sold (Not codified) |
161 | 1914 property tax for levee purposes (Expired) |
162 | 1914 property tax (Expired) |
163 | Not passed |
164 | Appointment, duties and salary of health officer and street superintendent (Not codified) |
165 | Pawnbroker, junk dealer and second-hand dealer (Not codified) |
166 | Special election (Special) |
167 | 1915 property tax for levee purposes (Expired) |
168 | Amends Ord. 1 Art. 7, § 3, animals running at large (8.04) |
169 | Amends Ord. 156 § 9, storage and use of benzene, gasoline or other petroleum products (Not codified) |
170 | Construction and enlargement of buildings within fire limits (Repealed by 219) |
171 | Regulates and licenses jitney operation (Not codified) |
172 | Southern Pacific Railroad Company franchise (Expired, 1940) |
173 | Barber shop operator’s license fee (Not codified) |
174 | Adds § 11a to Ord. 156, storage and use of benzene, gasoline or other petroleum products (Not codified) |
175 | Requires toilets, privies and water closets to be connected to the public sewer (Not codified) |
176 | Amends Ord. 1 Art. 23, § 1, style and publication of ordinances (Not codified) |
177 | Amends Ord. 144, granting and classification of liquor licenses (Not codified) |
178 | Repeals Ord. 15 (Repealer) |
179 | Amends Ord. 1 Art. 5, § 18, licensing of motion picture houses (Not codified) |
180 | Collection and disposition of garbage and rubbish (Repealed by 715) |
181 | Not passed |
182 | Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company franchise (Expired, 1942) |
183 | Assessment, levy and collection of taxes (Not codified) |
184 | Northern Electric Railway Company franchise (Expired, 1968) |
185 | Animal slaughter regulation and meat inspection (Repealed by 261) |
186 | Prohibits sweeping of dirt or dust into certain streets (Not codified) |
187 | Amends Ord. 185 § 9, animal slaughter (Repealed by 261) |
188 | Regulates and licenses certain business activities (Not codified) |
189 | Adds § 2a to Ord. 144, sale, of intoxicating liquors (Not codified) |
190 | Amends Ord. 188 § 13, licensing of barber shops (Not codified) |
191 | Prohibits drainage of waste water from car wash racks into sewers (Not codified) |
192 | Compensation of subordinate officers and employees fixed by resolution (2.32) |
193 | Prohibits construction or maintenance of projecting structures over certain streets (Repealed by 198) |
194 | Amends Ord. 148 § 1, building permit issuance (Not codified) |
195 | Business signs, repeals Ord. 117 (Not codified) |
196 | Amends Ord. 1 Art. 5, § 19; adds § 69A to Ord. 188, circus and theatrical performance license (Not codified) |
197 | Amends Ord. 1 Art. 1, §§ 11 and 12, appointment and duties of standing committees (Not codified) |
198 | Construction and maintenance of projecting structures over certain streets, repeals Ord. 193 (Not codified) |
199 | Requires filing a record of goods moved (Not codified) |
200 | Parking of vehicles within business district (Repealed by 678) |
201 | Amends Ord. 188 § 70, business licenses, repeals §§ 13, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 30, 31, 32, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 57, 60, 61, 74, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, and 84 of Ord. 188 (Not codified) |
202 | Prohibits sale, manufacture, unlawful possession or transportation of intoxicating liquors (Not codified) |
203 | Vagrancy (9.28) |
204 | Special election (Special) |
205 | Building construction, establishes fire limits (Not codified) |
206 | Construction and maintenance of public commercial garages (Not codified) |
207 | Fire department inspections (2.52) |
208 | Disposition of rubbish and trash (Not codified) |
209 | Combustible material disposition (Not codified) |
210 | Explosives storage (Not codified) |
211 | Not passed |
212 | Fire escapes (Not codified) |
213 | Amends Ord. 183 §§ 5, 11, 12, 13, 16, 18, 25, 26 and 28, assessment, levy and collection of taxes (Not codified) |
214 | Amends Ord. 205 § 16, building construction (Not codified) |
215 | Taxicabs (Not codified) |
216 | City manager (Repealed by 238) |
217 | Amends Ord. 1 Art. 3, § 28; Ord. 1 Art. 6, § 4; Ord. 1 Art. 7, §§ 10, 11 and 13; Ord. 1 Art. 8, § 28; Ord. 1 Art. 10, § 1; Ord. 1 Art. 12, § 6; Ord. 1 Art. 13, § 9; Ord. 1 Art. 14, § 3; Ord. 1 Art. 15, § 14; Ord. 9 § 2; Ord. 12 § 18; Ord. 18 § 2; Ord. 32 § 2; Ord. 63 § 3; Ord. 72 § 3; Ord. 73 § 2; Ord. 107 § 4; Ord. 165 § 12; Ord. 171 § 11; Ord. 175 § 5; Ord. 180 § 6; Ord. 185 § 12; Ord. 186 § 2; Ord. 188 § 86; Ord. 191 § 4; Ord. 198 § 4; Ord. 206 § 13 and Ord. 209 § 2, declares certain conduct a misdemeanor (Not codified) |
218 | Authorizes appointment of health officer and street superintendent (Not codified) |
219 | Repeals Ords. 87, 170 and §§ 2 and 3 of Ord. 148 (Repealer) |
220 | Amends Ord. 188, business licenses (Not codified) |
221 | Southern Pacific Railroad Company franchise (Expired, 1947) |
222 | Amends Ord. 1 Art. 1, §§ 2 and 7; Ord. 1 Art. 2, § 1; Ord. 1 Art. 3, §§ 1 and 12; Ord. 1 Art. 11, § 22; Ord. 1 Art. 15, §§ 1, 5, 8 and 9; Ord. 1 Art. 23, § 1; Ord. 1 Art. 32, § 2; Ord. 107 § 2 and Ord. 118 § 13: repeals Ord. 1: Art. 1, §§ 8, 9 and 10; Art. 2, §§ 2, 4 and 12; Art. 3, §§ 2, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 9; Art. 9, § 3; Art. 10, §§ 22, 23 and 25; Art. 15, §§ 2, 6 and 13; and Art. 21, § 2 (2.08) |
223 | Operation of motor vehicles during fires (Not codified) |
224 | Amends Ord. 165, Ord. 156 § 11a, Ord. 199 § 6, Ord. 203 § 1, Ord. 205 § 36, Ord. 207 § 2, Ord. 208 § 5, Ord. 210 § 4 and Ord. 212 § 4, repeals Ord. 72 (2.52, 9.28) |
225 | Plumbing, repeals Ord. 78 (Repealed by 488) |
226 | Amends Ord. 195 § 1, construction and maintenance of signs (Repealed by 476) |
227 | No copy |
228 | No copy |
229 | Amends Ord. 183 §§ 16, 18, 19, 21, 25, 26, 28 and 39, assessment, levy and collection of taxes (Not codified) |
230 | Repeals §§ 13, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 30, 31, 32, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 57, 60, 61, 70a, 74, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83 and 84 of Ord. 188 (Repealer) |
231 | Parking and street closure during periods of congestion (Repealed by 678) |
232 | Amends Ord. 185 §§ 3 and 7, animal slaughter and meat inspection (Repealed by 261) |
233 | Southern Pacific Railway Company franchise (Special) |
234 | Method for conducting election (2.80) |
235 | Planning commission (Not codified) |
236 | Amends Ord. 1 Art. 11, § 17, animal slaughter (Not codified) |
237 | Amends Ord. 205 §§ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 15, 16, 18, 19, 23, 25, 26, 29 and 30, building construction and fire limits (Not codified) |
238 | Repeals Ord. 216 (Repealer) |
239 | Repeals § 1 1/2 of Ord. 148 (Repealer) |
240 | Amends Ord. 188 § 42, astrology, clairvoyance, hypnotism licensing (Not codified) |
241 | Livestock driving (Not codified) |
242 | Not passed |
243 | Parking of animals and/or vehicles upon streets (Repealed by 245) |
244 | Amends Ord. 1 Art. 23, § 2, competitive bidding, repeals §§ 3 and 4 of Art. 23 of Ord. 1 (Not codified) |
245 | Amends Ord. 200 §§ 2 and 3, parking of vehicles and/or animals, repeals Ord. 243 (Repealed by 678) |
246 | Amends Ord. 1 Art. 7, §§ 1 and 3, public pound, animals running at large (8.04) |
247 | Amends Ord. 225 § 114, plumbing (Repealed by 488) |
248 | Amends Ord. 185 § 9, meat inspection (Repealed by 261) |
249 | Not passed |
250 | Amends Ord. 1 Art. 5, § 19 and Ord. 188 § 69a, circus and theatrical performance licensing (Not codified) |
251 | Defeated at election, January 18, 1926 |
252 | Special election (Special) |
253 | Amends Ord. 231 § 1, § 1 1/2 added to Ord. 231, parking and street closures (Not codified) |
254 | Southern Pacific Railroad Company franchise (Expired, 1951) |
255 | Amends Ord. 141 § 3, sidewalk construction (Not codified) |
256 | Taxicabs (Not codified) |
257 | Amends Ord. 156 § 2, storage of benzene, gasoline and/or other petroleum products (Not codified) |
258 | Amends § 1 1/2 of Ord. 231, parking (Not codified) |
259 | Construction of crossings, driveways or roadways (11.04) |
260 | Meat sale regulation (Not codified) |
261 | Adds § 1 1/2 to Ord. 260, meat sale, repeals Ord. 185 (Not codified) |
262 | Amends §§ 1 and 1 1/2 of Ord. 260, meat sale (Not codified) |
263 | Smoking in places of public assembly (Not codified) |
264 | Amends Ord. 231 § 1 1/2, parking (Not codified) |
265 | Soft drinks sale (Not passed) |
266 | Fortunetelling (Repealed by 1018) |
267 | Amends Ord. 141 §§ 3 and 4, sidewalk construction and repair (11.04) |
268 | Adds § 1-3/4 to Ord. 260, slaughtered animal inspection fee (Not codified) |
269 | Official bonds (Not codified) |
270 | Amends Ord. 188 § 35, steam laundry licensing (Not codified) |
271 | Amends Ord. 231 § 1 1/2, parking, boulevard designation (Repealed by 678) |
272 | Transfer of funds regulation (Repealed by 399) |
273 | Electrical regulations (Repealed by 527) |
274 | Vacancies on board of education (Not codified) |
275 | Amends Ord. 165 § 1, pawnbroker, junk dealer, secondhand dealer licensing (Not codified) |
276 | Amends Ord. 1 Art. 10, § 38, throwing ball in street (11.04) |
277 | Meat inspection (Not codified) |
278 | Adds § 18 1/2 to Ord. 188, vending machines (Not codified) |
279 | Repeals § 18 1/2 of Ord. 188, vending machines (Repealer) |
280 | Adds § 19 1/2 to Ord. 188, vending machines (Not codified) |
281 | Not passed |
282 | Not passed |
283 | Amends Ord. 1 Art. 1, § 11, appointment and duties of standing committees (Not codified) |
284 | Not passed |
285 | Adds § 38 1/2 to Ord. 188, oleomargarine sales licensing (Not codified) |
286 | Amends Ord. 1 Art. 1, § 11, appointment and duties of standing committees (Not codified) |
287 | Amends Ord. 188 § 19 1/2, vending machines (Not codified) |
288 | Milk inspection department (Not codified) |
289 | Hours for sale of uncured and uncooked meats (Repealed by 525) |
290 | Amends Ord. 188 § 19 1/2, vending machines (Not codified) |
291 | Handbills, dodgers and advertising matter (Not codified) |
292 | Amends Ord. 1 § 12, committees authorized to make expenditures of one hundred dollars (Not codified) |
293 | Declares old buildings to be nuisances (Repealed by 734) |
294 | Amends Ord. 188 § 52, restaurant and lunchroom licensing (Not codified) |
295 | Superintendent of streets authorized to establish through traffic routes (Not codified) |
296 | Auction sales of precious stones licensed (Repealed by 987) |
297 | Amends Ord. 188 § 76, automobile truck licensing (Not passed) |
298 | Amends Ord. 277 § 6, animal slaughter inspection fees (Not codified) |
299 | Amends Ord. 188 § 69, motion picture theater license (Not codified) |
300 | Amends Ord. 202 § 1, intoxicating liquors (Not codified) |
301 | Adds §§ 65a, 65b, 65c, 65d and 65e to Ord. 188, intoxicating liquor (Not codified) |
302 | Adds § 83a to Ord. 88, itinerant merchant license (Not codified) |
303 | Amends Ord. 11, street name change (Special) |
304 | Adds § 19-3/4 to Ord. 188, music machine license (Not codified) |
305 | Amends Ord. 183 §§ 18, 25 and 35, taxes (Not codified) |
306 | Public dance hall license (532) |
307 | Amends Ord. 301 § 6, intoxicating liquor sale (Not codified) |
308 | Amends Ord. 188 §§ 33 and 34, junk dealer license (Not codified) |
309 | Amends Ord. 165 § 5, pawnbrokers and secondhand dealers (Not codified) |
310 | Adds § 5 1/2 to Ord. 288, milk (Not codified) |
311 | Private patrol watchmen (2.48) |
312 | Amends Ord. 301 § 6, intoxicating liquor sale (Not codified) |
313 | Street obstructions, public assemblies, parades (9.04, 932, 9.56) |
314 | Establishment, maintenance and construction of camps (Not codified) |
315 | Amends Ord. 188 § 54, secondhand dealers (Not codified) |
316 | Amends Ord. 289 § 1, sale of uncured or uncooked meats (Repealed by 525) |
317 | Discharge of explosive substances (Repealed by 47 1) |
318 | Amends Ord. 306 § 3, public dances (5.32) |
319 | Amends Ord. 1 Art. 5, § 19, circus performance, carnival license (Not codified) |
320 | Sale and distribution of contraceptives (Repealed by 1137) |
321 | Card games (Not passed) |
322 | Public card room license (Not passed) |
323 | Tree planning commission (Repealed by 721) |
324 | Outdoor advertising structures (Not codified) |
325 | Southern Pacific Railway Company franchise (Special) |
326 | Amends Ord. 306 § 5, public dance halls (5.32) |
327 | Amends Ord. 188 § 17, boxing or wrestling exhibitions (Not codified) |
328 | Prohibits trespassing of peddlers (Not codified) |
329 | Retail food and grocery establishment license (Not passed) |
330 | Amends Ord. 1 Art. 7, §§ 5 and 7, redemption of impounded animals (Not codified) |
331 | Transient photographer license (Repealed by 417) |
332 | Amends Ord. 183 § 40, taxes (Not codified) |
333 | Prohibits parking on certain streets (Repealed by 678) |
334 | Retail food and grocery establishment license (Not passed) |
335 | Amends Ord. 205, building construction (Not passed) |
336 | Amends Ord. 1 Art. 1, §. 11, appointment and duties of standing committees (Not codified) |
337 | Amends Ord. 188 § 19 1/2, vending machines (Not codified) |
338 | Not passed |
339 | Amends Ord. 231 § 1 1/2, parking, boulevard designation (Repealed by 678) |
340 | Planning commission created (Repealed by 766) |
341 | Temporary regulations relating to land use (Not codified) |
342 | Special election (Special) |
343 | Pawnbroker, junk dealer and secondhand dealer license (Not passed) |
344 | Not passed |
345 | Prohibits picketing and uttering or publishing seditious language (Not codified) |
346 | Special gas tax street improvement fund (Special) |
347 | Model gas appliance ordinance (Not codified) |
348 | Amends Ord. 347 § 3, gas appliance dealer’s license (Not codified) |
349 | Not passed |
350 | Amends Ord. 225 § 13, connection with main sewer lines (Repealed by 488) |
351 | Radio reception interference (Not codified) |
352 | Discharge of waste water from cooling systems into sewers (6.04) |
353 | Prohibits vegetable gardens within city limits (Not codified) |
354 | Adds § 130 1/2 to Ord. 225, discharge of waste water (Repealed by 488) |
355 | Special election (Special) |
356 | Amends Ord. 225 § 3, sidewalk construction (Special) |
357 | Adds, § 2 to Art. 2 of Ord. 1, police department organization (Repealed by 840) |
358 | Police department organization (Repealed by 580) |
359 | Adds § 12 1/2 to Art. 16 of Ord. 1, vehicle weight restrictions (11.04) |
360 | Amends Ord. 288 § 3, milk permits (Not codified) |
361 | Pawnbrokers, junk dealers and secondhand dealers (Repealed by 987) |
362 | Creates department of public recreation (Not codified) |
363 | Prohibits burning of combustible material within certain limits (Not codified) |
364 | |
365 | Repeals § 67 of Ord. 364; adds §§ 25 1/2, 39 1/2 and 40 1/2 to Ord. 364; amends §§ 72, 77, 79, 96 and 41a of Ord. 364; repeals and adds §§ 33, 41b and 76 to Ord. 364, business licenses (5.08) |
366 | Amends Ord. 364 §§ 4, 19, 29 and 57; adds § 18 1/2 to Ord. 364, business licenses (5.04, 5.08) |
367 | Amends Ord. 364 §§ 62, 79, 83 and 85a, business licenses (5.08) |
368 | Repeal of Ord. 364, business licenses (Not passed) |
369 | Trash burning (Not codified) |
370 | Amends Ord. 364 § 17, business licenses (5.08) |
371 | Sale and inspection of meats (Not passed) |
372 | Amends Ord. 364 § 16, bowling alley license; repeals § 72 of Ord. 364 (5.08) |
373 | Amends Ord. 231 § 1 1/2, parking, boulevard designation (Repealed by 678) |
374 | Amends Ord. 269 § 1, city officer bonds (Not codified) |
375 | Keeping of fowl (Not codified) |
376 | Not passed |
377 | Authorizes sale of city property (Special) |
378 | Amends Ord. 231 § 1, marking of parking areas (Repealed by 678) |
379 | Dogs running at large (8.12) |
380 | Protection in event of air raid (Not codified) |
381 | Camp cars, trailers and tents (624) |
382 | Business licenses (Not passed) |
383 | Permits use of building materials in substitution for those prohibited by national defense regulations (Repealed by 473) |
384 | Designates one-way streets (Repealed by 678) |
385 | Taxicabs (Not codified) |
386 | Adds § 87 1/2 to Ord. 364; amends § 40 1/2 of Ord. 364, business licenses (5.08) |
387 | Business licenses (Not passed) |
388 | Prohibits drinking intoxicating liquor on streets or sidewalks (9.20) |
389 | Adds §§ 24 1/2, 31 1/2, 32 la, 82 1/2 and 91 1/2 to Ord. 364, amends Ord. 364 §§ 25, 25 1/2, 31, 41b, 59, 75 and 85b, business licenses (5.08) |
390 | Requires permit from health officer for certain businesses (Repealed by 405) |
391 | Adds §§ 20 1/2 and 23B to Ord. 385, taxicabs (Not codified) |
392 | Designates boulevard (Repealed by 678) |
393 | Wartime lighting restrictions (Not codified) |
394 | Amends Ord. 88, Northern Electric Company franchise (Special) |
395 | Amends Ord. 364 § 41a, filling station license (5.08) |
396 | Weed and rubbish removal (Repealed by 740) |
397 | Amends Ord. 183 § 44, sale of real property (Not codified) |
398 | Amends Ord. 1 Art. 9, § 24, curfew for minors (9.40) |
399 | Repeals Ord. 272 (Repealer) |
400 | Adopts “Code of Standards for Electrical Materials, Devices and Appliances in the City of Marysville” (Not codified) |
401 | Amends Ord. 288 § 3, milk sale permit (Not codified) |
402 | Prohibits throwing refuse or dirt onto certain streets and sidewalks (Not codified) |
403 | Amends Ord. 207 § 1, building inspection by fire department (2.52) |
404 | Transfer of funds (Cancelled) |
405 | Requires permit from health officer for certain businesses, repeals Ord. 390 (Not codified) |
406 | Amends Ord. 362 § 1, creates department of public recreation (Not codified) |
407 | Adds § 67 to Ord. 364, newsstands (5.08) |
408 | Creates personnel system (2.72) |
409 | Adds § 1-3/4 to Ord. 321, designates boulevards (Special) |
410 | Business licenses (Cancelled) |
411 | Amends Ord. 364 §§ 70, 84, 85(A), (B) and (C), 87 1)2, business licenses (5.08) |
412 | Amends Ord. 364 §§ 70 and 84, adds (D) to § 85 of Ord. 364, business licenses (5.08) |
413 | Zoning (Repealed by 704) |
414 | Cheim Airport rules and regulations, flying school permit issuance (Not codified) |
415 | Amends Ord. 156 § 9, storage and use of petroleum products (Not codified) |
416 | Imposes license tax on named businesses (Not codified) |
417 | Transient photographer license, repeals Ord. 331 (5.24) |
418 | Deposit of city funds (2.36) |
419 | Rezone (Special) |
420 | Establishes various city departments, defines duties of department heads (2.08, 2.16, 2.44) |
421 | Salaries of city officers (Repealed by 431) |
422 | Establishes holidays for city employees (2.72) |
423 | Salaries of city officers (Not codified) |
424 | Parking meters (Repealed by 678) |
425 | Taxicabs (5.36) |
426 | Amends Ord. 424 § 2, parking meter zones (Repealed by 678) |
427 | Amends Ord. 424 § 7, parking meters (Repealed by 678) |
428 | Rezone (Special) |
429 | Traffic, repeals Ord. 231 (Repealed by 678) |
430 | Adds § 9 (5) to Ord. 413, use permit issuance (Repealed by 704) |
431 | Salaries of city officers, repeals Ord. 421 (Not codified) |
432 | Boulevard designation, stop sign erection (Not codified) |
433 | Parking meters (Repealed by 678) |
434 | Rezone (Special) |
435 | Amends Ord. 138, Northern Electric Company franchise (Special) |
436 | Rezone (Special) |
437 | Construction of projections over sidewalks (Not codified) |
438 | Amends Ord. 429 §§ 7 and 8, adds §§ 8 1/2 and 4 1/2 to Ord. 429, parking (Repealed by 678) |
439 | Amends Ord. 413 § 13(A), (B) and (C), planning commission hearings (Repealed by 704) |
440 | Rezone (Special) |
441 | Adds § 85 1/2 to Ord. 364, vending machine or amusement machine license fee (5.08) |
442 | Rezone (Special) |
443 | Amends Ord. 88, Northern Electric Company franchise (Special) |
444 | Rezone (Special) |
445 | Amends Ord. 429 § 7, parking (Repealed by 678) |
446 | Amends Ord. 364 § 78, broker or real estate dealer license (5.08) |
447 | Amends Ord. 413 § 13(A), (B), and (C), planning commission hearings (Repealed by 704) |
448 | Cancelled |
449 | Not passed. |
450 | Midget auto race tracks (Tabled) |
451 | Special election (Special) |
452 | Standard equipment for police officers (2.48) |
453 | Adds §§ 8 1/2 and 10 1/2 to Ord. 429, parking (Repealed by 678) |
454 | Rezone (Special) |
455 | Rezone (Special) |
456 | Rezone (Special) |
457 | Dispensing flammable liquids and gasoline (Not codified) |
458 | Rezone (Special) |
459 | Adopts state employees’ retirement system (Not codified) |
460 | Amends Ord. 429 § 8, parking (Repealed by 678) |
461 | City officials’ bonds (232) |
462 | Street vacation (Special) |
463 | Amends Ord. 429 § 8, parking (Repealed by 678) |
464 | Amends Ord. 429 § 7, parking (Repealed by 678) |
465 | Sound truck operation (9.56) |
466 | Amends Ord. 183 § 18, taxes (Not codified) |
467 | Rezone (Special) |
468 | Rezone (Special) |
469 | Amends Ord. 429 § 8, parking (Repealed by 678) |
470 | Rezone (Special} |
471 | Repeals Ord. 317 (Repealer) |
472 | Amends Ord. 196 § 1, construction of wooden awnings (Not codified) |
473 | Repeals Ord. 383 (Repealer) |
474 | Western Pacific Railroad Company and Sacramento Northern Railway Company franchises (Expires 1999) |
475 | Designates boulevard (Repealed by 678) |
476 | Construction and maintenance of signs, repeals Ord. 226 (Not codified) |
477 | Amends Ord. 474 § 4, Western Pacific Railroad Company and Sacramento Northern Railway Company franchises (Special) |
478 | Solicitors and canvassers (Cancelled) |
479 | Adds § 12 to Ord. 476, sign construction (Not codified) |
480 | One-way street designation (Repealed by 678) |
481 | Rezone (Special) |
482 | Adds § 77 1/2 to Ord. 364, garbage collection license (5.08) |
483 | Not passed |
484 | Amends Ord. 429 § 4 1/2, parking (Repealed by 678) |
485 | Adopts Uniform Building Code, 1949 Edition (Repealed by 635) |
486 | Amends Ord. 429 §§ 7 and 8, parking (Repealed by 678) |
487 | Not passed |
488 | Adopts Uniform Plumbing Code, 1948 Edition, repeals Ord. 225 (Repealed by 594) |
489 | Amends Ord. 1 Art. 23, § 2, competitive bidding (2.76) |
490 | Civil disaster provisions (Not codified) |
491 | Amends Ord. 429 § 8, parking (Repealed by 678) |
492 | Amends Ord. 413 § 13, filing fee for petitions for changes and amendments (Repealed by 704) |
493 | Pacific Gas and Electric Company franchise (Special) |
494 | Pacific Gas and Electric Company franchise (Special) |
495 | Civil defense and disaster (2.68) |
496 | Rezone (Special) |
497 | Amends Ord. 429 § 7, parking (Repealed by 678) |
498 | Rezone (Special) |
499 | Street vacation (Special) |
500 | Rezone (Special) |
501 | Not passed |
502 | Amends Ord. 425 § 27, taxicabs (5.36) |
503 | Street vacation (Special) |
504 | Pedestrians (Repealed by 678) |
505 | Adds § 2 1/2 to Ord. 429, parking (Repealed by 678) |
506 | Street vacation (Special) |
507 | Street vacation (Special) |
508 | Vacations and sick leave (2.72) |
509 | Amusement device and pinball machine operation by minors (9.40) |
510 | Amends Ord. 413 §§ 4(7), 12(c)(2) and 13, zoning (Repealed by 704) |
511 | Adds § 5(f) to Ord. 273, electrical permit fee (Repealed by 527) |
512 | Special election (Special) |
513 | Amends Ord. 488 § 6, house sewer construction (Repealed by 594) |
514 | Rezone (Special) |
515 | Southern Pacific Company franchise (Expires, 1977) |
516 | Appointment of special police officers (2.48) |
517 | Salaries (Special) |
518 | Amends Ord. 429, § 7, parking (Repealed by 678) |
519 | Rezone (Special) |
520 | Amends Ord. 340 § 1, planning commission (Repealed by 766) |
521 | Amends Ord. 424 § 2, parking meter zone (Repealed by 678) |
522 | Vehicle impoundment (Repealed by 678) |
523 | Underground wiring (Not codified) |
524 | Amends Ord. 429 § 9, designates boulevards (Repealed by 678) |
525 | Repeals Ord. 289 (Repealer) |
526 | Establishes bureau of fire prevention, adopts fire prevention ordinance (Not codified) |
527 | Electrical wiring regulation, repeals Ords. 773 and 511 (Not codified) |
528 | Omitted |
529 | Amends Ord. 429 § 4 1/2, parking (Repealed by 678) |
530 | Amends Ord. 413 § 12, zoning (Repealed by 704) |
531 | Adds 11 1/2 to Ord. 429, local truck route (Repealed by 678) |
532 | Amends Ord. 429 §§ 3 and 8 1/2, parking (Repealed by 678) |
533 | Amends Ord. 429 § 9, parking (Repealed by 678) |
534 | Rezone (Special) |
535 | Amends Ord. 502 § 27, taxicabs (536) |
536 | Rezone (Special) |
537 | Amends Ord. 517, salaries (Special) |
538 | Rezone (Special) |
539 | Amends Ord. 429 §§ 8 1/2 and 9, parking (Repealed by 678) |
540 | Amends Ord. 429 § 8 1/2, parking (Repealed by 678) |
541 | Special election (Special) |
542 | Street vacation (Special) |
543 | Amends Ord. 429 § 8 1/2, parking (Repealed by 678) |
544 | Rezone (Special) |
545 | Cancelled |
546 | Amends. Ord. 488 § 5, plumbing (Not codified) |
547 | Amends Ord. 429 § 8 1/2, parking (Repealed by 678) |
548 | Public dance halls (532) |
549 | Amends Ord. 429 § 8 1/2, parking (Repealed by 678) |
550 | Amends Ord. 425 § 20, taxicabs (5.36) |
551 | Amends Ord. 517, salaries (Special) |
552 | Amends 1947 edition of fire prevention ordinance (Not codified) |
553 | Amends Ord. 429 § 4 1/2, parking (Repealed by 678) |
554 | Amends 1947 edition of fire prevention ordinance (Not codified) |
555 | Amends 1947 edition of fire prevention ordinance (Not codified) |
556 | Southern Pacific Company franchise (Special) |
557 | Rezone (Special) |
558 | Creates mobile equipment depreciation fund (Special) |
559 | Street vacation (Special) |
560 | Street vacation (Special) |
561 | Amends Ord. 517, salaries (Special) |
562 | Rezone (Special) |
563 | Amends Ord. 429 § 7, parking (Repealed by 678) |
564 | Amends Ord. 461 §§ 1 and 2, city officers’ bonds (2.32) |
565 | Creates sewer improvement fund (Repealed by 701) |
566 | Amends Ord. 429 § 8 1/2, parking (Repealed by 678) |
567 | Adds § 24A to Ord. 516, special police officer appointment (2.48) |
568 | Vehicle nuisance and impoundment (Repealed by 678) |
569 | Group annuity plan for city employees (Special) |
570 | Southern Pacific Company franchise (Special) |
571 | Rezone (Special) |
572 | Amends Ord. 429 § 8 1/2, parking (Repealed by 678) |
573 | Amends Ord. 429 § 3, parking (Repealed by 678) |
574 | Card rooms (Not codified) |
575 | Amends Ord. 429 § 6, designates boulevards (Repealed by 678) |
576 | Rezone (Special) |
577 | Amends Ord. 429 § 6, parking (Repealed by 678) |
578 | Missing |
579 | Special election (Special) |
580 | Repeals Ord. 358, directs that Ord. 580 be submitted to voters (Special) |
581 | Prohibits right turns against red signals at named intersections (Repealed by 678) |
582 | Rezone (Special) |
583 | Rezone (Special) |
584 | Amends Ord. 429 § 8 1/2, parking (Repealed by 678) |
585 | Amends Ord. 424 § 2, parking. meter zones (Repealed by 678) |
586 | Amends Ord. 429 §§ 6 and 7, parking (Repealed by 678) |
587 | Amends Ord. 413 §§ 2 and 3, repeals subdivision 8(c) of § 12 of Ord. 413, zoning (Repealed by 704) |
588 | Closing out sales and fire sales (Not passed) |
589 | Adopts Chapters 37 and 51 of Uniform Building Code, 1955 Edition, gas appliance dealer’s license (Repealed by 781) |
590 | Amends Ord. 429 § 9, designates boulevards (Repealed by 678) |
591 | Amends Ord. 424 § 2, parking meter zone (Repealed by 678) |
592 | Amends Ord. 429 § 3, parking (Repealed by 678) |
593 | Amends Ord. 429 § 4, parking (Repealed by 678) |
594 | Adopts Uniform Plumbing Code, 1955 Edition, repeals Ords. 488 and 513 (Repealed by 703) |
595 | Rezone (Special) |
596 | Forms parking district no. 1955-1 (Special) |
597 | Amends Ord. 429 § 8 1/2, parking (Repealed by 678) |
598 | Amends Ord. 429 § 9, designates boulevards (Repealed by 678) |
599 | Amends Ord. 594 § 8, plumbing (Repealed by 703) |
600 | Amends Ord. 429 § 8 1/2, parking (Repealed by 678) |
601 | Sales and use tax (Repealed by 835) |
602 | Rezone (Special) |
603 | Rezone (Special) |
604 | Amends Ord. 502 § 27, taxicabs (5.36) |
605 | Amends Ord. 364 § 74, taxicab license fee (5.08) |
606 | Amends Ord. 429 § 8 1/2, parking (Repealed by 678) |
607 | Amends Ord. 527 §§ 14 and 16, electrical wiring (Not codified) |
608 | Establishment of a public highway as a Yuba County Highway (Special) |
609 | Western Pacific Railroad Company and Sacramento Northern Railway Company franchises (Expires, 2007) |
610 | Rezone (Special) |
611 | Amends Ord. 429 § 9, designates boulevards (Repealed by 678) |
612 | Amends Ord. 429 § 8 1/2, parking (Repealed by 678) |
613 | Amends Ord. 424 § 2, parking meter zones (Repealed by 678) |
614 | Amends Ord. 429 § 8 1/2, parking (Repealed by 678) |
615 | Street vacation (Special) |
616 | House moving (13.28) |
617 | Adds §§ 2A, 2B and 2C to Ord. 568, parking (Repealed by 678) |
618 | Prohibits parking without consent of owner (Repealed by 678) |
619 | Amends Ord. 429 § 7, parking (Repealed by 678) |
620 | Amends Ord. 429 § 9, designates boulevards (Repealed by 678) |
621 | Amends Ord. 429 § 4, parking (Repealed by 678) |
622 | Rezone (Special) |
623 | Rezone (Special) |
624 | Rezone (Special) |
625 | Amends Ord. 429 § 7, parking (Repealed by 678) |
626 | Amends Ord. 429 § 9, designates boulevards (Repealed by 678) |
627 | Amends Ord. 429 § 8 1/2, parking (Repealed by 678) |
628 | Rezone (Special) |
629 | Street vacation (Special) |
630 | Licensing, vaccination and impounding of dogs (8.12) |
631 | Amends Ord. 429 § 4, parking (Repeated by 678) |
632 | Amends Ord. 429 § 8 1/2, parking (Repealed by 678) |
633 | City owned land within proposed parking district (Special) |
634 | Amends Ord. 429 § 4, parking (Repealed by 678) |
635 | Adopts Uniform Building Code, 1958 Edition, repeals Ord. 485 (Repealed by 699) |
636 | Rezone (Special) |
637 | Rezone (Special) |
638 | Amends Ord. 231 § 1, marking designated parking areas (Repealed by 678) |
639 | Street vacation (Special) |
640 | Alters boundaries of parking district no. 1 (Special) |
641 | Adds §§ 11A and 11B to Ord. 429, traffic regulation (Repealed by 678) |
642 | Adds §§ 2A and 2B to Ord. 453, traffic regulation (Repealed by 678) |
643 | Amends Ord. 429 § 7, parking (Repealed by 678) |
644 | Rezone (Special) |
645 | Amends Ord. 429 § 7, parking (Repealed by 678) |
646 | Amends Ord. 581, prohibits making left hand turns at intersections of named streets (Repealed by 678) |
647 | Amends Ord. 429 § 8 1/2, parking (Repealed by 678) |
648 | Amends Ord. 429 § 8 1/2, parking (Repealed by 678) |
649 | Amends Ord. 231 § 1, marking designated parking areas (Repealed by 678) |
650 | Adopts fire prevention code, 1956 edition (Repealed by 1427) |
651 | Rezone (Special) |
652 | Rezone (Special) |
653 | Amends Ord. 429 § 7, parking (Repealed by 678) |
654 | Amends Ord. 424 § 2, parking meter zones (Repealed by 678) |
655 | Amends Ord. 429 § 6, parking (Repealed by 678) |
656 | |
657 | Amends Ord. 429 § 7, parking (Repealed by 678) |
658 | Contract with board of administration of state employees’ retirement system (Special) |
659 | Amends Ord. 565 § 2, sewer connection charges (Repealed by 701) |
660 | Amends Ord. 523 § 2, underground electric wiring (Not codified) |
661 | Rezone (Special) |
662 | Amends Ord. 429 § 7, parking (Repealed by 678) |
663 | Property conveyance to county (Special) |
664 | Amends Ord. 527 §§ 14 and 16, electrical wiring alteration (Not codified) |
665 | Rezone (Special) |
666 | Amends Ord. 429 § 8 1/2, parking (Repealed by 678) |
667 | Rezone (Special) |
668 | Amends Ord. 429 § 8 1/2, parking (Repealed by 678) |
669 | Amends Ord. 429 § 7, parking (Repealed by 678) |
670 | Advertising structures adjacent to landscaped freeways (11.20) |
671 | 1960—1961 taxation (Special) |
671 | Off-street parking lots (Repealed by 678) |
672 | Rezone (Special) |
673 | Law enforcement officer training (2.48) |
674 | Amends Ord. 429 § 9, designates boulevards (Repealed by 678) |
675 | Amends Ord. 429 § 7, parking (Repealed by 678) |
676 | Council meetings (2.04) |
677 | Amends Ord. 420 § 31, expenditures made by department heads (2.44) |
678 | Vehicle operation, repeals Ords. 200, 231, 333, 384, 392, 424, 429, 433, 475, 480, 504, 522, 568, 581, 618 and 671 (10.04—10.80) |
679 | Rezone (Special) |
680 | Rezone (Special) |
681 | Rezone (Special) |
682 | Carrying of dangerous and concealed weapons (Not codified) |
683 | Omitted |
684 | Adopts Uniform Sign Code, 1961 Edition (Repealed by 774) |
685 | Interim land use measure (Repealed by 704) |
686 | Rezone (Special) |
697 | Rezone (Special) |
688 | Special election (Special) |
689 | Amends Ord. 601, sales and use tax (Repealed by 835) |
690 | Citation for violation of city ordinances (1.08) |
691 | Amends Ord. 630 § 1, adds § 1A to Ord. 630, dog licensing (8.12) |
692 | Amends contract between city council and board of administration of state employees’ retirement system (Special) |
693 | Rezone (Special) |
694 | Adopts “The Code of the City of Marysville, California” (Not codified) |
695 | Finance department, director of finance (Repealed by 1356) |
696 | Rezone (Special) |
697 | Adds § 15.3A to Ord. 678, parking (10.64) |
698 | Rezone (Special) |
699 | Adopts Uniform Building Code, 1961 Edition, repeals Ord. 635 (Repealed by 734) |
700 | Rezone (Special) |
701 | Sanitary sewer system connection charges, repeals Ords. 565 and 659 (6.04) |
702 | Special election (Special) |
703 | Adopts Uniform Plumbing Code, 1961 Edition, repeals Ords. 594 and 599 (Not codified) |
704 | Zoning, repeals Ords. 413 and 685 (Repealed by 946) |
705 | Electrical Code (Not codified) |
706 | Adds § 22.32, street numbering (11.24) |
707 | Repeals § 16.6(2), personnel (Repealer) |
708 | Amends § 25.21, taxicabs (Repealed by 1023) |
709 | Rezone (Special) |
710 | Regulates cardrooms (Repealed by 1136) |
711 | Prohibits loitering (932) |
712 | Regulates solicitors (5.20) |
713 | Rezone (Special) |
714 | Imposes transient occupancy tax (3.12) |
715 | Regulates disposal and collection of refuse, repeals §§ 10.1, 10.4—10.12 (Repealed by 967) |
716 | Rezone (Special) |
717 | Rezone (Special) |
718 | Adds Art. IV to Ch. 22, installation of curbs, gutters, sidewalks (Repealed by 969) |
719 | (Not passed) |
720 | Amends Ch. 2, administration (Repealed by 766) |
721 | Regulates care of trees, repeals Ch. 27 (Repealed by 1150) |
722 | Amends § 3.10(a), (d), traffic (10.16) |
723 | Amends § 16.35, sick leave (2.72) |
724 | Regulates excavation (Repealed by 969) |
725 | Rezone (Special) |
726 | Regulates CATV systems (Repealed by 1442) |
727 | Amends § 25.44, repeals § 25.45, taxicabs (Repealed by 1020) |
728 | Rezone (Special) |
729 | Adds §§ 4.27—4.34, amends §§ 4.19, 4.20, dogs (Repealed by 1099) |
730 | Rezone (Special) |
731 | Rezone (Special) |
732 | Rezone (Special) |
733 | Rezone, amends Appendix; Article 17 (Repealed by 946) |
734 | Adopts uniform building code (Repealed by 754) |
735 | Certain activities prohibited in public areas (9.36) |
736 | Amends § 15.3A, off-street parking (10.64) |
737 | Rezone (Special) |
738 | Rezone (Special) |
739 | Amends § 2.33, planning commission (Repealed by 766) |
740 | Removal of rubbish from property, repeals §§ 10.13, 10.27 (6.12) |
741 | Rezone (Special) |
742 | Rezone (Special) |
743 | Rezone (Special) |
744 | Rezone (Special) |
745 | Amends Article 11 of Chapter 24, sales and use taxes (Repealed by 835) |
746 | Amends § 12.03(a), CH district (Repealed by 946) |
747 | Rezone (Special) |
748 | Rezone (Special) |
749 | Amends § 16.32, repeals § 16.33, holidays (2.72) |
750 | Substandard buildings (Repealed by 810) |
751 | Prohibits loitering in cemeteries (9.32) |
752 | Imposes real property transfer tax (3.08) |
753 | Underground utility districts (15.04) |
754 | Adopts uniform building code, repeals Ord. 734 (13.04) |
755 | Adopts uniform plumbing code (Repealed by 1319) |
756 | Adopts uniform mechanical code (Repealed by 1319) |
757 | Amends Ord. 726, CATV regulations (Repealed by 1442) |
758 | Rezone (Special) |
759 | Regulates travel on levees (10.84) |
760 | Prohibits deposit of trash on levees (6.16) |
761 | Rezone (Special) |
762 | Creates redevelopment agency (2.64) |
763 | Dissolves prior redevelopment agency (Not codified) |
764 | (Not passed) |
765 | Adopts national electrical code (Repealed by 1319) |
766 | Creates planning commission, repeals Ords. 720, 739 and prior code §§ 2.33, 2.34 (Repealed by 1112) |
767 | Amends § 11.25, schedule of fees (Repealed by 862) |
768 | Interim zoning, off-site advertising signs (Repealed by 800) |
769 | Amends §§ 25.44, 25.9, taxicabs (Repealed by 1020) |
770 | Swimming prohibited in Ellis and East Lakes (Repealed by 1327) |
771 | Amends Ord. 756, uniform mechanical code (Repealed by 812) |
772 | Extends Ord. 768, off-site advertising signs (Not codified) |
773 | Rezone (Special) |
774 | Adopts uniform sign code (13.24) |
775 | Amends § 23.13, subdivisions (17.20) |
776 | Amends § 16.31, vacations (2.72) |
777 | Rezone (Special) |
778 | Amends zoning provisions (Repealed by 946) |
779 | Amends § 16.32, holidays (Repealed by 794) |
780 | General penalty (1.04) |
781 | Repeals prior code §§ 6.1—6.10, substandard buildings, 6.20—6.31, gas appliance regulations, 8.1—8.101, electrical code, 18.1—18.16, plumbing code, and § 13 of Ord. 724, penalty (Repealer) |
782 | Rezone (Repealed by 1383) |
783 | Amends Ord. 408, personnel system (2.72) |
784 | Amends Ord. 489 § 2, bids (Repealed by 912) |
785 | Code adoption (1.01) |
786 | Rezone (Special) |
787 | Rezone (Special) |
788 | Amends Ord. 183 § 30, taxes (Not codified) |
789 | Extends Ord. 768, interim zoning (Not codified) |
790 | Amends prior code § 16.32, holidays (Repealed by 794) |
791 | Rezone (Repealed by 1383) |
792 | Amends Ord. 766 § 4, planning commission (Repealed by 1112) |
793 | Rezone (Special) |
794 | Holidays, repeals prior code § 16.32 and Ord. 779 (2.72) |
795 | Amends § 15.3A of Ord. 736, traffic (10.64) |
796 | Transfer of assessment duties (2.84) |
797 | Rezone (Special) |
798 | Council meetings (2.04) |
799 | Rezone (Special) |
800 | Amends Title 18, zoning (Repealed by 946) |
801 | Disaster council and director of emergency services (2.68) |
802 | Amends § 10.64.060, off-street parking (10.64) |
803 | Amends §§ 3.04.020(3), 3.04.040 and 3.04.100, sales and use tax (Repealed by 835) |
804 | Tax levy (Special) |
805 | Amends Ord. 803 § 4, sales and use tax (Repealed by 835) |
806 | (Not yet adopted) |
807 | Parking and business improvement area license tax (5.44) |
808 | Amends § 13.04.010, repeals § 13.04.100, building code (Repealed by 1319) |
809 | Housing code (Repealed by 1319) |
810 | Repeals and reenacts Chapter 13.08, dangerous buildings (13.08) |
811 | Amends §§ 13.12.010 and 13.12.070, repeals § 13.12.080, plumbing code (Repealed by 1319) |
812 | Amends § 13.16.010, repeals §§ 13.16.020 and 13.16.040, mechanical code (Repealed by 1319) |
813 | Amends § 13.24.010, adds § 13.04.021, repeals § 13.24.060, signs code (13.24) |
814 | Amends § 14.04.010, electrical code (Repealed by 1319) |
815 | Amends § 6.20.020, polluted waters (Repealed by 1327) |
816 | Board of appeals (2.88) |
817 | City administrator (2.10) |
818 | Amends contract between city council and board of administration of state employees’ retirement system (Special) |
819 | Replaces Chapter 13.20, Uniform Fire Code (Repealed by 1427) |
820 | Amends §§ 2.88.010 and 2.88.040, board of appeals (2.88) |
821 | Tax levy (Special) |
822 | Amends subsections (1) and (10) of § 2.72.320, holidays (2.72) |
823 | Rezone (Special) |
824 | Adopts interim open space and conservation elements of the 1972 general plan (Special) |
825 | Rezone (Special) |
826 | Transfer of city tax functions (3.16) |
827 | Amends § 2.23.020, bonds and salaries (2.32) |
828 | Amends § 5.40.060, CATV systems (Repealed by 1442) |
829 | Adopts general plan open space and conservation element for the city (Special) |
829-A | Adopts general plan open space and conservation element for the city (Special) |
830 | Adds Chs. 18.62 and 18.63; amends §§ 18.12.040 and 18.68.010, zoning (Repealed by 946) |
830-A | Adds Chs. 18.62 and 18.63; amends §§ 18.12.040 and 18.68.010, zoning, emergency measure (Repealed by 946) |
831 | (Not passed) |
832 | Amends § 11.12.060, street cut resurfacing costs (Repealed by 969) |
833 | Property tax levy for 1973-1974 (Special) |
834 | Adds (a) to Ch. 2.48; amends §§ 2.48.010, 2.72.080 and 2.72.120, police department and city personnel; repeals §§ 2.48.080, 2.48.090, 2.48.110, 2.48.120, 2.48.130, 2.48.140, 2.48.150, 2.48.160, 2.48.170 and 2.48.180 (2.48, 2.72) |
835 | Imposes a sales and use tax, repeals Ords. 601, 689, 745, 803 and 805 (3.04) |
836 | Amends §§ 10.60.040 and 10.64.040, parking (10.64) |
837 | Amends public employees’ retirement system (Special) |
838 | Amends § 5.36.440, for-hire vehicle rate limitations (Repealed by 1020) |
839 | Rezone (Special) |
840 | Repeals § 2.48.020, three platoon system (Repealer) |
841 | Amends § 2.72.310, administration and personnel (2.72) |
842 | Park and recreation areas use regulations (16.04) |
843 | Rezone (Special) |
844 | Adopts redevelopment plan (Repealed by 1146) |
845 | Adds § 5.40.235, community antenna television systems (Repealed by 1442) |
846 | Amends § 2.72.340, sick leave (2.72) |
847 | (Repealed by 849) |
848 | Property taxes (Special) |
849 | Repeals 847 (Repealer) |
850 | Amends § 5.44.060, multiple business license holders (Repealed by 1033) |
851 | Amends paragraphs 2 and 3 of § 5.28.030, subsection 1 of § 5.28.040 and paragraphs 2 and 3 of § 5.28.060, cardrooms (Repealed by 1031) |
852 | Adds 18.84.090, setback from levee (Repealed by 946) |
853 | Rezone (Special) |
854 | Rezone (Special) |
855 | Adds Ch. 6.09, lawn and garden refuse (Repealed by 967) |
856 | (Not passed) |
857 | Property tax levy (Special) |
858 | Amends Ord. 844, redevelopment area (Repealed by 1146) |
859 | Amends § 2.72.320, holiday schedule (2.72) |
860 | Amends § 1.08.020, notice to appear in court; amends §§ 8.04.020, 8.04.040, 8.04.060, 8.04.070, 8.04.100, 8.04.110, 8.08.010, 8.08.020, 8.08.040, 8.12.010, 8.12.020, 8.12.030, 8.12.040, 8.12.050, 8.12.100, 8.12.110, 8.12.150 and 8.12.170, animals; adds §§ 8.04.095, 8.12.115 and 8.13.010, animals; and repeals §§ 8.04.030, 8.04.050, 8.04.080, 8.04.090, 8.04.120, 8.08.030, 8.12.060, 8.12.090, 8.12.120, 8.12.130, 8.12.140 and 8.12.160, 9.36.050 and 10.56.010 (1.08, 8.04) |
861 | Adds Ch. 5.48, massage establishments (Repealed by 1414) |
862 | Repeals Chs. 5.04 and 5.08 and enacts Ch. 5.04, business licenses and regulations (Repealed by 1140) |
863 | Sets tax rate (Special) |
864 | Adds §§ 18.64.041 and 18.64.042; amends § 18.64.040, signs (Repealed by 964) |
865 | Amends §§ 5.44.030, 5.44.050 and 5.44.060, parking and business improvement area (5.44) |
866 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 2.72, personnel system (2.72) |
867 | Amends § 5.04.310 and § 4 of Ord. 865, business licenses; repeals § 4 of Ord. 862 (Not codified) |
868 | Declares moratorium on issuance or transfer of cardroom licenses (Not codified) |
869 | (Not adopted) |
870 | Adds §§ 5.28.031, 5.28.032, 5.28.033, 5.28.034, 5.28.111, 5.28.112, 5.28.130, 5.28.140 and 5.28.150; amends §§ 5.28.030, 5.28.040, 5.28.060, 5.28.070, 5.28.080, 5.28.090, 5.28.110 and 5.28.120; cardrooms (Repealed by 1136) |
871 | Extends moratorium on issuance or transfer of cardroom licenses (Not codified) |
872 | Adds § 18.64.090, zoning (Repealed by 964) |
873 | Fixed tax rate for 1977-1978 (Special) |
874 | Amends § 5.04.230, business license tax (Repealed by 1140) |
875 | Authorizes amendment to contract with Public Employees’ Retirement System (Special) |
876 | Report (Special) |
877 | Summary abatement of dangerous buildings (13.10) |
878 | Abatement of dangerous structures (13.10) |
879 | Allows public telephones to be placed on public sidewalks (Special) |
880 | Adds § 5.36.450; amends § 5.36.440, taxicabs (Repealed by 1337) |
881 | Adds Ch. 16.10, riverfront park; amends §§ 1.08.010, 1.08.020, 16.04.020, miscellaneous park provisions, citation (1.08, 16.04, 16.10) |
882 | Adds Ch. 10.50; amends §§ 10.04.020, 10.28.010, 10.28.020, 10.32.010, 10.32.040, 10.32.050, 10.36.030, 10.44.040, 10.44.050, 10.48.010, 10.48.060, 10.48.100, 10.60.010, 10.60.020, 10.64.010, 10.64.060; repeals §§ 10.04.010, 10.08.060, 10.08.090, 10.08.120, 10.08.160, 10.08.180, 10.08.190, 10.16.030, 10.32.020, 10.44.060, 10.44.150, 10.48.100, 10.76.020, traffic (10.04, 10.08, 10.16, 10.28, 10.32, 10.36, 10.64) |
883 | Adds § 9.32.040, prohibits trespassing and loitering (9.32) |
884 | Annual property tax for 1978-79 (Special) |
885 | Amends §§ 2.04.010, 2.04.050, council meetings (2.04) |
886 | Adds (i) to § 19.12.010; amends (a) of § 19.08.110, (b) of § 19.12.010 and §§ 19.12.100, 19.12.120, 19.20.050, 19.28.020, 19.32.020, 19.48.030, 19.48.040; repeals §§ 19.12.110 and 19.28.050, redevelopment plan (Repealed by 1146) |
887 | Adds §§ 13.04.055, 13.04.056, 13.04.057, 13.04.058, 13.04.059, 13.04.061, 13.04.062; amends §§ 13.04.010, 13.04.040, 13.04.050, 13.04.060, 13.08.010, 13.12.010, 13.12.020, 13.12.030, 13.12.060, 13.12.090, 13.12.100, 13.16.010, 13.20.010, 13.24.010, 13.24.020, 13.24.021, 13.24.030, 13.24.040, 13.32.010, 14.04.010, 14.16.040, 14.16.050, 14.16.060, 14.16.070, 14.16.120, 14.16.180, 14.16.190, 14.16.200, 14.16.210; repeals §§ 13.04.030, 13.12.040, 13.12.050, 13.12.070, 13.16.030, 14.28.080, building and construction provisions (13.04, 13.08, 13.24, 14.16) |
890 | Amends § 10.32.050, stop intersections (10.32) |
891 | Amends § 5.04.190, license tax (Repealed by 1190) |
892 | Amends (21), (23) of § 10.44.050, (2), (4), (15) of § 10.48.060, parking restrictions (Repealed by 1359) |
893 | Amends § 2.44.010; repeals Ch. 2.28, establishes and abolishes certain city departments (2.44) |
894 | Adds Ch. 19.50; amends §§ 19.08.040, 19.12.130, redevelopment plan (Repealed by 1146) |
895 | Amends § 10.44.050, no-parking zones (Repealed by 1359) |
896 | Amends subsections (3) and (30) of § 10.32.050, deletes certain stop intersections (10.32) |
897 | Adds § 2.04.255, authorizes adoption of policies, rules and regulations for city council (2.04) |
898 | Adds subsection (55) to § 10.44.050; amends (25) of § 10.32.050 and (5) of § 10.44.050, stop intersections and no parking areas (10.32) |
899 | Adds § 17.24.015, subdivision maps (17.24) |
900 | Amends subsection (4) of § 10.48.060, parking (Repealed by 1359) |
901 | (Not adopted) |
902 | Authorizes amendment to contract with Public Employees’ Retirement System (Special) |
903 | Adds Ch. 16.20, alcoholic beverages (16.20) |
904 | Adds Ch. 10.86; amends §§ 16.04.050 and 16.10.080, penalty for violations; repeals § 10.84.040 (10.86, 16.04, 16.10) |
905 | Annual property tax for 1979-80 (Special) |
906 | Adds subsection (3) to § 16.20.010, alcoholic beverages (16.20) |
907 | Amends §§ 10.16.090 and 10.16.110, parking (10.16) |
908 | Adds Ch. 3.20, health facility revenue bond law (3.20) |
909 | Rezone (Special) |
910 | Rezone (Special) |
911 | Repeals § 9.28.010 (Repealer) |
912 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 2.76, purchases (2.76) |
913 | Amends § 19.08.040, redevelopment plan (Repealed by 1146) |
914 | Adds Ch. 5.06, coin-operated viewing machines (5.06) |
915 | Adds § 17.12.025, lot line adjustments (17.12) |
916 | Adds Ch. 18.66, zoning (Repealed by 946) |
917 | Rezone (Special) |
918 | Adds Ch. 9.14, controlled substance paraphernalia (9.14) |
919 | Adds Ch. 5.08, peep show establishments (5.08) |
920 | Adds § 9.20.040, intoxicating liquor (9.20) |
921 | Amends §§ 13.04.010, 13.04.040, 13.04.050, 13.08.010, 13.12.010, 13.16.010, 13.20.010, 13.24.010 and 13.32.010, adoption of and amendments to uniform codes; repeals §§ 13.04.055, 13.04.056, 13.04.057, 13.04.058, 13.04.059, 13.04.060, 13.04.061 and 13.04.062 (13.04, 13.08) |
922 | Imposes a moratorium on the conversion of multiple-family rental housing (Special) |
923 | Rezone (Special) |
924 | Amends § 5.36.440, taxicab rate limitations (Repealed by 1020) |
925 | Adds § 16.10.025, camping in Riverfront Park (16.10) |
926 | Adds Ch. 10.90, parking (10.90) |
927 | Adds subsection (c) to § 5.28.010, subsection (17) to § 5.28.030 and § 5.28.113; amends §§ 5.28.060 and 5.28.080 and subsections (2), (4) and (5) of § 5.28.110, cardrooms (Repealed by 1136) |
928 | Amends § 10.90.040, parking (10.90) |
929 | Adds § 10.52.035, parking (Repealed by 1359) |
930 | Adds Ch. 18.84, zoning (Repealed by 964) |
931 | Amends § 18.84.055(b), zoning (Repealed by 964) |
932 | Adds § 10.60.045, parking (10.60) |
933 | Adds Ch. 13.35, state historic building code (13.35) |
934 | Rezone (Special) |
935 | Rezone (Special) |
936 | Adds Ch. 13.40 and 14.30, penalties for violations of buildings and construction provisions and the electrical code (13.40, 14.30) |
937 | Adds Ch. 5.52, private street patrol special services (5.52) |
938 | Annual property tax for 1980-81 (Special) |
939 | (Not adopted) |
940 | (Not adopted) |
941 | Adds Ch. 19.52 and amends § 19.08.040, redevelopment plan (Repealed by 1146) |
942 | Extends moratorium on conversion of multiple-family rental housing (Special) |
943 | Amends §§ 10.50.050 and 10.90.040, parking (10.90) |
944 | Amends subsection (h) of § 2.88.010, board of appeals (2.88) |
945 | (Not adopted) |
946 | Repeals and replaces Title 18 (18.08, 18.12, 18.46, 18.50, 18.52, 18.54, 18.56, 18.58, 18.84, 18.88) |
947 | Amends subsection (18) of § 10.48.060, parking (Repealed by 1359) |
948 | Adds §§ 10.48.120, 10.48.130 and 10.48.140, parking (Repealed by 1359) |
949 | Amends §§ 10.16.090 and 10.16.110, parking (10.16) |
950 | Reserve peace officers (Not codified) |
951 | City development-financing provisions (Not codified) |
952 | (Not adopted) |
953 | (Not adopted) |
954 | Adds § 18.54.025; amends § 18.54.030, zoning (18.54) |
955 | Rezone (Special) |
956 | Adds Ch. 17.35, condominium conversion (17.35) |
957 | Amends § 18.64.040; repeals § 18.64.042, signs (Repealed by 998) |
958 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 5.32, public dances (Repealed by 1155) |
959 | Annual property tax for 1981-82 (Special) |
960 | Adds §§ 6.04.130—6.04.160; amends §§ 6.04.050 and 6.04.100; repeals and replaces §§ 6.04.080, 6.04.090 and 6.04.120, sewers and sewage disposal (6.04) |
961 | Amends §§ 13.04.020, 13.04.040, 13.20.040—13.20.070, 13.24.020—13.24.040; repeals § 13.04.090, uniform code amendments (13.04, 13.24) |
962 | Amends table in § 18.34.030, zoning (Repealed by 1365) |
963 | Adds Ch. 18.88; amends § 18.04.130, zoning (18.88) |
964 | Amends § 9.44.010, fortunetelling (Repealed by 1018) |
965 | Amendment to contract with Public Employees’ Retirement System (Special) |
966 | Amends § 3.20.103, health facility revenue bond regulations (3.20) |
967 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 6.08; refuse disposal; repeals Ch. 6.09 (6.08) |
969 | Adds Chs. 11.02, 11.06, 11.10, 11.14 and 11.28 and repeals and replaces Chs. 11.04, 11.08, 11.12, vehicles and traffic (11.02, 11.04, 11.06, 11.08, 11.10, 11.12, 11.14, 11.28) |
970 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 18.66, zoning (Repealed by 989) |
971 | Adds § 16.20.015 and amends § 16.20.010, parks and recreation (16.20) |
972 | Adds § 16.04.015, parks and recreation (16.04) |
973 | Adds Ch. 5.54, bingo games (5.54) |
974 | Amends sections of Title 18, zoning (18.84) |
975 | Amends § 6.04.010, sewer connection charges (6.04) |
976 | Rezone (Special) |
977 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 19.28, architectural review for redevelopment plan (Repealed by 1146) |
978 | Repeals §§ 9.40.020, 9.40.030 and 9.40.040 (Repealer) |
979 | Amends § 18.66.040, zoning (Repealed by 989) |
980 | Adds subsection (23) to § 10.48.060, diagonal parking zone (Repealed by 1359) |
981 | Amends § 2.40.100, planning commissioners’ compensation (Repealed by 1112) |
982 | 1982-83 property tax (Special) |
983 | Adds § 10.60.048, all-day parking permits (10.60) |
984 | Amends portions of § 18.24.030, zoning (Repealed by 1297) |
985 | Amends entirety of Ord. 726, CATV system (Repealed by 1442) |
986 | Adds (24) to § 10.48.060, diagonal parking zones (Repealed by 1359) |
987 | Repeals Ch. 5.12, auctions, and Ch. 5.16, pawnbrokers and secondhand dealers (Repealer) |
988 | Amends § 18.66.040, zoning of adult entertainment (Repealed by 989) |
989 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 18.66, zoning of adult entertainment facilities (18.66) |
990 | Adds (52) to and amends (19) of § 10.32.050, stop intersections (10.32) |
991 | (Not adopted) |
992 | (Not adopted) |
993 | Rezone (Special) |
994 | Adds Ch. 18.90 and amends subsection (b) of § 18.16.020, zoning (Repealed by 1372) |
995 | Amends § 10.68.060, parking (10.68) |
996 | Repeals Ch. 5.12, auctions (Repealer) |
997 | Adds § 13.20.035, permit fees (Repealed by 1427) |
998 | Amends subsections (a) and (b) of §§ 18.26.035, 18.28.035, 18.30.035, 18.32.035, 18.36.030, 18.38.035, and 18.40.035; repeals and replaces Ch. 18.64, signs (Repealed by 1374) |
999 | Rezone (Special) |
1000 | Amends subsections (15) and (25) and § 10.32.050, stop intersections (10.32) |
1001 | 1983-84 property tax (Special) |
1002 | Amends §§ 19.28.010, 19.28.030, 19.28.050 and 19.28.080; repeals § 19.28.020, architectural review for redevelopment plan (Repealed by 1146) |
1003 | Amends subsections (6), (37) and (52) of § 10.32.050, stop intersections (10.32) |
1004 | Amends § 3.04.130, sales and use tax (3.04) |
1005 | Adds §§ 10.48.035 and 10.48.100; amends § 10.44.040; repeals and replaces § 10.44.050; repeals § 10.52.060, parking (Repealed by 1359) |
1006 | Adds Ch. 5.50, burglar alarms (5.50) |
1007 | Adds § 2.48.700, police escorts (2.48) |
1008 | Rezone (Repealed by 1011) |
1009 | Amends § 10.48.010, parking (Repealed by 1359) |
1010 | Adds item 90 to § 18.34.030, zoning (Repealed by 1365) |
1011 | Zoning; repeals Ord. 1008 (Special) |
1012 | Rezone (Special) |
1013 | Amends subsection 4 of § 10.32.050, stop intersections (10.32) |
1014 | City administrator (2.10) |
1015 | Rezone (Special) |
1016 | Amends subsection 39 of § 10.32.050, stop intersections (10.32) |
1017 | Adds Ch. 14.16, fees; amends §§ 6.24.100, 10.60.050, 10.64.050, 11.06.130, 13.04.010, 13.04.040, 13.08.010, 13.12.010, 13.16.010, 13.20.010, 13.24.010, 13.28.020, 13.28.030(14), 13.28.080, 13.28.090, 13.32.010, 14.04.010, 16.04.010, 16.20.015, 17.20.010, 17.20.040, 17.24.020, 18.10.110, 18.46.030, 18.64.070, 18.72.050, 18.76.050, 18.80.020 and 18.80.050; repeals § 13.24.020, establishing fees by resolution (6.24, 10.64, 11.06, 13.04, 13.08, 13.28, 14.16, 16.04, 16.20, 17.20, 17.24, 18.10, 18.46) |
1018 | Repeals Ch. 9.44 (Repealer) |
1019 | Amends § 10.64.010 and repeals § 10.64.020, parking (10.64) |
1020 | Amends § 5.36.150; repeals §§ 5.36.370 and 5.36.440, vehicles for hire (Repealed by 1023) |
1021 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 10.60, parking meter on streets (10.60) |
1022 | Tax levy (Special) |
1023 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 5.36, taxicabs (Repealed by 1337) |
1024 | Amends §§ 8.12.040 and 8.12.050, animal control (Repealed by 1099) |
1025 | (Not adopted) |
1026 | Adds § 13.20.100, fire code (Repealed by 1427) |
1027 | Adds Chs. 2.56 and 2.62 and § 2.64.040; amends §§ 2.08.010 and 2.44.010; repeals § 2.08.020, finance department, city clerk/office manager (2.08, 2.44, 2.64) |
1028 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 6.12, weed removal (6.12) |
1029 | Amends § 17.12.025, subdivisions (17.12) |
1030 | Adds Ch. 6.28, hazardous materials cleanup (6.28) |
1031 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 5.28, gaming clubs (Repealed by 1136) |
1032 | Amends § 2.76.080, purchasing (2.76) |
1033 | Amends §§ 5.44.040, 5.44.080, 5.44.100 and 5.44.110; repeals § 5.44.060, parking and business improvement area (5.44) |
1034 | Tax levy (Special) |
1035 | Amends § 5.28.030, gaming clubs (Repealed by 1136) |
1036 | Rezone (Special) |
1037 | Rezone (Special) |
1038 | Adds Ch. 10.42, cruising prohibited (10.42) |
1039 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 10.56, restricted use of certain streets (Repealed by 1106) |
1040 | Repeals § 2.48.480 (Repealer) |
1041 | Adds § 18.20.030(k); and amends § 18.24.020, zoning (Repealed by 1365) |
1042 | Amends § 2.60.010; and repeals § 2.60.020, recreation department (Repealed by 1309) |
1043 | Amends § 13.20.040, Uniform Fire Code (Repealed by 1319) |
1044 | (Not adopted) |
1045 | Adds § 10.48.035; and amends § 10.90.030, parking (Repealed by 1359) |
1046 | Amends §§ 16.10.020 and 16.10.025, Riverfront Park (16.10) |
1047 | Adds Ch. 5.50, commercial filming permits (5.56) |
1048 | Adds Ch. 3.30, telephone, gas, water, electricity and television cable users tax (Repealed by 1051) |
1049 | (Not adopted) |
1050 | Amends §§ 5.50.030, 5.50.060, 5.50.080 and 5.50.090, burglary and robbery alarm system (5.50) |
1051 | Repeals Ch. 3.30 (Repealer) |
1052 | Adds § 6.20.030, polluted waters (Repealed by 1327) |
1053 | Adds Ch. 9.10, regulation of smoking (9.10) |
1054 | (Not adopted) |
1055 | (Not adopted) |
1056 | Adds §§ 13.20.045, 13.20.046, 13.20.065, 13.20.075, 13.20.076 and 13.20.095; amends §§ 13.04.010, 13.04.040, 13.08.010, 13.12.010, 13.16.010, 13.20.010, 13.24.010, 13.32.010 and 14.04.010; and repeals §§ 13.20.120 and 13.20.130, buildings and construction (13.04, 13.08) |
1057 | Amends § 10.48.060(1), parking (Repealed by 1359) |
1058 | (Not adopted) |
1059 | Amends § 5.32.040, public dances (Repealed by 1155) |
1060 | Floodplain management (Repealed by 1278) |
1061 | Amends § 10.80.010, heavy vehicles and equipment (10.80) |
1062 | Adds Ch. 11.30, abandonment of streets (11.30) |
1063 | Amends § 10.32.050(15) and (39), stop intersections (10.32) |
1064 | Rezone (Special) |
1065 | Adds Ch. 18.92, recycling facilities (18.92) |
1066 | Adds Ch. 5.05, solid waste disposal facilities (5.05) |
1067 | Amends § 8.12.170(a), dogs (Repealed by 1099) |
1068 | Repeals § 2.52.050 (Repealer) |
1069 | Adds Ch. 10.90 and § 16.10.075; amends §§ 10.50.050, 10.68.050, 10.76.010, 10.86.010, 16.10.080 and 16.10.090, dealing with penalties for code violations; repeals § 10.48.140 and Ch. 10.90 (10.68, 10.76, 10.86, 16.10) |
1070 | Rezone (Special) |
1071 | Adds § 10.36.050; amends § 10.86.010, vehicles and traffic (10.36, 10.86) |
1072 | Adds §§ 18.16.020(h), 18.18.020(i), 18.20.020(i) and 18.22.020(1), zoning (Repealed by 1365) |
1073 | Accepts penal code requirements relating to selection and standards of public safety dispatches (Not codified) |
1073-A | Amends § 10.32.050, stops and through streets (10.32) |
1074 | Adds Ch. 1.10, claims procedures (1.10) |
1075 | Amends § 10.48.100(b), stopping, standing and parking restrictions (Repealed by 1359) |
1076 | Amends § 10.90.050, traffic violation penalties (Repealed by 1125) |
1077 | Amends § 2.32.020, bonds and salaries (2.32) |
1078 | Adds § 8.04.120, animals; repeals § 8.12.120 (8.04) |
1079 | (Not adopted) |
1080 | Accepts penal code requirements relating to selection and standards of public safety dispatchers (Not codified) |
1081 | Adds subsection (53) and amends subsections (19) and (52), of § 10.32.050, stops and through streets (10.32) |
1082 | (Not adopted) |
1083 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 9.04, special events; repeals § 9.56.060 (9.04) |
1084 | Amends redevelopment plan (Special) |
1085 | Amends § 5.28.080, gaming clubs (Repealed by 1136) |
1086 | Amends § 5.48.100(10), massage establishments (Repealed by 1414) |
1087 | Rezone (Special) |
1088 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 9.40, curfew (9.40) |
1089 | Amends § 13.20.040, Uniform Fire Code (Repealed by 1319) |
1090 | Adds Ch. 18.62, outdoor sales (18.62) |
1091 | Adds § 8.12.060, dogs (Repealed by 1099) |
1092 | Adds § 16.10.055; amends § 13.20.065, relating to fireworks (16.10) |
1093 | Amends § 3.12.030, transients occupancy tax (3.12) |
1094 | Amends § 5.05.010, solid waste disposal facilities (5.05) |
1095 | Adds § 10.48.060(25), stopping, standing and parking restrictions (Repealed by 1359) |
1096 | Amends Ch. 5.20, solicitors and peddlers (5.20) |
1097 | Adds Ch. 9.50, nuisance abatement code (Repealed by 1286) |
1098 | Adds § 9.50.370; amends §§ 9.50.100 and 9.50.290, nuisance abatement code (Repealed by 1286) |
1099 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 8.12; repeals §§ 8.08.020 and 8.08.040, animal control (Repealed by 1289) |
1100 | Adds Ch. 6.32, abandoned vehicles (6.32) |
1101 | (Not adopted) |
1102 | (Not adopted) |
1103 | Amends § 2.04.010, city council meetings (2.04) |
1104 | Amends § 18.84.070, zoning (18.84) |
1105 | Adds Ch. 17.37, certificate of compliance (17.37) |
1106 | Adds § 10.90.045; repeals and replaces Ch. 10.36, truck restrictions (10.56) |
1107 | (Not adopted) |
1108 | (Not adopted) |
1109 | (Not adopted) |
1110 | Repeals § 19.28.020, architectural review board (Repealer) |
1111 | Amends § 5.04.080, business license (Repealed by 1190) |
1112 | Adds §§ 2.04.260 and 18.08.010; amends §§ 17.12.025, 17.16.010, 17.16.030, 17.20.010, 17.20.020, 17.20.030, 17.20.040, 17.20.070, 17.20.080, 17.20.090, 17.24.015, 17.24.020, 17.24.030, 17.24.110, 17.24.130, 17.28.020—17.28.040, 17.28.070, 17.28.080, 17.28.100, 17.28.140, 17.28.170, 17.32.020, 17.32.150, 17.32.160, 17.35.030, 17.35.040, 17.35.080, 17.35.090, 17.35.110, 17.35.120, 18.08.110, 18.16.030, 18.18.030, 18.20.030, 18.22.030, 18.24.020, 18.26.030, 18.26.090, 18.28.030, 18.28.035, 18.30.030, 18.30.035, 18.32.030, 18.32.035, 18.34.020, 18.36.030, 18.36.035, 18.38.030, 18.38.035, 18.40.030, 18.40.035, 18.46.010, 18.46.030, 18.46.060, 18.54.020, 18.56.040, 18.58.040, 18.60.010, 18.60.020, 18.64.060, 18.64.070, 18.72.020, 18.72.030, 18.72.040, 18.76.010, 18.76.020, 18.76.040, 18.76.050, 18.76.060, 18.80.010, 18.80.020, 18.80.040, 18.84.080, 18.92.040, 18.92.100, and Title 19; repeals §§ 17.12.010, 17.12.020, 17.12.030, 17.12.040, 17.16.020, 17.16.040—17.16.060, 17.24.120, 18.80.030, 18.80.050; repeals and replaces Ch. 2.40, abolishes planning commission and establishes board of zoning adjustment (17.12, 17.16, 17.20, 17.24, 17.28, 17.32, 17.35, 18.46, 18.54, 18.56, 18.58, 18.92) |
1113 | Amends §§ 9.50.070, 9.50.200, 9.50.220 and 9.50.230, nuisance abatement (Repealed by 1286) |
1114 | (Not adopted) |
1115 | Adds §§ 18.04.058, 18.04.059, 18.04.358, 18.04.359, zoning (Repealed by 1365) |
1116 | Repeals and replaces Chs. 2.56 and 2.62, administrative services and finance department (2.62) |
1117 | Amends § 5.05.020, public dumping tax (5.05) |
1118 | Amends § 5.05.020, public dumping tax (5.05) |
1119 | Rezone (Special) |
1120 | Amends city land use plan (Special) |
1121 | Amends Ch. 2.76, purchases (2.76) |
1122 | Amends § 10.56.030, truck routes (10.56) |
1123 | Adds §§ 18.04.123 and 18.04.124, zoning (Repealed by 1365) |
1124 | Adds Ch. 18.49, MRD Marysville redevelopment district land use table (Repealed by 1223) |
1125 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 10.90, penalties (Repealed by 1125) |
1126 | Amends § 5.04.230, business license tax (Repealed by 1190) |
1127 | Amends §§ 5.48.030, 5.48.070, 5.48.090, 5.48.110 and 5.48.130, massage establishments (Repealed by 1414) |
1128 | (Not adopted) |
1129 | Adopts amended redevelopment plan (Special) |
1130 | Adds Ch. 9.58, Halloween (9.58) |
1131 | Adds Ch. 9.09, police response to loud and unreasonable noise (9.09) |
1132 | (Not adopted) |
1133 | Amends § 16.10.020, Riverfront Park (16.10) |
1134 | Adds Ch. 9.58, emergency medical response by city fire department (9.62) |
1135 | Amends Ch. 2.60, recreation department (Repealed by 1309) |
1136 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 5.28, gaming clubs (5.28) |
1137 | Repeals Ch. 9.48 (Repealer) |
1138 | (Not adopted) |
1139 | Adds § 10.76.050, miscellaneous use of streets and sidewalks (10.76) |
1140 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 5.04, business licenses and regulations (5.04) |
1141 | Adds § 18.80.070 and Chs. 18.82 and 18.83, zoning (18.82, 18.83) |
1142 | Amends §§ 19.12.010(b), 19.12.100, 19.12.120, redevelopment plan; repeals and replaces Ch. 18.48, zoning (18.48) |
1143 | (Not passed) |
1144 | Amends § 10.32.050(6), (19), (29) and (44), stop intersections (10.32) |
1145 | Adds § 18.64.057, zoning (Repealed by 1374) |
1146 | Repeals and replaces entirety of Title 19, amended redevelopment plan (Title 19) |
1147 | Adds § 2.04.265, cemetery district board, and Ch. 2.70, cemetery commission; amends § 2.16.090, cemetery department head (2.04, 2.16, 2.70) |
1148 | Adds §§ 11.16.075 and 18.18.100 and Ch. 18.86; amends §§ 18.20.100(b), 18.22.100(b), 18.28.060(a), 18.30.060(a), 18.32.909(c), 18.60.050(c) and 18.87.060(3), repeals § 18.84.070(g), all pertaining to landscaping and zoning (11.16, 18.84, 18.86, 18.87) |
1149 | Adds §§ 17.12.010, 17.12.020, 17.16.020, 17.16.040—17.16.060, and 17.24.120; amends §§ 17.12.025, 17.16.010, 17.16.030, 17.20.010, 17.20.030, 17.20.040, 17.20.070, 17.20.090, 17.24.015, 17.24.020, 17.24.030, 17.24.080, 17.24.110, 17.24.130, 17.28.020, 17.28.030, 17.28.040, 17.28.080, 17.28.100, 17.28.140, 17.28.170, 17.32.020, 17.32.150, 17.32.160, 17.35.030, 17.35.040(6), 17.35.080, 17.35.090, 17.35.110 and 17.35.120, subdivisions; adds §§ 18.80.030, 18.80.050 and 17.82.035; amends §§ 18.04.010, 18.04.125(a), 18.08.110, 18.12.020(d), 18.16.030, 18.18.030, 18.20.030, 18.22.030, 18.24.020, 18.26.030, 18.26.035(c), 18.26.090(a), 18.28.030, 18.28.035(c), 18.30.030, 18.30.035(c), 18.32.030, 18.32.035(c), 18.32.090, 18.34.020, 18.36.030, 18.36.035(c), 18.36.090(a), 18.38.030, 18.38.035(c), 18.40.030, 18.40.035(c), 18.46.010, 18.46.030(e), 18.46.060, 18.46.100(3), 18.48.060, 18.54.020, 18.56.040, 18.58.040, 18.60.010, 18.60.020, 18.64.060, 18.64.070, 18.64.090, 18.72.010, 18.72.020, 18.72.030, 18.72.040, 18.72.050, 18.76.010, 18.76.020, 18.76.030, 18.76.040, 18.76.050, 18.76.060, 18.80.010, 18.80.020, 18.80.040, 18.80.060, 18.82.010, 18.82.030, 18.82.040, 18.83.010, 18.84.080, 18.92.040 and 18.92.100, zoning; repeals and replaces Ch. 2.40, planning commission; repeals §§ 2.04.260 and 18.08.010 (2.40, 17.12, 17.16, 17.20, 17.24, 17.28, 17.32, 17.35, 18.12, 18.46, 18.48, 18.54, 18.56, 18.58, 18.82, 18.83, 18.84, 18.92) |
1150 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 11.16, trees (11.16) |
1151 | Definition/Regulation of Antenna |
1152 | Adds Ch. 10.41, bicycles (10.42) |
1153 | Amends subsection (b) of § 2.04.060, city council (2.04) |
1154 | Amends subsection (5) of § 3.20.103, health facility revenue bond law regulations (3.20) |
1155 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 5.32, public dances (5.32) |
1156 | Amends §§ 16.10.050, 16.10.075 and 16.10.080, Riverfront Park (16.10) |
1157 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 10.90, penalties (Repealed by 1358) |
1158 | Adds §§ 5.36.165, 5.36.255, 5.36.310, 5.36.320 and 5.36.330; amends §§ 5.36.120, 5.36.160 and 5.36.260, regulation of taxicabs (Repealed by 1337) |
1159 | Amends §§ 5.50.060, 5.50.090 and 5.50.150, burglary and robbery alarm systems (5.50) |
1160 | Adds §§ 5.24.070, 5.48.280, 5.54.170, 6.20.040, 9.08.030, 9.12.060, 9.16.030, 9.24.030, 9.32.080, 9.36.070, 9.36.120, 10.40.040 and 11.28.050; amends §§ 1.04.010, 5.04.330, 5.08.160, 5.20.130, 5.28.250, 5.52.050, 6.04.160, 6.08.120, 6.12.020, 6.16.020, 9.04.160, 9.10.070, 9.14.050, 9.20.040, 9.32.040, 9.58.040, 10.42.050 and 11.12.050, penalties (1.04, 5.04, 5.08, 5.20, 5.24, 5.54, 6.04, 6.08, 6.12, 6.16, 9.04, 9.08, 9.10, 9.12, 9.14, 9.16, 9.20, 9.24, 9.32, 9.36, 9.58, 10.40, 10.42, 11.12, 11.28) |
1161 | Adds Ch. 18.87, zoning (18.87) |
1162 | Amends §§ 18.48.050, 18.48.060, and 18.49.030, zoning (18.48) |
1163 | Amends §§ 6.08.010, 6.08.020, 6.08.030, 6.08.035 and 6.08.095, refuse disposal (6.08) |
1164 | Amends § 3.12.030, transient occupancy tax (3.12) |
1165 | Amends §§ 5.04.250 and 5.04.260, general provisions (5.04) |
1166 | Repeals Ch. 8.08 (Repealer) |
1167 | Amends § 10.16.050, enforcement (10.16) |
1168 | Adds Ch. 5.90, penalty for violations (5.90) |
1169 | Adds Ch. 6.90, penalty for violations (6.90) |
1170 | Adds Ch. 8.13, penalty for violations (Repealed by 1415) |
1171 | Amends §§ 9.40.060, 10.76.050, 11.12.050, 16.04.050 and 16.20.020, penalties (9.40, 10.76, 11.20, 16.04, 16.20) |
1172 | Amends §§ 10.90.010 and 10.90.020, penalties (Repealed by 1358) |
1173 | Adds § 10.84.015; amends § 10.84.010, restricted travel on levees (10.84) |
1174 | Amends § 16.10.080, Riverfront Park (16.10) |
1175 | Amends Ch. 10.86, penalty for violations (10.86) |
1176 | Adds Ch. 11.90, penalty for violations (11.90) |
1177 | Adds Ch. 9.90, penalty for violations (9.90) |
1178 | Amends § 6.20.010, polluted waters (Repealed by 1327) |
1179 | Amends § 10.48.060(1), parking (Repealed by 1359) |
1180 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 10.50, disabled persons and veterans (Repealed by 1359) |
1181 | Amends § 10.32.050(6), (26) and (30), stops and through streets (10.32) |
1182 | Adds Ch. 17.36, mergers (17.36) |
1183 | Amends Ch. 5.28, gaming clubs (5.28) |
1184 | Repeals § 9.56.010 and enacts new Ch. 9.53 (9.53) |
1185 | Amends § 2.04.050, deals with the agenda (2.04) |
1186 | Enacts new Ch. 10.43, misc. vehicle/traffic violations (Repealed by 1359) |
1187 | Add § 16.20.040, prohibiting alcohol at Ellis Lake (Repealed by 1194) |
1188 | Amends § 10.32.050, stop intersections (10.32) |
1189 | Adds § 16.30, prohibits fireworks at Ellis Lake (Repealed by 1194) |
1190 | Amends § 18.64.020, political signs (Repealed by 1374) |
1191 | Amends § 5.04.250, business licenses (5.04) |
1192 | Adds new Ch. 10.38, trip reduction policy (10.38) |
1193 | Amends § 16.20.010, prohibits drinking at Ellis Lake (16.20) |
1194 | Repeals Ord. 1187 and 1189, prohibiting drinking at Ellis Lake (Repealer) |
1195 | Amends § 16.20.010, prohibits drinking at Ellis Lake |
1196 | Amends contract with PERS (Not codified) |
1197 | Amends Marysville Plaza Project (Not codified) |
1198 | Prezoning Properties in Yuba County/Annexation (Not codified) |
1199 | Amends §§ 10.48.120 and 10.48.130, city/county vehicle parking zones (Repealed by 1359) |
1200 | Amends §§ 10.43.090 and 10.43.100, dealing w/penalties (Repealed by 1359) |
1201 | Adds new Ch. 16.30, fishing at Ellis and East Lake Park (16.30) |
1202 | Adds new Ch. 16.40, prohibits fireworks at Ellis Lake (16.40) |
1203 | Adds new Ch. 16.40, prohibits fireworks at Ellis Lake (Urgency ordinance [not codified]) |
1204 | Amends § 13.20.040, storage of flammable liquids (Repealed by 1319) |
1205 | Amends § 18.68.010, nonconforming uses (Repealed by 1295) |
1206 | Amends § 10.48.060, diagonal parking (Repealed by 1359) |
1207 | Amends § 10.90.040, vehicle and traffic fines (Repealed by 1358) |
1208 | Amends § 10.56.030, truck routes established (10.56) |
1209 | Amends § 2.04.050, dealing w/agenda (2.04) |
1210 | Adds new Ch. 9.65, camping paraphernalia (Repealed by 1421) |
1211 | Adds new § 10.76.060, streets and sidewalks (10.76) |
1212 | Amends contract w/PERS (Not codified) |
1213 | Amends § 10.32.050, stop and through streets (10.32) |
1214 | Amends § 10.44.040, prohibited parking (Repealed by 1359) |
1215 | Amends § 10.32.050, stop and through streets (10.32) |
1216 | Amends Ch. 2.40, planning and historic preservation commission (2.40, 18.94) |
1217 | Amends zoning map (Not codified) |
1218 | Adds Title 21, surface mining (21.04) |
1219 | Amends zoning map (Not codified) |
1220 | Amends § 18.04.359 and § 18.49.040, MRD land use table (Repealed by 1365) |
1221 | Adds Ch. 18.59, historic preservation overlay district (18.59) |
1222 | Amends Chs. 10.28, 10.32, and 10.48, vehicles and traffic (10.28, 10.32) |
1223 | Repeals Chs. 18.48 and 18.49, Marysville redevelopment district (Repealer) |
1224 | Amends Ch. 5.36, regulating taxicabs (Repealed by 1337) |
1225 | Amends § 5.48.270, regulating massage establishments (Repealed by 1414) |
1226 | Adds § 9.20.050, temporary exemptions (9.20) |
1227 | Amends § 10.76.010, regulates coasters, roller skates and skateboards (10.76) |
1228 | Adds Ch. 9.35, scavenging and dumping (9.35) |
1229 | Amends § 2.04.060, council correspondence (2.04) |
1230 | Amends § 10.76.050, bicycles on sidewalk (10.76) |
1231 | Amends zoning map (Not codified) |
1232 | (Not entered) |
1233 | Adds new Title 4, downtown business improvement district (Repealed by 1362) |
1234 | Amends Ch. 9.65, camping on certain property (Repealed by 1421) |
1235 | Amends § 16.20.010, alcoholic beverages prohibited (16.20) |
1236 | Adds new Ch. 16.50, permits for park facilities (16.50) |
1237 | Amends § 8.12.080, cats (Repealed by 1289) |
1238 | Interim zoning ordinance (Not codified) |
1239 | Yuba street corridor moratorium (Not codified) |
1240 | Amends Ch. 18.04, sidewalk dining (Repealed by 1365) |
1241 | Amends Title 18, zoning code/home occupations (Title 18) |
1242 | Yuba street corridor/zoning (Not codified) |
1243 | Adds § 16.03.010, parks as drug free zones (16.03) |
1244 | Yuba street corridor/zoning (Not codified) |
1245 | Yuba street corridor/zoning (Not codified) |
1246 | Amended Red. Plan/Yuba street corridor (Not codified) |
1247 | Modifying various sections to change the violation classification (1.04, 5.04, 5.52, 5.54, 5.90, 6.12, 6.16, 6.90, 9.08, 9.12, 9.14, 9.16, 9.20, 9.24, 9.36, 9.52, 9.90, 10.86, 11.90) |
1248 | Repeals and reenacts Ch. 5.40, cable television franchise (Repealed by 1442) |
1249 | Cable television franchise, nonexclusive with MediaOne (Special) |
1250 | Adds Ch. 10.50, disabled persons parking (Repealed by 1359) |
1251 | Adopts building, plumbing, mechanical, fire, sign, housing, electrical, swimming pool and spa, and property maintenance codes (13.04, 13.08) |
1252 | (Not adopted) |
1253 | Amends § 10.32.050, stop intersections (10.32) |
1254 | Amends § 18.24.030, zoning code (Repealed by 1297) |
1255 | Amends zoning map (Not codified) |
1256 | Amends Ch. 5.28, gaming clubs (5.28) |
1257 | Amends Ch. 5.28, gaming clubs (5.28) |
1258 | Interim zoning ordinance (Special) |
1259 | Extends interim zoning ordinance no. 1258 (Special) |
1260 | Amends Ch. 2.16, city services director (2.16) |
1261 | Adds Ch. 18.95, wireless telecommunications facilities; amends § 18.84.080; repeals §§ 18.04.059 [18.04.056], 18.84.070 (18.84, 18.95) |
1262 | Amends §§ 10.76.010 and 10.76.050(a), veterans memorial park (10.76) |
1263 | (Number not used) |
1264 | Amends § 10.50.050, parking (Repealed by 1359) |
1265 | Amends § 2.76.130, open market purchasing (2.76) |
1266 | Adds §§ 2.76.140, 2.76.150, 2.76.160; amends §§ 2.76.020, 2.76.090, 2.76.120 and 2.76.130, open market purchasing (2.76) |
1267 | Adds § 2.76.170, open market purchasing (Repealed by 1279) |
1268 | Amends § 10.48.060, diagonal parking zones (Repealed by 1359) |
1269 | Amends § 5.28.200, gaming rooms (5.28) |
1270 | Amends § 5.28.230, card room participant fees (5.28) |
1271 | Amends § 10.50.020; repeals §§ 10.50.060, 10.50.070 and 10.50.080, parking (Repealed by 1359) |
1272 | Adds § 10.48.021, parking (Repealed by 1359) |
1273 | Adds Ch. 1.11, fee refund requirements (1.11) |
1274 | Adds § 10.50.055; amends § 10.90.010, parking (Repealed by 1359) |
1275 | Affirms Ch. 2.76 supersedes state law (Not codified) |
1276 | Amends § 5.28.230(1), card rooms (5.28) |
1277 | Amends § 18.64.057, signs (Repealed by 1374) |
1278 | Repeals and replaces Title 20, floodplain management (Title 20) |
1279 | Repeals § 2.76.170 (Repealer) |
1280 | Amends Ch. 2.68, community preparedness council and director of emergency services (2.68) |
1281 | Adds §§ 8.04.130 and 8.04.140, control of dogs (8.04) |
1282 | Amends Titles 13 and 14, buildings and construction and electrical code (13.04, 13.08, 13.10, 13.24, 13.28, 13.35, 13.40, 14.08, 14.12, 14.16, 14.20, 14.24, 14.28, 14.30) |
1283 | Amends §§ 10.68.020 and 10.68.030, private parking lots (10.68) |
1284 | Amends § 10.48.060(6), diagonal parking zones (Repealed by 1359) |
1285 | Amends §§ 10.48.120 and 10.48.130, stopping, standing and parking restrictions (Repealed by 1359) |
1286 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 9.50, nuisance abatement (9.50) |
1287 | Amends § 2.48.190, police department (2.48) |
1288 | Redevelopment code (Not codified) |
1289 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 8.12, animal control (8.12) |
1290 | Amends § 5.28.200, number of gaming rooms and tables restricted (5.28) |
1291 | Adds Ch. 18.48; amends §§ 18.46.010, 18.46.030 and 18.46.040, planned unit development (18.46, 18.48) |
1292 | Adds Ch. 18.96, special uses and performance standards (18.96) |
1293 | Adds Ch. 18.61, solid waste/recycling and enclosures (18.61) |
1294 | Adds Ch. 18.97, density bonuses (18.97) |
1295 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 18.68, nonconforming uses and structures (18.68) |
1296 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 18.60, parking regulations (18.60) |
1297 | Amends § 18.24.010; repeals and replaces §§ 18.24.030 and 18.34.030 (Repealed by 1365) |
1298 | Amends §§ 18.64.010, 18.64.020, 18.64.030, 18.64.050, 18.64.055 and 18.64.070; repeals §§ 18.20.090, 18.22.090, 18.26.035, 18.28.035, 18.30.035, 18.32.035, 18.36.035, 18.38.035, 18.40.035, 18.56.060, 18.58.050, zoning (Repealed by 1374) |
1299 | Adds §§ 18.04.120, 18.04.121, 18.04.122, 18.04.123, 18.04.127, 18.04.128, 18.04.129, 18.04.175, 18.04.301, 18.04.352, 18.04.355, 18.04.387, 18.04.450, 18.04.471, 18.08.120, and 18.86.095; amends §§ 18.04.080, 18.04.150, 18.04.160, 18.04.180, 18.04.210, 18.04.359, 18.04.490, 18.08.070, 18.12.030, 18.12.040, 18.16.020, 18.16.030(e), 18.16.045, 18.16.065, 18.18.020, 18.18.030(e), 18.18.045, 18.18.065, 18.20.030, 18.20.045, 18.20.065, 18.22.030, 18.22.045, 18.50.020, 18.54.030, 18.58.070, 18.59.030, 18.59.040(b), 18.60.040, 18.62.010, 18.62.020(c), 18.63.010, 18.63.060, 18.76.020, 18.76.040, 18.84.070(c), 18.86.030, 18.86.050, 18.86.100, 18.86.110, 18.87.020, 18.87.030, 18.87.040, 18.87.060, 18.87.070, 18.90.040, 18.94.020, 18.94.030, 18.94.040, 18.94.060, 18.94.070, and 18.94.110; renumbers § 18.04.120 to § 18.04.115, § 18.04.123 to § 18.04.124, § 18.04.124 to § 18.04.125, § 18.04.125 to § 18.04.126, § 18.04.130 to § 18.04.131, and § 18.04.300 to § 18.04.295; repeals §§ 18.20.085, 18.22.085, 18.84.070(d) and 18.86.120; repeals and replaces §§ 18.08.110, 18.63.090, 18.72.050, and 18.76.050, zoning (18.08, 18.12, 18.50, 18.54, 18.58, 18.59, 18.60, 18.62, 18.63, 18.84, 18.86, 18.87, 18.94) |
1300 | Amends PERS contract (Not codified) |
1301 | Amends PERS contract (Not codified) |
1302 | Amends zoning map (Not codified) |
1303 | Amends § 18.24.030, commercial use table (Repealed by 1365) |
1304 | Adds §§ 18.04.067, 18.04.354, and 18.84.100; amends §§ 18.04.350, 18.16.040, 18.16.050, 18.18.020, 18.18.040, 18.18.050, 18.20.020, 18.20.040, 18.20.050, 18.22.020, 18.22.040, 18.22.050 and 18.84.070; repeals §§ 18.16.065, 18.18.065 and 18.22.065, zoning (18.84) |
1305 | Adds § 6.04.095, backwater protection devices for sewer services (6.04) |
1306 | Amends zoning map (Not codified) |
1307 | Amends zoning map (Not codified) |
1308 | Adds §§ 18.04.351 and 18.20.060; amends §§ 18.24.030, 18.28.010, 18.38.030 and 18.64.050; renames Ch. 18.28; repeals §§ 18.20.065 and 18.64.090, zoning (Repealed by 1374) |
1309 | Adds § 2.32.015; amends §§ 2.16.030, 2.16.050 and 2.62.010; repeals and replaces §§ 2.16.020, 2.48.100, 2.52.010 and 2.60.010; changes “city administrator” to “city manager” throughout code, charter amendments (1.11, 2.04, 2.10, 2.16, 2.32, 2.48, 2.52, 2.62, 2.72, 2.76, 5.32, 6.32, 8.04, 9.50, 16.50, 18.63, 18.95) |
1310 | Amends § 10.90.010, vehicle and traffic fines (Repealed by 1358) |
1311 | Amends § 10.90.040, vehicle and traffic fines (Repealed by 1358) |
1312 | Redevelopment code (Not codified) |
1313 | Amends § 10.90.010, vehicle and traffic fines (Repealed by 1358) |
1314 | Amends §§ 13.04.015 and 18.84.070(e), residential district accessory uses (18.84) |
1315 | Amends § 10.48.060(5), diagonal parking zones (Repealed by 1359) |
1316 | Adds § 20.04.050(21) and (40); amends §§ 20.04.050(5), 20.04.060 and 20.12.040(c); renumbers § 20.04.050(21) through (38) to be 20.04.050(22) through (39); repeals and replaces §§ 20.04.070, 20.08.020, 20.08.030(1) and (3), 20.12.060, 20.16.010(f) and 20.16.020(f), floodplain management (20.04, 20.08, 20.12, 20.16) |
1317 | Not adopted |
1318 | Amends § 5.28.200, number of gaming rooms and tables restricted (5.28) |
1319 | Adds § 13.20.050; amends §§ 13.20.065, 13.24.030 and 13.24.040; renumbers §§ 13.04.015 to be 13.04.020, 13.04.020 to be 13.04.040, 13.04.040 to be 13.04.050, 13.04.050 to be 13.04.030, 13.20.040 to be 13.20.070, 13.20.046 to be 13.20.040 and 13.20.050 to be 13.20.045; repeals and replaces §§ 13.04.010, 13.04.020, 13.04.030, Ch. 13.12, §§ 13.16.010, 13.20.010, 13.20.030(c), 13.20.040, 13.20.045, 13.20.060, 13.20.070, 13.20.095, 13.24.010, 13.37.010, 13.38.010 and 14.04.010, building codes; repeals Ch. 13.32 (13.04, 13.12, 13.16, 13.24, 13.37, 13.38, 14.04) |
1320 | Amends § 2.40.040, removal of planning and historic preservation commission members from office (2.40) |
1321 | Adds Ch. 3.05, transactions and use tax (3.05) |
1322 | Not adopted |
1323 | Adds Ch. 10.18, franchises for police towing services (10.18) |
1324 | Amends § 2.70.040, removal of cemetery commission members from office (2.40) |
1325 | Amends §§ 18.72.020 and 18.76.020, hearing procedures (Repealed by 1365) |
1326 | Adds Chs. 16.60, swimming in Ellis and East Lakes prohibited, and 16.70, boating prohibited—exceptions (16.60, 16.70) |
1327 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 6.20, stormwater quality management and discharge control (6.20) |
1328 | Amends § 5.28.210(14), gaming clubs (5.28) |
1329 | Amends zoning map (Special) |
1330 | Adds § 10.48.060(29) [(30)], stopping, standing and parking—restrictions (Repealed by 1359) |
1331 | Adds Ch. 18.67, medical marijuana clinic regulations; amends §§ 18.08.070, 18.24.030 and 18.34.030, interim zoning regulations (18.08, 18.67) |
1332 | Adds Ch. 18.67, medical marijuana clinic regulations; amends §§ 18.08.070, 18.24.030 and 18.34.030, zoning (18.08, 18.67) |
1333 | Amends § 10.48.060, stopping, standing and parking—restrictions (Repealed by 1359) |
1334 | Amends §§ 9.08.010 and 9.08.020, disturbing the peace (9.08) |
1335 | Adds § 16.04.035, skate parks (16.04) |
1336 | Adds § 20.04.050(21); amends §§ 20.04.050(26) [(27)], 20.04.070, 20.08.030(3) and 20.12.080; renumbers § 20.04.050(21) through (38) to be 20.04.050(22) through (39), floodplain management (20.04, 20.08, 20.12) |
1337 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 5.36, regulation of taxicabs (5.36) |
1338 | Amends § 10.43.040, prohibited parking or standing (Repealed by 1359) |
1339 | Amends § 10.52.035, no stopping, standing or parking (Repealed by 1359) |
1340 | Declares participation in alternative voluntary redevelopment program (Not codified) |
1341 | Declares participation in alternative voluntary redevelopment program (Not codified) |
1342 | Not adopted |
1343 | Amends §§ 18.24.020, 18.24.030, 18.34.020, 18.34.030, 18.54.020 and 18.54.030, zoning (18.54) |
1344 | Amends § 5.48.270, massage establishment license exceptions (Repealed by 1414) |
1345 | Amends §§ 10.32.050(4) and (31), stop intersections (10.32) |
1346 | Amends §§ 4.04.020 and 4.04.070, business improvement district (Repealed by 1362) |
1347 | Not adopted |
1348 | Amends §§ 5.28.150(a) and 5.28.210(14), gaming clubs (5.28) |
1349 | Amends §§ 10.32.050(8), (9) and (29), stop intersections (10.32) |
1350 | Amends § 5.04.040, branch establishment business licenses (5.04) |
1351 | Not adopted |
1352 | Not adopted |
1353 | Temporary sign regulations for businesses affected by Caltrans Highway 20/70 construction project (Not codified) |
1354 | Amends contract with California Public Employees’ Retirement System (Special) |
1355 | Adds § 2.10.045; amends §§ 2.04.050, 2.04.060, 2.04.240, 2.04.255, 2.10.040, 2.16.020, 2.32.010, 2.48.100, 2.52.020, 2.68.050 and 2.76.090, updating outdated references (2.04, 2.10, 2.16, 2.32, 2.48, 2.52, 2.68, 2.76) |
1356 | Amends §§ 2.44.010, 2.48.110, 2.62.010, 2.68.060 and 2.76.020; repeals §§ 2.20.010, 2.20.020, 2.24.010, 2.24.020, 2.44.020, 2.44.030, 2.44.040, 2.48.010, 2.56.010, 2.56.020 and 2.60.010, updating outdated references (2.44, 2.48, 2.62, 2.68, 2.76) |
1357 | Amends §§ 2.72.030, 2.72.080, 2.72.090, 2.72.100 and 2.72.120; repeals §§ 2.72.040, 2.72.050, 2.72.060, 2.72.070 and 2.72.110, personnel system (2.72) |
1358 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 10.90, vehicles and traffic penalties (10.90) |
1359 | Repeals and replaces Chs. 10.43, 10.44, 10.48, 10.50 and 10.52, vehicles and traffic (10.43, 10.44, 10.48, 10.50, 10.52) |
1360 | Adds § 10.52.060; amends §§ 10.44.040 and 10.52.020, vehicles and traffic (10.44, 10.52) |
1361 | Adds § 16.10.035; amends § 16.10.080, Riverfront Park (16.10) |
1362 | Repeals Title 4, downtown business improvement district (Repealer) |
1363 | Amends § 10.56.030(a)(4), truck routes (10.56) |
1364 | Amends § 18.64.050, signs (Repealed by 1374) |
1365 | Adds § 18.08.130; repeals and replaces Chs. 18.04, 18.16, 18.24, 18.34, 18.72, 18.76 and 18.80; repeals Chs. 18.18, 18.20, 18.22, 18.26, 18.28, 18.30, 18.32, 18.36, 18.38 and 18.40, zoning (18.04, 18.08, 18.16, 18.24, 18.34, 18.72, 18.76, 18.80) |
1366 | Amends §§ 16.03.020, 16.04.015, 16.10.010, 16.20.010, 16.50.030, 16.50.040 and 16.50.060, parks and recreation areas (16.03, 16.04, 16.10, 16.20, 16.50) |
1367 | Amends §§ 10.28.020, 10.32.050, 10.32.060 and 10.48.060; repeals § 10.44.050, vehicles and traffic (10.28, 10.32, 10.48) |
1368 | Amends § 2.04.010, city council meetings (2.04) |
1369 | (Did not pass) |
1370 | Amends §§ 2.76.020(4) and 8.12.050, administrative services director (2.76, 8.12) |
1371 | Adds § 9.50.265; amends §§ 9.50.180(e)(2)(B), 9.50.200(c)(1), 9.50.240, 9.50.250, 9.50.260, 9.50.270 and 9.50.280, nuisance abatement (9.50) |
1372 | Adds §§ 18.04.177, 18.04.304, 18.04.355, 18.04.388, 18.04.447, 18.04.448, 18.50.020(6), 18.84.110 and 18.96.070; amends §§ 18.04.302, 18.04.354, 18.04.450, 18.16.020, 18.24.020, 18.34.020, 18.54.030, 18.88.030, 18.96.060, 18.97.020, 18.97.040(a)(1), 18.97.080(b) and 18.97.120(d); renumbers §§ 18.04.304 to 18.04.305 and 18.04.305 to 18.04.306; repeals and replaces Ch. 18.90; repeals §§ 18.04.356, 18.04.357 and 18.04.358, zoning (18.04, 18.16, 18.24, 18.34, 18.50, 18.54, 18.84, 18.88, 18.90, 18.96, 18.97) |
1373 | Adds §§ 16.70.020, 16.70.030 and 16.70.040; amends § 16.70.010, boating in Ellis and East Lakes (16.70) |
1374 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 18.64, signs (Repealed by 1391) |
1375 | Amends § 2.04.010, city council meetings (2.04) |
1376 | Adds §§ 16.10.041, 16.10.042, 16.10.043 and 16.10.044; amends §§ 16.10.040 and 16.10.080, Riverfront Park watercraft launch facility (16.10) |
1377 | Amends contract with California Public Employees’ Retirement System (Special) |
1378 | Adds §§ 18.04.300 and 18.60.021; amends Tables 18.24.020 and 18.34.020 and § 18.59.030, medical arts district (18.04, 18.24, 18.34, 18.59, 18.60) |
1379 | (Pending) |
1380 | Adds Ch. 18.69, cannabis cultivation (18.69) |
1381 | Adds Ch. 5.10; amends §§ 18.67.030 and 18.67.040; repeals § 18.67.050, medical marijuana dispensaries (18.67) |
1382 | Adds [amends] Ch. 3.05, transactions and use tax (3.05) |
1383 | Amends zoning map; repeals Ords. 782 and 791 (Special) |
1384 | Adds § 5.10.055; amends §§ 5.10.050, 5.10.200(q) and (r) and 18.67.030, medical marijuana dispensaries (18.67) |
1385 | Adds Ch. 5.12, cannabis business tax (5.12) |
1386 | Amends §§ 13.04.010, 13.12.010, 13.16.010, 13.20.010 and 14.04.010, code adoption (13.04, 13.12, 13.16, 14.04) |
1387 | Amends § 9.65.040, overnight camping (Repealed by 1421) |
1388 | Adds § 3.05.160; amends § 3.05.120, transactions and use tax (3.05) |
1389 | Amends § 9.58.020, Halloween (9.58) |
1390 | Amends § 10.18.130, franchises for police towing services (10.18) |
1391 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 18.64, signs (18.64) |
1392 | Amends Table 18.34.020, industrial use table (18.34) |
1393 | Adds § 5.04.290(d); amends § 5.04.120(c), business license (5.04) |
1394 | Amends § 2.44.010(a), departments (2.44) |
1395 | Amends § 16.60.010, swimming in Ellis and East Lakes prohibited (16.60) |
1396 | Adds § 18.08.140; amends §§ 18.08.070, 18.67.060 and 18.67.120, zoning (18.08, 18.67) |
1397 | Adds § 2.16.100, community development and services department (2.16) |
1398 | Amends § 16.70.010, boating in Ellis and East Lakes (16.70) |
1399 | Amends § 2.04.150, city council (2.04) |
1400 | Amends §§ 5.50.060 and 5.50.090(1), burglary and robbery alarm systems (5.50) |
1401 | Moratorium on adult use cannabis sales (Expired) |
1402 | Amends §§ 8.12.240, 8.12.310, 8.12.390 and 8.12.410, animal control (8.12) |
1403 | Adds §§ 6.20.125, 6.20.126, 6.20.127, 6.20.128 and 6.20.129, stormwater pretreatment standards (6.20) |
1404 | Adds §§ 9.04.140(f), 13.20.071 and 16.03.015; amends Ch. 5.10, Table 18.34.020, § 18.64.060 and Chs. 18.67 and 18.69, cannabis (5.10, 9.04, 16.03, 18.34, 18.64, 18.67, 18.69) |
1405 | Adds § 13.20.066; amends §§ 13.20.010, 13.20.040, 13.20.045, 13.20.070 and 13.20.100, fire code (Repealed by 1427) |
1406 | Urgency ordinance pertaining to adult use cannabis (Expired) |
1407 | Amends § 5.50.090(1), false alarm service charges (5.50) |
1408 | Amends Ch. 10.90, vehicle and traffic penalties (10.90) |
1409 | Amends Table 18.24.020 and § 18.67.015, cannabis testing laboratory (18.24, 18.67) |
1410 | Adds § 6.04.075, service lateral (6.04) |
1411 | Amends Ch. 5.12, cannabis business tax (5.12) |
1412 | Amends § 18.67.030, commercial cannabis activity (18.67) |
1413 | Adds § 10.90.050, additional penalties/fees (10.90) |
1414 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 5.48, massage establishments and massage therapists (Repealed by 1451) |
1415 | Amends § 8.12.410; repeals Ch. 8.13, violations (8.12) |
1416 | Amends §§ 10.42.020 and 10.42.030; renames Ch. 10.42, cruising (10.42) |
1417 | Rezone (Special) |
1418 | Development agreement (Special) |
1419 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 5.10, licensing and business regulations for commercial cannabis activity (5.10) |
1420 | Amends Ch. 18.67, commercial cannabis activity (18.67) |
1421 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 9.65, camping and storage of personal property on private and public property (9.65) |
1422 | Adds §§ 8.04.130(c), 8.12.410, 8.12.420 and 8.12.430; amends § 8.12.390(a); amends and renumbers § 8.12.410 as 8.12.440, animal control (8.04, 8.12) |
1423 | Amends § 9.50.100(b)(12), specified nuisances (9.50) |
1424 | Amends §§ 13.04.010, 13.20.010 and 14.04.010, building and fire codes (13.04, 14.04) |
1425 | Amends Ch. 5.12, cannabis business tax (5.12) |
1426 | Urgency ordinance permitting temporary housing on property zoned C-3 (Special) |
1427 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 13.20, fire code (13.20) |
1428 | Amends §§ 18.04.370 and 18.96.050, service stations (18.04, 18.96) |
1429 | Adds § 18.86.075; amends § 18.86.070, water efficient landscaping (18.86) |
1430 | Urgency ordinance adding Chs. 9.67 and 9.68, needle exchange programs (Not codified) |
1431 | Adds Chs. 9.67 and 9.68, needle exchange programs (9.67, 9.68) |
1432 | Amends §§ 5.10.075(c), 5.10.120(e), 5.10.130(b), 5.10.150, 5.10.160(a), 5.10.170(a), (d), (e) and (f), licensing and business regulations for commercial cannabis activity (5.10) |
1433 | Adds Ch. 5.58, pedicabs (5.58) |
1434 | Amends § 5.12.050, cannabis business tax imposed (5.12) |
1435 | Adds Ch. 11.32, small cell wireless facilities (11.32) |
1436 | Adds Ch. 13.50, CALGreen construction material diversion, recycling collection, and water efficient landscape requirements (13.50) |
1437 | Amends § 8.12.390(a), Tables 18.16.030, 18.16.040, 18.16.050, 18.16.060, 18.24.030, 18.24.040, 18.24.050, 18.24.060, 18.34.030, 18.34.040, §§ 18.84.070 and 18.87.010, barbed wire and security fence regulations (8.12, 18.16, 18.24, 18.34, 18.84, 18.87) |
1438 | Adds § 6.04.131; amends § 6.04.120, payment of sewer service charges (6.04) |
1439 | Approves military equipment use policy (Not codified) |
1440 | Amends zoning map (Special) |
1441 | Adds Ch. 13.26, electric vehicle charging stations (13.26) |
1442 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 5.40, state video service franchises (5.40) |
1443 | Amends § 2.76.010, purchases (2.76) |
1444 | Amends § 6.04.140, sewers and sewage disposal (6.04) |
1445 | Adds § 9.50.290; amends §§ 9.50.020(b), 9.50.160(b)(8), 9.50.170, 9.50.180(e)(1) and (e)(2)(B) and 9.50.200(a), nuisance abatement code (9.50) |
1446 | |
1447 | Adds Ch. 11.09, street cut moratorium (11.09) |
1448 | Amends Article 2 of Title 5, Part 4, Chapter 4 of administrative code (Administrative Code) |
1449 | Amends § 18.60.020, central business district exceptions (18.60) |
1450 | Noise ordinance for transportation and new construction (9.07) |
1451 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 5.48, massage establishments and massage therapists (5.48) |
1452 | Adds §§ 2.76.112, 2.76.113, 2.76.121, 2.76.122, 2.76.125, 2.76.126, 2.76.130 and 2.76.170; amends §§ 2.76.020(4), 2.76.080, 2.76.120, 2.76.140, 2.76.150(4) and 2.76.160, purchases (2.76) |
1453 | Adds §§ 3.05.170 and 3.05.180; amends §§ 3.05.030(c), 3.05.040, 3.05.060, 3.05.090 and 3.05.160, transactions and use tax (3.05) |
1454 | Amends [adds] § 11.04.130; amends §§ 11.04.020, 11.04.030 and 11.04.040, improvement requirements and locations (11.04) |
1455 | Urgency ordinance amending § 9.50.130(a), nuisance abatement code (Not codified) |
1456 | Amends § 9.50.130(a), nuisance abatement code (9.50) |
1457 | Adds §§ 9.50.060(c), 9.50.210(c) and 9.50.251; amends §§ 9.50.060(b), 9.50.070 and 9.50.090(f), nuisance abatement code (9.50) |