Ordinance | ||
1 | City manager (2.08) | |
2 | Interim zoning (Repealed by 61) | |
2A | Amends Ord. 2, interim zoning (Repealed by 61) | |
2B | Amends Ord. 2, interim zoning (Repealed by 61) | |
2C | Amends Ord. 2, interim zoning (Repealed by 61) | |
2D | Amends Ord. 2, interim zoning (Repealed by 61) | |
2E | Amends Ord. 2, interim zoning (Repealed by 61) | |
2F | Rezone (Repealed by 61) | |
2G | Rezone (Repealed by 61) | |
2H | Rezone (Repealed by 61) | |
2I | Rezone (Repealed by 61) | |
2J | Rezone (Repealed by 61) | |
2K | Rezone (Repealed by 61) | |
2L | Rezone (Repealed by 61) | |
2M | Rezone (Repealed by 61) | |
2N | Rezone (Repealed by 61) | |
2O | Rezone (Repealed by 61) | |
2P | Rezone (Repealed by 61) | |
2Q | Rezone (Repealed by 61) | |
2R | Rezone (Repealed by 61) | |
2S | Rezone (Repealed by 61) | |
2T | Rezone (Repealed by 61) | |
2U | Rezone (Repealed by 61) | |
2V | Rezone (Repealed by 61) | |
2W | Rezone (Repealed by 61) | |
3 | Sales and use tax (3.08) | |
4 | Building, plumbing and electrical codes (Not codified) | |
4A | Amends Ord. 4, building code (15.04) | |
4B | Amends Ord. 4, building code (Not codified) | |
4C | Amends Ord. 4, building code (Not codified) | |
4D | Amends Ord. 4, building code (Not codified) | |
Ordinance Number | ||
4E | Amends Ord. 4, building code (Not codified) | |
5 | Subdivisions (Not codified) | |
5A | Amends Ord. 5, subdivisions (Not codified) | |
6 | Gaming (9.24) | |
7 | Public dance halls (5.12) | |
8 | Health and sanitation (6.12, 6.16, 6.20, 6.28, 6.32, 6.36, 6.56, 6.60, 6.68, 6.72, 6.76, 6.80) | |
9 | Gambling information (Sec. 9.24) | |
10 | Explosives (9.16) | |
11 | Concealed weapons (9.12) | |
12 | Curfew (9.04) | |
13 | General penalty (Repealed by 417) | |
14 | Council meetings (2.04) | |
15 | Rezone (Repealed by 61) | |
16 | Civil defense and disaster (Repealed by 34) | |
17 | Amends Ord. 2, interim zoning (Repealed by 17B, 61) | |
17A | Amends Ord. 17, interim zoning (Repealed by 17B, 61) | |
17B | Amends Ord. 2, interim zoning; repeals Ords. 17 and 17A (Repealed by 61) | |
18 | Gas tax street improvement fund (3.12) | |
19 | Amends Ord. 2, interim zoning (Repealed by 61) | |
20 | Not passed | |
21 | Bond issue (Special) | |
22 | Bond issue (Special) | |
23 | Firearms (9.08) | |
24 | Private patrols (5.24) | |
25 | Felon registration (Not codified) | |
26 | Public dumps (6.48) | |
27 | Violation citations (Repealed by 159) | |
28 | Planning commission (2.20) | |
29 | Not passed | |
30 | Gas pipeline franchise (Special) | |
31 | Electricity franchise (Special) | |
32 | Fireworks (9.20) | |
33 | Moving buildings (Repealed by 243) | |
34 | Civil defense; repeals Ord. 16 (Repealed by 212) | |
35 | Employee bonds (Repealed by 234) | |
36 | Business licenses (Repealed by 511) | |
36A | Amends Ord. 36, business licenses (Repealed by 511) | |
36B | Amends Ord. 36, business licenses (Repealed by 511) | |
37 | Encroachments and excavations in city streets (12.08) | |
38 | Excavations and fills on private property (6.32) | |
39 | Not passed | |
40 | Plants and fences on streets and alleys (Repealed by 183) | |
40A | Amends Ord. 40, plants and fences on streets and alleys (Repealed by 183) | |
41 | Traffic regulations (Not codified) | |
41A | Amends Ord. 41, traffic (Not codified) | |
42 | Salaries (Repealed by 54) | |
43 | Garbage regulations (Repealed by 436) | |
44 | Animals running at large (Repealed by 399) | |
45 | Subdivision soil investigation (Not codified) | |
46 | Number not used | |
47 | Rabies prevention (Repealed by 108) | |
48 | Director of finance (2.12) | |
49 | Annexation (Special) | |
50 | Vending near schools (5.20) | |
51 | Adopts, reenacts and extends Ords. 2, 2A--2W, 15, 17, 17A and 19 (Repealed by 61) | |
52 | Amusement and entertainment on public premises (Repealed by 58) | |
53 | Itinerant vendors (Repealed by 132) | |
54 | Repeals Ord. 42, salaries (Repealer) | |
55 | Parking on city streets (10.08) | |
56 | Amusement and entertainment on public premises (5.08) | |
57 | Amends Ord. 36, business licenses (Repealed by 511) | |
58 | Repeals Ord. 52, amusements and entertainments on public property (Repealer) | |
59 | Subdivision curbs, gutters and street paving (12.04) | |
60 | Amends Ord. 33, moving buildings (Repealed by 243) | |
61 | Zoning, repeals Ords. 2, 2A--2W, 15, 17, 17A, 17B, 19 and 51 (Repealed by 243) | |
62 | Amends Ord. 56, amusement and entertainment on public premises (5.08) | |
63 | Speed limit (10.12) | |
64 | Speed limit (10.12) | |
65 | Speed limit (Repealed by 241) | |
66 | Rezone (Special) | |
67 | Amends Ord. 28, planning commission (2.20) | |
68 | Amends Ord. 36, business licenses (Repealed by 511) | |
69 | Amends Ord. 5, subdivisions (Not codified) | |
70 | Rezone (Special) | |
71 | Rezone (Special) | |
72 | Amends Ord. 36, business licenses (Repealed by 511) | |
73 | Amends Ord. 8, health and sanitation (6.04) | |
74 | Amends Ord. 4, building code (Not codified) | |
75 | Rezone (Special) | |
76 | Not passed | |
77 | Salaries (2.06) | |
78 | Amends Ord. 4, building code (Not codified) | |
79 | Riding trails fund (3.20) | |
80 | Documentary stamp tax (3.16) | |
81 | Signs (Repealed by 243) | |
82 | City beautification (Not codified) | |
83 | Amends Ord. 8, health and sanitation (6.04) | |
84 | Rezone (Special) | |
85 | Amends Ord. 59, subdivision street construction standards (12.04) | |
86 | Amends Ord. 5, subdivisions (Not codified) | |
87 | Amends Ord. 61, zoning (Repealed by 243) | |
88 | Rezone (Special) | |
89 | Rezone (Special) | |
90 | Interim zoning ordinance (Special) | |
91 | Transfer of tax functions (3.04) | |
92 | Rezone (Special) | |
93 | Removal of overhead utilities services (13.04) | |
94 | Interim zoning ordinance (Special) | |
95 | Derelict vehicles (Repealed by 153) | |
96 | Recreation and parks commission (2.24) | |
97 | Maximum load limits (10.16) | |
98 | Speed limit (10.12) | |
99 | Speed limit (10.12) | |
100 | Amends Ord. 59, subdivision street construction standards (12.04) | |
101 | Amends Ord. 4, building code (Not codified) | |
102 | Amends Ord. 14, city council meetings (2.04) | |
103 | Amends Ord. 8, health code (6.04) | |
104 | Amends Ord. 100, subdivision street construction standards (12.04) | |
105 | Amends Ord. 61, zoning (Not codified) | |
106 | Amends Ord. 8, health code (6.60) | |
107 | Amends Ord. 8, health code (6.04) | |
108 | Repeals Ord. 47, rabies (Repealer) | |
109 | Prohibits obnoxious conduct (Repealed by 479) | |
110 | Amends Ord. 61, zoning (Not codified) | |
111 | Amends Ord. 80 Sec. 5, documentary stamp tax (3.16) | |
112 | Vehicle operation (Repealed by 120) | |
113 | Purchasing procedure (Repealed by 424) | |
114 | Amends Ord. 95 Sec. 4, 9, 10 and 13, renumbers Sec. 11, 12, 13 and 14, deletes Sec. 10 and adds Sec. 15 and 16, abandoned vehicles (Repealed by 153) | |
115 | Dog licenses (8.04) | |
116 | Rezone (Special) | |
117 | Amends Ord. 61, zoning (Repealed by 243) | |
118 | Amends Ord. 56 Sec. 8 and 10, entertainment permits (5.08) | |
119 | Swimming pool enclosures (15.20) | |
120 | Vehicle operation, repeals Ord. 112 (10.20) | |
121 | Rezone (Special) | |
122 | Amends Ord. 36 Sec. 22, business licenses (Repealed by 511) | |
123 | Water rates, fire protection service (14.04) | |
124 | Community service commission compensation (Not codified) | |
125 | Adopts revised Uniform Fire Code (Repealed by 325) | |
126 | Amends county Ord. 348 Sec. 18.12 and 10.2(b) and city Ord. 61, zoning (Repealed by 243) | |
127 | Angle parking on Norco Drive (Special) | |
128 | Waste discharge and sewers (14.08) | |
129 | Parks and recreation (9.28) | |
130 | Adds Sec. 18.32 to county Ord. 348, zoning (Repealed by 243) | |
131 | Rezone (Special) | |
132 | Peddlers, repeals Ord. 53 (5.16) | |
133 | Swap meets (5.28) | |
134 | Amends county Ord. 348, zoning (Repealed by 243) | |
135 | Amends county Ord. 348 Sec. 6.54 and 13.6, zoning (Repealed by 243) | |
136 | Building code (15.04) | |
137 | Personnel (2.32) | |
138 | Interim zoning (Repealed by 139) | |
139 | Interim zoning, repeals Ord. 138 (Special) | |
140 | Amends Ord. 123 Art. 11 Sec. 227, Art. 12 Sec. 250 and Art. 13 Sec. 275, water service bills (14.04) | |
141 | Adds Ord. 123 Art. 9 Sec. 178, water meters (14.04) | |
142 | Amends county Ord. 348 Sec. 6.7, zoning (Repealed by 243) | |
143 | Amends county Ord. 348 Secs. 18.26, 19.2 and 22.3, adds Secs. 3.8, 17.6, 19.13, 20.6 and 20.7, repeals Art. 20A, zoning (Repealed by 243) | |
144 | Rezone (Special) | |
145 | Commercial poultry ranches (6.84) | |
146 | Amends Ord. 133 Sec. 3, swap meets (5.28) | |
147 | Rezone (Special) | |
148 | Public works construction specifications (15.24) | |
149 | Amends Ord. 33 Sec. 7 and 9, moving buildings (Repealed by 243) | |
150 | Amends county Ord. 348 Sec. 15.51(a)(1) and (d), and Sec. 15.54, zoning (Repealed by 243) | |
151 | Amends Ord. 128 Sec. 4(B), water softening wastes (14.08) | |
152 | Amends Ord. 123 Art. 6 Sec. 100(f), water mains (14.04) | |
153 | Abandoned vehicles, repeals Ords. 95 and 114 (6.24) | |
154 | Adds Sec. 9.6, 9.28, 11.6, 11.26, 12.5 and 3.9 to county Ord. 348, zoning (Not codified) | |
155 | Amends county Ord. 348 Sec. 6.7 and 13.7, zoning (Repealed by 243) | |
156 | Angle parking (Special) | |
157 | Amends county Ord. 455 Sec. 8(f), dog control (6.12) | |
158 | Amends county Ord. 455 Sec. 7(a), dog impoundment fees, changes references to certain officers (6.04, 6.12) | |
159 | Authority of certain officials regarding violations, repeals Ord. 27, violation citations (9.36) | |
160 | Changes references in county Ord. 483 from health officer to fly control inspector (6.60, 6.84) | |
161 | Amends Ord. 3 Sec. 2, repeals Sec. 6 and 8, sales and use tax (3.08) | |
162 | Adds (a) and (f) to Sec. 11.1; (e) to Sec. 11.25; (i) to Sec. 9.1 and (d) to Sec. 9.25 of county Ord. 348, amends county Ord. 348 Sec. 10.1(a), zoning (Not codified) | |
163 | Rezone (Special) | |
164 | Amends county Ord. 348 Sec. 6.54 and 13.6, zoning (Repealed by 243) | |
165 | Rezone (Special) | |
166 | Rezone (Special) | |
167 | Yard sales (5.32) | |
168 | Repeals Ord. 96, parks and recreation commission (Repealer) | |
169 | Adds county Ord. 460 Sec. 3.26, subdivisions (Not codified) | |
170 | Adds county Ord. 460 Sec. 2.15, subdivisions (Not codified) | |
171 | Compensation for parks and recreation commission (Not codified) | |
172 | Rezone (Special) | |
173 | Rezone (Special) | |
174 | Angle parking (Special) | |
175 | Adds county Ord. 348 Sec. 18.6(f), zoning (Repealed by 243) | |
176 | Interim zoning (Special) | |
177 | Adds Sec. 10.4 to county Ord. 348, zoning (Not codified) | |
178 | Amends county Ord. 348 Sec. 6.1(e); adds Sec. 21.37A and 18.34, zoning (Repealed by 243) | |
179 | Moving overloads on city streets, adds Ord. 97 Sec. 4(4), maximum load limits (10.16, 10.18) | |
180 | Amends Ord. 159 Sec. 4, authority of fly control inspector (9.36) | |
181 | Planning agency (2.24) | |
182 | Naming and numbering of streets and easements (15.32) | |
183 | Repeals Ords. 40 and 40A, plants and fences on streets (Repealer) | |
184 | Amends county Ord. 348 Sec. 9.1(a) and 17.1, zoning (Not codified) | |
185 | Adds Art. 20B to county Ord. 348, zoning (Not codified) | |
186 | Adds Art. 13 to county Ord. 460, subdivisions (Not codified) | |
187 | Adds Art. 20A to county Ord. 348 and adds (8) to county Ord. 348 Sec. 18.6(b), zoning (Repealed by 243) | |
188 | Interim zoning (Special) | |
189 | Apiary regulation (5.36) | |
190 | Rezone (Special) | |
191 | Interim zoning (Special) | |
192 | Interim zoning (Special) | |
193 | Interim zoning (Special) | |
194 | Amends county Ord. 348 Sec. 13.2 and 18.6(b), zoning (Repealed by 243) | |
195 | Amends county Ord. 348 Sec. 18.26(j)--(n) and (p)--(r) and adds (t) to Sec. 18.26, zoning (Repealed by 243) | |
196 | Sewer connections and service (Repealed by 534) | |
197 | Amends Ord. 115 Sec. 1 and 2, dog licenses (8.04) | |
198 | Not passed | |
199 | Not passed | |
200 | Adds Sec. 18.35 to county Ord. 348, zoning (Repealed by 243) | |
201 | Amends county Ord. 348 Sec. 13.4 and 13.8, zoning (Repealed by 243) | |
202 | Rezone (Special) | |
203 | Amends Ord. 95 Sec. 7, abandoned vehicles, repeals Sec. 8 of Ord. 95 (Not codified) | |
204 | Amends Ord. 123 Sec. 227, water bills (14.04) | |
205 | Amends Sec. 5.10(a) of county Ord. 460, subdivisions (Not codified) | |
206 | Amends county Ord. 348 Sec. 3, 4, 5.2(c), 6.5(b), 8.50(c), 8.71(b), 8.72(f), 8.95(b), 8.96(a), 10.52(a), 10.54(b), 10.51(g), 10.58(h), 10.59(a), (b) and (c), 10.60(e), 13.2(d) (5), 15.51(b), 15.53(e), 16.8, 17.3, 18.6(e), 18.8 and 21.47, zoning, repeals Sec. 16.9 (Repealed by 243) | |
207 | Interim zoning (Special) | |
208 | Interim zoning (Special) | |
209 | Interim zoning (Special) | |
210 | Rezone (Special) | |
211 | Rezone (Special) | |
212 | Emergency and disaster relief, repeals Ord. 34 (2.28) | |
213 | Adds Sec. 12 to Ord. 81, signs (Repealed by 243) | |
214 | Amends county Ord. 460 Sec. 3.1, 3.5, 3.13, 3.23(a), 5.14(b), 5.15, 5.17(a), 7.6(a), 7.8, 7.13, 8.10(b), 8.11, 8.12, 8.20, 8.21, 6.6, 1.2, 5.13, 13.6, 13.7, 13.10(A) and (C) (2) and 8.29(e) and (f), subdivisions (Not codified) | |
215 | Amends Ord. 33 Sec. 9, 10 and 11, moving buildings (Repealed by 243) | |
216 | Interim zoning (Special) | |
217 | Rezone (Special) | |
218 | Amends county Ord. 348 Sec. 18.34(D) and (F), zoning (Repealed by 243) | |
219 | Adds Art. 14A to county Ord. 348, zoning (Repealed by 243) | |
220 | Amends Ord. 136, Uniform Building Code (Repealed by 471) | |
221 | Tax on new construction (3.28) | |
222 | Amends county Ord. 348 Sec. 18.26(h), zoning (Repealed by 243) | |
223 | Adopts National Electrical Code, 1971 Edition (15.28) | |
224 | Amends Ord. 204 Sec. 227, water 215 Amends Ord. 33 Secs. 9, 10 and 11, moving buildings (Repealed by 243) | |
216 | Interim zoning (Special) | |
217 | Rezone (Special) | |
218 | Amends county Ord. 348 Sec. 18.34(D) and (F), zoning (Repealed by 243) | |
219 | Adds Art. 14A to county Ord. 348, zoning (Repealed by 243) | |
220 | Amends Ord. 136, Uniform Building Code (Repealed by 471) | |
221 | Tax on new construction (3.28) | |
222 | Amends county Ord. 348 Sec. 18.26(h), zoning (Repealed by 243) | |
223 | Adopts National Electrical Code, 1971 Edition (15.28) | |
224 | Amends Ord. 204 Sec. 227, water bills (14.04) | |
225 | Rezone (Special) | |
226 | Amends county Ord. 348 Sec. 18.35, zoning (Repealed by 243) | |
227 | Adds Article XXC to county Ord. 348, vehicle sales facility (Repealed by 243) | |
228 | Repeals Ord. 203, abandoned vehicles (Repealer) | |
229 | Rezone (Repealed by 243) | |
230 | Underground utility requirements (13.08) | |
231 | Amends Ord. 120 Sec. 2, motor driven vehicles in parks (10.20) | |
232 | Amends county Ord. 348 Sec. 17.5, zoning (Repealed by 243) | |
233 | Subdivisions (17.04) | |
234 | Repeals Ord. 35 and Ord. 48 Sec. 3 (Repealer) | |
235 | Environmental impact procedures (Repealed by 248) | |
236 | Zoning (Repealed by 243) | |
237 | Interim zoning (Repealed by 243) | |
238 | Adds Article 20 to Ord. 123, water service areas (14.04) | |
239 | Drainage plan (15.36) | |
240 | Interim zoning (Repealed by 243) | |
241 | Repeals Ord. 65, speed limit (10.12) | |
242 | Adopts new zoning map (Repealed by 243) | |
243 | Repeals Chs. 15.08 and 15.12, Title 18, Ords. 61 and 81; establishes new zoning plan (Not codified) | |
244 | Stop signs (Repealed by 318) | |
245 | Adds Secs. 604, 605 to Ord. 238, water service areas (14. 04) | |
246 | Code adoption (1.01) | |
247 | Stop signs (Repealed by 318) | |
248 | Repeals Ord. 235 (Repealer) | |
249 | Amends subsection D(1) of Sec. 3.3 of Ord. 233, subdivisions (17.12) | |
250 | Amends Sec. 4.9 of Ord. 233, subdivisions (17.16) | |
251 | Amends Sec. Sec. 18.18.28, 18.19.28, 18.20.28, 18.21.28, 18.22.28, 18.24.28 and 18.25.28, zoning (18.18, 18.19, 18.20, 18.21, 18.22, 18.24, 18.25) | |
252 | Interim ordinance adding Sec. 12.08.021, access to private property encroaching on public ways (Not codified) | |
253 | Rezone (Special) | |
254 | Stop signs Sec. Repealed by 318) | |
255 | Interim ordinance amending Sec. 12.08.021, access to private property encroaching on public ways (Not codified) | |
256 | Adds Sec. 10.24.030, 10.24.040 and 10.24.050, stop sign erection (Repealed by 318) | |
257 | Interim ordinance amending Sec. 12.08.021, access to private property encroaching on public ways (Not codified) | |
258 | Off-road use of vehicles (10.28) | |
259 | Adds Sec. 6.24.160, 6.24.170, 6.24.180 and 6.24.190, abandoned vehicles (6.24) | |
260 | Recreational facilities construction financing (Special) | |
261 | Adds Sec. 12.08.021 and amends Sec. 12.08.050, encroachments and excavations (12.08) | |
262 | Extends interim Ordinance 257 (Special) | |
263 | Amends Sec. 18.13.06(5), 18.13 Sec. 06(6), 18.14.06(11) and 18.14.06(12), zoning (18.13, 18.14) | |
264 | Amends Sec. 18.12.16(2)(b), 18.13.16(2) (b) and 18.15.16 (2)(b), zoning (18.12, 18.13, 18.15) | |
265 | Adds Sec. 10.24.060, 10.24.061, 10.24.062, 10.24.063, 10.24.064 and 10.24.065, stop sign erection (Repealed by 318) | |
266 | Interim ordinance amending Sec. 18.13.16(2)(a), 18.15.16 (2)(a) and 18.31.08(7), zoning (Not codified) | |
267 | Amends Sec. 10.12.010, speed limits (10.12) | |
268 | Interim zoning (Special) | |
269 | Adds subsection (e) to Sec. 17.24.070, minor land divisions (Repealed by 415) | |
270 | Amends Sec. 14.04.380, fire hydrants (14.04) | |
271 | Amends Sec. 3.08.110, add Sec. 3.08.121 and 3.08.122, sales and use tax (3.08) | |
272 | Extends Ord. 251, interim zoning (Special) | |
273 | Adds Sec. 10.24.066 and 10.24.067, traffic (10.24) | |
274 | Amends zoning map (Special) | |
275 | Amends Sec. 18.18.28, 18.19.28, 18.20.28, 18.21.28, 18.24.28 and 18.25.28, zoning (18.18, 18.19, 18.20, 18.21, 18.24, 18.25) | |
276 | Amends Sec. 17.16.010, subdivisions (17.16) | |
277 | Adds Sec. 18.02.04(14a), 18.12.06(4a), 18.13.06(4a), 18.14.06(10a), 18.15.06(3a) and 18.17.06(4a), zoning (18.02, 18.12, 18.13, 18.14, 18.15, 18.17) | |
278 | Adds Sec. 18.13.08(16) and 18.39.22(1)(h), repeals subsection (4) (j) of Sec. 18.13.06, zoning (18.13, 18.39) | |
279 | Amends zoning map (Special) | |
280 | Amends zoning map (Special) | |
281 | Adds Sec. 10.24.068 and 10.24.069, traffic (Repealed by 318) | |
282 | Amends zoning map (Special) | |
283 | Interim zoning (Special) | |
284 | Adds subsection (26) to Sec. 9.28.020, beverage sales in parks (9.28) | |
285 | Adds Sec. 10.24.070, stop intersection (Not codified) | |
286 | Amends (2) (a) of Sec. 18.13.16, (2) (a) of Sec. 18.15.16, (4) of Sec. 18.31.08 and (7) (a) of Sec. 18.31.08, zoning (18.13, 18.15, 18.31) | |
287 | Adds Sec. 14.04.126, water fees (14.04) | |
288 | Adds Sec. 10.24.071, stop intersection (Not codified) | |
289 | Adds Sec. 18.40.16, zoning (18.40) | |
290 | Amends zoning map (Special) | |
291 | Amends Sec. 17.20.010, subdivisions (17.20) | |
292 | Adds (16) to Sec. 18.13.08 and amends Sec. 18.30.20, zoning (Repealed by 299) | |
293 | Adds Ch. 9.40, refuse abatement (9.40) | |
294 | Adds Sec. Sec. 18.12.42, 18.13.42, 18.14.42, 18.18.42, 18.19.42, 18.20.42, 18.21.42, 18.22.42 and 18.39.22, zoning (18.12, 18.13, 18.14, 18.18, 18.19, 18.20, 18.21, 18.22, 18.39) | |
295 | Amends Sec. 15.36.040, land drainage fees (15.36) | |
296 | Adds Sec. 14.04.484, water rates surcharge (14.04) | |
297 | Adds Ch. 6.88, unclaimed property (6.88) | |
298 | Amends Sec. Sec. 14.04.310 and 14.04.355, water bills (14.04) | |
299 | Repeals Ord. 292, mobilehome use (Special) | |
300 | Adds Sec. 17.28.110 and 18.30.30, impact report (17.28, 18.30) | |
301 | Mobilehome use at Rivertrails Stables (Special) | |
302 | Amends Ch. 6.52, waste water (Repealed by 534) | |
303 | Adds Sec. 17.04.050 and amends Sec. 17.16.010, subdivision maps (17.16) | |
304 | Adds Ch. 6.08, oleander plant (6.08) | |
305 | Amends Sec. Sec. 14.04.045(e), 14.04.110, 14.04.126, 14.04.155, 14.04.160; repeals 14.04.115, 14.04.120, 14.04.125, 14.04.165, 17.24.090(f), water distribution and water director (14.04, 17.24) | |
306 | Amends Sec. Sec. 18.10.06, 18.11.06, 18.12.06, 18.13.06, 18.14.06, 18.15.06, 18.17.06, 18.18.06, 18.19.06, 18.19.08, 18.20.06, 18.20.08, 18.21.06, 18.22.06, 18.24.06 and 18.25.06, farriers (18.10--18.15, 18.17--18.22, 18.24--18.25) | |
307 | Amends Sec. 17.28.010, variance (17.28) | |
308 | Adds (12) to Sec. 18.12.08; amends (h) of Sec. 18.39.22; repeals (i) of Sec. 18.12.06(4); zoning (18.12, 18.39) | |
309 | Rezone (Special) | |
310 | Rezone (Special) | |
311 | Amends Sec. Sec. 18.18.36, 18.19.36, 18.20.36, 18.21.36, 18.22.36, 18.24.36, 18.33.08(5) and 18.34.08(4), zoning (18.18--18.22, 18.24, 18.33--18.34) | |
312 | Amends Sec. 18.44.16, variance (18.44) | |
313 | Amends Sec. 5.04.140, business license fees (Repealed by 511) | |
314 | Amends Sec. Sec. 14.04.310, 14.04.320 and 14.04.355, water service (14.04) | |
315 | Amends Sec. 14.04.475 and 14.04.480, irrigation service (14.04) | |
316 | Improvement charge (Special) | |
317 | Amends Sec. 2.28.060 and 2.28.100, disaster council (2.28) | |
318 | Repeals Chapter 10.24, stop intersections (Repealer) | |
319 | Removal of certain utility poles (Special) | |
320 | Amends (19) of Sec. 5.04.160, license tax (Repealed by 511) | |
321 | Adds Ch. 15.40, plumbing code (15.40) | |
322 | Adds Ch. 15.44, mechanical code (15.44) | |
323 | Amends Sec. 15.04.010 and 15.04.020; adds Sec. 15.04.030 and 15.04.040 (15.04) | |
324 | Amends Sec. Sec. 15.28.010, 15.28.030; adds Sec. 15.28.015 and 15.28.040, electrical code (15.28) | |
325 | Adds Ch. 15.16, fire code; repeals Ord. 125 (15.16) | |
326 | Adds Ch. 15.48, sign code (15.48) | |
327 | Adds Ch. 15.52, housing code (15.52) | |
328 | Amends (e) of Sec. 17.24.140, subdivision bonds (17.24) | |
329 | Amends Sec. 14.04.490, irrigation service (14.04) | |
330 | Adds Ch. 18.50, board of zoning adjustment (Repealed by 578) | |
331 | Adds Ch. 18.51, special use permits (Repealed by 577) | |
332 | Amends Sec. Sec. 18.18.28, 18.19.28, 18.20.28, 18.21.28, 18.22.28, 18.24.28 and 18.25.28, display for sales (18.18, 18.19, 18.20, 18.21, 18.22, 18.24, 18.25) | |
333 | Amends Sec. 6.12.030, dog license; repeals Ch. 8.04 (6.12) | |
334 | Amends (22) of Sec. 17.16.040, sewage disposal (17.16) | |
335 | Amends (3) through (6), (8) and (9) of Sec. 18.27.52; Sec. 18.18.34, 18.19.34, 18.20.34, 18.21.34, 18.22.34, 18.24.34, and 18.25.34; (1) of 18.26.38; first paragraph of (1) of 18.26.40; and 18.26.42 (18.18, 18.19, 18.20, 18.21, 18.22, 18.24, 18.25, 18.26, 18.27) | |
336 | Rezone (Special) | |
337 | Rezone (Special) | |
338 | Rezone (Special) | |
339 | Amends subsection 2 of Sec. 6.32.060 and Sec. 15.04.026, grading (6.32, 15.04) | |
340 | Adds Sec. 15.04.025, building permit (15.04) | |
341 | Amends subsection i of Sec. 18.39.22, zoning (18.39) | |
342 | Rezone (Special) | |
343 | Rezone (Special) | |
344 | Amends subparagraphs b and c of subsection (a) (2) of Sec. 3 of Ord. 221, tax on new construction (3.28) | |
345 | Adds subparagraphs Sec. 2, 3 and 4 to Sec. 18.24.080, zoning (18.24) | |
346 | Rezone (Special) | |
347 | Public employees' retirement system contract (2.36) | |
348 | Conditions on subdivision sanitary sewer systems (Not codified) | |
349 | Amends subsection 2 of Sec. 18.30.24, zoning (Repealed by 584) | |
350 | Amends subsection (4) of Sec. 5.32.030, yard sale permit (5.32) | |
351 | Amends subsection (a) of Sec. 9.28.030, city park sites (9.28) | |
352 | Rezone (Special) | |
353 | Amends subsection (1) of Sec. Sec. 18.38.020 and 18.43.02, zoning (18.38, 18.43) | |
354 | Amends Sec. 2.04.010, council chambers (2.04) | |
355 | Amends Sec. 5.04.160 and 5.04.170 (Repealed by 511) | |
356 | Amends Sec. 2.04.050, election of mayor (2.04) | |
357 | Amends Sec. 16 and 26 of Ord. 196, sewer service (Repealed by 534) | |
358 | Amends Sec. 18.31.06 and 18.37.12, zoning (18.31) | |
359 | Amends Sec. 14.04.105, water service (14.04) | |
360 | Adds Ch. 15.56, dangerous buildings (15.56) | |
361 | Rezone (Special) | |
362 | Amends subsection (7) (a) of Sec. 18.31.08, zoning (18.31) | |
363 | Amends Sec. 2.08.020, city manager (2.08) | |
364 | Amends Sec. Sec. 18.12.12(1), 18.13.12(1) and 18.15.12(1), zoning (18.12, 18.13, 18.15) | |
365 | Amends subsection (25) of Sec. 18.19.08, zoning (18.19) | |
366 | Sewage discharge agreement with city of Corona (Repealed by 431) | |
367 | Amends Sec. 18.30.18, zoning (18.30) | |
368 | Amends Sec. 17.12.070, park fees (17.12) | |
369 | Amends Ch. 15.56, dangerous buildings abatement code adoption (15.56) | |
370 | Amends Sec. 15.04.010, 15.04.020, 15.04.030, 15.04.040, Uniform Building Code (15.04) | |
371 | Amends Ch. 15.16, Uniform Fire Code (15.16) | |
372 | Amends Ch. 15.52, Uniform Housing Code (15.52) | |
373 | Amends Ch. 15.44, Uniform Mechanical Code (15.44) | |
374 | Amends Ch. 15.40, Uniform Plumbing Code (15.40) | |
375 | Amends Ch. 15.48, Uniform Sign Code (15.48) | |
376 | Sewer connection moratorium (Repealed by 431) | |
377 | Rezone (Special) | |
378 | Sewer connection moratorium (Repealed by 431) | |
379 | Outdoor festival license and regulations (5.44) | |
380 | Land division moratorium (Special) | |
381 | Amends Sec. 17.24.010 (1), improvement fees (Repealed) | |
382 | Adds Ch. 5.40, bingo license, regulations (15.40) | |
383 | Repeals and replaces Sec. 6 of Ord. 380, land division moratorium (Repealed by 429) | |
384 | Repeals Ord. 381 (Repealer) | |
385 | Amends Sec. 5.08.130, 5.12.130, alcoholic beverage and public dance regulations (5.08, 5.12) | |
386 | Rezone (Special) | |
387 | Amends Sec. 18.40.16(1), (2), zoning (18.40) | |
388 | Special assessment district No. 190 (Special) | |
389 | Public facilities fee (Superseded by 392) | |
390 | Extends sewer connection moratorium (Repealed by 431) | |
391 | Amends Sec. 14.04.380, fire hydrant installations (14.04) | |
392 | Public facilities fee (3.32) | |
393 | Adds subsection (c) to Sec. 5.04.010 and amends subsection (21) of Sec. 5.04.160, business licenses (Repealed by 511) | |
394 | Rezone (Special) | |
395 | Amends Sec. 6.12.030, annual dog licenses (6.12) | |
396 | Amends Sec. l5.36.010--15.36.040, drainage plan (15.36) | |
397 | Water conservation program (14.04) | |
398 | Special assessment district No. 188 (Special) | |
399 | Prohibits animals at large; repeals Ord. 44 (8.04) | |
400 | Specifies type of materials for surfacing driveways, amends Sec. Sec. 18.12.42, 18.13.42, 18.14.42, 18.18.42, 18.19.42, 18.20.42, 18.21.42, 18.22.42 and 18.39.22, zoning (18.12 18.13, 18.14, 18.18, 18.19, 18.20, 18.21, 18.22, 18.39) | |
401 | Extends moratorium on sewer connections and on suspensions of outstanding sewer permits (Repealed by 431) | |
402 | Amends Sec. 18.37.06 Sec. 5) (f)(i) and 18.37.06(5) (f) Sec. iv), political signs (18.37) | |
403 | Amends Sec. 18.37.08(2) signs (18.37) | |
404 | Amends Sec. 5.40.010(b), 5.40.030(a), 5.40.030(b), 5.40.050, 5.40.070, 5.40.080(a), 5.40.080(c), 5.40.080(d), 5.40.080(e), 5.40.080(g) and 5.40.090, bingo (5.40) | |
405 | Amends Ord. 243, rezone (Not codified) | |
406 | Adds Sec. 15.04.027, permit for constructing temporary, portable buildings (Repealed by 456) | |
407 | Adopts Riverside County Ord. 567; repeals Ch. 6.64, food handlers (6.64) | |
408 | Amends Sec. 6.68.020, restaurant permit (6.68) | |
409 | ||
410 | Rezone (Special) | |
411 | Amends Sec. Sec. 14.04.475, and 14.04.480, water rates (14.04) | |
412 | Amends Sec. 7 of Ord. 366, sewage agreement (Special) | |
413 | Amends Sec. 2.32.090, employees (2.32) | |
414 | Sewer connection moratorium (Repealed by 431) | |
415 | Amends Sec. 17.28.010, zoning; repeals Sec. 17.24.070(e), street improvements (17.28) | |
416 | Adds Sec. 15.04.020(D), flood protection (Repealed by 471) | |
417 | Adds Sec. 9.28.080 and 18.28.080, penalties; repeals and replaces Sec. Sec. 5.36.080, 6.12.230, 6.40.160, 12.08.090, 15.04.030, 15.16.070, 15.28.030, 15.40.030, 15.44.020, 15.48.020 and 15.52.020; repeals Ch. 1.04, penalty (5.36, 6.12, 6.40, 9.28, 12.08, 15.04, 15.16, 15.28, 15.40, 15.44, 15.48, 15.52, 18.28) | |
418 | Amends Sec. 14.04.265, water meters (14.04) | |
419 | Amends portions of Sec. 6.12.030, dog licenses (6.12) | |
420 | Amends Sec. 2.04.030, city council (2.04) | |
421 | Floodplain management (15.60) | |
422 | Amends Sec. 2.04.050, mayor (2.04) | |
423 | Extends sewer connection moratorium (Repealed ) | |
424 | Purchasing system; repeals Ord. 113 and Res. 75-95 (3.24) | |
425 | Amends Ord. 97, vehicle weight limits (10.16) | |
426 | Amends Ch. 18.26, zoning (18.26) | |
427 | Amends Sec. 15.28.010, 15.28.015, 15.28.030, 15.28.040, electrical code (15.28) | |
428 | Sewer connection moratorium extension (Repealed by 431) | |
429 | Amends Sec. 6 of Ord. 380, land division moratorium; repeals Ord. 383 (Special) | |
430 | Deletes and replaces last paragraph of Sec. 18.51.06(A), zoning (Repealed by 577) | |
431 | Sewer connection moratorium extension; repeals Ords. 366, 376, 378, 390, 401, 414, 423, 428 (Repealed by 446) | |
432 | Establishes trash receptacle regulations (Repealed by 525) | |
433 | Municipal refuse collection service | |
434 | Establishes redevelopment agency (Repealed by 941) | |
435 | Rezone (Special) | |
436 | Repeals Ord. 54 (Repealer) | |
437 | Adopts Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings, 1979 Edition (15.56) | |
438 | Adopts Uniform Building Code, 1979 Edition, including "Dwelling Construction under the Uniform Building Code" (15.04) | |
439 | Adopts Uniform Fire Code, 1979 Edition (15.16) | |
440 | Adopts Uniform Housing Code, 1979 Edition (15.52) | |
441 | Adopts Uniform Sec. Mechanical Code, 1979 Edition (15.44) | |
442 | Adopts Uniform Plumbing Code, 1979 Edition (15.40) | |
443 | Adopts Uniform Sign Code, 1979 Edition (15.48) | |
444 | Amends Ord. 137, personnel (2.32) | |
445 | Adds Sec. 10.08.020, parking (10.08) | |
446 | Sewer connection moratorium extension; repeals Ord. 431 (Special) | |
447 | Ineligibility for employment (2.40) | |
448 | Establishes traffic regulations upon privately owned and maintained roads (10.30) | |
449 | Rezone (Special) | |
450 | Display of vehicles and other personal property for sale (Not codified) | |
451 | Amends Sec. 14.04.475, water rates (14.04) | |
452 | Adds Ch. 10.32; deletes Sec. 10.20.120, parking prohibition (10.32) | |
453 | Adds Sec. 9.36.050, traffic violations (9.36) | |
454 | Amends Ord. 243, zoning map (Special) | |
455 | Amends Sec. 18.43.06, zoning (18.43) | |
456 | Repeals Sec. 15.04.027 (Repealer) | |
457 | Mobile home interim ordinance (Not codified) | |
458 | Redevelopment plan (Special) | |
459 | Fire protection tax (Special) | |
460 | Adds Sec. 18.33.07; amends Sec. 18.33.06, 18.33.08, zoning (18.33) | |
461 | Rezone (Special) | |
462 | Interim ordinance for installing mobile homes on single-family lots (Not codified) | |
463 | Rezone (Special) | |
464 | Rezone (Special) | |
465 | Amends public employees’ retirement system contract (Not codified) | |
466 | Amends Sec. 6.12.120, impounded dogs (6.12) | |
467 | Adds subsection D to Sec. 15.04.020, building code (Repealed by 471) | |
468 | Adds paragraph 26A to Sec. 18.02.04; amends Sec. 18.19.08 (11) and 18.21.08(1), zoning (18.02, 18.19, 18.21) | |
469 | Amends Sec. 18.31.08; renumbers subsection (8) to subsection (7) of Sec. 18.31.08, zoning (18.31) | |
470 | Rezone (Special) | |
471 | Adds subsections (18.5) and (25.5) to Sec. 18.02.04, subsection (8) to Sec. 18.12.06, subsection (9) to Sec. 18.13.06, subsection (15) to Sec. 18.14.06, subsection (7) to Sec. 18.15.06 and Sec. 18.30.32, 18.30.34, 18.30.36 and 18.30.38; amends subsection (51) of Sec. 18.02.04, zoning; deletes Sec. Sec. 15.04.020, 15.28.015, subsection (1) from Sec. 18.17.06 and 18.30.20 (18.02, 18.12, 18.13, 18.14, 18.15, 18.17, 18.30) | |
472 | Municipal election date (2.44) | |
473 | Adds 14.04.286, 14.04.321 and 14.04.322; amends Sec. 14.04.035, 14.04.280, 14.04.285, 14.04.310, 14.04.320, 14.04.325, 14.04.355, 14.04.430, and 14.04.455, water; repeals Sec. 14.04.290 and 14.04.295 (14.04) | |
474 | Amends Sec. 14.04.225, water (14.04) | |
475 | Rezone (Special) | |
476 | Rezone (Special) | |
477 | Repeals Sec. 18.33.08(3) and (16), zoning (Repealer) | |
478 | Amends Sec. 2.20.080, planning commission meetings (2.20) | |
479 | Adds Sec. 5.08.030(7), entertainment licenses; and Sec. 18.30.40, zoning; repeals Sec. 5.08.100(2) (B) (v) and Ch. 9.32 (5.08, 18.30) | |
480 | Sewer service charges; rescinds Res. 78-102 (Repealed by 534) | |
481 | Amends Sec. 10.08.020, parking (10.08) | |
482 | Adds Sec. 18.36.19; amends Sec. 18.30.36(1), 18.30.38(1), 18.36.04, 18.36.16, and 18.36.18, zoning; repeals Sec. 18.36.28 (18.30, 18.36) | |
483 | Adds Sec. 15.04.050, building code (15.04) | |
484 | Adds Sec. 15.16.090, Uniform Fire Code (15.16) | |
485 | Sewer connection moratorium extension (Repealed by 534) | |
486 | Adds Ch. 6.22, public nuisance abatement (6.22) | |
487 | Amends Sec. 18.43.06(3), zoning (18.43) 488 Amends Sec. 14.12.240, maintenance of private sewer lines (Repealed by 534) | |
489 | Adds Sec. 15.04.020, building code (15.04) | |
490 | (Not adopted) | |
491 | Adds Sec. 12.08.100; amends Sec. 18.02.04 and 18.31.06, subsection (4) of Sec. 18.32.06, and Ch. 18.37, zoning (12.08, 18.02, 18.31, 18.32) | |
492 | Rezone (Special) | |
493 | Amends Sec. 6.12.080, kennel license (6.12) | |
494 | Amends Sec. Sec. 6.64.020(a), 6.64.030, 6.64.050(b) and 6.64.060, food handlers (6.64) | |
495 | Amends Ch. 14.08, public sewerage system wastes (14.08) | |
496 | Amends Sec. Sec. 5.04.160, | |
5.04.170, 5.04.180 and 5.04.190, business license (Repealed by 511) | ||
497 | Amends subsections (20) and (65) of Sec. 18.02.04, (3) (b) of Sec. 18.12.06, (8) of Sec. 18.12.08, (3)(b) of Sec. 18.13.06, (13) of Sec. 18.13.08, (3)(b) of Sec. 18.14.06, (3)(b) of Sec. 18.15.06 and (9) of Sec. 18.31.08; adds subsection (17) to Sec. 18.38.10, zoning (18.02, 18.12, 18.13, 18.14, 18.15, 18.31, 18.38) | |
498 | Adds Title 19, cable TV franchises (Title 19) | |
499 | Amends Sec. Sec. 18.10.20, 18.11.20, 18.12.20, 18.13.20, 18.14.20 and 18.15.20, zoning (18.10, 18.11, 18.12, 18.13, 18.14, 18.15) | |
500 | Amends Sec. 18.33.07(3) and 18.33.08(5), zoning (18.33) | |
501 | Amends Sec. Sec. 18.40.14, 18.41.14, 18.42.08, 18.44.20, 18.44.28, 18.45.26 and Ch. 18.46; and deletes Sec. 18.45.22, zoning (18.40, 18.41, 18.42, 18.44, 18.45, 18.46) | |
502 | Amendment to redevelopment plan (Special) | |
503 | Amends Ord. 243 and official zoning map (Not codified) | |
504 | Adds Ch. 2.18, industrial development authority (2.18) | |
505 | Amends Sec. 14.12.160, sewer service charge (Repealed by 534) | |
506 | Sales and use tax; amends Sec. 3.08.121 (3.08) | |
507 | (Not used) | |
508 | Authorizes amendment to public employees' retirement system contract (Special) | |
509 | Adds subsections (69a) and (69b) to Sec. 18.02.04 and Sec. 18.30.42, zoning (18.02, 18.30) | |
510 | Amends Sec. 14.04.475, water rates (14.04) | |
511 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 5.04, business licenses (5.04) | |
512 | Amends Ord. 243 and official zoning map (Not codified) | |
513 | Adds subsection (12) to Sec. 18.02.04, Ch. 18.52; amends Sec. 18.03.02 and 18.03.10(2), Chs. 18.10, 18.11 and 18.26; deletes Sec. 18.03.04, zoning (18.02, 18.03, 18.10, 18.11, 18.26, 18.52) | |
514 | Amends Sec. 18.40.16(1) and (2), zoning (18.40) | |
515 | Amends Sec. 18.39.02 and 18.39.16(1), zoning (18.39) | |
516 | Amends Ord. 243, zoning map (Special) | |
517 | Amends Ord. 243, zoning map (Special) | |
518 | Amends Ord. 243, zoning map (Special) | |
519 | Adds Ch. 3.34, civil penalties (3.34) | |
520 | Deletes and replaces subsection (9) of Sec. 2.08.020, city manager (2.08) | |
521 | Amends Ord. 243, zoning map (Special) | |
522 | Adds material to Sec. 18.02.04 and renumbers subsections accordingly; amends Sec. 18.31.16, zoning (18.02, 18.31) | |
523 | Adds Sec. 18.38.13 and 18.38.19, zoning (18.38) | |
524 | Adds Sec. 17.20.015, Chs. 17.30 and 17.32; amends Sec. 17.08.380; deletes Sec. 17.04.050, subdivisions and plats (17.04, 17.08, 17.20, 17.30, 17.32) | |
525 | Adds Sec. 6.42.075, 6.42.101, 6.42.105 and 6.42.120; amends Sec. 6.42.100 and 6.42.110; deletes subsections (e) and (f) of Sec. 6.42.070, refuse collection service; Sec. repeals Ch. 6.44 (6.42) | |
526 | Adds Ch. 14.13, sewer connections--testing (Repealed by 1039) | |
527 | Adds Ch. 1.04, penalty for code violations and Sec. 10.28.040, off-road use of vehicles; amends Sec. 2.28.210, emergency and disaster relief; 5.28.090, 5.36.080, 5.40.130 and 5.44.090, business licenses and regulations; 6.08.030, 6.12.230, 6.40.160, 6.42.110, 6.52.030 and 6.64.120, health and sanitation; 9.28.080, parks and recreation; 10.08.020 and 10.16.060, vehicles and traffic; 12.08.090, encroachments and excavations; 14.08.210(a), public sewerage system wastes; 15.04.030, 15.16.070, 15.28.020, 15.40.030, 15.44.020, 15.48.020 and 15.52.020, buildings and construction; 17.28.090, subdivisions; 18.28.08 and 18.48.22, zoning; repeals Sec. 6.28.070 (1.04, 2.28, 5.28, 5.36, 5.40, 5.44, 6.08, 6.12, 6.40, 6.42, 6.64, 9.28, 10.08, 10.16, 10.28, 12.08, 14.08, 15.04, 15.16, 15.28, 15.40, 15.44, 15.48, 15.52, 17.28, 18.28, 18.48) | |
528 | Adds Sec. 18.30.44; amends Sec. 18.19.08(12), 18.20.06(3), 18.21.08(3), 18.24.06(9) and 18.25.06(8), zoning (18.19, 18.20, 18.21, 18.24, 18.25, 18.30) | |
529 | Rezone (Special) | |
530 | Adds Ch. 3.36, transient occupancy tax (3.36) | |
531 | Rezone (Special) | |
532 | Amends Sec. 3 of Ord. 77, city council salaries (2.06) | |
533 | Amends Sec. 14.13.060, sewer connections--testing (Repealed by 1039) | |
534 | Adds Ch. 14.07, sewer use; repeals Ord. 485 and Chs. 6.40, 6.52 and 14.12 (14.07) | |
535 | Adds Ch. 14.14, sewage facilities development fee (Repealed by 1039) | |
536 | Amends title and subsection a of Sec. 16.12.120, impounded animals (6.12) | |
537 | Amendment to redevelopment plan (Special) | |
538 | Amends Sec. 14.07.610, sewer use (14.07) | |
539 | Adds Ch. 18.23, zoning (18.23) | |
540 | Rezone (Special) | |
541 | Adds Ch. 5.48, licensing and regulation of massage (5.48) | |
542 | Amends Sec. 14.04.320, 14.04.325, 14.04.450, 14.04.475, 14.04.480(5) and (6), water service (14.04) | |
543 | Adds Sec. 10.08.030, removal of vehicles from streets (10.08) | |
544 | Amends Sec. 18.30.32(i) and adds Sec. 18.30.35, zoning (18.30) | |
545 | Building and development moratorium (Special) | |
546 | Amends Sec. 18.30.18, zoning (18.30) | |
547 | Amends Ch. 10.16, commercial vehicles/trucks (10.16) | |
548 | Extends building and development moratorium (Special) | |
549 | Adds Sec. 10.08.030, no parking areas (10.08) | |
550 | Amends subsections (2), (5) and (7) of Sec. 10.16.050 and Sec. 10.16.060, parking commercial vehicles (10.16) | |
551 | Rezone (Special) | |
552 | Amends Sec. 10.16.060, parking commercial vehicles (10.16) | |
553 | Rezone (Special) | |
554 | Adopts specific plan (Special) | |
555 | Amends subsection (3) (d) of; deletes subsection (3) (e) and reletters (d) (f), (d) (g) and (d) (h) of Sec. 18.30.42, zoning (18.30) | |
556 | Amends Sec. 10.16.030, truck routes (10.16) | |
557 | Rescinds moratorium established by Ord. 545 (Special) | |
558 | Amends Sec. 18.51.02, zoning (Repealed by 577) | |
559 | Amends subsections (a) and (b) of Sec. 17.16.170; adds Ch. 17.34, subdivisions (17.16, | |
17.34) | ||
560 | Amends subsections (1) and (7) of Sec. 18.32.06, zoning (18.32) | |
561 | Amends Sec. 3.28.030, new construction tax (3.28) | |
562 | Rezone (Special) | |
563 | Amends Sec. Sec. 5.5, 6.2, 8.2 and 8.3 of Ord. 498, cable television franchises (Title 19) | |
564 | Adds Sec. Sec. 15.16.100--15.16.140; amends Sec. 15.16.010, uniform fire code (15.16) | |
565 | Amends Sec. 2.06.030, salaries (2.06) | |
566 | Rezone (Special) | |
567 | Adds Ch. 12.12, street trees (12.12) | |
568 | Adds Ch. 9.30, River Trails Park (9.30) | |
569 | Amends Sec. 14.07.620 and 14.14.040, sewer fees (14.07) | |
570 | Rezone (Special) | |
571 | (Not adopted) | |
572 | Amends Sec. 14.04.475, water service rates (14.04) | |
573 | Amends Sec. Sec. 18.03.02, 18.33.08 and 18.37.18, zoning (18.03, 18.33, 18.37) | |
574 | Adds Sec. Sec. 6.42.102, 6.42.106, 6.42.107, 6.42.108 and 6.42.109, and amends Sec. 6.42.101, garbage collection (6.42) | |
575 | Amends Sec. 18.31.06, zoning (18.31) | |
576 | Rezone (Special) | |
577 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 18.51, zoning (18.51) | |
578 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 18.50, zoning (18.50) | |
579 | Adds subsection (d) to Sec. 5.40.040; amends Sec. 5.40.090; repeals and replaces Sec. Sec. 5.40.080 and 5.40.130(b), bingo games (5.40) | |
580 | Adds Sec. 15.60.081, subsections (t) and (u) to Sec. 15.60.020, (D) to Sec. 15.60.110 and subdivisions (2)(C), (2)(D), (4)(E) and (4)(F) to Sec. 15.60.140; amends subsections (m) and (o) of Sec. 15.60.020, (1)(C), (3) and (4)(A) of Sec. 15.60.110, (1)(B) of Sec. 15.60.140 and (1) of Sec. 15.60.150, floodplain management (15.60) | |
581 | Adds Ch. 8.05, wild or vicious animals (8.05) | |
582 | Adds Sec. 14.04.031 and 14.07.610; amends Sec. 14.04.030 and 14.04.320, water and sewerage systems (14.04, 14.07) | |
583 | Amends Sec. 2.06.030, city council salaries (2.06) | |
584 | Amends subsection (g) of Sec. 17.12.030 and 17.12.060; repeals and replaces Sec. 17.12.040 and 18.30.24, subdivisions and zoning (17.12, 18.30) | |
585 | Amend Ord. 554, estab. and regulating Specific Plan Areas Norco Auto Mall 1, Permitted Uses. | |
586 | Amending Title 14, relating to sewer service fees and facility development fees. (amended Ord. 596) | |
587 | Regulating approval and erection of freeway oriented and regional center signs and declaring urgency. (amended Ord. 595.) | |
588 | Amending Chapter 18.51--Special Event Permit, conduct of charitable fund-raiser events. | |
589 | Amending Title 18, re-zoning 8.66 acres N/W Corner of Bluff and Stagecoach Dr. | |
590 | Adding Chapter 9.05, 9.06, and 9.07 to Title 9, dealing with Unlawful Presence, Public Drinking and Raucous Noises in Shopping Center parking Lots open for public access | |
591 | Adding Sec. 10.08.050 removal of illegally parked vehicles and Chapter 10.10, adopting vehicle code to privately owned off-street parking facilities open for public access. | |
592 | Recind Chapter 9.04 in its entirety and adding new 9.04, establishing a curfew in Norco. | |
593 | Amending Title 2, Chapter 2.32 Sections, 050, 090, 110 and 120, personnel system. | |
594 | Amending Sec. 14.07.100, Code Change 89-3, regarding connection to public sewers. | |
595 | Amending Urgency Ord. re: Freeway Oriented and Regional Center Signs (Mortorium). (amend Ord. 597) | |
596 | Amending Title 14, relating to sewer service fees and sewer facility development fees. | |
597 | Amending Title 18, zoning, Chpt. 2, Definitions, and Chapt. 37, re: signs requiring a Special Sign Permit and Lifting the Moratorium, ACA 89-1. (Repealed by 953) | |
598 | Amend, Chapt. 15.16, relating to adoption of Uniform Fire Code and Uniform Fire Code Standards of 1988. | |
599 | Extending the Interim Ord. 595, regulating approval and erection of Freeway Oriented and Regional Signs. | |
600 | Amending Chapt. 15.04 of Title 15, Sec. 15.04.070, regarding automatic fire sprinkler system installation. | |
601 | Amend. Chapt. 15.04, Sec. 15.04.080 and 15.04.090, regarding fire retardant roof covering installation. | |
602 | Amend. Title 18, pre-zoning of 4.50 acres on Bluff west of River Road. Pre Zone change 89-02. | |
603 | amend. Chapt. 6.36, relating to water wells in accordance with Calif. Water Code. | |
604 | Amending Title 18, decrease the interior side yard to five feet in R-1 zone, ZCA 89-04. | |
605 | Amend. Title 18, to eliminate the interior side yard and read yard of 50 feet for property in the C-2 zone adjacent to a school site or any A or R Zone. ZCA 89-05. | |
606 | Amend. Title 18, requiring minimum driveway improvements for single family dwelling. ZCA 90-01 (Driveways) | |
607 | Amend. Title 18, Pre-Zoning s/e Hamner and Yuma, Pre-Zone Change 90-02. | |
608 | Amend. Title 18, Pre-Zoning n/w River Rd. and Corydon Pre-Zone change 90-03 | |
609 | Amend. Title 18, Read Yard Setback from mm 30 to mm of 60 feet A-1 Zone ZCA 89-03 | |
610 | Add Sec. 5.04.070 and 5.08.045 re: Application fee Business Lic. and Entertainment Permit Applications. | |
611 | Amend. Sec. 15.16.140 providing penalty for False Alarms be established by resolution. | |
612 | Amend. Title 2, re: salaries to City Council Members | |
613 | Amending Title 18, re: Pre-zoning S/Fifth, 1500 feet w/Hamner, Z.C. 90-01 | |
614 | Amend. Sec. 2.04.030 Time of Council Meetings | |
615 | Amend. Title 18 corner Side Yard Setback ZCA 90-2 | |
616 | Amend. Chapter 2.28 Emergency Disaster Relief CC 90-07 | |
617 | Amend. Title 18, W/Corydon news 5th St. | |
618 | Delete Ch. 3.28, 3.32, Sec. 14.04.126, 14.04.130, 14.04.135, 14.04.380, 15.36.040 & 15.36.050, amend Sec. 14.04.160, 17.224.080, 17.24.100 and add Chapter 3.40 Development Impact Fees. | |
619 | Amend Uniform Codes, building, plumbing, electrical, mechanical and sign, and adding unreinforced masonry code. | |
620 | Amend Title 14 sewer serv and facility devp fees. | |
621 | Amend Title 14, sewer connection fees | |
622 | Amend Title 18, ZC 90-06, | |
623 | Establish Specific Plan 91-02 Customs Homes | |
624 | Amending Zoning Code regarding Miniature Horses ZCA 91-02 | |
625 | Amendment to PERS Contract | |
626 | Adding and Amending Sections dealing with Reimbursement Agreements for Streets, Sewers, and Water Code Change 91-1 | |
627 | Approval of GPA 90-02 and Pre Zone Change 90-04 SAVI | |
628 | Amending Chapter 2 relating to election of Mayor | |
629 | Amending 15, 15.16.160 Hazardous Materials, 15.16.150 Automatic Fire-Extinguishing Systems Code Change 91-3 | |
630 | Add Chapter 4 Development Agreements | |
631 | Establish Spec. P1 90-01 Gateway Specific Plan | |
632 | Amend Chap. 15.04.070, Automatic Fire Extinguishing Sys. | |
633 | Amend. Sec. 14.04.475, Water Rates | |
634 | Amend. various sections dealing with Penalties | |
635 | Add Chapter 6.90 Mobile Source Air Pollution Reduction | |
636 | Amend Zoning Map P-E Zone | |
637 | Amend Zoning Code--Zone Change 91-03 | |
638 | Amend Chapter 14, Sewer Serv. Fees Code Change 91-8 | |
639 | Amend Zoning Code--Penalties | |
640 | Amending Title 15 Building Construction Hours Code Change 91-10 | |
641 | Repealing and Amend Chapter 2 Uniform Building codes and Establish a Board of Appeals | |
642 | Amending Zoning Code Trail Materials Zone Code 91-04 | |
643 | Amending Zoning Code Non-conforming Uses ZCA 91-05 | |
644 | Amending Chapter 9.40 Refuse Abatement Code Change 92-2 | |
645 | Amending Chapter 10 Parking Code Change 92-1 | |
646 | Amending Title 18 re Amortization Non-Conforming Service Stations Sec. 18.39.12 | |
647 | Amending Sec. 14.07.620 (a) and (b) Sewer Rate increases | |
649 | Amending Sec. 8.02 Establishing a Voluntary Ranch License | |
650 | Zone Changes 92-02 and 92-04 rezoning various parcels | |
651 | ZCA 91-06 reorganizing sign code Chapter 18.37 (Repealed by 953) | |
652 | Amending Chapter 6.04 Health Code, Co. Ord. by Ref. | |
653 | Amending Title 14 relating to Sewer Facility Dev. Fees | |
654 | Amending Chapter 2, City Council addr, Hours & EOC | |
655 | Amend Title 18 rezoning property | |
656 | Zone Change 92-06 amending zoning | |
657 | Amending Text in Gatewy Specific Plan Area Egg Process. | |
658 | Add Chapter 3.28 Collection of Fines Code Change 92-8 | |
659 | Amend Chapter 10.16 Commercial Vehicle Parking Exempt Permits, Owners and Renters | |
660 | Amending Chapter 18.37 relating to Political signs (Repealed by 953) | |
661 | Adding Chapter 18.54 "Transportation Demand Management P1" | |
662 | Amending Title 14 relating to Water Rates | |
663 | Amending 6.42 relating to Rubbish Hauling and Recycling | |
664 | Amending Chapter 18.02, 18.12, 18.13, 18.35 regarding Miniaturized Pigs. | |
665 | Amending Chapter 12.08 Excavation and Encroachment Permit Fees | |
666 | Adding Sec. 9.52 re: control and removal of Graffiti | |
667 | Approved Specific Plan Amendment 93-01 Gateway Specific Plan (Specific Plan 90-01) | |
668 | ZC 93-01 Yuma and Hamner Gateway Specific Plan area | |
669 | ZCA 92-05 Roosters | |
670 | Code Change 93-4 Chapter 3.28 Parking Citation Enforcement | |
671 | Code Change 93-5 User Utility Tax | |
672 | CFD 93-1 Levy Special Tax | |
673 | Water Efficient Landscaping Chapter 18.55 added | |
674 | Second Dwelling Units add 18.30.46 | |
675 | ZCA 93-05 Maturing Age of Sheep and Goats | |
676 | CC 93-7 Time Extensions on Approved Tentative Maps | |
677 | ZCA 93-08 Public Golf Courses as a CUP | |
678 | CC 93-9 Title 14 Amended Sewer Facility Fees | |
679 | Title 14 Urgency Ord. Sewer Service Fees | |
680 | ZC 93-02 Title 18 Rezoning Property | |
681 | CC 93-08 Title 17 Lot Line Adjustments | |
682 | Vehicle Abatement Program Amend. 6.24.085 Historical Veh. | |
683 | Amendment 3 to RD plan | |
684 | CC 93-11 Sec. 5.32.020 Yard Sales Quarterly | |
685 | Amend. Sec. 10.08.030 Parking by permit only | |
686 | Amend. Sec. 5.04.202(15) Business License Rentals | |
687 | Amend. Title 18 ZC 94-01 Ridgeline Hills | |
688 | Adopt. Development Agreement for Gateway Center Project | |
689 | Amend. Limits of Norco Redevelopment Plan. | |
690 | Amend. Title 18 ZC 94-02 | |
691 | Amend. Title 18 re: Miniaturized Pigs in R-1 zone | |
692 | Amend. Ch. 18.56 add Child Care Homes and Centers-ZCA 94-04 | |
693 | Amending Title 14 Sewer Facility Devp. Fees | |
694 | Amend Sec. 2.44 General Municipal Election Dates Odd Years | |
695 | Amend Sec. 18.13.12 regarding Lot Depth to 200 Feet | |
696 | Amend Gateway Specific Plan 90-1 Amend. 3 | |
697 | Amending Ch. 14.08 Sewerage System Wastes Code Ch. 95-01 | |
698 | Amend Ch. 10.12 Prima Facie Speed Limits Code Ch. 95-02 | |
699 | Establish Guidelines for Claims | |
700 | Add Chapter 3.26 Emergency Response Cost Recovery | |
701 | Zone Code Amend. 95-01 Amending Title 18 Driveway Trails | |
702 | Zone Change 95-01 C-2 Zone | |
703 | Ballot Measure Q, Add. Ch. 3.50 re: Police and Fire Protection | |
704 | Amend. PERS Contract 2% at 55. | |
705 | Amend. Add Sec. 2.08.030 CM to perform Emer. Pub. Projects | |
706 | Add Ch 3.30 Veh. Impound Cost Recovery Program | |
707 | Amend. Sec. 18.30.35 regarding Mobile Home Use for Elderly | |
708 | Amend. Sec. 5.04.202(15) Exempting Business License Fee for 1 Residential Unit | |
709 | Add Ch. 2.25 Police and Fire Safety Commission | |
710 | Add Ch. 9.60 Roller Skates in Public Park | |
711 | Amend. Ch. 9.28 Establishing Curfew in Parks | |
712 | Amend. Title 18 Pertaining to Communication Antenna Towers | |
713 | Amend. Ch. 9.28 Establishing Curfew in Parks | |
714 | Amend. Title 6 Prohibiting Barbed Wire and Razor Wire | |
715 | Add Ch. 15.80 Establishing Stormwater/Urban Runoff Controls | |
716 | Add Ch. 9.60, Amend. Ch. 15.04 & 15.16 Relating to Uniform Fire Code | |
717 | Amend. PERS Contract | |
718 | Amend. Title 18 Prezoning Land Along Ridgeline as HS | |
719 | Amend. Title 6 to Add Provisions Relating to Trails | |
720 | Amend. Ch. 3.24 Providing Preference for Local Bidders | |
721 | Amend. Ch. 9.65 Providing for Cost Recovery Fire Department | |
722 | Amend. Title 6 Prohibiting Oleander Plants | |
723 | Amend. Ch. 5.48 Adding Provisions for Massage Businesses | |
724 | Authorizing the City to Levy Special Taxes (Facilities District 97-1 (Norco Hills) | |
725 | Add Chapter on Historic Preservation | |
726 | Urgency Ordinance Declaring 45 Day Moratorium on Adult Entertainment Establishments | |
727 | Amend. PERS Contract | |
728 | Amend. Title 18 to Establish Sec. 18.35.12 Prohibiting CC&Rs | |
729 | Amend. Zoning Map Regarding Zone Designation along Western Avenue between Pacer Drive and Wayne Makin Park | |
730 | Amend. Title 14 Relating to Sewer Facility Development Fees | |
731 | Amend. Title 2 Add Ch. 2.21, 2.22 and 2.23 Relating to Commissions | |
732 | Amends Ch. 2.25, police and fire safety commission | |
733 | Amends Title 3, revenue and finance | |
734 | Amends Title 3, revenue and finance | |
735 | Amends Chs. 14.07, sewer service fees, and 14.14, sewage facility development fee | |
736 | Rezone (Special) | |
737 | Amends Ch. 18.57, wireless telecommunication facility regulations (Repealed by 1038) | |
738 | Specific plan 91-02 (Special) | |
739 | Rezone (Special) | |
740 | Amends Ch. 6.10, barbed/razor wire--prohibition | |
741 | Permitted coverage of residential and agricultural lots with permanent and accessory structures | |
742 | (Number not used) | |
743 | Amends Chs. 14.07, sewer use, and 14.14, sewer facilities | |
744 | Door tag and reconnection charges for Title 14, water and sewer | |
745 | Amends Ch. 18.37, signs (Repealed by 953) | |
746 | Water service procedure; amends Title 14, water and sewer | |
747 | Rezone (Special) | |
748 | Specific plan 98-01 (Special) | |
749 | Freeway-oriented sign location and allowances (Repealed by 953) | |
750 | (Not adopted) | |
751 | Community facilities district 97-1; tax levy; appropriations | |
752 | Amends §§ 2.25.080 and 2.25.090, police and fire safety commission (2.25) | |
753 | Amends § 18.13.16, zoning (18.16) | |
754 | Adds § 18.35.14, zoning (18.35) | |
755 | Adds Ch. 9.70, public skate park facilities (9.70) | |
756 | Amends §§ 18.24.06 and 18.24.08, zoning (18.24) | |
757 | ||
758 | Amends § 18.57.12, zoning (Repealed by 1038) | |
759 | Amends § 15.60, flood insurance program | |
760 | Amends § 3.24, purchasing system | |
761 | Specific Plan 99-01 (Special) | |
762 | Rezone (Special) | |
763 | (Not adopted) | |
764 | (Not adopted) | |
765 | Adds § 1.05, aministrative citation program and amends § 1.04, general penalties | |
766 | (Not adopted) | |
767 | (Not adopted) | |
768 | Amends § 15.04.020, cargo carriers | |
769 | Rezone pedestrian trail (Special) | |
770 | Amends § 18.57, wireless telecommunication facilities (Repealed by 1038) | |
771 | Amends Specific Plan 98-01 (Special) | |
772 | Amends § 12.12, street trees | |
773 | Amends § 6.08.010, oleanders | |
774 | Approves Development Agreement for SunCal Hidden Valley Estates (Special) | |
775 | Forms Community Facilities District 2001-1 (Norco Ridge Ranch) (Special) | |
776 | Amends § 14.08, wastewater | |
777 | Amends § 10.12.010 - 10.12.030, prima facie speed limits | |
778 | Repeals § 2.25, police and fire safety commission | |
779 | Amends Specific Plan 98-01 (Special) | |
780 | Amends § 18.37.14, cost recovery for illegal signs | |
781 | Repeals § 18.51.075 and Adds § 18.30.47, requirements for model home sales complexes | |
782 | Repeals § 17.12.070 and Adds § 17.14, park dedication | |
783 | Amends 36 sections in the code to correctly reference state statutues and to address duplications, omissions and outdated terminology (legal analysis provided by Book Publishing Co. in 2001) | |
784 | Amends § 1.05, administration citation program | |
785 | Amends § 18.13.16 (2) (a), changing the side yard requirements | |
786 | Amends § 2.06, City Council salaries | |
787 | Amends § 15.04, 15.20, 15.28, 15.32, 15.40, 15.44, 15.52 & 15.56, adopting the 1997 Uniform Building Code | |
788 | Adds § 18.60, recycling collection facilities | |
789 | Adds § 9.75, newsrack regulations | |
790 | Rezone (special) | |
791 | Rezone (special) | |
792 | Amends Specific Plan 91-02 (special) | |
793 | Amends § 18.13, establishing Primary Animal Keeping Areas in A-1- zones | |
794 | Rezone (special) | |
795 | Amends § 2.20, 2.21, 2.22 and 2.23 (City Commissions) | |
796 | Rezone (special) | |
797 | Urgency Moratorium on Adult Entertainment Use | |
798 | Moratorium on Adult Entertainment Use | |
799 | Forms Community Facilities District 2002-1 (Norco 50) (Special) | |
800 | Amends § 10.16.030, standards for placement of truck route signs | |
801 | Amends § 18.41, architectural guidelines for development | |
802 | Amends § 18.23, expanding the standards for uses in the C-4 zone | |
803 | Rezone (special) | |
804 | Adds § 3.50, Western Riverside Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee | |
805 | Rezone (special) | |
806 | Rezone (special) | |
807 | Amends § 10.12, Speed Limits | |
808 | Amends § 5.45, § 8.05, § 9.16 and § 14.04 to remove references to specific fees | |
809 | Amends § 14.07, Sewer Use and § 14.14 Sewer Facilities Development Fee | |
810 | Amends § 14.04, Water System | |
811 | Not used | |
812 | Amends § 18.13.06, Permitted Uses and § 18.13.08, Uses Which May Be Permitted By Conditional Use Permit | |
813 | Adds § 3.60 Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan | |
814 | Amends § 18.30.46, Second Units | |
815 | Deletes § 18.30.40 and adds § 18.53, Adult Entertainment Establishments | |
816 | Rezone (special) | |
817 | Rezone (special) | |
818 | Amends § 18.12.06, § 18.14.06 and § 18.15.06 to Allow Private Garages, Eliminating Maximum Number of Vehicles in Garages | |
819 | Amends § 17.12 Regarding Development of Private Streets | |
820 | Moratorium on Used Car Lots, Self-Storage Facilities, Vehicle Storage Yards, Automobile Body and Repair Facilities and Contractor Storage Yards with the exception of Used Car Lots with Ancillary and Associated Repair Facilities in the Norco Auto Mall | |
821 | Not Used | |
822 | Amends § 3.30 Removing Reference to Vehicle Impound Cost Recovery Fee | |
823 | Rezone (special) | |
824 | Amends § 14.14, Wastewater Infrastructure Facilities Fee (Repealed by 1039) | |
825 | Rezone (special) | |
826 | Amends § 18.37, Signs, Establishing Provisions for Temporary Signs for New Homes Sales (Repealed by 953) | |
827 | Regarding the Time Limit on Establishment of Loans, Payment of Indebtedness and Receipt of Taxes for Norco Redevelopment Project Area No. One | |
828 | Amends § 14.07, New Sewer Use Rate Category for Non-Residential Uses | |
829 | Amends § 2.21 Duties of Community Services Commission | |
830 | Amends § 3.50 Adjusts Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee | |
831 | Amends § 9.65, § 15.16 to Adopt the 2000 California Fire Code | |
832 | Rezone (special) | |
833 | Amends § 18.37 Regarding Freeway-Oriented Signs (Repealed by 953) | |
834 | Extends Moratorium on Used Car Lots, Self-Storage Facilities, Vehicle Storage Yards, Automobile Body and Repair Facilities and Contractor Storage Yards | |
835 | Amends § 1.05.030 and § 15.74 Regarding Construction Fines and Construction Activity | |
836 | Amends Specific Text in Order to Make Corrections and Address Duplications, Omissions and Outdated Terminology | |
837 | Amends § 18.28.16 Regarding Types of Materials Permitted to Be Placed in the Trail | |
838 | Amends Specific Plan 90-01 (Rezone) | |
839 | Amends § 15.16.150 to Provide for Exception to the Automatic Fire Extinguishing Requirement | |
840 | Establishes a Moratorium on the Approval of Non-State Licensed Parolee Homes | |
841 | Corrected Clerical Errors to Ordinance 827 Pursuant to the Extension of Time Limits in Redevelopment Plan | |
842 | Establishes § 18.29 (Commercial-General Zone); Deletes § 18.18 (C-1), § 18.19 (C-2), § 18.20 (C-3) | |
843 | Amends § 18.24 to Expand/Update Permitted Uses and Conditionally Permitted Uses | |
844 | Rezone (Special) Changing Zoning Map C-1, C-2 and C-3 Designations to C-G | |
845 | Rezone (Special) Pre-zoning Land A-1-20 South Side of First Street Between Hillkirk and Corona | |
846 | Amends § 14.04 (Water) Section XVIII Increasing Basic and Quantity Rates | |
847 | Adds § 9.80 (Licensure of Tobacco Retailers) | |
848 | Adds § 9.09 (Juvenile Truancy Regulations) | |
849 | Amends § 18.43 (Hearings and Appeals) to Revise Notification Procedures | |
850 | Extended the Moratorium on the Approval of Non-State Licensed Parolee Homes | |
851 | Rezone (Special) Changing Zoning from M-1 to C-G on Specific Properties on Hamner Avenue | |
852 | Rezone (Special) Changing Zoning from M-1 to C-G on Specific Properties West of Hamner, North of Fourth Street | |
853 | Rezone (Special) Changing Underlying C-3 Zoning in the Auto Mall Specific Plan Area to C-G Zone | |
854 | Amends Specific Plan 99-01 to Provide Access to PAKA | |
855 | Amends § 3.50 (Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee) | |
856 | Adds § 18.61 (Commercial Transition Overlay Zone) | |
857 | Rezone (Special) Applying CTO Zone to Specific Properties on Hamner Avenue | |
858 | Amends § 18.13.11(h) to Ensure Access to Animal Keeping Areas | |
859 | Not Used | |
860 | Amends § 10.12 (Prima Facia Speed Limits) | |
861 | Not Used | |
862 | Amending the Contract with the California Public Employees Retirement System | |
863 | Amends § 3.60.040 (MSHCP Ordinance) Regarding Local Development Mitigation Fee | |
864 | Establishes a Moratorium on Medical Marijuana Dispensaries | |
865 | Adds § 18.16 (Animal Keeping Overlay Zone) | |
866 | Rezone (Special) Applying Animal Keeping Overlay Zone to Several Properties on Seventh | |
867 | Not Used | |
868 | Not Used | |
869 | Not Used | |
870 | Establishes a Moratorium on Medical Marijuana Dispensaries | |
871 | Adds § 5.52 (Regulation of Taxicabs) | |
872 | Amends § 18.23.04 and § 18.29.20 to Allow the Operation of Taxicab/Vehicles for Hire with No Storage/Staging (18.23, 18.29) | |
873 | Amends § 18.24.06 to Allow the Operation of Taxicabs/Vehicles for Hire Upon Approval of CUP | |
874 | Adds § 15.90 (Post-Disaster Safety Assessment Placards) | |
875 | Adds § 15.04.110 (Parapet Wall Ladder Requirement) | |
876 | Rezone (Special) Changing a Limited Development Zone Designation to A-1-20 on Property Located on the West side of Valley View Avenue | |
877 | Amends § 18.24.06 to Allow Towing Operations Upon Approval of CUP | |
878 | Amends § 15.04.070 to Delete Section 1618 Basic Wind Speed Requirement | |
879 | Amends § 1.04.010 (General Penalties) | |
880 | Adds § 5.54 (Medical Marijuana Dispensaries) | |
881 | Adds§ 9.56 (Equestrian Helmet Regulations) | |
882 | Extended the Moratorium on Medical Marijuana Dispensaries | |
883 | Amends § 18.02, Adds § 18.59 (Rooming and Boarding House) | |
884 | Amends § 15.04, §15.16, § 15.28, 15.40 and § 15.44 to Adopt 2007 California Building Standards Codes | |
885 | Amends §18.24 to Allow Tattoo and Body Piercing Establishments | |
886 | Repeals and Replaces § 15 (Building and Construction) | |
887 | Amends § 1.05, § 5.48, § 6.42, § 9.52, § 18.03, § 18.21, § 18.23, § 18.33 and § 18.35 to Make Corrections and Ensure Consistency | |
888 | Amends § 18.37.10(5), signs (Repealed by 953) | |
889 | Adds Ch. 6.45, city of Norco manure management and disposal (6.45) | |
890 | Amends Ch. 9.20, fireworks (9.20) | |
891 | Amends § 18.13.11, primary animal keeping areas (18.13) | |
892 | Amends Norco Ridge Ranch specific plan (Special) | |
893 | Amends Ch. 2.23, streets, trails and utilities commission; repeals Ch. 2.21 (2.23) | |
894 | Amends § 3.60.030(B), fees (3.60) | |
895 | (Number skipped) | |
896 | Adopts amendment to Norco Redevelopment Project Area Number One redevelopment plan (Special) | |
897 | Amends § 14.07.620, sewer rates (14.07) | |
898 | Adds Ch. 12.18, public right-of-way maintenance responsibilities (12.18) | |
899 | Adds Ch. 9.85, novelty lighters (9.85) | |
900 | Adds Ch. 1.06, hearing officer (1.06) | |
901 | Amends § 18.37.10(4), signs (Repealed by 953) | |
902 | Adds Ch. 2.26, Historic Preservation Commission (2.26) | |
903 | Amends § 18.13.20, permitted building coverage (18.13) | |
904 | Adds Ch. 9.10, social host—underage drinking and consumption accountability (9.10) | |
905 | Urgency ordinance (Not codified) | |
906 | Adds § 14.04.062, water system (14.04) | |
907 | Urgency ordinance, accessory structure moratorium (Not codified) | |
908 | Amends § 14.04.320(b), delinquent utility accounts (14.04) | |
909 | Amends Ch. 10.12, speed limits (10.12) | |
910 | Replaces Ch. 18.58 with Title 20, cultural resources (20.05, 20.10, 20.15, 20.20, 20.30, 20.35, 20.40, 20.45) | |
911 | Urgency ordinance, accessory structure moratorium (Not codified) | |
912 | Amends Ch. 3.50, transportation uniform mitigation fee (3.50) | |
913 | Amends § 3.36.030, transient occupancy tax (3.36) | |
914 | Adds Ch. 9.81, sale of drug paraphernalia (9.81) | |
915 | Adds Ch. 18.62, preservation and development zone (18.62) | |
916 | Rezone (Not codified) | |
917 | Rezone (Not codified) | |
918 | Amends § 6.42.020, municipal refuse collection service (6.42) | |
919 | Extends moratorium on accessory structures (Not codified) | |
920 | Amends references to the Director of Fiscal and Support Services to be the Deputy City Manager/Director of Finance (2.12, 3.36, 6.45, 14.04) | |
921 | Amends redevelopment plan time limits (Not codified) | |
922 | Adds Ch. 9.90, smoking in public parks (9.90) | |
923 | Adds Ch. 18.58, historic preservation overlay zone (18.58) | |
924 | Amends §§ 18.12.02, 18.12.06, 18.12.08, 18.12.18, 18.13.02, 18.13.06, 18.13.08, 18.13.18 and 18.13.20, accessory structures in agricultural-residential zones (18.12, 18.13) | |
925 | Amends Norco Hills specific plan (Special) | |
926 | Amends Norco Ridge Ranch specific plan (Special) | |
927 | Adds Ch. 5.50, employment of undocumented workers (5.50) | |
928 | Amends §§ 2.20.040, 2.22.040, 2.23.040 and 2.26.040, commission membership requirements (2.20, 2.22, 2.23, 2.26) | |
929 | Amends §§ 3.50.030(D)(1) and 3.50.090, transportation uniform mitigation fee (3.50) | |
930 | Adds Ch. 5.10, filming permit regulations (5.10) | |
931 | Prezone (Special) | |
932 | Adds Ch. 18.63, hospitality development zone (18.63) | |
933 | Repeals §§ 3.50.030(D) and 3.50.090, transportation uniform mitigation fee (3.50) | |
934 | Approves development agreement with Balboa Management Group, LLC (Special) | |
935 | Amends §§ 6.12.020, 6.12.030, 6.12.040, 6.12.050 and 6.12.060, dog licensing and control (6.12) | |
936 | Compliance with voluntary alternative redevelopment program (Special) | |
937 | Repeals and replaces [adds] Chs. 15.07 and 15.08; repeals and replaces Chs. 15.01, 15.02, 15.03, 15.04, 15.05, 15.06 and 15.09, building codes (15.01, 15.02, 15.03, 15.04, 15.05, 15.06, 15.07, 15.08) | |
938 | Amends §§ 18.13.06(D)(1) and 18.13.08(Q), keeping of roosters (18.13) | |
939 | Approves amendment to Norco Hills specific plan (Special) | |
940 | Amends § 18.39.10, restoration of a damaged structure (18.39) | |
941 | Amends §§ 4.04.040, 4.04.060, 4.04.070 and 5.10.060; repeals Ch. 2.16 and § 4.04.050, redevelopment agency dissolution (4.04, 5.10) | |
942 | Rezone (Not codified) | |
943 | Rezone (Not codified) | |
944 | Rezone (Not codified) | |
945 | Rezone (Not codified) | |
946 | Rezone (Not codified) | |
947 | Adds Ch. 18.63 [18.64], housing development overlay zone (18.64) | |
948 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 15.09, fire code (Repealed by 966) | |
949 | Rezone (Not codified) | |
950 | Rezone; approves hospitality development specific plan – 1 (Not codified) | |
951 | Amends §§ 18.23.04, 18.23.06 and 18.23.16, lodging uses in the C-4 commercial zone (18.23) | |
952 | Amends § 18.13.08(R), animal keeping in the agricultural low density zone (18.13) | |
953 | Repeals and replaces §§ 18.02.04(70)(a) through (aa) and Ch. 18.37, signs (18.02, 18.37) | |
954 | Amends Auto Mall specific plan (Special) | |
955 | Amends § 18.29.20 and Gateway, Auto Mall and Norco Hills specific plans (18.29) | |
956 | Amends Ch. 18.28, P-E zone pedestrian-equestrian trails (18.28) | |
957 | Amends §§ 18.51.020 and 18.51.030, special events (18.51) | |
958 | Amends § 18.29.20, C-G zone commercial general (18.29) | |
959 | Amends Norco Auto Mall specific plan (Special) | |
960 | Amends § 18.29.20 and specific plans, C-G zone commercial general (18.29) | |
961 | Amends §§ 10.16.050, 10.16.060 and 18.32.06, commercial vehicles (10.16, 18.32) | |
962 | Adds §§ 1.04.010(E) through (H), general penalties (1.04) | |
963 | Amends Ch. 10.12, speed limits (10.12) | |
964 | Not Used | |
965 | Adds Ch. 18.65; amends § 18.64.10, residential density bonus (18.64, 18.65) | |
966 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 15.09, fire code (Repealed by 1011) | |
967 | Amends Ch. 18.63 [18.64], housing development overlay zone (18.64) | |
968 | Amends §§ 9.24.030 and 9.24.040, gaming (9.24) | |
969 | Adds Ch. 18.65 [18.66]; amends §§ 18.30.02 [18.02.04], 18.12.06, 18.13.06, 18.14.06, 18.15.06, 18.17.06, 18.24.06, 18.26.06, 18.30.46 and 18.64.08, emergency shelters (18.02, 18.12, 18.13, 18.14, 18.15, 18.17, 18.24, 18.26, 18.30, 18.64, 18.66) | |
970 | Adds Ch. 9.95, reasonable accommodation (9.95) | |
971 | Adds Ch. 2.46, prevailing wage law – state projects (2.46) | |
972 | Amends §§ 15.01.010, 15.01.020, 15.01.050, 15.01.080, 15.01.190, 15.02.010, 15.02.020, 15.02.030, 15.02.040, 15.02.090, 15.02.100, 15.02.160, Chs. 15.03, 15.04, §§ 15.05.010, 15.05.020, 15.05.030, 15.05.040, 15.05.060, 15.07.010, 15.07.020, 15.07.030, 15.07.040, 15.07.070 and Ch. 15.08, building codes (15.01, 15.02, 15.03, 15.04, 15.05, 15.07, 15.08) | |
973 | Amends § 2.23.010, streets, trails and utilities commission (2.23) | |
974 | Adds § 3.50.030(G)(11); amends § 3.50.020, transportation uniform mitigation fee (3.50) | |
975 | Amends § 18.43.06(3), revocation and expiration of permits and variances (18.43) | |
976 | Amends § 18.57.10(2)(d), wireless telecommunication facilities (Repealed by 1038) | |
977 | Amends §§ 18.13.04, 18.13.10 and 18.13.12, agricultural low density zone (18.13) | |
978 | Adds § 5.04.202(21); amends §§ 5.04.060, 5.04.090(a), 5.04.202(5) and (7) and 5.04.260, business license (5.04) | |
979 | Amends Ch. 9.07, noise (9.07) | |
980 | (Not adopted) | |
981 | Amends §§ 6.42.020, 6.42.030, 6.42.070, 6.42.080, 6.42.101, 6.42.106, 6.42.107, 6.42.108 and 6.42.110, refuse collection service (6.42) | |
982 | Amends § 5.28.010(2), swap meets (5.28) | |
983 | (Not adopted) | |
984 | Amends § 2.26.040, historic preservation commission membership requirements (2.26) | |
985 | Amends §§ 6.32.030, 6.32.050, 6.32.060(2), 6.32.220, 15.02.020(D) and 15.90.040, grading permit procedures (6.32, 15.02, 15.90) | |
986 | Amends § 18.23.04, C-4 zone permitted uses (18.23) | |
987 | (Not adopted) | |
988 | Amends § 18.13.20, A-1 zone permitted coverage (18.13) | |
989 | (Not adopted) | |
990 | Amends 18.23.04 [18.24.06], M-1 zone permitted uses (18.24) | |
991 | Adds §§ 14.04.700, 14.04.710, 14.04.720, 14.04.730, 14.04.740, 14.04.750, 14.04.760, 14.04.770, 14.04.780 and 14.04.790, emergency water conservation program (14.04) | |
992 | Amends §§ 1.04.010 and 3.28.010, code enforcement procedures, citations, and fines (1.04, 3.28) | |
993 | Amends 18.23.06 [18.15.06], R-1 zone permitted uses (18.15) | |
994 | Adds Ch. 15.110, small residential solar energy system (15.110) | |
995 | Adds Ch. 1.07, public notice posting (1.07) | |
996 | Amends §§ 18.23.04 and 18.23.06, C-4 commercial zone permitted uses (18.23) | |
997 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 9.52, graffiti (9.52) | |
998 | Rezone (Not codified) | |
999 | Amends specific plan 91-02 (Special) | |
1000 | ||
1001 | Adds [amends] Ch. 9.90, regulation of smoking in public parks (9.90) | |
1002 | Amends § 18.29.20, permitted uses (18.29) | |
1003 | Amends § 18.38.10, number of parking spaces for hotels and motels (18.38) | |
1004 | Amends § 2.44.010, general municipal elections (2.44) | |
1005 | Adds [amends] Ch. 14.08, public sewerage system wastes (14.08) | |
1006 | Amends § 18.37.10, temporary signs (18.37) | |
1007 | Amends Art. XXII of Ch. 14.04, emergency water conservation program (14.04) | |
1008 | Adds §§ 6.42.130 and 6.42.140; amends § 6.42.010, municipal refuse collection service (6.42) | |
1009 | Amends § 6.24.010, abandoned vehicles (6.24) | |
1010 | Amends specific plan 85-1 (Special) | |
1011 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 15.09, fire code (Repealed by 1053) | |
1012 | Adds Chs. 15.13 and 15.14; amends Ch. 15.01 and §§ 15.02.020, 15.02.050, 15.02.060, 15.02.070, 15.02.080, 15.02.090, 15.02.100, 15.02.110, 15.02.120, 15.02.130, 15.02.140, 15.02.150, 15.03.020, 15.04.020, 15.05.020, 15.05.040, 15.07.020, 15.07.050, 15.07.060 and 15.08.020, buildings and construction (15.01, 15.02, 15.03, 15.04, 15.05, 15.07, 15.08, 15.13, 15.14) | |
1013 | Adds Ch. 8.06, neglect and abuse of animals (8.06) | |
1014 | Adds Ch. 9.50, aggressive panhandling (9.50) | |
1015 | Amends § 18.30.46, accessory dwelling units (18.30) | |
1016 | Adds § 12.04.055, speed bumps, humps and tables (12.04) | |
1017 | Amends Ch. 14.04, water system (14.04) | |
1018 | Amends Ch. 9.20, fireworks (9.20) | |
1019 | Adds § 18.02.04(22a) and Ch. 18.68; amends §§ 18.12.02, 18.12.06(C), 18.12.18, 18.12.20, 18.13.02, 18.13.06(C), 18.13.18, 18.15.02, 18.15.06(3), 18.15.18, 18.15.20 and 18.31.08(8), accessory building use permits (18.02, 18.12, 18.13, 18.15, 18.31, 18.68) | |
1020 | Amends specific plan 91-02 (Special) | |
1021 | Amends specific plan 99-01 (Special) | |
1022 | Urgency ordinance, accessory buildings moratorium (Special) | |
1023 | Amends § 14.04.010, water rate charge definitions (14.04) | |
1024 | Amends Ch. 12.12, street trees (12.12) | |
1025 | Amends Ch. 3.50, transportation uniform mitigation fee program (3.50) | |
1026 | Adds § 6.12.015, dogs (6.12) | |
1027 | (Did not pass) | |
1028 | Amends § 18.23.04, C-4 commercial zone permitted uses (18.23) | |
1029 | (Did not pass) | |
1030 | Amends §§ 18.68.02, 18.68.12 and 18.68.20, accessory buildings (18.68) | |
1031 | (Did not pass) | |
1032 | Rezone (Not codified) | |
1033 | Amends Ch. 3.60, Western Riverside multiple species habitat conservation plan fee program (3.60) | |
1034 | (Did not pass) | |
1035 | (Did not pass) | |
1036 | Amends specific plan 85-1 (Special) | |
1037 | Adds Ch. 12.05, street opening and pavement restoration regulations (12.05) | |
1038 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 18.57, wireless communications facility regulations (18.57) | |
1039 | Amends Ch. 14.07, sewer system (14.07) | |
1040 | Amends Ch. 3.24, purchasing system (3.24) | |
1041 | Adds Ch. 3.05, transactions and use tax (3.05) | |
1042 | Amends Ch. 9.40; repeals § 9.65.09; amends fee schedule, hazardous vegetation and rubbish abatement (9.40) | |
1043 | Authorizes implementation of community choice aggregation program (Special) | |
1044 | Amends Ch. 3.50, transportation uniform mitigation fee program (3.50) | |
1045 | Amends Ch. 6.42, municipal refuse, manure, and recycling collection (6.42) | |
1046 | Rezone (Special) | |
1047 | Amends specific plan 85-1 (Special) | |
1048 | Rezone (Special) | |
1049 | Amends Ch. 6.42, municipal refuse, manure, and recycling collection (6.42) | |
1050 | Adds Ch. 3.70, trademark and licensing program (3.70) | |
1051 | Adds Ch. 2.02, official city seal (2.02) | |
1052 | ||
1053 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 15.09, fire code (15.09) | |
1054 | Amends §§ 15.01.020(A), (B) and (F), 15.01.030, 15.01.050, 15.01.080, 15.01.090, 15.01.100, 15.01.160, 15.01.190, 15.02.020, 15.02.050, 15.02.140, 15.02.150, 15.03.020, 15.04.020, 15.05.020, 15.05.040, 15.05.050, 15.07.020, 15.07.040, 15.07.050, 15.07.060, 15.08.020, 15.13.020, 15.14.020 and 15.25.090; repeals §§ 15.01.040, 15.02.060, 15.02.110, 15.02.120 and 15.02.130, buildings and construction (15.01, 15.02, 15.03, 15.04, 15.05, 15.07, 15.08, 15.13, 15.14, 15.25) | |
1055 | Amends Chs. 6.22 and 12.18, weed abatement in the public right-of-way (6.22, 12.18) | |
1056 | Amends Ch. 14.04, water system (14.04) | |
1057 | Adds Ch. 14.20, recycled water (14.20) | |
1058 | Amends Ch. 10.12, speed limits (10.12) | |
1059 | Amends industrial/warehouse parking requirements (18.38) | |
1060 | Amends specific plan 90-01 (Special) | |
1061 | Amends Ch. 18.55, water efficient landscaping (18.55) | |
1062 | Amends §§ 6.42.200(B), 6.42.230, 6.45.040(B) and 6.42.230 [6.45.080], manure collection and self-hauling (6.42, 6.45) | |
1063 | Approves development agreement with Caprock, LLC (Special) | |
1064 | Amends § 10.08.030, parking violations (10.08) | |
1065 | Adds Ch. 15.120, electric vehicle charging station permitting (15.120) | |
1066 | Amends Ch. 3.60, Western Riverside County multiple species habitat conservation plan fee program (3.60) | |
1067 | Amends § 18.30.46, accessory dwelling units and junior accessory dwelling units (18.30) | |
1068 | Amends §§ 5.04.120, 5.04.141, 5.12.030, Ch. 5.16, §§ 5.48.255, 5.48.320(1) and 5.48.340, solicitor, sidewalk and roadside vendors (5.04, 5.12, 5.16, 5.48) | |
1069 | (Did not pass) | |
1070 | Adds Ch. 18.69, short-term rentals (18.69) | |
1071 | Adds Ch. 20.50, equestrian historic district (20.50) | |
1072 | Amends Ch. 18.17 [18.64], housing development overlay zone (18.64) | |
1073 | Amends Ch. 18.17, R-3 zone (18.17) | |
1074 | Rezone (Special) | |
1075 | Adds § 6.12.025, microchipping of dogs and cats (6.12) | |
1076 | Adds Ch. 8.07, potentially dangerous/vicious dogs (8.07) | |
1077 | (Did not pass) | |
1078 | Rezone (Special) | |
1079 | Adds Ch. 10.06, parking restrictions (10.06) | |
1080 | Adds §§ 18.17.44 and 18.64.14(R) and (S); amends § 18.02.04, objective development standards (18.02, 18.17, 18.64) | |
1081 | Amends § 6.42.300, composting (6.42) | |
1082 | Amends § 18.30.35, mobile home, temporary use for the elderly (18.30) | |
1083 | Adds Ch. 18.70, inclusionary housing program (18.70) | |
1084 | Adds Ch. 8.08, dog care and housing standards (8.08) | |
1085 | Adds § 18.30.48, residential lighting standards (18.30) | |
1086 | Moratorium on new industrial and warehouse uses (Special) | |
1087 | Extends moratorium on new industrial and warehouse uses (Special) | |
1088 | Amends Ch. 5.36, apiaries (5.36) | |
1089 | Amends §§ 15.01.020(A), (B) and (F), 15.01.030, 15.01.050, 15.01.080, 15.01.090, 15.01.100, 15.01.160, 15.01.190, 15.02.020, 15.02.050, 15.02.140, 15.02.150, 15.03.020, 15.04.020, 15.05.020, 15.05.040, 15.05.050, 15.07.020, 15.07.040, 15.07.050, 15.07.060, 15.08.020, 15.13.020 and 15.14.020, building codes (15.01, 15.02, 15.03, 15.04, 15.05, 15.07, 15.08, 15.13, 15.14) | |
1090 | Adds Ch. 8.09, working animal protection act (8.09) | |
1091 | Urgency ordinance amending § 18.30.46, accessory dwelling units and junior accessory dwelling units (18.30) | |
1092 | Amends Ch. 2.26, historic preservation and agricultural heritage commission (2.26) | |
1093 | Amends § 18.30.46, accessory dwelling units and junior accessory dwelling units (18.30) | |
1094 | Amends §§ 6.12.130 and 6.12.150, dogs, licensing, control, rabies (6.12) | |
1095 | Adds Ch. 2.27, veterans commission (2.27) | |
1096 | Amends Ch. 18.24, M-1 zone heavy commercial/light manufacturing (18.24) | |
1097 | Amends specific plan 99-01 (Special) | |
1098 | Amends § 18.43.06(3), hearing and appeal therefrom (18.43) | |
1099 | Amends §§ 1.05.030 and 1.05.040(A), administrative citations (1.05) | |
1100 | Amends § 6.22.035, declaration of nuisance, weeds and debris in the public right-of-way or on private property (6.22) | |
1101 | Amends § 15.01.020(A) and Ch. 15.06, administrative provisions, property maintenance code (15.01, 15.06) | |
1102 | Amends §§ 18.68.02 and 18.68.20(1)(b), accessory building use permits (18.68) | |
1103 | Amends § 18.31.08(7)(b), walls, fences, and structures in setback areas (18.31) | |
1104 | Amends § 15.02.150(C), conversion of cargo carriers (15.02) | |
1105 | Amends Ch. 5.36, apiaries (5.36) | |
1106 | Amends Ch. 18.65, residential density bonus provisions (18.65) | |
1107 | Adds Ch. 9.53, catalytic converter theft (9.53) | |
1108 | Amends §§ 18.02.04(35) and (53), hotels and motels (18.02) | |
1109 | Amends §§ 18.13.06(D) and 18.13.18, A-1 zone agricultural low density (18.13) | |
1110 | Development agreement (Special) | |
1111 | Amends §§ 18.30.46(C), (E)(1)(a), (5)(a), (17) and (F)(6), accessory dwelling units and junior accessory dwelling units (18.30) | |
1112 | Adds [amends] Ch. 2.27, veterans commission (2.27) | |
1113 | (Defeated) | |
1114 | Adds §§ 18.13.06(N) and 18.30.49, farmworker/agricultural employee housing (18.13, 18.30) | |
1115 | Amends Ch. 8.04, running at large (8.04) | |
1116 | Amends Ch. 9.07, noise regulations (9.07) | |
1117 | Amends §§ 18.30.46(E)(1), (E)(5), (E)(8) and (E)(9), accessory dwelling units and junior accessory dwelling units (18.30) | |
1118 | Amends Chs. 6.42 and 6.45, municipal refuse, organics, manure and recycling collection and disposal (6.42, 6.45) | |
1119 | (Pending) | |
1120 | Amends § 15.01.080, buildings and construction (15.01) | |
1121 | Amends Ch. 15.60, floodplain management (15.60) | |
1122 | (Not passed) | |
1123 | Adds § 3.24.066, recycled product procurement (3.24) | |
1124 | Amends § 9.20.040, fireworks (9.20) | |
1125 | (Defeated) | |
1126 | Amends §§ 18.13.20(C) and 18.68.20, animal-keeping areas (18.13, 18.68) |