Title 10


Chapter 10.00    Preamble: A Place-Based Approach to Zoning

10-00.010    Introduction

10-00.020    How to Use the Zoning Code

10-00.030    Steps for Using this Zoning Code

10-00.040    Classifications of Different Types of Places in Flagstaff

10-00.050    Form-Based Codes

10-00.060    The Rural-to-Urban Transect

10-00.070    The Flagstaff Transect

10-00.080    The Flagstaff Transect Zones and Intents

10-00.090    Using the Flagstaff Transect

10-00.100    History of Zoning Regulations in Flagstaff

Chapter 10.10    Title, Purpose, and Jurisdiction

10-10.10    Title

10-10.20    Legislative Intent and Purpose

10-10.30    Authority

10-10.40    Severability

10-10.50    Effective Date

Chapter 10.20    Administration, Procedures, and Enforcement

10-20.10    Purpose

10-20.20    Administration

10-20.30    Common Procedures

10-20.40    Permits and Approvals

10-20.50    Amendments to the Zoning Code Text and the Zoning Map

10-20.60    Nonconforming Provisions

10-20.70    Variances

10-20.80    Procedures for Appeals

10-20.90    Annexations

10-20.100    Assurance of Performance for Construction

10-20.110    Enforcement

Chapter 10.30    General to All

10-30.10    Purpose

10-30.20    Affordable Housing Incentives

10-30.30    Heritage Preservation

10-30.40    Community Benefit Program

10-30.50    Public Improvements

10-30.60    Site Planning Design Standards

10-30.70    Residential Sustainable Building Standards

10-30.80    Traditional Neighborhood Community Plans

Chapter 10.40    Specific to Zones

10-40.10    Purpose

10-40.20    Establishment of Zones

10-40.30    Non-Transect Zones

10-40.40    Transect Zones

10-40.50    Overlay Zones

10-40.60    Specific to Uses

Chapter 10.50    Supplemental to Zones

10-50.10    Purpose

10-50.20    Architectural Design Standards

10-50.30    Building Height

10-50.40    Encroachments

10-50.50    Fences and Screening

10-50.60    Landscaping Standards

10-50.70    Outdoor Lighting Standards

10-50.80    Parking Standards

10-50.90    Resource Protection Standards

10-50.100    Sign Standards

10-50.110    Specific to Building Types

10-50.120    Specific to Private Frontages

Chapter 10.60    Specific to Thoroughfares

10-60.10    Thoroughfare Types

Chapter 10.70    Specific to Civic Spaces

10-70.10    Civic Space Types

Chapter 10.80    Definitions

10-80.10    Purpose

10-80.20    Definition of Specialized Terms, Phrases, and Building Functions

Chapter 10.90    Maps

10-90.10    Purpose

10-90.20    Cultural Resource Maps

10-90.30    Rural Floodplain Map

10-90.40    Overlay Maps

10-90.50    Lighting Zone Map

10-90.60    Reserved

10-90.70    Zoning Map


Appendix 1.1    Design Guidelines

Appendix 1.2    Additional Information on Smart Growth and Traditional Neighborhood Developments

Appendix 1.3    Sustainability Guidelines

Appendix 2    Planning Fee Schedule

Appendix 3    City of Flagstaff Landscape Plant List

Appendix 4    Outdoor Lighting Reference Material

Appendix 5    Additional Information Applicable to Division 10-50.90, Resource Protection Standards

Appendix 6    Additional Information on Affordable Housing

Appendix 7    List of Major Arterial Streets