Ordinance | |
1 | City council meetings (2.04) |
2 | Bond for clerk and treasurer (2.08) |
3 | Claims against the city (3.28) |
4 | Sales and use tax (3.04) |
5 | Subdivision regulations (Repealed by 171) |
6 | Tax assessment and collection (3.24) |
7 | Special gas tax street improvement fund created (3.20) |
8 | Building code adopted (Repealed by 34) |
9 | (Repealed by 35) |
10 | Electrical code adopted (Not codified) |
11 | Parking and prima facie speed limits (Repealed by 785) |
12 | (Repealed by 57) |
13 | (Repealed) |
14 | Pacific Gas and Electric Company franchise (5.16) |
15 | Pacific Gas and Electric Company franchise (5.16) |
16 | Curfew (Repealed by 171) |
17 | Amends Ord. 13, rezone (Special) |
18 | Animal and fowl regulations (Repealed by 132) |
19 | Civil defense and disaster regulations (Repealed by 162) |
20 | Business license regulations (5.04) |
21 | Adds §§ 4.5 – 4.9 to Ord. 18, animals and fowl (Repealed by 132) |
22 | Amends § 2 of Ord. 11, prima facie speed limit (Repealed by 171) |
23 | Establishes future rights-of-way (Special) |
24 | Amends Ord. 13, R-C district created (Not codified) |
25 | Rezone (Special) |
26 | Plan lines along East Cotati Avenue (Special) |
27 | State statutes relating to law enforcement officer training adopted (2.28) |
28 | Amends § 2 of Ord. 11, prima facie speed limit (Repealed by 171) |
29 | Warrant for arrest (1.16) |
30 | Uniform traffic ordinance adopted (Repealed by 785) |
31 | Food-handling establishment regulations (Repealed by 171) |
32 | Amends § 20(A) of Ord. 20, business licenses (5.04) |
33 | Motor vehicle for hire regulations (5.12) |
34 | 1964 building code adopted; repeals Ord. 8 (Repealed by 100) |
35 | 1964 plumbing code adopted; repeals Ord. 9 (Repealed by 101) |
36 | (Repealed by 115) |
37 | Transient occupancy tax (3.12) |
38 | (Repealed) |
39 | Amends §§ 11, 11.1, 11.2 and 11.3 of Ord. 30, traffic (Repealed by 785) |
40 | Rezone (Special) |
41 | Excavation regulations (Repealed by 772) |
42 | Planning commission created (2.16) |
43 | Annexation (Special) |
44 | Rezone (Special) |
45 | Rezone (Special) |
46 | City employment (Repealed by 171, 182) |
47 | Amends Ord. 34, building code (Repealed by 100) |
48 | Amends § 32 of Ord. 20, business licenses (Not codified) |
49 | Places for posting public notices (1.08) |
50 | Rezone (Special) |
51 | Rezone (Special) |
52 | Adds § 9 to and amends § 1.1 of Ord. 18, animals and fowl (Repealed by 132) |
53 | Preliminary soil report (Repealed by 171) |
54 | Amends Art. XIX of Ord. 30, bicycle licenses (Repealed by 785) |
55 | Gambling prohibited (Repealed by 171) |
56 | Repeals § 27(c) of Ord. 20, business licenses (Repealed by 353) |
57 | Compensation for city clerk (Repealed by 171) |
58 | (Repealed by 87) |
59 | Weed abatement (Repealed by 894) |
60 | Amends §§ 10, 12, 14, 15, 19, 22, 39 and 47 of Ord. 13, zoning (Not codified) |
61 | Rezone (Special) |
62 | (Repealed by 93) |
63 | Cotati public utility ordinances adopted (Not codified) |
64 | Bond election (Special) |
65 | Amends PUD Ord. 2-A, special elections (Special) |
66 | PUD ordinance, water meter service (13.08) |
67 | Sewer service fees (Repealed by 462) |
68 | Amends PUD Ord. 7-A; repeals PUD Ord. 8-A, sewer service (Repealed by 76) |
69 | Amends PUD Ord. 7-A, sewer service fees (Repealed by 383) |
70 | Amends § 2 of PUD Ord. 5-A, water rates (Repealed by 76) |
71 | Sewer connection terms and conditions (Repealed by 200) |
72 | Water connection terms and conditions (13.04) |
73 | Conduct in parks and plazas (Not codified) |
74 | (Repealed by 109) |
75 | Amends § 9 of Ord. 58, curb, gutter, sidewalk and pavement installation (Repealed by 87) |
76 | Adopts PUD Ords. 45-A and 46-A by reference (Not codified) |
77 | Amends PUD Ord. 7-A, sewer service fees, repeals PUD Ord. 17A (Repealed by 462) |
78 | Water rates; repeals PUD Ords. 5-A and 35-A (13.12) |
79 | Amends § 2 of Ord. 11, prima facie speed limit (Repealed by 171) |
80 | Garbage collection and disposal (Repealed by 634) |
81 | Amends §§ 24(1) and 25 of Ord. 20, business licenses (5.04) |
82 | (Repealed by 93) |
83 | Rezone (Special) |
84 | Documentary stamp tax (3.08) |
85 | Rezone (Special) |
86 | (Repealed) |
87 | Curb, gutter, sidewalk and pavement installation, repeals Ords. 58 and 75 (Repealed by 104) |
88 | Amends § 2 of Ord. 36, parks and recreation commission (Repealed by 115) |
89 | (Repealed by 140) |
90 | CATV franchise regulations (Repealed by 626) |
91 | Amends § 2 of Ord. 4, sales and use tax (Repealed by 105) |
92 | Rezone (Special) |
93 | Repeals Ords. 62 and 82 (Repealer) |
94 | Amends §§ 3.1 and 3.2 of Art. III of Ord. 18, animal control (Repealed by 132) |
95 | Underground utilities (13.60) |
96 | Amends §§ 21, 22, 23, 24-F and 25-A, business licenses (Repealed by 353) |
97 | City manager office created (2.12) |
98 | Amends § 2 of Ord. 73, conduct in parks and plazas (Not codified) |
99 | Rezone (Special) |
100 | Adopts 1967 building code; repeals Ord. 34 (Repealed by 125) |
101 | Adopts 1967 plumbing code; repeals Ord. 35 (Not codified) |
102 | Adopts 1965 electrical code (Repealed by 129) |
103 | Amends § 2.1 of Ord. 18, dog license fees (Repealed by 132) |
104 | (Repealed by 147) |
105 | Amends § 2 of Ord. 4, sales and use tax; repeals Ord. 91 (3.04) |
106 | Adds § 10 to Ord. 5, subdivisions (Repealed by 171) |
107 | Amends § 13 of Ord. 46, employment regulations (Repealed by 171, 182) |
108 | Rezone (Special) |
109 | Amends § 39.5(A), planning commission; repeals Ord. 74 (Not codified) |
110 | Amends § 2 of Ord. 36, park and recreation commission (Repealed by 115) |
111 | Rezone (Special) |
112 | Loitering prohibited (9.40) |
113 | Rezone (Special) |
114 | Rezone (Special) |
115 | Repeals Ord. 36 (Repealer) |
116 | Rezone (Special) |
117 | State employees’ retirement system contract (Not codified) |
118 | Food-handling establishments and health permits (8.04) |
119 | Rezone (Special) |
120 | Adds § 39.7 to Ord. 13, service stations (Not codified) |
121 | Rezone (Special) |
122 | Bond election (Special) |
123 | Amends § 5 of Ord. 84, documentary stamp tax (3.08) |
124 | Rezone (Special) |
125 | Adopts 1967 building code; repeals Ord. 100 (Repealed by 201) |
126 | Adopts 1967 housing code (Repealed by 201) |
127 | Adopts 1967 mechanical code (Repealed by 201) |
128 | Adopts 1967 plumbing code; repeals Ord. 0485 (Repealed by 145) |
129 | Adopts 1968 electrical code; repeals Ord. 102 (Repealed by 201) |
130 | Rezone (Special) |
131 | Subdivisions (Repealed by 171) |
132 | Animals and fowl; repeals Ords. 21, 52, 94 and 103 (Repealed by 788) |
133 | Adds §§ 17 – 19 to and amends §§ 3, 4, 7 and 13 of Ord. 118, food-handling establishments (8.04) |
134 | Amends § 4 of Ord. 118, health permits (8.04) |
135 | Rezone (Special) |
136 | Prezone (Special) |
137 | Rezone (Special) |
138 | Rezone (Special) |
139 | Dwelling unit and mobilehome construction tax (Repealed by 204) |
140 | Abandoned vehicles, repeals Ord. 89 (Repealed by 785) |
141 | Card table tax, repeals Ord. 55 (Repealed by 353) |
142 | House moving (Repealed by 887) |
143 | Fire protection district (Not codified) |
144 | Amends §§ 2 and 5 of Ord. 1, council meetings (2.04) |
145 | Adopts 1970 plumbing code; repeals Ord. 128 (Repealed by 201) |
146 | Rezone (Special) |
147 | Curb, gutter, sidewalk and pavement installation; repeals Ord. 104 (11.04) |
148 | Littering prohibited (8.12) |
149 | Zoning (Repealed by 250) |
150 | Park and recreation commission created (Repealed by 425) |
151 | Amends § 7.3 of Ord. 97, city manager (2.12) |
152 | Amends § 2 of Ord. 150, park and recreation commission (Repealed by 425) |
153 | Removal of trees (Repealed by 766) |
154 | Subdivisions (Not codified) |
155 | Amends § 2 of Ord. 149, zoning (Repealed by 250) |
156 | Firearms restrictions (9.80) |
157 | Handbills (9.48) |
158 | Amends § 2(B) and (C) of Ord. 80, garbage (Repealed by 634) |
159 | Amends Ord. 149, zoning study districts (Repealed by 250) |
160 | Amends §§ 9170 and 9173 of Ord. 149, zoning (Repealed by 250) |
161 | Amends Ord. 73, parks (9.36) |
162 | Emergency organization; repeals Ord. 19 (2.24) |
163 | Amends Ord. 149, zoning map (Repealed by 250) |
164 | Amends § 9.1 of Ord. 97, city manager (2.12) |
165 | Amends § 3.6 of Ord. 132, dogs (Repealed by 535) |
166 | Amends § 7 of Ord. 153, planning commission (Repealed by 766) |
167 | Right of entry for inspection (1.12) |
168 | General penalty (1.20) |
169 | Code definitions and code construction (1.04) |
170 | Amends § 11 of Ord. 80, garbage (Repealed by 634) |
171 | Repeals Ords. 5, 11 § 2, 16, 22, 28, 31, 46, 53, 55, 57, 79, 106, 107 and 131 (Repealer) |
172 | Amends § 13(a) of Ord. 33, driver’s license (5.12) |
173 | Amends § 10 of Ord. 29, arrest warrants (1.16) |
174 | Amends § 5.1 of Ord. 132, kennels (Repealed by 535) |
175 | Adds § 9205.15 to and amends § 5.1 of Ord. 154, soils reports for subdivisions (Not codified) |
176 | Excavations, grading and fills (Repealed by 772) |
177 | Amends § 9135.2(j) of Ord. 149, zoning (Repealed by 250) |
178 | Adds sections relating to automobile service stations to Ord. 149, zoning (Repealed by 250) |
179 | Amends § 9142.2(e) of Ord. 149, zoning (Repealed by 250) |
180 | Amends § 7.3 of Ord. 97, city manager (2.12) |
181 | Imposes a moratorium on sewer connections (Repealed by 200) |
182 | Personnel system; repeals Ords. 46 and 107 (2.32) |
183 | Amends § 6.11(A) of Ord. 132, animal impound fees (Repealed by 788) |
184 | Adds § 8.9 and amends §§ 19.2 and 19.3 of Art. XIX of Ord. 30, motorcycles (Repealed by 785) |
185 | Signs; repeals §§ 9110.3, 9110.34, 9.110.35, 9131.7, 9132.8, 9135.10, 9149.9b, 9141.9c, 9142.6, 9143.9, 9151.8, 9186, 9186.1, 9186.2 and 9187.6 of Ord. 149 (Not codified) |
186 | Adds §§ 12.5 and 12.6 to and amends § 11 of Ord. 4, sales and use tax (Repealed by 372) |
187 | Amends § 9182.4 of Ord. 149, zoning (Repealed by 250) |
188 | Amends §§ 5, 7 and 8 of Ord. 150, park and recreation commission (Repealed by 425) |
189 | Provides for temporary street closures in Hub-Plaza area (Special) |
190 | Extends to September 6, 1974 effective date of emergency ordinance adopted September 6, 1973 (Repealed by 250) |
191 | Amends § 5(c)(1) and (2) of Ord. 67, sewer billing appeals (13.52) |
192 | Amends § 2.2 of Ord. 132, dog licenses (Repealed by 535) |
193 | Adopts Sonoma County Ord. 1108, control of watercourses and natural drainage (13.16) |
194 | Code adoption (1.01) |
195 | Establishes city water system (13.02) |
196 | Amends § 9180.4(e) of Ord. 149, zoning (Repealed by 250) |
197 | Conflict-of-interest guidelines (Repealed by 468) |
198 | Amends §§ 11.12.020 – 11.12.040 and 11.12.090, removal of trees (Repealed by 766) |
199 | Amends § 5 of Ord. 195, unauthorized use of water (Repealed by 840) |
200 | Adds Ch. 13.34, connection to sewer system; repeals Ords. 71, 181, §§ 13.32.010 – 13.32.090 and Ch. 13.56 (Repealed by 462) |
201 | Adds Ch. 14.02 adopting various technical building codes, with amendments; repeals Chs. 14.04, 14.08, 14.12, 14.16 and 14.20 (Title 14) |
202 | Amends §§ 10.08.010 and 10.08.020; repeals § 10.08.030, parking (Repealed by 785) |
203 | Repeals §§ 9207.71 – 9207.710 of Ord. 254 and §§ 16.36.140 – 16.36.240, subdivisions (Repealer) |
204 | Repeals and replaces §§ 3.32.010 – 3.32.060, dwelling unit and building construction tax; repeals Ord. 139 (3.32) |
205 | Imposes moratorium on connections to city water system (Repealed by 239) |
206 | Amends Art. 1 of Ord. 149, zoning map (Repealed by 250) |
207 | (Number not used) |
208 | Adds (f) to § 17.20.140, zoning (Repealed by 250) |
209 | Amends § 17.20.140(e), zoning (Repealed by 250) |
210 | Adds §§ 17.16.470(K) and 17.20.030(C)(16), zoning (Repealed by 250) |
211 | Amends § 17.44.420, zoning violations (Repealed by 250) |
212 | Amends § 18.32.010 [§ 10.01 of Ord. 185], signs (Repealed by 250) |
213 | Amends § 14.02.120, adopts Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings (Title 14) |
214 | Establishes community-police advisory commission (Repealed by 475) |
215 | Adds § 17.08.151, zoning (Repealed by 250) |
216 | Amends §§ 18.04.02(AA), 18.04.03(C) and 18.08.270, signs (Not codified) |
217 | Amends § 2.04.010, city council meetings (2.04) |
218 | Amends § 5.08.040, card room hours (Repealed by 353) |
219 | Adds Ch. 2.18, human services commission (Repealed by 425) |
220 | Adds § 5.12.050, review of certificates of public convenience (5.12) |
221 | Repeals subsections (19.1) – (19.19) of § 10.04.170, bicycle licenses (Repealed by 785) |
222 | Amends Title 16, subdivisions (Repealed by 385) |
223 | (Number not used) |
224 | Adds Ch. 14.04, park land dedication by improvers of real property (Repealed by 385) |
225 | Trees, shrubs and plants (11.10) |
226 | Amends § 5.12.050, review of certificates of public convenience (5.12) |
227 | Adds Ch. 9.90, disposition of unclaimed property (2.30) |
228 | Adds § 17.48.030, zoning (Repealed by 250) |
229 | Repeals § 7.16.140, animals (Repealer) |
230 | Adds §§ 7 and 8 to Ord. 205, moratorium on water system connections (Repealed by 239) |
231 | Adds Ch. 14.10, limitations on city growth rate (Repealed by 248) |
232 | Amends § 17.16.110, zoning (Repealed by 250) |
233 | Adds Ch. 9.70, fire zones established (14.28) |
234 | (Number not used) |
235 | Adds §§ 17.20.040(H), 17.20.140(F) and 17.20.220(T), zoning (Repealed by 250) |
236 | (Number not used) |
237 | Adds § 14.02.051, plumbing code (Title 14) |
238 | Combines all lands in R-3 and R-4 zones with S study zoning district (Repealed by 250) |
239 | Repeals Ord. 205, moratorium on water system connection (Repealer) |
240 | Places all lands in R-3 and R-4 zones in S study zoning district ( Repealed by 250) |
241 | Adds § 17.24.040(D), zoning (Repealed by 250) |
242 | Extends to April 26, 1978 expiration of Ord. 240, lands placed in S study zoning district (Repealed by 250) |
243 | Adds § 2.16.050, planning commission (2.16) |
244 | Amends §§ 17.12.070, 17.16.080, 17.16.200, 17.16.310, 17.16.430, 17.16.540 and 17.16.090, zoning and parking spaces (Repealed by 250) |
245 | Amends § 2.16.050, planning commission (2.16) |
246 | Adds §§ 17.28.440 – 17.28.550, zoning for planned unit development combining district (Repealed by 250) |
247 | Amends §§ 17.20.040(F), 17.20.140(F), 17.20.220(F), 17.41.030(J) and 17.41.030(L), zoning (Repealed by 250) |
248 | Repeals Ch. 14.10, growth rate limits (Repealer) |
249 | Amends § 17.40.130(H), zoning (Not codified) |
250 | Adopts by reference new zoning ordinance, zoning map and list of parcels zoned; repeals Ords. 149, 155, 159, 160, 163, 174, 177, 178, 187, 190, 196, 206, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 215, 228, 235, 238, 240, 241, 242, 244, 246 and 247 (Repealed by 766) |
251 | Amends § 2.12.100, city manager (2.12) |
252 | Amends §§ 7.08.020 and 7.24.110, animal fees (Repealed by 535) |
253 | Adds §§ 5.04.231 – 5.04.236 and 5.04.340 – 5.04.440; amends §§ 5.04.210(A), 5.04.220, 5.04.230 and 5.04.250, business licenses (5.04) |
254 | Building, electrical, mechanical, plumbing and grading permit fees and grading plan review fee (Repealed by 384) |
255 | Adds §§ 13.04.055 and 13.34.135; amends § 13.04.030, sewer and water hookup fees (13.04) |
256 | Amends portion of Ord. 254, building permit fees (Repealed by 384) |
257 | Adds Chs. 14.01, Uniform Building Code; 14.02, Uniform Housing Code; 14.03, National Electrical Code; 14.05, Uniform Plumbing Code; 14.06, Uniform Mechanical Code; and adds and amends Ch. 14.07, Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings (Repealed by 296) |
258 | Adopts by reference Uniform Building Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, Uniform Housing Code, Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings, and Uniform Building Codes Accumulative Supplement (Title 14) |
259 | Adds Ch. 9.100, nuisance abatement (9.100) |
260 | Property tax savings sharing with renters (Expired) |
261 | Amends § 2.16.050, planning commission (2.16) |
262 | Amends Ch. 17.28, zoning for design district No. 1 (Repealed by 766) |
263 | Protection of renters from retaliatory eviction (Expired) |
264 | Adds §§ 5.04.231 – 5.04.236 and 5.04.340 – 5.04.430; amends §§ 5.04.210 – 5.04.250, business licenses (Repealed by 348) |
265 | Repeals Ch. 8.16, weed abatement (Repealed by 384) |
266 | Adds §§ 17.28.110(F) and 17.28.270 – 17.28.300, zoning (Repealed by 766) |
267 | Prezone (Special) |
268 | Amends § 17.12.040(G), zoning (Repealed by 766) |
269 | Adds § 7.12.070, dogs (Repealed by 289) |
270 | Amends § 2.22.030, police advisory commission (Repealed by 475) |
271 | Adds §§ 10.04.115 and 10.04.116, parking of commercially licensed trailers (Repealed by 785) |
272 | (Number not used) |
273 | Amends § 16.32.340(D) and (F), subdivisions (Not codified) |
274 | Amends §§ 2.16.010, 2.20.020 and 2.22.030, commission appointment procedures (2.16) |
275 | Repeals §§ 5.04.240(G) and (H) and 5.04.270, business licenses (5.04) |
276 | Underground utility districts (13.60) |
277 | Amends § 17.24.040(7), zoning (Repealed by 766) |
278 | Amends § 17.28.280(9)(c), zoning (Repealed by 766) |
279 | Adds § 10.04.190, pandemoniac motor vehicles (Repealed by 785) |
280 | Amends §§ 5.04.231 and 5.04.370; repeals § 5.04.323, business licenses (Repealed by 348) |
281 | Adds Ch. 14.08, burglary security code (14.08) |
282 | Just-cause termination of tenancies (Repealed by 419) |
283 | Rezone (Special) |
284 | Amends §§ 2.32.030(A) and (B), 2.32.050 and 2.32.130; repeals § 2.32.040, personnel board (2.32) |
285 | Establishes tow-away zone at Cotati fire station (Repealed by 785) |
286 | Amends § 17.24.040(7)(8), zoning (Repealed by 766) |
287 | Amends § 17.24.040(7)(9), zoning (Repealed by 766) |
288 | Amends § 17.28.450, zoning (Repealed by 766) |
289 | Adds § 7.16.015; amends § 7.16.010; repeals § 7.12.070, animal control (Repealed by 535) |
290 | Adds Title 19, housing; incorporates Ord. 282 as Ch. 19.04 and adopts Ch. 19.08, discrimination against families with children in property rentals (19.08) |
291 | Adds Ch. 17.26, zoning regulations for condominium conversion (Repealed by 766) |
292 | Adds § 17.24.030(8) and (9); amends § 17.24.030(1), zoning (Repealed by 766) |
293 | Amends portion of § 17.36.040, zoning (Repealed by 766) |
294 | Adds Title 20, miscellaneous, and Ch. 20.04, discrimination based on sexual orientation (9.32) |
295 | Amends § 2.22.030, police advisory commission (Repealed by 475) |
296 | Amends Chs. 14.01 – 14.07, technical building codes; repeals Ord. 257 (14.01, 14.02, 14.03, 14.05, 14.07) |
297 | Adds Title 15 and Chs. 15.01 – 15.07, floodplain management (Repealed by 667) |
298 | Adds Ch. 2.26, cultural and fine arts commission (Repealed by 425) |
299 | Rezone (Special) |
300 | Adds Ch. 19.12, rent stabilization (Repealed by 680) |
301 | Repeals § 2.26.050, cultural and fine arts commission (Repealer) |
302 | Rezone (Special) |
303 | Land use ordinance (Repealed by 766) |
304 | Moratorium on construction of housing units in planned developments (Not codified) |
305 | Temporary stabilization and control of residential property rentals (Not codified) |
306 | Temporary stabilization and control of residential property rentals (Not codified) |
307 | Adds § 17.28.310; amends §§ 17.28.290 and 17.28.300, zoning (Repealed by 385) |
308 | Moratorium on construction of housing units in planned developments (Not codified) |
309 | Amends contract between city and California Public Employees’ Retirement System (Not codified) |
310 | Rent stabilization ordinance (Repealed by 374) |
311 | Rezone (Special) |
312 | Adds §§ 8(G)(9) and 17; amends §§ 5, 6(B)(2), 7(B)(1)(b) and (2), 8(B), (C), (E) and (H), 9(E), 10(C) and (E); renumbers §§ 17, 18 and 19 to be §§ 18, 19 and 20; repeals § 4(C)(5) of Ord. 310, rent stabilization (Repealed by 374) |
313 | Amends §§ 6(B)(2) and 8(H)(1)of Ord. 310, rent stabilization (Repealed by 374) |
314 | Amends §§ 17.08.145, 17.28.710 and 17.40.050, zoning (Repealed by 385) |
315 | Amends § 4(J) of Ord. 310, rent stabilization (Repealed by 374) |
316 | Rezone (Special) |
317 | Rezone (Special) |
318 | (Number not used) |
319 | Rezone (Special) |
320 | Rezone (Special) |
321 | Rezone (Special) |
322 | Judicial review of administrative decisions (1.14) |
323 | Adds §§ 7(B)(5) and 16; amends §§ 4(J), 5, 7(A), (B)(1) and (2), 8(G)(5), (9) and (H), and 10(C); renumbers §§ 16 – 19 to be §§ 17 – 21; repeals and replaces § 5; repeals portion of § 7(B)(2)(h) of Ord. 310, rent stabilization (Repealed by 374) |
324 | Amends §§ 19.08.020 and 19.08.070, discrimination against families with children in property rentals (19.08) |
325 | Rezone (Special) |
326 | (Number not used) |
327 | Amends § 17.30.040(F), zoning (Repealed by 766) |
328 | Rezone (Special) |
329 | Sets date for municipal general election (Repealed by 582) |
330 | Amends § 17.34.030(D), zoning (Repealed by 766) |
331 | Rezone (Special) |
332 | Amends § 7(B) of Ord. 310 by renumbering various subsections, rent stabilization (Repealed by 374) |
333 | Amends §§ 5 and 6(a) of Ord. 310, rent stabilization (Repealed by 374) |
334 | Adds subsection (C) to Section 17.40.210, zoning (Repealed by 766) |
335 | Adds Ch. 9.100; amends § 1.20.010, nuisance abatement (1.20, 9.100) |
336 | Adds paragraph to § 17.44.090; amends portion of § 17.44.100, zoning (Repealed by 766) |
337 | Amends § 17.40.110(g), zoning (Repealed by 766) |
338 | Adds Ch. 4.04, fees and procedures for use of city facilities; repeals §§ 9.36.080 and 9.36.100 (4.04) |
339 | Adds Ch. 2.06, council members’ salaries (2.06) |
340 | Prezone (Special) |
341 | Rezone (Special) |
342 | Amends §§ 4.04.020(2)(d) and 4.04.030(5), fees for use of city facilities (4.04) |
343 | Amends first sentence of § 2.32.090, personnel board (2.32) |
344 | Adds § 6(B)(4) and 7(B)(6); renumbers § 7(B)(6) – (8) to be § 7(B)(7) – (9); amends § 7(B)(4) of Ord. 310, rent stabilization (Repealed by 374) |
345 | Approves development agreement (Special) |
346 | Amends § 19.08.050, discrimination against families with children in property rentals (19.08) |
347 | Amends §§ 2.32.020 and 2.32.090, personnel board (2.32) |
348 | Adds § 5.04.010(C) – (J); amends §§ 5.04.070 and 5.04.090; renumbers §§ 5.04.300 – 5.04.330 to be §§ 5.04.210 – 5.04.240; repeals §§ 5.04.210 – 5.04.290 and 5.04.340 – 5.04.430, business licenses (5.04) |
349 | Amends § 5.08.010, card room permits (Repealed by 353) |
350 | Adds Chs. 14.09, building code standards, 14.10, administrative code, and 14.11, penalties; amends §§ 14.01.010, 14.02.010, 14.03.010, 14.06.010 and 14.07.010, technical building codes (14.01, 14.02, 14.03, 14.05, 14.07, 14.09, 14.10, 14.11) |
351 | Amends first sentence of § 3.12.030, transient occupancy tax (3.12) |
352 | Rezone (Special) |
353 | Repeals and adds Ch. 5.08, card rooms (5.08) |
354 | Adds subsection (N) to § 17.24.050, zoning (Repealed by 766) |
355 | Rezone (Special) |
356 | Amends § 8(B) of Ord. 310, rent stabilization (Repealed by 374) |
357 | Rezone (Special) |
358 | Amends contract between city police department and California Public Employees’ Retirement System (Not codified) |
359 | Adds §§ 8.16.051, 8.16.052 and 8.16.110; amends §§ 8.16.040, 8.16.050 and 8.16.100, weed abatement, and amends § 9.100.020, nuisance abatement (9.100) |
360 | (Never adopted) |
361 | Amends § 7 of Ord. 359 by correcting § 8.16.110 to be § 8.16.111, weed abatement (Repealed by 894) |
362 | Adds § 2.04.070, city council (Repealed by 373) |
363 | Adds Ch. 17.45, second unit zoning (Repealed by 766) |
364 | Amends §§ 2.12.230, 2.12.240 and 2.12.250, city manager removal (2.12) |
365 | (Never adopted) |
366 | Amends § 17.30.060(B), affordable housing units (Repealed by 766) |
367 | Amends § 17.38.020(N), zoning (Repealed by 766) |
368 | Repeals and adds Art. XVII of Ch. 17.34, §§ 17.34.535 – 17.34.585, park dedication (Repealed by 766) |
369 | Prezone (Special) |
370 | Adds §§ 3.04.121, 3.04.122 and 3.04.123; amends § 3.04.120, sales and use tax; repeals §§ 3.04.125 and 3.04.126 (Repealed by 372) |
371 | Adds Ch. 9.32, certain offenses against decency (9.32) |
372 | Adds §§ 3.04.121, 3.04.122 and 3.04.123; amends § 3.04.120, sales and use tax; repeals §§ 3.04.124 and 3.04.126 (3.04) |
373 | Repeals § 2.04.070 (Repealer) |
374 | Repeals Ords. 310, 312, 313, 315, 323, 332, 333, 344 and 356 (Repealer) |
375 | Adds § 19.12.140, housing fees (Repealed by 463) |
376 | Amends Chs. 13.04, 13.08, 13.12, § 13.34.130, Chs. 13.34, 13.36, 13.40, 13.48 and 13.52, utilities; repeals §§ 13.12.030 and 13.48.050 (13.04, 13.08, 13.12) |
377 | Sewer service and connection fees (Repealed by 386) |
378 | Adds § 19.12.150, housing security deposits (Repealed by 685) |
379 | Amends § 2.06.030, city council salaries (2.06) |
380 | Amends § 17.34.040, subdivisions (Repealed by 766) |
381 | (Not sent) |
382 | Adds Ch. 19.08 as amended by Ord. 346, housing; repeals § 19.08.080 (19.08) |
383 | Repeals Ch. 13.44 (Repealer) |
384 | Amends titles of Title 15 to “Environment” and Chapter 15.01 to “Floodplain Management”; reenacts Chapter 8.16 and §§ 8.16.010 – 8.16.030, 8.16.060 – 8.16.090 and 8.16.110, weeds; renumbers Ch. 9.07 to Ch. 14.28 and Ch. 9.90 to Ch. 2.32, § 10.04.115 to § 10.08.030 and Ord. 294 from Title 20 to Title 9; repeals Ords. 254, 256 and 265 (2.32, 9.32, 14.28) |
385 | Amends § 17.32.020, zoning; repeals Ords. 222, 224, 307 and 314 (Repealed by 766) |
386 | Sewer service and connection fees; repeals Ord. 377 (Repealed by 424) |
387 | Adds Ch. 14.14, manufactured housing (Repealed by 887) |
388 | Renumbers Ch. 9.32 as referred to in Ord. 371 to Ch. 9.33 and §§ 9.32.010 and 9.32.020 as referred to in Ord. 371 to §§ 9.33.010 and 9.33.020, and renumbers § 17.34.040 referred to in Ord. 380 to § 17.34.020 (9.33) |
389 | Amends § 17.42.030(A), housing (Repealed by 766) |
390 | Amends §§ 2.32.180 and 2.32.200, personnel (2.32) |
391 | Establishes study zone (Repealed by 420) |
392 | Amends §§ 14.05.010 and 14.05.060, plumbing code; repeals §§ 14.05.030 and 14.05.040 (14.05) |
393 | Extends Ord. 391 (Special) |
394 | Amends §§ 17.34.010, 17.34.015 and 17.34.030(A) and (B), subdivisions (Repealed by 766) |
395 | Adds Ch. 9.30, fireworks (9.30) |
396 | Establishes study zone (Repealed by 420) |
397 | Amends § 2.32.060, personnel (2.32) |
398 | Amends § 17.34.550, subdivisions (Repealed by 766) |
399 | Extends Ord. 396 (Special) |
400 | Rezone (Special) |
401 | Amends Ch. 3.04, uniform sales and use tax (3.04) |
402 | Rezone (Special) |
403 | Rezone (Special) |
404 | (Number not used) |
405 | (Number not used) |
406 | (Number not used) |
407 | Establishes fees for sanitary sewer lift station (Special) |
408 | (Number not used) |
409 | (Number not used) |
410 | Adds §§ 17.32.010, 17.32.020, 17.32.030 and 17.32.040; renumbers existing §§ 17.32.010 – 17.32.030 to be §§ 17.32.050 – 17.32.070, zoning (Repealed by 766) |
411 | Rezone (Special) |
412 | Amends § 17.30.060, zoning (Repealed by 766) |
413 | (Number not used) |
414 | Adds Ch. 10.18, police towing service (Repealed by 785) |
415 | Amends § 17.40.300, zoning (Repealed by 766) |
416 | Adds Art. 18 to Ch. 17.34; renumbers existing Arts. 18 and 19 to be Arts. 19 and 20 and renumbers existing §§ 17.34.590 – 17.34.610 to be §§ 17.34.640 – 17.34.660, zoning (Repealed by 766) |
417 | Repeals § 10.18.190; renumbers §§ 10.18.200 – 10.18.220 to be §§ 10.18.190 – 10.18.210, police towing service (Repealed by 785) |
418 | Rezone (Special) |
419 | Repeals Ch. 19.04, Ord. 282 and portions of Ord. 290 (Repealer) |
420 | Repeals Ords. 391 and 396 (Repealer) |
421 | Adds subsection M to § 17.20.040; amends § 17.38.050(D)(2), zoning (Repealed by 766) |
422 | Amends § 17.30.060(B), zoning (Repealed by 766) |
423 | (Number not used) |
424 | Sewer service and connection fees; repeals Ord. 386 (Repealed by 444 and 445) |
425 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 2.20, community services commission; repeals Chs. 2.18 and 2.26 (2.20) |
426 | Prezone (Special) |
427 | (Number not used) |
428 | Adds Ch. 17.46, zoning (Repealed by 766) |
429 | Adds Ch. 8.18, hazardous materials (8.18) |
430 | Amends §§ 2.30.020, 2.30.030, 2.30.040 and 2.30.050, disposition of unclaimed property (2.30) |
431 | Rezone (Special) |
432 | Planned unit development approval (Special) |
433 | Redevelopment agency (2.40) |
434 | Industrial development authority (2.44) |
435 | Adds Ch. 17.35, vesting tentative maps (Repealed by 766) |
436 | Rezone (Special) |
437 | (Number not used) |
438 | Amends § 2.06.030, city council salaries (2.06) |
439 | Parking (Not codified) |
440 | (Number not used) |
441 | (Not adopted) |
442 | Amends § 17.34.550, zoning (Repealed by 766) |
443 | Amends § 17.36.100, zoning (Repealed by 766) |
444 | (7/8/86) Amends § 2.20.030; repeals § 2.20.050, community services commission (2.20) |
444 | (8/12/86) Sewer service and connection fees; repeals Ord. 424 (Not codified) |
445 | Sewer service fees; repeals Ord. 424 (Repealed by 479) |
446 | Rezone (Special) |
447 | Rezone (Special) |
448 | (Number not used) |
449 | Planned unit development approval (Special) |
450 | Planned unit development approval (Special) |
451 | Adds § 17.20.040(N), zoning (Repealed by 766) |
452 | Amends contract with Public Employees’ Retirement System (Not codified) |
453 | Amends § 17.08.060, definition of automobile service station (Repealed by 766) |
454 | Adds §§ 17.04.120, alcoholic beverage sales restrictions, and 17.08.451, definition of restaurant (Repealed by 766) |
455 | Amends Title 14, buildings and construction (14.01, 14.02, 14.03, 14.05, 14.07, 14.08, 14.09, 14.10, 14.11, 14.24, 14.28) |
456 | Renumbers Art XIX to be Art. XVIII, Art. XX to be Art. XIX and §§ 17.34.640 through 17.34.660 to be §§ 17.34.590 through 17.34.610; repeals Art. XVII (Repealed by 766) |
457 | Prezone (Special) |
458 | Reduction of in-lieu park fees for Cotati Heights Subdivision (Special) |
459 | Reduction of building permit fees for Cotati Heights Subdivision (Special) |
460 | Adds §§ 2.20.100, community services commission, and 2.22.120, police advisory commission (2.20, 2.22) |
461 | Cotati redevelopment program plan (Special) |
462 | Repeals and replaces Chs. 13.34, 13.36, 13.40, 13.48 and 13.52 with Chs. 13.34 through 13.45, sewers (Repealed by 824) |
463 | Amends § 19.12.140, registration fees; repeals Ord. 375 (Repealed by 685) |
464 | Rezone (Special) |
465 | Prezone (Special) |
466 | Amends Ord. 449, Laguna Estates (Special) |
467 | Reduces building and connection fees for Phase III of the Arbor Creek Subdivision (Special) |
468 | Repeals Ch. 2.36 (Repealer) |
469 | Rezone (Special) |
470 | Adds Ch. 13.20, cross-connection control (13.20) |
471 | Adds Ch. 5.24, bingo games (5.24) |
472 | Approved planned unit development (Special) |
473 | Prezone (Special) |
474 | Planned unit development approval (Special) |
475 | Amends Ch. 2.22, police advisory commission; repeals Ords. 214, 270, 274(3), 295 and §§ 2.22.100 and 2.22.110 (2.22) |
476 | Planned unit development approval (Special) |
477 | Adds Ch. 14.30, construction hours limited (Repealed by 766) |
478 | Employees retirement system contract (Special) |
479 | Sewer service charges; repeals Ord. 445 (Repealed by 498) |
480 | Rezone (Special) |
481 | Floodplain management (Repealed by 667) |
482 | Amends § 13.04.030, water connection (13.04) |
483 | Amends § 2.06.030, councilmembers salaries (2.06) |
484 | Amends § 17.30.020(1), zoning (Repealed by 766) |
485 | Adds § 7.16.180; amends §§ 7.16.010 and 7.16.150, animal control (Repealed by 535) |
486 | Rezone (Special) |
487 | Amends §§ 17.20.070, 17.20.100, 17.20.270, 17.20.400, 17.24.130 and 17.40.100(B), zoning (Repealed by 766) |
488 | Rezone (Special) |
489 | Adds §§ 17.34.620 – 17.34.660, zoning (Repealed by 766) |
490 | Amends § 2.06.030, council salaries (2.06) |
491 | (Not adopted) |
492 | (Not adopted) |
493 | Amends sewer service and connection fees for second dwelling units (Not codified) |
494 | Rezone (Special) |
495 | Adds §§ 13.40.010 and 13.40.012; repeals § 13.40.010, connections required and city staff duties (Repealed by 824) |
496 | Adds Ch. 17.31, zoning (Repealed by 766) |
497 | (Not adopted) |
498 | Sewer service and connection fees; repeals Ord. 479 (Repealed by 504) |
499 | Amends § 17.08.451, zoning (Repealed by 766) |
500 | Adds § 17.08.361; amends § 17.04.120(B), zoning (Repealed by 766) |
501 | Adopts selection and training standards for police dispatchers (Special) |
502 | (Not adopted) |
503 | Adds Ch. 14.30, construction hours limited (Repealed by 766) |
504 | Sewer service connection fees; repeals Ord. 498 (Repealed by 523) |
505 | Amends § 17.44.050, zoning (Repealed by 766) |
506 | Amends § 17.08.060, zoning (Repealed by 766) |
507 | Prezone (Special) |
508 | Rezone (Special) |
509 | Rezone (Special) |
510 | Rezone (Special) |
511 | Establishes an interim study zone and freezes building permits (Special) |
512 | Adds Ch. 9.31, tobacco in public places (Repealed by 614) |
513 | Temporary waiver of sewer connection fee increases in certain districts (Special) |
514 | Establishes an interim study zone and freezes building permits (Special) |
515 | Adds Ch. 8.20, polystyrene food packaging (Repealed by 903) |
516 | Rezone (Special) |
517 | Rezone (Special) |
518 | Adds § 1.16.015; amends §§ 1.16.010, 1.16.020, 1.16.030, 1.16.050, 1.16.060 and 1.16.100, citation procedure (1.16) |
519 | Amends §§ 2.16.030, 2.20.070 and 2.22.070, rules for removal from office (2.16, 2.20, 2.22) |
520 | Rezone (Special) |
521 | Adds Ch. 13.64, water and sewerage system conservation requirements (13.64) |
522 | Sewer service connection fees; repeals Ord. 498 (Repealed by 546) |
523 | Sewer service connection fees; repeals Ord. 504 (Repealed by 547) |
524 | Amends § 2.06.030, council member salaries (2.06) |
525 | Not adopted |
526 | Not adopted |
527 | Amends §§ 8.12.070 and 8.12.080, rubbish and debris (8.12) |
528 | Adds §§ 17.12.040(G), 17.16.040(E), 17.36.150 and 17.36.160, zoning (Repealed by 766) |
529 | Approves a planned unit development overlay (Special) |
530 | Approves preliminary design review (Special) |
531 | Adds § 17.30.060(B)(7); amends § 17.30.060(B)(4), zoning (Repealed by 766) |
532 | Amends § 17.30.060(B), zoning (Repealed by 766) |
533 | Adds § 11.12.045; amends §§ 11.12.040(B), 11.12.070 and 11.12.090, tree removal (Repealed by 766) |
534 | Amends § 17.34.410, zoning (Repealed by 766) |
535 | Adds Title 7, animals; repeals §§ 1.1, 2.1 – 2.9, 3.1 – 3.5, 4.1 – 4.16, 6.1 – 6.15 of Ord. 132, Ords. 165, 174, 192, 252, 289 and 485 (Repealed by 788) |
536 | Adds Ch. 17.47, zoning (Repealed by 766) |
537 | Approves a planned unit development overlay (Special) |
538 | Amends § 9.100.030, nuisance abatement and § 17.44.100(E), zoning (9.100) |
539 | Amends § 17.34.560(E), zoning (Repealed by 766) |
540 | Adds Ch. 2.18, environmental advisory commission (Repealed by 672) |
541 | Amends § 9.100.030, nuisance abatement (9.100) |
542 | Amends Title 7, animals (Repealed by 788) |
543 | Rezone (Special) |
544 | Approves planned unit development (Special) |
545 | Amends § 3.08.020, real property transfer tax (3.08) |
546 | Repeals Ord. 522 (Repealed by 624) |
547 | Repeals Ord. 523 (Repealer) |
548 | Amends Ch. 17.42, zoning (Repealed by 766) |
549 | Zoning change (Special) |
550 | Council meetings (2.04) |
551 | Adds Ch. 17.48, zoning (Repealed by 766) |
552 | Adds Ch. 14.32, denial of permits (14.32) |
553 | (Not adopted) |
554 | (Not adopted) |
555 | Adds § 9.100.130; amends § 9.100.100; abatement of nuisance (9.100) |
556 | Rezone (Special) |
557 | Adds § 11.12.065, removal of eucalyptus trees (Repealed by 766) |
558 | Approves a planned unit development overlay (Special) |
559 | (Not adopted) |
560 | (Not adopted) |
561 | Rezone (Special) |
562 | Adds Ch. 9.44, human habitation of vehicles (9.44) |
563 | Amends § 2.20.030, community services commission (2.20) |
564 | Amends § 17.40.100(B)(3), zoning (Repealed by 766) |
565 | Rezone (Special) |
566 | Amends § 5.12.060, vehicles for hire (5.12) |
567 | Adds § 17.18.040(D), zoning (Repealed by 766) |
568 | Rezone (Special) |
569 | Adds Ch. 10.22, trip reduction (Repealed by 785) |
570 | Approves a planned unit development overlay (Special) |
571 | Amends § 17.04.120(B), zoning (Repealed by 581) |
572 | Amends § 17.20.100(F), zoning (Repealed by 766) |
573 | Prezone (Special) |
574 | Adds Ch. 9.90, graffiti abatement (Repealed by 674) |
575 | Adds Ch. 3.36, city purchasing procedure and Ch. 3.40, public project contracts (3.36, 3.40) |
576 | Approves a planned unit development (Special) |
577 | Adds Ch. 11.06, maintenance and repair of sidewalks (11.06) |
578 | Repeals Resos. 72-13, 74-14, 82-54, 85-34, 86-40, 87-64, 88-47, 88-69, 89-60, 90-58, water service (Repealed by 586) |
579 | Repeals Ords. 413 and 547, sewer service (Repealed by 683) |
580 | Annexation fee (Repealed by 683) |
581 | Repeals § 17.04.120 (Repealer) |
582 | Repeals Ord. 329, municipal general election (1.10) |
583 | Adds subsection D to § 17.40.210, zoning (Repealed by 766) |
584 | Amends § 3.40.010, public project contracts (3.40) |
585 | Amends §§ 13.02.020 and 13.04.030, water sales (13.04) |
586 | Repeals Ord. 578, water service (Repealed by 623) |
587 | Adds Ch. 17.29, water-efficient landscape (Repealed by 766) |
588 | Rezone (Special) |
589 | Adds Ch. 14.29, solid fuel space heating devices (14.29) |
590 | Amends §§ 17.44.050(A) and 17.46.400(A), zoning (Repealed by 766) |
591 | Adds subsection F and amends subsection E of § 17.34.015, zoning (Repealed by 766) |
592 | Adds §§ 9.40.033 and 9.40.034, obstructing streets and sidewalks (Repealed by 677) |
593 | Amends §§ 7.12.030, 7.12.060, 7.12.070, 7.12.080, dogs; amends § 7.32.010, impoundment (Repealed by 788) |
594 | (Not adopted) |
595 | Amends § 17.20.040(D), zoning (Repealed by 766) |
596 | Amends condition nos. 29 and 30 of Ord. 549, zone change (Special) |
597 | Amends condition no. 38 of Ord. 576, planned unit development (Special) |
598 | (Not adopted) |
599 | (Not adopted) |
600 | Amends § 17.42.040(A), zoning (Repealed by 766) |
601 | Approves tentative map; rezone (Special) |
602 | Adds § 3.40.070; amends § 3.36.090, purchasing procedures (3.36, 3.40) |
603 | Adds § 3.28.040, claims against city (3.28) |
604 | Rezone (Special) |
605 | Rezone (Special) |
606 | Amends sewer connection and annexation fees (Repealed by 683) |
607 | Amends § 17.30.030, zoning (Repealed by 766) |
608 | Adds Ch. 10.24, costs of emergency response (Repealed by 785) |
609 | Amends § 5.12.030, vehicles for hire (5.12) |
610 | Amends § 13.64.030, water and sewer conservation (13.64) |
611 | Adds §§ 7.25.010 – 7.25.050, dogs (Repealed by 788) |
612 | Adds § 3.04.160, uniform sales and use tax (3.04) |
613 | Adds Ch. 10.11, downtown preferential parking program (Repealed by 785) |
614 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 9.31, tobacco in public places (Repealed by 856) |
615 | Adds subsection O to § 17.20.040, zoning (Repealed by 766) |
616 | Amends § 9.100.030, nuisance abatement (9.100) |
617 | (Not adopted) |
618 | Adds § 19.12.145, rent stabilization (Repealed by 685) |
619 | (Not introduced) |
620 | (Not introduced) |
621 | Adds Ch. 17.37, development agreements (Repealed by 766) |
622 | (Not adopted) |
623 | Water service; repeals Ord. 586 (Repealed by 651) |
624 | Sewer system; repeals Ord. 546 (Repealed by 652) |
625 | Amends § 5.04.250(A), business licenses (5.04) |
626 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 5.20, cable television franchises (5.20) |
627 | Amends Ch. 17.45, zoning (Repealed by 766) |
628 | (Not adopted) |
629 | Amends Ch. 17.38, zoning (Repealed by 766) |
630 | Redevelopment plan time limits (Not codified) |
631 | Rezone (Special) |
632 | (Not adopted) |
633 | Rezone (Special) |
634 | Adds Ch. 8.22, source reduction and recycling; repeals and replaces Ch. 8.08, solid waste management (8.08, 8.22) |
635 | Amends § 17.40.280, zoning (Repealed by 766) |
636 | Adds Ch. 17.19, public facilities district (Repealed by 766) |
637 | Authorizes amendment to contract with California Public Employees’ Retirement System (Repealed by 640) |
638 | Amends Ch. 2.22, police auxiliary commission (2.22) |
639 | Amends Ch. 9.36, conduct in parks, plazas and other areas (9.36) |
640 | Repeals and replaces Ord. 637, amendment to California Public Employees’ Retirement System contract (Special) |
641 | (Number not used) |
642 | Rezone (Special) |
643 | Adds §§ 17.08.042 and 17.12.040(H), zoning (Repealed by 766) |
644 | (Not adopted) |
645 | Approved planned unit development (Special) |
646 | Sewer connection fee (Special) |
647 | Amends §§ 9.100.030 and 9.100.100, nuisance abatement (9.100) |
648 | Amends §§ 1.20.010 and 7.08.030, violations – penalty (1.20) |
649 | Amends § 5.12.130, vehicles for hire (5.12) |
650 | Rezone (Special) |
651 | Water rates; repeals Ord. 623 (Repealed by 684) |
652 | Sewer rates; repeals Ord. 624 (Repealed by 683) |
653 | Amends §§ 17.20.060 and 17.20.240, zoning (Repealed by 766) |
654 | Amends § 10.22.040, vehicles and traffic (Repealed by 785) |
655 | Rezone (Special) |
656 | Renumbers § 17.08.042 to be § 17.08.442, recycling (Repealed by 766) |
657 | Adds §§ 17.48.020 and 17.48.030, zoning (Repealed by 766) |
658 | (Number not used) |
659 | (Number not used) |
660 | Amends §§ 28.2, 30.10 and 30.18 of Ord. 651, water service (Repealed by 684) |
661 | Amends § 2.32.060, personnel (2.32) |
662 | (Number not used) |
663 | Adds § 17.34.007, zoning (Repealed by 766) |
664 | Rezone (Special) |
665 | Amends § 1 of Ord. 652, sewer rates (Repealed by 683) |
666 | Water rates; amends §§ 8 and 9 of Ord. 651 and §§ 8(B) and 9 of Ord. 606 (Repealed by 684) |
667 | Repeals and replaces Title 15, floodplain management (15.04) |
668 | Amends Ch. 10.16, abandoned vehicles (Repealed by 785) |
669 | Amends § 11.12.090, tree removal (Repealed by 766) |
670 | Adds § 2.12.121, city manager (2.12) |
671 | (Not adopted) |
672 | Amends Ch. 2.20; repeals Ch. 2.18, community environment commission (2.20) |
673 | Adds § 17.38.100(K); amends § 17.38.040; repeals § 17.38.140, zoning (Repealed by 766) |
674 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 9.90, graffiti abatement (Repealed by 790) |
675 | Interim zoning ordinance (Special) |
676 | Amends contract with PERS (Special) |
677 | Adds Ch. 9.41; repeals §§ 9.40.033 and 9.40.034, curfew (9.41) |
678 | Interim zoning ordinance (Special) |
679 | Repeals § 17.40.210(C)(1), zoning (Repealed by 766) |
680 | Adds Ch. 19.14; repeals Ch. 19.12, mobilehome park space rent stabilization (19.14) |
681 | (Number not used) |
682 | Amends §§ 9.100.030 – 9.100.060, nuisance abatement (9.100) |
683 | Sewer rates; repeals Ords. 579, 580, 606, 624 and 665 (Not codified) |
684 | Water rates; repeals Ords. 623, 651, 660 and 666 (Not codified) |
685 | Repeals §§ 19.12.140, 19.12.145 and 19.12.150 (Repealer) |
686 | Rezone (Special) |
687 | Rezone (Special) |
688 | (Number not used) |
689 | Amends PERS contract (Special) |
690 | Interim zoning ordinance (Not codified) |
691 | Adds §§ 17.20.500 – 17.20.580, commercial zoning district (Repealed by 766) |
692 | Adds Ch. 3.42, fee and service charge revenue/cost comparison system (3.42) |
693 | (Not adopted) |
694 | Approves PUD (Special) |
695 | (Not adopted) |
696 | (Not adopted) |
697 | (Not adopted) |
698 | Approves PUD (Special) |
699 | Adds § 17.16.150(D), zoning (Repealed by 766) |
700 | Amends redevelopment plan (Special) |
701 | Amends § 13.34.030, connection to sewer system (Repealed by 824) |
702 | (Not adopted) |
703 | Sewer connection and annexation fees and service charges (Not codified) |
704 | Water connection and annexation fees and service charges (Not codified) |
705 | Adds Ch. 13.30, water conservation implementation plan (13.30) |
706 | Prezones certain property (Special) |
707 | Adds Ch. 9.60, alarm systems and alarm businesses (9.60) |
708 | Santero Way specific plan (Special) |
709 | Rezone (Special) |
710 | Amends Ord. 642, adds certain parcel to PUD (Special) |
711 | Rezone (Special) |
712 | Adopts California Uniform Building Code, Uniform Building Code Standards, Uniform Plumbing Code, National Electrical Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, Uniform Swimming Pool, Spa and Hot Tub Code, Uniform Administrative Code, Uniform Code for Abatement of Dangerous Buildings and Uniform Housing Code; establishes building and safety division (14.04) |
713 | Adds Ch. 17.41, communication facilities (Repealed by 766) |
714 | Rezone (Special) |
715 | Water connection, annexation fees and service charges (Not codified) |
716 | Rezone (Special) |
717 | Rezone (Special) |
718 | Rezone (Special) |
719 | Amends § 17.24.130, zoning (Repealed by 766) |
720 | Rezone (Special) |
721 | Revision to Santero Way specific plan (Special) |
722 | Rezone (Special) |
723 | Adds § 19.14.075, mobilehome park space rent stabilization (19.14) |
724 | Rezone (Special) |
725 | Rezone (Special) |
726 | Rezone (Special) |
727 | On-site public hearing notice sign program (Repealed by 766) |
728 | Gas station uses and nonconforming uses (Repealed by 766) |
729 | Skateboards, skates and in-line skates (9.36) |
730 | Amends PERS contract (Special) |
731 | Regulated discharge characteristics (Repealed by 824) |
732 | |
733 | Rezone (Special) |
734 | Water connection fees and service charges (Special) |
735 | Sewer connection fees and service charges (Repealed by 776) |
736 | Regulating open space and recreation requirements (Repealed by 766) |
737 | Adopting revisions to the Santero Way specific plan (Special) |
738 | Rezone (Special) |
739 | Community and environment commission (Repealed by 766) |
740 | Water service charges (Special) |
741 | Sewer service charges (Repealed by 776) |
742 | Exceptions to sewers required (Repealed by 824) |
743 | (Not adopted) |
744 | (Not adopted) |
745 | Sewer connection fees (Repealed by 776) |
746 | Second dwelling units (Repealed by 766) |
747 | Rezoning property on Santero Way (Not codified) |
748 | City Traffic Engineer provisions (Repealed by 785) |
749 | Modifying Ordinance No. 605 (Not codified) |
750 | Amends Ord. 712 and Ch. 14.04, uniform codes (14.04) |
751 | Rezone (Special) |
752 | Rezone (Repealed by 758) |
753 | Rezone (Special) |
754 | Rezone (Special) |
755 | Amends Ord. 650, Bettman planned unit development (Special) |
756 | Adds Ch. 1.09, Cotati campaign reform law (1.09) |
757 | Interim moratorium on adult-oriented businesses (Special) |
758 | Rezone (Special) |
759 | Adds Ch. 13.68, storm water ordinance (13.68) |
760 | Extends moratorium on adult-oriented businesses (Special) |
761 | Adds § 2.12.122, approve and sign contracts (2.12) |
762 | Amends §§ 1.09.090, 1.09.100 and 1.09.110, Cotati campaign reform law (1.09) |
763 | (Number not used) |
764 | Rezone (Special) |
765 | (Superseded by Ord. 768) |
766 | Repeals and replaces Title 17; repeals Chs. 11.12 and 14.30, zoning (17.10, 17.12, 17.14, 17.20, 17.22, 17.24, 17.26, 17.28, 17.30, 17.31, 17.32, 17.36, 17.38, 17.40, 17.42, 17.44, 17.50, 17.51, 17.52, 17.53, 17.54, 17.56, 17.60, 17.62, 17.64, 17.66, 17.70, 17.71, 17.72, 17.74, 17.76, 17.78, 17.80, 17.82, 17.84, 17.88, 17.89, 17.90) |
767 | Adds Ch. 11.14, erosion and sediment control (11.14) |
768 | Amends redevelopment plan (Special) |
769 | (Number not used) |
770 | Rezone (Special) |
771 | Amends Ordinance 738, PUD standards for Santero Way (Special) |
772 | Adds Ch. 14.34; renumbers Ch. 11.14 to be Ch. 14.36; repeals Ch. 11.08, building and construction (14.34, 14.36) |
773 | Adds § 13.20.070; amends § 13.20.060, cross-connection control, general policy (13.20) |
774 | Adds Ch. 13.32 [13.72], ultra low-flow toilet retrofit (13.72) |
775 | Amends § 17.44.060, telecommunications facilities (17.44) |
776 | Amends sewer connection fees and service charges; repeals Ords. 735, 741 and 745 (Repealed by 841) |
777 | Interim moratorium on establishment of medical marijuana dispensaries (Special) |
778 | Amends Ch. 13.30, water shortage contingency plan (13.30) |
779 | Amends § 1.08.010, posting public notices (1.08) |
780 | Extends Ord. 777, interim moratorium on establishment of medical marijuana dispensaries (Special) |
781 | Rezone (Special) |
782 | Adds § 17.31.115, zoning (17.31) |
783 | Extends Ord. 780, interim moratorium on establishment of medical marijuana dispensaries (Repealed by 787) |
784 | (Not adopted) |
785 | Repeals and replaces T. 10, vehicles and traffic (10.10, 10.20, 10.30, 10.35, 10.40, 10.50, 10.60, 10.70, 10.80, 10.90, 10.100) |
786 | Adds § 13.33 [Ch. 13.73], ultra low-flow toilet retrofit for nonresidential customers (13.73) |
787 | Adds Ch. 8.24; amends § 17.90.020 and Table 2-3 of § 17.22.020; repeals Ord. 783, medical marijuana dispensaries, zoning (17.22, 17.90) |
788 | Repeals and replaces T. 7, animals (7.04, 7.08, 7.12, 7.16, 7.20, 7.24, 7.28, 7.32, 7.36) |
789 | Interim moratorium on conversion of mobile home parks (Special) |
790 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 9.90, graffiti abatement (9.90) |
791 | Extends moratorium on conversion of mobile home parks (Special) |
792 | Water service charges (Special) |
793 | Sewer service charges (Repealed by 841) |
794 | Amends § 14.34.050, excavations, grading and fills (14.34) |
795 | Amends Ch. 13.68, storm water ordinance (13.68) |
796 | Amends §§ 14.36.020, 14.36.040 and 14.36.080, erosion and sediment control (14.36) |
797 | Amends §§ 11.10.070, 11.10.080 and 11.10.110, trees, shrubs and plants (11.10) |
798 | Interim moratorium on formula-based fast food restaurants (Repealed by 809) |
799 | Rezone (Special) |
800 | Extends moratorium on formula-based fast food restaurants (Repealed by 809) |
801 | Adds § 17.42.071; amends § 17.90.020 and Table 2-3 of § 17.22.020, zoning (17.22, 17.42, 17.90) |
802 | Describes eminent domain program of Cotati community redevelopment agency (Special) |
803 | Amends PERS contract (Special) |
804 | Conditions adoption of Ord. 803 on full costs of enhanced retirement benefits provided in contract amendment with PERS (Special) |
805 | (Number not used) |
806 | Adds Chs. 2.19 and 2.21; amends §§ 2.16.030 and 17.80.050, administration and personnel, zoning (2.16, 2.21, 17.80) |
807 | (Number not used) |
808 | Extends moratorium on formula-based fast food restaurants (Repealed by 809) |
809 | Repeals Ords. 798, 800 and 808 (Repealer) |
810 | Extends temporary moratorium on the conversion of mobilehome parks to resident ownership (Special) |
811 | Amends §§ 13.64.010, 13.64.030 and 13.64.040, water and sewerage system requirements (13.64) |
812 | Amends § 17.42.130 and Table 2-3 of § 17.22.020, zoning (17.22, 17.42) |
813 | Amends §§ 2.16.010 – 2.16.030, 2.16.050 and 2.21.020, administration and personnel (2.16, 2.21) |
814 | Amends § 2.32.060, personnel (2.32) |
815 | Amends Ch. 14.04, uniform codes (14.04) |
816 | Amends Chs. 3.36 and 3.40, purchasing and public contracts (3.36, 3.40) |
817 | Adds Ch. 17.46, conversion of mobilehome park to other uses (17.46) |
818 | Adds Ch. 17.79, mobilehome park subdivisions (17.79) |
819 | Amends Title 15, environment (15.04) |
820 | Adds Ch. 5.22, video service provided by state franchise holders (5.22) |
821 | Adds Ch. 11.01, encroachments within public rights-of-way (11.01) |
822 | Amends §§ 13.64.030, 13.64.040, Chs. 13.72 and 13.73, water and sewer system requirements (13.64, 13.72, 13.73) |
823 | Adds § 17.28.050; amends zoning map and §§ 17.20.020, 17.22.020, 17.30.040(E), 17.38.060(B), 17.38.070(D) and (G), 17.42.040, 17.42.072(A), 17.50.040(A)(2)(b) and 17.62.030(E)(1), land use (17.20, 17.22, 17.28, 17.30, 17.38, 17.42, 17.50, 17.62) |
824 | Repeals and replaces Chs. 13.34, 13.35, 13.36, 13.37 and 13.38; repeals Chs. 13.39, 13.40, 13.41, 13.44 and 13.45, sewers (13.34, 13.35, 13.36, 13.37, 13.38) |
825 | Adds Ch. 3.05, transactions and use tax (Repealed by 849) |
826 | Amends § 17.80.020(L) [17.90.020(L)]; repeals and replaces Ch. 17.34, landscaping (17.34, 17.90) |
827 | Adds Ch. 9.20, massage therapy, massage business or establishment (9.20) |
828 | Amends §§ 11.01.170 and 11.01.180, encroachments within public rights-of-way (11.01) |
829 | Amends Ch. 14.04, uniform codes (14.04) |
830 | Adds Ch. 14.06, repair of damaged structures (Repealed by 887) |
831 | Authorizes amendment to contract with California Public Employees’ Retirement System (Special) |
832 | Amends § 3.28.040, claims against city (3.28) |
833 | Amends §§ 3.08.010 and 3.08.020, documentary transfer tax (3.08) |
834 | Amends title of Ch. 9.36; repeals and replaces § 9.36.100, conduct in parks, plazas, streets and sidewalks and other places (9.36) |
835 | Amends Ch. 2.32, personnel (2.32) |
836 | Amends Ch. 8.24, medical marijuana dispensaries (Repealed by 883) |
837 | Amends Ord. 605, rezone (Special) |
838 | Adds Ch. 11.11, roundabouts and traffic circles (11.11) |
839 | Adds Ch. 13.50, community choice aggregation (13.50) |
840 | Adds Ch. 13.03; amends §§ 13.02.030 and 13.42.010; repeals §§ 13.02.040, 13.08.040 and 3.08.050 [13.08.050], water and sewer system requirements (13.02, 13.03, 13.42) |
841 | Amends §§ 13.42.010, 13.42.060 and 13.42.080; repeals Ords. 776 and 793, sewer charges (13.42) |
842 | Amends § 17.42.071, formula-based fast food restaurants (17.42) |
843 | Amends Ch. 14.04, uniform codes (14.04) |
844 | Amends Ch. 14.34, excavations, grading and fills (14.34) |
845 | Adds Ch. 14.07, safety assessment placards (14.07) |
846 | Amends Ch. 2.16, planning commission (2.16) |
847 | Adds § 13.03.265; amends §§ 13.03.220, 13.03.240 and 13.03.250, water system rules and requirements (13.03) |
848 | Amends Ch. 3.05, transactions and use tax (3.05) |
849 | Repeals Ord. 825, transactions and use tax (Repealer) |
850 | Adds Ch. 11.25 [Ch. 10.25]; amends § 10.20.010, speed limits, traffic engineer (10.20, 10.25) |
851 | Amends §§ 2.12.230, 2.12.260 and 2.12.270; repeals §§ 2.12.240 and 2.12.250, city manager (2.12) |
852 | Adds Ch. 9.38, alcohol offenses/loud parties (9.38) |
853 | Amends § 2.19.010(B), design review committee (Repealed by 885) |
854 | Adds §§ 17.32.040(B)(4) and (5) and Ch. 17.68; amends §§ 17.24.030, 17.31.020(A), 17.32.020(A), 17.32.030(A), 17.42.072, 17.42.170(D)(3) and (F), 17.74.030(B)(3) and 17.90.020; repeals § 17.62.060(F)(2), land use (17.24, 17.31, 17.32, 17.42, 17.68, 17.74, 17.90) |
855 | Amends Ch. 10.40, commercial vehicles and truck routes (10.40) |
856 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 9.31, smoking and secondhand smoke (9.31) |
857 | Adds Ch. 14.30, small residential rooftop solar system expedited permitting (14.30) |
858 | Adds Ch. 4.10, traffic impact fee (4.10) |
859 | Amends §§ 9.31.050(B) and (C) and 9.31.060, smoking and secondhand smoke (9.31) |
860 | Amends § 2.04.060, parliamentary procedures (2.04) |
861 | (Number not used) |
862 | Amends §§ 17.38.035, 17.38.040, 17.38.070 and 17.90.020, signs (17.38, 17.90) |
863 | Adds Ch. 4.14, development impact fee deferrals (4.14) |
864 | Amends Ch. 14.04, uniform codes (14.04) |
865 | Moratorium on outdoor cultivation of nonmedical marijuana (Repealed by 884) |
866 | Moratorium on indoor cultivation of nonmedical marijuana (Repealed by 884) |
867 | Amends Chs. 13.34, 13.35, 13.36, 13.37 and 13.38, sewers (13.34, 13.35, 13.36, 13.37, 13.38) |
868 | Extends moratorium on indoor cultivation of nonmedical marijuana (Repealed by 884) |
869 | Extends moratorium on outdoor cultivation of nonmedical marijuana (Repealed by 884) |
870 | Amends Ch. 13.68, storm water ordinance (13.68) |
871 | Reauthorizes PEG fees; adds § 5.22.115(D), PEG fee (5.22) |
872 | Adds § 9.38.010(I); amends §§ 9.38.010(C), 9.38.100(F) and 9.38.110, alcohol offenses/loud parties (9.38) |
873 | Amends Ch. 5.04 and §§ 8.24.020 and 8.24.050, business licenses (5.04) |
874 | Amends § 1.20.010, general penalty (1.20) |
875 | Adds Ch. 14.38, streamlined permitting process for electric vehicle charging stations (14.38) |
876 | Special tax levy (Special) |
877 | Amends Ch. 3.28, claims and demands against city (3.28) |
878 | Extends moratorium on indoor cultivation of nonmedical marijuana (Repealed by 884) |
879 | Extends moratorium on outdoor cultivation of nonmedical marijuana (Repealed by 884) |
880 | Moratorium on commercial marijuana cultivation, manufacture, laboratory testing, retail, distribution and establishment of microbusinesses (Repealed by 884) |
881 | (Number not used) |
882 | Extends moratorium on commercial marijuana cultivation, manufacture, laboratory testing, retail, distribution and establishment of microbusinesses (Repealed by 884) |
883 | Adds §§ 17.42.200 and 17.42.210; amends Tables 2-2 and 2-3 of § 17.22.020; amends § 17.90.020; repeals Ch. 8.24, cannabis uses (17.22, 17.42, 17.90) |
884 | Repeals Ords. 865, 866, 868, 869, 878, 879, 880 and 882, cannabis interim urgency ordinances (Repealer) |
885 | Amends §§ 3.42.040, 17.34.040, 17.34.050, 17.38.030, 17.38.035, 17.38.040, 17.38.070, 17.42.200, 17.60.040, 17.62.040, 17.80.050, 17.84.010, 17.84.020, 17.84.030, 17.84.040 and 17.84.050; repeals and replaces Ch. 2.19, design review administration (2.19, 17.34, 17.38, 17.42, 17.60, 17.62, 17.80, 17.84) |
886 | Adds Chs. 1.28 and 1.30; amends Ch. 1.20, §§ 9.38.070, 9.38.080, 17.89.010 and 17.89.040; repeals §§ 9.38.090, 9.38.100 and 9.38.110, administrative enforcement standards and procedures (1.20, 1.28, 1.30, 9.38, 17.89) |
887 | Amends Ch. 14.04; repeals Chs. 14.06 and 14.14, building codes (14.04) |
888 | Amends Table 2-3 of § 17.22.020, residential care facilities for the elderly (17.22) |
889 | Amends § 1.08.010, posting public notices (1.08) |
890 | Amends Ch. 2.24, emergency organization and functions (2.24) |
891 | Adds § 13.03.275; amends §§ 13.03.010, 13.03.030, 13.03.060, 13.03.260, 13.03.270, 13.03.280, 13.08.020, 13.34.035, 13.42.060, 13.43.050 and 13.43.120; repeals § 13.64.040, water, sewers and electrical (13.03, 13.08, 13.34, 13.42, 13.43) |
892 | Adds § 1.09.105, electronic filing of campaign finance disclosure and statements of economic interest (1.09) |
893 | Amends Tables 2-2, 2-3 and 2-4 of § 17.22.020, §§ 17.26.030(C), 17.31.030(D), Table 3-7 of § 17.36.050, §§ 17.42.160, 17.51.010(B), 17.52.020(B)(2) and 17.90.020; repeals and replaces § 17.42.170, accessory dwelling units (17.22, 17.26, 17.31, 17.36, 17.42, 17.51, 17.52, 17.90) |
894 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 8.16, abatement of hazardous vegetation and combustible material (8.16) |
895 | Amends §§ 17.20.020, 17.20.030, 17.22.020, 17.42.030, 17.42.100, 17.60.040, 17.62.040, 17.90.020 and zoning map, economic development strategy and implementation program (17.20, 17.22, 17.42, 17.60, 17.62, 17.90) |
896 | Adds § 1.20.050, public health order violations (Expired) |
897 | Adds § 1.20.050, public health order violations (1.20) |
898 | Amends Chs. 13.34, 13.35, 13.36, 13.37 and 13.38, sewers (13.34, 13.35, 13.36, 13.37, 13.38) |
899 | Amends § 3.05.150, transactions and use tax (3.05) |
900 | Amends § 2.16.020, planning commission terms (2.16) |
901 | Amends §§ 13.42.060(C), (D), (E) and (F), sewer charges (13.42) |
902 | Adds § 17.42.125; amends Table 2-2 of § 17.22.020 and § 17.90.020(C), cottage housing (17.22, 17.42, 17.90) |
903 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 8.20, polystyrene prohibition and limitation on single-use food service ware (8.20) |
904 | Repeals and replaces §§ 3.42.020(B), 3.42.030(D) and 3.42.040, fee and service charge revenue/cost comparison system (3.42) |
905 | Adds Ch. 17.39; amends §§ 17.42.120(G) and 17.90.020, objective design standards for streamlined and ministerial residential developments (17.39, 17.90) |
906 | Amends § 17.20.030(C)(1) and Table 2-3 of § 17.22.020, zoning (17.20, 17.22) |
907 | Adds Ch. 8.10; amends §§ 8.08.020, 8.08.090, 8.22.020, 8.22.090 and 17.34.060(D), mandatory organic waste disposal reduction (8.08, 8.10, 8.22, 17.34) |
908 | Amends § 9.31.060, Table 2-2 of 17.22.020, §§ 17.42.200 and 17.90.020, land use (9.31, 17.22, 17.42, 17.90) |
909 | Amends § 17.24.030, zoning district site planning and building standards (17.24) |
910 | Amends §§ 17.22.020, 17.42.180 and 17.90.020(E), (F) and (S), land use (17.22, 17.42, 17.90) |
911 | Authorizes amendment to contract with California Public Employees’ Retirement System (Special) |
912 | Approves military equipment policy (Special) |
913 | Approves military equipment policy (Special) |
914 | Adds § 17.36.100(F); amends § 17.90.020, woonerfs (17.36, 17.90) |
915 | Adds §§ 17.42.220, 17.42.230, 17.42.240 and 17.88.020(B)(4); amends Tables 2-2 and 2-3 of § 17.22.020, §§ 17.36.050, 17.42.040(B), (C) and (G), 17.42.130(F), 17.42.160(E), 17.60.040(B), 17.62.030 and 17.90.020, urban agriculture (17.22, 17.36, 17.42, 17.60, 17.62, 17.88, 17.90) |
916 | Supersedes Ch. 14.04, uniform codes (14.04) |
917 | Amends Table 2-2 of § 17.22.020 and Ch. 17.84, zoning (17.22, 17.84) |
918 | Amends § 17.20.030, Tables 2-2, 2-3 and 2-4 of § 17.22.020, §§ 17.28.050, 17.32.030, 17.32.050, 17.36.010, 17.36.020, 17.36.040, 17.36.050, Table 3-7 of 17.36.050, 17.39.030(H), 17.42.100 and § 17.90.020, land use (17.20, 17.22, 17.28, 17.32, 17.36, 17.39, 17.42, 17.90) |
919 | Repeals and replaces § 14.04.130, California green building standards (14.04) |
920 | Amends §§ 13.03.010(A) and (B), 13.03.210, 13.03.230 and 13.42.060, water, sewer service (13.03, 13.42) |
921 | Rezone (Special) |
922 | Urgency ordinance banning senior mobilehome park conversions (Not codified) |
923 | Amends §§ 17.20.020, 17.28.030 and 17.90.020 and zoning map, land use (17.20, 17.28, 17.90) |
924 | Amends § 17.22.020, Ch. 17.44 [and § 17.90.020], land use (17.22, 17.44, 17.90) |
925 | Amends §§ 17.30.050 and 17.90.020, noise standards (17.30, 17.90) |
926 | Amends Ch. 2.22, community-police advisory committee (2.22) |
927 | Amends §§ 17.22.020, 17.24.020, 17.24.030, 17.28.050(C), 17.30.020(E), 17.36.050, 17.36.060(A), 17.36.070, 17.36.080(A) – (E), 17.36.090, 17.36.100(B), (C) and (F), Ch. 17.39, 17.42.100, 17.42.125(G)(2), 17.42.160, 17.60.020, Table 6-1 of Ch. 17.60, 17.62.040(C), (E) and (F) and 17.90.020; repeals § 17.42.120 and the 1990 Residential Design Criteria, housing (17.22, 17.24, 17.28, 17.30, 17.36, 17.39, 17.42, 17.60, 17.62, 17.90) |
928 | Amends Ch. 17.32, density bonuses (17.32) |
929 | Adds § 17.28.070, planned unit development districts; rezone (17.28) |