This table lists all ordinances. If an ordinance is codified, its location in the code is cited by chapter number at the end of the ordinance description. Ordinances are codified if they are general, permanent, and/or include penalty provisions for noncompliance. “Not codified” indicates that the ordinance could have been codified but was not for some reason (superseded by a later ordinance, codified in a separate publication). “Special” means the ordinance was special in nature or for a specific period of time (e.g., budget, annexation, tax levy, street vacation).
1 | (Repealed by 274) |
2 | (Repealed by 274) |
3 | (Repealed by 33) |
4 | (Repealed by 274) |
5 | (Repealed by 274) |
6 | (Repealed by 274) |
7 | (Repealed by 274) |
8 | (Repealed by 274) |
9 | (Repealed by 274) |
10 | (Repealed by 274) |
11 | (Repealed by 274) |
12 | Franchises (Expired) |
13 | Franchises (Expired) |
14 | Franchises (Expired) |
15 | (Repealed by 274) |
16 | Franchises (Expired) |
17 | Franchises (Expired) |
18 | Franchises (Expired) |
19 | (Repealed by 274) |
20 | Franchises (Expired) |
21 | Franchises (Expired) |
22 | Public ways (Special) |
23 | (Repealed by 274) |
24 | (Repealed by 274) |
25 | (Repealed by 274) |
26 | (Repealed by 274) |
27 | (Repealed by 53) |
28 | (Repealed by 274) |
29 | (Repealed by 274) |
30 | (Repealed by 274) |
31 | Public ways (Special) |
32 | (Repealed by 274) |
33 | Sidewalk improvements (Special) |
34 | Elections (Special) |
35 | (Repealed by 274) |
36 | Franchises (Expired) |
37 | Franchises (Expired) |
38 | (Repealed by 274) |
39 | (Repealed by 286) |
40 | (Repealed by 274) |
41 | Miscellaneous (Special) |
42 | (Repealed by 295) |
43 | Bond issuance (Special) |
44 | Bond issuance (Special) |
45 | Franchises (Expired) |
46 | Sidewalk (Special) |
47 | (Repealed by 274) |
48 | Bond issuance (Special) |
49 | Sidewalk improvements (Special) |
50 | Sewer improvements (Special) |
51 | (Repealed by 274) |
52 | Franchises (Expired) |
53 | (Repealed by 117) |
54 | (Repealed by 274) |
55 | Public ways (Special) |
56 | Public ways (Special) |
57 | Public ways (Special) |
58 | (Repealed by 274) |
59 | Public ways (Special) |
60 | Public ways (Special) |
61 | Public ways (Special) |
62 | Public ways (Special) |
63 | Tax levies (Special) |
64 | Public ways (Special) |
65 | Miscellaneous (Special) |
66 | (Repealed by 663) |
67 | Bond issuance (Special) |
68 | (Repealed by 274) |
69 | (Repealed by 70) |
70 | Repealing ordinance (Special) |
71 | Elections (Special) |
72 | (Repealed by 274) |
73 | (Repealed by 274) |
74 | Tax levies (Special) |
75 | (Repealed by 274) |
76 | Public ways (Special) |
77 | Tax levies (Special) |
78 | Public ways (Special) |
79 | Tax levies (Special) |
80 | (Repealed by 274) |
81 | (Repealed by 286) |
82 | (Repealed by 284) |
83 | Elections (Special) |
84 | Tax levies (Special) |
85 | (Repealed by 281) |
86 | Tax levies (Special) |
87 | Franchises (Expired) |
88 | Bond issuance (Special) |
89 | Street improvements (Special) |
90 | Street improvements (Special) |
91 | Tax levies (Special) |
92 | Bond issuance (Special) |
93 | Franchises (Expired) |
94 | (Repealed by 274) |
95 | Tax levies (Special) |
96 | Tax levies (Special) |
97 | (Repealed by 638) |
98 | Tax levies (Special) |
99 | (Repealed by 286) |
100 | Tax levies (Special) |
101 | Tax levies (Special) |
102 | Tax levies (Special) |
103 | Franchises (Expired) |
104 | Tax levies (Special) |
105 | (Repealed by 282) |
106 | (Repealed by 282) |
107 | Tax levies (Special) |
108 | (Repealed by 624) |
109 | (Repealed by 274) |
109A | (Repealed by 284) |
110 | Elections (Special) |
111 | Bond issuance (Special) |
112 | (Repealed by 281) |
113 | Tax levies (Special) |
114 | (Repealed by 274) |
115 | Tax levies (Special) |
116 | (Repealed by 274) |
117 | (Repealed by 281) |
118 | Tax levies (Special) |
119 | (Repealed by 283) |
120 | Tax levies (Special) |
121 | Public protection – Fire department (2.05) |
122 | Tax levies (Special) |
123 | Franchises (Expired) |
124 | Tax levies (Special) |
125 | (Repealed by 281) |
126 | (Repealed by 274) |
127 | Tax levies (Special) |
128 | Tax levies (Special) |
129 | Public ways (Special) |
130 | Tax levies (Special) |
131 | Tax levies (Special) |
132 | Public ways (Special) |
133 | Franchises (Expired) |
134 | Franchises (Expired) |
135 | Tax levies (Special) |
136 | Bond issuance (Special) |
137 | (Repealed by 194) |
138 | Tax levies (Special) |
139 | (Missing) |
140 | Franchises (Expired) |
141 | (Repealed by 274) |
142 | (Repealed by 274) |
143 | Elections (Special) |
144 | Tax levies (Special) |
145 | Tax levies (Special) |
146 | Elections (Special) |
147 | Bond issuance (Special) |
148 | (Repealed by 274) |
149 | Elections (Special) |
150 | (Repealed by 274) |
151 | Elections (Special) |
152 | Franchises (Expired) |
153 | Franchises (Expired) |
154 | Miscellaneous (Special) |
155 | (Repealed by 274) |
156 | Tax levies (Special) |
157 | (Repealed by 274) |
158 | (Repealed by 274) |
159 | Bond issuance (Special) |
160 | (Repealed by 274) |
161 | (Repealed by 637) |
162 | (Repealed by 605) |
163 | (Repealed by 658) |
164 | Tax levies (Special) |
165 | (Repealed by 654) |
166 | (Repealed by 274) |
167 | (Repealed by 645) |
168 | (Repealed by 398 and 518) |
169 | (Missing) |
170 | Elections (Special) |
171 | (Repealed by 480) |
172 | Elections (Special) |
173 | (Failed) |
174 | Elections (Special) |
175 | Franchises (Expired) |
176 | Franchises (Expired) |
177 | (Missing) |
178 | Franchises (Expired) |
179 | Franchises (Expired) |
180 | Bond issuance (Special) |
181 | (Missing) |
182 | (Missing) |
183 | (Missing) |
184 | (Missing) |
185 | (Repealed by 446) |
186 | (Repealed by 544) |
187 | Miscellaneous (Special) |
188 | (Repealed by 644) |
189 | (Repealed by 363) |
190 | Sidewalk improvements (Special) |
191 | (Repealed by 274) |
192 | Elections (Special) |
193 | Bond issuance (Special) |
194 | (Repealed by 605) |
195 | (Repealed by 274) |
196 | (Repealed by 274) |
197 | (Repealed by 274) |
198 | Miscellaneous (Special) |
199 | Miscellaneous (Special) |
200 | Elections (Special) |
201 | (Repealed by 274) |
202 | (Repealed by 605) |
203 | (Repealed by 597) |
204 | (Repealed by 446) |
205 | (Repealed by 605) |
206 | (Repealed by 446) |
207 | (Repealed by 657) |
208 | Elections (Special) |
209 | Elections (Special) |
210 | Sidewalk improvements (Special) |
211 | Annexations (Special) |
212 | (Missing) |
213 | (Repealed by 215) |
214 | Sanitation – Sewer (13.15) |
215 | Bond issuance (Special) |
216 | Planning – Trailer coach/house parking (18.125) |
217 | Bond issuance (Special) |
218 | Elections (Special) |
219 | Bond issuance (Special) |
220 | Bond issuance (Special) |
221 | (Expired) |
222 | Elections (Special) |
223 | (Repealed by 525) |
224 | Street improvements (Special) |
225 | Elections (Special) |
226 | Sidewalk improvements (Special) |
227 | Sidewalk improvements (Special) |
228 | Annexations (Special) |
229 | Miscellaneous (Special) |
230 | (Superseded by 393) |
231 | Bond issuance (Special) |
232 | Elections (Special) |
233 | Annexations (Special) |
234 | Building – Antennas (15.30) |
235 | Public protection – Fire code (15.20) |
236 | (Repealed by 237) |
237 | (Repealed by 238 and 246) |
238 | Bond issuance (Special) |
239 | (Expired) |
240 | Annexations (Special) |
241 | (Repealed by 370 and 504) |
242 | Public ways (Special) |
243 | Elections (Special) |
244 | (Repealed by 501) |
245 | (Expired) |
246 | (Repealed by 247) |
247 | Bond issuance (Special) |
248 | (Expired) |
249 | (Repealed by 288) |
250 | (Expired) |
251 | Utilities – Water department (13.05) |
252 | (Repealed by 278) |
253 | (Repealed by 501) |
254 | Public ways (Special) |
255 | (Repealed by 619) |
256 | (Superseded by 393) |
257 | (Expired) |
258 | (Expired) |
259 | (Repealed by 656) |
260 | (Repealed by 644) |
261 | Public protection – Explosives (8.15) |
262 | (Repealed by 361) |
263 | (Repealed by 392) |
264 | Annexations (Special) |
265 | Franchises (Special) |
266 | Franchises (Special) |
267 | Annexations (Special) |
268 | Franchises (Special) |
269 | Franchises (Special) |
270 | (Repealed by 286) |
271 | Elections (Special) |
272 | Elections (Special) |
273 | Franchises (Special) |
274 | Repealing ordinance (Special) |
275 | (Repealed by 501) |
276 | Franchises (Expired) |
277 | Franchises (Expired) |
278 | Repeals Ord. 252 (Repealer) |
279 | (Repealed by 525) |
280 | Local improvements (Special) |
281 | Repealing ordinance (Special) |
282 | (Repealed by 639) |
283 | (Repealed by 639) |
284 | (Repealed by 412) |
285 | (Superseded by 393) |
286 | (Repealed by 646) |
287 | Franchises (Expired) |
288 | (Repealed by 370) |
288A | Annexation (Special) |
288B | Annexation (Special) |
289 | (Superseded by 393) |
290 | (Number not used) |
291 | Bond issuance (Special) |
292 | Franchises (Expired) |
293 | Annexations (Special) |
294 | (Missing) |
295 | (Repealed by 647) |
296 | (Repealed by 597) |
297 | (Repealed by 369) |
298 | Bond issuance (Special) |
299 | Elections (Special) |
300 | Bond issuance (Special) |
301 | (Repealed by 302) |
302 | Bond issuance (Special) |
303 | Bond issuance (Special) |
304 | Miscellaneous (Special) |
305 | Miscellaneous (Special) |
306 | Miscellaneous (Special) |
307 | Amends Ord. 203, government (Repealed by 597) |
308 | Building – Gas (15.25) |
309 | (Repealed by 351) |
310 | Amends Ord. 260, traffic (Repealed by 644) |
311 | Public ways (Special) |
312 | Franchises (Expired) |
313 | Amends Ord. 260, traffic (Repealed by 644) |
313A | Public improvements (Special) |
314 | (Repealed by 656) |
315 | Amends Ord. 260, traffic (Repealed by 644) |
315A | (Repealed by 664) |
316 | Local improvements (12.05) |
317 | (Repealed by 519) |
318 | Franchises (Expired) |
319 | (Repealed by 361) |
320 | Miscellaneous (Special) |
321 | (Repealed by 561) |
321A | Miscellaneous (Special) |
322 | (Repealed by 645) |
323 | Franchises (Expired) |
324 | Government – Establishes planning commission (2.15) |
325 | (Repealed by 655) |
326 | (Repealed by 367) |
327 | (Repealed by 469) |
328 | Franchises (Expired) |
329 | Amends Ord. 203, government (Repealed by 597) |
330 | Amends Ord. 251, utilities (13.05) |
331 | Government – Retirement trust |
332 | Amends Charter (Special) |
333 | Bond issuance (Special) |
334 | Miscellaneous (Special) |
335 | (Repealed by 338) |
336 | Miscellaneous (Special) |
337 | (Repealed by 504) |
338 | Bond issuance (Special) |
339 | Annexation (Special) |
340 | Bond issuance (Special) |
341 | (Repealed by 343A) |
342 | Amends Ord. 251, utilities (13.05) |
343 | Annexation (Special) |
343A | Tax levy (Special) |
344 | Public ways (Special) |
345 | Amends Ord. 324, government (2.15) |
346 | (Did not pass) |
347 | Amends Charter (Special) |
348 | (Expired) |
349 | (Repealed by 592) |
350 | Amends Ords. 324 and 345, government (2.15) |
351 | Repealing ordinance (Special) |
352 | (Repealed by 469) |
353 | Amends Ord. 203, government (Repealed by 597) |
354 | (Repealed by 430) |
355 | Public ways (Special) |
356 | (Repealed by 621) |
357 | Bond issuance (Special) |
358 | Annexation (Special) |
359 | Amends Ord. 316, land improvement (12.05) |
360 | (Repealed by 504) |
361 | (Repealed by 627) |
362 | Jones Intercable franchise (13.55) |
363 | (Repealed by 408) |
364 | Annexation (Special) |
365 | (Repealed by 374) |
366 | (Expired) |
367 | Building (Repealer) |
368 | (Repealed by 469) |
369 | (Number not used) |
370 | (Repealed by 504) |
371 | (Repealed by 374) |
372 | Bond issuance (Special) |
373 | Amends Ord. 251, utilities (13.05) |
374 | Bond issuance (Special) |
375 | Bond issuance (Special) |
376 | Bond issuance (Special) |
377 | Annexation (Special) |
378 | Annexation (Special) |
379 | Annexation (Special) |
380 | Amends Ords. 260, 312 and 313, traffic (Repealed by 644) |
381 | (Superseded by 393) |
382 | (Repealed by 480) |
383 | (Superseded by 393) |
384 | Amends Ord. 354, planning (Repealed by 430) |
385 | (Repealed by 462) |
386 | Annexation (Special) |
387 | Annexation (Special) |
388 | WP Gas franchise (Repealed by 730) |
389 | (Repealed by 646) |
390 | Franchise (Expired) |
391 | Amends Ord. 331, government |
392 | (Repealed by 408) |
393 | (Repealed by 468) |
394 | (Repealed by 644) |
395 | Annexation (Special) |
396 | Annexation (Special) |
397 | Franchise (Expired) |
398 | (Repealed by 644) |
399 | (Repealed by 501) |
400 | (Repealed by 446) |
401 | (Repealed by 605) |
402 | (Expired) |
403 | Franchise (Expired) |
404 | Budget (Special) |
405 | Public protection – Fire department (10.10) |
406 | (Repealed by 480) |
407 | Annexation (Special) |
408 | (Repealed by 498) |
409 | Amends Ord. 251, utilities (13.05) |
410 | (Repealed by 627) |
411 | (Repealed by 469) |
412 | Government – Council meetings (Repealed by 766) |
413 | Annexation (Special) |
414 | Franchise (Expired) |
415 | (Repealed by 652) |
416 | (Superseded by 468) |
417 | Annexation (Special) |
418 | Annexation (Special) |
419 | Annexation (Special) |
420 | (Repealed by 645) |
421 | (Repealed by 645) |
422 | Public ways (Special) |
423 | Annexation (Special) |
424 | (Repealed by 468) |
425 | Amends Ords. 324 and 325, government (2.15) |
426 | Government – City council (Repealed by 739) |
427 | Franchise (Expired) |
428 | (Repealed by 503) |
429 | Annexation (Special) |
430 | (Repealed by 468) |
431 | Annexation (Special) |
432 | (Repealed by 468) |
433 | (Superseded by 468) |
434 | Public protection – Adopts fire code (15.15) |
435 | (Repealed by 446) |
436 | Tax levy (Special) |
437 | Budget (Special) |
438 | Utilities – Water usage/shortage (13.10) |
439 | Utilities – Water rates (Not codified) |
440 | (Repealed by 498) |
441 | (Repealed by 468) |
442 | Public ways (Special) |
443 | (Repealed by 519) |
444 | Annexation (Special) |
445 | (Repealed by 468) |
446 | (Repealed by 474) |
447 | Budget (Special) |
448 | (Repealed by 468) |
449 | Budget (Special) |
450 | Budget (Special) |
451 | (Expired) |
452 | Annexation (Special) |
453 | (Repealed by 655) |
454 | (Repealed by 597) |
455 | Franchise (Expired) |
456 | (Superseded by 513) |
457 | Annexation (Special) |
458 | Annexation (Special) |
459 | Amends Ord. 426, government (Repealed by 739) |
460 | Annexation (Special) |
461 | (Repealed by 468) |
462 | Government; repeals Ord. 385 |
463 | (Superseded by 468) |
464 | Budget (Special) |
465 | Budget (Special) |
466 | Recreation area designation (Special) |
467 | Budget (Special) |
468 | (Repealed by 508) |
469 | Planning – Regulates subdivisions (17.05, 17.10, 17.15, 17.20, 17.25, 17.30, 17.35, 17.40, 17.45, 17.50, 17.55) |
470 | Budget (Special) |
471 | Budget (Special) |
472 | Franchise (Expired) |
473 | (Repealed by 508) |
474 | Building code (15.05) |
475 | Lease CPN parking lot (Special) |
476 | (Repealed by 644) |
477 | (Repealed by 650) |
478 | (Repealed by 508) |
479 | Budget (Special) |
480 | (Repealed by 652) |
481 | Annexation (Special) |
482 | Annexation (Special) |
483 | Annexation (Special) |
484 | Annexation (Special) |
485 | Annexation (Special) |
486 | Annexation (Special) |
487 | Annexation (Special) |
488 | Public protection – Building and fire codes (15.15) |
489 | Budget (Special) |
490 | Budget (Special) |
491 | Annexation (Special) |
492 | Annexation (Special) |
493 | (Repealed by 508) |
494 | (Repealed by 508) |
495 | Public ways (Special) |
496 | (Repealed by 621) |
497 | Franchise (Expired) |
498 | (Repealed by 651) |
499 | (Repealed by 508) |
500 | (Repealed by 508) |
501 | Offenses – Dog license (6.05) |
502 | Government – Park commission (2.10) |
503 | Offenses – Park hours (12.25) |
504 | (Repealed by 645) |
505 | (Repealed by 508) |
506 | Amends Ord. 501, offenses (6.05) |
507 | Budget (Special) |
508 | Planning – Zoning (18.05, 18.10, 18.20, 18.25, 18.30, 18.35, 18.40, 18.45, 18.50, 18.55, 18.60, 18.65, 18.70, 18.75, 18.80, 18.85, 18.90, 18.95, 18.100, 18.105, 18.110, 18.115, 18.120, 18.130, 18.135, 18.140, 18.145, 18.150, 18.155, 18.160, 18.165, 18.170, 18.175, 18.180, 18.185, 18.190, 18.195) |
509 | (Repealed by 539) |
510 | (Repealed by 652) |
511 | (Repealed by 741) |
512 | Amends Ord. 496 (LCDC), planning (Title 18) |
513 | Adopts comprehensive plan (18.15) |
514 | Utilities – Water rates (Not codified) |
515 | Budget (Special) |
516 | Rezone (Special) |
517 | Franchise (Expired) |
518 | (Repealed by 542) |
519 | Utilities – Outside water service (13.20) |
520 | Annexation (Special) |
521 | Rezone (Special) |
522 | Annexation (Special) |
523 | Amends Ord. 508, planning (Title 18) |
524 | Franchise (Expired) |
525 | Local improvement – LIDs (3.10) |
526 | Amends Ord. 508, planning (Title 18) |
527 | Budget (Special) |
528 | Amends Ord. 251, utilities (13.05) |
529 | Annexation (Special) |
530 | Annexation (Special) |
531 | (Repealed by 645) |
532 | Annexation (Special) |
533 | Offenses – Parks rules (12.25) |
534 | Annexation (Special) |
535 | (Not adopted) |
536 | Annexation (Special) |
537 | Annexation (Special) |
538 | Amends Ord. 508, planning (Title 18) |
539 | (Repealed by 645) |
540 | Budget (Special) |
541 | Public ways (Special) |
542 | (Repealed by 644) |
543 | Local improvements – Maintenance (12.20) |
544 | Planning – Street naming/numbering (12.15) |
545 | Amends Ord. 533, offenses (Not codified) |
546 | Public improvements (Special) |
547 | Public improvements (Special) |
548 | (Repealed by 664) |
549 | (Repealed by 644) |
550 | Budget (Special) |
551 | Amends Ord. 251, utilities (13.05) |
552 | Public improvements – LIDs (Special) |
553 | Public improvements – LIDs (Special) |
554 | Public improvements – LIDs (Special) |
555 | Amends Ord. 508, planning (Title 18) |
556 | (Repealed by 626) |
557 | Amends Ord. 251, utilities (13.05) |
558 | (Repealed by 741) |
559 | Amends Ord. 251, utilities (13.05) |
560 | Government – Court assessments (1.10) |
561 | PP&L franchise (Repealed by 756) |
562 | Budget (Special) |
563 | U.S. Sprint franchise (13.30) |
564 | Public improvements (Special) |
565 | Bond issuance (Special) |
566 | Public improvements (Special) |
567 | Amends Ord. 508, planning (Title 18) |
568 | (Repealed by 571) |
569 | (Repealed by 571) |
570 | Budget (Special) |
571 | AT&T franchise (13.35) |
572 | Government (Titles 17 and 18) |
573 | Public ways (Special) |
574 | Business – Taxicab service (Repealed by 866) |
575 | (Repealed by 580) |
576 | Finance (transfer airport) (Special) |
577 | Finance (Springbrook) (Special) |
578 | Budget (Special) |
579 | Airport advisory committee (Repealed by 11-006) |
580 | Utilities – Outside water service (13.20) |
581 | (Repealed by 597) |
582 | Annexation (Special) |
583 | Annexation (Special) |
584 | Annexation (Special) |
585 | Franchise (Expired) |
586 | Annexation (Special) |
587 | Amends Ord. 508, planning (Title 18) |
588 | Annexation (Special) |
589 | Annexation (Special) |
590 | Public improvement (Special) |
591 | Budget (Special) |
592 | CP National franchise (13.40) |
593 | (Repealed by 644) |
594 | Franchise (Expired) |
595 | (Number not used) |
596 | (Not passed) |
597 | Government – City council (Repealer) |
598 | Amends Ords. 508 and 513, planning (Title 18) |
599 | Amends Ord. 508, planning (Title 18) |
600 | Amends Ord. 501, offenses (6.05) |
601 | Budget (Special) |
602 | Amends Ord. 508, planning (Title 18) |
603 | Amends Ord. 508, planning (Title 18) |
604 | Offenses – Tobacco machines (Repealed by 867) |
605 | Business – License (Repealed by 729) |
606 | Amends Ord. 508, planning (Title 18) |
607 | Amends Ord. 513, planning (Special) |
608 | Annexation (Special) |
609 | Amends Ord. 469, planning (Title 17) |
610 | Amends Ord. 513, planning (Special) |
611 | Amends Ord. 513, planning (Special) |
612 | Annexation (Special) |
613 | Annexation (Special) |
614 | Budget (Special) |
615 | Amends Ord. 513, planning (Special) |
616 | Annexation (Special) |
617 | Annexation (Special) |
618 | Amends Ords. 508 and 513, planning (Special) |
619 | Building – Maintenance code (Repealed by 734) |
620 | Amends Ord. 508, planning (Title 18) |
621 | Government – City administrator |
622 | Government – Candidates for election (2.20) |
623 | Amends Ord. 324, planning (2.15) |
624 | Government – Initiative/referendum (Special) |
625 | Amends Ord. 579, airport commission (Repealed by 11-006) |
626 | Government – City records |
627 | Government – Right to jury trial (1.05) |
628 | Amends Ord. 426, government (Repealed by 739) |
629 | Franchise (Expired) |
630 | Amends Ords. 469 and 508, planning (Title 18) |
631 | Amends Ord. 513, planning (Special) |
632 | Annexation (Special) |
633 | (Number not used) |
634 | Budget (Special) |
635 | Amends Ord. 519, utilities (13.20) |
636 | Amends Ord. 619, building (Repealed by 734) |
637 | Public protection – Flammable liquids |
638 | Public protection – Fire debris |
639 | Offenses – Alcoholic liquid |
640 | Amends Ord. 508, planning (Title 18) |
641 | Amends Ord. 508, planning (Title 18) |
642 | Annexation (Special) |
643 | Annexation (Special) |
644 | Traffic – Vehicle and pedestrian (10.05) |
645 | Offenses – General (9.05) |
646 | Offenses – Public nuisance (8.05) |
647 | Government – Prisoners |
648 | Amends Ord. 508, planning (Title 18) |
649 | Amends Ord. 508, planning (Title 18) |
650 | |
651 | Sanitation – Private sewers (13.15) |
652 | (Repealer) |
653 | Amends Ord. 508, planning (Title 18) |
654 | (Repealer) |
655 | (Repealer) |
656 | Traffic – Discarded vehicles (8.10) |
657 | Business – Sales |
658 | (Repealer) |
659 | Budget (Special) |
660 | Planning – Driveway standards (Title 18) |
661 | Amends Ord. 316, local improvements (12.05) |
662 | Amends Ord. 525, local improvements (3.10) |
663 | Business – Advertising materials |
664 | (Repealer) |
665 | Annexation (Special) |
666 | Amends Ords. 508 and 513, planning (Special) |
667 | Local improvement – Vacation (Special) |
668 | (Repealed by 741) |
669 | Annexation (Special) |
670 | Amends Ord. 644, traffic – heavy truck parking (10.05) |
671 | Budget (Special) |
672 | Amends Ord. 668, government (Repealed by 741) |
673 | Planning – Fence heights (Title 18) |
674 | MCI franchise (13.45) |
675 | Public improvement – LIDs (Special) |
676 | Amends Ords. 508 and 513, planning (Special) |
677 | Amends Ord. 508, planning (Title 18) |
678 | Amends Ords. 508 and 513, planning (Special) |
679 | Amends Ord. 513, planning (Special) |
680 | Amends Ords. 508 and 513, planning (Special) |
681 | Amends Ords. 508 and 513, planning (Title 18) |
682 | Budget (Special) |
683 | Annexation (Special) |
684 | Amends Ord. 503, offenses (12.25) |
685 | Government – COG |
686 | South Umpqua Disposal franchise (Repealed by 790) |
687 | Amends Ord. 686, disposal franchise (Repealed by 790) |
688 | Amends Ord. 459, government (Repealed by 869) |
689 | |
690 | Amends Ord. 651, sanitation (13.15) |
691 | Budget (Special) |
692 | Budget (Special) |
693 | Amends zoning map (Special) |
694 | Amends Ord. 508, planning (Title 18) |
695 | Amends Ord. 508, planning (Title 18) |
696 | Amends Ord. 412, government |
697 | Amends Ord. 644, traffic (10.05) |
698 | Amends Ord. 645, offenses (9.05) |
699 | Planning – Adopts UGMA (Special) |
700 | Amends zoning map (Special) |
701 | Comprehensive plan amendment (Special) |
702 | Annexation (Special) |
703 | Revenue sharing (Special) |
704 | Utilities – SDCs (Repealed by 862) |
705 | Amends Ord. 502, park commission (2.10) |
706 | Amends Ord. 508, planning (Title 18) |
707 | Revenue sharing (Special) |
708 | Amends Ord. 216, planning (18.125) |
709 | Amends Ord. 426, government (Repealed by 739) |
710 | Revenue sharing (Special) |
711 | Comprehensive plan amendment (Special) |
712 | Comprehensive plan amendment (Special) |
713 | Planning – Measure 7 (Repealed by 727) |
714 | Local improvement – Reimbursement district (Repealed by 861) |
715 | Rezone (Special) |
716 | Rezone (Special) |
717 | Street name change (12.15) |
718 | Rezone (Special) |
719 | Rezone (Special) |
720 | Amends Ord. 686, franchise (Repealed by 790) |
721 | Charter Communications franchise (Repealed by 789) |
722 | Local improvement – Assessment (Special) |
723 | Traffic – Golf carts on city streets (10.15) |
724 | Amends Ord. 722, local improvement (Special) |
725 | Public ways – Street vacation (Special) |
726 | Amends Ord. 721, franchise (Repealed by 789) |
727 | Repeals Ord. 713, Measure 7 (Repealer) |
728 | Amends Ord. 704, SDCs (Repealed by 862) |
729 | Business license; repeals Ord. 605 (Repealed by 865) |
730 | Avista gas franchise; repeals Ord. 388 (13.60) |
731 | Amends Ords. 508 and 513, variances (Title 18) |
732 | Rezone (Special) |
733 | Rezone (Special) |
734 | Derelict buildings; repeals Ord. 619 (Repealed by 837) |
735 | Banning burning barrels – Offenses (9.10) |
736 | Rezone (Special) |
737 | Rezone (Special) |
738 | Amends Ord. 722, local improvement (Special) |
739 | Public contracting; repeals Ord. 426 (Repealed by 869) |
740 | Amends Ord. 508, zoning (Title 18) |
741 | Repeals Ords. 511, 558 and 668 (Repealer) |
742 | Amends Ords. 469 and 508 (Titles 17 and 18) |
743 | Rezone (Special) |
744 | Withdrawal (Special) |
745 | Annexation (Special) |
746 | Amends Ord. 502, park commission (2.10) |
747 | Government – TSP (Titles 17 and 18) |
748 | Government – Social gaming (5.10) |
749 | Amends Ords. 469 and 508 (Titles 17 and 18) |
750 | Amends Ord. 214, sewer (13.15) |
751 | Amends Ord. 251 (13.05) |
752 | Annexation (Special) |
753 | Rezone (Special) |
754 | Withdrawal (Special) |
755 | Annexation (Special) |
756 | Electric utility franchise; repeals Ord. 561 (13.25) |
757 | Rezone (Special) |
758 | Rezone (Special) |
759 | Rezone (Special) |
760 | Rezone (Special) |
761 | (Did not pass) |
762 | Annexation (Special) |
763 | Rezone (Special) |
764 | Franchise (Repealed by 790) |
765 | Government – Background check |
766 | City council rules and procedures; repeals Ord. 412 (2.01) |
767 | Amends Ords. 508, 653 and 700, zone change in central business district parking overlay (Titles 17 and 18) |
768 | Amends Ords. 508, 469 and 513, zoning, subdivisions and comprehensive plan (Titles 17 and 18) |
769 | Rezone (Special) |
09-001 | (Not passed) |
09-002 | Rezone (Special) |
09-003 | Amends Ch. 6, §§ 3 and 11, skateboards (10.05) |
09-004 | Amends Ord. 508, nonconforming uses (Title 18) |
09-005 | Amends Ord. 324, planning commission (2.15) |
09-007 | Amends Ord. 508, zoning (Title 18) |
10-003 | Street utility fee (Repealed by 864) |
11-001 | Amends Ord. 508, zoning (Title 18) |
11-004 | Amends Ord. 508, zoning (Title 18) |
11-005 | Amends Ord. 739 §§ 1 and 3, public contracting (Repealed by 869) |
11-006 | Repeals Ords. 579 and 625 (Repealer) |
11-007 | Douglas Fast Net franchise (Repealed by 842) |
12-001 | Amends Ord. 508 § 4.03.4, zoning (18.75) |
788 | Rezone (Special) |
789 | Charter Communications franchise; repeals Ord. 721 (Repealed by 812) |
790 | South Umpqua Disposal franchise; repeals Ord. 686 (Repealed by 825) |
791 | Amends Ord. 766, city council rules and procedures (2.01) |
792 | Code adoption (1.01) |
793 | Avista gas franchise (13.60) |
794 | Moratorium on medical marijuana facilities (Special) |
795 | Amends §§ 18.10.030, 18.85.010 and 18.85.030; repeals § 18.85.020, signs (18.10, 18.85) |
796 | Adds Ch. 3.25, marijuana and marijuana-infused product tax (Repealed by 802) |
797 | Adds Ch. 9.15, abatement of chronic disorderly properties (9.15) |
798 | Amends §§ 18.10.030, 18.70.180, 18.70.190 and 18.70.200, flood hazard area (18.10, 18.70) |
799 | Rezone (Special) |
800 | Amends zoning map and §§ 18.10.030, 18.45.030, 18.50.030 and 18.55.030, marijuana dispensaries and retail sales (18.10, 18.45, 18.50, 18.55) |
801 | (Not passed) |
802 | Repeals Ch. 3.25, marijuana and marijuana-infused product tax (Repealer) |
803 | Amends §§ 8.05.010 and 8.05.070, public nuisances (8.05) |
804 | Adds §§ 18.85.020 and 18.85.050; amends § 18.85.040(7), signs (18.85) |
805 | Annexation (Special) |
806 | Adds Ch. 5.25, recreational marijuana tax (Repealed by 868) |
807 | Adds §§ 18.55.040(14), 18.60.040(9) and 18.75.130; amends §§ 18.10.030, 18.45.030(1)(z), 18.50.030(1)(p), 18.55.030(1)(bb), 18.75.080 and 18.165.040, marijuana land uses (18.10, 18.45, 18.50, 18.55, 18.60, 18.75, 18.165) |
808 | Sprint Communications franchise (13.30) |
809 | Comprehensive plan amendment (Special) |
810 | Extends PacifiCorp franchise (13.25) |
811 | South Umpqua Disposal franchise (Repealed by 825) |
812 | Charter Communications franchise; repeals Ord. 789 (13.55) |
813 | Amends § 5.25.050, recreational marijuana tax penalties and interest (Repealed by 868) |
814 | Annexation (Special) |
815 | Annexation (Special) |
816 | Annexation (Special) |
817 | Annexation (Special) |
818 | Adds Ch. 2.25, urban renewal agency (2.25) |
819 | Approves urban renewal plan (Special) |
820 | Amends Ord. 737, rezone (Special) |
821 | Amends Ord. 819, urban renewal plan (Special) |
822 | Amends comprehensive plan and urban growth management agreement (Special) |
823 | Rezone (Special) |
824 | Amends Ord. 735, banning burning barrels (9.10) |
825 | South Umpqua Disposal franchise; repeals Ords. 790 and 811 (13.50) |
826 | AT&T franchise; supersedes Ord. 571 (13.35) |
827 | Rezone (Special) |
828 | Regulations and fees for city parks (12.25) |
829 | Amends Ord. 759, rezone (Special) |
830 | Amends §§ 18.10.030 and 18.75.070, accessory dwelling units (18.10, 18.75) |
831 | Local improvement – Assessment (Special) |
832 | Amends Ch. 18.120, manufactured home park (18.120) |
833 | Withdrawal (Special) |
834 | Annexation (Special) |
835 | (Number not used) |
836 | Amends Ord. 508 §§ 3.42.2, 4.06.0, 4.08, 5.06.0, 5.06.1 and 5.06.2, zoning (18.70, 18.90, 18.100) |
837 | Derelict buildings; repeals Ord. 734 (15.10) |
838 | Annexation (Special) |
839 | Repeals and replaces Ord. 825 § 7(A), South Umpqua Disposal franchise (13.50) |
840 | Ziply Fiber franchise (13.70) |
841 | Amends Ord. 508 §§ 3.01.6, 3.02.4, 3.03.4, 3.04.4 and 4.04, zoning (18.25, 18.30, 18.35, 18.40, 18.80) |
842 | Douglas Fast Net franchise; repeals Ord. 11-007 (13.65) |
843 | Rezone (Special) |
844 | Adds § 9.05.150, prohibited camping (9.05) |
845 | Annexation (Special) |
846 | Amends Chs. 18.45, 18.50 and § 18.75.130, marijuana land uses (18.45, 18.50, 18.75) |
847 | Public safety fee (Repealed by 863) |
848 | Amends § 9.05.150, prohibited camping (9.05) |
849 | Amends Ch. 12.25, parks (12.25) |
850 | Amends § 18.90.010(2), parking storage, or use of major vehicle and equipment (18.90) |
851 | Amends § 18.125.050, parking regulations (18.125) |
852 | Amends § 18.75.110(3), living in vehicles (18.75) |
853 | Avista gas franchise (13.60) |
854 | Amends Ch. 3.05, public contracting (Repealed by 860) |
855 | Rezone (Special) |
856 | Amends §§ 2.05.020 and 2.05.030, fire department (2.05) |
857 | Amends §§ 2.10.020 and 2.10.060, park commission (2.10) |
858 | Amends § 2.20.020, elections (2.20) |
859 | Adds section to Ch. 18.05 and § 18.75.140; amends § 18.10.030, ban on psilocybin service centers and product manufacture (18.05, 18.10, 18.75) |
860 | Amends Ch. 3.05; repeals Ord. 854, public contracting (3.05) |
861 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 3.15, reimbursement districts (3.15) |
862 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 3.20, system development charges (3.20) |
863 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 3.25, public safety fee (3.25) |
864 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 3.30, street utility fee (3.30) |
865 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 5.05; repeals Ord. 729, business licenses (5.05) |
866 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 5.15; repeals Ord. 574, taxicabs/public passenger vehicle license (5.15) |
867 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 5.20; repeals Ord. 604, vending machines (5.20) |
868 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 5.25; repeals Ords. 806 and 813, recreational marijuana tax (5.25) |
869 | Repeals Ords. 688, 739 and 11-005, public contracting (Repealer) |