1 | Houses of ill fame (Obsolete) |
2 | Dog licenses (Repealed by 48, 133) |
3 | Auctioneers, hawkers and peddlers (Repealed by 43) |
4 | Gaming tables and bowling alleys (Superseded by 82) |
5 | Prohibited gambling (Repealed by 82) |
6 | Salaries of officers (Repealed by 64) |
7 | Council meetings (Repealed by 73, 77) |
8 | Council meetings (Repealed by 77) |
9 | Payment for public works (Repealed by 80) |
10 | Franchise for railroad (Special) |
11 | Extending time for assessment (Special) |
12 | Establishing survey base line (Repealed by 128) |
13 | Liquor (Obsolete) |
14 | Annual assessment (Repealed by 308) |
15 | Office of engineer (Superseded by 496) |
16 | Public improvements (Repealed by 80) |
17 | Guns and explosives (Repealed by 76) |
18 | Vehicle licenses (Repealed by 44, 210, 349) |
19 | Street grade (Special) |
20 | Improving Front Street (Special) |
21 | Improving street (Special) |
22 | Annual street poll tax (Special) |
23 | Creating funds (Special) |
24 | Assessment and levy of property tax (Special) |
25 | Certain misdemeanors (Repealed by 76) |
26 | Street grade (Special) |
27 | Amends Ord. 14, assessment (Repealed by 308) |
28 | Amends Ord. 21, street improvement (Special) |
29 | Survey (Special) |
30 | Defining and punishing misdemeanors (Repealed by 76) |
31 | Working prisoners (Repealed by 308) |
32 | Clearing for streets (Repealed by 80) |
33 | Clearing for streets (Special) |
34 | Amends Ord. 8, council meetings (Repealed by 77) |
35 | Amends Ord. 26, street grades (Special) |
36 | Street fund established (Special) |
37 | Publishing notices (Repealed by 1432) |
38 | Franchise to lumber company (Special) |
39 | Providing for general elections (Obsolete, superseded by statute) |
40 | Improving street (Special) |
41 | Street grade (Special) |
42 | Second Street fund established (Special) |
43 | Auctioneers, hawkers and peddlers (Repealed by 83) |
44 | Vehicle licenses (Repealed by 349) |
45 | Street grade (Special) |
46 | Street grade (Special) |
47 | Street fund (Special) |
48 | Dog licenses, dogs at large (Repealed by 133) |
49 | Street poll tax (Special) |
50 | Riding and driving on streets, garbage on streets (Repealed by 80) |
51 | Volunteer fire department created (Repealed by 1455) |
52 | Property tax for 1892 (Special) |
53 | Liquor license (Obsolete) |
54 | (Missing) |
55 | Interference with fire equipment (Repealed by 76) |
56 | Providing pay for volunteer fire department (Obsolete) |
57 | Bond issue (Special) |
58 | Bond issue (Special) |
59 | Amends Ord. 48, tax on dogs (Repealed by 133) |
60 | Street poll tax (Special) |
61 | Personal property tax levy (Special) |
62 | Establishing interest fund (Repealed by 308) |
63 | Amends Ord. 13, liquor (Obsolete) |
64 | Salaries of officers (Repealed by 303) |
65 | Defining nuisances (12.24) |
66 | Riding or driving on sidewalks (Repealed by 80 and 349) |
67 | General street fund (Repealed by 308) |
68 | Tax levy (Special) |
69 | Amends Ord. 60, street poll tax (Special) |
70 | Theaters and entertainment (Repealed by 209) |
71 | (Missing) |
72 | Tax assessment, method (Obsolete, superseded by statute) |
73 | Council meetings (Repealed by 77) |
74 | Pay of officers (Repealed by 303) |
75 | Riding bicycles on sidewalks (Repealed by 80 and 349) |
76 | Prohibiting certain acts (Not codified) |
77 | Council meetings (2.04) |
78 | Obstruction of streets by trains (Repealed by 349) |
79 | Amends Ord. 60, street poll tax (Special) |
80 | Use of streets (12.20) |
81 | Liquor sale (Repealed by 308) |
82 | Gambling rooms (Not codified) |
83 | Licensing and regulating peddling (Repealed by 244) |
84 | Prohibits carrying dangerous weapons (Repealed by 965) |
85 | Curfew (Superseded by 346 and 500) |
86 | Fire limits (Obsolete) |
87 | Franchise for waterworks (Special) |
88 | Vacating street (Special) |
89 | Local improvements (Superseded by 175) |
90 | Amends Ord. 81, liquor license (Repealed by 92) |
91 | Improving street (Special) |
92 | Amends Ord. 81, liquor (Repealed by 111) |
93 | Franchise for electricity, telephone company (Special) |
94 | Franchise for electric power (Repealed by 95) |
95 | Repeals 94, franchise (Special) |
96 | Franchise for electric power (Special) |
97 | Improving street (Special) |
98 | (Missing) |
99 | Franchise for telephone company (Repealed by 135) |
100 | Vacating part of street (Special) |
101 | Improving street (Special) |
102 | (Missing) |
103 | (Missing) |
104 | (Missing) |
105 | (Missing) |
106 | Improving street (Special) |
107 | Amends Ord. 99, franchise for telephone company (Repealed by 135) |
108 | Improving street (Special) |
109 | Improving street (Special) |
110 | Improving street (Special) |
111 | Liquor license (Repealed by 308) |
112 | Animals at large (Repealed by 2013) |
113 | Vagrancy (Superseded by 506) |
114 | Amends Ord. 112, animals at large (Repealed by 2013) |
115 | Office of city attorney (2.28) |
116 | Street poll tax (Special) |
117 | Survey (Special) |
118 | Survey (Special) |
119 | Amends Ord. 89, improving streets (Not codified) |
120 | Amends Ord. 81, liquor license (Repealed by 308) |
121 | Creating LID (Special) |
122 | LID fund (Special) |
123 | Amends Ord. 87, franchise for waterworks (Special) |
124 | Franchise for railroad (Special) |
125 | Office of police justice (Repealed by 1089) |
126 | Salaries of officers (Repealed by 303) |
127 | Office of engineer (Superseded by 496) |
128 | Establishing base line (Not codified) |
129 | Amends Ord. 124, franchise for railroad (Special) |
130 | Permit for construction in street (12.08) |
131 | Auctioneers (Repealed by 1201) |
132 | Working prisoners (Repealed by 965) |
133 | Dog license, dogs at large (Repealed by 389) |
134 | Franchise for telephone company (Repealed) |
135 | Franchise for telephone company (Special) |
136 | Creating LID (Special) |
137 | Creating LID fund (Special) |
138 | Survey (Special) |
139 | Survey (Special) |
140 | Vacating part of street (Special) |
141 | Vacating part of street (Special) |
142 | Sidewalk maintenance (12.12) |
143 | Standing animals (Repealed by 1327) |
144 | Improving street (Special) |
145 | LID 10, fund created (Special) |
146 | Improving street (Special) |
147 | LID 11, fund created (Special) |
148 | Improving street (Special) |
149 | LID 12, fund created (Special) |
150 | Merry-go-rounds, etc., licensing (Repealed by 1771) |
151 | Vacating part of street (Special) |
152 | Improving street (Special) |
153 | LID fund created (Special) |
154 | Amends Ord. 70, theater and show license (Repealed by 209) |
155 | Vacating land (Special) |
156 | Regulating motor vehicles (Obsolete) |
157 | Regulating speed of railroad trains (Repealed by 349) |
158 | Improving street (Special) |
159 | LID fund created (Special) |
160 | Improving alley (Special) |
161 | LID fund created (Special) |
162 | Specifications for sidewalks (Repealed by 1632) |
163 | Improving street (Special) |
164 | LID fund created (Special) |
165 | Amends Ord. 81, liquor license (Repealed by 308) |
166 | Amends Ord. 81, liquor license (Repealed by 308) |
167 | Improving street (Special) |
168 | LID fund created (Special) |
169 | Amends Ord. 167, improving street (Special) |
170 | Delinquent assessment installments penalty (Obsolete, superseded by statute) |
171 | Franchise to lumber company (Special) |
172 | Franchise to railroad (Special) |
173 | Amends Ord. 126, salaries of officers (Repealed by 303) |
174 | Designating official newspaper (Repealed by 3224) |
175 | Procedure for local improvements (Obsolete, superseded by statute) |
176 | Improving street (Special) |
177 | Improving street (Special) |
178 | Improving street (Special) |
179 | Confirming assessment roll (Special) |
180 | Confirming assessment roll (Special) |
181 | Approving amended assessment roll (Special) |
182 | Improving street (Special) |
183 | Vacating portion of street (Special) |
184 | Improving street (Special) |
185 | Improving street (Special) |
186 | Amends Ord. 175, method for local improvements (Obsolete, superseded by statute) |
187 | Improving street (Special) |
188 | Approving assessment roll (Special) |
189 | Approving assessment roll (Special) |
190 | Approving assessment roll (Special) |
191 | Approving assessment roll (Special) |
192 | Amends Ord. 191, approving assessment roll (Special) |
193 | Fixing corporate limits (Special) |
194 | Liquor control (Obsolete) |
195 | Improving street (Special) |
196 | Improving street (Special) |
197 | Improving street (Special) |
198 | Improving street (Special) |
199 | Approving assessment roll (Special) |
200 | Approving assessment roll (Special) |
201 | Approving assessment roll (Special) |
202 | Approving assessment roll (Special) |
203 | Domestic fowl (Superseded by 428) |
204 | Improving street (Special) |
205 | Vehicular traffic (Repealed by 349) |
206 | Criminal syndicalism (Repealed by 965) |
207 | Improving street (Special) |
208 | Current expense fund created (3.32) |
209 | Circuses, carnivals, etc., licensing (Repealed by 1770) |
210 | Licensing carrying goods or persons (Repealed by 349 and 369) |
211 | Naming streets and numbering buildings (Repealed by 308) |
212 | Improving street (Special) |
213 | Improving street (Special) |
214 | Approving assessment roll (Special) |
215 | Approving assessment roll (Special) |
216 | Improving street (Special) |
217 | Election to construct waterworks (Repealed by 224) |
218 | Election to purchase water supply (Repealed by 225) |
219 | Approving assessment roll (Special) |
220 | Amends Ord. 175, method for local improvements (Obsolete, superseded by statute) |
221 | Improving street (Special) |
222 | Board of park commissioners (Repealed by 1369) |
223 | Office of superintendent of parks (Repealed by 930) |
224 | Pipeline construction (Special) |
225 | Election to acquire water supply (Special) |
226 | Acquiring and operating waterworks (Special) |
227 | Water system maps and plans (Special) |
228 | Bond issue for water department (Special) |
229 | Condemnation for water system (Special) |
230 | Amends Ord. 229, condemnation for water system (Special) |
231 | Salary of treasurer (Repealed by 303) |
232 | Superintendent of waterworks, office created (Repealed by 476) |
233 | Water department (Repealed by 476) |
234 | Salary and bonds of officers (Repealed by 303) |
235 | Confirming assessment roll (Special) |
236 | Amends Ord. 233, department (Repealed by 476) |
237 | Local improvement bond issue (Special) |
238 | Franchise to oil company for warehouse (Special) |
239 | Improving street (Special) |
240 | Vacating part of alley (Special) |
241 | Franchise to oil company for warehouse (Special) |
242 | Confirming assessment roll (Special) |
243 | Office of night watchman created (Obsolete) |
244 | Licensing and regulating peddling (Impliedly repealed by 510) |
245 | Amends Ords. 233, 236, water department (Repealed by 476) |
246 | Parking and safety zones (Repealed by 349) |
247 | Vacating part of street (Special) |
248 | LID establishment and improvements (Special) |
249 | Improving street (Special) |
250 | Plumbing code (Superseded by 507) |
251 | Keeping dogs (Repealed by 291) |
252 | Fire inspection and protection (Superseded by 419) |
253 | Local improvement guaranty fund (3.16) |
254 | Confirming assessment roll (Special) |
255 | Amends Ord. 246, parking and safety zones (Repealed by 349) |
256 | Sewer connection methods (Repealed by 476) |
257 | Plumbing and sewer inspector (Repealed by 930) |
258 | Confirming assessment roll (Special) |
259 | Vacating land, streets and alleys (Special) |
260 | Salaries of officers (Superseded by 477) |
261 | Approving assessment roll (Special) |
262 | Amends Ord. 175, procedure for local improvements (Obsolete, superseded by statute) |
263 | LID 35 reassessment (Special) |
264 | Vacating part of street (Special) |
265 | Improving street (Special) |
266 | Naming streets and numbering buildings (12.04) |
267 | Confirming assessment roll (Special) |
268 | Vehicular traffic (Repealed by 349 and 369) |
269 | (Ordinance passed but not published) |
270 | Improving street (Special) |
271 | Waterworks revenue bonds and improvements (Special) |
272 | Confirming assessment roll (Special) |
273 | Garbage disposal (Repealed by 436) |
274 | Special water revenue bond issue (Special) |
275 | Amends Ord. 251, licensing and keeping dogs (Repealed by 291) |
276 | Special election to purchase fire equipment (Special) |
277 | Special election to purchase fire equipment (Special) |
278 | Authorizing purchase of fire equipment (Special) |
279 | Amends Ord. 244, licensing and regulating peddlers (Impliedly repealed by 510) |
280 | Improving street (Special) |
281 | Garbage collection system, sanitation fund (Superseded by 436) |
282 | Approving assessment roll (Special) |
283 | Garbage collection, sanitation fund (Repealed by 436) |
284 | Salaries of officers (Repealed by 303) |
285 | Improving street (Special) |
286 | Amends Ord. 251, dogs at large (Repealed by 291) |
287 | Dances and dance halls (Repealed by 1636) |
288 | Approving assessment roll (Special) |
289 | Amends Ord. 288, fixes time for bond issue (Special) |
290 | Salaries of officers (Repealed by 303) |
291 | Licensing and keeping dogs (Repealed by 308) |
292 | Sale of beer and wine (Repealed by 308) |
293 | Amends Ord. 292, sale of beer and wine (Repealed by 308) |
294 | Amends Ord. 292, sale of beer and wine (Repealed by 308) |
295 | Amends Ord. 244, licensing and regulating peddling (Impliedly repealed by 510) |
296 | Bond issue (Special) |
297 | Traffic (Repealed by 349) |
298 | Liquor (Obsolete) |
299 | Amends Ord. 299, liquor (Obsolete) |
300 | Building code (Superseded) |
301 | Traffic (Repealed by 349) |
302 | Dogs at large (Repealed by 389) |
303 | Salaries (Superseded by 477) |
304 | Financing of town and community hall (Special) |
305 | Bond issue (Special) |
306 | Amends Ord. 305, town hall bonds (Special) |
307 | Licensing pinballs (Repealed by 831) |
308 | Repealer |
309 | Alley vacation (Special) |
310 | Plan to increase waterworks (Special) |
311 | Street improvement (Special) |
312 | Street improvement (Special) |
313 | Street improvement (Special) |
314 | Street improvement (Special) |
315 | Not effective |
316 | Street improvement (Special) |
317 | Plan to increase waterworks (Special) |
318 | Confirms special election (Special) |
319 | Amends Ord. 318, special election (Special) |
320 | Amends Ord. 318, special election (Special) |
321 | Approving assessment roll (Special) |
322 | Traffic code (Repealed by 349) |
323 | Vacating part of street (Special) |
324 | Approving assessment roll (Special) |
325 | Approving assessment roll (Special) |
326 | Approving assessment roll (Special) |
327 | Approving assessment roll (Special) |
328 | LID 41-44, facsimile signatures (Special) |
329 | Approving assessment roll (Special) |
330 | Salaries (Repealed by 350 and 359) |
331 | Use of water for sprinkling (Repealed by 950) |
332 | House moving permits (Repealed by 394) |
333 | Municipal defense commission (Not codified) |
334 | Salaries (Repealed by 350 and 359) |
335 | Providing for blackout during wartime (Not codified) |
336 | Cumulative reserve fund for building established (Repealed by 1307) |
337 | Civilian defense account created (Not codified) |
337A | Civilian defense fund established (Not codified) |
338 | Wartime illumination control (Not codified) |
339 | Salaries (Repealed by 350 and 359) |
340 | Appropriation (Special) |
341 | Salaries (Repealed by 350 and 359) |
342 | Suspending certain purchases during war (Not codified) |
343 | State aid fund created (Not codified) |
344 | Admissions tax (Repealed by 1738) |
345 | Salaries of officers (Repealed by 350 and 359) |
346 | Curfew (Superseded by 500) |
347 | Licensing taxis (Repealed by 1143) |
348 | Salaries of officers (Repealed by 350 and 359) |
349 | Traffic code (superseded by 415) |
350 | Salaries of officers (Repealed by 359) |
351 | Authorizing expenditures (Special) |
352 | Motion picture theaters (Repealed by 850) |
353 | Office of building inspector created (Superseded by 478) |
354 | Amends Ord. 233, water department (Repealed by 476) |
355 | Salary of garbage collector (Superseded by 477) |
356 | Improving alley (Special) |
357 | Authorizing expenditure (Special) |
358 | Authorizing expenditure (Special) |
359 | Salaries (Superseded by 477) |
360 | Approving assessment roll (Special) |
361 | Amends Ord. 233, use of water (Repealed by 476) |
362 | Improving street (Special) |
363 | Amends Ord. 233, pipe sizes (Repealed by 476) |
364 | Salaries (Repealed by 368) |
365 | Approving assessment roll (Special) |
366 | Amends Ord. 250, sewer and cesspool connections (Superseded by 507) |
367 | Improving street (Special) |
368 | Salaries (Repealed by 370) |
369 | Amends Ord. 347, licensing taxis (Repealed by 1143) |
370 | Salaries (Repealed by 376) |
371 | Vacating streets and alleys (Special) |
372 | Caucus for nomination of officers (Repealed by 440) |
373 | Special election for additional property tax (Special) |
374 | Amends Ord. 76, escape from custody (Repealed by 743) |
375 | Petit larceny (Superseded by 501) |
376 | Salaries (Repealed by 383) |
377 | Firemen relief and pension fund (Repealed by 1455) |
378 | Participation in OASI (2.52) |
379 | Gross revenue tax, electric public utility districts (Repealed by 1094) |
380 | Cumulative reserve fund for fire equipment established (Repealed by 1307) |
381 | Adopting budget and levying tax for 1952 (Special) |
382 | Connection charges for water service (Repealed by 396) |
383 | Salaries (Repealed by 388) |
384 | Waterworks extension (Special) |
385 | Water and sewer system revenue fund (Superseded by 476) |
386 | Water connection charges (Repealed by 391A) |
387 | Garbage collection (Repealed by 436) |
388 | Salaries (Repealed by 393) |
389 | Dogs at large (Superseded by 458) |
390 | Library board and regulations (Repealed by 790) |
391 | Amends Ord. 307, licensing pinball games (Repealed by 831) |
391A | Amends Ord. 233, water connection charges (Repealed by 476) |
392 | Amends Ord. 349, traffic (Superseded by 415) |
393 | Salaries (Repealed by 406) |
394 | Permit for moving buildings (Repealed by 1078) |
395 | Water revenue bond issue (Special) |
396 | Amends Ord. 233, water meters (Superseded by 476) |
397 | Amends Ord. 393, salaries (Repealed by 406) |
398 | Amends Ord. 283, garbage (Repealed by 436) |
399 | Annexing certain property (Special) |
400 | Annexing certain property (Special) |
401 | Amends Ord. 256, sewer connection charges (Repealed by 423) |
402 | Planning commission (Repealed by 1298) |
403 | Adopting plan for natural gas utility (Special) |
404 | Improving street (Special) |
405 | Amends Ord. 387, garbage collection (Repealed by 438) |
406 | Salaries of officers (Repealed by 418) |
407 | Amends Ord. 396, water rates (Superseded by 476) |
408 | Water revenue bond issue (Special) |
409 | Annexing certain property (Special) |
410 | Amends Ord. 233, sewer connection charges (Repealed by 476) |
411 | Annexing certain property (Special) |
412 | Amends Ord. 377, volunteer fire department (Repealed by 1455) |
413 | Approving assessment roll (Special) |
414 | Additions to sewer system (Special) |
415 | Traffic (11.16) |
416 | Installing water main (Special) |
417 | Fire equipment use outside city (Repealed by 850) |
418 | Salaries of officers (Superseded by 477) |
419 | Adopting fire prevention code (Repealed by 850) |
420 | Amends Ord. 372, terms of elective officers (Repealed by 440) |
421 | Amends Ord. 209, theaters, carnivals, etc., licensing (Repealed by 1770) |
422 | Disposition of liquor to minors (Superseded by 500) |
423 | Amends Ord. 256, sewer connection charges (Repealed by 476) |
424 | Prohibiting fireworks (Superseded by 479) |
425 | Approving assessment roll (Special) |
426 | Franchise for telephone company (Special) |
427 | Amends Ord. 396, water use (Repealed by 476) |
428 | Domestic fowl (Repealed by 542) |
429 | Franchise for gas company (Special) |
430 | Salaries of officers (Repealed by 442) |
431 | Amends Ord. 415, traffic (11.16) |
432 | Trailers and trailer camps (Repealed by 1249) |
433 | Adopting plan to extend waterworks (Special) |
434 | Licensing gas installation contractors (Repealed by 1600) |
435 | Vacating street (Special) |
436 | Garbage disposal (7.08) |
437 | Amends Ord. 298, liquor sales (Obsolete) |
438 | Garbage collection rates (7.08) |
439 | Amends Ord. 344, admissions tax (Repealed by 1738) |
440 | Filing and fees of candidates (Repealed by 1436) |
441 | Prohibiting sound trucks (Repealed by 1419) |
442 | Salaries of officers (Repealed by 450) |
443 | Amends Ord. 434, gas contractors (Repealed by 1600) |
444 | Prohibiting jaywalking (Repealed by 965) |
445 | Amends Ord. 256, discharge into sewers (Superseded by 476) |
446 | Amends Ord. 385, sewer use charges (Repealed by 476) |
447 | Prohibiting fireworks (Superseded by 479) |
448 | Amends Ord. 402, planning commission (Repealed by 1298) |
449 | Amends Ord. 439, admission taxes (Repealed by 1738) |
450 | Salaries of officers (Superseded by 477) |
451 | Annexing property (Special) |
452 | Authorizing expenditure (Special) |
453 | Adopting plan for extending water system (Special) |
454 | Reserve fund for sewerage lagoon (Special) |
455 | Water and sewer bond issue (Special) |
456 | Cumulative reserve fund for patrol car (Repealed by 1307) |
457 | Salaries of officers (Repealed by 466) |
458 | Licensing dogs and cats (Repealed by 2013) |
459 | Annexing property (Special) |
460 | Zoning (Repealed by 2131) |
461 | Dog leash law referendum (Repealed by 2013) |
462 | Poundkeeper, appointment, salary (Repealed by 2013) |
463 | Amends Ord. 460, zoning (Repealed by 2131) |
464 | Building code adoption (Superseded by 478) |
465 | Fire zones (Repealed by 791) |
466 | Salaries (Repealed by 477) |
467 | Adopting plumbing code (Superseded by 507) |
468 | Auxiliary police force (Repealed by 1606) |
469 | Civil defense council established (Repealed by 1440) |
470 | Amends Ord. 460, zoning (Repealed by 2131) |
471 | Annexation (Repealed by 481) |
472 | Amends Ord. 460, zoning (Repealed by 2131) |
473 | Appropriation and warrants (Special) |
474 | Special election for advance to third class city (Special) |
475 | Annexation (Repealed by 481) |
476 | Combining water and sewer systems, providing for code (3.40) |
477 | Salaries (Repealed by 490) |
478 | Adopting building code (Repealed by 729) |
479 | Fireworks (9.20) |
480 | Civil service commission for city police (2.16) |
481 | Annexing property (Special) |
482 | Annexing property (Special) |
483 | Budget for 1963 (Special) |
484 | Tax levy (Special) |
485 | Appropriation (Special) |
486 | Amends Ord. 344, admission tax (Repealed by 1738) |
487 | Amends Ord. 432, trailers and trailer camps (Repealed by 1249) |
488 | Office of street superintendent (Repealed by 1248) |
489 | Office of fire marshal (Repealed by 611) |
490 | Salaries (Repealed by 508) |
491 | Cumulative reserve street fund established (Repealed by 1307) |
492 | Authorizing participation in state retirement system (2.56) |
493 | Appropriation (Special) |
494 | Waterworks plan, bond (Repealed by 1521) |
495 | Appropriation (Special) |
496 | Duties and salary of engineer (Repealed by 1070) |
497 | Bond issue (Special) |
498 | Amends Ord. 344, admission tax (Repealed by 1738) |
499 | Establishing commercial zone (Repealed by 2131) |
500 | Conduct of minors (Repealed by 965) |
501 | Crimes against property (Repealed by 965) |
502 | Annexing tract (Special) |
503 | Amends Ord. 412, volunteer fire department (Repealed by 1455) |
504 | Budget for 1964 (Special) |
505 | Tax levy (Special) |
506 | Vagrancy (Repealed by 965) |
507 | Adopting plumbing code (Superseded by 556) |
508 | Salaries (Repealed by 529) |
509 | Budget change (Special) |
510 | Peddlers and itinerant merchants (Repealed by 2856) |
511 | Crimes against the person (Repealed by 965) |
512 | Crimes by or against public officers (Repealed by 965) |
513 | Zoning, lot sizes (Repealed by 2131) |
514 | Trespass (Repealed by 965) |
515 | Narcotics control (Repealed by 965) |
516 | Crimes against morality and decency (Repealed by 965) |
517 | Crimes against the peace (Repealed by 965) |
518 | Registration of felons (Repealed by 965) |
519 | Board of park commissioners created (Repealed by 1369) |
520 | Crimes against public health and safety (Repealed by 965) |
521 | Criminal code definitions (Repealed by 965) |
522 | Malicious prosecution and criminal contempt (Repealed by 965) |
523 | Amends Ord. 456, cumulative reserve fund (Repealed by 1307) |
524 | Firearms and weapons (Repealed by 965) |
525 | Adopting code (1.01) |
526 | Budget for 1965 (Special) |
527 | Property tax for 1965 (Special) |
528 | Building code (Repealed by 729) |
529 | Salaries (Repealed by 549) |
530 | Street names (Special) |
531 | Vacation of street (Special) |
532 | Annexation of property (Special) |
533 | Assessment roll (Special) |
534 | Platting ordinance (Repealed by 734) |
535 | Creates LID #50 (Special) |
536 | Water supply or sewage disposal improvement fund (Repealed by 1307) |
537 | Sewage collection system betterment fund (Superseded by 664) |
538 | Water transmission and distribution systems betterment fund (Superseded by 664) |
539 | Repeals § 7 and § 10 of Ord. 479 (Repealer) |
540 | Approves assessment for LID No. 50 (Special) |
541 | Annexation of property (Special) |
542 | Fowl and livestock (Repealed by 2013) |
543 | Waterworks improvements (Special) |
544 | Amends § 6.64.070, concealed weapons (Repealed by 965) |
545 | Annexation of property (Special) |
546 | Budget for 1966 (Special) |
547 | Levy for funds (Special) |
548 | Repeals Ch. 14.08 (Repealer) |
549 | Salaries; repeals Ord. 529 (Repealed by 569) |
550 | Grants franchise to Colorcable, Inc. (Special) |
551 | Amends Ord. 540, LID No. 50 (Special) |
552 | Annexing property (Special) |
553 | Amends Ord. 549, salaries (Superseded by 569) |
554 | Amends Section 23, Water System Code (Superseded by 559) |
555 | Regulating construction, erection, maintenance and operation, advertising and display signs (Repealed by 555) |
556 | Adopting 1964 edition, Uniform Plumbing Code (16.08) |
557 | Amends Ch. 19.20, zoning (Repealed by 2131) |
558 | Amends Ch. 19.16, zoning (Repealed by 2131) |
559 | Adopting 1966 edition, Water and Sewer System Code (Repealed by 1434) |
560 | Creating LID No. 51 (Special) |
561 | Adopting Fire Prevention Code (Repealed by 850) |
562 | Creating LID No. 52 (Special) |
563 | Amends § 7.08.110, garbage collection rates (7.08) |
564 | Parking on city streets (Repealed by 1600) |
565 | Tax levy (Special) |
566 | Budget for 1967 (Special) |
567 | Grants franchise to GT&E Communications, Inc., for cable TV system (Repealed by 1470) |
568 | Grants franchise to Colorcable, Inc., for cable TV system (Special) |
569 | Salaries; repeals Ord. 549 (Repealed by 1368) |
570 | Business occupancy permit (Repealed by 1498) |
571 | Amends Ord. 559, water and sewer rates (Repealed by 1434) |
572 | Establishes Cumulative Reserve Fund for Storm Drain Betterment (Repealed by 1307) |
573 | Regulating private storm drains (Repealed by 1232) |
574 | Assessment, LID No. 51 (Special) |
575 | Makes offices of city clerk and city attorney appointive (2.28) |
576 | Adds § 3.05, Article III; amends § 5.03; Article V, Water System Code; amends § 5.02, Sewer System Code (Repealed by 1434) |
577 | Utilities tax (Repealed by 783) |
578 | Regulates dangerous buildings (16.20) |
579 | Establishes light manufacturing zone (Repealed by 2131) |
580 | Annexation zoning (Special) |
581 | Water and sewer revenue bonds (Special) |
582 | Authorizes issuance of warrants for water and sewer construction fund (Special) |
583 | Confirms assessment roll of LID No. 52 (Special) |
584 | Adds § 5.06; amends § 5.05 of sewer system code (Repealed by 1434) |
585 | Annexation (Special) |
586 | Amends Ord. 581, water and sewer revenue bonds (Special) |
587 | Annexation zoning (Special) |
588 | Adds § 6.04 to water system code (Repealed by 1434) |
589 | Annexation (Special) |
590 | Not passed |
591 | Regulates LID No. 52 bonds (Special) |
592 | Regulates LID No. 51 bonds (Special) |
593 | Amends §§ 5.02, 5.03 and 5.06, sewer system code (Repealed by 1434) |
594 | Authorizes issuance of warrants for water and sewer construction fund (Special) |
595 | Provides for issuance of water and sewer revenue bonds 1967 (Special) |
596 | Creates LID (Special) |
597 | Establishes mileage allowance for city personnel (Repealed by 1368) |
598 | Compensation of mayor and councilmen (Repealed by 1368) |
599 | Regulates sale of intoxicating liquors (5.32) |
600 | Vacates 8th Street (Special) |
601 | Annexation (Special) |
602 | Adopts 1968 budget (Special) |
603 | Levies taxes (Special) |
604 | Rezone (Special) |
605 | Establishes compensation rates; repeals Ord. 569 (Repealed by 646) |
606 | Property vacation (Special) |
607 | Amends §§ 5.01A and 5.01D; adds § 5.01E to water system code; adds § 3.08 to sewer system code (Repealed by 1434) |
608 | Provides for issuance of water and sewer revenue bonds (Special) |
609 | Amends §§ 1.01 and 5.04 of water system code; amends §§ 1.01, 5.02, 5.05 and 5.06 of sewer system code (Repealed by 1434) |
610 | Authorizes special expenditure (Special) |
611 | Creates office of fire chief; repeals Ch. 2.40 (Repealed by 1247) |
612 | Authorizes issuance of warrant (Special) |
613 | Adopts street department code (Repealed by 2724) |
614 | Approves and confirms LID No. 53 (Special) |
615 | Repeals Ord. 612, fund transfer (Special) |
616 | Amends § 7.08 of Ord. 563, garbage collection (7.08) |
617 | Requirements for building permit or certificate of occupancy (Repealed by 1079) |
618 | Amends salary ordinance (Special) |
619 | Annexation (Special) |
620 | Vacation of public ways (Special) |
621 | Amends Ch. 16.08, plumbing code (16.08) |
622 | Adopts Uniform Building Code (Repealed by 729) |
623 | Speed limits (Not codified) |
624 | Creates civil service commission for city firemen (Repealed by 1255) |
625 | Authorizes emergency expenditure (Special) |
626 | Issues warrant (Special) |
627 | Amends Ord. 415, traffic (Repealed by 940) |
628 | Fixes amount, form, date, interest rate etc. for LID No. 53 (Special) |
629 | Adds § 5.07 to sewer system code (Repealed by 1434) |
630 | Amends Ord. 573, sewers (Repealed by 1232) |
631 | Parking (Not codified) |
632 | Creates LID (Special) |
633 | Adds § 5.07 to sewer system code (Repealed by 1434) |
634 | Authorizes issuance of warrant (Special) |
635 | Transfers supervision of garbage and refuse department (Repealed by 1248) |
636 | Provides for one-way traffic (Not codified) |
637 | Adds 11.6 to § 2.03 of water system code (Repealed by 1434) |
638 | Vacation of public ways (Special) |
639 | Placement of stop signs (Not codified) |
640 | Minimum licensing requirements of day care centers (Repealed by 1753) |
641 | Additions to waterworks utility (Special) |
642 | Amends Ord. 622, code violations (Repealed by 730) |
643 | Authorizes contractual agreement (Special) |
644 | Adopts 1969 budget (Special) |
645 | Tax levy (Special) |
646 | Compensation; repeals Ord. 605 (Repealed by 689) |
647 | Junked or abandoned motor vehicles (Repealed by 860) |
648 | Superintendent of water and sewer department (Repealed by 930) |
649 | Application for building permits (Repealed by 1079) |
650 | Adopts comprehensive plan (Special) |
651 | (Special) |
652 | Approves and confirms LID No. 54 (Special) |
653 | Driving while intoxicated (Repealed by 940, 965) |
654 | Amends Ord. 608, addition to waterworks utility (Special) |
655 | Shoplifting (Repealed by 965) |
656 | Annexation (Special) |
657 | Street closure (12.28) |
658 | Parking (Repealed by 1283) |
659 | Adds § 6.20.115, vagrancy (Repealed by 965) |
660 | Creates LID (Special) |
661 | Provides for storm sewer construction bonds (Special) |
662 | Adds § 3.01H, Article III, sewer system code (Repealed by 1193) |
663 | Amends § 2.03, Article II, water system code (Repealed by 1434) |
664 | Replaces Chs. 3.30 and 3.31, utility construction fund (3.30) |
665 | Amends § 19.44.010, zoning (Repealed by 2131) |
666 | Salary ordinance (Repealed by 1368) |
667 | Amends § 5.03, Article V, water system code (Repealed by 1434) |
668 | Authorizes issuance of water and sewer revenue bonds (Special) |
669 | Authorizes issuance of general obligation bonds (Special) |
670 | Rezone (Special) |
671 | Sanitation capital improvement and acquisition fund (Repealed by 1307) |
672 | Utility department (Repealed by 1136) |
673 | Annexation (Special) |
674 | Amends § 5.05, sewer system code (Repealed by 1434) |
675 | Not codified |
676 | Traffic (Repealed by 1989) |
677 | Not codified |
678 | Provides for trunk sewer A (Special) |
679 | Authorizes general obligation street bonds (Special) |
680 | Fixes amount of LID No. 54 bonds (Special) |
681 | Compensation (Repealed by 1368) |
682 | Arterial street system (Repealed by 1387) |
683 | Tax levy (Special) |
684 | Storm sewers (Repealed by 1232) |
685 | Annexation (Special) |
686 | (Not codified) |
687 | Repeals § 1.02, Art. I, water system code and § 1.02, Art. I, sewer system code; adds new § 1.02, Art. I, water system code and § 1.02, sewer system code (Repealed by 1434) |
688 | Confirms LID No. 55 assessment roll (Special) |
689 | Compensation (Repealed by 718) |
690 | Adopts 1970 budget (Special) |
691 | Amends § 2.50.170, city employees’ compensation (Repealed by 1368) |
692 | Adds § 14.24.020 and § 14.24.030, water and sewers (Repealed by 1172) |
693 | Adds § 14.24.010, water and sewers (Repealed by 1172) |
694 | Amends § 14.12.020, sewer rates (Repealed by 1434) |
695 | Rezone (Special) |
696 | Amends § 14.04.155, sewer code (Repealed by 1434) |
697 | Street widening for pedestrian mall (Special) |
698 | Fund transfer (Special) |
699 | Repeals § 19.20.130, zoning (Repealer) |
700 | Amends § 12.02.010; adds §§ 12.02.040 – 12.02.120, street department code (Repealed by 2724) |
701 | Adds Title 20, subdivision (Repealed by 1986) |
702 | Adds Ch. 5.44, sales or use tax (Repealed by 1234) |
703 | Pedestrian mall provisions (Special) |
704 | Traffic regulations on certain streets (Repealed by 717) |
705 | Amends § 11.36.010, arterial street system (Repealed) |
706 | Adds § 12.02.130, street department code (Repealed by 2724) |
707 | Adds §§ 12.02.140 and 12.02.150, street department code (Repealed by 2724) |
708 | Annexation (Special) |
709 | Adds §§ 11.46.080 – 11.46.100, traffic regulations on certain streets (Repealed by 1283) |
710 | Park dedication (Special) |
711 | Amends §§ 11.46.090 and 11.46.100, traffic regulations on certain streets (Repealed by 1283) |
712 | Tax levy (Special) |
713 | Adds § 16.24.030, building permits (Repealed by 1079) |
714 | Fund transfer (Special) |
715 | LID 55 bonds (Special) |
716 | Street vacation (Special) |
717 | Amends § 11.46.010; adds §§ 11.46.050, 11.46.060 and 11.46.070, traffic regulations on certain streets (11.46) |
718 | Repeals Ord. 689; amends §§ 2.50.100 and 2.50.120, salaries (Repealed by 769) |
719 | 1971 Budget (Special) |
720 | Amends §§ 14.12.020 and 14.12.030, water and sewers rates (Repealed by 1434) |
721 | Adds Ch. 3.52, use assessments on lands (3.52) |
722 | Warrant issuance (Special) |
723 | Amends § 20.20.110, subdivisions (Not codified) |
724 | Adds Ch. 11.62, logging truck route (Repealed by 767) |
725 | Adds Ch. 14.28, water and sewer connection changes (Repealed by 1434) |
726 | (Not passed) |
727 | Adds § 11 to Ord. 700, street improvements (Repealed by 2724) |
728 | Adds § 7.08.035; amends § 7.08.110, garbage collection (7.08) |
729 | Repeals Ch. 16.04, building code (Repealer) |
730 | Replaces Ch. 16.04, building code (Repealed by 852) |
731 | Adds Ch. 16.28, mechanical code (16.28) |
732 | Amends § 16.08.010; adds § 16.08.060 plumbing code (Repealed by 853) |
733 | Adds § 11.40.032, parking (Repealed by 1283) |
734 | Repeals Ord. 534 and § 6 of Ord. 402, subdivisions (Repealer) |
735 | Adds § 11.40.034 and Ch. 11.38, traffic (Repealed by 1283) |
736 | Adds Ch. 2.34, city administrator (2.34) |
737 | Adds Ch. 5.48, strawberry festival licensing (Repealed by 1278) |
738 | Parking (Repealed by 739) |
739 | Adds § 11.40.036, parking (Repealed by 1283) |
740 | Adds Ch. 11.68, traffic (Repealed by 940) |
741 | Adds § 7.08.066, garbage collection (Repealed by 1253) |
742 | Adds §§ 6.16.090, 6.16.100 and 6.16.110, dangerous drugs (Repealed by 965) |
743 | Replaces Ch. 6.08, disorderly conduct (Repealed by 965) |
744 | Amends § 11.04.010(a), traffic (Repealed by 940) |
745 | Annexation (Special) |
746 | Emergency appropriation (Special) |
747 | Amends § 16.08.030(b), plumbing (Repealed by 1077) |
748 | Special appropriation (Special) |
749 | Adds § 11.40.038, parking (Repealed by 1283) |
750 | Alley vacation (Special) |
751 | Street improvement contract with county (Special) |
752 | Annexation (Special) |
753 | Adds § 11.62.030, logging truck route (Repealed by 767) |
754 | Urban arterial fund warrant issuance (Special) |
755 | Adds §§ 2.76.030 – 2.76.110, golf course (Repealed by 1376) |
756 | Golf course purchase bond issuance (Special) |
757 | Emergency appropriation (Special) |
758 | Tax levy (Special) |
759 | Adds Ch. 2.76, golf course (Repealed by 1376) |
760 | Golf course annexation (Special) |
761 | Replaces Ch. 6.60, bird sanctuary (Repealed by 965) |
762 | Rezone (Special) |
763 | Amends § 11.40.038, parking (Repealed by 1283) |
764 | Amends Ord. 754, warrants (Special) |
765 | Adds § 11.62.040, logging truck routes (Repealed by 767) |
766 | Water and sewer work bonding (Special) |
767 | Replaces Ch. 11.62; repeals Ords. 724, 753 and 765, logging truck routes (Repealed by 1039) |
768 | Adopts 1972 budget (Special) |
769 | Replaces §§ 2.50.100 and 2.50.120; repeals Ord. 718, salaries (Repealed by 784) |
770 | Code of ethics (2.80) |
771 | Stop sign erection and removal at certain intersections (Special) |
772 | Zoning (Repealed by 2131) |
773 | Repeals §§ 3 and 5 of Ord. 76, §§ 1 and 5 of Ord. 517, § 7 of Ord. 506, §§ 7 and 9 of Ord. 501, §§ 5, 6, 7 and 8 of Ord. 516 and § 19 of Ord. 524 (Repealer) |
774 | Motor vehicles carrying chips, shavings, sawdust or hog fuel (Repealed by 1989) |
775 | Parking (Repealed by 1283) |
776 | Fund for municipal purposes (Special) |
777 | Moratorium on capital improvement and trunk sewer connection charges (Special) |
778 | Dangerous drugs; repeals § 1 of Ord. 742 (Repealed by 965) |
779 | Tax levy (Special) |
780 | Repeals § 5 of Ord. 725, sewer connection (Repealer) |
781 | Cumulative reserve fund for construction, alteration, maintenance and repair of city buildings (Repealed by 1307) |
782 | Adopts 1973 budget (Special) |
783 | Repeals § 1 of Ord. 577, utilities tax (Repealer) |
784 | Salaries; repeals Ord. 769 (Repealed by 810) |
785 | Loan to utility construction fund (Special) |
786 | Amends § 2 of Ord. 725, sewer hook-up charge (Repealed by 1434) |
787 | Annexation (Special) |
788 | Water supply cross-connections (14.10) |
789 | Shoreline development permits (Repealed by 2852) |
790 | Library management; repeals Ord. 390 (Repealed by 3015) |
791 | Designates fire zones, adopts 1970 Uniform Building Code and repeals §§ 1 and 2 of Ord. 465 (Repealed by 1082) |
792 | Water system regulations; repeals § 1(6) of Ord. 720 and § 2 of Ord. 476 (Repealed by 1434) |
793 | Sewer system regulations (Repealed by 1434) |
794 | Creates local improvement district (Special) |
795 | LID indebtedness assumption (Special) |
796 | Amends § 2 of Ord. 494, district boundaries (Special) |
797 | Creates local improvement district (Special) |
798 | Sewer code regulations (Repealed by 1434) |
799 | Garbage fund expenditure increase (Special) |
800 | Appropriation decrease (Special) |
801 | Garbage and refuse fund loan (Special) |
802 | Golf course revenue fund increase (Special) |
803 | Application of zoning ordinance (Special) |
804 | Amends § 4.02(g) of Ord. 772, zoning (Repealed by 2131) |
805 | Tax levy (Special) |
806 | Speed limits on State Avenue (Repealed by 1310) |
807 | Adopts Uniform Litter Control Code (Repealed by 1597) |
808 | Amends § 2.80.040 and adds § 2.80.045, code of ethics (2.80) |
809 | Adopts 1974 budget (Special) |
810 | Repeals and replaces Ord. 784, salaries (Repealed by 840) |
811 | City council compensation and meetings; repeals § 1 of Ord. 77 and § 3 of Ord. 598 (2.04) |
812 | Sick leave; repeals subsection B of Ord. 681 (Repealed by 1368) |
813 | Vacation leave; repeals subsection A of Ord. 681 (Repealed by 1368) |
814 | Creates LID No. 58 (Special) |
815 | Fund appropriation (Special) |
816 | Eliminates capital improvement charge on ULID’s and LID’s (Special) |
817 | Annexation (Special) |
818 | Local improvements, special assessments and bonds (3.60) |
819 | Consolidated utility local improvement districts and warrants (Special) |
820 | Waterworks and sewerage improvement (Special) |
821 | Creates LID No. 59 (Special) |
822 | Commitment to enact ordinances necessary to carry out flood insurance programs (Not codified) |
823 | Duties of city officials regarding flood hazard areas (Repealed by 959) |
824 | Amends § 3 of Ord. 820, increasing principal sum of water and sewer revenue bonds (Special) |
825 | Performance of duties during absence of city clerk and city treasurer (Repealed by 1181) |
826 | Void |
827 | Fund appropriation (Special) |
828 | Tax levy (Special) |
829 | Amends § 6.08.200 and § 6.20.050, prohibited gambling practices and levies gambling activities tax (3.92) |
830 | Adds § 6.56.100, public exposure of female breasts and lower torso (Repealed by 965) |
831 | Repeals § 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 of Ord. 307, pinball and skill games (Repealer) |
832 | Amends §§ 3 and 5 of Ord. 458, impound fees and authorization to destroy unclaimed animals (Repealed by 2013) |
833 | Confirms L.I.D. No. 58 (Special) |
834 | Creates L.I.D. No. 60 (Special) |
835 | Amends § 2 of Ord. 480, §§ 2 and 6 of Ord. 624, appointment and qualifications of police and firemen’s civil service commission (2.16) |
836 | Amends § 2.04.010 regular meetings of council (2.04) |
837 | 1975 budget (Special) |
838 | Rezone (Special) |
839 | Repeals § 7 of Ord. 829 and amends § 6 of Ord. 829, gambling activities tax (3.92) |
840 | Salaries; repeals Ord. 810 (Repealed by 1363) |
841 | Adds subsections 3, 4 and 5 to § 2 of Ord. 759, annual greens fees (Repealed by 1376) |
842 | Amends § 1 of Ord. 840, salaries (Repealed by 888) |
843 | Provides for waterworks improvements (Special) |
844 | Rezone (Special) |
845 | Amends § 5.48.010, vending license for strawberry festival (Repealed by 1278) |
846 | Adds § 19.08.037 and amends § 19.16.010, zoning (Repealed by 2131) |
847 | Amends § 19.16.010, zoning (Repealed by 2131) |
848 | Adopts American Standard Specifications for Making Buildings and Facilities Accessible to and Usable by the Physically Handicapped (16.36) |
849 | Adopts 1973 Uniform Mechanical Code; repeals § 4 of Ord. 731 (16.28) |
850 | Adopts 1973 Uniform Fire Code; repeals Ords. 352, 417 and 561 (9.04) |
851 | Amends §§ 4 and 6(a) of Ord. 829, tax on punchboards and pull tabs (3.92) |
852 | Adopts 1973 Uniform Building Code; repeals Ord. 730 (16.04) |
853 | Adopts 1973 Uniform Plumbing Code; repeals Ord. 732 (16.08) |
854 | Annexation (Special) |
855 | Rezone (Special) |
856 | Adds § 19.08.157 and amends § 19.16.010, zoning (Repealed by 2131) |
857 | Annexation (Special) |
858 | Annexation (Special) |
859 | Approves implementation of shoreline management master program; repeals § 1 of Ord. 789 (Repealed by 2852) |
860 | Repeals and reenacts Ord. 647, wrecked or abandoned vehicles (Repealed by 1129) |
861 | Approves and confirms assessment for ULID No. 1 (Special) |
862 | Approves and confirms assessment for ULID No. 1 (Special) |
863 | Approves and confirms assessment for ULID No. 3 (Special) |
864 | Approves and confirms assessment for ULID No. 4 (Special) |
865 | Amends Ord. 797, ULID No. 2 (Special) |
866 | Annexation (Special) |
867 | Rezone (Special) |
868 | Amends §§ 19.44.060(a) and 19.44.080(c), zoning (Repealed by 2131) |
869 | Amends § 19.56.050, zoning (Repealed by 2131) |
870 | Amends 1975 budget (Special) |
871 | Amends § 19.16.010, zoning (Repealed by 2131) |
872 | Establishes position of animal control warden (Repealed by 1606) |
873 | Provides for issuance of water and sewer revenue bond (Special) |
874 | Levies taxes (Special) |
875 | Amends Ord. 834, 1975 budget (Special) |
876 | Supplements § 7.08.110, garbage collection rates (7.08) |
877 | Rezone (Special) |
878 | Rezone (Special) |
879 | Rezone (Special) |
880 | Amends § 2.76.020, golf courses (Repealed by 1376) |
881 | Amends § 1.04.020, official newspaper (Repealed by 3224) |
882 | Imposes utilities tax (3.64) |
883 | Adopts 1976 budget (Special) |
884 | Amends Ord. 883, 1976 budget (Special) |
885 | Changes day of city council meetings (2.04) |
886 | Amends § 2.50.150, holidays (Repealed by 1368) |
887 | Amends § 1.02 of water and sewer system code (Repealed by 1434) |
888 | Compensation; repeals Ord. 842 (Repealed by 1368) |
889 | Amends § 2.50.142, sick leave (Repealed by 1368) |
890 | Repeals §§ 16.28.010 and 16.28.020 (Repealer) |
891 | Rezone (Special) |
892 | Leasehold excise tax (3.68) |
893 | Closing-out sales and special sales (5.52) |
894 | Adds Chapter 14.17, private storm water disposal system (Repealed by 2245) |
895 | Amends §§ 14.04.100(A)(2), 14.04.100(B)(2) and 14.28.010, water installation fees (Repealed by 1434) |
896 | Amends § 14.28.030, sewer charge (Repealed by 1434) |
897 | Amends §§ 14.04.210(A) and 14.28.020, sewer connection charges (Repealed by 1434) |
898 | Rezone (Special) |
899 | Adds to Chapter 12.02, curbs, gutters and sidewalks required (Repealed by 1632) |
900 | Adds § 19.20.020, setback lines; repeals Ord. 557 and § 2 of Ord. 558 (Repealed by 2131) |
901 | Amends § 6.08.010, alcoholic liquor (Repealed by 965) |
902 | Transfer of funds (Special) |
903 | Amends § 2.50.050, council salaries; repeals § 2.50.060 (Repealed by 1368) |
904 | Adds to Chapter 19.08; amends § 19.08.100; commercial use (Repealed by 2131) |
905 | Adds to Ch. 12.24, liability of property owner (12.24) |
906 | Amends § 3.60.020(b)(1), local improvement districts (Repealed by 2937) |
907 | Amends § 2.50.150, employee holidays (Repealed by 1363) |
908 | SEPA model ordinance (Repealed by 1533) |
909 | Classification of city (1.12) |
910 | 1977 tax levy (Special) |
911 | City treasurer (Repealed by 1180) |
912 | Street department code variances; repeals § 12.02.110 (Repealed by 2724) |
913 | Transfers funds (Special) |
914 | 1977 budget adopted (Special) |
915 | Fund appropriation (Special) |
916 | Amends §§ 2.30.020 and 2.30.030, city clerk (Repealed by 1181) |
917 | Rezone (Special) |
918 | Payroll fund, claims fund, petty cash fund (3.49, 3.50, 3.51) |
919 | Amends § 2.50.040, mayor’s salary (Repealed by 1368) |
920 | Amends § 2.50.050, council salaries (Repealed by 1368) |
921 | Repeals §§ 2.50.080, 2.50.100 and 2.50.110 (Repealer) |
922 | Amends 1977 budget (Special) |
923 | Rezone (Special) |
924 | Amends 1977 budget (Special) |
925 | Bond issue (Special) |
926 | Amends § 14.12.020, sewer rates (Repealed by 1434) |
927 | Amends § 14.12.030(C), (E), (F), (G) and (H), sewer rates (Repealed by 1434) |
928 | Amends §§ 7.08.020, 7.08.035(a), (b) and (c), 7.08.060, 7.08.067, 7.08.070 and 7.08.110, garbage collection (7.08) |
929 | Board of ethics; repeals § 2.80.060 (2.80) |
930 | Repeals Chs. 2.64, 2.68 and 2.72 (Repealer) |
931 | Zones certain property (Special) |
932 | Rezone (Special) |
933 | Rezone (Special) |
934 | Franchise (Special) |
935 | Annexation (Special) |
936 | Utility local improvement district (Special) |
937 | Rezone (Special) |
938 | Amends 1977 budget (Special) |
939 | Amends subsections (a) and (b) of § 2.08.030, library board; repeals §§ 2.08.040 and 2.08.050 (Repealed by 3015) |
940 | Adopts Washington Model Traffic Ordinance and other statutes regulating traffic; amends §§ 11.24.020, speed limits, 11.62.010, logging truck routes and 11.64.010, penalty for violation; repeals Chs. 6.96, 11.04, 11.08, 11.20, 11.28, 11.38 and 11.68, and 11.40.032(c), 11.40.034(b), 11.40.038(b), 11.40.050, 11.40.055, 11.40.070, 11.46.010, 11.62.050, 11.72.020 and 11.76.030 (11.24) |
941 | Repeals §§ 11.46.060 and 11.46.070 (Repealer) |
942 | Amends § 6.76.040, sound trucks (Repealed by 1419) |
943 | Rezone (Special) |
944 | Zones certain property (Special) |
945 | Zones certain property (Special) |
946 | Zones certain property (Special) |
947 | Amends 1977 budget (Special) |
948 | Vacation of streets and alleys (12.32) |
949 | Amends 1977 budget (Special) |
950 | Water use restrictions; repeals § 14.08.010 (14.08) |
951 | Condemnation of certain property (Special) |
952 | Rezone (Special) |
953 | Correction of erroneously zoned property (Special) |
954 | Correction of erroneously zoned property (Special) |
955 | Amends § 2.48.010, civilian auxiliary police force (Repealed by 1606) |
956 | 1978 tax levy (Special) |
957 | Zones certain property (Special) |
958 | Zones certain property (Special) |
959 | Construction in flood hazard areas; repeals §§ 16.32.010, 16.32.020 and 16.32.030 (Repealed by 1339) |
960 | Rezone (Special) |
961 | Amends § 2.04.010, city council meetings (2.04) |
962 | Utility local improvement district (Special) |
963 | Amends § 2.34.010, city administrator (2.34) |
964 | Adds section to Ch. 5.04, gambling tax exemption (3.92) |
965 | Criminal code; repeals Chs. 6.04, 6.08, 6.12, 6.16, 6.20, 6.24, 6.28, 6.32, 6.36, 6.40, 6.44, 6.48, 6.52, 6.56, 6.60, 6.64, 6.68, 6.80, 6.84, 6.88, 6.94 and 6.96 (6.03, 6.06, 6.09, 6.12, 6.15, 6.18, 6.24, 6.27, 6.30, 6.33, 6.36, 6.39, 6.42, 6.45, 6.48, 6.51, 6.54, 6.60) |
966 | Adds section to Ch. 2.30, oath and bond of city clerk (Repealed by 1181) |
967 | Bond issue (Special) |
968 | Zones certain property (Special) |
969 | Correction of erroneously zoned property (Special) |
970 | Sewer rates for mobile home parks; amends § 14.12.030(E)(2), water bill for mobile home parks (Repealed by 1434) |
971 | Legal actions against city officials and employees (2.84) |
972 | Bond issue (Special) |
973 | Adopts 1978 budget (Special) |
974 | Rezone (Special) |
975 | Street vacation (Special) |
976 | Vacation (Special) |
977 | Amends § 19.16.010, zoning (Repealed by 2131) |
978 | Amends § 14.02(k) of Ord. 965, public disturbance (6.54) |
979 | Amends Ord. 973, 1978 budget (Special) |
980 | Revises 1978 budget (Special) |
981 | Amends § 14.04.230, dumping septic tank effluent (Repealed by 1434) |
982 | Waterworks extension provisions (Special) |
983 | Amends Ord. 973, 1978 budget (Special) |
984 | Amends § 2.04.020, council meetings (2.04) |
985 | Amends § 9.20.050, fireworks licenses (Repealed by 1376) |
986 | Adds Ch. 11.46, left turns (Repealed by 1989) |
987 | Amends § 11.40.039, parking (Repealed by 1283) |
988 | Amends (b) of § 9.20.080, fireworks licenses (9.20) |
989 | Creates LID No. 7 (Special) |
990 | Amends §§ 19.16.010 and 19.20.010, zoning (Repealed by 2131) |
991 | Designates Rainier National Bank to act as fiscal and cremation agent for city (Special) |
992 | Regulation, use and installation of burglar alarm systems (6.79) |
993 | Amends Ord. 973, 1978 budget (Special) |
994 | Establishes advisory commission on the arts (Repealed by 1481) |
995 | Amends Ord. 772, zoning map (Special) |
996 | Amends Ord. 772, zoning map (Special) |
997 | Amends Ord. 772, zoning map (Special) |
998 | Amends Ord. 772, zoning map (Special) |
999 | Adds material concerning sight-obstructing vegetation (12.36) |
1000 | Community impact study of certain businesses (Repealed by 1212) |
1001 | Annexation (Special) |
1002 | Revises 1977 budget (Special) |
1003 | Tax levy for 1979 (Special) |
1004 | Adds material to Ch. 5.02, business occupancy permits (Repealed by 1498) |
1005 | Rezone (Special) |
1006 | Amends § 19.16.010, zoning (Repealed by 2131) |
1007 | Rezone (Special) |
1008 | Adds new chapter to Title 10; repeals §§ 10.20.120 and 10.20.130, cruelty to animals (Repealed by 2013) |
1009 | Adds material to § 19.16.020, zoning (Repealed by 1093, 1126) |
1010 | Adds new section to Ch. 19.20, zoning (Repealed by 2131) |
1011 | Amends § 19.20.010, zoning (Repealed by 2131) |
1012 | Revises 1978 budget (Special) |
1013 | Creates equipment rental fund (Repealed by 1345) |
1013A | Adopts 1979 budget (Special) |
1014 | Amends § 2.50.070, mileage allowance for city personnel (Repealed by 1368) |
1015 | Amends § 14.14.050, sewer facilities (Repealed by 1242) |
1016 | Authorizes segregations of local improvement district assessments (3.60) |
1017 | Creates municipal arts fund (3.76) |
1018 | Adds new section to Ch. 12.02, minimum access requirements for land development (Repealed by 2724) |
1019 | Rezone (Special) |
1020 | Rezone (Special) |
1021 | Rezone (Special) |
1022 | Adds material to §§ 19.16.010 and 19.20.010; amends § 19.16.010 zoning (Repealed by 2131) |
1023 | Adds material to Ch. 11.46, closes designated street (11.46) |
1024 | Rezone (Special) |
1025 | Rezone (Special) |
1026 | Rezone (Special) |
1027 | Budget revisions for 1979 (Special) |
1028 | Budget revisions for 1979 (Special) |
1029 | Rezone (Special) |
1030 | Annexation of territory (Special) |
1031 | Adds new section to Ch. 19.20, zoning (Repealed by 2131) |
1032 | Adds new section to Ch. 11.46, one-way alleys (11.46) |
1033 | Rezone (Special) |
1034 | Rezone (Special) |
1035 | Rezone (Special) |
1036 | Rezone (Special) |
1037 | Amends § 14.04.180, sewer system (Repealed by 1434) |
1038 | Adds new section to Ch. 14.04, water connections (Repealed by 1141) |
1039 | Truck routes, repeals §§ 11.62.010 – 11.62.040 (11.62) |
1040 | Rezone (Special) |
1041 | Rezone (Special) |
1042 | Adds paragraph to § 19.16.010 (Repealed by 2131) |
1043 | Repeals § 14.14.190, sewer system capital improvement charges (Repealer) |
1044 | Adds new section to Ch. 10.20 and to Ch. 19.08; amends §§ 19.08.260 and 19.16.010, dog kennels (Repealed by 2131) |
1045 | Amends § 19.56.050(c), zoning amendments (Repealed by 2131) |
1046 | Adds § 19.56.055 and amends § 19.44.050, zoning (Repealed by 2131) |
1047 | Amends § 3 of Ord. 1018, minimum access requirements (Repealed by 2724) |
1048 | Repeals and adds paragraphs on office buildings and amends Table in § 19.16.010, zoning for professional offices and clinics (Repealed by 2131) |
1049 | Amends § 2.76.020, golf course greens fees (Repealed by 1058) |
1050 | Rezone (Special) |
1051 | Adds two new sections to Ch. 10.20 and one section to Ch. 10.24; amends §§ 10.20.050 and 10.20.110, animal control (Repealed by 2013) |
1052 | Amends Ord. 1032, direction of travel in alleys (11.46) |
1053 | Amends § 11.40.039(3); repeals §§ 11.46.020, 11.46.040 and 11.46.080, parking (Repealed by 1283) |
1054 | Amends § 19.16.010, petroleum products storage area zoning (Repealed by 2131) |
1055 | Rezone (Special) |
1056 | Rezone (Special) |
1057 | Adds language to § 7.08.110, garbage collection charge (7.08) |
1058 | Amends § 2.76.020, golf course greens fees; repeals Ord. 1049 (Repealed by 1376) |
1059 | Adds new section to Ch. 11.40, parking on Grove Street (Repealed by 1283) |
1060 | Adds new section to Ch. 6.24, utility poles (Repealed by 2046) |
1061 | Amends § 14.04.072(A)(l)(e), (h) and (A)(5), fire hydrant installation (Repealed by 1434) |
1062 | LID No. 5 assessment confirmed (Special) |
1063 | Adds language to § 19.16.010, day nursery zoning (Repealed by 2131) |
1064 | (Number voided) |
1065 | Public land dedication requirements for developers (Repealed by 1132) |
1066 | Creates parks, recreation and open space fund; repeals §§ 3.12.010 and 3.12.020 (3.12) |
1067 | LID No. 6 assessment confirmed (Special) |
1068 | Adopts revised sewer service area boundary (Special) |
1069 | Rezone (Special) |
1070 | Public works director office created; repeals §§ 2.32.010 – 2.32.040 and Ord. 496 (2.32) |
1071 | Amends §§ 14.04.090 and 14.04.170, recovery contracts (Repealed by 1434) |
1072 | Tax levy for 1980 (Special) |
1073 | Budget revisions for 1980 (Special) |
1074 | Amends § 2.50.040, mayor’s compensation (Repealed by 1368) |
1075 | Amends § 2.50.050, city council compensation (Repealed by 1368) |
1076 | Amends §§ 16.04.010, 16.04.030, 16.04.060, 16.04.070, 16.04.090, 16.04.150 and 16.04.160; repeals § 16.04.110, Uniform Building Code (16.04) |
1077 | Amends §§ 16.08.010, 16.08.120, 16.08.140; repeals §§ 16.08.020 – 16.08.050, 16.08.090 and 16.08.180, Uniform Plumbing Code (16.08) |
1078 | Repeals Ch. 16.12, moving houses and buildings (Repealer) |
1079 | Repeals Ch. 16.24, multiple dwelling and commercial building permits (Repealer) |
1080 | Amends §§ 16.28.010 and 16.28.020, Uniform Mechanical Code (16.28) |
1081 | Amends §§ 16.36.010 and 16.36.020, building specifications for the handicapped (16.36) |
1082 | Amends §§ 9.04.010, 9.04.040, 9.04.050, 9.04.060 and 9.04.090; repeals §§ 9.04.070 – 9.04.090, Uniform Fire Code; repeals Ch. 19.12, fire zones (9.04) |
1083 | Adds new section to Ch. 11.40, parking (Repealed by 1283) |
1084 | Adds five sections to Ch. 11.04, driving while intoxicated (Repealed by 1160) |
1085 | Water and sewer utility tax established (Repealed by 3322) |
1086 | Amends § 3 of Ord. 1062, LID No. 5 (Special) |
1087 | Amends § 3 of Ord. 1067, LID No. 6 (Special) |
1088 | 1979 water and sewer revenue bond issue (Special) |
1089 | Police court and police judge; repeals Ch. 2.24, police justice (Repealed by 1420) |
1090 | 1980 budget revisions (Special) |
1091 | Waterworks utility system improvements (Special) |
1092 | Annexation (Special) |
1093 | Sets out language for §§ 19.16.020, 19.16.030, 19.16.040 and 19.16.050, multiple-family residential zones; repeals former § 19.16.020 (Repealed by 2131) |
1094 | Repeals Ch. 3.04, tax on the sale of electricity (Repealer) |
1095 | Amends § 19.16.010, light industrial zoning district (Repealed by 2131) |
1096 | Amends § 19.16.010, zoning uses (Repealed by 2131) |
1097 | Amends § 19.56.050(b)(2), application fee for rezones (Repealed by 2131) |
1098 | Amends § 12.02.110(d), street variances (Repealed by 2724) |
1099 | Amends § 19.44.060, zoning board of adjustment (Repealed by 2131) |
1100 | Amends §§ 18.16.070 and 18.16.100, shoreline management permits (Repealed by 2852) |
1101 | Amends § 12.02.170, curbs and sidewalks (Repealed by 1632) |
1102 | Adds three sections to Ch. 16.20; amends §§ 16.20.020(3), (5); repeals §§ 16.20.040(5), last paragraph of 16.20.060, and 16.20.070, dangerous buildings (16.20) |
1103 | Adds section to Ch. 14.04 and amends § 14.14.050; repeals § 14.24.020, water and sewer service (Repealed by 1242) |
1104 | 1980 budget revisions (Special) |
1105 | Annexation (Special) |
1106 | Rezone (Special) |
1107 | Amends portion of Ch. 14.04 and amends § 14.14.050 water and sewer service (Repealed by 1242) |
1108 | Utility tax rebate for low-income senior citizens (3.64) |
1109 | Pawnbrokers and secondhand dealers (5.64) |
1110 | Amends §§ 12.02.080 and 20.16.150, standard street sections (Repealed by 2724) |
1111 | Adds §§ 14.28.040 and 14.28.050, water and sewer connections (Repealed by 1434) |
1112 | Amends § 20.16.180, subdivisions (Not codified) |
1113 | Revises 1979 budget (Special) |
1114 | LID No. 8 created (Special) |
1115 | Adds chapter to Title 20; repeals § 20.20.110(2), subdivisions (Not codified) |
1116 | Amends § 14.04.230(3), septic tank effluent dumping (Repealed by 1434) |
1117 | Amends § 20.16.120, subdivisions (Not codified) |
1118 | Amends § 14.28.020, sewer hookup (Repealed by 1434) |
1119 | Rezone (Special) |
1120 | Amends § 14.04.050, delinquent water and sewer bills (Repealed by 1434) |
1121 | Adds section to Ch. 19.20, zoning (Repealed by 2131) |
1122 | Amends § 19.20.010, zoning (Repealed by 2131) |
1123 | Amends §§ 18.16.070, 18.16.090, 18.16.100 and 18.16.250, shoreline management master program (Repealed by 2852) |
1124 | Amends paragraphs on RML and RMH districts in § 19.16.010, zoning (Repealed by 2131) |
1125 | Amends four items in chart accompanying § 19.20.010, zoning (Repealed by 2131) |
1126 | Adds paragraph to Ord. 1093, repeals former § 19.16.020 (Repealer) |
1127 | Adds section to Ch. 1.01, municipal legislation (1.01) |
1128 | Contributing to delinquency of minors; repeals §§ 6.57.010, 6.57.020 and 6.57.030 (Repealed by 1664) |
1129 | Abandoned vehicles; repeals §§ 6.92.010, 6.92.020, 6.92.030, 6.92.040, 6.92.050, 6.92.060, 6.92.070, 6.92.080, 6.92.090, 6.92.100, 6.92.110, 6.92.120, 6.92.130, 6.92.140, 6.92.150, 6.92.160, 6.92.170 and 6.92.180 (Repealed by 1161) |
1130 | Adds section to Ch. 18.20, residential development (Repealed by 1251) |
1131 | Rezone (Special) |
1132 | Excise tax on residential development; repeals Ord. 1065 (Repealed by 1251) |
1133 | Adds §§ 20.16.145 and 20.16.200, subdivisions (Not codified) |
1134 | Amends §§ 1, 2 and 3 of Ord. 1066, growth management fund (3.12) |
1135 | Amends §§ 5.04.020 and 5.04.030, tax on bingo, punchboards and pull tabs (3.92) |
1136 | Amends § 14.20.010, utility department (Repealed by 1434) |
1137 | Amends § 11.40.034, angle parking (Repealed by 1283) |
1138 | Adds section to Ch. 11.40, alley parking; repeals § 11.40.060 (Repealed by 1600) |
1139 | Drug paraphernalia (Repealed by 1993) |
1140 | Adds sections to Ch. 7.08; amends §§ 7.08.020, 7.08.040, 7.08.060, 7.08.100 and 7.08.110; repeals §§ 7.08.035, 7.08.066(b), 7.08.120 and 7.08.140, garbage collection (7.08) |
1141 | Repeals §§ 14.04.055, 14.04.110, 14.04.120, 14.04.190 and 14.24.030 (Repealer) |
1142 | Amends § 14.04.040, damage to water and sewer system (Repealed by 1434) |
1143 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 5.24, for-hire vehicles (5.24) |
1144 | Tax levy for 1981 (Special) |
1145 | Amends § 7.08.060, garbage collection (7.08) |
1146 | LID No. 7 assessment roll confirmed (Special) |
1147 | Adds section to Ch. 5.04; amends §§ 5.04.020 and 5.04.025, gambling activities tax (3.92) |
1148 | Adds § 12.02.125, street department (Repealed by 2724) |
1149 | Adds section to Ch. 14.04 and 14.14, water and sewers (Repealed by 1242) |
1150 | Amends § 20.16.190, subdivisions (Repealed by 1986) |
1151 | Annexation (Special) |
1152 | Rezone (Special) |
1152A | Adopts 1981 budget (Special) |
1153 | Rezone (Special) |
1154 | LID No. 8 assessment roll confirmed (Special) |
1155 | Bond issuance (Special) |
1156 | LID No. 7 final assessment roll (Special) |
1157 | Adds section to Ch. 19.36, off-street parking (Repealed by 2131) |
1158 | Amends 1981 budget (Special) |
1159 | Amends § 2.24.090(a), police court and police judge (Repealed by 1420) |
1160 | Repeals §§ 11.04.040, 11.04.070, 11.04.080, 11.04.090, 11.04.100, 11.04.110, traffic (Repealer) |
1161 | Repeals § 1 of Ord. 1129, wrecked or abandoned vehicles (Repealer) |
1162 | Alley vacation (Special) |
1163 | Amends §§ 14.12.020 and 14.12.030, water and sewer rates (Repealed by 1434) |
1164 | Amends § 2.76.020, municipal golf course (Repealed by 1376) |
1165 | Alley vacation (Void) |
1166 | 1980 budget revision (Special) |
1167 | Amends § 14.04.100, combined water and sewer system (Repealed by 1434) |
1168 | Adds § 14.04.153; amends § 14.04.152, combined water and sewer system (Repealed by 1434) |
1169 | Rezone (Special) |
1170 | Amends § 12.32.050, right-of-way appraisal (12.32) |
1171 | Amends §§ 14.04.090 and 14.04.170, recovery contracts (Repealed by 1434) |
1172 | Amends § 14.28.010, water service; repeals § 14.12.040 and Ch. 14.24 (Repealed by 1434) |
1173 | Amends § 14.04.071, water and sewer service (Repealed by 1434) |
1174 | Zones annexed land (Special) |
1175 | Amends § 19.16.010, zoning (Repealed by 2131) |
1176 | 1980 budget revision (Special) |
1177 | Amends § 7.08.110, garbage collection (7.08) |
1178 | Adds § 19.16.020, zoning (Repealed by 2131) |
1179 | Amends § 12.02.170, street improvements (Repealed by 1632) |
1180 | Finance director; repeals Ch. 2.35 (2.35) |
1181 | City clerk; repeals Ch. 2.30 (2.30) |
1182 | Adds §§ 9.04.071, 9.04.072, 9.04.073, 9.04.074 and 9.04.075, Uniform Fire Code (Repealed by 1947) |
1183 | Amends §§ 19.44.080(c) and 19.56.050(c)(3), zoning, and § 20.16.120(a)(3), subdivisions (Repealed by 2131) |
1184 | Rezone (Special) |
1185 | Amends § 19.16.010, zoning (Repealed by 2131) |
1186 | Amends §§ 7.08.010 and 7.08.030, garbage collection (7.08) |
1187 | Adds §§ 16.16.050, 16.16.255 and 16.16.290, sign code; amends §§ 19.08.040, 19.08.445, 19.16.010 and 19.20.010, zoning; repeals § 16.16.030 (Repealed by 2131) |
1188 | Garbage collection franchise (Special) |
1189 | Adds section to Ch. 16.28, solid fuel burning appliances (16.28) |
1190 | Annexation (Special) |
1191 | Annexation (Special) |
1192 | Annexation (Special) |
1193 | Adds § 14.04.062; amends §§ 14.04.155 and 14.14.060, water and sewer service; repeals § 14.04.158 (Repealed by 1434) |
1194 | Adds section to Ch. 19.16, zoning (Repealed by 2131) |
1195 | Amends § 19.12.050(e), zoning (Repealed by 2131) |
1196 | 1981 budget revision (Special) |
1197 | Adds §§ 18.16.155 and 18.16.255, and amends §§ 18.16.220 and 18.16.260, shoreline management (Repealed by 2852) |
1198 | 1981 budget revision (Special) |
1199 | Zones annexed land (Special) |
1200 | Amends § 19.16.010, zoning (Repealed by 2131) |
1201 | Repeals and adds Ch. 5.16, auctions (Repealed by 1389) |
1202 | Amends § 3.66.020, water and sewer utility tax (Repealed by 3322) |
1203 | Rezone (Special) |
1204 | Rezone (Special) |
1205 | Tax levy for 1982 (Special) |
1206 | Franchise grant to Washington Natural Gas Co., gas distribution system (Special) |
1207 | LID No. 61 established, sewer improvements (Special) |
1208 | Annexation of property (Special) |
1209 | Amends § 3.64.020, utility tax on telephone services (3.64) |
1210 | Amends 1981 budget appropriations (Special) |
1211 | Repeals and adds § 19.56.040, zoning (Repealed by 2131) |
1212 | Repeals §§ 5.56.010 – 5.56.050 and adds §§ 5.56.010 – 5.56.060, community impact of certain adult businesses (Repealed by 1457) |
1213 | Budget for 1982 (Special) |
1214 | Amends § 3.64.020(a), utility tax on telephone services (3.64) |
1215 | Zones certain property (Special) |
1216 | Adds §§ 14.04.085 and 14.04.165, oversize water and sewer mains (Repealed by 1434) |
1217 | Adds new section to Ch. 11.04, operating vehicle in an inattentive manner (Repealed by 1306) |
1218 | Amends subsections (a)(3) and (a)(5) of § 2.24.090, court costs (Repealed by 1228) |
1219 | Amends 1981 budget appropriations (Special) |
1220 | Amends § 14.28.010(a), water service installation fees (Repealed by 1434) |
1221 | Repeals and adds § 6.03.040; amends §§ 6.03.050 and 6.03.070, court costs and disposition of criminal cases (6.03) |
1222 | Amends 1981 budget appropriations (Special) |
1223 | Annexation (Special) |
1224 | Amends §§ 2.20.010, 2.20.020 and 2.20.030, park commission (Repealed by 1369) |
1225 | Amends 1982 budget appropriations (Special) |
1226 | Adds § 14.04.062(c), water connections (Repealed by 1434) |
1227 | Amends § 3.60.090, local improvement district warrants (Repealed by 2937) |
1228 | Amends § 2.24.090(a)(5); repeals § 2.24.090(a)(3) and Ord. 1218, court costs (Repealed by 1420) |
1229 | Amends § 6.15.010 and adds § 6.15.020, obstructing a public servant (6.15) |
1230 | Amends § 3.64.030, utility tax on gases (3.64) |
1231 | Adds section to Ch. 12.02, right-of-way dedication (Repealed by 2724) |
1232 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 14.16, public storm drainage system code (Repealed by 2245) |
1233 | Adds Ch. 14.15, on-site storm water drainage code (Repealed by 2245) |
1234 | Sales and use tax; repeals Ch. 5.44 (3.84) |
1235 | Fireworks; amends §§ 9.20.050 and 9.20.110; repeals §§ 9.20.010 through 9.20.040, 9.20.080 and 9.20.090 (9.20) |
1236 | Amends § 1.04.020, official newspaper (Repealed by 3224) |
1237 | Amends §§ 16.16.255(d)(2), (d)(3), (d)(5) and (h), sign code (Repealed by 1609) |
1238 | Amends § 14.04.050, utility bills (Repealed by 1434) |
1239 | Adds § 14.04.055, utility bills (Repealed by 1434) |
1240 | Amends § 6.54.020(11), consumption of intoxicating beverages in public places (6.54) |
1241 | Amends §§ 2, 3, 4 and 6 of Ord. 1235, fireworks (9.20) |
1242 | Rural utility service area; repeals §§ 14.04.065, 14.04.066, 14.04.140, 14.04.145 and 14.04.153 (14.32) |
1243 | Aid car and ambulance service (Repealed by 1879) |
1244 | Real estate excise tax (3.88) |
1245 | Amends §§ 12.24.010 and 12.24.020, sidewalks (12.24) |
1246 | Repeals § 12.02.140, storm sewer connections (Repealer) |
1247 | Repeals Ch. 2.40, fire chief (Repealer) |
1248 | Repeals Ch. 2.36, street superintendent (Repealer) |
1249 | Adds Ch. 19.30, mobile/manufactured homes; amends § 19.16.010; repeals Ch. 5.28 and §§ 19.08.490 and 19.08.495 (Repealed by 2131) |
1250 | Amends 1982 budget (Special) |
1251 | Adds Ch. 18.24; amends §§ 3.12.020 and 3.12.030, mitigation assessments; repeals Ch. 3.80 and §§ 18.20.040 and 20.16.145 (3.12) |
1252 | Amends 1982 budget (Special) |
1253 | Amends § 7.08.065, garbage collection; repeals § 7.08.066 (7.08) |
1254 | 1983 tax levy (Special) |
1255 | Amends §§ 2.16.010 through 2.16.050, civil service commission; repeals § 2.16.060 and Ch. 2.46 (2.16) |
1256 | Amends §§ 20.24.010 and 20.24.030, subdivisions (Not codified) |
1257 | Adds § 14.04.056, water and sewer system (Repealed by 1434) |
1258 | Adds § 19.30.050(i); amends § 19.30.110(c), zoning (Repealed by 2131) |
1259 | Amends 1982 budget (Special) |
1260 | Amends § 12.02.125, street department code (Repealed by 2724) |
1261 | Adds § 14.12.040, water and sewer rates (Repealed by 1434) |
1262 | 1983 budget (Special) |
1263 | Amends § 3.64.040, utilities tax (3.64) |
1264 | Amends § 11.46.050, traffic regulations (11.46) |
1265 | Adds section to Ch. 11.40, parking (Repealed by 1356) |
1266 | Adds section to Ch. 6.24, public nuisances (Repealed by 2046) |
1267 | Amends § 14.32.060(d), rural utility service area (14.32) |
1268 | Establishes LID No. 62 (Special) |
1269 | Establishes ULID No. 9 (Special) |
1270 | Amends § 20.16.180(b), subdivisions (Not codified) |
1271 | Amends § 12.32.010, vacation of streets and alleys (12.32) |
1272 | Budget and expenditures (Special) |
1273 | Alley vacation (Special) |
1274 | Public records (Repealed by 2964) |
1275 | Adds §§ 3.60.150 – 3.60.210 and amends §§ 3.60.010 and 3.60.020(b)(1), local improvement districts and delinquent assessments (3.60) |
1276 | Amends § 14.32.050(7), rural utility service area (14.32) |
1277 | Curb, gutter and sidewalk improvements (Special) |
1278 | Strawberry Festival permit procedure; repeals §§ 5.48.010, 5.48.020 and 5.48.030 (5.48) |
1279 | Rezone (Special) |
1280 | Adds § 11.40.085, amends § 11.40.032(b) and repeals § 11.40.070, parking restrictions (Repealed by 1283) |
1281 | Adds §§ 6.30.030 – 6.30.080, repeals and adds § 6.30.020, nudity and public exposure (6.30) |
1282 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 19.48, planned residential developments (Repealed by 2131) |
1283 | Repeals §§ 11.40.032, 11.40.034, 11.40.036, 11.40.037, 11.40.038, 11.40.039, 11.40.060, 11.40.080, 11.40.085, 11.40.090 and 11.40.100, parking restrictions (Repealer) |
1284 | Adds subsections (10) – (12) to § 6.28.010 and adds §§ 6.28.060 and 6.28.070; repeals and adds §§ 6.28.030 – 6.28.050; renumbers § 6.28.060 to be § 6.28.080, drug paraphernalia (Repealed by 1993) |
1285 | Confirms LID No. 61 assessments (Special) |
1286 | Amends § 6.45.010, fraud (6.45) |
1287 | Street vacation (Special) |
1288 | Amends § 18.20.020(14), SEPA guidelines (Repealed by 1533) |
1289 | (Vetoed) |
1290 | (Vetoed) |
1291 | (Vetoed) |
1292 | Installment note for LID No. 61 (Repealed by 1533) |
1293 | Amends portion of § 19.16.010, zoning (Repealed by 2131) |
1294 | Water and sewer improvements (Special) |
1295 | Amends § 3.49.010, payroll fund, and § 3.50.010, claims fund (3.49, 3.50) |
1296 | Adds § 18.24.045, planning of developments (Repealed by 2852) |
1297 | Street vacation and transfer of title (Special) |
1298 | Adds §§ 18.04.040 – 18.04.070, repeals and replaces §§ 18.08.010 – 18.04.030, and repeals §§ 18.08.010, 18.08.020, 18.12.010 and 18.12.020, planning commission (Repealed by 2852) |
1299 | Adds Ch. 18.08, comprehensive plan (Repealed by 2852) |
1300 | Rezone (Special) |
1301 | Amends § 11.46.050(a), left turns (11.46) |
1302 | Amends § 19.08.197, zoning (Repealed by 2131) |
1303 | Bond issue for LID No. 62 (Special) |
1304 | Amends § 3 of Ord. 1269, bonds for ULID No. 9 (Special) |
1305 | 1984 tax levy (Special) |
1306 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 11.04, model traffic ordinance (11.04) |
1307 | Adds new chapter to Title 3, general cumulative reserve fund; repeals Chs. 3.20, 3.22, 3.24, 3.28, 3.29, 3.31, 3.48 and 3.56; and sets out disposition of funds (3.18) |
1308 | Adds § 3.60.115 and amends § 3.60.110, local improvements, special assessments and bonds (3.60) |
1309 | Amends § 6.30.010, public indecency, prostitution and sex crimes (6.30) |
1309A | Rezone (Special) |
1310 | Adds new section to Ch. 11.04, speed limits, and repeals Ch. 11.76 (Repealed by 1749) |
1311 | Accepts gift to city (Special) |
1312 | Amends § 5.32.010, intoxicating liquor (5.32) |
1313 | Approves assessment roll (Special) |
1314 | Zones annexed land (Special) |
1315 | 1984 budget (Special) |
1316 | Amends § 11.62.020, truck routes (11.62) |
1317 | 1983 budget revisions (Special) |
1318 | 1983 budget revisions (Special) |
1319 | Creates golf course operating fund and change fund (3.70) |
1320 | Adds new chapter to Title 3, drug buy fund (3.94) |
1321 | Amends § 3.51.010, petty cash fund (3.51) |
1322 | Amends § 7.08.110, garbage rate schedule (7.08) |
1323 | Adds to 1984 tax levy (Special) |
1324 | Amends § 10.24.020, leash law violations (Repealed by 2013) |
1325 | Adds § 10.20.120 and amends §§ 10.20.010, 10.20.030, 10.20.040, 10.20.050(a), 10.20.090 and 10.20.150, dogs and cats (Repealed by 2013) |
1326 | Amends § 10.08.010 and repeals § 10.08.020, pound keeper (Repealed by 2013) |
1327 | Repeals Ch. 10.12 (Repealer) |
1328 | Amends §§ 10.04.030, 10.04.050, 10.04.060, 10.04.110, 10.04.120 and Ch. 10.04 title and repeals § 10.04.090, livestock at large (Repealed by 2013) |
1329 | Amends §§ 10.16.040 and 10.16.080, fowl and livestock keeping (Repealed by 2013) |
1330 | Rezone (Special) |
1331 | Amends § 5.48.020, Strawberry Festival proposals (5.48) |
1332 | 1983 budget revision (Special) |
1333 | Amends subsections (f) and (g) of § 3.64.060, tax rebate (3.64) |
1334 | Repeals and replaces §§ 6.24.010, 6.24.020 and 6.24.040, public nuisances (6.24) |
1335 | Amends § 6.51.010, malicious mischief (6.51) |
1336 | Amends § 6.12.010, interference with official proceedings (6.12) |
1337 | Adds item to § 6.15.010, obstructing governmental operation (6.15) |
1338 | Amends § 3.64.060(g), tax rebate (3.64) |
1339 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 16.32, flood hazard areas (Repealed by 2852) |
1340 | Adds §§ 16.16.050(t) and 16.16.259 and amends § 16.16.260, sign code (Repealed by 1609) |
1341 | Amends § 19.16.010, zoning (Repealed by 2131) |
1342 | Amends § 19.16.010, zoning (Repealed by 2131) |
1343 | Adds new chapter to Title 3, donations, devises and bequests (3.96) |
1344 | 1983 budget revisions (Special) |
1345 | Repeals Ch. 3.72 and sets out disposition of funds (Repealer) |
1346 | Adds § 5.48.050, Strawberry Festival (5.48) |
1347 | Adds § 11.62.070, truck routes (11.62) |
1348 | Amends 1981 personnel classification plan (Special) |
1349 | Alley vacation (Special) |
1350 | Adds § 18.16.275, streamside protection zone (Repealed by 2852) |
1351 | Factory-built housing (Repealed by 2131) |
1352 | Amends § 19.16.010, zoning (Repealed by 2131) |
1353 | Rezone (Special) |
1354 | Amends § 6.45.010, adopting state insurance fraud regulations (6.45) |
1355 | Repeals and replaces § 12.02.160, curb, gutter and sidewalk grades (Repealed by 2724) |
1356 | Repeals § 11.40.110 (Repealer) |
1357 | Annexation (Special) |
1358 | Annexation (Special) |
1359 | Annexation (Special) |
1360 | LID No. 62 bonds (Special) |
1361 | Water and sewer revenue bonds (Special) |
1362 | Rezone (Repealed by 1723) |
1363 | Rezone (Special) |
1364 | Amends §§ 14.04.090, 14.04.170 and 14.16.130, water, sewers and storm drains (Repealed by 2245) |
1365 | 1984 budget revisions (Special) |
1366 | Rezone (Special) |
1367 | Annexation (Special) |
1368 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 2.50, personnel code for city employees (2.50) |
1369 | Parks and recreation department; repeals Chs. 2.20 and 2.76 (2.20) |
1370 | Amends 1981 personnel classification plan (Special) |
1371 | (Failed) |
1372 | Amends §§ 16.08.010, 16.08.070, 16.08.100, 16.08.110 and 16.08.120; repeals §§ 16.08.140 through 16.08.170, Uniform Plumbing Code (16.08) |
1373 | Amends §§ 9.04.010, 9.04.040 and 9.04.071; repeals § 9.04.070, Uniform Fire Code (9.04) |
1374 | Amends §§ 16.28.010 and 16.28.035, Uniform Mechanical Code (16.28) |
1375 | Amends §§ 16.04.010, 16.04.030, 16.04.070, 16.04.080, 16.04.140 and 16.04.150; repeals §§ 16.04.050, 16.04.060, 16.04.120, 16.04.130 and 16.04.160, Uniform Building Code (16.04) |
1376 | Adopts state fireworks regulations; repeals §§ 9.20.010, 9.20.050 and 9.20.060 (9.20) |
1377 | Amends § 2.24.010 and adopts RCW Ch. 3.50, municipal courts (Repealed by 1420) |
1378 | 1984 budget revisions (Special) |
1379 | 1984 budget revisions (Special) |
1380 | Amends § 2.24.090, court costs (Repealed by 1420) |
1381 | Alley vacation (Special) |
1382 | Amends § 6.27.010, adopting state legend drugs regulations (6.27) |
1383 | Rezone (Special) |
1384 | Zones annexed property (Special) |
1385 | Adopts comprehensive plan and zoning for annexed property (Special) |
1386 | Zones annexed property (Special) |
1387 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 12.06, classification of streets (Repealed by 2292) |
1388 | Amends § 10.20.045, dogs and cats, and §§ 19.08.260 and 19.08.261, zoning (Repealed by 2131) |
1389 | Repeals Ch. 5.16 (Repealer) |
1390 | Amends § 2.04.010, council meetings (2.04) |
1391 | Amends §§ 2.50.040 and 2.50.050, personnel code (2.50) |
1392 | Zones annexed property (Special) |
1393 | Adds Ch. 6.56, domestic violence (6.56) |
1394 | 1985 tax levy (Special) |
1395 | Assessments and assessment roll for ULID No. 9 (Special) |
1396 | (Not used) |
1397 | Declares Ord. 1165 to be void (Not codified) |
1398 | Assessments and assessment roll for LID No. 62 (Special) |
1399 | Amends § 6.30.010, sexual indecency (6.30) |
1400 | 1984 budget revisions (Special) |
1401 | Rezone (Special) |
1402 | 1984 budget revisions (Special) |
1403 | Water and sewer bonds (Special) |
1404 | Bond issue for LID No. 62 (Special) |
1405 | Bond registration (3.98) |
1406 | 1985 budget (Special) |
1407 | 1984 budget revisions (Special) |
1408 | Repeals § 3.70.020 (Repealer) |
1409 | Street vacation (Special) |
1410 | Amends § 11.04.010, traffic code (Repealed by 1989) |
1411 | Alley vacation (Special) |
1412 | 1985 budget revisions (Special) |
1413 | Adds §§ 10.04.012 and 10.04.015; amends § 10.04.040, livestock (Repealed by 2013) |
1414 | Adds § 2.50.100, residency requirement (Repealed by 1950) |
1415 | 1984 budget revisions (Special) |
1416 | Adds to § 6.45.010, fraud (6.45) |
1417 | Amends § 7.08.115(e) and (f), garbage collection (7.08) |
1418 | Rezone (Special) |
1419 | Noise regulations; repeals Ch. 6.76 (6.76) |
1420 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 2.24, municipal court and municipal court judge (2.24) |
1421 | Amends §§ 1.01.080, 6.03.120 and 11.04.090, code violations (1.01, 6.03, 11.04) |
1422 | Repeals Chs. 11.48, 11.52 and 11.64 (Repealer) |
1423 | 1985 budget revision (Special) |
1424 | Alley vacation (Special) |
1425 | Water and sewer revenue bonds (Repealed by 1428) |
1426 | Rezone (Special) |
1427 | Rezone (Special) |
1428 | Water and sewer revenue bonds; repeals Ord. 1425 |
1429 | Repeals § 11.46.120 (Not codified) |
1430 | Amends §§ 5.60.010 and 5.60.020, itinerant merchants; repeals § 5.60.030 (Repealed by 2856) |
1431 | Amends § 14.32.060(d), rural utility service area variances (14.32) |
1432 | Repeals § 1.04.010 (Repealer) |
1432A | Rezone (Special) |
1433 | 1986 tax levy (Special) |
1434 | Adds Chs. 14.01, 14.03, 14.05 and 14.07, water and sewers; repeals Chs. 14.04, 14.12, 14.14 and 14.28 (14.01, 14.03, 14.05, 14.07) |
1435 | Amends § 2.24.090(b), court costs (2.24) |
1436 | Repeals Ch. 1.08 (Repealer) |
1437 | Repeals and replaces § 1.12.020, elective city officers; repeals §§ 1.12.030 and 1.12.040 (1.12) |
1438 | Amends § 10.20.150, penalty for animal control violations (Repealed by 2013) |
1439 | Adds § 7.08.095, temporary discontinuance of garbage collection (7.08) |
1440 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 2.12, emergency services and disaster plan (2.12) |
1441 | Rezone (Special) |
1442 | Rezone (Special) |
1443 | 1986 budget (Special) |
1444 | Water and sewer revenue bonds (Special) |
1445 | 1985 budget revisions (Special) |
1446 | ULID No. 11 (Special) |
1447 | 1986 budget revisions (Special) |
1448 | Adds Ch. 7.16, Washington Clean Indoor Air Act; repeals § 6.24.060 (7.16) |
1449 | Amends § 6.56.010, domestic violence (6.56) |
1450 | Adds Ch. 6.50, harassment (6.50) |
1451 | Amends § 6.42.010, theft (6.42) |
1452 | Amends § 12.32.060(c), street and alley vacation (12.32) |
1453 | Amends § 19.16.060(b), zoning (Repealed by 2131) |
1454 | Rezone (Special) |
1455 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 2.60; repeals §§ 2.44.010 – 2.44.040, fire department (Repealed by 1879) |
1456 | LID No. 10 establishment and improvements (Special) |
1456A | Adds Ch. 12.40, clean condition of public right-of-way (12.40) |
1457 | Adds to Ch. 19.08 and § 19.16.070; amends § 19.16.010; repeals § 5.02.032(5) and Ch. 5.56, adult-oriented entertainment facilities (Repealed by 2069) |
1458 | Rezone (Special) |
1459 | Amends Ord. 1444, sewer and revenue bonds (Special) |
1460 | Adds Ch. 16.10, energy code (Repealed by 1762) |
1461 | 1986 budget revisions (Special) |
1462 | Adds Ch. 5.34, malt liquor by the keg (5.34) |
1463 | Adds Ch. 19.29, zoning (Repealed by 2094) |
1464 | Amends § 2.24.100, municipal court and judge (2.24) |
1465 | Adds Ch. 3.04, biennial budget (Repealed by 1618) |
1466 | Rezone (Special) |
1467 | Rezone (Special) |
1468 | Rezone (Special) |
1469 | Adds Ch. 5.68, cable communications franchises (Repealed by 2489) |
1470 | Cable television franchise; repeals Ord. 567 (Special) |
1471 | Amends § 3 of Ord. 1457, adult-oriented entertainment facilities (Repealed by 2069) |
1472 | Adds Ch. 5.72, massage businesses and practitioners (5.72) |
1473 | 1986 budget revision (Special) |
1474 | Amends § 7.08.110, garbage collection (7.08) |
1475 | Amends §§ 16.04.010, 16.04.030 and 16.04.150; repeals §§ 16.04.070 – 16.04.100, building code (16.04) |
1476 | Amends §§ 16.08.010 and 16.08.120; repeals §§ 16.08.100, 16.08.110, 16.08.130, 16.08.190 and 16.08.200, plumbing code (16.08) |
1477 | Amends § 16.28.010; repeals § 16.28.030, mechanical code (16.28) |
1478 | Amends § 9.04.010, fire code (Repealed by 2378) |
1479 | Street vacation (Special) |
1480 | Adds subsections (e) and (f) to § 14.07.010, water and sewer fees (14.07) |
1481 | Repeals Ch. 2.88 (Repealer) |
1482 | Amends § 5.24.070, for-hire vehicles (5.24) |
1483 | 1986 budget revisions (Special) |
1484 | Adds Ch. 19.31, recreational vehicle parks; repeals § 19.30.030(b) (Repealed by 2131) |
1485 | Amends 1986 budget (Special) |
1486 | Rezone (Special) |
1487 | Adds Ch. 11.36, abandoned vehicles (Repealed by 1593) |
1488 | Special election on bond issuance (Special) |
1489 | 1987 tax levy (Special) |
1490 | Amends §§ 3.92.020 and 3.92.030, gambling tax (3.92) |
1491 | Rezone (Special) |
1492 | Amends (b) of and adds (g) to § 14.07.010, water and sewer charges (14.07) |
1493 | Amends § 19.16.010, zoning (Repealed by 2131) |
1494 | Adds definition to Ch. 19.08; amends § 19.16.010, zoning (Repealed by 2131) |
1495 | Amends 1986 budget (Special) |
1496 | Amends § 14.07.010(d), water sewer charges (14.07) |
1497 | Amends Ord. 1489, property tax levy (Special) |
1498 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 5.02, business licenses (Repealed by 3101) |
1499 | Adopts 1987-1988 budget (Special) |
1500 | Amends § 2.50.040, compensation of mayor (2.50) |
1501 | Amends § 2.50.050, compensation of council members (2.50) |
1502 | Bond issuance (Special) |
1503 | Street and alley vacation (Special) |
1504 | Amends 1986 budget (Special) |
1505 | Amends § 7.08.060(c), garbage collection fees (7.08) |
1506 | Adds § 2.24.220, municipal court fees (2.24) |
1507 | Adds § 2.24.210, municipal court fees (2.24) |
1508 | Amends § 11.04.010, traffic code (Repealed by 1989) |
1509 | Adds (h) to § 14.07.010, water and sewer charges (14.07) |
1510 | Rezone (Special) |
1511 | Rezone (Special) |
1512 | Amends § 12.02.090, street department code (Repealed by 2724) |
1513 | Rezone (Special) |
1514 | Amends 1987-1988 budget (Special) |
1515 | Amends 1987-1988 budget (Special) |
1516 | Adds Ch. 2.10, community television advisory committee (2.10) |
1517 | Amends 1987-1988 budget (Special) |
1518 | Amends § 5.20.050, public dances (Repealed by 1636) |
1519 | Amends § 19.36.090, zoning (Repealed by 2131) |
1520 | Amends § 12.02.170, requirements for construction of curbs, gutters and sidewalks during development of property (Repealed by 1632) |
1521 | Repeals Ch. 3.36 (Repealer) |
1522 | Repeals Ch. 3.44 (Repealer) |
1523 | Amends 1987-88 budget (Special) |
1524 | Amends § 19.20.010, zoning (Repealed by 2131) |
1525 | Amends § 19.16.010, zoning (Repealed by 2131) |
1526 | Amends § 19.08.525, zoning (Repealed by 2131) |
1527 | Amends 1987-88 budget (Special) |
1528 | Amends § 2.04.010, city council meetings (2.04) |
1529 | Amends § 14.08.020, water shortage use restrictions (14.08) |
1530 | Contractor’s bond for construction of Public Safety Building (Special) |
1531 | Amends Ord. 1503, street and alley vacation (Special) |
1532 | Rezone (Special) |
1533 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 18.20, State Environmental Policy Act (Repealed by 2131) |
1534 | Amends § 10.28.020, cruelty to animals (Repealed by 1539) |
1535 | Rezone (Special) |
1536 | Annexation (Special) |
1537 | Annexation (Special) |
1538 | Annexation (Special) |
1539 | Adds § 10.28.045 and repeals Ord. 1534, cruelty to animals (Repealed by 2013) |
1540 | Annexation (Special) |
1541 | Rezone (Special) |
1542 | Amends §§ 10.20.050(a) and (b), 10.20.055 and 10.20.070, animal control (Repealed by 2013) |
1543 | Amends § 20.24.010, subdivisions (Not codified) |
1544 | Amends § 11.04.065(a), speed limits (Repealed by 1749) |
1545 | Adds Ch. 5.76, aircraft landings permits (5.76) |
1546 | Amends § 14.01.040, water and sewer connections (14.01) |
1547 | Amends § 14.01.050(a) and (b), utility connections (14.01) |
1548 | Amends §§ 19.56.050(c)(3) and 20.16.120(a)(3) and (b), zoning and subdivisions (Repealed by 2131) |
1549 | Amends § 20.16.200, subdivisions (Not codified) |
1550 | Amends § 5.72.040, massage businesses license fee (Repealed by 1697) |
1551 | Amends § 20.24.010, subdivisions (Not codified) |
1552 | Amends § 7.08.110, garbage collection charges (7.08) |
1553 | ULID No. 12 (Special) |
1554 | Rezone (Special) |
1555 | Amends §§ 19.44.050 and 19.56.055, zoning (Repealed by 2131) |
1556 | Amends § 5.24.070, for-hire vehicle licenses (5.24) |
1557 | Amends § 19.44.040(a), zoning (Repealed by 2131) |
1558 | Amends § 19.16.010, zoning (Repealed by 2131) |
1559 | Adds § 16.04.160, building code (16.04) |
1560 | Amends Ord. 1456; ULID No. 10 assessment roll (Special) |
1561 | ULID No. 11 assessment roll (Special) |
1562 | Amends § 11.16.010, parking zones and stop streets (11.16) |
1563 | Zones annexed property (Special) |
1564 | Zones annexed property (Special) |
1565 | Amends §§ 6.79.040, 6.79.070 and 6.79.110, burglar alarms; repeals §§ 6.79.010, 6.79.050, 6.79.060 and 6.79.100 (6.79) |
1566 | Amends 1987-88 budget (Special) |
1567 | Amends §§ 2.16.040 and 2.60.020, administration and personnel (2.16) |
1568 | Amends §§ 16.32.020(12), (14) and (15); 16.32.140(1)(B); and 16.32.160, floodplain management; repeals §§ 16.32.020(6) and (7) (Repealed by 2325) |
1569 | Amends § 6.54.020(11), public disturbance (6.54) |
1570 | Adds subsection (c) to § 14.05.070, rules for customers, payment and collection of accounts (14.05) |
1571 | Amends § 19.16.010, zoning (Repealed by 2131) |
1572 | Amends § 11.04.010, traffic code (Repealed by 1989) |
1573 | Zones annexed property (Special) |
1574 | Zones annexed property (Special) |
1575 | Amends 1987-88 budget (Special) |
1576 | Amends § 5.64.020, pawnbrokers and secondhand dealers; repeals §§ 5.64.030 and 5.64.040 (5.64) |
1577 | Rezone (Special) |
1578 | ULID No. 10 bonds (Special) |
1579 | 1988 tax levy (Special) |
1580 | Amends § 19.52.010, zoning (Repealed by 2131) |
1581 | Adds Ch. 14.18, storm water drainage assessments in certain designated drainage basins (Repealed by 2245) |
1582 | Amends § 14.16.120, public storm drainage system code (Repealed by 2245) |
1583 | Adds subdivision (n) to; renumbers subdivisions (n) – (t) of § 18.20.070(2); planning (Repealed by 2131) |
1584 | Amends 1987-88 budget (Special) |
1585 | Amends 1987-88 budget (Special) |
1586 | LID No. 63 (Repealed by 1590) |
1587 | Amends § 2.16.040, civil service commission (2.16) |
1588 | Adds § 19.20.070, zoning (Repealed by 2131) |
1589 | Adds Ch. 2.45, jail facilities (2.45) |
1590 | Terminates LID No. 63; repeals Ord. 1586 |
1591 | Amends § 2.50.100, personnel code for city employees (Repealed by 1950) |
1592 | Amends § 9.20.070, fireworks (9.20) |
1593 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 11.36, abandoned, unauthorized and junk vehicles (11.36) |
1594 | Amends § 2.24.100, municipal court and municipal court judge (2.24) |
1595 | Amends § 2.24.090, municipal court and municipal court judge (2.24) |
1596 | Amends § 2.35.020, finance director (2.35) |
1597 | Repeals and replaces § 7.12.010; repeals §§ 7.12.020 and 7.12.030, Uniform Litter Control Code (7.12) |
1598 | Amends § 18.24.045(d), mitigation of impacts resulting from development proposals (Repealed by 2852) |
1599 | Repeals § 14.07.090(d) (14.07) |
1600 | Repeals Title 15 and Chs. 11.12, 11.32, 11.40 and 11.44 (Repealer) |
1601 | Rezone (Special) |
1602 | LID No. 63 (Special) |
1603 | Amends § 14.18.070(e), storm water drainage assessments in certain designated drainage basins (Repealed by 2245) |
1604 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 19.40, zoning (Repealed by 2131) |
1605 | Adds § 11.16.020, regulatory signs and zones (Repealed by 1711) |
1606 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 2.48; repeals Ch. 2.49, police department (2.48) |
1607 | Alley vacation (Repealed by 1648) |
1608 | Amends 1987-88 budget (Special) |
1609 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 16.16, sign code; repeals subsections (6), (7) and (8) of § 18.24.040, zoning (Repealed by 2131) |
1610 | Amends § 2.20.060, parks and recreation (2.20) |
1611 | Amends §§ 19.44.045, 19.44.090 and 19.44.100; amends the title of Ch. 19.32 and §§ 19.29.010(1)(B), 19.32.010 and 19.56.050(b)(2), zoning; repeals §§ 19.08.330, 19.08.335, certain table entries in 19.20.010 and 19.44.030 (Repealed by 2131) |
1612 | Amends § 18.20.050(2)(ii), procedures and policies for implementing the state environmental policy act (Repealed by 2131) |
1613 | Amends § 14.32.040(4), rural service utility area (Repealed by 2835) |
1614 | Amends §§ 2.50.040 and 2.50.050, personnel code for city employees (2.50) |
1615 | Amends §§ 6.50.010 and 6.60.010, peace morals and safety (6.50, 6.60) |
1616 | Street vacation (Special) |
1617 | Amends 1987-88 budget (Special) |
1618 | Repeals Ch. 3.04 (Repealer) |
1619 | Annexation (Special) |
1620 | Annexation (Special) |
1621 | LID No. 63, bond issuance (Special) |
1622 | Rezone (Special) |
1623 | Amends § 20.20.090, subdivisions (Not codified) |
1624 | Rezone (Special) |
1625 | Amends Ord. 1621, LID No. 63 (Special) |
1626 | Adds § 12.04.065; amends § 12.04.040, street names (12.04) |
1627 | Adds § 14.07.075, fees, charges and reimbursements (Repealed by 1840) |
1628 | Adds § 2.20.065, parks and recreation (2.20) |
1629 | Adds §§ 12.04.015, 12.04.035, 12.04.045 and 12.04.067, street names (12.04) |
1630 | Amends § 6.15.020, obstructing governmental operation (Repealed by 1993) |
1631 | Repeals § 19.32.020 (Repealer) |
1632 | Repeals and replaces § 12.02.170, street department code (Repealed by 2724) |
1633 | Amends § 7.08.115(e) and (f), garbage collection (7.08) |
1634 | Amends § 3.64.060(f); repeals § 3.64.060(g), utilities tax (3.64) |
1635 | Amends § 14.07.020(b), water and sewers (14.07) |
1635A | LID No. 13 (Special) |
1636 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 5.20, entertainment clubs (5.20) |
1637 | Amends § 11.62.020(2), truck routes (11.62) |
1638 | Rezone (Special) |
1639 | Adds § 7.08.035, garbage collection (7.08) |
1640 | 1989 tax levy (Special) |
1641 | Adds § 12.04.014, street names (12.04) |
1642 | Amends § 6.30.010, public indecency, prostitution, sex crimes (6.30) |
1643 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 6.21, assault and other crimes involving physical harm (6.21) |
1644 | Rezone (Special) |
1645 | Adds § 5.20.055; amends §§ 5.20.010(1) and 5.20.020; repeals § 5.20.050(13), entertainment clubs (5.20) |
1646 | Amends § 14.03.300, water and sewers (14.03) |
1647 | Amends § 19.52.010, zoning (Repealed by 2131) |
1648 | Alley vacation; repeals Ord. 1607 (Special) |
1649 | Rezone (Special) |
1650 | Rezone (Special) |
1651 | Rezone (Special) |
1652 | Adds § 19.16.040; amends § 19.16.010, zoning (Repealed by 2131) |
1653 | Amends §§ 11.62.020 and 11.62.030(1), truck routes (11.62) |
1654 | Amends § 3.60.050, local improvements, special assessments and bonds (Repealed by 2937) |
1655 | Amends § 7.08.115(f), garbage collection (7.08) |
1656 | Amends 1987-88 budget (Special) |
1657 | Bond issuance (Special) |
1658 | Amends 1987-88 budget (Special) |
1659 | Adopts 1989 budget (Special) |
1660 | Amends 1987-88 budget (Special) |
1661 | Amends §§ 2.04.010(a) and 2.04.020, time and place of council meetings (2.04) |
1662 | Amends 1987-88 budget (Special) |
1663 | Street vacation (Special) |
1664 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 6.57, offenses by and against minors (6.57) |
1665 | Amends §§ 2.50.040 and 2.50.050, personnel code for city employees (2.50) |
1666 | Amends 1989 budget (Special) |
1667 | Amends 1987-88 budget (Special) |
1668 | Amends 1989 budget (Special) |
1669 | Adds Ch. 6.58, alcoholic beverage control; repeals §§ 6.54.020(11), 6.57.010, 6.57.020(5) – (9), 6.57.040, 6.57.050, 6.57.060 (6.58) |
1670 | Amends §§ 2.20.020 – 2.20.060, 2.20.070(a) and (g) and 2.20.080(g), parks and recreation (2.20) |
1671 | Adds § 5.20.075; amends §§ 5.20.040, 5.20.050(6) and 5.20.055(2)(c), entertainment clubs (5.20) |
1672 | Amends § 6.57.010, offenses by and against minors (6.57) |
1673 | Amends § 6.33.010 and renames Ch. 6.33 title, obscenity and pornography (6.33) |
1674 | Adds § 7.08.125, garbage collection (7.08) |
1675 | Amends § 11.46.010, regulations on certain streets (11.46) |
1676 | Amends §§ 6.45.010 and 6.60.010, peace, morals and safety (6.45, 6.60) |
1677 | Amends § 5.20.075, entertainment clubs (5.20) |
1678 | Amends rezone (Special) |
1679 | Amends 1989 budget (Special) |
1680 | Amends Ord. 1602, LID No. 63 (Special) |
1681 | Annexation (Special) |
1682 | Approves binding site plan modification (Special) |
1683 | (Repealed by 1749) |
1684 | Adopts transportation improvement program No. 89-1 (Special) |
1685 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 6.36, loitering (6.36) |
1686 | Rezone (Special) |
1687 | Amends Ch. 3.51, petty cash fund (3.51) |
1688 | Amends § 5.64.010(b), pawnbrokers and secondhand dealers (5.64) |
1689 | Rezone (Special) |
1690 | Annexation (Special) |
1691 | Rezone (Special) |
1692 | Adds §§ 14.15.155, 14.16.025 and 14.17.015, water and sewers (Repealed by 2245) |
1693 | Adds § 6.15.030, obstructing governmental operation (6.15) |
1694 | Sewerage system; creates utility LID No. 14 (Special) |
1695 | Rezone (Special) |
1696 | Zones certain property (Special) |
1697 | Amends §§ 5.72.030, 5.72.060(4) and (5), 5.72.100, 5.72.120(a)(3), 5.72.120(b) and 19.08.017(7)(A) relating to massage business licenses; repeals §§ 5.72.040, 5.72.060(6), 5.72.090(a) and 5.72.130 (5.72) |
1698 | Rezone (Special) |
1699 | Rezone (Special) |
1700 | Amends 1989 budget (Special) |
1701 | Adds § 5.02.045; amends §§ 5.02.050, 5.02.060, 5.02.070(b) and 5.02.110, business licenses; repeals §§ 5.02.030(7), 5.02.040(d) and (e) and 5.02.120 (Repealed by 3101) |
1702 | Amends 1989 budget (Special) |
1703 | Rezone (Special) |
1704 | Rezone (Special) |
1705 | Rezone (Special) |
1706 | Rezone (Special) |
1707 | Annexation (Special) |
1708 | Rezone (Special) |
1709 | Amends § 18.16.070, shoreline management master program (Repealed by 2852) |
1710 | Adds § 20.24.040; amends §§ 20.24.010, 20.24.020 and 20.24.030, subdivisions (Not codified) |
1711 | Adds § 11.04.045, traffic code; repeals § 11.16.020 (Repealed by 1912) |
1712 | Rezone (Special) |
1713 | Amends § 19.30.080(a), zoning (Repealed by 2131) |
1714 | Annexation (Special) |
1715 | Amends § 20.20.100, subdivisions (Not codified) |
1716 | Amends § 6.28.010, drug paraphernalia (Repealed by 1993) |
1717 | Amends § 5.02.010(2), business licenses (Repealed by 3101) |
1718 | Amends § 5.02.020, business licenses (Repealed by 3101) |
1719 | Adds § 16.08.075, plumbing code (16.08) |
1720 | Amends § 5.64.080, pawnbrokers and secondhand dealers (5.64) |
1721 | Amends 1989 budget (Special) |
1722 | Rezone (Special) |
1723 | Approves plat; rezone; repeals Ord. 1362 (Special) |
1724 | Amends § 11.46.120(a), street closure (11.46) |
1725 | Corrects typographical error in § 9A.40.070(1) custodial interference, in § 6.15.010 (6.15) |
1726 | Adds § 14.03.035, setbacks from utility lines (14.03) |
1727 | Amends § 2 of Ord. 1706, rezone (Special) |
1728 | Amends 1989 budget (Special) |
1729 | Tax levy (Special) |
1730 | LID No. 13 (Special) |
1731 | Rezone (Special) |
1732 | Annexation (Special) |
1733 | Annexation (Special) |
1734 | Annexation (Special) |
1735 | Adopts Transportation Improvement Program No. 89-2 (Repealed by 2160) |
1736 | Amends §§ 16.32.020 and 16.32.160, flood damage prevention (Repealed by 2325) |
1737 | Amends §§ 6.15.010 and 6.56.020, custodial interference (6.15, 6.56) |
1738 | Repeals Ch. 3.08 (Repealer) |
1739 | Tax levy (Special) |
1740 | Amends §§ 3.64.020, 3.64.030 and 3.64.040, utility taxes (3.64) |
1741 | Street vacation (Special) |
1742 | 1990 budget (Special) |
1743 | LID No. 63 (Special) |
1744 | Annexation (Special) |
1745 | Annexation (Special) |
1746 | Annexation (Special) |
1747 | Amends § 2.20.030, advisory boards (2.20) |
1748 | Amends 1989 budget (Special) |
1749 | Amends § 11.04.010, Model Traffic Ordinance; repeals § 11.04.065 and 11.24.010 (Repealed by 1989) |
1750 | Adds § 18.20.070(2)(v), Transportation Improvement Program No. 89-2 (Repealed by 2131) |
1751 | Amends §§ 5.02.040(d, e) and 5.02.045(1), business license application (Repealed by 3101) |
1752 | Amends § 12.02.180(C), private easement width (Repealed by 2724) |
1753 | Repeals Ch. 5.40 (Repealer) |
1754 | Amends §§ 3.64.030 and 3.64.040, utility taxes; repeals § 3.64.020(d) (3.64) |
1755 | Adds Ch. 3.93, hotel/motel tax (3.93) |
1756 | Adds § 3.60.065; repeals and replaces §§ 3.16.020 and 3.16.030, local improvement guaranty fund; repeals §§ 3.16.040 and 3.16.050 (Repealed by 2937) |
1757 | LID No. 63 (Special) |
1758 | Water supply pipeline (Special) |
1759 | Amends 1990 budget (Special) |
1760 | Amends § 14.01.040(a), water service (Repealed by 1853) |
1761 | Rezone (Special) |
1762 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 16.10, energy code (16.10) |
1763 | Moratorium on sewer extensions and connections (Repealed by 1795) |
1764 | Street vacation (Special) |
1765 | Amends §§ 2.50.040 and 2.50.050, per diem reimbursement to mayor and council members (2.50) |
1766 | Adds § 16.04.035, board of appeals (16.04) |
1767 | Adds § 14.01.045, outside-city water service (14.01) |
1768 | Adds Ch. 7.06, solid waste management (7.06) |
1769 | Amends §§ 11.36.010 and 11.36.030(a), abandoned vehicles (11.36) |
1770 | Repeals Ch. 5.08, theaters, carnivals and entertainment (Repealer) |
1771 | Repeals Ch. 5.12, amusements and concessions (Repealer) |
1772 | Amends § 3 of Ord. 1755, hotel/motel tax effective date (Not codified) |
1773 | Amends § 20.16.160, subdivisions (Not codified) |
1774 | Amends § 18.20.070(3), SEPA appeals (Repealed by 2131) |
1775 | Amends § 5.48.050, Strawberry Festival permit (5.48) |
1776 | Adds Ch. 11.37, tow truck businesses used by the city (11.37) |
1777 | Amends §§ 6.03.040(c) and (d), 6.03.050, 6.03.070 and 6.03.090, prosecution procedure for criminal offenses (6.03) |
1778 | Amends §§ 9.20.010, 9.20.110 and 9.20.120(6), fire works (9.20) |
1779 | Amends § 20.16.180(c), subdivisions (Not codified) |
1780 | Amends § 19.08.275, zoning (Repealed by 2131) |
1781 | Adds § 19.16.030(d), zoning (Repealed by 2131) |
1782 | Amends § 19.08.215, zoning (Repealed by 2131) |
1783 | Amends portion of 1990 budget (Special) |
1784 | Annexation (Special) |
1785 | Rezone (Special) |
1786 | Amends § 14.03.035, setbacks from public utility lines (14.03) |
1787 | Amends § 3.64.060(f), utilities tax and § 7.08.115(e), garbage collection (3.64, 7.08) |
1788 | Renumbers § 7.08.060(c) to be 7.08.060(d) and adds new subsection (c), and amends § 7.08.110, garbage collection (7.08) |
1789 | Amends § 14.07.060(c), water service charges (14.07) |
1790 | Amends § 14.08.020(a)(1), sprinkling restrictions (14.08) |
1791 | Amends 1990 budget (Special) |
1792 | Amends § 2 of Ord. 1789, water service charges (Not codified) |
1793 | Rezone (Special) |
1794 | Adds § 11.04.062, prohibits short cuts between public streets (11.04) |
1795 | Moratorium on sewer extensions and connections, repeals Ord. 1763 (Repealed by 1846) |
1796 | Temporary suspension of the requirement of § 14.01.050 that a property within two hundred feet of the city sewer line must connect to the same, for the duration of the moratorium imposed by Ord. 1795 (Not codified) |
1797 | Amends § 14.05.020, discharge restrictions into sanitary sewers (Repealed by 2816) |
1798 | Amends § 14.07.070(b), calculation of commercial sewer rates (14.07) |
1799 | Amends 1990 budget (Special) |
1800 | Amends § 12.04.014, street names (12.04) |
1801 | Amends 1990 budget (Special) |
1802 | Amends § 19.16.010, permitted uses (Repealed by 2131) |
1803 | Annexation (Special) |
1804 | Amends § 2.24.090(b)(1), municipal court costs – disposition of revenue (2.24) |
1805 | Amends § 10.20.050(b), dogs and cats – licenses – nuisances (Repealed by 2013) |
1806 | Annexation (Special) |
1807 | Adds Ch. 14.09, water and sewer conservation measures and §§ 16.08.130 and 16.08.140, plumbing code (14.09, 16.08) |
1808 | Amends Ord. 1795, moratorium on sewer connections (Special) |
1809 | Amends § 14.07.060(a)(2) and 14.07.070(a)(1), water and sewer rates (14.07) |
1810 | Adds § 14.03.190, rules for construction, installation and connection of water and sewer utilities (14.03) |
1811 | Tax levy (Special) |
1812 | Adds Ch. 3.65, water and sewer department gross receipts tax (3.65) |
1813 | Adds Ch. 3.67, solid waste department gross receipts tax (3.67) |
1814 | Adopts 1991 budget (Special) |
1815 | Adds Ch. 3.20, surface water utility fund (3.20) |
1816 | Adds Ch. 14.19, surface water utility (Repealed by 2245) |
1817 | Adds Ch. 2.70, hearing examiner (Repealed by 2852) |
1818 | Amends 1990 budget (Special) |
1819 | Amends § 18.20.070(2)(v), procedures and policies for implementing the state environmental policy act (Repealed by 2131) |
1820 | Adds § 3.88.015; amends §§ 3.88.020, 3.88.030, 3.88.040, 3.88.050, 3.88.060 and 3.88.070, real estate excise tax (3.88) |
1821 | Adopts transportation improvement program No. 3 (Repealed by 1952) |
1822 | Adds §§ 7.08.012, 7.08.031, 7.08.032, 7.08.033 and 7.08.055; amends §§ 7.08.060, 7.08.065, 7.08.067, 7.08.080 and 7.08.095; repeals and replaces § 7.08.050, garbage collection (7.08) |
1823 | Authorizes publication of a local voters’ pamphlet (Special) |
1824 | Amends §§ 3.51.020 and 3.51.030, petty cash fund (3.51) |
1825 | Amends § 2.35.030, finance director (2.35) |
1826 | Adds § 7.08.111, garbage collection (7.08) |
1827 | Amends 1991 budget (Special) |
1828 | Amends § 7.04.010, unsanitary conditions (Repealed by 2950) |
1829 | Amends Ord. 1795 (Not codified) |
1830 | Adds § 3.94.035; amends § 3.94.010; repeals §§ 3.94.020 and 3.94.040, drug buy fund (3.94) |
1831 | Adds Ch. 3.95, criminal investigations fund (3.95) |
1832 | Amends § 19.16.010, permitted uses (Repealed by 2131) |
1833 | Amends Ord. 1795 (Not codified) |
1834 | Amends § 20.16.200, preliminary plat (Not codified) |
1835 | Easement condemnation (Special) |
1836 | Amends §§ 7.08.031, 7.08.032 and 7.08.050, garbage collection (7.08) |
1837 | Amends 1991 budget (Special) |
1838 | Creates ULID No. 17 (Special) |
1839 | Bond issuance (Special) |
1840 | Amends §§ 14.07.060 and 14.07.070, fees, charges and reimbursements, repeals § 14.07.075 (14.07) |
1841 | Amends § 14.07.010, fees, charges and reimbursements (14.07) |
1842 | Annexation (Special) |
1843 | Amends 1991 budget (Special) |
1844 | Amends § 2.04.010, time and place of meetings (2.04) |
1845 | Amends Ord. 1795 (Special) |
1846 | Temporary sewer restrictions; repeals Ord. 1795 (Repealed by 1883) |
1847 | Amends §§ 11.04.010 and 11.04.020, traffic code; repeals § 11.04.050 (Repealed by 1989) |
1848 | Amends § 20.20.090, subdivisions (Not codified) |
1849 | Amends §§ 7.08.012, 7.08.060, 7.08.065 and 7.08.100, garbage collection (7.08) |
1850 | Amends § 3.94.010, drug buy fund (3.94) |
1851 | Amends §§ 2.2, 3.3(c) and 4.1 of Ord. 1846, temporary sewer restrictions (Special) |
1851A | Amends §§ 3.51.010 and 3.51.030, petty cash fund (3.51) |
1852 | Condemnation of right-of-way (Special) |
1853 | Amends §§ 14.01.040 and 14.32.040, water and sewer (14.01) |
1854 | Adds § 7.08.112; amends §§ 7.08.033 and 7.08.111, garbage (7.08) |
1855 | Amends § 1 of Ord. 1694, sewage system (Special) |
1856 | Condemnation of right-of-way easements (Special) |
1857 | Bond issuance (Special) |
1858 | Creates ULID No. 18 (Special) |
1859 | Annexation (Special) |
1860 | Establishes utility Local Improvement District No. 15 (Repealed by 1864) |
1861 | Amends § 14.05.040, service charge for delinquent utility bills (14.05) |
1862 | Amends Ord. No. 1856, condemnation of right-of-way easements (Special) |
1863 | Amends § 6.58.030, alcoholic beverage control (Repealed by 1993) |
1864 | Repeals Ord. No. 1860 (Repealer) |
1865 | 1992 tax levy (Special) |
1866 | Adopts 1992 budget (Special) |
1867 | Amends § 2.04.010, city council meetings (2.04) |
1868 | Extends Ord. No. 1846 (Special) |
1869 | Amends §§ 19.40.020 and 19.40.030, zoning (Repealed by 2131) |
1870 | Annexation (Special) |
1871 | Amends 1991 budget (Special) |
1872 | Annexation (Repealed by 1881) |
1873 | Rezone (Special) |
1874 | Rezone (Special) |
1875 | Annexation (Special) |
1876 | Amends § 7.08.110, garbage collection rates (7.08) |
1877 | Rezone (Special) |
1878 | Rezone (Special) |
1879 | Repeals and replaces Chs. 2.60 and 9.24, fire department and aid car and ambulance service (2.60, 9.24) |
1880 | Rezone (Special) |
1881 | Annexation (Special) |
1882 | Rezone (Special) |
1883 | Temporary sewer restrictions; repeals Ord. 1846 (Special) |
1884 | Adds Ch. 3.97, drug enforcement fund (3.97) |
1885 | Annexation (Special) |
1886 | Rezone (Special) |
1887 | Rezone (Special) |
1888 | Rezone (Special) |
1889 | Rezone (Vetoed) |
1890 | Amends Ord. 1889 (Special) |
1891 | Rezone (Special) |
1892 | Rezone (Special) |
1893 | Rezone (Special) |
1894 | Rezone (Special) |
1895 | Annexation (Special) |
1896 | Annexation (Special) |
1897 | Condemnation of right-of-way (Special) |
1898 | Bond issuance (Special) |
1899 | ULID No. 12 assessment roll (Special) |
1900 | ULID No. 14 assessment roll (Special) |
1901 | ULID No. 17 assessment roll (Special) |
1902 | ULID No. 18 assessment roll (Special) |
1903 | Rezone (Special) |
1904 | Amends § 2.50.100, personnel code (Repealed by 1950) |
1905 | Annexation (Special) |
1906 | Annexation (Special) |
1907 | Rezone (Special) |
1908 | Rezone (Special) |
1909 | Rezone (Special) |
1910 | Annexation (Special) |
1911 | Bond issuance (Special) |
1912 | Adds Ch. 11.08; repeals § 11.04.045, parking (11.08) |
1913 | Rezone (Special) |
1914 | Adds § 20.16.025, model homes (Not codified) |
1915 | Rezone (Special) |
1916 | Amends §§ 10.24.010 and 10.24.020, animal control (Repealed by 2013) |
1917 | Rezone (Special) |
1918 | Adds Ch. 19.60, zoning (Repealed by 2131) |
1919 | 1993 budget (Special) |
1920 | Rezone (Special) |
1921 | Rezone (Special) |
1922 | Adds table to § 19.20.010; amends § 19.20.050, zoning (Repealed by 2131) |
1923 | Tax levy (Special) |
1924 | Adds Ch. 1954; amends §§ 18.16.070, 18.20.100, 19.44.060(c), 19.56.050(b)(2), 20.24.010, 20.24.020, 20.24.030 and 20.24.040, planning, zoning and land use fees (Repealed by 2852) |
1925 | Adds § 7.08.113; amends §§ 7.08.032, 7.08.110 and 7.08.112, garbage and yard waste collection and recycling (7.08) |
1926 | Adds Ch. 3.69, surface water utility gross receipts tax (3.69) |
1927 | Amends 1992 budget (Special) |
1928 | Sensitive areas management (Repealed by 2131) |
1929 | Annexation (Special) |
1930 | Zones annexed property (Special) |
1931 | Zones annexed property (Special) |
1932 | (Vetoed) |
1933 | Amends §§ 2.24.020, 2.24.030, 2.24.090, 2.24.100, 2.24.210 and 2.24.220, municipal court and judge (2.24) |
1934 | Annexation (Special) |
1935 | Rezone (Special) |
1936 | Amends §§ 3.51.010 – 3.51.030, petty cash fund (3.51) |
1937 | Adds § 6.57.040; amends § 6.57.010, offenses by and against minors (6.57) |
1938 | Annexation (Special) |
1939 | Street vacation (Special) |
1940 | Street vacation (Special) |
1941 | Annexation (Special) |
1942 | Adds § 9.20.020; amends § 9.20.010, fireworks (9.20) |
1943 | Bond issuance (Special) |
1944 | Rezone (Special) |
1945 | Bond issuance (Special) |
1946 | Bond issuance (Special) |
1947 | Adds § 9.04.070; amends §§ 9.04.010, 9.04.050 and 9.04.060; repeals §§ 9.04.071, 9.04.072, 9.04.073, 9.04.074 and 9.04.075, fire code (9.04) |
1948 | Amends §§ 16.04.010, 16.04.030, 16.08.010, 16.08.075, 16.08.120, 16.10.030, 16.16.140(a), 16.20.020, 16.28.010 and 16.36.010; repeals §§ 16.04.040, 16.04.150, 16.08.070, 16.10.010 and 16.10.020, uniform codes (16.04, 16.08, 16.10, 16.20, 16.28, 16.36) |
1949 | Franchise grant to Tele-Vue Systems, Inc. (Special) |
1950 | Repeals § 2.50.100 (Repealer) |
1951 | Amends §§ 3.51.010, 3.51.020 and 3.51.030, petty cash fund (3.51) |
1952 | Repeals Ord. 1821 (Repealer) |
1953 | Amends § 6.58.030, liquor consumption by minors (Repealed by 1993) |
1954 | Amends Ch. 6.79 in its entirety, burglar alarms (6.79) |
1955 | Amends § 19.08.525, zoning (Repealed by 2131) |
1956 | Rezone (Special) |
1957 | Street vacation (Special) |
1958 | Amends § 6.76.060, public nuisances (6.76) |
1959 | Adds § 6.48.020; amends § 6.48.010, trespassing (6.48) |
1960 | Adds Ch. 11.08, cruising on State Avenue (11.08) |
1961 | Amends Ord. 1957, street vacation (Special) |
1962 | Amends Ch. 19.36, zoning (Repealed by 2131) |
1963 | Bond issuance (Special) |
1964 | Rezone (Special) |
1965 | Rezone (Special) |
1966 | Amends §§ 16.16.030, 16.16.140 and 16.16.170, signs (Repealed by 2131) |
1967 | Rezone (Special) |
1968 | Annexation (Special) |
1969 | Rezone (Special) |
1970 | Annexation (Special) |
1971 | Tax levy (Special) |
1972 | Amends §§ 2.50.040 and 2.50.050, compensation (2.50) |
1973 | 1994 budget (Special) |
1974 | Adds § 16.04.050, Uniform Building Code (16.04) |
1975 | Amends §§ 3.64.020, 3.64.030 and 3.64.040, utilities tax (3.64) |
1976 | Amends Chs. 3.65, 3.67 and 3.69, gross receipts taxes (3.65, 3.67, 3.69) |
1977 | Rezone (Special) |
1978 | Annexation (Special) |
1979 | Cable television rate regulation (Repealed by 2489) |
1980 | Annexation (Special) |
1981 | Adds Ch. 3.90, tribal gaming fund (3.90) |
1982 | Amends 1993 budget (Special) |
1983 | Rezone (Special) |
1984 | Amends § 19.16.010, zoning (Repealed by 2131) |
1985 | Adds §§ 19.08.057 and 19.08.033; amends § 19.08.065; repeals § 19.08.175, zoning (Repealed by 2131) |
1986 | Amends Title 20, subdivisions; repeals Ord. 701 (Repealed by 2852) |
1987 | Amends § 19.16.010, zoning (Repealed by 2131) |
1988 | Repeals § 6.42.020 (Repealer) |
1989 | Amends § 11.36.010; repeals and replaces §§ 11.04.010 and 11.04.020; repeals §§ 11.04.040, 11.46.050, 11.46.110 and Chs. 11.56, 11.60 and 11.72, traffic (11.04, 11.36) |
1990 | Alley vacation (Special) |
1991 | Binding site plan approved (Special) |
1992 | Rezone (Special) |
1993 | Adds § 6.12.030 and Ch. 6.22; amends §§ 6.03.120, 6.12.010, 6.15.010, 6.27.010, 6.30.010, 6.36.030, 6.39.030, 6.48.010, 6.50.010 and 6.57.040; repeals §§ 6.15.020, 6.58.030 and Ch. 6.28, peace, morals and safety (6.03, 6.12, 6.15, 6.27, 6.30, 6.36, 6.39, 6.48, 6.50, 6.57) |
1994 | Bond issuance (Special) |
1995 | Bond issuance (Special) |
1996 | Rezone (Special) |
1997 | Rezone (Special) |
1998 | Amends § 3.51.020, petty cash fund (3.51) |
1999 | Annexation (Special) |
2000 | Amends § 5.72.030, massage businesses and practitioners (5.72) |
2001 | Street vacation (Special) |
2002 | Street vacation (Special) |
2003 | Condemnation (Repealed by 2053) |
2004 | Rezone (Special) |
2005 | Rezone (Special) |
2006 | Annexation (Special) |
2007 | Rezone (Special) |
2008 | 1995 budget Special) |
2009 | 1995 tax levy (Special) |
2010 | Rezone (Special) |
2011 | Annexation (Special) |
2012 | Annexation (Special) |
2013 | Animal regulations; repeals Ords. 112, 114, 458, 416, 462, 542, 832, 1008, 1051, 1324, 1328, 1329, 1388, 1413, 1438, 1542, 1805, 1916 (10.04) |
2014 | Adds Ch. 19.26, rural use zone, and §§ 19.08.038, 19.08.039, 19.08.052, 19.08.127, 19.08.182, 19.08.183, 19.08.184, 19.08.243, 19.08.262, 19.08.447 and 19.08.457; amends Ch. 19.16, zoning (Repealed by 2131) |
2015 | Rezone (Special) |
2016 | LID No. 64 (Special) |
2017 | Rezone (Special) |
2018 | Rezone (Special) |
2019 | Adds § 2.24.225 and amends § 2.24.220, incarceration costs (2.24) |
2020 | Amends §§ 16.16.020(21), 16.16.210(1)(F) and (3), 16.16.230, 16.16.240 and 16.16.260, signs (Repealed by 2131) |
2021 | Annexation (Special) |
2022 | Moratorium on adult entertainment permits (Special) |
2023 | Rezone (Special) |
2024 | Amends 1994 budget (Special) |
2025 | Adds § 6.60.050 and amends §§ 6.60.010 and 6.60.040, firearms (6.60) |
2026 | Annexation (Special) |
2027 | Binding site plan amendment (Special) |
2028 | Rezone (Special) |
2029 | Rezone (Special) |
2030 | Amends hearing examiner provisions (Repealed by 2852) |
2031 | Amends §§ 9.20.020 and 9.20.070, fireworks (9.20) |
2032 | LID No. 65 (Special) |
2033 | Rezone (Special) |
2034 | Extends moratorium on adult entertainment permits (Special) |
2034-A | Rezone (Special) |
2035 | Rezone (Special) |
2036 | Rezone (Special) |
2037 | Annexation (Special) |
2038 | Claims processing under Initiative 164 (Special) |
2039 | Cable television rates and charges (Not codified) |
2040 | Cable television rates and charges (Not codified) |
2041 | Annexation (Special) |
2042 | Amends Ch. 19.60, BI, GI and LI zones (Repealed by 2131) |
2043 | LID Nos. 64 and 65 bond issuance (Special) |
2044 | Adds § 19.16.060(D), variances (Repealed by 2131) |
2045 | Adds Title 4, enforcement code (4.02) |
2046 | Amends Ch. 6.24, public nuisances (6.24) |
2047 | Rezone (Special) |
2048 | Rezone (Special) |
2049 | Approves change in franchisee (Special) |
2050 | Rezone (Special) |
2051 | Rezone (Special) |
2052 | Rezone (Special) |
2053 | Repeals Ord. 2003 (Repealer) |
2054 | 1996 tax levy (Special) |
2055 | Adopts 1996 budget (Special) |
2056 | Annexation (Special) |
2057 | Annexation (Special) |
2058 | Rezone (Special) |
2059 | Rezone (Special) |
2060 | Rezone (Special) |
2061 | Bond issuance (Special) |
2062 | Adds § 16.04.040; amends §§ 16.04.010, 16.04.030, 16.04.050, 16.08.010 and 16.28.010; and repeals § 16.16.140, buildings and construction (16.04, 16.08, 16.28) |
2063 | Amends 1995 budget (Special) |
2064 | Annexation (Special) |
2065 | Annexation (Special) |
2066 | Annexation (Special) |
2067 | Adds § 14.07.020(3), water and sewers (14.07) |
2068 | Adopts comprehensive plan (Special) |
2069 | Adds Ch. 19.22, adult facility overlay zone, and § 19.36.120(40); amends §§ 19.12.010, 19.16.010, 19.36.080(3) and (10), 19.60.020 and 19.60.160; repeals §§ 19.08.017 and 19.16.070 (Repealed by 2131) |
2070 | Adds Ch. 5.80, adult motion picture theaters, adult drive-in theaters and adult cabarets, Ch. 5.84, adult panorams, Ch. 5.88, bikini clubs, Ch. 5.92, public bath houses, body shampoo parlors and tattoo parlors, and Ch. 5.96, body studios; amends §§ 5.20.010(1)(b) and (4), and 6.30.020(d) (5.20, 5.80, 5.84, 5.88, 5.92, 5.96, 6.30) |
2071 | Amends 1995 budget (Special) |
2072 | Wastewater pretreatment (14.20) |
2073 | Property condemnation (Special) |
2074 | Adds § 6.57.050; amends §§ 11.08.080, 11.08.250 and 11.08.260; repeals § 11.08.160, parking (6.57, 11.08) |
2075 | Approves preliminary plat (Special) |
2076 | Rezone (Special) |
2077 | Rezone (Special) |
2078 | Amends §§ 7.08.033, 7.08.111 and 7.08.112, garbage collection (7.08) |
2079 | Adds Title 15, development code administration (Repealed by 2852) |
2080 | Rezone (Special) |
2081 | Bond issuance (Special) |
2082 | 1996-97 salaries (Special) |
2083 | Amends Ords. 2064, 2065 and 2066, annexations (Special) |
2084 | Street vacation (Special) |
2085 | Street vacation (Special) |
2086 | Street vacation (Special) |
2087 | Street vacation (Special) |
2088 | |
2089 | Special election for bond issuance (Special) |
2090 | Amends § 20.12.140(4), preliminary subdivision review (Repealed by 2852) |
2091 | Street vacation (Special) |
2092 | Street vacation (Special) |
2093 | Property condemnation (Special) |
2094 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 19.29, mixed use zone (Repealed by 2131) |
2095 | Amends § 14.32.040(2) and (9), rural utility service area (Repealed by 2835) |
2096 | Mayor (Not codified) |
2097 | Annexation (Special) |
2098 | Rezone (Special) |
2099 | Special events (Repealed by 2901) |
2100 | Adds § 16.04.037, building code (16.04) |
2101 | 1997 tax levy (Special) |
2102 | Adopts 1997 budget (Special) |
2103 | Grants conditional use permit and variance (Special) |
2104 | Street vacation (Special) |
2105 | Rezone (Special) |
2106 | Adds §§ 12.28.025, 14.07.005 and 14.15.115; amends §§ 3.60.140, 12.02.060, 12.02.100, 12.02.110(4), 12.02.120, 12.32.010, 14.03.010, 14.03.500, 14.05.040, 14.05.050, 14.05.060, 14.05.080, 14.07.030, 14.07.050(2), 14.07.090(6), 14.08.040, 14.15.090, 14.16.060, fees (3.60, 12.28, 12.32, 14.03, 14.05, 14.07, 14.08) |
2107 | Amends Ord. 2043, LID Nos. 64 and 65, bond issuance (Special) |
2108 | Interfund loan (Special) |
2109 | Amends §§ 14.07.060 and 14.07.070, water and sewer rates (14.07) |
2110 | Annexation (Special) |
2111 | Rezone (Special) |
2112 | Amends § 6.27.010, controlled substances and drug paraphernalia (6.27) |
2113 | Amends § 2.50.040, mayor (2.50) |
2114 | Amends § 11.08.200(1), parking regulations (11.08) |
2115 | Adds Ch. 19.28, small farms overlay zone, and § 20.24.300, land division requirements (Repealed by 2852) |
2116 | Amends § 7.08.030, garbage collection (7.08) |
2117 | Adds § 14.07.060(j); and amends §§ 14.07.060(f) and 14.07.070(d), water and sewer rates (14.07) |
2118 | Annexation (Special) |
2119 | Amends 1996 budget (Special) |
2120 | LID No. 66 (Special) |
2121 | Property condemnation (Special) |
2122 | Adds Ch. 6.80, curfew (Expired) |
2123 | Amends Ord. 2081, bond issuance (Special) |
2124 | Amends §§ 2.16.040, 2.48.020 and 2.48.030, police chief (2.16, 2.48) |
2125 | Rezone (Special) |
2126 | Rezone (Special) |
2127 | Rezone (Special) |
2128 | Rezone (Special) |
2129 | Rezone (Special) |
2130 | Amends §§ 14.07.060(f) and 14.07.070(d), water and sewers (14.07) |
2131 | Repeals and replaces Title 19, zoning (Repealed by 2852) |
2132 | 1997-98 salaries (Special) |
2133 | Property condemnation (Special) |
2134 | Adds § 5.84.040(5); amends §§ 5.80.050(4) and 5.88.040(4), adult use businesses (5.80, 5.84, 5.88) |
2135 | Amends § 2.20.030, parks and recreation (2.20) |
2136 | Amends §§ 2.08.010 and 2.08.030, library board (Repealed by 3015) |
2137 | Amends § 18.04.020, planning commission (Repealed by 2852) |
2138 | Rezone (Special) |
2139 | Amends § 14.15.090; repeals § 14.15.115, on-site storm water drainage (Repealed by 2245) |
2140 | Amends Ord. 2068, comprehensive plan (Special) |
2141 | Adds § 15.05.070, consolidated application process (Repealed by 2852) |
2142 | Zones certain property (Special) |
2143 | Adds § 11.04.085, traffic code (11.04) |
2144 | Rezone (Special) |
2145 | Adds Ch. 19.43 and §§ 19.06.701 – 19.06.710; amends §§ 12.02.170(3)(g), 19.08.060, 19.08.100, 19.12.030, 19.12.040, 19.12.170 and 19.16.090; repeals §§ 19.06.108, 19.06.110 and 19.06.160, wireless communication facilities (Repealed by 2852) |
2146 | Rezone (Special) |
2147 | Amends §§ 11.37.010 and 11.37.040, tow truck businesses (11.37) |
2148 | LID No. 67 (Special) |
2149 | Rezone (Special) |
2150 | Adds §§ 2.24.085, 2.30.055 and 2.35.055; repeals and replaces §§ 2.24.080, 2.30.050 and 2.35.050, oath and bonds (2.24, 2.30, 2.35) |
2151 | Adds §§ 19.06.019, 19.06.071, 19.06.379, 19.06.426 and 19.08.060(2)16; amends §§ 19.08.030(1), 19.08.060(1), 19.16.090 and 19.60.020; repeals and replaces §§ 19.06.125(2), 19.06.148, 19.08.050(2)3, 19.08.070(2)4, 19.12.030(2)2, 19.12.060, 19.14.070(1), 19.20.200(3)(d), 19.24.220, 19.24.320(1), 19.44.060 and 19.50.035(4); repeals § 19.06.245, zoning (Repealed by 2852) |
2152 | Adds Ch. 11.52, commute trip reduction plan (Repealed by 3047) |
2153 | Adds §§ 19.06.506 and 19.08.100(2)7; amends § 19.08.100(1), zoning (Repealed by 2852) |
2154 | Property condemnation (Special) |
2155 | Annexation (Special) |
2156 | Adds Ch. 6.37, pedestrian interference (Repealed by 3287) |
2157 | Adds Ch. 12.22, sitting or lying down on sidewalks (12.22) |
2158 | Bond issuance (Special) |
2159 | Adds Ch. 7.05, camping (7.05) |
2160 | Repeals Ord. 1735 (Repealer) |
2161 | Repeals and replaces §§ 20.24.200(3) and 20.56.230(4), subdivisions (Repealed by 2852) |
2162 | Rezone (Special) |
2163 | Amends §§ 2.50.040 and 2.50.050, mayor and council compensation (2.50) |
2164 | Street vacation (Special) |
2165 | 1998 tax levy (Special) |
2166 | Adopts 1998 budget (Special) |
2167 | Amends 1997 budget (Special) |
2168 | Amends § 3.65.010, water and sewer gross receipts tax (3.65) |
2169 | Amends § 3.67.010, solid waste department tax (3.67) |
2170 | Amends § 3.69.010, surface water utility tax (3.69) |
2171 | LID Nos. 64 and 65 (Special) |
2172 | Rezone (Special) |
2173 | LID No. 64 (Special) |
2174 | LID No. 65 (Special) |
2175 | Amends Ord. 2165, 1998 tax levy (Special) |
2176 | Rezone (Special) |
2177 | Rezone (Special) |
2178 | Rezone (Special) |
2179 | Amends §§ 3.51.020 and 3.51.030, petty cash fund (3.51) |
2180 | Rezone (Special) |
2181 | Amends § 14.07.060, water rates (14.07) |
2182 | Amends Ord. 2091, street vacation (Special) |
2183 | Amends comprehensive plan and § 12.02.090, driveways (Repealed by 2724) |
2184 | Rezone (Special) |
2185 | Rezone (Special) |
2186 | Rezone (Special) |
2187 | Adds § 19.14.085; amends §§ 19.14.080 and 19.14.090, development standards (Repealed by 2572) |
2188 | LID No. 64/65 bonds (Special) |
2189 | LID No. 69 (Special) |
2190 | Amends § 19.38.050, mobile home parks (Repealed by 2852) |
2191 | Rezone (Special) |
2192 | Rezone (Special) |
2193 | Rezone (Special) |
2194 | Amends § 6.57.010, minors (6.57) |
2195 | Rezone (Special) |
2196 | Rezone (Special) |
2197 | Rezone (Special) |
2198 | Rezone (Special) |
2199 | Adds §§ 1.12.030 and 1.12.040, city council (1.12) |
2200 | Rezone (Special) |
2201 | Rezone (Special) |
2202 | Amends Chs. 2.70, 15.01, 15.03, 15.07, 15.09, 15.11, 20.36, 20.64, 20.84, and §§ 19.54.100 and 20.12.090, hearing examiner (Repealed by 2852) |
2203 | Salary schedule (Special) |
2204 | Amends §§ 16.04.010, 16.04.030, 16.04.050, 16.08.010, 16.08.075 and 16.28.010, uniform codes (16.04, 16.08, 16.28) |
2205 | Rezone (Special) |
2206 | Rezone (Special) |
2207 | Amends § 6.60.030, air guns (6.60) |
2208 | Adds Ch. 11.06, skateboarding/in-line skating in Comeford Park (11.06) |
2209 | Rezone (Special) |
2210 | Rezone (Special) |
2211 | Rezone (Special) |
2212 | Bond issuance (Special) |
2213 | Adds Title 18C, school impact fees and mitigation (Repealed by 2852) |
2214 | Bond issuance (Special) |
2215 | Rezone (Special) |
2216 | Street vacation (Special) |
2217 | 1999 tax levy (Special) |
2218 | Adopts 1999 budget (Special) |
2219 | Amends 1998 budget (Special) |
2220 | Salary schedule (Special) |
2221 | Adds §§ 11.04.100, 11.04.110, 11.04.120 and 11.04.130, traffic code (11.04) |
2222 | Adopts 1997-2017 sewer comprehensive plan (Special) |
2223 | Street vacation (Special) |
2224 | Amends Ord. 2217, 1999 tax levy (Special) |
2225 | Property condemnation (Special) |
2226 | Rezone (Special) |
2227 | Adds Ch. 3.99, Ken Baxter Senior/Community Center appreciation fund (Repealed by 3171) |
2228 | Amends §§ 19.14.080, 19.14.085 and 19.14.090, development standards (Repealed by 2572) |
2229 | Adds § 3.50.020, payment of claims and warrants (3.50) |
2230 | Amends 1999 budget (Special) |
2231 | Amends 1999 budget (Special) |
2232 | Land condemnation (Special) |
2233 | Amends § 19.46.050(7), zoning (Repealed by 2852) |
2234 | Amends 1998 budget (Special) |
2235 | Amends 1999 budget (Special) |
2236 | Amends 1999 budget (Special) |
2237 | Amends 1999 budget (Special) |
2238 | Amends growth management comprehensive plan (Special) |
2239 | Rezone (Special) |
2240 | Rezone (Special) |
2241 | Rezone (Special) |
2242 | Amends § 19.08.040, zoning (Repealed by 2852) |
2243 | Amends 1999 budget (Special) |
2244 | Amends § 5.20.050, entertainment clubs (5.20) |
2245 | Repeals and replaces Chs. 14.15, 14.16, 14.17, 14.18 and 14.19, storm and surface water management (14.16, 14.17, 14.18, 14.19) |
2246 | Amends § 19.28.020(4); repeals and replaces §§ 19.28.030(1), 19.28.040, 19.28.070(2) and 19.28.090, clearing, grading, filling and erosion control (Repealed by 2852) |
2247 | LID No. 66 (Special) |
2248 | LID No. 67 (Special) |
2249 | Amends §§ 2.04.010(2) and 2.04.020, city council (2.04) |
2250 | Rezone (Special) |
2251 | Rezone (Special) |
2252 | Annexation (Special) |
2253 | Rezone (Special) |
2254 | Rezone (Special) |
2255 | Amends §§ 6.76.090(1) and 11.04.090, traffic infractions (6.76, 11.04) |
2256 | Property condemnation (Special) |
2257 | Amends 1999 budget (Special) |
2258 | Rezone (Special) |
2259 | Grants conditional use permit (Special) |
2260 | Rezone (Special) |
2261 | Recreational vehicle and travel trailer temporary permits (Repealed by 2852) |
2262 | Amends §§ 3.51.010 and 3.51.020, petty cash fund (3.51) |
2263 | Amends 1999 budget (Special) |
2264 | Rezone (Special) |
2265 | Rezone (Special) |
2266 | Adds § 19.04.210; amends §§ 19.04.020, 19.08.040, 19.08.090(1) and 19.12.040(1), zoning (Repealed by 2852) |
2267 | Amends §§ 14.07.005 and 14.07.010(1), public works fees (14.07) |
2268 | Annexation (Special) |
2269 | Amends § 19.08.060(1), government/business service land uses (Repealed by 2852) |
2270 | Gambling activities development application moratorium (Special) |
2271 | Amends 1999 budget (Special) |
2272 | Amends 1999 budget (Special) |
2273 | Rezone (Special) |
2274 | Amends § 19.22.070(2), SEPA decisions (Repealed by 2852) |
2275 | Amends 1999 budget (Special) |
2276 | Annexation (Special) |
2277 | Amends 1999 budget (Special) |
2278 | Engineering design and development standards (Not codified) |
2279 | Adds Title 18B, traffic impact fees (Repealed by 2852) |
2280 | Amends Ch. 19.24, sensitive areas (Repealed by 2852) |
2281 | Snohomish County emergency radio system interlocal cooperation agreement (Special) |
2282 | Amends 1999 budget (Special) |
2283 | Annexation (Special) |
2284 | Amends § 14.07.070, sewer rates (14.07) |
2285 | Amends §§ 7.08.110 and 7.08.111, garbage and yard waste rates (7.08) |
2286 | Paths and trails, REET 1 and 2 funds (Special) |
2287 | Gambling activities development application moratorium (Special) |
2288 | Amends § 5.02.070(1), business license fees (Repealed by 3101) |
2289 | Amends §§ 2.24.090, 2.24.100, 2.24.210 and 2.24.220, municipal court (2.24) |
2290 | Adds § 14.07.005A, general fee structure (Repealed by 2554) |
2291 | Amends Ord. 2244, § 2, entertainment clubs (5.20) |
2292 | Adds Ch. 12.02A; repeals Ch. 12.06; repeals and replaces §§ 12.08.010, 12.08.020, 12.12.020, 12.12.030, 12.12.060, 19.12.190 and 20.24.090, street standards (12.02A, 12.08, 12.12) |
2293 | Historic property improvement property tax special evaluation (3.89) |
2294 | Adds § 11.04.040, compression brakes (11.04) |
2295 | Adds Ch. 6.25, graffiti (6.25) |
2296 | Rezone (Special) |
2297 | Plat extension (Special) |
2298 | Adds § 19.06.407; amends §§ 19.06.390; 19.08.040(1); 19.08.050; 19.08.060(1) and (2)(7); 19.08.070; 19.08.080; 19.08.100(1); 19.12.030(1) and (2)(4) and (8); 19.12.140(2); 19.12.160(1) and (2); 19.14.100(1) and (2)(c); 19.16.090; 19.16.100(3); 19.18.060; 19.18.090(1) and (5); 19.18.160; 19.26.030(5); 19.46.050(4); 19.48.110 and 19.60.020, zoning (Repealed by 2852) |
2299 | Parks and recreation fee schedule (Repealed by 2502) |
2300 | Adds Title 18A, park impact fees (Repealed by 2852) |
2301 | Adopts 2000 budget (Special) |
2302 | 2000 tax levy (Special) |
2303 | Amends 1999 budget (Special) |
2304 | Approves and confirms assessments, LID No. 69 (Special) |
2305 | Amends § 14.07.010(2), sewer and water utility (14.07) |
2306 | Amends Ch. 18C.10, school impact fees (Repealed by 2852) |
2307 | Amends § 3.92.060, social card games tax (3.92) |
2308 | Rezone (Special) |
2309 | Gambling activities development application moratorium (Special) |
2310 | Amends 2000 budget (Special) |
2311 | Consolidated LID No. 66, fund, bonds (Special) |
2312 | Street vacation; amends Ord. 2223 (Special) |
2313 | Street vacation (Special) |
2314 | Street vacation (Special) |
2315 | Adds Ch. 3.89, Marysville television programming fund (3.89) |
2316 | Amends § 18C.10.010, school impact fees (Repealed by 2852) |
2317 | Street vacation (Special) |
2318 | Adds Ch. 3.53, travel advance fund (Repealed by 3063) |
2319 | Amends § 11.62.020, truck routes (11.62) |
2320 | Amends § 11.37.040, tow truck business (11.37) |
2321 | Amends § 12.32.050, street vacation appraisal (12.32) |
2322 | Amends 2000 budget (Special) |
2323 | Amends comprehensive plan (Special) |
2324 | Adds Ch. 5.26, social card games; repeals gambling activities development application moratorium (5.26) |
2325 | Adds §§ 16.32.180 – 16.32.210; amends § 16.32.090; repeals and replaces §§ 16.32.020, 16.32.040, 16.32.050, 16.32.110, 16.32.120, 16.32.130, 16.32.140, 16.32.150 and 16.32.160, floodplain management (Repealed by 2852) |
2326 | School impact fees (Rescinded) |
2327 | Adopted Marysville School District’s capital facilities plan (Rescinded) |
2328 | Special election for six-year levy for emergency medical services (Special) |
2329 | Annexation (Special) |
2330 | Amends § 18C.06.010, school district eligibility for impact fees (Repealed by 2852) |
2331 | Amends § 18C.10.050, school impact fee (Repealed by 2852) |
2332 | Amends § 18C.10.010, school impact fee (Repealed by 2852) |
2333 | Amends § 12.04.065, street names (12.04) |
2334 | Condemnation and appropriation of property (Special) |
2335 | 2001 tax levy (Special) |
2336 | Adopts 2001 budget (Special) |
2337 | Amends §§ 7.05.050 and 11.08.200, recreational vehicle and truck parking (7.05, 11.08) |
2338 | Increases 2001 tax levy (Special) |
2339 | Readopts and reimposes school impact fees (Repealed by 2852) |
2340 | Readopts and reimposes business license fees (Repealed by 3101) |
2341 | Readopts and reimposes court costs (2.24) |
2342 | Readopts and reimposes general fee structure (Repealed by 2554) |
2343 | Readopts and reimposes traffic impact fees (Repealed by 2852) |
2344 | Readopts and reimposes park, recreation and trail impact fees (Repealed by 2852) |
2345 | Readopts and reimposes sewer and water capital improvement charges (14.07) |
2346 | Readopts and reimposes public works fees (14.07) |
2347 | Readopts and reimposes satellite sewer rate classification (14.07) |
2348 | Readopts and reimposes parks and recreation fee schedule (Special) |
2349 | Amends § 12.04.065, street names (12.04) |
2350 | Disability board (2.88) |
2351 | Cable service franchise grant to Black Rock Cable, Inc. (Special) |
2352 | Readopts and reimposes garbage and yard waste rates (7.08) |
2353 | Amends 2000 budget (Special) |
2354 | Amends 2000 budget (Special) |
2355 | Amends 2001 budget (Special) |
2356 | Grants extension for final plat (Special) |
2357 | Amends 2001 budget (Special) |
2358 | Amends 2001 budget (Special) |
2359 | Amends 2001 budget (Special) |
2360 | Amends § 11.62.030, truck routes (11.62) |
2361 | Abolishes and consolidates administrative positions (Special) |
2362 | Adds §§ 3.64.100 – 3.64.160, utilities tax (3.64) |
2363 | Amends § 2.50.040, compensation of mayor (2.50) |
2364 | Amends Ch. 2.34, chief administrative officer (2.34) |
2365 | Amends § 11.08.200(2), parking regulations (11.08) |
2366 | Amends 2001 budget (Special) |
2367 | Amends § 11.16.010, regulatory signs and zones (11.16) |
2368 | Amends Ch. 2.20, parks and recreation (2.20) |
2369 | Adds §§ 3.51.020(10) and 3.51.030(8); amends § 3.51.010, petty cash fund (3.51) |
2370 | Amends 2001 budget (Special) |
2371 | Amends 2001 budget (Special) |
2372 | Amends 2001 budget (Special) |
2373 | Amends §§ 20.16.040(4)(a) and 20.20.100(11)(d)(i), subdivisions (Repealed by 2852) |
2374 | Amends § 11.08.070(3), parking regulations (11.08) |
2375 | Amends Ch. 14.32, and §§ 14.01.030, 14.01.050, 14.03.090, 14.03.300, 14.03.500 and 14.07.005A, utility service area (14.01, 14.03, 14.32) |
2376 | Amends § 2.04.010, time and place of council meetings (2.04) |
2377 | |
2378 | Amends §§ 9.04.030, 9.04.040 and 9.04.060; repeals and replaces §§ 9.04.010 and 9.04.070; repeals §§ 9.04.050, fire code (Repealed by 2875) |
2379 | Annexation (Special) |
2380 | Annexation (Special) |
2381 | Amends comprehensive plan (Special) |
2382 | Amends comprehensive plan (Special) |
2383 | Extends cable franchise agreements (Special) |
2384 | Amends comprehensive plan (Special) |
2385 | Amends § 14.08.020, water shortage emergency (14.08) |
2386 | Amends comprehensive plan (Special) |
2387 | 2002 tax levy (Special) |
2388 | Annexation (Special) |
2389 | (Number not used) |
2390 | Amends §§ 7.08.110 and 7.08.111, garbage rates (7.08) |
2390A | Extends cable service franchise grant (Special) |
2391 | Adopts amended design standards (Special) |
2392 | Amends Ord. 2380, annexation (Special) |
2393 | Adopts 2002 budget (Special) |
2394 | Amends §§ 14.07.060 and 14.07.070, water and sewer rates (14.07) |
2395 | Authorizes increase in tax levy (Special) |
2396 | Adds § 12.32.090; amends § 12.32.020(2), vacation of streets and alleys (12.32) |
2397 | Amends 2001 budget (Special) |
2398 | Amends § 3.51.020(3) and (10), petty cash fund (3.51) |
2399 | Amends Ord. 2395, authorizing increase in property tax levy (Special) |
2400 | Amends Ord. 2387, 2002 property tax levy (Special) |
2401 | Annexation (Special) |
2402 | Amends 2002 budget (Special) |
2403 | Amends 2002 budget (Special) |
2404 | Amends Ch. 10.04, animal control (10.04) |
2405 | Amends 2002 budget (Special) |
2406 | Adds Ch. 18.10, procedures for legislative actions (Repealed by 2852) |
2407 | Street vacation (Special) |
2408 | Retainage bonds (3.100) |
2409 | Adds § 9.20.015; amends §§ 9.20.010, 9.20.020, 9.20.070, 9.20.090 and 9.20.120, fireworks (9.20) |
2410 | Amends §§ 19.08.030, 19.08.050, 19.08.060, 19.08.070 and 19.08.080, zoning (Repealed by 2852) |
2411 | Amends §§ 19.26.020 and 19.26.030, density incentives (Repealed by 2852) |
2412 | Amends § 19.16.090, landscape buffers (Repealed by 2852) |
2413 | Amends § 19.12.030, zoning (Repealed by 2852) |
2414 | Amends §§ 19.28.020 and 19.28.070, clearing and grading permit (Repealed by 2852) |
2415 | Amends § 19.34.020, accessory dwelling units (Repealed by 2852) |
2416 | Amends § 19.43.020, wireless facilities (Repealed by 2852) |
2417 | Adds §§ 19.06.087, 19.06.201 and 19.06.451; amends § 19.06.580, zoning (Repealed by 2852) |
2418 | Adds § 19.18.095; amends § 19.18.090, parking (Repealed by 2852) |
2419 | Amends §§ 19.06.263 and 19.06.328, zoning (Repealed by 2852) |
2420 | Amends § 20.24.070, landscaping (Repealed by 2852) |
2421 | Amends § 19.20.200(3)(d), zoning (Repealed by 2820) |
2422 | Amends § 19.14.160, fences (Repealed by 2852) |
2423 | Adds § 19.14.095, zoning (Repealed by 2852) |
2424 | Adds § 19.38.150, mobile home parks (Repealed by 2852) |
2425 | Amends § 19.14.080, zoning (Repealed by 2572) |
2426 | Adds § 19.32.030, zoning (Repealed by 2852) |
2427 | Amends § 19.22.030, zoning (Repealed by 2852) |
2428 | Condemnation, appropriation of property (Special) |
2429 | Adds § 11.04.035, speed limits (11.04) |
2430 | Police Corps (2.49) |
2431 | Condemnation, appropriation of property (Special) |
2432 | Amends comprehensive plan (Special) |
2433 | Amends § 19.08.030(1), zoning (Repealed by 2852) |
2434 | Adds § 19.14.095, subdivision screening (Repealed by 2852) |
2435 | Amends § 20.12.020(3), subdivisions (Repealed by 2852) |
2436 | Extends cable franchise agreements (Special) |
2437 | Amends § 5.02.030, business licenses (Repealed by 3101) |
2438 | Rezone (Special) |
2439 | Repeals § 3.64.050, utilities tax (Repealer) |
2440 | Amends §§ 3.92.020 and 3.92.030, gambling tax (3.92) |
2441 | Repeals § 1.16.070(3), public records (Repealed by 2964) |
2442 | Amends § 3.92.040, gambling tax (3.92) |
2443 | Amends § 5.96.010, body studios (5.96) |
2444 | Amends § 19.06.060, body shampoo parlors (Repealed by 2852) |
2445 | Amends § 19.06.023, adult panorams (Repealed by 2852) |
2446 | Amends § 19.06.018, adult drive-in theaters (Repealed by 2852) |
2447 | Amends § 19.06.015, adult cabarets (Repealed by 2852) |
2448 | Amends § 5.88.010(2), bikini clubs (5.88) |
2449 | Amends §§ 5.80.010(1), (2) and (4), adult establishments (5.80) |
2450 | Amends § 5.84.010(1), adult panorams (5.84) |
2451 | Amends § 5.92.010(1), bath houses, body shampoo parlors and tattoo parlors (5.92) |
2452 | Adds § 19.06.496 and Ch. 19.55; amends § 19.08.100, zoning (Repealed by 2852) |
2453 | Adds §§ 19.06.429 and 19.06.441; amends § 19.54.050, zoning (Repealed by 2852) |
2454 | 2003 tax levy (Special) |
2455 | Authorizes increase in 2003 tax levy (Special) |
2456 | Adopts 2003 budget (Special) |
2457 | Amends §§ 14.07.060 and 14.07.070, water and sewer rates (14.07) |
2458 | Amends § 11.62.010, truck routes (11.62) |
2459 | Rezone (Special) |
2460 | Amends 2002 budget (Special) |
2461 | Amends Ord. 2454, property tax levy (Special) |
2462 | Annexation (Special) |
2463 | Amends 2003 budget (Special) |
2463A | Amends § 19.08.030, zoning (Repealed by 2852) |
2464 | Amends § 19.12.140; repeals § 19.12.230, setbacks (Repealed by 2852) |
2465 | Adds § 20.80.025; amends § 20.80.020, boundary line adjustments (Repealed by 2852) |
2466 | Amends §§ 16.32.110 and 16.32.160, floodplain management (Repealed by 2852) |
2467 | Moratorium on opiate substitution treatment program facilities (Repealed by 2488) |
2468 | Amends comprehensive plan (Special) |
2469 | Amends comprehensive plan (Special) |
2470 | Amends comprehensive plan (Special) |
2471 | Amends §§ 18C.06.010 and 18C.10.020, school impact fees (Repealed by 2852) |
2472 | Amends § 11.62.020, truck routes (11.62) |
2473 | Amends 2002 budget (Special) |
2474 | Condemnation, appropriation of property (Special) |
2475 | Adds Ch. 2.51, salary commission (2.51) |
2476 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 14.15, on-site storm water drainage code (14.15) |
2477 | Amends Ch. 6.79, burglar alarms (6.79) |
2478 | Authorizes issuance of general obligation bonds (Special) |
2479 | Condemnation, appropriation of property (Special) |
2480 | Amends §§ 19.16.080 and 19.16.090, landscaping development standards (Repealed by 2852) |
2481 | Adds § 19.26.040; amends § 19.26.030, residential density incentives (Repealed by 2852) |
2482 | Condemnation, appropriation of property (Special) |
2483 | Amends § 2.04.010(1), council meetings (2.04) |
2484 | Authorizes issuance of general obligation bonds (Special) |
2485 | Adopts surface water management plan (Special) |
2486 | Adopts surface water utility rates (14.19) |
2487 | Amends comprehensive plan (Repealed by 2719) |
2488 | Adds § 19.06.364; amends §§ 19.08.100 and 19.55.010; repeals Ord. 2467, zoning (Repealed by 2852) |
2489 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 5.68, cable system regulations (5.70) |
2490 | Establishes cable operator customer service standards (5.71) |
2491 | Rezone (Special) |
2492 | Cable service franchise grant to Comcast (Special) |
2493 | Adopts surface water utility rates; amends Ord. 2486 (14.19) |
2494 | Amends 2003 budget (Special) |
2495 | Amends comprehensive plan (Special) |
2496 | Amends comprehensive plan (Special) |
2497 | Rezone (Special) |
2498 | Property tax levy increase (Special) |
2499 | 2004 tax levy (Special) |
2500 | Adopts 2004 budget (Special) |
2501 | Adds § 11.04.033, traffic code (11.04) |
2502 | Adopts parks and recreation department fee schedules; repeals Ord. 2299 (Repealed by 3040) |
2503 | Amends 2003 budget (Special) |
2504 | Amends 2004 budget (Special) |
2505 | Annexation (Special) |
2506 | Amends § 2.60.030, fire department (2.60) |
2507 | Amends Ch. 2.10, cable television advisory committee (2.10) |
2508 | Amends comprehensive plan (Special) |
2509 | Combines surface water utility with waterworks utility (14.19) |
2510 | Annexation (Special) |
2511 | Water and sewer revenue bond issuance (Special) |
2512 | Adds §§ 19.06.316, 19.06.454, 19.06.454(a) [19.06.455] and 19.06.479; amends §§ 15.03.020, 15.03.040, 15.03.050, 15.09.020, and 15.09.030, site plans and master plans (Repealed by 2852) |
2513 | Amends § 7.08.065, garbage collection (7.08) |
2514 | Adds § 2.45.020, jail booking fees (Repealed by 3288) |
2515 | Annexation (Special) |
2516 | Annexation (Special) |
2517 | Amends § 3.51.020, petty cash/change fund (3.51) |
2518 | Rezone (Special) |
2519 | Rezone (Special) |
2520 | Rezone (Special) |
2521 | Rezone (Special) |
2522 | Condemnation, appropriation of property (Special) |
2523 | Amends Chs. 16.04, 16.08 and 16.28, building codes (16.04, 16.08, 16.28) |
2524 | Amends 2004 budget (Special) |
2525 | Amends § 15.07.010, development application notice (Repealed by 2852) |
2526 | Amends §§ 19.02.070, 19.02.080(5), 19.04.220, 19.06.340, 19.08.040, 19.08.060, 19.08.070, 19.08.100, 19.12.060, 19.12.090, 19.18.160, 19.22.030, 19.26.030, 19.37.030, 19.37.040, 19.44.030 and 19.44.040; repeals § 19.04.200, zoning (Repealed by 2852) |
2527 | Amends §§ 20.12.120, 20.24.070, 20.24.160 and 20.48.050; repeals § 20.24.290, subdivisions (Repealed by 2852) |
2528 | Amends Ch. 2.10, cable television advisory committee (2.10) |
2529 | Amends § 9.20.020, date and time limits for sale or discharge of consumer fireworks (9.20) |
2530 | Bond issuance (Special) |
2531 | Amends §§ 14.05.020 and 14.07.070, sanitary sewers (14.07) |
2532 | Amends Ch. 9.04, fire code (Repealed by 2875) |
2533 | Adds §§ 3.64.170, 3.64.180 and 3.64.190, utilities tax (3.64) |
2534 | Annexation (Special) |
2535 | Amends 2004 budget (Special) |
2536 | Annexation (Special) |
2537 | Rezone (Special) |
2538 | Amends comprehensive plan and map (Special) |
2539 | Amends § 12.02A.090(5), street frontage improvements (12.02A) |
2540 | Amends Ch. 7.08, garbage collection (7.08) |
2541 | Amends Ch. 3.80, technology infrastructure fund (3.80) |
2542 | Amends § 14.07.010(2), sewer and water utility capital improvements (Repealed by 2556) |
2543 | Adopts 2005 budget (Special) |
2544 | Adds Ch. 11.14, motorized scooters (11.14) |
2545 | EMS property tax levy (Special) |
2546 | 2005 property tax levy (Special) |
2547 | Amends § 12.02A.090(5), street frontage improvements (12.02A) |
2548 | Amends §§ 14.07.060 and 14.07.070, water and sewers (14.07) |
2549 | Adds Ch. 3.63, utility rate relief for low income senior citizens and disabled persons (3.63) |
2550 | Repeals §§ 2.20.070 and 2.20.080 (Repealer) |
2551 | Amends § 2.08.010, library board (Repealed by 3015) |
2552 | Adds § 14.18.110, Marysville area regional storm water ponds and conveyance systems (14.18) |
2553 | Amends 2004 budget (Special) |
2554 | Amends § 14.07.005, general fee structure; repeals § 14.07.005A (14.07) |
2555 | Adds Ch. 15.12, development fees; repeals § 19.60.020 (Repealed by 2852) |
2556 | Amends § 14.07.010(2), sewer and water utility capital improvements; repeals Ord. 2542 (14.07) |
2557 | Amends §§ 14.03.090(1) and 14.07.010(1), water and sewers (14.03, 14.07) |
2558 | Amends Ord. 2334, condemnation and appropriation of property (Special) |
2559 | Amends §§ 2.50.040 and 2.50.050, personnel code for city employees (2.50) |
2560 | Rezone decision affirmed (Special) |
2561 | Annexation (Special) |
2562 | Amends Ch. 5.26, prohibited gambling activities (5.26) |
2563 | Amends § 11.04.033, traffic code (11.04) |
2564 | Amends § 15.12.010, development fees (Repealed by 2852) |
2565 | Amends § 11.04.030, traffic code (11.04) |
2566 | Amends § 5.02.070(1), business licenses (Repealed by 3101) |
2567 | Amends Ord. 2511, water and sewer revenue bond issuance (Special) |
2568 | Street vacation (Special) |
2569 | Repeals and adopts comprehensive plan (Special) |
2570 | Amends zoning map (Special) |
2571 | Adds §§ 19.06.112, 19.06.271, 19.06.369 and 19.06.384; amends §§ 19.06.123, 19.06.410, 19.06.470, 19.06.498, 19.06.543 and Ch. 19.24; repeals §§ 19.06.408 and 19.06.413, zoning (Repealed by 2852) |
2572 | Repeals and replaces §§ 19.14.010, 19.14.020, 19.14.050, 19.14.060, 19.14.080 and 19.14.090; repeals § 19.14.085, zoning (Repealed by 2852) |
2573 | Amends Chs. 18B.04, 18B.06, 18B.08, 18B.10, 18B.12, 18B.14, 18B.20 and 18B.22, traffic impact fees and mitigation (Repealed by 2852) |
2574 | Establishes traffic impact fee exemption (Repealed by 2852) |
2575 | Adds §§ 19.06.499 and 19.18.115; amends §§ 19.02.070, 19.08.030 and 19.12.040, zoning (Repealed by 2852) |
2576 | Amends 2005 budget (Special) |
2577 | Annexation (Special) |
2578 | Amends zoning map (Special) |
2579 | Amends Ord. 2549 and § 3.63.040, utility rate relief for low income senior citizens and disabled persons (3.63) |
2580 | Amends Ord. 2566 and § 5.02.070(1), business licenses (Repealed by 3101) |
2581 | Annexation (Special) |
2582 | Condemnation, appropriation of property (Special) |
2583 | Bonds (Special) |
2584 | Annexation (Special) |
2585 | Annexation (Special) |
2586 | Annexation (Special) |
2587 | Amends 2005 budget (Special) |
2588 | Rezone (Special) |
2589 | Street vacation (Special) |
2590 | Amends § 2.20.030, parks and recreation board (2.20) |
2591 | Amends §§ 3.92.010 and 3.92.190, gambling activities tax (3.92) |
2592 | Annexation (Special) |
2593 | Annexation (Special) |
2594 | Amends § 2.51.040(1), salary commission duties (2.51) |
2595 | Annexation (Special) |
2596 | Adds § 11.04.032, speed limits (11.04) |
2597 | Rezone (Special) |
2598 | Adds § 14.05.090, fees for utility search services (14.05) |
2599 | Annexation (Special) |
2600 | Amends §§ 10.04.100, 10.04.120 and 10.04.150, animal control (10.04) |
2601 | Amends 2005 budget (Special) |
2602 | EMS property tax levy (Special) |
2603 | 2006 tax levy (Special) |
2604 | Adopts 2006 budget (Special) |
2605 | Amends comprehensive plan and 2005 budget (Special) |
2606 | Amends Ch. 14.32, utility service area (14.32) |
2607 | Amends § 14.07.010(2), hotel/motel connection charges (14.07) |
2608 | Amends 2006 budget (Special) |
2609 | Street vacation (Special) |
2610 | Street vacation (Special) |
2611 | Amends 2005 budget (Special) |
2612 | Amends § 14.05.090, lien search fees (14.05) |
2613 | Amends § 2.50.050, compensation of council members (2.50) |
2614 | Amends §§ 2.10.020 and 2.10.040, cable television advisory committee (2.10) |
2615 | Amends §§ 2.70.090 and 11.37.060, tow truck operators’ appeals (11.37) |
2616 | Amends 2006 budget (Special) |
2617 | Condemnation, appropriation of property (Special) |
2618 | Amends § 5.02.030, business licenses (Repealed by 3101) |
2619 | Amends 2006 budget (Special) |
2620 | Amends §§ 14.07.060 and 14.07.070, water and sewer rates (14.07) |
2621 | Amends § 2.24.030, municipal judge (2.24) |
2622 | Affirms hearing examiner rezone decision (Special) |
2623 | Amends § 2.80.040(2), code of ethics (2.80) |
2624 | Street vacation (Special) |
2625 | Adds §§ 19.06.700, 19.06.715, 19.06.720, 19.06.725, 19.06.730, 19.06.735, 19.06.740, 19.06.745, 19.06.750, 19.06.755, 19.06.760, 19.06.765, 19.06.770, 19.06.775, 19.06.780, 19.06.785 and 19.06.790; amends §§ 19.06.705, 19.06.710, 19.08.060, 19.12.110, 19.16.090, Ch. 19.43 and § 20.04.050; repeals §§ 19.06.701, 19.06.702, 19.06.703, 19.06.704, 19.06.706, 19.06.707, 19.06.708 and 19.06.709, wireless communication facilities (Repealed by 2852) |
2626 | Adds § 19.06.314; amends §§ 19.06.153, 19.06.320, 19.08.030 and 19.38.020, manufactured homes (Repealed by 2852) |
2627 | Annexation (Special) |
2628 | Amends §§ 2.10.020 and 2.10.040, cable television advisory committee (2.10) |
2629 | Open video system franchise grant (Special) |
2630 | Amends §§ 2.50.050 and 2.51.040, council member reimbursement (2.50, 2.51) |
2631 | Amends §§ 19.04.020, 19.04.220, 19.08.030, 19.08.040, 19.08.050, 19.08.060, 19.08.100, 19.12.040, 19.14.020, 19.14.050 and 19.14.100, zoning (Repealed by 2852) |
2632 | Amends comprehensive plan (Special) |
2633 | Annexation (Special) |
2634 | Annexation (Special) |
2635 | Amends § 19.06.343, zoning (Repealed by 2852) |
2636 | Amends Ord. 2627, annexation (Special) |
2637 | (Not used) |
2638 | (Void) |
2639 | Amends § 19.08.030, zoning (Repealed by 2852) |
2640 | Amends § 19.08.040, zoning (Repealed by 2852) |
2641 | Amends § 19.08.060, zoning (Repealed by 2852) |
2642 | Amends § 19.14.190, zoning (Repealed by 2852) |
2643 | Amends §§ 19.32.020 and 19.32.030, home occupations (Repealed by 2852) |
2644 | Amends § 19.06.125, zoning (Repealed by 2852) |
2645 | Amends § 19.08.050, zoning (Repealed by 2852) |
2646 | Adds Ch. 3.101, crime prevention funding (3.101) |
2647 | Adds Ch. 3.95A, recovery of costs for convicted persons (3.95A) |
2648 | Annexation (Special) |
2649 | Amends 2006 budget (Special) |
2650 | Annexation (Special) |
2651 | Grants pipeline franchise (Special) |
2652 | Condemnation and acquisition of property (Special) |
2653 | Amends 2006 budget (Special) |
2654 | Adds § 14.07.075; amends § 14.05.030 and Ch. 14.19, surface water utility (14.05, 14.07, 14.19) |
2655 | Condemnation and acquisition of property (Special) |
2656 | Repeals § 19.20.070, sign permit fees (Repealer) |
2657 | Grants cable television franchise (Special) |
2658 | Amends § 16.04.030, building code (16.04) |
2659 | Detached single-family residential construction moratorium (Repealed by 2671) |
2660 | Annexation (Special) |
2661 | Annexation (Special) |
2662 | Amends §§ 19.08.030, 19.14.020, 19.14.095, Chs. 19.26 and 20.44, §§ 20.48.030, 20.52.020 and 20.56.120; repeals and replaces Ch. 19.48, development regulations (Repealed by 2852) |
2663 | Annexation (Special) |
2664 | Street vacation (Special) |
2665 | Street vacation (Special) |
2666 | Street vacation (Special) |
2667 | Street vacation (Special) |
2668 | Comprehensive plan; repeals Ord. 859 (Repealed by 2852) |
2669 | Adds Ch. 5.73, wireless communication facility franchise regulations (5.73) |
2670 | Amends § 14.07.010(2), water service fees (14.07) |
2671 | Repeals Ord. 2659, detached single-family residential construction moratorium (Repealer) |
2672 | Adds § 12.04.013, street names (12.04) |
2673 | Amends § 11.08.170, moving and reparking vehicles (11.08) |
2674 | Condemnation and acquisition of property (Special) |
2675 | Grants wireless facilities franchise (Special) |
2676 | Adopts 2007 budget (Special) |
2677 | 2007 tax levy (Special) |
2678 | 2007 EMS property tax levy (Special) |
2679 | Amends 2006 budget (Special) |
2680 | Amends §§ 14.07.060 and 14.07.070, water and sewer rates (14.07) |
2681 | Annexation (Special) |
2682 | Amends 2007 budget (Special) |
2683 | Extends acceptance deadline for wireless facilities franchise (Special) |
2684 | Amends Ch. 6.25, graffiti nuisance (6.25) |
2685 | Amends Ord. 2655, condemnation and acquisition of property (Repealed by 2966) |
2686 | Annexation (Special) |
2687 | Annexation (Special) |
2688 | Amends 2006 budget (Special) |
2689 | Amends comprehensive plan (Special) |
2690 | Amends §§ 2.51.040(1) and (2), salary commission (2.51) |
2691 | Moratorium on Smokey Point subarea development applications (Special) |
2692 | Amends 2007 budget (Special) |
2693 | Affirms hearing examiner rezone decision (Special) |
2694 | Adds §§ 14.15.062, 14.17.035, 19.06.054, 19.16.115, 19.28.030(2)(g) and Ch. 19.49; amends §§ 12.02A.030(4), 12.02A.090(1), 12.02A.100(3), 14.15.020, 14.15.050(2) and (7), 14.16.015, 14.16.040, 14.17.090, 19.06.268, 19.06.343, 19.16.080(4), 19.16.100, 19.24.100(10), 19.24.230(9), 20.12.010(2), 20.24.070(2) and (3), 20.24.090(4), 20.24.110 and 20.24.250, low impact development (12.02A, 14.15, 14.17) |
2695 | Amends engineering design and development standards (Not codified) |
2696 | Adds § 19.12.035; amends § 19.26.020 and comprehensive plan, East Sunnyside/Whiskey Ridge subarea plan (Repealed by 2852) |
2697 | Rezone (Special) |
2698 | Amends § 19.26.030, density incentives (Repealed by 2852) |
2699 | Amends transportation element of comprehensive plan and 2007 budget (Special) |
2700 | Bond issuance (Special) |
2701 | Bond issuance (Special) |
2702 | Adds § 2.24.055, municipal court commissioner (2.24) |
2703 | Amends Ords. 2655 and 2685, condemnation and acquisition of property (Repealed by 2965) |
2704 | Amends Ords. 2655, 2685 and 2703, condemnation and acquisition of property (Special) |
2705 | Adds §§ 11.04.036, 11.04.037 and 11.04.038, speed limits (11.04) |
2706 | Amends § 14.19.080(1), surface water utility bill reductions (14.19) |
2707 | Annexation (Special) |
2708 | Adds Ch. 16.12; amends Chs. 16.04, 16.08 and 16.28, building codes (16.04, 16.08, 16.12, 16.28) |
2709 | Adopts 2007 City Initiated Amendment Request No. 2 to the comprehensive plan (Special) |
2710 | Adopts 2007 City Initiated Amendment Request No. 3 to the comprehensive plan (Special) |
2711 | Adopts 2007 City Initiated Amendment Request No. 4 to the comprehensive plan (Special) |
2712 | Adopts 2007 City Initiated Amendment Request No. 5 to the comprehensive plan (Special) |
2713 | Adopts 2007 City Initiated Amendment Request No. 6 to the comprehensive plan (Special) |
2714 | Adopts 2007 City Initiated Amendment Request No. 7 to the comprehensive plan, rezone (Special) |
2715 | Adopts 2007 City Initiated Amendment Request No. 8 to the comprehensive plan, rezone (Special) |
2716 | Adopts 2007 Citizen Initiated Amendment Request No. 1 to the comprehensive plan, rezone (Special) |
2717 | Adopts 2007 Citizen Initiated Amendment Request No. 2 to the comprehensive plan, rezone (Special) |
2718 | Amends § 3.64.170, utility taxpayer record keeping (3.64) |
2719 | Adopts 2007 City Initiated Amendment Request No. 1 to the comprehensive plan; repeals Ord. 2487 (Special) |
2720 | Adopts Marysville Capital Facilities Plan 2008 – 2014 (Special) |
2721 | 2008 tax levy (Special) |
2722 | 2008 EMS property tax levy (Special) |
2723 | Adopts 2008 budget (Special) |
2724 | Amends §§ 12.02A.090 and 12.02A.110; repeals Ch. 12.02, street department code (12.02A) |
2725 | Repeals § 3 of Ord. 960, development agreement termination (Special) |
2726 | Amends § 14.19.070, surface water utility billing (14.19) |
2727 | Amends §§ 14.07.060 and 14.07.070, water and sewer rates (14.07) |
2728 | Adds § 19.06.317; amends §§ 19.06.193, 19.12.030, 19.12.040, 19.16.090, 19.18.160 and 20.24.060; repeals § 19.12.210 and Ch. 19.37, zoning and subdivisions (Repealed by 2852) |
2729 | Amends 2007 budget (Special) |
2730 | Amends Ch. 3.51, petty cash fund (3.51) |
2731 | Authorizes acquisition of property (Special) |
2732 | Annexation (Special) |
2733 | Amends § 2.50.060; repeals § 2.50.080, personnel code (2.50) |
2734 | Amends § 6.42.010, theft (6.42) |
2735 | Amends § 2.50.060(2), personnel code (2.50) |
2736 | Affirms hearing examiner rezone decision (Special) |
2737 | Amends Ch. 9.20, fireworks (9.20) |
2738 | Adds Ch. 19.14A; amends comprehensive plan, Smokey Point master plan area (Repealed by 2852) |
2739 | Amends Ch. 9.04, fire code (Repealed by 2875) |
2740 | Amends Chs. 16.04, 16.08, 16.12 and 16.28, building codes (16.04, 16.08, 16.12, 16.28) |
2741 | Adds § 15.09.080, construction plan approval (Repealed by 2852) |
2742 | Adds §§ 19.06.120 and 19.14.040; amends § 19.08.030, cottage housing developments (Repealed by 2852) |
2743 | Cable television franchise (Special) |
2744 | Amends Ch. 5.02, business licenses (Repealed by 3101) |
2745 | Rezone (Special) |
2746 | Amends Ch. 11.52, commute trip reduction (CTR) plan (Repealed by 3047) |
2747 | Right-of-way vacation (Special) |
2748 | Amends § 6.03.120 and Chs. 6.06 and 6.51, penal code (6.03, 6.06, 6.51) |
2749 | 2009 tax levy (Special) |
2750 | 2009 tax levy (Special) |
2751 | Adopts 2009 budget (Special) |
2752 | Amends Ord. 2569, comprehensive plan (Special) |
2753 | Rezone (Special) |
2754 | Amends Ord. 2569, comprehensive plan (Special) |
2755 | Adopts 2008 Citizen Initiated Amendment Request No. 2 to the comprehensive plan, rezone (Special) |
2756 | Amends § 14.07.005, water and sewer fees (14.07) |
2757 | Amends 2008 budget (Special) |
2758 | Amends §§ 14.07.060, 14.07.070 and 14.19.050, water and sewer rates (14.07, 14.19) |
2759 | Amends § 2.24.210, municipal court (2.24) |
2760 | Wireless facilities franchise (Special) |
2761 | Amends 2009 budget (Special) |
2762 | Adds Ch. 19.14B; amends East Sunnyside/Whiskey Ridge master plan area (Repealed by 2852) |
2763 | Amends Ch. 4.02 and § 6.24.050, enforcement and nuisances (4.02, 6.24) |
2764 | Amends 2009 budget (Special) |
2765 | Amends § 7.08.065, accessibility of garbage containers (7.08) |
2766 | Amends §§ 2.48.030 and 2.48.040, police department personnel and commissions (2.48) |
2767 | Amends Ch. 6.27, controlled substances and drug paraphernalia (6.27) |
2768 | Amends comprehensive plan and 2009 budget (Special) |
2769 | Amends § 19.28.030, clearing, grading, filling and erosion control standards (Repealed by 2852) |
2770 | Amends § 2.50.060, authorized reimbursements for city employees (2.50) |
2771 | Amends § 11.37.050, tow truck businesses (11.37) |
2772 | Amends §§ 19.43.030, 19.43.040, 19.43.050, 19.43.060, 19.43.070 and 19.43.080, wireless communication facilities (Repealed by 2852) |
2773 | Amends §§ 3.92.020 and 3.92.030, gambling activities tax (3.92) |
2774 | Adds § 14.01.055; amends § 14.01.050, sewer and water connections (14.01) |
2775 | Amends § 14.07.010(1), utility connection capital facilities charges (14.07) |
2776 | Amends § 19.08.030 and Ch. 19.34, residential accessory structures (Repealed by 2852) |
2777 | Amends 2009 budget (Special) |
2778 | Amends § 3.67.010, solid waste tax (3.67) |
2779 | Amends §§ 7.08.110 and 7.08.111, garbage collection rates (7.08) |
2780 | Amends §§ 14.07.005, 14.07.090, 14.16.130 and 18.24.045, recovery contracts (14.07, 14.16) |
2781 | Adopts 2009 water comprehensive plan (Special) |
2782 | Adds Ch. 14.21, illicit discharge detection and elimination (IDDE); amends §§ 3.20.020 and 19.22.070, storm water management (3.20, 14.21) |
2783 | Condemnation, appropriation, taking and damaging of property (Special) |
2784 | Adds § 20.12.130, substantial revisions of county-approved preliminary plats; amends §§ 15.09.080, 16.04.010, 19.52.090, 20.12.120, 20.20.080 and 20.48.050, extension of development approval expiration periods (16.04) |
2785 | Adds Ch. 19.51; amends §§ 15.12.010, 19.16.030, 19.24.150(2), 19.24.270(2), 19.24.300(3), 19.28.060(2), 19.38.040(8), 19.40.080, 19.42.130(9), 20.24.240, 20.24.260, 20.56.270 and 20.56.290, security for performance and maintenance (Repealed by 2852) |
2786 | Amends §§ 19.14.010 and 19.14.050, development standards and design requirements (Repealed by 2852) |
2787 | Adds Ch. 19.23, downtown planned actions (Repealed by 2852) |
2788 | Adds Ch. 19.14C, development standards for downtown master plan area (Repealed by 2852) |
2789 | Zoning of Central Marysville Annexation (Special) |
2790 | Transfer of funds (Special) |
2791 | Transfer of control of franchise (Special) |
2792 | Annexation (Special) |
2793 | Amends § 16.04.050, building permit plan review fees (16.04) |
2794 | Declaration of substantial need for purposes of setting limit factor for EMS property tax levy (Special) |
2795 | 2010 EMS tax levy (Special) |
2796 | Declaration of substantial need for purposes of setting limit factor for property tax levy (Special) |
2797 | 2010 tax levy (Special) |
2798 | Adopts 2010 budget (Special) |
2799 | Sets threshold and tax rates for Central Marysville Annexation (3.85) |
2800 | Adopts Snohomish County codes and ordinances as required for Central Marysville Annexation (Special) |
2801 | Adds Ch. 3.103, multifamily housing property tax exemption (3.103) |
2802 | Adds Ch. 19.47; amends § 19.08.030, master planned senior communities (Repealed by 2852) |
2803 | Authorizes interlocal agreement with Snohomish County (Special) |
2804 | Amends § 3.64.020(1), utility tax (Expired) |
2805 | Amends § 18C.10.010, school impact fees (Repealed by 2852) |
2806 | Amends §§ 15.12.010 and 18C.12.040, development fees (Repealed by 2852) |
2807 | Amends 2009 budget (Special) |
2808 | Amends surface water comprehensive plan (Special) |
2809 | Amends § 19.14.095, small lot single-family development standards (Repealed by 2852) |
2810 | Adds § 19.44.080(1)(e); amends § 19.44.080(1)(d), temporary uses (Repealed by 2852) |
2811 | Adds Ch. 3.86, admissions tax (3.86) |
2812 | Amends §§ 19.24.150 and 19.24.270, security for performance obligation (Repealed by 2852) |
2813 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 19.51, security for performance and maintenance (Repealed by 2852) |
2814 | Amends 2010 budget (Special) |
2815 | Amends §§ 14.07.060, 14.07.070 and 14.19.050, utility rates (14.07, 14.19) |
2816 | Amends § 4.02.040, Chs. 14.03, 14.05, 14.07, 14.09, 14.15, 14.16, 14.17 and 14.18 and § 19.22.070, storm water management (4.02, 14.03, 14.05, 14.07, 14.09, 14.15, 14.16, 14.17, 14.18) |
2817 | Amends § 2.24.030, municipal judge appointment (2.24) |
2818 | Condemnation and acquisition of property (Special) |
2819 | Amends § 2.16.020, civil service commission (2.16) |
2820 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 19.20, sign code; repeals §§ 19.06.593 through 19.06.665 (Repealed by 2852) |
2821 | Amends Ch. 16.12, electrical code (16.12) |
2822 | Amends 2010 budget (Special) |
2823 | Amends § 14.07.070, sewer rates (14.07) |
2824 | Amends § 18B.14.035, traffic impact fee exemptions (Repealed by 2852) |
2825 | Amends § 2.50.090, city issued credit cards (2.50) |
2826 | SR 529 maintenance agreement (Special) |
2827 | Overpass construction; establishes LID No. 71 (Special) |
2828 | Appropriation of property for sidewalk construction (Special) |
2829 | Adds Ch. 6.82, park code (6.82) |
2830 | Bond issuance (Special) |
2831 | Amends 2010 budget (Special) |
2832 | Amends §§ 19.04.020, 19.04.080, 19.08.030, 19.08.040, 19.08.050, 19.08.060, 19.08.100, 19.38.030 and 19.38.150, zoning (Repealed by 2852) |
2833 | Amends § 10.04.150, animal control (10.04) |
2834 | Amends Ch. 5.92, public bath houses, body shampoo parlors and body art, body piercing and tattooing and tattoo parlors (5.92) |
2835 | Amends Ch. 14.32, utility service planning area (14.32) |
2836 | Amends §§ 14.07.060, 14.07.070 and 14.19.050, utility rates (14.07, 14.19) |
2837 | 2011 EMS tax levy (Special) |
2838 | 2011 tax levy (Repealed by 2850) |
2839 | Adopts 2011 budget (Special) |
2840 | Amends § 3.65.010, water and sewer tax rate (3.65) |
2841 | Amends § 3.64.020(1), telephone utility tax (Expired) |
2842 | Amends water comprehensive plan (Special) |
2843 | Amends comprehensive plan (Special) |
2844 | Amends growth management comprehensive plan (Special) |
2845 | Adopts 2010 Citizen Initiated Amendment to the comprehensive plan, rezone (Special) |
2846 | Amends §§ 5.92.010(11) and 5.92.090(1)(c), public bath houses, body shampoo parlors and body art, body piercing and tattooing and tattoo parlors (5.92) |
2847 | Amends 2010 budget (Special) |
2848 | Intent to annex to and join Snohomish County Fire Protection District No. 12 (Special) |
2849 | Amends Ch. 2.30, city clerk (2.30) |
2850 | Repeals Ord. 2838, 2011 tax levy (Repealer) |
2851 | Amends §§ 5.24.010, 5.24.020, 5.24.030, 5.24.050, 5.24.060, 5.24.070, 5.24.090, 5.24.100, 5.24.140, 5.24.150, 5.24.210 and 5.24.240, for-hire vehicles (5.24) |
2852 | Adds Title 22, unified development code; repeals Ch. 2.70, Title 15, Ch. 16.32, Titles 18, 18A, 18B, 18C, 19 and 20 (22A.010, 22A.020, 22A.030, 22A.040, 22B.010, 22B.020, 22C.010, 22C.020, 22C.030, 22C.040, 22C.050, 22C.060, 22C.090, 22C.100, 22C.120, 22C.130, 22C.140, 22C.150, 22C.170, 22C.180, 22C.190, 22C.200, 22C.210, 22C.220, 22C.230, 22C.240, 22C.250, 22D.010, 22D.020, 22D.030, 22D.040, 22D.050, 22E.010, 22E.030, 22E.040, 22G.010, 22G.020, 22G.030, 22G.040, 22G.050, 22G.060, 22G.070, 22G.080, 22G.090, 22G.100, 22G.110, 22I.010) |
2853 | Continues the Central Marysville Annexation sales and use tax (3.85) |
2854 | Amends 2011 budget (Special) |
2855 | Condemnation and acquisition of property (Special) |
2856 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 5.60, itinerant merchants (5.60) |
2857 | Amends §§ 14.03.500, 14.07.005, 14.15.020(18), 14.15.050(2)(f), 14.15.062, 14.15.070, 14.15.120, 14.15.220, 14.18.010 and 14.32.050, water and sewers (14.03, 14.07, 14.15, 14.18, 14.32) |
2858 | Amends §§ 22A.010.160 and 22D.030.070, amendments and traffic impact fees (22A.010, 22D.030) |
2859 | Amends Ch. 2.45, jail/detention facilities (2.45) |
2860 | Amends 2011 budget (Special) |
2861 | Adds § 3.64.020(4); amends §§ 3.64.020(2) and (3), utilities tax (3.64) |
2862 | Amends §§ 2.51.040(1) and (2), salary commission (2.51) |
2863 | Condemnation and acquisition of property (Special) |
2864 | Adds Ch. 3.87, natural gas tax (3.87) |
2865 | Adopts 88th Street master plan; adds Ch. 22C.085; amends § 22A.010.160, land use standards (22A.010) |
2866 | Amends § 5.48.030, Strawberry Festival permit fees (5.48) |
2867 | Moratorium on establishment of medical marijuana dispensaries and collective gardens (Special) |
2868 | Bond issuance (Special) |
2869 | Condemnation and acquisition of property (Special) |
2870 | Adds Ch. 22C.270; amends §§ 22A.010.160, 22A.020.020, 22A.020.200, 22C.010.290, 22C.020.250 and 22G.090.670, solar energy systems (22A.010, 22A.020, 22C.010, 22C.020, 22C.270, 22G.090) |
2871 | Amends § 3.51.020(7), petty cash (3.51) |
2872 | Amends 2011 budget (Special) |
2873 | Amends Chs. 4.02 and 6.24, nuisances and enforcement (4.02, 6.24) |
2874 | Rezone (Special) |
2875 | Adds new Ch. 9.04; repeals Ords. 2378, 2532 and 2739, fire code (9.04) |
2876 | Amends Chs. 16.04, 16.08, 16.10 and 16.28, building codes (16.04, 16.08, 16.10, 16.28) |
2877 | Rezone (Special) |
2878 | 2012 EMS tax levy (Special) |
2879 | 2012 tax levy (Special) |
2880 | Amends § 3.64.020(1) and (2), utility tax on telephone services (Expired) |
2881 | Adopts 2012 budget; amends §§ 14.07.060, 14.07.070 and 14.29.050 [14.19.050], utility rates (14.07, 14.19) |
2882 | Extends moratorium on establishment of medical marijuana dispensaries and collective gardens (Special) |
2883 | Bonds issuance (Special) |
2884 | Amends § 3.69.010, surface water utility gross receipts tax (3.69) |
2885 | Amends § 3.65.010, water and sewer department gross receipts tax (3.65) |
2886 | Adds Ch. 6.28, stay out of drug areas (SODA) orders (6.28) |
2887 | Amends Ch. 6.37, pedestrian interference – coercive solicitation (Repealed by 3287) |
2888 | Amends Ch. 6.30, public indecency – prostitution – sex crimes (6.30) |
2889 | Continues the Central Marysville annexation sales and use tax (3.85) |
2890 | Amends §§ 9.20.070 and 9.20.080, fireworks (9.20) |
2891 | Amends § 2.04.020, council meetings (2.04) |
2892 | Adopts 2011 sewer comprehensive plan (Special) |
2893 | Amends 2012 budget (Special) |
2894 | Amends §§ 22A.010.160, 22G.090.170, 22G.090.380 and 22G.100.120, plat extensions (22A.010, 22G.090, 22G.100) |
2895 | Adds § 2.45.050, jail alternatives (2.45) |
2896 | Adopts 2012 – 2016 community development block grant consolidated plan (Special) |
2897 | Adds Ch. 2.92, citizen advisory committee for housing and community development (2.92) |
2898 | Amends §§ 6.76.030, 22A.010.160, 22A.020.020, 22C.010.060, 22C.010.070, 22C.010.310, 22C.010.380, 22C.020.060, 22C.020.070, 22C.020.330, 22C.130.030, 22C.160.140, 22C.160.160, 22C.180.020, 22C.220.070 and 22G.010.420, unified development code (6.76, 22A.010, 22A.020, 22C.010, 22C.020, 22C.130, 22C.180, 22G.010) |
2899 | Extends moratorium on establishment of medical marijuana dispensaries and collective gardens (Special) |
2900 | Adds § 10.04.315, chickens (10.04) |
2901 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 5.46, special events (5.46) |
2902 | Condemnation, appropriation, taking and damaging of property (Special) |
2903 | Amends 2012 budget (Special) |
2904 | Amends §§ 22D.020.030, 22D.030.070(8) and 22D.040.060, development impact fees (22D.020, 22D.030, 22D.040) |
2905 | Amends § 14.07.010, capital improvement charges (14.07) |
2906 | Adds Ch. 22J.090, industrial pilot program, living wage incentive (Expired on its own terms) |
2907 | Amends § 22D.030.070, temporary enhanced discount (22D.030) |
2908 | 2013 EMS tax levy (Special) |
2909 | 2013 tax levy (Special) |
2910 | Amends § 3.64.020(1) and (2), utility tax on telephone services (Expired) |
2911 | Adopts 2013 budget (Special) |
2912 | Amends comprehensive plan (Repealed by 2976) |
2913 | Adds § 22G.010.205; amends § 22A.010.160, land use application expiration (22A.010, 22G.010) |
2914 | Adds Ch. 22G.120; amends § 22A.010.160, site plan review (22A.010, 22G.120) |
2915 | Amends 2012 budget (Special) |
2916 | Amends §§ 14.07.060, 14.07.070 and 14.19.050, water, sewer and surface water utility rates (14.07, 14.19) |
2917 | Continues the Central Marysville annexation sales and use tax (3.85) |
2918 | Amends §§ 14.07.005, 14.07.010, 14.19.050 and 14.19.080, water, sewer and surface water utility rates (14.07, 14.19) |
2919 | Adds § 6.82.173; amends § 6.82.190, smoking and tobacco use in public parks (6.82) |
2920 | Amends § 12.02A.090, frontage improvement requirements (12.02A) |
2921 | Amends comprehensive plan (Special) |
2922 | Amends Smokey Point master plan and § 22A.010.160, Smokey Point master plan design guidelines (22A.010) |
2923 | Amends §§ 22A.010.160 and 22G.030.020; repeals and replaces Ch. 22C.110, land use standards, fees (22A.010, 22C.110, 22G.030) |
2924 | Amends § 14.05.030, utility bills (14.05) |
2925 | Amends Ch. 6.28, stay out of drug area orders (6.28) |
2926 | Rezone (Special) |
2927 | Amends §§ 22A.010.160, 22C.010.290, 22C.010.320, 22C.010.330, 22C.010.340, 22C.010.350, 22C.010.360, 22C.020.240, 22C.020.250, 22C.020.270, 22C.020.280, 22C.020.290, 22C.020.300 and 22C.020.310, development regulations (22A.010, 22C.010, 22C.020) |
2928 | Rezone (Special) |
2929 | Rezone (Repealed by 3003) |
2930 | Amends § 11.62.020, truck routes (11.62) |
2931 | Amends § 16.20.050, board of appeals designated appeals commission (16.20) |
2932 | Amends §§ 22A.020.040, 22A.020.140, 22C.020.060 and 22C.020.070, medical cannabis provisions (22A.020, 22C.020) |
2933 | Bond issuance (Special) |
2934 | Bond issuance (Special) |
2935 | Adopts 2013-2018 capital facilities plan; amends 2013 budget (Special) |
2936 | Moratorium on production, sale and use of marijuana and marijuana products (Expired) |
2937 | |
2938 | Adds Ch. 12.06, transportation benefit district (12.06) |
2939 | Amends § 22E.030.090, environmental standards (22E.030) |
2940 | Amends § 7.08.030, garbage collection (7.08) |
2941 | Adopts 2014 budget (Special) |
2942 | 2014 tax levy (Special) |
2943 | 2014 EMS tax levy (Special) |
2944 | Condemnation, appropriation, taking and damaging of property (Special) |
2945 | Condemnation, appropriation, taking and damaging of property (Special) |
2946 | Amends § 3.64.020(1) and (2), utility tax on telephone services (Expired) |
2947 | Continues the Central Marysville annexation sales and use tax (3.85) |
2948 | Amends §§ 14.07.060, 14.07.070 and 14.19.050, water, sewer and surface water utility rates (14.07, 14.19) |
2949 | Amends 2013 budget (Special) |
2950 | Adds §§ 6.24.050(30) through (34); repeals Ch. 7.04, unsanitary conditions, nuisances (6.24) |
2951 | Amends §§ 4.02.040(3)(g) and (4), 5.02.140, 5.26.020, 6.03.120, 6.76.120, 7.08.150,,, Chs. 12.36, 12.40, §§ 14.01.070 and 22E.010.400, penalties (4.02, 5.26, 6.03, 6.76, 7.08, 9.04, 12.36, 12.40, 14.01, 22E.010) |
2952 | Amends 2013 budget (Special) |
2953 | Amends Ch. 12.20, bicycles and other nonmotorized, wheeled transportation on sidewalks (12.20) |
2954 | Approves and confirms assessments, LID No. 71 (Special) |
2955 | Adds § 22E.020.210; amends §§ 22A.020.200, 22E.020.030 and 22E.020.150, floodplain management (22A.020) |
2956 | Approves and confirms assessments, LID No. 71 (Special) |
2957 | Bond issuance (Special) |
2958 | Biennial budget process (3.04) |
2959 | Adds §§ 22C.010.070(48) and 22C.020.070(69); amends §§ 22A.020.040, 22A.020.140, 22A.020.190, 22A.020.220, 22C.010.060 and 22C.020.060, marijuana (22A.020, 22C.010, 22C.020) |
2960 | Amends § 2.88.020, disability board (2.88) |
2961 | Amends Ch. 2.16, civil service commission (2.16) |
2962 | Amends §§ 11.08.070, 11.08.080 and 11.08.250, disabled parking (11.08) |
2963 | Amends 2014 budget (Special) |
2964 | Repeals Ch. 1.16, public records (Repealer) |
2965 | Condemnation and acquisition of property; repeals Ord. 2703 (Special) |
2966 | Condemnation and acquisition of property; repeals Ord. 2685 (Special) |
2967 | Amends Ord. 2957, bond issuance (Special) |
2968 | Amends § 6.76.080, noise regulation variances (6.76) |
2969 | Moratorium on master planned senior communities (Repealed by 2980) |
2970 | Adds Ch. 6.23; amends § 22G.060.090, chronic nuisance properties (6.23) |
2971 | Adds §§ 6.37.045 and 6.37.047, pedestrian interference – coercive solicitation (Repealed by 3287) |
2972 | Adopts 2015-2016 budget (Special) |
2973 | 2015 EMS tax levy (Special) |
2974 | Amends § 3.64.020(1), utilities tax (Expired) |
2975 | Amends §§ 14.07.060, 14.07.070 and 14.19.050, water, sewer and surface water utility rates (14.07, 14.19) |
2976 | Amends comprehensive plan; repeals Ord. 2912 (Repealed by 3044) |
2977 | Amends 2014 budget (Special) |
2978 | Continues the Central Marysville annexation sales and use tax (3.85) |
2979 | Amends §§ 22A.010.160, 22A.020.040, 22C.020.070, 22C.110.020 and 22C.110.030, caretaker’s quarters (22A.010, 22A.020, 22C.020, 22C.110) |
2980 | Amends §§ 22A.010.160 and 22C.020.060; repeals Ord. 2969, master planned senior communities (22A.010, 22C.020) |
2981 | Adds §§ 22C.020.070(70), 22G.010.270, 22G.010.280, 22G.090.185, 22G.090.385, 22G.100.125 and 22G.120.390; amends §§ 22A.010.160, 22C.020.060, 22G.010.150, 22G.010.250, 22G.010.260, 22G.030.020 and 22G.090.380; amends and renumbers §§ 22G.010.340 to be 22G.010.360, 22G.010.360 to be 22G.010.380, 22G.010.370 to be 22G.010.390, 22G.010.450 to be 22G.010.470, 22G.010.510 to be 22G.010.530 and 22G.010.520 to be 22G.010.540; renumbers §§ 22G.010.270 to be 22G.010.290, 22G.010.280 to be 22G.010.300, 22G.010.290 to be 22G.010.310, 22G.010.300 to be 22G.010.320, 22G.010.310 to be 22G.010.330, 22G.010.320 to be 22G.010.340, 22G.010.330 to be 22G.010.350, 22G.010.350 to be 22G.010.370, 22G.010.380 to be 22G.010.400, 22G.010.390 to be 22G.010.410, 22G.010.400 to be 22G.010.420, 22G.010.410 to be 22G.010.430, 22G.010.420 to be 22G.010.440, 22G.010.430 to be 22G.010.450, 22G.010.440 to be 22G.010.460, 22G.010.460 to be 22G.010.480, 22G.010.470 to be 22G.010.490, 22G.010.480 to be 22G.010.500, 22G.010.490 to be 22G.010.510, 22G.010.500 to be 22G.010.520, 22G.010.530 to be 22G.010.550 and 22G.010.540 to be 22G.010.560; repeals and replaces § 22G.090.170; repeals § 22G.090.280, legislative enactments (22A.010, 22C.020, 22G.010, 22G.030, 22G.090, 22G.100, 22G.120) |
2982 | Amends §§ 22A.010.160, 22C.100.030(3) and 22C.100.040(3), nonconforming situations (22A.010, 22C.100) |
2983 | Amends §§ 22A.010.160, 22A.020.140, 22C.160.170(10), 22C.160.180(5) and 22C.160.240(1)(b), sign code (22A.010, 22A.020) |
2984 | Adds § 10.04.335, beekeeping (10.04) |
2985 | Adds §§ 22C.020.070(70) and (71) [(71) and (72)]; amends §§ 10.04.460, 22A.010.160, 22A.020.120, 22A.020.170 and 22C.020.060, pet daycares and kennels (10.04, 22A.010, 22A.020, 22C.020) |
2986 | Amends §§ 22A.010.160, 22D.020.090(5), 22D.020.100(2)(a), 22D.030.070(9)(a)(iv), 22D.040.050(4)(b) and 22D.040.060(4)(a), term for expending impact fees (22A.010, 22D.020, 22D.030, 22D.040) |
2987 | Adds [amends] § 22E.030.090; amends § 22A.010.160, State Environmental Policy Act (22A.010, 22E.030) |
2988 | Adds § 22C.250.030(7); amends § 22A.010.160, State Environmental Policy Act (22A.010, 22C.250) |
2989 | Amends §§ 22A.010.160, 22E.010.280, 22E.010.300 and 22E.010.310, critical areas management – geologic hazards (22A.010, 22E.010) |
2990 | Street and storm water detention pond vacation (Special) |
2991 | Condemnation and acquisition of property (Special) |
2992 | Adopts 2015 – 2019 community development block grant consolidated plan (Special) |
2993 | Grants cable television system franchise (Special) |
2994 | Amends § 5.24.090(4), for-hire vehicles (5.24) |
2995 | Adds § 6.82.071, fireworks (6.82) |
2996 | Amends § 14.07.090, water and sewer recovery contracts (14.07) |
2997 | Amends §§ 22A.010.160, 22D.020.030, 22D.030.070(9) and 22D.040.060, development impact fees (22A.010, 22D.020, 22D.030, 22D.040) |
2998 | Amends 2015-2016 budget (Special) |
2999 | Amends § 2.24.030, municipal judge qualifications and appointment (2.24) |
3000 | Repeals and replaces comprehensive plan (Repealed by 3330) |
3001 | Amends § 6.82.173, smoking and electronic cigarettes in parks (6.82) |
3002 | Amends 2015-2016 budget (Special) |
3003 | Affirms recommendation of hearing examiner for Lakewood Station binding site plan; repeals Ord. 2929 (Special) |
3004 | Condemnation and acquisition of property (Special) |
3005 | Condemnation and acquisition of property (Special) |
3006 | Amends Ch. 12.06, Marysville transportation benefit district (12.06) |
3007 | Adds Ch. 16.24, utility service for occupancy (16.24) |
3008 | 2016 tax levy (Special) |
3009 | 2016 EMS tax levy (Special) |
3010 | Determines substantial need to increase property tax limit factor (Special) |
3011 | Amends 2015-2016 budget (Special) |
3012 | Amends 2015-2016 budget (Special) |
3013 | Condemnation and acquisition of property (Special) |
3014 | Amends Ch. 9.20, fireworks (9.20) |
3015 | Repeals Ch. 2.08, library board (Repealer) |
3016 | Continues the Central Marysville annexation sales and use tax (3.85) |
3017 | Amends § 10.04.380, animal control (10.04) |
3018 | Amends § 3.51.020, petty cash fund distribution (3.51) |
3019 | Amends § 3.63.030, eligibility for utility rate relief for low-income senior citizens and disabled persons (3.63) |
3020 | Adds Ch. 3.104, industrial/manufacturing property tax exemption (3.104) |
3021 | Amends §§ 5.02.040, 5.02.070, 22A.010.160 and 22G.030.020, business license, home occupation fees (22A.010, 22G.030) |
3022 | Amends §§ 6.24.050, 22A.010.160, 22A.020.040, 22A.020.140, 22A.020.190, 22A.020.220, 22C.010.060, 22C.010.070, 22C.020.060 and 22C.020.070, marijuana (6.24, 22A.010, 22A.020, 22C.010, 22C.020) |
3023 | Amends Ch. 2.80, code of ethics (2.80) |
3024 | Amends § 2.24.030, municipal judge qualifications and appointment (2.24) |
3025 | Amends §§ 11.08.030 and 11.08.070, parking regulations (11.08) |
3026 | Amends § 14.07.010, capital improvement charges (14.07) |
3027 | Amends 2015-2016 budget (Special) |
3028 | Amends § 14.01.050, sewer connection (14.01) |
3029 | Amends Ch. 6.24, public nuisances (6.24) |
3030 | Bond issuance (Special) |
3031 | Complete streets policy (12.44) |
3032 | Amends §§ 22A.010.160, 22G.090.170, 22G.090.380 and 22G.100.120, subdivisions (22A.010, 22G.090, 22G.100) |
3033 | Condemnation and acquisition of property (Special) |
3034 | Condemnation and acquisition of property (Special) |
3035 | Adds § 14.15.155; amends §§ 12.02A.090, 12.02A.100, 14.03.030, 14.03.300, 14.03.330, 14.15.015, 14.15.020, 14.15.030, 14.15.040, 14.15.050, 14.15.062, 14.15.065, 14.15.120, 14.15.130, 14.15.140, 14.16.040, 14.17.035, 14.21.030, 14.21.050, 14.21.060, 22A.010.160, 22A.020.170, 22C.120.170 and 22C.130.050; repeals Ch. 22C.260, low impact development storm water management (12.02A, 14.03, 14.15, 14.16, 14.17, 14.21, 22A.010, 22A.020, 22C.120, 22C.130) |
3036 | Amends 2015-2016 budget (Special) |
3037 | Amends §§ 6.82.020 and 6.82.070, park code (6.82) |
3038 | Adds § 22D.030.071, traffic impact fee exemption for low-income housing (22D.030) |
3039 | 2017 EMS tax levy (Special) |
3040 | Adopts parks and recreation department fee schedules; repeals Ord. 2502 (Special) |
3041 | Amends § 3.64.020(1) and (2), utilities tax (3.64) |
3042 | Adopts 2017-2018 budget (Special) |
3043 | Amends §§ 14.07.005, 14.07.060, 14.07.070 and 14.19.050, water, sewer and surface water utility rates (14.07, 14.19) |
3044 | Amends comprehensive plan; repeals Ord. 2976 (Repealed by 3111) |
3045 | Amends 2015-2016 budget (Special) |
3046 | Amends 2017-2018 budget (Special) |
3047 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 11.52, commute trip reduction (CTR) plan (11.52) |
3048 | Continues the Central Marysville annexation sales and use tax (3.85) |
3049 | Amends § 2.50.050, compensation of council members (2.50) |
3050 | Adds § 11.37.055; amends § 11.37.050, qualifications for tow truck operators (11.37) |
3051 | Right-of-way dedication (Special) |
3052 | Amends comprehensive plan (Special) |
3053 | Adds Ch. 22C.065; amends § 22A.010.160, Lakewood Neighborhood master plan area (22A.010) |
3054 | Amends §§ 22A.010.160, 22A.020.050, 22A.020.070, 22A.020.200, 22C.010.060, 22C.010.070, 22C.010.090, 22C.010.210, 22C.010.220, 22C.020.060, 22C.020.070, 22C.020.190, 22C.130.030, 22C.160.080, 22G.080.100, unified development code (22A.010, 22A.020, 22C.010, 22C.020, 22C.130, 22G.080) |
3055 | Annexation (Special) |
3056 | EMS property tax levy increase (Special) |
3057 | Amends §§ 22A.010.060, 22A.020.150, 22C.010.080, 22C.010.090, 22C.020.060 and 22C.220.060; repeals § 22C.220.070, unified development code (22A.010, 22A.020, 22C.010, 22C.020, 22C.220) |
3058 | Amends § 6.28.040, stay out of drug areas (SODA) orders (6.28) |
3059 | Adopts 2016 water system plan (Special) |
3060 | Amends surface water comprehensive plan (Special) |
3061 | Amends Ch. 6.30, public indecency (6.30) |
3062 | Amends §§ 3.49.010 and 3.50.010, payroll and claims funds (3.49, 3.50) |
3063 | Repeals Ch. 3.53, travel advance fund (Repealer) |
3064 | Adds § 5.02.111; amends §§ 5.02.010, 5.02.045 and 5.02.110, business licenses (Repealed by 3101) |
3065 | Adds § 14.07.100; amends §§ 14.07.080, 14.07.090 and 14.16.120, capital improvement charges (14.07, 14.16) |
3066 | Transfer of control of franchise (Special) |
3067 | Grants telecommunications franchise (Special) |
3068 | Grants telecommunications franchise (Special) |
3069 | Right-of-way dedication (Special) |
3070 | 2018 – 2023 EMS tax levy (Special) |
3071 | Amends §§ 22A.020.200, 22C.010.060 and 22C.020.060, moratorium on supervised drug consumption facilities (22A.020, 22C.010, 22C.020) |
3072 | Amends Ch. 2.12, emergency management organization (2.12) |
3073 | Amends §§ 22A.010.160, 22E.010.060 and 22E.010.100, wetland rating, classification and buffer areas (22A.010, 22E.010) |
3074 | Amends §§ 22A.010.160, 22C.090.030, 22C.090.050 and 22C.090.060, residential density incentives (22A.010, 22C.090) |
3075 | Amends §§ 22A.10.160, 22G.090.160, 22G.090.260, 22G.090.270, 22G.090.290, 22G.090.400 and 22G.090.480, administrative approval of final subdivision (22A.010, 22G.090) |
3076 | Adds § 11.08.241, requirements for vehicles parking in public right-of-way (11.08) |
3077 | Amends 2017-2018 budget (Special) |
3078 | Amends § 11.08.200, parking recreational vehicles and trucks (11.08) |
3079 | Adds § 11.04.065, entering restricted intersections (11.04) |
3080 | Amends 2017-2018 budget (Special) |
3081 | Amends 2017-2018 budget (Special) |
3082 | Amends Ord. 3081, 2017-2018 budget (Special) |
3083 | Grants wireless facilities franchise (Special) |
3084 | Adds § 6.82.031, naming parks and park property (6.82) |
3085 | Amends §§ 22A.010.160, 22A.020.200, 22C.010.060 and 22C.020.060, supervised drug consumption facilities (22A.010, 22A.020, 22C.010, 22C.020) |
3086 | Amends §§ 22A.010.160, 22C.020.060 and 22C.020.070, miscellaneous light manufacturing uses (22A.010, 22C.020) |
3087 | Amends Ch. 3.51, petty cash fund (3.51) |
3088 | Continues the Central Marysville annexation sales and use tax (3.85) |
3089 | Maintains § 3.65.010, water and sewer department gross receipts tax (Repealed by 3267) |
3090 | Maintains § 3.69.010, surface water utility gross receipts tax (Repealed by 3268) |
3091 | Amends §§ 4.02.040 and 6.76.090, noise violation penalties (4.02, 6.76) |
3092 | Amends Chs. 6.22, 6.37, 6.48 and 6.56, penal code (6.22, 6.48, 6.56) |
3093 | Amends §§ 22A.010.160, 22C.010.280, 22C.160.140, 22C.160.170, 22C.180.020, 22C.180.030, 22D.020.040, 22G.060.090, 22G.080.020, 22G.080.030 and 22G.100.040, unified development code (22A.010, 22C.180, 22D.020, 22G.060, 22G.080, 22G.100) |
3094 | Amends Ch. 6.06, adoption of state provisions (6.06) |
3095 | Amends § 6.60.010, state weapons control statutes (6.60) |
3096 | Bond issuance (Special) |
3097 | Amends § 5.02.140, business licensing (Repealed by 3101) |
3098 | Amends 2017-2018 budget (Special) |
3099 | Adds Ch. 3.53, surplus personal property (3.53) |
3100 | Bond issuance (Special) |
3101 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 5.02, business licenses (5.02) |
3102 | Land acquisition (Special) |
3103 | Land acquisition (Special) |
3104 | Amends Ord. 2990, street and storm water detention pond vacation (Special) |
3105 | Amends § 14.18.110, regional storm water drainage (14.18) |
3106 | Rezone (Special) |
3107 | Amends §§ 22A.010.160, 22A.020.050, 22A.020.210, 22C.020.080, 22C.020.090, 22G.010.100, 22G.010.160 and 22G.010.350, unified development code (22A.010, 22A.020, 22C.020, 22G.010) |
3108 | Adopts 2019-2020 budget (Special) |
3109 | 2019 tax levy (Special) |
3110 | 2019 EMS tax levy (Special) |
3111 | Amends comprehensive plan; repeals Ord. 3044 (Repealed by 3163) |
3112 | Amends comprehensive plan; rezone (Special) |
3113 | Amends comprehensive plan; rezone (Special) |
3114 | Amends comprehensive plan (Special) |
3115 | Amends §§ 22A.010.160 and 22C.130.030, manufacturing and warehouse parking (22A.010, 22C.130) |
3116 | Amends 2017-2018 budget (Special) |
3117 | Amends § 3.64.020, telephone business (3.64) |
3118 | Amends comprehensive plan (Special) |
3119 | Rights-of-way vacation (Special) |
3120 | Amends § 3.63.030, low-income senior or disabled citizens’ eligibility for utility rate relief (3.63) |
3121 | Continues the Central Marysville annexation sales and use tax (3.85) |
3122 | Amends § 2.24.030, municipal judge qualifications and appointments (2.24) |
3123 | Amends § 2.04.010, city council meeting places and times (2.04) |
3124 | Repeals § 3.103.160, termination of multifamily housing property tax exemption (Repealer) |
3125 | Amends §§ 22A.010.160, 22A.020.020, 22A.020.030, 22A.020.040, 22A.020.050, 22A.020.060, 22A.020.130, 22A.020.140, 22A.020.170, 22A.020.200, 22A.020.210, 22A.020.220, 22A.020.240 and Ch. 22C.250, wireless communication facilities (22A.010, 22A.020, 22C.250) |
3126 | Amends 2019-2020 budget (Special) |
3127 | Right-of-way dedication (Special) |
3128 | Condemnation and acquisition of property (Special) |
3129 | Amends §§ 22A.010.160, 22C.250.040, 22C.250.100, 22C.250.130, 22C.250.150 and 22C.250.260, wireless communication facilities (22A.010, 22C.250) |
3130 | Amends §§ 22A.010.160 and 22A.020.040; repeals and replaces § 22C.010.280, cottage housing developments (22A.010, 22A.020, 22C.010) |
3131 | Adds § 10.04.385, animal control (10.04) |
3132 | Consents to change of control of cable system franchise (Special) |
3133 | Amends § 2.04.010, city council meeting places and times (2.04) |
3134 | 2020 EMS tax levy (Special) |
3135 | 2020 tax levy (Special) |
3136 | Amends §§ 22A.010.160, 22G.100.050, 22G.100.150 and 22G.100.180, binding site plans (22A.010, 22G.100) |
3137 | Amends §§ 22A.010.160, 22C.20.060 and 22C.20.070, commercial, industrial, recreation and public institutional zones (22A.010, 22C.020) |
3138 | Amends §§ 22A.10.160, 22G.080.050, 22G.080.080 and 22G.080.100, planned residential developments (22A.010, 22G.080) |
3139 | Amends §§ 22A.10.160, 22C.010.060 and 22C.010.070, residential zones (22A.010, 22C.010) |
3140 | Amends Ch. 3.51, petty cash fund (3.51) |
3141 | Amends §§ 7.08.031, 7.08.060, 7.08.065, 7.08.090 and 7.08.115, garbage collection (7.08) |
3142 | Amends 2019-2020 budget (Special) |
3143 | Amends § 6.33.010, obscenity and pornography (6.33) |
3144 | Adds Ch. 3.105, affordable and supportive housing sales tax credit fund (3.105) |
3145 | Continues the Central Marysville annexation sales and use tax (3.85) |
3146 | Amends §§ 22A.010.060, 22A.020.050, 22A.020.060, 22A.020.070 and 22A.020.200; repeals and replaces Ch. 22E.050, shoreline master program (22A.010, 22A.020, 22E.050) |
3147 | Amends §§ 14.05.040 and 14.05.070, payment options during an emergency (14.05) |
3148 | Temporarily designates the Everett Herald as official newspaper (Repealed by 3224) |
3149 | Amends § 2.48.040, police commissions (2.48) |
3150 | Adopts 2020 – 2024 community development block grant consolidated plan (Special) |
3151 | Amends §§ 22A.010.160, 22A.020.020, 22A.020.030, 22A.020.060, 22A.020.070, 22A.020.090, 22A.020.130, 22A.020.140, 22A.020.190, 22A.020.200 and 22A.020.230; repeals and replaces Ch. 22E.020, floodplain management (22A.010, 22A.020, 22E.020) |
3152 | Extends term of franchise grant (Special) |
3153 | Bond issuance (Special) |
3154 | Amends 2019-2020 budget (Special) |
3155 | Amends §§ 22A.010.160 and 22A.020.180, qualified scientific professionals (22A.010, 22A.020) |
3156 | Amends §§ 22A.010.160 and 22C.130.030, minimum required parking spaces (22A.010, 22C.130) |
3157 | Amends § 12.02A.090, frontage improvements (12.02A) |
3158 | Amends §§ 6.82.040, 6.82.175 and 6.82.190; repeals § 6.82.085, park code (6.82) |
3159 | Amends §§ 22A.010.160, 22C.020.030, 22C.020.060, 22C.020.070, 22C.020.080 and 22C.020.090, development regulations (22A.010, 22C.020) |
3160 | Adopts 2021-2022 budget (Special) |
3161 | 2021 tax levy (Special) |
3162 | 2021 EMS tax levy (Special) |
3163 | Amends comprehensive plan; repeals Ord. 3111 (Repealed by 3241) |
3164 | Amends §§ 22A.010.160, 22A.020.190, 22A.020.210, 22C.010.060, 22C.010.070, 22C.020.060, 22C.020.070, title of Ch. 22C.230, §§ 22C.230.070 and 22C.230.150, mobile/manufactured homes (22A.010, 22A.020, 22C.010, 22C.020, 22C.230) |
3165 | Amends comprehensive plan (Special) |
3166 | Amends § 3.63.030, low-income senior or disabled citizens’ eligibility for utility rate relief (3.63) |
3167 | Amends §§ 22A.010.160 and 22C.010.070, residential zones (22A.010, 22C.010) |
3168 | Interim ordinance; amends §§ 22A.020.060, 22C.010.060, 22C.010.070, 22C.020.060 and 22C.020.070, enhanced services facilities (Expired) |
3169 | Amends 2019-2020 budget (Special) |
3170 | Amends Ch. 3.51, petty cash fund (3.51) |
3171 | Repeals Ch. 3.99, Ken Baxter senior/community center appreciation fund (Repealer) |
3172 | Amends 2021-2022 budget (Special) |
3173 | Amends § 2.34.010, chief administrative officer (2.34) |
3174 | Amends § 11.08.200, truck parking (11.08) |
3175 | Amends § 11.62.020, truck routes (11.62) |
3176 | Amends 2021-2022 budget (Special) |
3177 | Consents to change of control of telecommunications system franchise (Special) |
3178 | Consents to change of control of cable system franchise (Special) |
3179 | Adds § 6.27.030; amends § 6.27.010, controlled substances and drug paraphernalia (6.27) |
3180 | Amends §§ 22C.020.060, 22C.020.070 and 22C.170.040, land use standards (22C.020, 22C.170) |
3181 | Amends 2021-2022 budget (Special) |
3182 | Extends Ord. 3168, enhanced services facilities (Repealed by 3196) |
3183 | Amends Ch. 6.27, controlled substances and drug paraphernalia (6.27) |
3184 | Street vacation (Special) |
3185 | Amends §§ 14.07.060, 14.07.070, 14.19.010 and 14.19.050, water, sewer and surface water utility rates (14.07, 14.19) |
3186 | Amends § 6.36.030, loitering (6.36) |
3187 | Amends 2021-2022 budget (Special) |
3188 | Extends term of franchise grant (Special) |
3189 | Street vacation (Special) |
3190 | Condemnation and acquisition of property (Special) |
3191 | Adopts 2021 downtown master plan; amends § 22A.010.160; repeals and replaces Ch. 22C.080; repeals Ord. 2788, downtown master plan area design requirements (22A.010, 22C.080) |
3192 | Adds §§ 22E.040.040 and 22E.040.050; amends §§ 22A.010.160, 22E.040.020 and 22E.040.030; renumbers and amends §§ 22E.040.040 to be 22E.040.060, 22E.040.050 to be 22E.040.070 and 22E.040.060 to be 22E.040.080, downtown planned actions (22A.010, 22E.040) |
3193 | Amends §§ 6.76.030, 12.22.010, 22A.010.160, 22A.020.020, 22A.020.080, 22A.020.090, 22A.020.130, 22A.020.170, 22A.030.020, 22A.030.090, 22A.030.130, 22C.010.320, 22C.020.020, 22C.020.030, 22C.020.060, 22C.020.070, 22C.020.080, 22C.020.090, 22C.020.240, 22C.020.270, 22C.040.040, 22C.090.020, 22C.130.030, 22C.250.080 and 22D.030.070, unified development code (6.76, 12.22, 22A.010, 22A.020, 22A.030, 22C.010, 22C.020, 22C.040, 22C.090, 22C.130, 22C.250, 22D.030) |
3194 | Amends §§ 3.103.030, 3.103.040, 3.103.070 and 3.103.150, multifamily housing property tax exemption (3.103) |
3195 | Amends § 22A.010.060; repeals and replaces Ch. 22C.160, signs (22A.010, 22C.160) |
3196 | Adds Ch. 22C.280; amends §§ 22A.010.160, 22A.020.060, 22C.010.060, 22C.010.070, 22C.020.060, 22C.020.070, 22C.080.120 and 22C.080.130; repeals Ord. 3182, enhanced services facilities (22A.010, 22A.020, 22C.010, 22C.020, 22C.080, 22C.280) |
3197 | Amends § 6.50.010, cyberstalking (6.50) |
3198 | Adds §§ 6.56.030 and 6.56.040, domestic violence (6.56) |
3199 | Amends 2021-2022 budget (Special) |
3200 | Amends §§ 7.08.110 and 7.08.113, residential and multifamily recyclable collection rate (7.08) |
3201 | 2022 EMS tax levy (Special) |
3202 | Amends § 14.07.010, capital improvement charges (14.07) |
3203 | Amends §§ 22A.010.160, 22A.020.020, 22A.020.050, 22A.020.090, 22A.020.120, 22A.020.140, 22A.020.160, 22A.020.200, 22C.130.030 and 22C.180.030, accessory dwelling units (22A.010, 22A.020, 22C.130, 22C.180) |
3204 | Amends §§ 6.76.020, 6.76.050 and 6.76.060, noise regulation (6.76) |
3205 | Adds Ch. 22C.290; amends §§ 22A.010.160, 22A.020.060, 22A.020.170, 22C.010.060, 22C.010.070, 22C.020.060, 22C.020.070, 22C.080.120 and 22C.130.030, emergency housing and shelters (22A.010, 22A.020, 22C.010, 22C.020, 22C.080, 22C.130, 22C.290) |
3206 | Adds Ch. 22C.260; amends §§ 22A.010.160 and 22A.020.140, mobile food vendors (22A.010, 22A.020, 22C.260) |
3207 | Adds §§ 22A.010.075, 22C.010.055, 22C.010.075, 22C.020.055 and 22C.020.075; amends §§ 22A.010.070 and 22A.010.160, unified development code administration (22A.010, 22C.010, 22C.020) |
3208 | Amends 2021-2022 budget (Special) |
3209 | Adds Ch. 11.70, wheeled all-terrain vehicles (11.70) |
3210 | Amends §§ 22A.010.160, 22G.090.200, 22G.090.290, 22G.090.490, 22G.100.140, 22G.100.450, 22G.110.090, 22G.110.100 and 22G.120.290, mylar (22A.010, 22G.090, 22G.100, 22G.110, 22G.120) |
3211 | Rezone; amends comprehensive plan and § 22A.010.160, Cascade Business Park (22A.010) |
3212 | Amends 2021-2022 budget (Special) |
3213 | Amends §§ 2.30.055, 2.35.055 and 2.48.020; repeals § 2.24.085, official bonds (2.30, 2.35, 2.48) |
3214 | Amends §§ 7.08.110, 7.08.111, 7.08.112 and 7.08.113, garbage collection (7.08) |
3215 | Amends § 3.63.020, rate relief (3.63) |
3216 | Amends § 22C.020.080, interim development regulations (22C.020) |
3217 | Amends 2021-2022 budget (Special) |
3218 | Amends §§ 14.15.015, 14.15.030, 14.15.040, 14.15.050, 14.15.062, 14.15.065, 14.17.035, 22A.010.160, 22C.120.170, 22D.050.050 and 22G.010.250, stormwater management regulations (14.15, 14.17, 22A.010, 22C.120, 22D.050, 22G.010) |
3219 | Adds § 22C.090.090; amends §§ 22A.010.160, 22C.090.020, 22C.090.030, 22C.090.040, 22C.090.060 and 22C.090.080, residential density incentives (22A.010, 22C.090) |
3220 | Adds § 4.02.060; amends § 2.48.040, commissions and civil enforcement (2.48, 4.02) |
3221 | Amends 2021-2022 budget (Special) |
3222 | Amends §§ 14.20.030, 14.20.040, 14.20.130, 14.20.150, 14.21.010, 14.21.020, 14.21.030, 14.21.080 and 14.21.090, water and sewers (14.20, 14.21) |
3223 | Amends §§ 14.07.010 and 14.07.060, water and sewer fees and charges (14.07) |
3224 | Repeals Ch. 1.04 and Ord. 3148, publication of ordinances (Repealer) |
3225 | Amends § 3.104.020, industrial/manufacturing property tax exemption (3.104) |
3226 | Designates additional targeted area for property tax exemption for value of new construction of industrial/manufacturing facilities (Special) |
3227 | |
3228 | Amends 2021-2022 budget (Special) |
3229 | Extends term of franchise grant (Special) |
3230 | Amends § 22A.010.160; repeals and replaces Ch. 22C.070, East Sunnyside – Whiskey Ridge subarea design requirements (22A.010, 22C.070) |
3231 | |
3232 | Amends § 6.82.125, parking in city parks (6.82) |
3233 | Amends 2021-2022 budget (Special) |
3234 | Amends 2021-2022 budget (Special) |
3235 | Extends Ord. 3216, interim development regulations (22C.020) |
3236 | Amends Ch. 2.04, time and place of council meetings (2.04) |
3237 | 2023 EMS tax levy (Special) |
3238 | 2023 tax levy (Special) |
3239 | Adopts 2023-2024 budget (Special) |
3240 | Street vacation (Special) |
3241 | Amends comprehensive plan; repeals Ord. 3163 (Special) |
3242 | Amends comprehensive plan and § 22A.010.160; repeals Ch. 22C.085, 88th Street master plan (22A.010) |
3243 | Amends comprehensive plan and §§ 22A.010.160, 22C.020.060 and 22C.020.070, commercial permitted uses (22A.010, 22C.020) |
3244 | Adds § 22C.020.245; amends comprehensive plan and §§ 22A.010.160, 22C.020.230, 22C.020.240, 22C.020.340, 22C.130.050 and 22C.160.170, industrial site and building design standards (22A.010, 22C.020, 22C.130, 22C.160) |
3245 | Amends §§ 22A.010.160 and 22C.010.260, residential design requirements (22A.010, 22C.010) |
3246 | Rezone (Special) |
3247 | Adds § 6.27.022; amends § 6.27.025, use of controlled substance in public place (6.27) |
3248 | Amends § 6.54.010, public disturbances (6.54) |
3249 | Amends 2021-2022 budget (Special) |
3250 | Amends 2023-2024 budget (Special) |
3251 | Adds § 16.04.150; amends §§ 16.04.010, 16.04.030, 16.04.035, 16.04.037, 16.04.045, 16.04.050, 16.04.060, 16.04.070, 16.04.080, 16.04.090, 16.04.100, 16.04.120, 16.04.140, 16.04.160, 16.08.010, 16.08.075, 16.08.120, 16.12.010, 16.12.200, 16.28.010 and 16.28.015; repeals § 16.04.170, building codes (16.04, 16.08, 16.12, 16.28) |
3252 | Amends 2023-2024 budget (Special) |
3253 | Adds §§ 9.04.510.1, 9.04.510.2, 9.04.510.3, 9.04.510.4, 9.04.510.4.1, 9.04.510.4.1.1, 9.04.510.4.1.2, 9.04.510.4.1.3, 9.04.510.4.2, 9.04.510.4.2.1, 9.04.510.4.2.2, 9.04.510.4.2.3, 9.04.510.4.2.4, 9.04.510.4.2.5, 9.04.510.4.2.6, 9.04.510.4.2.7, 9.04.510.4.2.8, 9.04.510.5, 9.04.510.5.1, 9.04.510.5.2, 9.04.510.5.3, 9.04.510.5.4, 9.04.510.5.5, 9.04.510.5.6, 9.04.510.5.7, 9.04.510.6, 9.04.510.6.1, 9.04.510.6.1.1, 9.04.510.6.2, 9.04.510.6.3, 9.04.510.6.4, 9.04.901.4.6, 9.04.901.6.3, 9.04.901.7, 9.04.907.1.3.1, 9.04.907.6, 9.04.913.2 and 9.04.1008.3; amends §§ 9.04.010, 9.04.030, 9.04.040, 9.04.101, 9.04.503, 9.04.503.2.5, 9.04.505, 9.04.507.3, 9.04.510, 9.04.903.2.1, 9.04.903.2.3, 9.04.903.2.4, 9.04.903.2.7 and 9.04.903.2.9; repeals §§ 9.04.105, 9.04.503.1.4, 9.04.503.2, 9.04.503.2.3, 9.04.601 and 9.04.605, fire code (9.04) |
3254 | Amends Ch. 3.51, petty cash fund (3.51) |
3255 | Amends 2023-2024 budget (Special) |
3256 | Amends §§ 22A.010.160, 22B.010.020, 22C.050.090, 22E.030.120, 22G.010.090, 22G.010.100, 22G.010.110, 22G.010.120, 22G.010.130, 22G.010.150, 22G.010.160, 22G.020.060, 22G.060.100, 22G.060.120, 22G.090.080, 22G.090.110, 22G.090.120, 22G.090.340, 22G.100.100 and 22G.120.070, public notice (22A.010, 22B.010, 22C.050, 22E.030, 22G.010, 22G.020, 22G.060, 22G.090, 22G.100, 22G.120) |
3257 | Amends §§ 22A.010.160, 22A.020.160, 22G.080.100, 22G.090.040 [22C.090.040] and 22G.090.060 [22C.090.060], open space, residential density incentives (22A.010, 22A.020, 22C.090, 22G.080) |
3258 | Amends 2023-2024 budget (Special) |
3259 | Rezone (Special) |
3260 | Amends §§ 6.76.030, 12.22.010, 22A.010.160, 22A.030.020, 22A.030.095, 22C.020.020, 22C.020.030, 22C.020.060, 22C.020.070, 22C.020.080, 22C.020.240, 22C.040.040, 22C.250.080 and 22D.030.070, zoning (6.76, 12.22, 22A.010, 22A.030, 22C.020, 22C.040, 22C.250, 22D.030) |
3261 | Amends 2023-2024 budget (Special) |
3262 | Adds § 7.06.060, user of compost products (7.06) |
3263 | Amends §§ 22A.010.160, 22C.020.070 and 22C.020.080, commercial, industrial, recreation, public institutional zones (22A.010, 22C.020) |
3264 | Adds Ch. 11.70, wheeled all-terrain vehicles (WATVs) (11.70) |
3265 | Amends §§ 22A.010.160, 22C.010.280, 22C.010.300, 22C.010.320, 22C.010.330, 22C.010.350, 22C.010.370, 22C.020.260, 22C.020.265, 22C.020.270 and 22C.020.300; repeals and replaces § Ch. 22C.065; repeals Appendix A, Lakewood master plan, land use, development code (22A.010, 22C.010, 22C.020, 22C.065) |
3266 | Adds § 22G.070.110; amends §§ 22A.010.160 and 22G.070.100, EPF permit applications (22A.010, 22G.070) |
3267 | Amends § 3.65.010; repeals Ord. 3089, water, gross receipts tax (3.65) |
3268 | Amends § 3.69.010; repeals Ord. 3090, surface water gross receipts tax (3.69) |
3269 | Amends 2023-2024 budget (Special) |
3270 | Right-of-way dedication (Special) |
3271 | Amends § 2.24.090, court costs (2.24) |
3272 | Amends Ch. 6.27, controlled substances and drug paraphernalia (Repealed by 3275) |
3273 | Amends §§ 5.48.020, 5.48.030 and 5.48.050, Strawberry Festival (5.48) |
3274 | Amends Ch. 3.51, petty cash fund (3.51) |
3275 | Amends Ch. 6.27; repeals Ord. 3272, controlled substances and drug paraphernalia (6.27) |
3276 | Amends § 3.76.010, municipal arts fund (3.76) |
3277 | Amends §§ 16.04.045, 16.08.075, 16.12.020, 16.28.015, 22D.050.020, 22G.030.010 and 22G.030.020, land use, engineering, construction and building code fees (16.04, 16.08, 16.12, 16.28, 22D.050, 22G.030) |
3278 | Amends Ch. 2.35, finance director (2.35) |
3279 | Amends Ch. 2.30, city clerk (2.30) |
3280 | Extends term of franchise grant (Special) |
3281 | Amends §§ 22A.010.160 and 22E.030.180, SEPA appeals (22A.010, 22E.030) |
3282 | Amends 2023-2024 budget (Special) |
3283 | Adds § 7.08.034; amends §§ 7.08.012, 7.08.031, 7.08.060 and 7.08.110, garbage collection (7.08) |
3284 | Amends § 3.67.010, solid waste department tax (3.67) |
3285 | Amends § 3.63.020, rate relief (3.63) |
3286 | Amends § 16.04.045, building permit fees (16.04) |
3287 | Repeals Ch. 6.37 (Repealer) |
3288 | Amends Ch. 2.45, jail/correctional facilities (2.45) |
3289 | Adds §§ 6.03.120 [6.03.130] and 6.15.020, penal code (6.03, 6.15) |
3290 | Amends §§ 10.04.020, 10.04.160, 10.04.220, 10.04.310, 10.04.315 and 10.04.340; repeals §§ 10.04.240 and 10.04.510, animal control (10.04) |
3291 | 2024 tax levy (Special) |
3292 | Amends 2023-2024 budget (Special) |
3293 | Amends §§ 22A.010.160, 22C.020.240 and 22C.020.245, commercial, industrial, recreation and public institutional zones (22A.010, 22C.020) |
3294 | Amends comprehensive plan and zoning map (Special) |
3295 | Amends downtown master plan and §§ 3.103.040, 22A.010.160, 22A.020.030, 22A.020.050, 22A.020.070, 22A.020.080, 22A.020.090, 22A.020.140, Ch. 22C.080 and § 22C.250.080, unified development code (3.103, 22A.010, 22A.020, 22C.080, 22C.250) |
3296 | Amends §§ 22A.010.160, 22A.020.080, 22A.020.210, 22C.160.070, 22C.160.080, 22C.160.150, 22C.160.170 and 22C.160.260, signs (22A.010, 22A.020, 22C.160) |
3297 | Amends § 6.24.040 [6.24.050], public nuisances (6.24) |
3298 | Amends Ch. 3.51, petty cash fund (3.51) |
3299 | Right-of-way dedication (Special) |
3300 | Amends 2023-2024 budget (Special) |
3301 | Amends 2023-2024 budget (Special) |
3302 | Amends § 3.96.010, donations, devises or bequests (3.96) |
3303 | Adds § 2.12.060, emergency repairs and maintenance (2.12) |
3304 | Amends 2023-2024 budget (Special) |
3305 | Adds § 14.01.090, sewer and water general provisions (14.01) |
3306 | Adds new chapter, interfund loans (3.05) |
3307 | Condemnation and acquisition of property (Special) |
3308 | Amends §§ 14.07.080 and 14.07.100, fees and charges (14.07) |
3309 | Amends 2023-2024 budget (Special) |
3310 | Amends §§ 9.04.010, 9.04.030, 9.04.503, 9.04.510.4.2.4, 9.04.510.4.2.8, 9.04.510.5.1, 9.04.901.4.6, 9.04.903.2.9, 9.20.020 and 9.20.040; renumbers and amends § 9.04.510.5.1 as 9.04.510.5 and § 9.04.510.5.3 as 9.04.510.5.4; repeals §§ 9.04.510.2 – 9.04.510.4.2.3, 9.04.510.4.2.5 – 9.04.510.4.2.7, 9.04.510.5, 9.04.510.5.2 and 9.04.510.5.4 – 9.04.510.6.4, international fire code (9.04, 9.20) |
3311 | Amends §§ 16.04.010 – 16.04.050, 16.04.160, 16.08.010, 16.08.075, 16.08.080, 16.08.120, 16.10.030, Ch. 16.12, §§ 16.28.010, 16.28.015, 16.36.010 and 16.36.020, model code updates (16.04, 16.08, 16.10, 16.12, 16.28, 16.36) |
3312 | Amends 2023-2024 budget (Special) |
3313 | Adds § 12.04.012, street names (12.04) |
3314 | Amends 2023-2024 budget (Special) |
3315 | Adds § 11.04.063; adopts RCW 46.61.748, traffic code (11.04) |
3316 | Amends 2023-2024 budget (Special) |
3317 | Amends 2023-2024 budget (Special) |
3318 | Amends §§ 22A.010.160, 22C.130.030 and 22C.130.050, residential parking configurations (22A.010, 22C.130) |
3319 | Amends 2023-2024 budget (Special) |
3320 | Amends § 5.26.010, state gambling law (5.26) |
3321 | Amends §§ 14.07.060, 14.07.070 and 14.19.050, water, sewer and surface water utility rates (14.07, 14.19) |
3322 | Repeals Ch. 3.66, water and sewer utility tax (Repealer) |
3323 | Amends § 6.03.130, public disorder crimes (6.03) |
3324 | 2025 tax levy (Special) |
3325 | Adopts 2025-2026 budget (Special) |
3326 | Condemnation and acquisition of property (Special) |
3327 | Amends §§ 16.04.010 – 16.04.050, 16.04.160, 16.08.010, 16.08.075, 16.08.080, 16.08.120, 16.10.030, Ch. 16.12, §§ 16.28.010, 16.28.015, 16.36.010 and 16.36.020, model code updates (16.04, 16.08, 16.10, 16.12, 16.28, 16.36) |
3328 | Amends §§ 22A.010.160, 22G.010.010, 22G.010.050(1), 22G.010.090(1), 22G.010.200, 22G.010.205 and 22G.030.020, project review time frames (22A.010, 22G.010, 22G.030) |
3329 | Amends §§ 22A.010.160, 22G.090.200, 22G.090.400 and 22G.100.140, subdivision addressing (22A.010, 22G.090, 22G.100) |
3330 | Repeals and replaces comprehensive plan (Special) |
3331 | Amends §§ 22A.010.160, 22C.010.060, 22C.010.070, 22C.020.020, 22C.020.030, 22C.020.060, 22C.020.070, 22C.020.080, 22C.020.090, 22C.020.240, 22C.020.245, 22C.070.050, 22C.080.105, 22C.080.110, 22C.080.120, 22C.080.140 and 22C.080.305, unified development code (22A.010, 22C.010, 22C.020, 22C.070, 22C.080) |
3332 | Amends comprehensive plan and § 22A.010.160, unified development code (22A.010) |
3333 | Amends comprehensive plan (Special) |
3334 | Amends 2023-2024 budget (Special) |
3335 | Adds Chs. 6.49, 6.55 and 6.59; amends Chs. 6.42, 6.45 and 6.48, penal code (6.42, 6.45, 6.48, 6.49, 6.55, 6.59) |
3336 | Right-of-way vacation (Special) |
3337 | Amends §§ 22G.060.030, 22G.060.050, 22G.060.080 and 22G.060.090, hearing examiner appointment, removal and jurisdiction (22G.060) |
3338 | Amends §§ 16.04.035, 16.08.080, 16.12.100, 16.20.050, 16.28.045 and 22A.010.090, appeals (16.04, 16.08, 16.12, 16.20, 16.28, 22A.010) |
3339 | Amends 2025-2026 budget (Special) |
3340 | Right-of-way vacation (Special) |
3341 | Rezone (Special) |
3342 | Adds Ch. 3.17, residential density incentive fund (3.17) |
3343 | Identifies required improvements on the 172nd Street NE corridor (Special) |