26 | Bonds for town officers (2.36) |
28 | Establishes effective date for ordinance (1.10) |
33 | Bulls and stallions running at large (Repealed by 1066) |
36 | Defines “fiscal year” (3.04) |
50 | Amends Ord. 26, bonds for town officers (2.36) |
60 | Working of town prisoners (1.16) |
83 | Creates water fund (Repealed by 50-97) |
87 | Contagious diseases (Repealed by 07-14) |
89 | Defines nuisances and crimes against public peace, safety and morals (Repealed by 1066) |
105 | Creates and establishes current expense fund (3.24) |
157 | Stock running at large (Repealed by 1066) |
158 | Appointment and duties of town attorney (2.12) |
167 | Purchase of goods from minors by secondhand dealers (10.60) |
174 | Animal slaughter and slaughterhouse operation (Repealed by 07-14) |
185 | Sidewalk construction (Repealed by 01-17) |
197 | Prohibits defacing power poles on streets or alleys (Repealed by 1066) |
200 | Use and storage of certain flammables (10.36) |
204 | Fire department organization, establishment and regulation (2.40) |
251 | Bonds for treasurer, clerk and marshal (2.36) |
252 | Appointment, duties and compensation of superintendent of water works (Repealed by 18-94) |
293 | Duties and salary of town engineer (Repealed by 18-94) |
317 | Criminal syndicalism (Repealed by 1066) |
382 | Noxious weed growth regulation and abatement (Repealed by 07-14) |
413 | Contractors’ bond (3.16) |
431 | Municipal water system regulation; repeals Ords. 143, 179, 224, 242, 278 and 369 (14.04) |
436 | Business licenses; repeals Ords. 165, 288, 289 and 360 (6.28) |
441 | Powers and duties of police justice, police court procedure; repeals Ord. 124 (Repealed by 33-98) |
457 | Prohibits interference with firefighting equipment (10.12) |
461 | Town cemetery operation (Repealed by 12-91) |
463 | Town cemetery operation (Repealed by 12-91) |
465 | Amends Ord. 431 §§ 4 and 16, municipal water system (Repealed by 21-97) |
470 | Bond for town treasurer (2.36) |
476 | Prohibits trash deposits in public places (10.32) |
477 | Adds § 11a to Ord. 431, municipal water system (14.04) |
489 | Council meetings (2.04) |
495 | Creates town street fund (Repealed by 50-97) |
497 | Explosives sale and storage (10.36) |
504 | Bicycles; repeals Ords. 112 and 118 (Repealed by 13-91) |
508 | Railroad trains (Repealed by 13-91) |
512 | Employment and discharge powers of town council (Repealed by 17-07) |
515 | Amends § 2 of Ord. 463, adds § 2 1/2 to Ord. 463, cemetery regulation (Repealed by 12-91) |
516 | Creates municipal defense council (Repealed by 19-05) |
522 | Parking (Repealed by 2-99) |
526 | Amends Ord. 431 §§ 12, 13 and 16, municipal water system; repeals Ords. 143, 179, 224, 278 and 369 (14.04) |
535 | Parking (Repealed by 2-99) |
540 | Bus parking; repeals Ord. 538 (Repealed by 2-99) |
543 | Defines and fixes corporate limits (1.08) |
545 | Amends Ord. 504 § 3, bicycles (Repealed by 13-91) |
552 | Establishes garbage fund and library fund (3.52) |
555 | Parking (Repealed by 2-99) |
566 | Amusement device licensing and regulation; repeals Ords. 513 and 530 (6.32) |
570 | Wrecking yards (6.20) |
581 | Sewers (14.08) |
582 | Establishes police civil service commission and adopts Chapter 41.12 RCW (Repealed by 1055) |
584 | Amends Ord. 555 § 1, parking (Repealed by 2-99) |
592 | Parking (Repealed by 2-99) |
593 | Amends Ord. 431 §§ 8 and 9, municipal water system; repeals Ord. 547 (14.04) |
598 | Creates and establishes fire zones (Repealed by 23-98) |
601 | Sidewalk construction standards (13.20) |
603 | Amends Ord. 566 § 1, amusement devices (6.32) |
604 | One-way traffic on Main Street (Repealed by 1391) |
606 | Curb location and construction (Repealed by 01-17) |
611 | Gas rates (15.08) |
616 | Gas ordinance (15.04) |
618 | Amends Ord. 616, gas (15.04) |
622 | Amends Ord. 616 § 29, gas fitters’ license (15.04) |
624 | Street excavations (10.52) |
627 | Establishes local improvement guaranty fund (Repealed by 50-97) |
628 | Filing of declaration of candidacy; repeals Ord. 554 (Repealed by 16-07) |
630 | Amends Ord. 593 § 3, water connections; repeals § 4 of Ord. 593 (14.04) |
634 | Amends Ord. 628 § 3, declaration of candidacy (Repealed by 16-07) |
650 | Garbage collection, removal and disposal (8.12) |
652 | |
653A | Water use (Repealed by 21-97) |
657 | Creates arterial street fund (Repealed by 50-97) |
658 | Creates municipal court of Buckley (2.28) |
659 | Amends Ord. 650 § 9, garbage service rates (Repealed by 44-98) |
660 | Creates offices of and salaries for fire chief, gas manager and town inspector (Repealed by 1787) |
665 | Natural gas rates (Repealed by 05-01) |
672 | Designates arterial streets and stop intersections (11.20) |
674 | Driveway construction permit (Repealed by 15-08) |
679 | Arrest powers of police officers (Repealed by 1066) |
680 | Dog licensing (Repealed by 1066) |
685 | Establishes position of cemetery superintendent (Repealed by 12-91) |
690 | Natural gas service reestablishment charge (15.08) |
696 | Parking zones (Repealed by 2-99) |
697 | Amends Ord. 652 Art. 10, zoning (Repealed by 06-05) |
701 | Amends Ord. 659 § 1 and Ord. 650 § 9, garbage service rates (Repealed by 44-98) |
703 | Fireworks; repeals Ord. 664 (Repealed by 07-11) |
704 | Amends Ord. 431 §§ 13 and 14, municipal water system; repeals Ords. 666, 676 and 677 (14.04) |
705 | Amends Ord. 581 § 2, sewerage service and connection rates (14.08) |
710 | Establishes traffic committee (Repealed by 1-598) |
712 | Amends Ord. 704 § 1, municipal water system (14.04) |
713 | Amends Ord. 705 § 2, sewerage service and connection rates (14.08) |
714 | Curb construction (Repealed by 01-17) |
718 | Town treasurer authorized to invest funds (3.20) |
720 | Firemen’s relief and pension act (2.72) |
724 | Establishes speed limits on Highway No. 410 within town limits (11.08) |
725 | Authorizes payment of travel expenses (2.64) |
726 | Trailers, trailer parks and trailer houses (11.48) |
729 | Adopts comprehensive plan (19.04) |
731 | Cabarets (6.16) |
732 | Amends Ord. 696 § 1, parking (Repealed by 2-99) |
733 | Cemetery regulations (Repealed by 12-91) |
734 | Town treasurer (Repealed by 03-15) |
737 | Penal code (10.04, 10.12, 10.24, 10.32, 10.36, 10.40, 10.48, 10.52, 10.60) |
738 | Motor vehicle use and operation, adopts RCW sections (Repealed by 13-91) |
743 | Subdivisions (Repealed by 09-20) |
744 | Approves and authorizes participation in Washington Public Employees’ Retirement System (2.68) |
745 | Establishes general payroll fund (3.08) |
746 | Deposit fee for natural gas meter connections (Repealed by 9-96) |
747 | Amends Ord. 650 § 2, Ord. 659 § 1 and Ord. 701 § 1, garbage service rates (Repealed by 44-98) |
749 | Amends Ord. 743 § 6, subdivisions (Repealed by 2-96) |
753 | Adopts Uniform Housing Code, 1967 Edition (Repealed by 13-86) |
756 | Amends Ord. 696, parking (Repealed by 2-99) |
758 | Parking (Repealed by 2-99) |
762 | Imposition and collection of tax on telephone and electrical service (Repealed by 03-05) |
764 | Amends Ord. 738 § 1, implied consent law (Repealed by 13-91) |
767 | Amends Ord. 762 § 2, adds new provision to Ord. 762, telephone and electrical service tax; repeals § 3 of Ord. 762 (Repealed by 03-05) |
768 | Shoplifting (Repealed by 1066) |
769 | Drunkenness (Repealed by 908) |
770 | Parking (Repealed by 2-99) |
773 | Vacations and holidays (Repealed by 21-84) |
775 | Parking (Repealed by 2-99) |
777 | Imposes annual tax on natural gas revenue fund (Repealed by 03-05) |
781 | Vehicle weight restrictions (Repealed by 12-16) |
782 | Amends Ord. 781 §§ 1 and 2, vehicle weight restrictions (Repealed by 12-16) |
783 | Establishes general claims fund (3.28) |
784 | Prohibits interference with fire alarms or apparatus (10.12) |
785 | Local sales and use tax (3.12) |
787 | Pawnbrokers (6.24) |
788 | Parking (Repealed by 2-99) |
789 | Pool and billiard rooms (6.36) |
790 | Abandoned vehicles and automobile hulks (11.44) |
791 | Taxicabs (Repealed by 17-91) |
794 | Adopts general penalty (1.04) |
795 | Right of entry (1.20) |
796 | Amends Ord. 60 § 3, working prisoners (1.16) |
797 | Amends Ord. 660 § 2, appointment of city officials (Repealed by 17-87) |
798 | Amends Ord. 441 § 1, police (Repealed by 33-98) |
799 | Amends Ord. 628 § 1, candidates (Repealed by 16-07) |
800 | Amends Ord. 627 § 2, local improvement guaranty fund (Repealed by 50-97) |
801 | Amends Ord. 737 §§ 1.28.050, 1.28.060, 1.28.070, 1.28.090 and 1.28.100, weapons (10.40) |
802 | Amends Ord. 737 § 1.36.090, injury to property (Repealed by 1066) |
803 | Amends Ord. 738, state statutes (Repealed by 13-91) |
804 | Amends Ord. 743 § 3, subdivisions (Repealed by 09-20) |
805 | Amends Ord. 743 § 4, subdivisions (Repealed by 2-96) |
810 | Adopts 1970 building code for repair, vacation or demolition of dangerous buildings (Repealed by 1013) |
814 | Amends Ord. 737 § 1.40, vagrancy (Repealed by 1066) |
817 | Sidewalk maintenance and construction; repeals Ords. 106, 153 and 620 (13.04) |
818 | |
819 | Amends Ord. 704 § 1 and Ord. 712 § 1, water rates (14.04) |
820 | Water main and sanitary sewer extensions (Repealed by 11-06) |
821 | Auxiliary police force (2.46) |
822 | Adds §§ 7A and 7B to Ord. 680; amends Ord. 680 § 7, impounded dogs (Repealed by 1066) |
823 | Code adoption (1.01) |
824 | Repeals Ord. 552 § 2, library fund (Repealer) |
825 | Moving buildings (Repealed by 23-98) |
826 | Moving buildings (Repealed by 23-98) |
828 | Liquor (10.72) |
830 | Amends Ord. 685 § 3, cemetery superintendent (Repealed by 12-91) |
831 | Garbage dump (Repealed by 17-98) |
832 | Amends Ord. 826 § 8, moving buildings (Repealed by 23-98) |
834 | Amends § 5 of Ord. 743, subdivisions (Repealed by 2-96) |
835 | Registration of felons (Repealed by 1066) |
836 | Establishes revolving fund (Repealed by 04-15) |
837 | Repeals and replaces § 1 of Ords. 655 and 611, natural gas service rates (15.08) |
839 | Prohibits sale or use of narcotics (Repealed by 1066) |
840 | Establishes additional traffic regulations; repeals §§ 1 and 2 of Ord. 535, § 1 of Ord. 522, § 2 of Ord. 555, §§ 2 and 3 of Ord. 696, § 1 of Ord. 756, § 1 of Ord. 592, § 2 of Ord. 555, § 1 of Ord. 732, § 3 of Ord. 555 and § 1 of Ord. 540 (Repealed by 2-99) |
844 | Amends § 7 of Ord. 680 and § 1 of Ord. 822, dog impoundment fees (Repealed by 1066) |
845 | Deletes and substitutes §§ 1 and 6 of Ord. 157, stock running at large (Repealed by 1066) |
846 | Amends §§ 1.44.030, 1.44.040, 1.44.070 and 1.44.080 of Ord. 737, minors and alcoholic beverages, penal code (10.60) |
849 | Amends § 15.08.010, natural gas service rates (Repealed by 05-01) |
851 | Amends § 6.08.020, natural gas license tax (Repealed by 03-05) |
852 | Adds Ch. 6.10, water and sewer license tax (Repealed by 26-84) |
853 | Amends § 10.12.070, prisoner escape (Repealed by 10-91) |
854 | Amends §§ 10.60.030, 10.60.040, 10.60.070 and 10.60.080, minors and alcoholic beverages (10.60) |
855 | Amends § 15.08.010, natural gas service rates (Repealed by 05-01) |
860 | Auction and secondhand store records (6.44) |
861 | Penalty for violation of Ord. 860 (6.44) |
862 | Electric fence regulations (Repealed by 1020) |
863 | Assistant attorney appointment (2.76) |
864 | Adoption of optional municipal code (1.24) |
865 | Park board (Repealed by 08-23) |
866 | Adopts gambling regulations (3.98) |
867 | Amends § 15.08.010, rates for natural gas services (Repealed by 05-01) |
868 | Adopts state traffic regulations (Repealed by 13-91) |
869 | Trespassing (Repealed by 10-91) |
870 | Fire truck fund (Repealed by 50-97) |
873 | Tax upon the natural gas revenue fund (Repealed by 03-05) |
874 | Adopts uniform codes (Repealed by 10-86) |
875 | Outbuilding setbacks (Repealed by 1020) |
877 | Speed limit on Spiketon Road (11.08) |
878 | Speed limit on State Highway 165 (11.08) |
879 | Designates three official posting places (1.28) |
880 | Authorizes mayor to appoint a public defender (2.80) |
882 | Adopts comprehensive off-street parking plan (19.28) |
884 | Speed limit on Highway 410 (11.08) |
885 | Permits for nondomestic animals in residential areas (Repealed by 20-08) |
887 | Amends § 15.08.010, natural gas rates (Repealed by 05-01) |
888 | Tax levy on punchboards and pull tabs (3.98) |
889 | |
890 | Storm sewer connection rate (Repealed by 6-92) |
892 | Amends § 15.08.010, natural gas rates (Repealed by 05-01) |
896 | Amends § 14.04.130, water rates (14.04) |
897 | Amends § 14.08.030, sewer rates (14.08) |
901 | Subdivisions (Repealed by 09-20) |
902 | Amends § 19.48.010, board of adjustment (Repealed by 06-05) |
904 | Police chief, police department (2.42) |
905 | Amends § 1.01.060(a), general provisions (1.01) |
906 | Amends § 11.40.020, bicycle licenses (Repealed by 13-91) |
907 | Repeals § 10.60.110 (Repealer) |
908 | Repeals § 10.28.090 (Repealer) |
912 | Horse regulations (Repealed by 20-08) |
913 | Amends § 15.08.010, natural gas rates (Repealed by 05-01) |
914 | Amends §§ 6.32.010(2), 6.32.030, 6.32.080 and 6.32.110; repeals § 6.32.090, amusement devices (6.32) |
915 | Amends § 6.36.050, commercial establishments (6.36) |
917 | State Environmental Policy Act Guidelines (Repealed by 18-84) |
918 | Amends § 8.12.080, garbage and refuse service (Repealed by 44-98) |
920 | Amends § 11.28.030(1), traffic (Repealed by 1391) |
921 | Amends § 14.04.080, service connections (14.04) |
922 | Sanitary side sewers (Repealed by 6-92) |
923 | Amends § 11.16.230, limited street parking (Repealed by 2-99) |
924 | State Environmental Policy Act Guidelines (Repealed by 18-84) |
926 | Amends § 15.08.010, gas rates (Repealed by 05-01) |
928 | Amends § 15.08.010; repeals §§ 16.28.020, 16.28.030 and 16.28.040, fire limits (Repealed by 05-01) |
930 | Amends § 6.48.050, gambling fees (Repealed by 28-86) |
931 | Amends § 8.12.080, garbage rates (Repealed by 44-98) |
933 | Amends § 6.08.020, natural gas tax (Repealed by 03-05) |
937 | Short subdivision requirements (Repealed by 09-20) |
938 | Arterial streets (11.20) |
939 | Amends § 1.28.010, official posting places (1.28) |
940 | Amends Title 10 to adopt RCW Title 9 and 9A (Repealed by 1066) |
942 | Amends § 15.08.010, gas rates (Repealed by 05-01) |
943 | Establishes utility department equipment fund (Repealed by 50-97) |
946 | Mayor pro tem appointment (2.04) |
947 | Prohibits possession of open intoxicating liquor container in vehicles (Repealed by 8-99) |
948 | Amends §§ 14.04.130 and 14.08.030, water and sewer rates (14.04, 14.08) |
949 | Amends § 15.08.010, natural gas rates (Repealed by 05-01) |
950 | Amends Ord. 948, water rates (14.04) |
951 | Amends § 16.04.010, uniform codes (Repealed by 1086) |
952 | Establishes standards for building construction in regards to handicapped and elderly (16.04) |
953 | Establishes position of hearings examiner for civil service board (Repealed by 1055) |
954 | Amends § 15.04.040(3), natural gas service (15.04) |
955 | Adds § 15.04.040(15), natural gas service (15.04) |
956 | Amends § 15.08.040(c), natural gas reconnection charge (15.08) |
957 | Amends § 19.20.010(b), zoning (Repealed by 1020) |
958 | Adds new section to Ch. 9.12, barking dogs (Repealed by 20-08) |
959 | Establishes sewer line rehabilitation and sewer treatment plant construction fund; repeals Ord. 591 (Repealed by 50-97) |
960 | Disposition of moneys from sewer connection charges (14.08) |
961 | Repeals and replaces §§ 6.48.020 and 6.48.040, gambling tax (3.98) |
962 | Amends § 19.44.010, planning commission meetings (Repealed by 04-06) |
964 | Establishes standards for design and construction of streets, storm and sanitary sewers and water systems (17.04) |
965 | Amends § 8.12.080, garbage rates (Repealed by 4498) |
966 | Amends Ord. 964, bingo and raffle tax (3.98) |
969 | Amends § 3.64.020, utility department equipment fund (Repealed by 50-97) |
970 | Amends § 6.10.020, water and sewer license tax (Repealed by 26-84) |
971 | Amends § 6.08.020, natural gas license tax (Repealed by 03-05) |
972 | Combines office of city clerk and city treasurer (Repealed by 03-15) |
973 | Amends § 15.08.010, natural gas rates (Repealed by 05-01) |
975 | Disposal of personal property in possession of police department (2.42) |
976 | Two-hour parking limit (Repealed by 2-99) |
977 | Amends § 18.32.010(B), short subdivisions (Repealed by 2-96) |
979 | Electric fences (Repealed by 1020) |
981 | Discontinuance of storm drainage into sanitary sewer system (Repealed by 6-92) |
984 | Amends § 15.08.010, natural gas rates and charges (Repealed by 05-01) |
985 | Extension of jurisdictional limits (1.08) |
988 | Storm sewer maintenance charge (Repealed by 6-92) |
989 | Amends § 15.08.010, natural gas rates (Repealed by 05-01) |
990 | Flood insurance program (Repealed by 01-02) |
991 | Amends §§ 2.50.010, 2.50.020 and 2.50.030, park and recreation facilities (Repealed by 08-23) |
992 | Amends § 1.01.030, code adoption (1.01) |
993 | Amends § 11.04.010, traffic (Repealed by 1391) |
994 | Amends § 10.04.020, penal code (Repealed by 1066) |
995 | Adds Ch. 3.66, sale of surplus property (Repealed by 05-12) |
996 | Criminal trespass (Repealed by 10-91) |
998 | Emergency medical services equipment and Multipurpose Center maintenance funds (Repealed by 50-97) |
1003 | Amends § 8.12.080, garbage collection rates (Repealed by 12-99) |
1005 | Amends § 2.76.050, assistant city attorney (2.76) |
1006 | Amends § 19.48.040, board of adjustment (Repealed by 06-05) |
1007 | Amends § 1.28.010, posting places (1.28) |
1008 | Amends § 18.32.020, subdivisions (Repealed by 09-20) |
1010 | Adds Ch. 9.22, cruelty to animals (Repealed by 20-08) |
1011 | Amends Ch. 11.44, abandoned and junk vehicles (11.44) |
1012 | Amends § 19.04.020 and repeals § 19.04.030, zoning (Repealed by 1020) |
1013 | Repeals and reenacts Ch. 16.08, dangerous building abatement code (Repealed by 18-86) |
1015 | Sewer use regulations (14.06) |
1016 | Collection of delinquent assessments (3.76) |
1018 | Community service coordinator (2.84) |
1019 | Travel expenses for city officials (2.64) |
1020 | Adds Chs. 19.26 and 19.34; repeals and replaces Chs. 19.08, 19.12, 19.16, 19.20, 19.24 and 19.36; repeals Ch. 19.32; zoning (19.08, 19.12, 19.16, 19.20, 19.24, 19.26, 19.34, 19.36) |
1021 | Small works roster (Repealed by 14-12) |
1022 | Sewer hookup charge (14.10) |
1023 | Amends § 15.08.010(C), natural gas (Repealed by 05-01) |
1024 | Amends § 15.08.010, natural gas (Repealed by 05-01) |
1025 | Amends § 2.40.010, fire department (2.40) |
1026 | Amends § 11.16.280, parking (Repealed by 2-99) |
1027 | Amends §§ 19.48.010, 19.48.020, 19.48.030, 19.48.040 and 19.48.070, board of adjustment (Repealed by 06-05) |
1028 | Amends § 6.12.020, telephone and electrical service tax (Repealed by 03-05) |
1029 | Amends § 2.40.010(b), fire department (2.40) |
1031 | Adds § 6.32.120; amends §§ 6.32.010, 6.32.020, 6.32.030, 6.32.040, 6.32.050 and 6.32.060; repeals §§ 6.32.070 and 6.32.080 (6.32) |
1033 | Adds § 3.12.025, sales and use tax (3.12) |
1035 | Adds §§ 2.80.030, 2.80.040 and 2.80.050, public defender (2.80) |
1037 | Laying of underground cable television conduits (17.12) |
1038 | Amends §§ 9.16.010, 9.16.020, 9.16.030, 9.16.040, 9.16.050 and 9.16.060; repeals §§ 9.16.070 and 9.16.080, nondomestic animal keeping (Repealed by 20-08) |
1040 | Adds Ch. 19.30, zoning sign code (Repealed by 24-95) |
1041 | Amends § 2.08.010, duties of treasurer (Repealed by 03-15) |
1044 | Adds §§ 10.36.003 and 10.36.005, explosives (10.36) |
1045 | Adds § 16.04.030, building permit fees (Repealed by 12-87) |
1046 | Amends § 4.12.010 cemetery improvement fund (Repealed by 12-91) |
1048 | Amends § 14.04.131, water connections (Repealed by 24-97) |
1049 | Amends § 14.16.010, storm sewer connections (Repealed by 6-92) |
1050 | Destruction of abandoned property and unneeded evidence (2.88) |
1052 | Amends § 15.08.010, natural gas rates (Repealed by 05-01) |
1054 | Lodging excise tax (Repealed by 12-23) |
1055 | Police and fire department civil service; repeals Ch. 2.44 (2.44) |
1056 | Amends §§ 19.20.010E, 19.20.020E, and 19.20.030F and 19.20.040E, zoning (19.20) |
1058 | City administrator; repeals § 2.08.020 (2.06) |
1059 | Amends § 6.08.020, natural gas distribution tax (Repealed by 03-05) |
1060 | Water distribution and sanitary sewer service tax (Repealed by 26-84) |
1062 | Water rates (14.04) |
1063 | Amends § 8.12.080, refuse collection charges (Repealed by 12-99) |
1066 | Amends Titles 9 and 10, animals and criminal code (10.04, 10.12, 10.24, 10.32, 10.40, 10.52, 10.60) |
2-84 | Bond registration (3.84) |
4-84 | Creates police department equipment and maintenance reserve fund (Repealed by 50-97) |
5-84 | Adds Ch. 14.05, cross-connections control and backflow prevention (Repealed by 05-03) |
6-84 | Adds §§ 10.24.090, 10.24.110 and 10.32.115, interference on school premises (10.24, 10.32) |
7-84 | Amends § 15.08.010, natural gas rates (Repealed by 05-01) |
8-84 | Adds Ch. 16.10 and § 19.12.165, temporary dwellings (16.10, 19.12) |
10-84 | Adds Ch. 6.04, licenses generally (Repealed by 04-04) |
11-84 | Amends Chs. 17.04, 17.08 and § 17.04.030; adds Ch. 17.20, design standards (17.04) |
16-84 | Amends §§ 6.04.030(1), 6.04.040(5), 6.04.060(1), and 6.04.070(1) and (2), business licenses (Repealed by 04-04) |
17-84 | Adds §§ 19.12.695 and 19.12.735 and amends 19.20.050 and 19.20.060, zoning (19.12, 19.20) |
18-84 | State Environmental Policy Act; repeals Ch. 12.04 (Repealed by 18-19) |
19-84 | Adopts grievance procedure for the handicapped (Repealed by 12-95) |
20-84 | Adds §§ 19.52.030, 19.52.040 and 19.52.050, zoning (19.52) |
21-84 | Vacation and sick-leave benefits; repeals Ch. 2.60 (2.60) |
22-84 | Amends §§ 19.30.160 and 19.30.040(9), special event signs (Repealed by 24-95) |
23-84 | Domestic violence (Repealed by 2-95) |
24-84 | Creates emergency services department (Repealed by 19-05) |
26-84 | Repeals Ch. 6.10, water and sewer license tax (Repealer) |
27-84 | Budget (Special) |
28-84 | Amends § 14.08.030, sewer user charges (14.08) |
2-85 | Amends § 19.44.010, zoning (Repealed by 04-06) |
3-85 | Adds §§ 19.20.020(n), 19.20.030(o), 190.20.040(j), (k), (1), 19.20.050(j), (k), (1), 19.20.060(k), (1) and 19.20.070(k), (1), zoning (19.20) |
4-85 | Adds § 19.36.080, zoning (Repealed by 31-99) |
5-85 | Amends § 11.04.010, traffic code (Repealed by 1391) |
8-85 | Adds subsection (6) and amends subsection (5) of § 6.04.040, business licenses (Repealed by 04-04) |
10-85 | Adds § 18.32.120, subdivision (Repealed by 2-96) |
12-85 | Adds §§ 19.12.515, 19.12.517, 19.12.672 and 19.12.675, zoning (19.12) |
13-85 | Amends §§ 19.20.010(e), 19.20.020(e), 19.20.030(f) and 19.20.040(e), zoning (19.20) |
14-85 | Adds § 16.04.015; amends § 16.04.010, uniform codes (Repealed by 6-87) |
16-85 | Natural gas utility funds; repeals Ord. 610 (Repealed by 50-97) |
18-85 | Adds § 19.08.045, zoning (19.08) |
20-85 | Amends § 8.12.080, garbage collection (Repealed by 12-99) |
21-85 | Amends Ord. 28-84, sewer use charges (14.08) |
23-85 | Amends § 2.04.010, city council (2.04) |
1-86 | Amends Ord. 27-84, budget (Special) |
2-86 | Creates certain street funds (Special) |
3-86 | Amends §§ 3.60.010 and 3.60.020, fire equipment reserve fund (Repealed by 50-97) |
4-86 | Amends § 1.04.010, general penalty (1.04) |
5-86 | Firearms (10.40) |
6-86 | Amends § 19.36.060, pre-existing legal lots (19.36) |
7-86 | Amends § 9.30.060, dogs (Repealed by 20-08) |
8-86 | Street vacation (Special) |
9-86 | Adopts six-year transportation improvement program (Special) |
10-86 | Uniform Fire Code; repeals Ords. 951 and 874 (Repealed by 15-92) |
11-86 | Uniform Building Code (Repealed by 15-92) |
12-86 | Adopts 1985 Edition of Dwelling Construction Under the Uniform Building Code (Repealed by 15-92) |
13-86 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 16.20, Uniform Housing Code (Repealed by 15-92) |
14-86 | Uniform Administrative Code (Repealed by 15-92) |
15-86 | Uniform Mechanical Code (Repealed by 15-92) |
16-86 | Uniform Sign Code (Repealed by 15-92) |
17-86 | Uniform Plumbing Code (Repealed by 15-92) |
18-86 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 16.08, Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings (Repealed by 15-92) |
19-86 | Zoning provisions for multiple structures or uses on one building lot (19.24) |
20-86 | Interfund loans between certain funds (Special) |
21-86 | Amends § 2.40.010, fire department composition (2.40) |
22-86 | Amends § 15.08.010, natural gas rates (Repealed by 05-01) |
23-86 | Amends § 3 of Ord. 1021, small works roster (Repealed by 14-12) |
24-86 | Ad valorem tax levy (Special) |
25-86 | Water distribution and sanitary sewer service tax (Repealed by 26-94) |
26-86 | Amends §§ 15.04.050, 15.04.090, 15.04.130, 15.04.160, 15.04.190 and 15.04.370, natural gas distribution system (15.04) |
27-86 | Budget adoption (Special) |
28-86 | Amends §§ 6.48.020 and 6.48.030, and repeals and replaces § 6.48.050, gambling tax (3.98) |
1-87 | Amends § 15.04.090, gas fitter liability insurance (15.04) |
5-87 | Amends § 15.04.050, gas fitter’s license (15.04) |
6-87 | Repeals Ord. 14-85 (Repealer) |
8-87 | Adds Ch. 10.80, police dogs (10.80) |
9-87 | Amends § 15.08.010, gas service rates (Repealed by 05-01) |
10-87 | Adds §§ 9.30.070, 9.30.090, 9.30.100 and 9.30.110; repeals § 9.30.050, dogs (Repealed by 20-08) |
11-87 | Amends § 8.12.080, garbage rates (Repealed by 44-98) |
12-87 | Repeals § 16.04.030, building permit fees (Repealer) |
14-87 | Adds Ch. 18.34, lot line adjustments (Repealed by 09-20) |
15-87 | Amends § 2.44.010, police and fire civil service system (2.44) |
16-87 | Amends § 19.24.060, zoning (19.24) |
17-87 | Amends § 2.40.030; repeals § 2.24.010 – 2.24.030, fire chief (2.40) |
18-87 | Amends §§ 9.30.070, 9.30.090 and 9.30.110; repeals § 9.30.100, dogs (Repealed by 20-08) |
20-87 | Mobile home installation standards (16.40) |
21-87 | Abandoned railroad right-of-way property maintenance and development fund (Repealed by 5097) |
22-87 | Amends § 14.10.020(c); repeals § 14.10.030, sewer hookup surcharge (Repealed by 2-88) |
23-87 | Adds §§ 19.20.010(n), 19.20.020(o), 19.20.030(p), 19.20.040(m) and 19.24.160, zoning (19.20, 19.24) |
24-87 | Adds (g), (h) and (i) to § 17.08.050(d)(1), (10) to § 17.08.060(b) and § 17.20.070; amends § 17.08.060(a)(3); repeals (d) and (h) of § 17.08.030(c)(1) and (c) of § 17.08.040(c)(1), utility design and construction standards (Repealed by 20-95) |
25-87 | Ad valorem tax levy (Special) |
26-87 | Amends §§ 14.04.220 and 15.08.040(A), delinquent utility bills (14.04, 15.08) |
1-88 | Amends § 19.24.050(2), zoning (19.24) |
2-88 | Adds § 14.10.015, sewer hookup surcharge; repeals § 14.10.020 (Repealed by 5-92) |
3-88 | Rezone (Special) |
4-88 | Drug enforcement fund (3.90) |
5-88 | Refunds certain moneys paid to city (Special) |
6-88 | Amends § 19.12.230, zoning (19.12) |
7-88 | Amends § 15.08.010, service charges (Repealed by 05-01) |
8-88 | Updates six-year transportation improvement program (Special) |
9-88 | Nuisances (8.18) |
10-88 | Adds Ch 3.62, public parking expansion fund (Repealed by 50-97) |
11-88 | Amends § 19.20.050, zoning (19.20) |
12-88 | Adds Ch. 3.58, fire department station construction fund (Repealed by 50-97) |
13-88 | Amends §§ 19.36.020 and 19.36.030, zoning (19.36) |
14-88 | Amends § 14.08.030, sewer connection (14.08) |
15-88 | (Not adopted) |
16-88 | Adds § 19.20.030(q), zoning (19.20) |
17-88 | Adds § 19.56.030, zoning (19.56) |
18-88 | Amends § 12.04.340, State Environmental Policy Act (Repealed by 06-16) |
19-88 | Amends § 19.36.060(A), zoning (19.36) |
20-88 | Adds Ch. 2.66, legal defense for city employees, elected officials and volunteers (2.66) |
21-88 | Amends § 15.08.010, service charges (Repealed by 05-01) |
22-88 | Amends §§ 19.20.040(h) and 19.20.050(i), zoning (19.20) |
23-88 | Ad valorem tax levy (Special) |
24-88 | Budget adoption (Special) |
25-88 | CATV franchise (Not codified) |
26-88 | Adds Ch. 18.36, binding site plan (Repealed by 09-20) |
1-89 | Adds §§ 19.20.010(o), 19.20.020(p), 19.20.030(r), 19.20.040(n), 19.20.050(n) and 19.20.060(n), zoning (19.20) |
2-89 | Amends § 19.24.160, zoning (19.24) |
3-89 | Amends § 19.24.050, zoning (19.24) |
4-89 | Amends § 2.46.010, auxiliary police force (2.46) |
5-89 | Amends §§ 19.30.040(7), 19.30.060, 19.30.080, 19.30.140 and 19.30.180, zoning (Repealed by 24-95) |
6-89 | Amends § 6.1 of Ord. 25-88, CATV franchise (Not codified) |
7-89 | Amends budget (Special) |
8-89 | Rezone (Special) |
9-89 | Amends § 18.36.100, subdivisions (Repealed by 09-20) |
10-89 | Amends § 10.40.140, firearms and weapons (10.40) |
11-89 | Amends § 2.40.010, fire department (2.40) |
12-89 | Street vacation (Special) |
13-89 | Amends § 19.36.080, zoning (Repealed by 31-99) |
14-89 | Updates six-year transportation improvement program (Special) |
15-89 | Amends § 14.16.030, storm sewers (Repealed by 6-92) |
16-89 | Rezone (Special) |
17-89 | Adds § 6.04.045, business licenses; amends § 19.08.030, zoning (19.08) |
18-89 | Amends §§ 16.36.010, 16.36.060, 16.36.080, 16.36.090, 16.36.120, 16.36.140, 16.36.150, 16.36.160 and 16.36.170, flood hazard program (Repealed by 01-02) |
19-89 | Adds Ch. 3.15, leasehold excise tax (3.15) |
20-89 | Interfund loan (Special) |
21-89 | Adds §§ 19.12.035 and 19.12.036; amends 19.20.060(B), zoning (19.12, 19.20) |
22-89 | Amends § 19.34.030, zoning (19.34) |
23-89 | Amends §§ 18.34.020, 18.34.030 and 18.34.040, subdivisions, and 19.36.060, zoning (19.36) |
24-89 | Utility franchise (Special) |
25-89 | Rezone (Special) |
26-89 | Interfund loan (Special) |
27-89 | Amends § 19.24.060, zoning (19.24) |
28-89 | Tax levy (Special) |
29-89 | Adds Ch. 2.38, architectural review board; adds § 19.30.270; amends §§ 19.30.060, 19.30.080, 19.30.100, 19.30.180 and 19.30.260, zoning (Repealed by 08-07) |
30-89 | Adopts budget (Special) |
31-89 | Amends §§ 6.12.020 and 6.12.030, telephone and electrical service tax (Repealed by 03-05) |
32-89 | Adds § 9.30.025; amends § 9.30.020, dogs (Repealed by 20-08) |
1-90 | Amends § 2.44.010, police and fire civil service (2.44) |
2-90 | Amends § 10.24.110, crimes against the person (Repealed by 5-99) |
3-90 | Adds Ch. 2.18, planning director (2.18) |
4-90 | Amends 1989 budget (Special) |
5-90 | Amends §§ 12.04.030(a), 12.04.040(b), 12.04.070, 12.04.080, 12.04.090, 12.04.100, 12.04.120(a) and (b), 12.04.130, 12.04.190(a) and (b), 12.04.250(d), 12.04.260(b), 12.04.300 and 12.04.350(2), State Environmental Policy Act (Repealed by 18-19) |
6-90 | Adds §§ 11.16.290, 11.16.300, 11.16.310 and 11.16.320; amends § 11.16.010, parking (Repealed by 2-99) |
7-90 | Amends § 8.12.080, garbage collection and disposal (Repealed by 44-98) |
8-90 | Amends § 8.18.020, nuisances (Repealed by 09-00) |
9-90 | Adds Ch. 17.28, design and construction standards (Repealed by 08-06) |
10-90 | Updates six-year transportation improvement program (Special) |
11-90 | Adds Ch. 12.08, citizens advisory board on natural environment (Repealed by 10-95) |
12-90 | Repeals and replaces § 10.60.030, crimes by and against juveniles; repeals § 10.60.040 (10.60) |
13-90 | Adds § 3.14.015, amends § 3.14.020, lodging excise tax (Repealed by 12-23) |
14-90 | Amends § 12.08.030, citizens advisory board on natural environment (Repealed by 10-95) |
15-90 | Adds Ch. 3.86, criminal justice fund (Repealed by 50-97) |
16-90 | Tax levy (Special) |
17-90 | Adopts 1991 budget (Special) |
18-90 | Creates T.I.B. Main street fund (Not codified) |
1-91 | Amends § 11.04.010, comprehensive traffic code (Repealed by 13-91) |
2-91 | Amends § 2.38.020, architectural review board (Repealed by 23-95) |
3-91 | Amends Ch. 2.20, utilities superintendent (Repealed by 18-94) |
4-91 | Amends §§ 2.12.020, 2.12.030, 2.16.010, 2.16.020 and 2.16.030, administration and personnel; repeals § 2.12.040 (2.12) |
5-91 | Adds § 8.12.075; amends § 8.12.080, garbage collection and disposal (8.12) |
6-91 | Updates six-year transportation improvement program (Special) |
7-91 | Adds Ch. 3.13, real estate excise taxes (3.13) |
8-91 | Adds Ch. 3.74, capital improvement fund (Repealed by 50-97) |
9-91 | Amends § 11.48.030, trailers (11.48) |
10-91 | Amends § 10.48.050, repeals and replaces §§ 10.04.020 and 10.04.030, public peace, safety and morals; repeals §§ 10.04.040, 10.04.050, 10.04.060, 10.04.070, 10.04.080, 10.08.020, 10.08.050, 10.12.010, 10.12.020, 10.12.040, 10.12.050, 10.12.150, 10.12.160, 10.12.170, 10.12.210, 10.24.030, 10.24.080, 10.24.140, 10.28.010, 10.28.020, 10.28.030, 10.28.040, 10.28.050, 10.28.060, 10.32.110, 10.32.120, 10.32.130, 10.32.140, 10.35.150, 10.48.020, 10.48.040, 10.48.060, 10.52.010, 10.52.030, 10.52.040, 10.52.070 and 10.52.090 (10.04, 10.48) |
11-91 | Adds § 8.12.075; amends § 8.12.080, garbage collection and disposal (8.12) |
12-91 | Repeals and replaces Title 4, cemetery (4.04, 4.08, 4.12, 4.20, 4.24, 4.28, 4.32) |
13-91 | Adds Ch. 11.06, Model Traffic Code; repeals Chs. 11.04, 11.18, § 11.20.020, Chs. 11.22, 11.24, 11.28, 11.32, 11.38, 11.40, 11.52 and 11.54 (11.06) |
14-91 | Adds § 18.34.005; amends §§ 18.34.020, 18.34.030 and 18.34.040, subdivisions (Repealed by 09-20) |
15-91 | Property tax levy proposition (Special) |
16-91 | Amends § 10.40.130, firearms and weapons and § 19.20.050(b), zoning (10.40, 19.20) |
17-91 | Repeals and replaces § 6.40.010, vehicles for hire; repeals §§ 6.40.020 through 6.40.240 (6.40) |
18-91 | Adds Ch. 19.50, zoning (Repealed by 19-19) |
19-91 | Adds Ch. 19.51, zoning (Repealed by 19-19) |
20-91 | Tax levy (Special) |
21-91 | Adopts 1992 budget (Special) |
1-92 | Adds §§ 19.40.010, 19.40.020, 19.40.030, 19.40.040, 19.40.050, 19.40.060, 19.40.070, 19.40.080, 19.40.090, 19.40.100, 19.40.110, 19.40.120, 19.40.130, 19.40.140, 19.40.150, 19.40.160, 19.40.170, 19.40.180, 19.40.200 and 19.40.210, zoning; repeals Ch. 19.40 (19.40) |
2-92 | Amends § 12.04.350, SEPA fees; adds Ch. 18.37, amends §§ 18.16.020, 18.32.020(b), 18.34.020(1) and 18.34.050(c); repeals §§ 18.18.010 and 18.18.020, subdivisions; and adds Ch. 19.54, zoning (Title 19) |
3-92 | Adopts police department jail policies (2.100) |
4-92 | Amends 1991 budget (Special) |
5-92 | Adds §§ 14.04.320 and 14.10.016; amends §§ 14.04.080 and 14.08.030, water and sewer charges; repeals §§ 14.04.131(b) and 14.10.015 (14.04, 14.08) |
6-92 | Adds Ch. 14.28, surface water management utility; repeals Chs. 14.16, 14.20 and 14.24 (14.28) |
7-92 | Amends § 8.12.080, garbage collection and disposal (Repealed by 44-98) |
8-92 | Amends § 10.04.020, firearms and weapons (10.40) |
9-92 | Adds § 6.48.100; amends §§ 6.48.020 and 6.48.030, gambling tax (3.98) |
10-92 | Amends § 6.04.100, business licenses (Repealed by 04-04) |
11-92 | Adds Ch. 10.30, gambling; repeals §§ 10.28.010, 10.28.020, 10.28.030, 10.28.040, 10.28.050 and 19.28.060 (10.30) |
12-92 | Adds § 11.06.020, model traffic ordinance (11.06) |
13-92 | Amends §§ 19.20.010, 19.20.020 and 19.24.160, zoning (19.20, 19.24) |
14-92 | Amends § 19.20.020, residential zoning (19.20) |
15-92 | Adds Chs. 16.30, barrier-free facilities; 16.31, energy code; 16.44, building conservation code; 16.48, code conflicts and 16.52, construction permit appeals; repeals and replaces Chs. 16.06, 16.08, 16.12, 16.14, 16.16, 16.18, 16.20 and 16.24, technical building codes (Repealed by 1595) |
16-92 | Adds Ch. 2.99, Buckley Community Hall Management Board (2.99) |
17-92 | Adds Ch. 3.99, Buckley Community Hall fund (Repealed by 50-97) |
18-92 | Updates six-year transportation improvement program (Special) |
19-92 | Adds Ch. 3.54, public works capital improvement plan fund (Repealed by 50-97) |
20-92 | Adds Ch. 16.33, ventilation and indoor air quality control code (Repealed by 15-95) |
21-92 | Adds Ch. 3.78, drug abuse resistance education fund (Repealed by 50-97) |
22-92 | Adds Ch. 12.12, environmentally sensitive areas (Repealed by 21-05) |
23-92 | Proposes tax levy for emergency vehicles (Special) |
24-92 | Interfund loan extension (Special) |
25-92 | Amends § 19.30.220, zoning (Repealed by 24-95) |
26-92 | Interfund loan (Special) |
27-92 | Interfund loan (Special) |
28-92 | Adopts 1993 final budget (Special) |
29-92 | Adds Ch. 14.16, low-income utility rates; amends §§ 14.04.130 and 14.08.030, water and sewer rates (14.04, 14.08) |
30-92 | Adds Ch. 3.26, contingency fund (Repealed by 2294) |
31-92 | Adds §§ 3.54.010 – 3.54.030 [3.75.010 – 3.75.030], water and sewer improvement fund (Repealed by 50-97) |
32-92 | Amends § 2.40.010, volunteer firefighters (2.40) |
33-92 | Adopts 1993 property tax levy (Special) |
1-93 | Parks department (2.104) |
2-93 | Amends § 14.04.130, water rates (14.04) |
3-93 | Amends Ord. 21-91, 1992 budget (Special) |
4-93 | Adds § 10.28.010, public indecency (10.28) |
5-93 | Amends § 19.20.030, zoning (19.20) |
6-93 | Amends § 19.30.260, zoning (Repealed by 24-95) |
7-93 | Adds Ch. 2.54, economic development board (Repealed by 08-23) |
8-93 | Amends § 11.08.010, speed limits (11.08) |
9-93 | Adds Ch. 19.06, comprehensive plan task force (Title 19) |
10-93 | Amends § 19.12.550, zoning (19.12) |
11-93 | Updates six-year transportation program (Special) |
12-93 | Adds §§ 2.04.030 – 2.04.070, city council consent agenda (2.04) |
13-93 | Adds Ch. 12.16, commuter trip reduction (Repealed by 18-99) |
14-93 | Amends § 19.30.140, zoning (Repealed by 24-95) |
15-93 | Amends Ord. 28-92, budget (Special) |
16-93 | Transfer of funds (Special) |
17-93 | Amends §§ 14.04.130 and 14.08.030, water and sewer rates (14.04, 14.08) |
18-93 | Amends §§ 8.12.075 and 8.12.080, recycling and garbage rates (8.12) |
19-93 | Interfund loan (Special) |
20-93 | 1994 budget (Special) |
21-93 | Amends § 1.28.010, posting places for city notices (1.28) |
22-93 | Ad valorem tax levy (Special) |
1-94 | Amends § 9.10.030, animals (Repealed by 20-08) |
2-94 | Adds §§ 9.30.050 and 9.30.055; amends §§ 9.30.010, 9.30.030, 9.30.040 and 9.30.060, dogs (Repealed by 20-08) |
3-94 | Amends § 11.16.240, loading zones (Repealed by 2-99) |
4-94 | Interfund loan (Special) |
5-94 | Amends § 4.24.050, cemetery (4.24) |
6-94 | Amends § 11.08.010, speed limits (11.08) |
7-94 | Moratorium on the filing of rezone applications, Ch. 19.52 (Special) |
8-94 | Adds § 16.31.030 and amends § 16.31.010, energy code (Repealed by 15-95) |
9-94 | Transfer of funds (Special) |
10-94 | Amends §§ 3.58.020 and 3.60.020, fire department (Repealed by 50-97) |
11-94 | Amends § 3.13.030; adds §§ 3.13.040, 3.13.050 and Ch. 3.73, revenue and finance (3.13) |
12-94 | Adds Ch. 2.62, extension of health benefits (2.62) |
13-94 | Amends § 15.08.020, natural gas (15.08) |
14-94 | Extends moratorium on the filing of rezone applications, Ch. 19.52 (Special) |
15-94 | Adds Ch. 3.30, recreation fund (Repealed by 50-97) |
16-94 | Amends § 11.06.010, Model Traffic Ordinance (11.06) |
17-94 | Amends § 19.36.020 and adds subsection (5) to § 19.24.050, zoning (19.24, 19.36) |
18-94 | Adds Ch. 2.20, department of public works; repeals Chs. 2.16 and old 2.20 (2.20) |
19-94 | Repeals § 6.28.090 (Repealer) |
20-94 | Amends § 19.54.010, zoning (Title 19) |
21-94 | Adds Ch. 1.32, records retention (1.32) |
22-94 | Amends §§ 3.74.010 and 3.74.020, capital improvement fund; repeals Ch. 3.26 and §§ 3.26.010 – 3.26.030; transfer of funds (Repealed by 50-97) |
23-94 | Amends §§ 14.04.080, 14.04.320, 14.08.030, 14.10.016 and 14.28.110, fees and charges (14.04, 14.08, 14.28) |
24-94 | Ad valorem tax levy (Special) |
25-94 | Amends 1994 budget (Special) |
26-94 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 3.96, water distribution and sanitary sewer service income distribution (Repealed by 50-97) |
27-94 | Repeals § 3.98.020 (Repealer) |
28-94 | Amends § 6.12.020, telephone and electrical service tax (Repealed by 03-05) |
29-94 | 1995 budget (Special) |
30-94 | Interfund loan (Special) |
1-95 | Amends § 15.08.010, service charges (Repealed by 05-01) |
2-95 | Adds §§ 10.24.120, 10.24.130 and 10.24.140, crimes against the person; repeals Ch. 10.76 (10.24) |
3-95 | Adds § 4.20.015, interments and disinterments (4.20) |
4-95 | Moratorium on the filing of rezone applications, Ch. 19.52 (Special) |
5-95 | Adds § 3.14.035 and amends §§ 3.14.010, 3.14.015 and 3.14.030, lodging excise tax (Repealed by 12-23) |
6-95 | Amends § 8.12.080, garbage collection and disposal (Repealed by 44-98) |
7-95 | Adopts RCW 38.52.430 by reference, recovery of costs for an emergency response caused by a person’s intoxication (Repealed by 46-99) |
8-95 | Amends §§ 6.04.020 – 6.04.040, 6.04.060 and 6.04.070, business licenses generally (Repealed by 04-04) |
9-95 | Adopts Chapter 47.50 RCW by reference, highway access management, access permits and administrative process (Not codified) |
10-95 | Repeals Ch. 12.08 (Repealer) |
11-95 | Adopts 1995 comprehensive plan (Special) |
12-95 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 2.92, grievance procedure for individuals with disabilities (2.92) |
13-95 | Repeals and replaces § 2.38.030, architectural review board (Repealed by 23-95) |
14-95 | Adds Ch. 10.84, parks and recreation facilities (10.84) |
15-95 | Repeals and replaces Chs. 16.06, 16.08, 16.12, 16.14, 16.16, 16.18, 16.20, 16.24, 16.30, 16.31, 16.33, 16.44, 16.48 and 16.52 and 16.40.040, buildings and construction (16.40, 16.48) |
16-95 | Moratorium on new sewer connections (Special) |
17-95 | Adds Ch. 3.06, use of checks when funds are solvent (3.06) |
18-95 | Amends 3.58.030, fire department station construction fund (Repealed by 50-97) |
19-95 | Adopts new six-year transportation plan (Special) |
20-95 | Amends §§ 17.04.010 and 17.04.020; repeals and replaces Ch. 17.08; repeals Ch. 17.20, design and construction standards (17.04, 17.08) |
21-95 | Adds §§ 19.20.015, 19.20.018 and 19.20.045; amends §§ 18.28.020 and 19.20.020; repeals and replaces § 19.12.530, subdivisions and zoning (19.12, 19.20) |
22-95 | Moratorium on approval of preliminary plat applications and building permit applications (Special) |
23-95 | Adds § 2.38.032; repeals and replaces §§ 2.38.020 and 2.38.030, architectural review board (Repealed by 08-07) |
24-95 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 19.30 and § 19.51.030, zoning (Repealed by 19-19) |
25-95 | Adds Ch. 14.30, stormwater management (14.30) |
26-95 | Adds Ch. 14.40, stormwater maintenance (14.40) |
27-95 | Amends Ord. 22-95, moratorium on approval of preliminary plat applications and building permit applications (Special) |
28-95 | Amends § 3.73.010, comprehensive plan capital improvement fund (Repealed by 13-17) |
29-95 | Amends § 2.50.030, park board (Repealed by 08-23) |
30-95 | Transfer of funds (Special) |
31-95 | Amends § 19.20.040(a), zoning (19.20) |
32-95 | Rezone (Special) |
33-95 | Adds § 18.16.050 and amends §§ 18.16.040, 18.32.110 and 18.36.120, subdivisions; amends §§ 19.40.110, 19.40.210, 19.48.070(e) and 19.56.030, zoning (19.40, 19.56) |
34-95 | (Number not used) |
35-95 | Adds §§ 10.61.010 – 10.61.060, parental responsibility for juveniles (10.61) |
36-95 | Amends § 3.66.030, allocation of surplus sale proceeds (Repealed by 05-12) |
37-95 | Amends § 14.04.130(e), municipal water supply system rates, and § 14.08.030(a)(7), sewer connection rates (14.04, 14.08) |
38-95 | Amends § 3.68.020, emergency medical services equipment fund (Repealed by 50-97) |
39-95 | Amends § 3.60.020, fire equipment reserve fund (Repealed by 50-97) |
40-95 | Ad valorem tax levy (Special) |
41-95 | Amends § 3.58.020, fire department construction fund, and § 3.60.020, fire equipment reserve fund (Repealed by 50-97) |
42-95 | Street vacation (Special) |
43-95 | Amends 1995 budget (Special) |
44-95 | Adopts 1996 budget (Special) |
1-96 | Street vacation (Special) |
2-96 | Adds §§ 18.12.005, 18.12.045, 18.12.105, 18.32.020(d) and Ch. 18.14; amends 18.24.080; repeals and replaces Chs. 18.08, 18.16, 18.20, 18.28 and §§ 18.24.010, 18.24.020, 18.32.010, 18.32.050, 18.32.070 and 18.32.120, subdivisions; repeals §§ 18.24.030 and 18.24.040 (Repealed by 09-20) |
3-96 | Adds Ch. 2.22, contracts for architectural and engineering services (2.22) |
4-96 | Transfer of funds (Special) |
5-96 | Amends § 4.12.010, authority to set aside cemetery land; repeals and replaces Ch. 4.16, endowment care (4.12, 4.16) |
6-96 | Establishes pilot program for sick leave sharing (Not codified) |
7-96 | Adds Ch. 3.94[15.14], tenant utility payment (Repealed by 10-96) |
8-96 | Amends §§ 14.04.130(a), 14.04.320(B)(2) and 14.10.016(a)(2), water and sewers (14.04) |
9-96 | Repeals Ch. 15.12 (Repealer) |
10-96 | Adds Ch. 15.12, meter connection deposit; repeals Ord. 7-96 (Repealed by 17-96) |
11-96 | Rezone (Special) |
12-96 | Amends § 19.20.080, zoning (19.20) |
13-96 | Enacts six-year transportation improvement program (Special) |
14-96 | Extends for one year the moratorium on approval of preliminary plat applications and building permit applications (Special) |
15-96 | Adds § 15.08.015 and amends §§ 15.08.010 and 15.08.040, natural gas service charges (15.08) |
16-96 | Amends Ord. 44-95, 1996 budget (Special) |
17-96 | Adds Ch. 15.12, meter connection deposit; repeals § 1 of Ord. 7-96 and Chs. 3.94 and 15.14 [15.12] (Repealed by 02-03) |
18-96 | Amends § 2.04.010, city council (2.04) |
19-96 | Amends § 11.08.010, speed restrictions (11.08) |
20-96 | Rezone (Special) |
21-96 | Amends §§ 19.20.060(a) and (b) and 19.20.070(a), zoning (19.20) |
22-96 | Amends § 18.36.070, subdivisions (Repealed by 09-20) |
23-96 | Amends 1996 budget to make an interfund loan (Special) |
24-96 | Amends § 11.16.045, parking (Repealed by 2-99) |
25-96 | Rezone (Special) |
26-96 | Repeals and replaces § 14.16.030, low-income utility rates (Repealed by 23-05) |
27-96 | (Number not used) |
28-96 | Amends § 15.08.010, gas rates (Repealed by 05-01) |
29-96 | 1997 budget (Special) |
30-96 | Ad valorem tax levy (Special) |
31-96 | 1996 budget amendment (Special) |
32-96 | Ad valorem tax levy; repeals Ord. 30-96 (Special) |
1-97 | Adds § 19.12.145, zoning (19.12) |
2-97 | Adds § 11.16.065, parking (Repealed by 2-99) |
3-97 | Adds Chapter 13.30, developer reimbursement agreements (Repealed by 12-07) |
4-97 | Adds Chapter 3.81, development review expenses (Repealed by 13-19) |
5-97 | Amends § 2.04.010, city council meetings (2.04) |
6-97 | Amends § 19.20.060(b), zoning (19.20) |
7-97 | Amends §§ 19.20.010(a), (b) and (f), zoning (19.20) |
8-97 | Amends § 23.60.010 (2.60.010), vacation pay (2.60) |
9-97 | Amends § 11.48.030, parking (11.48) |
10-97 | Shoreline development permit moratorium (Special) |
11-97 | Amends § 6.32.030, license fees (6.32) |
12-97 | Amends Ord. 29-96, 1997 budget (Special) |
13-97 | Amends Ords. 16, 96 and 31-96, 1997 budget (Special) |
14-97 | Adopts recreation element of comprehensive plan (Special) |
15-97 | Adopts Chapter 3.50, impact fees (3.50) |
16-97 | Adds § 16.06.020, modular homes building permit fees (Repealed by 23-98) |
17-97 | Revises title to Ch. 16.40; amends §§ 16.40.020, 16.40.030, 16.40.040 and 16.40.050; repeals and replaces § 16.40.010, mobile home installation standards (16.40) |
18-97 | Amends § 4.20.060, graves (4.20) |
19-97 | Amends §§ 19.20.010, 19.20.015, 19.20.018, 19.20.020, 19.20.030, 19.20.040, 19.20.050, 19.20.060, 19.20.070; repeals and replaces § 19.24.140, zoning (19.20, 19.24) |
20-97 | Amends § 19.20.060(a), zoning (19.20) |
21-97 | Amends §§ 14.04.020(b), 14.04.030, 14.04.060 and 14.04.150; repeals §§ 14.04.040, 14.04.190, 14.04.200, 14.04.220 – 14.04.240, 14.04.260, 14.04.270 and 14.04.290, municipal water supply system (14.04) |
22-97 | Amends § 8.12.080, garbage collection and disposal (Repealed by 44-98) |
23-97 | Execution of loan agreements (Special) |
24-97 | Amends §§ 14.04.130 and 14.04.132; repeals § 14.04.131, municipal water supply system (14.04) |
25-97 | Ratifies Res. 97-21, execution of loan agreements (Special) |
26-97 | Imposes moratorium on approval of preliminary plat applications and building permit applications requiring a sewer connection (Special) |
27-97 | Amends § 14.10.016, sewer hookup surcharge (Repealed by 25-98) |
28-97 | Amends §§ 3.14.010, 3.14.030 and 3.14.035; repeals § 3.14.015, lodging excise tax (Repealed by 38-97) |
29-97 | Authorizes interfund loan (Special) |
30-97 | Street vacation (Special) |
31-97 | Amends § 14.08.010, sewer connection (14.08) |
32-97 | Amends § 17.28.040, fire flow standards (Repealed by 08-06) |
33-97 | (Number not used) |
34-97 | Imposes moratorium on acceptance of applications for permits for construction of telecommunications facilities (Special) |
35-97 | Street vacation (Special) |
36-97 | Amends § 6.12.020, telephone and electrical service tax (Repealed by 03-05) |
37-97 | Authorizes interfund loan (Special) |
38-97 | Amends §§ 3.14.010, 3.14.030 and 3.14.035; repeals § 3.14.015, lodging excise tax; repeals Ord. 28-97 (Repealed by 12-23) |
39-97 | Adds § 11.36.040, vehicles exceeding gross weight limit (Repealed by 42-97) |
40-97 | Adds § 19.12.405 and amends §§ 19.12.160, 19.12.410, 19.12.420, 19.20.010, 19.20.030, 19.34.010 – 19.34.040, zoning (19.12, 19.20, 19.34) |
41-97 | Adds §§ 19.12.021, 19.12.025, 19.12.033, 19.12.455 and amends §§ 19.12.675, 19.20.010(a), 19.20.015(a), 19.20.018(a), 19.20.020(a), 19.20.030(a), (b) and (e), 19.20.040(a), (b) and (d), 19.20.050(a), (b) and (d) and 19.20.060(a), (b) and (d), zoning (19.12, 19.20) |
42-97 | Adds § 11.36.040, vehicles exceeding gross weight limit; repeals Ord. 39-97 (Repealed by 12-16) |
43-97 | Amends § 6.04.070, business licenses and regulations (Repealed by 04-04) |
44-97 | Amends §§ 6.48.010 – 6.48.030, gambling tax (3.98) |
45-97 | 1997 budget (Special) |
46-97 | Authorizes interfund loan (Special) |
47-97 | Amends §§ 15.04.050 and 15.04.190, natural gas; repeals § 15.04.130 (15.04) |
48-97 | Amends § 6.04.020, business licenses and regulations (Repealed by 04-04) |
49-97 | Amends § 19.20.020(f), classification of zones (Repealed by 22-98) |
50-97 | Adds Chs. 3.101, 3.102, 3.107, 3.108, 3.130, 3.134, 3.136, 3.307, 3.308, 3.401, 3.402, 3.403, 3.404, 3.405, 3.406, 3.430, revenue and finance; amends § 14.28.040 and 14.28.060, surface water management utility; repeals and replaces Ch. 3.96, utility tax; repeals Chs. 3.26, 3.30, 3.32, 3.36, 3.40, 3.44, 3.48, 3.54, 3.56, 3.58, 3.60, 3.62, 3.64, 3.68, 3.72, 3.74, 3.75, 3.78, 3.86, 3.88, 3.92, 3.98, 3.99 and 3.14.030 – 3.14.040 (3.96, 3.102, 3.107, 3.108, 3.130, 3.136, 3.307, 3.308, 3.401, 3.402, 3.403, 3.404, 3.405, 3.406, 3.430, 14.28) |
51-97 | Authorizes interfund loans (Special) |
52-97 | Amends § 15.08.010, service charges (Repealed by 05-01) |
53-97 | Amends §§ 6.48.010 – 6.48.030, gambling tax (3.98) |
54-97 | Amends §§ 14.04.130 and 14.04.132, municipal water supply system; repeals § 14.04.131 (14.04) |
55-97 | Adds Chs. 17.04 [17.06], developer bonds and liability insurance (Repealed by 10-98) |
56-97 | Ad valorem tax levy (Special) |
57-97 | Amends 1997 budget (Special) |
58-97 | 1998 budget (Special) |
59-97 | Ad valorem tax levy (Special) |
60-97 | Imposes moratorium on building permit and preliminary plat applications (Repealed by 4-98) |
61-97 | Amends § 2.04.010, city council (2.04) |
1-98 | Rezone (Special) |
2-98 | Amends § 10.04.020, false statement to a public servant (10.04) |
3-98 | Amends § 14.08.030, sewer service charges (14.08) |
4-98 | Imposes moratorium on building permit and preliminary plat applications; repeals Ord. 60-97 (Special) |
5-98 | Amends § 8.18.020(8), construction noise (Repealed by 09-00) |
6-98 | Adds Ch. 16.01, land disturbing activities (16.01) |
7-98 | Amends § 3.50.030, impact fees (3.50) |
8-98 | Adds §§ 3.14.015 and 3.14.035; repeals § 3.14.030, lodging excise tax (Repealed by 12-23) |
9-98 | Interfund loan (Special) |
10-98 | Adds Ch. 17.06 and repeals Ord. 55-97, developer bonds and liability insurance (17.06) |
11-98 | Rezone (Special) |
12-98 | Amends § 19.12.230, zoning (19.12) |
13-98 | Ballot proposition regarding tax levy (Special) |
14-98 | Moratorium on construction of telecommunication facilities (Special) |
15-98 | Adds §§ 11.08.040 and 11.08.050; repeals Ch. 11.12, speed restrictions (11.08) |
16-98 | Repeals and replaces §§ 16.01.010 and 16.01.050, land disturbing activities (16.01) |
17-98 | Adds § 8.12.065; repeals and replaces §§ 8.12.010 – 8.12.040, 8.12.060 and 8.12.090; repeals Ch. 8.08 and § 8.12.050, garbage collection and disposal (8.12) |
18-98 | Interfund loan (Special) |
19-98 | Adopts 1998 street plan and amends 1995 comprehensive plan (Special) |
20-98 | Adds § 3.50.060, impact fees (3.50) |
21-98 | Imposes one-year moratorium on building permit, short plat and subdivision applications (Special) |
22-98 | Amends § 19.20.020(f) and repeals Ord. 49-97, zoning (19.20) |
23-98 | Adds Chs. 16.02, 16.60 and 16.70; repeals and replaces Chs. 16.06, 16.08, 16.14, 16.16, 16.24, 16.30, 16.31, 16.33 and 16.44; repeals Chs. 16.12, 16.18, 16.20, 16.28, 16.32 and 16.52, buildings and constructions (16.02, 16.16, 16.70) |
24-98 | Repeals and replaces § 14.04.320, municipal water supply system (14.04) |
25-98 | Repeals and replaces § 14.10.016, sewer hookup surcharge (Repealed by 40-99) |
26-98 | Imposes one-year moratorium on building permit applications and approval of preliminary plat applications (Special) |
27-98 | Amends Ord. 58-97, 1998 budget (Special) |
28-98 | Amends development guidelines and public works standards (Special) |
29-98 | (Number not used) |
30-98 | Authorizes lottery to distribute residential sewer connections (Special) |
31-98 | Adds Ch. 13.40, street latecomers agreement (Repealed by 10-15) |
32-98 | Adds § 11.36.050, vehicles exceeding gross weight limit (Repealed by 12-16) |
33-98 | Adds § 10.60.100, purchase, possession of tobacco products by minor; repeals and replaces Ch. 2.32, police justice (2.32, 10.60) |
34-98 | Repeals and replaces § 17.08.040, street lighting (Repealed by 01-12) |
35-98 | Adds Ch. 12.06, optional determination of nonsignificance process (Repealed by 18-19) |
36-98 | Adds Ch. 12.50, landmark designation (12.50) |
37-98 | Imposes one year moratorium on certain building permit applications (Special) |
38-98 | Adds Ch. 16.80, canopy permits (16.80) |
39-98 | 1999 final budget (Special) |
40-98 | Ad valorem tax levy (Special) |
41-98 | Amends § 14.08.030, sewer charges (14.08) |
42-98 | Amends § 14.04.130, water charges (14.04) |
43-98 | Amends § 15.08.010, gas charges (Repealed by 05-01) |
44-98 | Repeals and replaces § 8.12.080, garbage rates (Repealed by 12-99) |
45-98 | Repeals and replaces § 2.100.020; repeals § 2.100.010, police department (2.100) |
46-98 | Amends Ord. 27-98, 1998 budget (Special) |
47-98 | Adds §§ 17.08.050 and 17.08.060, development guidelines (17.08) |
1-99 | Modifying time restrictions for allocation system for commercial sewer connections (Not codified) |
2-99 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 11.16, parking (11.16) |
3-99 | Adds § 1.04.020; amends § 1.04.010, civil infractions (1.04) |
4-99 | Repeals and replaces § 10.68.010; repeals §§ 10.68.020, 10.68.030, 10.68.040, 10.68.050, 10.68.060, 10.68.070, 10.68.090 and 10.68.100, controlled substances and drug paraphernalia (Repealed by 14-19) |
5-99 | Adds § 10.24.015; amends §§ 10.24.010, 10.24.040, 10.24.050, 10.24.070 and 10.24.090; repeals §§ 10.24.060, 10.24.100 and 10.24.110; crimes against the person (10.24) |
6-99 | Repeals §§ 10.62.010 – 10.62.090 (Ch. 10.62 in its entirety) (Repealer) |
7-99 | Amends §§ 10.04.010 and 10.30.010, gambling regulations; repeals 10.30.020 – 10.30.130 (10.04, 10.30) |
8-99 | Repeals § 10.72.020 (Repealer) |
9-99 | Repeals § 10.28.080 (Repealer) |
10-99 | Amends § 10.32.100, prostitution; repeals §§ 10.28.110 and 10.28.120 (10.32) |
11-99 | Repeals §§ 10.08.010 – 10.08.220 (Ch. 10.08 in its entirety) (Repealer) |
12-99 | Repeals and replaces § 8.12.080, garbage rates (8.12) |
13-99 | Modifies allocation system for residential sewer connections (Special) |
14-99 | Adds Ch. 19.25, personal wireless telecommunications facilities and adds definitions to Ch. 19.12, zoning (19.12, 19.25) |
15-99 | Interfund loan (Special) |
16-99 | Amends § 17.08.010, design and construction standards (17.08) |
17-99 | Rezone (Special) |
18-99 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 12.16, commute trip reduction (12.16) |
19-99 | Amends comprehensive plan and adopts amended transportation element (Special) |
20-99 | Amends § 16.01.010, land disturbing activity (16.01) |
21-99 | Amends comprehensive plan and adopts shoreline master program (Special) |
22-99 | Rezone (Special) |
23-99 | Interfund loan (Special) |
24-99 | Amends 1999 budget (Special) |
25-99 | Amends § 4.24.020, monuments, headstones and plantings (4.24) |
26-99 | Amends §§ 14.04.150 and 14.08.050, water and sewers, and § 15.08.040, natural gas – service charges (14.04, 15.04) |
27-99 | Amends § 3.96.010, utility tax (3.96) |
28-99 | Amends § 19.20.020(f), zoning (19.20) |
29-99 | Amends § 14.04.130, municipal water supply system (14.04) |
30-99 | Amends § 14.28.120, surface water management utility (Repealed by 16-01) |
31-99 | Repeals §§ 14.06.050, 14.06.180 and 19.36.080 (Repealer) |
32-99 | Amends § 15.08.010, natural gas service charges (Repealed by 05-01) |
33-99 | Amends comprehensive plan and adopts amended shoreline master program (Special) |
34-99 | Adds Ch. 3.11, business and occupation tax code (Repealed by 18-06) |
35-99 | Adds §§ 3.96.005, 3.06.020 – 3.96.190 and amends § 3.96.010, utility tax (3.96) |
36-99 | Amends § 14.08.030, sewer connection (14.08) |
37-99 | Ambulance service fee schedule (Repealed by 17-15) |
38-99 | Adds Ch. 8.30, noise control (8.30) |
39-99 | Police department petty cash fund (2.42) |
40-99 | Repeals and replaces § 14.10.016, sanitary sewer general facilities charge (14.10) |
41-99 | Interfund loan authorization (Special) |
42-99 | Adds § 11.08.060, speed restrictions (11.08) |
43-99 | Amends § 3.96.010, utility tax and §§ 13.16.090, 13.24.120, sewer liens (Not codified) |
44-99 | Tax levy (Special) |
45-99 | Tax levy (Special) |
46-99 | Adds Ch. 10.90, recovery of costs for emergency response (10.90) |
47-99 | Amends budget (Special) |
48-99 | Adopts 2000 budget (Special) |
49-99 | Adds §§ 3.50.070, 3.50.080 and 3.50.090, impact fees (3.50) |
50-99 | Adds Ch. 9.42, shoreline management program (Repealed by 15-19) |
01-00 | Adds § 2.28.100, municipal court (2.28) |
02-00 | Adopts amendments to comprehensive plan (Special) |
03-00 | Rezone (Special) |
04-00 | Adds § 14.28.125, commercial service charges (14.28) |
05-00 | Repeals and replaces §§ 14.08.050 and 14.28.150; repeals Ord. 43-99 §§ 1 and 2, water and sewers (14.08, 14.28) |
06-00 | Adds § 14.04.330; repeals and replaces §§ 14.06.060 – 14.06.110 and 14.06.400; repeals §§ 14.06.120, 14.06.130, 14.06.390 and 14.06.410, water and sewers (Repealed by 04-03) |
07-00 | Amends § 17.08.010, design and construction standards (17.08) |
08-00 | Authorizes interfund loan from current expense fund to cemetery fund (Special) |
09-00 | Adds § 8.18.120; repeals and replaces §§ 8.18.020 and 8.18.100, nuisances (8.18) |
10-00 | Tax levy (Special) |
11-00 | Repeals and replaces §§ 3.11.040 – 3.11.130 and 3.11.190, business and occupation tax (Repealed by 18-06) |
12-00 | Tax levy (Special) |
13-00 | Amends § 14.04.130, water rates (14.04) |
14-00 | Amends § 14.08.030, sewer rates (14.08) |
15-00 | Adds § 14.28.170, general facility charge exemption (14.28) |
16-00 | Amends § 15.08.010, gas rates (Repealed by 05-01) |
17-00 | Reenacts Ords. 29-99, 30-99, 32-99, 36-99, 44-99 and 45-99, utility rates (14.04, 14.08) |
18-00 | Amends Ord. 48-99 and 2000 budget (Special) |
19-00 | Adopts 2001 budget (Special) |
01-01 | Repeals and replaces § 2.38.040, architectural review board powers and duties (Repealed by 08-07) |
02-01 | Adds § 19.36.015; amends §§ 19.24.060, 19.30.060, 19.30.080, 19.30.220 and 19.36.010, nonconforming uses (19.24, 19.36) |
03-01 | Amends §§ 2.38.030(a) and 19.48.020, board meetings (Repealed by 08-07) |
04-01 | Distribution of returned residential sewer connections (Special) |
05-01 | Repeals and replaces § 15.08.010, gas rates (15.08) |
06-01 | Adds Ch. 12.100, Public facilities – Level of services standards (12.100) |
07-01 | Amends § 19.24.060, zoning (19.24) |
08-01 | Loans sewer connections to White River School District (Special) |
09-01 | Adopts amendments to comprehensive plan (Special) |
10-01 | Amends budget (Special) |
11-01 | Tax levy (Special) |
12-01 | Tax levy (Special) |
13-01 | Adopts 2002 budget (Special) |
14-01 | Amends § 14.08.030, sewer rates (14.08) |
15-01 | Amends § 14.04.130, water rates (14.04) |
16-01 | Repeals and replaces § 14.28.120, surface water management utility (14.28) |
01-02 | Adds § 12.12.135; amends §§ 12.12.030, 12.12.130, environmentally sensitive areas; repeals §§ 16.36.010 – 16.36.170 (Repealed by 21-05) |
02-02 | Amends § 14.06.100; repeals § 14.06.090, sewer use regulations (Not codified) |
03-02 | Establishes shared leave pilot program (Not codified) |
04-02 | Amends § 18.16.030, procedure (Repealed by 09-20) |
05-02 | Tax levy (Special) |
06-02 | Tax levy (Special) |
07-02 | Amends § 14.04.130, municipal water supply system (14.04) |
08-02 | Amends § 14.08.030, sewer connection (14.08) |
09-02 | Adopts 2003 budget (Special) |
01-03 | Amends § 19.12.160, definitions (19.12) |
02-03 | Repeals Ch. 15.12 (Repealer) |
03-03 | Amends § 14.16.030, low-income utility rates (Repealed by 23-05) |
04-03 | Repeals Ord. 06-00, water and sewers (Repealed by 05-04) |
05-03 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 14.05, cross-connections (Repealed by 12-19) |
06-03 | Sewer connections (Repealed by 15-03) |
07-03 | Amends § 14.05.040, cross-connections (Repealed by 12-19) |
08-03 | Tax levy (Special) |
09-03 | Tax levy (Special) |
10-03 | Amends § 14.04.130, water rates (14.04) |
11-03 | Amends § 14.08.030, sewer rates (14.08) |
12-03 | Amends § 15.08.010, gas rates (15.08) |
13-03 | Amends § 14.28.120, storm water service charges (14.28) |
14-03 | Amends § 14.10.016(A), sanitary sewer charges (14.10) |
15-03 | Modifies allocation system for sewer connections; repeals Ord. 06-03 (Repealed by 03-07) |
16-03 | Adopts 2004 budget (Special) |
01-04 | Adds Ch. 2.58, salary commission (Repealed by 08-22) |
02-04 | Amends § 14.10.016(A), sewer charges (14.10) |
03-04 | Adds §§ 14.06.090 and 14.06.100, on-site septic systems (14.06) |
04-04 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 6.04, business licenses (6.04) |
05-04 | Adds § 14.04.055; amends § 14.04.050; repeals Ord. 04-03, water supply system (14.04) |
06-04 | Adds § 11.16.023, 15-minute parking (11.16) |
07-04 | Adds Ch. 19.32; amends §§ 19.20.010, 19.20.015, 19.20.018, 19.20.020, 19.20.030 and 19.20.040, zoning (19.12, 19.20, 19.32) |
08-04 | Amends § 1.28.010, posting places (1.28) |
09-04 | Amends § 19.54.010, home occupation application permits (Title 19) |
10-04 | Amends § 14.28.125, surface water utility commercial service charge (14.28) |
11-04 | Amends § 14.10.016(A), sewer charges (14.10) |
12-04 | Amends § 2.99.020, Buckley Community Hall management board (2.99) |
13-04 | Amends § 2.58.040, salary commission (Repealed by 08-22) |
14-04 | Adds § 6.04.055, business licenses (Repealed by 16-18) |
15-04 | Adds § 14.04.155; amends § 14.04.150, water service (14.04) |
16-04 | Amends § 3.50.040, parks and recreation facilities impact fees (3.50) |
17-04 | Repeals and replaces Chs. 16.06 and 16.24; repeals Chs. 16.14, 16.30, 16.31, 16.33 and 16.44, building codes (Repealed by 24-10) |
18-04 | Adds § 15.08.035; amends § 15.08.040, natural gas service (15.08) |
19-04 | Property tax levy election (Special) |
20-04 | Amends development guidelines and public works standards (Special) |
21-04 | Tax levy (Special) |
22-04 | Tax levy (Special) |
23-04 | Amends 2004 budget (Special) |
24-04 | Adds Ch. 3.10; amends Ch. 3.11, tax administration (Repealed by 18-06) |
25-04 | Amends § 14.08.030, sewer service rates (14.08) |
26-04 | Amends § 15.08.010, natural gas rates (15.08) |
27-04 | Adopts 2005 budget (Special) |
01-05 | Adds Ch. 3.306; amends § 14.28.120, surface water management (14.28) |
02-05 | Adds Ch. 3.98, gambling tax (3.98) |
03-05 | Adds Ch. 3.96; repeals Chs. 6.08 and 6.12, utility tax (3.96) |
04-05 | Amends Ch. 1.04, prosecution for violations (1.04) |
05-05 | Adds Ch. 1.16 [1.20], right of entry (1.20) |
06-05 | Adds Ch. 2.34; repeals Ch. 19.48, board of adjustment (Repealed by 03-16) |
07-05 | Amends Ch. 3.11, business and occupation tax (Repealed by 18-06) |
08-05 | Amends § 3.10.220, tax administration (Repealed by 18-06) |
09-05 | Adds Ch. 1.12, code enforcement (Repealed by 14-22) |
10-05 | Amends § 8.12.080, garbage rates (8.12) |
11-05 | Adds Title 20, land use and development (Repealed by 13-19) |
12-05 | Adds Ch. 11.40, motorized foot scooters and other wheeled recreational devices (11.40) |
13-05 | Moratorium on business and occupancy permits for adult entertainment businesses (Special) |
14-05 | Amends Ch. 18.37, application fees (Repealed by 09-20) |
15-05 | Amends Ch. 1.12, code enforcement (Repealed by 14-22) |
16-05 | Amends § 15.08.010, natural gas rates (15.08) |
17-05 | Tax levy (Special) |
18-05 | Tax levy (Special) |
19-05 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 2.96, department of emergency management; repeals Ch. 2.48 (2.96) |
20-05 | Adopts comprehensive plan (Special) |
21-05 | Adds Chs. 12.08, 12.09, 12.10, 12.11 and 12.13; repeals and replaces Ch. 12.12, environment (12.08, 12.09, 12.10, 12.11, 12.12, 12.13) |
22-05 | Amends Title 19, zoning (19.04, 19.08, 19.12, 19.16, 19.20, 19.24, 19.25, 19.26, 19.28, 19.32, 19.34, 19.36, 19.40, 19.52) |
23-05 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 14.16, low- income utility discounts (14.16) |
24-05 | Amends §§ 14.28.120 and 14.28.125, surface water management utility (14.28) |
25-05 | Amends § 14.04.130, water rates (14.04) |
26-05 | Amends § 14.08.030, sewer rates (14.08) |
27-05 | Amends § 8.12.080, garbage collection and disposal rates (8.12) |
28-05 | Adopts 2006 budget (Special) |
01-06 | Moratorium on applications for adult entertainment businesses (Special) |
02-06 | Amends § 2.12.020, city attorney duties (2.12) |
03-06 | Adds Ch. 6.12, licensing and operation of adult entertainment facilities; amends § 6.04.070 (6.04, 6.12) |
04-06 | Adds Ch. 2.33, planning commission; repeals Ch. 19.44 (2.33) |
05-06 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 19.30, sign code (Repealed by 04-23) |
06-06 | Amends § 3.306.020, stormwater capital project fund (Repealed by 01-12) |
07-06 | Speed limit on SR 410 (11.08) |
08-06 | Amends § 16.24.110; repeals Ch. 17.28, fire code (Repealed by 10-07) |
09-06 | Amends 2006 budget (Special) |
10-06 | Amends Ch. 15.08, gas rates (15.08) |
11-06 | Adds Ch. 14.14; repeals and replaces Ch. 14.12, utility extensions and improvements (14.12, 14.14) |
12-06 | Tax levy (Special) |
13-06 | Tax levy (Special) |
14-06 | Tax levy (Special) |
15-06 | Tax levy (Special) |
16-06 | Adopts 2007 budget (Special) |
17-06 | Amends Ch. 3.98, gambling tax code (3.98) |
18-06 | Repeals Chs. 3.10 and 3.11, business and occupation tax (Repealer) |
19-06 | Amends § 8.12.080, garbage collection and disposal rates (8.12) |
20-06 | Amends § 14.04.130, water rates (14.04) |
21-06 | Amends § 14.08.030, sewer rates (14.08) |
22-06 | Amends §§ 14.28.120 and 14.28.125, stormwater service charges (14.28) |
23-06 | Amends Ch. 3.96, utility tax code (3.96) |
24-06 | Amends Ch. 14.16, low-income utility rates (14.16) |
25-06 | Amends Ch. 3.50, impact fees (3.50) |
26-06 | Amends §§ 14.04.320, 14.10.016(1) and 14.28.130(1), general facilities fees and charges (14.04, 14.10, 14.28) |
01-07 | Amends § 3.50.050, school impact fees (3.50) |
02-07 | Interfund loan (Special) |
03-07 | Modifies allocation system for sewer connections; repeals Ord. 15-03 (Repealed by 04-07) |
04-07 | Modifies allocation system for sewer connections; repeals Ord. 03-07 (Special) |
05-07 | Amends § 15.08.010, natural gas rates (15.08) |
06-07 | Amends § 6.04.070, home occupation permits (6.04) |
07-07 | Amends Ch. 16.06, building codes (Repealed by 24-10) |
08-07 | Amends Chs. 19.50 and 19.51, review districts; repeals Ch. 2.38, architectural review board (Repealed by 19-19) |
09-07 | Amends § 2.33.010, planning commission (2.33) |
10-07 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 16.24, fire code (Repealed by 17-10) |
11-07 | Amends §§ 4.24.030, 19.30.070, 19.30.090, 19.30.190 and 19.30.200, design review committee (4.24) |
12-07 | Repeals Ch. 13.30, developer reimbursement agreements (Repealer) |
13-07 | Adds Ch. 1.14, use of inmate labor (1.14) |
14-07 | Amends §§ 19.30.160 and 19.30.170, nonconforming signs (Repealed by 04-23) |
15-07 | Amends development guidelines and public works standards (Special) |
16-07 | Repeals Ch. 2.52, declaration of candidacy (Repealer) |
17-07 | Repeals Ch. 2.56, employing and discharging city employee (Repealer) |
18-07 | Amends § 2.64.030, travel expense (2.64) |
19-07 | Amends § 1.04.020, prosecution for violations (1.04) |
20-07 | Tax levy (Special) |
21-07 | Tax levy (Special) |
22-07 | Amends § 15.08.010, natural gas rates (15.08) |
23-07 | Amends 2007 budget (Special) |
24-07 | Adopts 2008 budget (Special) |
25-07 | Amends §§ 14.28.120 and 14.28.125, surface water utility management charges (14.28) |
26-07 | Amends § 8.12.080, garbage collection rates (8.12) |
27-07 | Amends § 3.404.020, natural gas capital project fund (3.404) |
28-07 | Moratorium on recreational vehicle parks (Special) |
01-08 | Amends § 14.04.130, water rates (14.04) |
02-08 | Adds Ch. 13.25, vacation of streets and alleys (13.25) |
03-08 | Moratorium on recreational vehicle parks (Special) |
04-08 | Amends Ch. 14.16, low-income utility discounts (14.16) |
05-08 | Amends development guidelines and public works standards (Special) |
06-08 | Adopts Phase II NPDES Stormwater Management Program (Special) |
07-08 | Amends Ch. 10.84, parks and recreation facilities (10.84) |
08-08 | Amends § 17.08.010, development guidelines and public works standards (17.08) |
09-08 | Amends § 13.25.160, appraisals (13.25) |
10-08 | Amends § 6.04.070, business licenses (6.04) |
11-08 | Amends historical guidelines for redevelopment (Special) |
12-08 | Right-of-way vacation (Repealed by 19-08) |
13-08 | Adds Ch. 3.18 and §§ 10.84.295, 14.05.060, 20.01.262, 20.01.265 and 20.01.268; amends §§ 2.99.020, 6.04.110, 8.12.080, 10.44.020, 12.04.350, 13.40.070, 14.04.080, 14.04.130, 14.04.320, 14.06.150, 14.08.030, 14.10.016(1), 14.28.110, 14.28.120, 14.28.125, 14.28.140, 15.08.010, 15.08.040 and 16.01.050 and Chs. 18.37 and 19.54, taxes, rates and fees (2.99, 3.18, 6.04, 8.12, 10.84, 14.04, 14.06, 14.08, 14.10, 14.28, 15.08, 16.01, Title 19) |
14-08 | Amends Ch. 11.48, trailers (11.48) |
15-08 | Repeals Ch. 13.16, driveways (Repealer) |
16-08 | Amends §§ 19.50.060 and 19.51.060, design criteria (Repealed by 19-19) |
17-08 | Amends Ch. 2.20, department of public works (2.20) |
18-08 | Amends Title 18, subdivisions (Repealed by 09-20) |
19-08 | Right-of-way vacation; repeals Ord. 12-08 (Special) |
20-08 | Adds Chs. 9.10, 9.15 and 9.25, animal control; repeals Chs. 9.10, 9.16, 9.20, 9.22, 9.25 and 9.30 (9.10, 9.15, 9.25) |
21-08 | Rezone (Special) |
22-08 | Amends Title 19, zoning (19.04, 19.06, 19.08, 19.12, 19.16, 19.20, 19.22, 19.23, 19.24, 19.25, 19.26, 19.28, 19.32, 19.34, 19.36, 19.40, 19.52, 19.56) |
23-08 | Amends § 16.40.040, manufactured home installation standards (16.40) |
24-08 | Accepts donation from Rocklin Redding L.L.C. (Special) |
25-08 | Tax levy (Special) |
26-08 | Tax levy (Special) |
27-08 | Amends comprehensive plan (Special) |
28-08 | Adopts 2009 budget (Special) |
29-08 | Amends 2008 budget (Special) |
30-08 | Adds § 3.20.020, investment income (3.20) |
31-08 | Approves rezone requests (Special) |
01-09 | Amends § 3.96.050, utility tax (3.96) |
02-09 | Proclaims emergency (Special) |
03-09 | Adopts Ch. 2.35, hearing examiner, on an interim basis (Expired) |
04-09 | Adds Ch. 1.36, flag policies (1.36) |
05-09 | Adds § 14.28.155; amends §§ 8.12.070, 14.04.150, 14.08.040, 14.08.050, 15.08.010 and 15.08.040; repeals § 14.04.140, utility service fee payments (8.12, 14.04, 14.08, 14.28, 15.08) |
06-09 | Rezone (Special) |
07-09 | Adopts 2009 comprehensive plan amendment docket (Special) |
08-09 | Adds Ch. 16.12, fences (16.12) |
09-09 | Amends § 18.16.020(6)(B) on an interim basis, development permits (Not codified) |
10-09 | Adopts Ch. 2.35, hearing examiner, on an interim basis (2.35) |
11-09 | Adds § 10.68.020, possession of legend drugs (Repealed by 14-19) |
12-09 | Tax levy (Special) |
13-09 | Tax levy (Special) |
14-09 | Permits mural signs in downtown historic district on an interim basis (Not codified) |
15-09 | Adopts 2010 budget (Special) |
16-09 | Amends 2009 budget (Special) |
17-09 | Amends comprehensive plan (Special) |
01-10 | Amends Ch. 15.08, natural gas service charges (15.08) |
02-10 | Amends § 18.16.020(6), subdivisions (Repealed by 09-20) |
03-10 | Amends Chs. 14.28, 14.30 and 14.40 and § 16.01.060, surface and stormwater management, maintenance (14.28, 14.30, 14.40, 16.01) |
04-10 | Amends Ch. 14.06, sewer use regulations (14.06) |
05-10 | Amends § 3.50.050, impact fees (3.50) |
06-10 | Special election authorizing general obligation bonds (Special) |
07-10 | Amends § 16.01.040, land disturbing activity permits (16.01) |
08-10 | Amends Chs. 2.35 and 20.01, hearing examiner (2.35) |
09-10 | Amends §§ 18.08.010, 18.16.020(4), (5) and (6), 18.16.030, 18.20.020, 18.20.040, 18.20.080, 18.20.130(1), 18.36.060(2) and (3) and 18.36.070, subdivisions (Repealed by 09-20) |
10-10 | Amends development guidelines and public works standards (Special) |
11-10 | Amends §§ 2.33.010 and 19.06.030, planning commission (2.33, 19.06) |
12-10 | Amends § 20.01.030(1), land use and development (Repealed by 13-19) |
13-10 | Amends §§ 3.98.040 and 3.98.060, gambling tax (3.98) |
14-10 | Property tax levy election (Special) |
15-10 | Amends §§ 8.12.070, 14.04.150, 14.08.040, 14.28.155 and 15.08.040, utility services fees (8.12, 14.04, 14.08, 14.28, 15.08) |
16-10 | Interim ordinance amending §§ 19.33.020, 19.33.040, 19.33.060, 19.33.070, 19.33.090, 20.01.030, 20.01.070, 20.01.100, 20.01.110, 20.01.140 and 20.01.190, site plan review (Not codified) |
17-10 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 16.24, fire code (16.24) |
18-10 | Bond issuance (Special) |
19-10 | Tax levy (Special) |
20-10 | Tax levy (Special) |
21-10 | Adopts 2011 budget (Special) |
22-10 | Property tax amount for general obligation bonds (Special) |
23-10 | Amends 2010 budget (Special) |
24-10 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 16.06, building code (Repealed by 25-16) |
01-11 | Amends § 8.30.020, public disturbance noises (8.30) |
02-11 | Amends § 2.100.020, detention division policies and procedures (2.100) |
03-11 | Amends Ch. 14.16, low-income senior and low-income disability utility rates (14.16) |
04-11 | Repeals and replaces § 10.84.300, expulsion from parks (10.84) |
05-11 | Amends § 14.04.155, voluntary discontinuance of water service (14.04) |
06-11 | Interim ordinance amending § 20.01.030, land use and development (Expired) |
07-11 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 10.44, fireworks (10.44) |
08-11 | Adopts 2011 salary scale (Special) |
09-11 | Interim ordinance amending § 20.01.030, land use and development (Not codified) |
10-11 | Tax levy (Special) |
11-11 | Tax levy (Special) |
12-11 | Adds new definition to § 19.30.020; adds § 19.30.090(5), historic wall signs (Repealed by 04-23) |
13-11 | Property tax amount for general obligation bonds (Special) |
14-11 | Adopts 2012 budget (Special) |
15-11 | Adopts 2012 salary scale (Special) |
01-12 | Amends §§ 12.08.140, 12.08.150, 12.08.260, 12.08.330, 17.08.050, 18.20.110, 19.20.110, 19.20.120, 19.23.010, 19.25.070, 19.28.040, 19.28.050, 19.29.060, 19.33.040, 19.33.060, 19.33.070, 19.33.090, 19.33.110, 19.34.020, 19.34.030, 19.42.030, 19.42.080, 19.42.100 and 20.01.030; repeals and replaces § 17.08.040; repeals §§ 17.08.030 and 17.08.060, review of land use proposals (12.08, 17.08, 19.20, 19.23, 19.25, 19.28, 19.34) |
02-12 | Adds Chs. 3.407 and 3.408; repeals and replaces Ch. 3.101; repeals Ch. 3.306, funds (3.101, 3.407, 3.408) |
03-12 | Adds § 3.434.030; repeals and replaces § 3.434.020, ambulance service fee schedule (Repealed by 17-15) |
04-12 | Amends § 9.10.270, animal control (9.10) |
05-12 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 3.66, disposal of surplus property (3.66) |
06-12 | Adopts moratorium on medical marijuana collective gardens or medical marijuana dispensaries (Special) |
07-12 | Amends § 2.33.020, planning commission (2.33) |
08-12 | Amends § 10.84.290; repeals § 10.84.185, firearms restriction in city parks (10.84) |
09-12 | Adopts Shoreline Master Program; amends § 1.01.060 (1.01) |
10-12 | Extends moratorium on medical marijuana collective gardens or medical marijuana dispensaries (Special) |
11-12 | Tax levy (Special) |
12-12 | Tax levy (Special) |
13-12 | Adds Ch. 13.18, transportation benefit district (13.18) |
14-12 | Repeals Ch. 3.80, small works roster (Repealer) |
15-12 | Tax levy (Special) |
16-12 | Adopts 2013 budget (Special) |
17-12 | Adopts 2013 salary scale (Special) |
18-12 | Amends 2012 budget (Special) |
01-13 | Adds new definition to Ch. 19.12; adds § 19.12.426; amends §§ 19.20.010, 19.20.110, 19.20.120, 19.20.130, 19.22.120, 19.25.050, 19.25.060, 19.25.070, 19.25.100, 19.25.110, 19.30.020 and 19.30.140(2); repeals § 19.12.135, zoning (19.12, 19.20, 19.22, 19.25) |
02-13 | Adopts Phase II NPDES 2013 Stormwater Management Program (Special) |
03-13 | Extends moratorium on medical marijuana collective gardens or medical marijuana dispensaries (Special) |
04-13 | Adds § 19.42.015, shoreline master program adopted; repeals shoreline master program as adopted by Ord. 09-12 (Repealed by 15-19) |
05-13 | Amends Ch. 17.06, developer bonds and liability insurance (17.06) |
06-13 | Amends development guidelines and public works standards (Special) |
07-13 | Amends § 10.44.100, fireworks (10.44) |
08-13 | Accepts Puget Sound Energy bid to purchase gas utility (Special) |
09-13 | Submits referendum on Ord. 08-13 to voters in November 2013 election (Special) |
10-13 | Adds § 19.12.427; amends §§ 20.01.140(3)(c)(ii)(A) and 20.01.190(3)(a); repeals and replaces Ch. 19.33; repeals § 19.29.020(9), site plan review (19.12, 19.33) |
11-13 | Rezone (Special) |
12-13 | Adds Ch. 6.50, special events (6.50) |
13-13 | Adds Ch. 13.35, right-of-way use (13.35) |
14-13 | Amends Ch. 2.99, Buckley community hall management board (2.99) |
15-13 | Extends moratorium on medical marijuana collective gardens or medical marijuana dispensaries (Special) |
16-13 | Adds § 10.84.195, city parks (10.84) |
17-13 | Tax levy (Special) |
18-13 | Tax levy (Special) |
19-13 | Property tax amount for general obligation bonds (Special) |
20-13 | Cable franchise extension (Special) |
21-13 | Adopts 2014 salary scale (Special) |
22-13 | Amends 2013 budget (Special) |
23-13 | Adopts 2014 budget (Special) |
24-13 | Adds Ch. 3.32, general fund cumulative reserve fund (3.32) |
01-14 | Natural gas and electric energy franchise (Special) |
02-14 | Amends § 2.33.020, planning commission (2.33) |
03-14 | Adds Ch. 3.60, purchasing (3.60) |
04-14 | Extends moratorium on medical marijuana collective gardens or medical marijuana dispensaries (Special) |
05-14 | Rezone (Special) |
06-14 | Extends moratorium on medical marijuana collective gardens or medical marijuana dispensaries (Special) |
07-14 | Amends Chs. 8.12, 8.18 and 8.30; repeals Chs. 8.04, 8.16 and 8.20, health and sanitation (8.12, 8.18, 8.30) |
08-14 | Adopts interim 5,000-foot separation requirements for recreational marijuana establishments (Special) |
09-14 | Amends Ch. 16.40, §§ 19.12.335 and 19.12.340, and Ch. 19.34, mobile homes (16.40, 19.12, 19.34) |
10-14 | Tax levy (Special) |
11-14 | Tax levy (Special) |
12-14 | Property tax amount for general obligation bonds (Special) |
13-14 | Amends Ord. 08-14 § 2, interim 5,000-foot separation requirements for recreational marijuana establishments (Special) |
14-14 | Amends Ch. 3.20, investment of city funds (3.20) |
15-14 | Adopts 2015 budget (Special) |
16-14 | Adopts 2015 salary scale (Special) |
17-14 | Adds new definitions to Ch. 19.12; adds Ch. 19.31; amends §§ 19.12.035, 19.12.040, 19.12.245 and 19.20.130; recodifies definitions from § 19.32.020 to Ch. 19.12, child and adult day care services (19.12, 19.31) |
18-14 | Amends 2014 budget (Special) |
19-14 | Amends Ch. 14.30, stormwater management (14.30) |
01-15 | Extends moratorium on medical marijuana collective gardens or medical marijuana dispensaries (Special) |
02-15 | Transfer of funds (Special) |
03-15 | Adds Ch. 2.10; amends Ch. 2.06; repeals and replaces Ch. 2.08, administrative positions (2.06, 2.08, 2.10) |
04-15 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 3.52, petty cash fund (3.52) |
05-15 | Amends § 10.04.030, public peace, safety and morals (10.04) |
06-15 | Amends §§ 2.04.030, 2.40.040, Chs. 2.50, 2.58, 3.08, 3.28, § 3.76.030, Ch. 3.84, § 3.90.010, Ch. 4.20, §§ 6.16.040, 6.24.020, 6.28.130, Ch. 6.32, §§ 6.36.020, 10.30.010, 10.32.010 [10.32.100], 10.68.010, 11.16.010, 11.44.180, 12.100.070, 13.08.020, Ch. 13.40, §§ 14.04.070, 14.04.180, 14.08.020, 14.08.070, 14.16.020, 14.16.030, 18.24.060, 19.04.040, 19.16.020, 19.26.060, 19.50.040, 19.50.060 and 19.51.060, administrative positions (2.04, 2.40, 3.08, 3.28, 3.76, 3.84, 3.90, 4.20, 6.16, 6.24, 6.28, 6.32, 6.36, 10.30, 10.32, 11.16, 11.44, 12.100, 14.04, 14.08, 14.16, 19.04, 19.16, 19.26) |
07-15 | Adds Ch. 11.50, motorized recreation and wheeled all-terrain vehicles (11.50) |
08-15 | Repeals and replaces Phase II NPDES Stormwater Management Program (Special) |
09-15 | Amends Ch. 2.58, salary commission (Repealed by 08-22) |
10-15 | Amends Ch. 14.14; repeals Ch. 13.40, latecomer agreements (14.14) |
11-15 | Adopts moratorium on marijuana production or processing facilities and operations (Special) |
12-15 | Interim permit processing procedures (Special) |
13-15 | Street vacation (Special) |
14-15 | Amends Ch. 13.35, right-of-way use (13.35) |
15-15 | Amends 2015 salary scale (Special) |
16-15 | Extends moratorium on medical marijuana collective gardens or medical marijuana dispensaries (Special) |
17-15 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 3.434, ambulance transport services (3.434) |
18-15 | Adds Ch. 11.30, inattention (11.30) |
19-15 | Amends § 2.80.020, public defender (2.80) |
20-15 | Adds Ch. 3.40, contingency reserve fund (3.40) |
21-15 | Amends Ch. 2.44, police and fire civil service (2.44) |
22-15 | Adds sections to Ch. 19.12; adds Ch. 19.35; amends § 19.20.130, use and sale of marijuana; ends moratorium extended by Ord. 16-15; continues moratorium on collective gardens (19.12, 19.35) |
23-15 | Amends §§ 10.44.090 and 10.44.110, fireworks (10.44) |
24-15 | Tax levy (Special) |
25-15 | Tax levy (Special) |
26-15 | Tax levy (Special) |
27-15 | Adopts 2016 budget (Special) |
28-15 | Adopts 2016 salary schedule (Special) |
29-15 | Amends 2015 budget (Special) |
30-15 | Rezone (Special) |
31-15 | Amends comprehensive plan (Special) |
01-16 | Rezone (Special) |
02-16 | Amends Ch. 3.50, impact fees (3.50) |
03-16 | Amends §§ 1.12.020, 8.18.030, 12.04.020, 12.04.040, 12.04.340, 12.08.140, 12.08.260, 12.08.320, 12.08.330, 14.30.920, 19.12.145, 19.12.155, 19.20.010, 19.30.120, 19.30.140, 19.30.210, 19.30.220, 19.30.270, 19.32.030, 19.32.060, 19.32.090, Ch. 19.40, §§ 19.42.030, 20.01.020, 20.01.030, 20.01.050, 20.01.090, 20.01.100, 20.01.200, 20.01.220, 20.01.240, 20.01.250 and 20.01.260; repeals Ch. 2.34, city decision-making bodies (Repealed by 06-16) |
04-16 | Amends §§ 1.01.060(2), 19.12.010, 19.12.180, 19.12.580, 19.20.060(2)(a)(i)(B) and 20.01.070(2), zoning, land use and development (1.01, 19.12, 19.20) |
05-16 | Rezone (Special) |
06-16 | Adds § 19.12.154; amends §§ 1.12.020, 8.18.030, 12.04.020, 12.04.040, 12.08.140, 12.08.260, 12.08.320, 12.08.330, 14.30.920, 19.12.145, 19.12.155, 19.20.010, 19.30.120, 19.30.140, 19.30.210, 19.30.220, 19.30.270, 19.32.030, 19.32.060, 19.32.090, Ch. 19.40, §§ 19.42.030, 20.01.020, 20.01.030, 20.01.050, 20.01.090, 20.01.100, 20.01.200, 20.01.220, 20.01.240, 20.01.250 and 20.01.260; repeals Ch. 2.34 and Ord. 03-16; repeals and replaces § 12.04.340, city decision-making bodies (8.18, 12.08, 14.30, 19.12, 19.20, 19.32, 19.40) |
07-16 | Amends § 13.35.110, right-of-way use permit exceptions (13.35) |
08-16 | Street vacation (Special) |
09-16 | Repeals and replaces Phase II NPDES Stormwater Management Program (Special) |
10-16 | Adds § 13.18.001; amends §§ 13.18.020, 13.18.030 and 13.18.040; assumes transportation benefit district rights, powers, functions and obligations (13.18) |
11-16 | Telecommunications franchise (Special) |
12-16 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 11.36, truck routes (11.36) |
13-16 | Amends Ch. 11.30, inattention (11.30) |
14-16 | Emergency medical services property tax levy ballot proposition (Special) |
15-16 | Emergency medical services property tax levy ballot proposition (Special) |
16-16 | Amends Title 4, cemetery (4.04, 4.08, 4.12, 4.16, 4.20, 4.24, 4.28, 4.32) |
17-16 | Garbage collection contract (Special) |
18-16 | Moratorium on marijuana process and production facilities (Special) |
19-16 | Moratorium on construction/contractor and/or outdoor storage yards (Special) |
20-16 | Funds transfer (Special) |
21-16 | Tax levy (Special) |
22-16 | Tax levy (Special) |
23-16 | Tax levy (Special) |
24-16 | Adopts 2017 budget (Special) |
25-16 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 16.06; repeals Ch. 16.60, building codes (Repealed by 04-21) |
26-16 | |
27-16 | Amends §§ 18.16.030, 19.12.295, 19.12.330, 19.20.020(2)(b), 19.20.050, 19.20.070, 19.20.080, 19.20.110, 19.22.160, 19.25.030, 19.29.050(1), 19.33.020, 19.33.090 and 20.01.030, code corrections and clarifications (19.12, 19.20, 19.22, 19.25, 19.33) |
28-16 | Adopts 2017 salary scale (Special) |
29-16 | Amends 2016 budget (Special) |
30-16 | Amends § 13.35.300, right-of-way use permit appeals (13.35) |
01-17 | Adds Ch. 13.10; amends Chs. 13.04 and 13.20; repeals Chs. 13.08 and 13.12, streets and sidewalks (13.04, 13.10, 13.20) |
02-17 | Amends § 17.08.010, development guidelines and public works standards (17.08) |
03-17 | Interim ordinance amending Chs. 12.08 and 12.11, critical areas and frequently flooded areas (Expired) |
04-17 | Adds Ch. 3.64, small and attractive items policies and procedures (3.64) |
05-17 | Amends Ch. 16.24, fire code (16.24) |
06-17 | Extends moratorium on marijuana process and production facilities (Special) |
07-17 | Extends moratorium on construction/contractor and/or outdoor storage yards (Special) |
08-17 | Amends §§ 1.12.010 and Ch. 16.70, code enforcement (16.70) |
09-17 | Repeals and replaces Phase II NPDES Stormwater Management Program (Special) |
10-17 | Amends Chs. 12.08, 12.09, 12.10, 12.11, 12.12 and 12.13, wetlands and low impact development (12.08, 12.09, 12.10, 12.11, 12.12, 12.13) |
11-17 | Interim ordinance amending § 19.35.040, marijuana buffer requirements (Expired) |
12-17 | Adds §§ 13.35.050(9) and 13.35.085; amends §§ 1.12.010 and 13.35.230(1), right-of-way permits (13.35) |
13-17 | Repeals Ch. 3.73, comprehensive plan capital improvement fund (Repealer) |
14-17 | Adds sections to Ch. 19.12; amends §§ 19.20.070, 19.20.100 and 19.20.130, storage yards, outdoor storage, contractor yards (19.12, 19.20) |
15-17 | Amends §§ 19.12.380, 19.20.040(2)(a)(ii), 19.20.080(2)(a)(ii)(A) and (B), 19.22.160(10), 19.23.080(5)(e), 19.26.030, 19.28.020(2), 19.28.030(3), 19.29.050(2)(b)(vi) and 19.29.060, low impact development standards (19.12, 19.20, 19.22, 19.23, 19.26, 19.28) |
16-17 | Change of control of telecommunications franchise (Special) |
17-17 | Extends moratorium on marijuana buffer requirements (Repealed by 19-17) |
18-17 | General obligation bonds (Special) |
19-17 | Adds definitions to Ch. 19.12; amends §§ 19.12.151, 19.12.520 and 19.35.040; repeals Ord. 17-17 (19.12, 19.35) |
20-17 | Tax levy (Special) |
21-17 | Tax levy (Special) |
22-17 | Tax levy (Special) |
23-17 | Adopts 2018 budget (Special) |
24-17 | Adopts 2017 salary scale (Special) |
25-17 | Amends comprehensive plan (Special) |
26-17 | Amends 2017 budget (Special) |
27-17 | Funds transfer (Special) |
01-18 | Amends §§ 3.50.060, 3.50.070 and 3.50.080, street facilities impact fee (3.50) |
02-18 | Amends §§ 14.30.920, 18.32.080, 19.12.315, 19.12.320, 19.22.060(2)(c), 19.40.050 and 19.40.150, code corrections and clarifications (14.30, 19.12, 19.22, 19.40) |
03-18 | Repeals and replaces Phase II NPDES Stormwater Management Program (Special) |
04-18 | Moratorium on marijuana process and production facilities (Special) |
05-18 | Adopts 2018 comprehensive water system plan (Special) |
06-18 | Amends § 10.68.010, Uniform Controlled Substances Act adopted by reference (Repealed by 14-19) |
07-18 | Adds § 3.50.085, street impact fee discounts (3.50) |
08-18 | Adds §§ 8.30.022 and 8.30.026, noise control (8.30) |
09-18 | Amends § 4.24.050, cemetery monument, marker and headstone classifications (4.24) |
10-18 | Adds § 10.44.155; amends § 10.44.110, fireworks (10.44) |
11-18 | Amends § 10.44.110, fireworks (10.44) |
12-18 | Amends 2018 salary scale (Special) |
13-18 | Amends 2018 salary scale (Special) |
14-18 | Extends moratorium on marijuana process and production facilities (Repealed by 15-18) |
15-18 | Adds § 19.35.040(12); amends §§ 19.35.060, 19.35.070 and 19.35.080, marijuana facilities; repeals Ord. 14-18 (19.35) |
16-18 | Amends Ch. 6.04, business licenses (6.04) |
17-18 | Tax levy (Special) |
18-18 | Tax levy (Special) |
19-18 | Amends § 19.20.130, permitted uses (Repealed by 34-19) |
20-18 | Adopts 2019 budget (Special) |
21-18 | Amends § 2.44.010, civil service system (2.44) |
22-18 | Tax levy (Special) |
23-18 | Funds transfer (Special) |
24-18 | Adopts 2019 salary scale (Special) |
25-18 | Amends 2018 budget (Special) |
01-19 | Interim ordinance adding § 19.25.170 and Ch. 19.25A; amending § 19.25.030, small wireless facilities (Not codified) |
02-19 | Adds §§ 13.35.095 and 13.35.105; amends §§ 13.35.025, 13.35.040 and 13.35.060, right-of-way use (13.35) |
03-19 | Telecommunications franchise (Special) |
04-19 | Amends §§ 8.12.070, 14.04.050 [14.04.150], 14.08.040 and 14.28.155, utility fees (8.12, 14.04, 14.08, 14.28) |
05-19 | Approves contract with Pierce County for street overlay project (Special) |
06-19 | Adopts Phase II NPDES Stormwater Management Program (Special) |
07-19 | Extends cable franchise agreement (Special) |
08-19 | Adds §§ 14.04.325 and 14.10.020, water and sewer general facility charge exemptions (14.04, 14.10) |
09-19 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 3.134, fire department facility maintenance and capital improvement fund (3.134) |
10-19 | Rezone (Special) |
11-19 | Adds sections to Ch. 19.12, § 19.25.170 and Ch. 19.25A; amends §§ 1.01.060, 19.12.050, 19.12.220, 19.12.450, 19.25.030 and 20.01.030, Table 2; repeals and replaces § 13.35.040, small wireless communications facilities (1.01, 13.35, 19.12, 19.25, 19.25A) |
12-19 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 14.05, cross-connection control program (14.05) |
13-19 | Amends §§ 1.12.210(4), 2.33.010(4), 3.50.085(5), 13.35.080, 13.35.300, 14.30.920, 16.06.020(18), 16.24.040, 18.08.010, 18.38.010, 19.06.020(2), 19.08.070, 19.12.154, 19.20.010(2)(a), 19.23.090, 19.24.040, 19.29.050, 19.30.270, 19.33.040, 19.33.070, 19.40.110, 19.40.210 and 19.56.050; repeals and replaces Title 20; repeals Ch. 3.81, land use and development (2.33, 3.50, 13.35, 14.30, 16.24, 19.06, 19.08, 19.12, 19.20, 19.23, 19.24, 19.33, 19.40, 19.56, 20.02, 20.04, 20.08, 20.12, 20.16, 20.20, 20.24, 20.28, 20.32, 20.36) |
14-19 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 10.68, controlled substances and drug paraphernalia (10.68) |
15-19 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 19.42, Shoreline Master Program and Appendix B to the Shoreline Master Program, shoreline management (Repealed by 23-19) |
16-19 | Amends §§ 3.50.070 and 3.50.085, impact fees (3.50) |
17-19 | Amends Ch. 11.16, parking (11.16) |
18-19 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 12.04; repeals Ch. 12.06, State Environmental Policy Act (12.04) |
19-19 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 19.50; repeals Ch. 19.51 and the guidelines for redevelopment, design district (19.50) |
20-19 | Amends 2018 comprehensive water system plan (Special) |
21-19 | Tax levy (Special) |
22-19 | Authorizes emergency medical services property tax levy (Special) |
23-19 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 19.42, Shoreline Master Program and Appendix B to the Shoreline Master Program, shoreline management (19.42) |
24-19 | Adopts 2020 budget (Special) |
25-19 | Adopts 2020 salary scale (Special) |
26-19 | Tax levy (Special) |
27-19 | Funds transfer (Special) |
28-19 | Rezone (Special) |
29-19 | Amends 2019 budget (Special) |
30-19 | Amends § 9.10.260, dangerous dogs (9.10) |
31-19 | Adopts 2017 comprehensive sewer system plan (Special) |
32-19 | Amends comprehensive plan (Special) |
33-19 | Amends §§ 3.50.010 and 3.50.050, school impact fees (3.50) |
34-19 | Adds §§ 16.10.005, 16.40.030(1)(a), 19.12.196, 19.12.242 and 19.28.020(8); amends §§ 19.12.150, 19.12.165, 19.12.170, 19.12.215, 19.12.265, 19.12.335, 19.12.345, 19.12.355, 19.12.520, 19.12.560, 19.12.566 and 19.12.568; repeals and replaces § 19.20.130; repeals §§ 19.12.120 and 19.12.250, zoning (16.10, 16.40, 19.12, 19.20, 19.28) |
01-20 | Rezone (Special) |
02-20 | Amends 2020 salary scale (Special) |
03-20 | Approves city corporate boundary revision (Special) |
04-20 | Adopts 2020 Phase II NPDES Stormwater Management Program (Special) |
05-20 | (Not passed) |
06-20 | Amends § 2.04.010, city council meetings (2.04) |
07-20 | Interim ordinance extending development applications and permits (Special) |
08-20 | Authorizes deferral of transportation impact fee (Special) |
09-20 | Repeals and replaces Title 18, subdivisions (18.04, 18.08, 18.12, 18.14, 18.16, 18.18, 18.20, 18.22, 18.24, 18.26, 18.28, 18.30, 18.32, 18.34) |
10-20 | Adds § 10.32.200, unmanned aircraft systems (10.32) |
11-20 | Adds Ch. 19.49, multifamily design guidelines (19.49) |
12-20 | Amends §§ 19.29.060(1), 19.30.070(14), 19.30.090, 19.30.190, 19.30.200, 19.50.010, 19.50.020, 19.50.030, 19.50.040 and 20.12.030(2), design review and approval process (19.50, 20.12) |
13-20 | Adds § 19.40.115, administrative variance (19.40) |
14-20 | Rezone (Special) |
15-20 | Rezone (Special) |
16-20 | Rezone (Special) |
17-20 | Rezone (Special) |
18-20 | Rezone (Special) |
19-20 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 19.29, landscaping (19.29) |
20-20 | Tax levy (Special) |
21-20 | Authorizes emergency medical services property tax levy (Special) |
22-20 | Amends 2020 salary scale (Special) |
23-20 | Adopts 2021 budget (Special) |
24-20 | Adopts 2021 salary scale (Special) |
25-20 | Tax levy (Special) |
26-20 | Funds transfer (Special) |
01-21 | Amends § 1.04.020, penalties (1.04) |
02-21 | Adopts 2021 Phase II NPDES Stormwater Management Program (Special) |
03-21 | Adds Ch. 11.55, helmet requirement (11.55) |
04-21 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 16.06, building codes (Repealed by 09-22) |
05-21 | Amends §§ 16.24.010, 16.24.025, 16.24.030, 16.24.040 – 16.24.055, 16.24.085 and 16.24.140, fire code (16.24) |
06-21 | Rezone (Special) |
07-21 | Amends 2021 salary scale (Special) |
08-21 | (Number not used) |
09-21 | Amends solid waste, recyclables and yard waste collection franchise agreement (Special) |
10-21 | Rezone (Special) |
11-21 | Amends 2021 budget (Special) |
12-21 | Adopts food truck pilot program guidelines (Not codified) |
13-21 | Tax levy (Special) |
14-21 | Tax levy (Special) |
15-21 | Tax levy (Special) |
16-21 | Adopts 2022 budget (Special) |
17-21 | Adopts 2022 salary scale (Special) |
18-21 | Amends 2021 budget (Special) |
01-22 | Amends § 2.04.010, city council meetings (2.04) |
02-22 | Adds §§ 19.12.356, 19.12.357 and 19.12.358; amends design guidelines and §§ 16.01.010, 18.14.010(12), 18.28.010, 19.04.020(1), 19.12.160, 19.20.130, 19.22.150, 19.23.030, 19.29.110(8), 19.40.115(3), 19.50.040, 20.08.030, 20.28.080(3) and 20.28.110(1); repeals § 18.14.010(9), housekeeping ordinance (16.01, 18.14, 18.28, 19.04, 19.12, 19.20, 19.22, 19.23, 19.29, 19.40, 19.50, 20.08, 20.28) |
03-22 | Amends comprehensive plan (Special) |
04-22 | Adopts 2022 Phase II NPDES Stormwater Management Program (Special) |
05-22 | Right-of-way vacation (Special) |
06-22 | Amends 2022 salary scale (Special) |
07-22 | Amends §§ 14.04.320, 14.10.016 and 14.28.140, general facility charges (14.04, 14.10, 14.28) |
08-22 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 2.58, salary commission (2.58) |
09-22 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 16.06, building code (16.06) |
10-22 | Amends §§ 14.30.020, 14.30.061, 14.30.062, 14.30.063, 14.30.804 and 14.40.020, stormwater (14.30, 14.40) |
11-22 | Amends § 3.50.060 and comprehensive plan, impact fees (3.50) |
12-22 | Amends zoning map (Special) |
13-22 | Amends 2022 budget (Special) |
14-22 | Adds § 16.06.050; amends §§ 1.04.010, 1.04.020, 2.35.020, 9.10.290 and 16.06.004; repeals and replaces Ch. 1.12, code enforcement procedures (1.04, 1.12, 2.35, 9.10, 16.06) |
15-22 | Rezone (Special) |
16-22 | Tax levy (Special) |
17-22 | Tax levy (Special) |
18-22 | Tax levy (Special) |
19-22 | Adopts 2023 budget (Special) |
01-23 | Amends § 3.60.010, purchasing (3.60) |
02-23 | Adds § 2.04.015, Robert’s Rules of Order (2.04) |
03-23 | Amends Ch. 10.68, controlled substances and drug paraphernalia (10.68) |
04-23 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 19.30, sign code (19.30) |
05-23 | Amends §§ 17.08.040(1) and (2), 18.22.030(2) and (3), 18.28.030, 18.30.040(2), 19.34.030, 19.50.040 and 20.08.030; repeals §§ 19.50.030 and 20.08.020(2)(c), major and minor permitting decisions (17.08, 18.22, 18.28, 18.30, 19.34, 19.50, 20.08) |
06-23 | |
07-23 | Adopts 2023 Phase II NPDES Stormwater Management Program (Special) |
08-23 | Repeals and replaces Chs. 2.50 and 2.54, citizen advisory commission and senior citizen advisory commission (2.50, 2.54) |
09-23 | Repeals and replaces § 10.84.285, park hours (10.84) |
10-23 | Amends 2023 salary scale (Special) |
11-23 | Amends 2023 salary scale (Special) |
12-23 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 3.14, lodging excise tax (3.14) |
13-23 | Amends § 3.50.085, street impact fee discounts or elimination (3.50) |
14-23 | Amends 2023 budget (Special) |
15-23 | Amends § 13.18.030, transportation benefit district authority (13.18) |
16-23 | Tax levy (Special) |
17-23 | Tax levy (Special) |
18-23 | Tax levy (Special) |
19-23 | Adopts 2024 budget (Special) |
20-23 | Amends 2024 salary scale (Special) |
21-23 | Amends 2023 budget (Special) |
01-24 | Amends § 3.50.050, impact fees (3.50) |
02-24 | Adds § 3.12.027; readopts Ord. 15-23 § 1, transportation benefit district sales and use tax (3.12, 13.18) |
03-24 | Cable franchise (Special) |
04-24 | Amends Ord. 08-16, street vacation (Special) |
05-24 | Establishes biennial budget (2.06, 2.42, 2.99, 3.02, 3.32, 3.40, 19.26) |
06-24 | Adopts 2024 Phase II NPDES Stormwater Management Program (Special) |
07-24 | Property tax levy election (Special) |
08-24 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 16.08, International Property Maintenance Code (16.08) |
09-24 | Amends 2024 budget (Special) |
10-24 | Adds Ch. 19.37, essential public facilities (19.37) |
11-24 | Adds Ch. 13.45, complete streets policy (13.45) |
12-24 | Tax levy (Special) |
13-24 | Tax levy (Special) |
14-24 | Tax levy (Special) |
15-24 | Adopts 2025-2026 budget (Special) |
16-24 | Amends 2024 budget (Special) |
17-24 | Amends 2025 salary scale (Special) |
18-24 | Adopts comprehensive plan (Special) |
19-24 | Adds Ch. 10.85; repeals § 10.84.095, camping (10.85) |