This table lists all ordinances. If an ordinance is codified, its location in the code is cited by chapter number at the end of the ordinance description. Ordinances are codified if they are general, permanent, and/or include penalty provisions for noncompliance. “Not codified” indicates that the ordinance could have been codified but was not for some reason (superseded by a later ordinance, codified in a separate publication). “Special” means the ordinance was special in nature or for a specific period of time (e.g., budget, annexation, tax levy, street vacation).
Old Series
Link to ordinances passed but not yet codified
1 | Time and place of board of trustees meeting (Repealed by 29) |
2 | Bonds of clerk, treasurer and marshal (Repealed by charter) |
3 | Animals running at large (Repealed by 1 N.S.) |
4 | Street poll tax (Repealed by charter) |
5 | Rules for government of board of trustees (Repealed by charter) |
6 | Business licenses (Repealed by 302) |
7 | Dog licenses (Repealed by 62) |
8 | Health nuisances (Repealed by 135) |
9 | Misdemeanors (Repealed by 1 N.S.) |
10 | Officers’ salaries (Repealed by 266 and 274) |
11 | Appointing superintendent of streets (Special) |
12 | Concealed weapons, firearms, fireworks, bonfires (Repealed by 110 and 111) |
13 | Sidewalk widths (Repealed by 37) |
14 | Tobacco to minors (Repealed by 1 N.S.) |
15 | Notice of 1890 election (Special) |
16 | Appointing civil engineer (Special) |
17 | Amends §§ 10, 11, 14 of Ord. 6 (Repealed by 302) |
18 | Repeals § 18 of Ord. 6 (Repealed by 302) |
19 | Appointment of city recorder (Special) |
20 | Amends §§ 10, 11 and 14 of Ord. 6; repeals Ord. 17 (Repealed by 302) |
21 | Re-enacts § 18 of Ord. 6; repeals Ord. 18 (Repealed by 302) |
22 | Prohibits saloons, gambling houses, slaughter houses and indecent houses (Repealed by 294) |
23 | Board of health and health regulations (Repealed by 135) |
24 | Amends § 5 of Ord. 13 (Repealed by 37) |
25 | Appointment of board of health members (Repealed by 135) |
26 | Assessment and collection of taxes (Repealed by 59) |
27 | Rate of tax for 1890 (Special) |
28 | Discharge of sewage and waste into public places (Repealed by 53) |
29 | Time and place of meeting of board of trustees; repeals Ord. 1 (Repealed by 144) |
30 | Appointment, compensation and bond of street superintendent; repeals Ord. 11 (Special) |
31 | Amends §§ 1 and 4 and adds § 30 to Ord. 26 (Repealed by 59) |
32 | Street car franchise to Juan Malarin (Special) |
33 | Electric light and telephone franchise to Monterey Electric Light and Development Company (Expired) |
34 | Acceptance of deed and dedication of streets (Special) |
35 | Ball-playing in streets unlawful (Repealed by 1 N.S.) |
36 | Street car franchise to Juan Malarin (Expired) |
37 | Sidewalk widths; repeals Ord. 13 (Repealed by 259) |
38 | Amends Art. 4 of § 6 of Ord. 6 (Repealed by 302) |
39 | Amends § 6 of Ord. 6 (Repealed by 302) |
40 | Street car franchise to Juan Malarin (Expired) |
41 | Riding or driving or hitching animals on sidewalks and riding on park pathways (Repealed by 168) |
42 | Use of air-guns, sling-shots, bows, darts (Repealed by 1 N.S.) |
43 | Notice of 1892 elections (Special) |
44 | Compensation of clerk as clerk and assessor (Repealed by 121) |
45 | Calling special election for clerk (Special) |
46 | Board of health and health regulations (Repealed by 135) |
47 | Electric light franchise to H. Bryant (Expired) |
48 | Street car franchise to Juan Malarin (Expired) |
49 | Obstruction and use of streets and sidewalks (Repealed by 1 N.S.) |
50 | Sling shots, assault, weapons to minors, curfew, jumping on trains, lodging in barns, supporting gambling house (Repealed by 1 N.S.) |
51 | Advertising and merchandise on sidewalks (Repealed by 1 N.S.) |
52 | Gas franchise to C. J. Burks (Expired) |
53 | Discharge of sewage and waste into public places; repeals Ord. 28 (Repealed by 1 N.S.) |
54 | Light House Road changed to Light House Avenue (Special) |
55 | Notice of 1894 election (Special) |
56 | Sewer line franchise to Richard Bros. (Expired) |
57 | Repeals Ord. 32 (Repealer) |
58 | Compensation of firemen (Repealed by 210) |
59 | Assessments and collection of taxes; repeals Ord. 26 (Repealed by 173) |
60 | (Number not used) |
61 | (Number not used) |
62 | Dog license; repeals Ord. 7 (Repealed by 243) |
63 | Amends § 27 of Ord. 6 (1894) (Repealed by 302) |
64 | Specifications for erection of utility poles (Repealed by 1 N.S.) |
65 | Amends § 18 of Ord. 6 (1894) (Repealed by 302) |
66 | Notice of 1896 election (Special) |
67 | Pacific Avenue changed to Ocean View Avenue (Special) |
68 | Part of Ocean View Avenue changed back to Pacific Avenue (Special) |
69 | House numbers (Repealed by 1 N.S.) |
70 | Notice of 1898 election (Special) |
71 | Appointment of city recorder (Special) |
72 | Amends Ord. 59 complete (Repealed by 173) |
73 | Prohibits barbed wire (Repealed by 1 N.S.) |
74 | Police department established (Repealed by charter) |
75 | Sleeping on sidewalks, drunk in public, minors loitering around cigar stores and railroad depots (Repealed by 1 N.S.) |
76 | Amends § 42 of Ord. 6 (1900) (Repealed by 302) |
77 | Fire department established (Repealed by 167) |
78 | Sunday closing hours (Repealed by 80) |
79 | Seating in places of public assemblage (Repealed by 94) |
80 | Sunday closing hours; repeals Ord. 78 (Repealed by 150) |
81 | Amends §§ 3 and 6 of Ord. 40 (Expired) |
82 | Amends § 1 of Ord. 80 (Repealed by 150) |
83 | Chickens and fowl running at large (Repealed by 162) |
84 | Moving houses over streets (Repealed by 1 N.S.) |
85 | Health nuisances (Repealed by 135) |
86 | Adds §§ 27(A) and (B) to Ord. 6 (1900) (Repealed by 302) |
87 | Signs over sidewalks (Repealed by 1 N.S.) |
88 | Garbage removal (Repealed by 165) |
89 | Amends § 1 of Ord. 87 (Repealed by 132) |
90 | Spitting on floors, steps, sidewalks (Repealed by 1 N.S.) |
91 | Sale of milk – impure, butter fat content (Repealed by 255) |
92 | Adds § 28 1/2 to Ord. 6 (1900) (Repealed by 302) |
93 | Adds § 28 1/2 to Ord. 6 (1900) (Repealed by 302) |
94 | Exits and aisles in places of public assembly (Repealed by 1 N.S.) |
95 | Laundry houses prohibited in certain limits (Repealed by 96) |
96 | Laundry houses prohibited in certain limits; repeals Ord. 95 (Repealed by 251) |
97 | Calling special election for indebtedness for City Hall and fire station (Special) |
98 | Speed, parking and passing animals by vehicles (Repealed by 168) |
99 | Public library established (Superseded by 1035 N.S.) |
100 | Amends § 23 of Ord. 6 (1900) (Repealed by 302) |
101 | Plumbers and plumbing regulated (Repealed by 238 N.S.) |
102 | Enclosure and waste discharge from factories, laundries and wood yards (Repealed by 1 N.S.) |
103 | Buildings within fire limits (Repealed by 253) |
104 | Closing hours for pool rooms, bowling alleys, shooting galleries and card rooms (Repealed by 1 N.S.) |
105 | Calling special election for indebtedness for storm drains (Repealed by 107) |
106 | Amends §§ 8, 9, 11, 12, 13 and 20 of Ord. 101 (Repealed by 238 N.S.) |
107 | Repeals Ord. 105 (Repealer) |
108 | Adds §§ 27(A) and (B) to Ord. 6 (1900) (Repealed by 302) |
109 | Calling special election for indebtedness for storm drains (Repealed by 115) |
110 | Carrying concealed weapons; repeals Ord. 12 (Repealed by 1 N.S.) |
111 | Discharge of firearms, fireworks, bonfires; repeals Ord. 12 (Repealed by 354) |
112 | Issuance of bonds for storm drains (Repealed by 116) |
113 | Amends all of Ord. 29 (Repealed by 120) |
114 | (Not enacted) |
115 | Repeals Ord. 109 (Repealer) |
116 | Repeals Ord. 112 (Repealer) |
117 | Excavations in streets for utility mains (Repealed by 1 N.S.) |
118 | Calling special election for indebtedness for storm drains (Special) |
119 | Issuance of bonds for storm drains (Special) |
120 | Amends Ord. 29 in entirety; repeals Ord. 113 (Repealed by 144) |
121 | Amends § 1 of Ord. 10; repeals Ord. 44 (Repealed by 156) |
122 | Calling 1908 election (Special) |
123 | Prohibiting sale of liquor, gambling and indecent behavior (Repealed by 294) |
124 | Amends § 10 of Ord. 6 (1900) (Repealed by 302) |
125 | Electrical wiring (Repealed by 1 N.S.) |
126 | Portion of Ocean View Avenue changed to First Street (Special) |
127 | Main Street changed to Grand Avenue (Special) |
128 | Method for giving notice of elections (Repealed by charter) |
129 | Amends § 3 of Ord. 10, treasurer’s salary (Repealed by 142) |
130 | Vehicles for hire, streets where soliciting prohibited (Repealed by 1 N.S.) |
131 | Weed and vegetation removal (Repealed by 196) |
132 | Amends § 1 of Ord. 87 (Repealed by 1 N.S.) |
133 | Damaging public buildings (Repealed by 1 N.S.) |
134 | Amends § 27(B) of Ord. 6 (1900) (Repealed by 302) |
135 | Board of health and health regulations; repeals Ords. 8, 23, 25, 46 and 85 (Repealed by 1 N.S.) |
136 | Calling special election for indebtedness for storm drains (Special) |
137 | Amends § 2 of Ord. 84 (Repealed by 1 N.S.) |
138 | Fees of recorder for services in criminal prosecution (Repealed by 206) |
139 | Calling special election for indebtedness for storm drains (Special) |
140 | Bond issue for storm drains (Special) |
141 | Amends § 6 of Ord. 59 (Repealed by 173) |
142 | Amends § 3 of Ord. 10, treasurer’s salary (Repealed by 156) |
143 | Amends § 2 of Ord. 2, treasurer’s bond (Repealed by charter) |
144 | Time and place of holding board of trustees meeting; repeals Ord. 29 (Repealed by 230) |
145 | Signs and notices on utility poles and trees (Repealed by 1 N.S.) |
146 | Electric railway franchise to Monterey and Pacific Grove Railway Company (Expired) |
147 | Dogs at large, impounding (Repealed by 243) |
148 | Riser Avenue changed to Hillcrest Avenue (Special) |
149 | Building permits (Repealed by 246) |
150 | Sunday closing; repeals Ord. 80 (Repealed by 1 N.S.) |
151 | Liquor prohibition; repeals §§ 1, 3, 4 of Ord. 123 (Repealed by 195) |
152 | Places of amusement (pool, bowling, movies, etc.), license (Repealed by 1 N.S.) |
153 | Removing human remains from cemetery (Repealed by 1 N.S.) |
154 | Regulation and rates for telephone service (Repealed by 1 N.S.) |
155 | Intent to call election for submission of question as to retention of control of city over certain utilities (Special) |
156 | Amends §§ 1 and 3 of Ord. 10, salaries of clerk and treasurer (Repealed by 183 and 206) |
157 | Calling election for question on retention of powers over utilities (Special) |
158 | Amends § 1 of Ord. 145 (Repealed by 1 N.S.) |
159 | Business licenses; repeals Ord. 6 (1900) (Repealed by 302) |
160 | Amends § 10(1) of Ord. 159 (Repealed by 302) |
161 | Amends § 10 of Ord. 125 (Repealed by 1 N.S.) |
162 | Chickens and domestic fowl running at large; repeals Ord. 83 (Repealed by 1 N.S.) |
163 | Adds § 4 to Ord. 10; salary of recorder (Repealed by 206) |
164 | Keeping swine, cows (Repealed by 1 N.S.) |
165 | Garbage collection; repeals Ord. 88 (Repealed by 238) |
166 | Establishing public museum of natural and historical objects (Superseded by 1035 N.S.) |
167 | Fire department; repeals Ord. 77 (Repealed by 1 N.S.) |
168 | Traffic code (Repealed by 240) |
169 | Amends § 10(60) of Ord. 159 (Repealed by 302) |
170 | Amends § 1 of Ord. 104 (Repealed by 1 N.S.) |
171 | Amends § 8 of Ord. 125 (Repealed by 1 N.S.) |
172 | Prohibits slaughter houses, fertilizer works, fish canneries and packing houses (Repealed by 290) |
173 | Assessment and collection of taxes; repeals Ord. 59 (Repealed by 233 N.S.) |
174 | Tax levy for year 1917 (Special) |
175 | Fire lines and hoses at fires (Repealed by 1 N.S.) |
176 | Amends § 2 of Ord. 10; salary of marshal (Repealed by 185) |
177 | Amends § 2 of Ord. 167 (Repealed by 1 N.S.) |
178 | Tax levy for year 1918 (Special) |
179 | Wearing surgical masks during Spanish influenza outbreak (Repealed by 1 N.S.) |
180 | Tax levy for year 1919 (Special) |
181 | Prohibiting fortune telling, etc. (Repealed by 1 N.S.) |
182 | Calling special election for bonded debt for fire apparatus (Special) |
183 | Amends § 1 of Ord. 10, clerk’s salary (Repealed by 204) |
184 | Bond issue for fire apparatus (Special) |
185 | Amends § 2 of Ord. 10, marshal’s salary (Repealed by 206) |
186 | Standard weight of bread (Repealed by 1 N.S.) |
187 | Amends § 10 of Ord. 159 (Repealed by 302) |
188 | Tax levy for 1920 (Special) |
189 | Amends § 11 of Ord. 165 (Repealed by 238) |
190 | Dances and dance halls, license (Repealed by 1 N.S.) |
191 | Specifications for chimneys and fireplaces (Repealed by 213) |
192 | Storage and use of flammable liquids (Repealed by 1 N.S.) |
193 | Tax levy for 1921 (Special) |
194 | Amends § 10(27) of Ord. 159 (Repealed by 302) |
195 | Prohibition of liquor; repeals Ord. 151 (Repealed by 294) |
196 | Weeds and rubbish removal (Repealed by 1 N.S.) |
197 | Tax levy for 1922 (Special) |
198 | Amends § 2 of Ord. 94 (Repealed by 1 N.S.) |
199 | Utility poles on Lighthouse Avenue to be placed underground or removed (Repealed by 1 N.S.) |
200 | Amends § 1 of Ord. 150 (Repealed by 1 N.S.) |
201 | City planning commission established (Repealed by 207) |
202 | Tax levy for 1923 (Special) |
203 | Removal of wooden awnings over sidewalks (Repealed by 1 N.S.) |
204 | Amends § 1 of Ord. 10, salary of clerk (Repealed by 274) |
205 | Collection of taxes and licenses by treasurer (Repealed by 1 N.S.) |
206 | Amends §§ 2 and 3 of Ord. 10 and adds §§ 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 (Repealed by 215, 216, 217, 219 and budget ordinances) |
207 | Repeals Ord. 201 (Repealer) |
208 | Use of streets by vehicles hawking, vending (Repealed by 1 N.S.) |
209 | Tax levy 1924 (Special) |
210 | Firemen compensation, vehicles at fires (Repealed by 1 N.S.) |
211 | Municipal camp ground established (Repealed by 210 N.S.) |
212 | Amends § 1 of Ord. 144 (Repealed by 230) |
213 | Specifications for chimneys and fireplaces; repeals 191 (Repealed by 1 N.S.) |
214 | Adds § 10(a) to Ord. 159 (Repealed by 302) |
215 | Amends § 2 of Ord. 10 salary of marshal (Repealed by 266) |
216 | Amends § 7 of Ord. 10, salary of night policeman (Repealed by budget) |
217 | Amends § 3 of Ord. 10, salary of treasurer (Repealed by budget) |
218 | Name of Cypress Park changed to Berwick Park (Special) |
219 | Amends § 5 of Ord. 10, salary of recorder (Repealed by budget) |
220 | Amends § 4 of Ord. 10, salary of attorney (Repealed by 221) |
221 | Repeals Ord. 220 (Repealer) |
222 | Tax levy for 1925 (Special) |
223 | Calling special election for indebtedness for fire alarm system, library building and museum building (Special) |
224 | Sale of meat, stamp required (Repealed by 1 N.S.) |
225 | Ordering census of inhabitants of Pacific Grove (Special) |
226 | Tax levy for 1926 (Special) |
227 | City planning commission created (Repealed by 237) |
228 | Amends § 10(1) of Ord. 159 (Repealed by 302) |
229 | Portion of Alder Street changed to Del Monte Boulevard (Special) |
230 | City council meetings (Repealed by 338) |
231 | Consolidating offices of engineer, chief of police and street superintendent with office of city manager (Repealed by 257, 262) |
232 | Compensation of city manager (Repealed by budget) |
233 | Budget for 1927 – 1928 (Special) |
234 | Tax levy for 1927 – 1928 (Special) |
235 | Lease authorized of property for park with option to purchase (Special) |
236 | Right-of-way for spur track to American Can Company (Special) |
237 | City planning board created; repeals 227 (Repealed by 258) |
238 | Garbage collection; repeals conflicting provisions of Ord. 165 (Repealed by 1 N.S.) |
239 | Appropriation for inventory of taxable property (Special) |
240 | Traffic code (Repealed by 1 N.S.) |
241 | Office of assistant secretary of planning board (Repealed by 258) |
242 | Fireworks prohibited (Repealed by 354) |
243 | Dog licenses and running at large (Repealed by 1 N.S.) |
244 | Lease and option to purchase park (Special) |
245 | Inviting bids on furnishing equipment to city (Special) |
246 | Adopting building code by reference (Repealed by 98 N.S.) |
247 | Creating license collector and consolidating with tax collector (Repealed by 1 N.S.) |
248 | Creating office of building inspector (Repealed by 1 N.S.) |
249 | Budget for 1928 – 1929 (Special) |
250 | Tax levy for 1928 – 1929 (Special) |
251 | Zoning code (Repealed by 290) |
252 | Amends § 22 of Ord. 101 (Repealed by 238 N.S.) |
253 | Fire limits and buildings within fire limits (Repealed by 1 N.S.) |
254 | Inviting bids for furnishing dump truck (Special) |
255 | Creating milk inspection department and rules for sale of milk; repeals Ord. 91 (Repealed by 1 N.S.) |
256 | Separating offices of city manager and city engineer (Repealed by 257) |
257 | Combining offices of city manager, building inspector, street superintendent and city engineer (Repealed by 1 N.S.) |
258 | City planning commission created (Repealed by 1 N.S.) |
259 | Authorizing council to establish curb lines, sidewalk location and widths and sidewalk spaces; repeals Ord. 37 (Repealed by 1 N.S.) |
260 | Business licenses (Repealed by 302) |
261 | Budget for 1929 – 1930 (Special) |
262 | Separating office of chief of police from city manager (Repealed by 1 N.S.) |
263 | Tax levy for 1929 – 1930 (Special) |
264 | Building setback lines (Repealed by 290) |
265 | Calling special election for indebtedness for park purchase (Special) |
266 | Compensation of chief of police (Repealed by budget) |
267 | Amends § 113 of building code adopted by Ord. 246 (Repealed by 98 N.S.) |
268 | Budget for 1930 – 1931 (Special) |
269a | Tax levy for 1930 – 1931 (Special) |
269 | Calling special election for indebtedness for fire equipment (Special) |
270 | Inspection of fire hazards (Repealed by 1 N.S.) |
271 | Removal of combustible wastes (Repealed by 1 N.S.) |
272 | Burning of refuse (Repealed by 1 N.S.) |
273 | Bond issue for fire equipment (Special) |
274 | Compensation of clerk and treasurer (Repealed by budget) |
275 | Amends §§ 35 and 44 and repeals § 41 of Ord. 173 (Repealed by 233 N.S.) |
276 | Permits required for certain businesses as a health precaution (Repealed by 1 N.S.) |
277 | Gas installation, maintenance and repair (Repealed by 210 N.S.) |
278 | Budget for 1931 – 1932 (Special) |
279 | Tax levy for 1931 – 1932 (Special) |
280 | Authorizing contract for purchase and lease of real property (Special) |
281 | Calling special election for indebtedness for park (Special) |
282 | Bond issue for park purchase (Special) |
283 | Authorizing quitclaim deed to property not validly acquired (Special) |
284 | Establishing marine refuge (Repealed by 1 N.S.) |
285 | Authorizing acquisition of property for park (Special) |
286 | Authorizing acquisition of property for park (Special) |
287 | Construction of museum building through lease arrangement (Special) |
288 | Bathing suit specifications (Repealed by 301) |
289 | Budget for 1932 – 1933 (Special) |
290 | Zoning code and setback lines; repeals Ords. 172, 251 and 264 (Repealed by 1 N.S.) |
291 | Tax levy for 1932 – 1933 (Special) |
292 | Prohibiting electrical interference with radio reception (Repealed by 1 N.S.) |
293 | Pacific Grove municipal golf links (Repealed by 1 N.S.) |
294 | Prohibiting intoxicating liquor; repeals Ords. 22, 123, 151 and 195 (Repealed by 1 N.S.) |
295 | Authorizing acquisition of property for street purposes (Special) |
296 | Amends § 22 of Ord. 270 (Repealed by 1 N.S.) |
297 | Construction of two roque courts in Jewell Park (Special) |
298 | Extending time for payment of municipal taxes (Special) |
299 | Peddlers forbidden on signed premises (Repealed by 1 N.S.) |
300 | Amends § 1 of 230 (Repealed by 338) |
301 | Repeals Ord. 288 (Repealer) |
302 | Business licenses; repeals Ords. 6, 17, 18, 20, 21, 38, 39, 63, 65, 76, 86, 92, 93, 100, 108, 124, 134, 159, 160, 169, 187, 194, 214, 228 and 260 (Repealed by 1 N.S.) |
303 | Budget for 1933 – 1934 (Special) |
304 | Authorizes acquisition of property for park (Special) |
305 | Tax levy for 1933 – 1934 (Special) |
306 | (Number not used) |
306 | Pine Street changed to Garden Lane (Special) |
308 | Authorizing acquisition of property for park (Special) |
309 | Approve and ratify lease agreement (Special) |
310 | Calling special election for indebtedness for swimming pool (Repealed by 312) |
311 | Calling special election for indebtedness for swimming pool (Repealed by 312) |
312 | Repeals Ords. 310 and 311 (Repealer) |
313 | Calling special election for indebtedness for pool or beach (Special) |
314 | Authorizing exchange of real property (Special) |
315 | Infestation of trees and shrubs (Repealed by 1 N.S.) |
316 | Budget for 1934 – 1935 (Special) |
317 | Tax levy for 1934 – 1935 (Special) |
318 | Amends § 20 of Ord. 302 (Repealed by 1 N.S.) |
319 | Authorizing expenditure for accountants (Special) |
320 | Rabies control and eradication (Repealed by 1 N.S.) |
321 | Budget for 1935 – 1936 (Special) |
322 | Authorizing lease of property for garbage dump (Special) |
323 | Special gas tax street improvement fund (6.16) |
324 | Authorizing acquisition of property for park (Special) |
325 | Budget for 1936 – 1937 (Special) |
326 | Tax levy for 1936 – 1937 (Special) |
327 | Calling special election for charter amendments and additions (Special) |
328 | Authorizing sale of property to U.S. and dedication of street (Special) |
329 | Authorizing purchase of property for street purposes (Special) |
330 | Gas franchise to Pacific Gas and Electric Company (Expired) |
331 | Electric franchise to Pacific Gas and Electric Company (Expired) |
332 | Purchase of property for street purposes (Special) |
333 | Purchase of property for street purposes (Special) |
334 | Purchase of property for street purposes (Special) |
335 | Appropriation for remodeling of Boy Scout hall and baseball park (Special) |
336 | Amends § 2 of Ord. 243 (Repealed by 1 N.S.) |
337 | Purchase of property for street purposes (Special) |
338 | Regular and special meetings of the city council (Repealed by 1 N.S.) |
339 | Purchase of property for street purposes (Special) |
340 | Budget for 1937 – 1938 (Special) |
341 | Tax levy for 1937 – 1938 (Special) |
342 | Compensation of chief and assistant chief of fire department at drills and fires (Repealed by 1 N.S.) |
343 | Referral of camp ground ordinance and Ord. 335 to vote of people (Special) |
344 | Auto courts and house cars (Repealed by 1 N.S.) |
344A | Repeals initiative ordinance regarding camp grounds (Repealer) |
345 | Purchase of property for street purposes (Special) |
346 | Authorizes sale of real property (Special) |
347 | Purchase of property for street purposes (Special) |
348 | Purchase of property for street purposes (Special) |
349 | Budget for 1938 – 1939 (Special) |
350 | Tax levy for 1938 – 1939 (Special) |
351 | Authorizes quitclaim deed when tax delinquent property redeemed (Special) |
352 | Protection of monarch butterflies (Repealed by 1 N.S.) |
353 | Changes street names (Special) |
354 | Permitting fireworks; repeals Ords. 111 and 242 (Repealer) |
355 | Authorizes sale of real property (Special) |
356 | Budget for 1939 – 1940 (Special) |
357 | Tax levy for 1939 – 1940 (Special) |
358 | Authorizes sale of real property (Special) |
359 | Authorizes sale of real property (Special) |
360 | Authorizes sale of real property (Special) |
361 | Authorizes sale of real property (Special) |
362 | Authorizes sale of real property (Repealed by 1 N.S.) |
363 | Supplements Ord. 173 to provide for waiver of penalties in redemption of real property (Repealed by 232 N.S.) |
364 | Dilapidated buildings declared nuisances (Repealed by 1 N.S.) |
365 | Authorizes sale of real property (Special) |
366 | Rezones certain property (Special) |
367 | Authorizes sale of real property (Special) |
368 | Budget for 1940 – 1941 (Special) |
369 | Authorizes sale of real property (Special) |
370 | Tax levy for 1940 – 1941 (Special) |
371 | Authorizes sale of real property (Special) |
372 | Rezones certain property (Special) |
373 | Authorizes sale of real property (Special) |
374 | Authorizes sale of real property (Special) |
1 | Codification of regulatory ordinances (Repealed by 210 N.S.) |
2 | Adds §§ 6-451, 6-452, 6-651 and 6-652 to Ord. 1 N.S. (Repealed by 210 N.S.) |
3 | Authorizing sale of real property (Special) |
4 | Authorizing sale of real property (Special) |
5 | Authorizing sale of real property (Special) |
6 | Authorizing sale of real property (Special) |
7 | Authorizing sale of real property (Special) |
8 | Budget for 1941 – 1942 (Special) |
9 | Authorizing sale of real property (Special) |
10 | Authorizing sale of real property (Special) |
11 | Authorizing sale of real property (Special) |
12 | Tax levy for 1941 – 1942 (Special) |
13 | Authorizing sale of real property (Special) |
14 | Authorizing sale of real property (Special) |
15 | Changing street names (Special) |
16 | Authorizing sale of real property (Special) |
17 | Authorizing sale of real property (Special) |
18 | Authorizing sale of real property (Special) |
19 | Blackouts (Expired) |
20 | Annexation of Nine Ponds Area (Special) |
21 | Authorizing lease of property for garbage dump (Special) |
22 | Authorizing purchase of real property for street purposes (Special) |
23 | Suspending tax rate limitation of charter (Defeated) |
24 | Authorizing purchase of garbage business (Special) |
25 | Budget for 1942 – 1943 (Special) |
26 | Tax levy for 1942 – 1943 (Special) |
27 | Restricted lighting proclamation (Expired) |
28 | Cancellation of warrants not cashed within five years of issuance (6.20) |
29 | Increases compensation of chief of police, police judge and superintendent of public works (Special) |
30 | Curfew for minors during war emergency (Expired) |
31 | Authorizing sale of real property (Special) |
32 | Authorizing sale of real property (Special) |
33 | Authorizing sale of real property (Special) |
34 | Authorizing sale of real property (Special) |
35 | Authorizing sale of real property (Special) |
36 | Authorizing sale of real property (Special) |
37 | Budget for 1943 – 1944 (Special) |
38 | Authorizing sale of real property (Special) |
39 | Adds §§ 4-131, 4-132, 4-133, 4-134, 4-135, 4-136, 4-137, 4-138, 4-139, 4-140, 4-141 to Ord. 1 N.S., taxicabs (Repealed by 210 N.S.) |
40 | Tax levy for 1943-44 (Special) |
41 | Adds §§ 4-211 through 4-214 to Ord. 1 N.S., obscene literature (Repealed by 210 N.S.) |
42 | Authorizing sale of real property (Special) |
43 | Authorizing sale of real property (Special) |
44 | Authorizing purchase of real property for City Hall grounds (Special) |
45 | Authorizing sale of real property (Special) |
46 | Bonds of manager, clerk, treasurer (Repealed by 210 N.S.) |
47 | Treasurer’s revolving fund (Repealed by 210 N.S.) |
48 | Authorizing sale of real property (Special) |
49 | Purchases of real property for street purposes (Special) |
50 | Authorizing sale of real property (Special) |
51 | Authorizing sale of real property (Special) |
52 | Authorizing sale of real property (Special) |
53 | Authorizing sale of real property to Del Monte for purpose of removal of deed restrictions on playground property (Special) |
54 | Purchase of property for street purposes (Special) |
55 | Creating position of assistant city manager and consolidating with superintendent of streets (Repealed by 83 N.S.) |
56 | Authorizing sale of real property (Special) |
57 | Budget for 1944 – 1945 (Special) |
58 | Amends §§ 4-107, 4-108, 4-111 and 4-113 of Ord. 1 N.S. (Repealed by 152 N.S.) |
59 | Authorizing sale of real property (Special) |
60 | Adds § 4-115A to Ord. 1 N.S. (Repealed by 152 N.S.) |
61 | Tax levy for 1944 – 1945 (Special) |
62 | Authorizing sale of real property (Special) |
63 | Authorizing sale of real property (Special) |
64 | Amends §§ 5-201 through 5-210 of Ord. 1 N.S. (Repealed by 210 N.S.) |
65 | Rezone property (Special) |
66 | Purchase of property for street purposes (Special) |
67 | Repeals § 5-302 and adds §§ 3-331, 5-302, 5-306 and 5-307 to Ord. 1 N.S. (Repealed by 210 N.S.) |
68 | Authorizing sale of real property (Special) |
69 | Authorizing sale of real property (Special) |
70 | Combines office of clerk and treasurer and creates deputy clerk and treasurer (Repealed by 101 N.S.) |
71 | Authorizing sale of real property (Special) |
72 | Consolidates office of police judge and justice of peace (Repealed by 210 N.S.) |
73 | Calling special election indebtedness for fire equipment and beach improvements (Special) |
74 | Budget for 1945 – 1946 (Special) |
75 | Closing and abandoning part of Egan Avenue and accepting property for turning circle (Special) |
76 | Tax levy for 1945 – 1946 (Special) |
77 | Authorizing sale of real property (Special) |
78 | Authorizing sale of real property (Special) |
79 | Accepting cemetery property (Special) |
80 | Accepting cemetery property (Special) |
81 | Raising salary of chief of police and acting city manager (Special) |
82 | Authorizing sale of real property (Special) |
83 | Repeals Ord. 55 N.S. (Repealer) |
84 | Authorizing the sale of real property (Special) |
85 | Amends §§ 5-205 and 5-206 adopted by Ord. 64 N.S. (Repealed by 210 N.S.) |
86 | Rezones property and adds parcel to fire district (Special) |
87 | Authorizing sale of real property (Special) |
88 | Rezones property (Special) |
89 | Adds § 6-170 to Ord. 1 N.S. (Repealed by 210 N.S.) |
90 | Authorizing sale of real property (Special) |
91 | Closing part of Fifteenth Street and deeding to school district (Special) |
92 | Compensation plan and salary schedule (Repealed by 210 N.S.) |
93 | Tax levy for 1946 – 1947 (Special) |
94 | Adds paragraph to § 6-161 of Ord. 1 N.S. (Repealed by 175 N.S.) |
95 | Adds § 4-302 to Ord. 1 N.S. (Repealed by 210 N.S.) |
96 | Adds § 6-802 to Ord. 1 N.S., electrical contractor’s bond (Repealed by 533 N.S.) |
97 | Annexation of Presidio Terrace and Ocean View Terrace tracts (Special) |
98 | Repeals § 6-401 and adds §§ 6-401, 6-453 to Ord. 1 N.S. (Repealed by 210 N.S.) |
99 | Repeals § 6-301 and adds § 6-301 to Ord. 1 N.S. (Repealed by 210 N.S.) |
100 | Accepting deed for street purposes (Special) |
101 | Consolidating office of clerk and treasurer and creating office of deputy clerk and treasurer (Repealed by 210 N.S.) |
102 | Authorizing lease of property for garbage dump (Special) |
103 | Bond of clerk-treasurer and deputy clerk-treasurer (Repealed by 210 N.S.) |
104 | Rezones property (Special) |
105 | Authorizing purchase of property for parking lot (Special) |
106 | Authorizing acceptance of property for pedestrian travel, drainage and public utilities (Special) |
107 | Authorizing sale of real property (Special) |
108 | Amends § 6-121 of Ord. 1 N.S. (Repealed by 175 N.S.) |
109 | Budget for 1946 – 1947 (Special) |
110 | Cemetery rules and regulations (Repealed by 210 N.S.) |
111 | Rezones property (Special) |
112 | Repeals §§ 5-270 and 7-350 of Ord. 1 N.S. (Repealer) |
113 | Collection of taxes in two equal installments (Special) |
114 | Rezones property (Special) |
115 | Accepts property for street purposes (Special) |
116 | Zones and rezones property (Special) |
117 | Authorizes purchase of property for fire house site (Special) |
118 | Accepts property for sewer easement (Special) |
119 | Authorizes lease of property for crematory and chapel (Special) |
120 | Connection of property outside city to sewers (Repealed by 210 N.S.) |
121 | Accepting easement for pedestrian travel (Special) |
122 | Budget for 1947 – 1948 (Special) |
123 | Tax levy for 1947 – 1948 (Special) |
124 | Authorizes contract for fire alarm system (Special) |
125 | Adds § 7-321 to Ord. 1 N.S., billboards (Repealed by 260 N.S.) |
126 | Rezones property (Special) |
127 | Authorizes contract for construction (Special) |
128 | Adds § 5-601 to Ord. 1 N.S., tree cutting (Repealed by 210 N.S.) |
129 | Repeals § 6-801 and adds new § 6-801 to Ord. 1 N.S. (Repealed by 210 N.S.) |
130 | Authorizing sale of real property (Special) |
131 | Annexation of Lighthouse Addition (Special) |
132 | Rezones property (Special) |
133 | Accepting sewer easements (Special) |
134 | Amends § 4-131(6) of Ord. 1 N.S. (Repealed by 210 N.S.) |
135 | One-way traffic, parking and stop signs (Repealed by 178 N.S.) |
136 | Accepting deed of cemetery property (Special) |
137 | Rezones property (Special) |
138 | Amends § 6-133 of Ord. 1 N.S. (Repealed by 175 N.S.) |
139 | Rezones property (Special) |
140 | Amends Ord. 134 N.S. (Repealed by 210 N.S.) |
141 | Accepts right-of-way for road and utility purposes (Special) |
142 | Accepting sewer and storm drain rights-of-way (Special) |
143 | Repeals portion of Ord. 130 N.S. (Special) |
144 | Adds paragraph to § 6-225 of Ord. 1 N.S. (Repealed by 175 N.S.) |
145 | Tax levy for 1948 – 1949 (Special) |
146 | Budget for 1948 – 1949 (Special) |
147 | Calling special election on initiative ordinance limiting use of municipal park (Special) |
148 | Rezones property (Special) |
149 | Adds § 6-144A to Ord. 1 N.S. (Repealed by 175 N.S.) |
150 | Stop signs and railroad warning signals (Repealed by 178 N.S.) |
151 | Rezones property (Special) |
152 | Adds §§ 4-101 – 4-145 and repeals §§ 4-101 – 4-120 of Ord. 1 N.S. (Repealed by 210 N.S.) |
153 | Zones property (Special) |
154 | Civil defense and disaster (Repealed by 188 N.S.) |
155 | Adds § 4-127(A); amends §§ 4-121, 4-127 and 4-142 of Ord. 1 N.S. (Repealed by 210 N.S.) |
157 | Stop signs and parking (Repealed by 178 N.S.) |
158 | Renaming streets (Special) |
159 | Accepts bill of sale for crematorium and chapel (Special) |
160 | Authorizing sale of Nine Ponds Area (Special) |
161 | Amends § 6-401 of Ord. 1 N.S. (Repealed by 210 N.S.) |
162 | Authorizing purchase of property (Special) |
163 | Authorizing deed of property for purpose of removal of deed restriction (Special) |
164 | Continuing use of property in particular zone (Special) |
165 | Salary payment dates (Repealed by 210 N.S.) |
166 | Adopts step in compensation plan (Repealed by 210 N.S.) |
167 | Budget for 1949 – 1950 (Special) |
168 | Leasing property for youth center (Special) |
169 | Suspending building permits pending adoption of new zoning code (Temporary) |
170 | Tax levy for 1949 – 1950 (Special) |
171 | Electricity distribution franchise to Pacific Gas and Electric Company (Special) |
172 | Gas distribution franchise to Pacific Gas and Electric Company (Special) |
173 | Renaming street (Special) |
174 | Stop signs (Repealed by 178 N.S.) |
175 | Adopts new Zoning Code (Repealed by 210 N.S.) |
176 | Accepting and dedicating property as street (Special) |
177 | Standard specifications for cement construction (Repealed by 210 N.S.) |
178 | Traffic code (Repealed by 210 N.S.) |
179 | Adds language to § 11-141(1)(b)(1) of zoning code adopted by 175 N.S. (Repealed by 210 N.S.) |
180 | Purchasing property for parking lot (Special) |
181 | Closing part of Union Street, intent declared (Special) |
182 | Amends § 8-1607 of Ord. 178 N.S. (Repealed by 210 N.S.) |
183 | Adopts step in compensation plan (Repealed by 210 N.S.) |
184 | Budget for 1950 – 1951 (Special) |
185 | Tax levy for 1950 – 1951 (Special) |
186 | Amends §§ 2 and 20 of Ord. 110 N.S. (Repealed by 210 N.S.) |
187 | Compensation of golf pro, assistant, and clerk-treasurer (Repealed by 210 N.S.) |
188 | Civil defense and disaster (Repealed by 210 N.S.) |
189 | Authorizing issuance of deed (Special) |
190 | Calling special election for indebtedness for sewage disposal project (Special) |
191 | Rezones property (Special) |
192 | Minors possessing alcoholic beverages (Repealed by 210 N.S.) |
193 | Authorizing sale of real property (Special) |
194 | Authorizing sale of real property (Special) |
195 | Authorizing purchase of property for street purposes (Special) |
196 | Adopts salary schedule (Repealed by 210 N.S.) |
197 | Rezones property (Special) |
198 | Sales tax (Suspended by 279 N.S.) |
199 | Use tax (Suspended by 279 N.S.) |
200 | Budget for 1951 – 1952 (Special) |
201 | Stop signs (16.56) |
202 | Tax levy for 1951 – 1952 (Special) |
203 | Accepts property for sewage disposal plant site (Special) |
204 | Interference with communication transmission and radio-television structural and safety requirements (Repealed by 210 N.S.) |
205 | Granting easement for alley (Repealed by 212 N.S.) |
206 | Amends § 10, adds § 10.1 and repeals § 12 of 198 N.S. (Suspended by 279 N.S.) |
207 | Authorizes purchase of property for street purposes (Special) |
208 | Dangerous attachments to vehicles (Repealed by 210 N.S.) |
209 | Accepts deeds and easements in connection with sewage disposal plant (Special) |
210 | Revises, consolidates and codifies ordinances, adopted by reference (1.04, 1.08, 1.12, 1.16, 2.04, 2.12, 2.14, 4.08, 6.04, 6.20, 7.04, 7.08, 7.12, 7.20, 9.04, 9.20, 10.08, 10.12, 11.04, 11.20, 11.32, 11.36, 11.40, 11.44, 11.48, 14.04, 14.12, 14.16, 15.08, 15.16, 15.24, 15.28, 16.04, 16.08, 16.12, 16.16, 16.20, 16.24, 16.28, 16.32, 16.36, 16.40, 16.44, 16.52, 16.56, 18.36, 21.04, 21.08, 23.12, 23.16, 23.24, 23.28, 23.44, 23.52, 23.56, 23.64, 23.68) |
211 | Rezones of property authorized (Special) |
212 | Conveying property, retaining easement and repealing Ord. 205 N.S. (Special) |
213 | Authorizing acceptance of real property (Special) |
214 | Calling for election on repeal of Ords. 198 N.S. and 199 N.S. (Failed) |
215 | Amends §§ 8-1603(1), 8-1606b(12) and 8-1607(s) of traffic code (16.56) |
216 | Changing street name (Special) |
217 | Accepting rights-of-way for sewer and/or storm drain (Special) |
218 | Adopting new salary class (Repealed by 241 N.S.) |
219 | Rezones certain property (Special) |
220 | Budget for 1952 – 1953 (Special) |
221 | Tax levy for 1952 – 1953 (Special) |
222 | Closing part of Foam Street and alleys contiguous thereto (Special) |
223 | Amends §§ 8-1607 and 8-1608 of traffic code (16.56) |
224 | Accepting easements for sewer rights-of-way and pumping plant (Special) |
225 | Authorizing deed to real property (Special) |
226 | Authorizing sale of real property (Repealed by 231 N.S.) |
227 | Science Hall Foundation (Special) |
228 | Adds § 8-1608(d) and (e) of Ord. 210 N.S. (Superseded by 235 N.S.) |
229 | Amends § 6-106(3) of Ord. 210 N.S. (Superseded by 332 N.S.) |
230 | Adds §§ 6-301 – 6-309 of Ord. 210 N.S., sewer service charges (9.20) |
231 | Repeals Ord. 226 N.S. (Repealer) |
232 | Authorizes exchange of real property (Special) |
233 | Repeals § 4-101 and adopts new § 4-101 of Ord. 210 N.S., providing for tax collection by county (6.04) |
234 | Repeals § 12-135 and adopts new § 12-135 of Ord. 210 N.S. (Repealed by 257 N.S.) |
235 | Amends § 8-1608 of Ord. 210 N.S. (16.56) |
236 | Rescinds § 12-301(10)(h) of Ord. 210 N.S. (Suspended by 279 N.S.) |
237 | Approving sale of real property (Special) |
238 | Plumbing code (Repealed by 400 N.S.) |
239 | Authorizes deed to real property (Special) |
240 | Annexation of Asilomar Conference Ground Addition (Special) |
241 | Adopts new class salary schedule; repeals Ord. 218 N.S. (Repealed by 266 N.S.) |
242 | Adds § 8-1702, bail proceedings (16.12) |
243 | Accepts sewer and storm drain rights-of-way (Special) |
244 | Budget for 1953 – 1954 (Special) |
245 | Tax levy for 1953 – 1954 (Special) |
246 | Amends § 6-106(5) (Repealed by 327 N.S.) |
247 | Amends §§ 5-504(I)(2) and (7), plumbing code (Repealed by 400 N.S.) |
248 | Rezones property (Special) |
249 | Adds Ch. 15.20, driveway construction (15.20) |
250 | Repeals and replaces § 10-402(1) and (3) (Repealed by 271 N.S.) |
251 | Salary schedule for 1954 – 1955 (Temporary) |
252 | Purchasing property for street purposes (Special) |
253 | Budget for 1954 – 1955 (Special) |
254 | Tax levy for 1954 – 1955 (Special) |
255 | Adopts 1953 fire prevention code as amended (Superseded) |
256 | Authorizes acquisition of property for street purposes (Special) |
257 | Repeals and replaces § 12-135 (Repealed by 306 N.S.) |
258 | Tree planting, § 8-3170 (Repealed by 1782 N.S.) |
259 | Amends § 10-405(1)(a) (Repealed by 271 N.S.) |
260 | Repeals Ord. 125 N.S. and adds new §§ 8-2100 through 8-2107 (Repealed by 811 N.S.) |
261 | Annexation of Marino Pines Addition (Special) |
262 | Accepting sewer and storm drain rights-of-way (Special) |
263 | Adds §§ 11-121(1) and 11-139, zoning code (23.52) |
264 | Amends § 11-131(1)(b) and adds § 11-140 (23.56) |
265 | Amends §§ 12-301(1) and 12-401(2) and (3), sales and use tax (Suspended by 279 N.S.) |
266 | Amends § 3-206, salary schedule (Repealed by 278 N.S.) |
267 | Adds paragraph to § 12.07 (Repealed by 306 N.S.) |
268 | Budget for 1955 – 1956 (Special) |
269 | Tax levy for 1955 – 1956 (Special) |
270 | Closing alley between Fourteenth Street and Fountain Avenue in Block 165, Fifth Addition (Special) |
271 | Dog licenses; repeals Ords. 250 N.S. and 259 N.S. (Repealed by 289 N.S.) |
272 | Vaccination against rabies (Repealed by 289 N.S.) |
273 | Zones property and establishes setback on Forest Avenue (Special) |
274 | Changing street name (Special) |
275 | Rezone of property (Special) |
276 | Granting easement to Pacific Tel. and Tel. for ship-to-shore receiver station (Special) |
277 | Authorizing agreement with city of Monterey for street widening (Special) |
278 | Amends § 3-206, salary schedule; repeals Ord. 266 N.S. (Repealed by 300 N.S.) |
279 | Sales and use tax; suspends Ords. 198 N.S. and 199 N.S. (Repealed by 766 N.S.) |
280 | Budget for 1956 – 1957 (Special) |
281 | Tax levy for 1956 – 1957 (Special) |
282 | Closing part of Asilomar Avenue and part of Crocker Street (Special) |
283 | Closing part of Sixth Street between Central and Ocean View Boulevard (Special) |
284 | Amends § 5-504 by adding § 45, cleanouts (Repealed by 400 N.S.) |
285 | Adds § 5-203, sidewalk maintenance (15.16) |
286 | Rezones property (Special) |
287 | Authorizing sale of real property (Special) |
288 | Authorizes retirement system contract (Repealed by 00-20) |
289 | Amends §§ 10-401, 10-403, 10-408, 10-409, 10-410, 10-411; repeals § 10-412 (Repealed by 321 N.S.) |
290 | Raises business license fee 10 percent; repeals § 12-124; raises bicycle license fee; sets aside 10 percent of fees for Christmas decorations (Repealed by 306 N.S.) |
291 | Amends § 45(2)(I) of § 5-504 (Repealed by 400 N.S.) |
292 | Adds § 8-3121, minor’s curfew (Repealed by 97-42) |
293 | Annexation of Methodist Church property (Special) |
294 | Authorizing sale of real property (Special) |
295 | Setback on Carmel – Pacific Grove Highway (Special) |
296 | Modernization of El Carmelo Cemetery (Repealed by 378 N.S.) |
297 | Personnel policies and procedures (Repealed by 00-20) |
298 | City planning commission (Repealed by 1035 N.S.) |
299 | Accepting deed for park (Special) |
300 | Amends § 3-206, salary schedule (Repealed by 316 N.S.) |
301 | Adds subsections to § 8-1603, stop signs (16.56) |
302 | Budget for 1957 – 1958 (Special) |
303 | Tax levy for 1957 – 1958 (Special) |
304 | Adds subsections to § 8-1603, stop signs (16.56) |
305 | Authorizes purchase of property for corporation yard (Special) |
306 | Repeals §§ 12-101 through 12-143; repeals Ord. 290 N.S., business licenses (7.04) |
307 | Adopts 1955 Uniform Housing Code (Repealed by 335 N.S.) |
308 | Calling special election for indebtedness for municipal improvements (Special) |
309 | Adds § 8-2200, canvassers, solicitors and peddlers (Repealed by 1763 N.S.) |
310 | Adds subsections to § 8-1603, stop signs (16.56) |
311 | Adds § 5-600, official plan line (Repealed by 1702 N.S.) |
312 | Exchanging real property (Special) |
313 | Amends § 12-101(M) of 306 N.S. (7.04) |
314 | Adds § 11-141(1)(a)(10) of zoning ordinance (23.64) |
315 | Amends § 30 of Ord. 297 N.S. (Repealed by 00-20) |
316 | Amends § 3-206, salary schedules; repeals Ord. 300 N.S. (Repealed by 330 N.S.) |
317 | Budget for 1958 – 1959 (Special) |
318 | Tax levy for 1958 – 1959 (Special) |
319 | Authorizing abandonment and sale of portion of street (Special) |
320 | Abandoning easements on portion of Foam Street (Special) |
321 | Dog licensing and rabies control; repeals Ord. 289 N.S. (Repealed by 1515 N.S.) |
322 | Adds language to § 12-110 of 306 N.S. (Repealed by 401 N.S.) |
323 | Publication of contract work pursuant to charter (Repealed by 1405 N.S.) |
324 | Adds language to § 3-206 (Repealed by 330 N.S.) |
325 | Amends §§ 8-115, 8-201, 8-203, 8-408, 8-1010(2)(3), 8-1013, 8-1206, 8-1302, 8-1303, 8-1402; repeals § 8-1609 (16.04, 16.08, 16.16, 16.40, 16.44) |
326 | Adds § 6-201(13), cemetery rules (Repealed by 96-06) |
327 | Purchasing; repeals Ord. 246 N.S. (Repealed by 1405 N.S.) |
328 | Adds language to § 8-3040, obstructing streets and sidewalks (11.32) |
329 | Authorizing sale of real property (Special) |
330 | Amends § 3-206, salary schedule (Repealed by 367 N.S.) |
331 | Amends §§ 10-503 and 10-504 (Repealed by 02-13) |
332 | Amends §§ 6-101, 6-102, 6-103, 6-106, 6-108, 6-110, 6-111 and 6-114, garbage and refuse disposal (Repealed by 15-007) |
333 | Purchase of real property for City Hall site (Special) |
334 | Amends § 8-3180, disposition of unclaimed property (2.12) |
335 | Adopts 1958 Uniform Housing Code (Repealed by 693 N.S.) |
336 | Budget for 1959 – 1960 (Special) |
337 | Tax levy for 1959 – 1960 (Special) |
338 | Grants easement for public utilities (Special) |
339 | Amends § 8-2105 to extend time limit (Repealed by 345 N.S.) |
340 | Authorizing sale of real property (Special) |
341 | Authorizing deed and lease of golf clubhouse (Special) |
342 | Rezones property (Special) |
343 | Sale of certain real property (Special) |
344 | Prohibiting building on certain property (Special) |
345 | Amends § 8-2105, extends time limit (Repealed by 811 N.S.) |
346 | Budget for 1960 – 1961 (Special) |
347 | Tax levy for 1960 – 1961 (Special) |
348 | Rezones property (Special) |
349 | Amends § 5-401(3), marine refuge (14.04) |
350 | Adopts police training standards (4.12) |
351 | Accepts public street (Special) |
352 | Amends § 10-409, keeping animals (10.08) |
353 | Rezones property (Special) |
354 | Accepts streets in Nine Ponds Subdivision (Special) |
355 | Accepts utility easement (Special) |
356 | Adopts new position classification for § 3-206 (Repealed by 367 N.S.) |
357 | Amends § 1 of Ord. 333 N.S. (Special) |
358 | Authorizes lease of portion of High Street (Special) |
359 | Authorizes animal control agreement with Monterey County (Repealed by 1515 N.S.) |
360 | Accepts deed to portion of Congress Road (Special) |
361 | Amends § 1-501 (1.16) |
362 | |
363 | Amends § 5-506 (Repealed by 693 N.S.) |
364 | Adds § 8-3110.5 (Repealed by 623 N.S.) |
365 | Amends § 5-524, air contaminants (Repealed by 834 N.S.) |
366 | Rezones property (Special) |
367 | Amends § 3-206 (Repealed by 389 N.S.) |
368 | Accepts deed to golf clubhouse property (Special) |
369 | Amends § 6-105, garbage and refuse disposal (Repealed by 15-007) |
370 | Budget for 1961 – 1962 (Special) |
371 | Tax levy for 1961 – 1962 (Special) |
372 | Plan line on Forest Avenue, § 5-600(4c)(1) (Not codified) |
373 | Amends § 11-171(b) (Repealed by 11-001) |
374 | Amends § 12-301(2)(e), (4)(a)(2), (4)(b)(4)(iii), (5)(2) and (5)(b)(3)(ii) (Repealed by 766 N.S.) |
375 | Rezones property (Special) |
376 | Consents to assignment of Roof Garden Restaurant lease (Special) |
377 | Rezones property (Special) |
378 | Adds § 6-201(23) and (27); amends § 6-201(5) through (8), (13), (16) and (20); renumbers old § 6-201(16) through (24); repeals Ord. 296 N.S. (14.16) |
379 | Rezones property (Special) |
380 | Amends § 8-3110.5(1) (Repealed by 623 N.S.) |
381 | Intention to form vehicle parking district (Special) |
382 | Adds §§ 11-133(5), 11-133.1, 11-141(1)(e)(6) and (1)(e)(7), 11-161(3)(e)(5) and 11-181(y); amends §§ 11-132(1)(a)(2), 11-133(1)(a), 11-141(1)(a)(d), 11-141(1)(e)(5), 11-141(1)(f)(1), 11-151(6), 11-161(2)(a)(1), 11-161(2)(d)(1) and 11-161(3)(a)(1) (23.24, 23.28, 23.64, 23.68) |
383 | Adds § 5-501(B), family fallout shelters (Repealed by 96-06) |
384 | Authorizes purchase of property for civic center building (Special) |
385 | Accepts deed to civic center property (Special) |
386 | Authorizes purchase of property for civic center property (Special) |
387 | Amends § 11-121(1) and (2), districts adopted by zoning map (23.12) |
388 | Ordering vehicle parking district improvement (Special) |
389 | Amends § 3-206 (Not codified) |
390 | Adds §§ 11-181(z) and (aa) and 11-135(1)(a)(2)(a) (Repealed by 13-003) |
391 | Budget for 1962 – 1963 (Special) |
392 | Tax levy for 1962 – 1963 (Special) |
393 | Adds §§ 8-1202.1 and 8-1606(c) (16.56) |
394 | Adds § 1-401 (1.08) |
395 | Rezones property (Special) |
396 | Rezones property (Special) |
397 | Adds § 11-141(g)(1) (23.64) |
398 | Authorizing purchase of real property for civic center building (Special) |
399 | Rezones property (Special) |
400 | Adopts uniform building, plumbing and mobile home regulations; amends §§ 5-501, 5-504 and 5-701 (18.36) |
401 | Amends §§ 12-101, 12-104, 12-106, 12-107, 12-110, 12-111, 12-112, 12-114, 12-119, 12-125, 12-126 and 12-127 (7.04) |
402 | |
403 | Amends § 6-106(6) (Repealed by 15-007) |
404 | Rezones property (Special) |
405 | Acquisition of property for parking district (Special) |
406 | Acquisition of property for parking district (Special) |
407 | Acquisition of property for parking district (Special) |
408 | Acquisition of property for parking district (Special) |
409 | City license to U.S. Coast Guard Station (Expired) |
410 | Accepting Pico Place (Special) |
411 | Marine Refuge Patrol (Repealed by 1660 N.S.) |
412 | Acquisition of property for parking district (Special) |
413 | Motor vehicles on beaches or in parks (16.32) |
414 | Annexation of Forest Lodge Corner (Special) |
415 | Zoning of Forest Lodge Corner (Special) |
416 | Annexation of Pacific Grove Underwater Park Area (Special) |
417 | Amends § 6-106, garbage and refuse disposal (Repealed by 15-007) |
418 | Acquisition of property for civic center site (Special) |
419 | Acquisition of property for city parking district (Special) |
420 | Amends § 9-201 (Repealed by 1245 N.S.) |
421 | Rezones property (Special) |
422 | Rezones property (Special) |
423 | Class salary schedule (Not codified) |
424 | Amends salary schedule (Not codified) |
425 | Acquisition of property for civic center site (Special) |
426 | Authorizing leasing of property for parking lot (Special) |
427 | Accepting deed of remainder interest (Special) |
428 | Budget for 1963 – 1964 (Special) |
429 | Tax levy for 1963 – 1964 (Special) |
430 | Authorizing purchase of property for civic center building (Special) |
431 | Accepting dedication of Melton Place (Special) |
432 | Authorizing encumbrance of civic center property (Special) |
433 | Amends § 5-600 (Repealed by 1702 N.S.) |
434 | Amends §§ 12-101, 12-102 and 12-110 (7.04) |
435 | Park and beach regulations, housecars (18.36) |
436 | Rezones property (Special) |
437 | Rezones property (Special) |
438 | Accepting property in Forest Lodge Corner for road and greenbelt purposes (Special) |
439 | Amends fire zone map (Special) |
440 | Dog licenses (Repealed by 1515 N.S.) |
441 | Council study sessions (Not codified) |
442 | Official plan line map (Not codified) |
443 | Granting part of sidewalk for post office purposes (Special) |
444 | Adopts municipal code; provides general penalty and enforcement provisions (1.04, 1.16) |
445 | Adds Ch. 11.09, loitering (11.09) |
446 | Amends Ch. 11.08, curfew for minors (Repealed by 97-42) |
447 | Amends § 23.64.180, accessory buildings (Repealed by 00-18) |
448 | Community antenna television system (Repealed by 1402 N.S.) |
449 | Amends § 9.16.070 [9.16.060], garbage and refuse disposal (Repealed by 15-007) |
450 | Amends § 9.16.040, garbage and refuse disposal (Repealed by 15-007) |
451 | Amends § 9.16.120, garbage and refuse disposal (Repealed by 15-007) |
452 | Amends § 7.04.180, business license tax (7.04) |
453 | Amends §§ 23.08.030, 23.08.160, 23.24.020, 23.28.020, 23.32.020 and 23.52.020, zoning (23.24, 23.52) |
454 | Adds § 11.18.011, sewer cleanouts and traps (Repealed by 04-25) |
455 | Amends salary schedule (Not codified) |
456 | Grant of franchise to Central California Communications Corporation (Expired) |
457 | Acquisition of property for parking purposes (Special) |
458 | Plumber’s bond (Repealed by 693 N.S.) |
459 | Amends § 23.64.190, zoning (23.64) |
460 | Subdivisions and new construction (Repealed by 879 N.S.) |
461 | Acquisition of property for civic center (Special) |
462 | Position of assistant city manager/clerk-treasurer (Special) |
463 | Open market purchases (Repealed by 1405 N.S.) |
464 | Rezones property (Special) |
465 | Position of museum curator and scientific director (Special) |
466 | Employees’ vacations (Not codified) |
467 | Salary schedule for 1964 – 1965 (Not codified) |
468 | Consenting to assignment of lease to Roof Garden Restaurant (Special) |
469 | Amends § 16.56.010, one-way street (16.56) |
470 | Consenting to assignment of lease to Wharf Boat Concession (Special) |
471 | Budget for 1964 – 1965 (Special) |
472 | Tax levy for 1964 – 1965 (Special) |
473 | Amends § 16.56.030, stop signs (16.56) |
474 | Acquisition of property for parking district (Special) |
475 | Colored sidewalks (Repealed by 693 N.S.) |
476 | Proration of expense of water and sewer mains (Repealed by 693 N.S.) |
477 | New construction improvements (Repealed by 693 N.S.) |
478 | Amends § 23.24.060, setbacks for multistory buildings in R-3, R-4 zones (23.24) |
479 | Amends § 23.04.020, land use master plan (Repealed by 496 N.S.) |
480 | Amends §§ 16.40.030, 16.40.350, 16.40.510, 16.40.520 and 16.40.560, parking regulations in off-street parking lots (16.40) |
481 | Amends § 7.08.010, pool halls (7.08) |
482 | Adds § 16.56.091; amends §§ 16.56.010 and 16.56.090, one-way traffic (16.56) |
483 | Reading of resolutions (2.04) |
484 | Adds Ch. 6.09, transient occupancy tax (6.09) |
485 | Uniform Building, Plumbing, Housing and Electrical Codes (Repealed by 693 N.S.) |
486 | Amends § 16.56.120, speed limit (Repealed by 06-005) |
487 | Acquisition of easement for street light control panel (Special) |
488 | Beautification committee (3.24) |
489 | Accepting deed to parking lot property (Special) |
490 | Authorizing acquisition of civic center site (Special) |
491 | Amends § 10.08.010, keeping of animals and fowl (10.08) |
492 | Amends § 24.12.060, curbs and gutters (Repealed by 879 N.S.) |
493 | Amends § 16.56.030, stop signs (16.56) |
494 | R-1-A zoning district (Repealed by 1307 N.S.) |
495 | Authorizing acquisition of Forest Avenue property for off-street parking (Special) |
496 | Nonregulatory plans (Repealed by 1891 N.S.) |
497 | Deposit in lieu of subdivision improvements (Repealed by 640 N.S.) |
498 | Underground utilities, amends § 24.12.040 (Repealed by 879 N.S.) |
499 | Repeals § 2.04.030, council procedure (Repealer) |
500 | Amends § 16.56.010, traffic (16.56) |
501 | Amends § 16.56.030, traffic (16.56) |
502 | Adds § 11.12.020, soliciting (Repealed by 1763 N.S.) |
503 | Salary schedule for 1965 – 1966 (Special) |
504 | Amends § 4.20.130, employees’ overtime (Repealed by 00-20) |
505 | Amends § 11.44.020, firearms (11.44) |
506 | Amends § 23.28.020, zoning (23.28) |
507 | 1965 – 1966 budget (Special) |
508 | Tax levy for 1965 – 1966 (Special) |
509 | Salary schedule (Special) |
510 | Salary schedule, amends Ord. 503 N.S. (Special) |
511 | Amends § 9.16.090 [9.16.080], garbage collection (Repealed by 15-007) |
512 | Contribution accepted for hyperbaric chamber purchase (Special) |
513 | Amends § 6.20.010, warrant procedure (6.20) |
514 | Amends § 6.12.010, treasurer’s revolving funds (Repealed by 1602 N.S.) |
515 | Adds Ch. 6.13, museum petty cash funds (Repealed by 675 N.S.) |
516 | Adds §§ 18.32.020, 18.32.030 and 18.32.040, water mains and hydrants (Repealed by 99-19) |
517 | Leasing private property to city (Special) |
518 | Fire protection agreement for Del Monte Park (Special) |
519 | Amends § 16.04.160, traffic (16.04) |
520 | Amends § 7.20.010, handbills; repeals § 7.20.020 (7.20) |
521 | Amends zoning map (Special) |
522 | Amends § 6.13.010, museum petty cash fund (Repealed by 675 N.S.) |
523 | Amends §§ 7.04.010, business license tax, and §§ 23.08.150 and 23.16.020, zoning (7.04, 23.16) |
524 | Adds § 23.08.075, zoning (Repealed by 13-003) |
525 | Adds §§ 15.16.040 and 15.16.050; amends § 15.16.010, sidewalks (15.16) |
526 | Adds § 2.14.010, inventory of city property (2.14) |
527 | Adds Ch. 16.60, parades (16.60) |
528 | Adds § 14.08.020, dogs and bicycles in Perkins Park (Repealed by 20-004) |
529 | Amends § 6.20.010, warrant procedure (6.20) |
530 | Adds Ch. 6.14, petty cash fund (6.14) |
531 | Salary schedule (Special) |
532 | Amends Chs. 23.16, 23.20, 23.24, 23.28, 23.32, 23.36, 23.64, 23.68 and 23.72, zoning (23.16, 23.24, 23.28, 23.64, 23.68) |
533 | Repeals Ch. 7.24, electrical contractor’s bond (Repealer) |
534 | Amends § 7.20.010, newspaper advertising distribution (7.20) |
535 | Adds § 7.20.020, newspaper and advertising distribution (7.20) |
536 | Adds §§ 3.04.020, 3.08.020 and 3.12.020, councilman and city manager as ex officio members of boards and commissions (Repealed by 1035 N.S.) |
537 | Adds § 16.40.530, parking limits (16.40) |
538 | Fire protection agreement for Del Monte Park (Special) |
539 | Adds § 11.12.030, soliciting on private property (Repealed by 1763 N.S.) |
540 | Amends § 16.56.010, traffic (16.56) |
541 | Adds § 2.04.050, city council procedure (2.04) |
542 | Amends § 6.09.030, motel tax exemptions (6.09) |
543 | CATV franchise, permission to eliminate office, amends Ord. 448 N.S. (Repealed by 1402 N.S.) |
544 | Amends § 18.36.030, housecars on private property (18.36) |
545 | Reaffirmation of city/state contract (Special) |
546 | Amends § 18.04.050, foundation walls and footings (Repealed by 693 N.S.) |
547 | Adds § 18.21.010, underground utilities (18.21) |
548 | Reaffirming interest in contract on Asilomar (Special) |
549 | Accepts deeds to Forest Hill Playground Property (Special) |
550 | Amends § 23.64.280, penalties for parking of large vehicles (Repealed by 97-41) |
551 | Adds §§ 16.40.590 and 18.50.010; amends §§ 7.04.020, 7.04.150, 7.04.160, 7.04.180, 7.04.190, 7.04.200, 7.04.210, 7.04.220, 7.04.230, 7.04.240, 7.04.250, 7.04.260, 7.04.270, 9.20.100, 12.08.010, 23.16.020, 23.64.200, 23.72.030 and 23.72.060, business license fees, parking fines, sewer service charges, certain permit and inspection fees (7.04, 9.20, 23.16) |
552 | Salary schedule for 1966 – 1967 (Not codified) |
553 | Adds Ch. 16.25, creation of cul-de-sac streets (16.25) |
554 | Salary schedule, amends Ord. 552 N.S. (Not codified) |
555 | Budget for 1966 – 1967 (Special) |
556 | Tax levy for 1966 – 1967 (Special) |
557 | Amends § 16.40.590, minimum fine for provisions of Ch. 16.40 (Repealed by 1902 N.S.) |
558 | Adds § 20.04.101, temporary banners for special sales events (Repealed by 811 N.S.) |
559 | Amends § 9.16.120, rubbish burning (Repealed by 15-007) |
560 | Establishes R-3-A zone, adds Chapter 23.25 (Repealed by 1307 N.S.) |
561 | Amends § 23.64.110, foster care homes (23.64) |
562 | Accepts Laurie Circle as city street (Special) |
563 | Rezones property (Special) |
564 | Amends § 16.56.030, establishment of certain stop signs (16.56) |
565 | Approves execution of site and facility leases (Special) |
566 | Authorizes execution of agreement with state for Asilomar Avenue storm drain easement (Special) |
567 | Agrees to acquisition of easement for Forest Hill tennis courts (Special) |
568 | Authorizing execution of contract for employee group health insurance (Special) |
569 | Adds Ch. 23.42, O district regulations (23.42) |
570 | Adds Ch. 9.30, regulation of electronic sound amplification equipment; and amends § 16.44.060, advertising on vehicles (16.44) |
571 | Salary schedule for 1967 – 1968 (Special) |
572 | Adds §§ 4.20.321 and 4.20.360; amends §§ 4.20.020, 4.20.040, 4.20.050, 4.20.080, 4.20.140, 4.20.150, 4.20.160, 4.20.170, 4.20.190, 4.20.200, 4.20.270 and 4.20.320, changes in personnel plan (Repealed by 00-20) |
573 | Adds Ch. 2.06, city manager (2.06) |
574 | Adds § 23.64.201, architectural permit fee (Not codified) |
575 | Amends § 23.52.020, retirement homes in R-3-M districts (23.52) |
576 | Budget for 1967 – 1968 (Special) |
577 | Tax levy for 1967 – 1968 (Special) |
578 | Rezones property (Special) |
579 | Amends § 6.14.010, reduces amount in change fund (6.14) |
580 | Consent to lease of Bussey property (Special) |
581 | Reducing plan line on upper Forest Avenue (Special) |
582 | Amends class salary schedule for 1967 – 1968 (Special) |
583 | Stop signs at Tenth Street and Laurel Avenue (16.56) |
584 | Amends § 7.04.180, business license fee for water companies (7.04) |
585 | Adds Ch. 7.18; amends § 7.04.100, regulations governing taxi business (7.04) |
586 | Adds Ch. 7.30, imposes documentary stamp tax (7.30) |
587 | Adds Ch. 10.10, feeding pigeons prohibited (10.10) |
588 | Amends § 4.20.140, legal holidays (Repealed by 00-20) |
589 | Acquisition of Buckles property (Special) |
590 | Release of conditions and covenants of Boy Scout house accepted (Special) |
591 | Amends Ch. 18.24, procedures for condemnation of unsafe or dilapidated buildings (Repealed by 693 N.S.) |
592 | Amends § 7.04.010, defines retirement home units (7.04) |
593 | Adds § 23.64.310; amends §§ 23.08.130, 23.08.190, 23.08.260, 23.24.050, 23.24.060 and 23.64.190, open yard requirements (23.24, 23.64) |
594 | Amends § 7.04.180, water company license fee (7.04) |
595 | Acquisition of Johansen property (Special) |
596 | Accepts license of golf course area from Coast Guard (Special) |
597 | Amends § 6.09.020, increases amount of transient occupancy tax (6.09) |
598 | Adds Ch. 15.29, installation of underground utility facilities (15.29) |
599 | Amends contract for city employees’ retirement (Special) |
600 | Amends § 18.21.010, requirements for underground utilities in new construction (18.21) |
601 | Adds Ch. 11.56, fire signal code (11.56) |
602 | Restricts service stations in downtown business districts, amends § 23.32.020 (Repealed by 13-003) |
603 | Amends §§ 7.18.020 and 7.18.050, taxi certificates (Repealed by 848 N.S.) |
604 | Salary schedule for 1968 – 1969 (Special) |
605 | Adds Ch. 6.10, public utility user tax (6.10) |
606 | Amends § 23.64.201, zoning (Not codified) |
607 | Adds § 23.72.220, zoning (Repealed by 11-001) |
608 | Amends §§ 11.12.010 and 11.12.020, canvassers, peddlers, solicitors (Repealed by 1763 N.S.) |
609 | Budget 1968 – 1969 (Special) |
610 | Amends § 9.16.120, rubbish burning (Repealed by 15-007) |
611 | Amends Ch. 12.12, weed clearance (Repealed by 02-13) |
612 | Sewer easement (Special) |
613 | Tax levy for July 1, 1968 (Special) |
614 | Adds Ch. 9.40, junk vehicle abatement (Repealed by 1880 N.S.) |
615 | Adds Ch. 9.50, ambulance (Repealed by 1229 N.S.) |
616 | Amends § 9.16.080 [9.16.070], garbage charge (Repealed by 15-007) |
617 | Adds §§ 18.32.050, 18.32.060, 18.32.070, 18.32.080 and 18.32.090; amends § 18.32.010, fire code (Repealed by 99-19) |
618 | Acquisition of property (Special) |
619 | Leasing art center (Special) |
620 | Amends § 23.64.201, zoning (Not codified) |
621 | Acquisition of property (Special) |
622 | Amends § 23.64.290, zoning (Repealed by 13-003) |
623 | Amends Ch. 11.04, intoxicating liquor (11.04) |
624 | Salary schedule for 1968 – 1969, amends Ord. 604 N.S. (Special) |
625 | Consenting to lease assignment (Special) |
626 | 1968 – 1969 salary schedule, amends Ord. 604 N.S. (Special) |
627 | Amends § 12.08.010, tree removal (Repealed by 817 N.S.) |
628 | Amends § 23.64.201 and Ord. 606 N.S., zoning (Not codified) |
629 | Amends § 18.24.050, building razing; repeals §§ 18.24.060, 18.24.070, 18.24.080 and 18.24.090 (Repealed by 693 N.S.) |
630 | Budget for 1969 – 1970 (Special) |
631 | Adds § 16.56.0300(j), stop signs (16.56) |
632 | Salary schedule (Special) |
633 | Mayor, councilman salaries (Repealed by 1020 N.S.) |
634 | Amends § 4.20.150(E), vacations (Repealed by 00-20) |
635 | Final budget for 1969 – 1970 (Special) |
636 | Adds § 16.56.030(kk) and (ll), stop signs (16.56) |
637 | Rezone (Special) |
638 | Tax levy (Special) |
639 | Amends §§,,, and, taxes (6.10) |
640 | Amends § 18.04.020, curbs, gutters and sidewalks; repeals § 24.12.071 (Repealed by 693 N.S.) |
641 | Acquisition of property (Special) |
642 | Amends § 23.64.290, alcoholic beverage sales tax use permits (Repealed by 13-003) |
643 | Acquisition of property (Special) |
644 | Amends salary schedule (Special) |
645 | Amends § 16.08.030, traffic commission (16.08) |
646 | Amends Ch. 7.04, business licenses (7.04) |
647 | Adds § 9.20.085; amends §§ 9.20.090 and 9.20.100, sewer service charges (9.20) |
648 | Amends § 16.56.030, stop signs (16.56) |
649 | Bond election (Special) |
650 | Amends § 9.20.090, sewer service charges (Repealed by 995 N.S.) |
651 | Concession agreement (Special) |
652 | Concession agreement (Special) |
653 | Adds § 16.56.030(nn) and (oo), stop signs (16.56) |
654 | Adds § 10.04.140; amends §§ 10.04.010(B) and (D), 10.04.040(A) and 10.04.120(A), animals (Repealed by 1515 N.S.) |
655 | Amends § 7.04.280, bicycle licenses (7.04) |
656 | Amends Ch. 7.04 in entirety, business licenses (7.04) |
657 | Adds Ch. 6.11, retirement home occupancy tax (Repealed by 834 N.S.) |
658 | 1970 – 1971 budget (Special) |
659 | Salaries (Special) |
660 | Amends § 4.20.130, overtime compensation (Repealed by 00-20) |
661 | Street improvement (Special) |
662 | Telescope license agreement (Special) |
663 | Amends §§ 4.20.020, 4.20.120 and 4.20.150(H), vacation (Repealed by 00-20) |
664 | Adds § 14.08.030, dogs in public parks (Repealed by 20-004) |
665 | Adds § 10.04.135, animal impoundment (Repealed by 1515 N.S.) |
666 | Sewer service fund expenditure (Special) |
667 | Amends § 2.20.180, bidding (Repealed by 1405 N.S.) |
668 | 1970 taxes (Special) |
669 | Amends Ch. 10.10, feeding animals and fowl (10.10) |
670 | Adds Ch. 11.38, public works trespass (11.38) |
671 | Amends § 16.56.030, stop signs (16.56) |
672 | Street improvement agreement (Special) |
673 | Rezone (Special) |
674 | Final 1970 – 1971 budget (Special) |
675 | Repeals Ch. 6.13, museum petty cash fund (Repealer) |
676 | Adds § 16.56.030(qq), (rr), (ss) and (tt), stop signs (16.56) |
677 | Tennis professional contract (Special) |
678 | Amends § 14.08.030, dogs in public parks (Repealed by 20-004) |
679 | Amends Ch. 4.10, marine rescue patrol (Repealed by 08-024) |
680 | Amends budget Ord. 674 N.S. (Special) |
681 | Sewer main contract (Special) |
682 | Amends § 4.20.140, holidays (Repealed by 00-20) |
683 | Topics study agreement (Special) |
684 | Boat storage agreement (Special) |
685 | Adds Ch. 23.18; amends § 23.12.010, zoning districts (23.12) |
6861 | Amends Ord. 659 N.S., salaries (Repealed by 00-20) |
687 | Amends § 16.32.130(A), prohibited driving areas (16.32) |
688 | Amends §§ 3.24.010 and 3.24.070, beautification committee (3.24) |
689 | Amends § 16.40.560, nighttime parking in business district (16.40) |
690 | Adds § 16.12.055, obliterating distinguishing marks used to enforce parking regulations (16.12) |
691 | Preliminary budget for 1971 – 1972 (Special) |
692 | Amends class salary schedule for 1971 – 1972 (Special) |
693 | Repeals and reenacts Ch. 18.04, building codes; repeals Chs. 18.08, 18.16, 18.20, 18.24, 18.40 and 18.50 (18.04) |
694 | Tax levy for 1971 (Special) |
695 | Adds § 23.64.200(c), tree protection (Not codified) |
696 | Adds § 9.20.055, sewer connections (9.20) |
697 | Adds §§ 9.20.200, 9.20.210, 9.20.220 and 9.20.230, delinquent charges for sewer and refuse disposal service (9.20) |
698 | Final budget for 1971 – 1972 (Special) |
699 | Concession agreement (Special) |
700 | Amends § 9.20.120, rebate of sewer service charges (9.20) |
701 | Adds § 16.32.080(c); renumbers § 7.04.280, bicycle license fee (Repealed by 1117 N.S.) |
702 | Joint agreement for sewage treatment and disposal (Special) |
703 | Amends class salary schedule for 1971 – 1972 (Special) |
704 | Amends §§ 4.20.150 and 4.20.160, employee vacation and sick leave (Repealed by 00-20) |
705 | Amends § 4.20.020, employee probationary period (Repealed by 00-20) |
706 | Amends § 7.20.010, advertising handbills (7.20) |
707 | Amends § 14.08.030, dogs in public places (Repealed by 20-004) |
708 | Interim zoning (Repealed by 723 N.S.) |
709 | Special election (Special) |
710 | Restaurant lease (Special) |
711 | Amends class salary schedule (Special) |
712 | Amends Ord. 708 N.S., interim zoning (Special) |
713 | Joint agreement for sewage treatment and disposal (Special) |
714 | Land purchase (Special) |
715 | Amends Ord. 698, 1971 – 1972 budget (Special) |
716 | Fire zone map amendment (Special) |
717 | Adds § 15.20.090, driveway use permits (15.20) |
718 | Rezone (Special) |
719 | Adds § 14.08.040, skin diving at Lovers Point Beach (Repealed by 20-004) |
720 | Adds §§ 23.28.020(e), 23.24.070 and a paragraph to § 23.64.310; amends §§ 23.16.060, 23.20.060, 23.24.020(b), 23.24.030(a), 23.24.040, 23.24.050, 23.24.060, 23.28.020(b) and (d), 23.52.010, 23.64.190(a) and (b); repeals § 23.24.020(d) and reletters subsequent subsections, zoning (23.24, 23.28, 23.64) |
721 | Salary schedule (Special) |
722 | Approves and adopts preliminary budget for 1972 – 1973 (Special) |
723 | Repeals Ord. 708 N.S. (Repealer) |
724 | Amends § 6.09.020, transient occupancy tax (6.09) |
725 | Fund appropriation to Monterey Peninsula Water Pollution Control Agency (Special) |
726 | Approves and adopts final budget for 1972 – 1973 (Special) |
727 | Tax levy (Special) |
728 | Bond election (Special) |
729 | Fund appropriation for property purchase balances (Special) |
730 | Permit grant for passageway construction (Special) |
731 | Building permit temporary suspension (Repealed by 732 N.S.) |
732 | Environmental impact reports and guidelines (Superseded by 753 N.S.) |
733 | Authorizes joint powers amendment for youth crisis information project (Special) |
734 | Conditionally prohibits building permit issuance (Special) |
735 | Annexation (Special) |
736 | Interim zoning (Repealed by 795 N.S.) |
737 | Police vehicle purchase (Special) |
738 | Adds §§ 24.12.190, 24.20.015 and 24.20.025, subdivisions (Repealed by 879 N.S.) |
739 | Interim zoning (Special) |
740 | Temporary exemption of Del Monte Park Annex from sewer service charges (Special) |
741 | Land purchase (Special) |
742 | Fire zone map amendment (Special) |
743 | Amends Ord. 721 N.S., salary schedule (Special) |
744 | Adds § 18.04.050, fire and sewer protection (18.04) |
745 | Continuation of transit subsidy (Special) |
746 | Salary schedule (Special) |
747 | Interim zoning (Repealed by 754 N.S.) |
748 | Adds § 16.40.585, parking on privately owned lots (16.40) |
749 | Sewer easement exchange (Special) |
750 | Amends 1972 – 1973 budget (Special) |
751 | Surplus property transfer (Special) |
752 | Salary schedule (Special) |
753 | Adds Ch. 23.77, environmental impact reports; supersedes Ord. 732 N.S. (23.77) |
754 | Adds Ch. 23.57, R-3-P.G.B. District; repeals Ord. 747 N.S. (23.57) |
755 | Adds § 23.72.130(F); amends §§ 23.72.110 and 23.72.120, zoning variances (Repealed by 11-001) |
756 | Amends §§ 9.16.020(B) and 9.16.040; repeals § 9.16.050 and renumbers subsequent sections; adds (B)(4) to renumbered § 9.16.060; and amends renumbered § 9.16.070, refuse disposal (Repealed by 15-007) |
757 | Adopts preliminary budget for 1973 – 1974 (Special) |
758 | Refuse disposal franchise (Not codified) |
759 | Amends §§ 4.20.120, 4.20.130(A), 4.20.150 and 4.20.160, employee work conditions (Repealed by 00-20) |
760 | Approves final budget for 1973 – 1974 (Special) |
761 | Tax levy for 1973 – 1974 (Special) |
762 | Amends Ord. 752 N.S., salary schedule (Special) |
763 | Amends § 18.04.010(f) and (g), electrical code (Repealed by 02-31) |
764 | Corporation yard space lease (Special) |
765 | Funds appropriation (Special) |
766 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 6.08, sales and use tax (6.08) |
767 | Amends Ch. 10.08, keeping animals (10.08) |
768 | Adds § 10.04.040(D); amends §§ 10.04.040(A) and 10.04.120(A), dog licenses (Repealed by 1515 N.S.) |
769 | Funds appropriation (Special) |
770 | Amends Ord. 752 N.S., salary schedule (Special) |
771 | Amends 1973 – 1974 budget (Special) |
772 | Grants easement for underground utilities (Special) |
773 | Establishes zone classification for Del Monte Park Annex (Special) |
774 | Funds appropriation (Special) |
775 | Amends § 16.32.080(c), bicycle licenses (Repealed by 1117 N.S.) |
776 | Funds appropriation (Special) |
777 | Extends Ord. 736 N.S., interim zoning (Repealed by Ord. 795 N.S.) |
778 | Authorizes golf clubhouse food concession lease (Special) |
779 | Authorizes sewer easement purchase (Special) |
780 | Authorizes sewer easement purchase (Special) |
781 | Authorizes execution of joint powers agreement for county-wide seismic cement study (Special) |
782 | Salary schedule (Special) |
783 | Funds appropriation (Special) |
784 | Adds Ch. 23.74, site plan review committee (Repealed by 11-001) |
785 | Amends § 16.40.560, night parking (16.40) |
786 | Amends § 9.16.120(A), burning (Repealed by 15-007) |
787 | Amends §§ 18.32.010 and 18.32.015, fire code (Repealed by 99-19) |
788 | Appropriation funds to Monterey Peninsula Water Pollution Control Agency (Special) |
789 | Amends §§ 9.20.110 and 9.20.140, sewer service charges (9.20) |
790 | Authorizes agreement with state (Special) |
791 | Appropriates funds for senior citizens’ center (Special) |
792 | Authorizes grant application for sewage facilities (Special) |
793 | Adopts preliminary budget (Special) |
794 | Authorizes increase in cable television rates (Special) |
795 | Adds § 23.32.060; amends §§ 23.24.020 and 23.28.020, use permits in C-1 districts; repeals Ords. 736 N.S. and 777 N.S. (23.24, 23.28) |
796 | Appropriates funds for museum purchase (Special) |
797 | Tax levy (Special) |
798 | Calls special municipal bond election (Special) |
799 | Authorizes real estate purchase (Special) |
800 | Authorizes execution of traffic signal agreement (Special) |
801 | Approves final budget (Special) |
802 | Appropriates funds for childcare center (Special) |
803 | Appropriates additional funds for street sweeper (Special) |
804 | Authorizes settlement of litigation and appropriates funds therefor (Special) |
805 | Amends Ord. 798 N.S., municipal bond election (Special) |
806 | Amends Ord. 782 N.S., salary schedule (Special) |
807 | Authorizes lease of real property (Special) |
808 | Grants easement for underground utilities and related facilities (Special) |
809 | Rezone (Special) |
810 | Amends § 4.20.270, mileage allowance (Repealed by 00-20) |
811 | Amends §§ 23.16.010, 23.28.020, 23.36.020 and 23.57.020; repeals and adds new Ch. 20.04, regulating signs (23.16, 23.24, 23.28, 23.57) |
812 | Annexation (Special) |
813 | Authorizes acquisition of real property (Special) |
814 | Adds § 10.04.140, dogs (Repealed by 1515 N.S.) |
815 | Appropriates funds from Edwin A. Cope estate (Special) |
816 | Amends Ord. 813 N.S., authorizes execution of deed of trust and increases interest rate (Special) |
817 | Adds §§ 12.16.035, 12.16.100, 12.16.110, 12.16.120, 12.16.130, 12.16.140, 12.16.150 and 12.16.160; amends §§ 12.16.040, 12.16.050 and 12.16.090; repeals Ch. 12.08, trees (Repealed by 1782 N.S.) |
818 | Amends § 11.12.020, residential solicitation (Repealed by 1763 N.S.) |
819 | Amends §§ 4.20.120, 4.20.150 and 4.20.160, personnel (Repealed by 00-20) |
820 | Appropriates funds for museum improvement (Special) |
821 | Authorizes real estate purchase (Special) |
822 | Amends § 23.32.020, zoning (Repealed by 13-003) |
823 | Adds Ch. 23.73, architectural review (Repealed by 11-001) |
824 | Amends § 23.68.070, nonconforming residential structures (23.68) |
825 | Interim ordinance prohibiting storage of large boats in residential zones (Special) |
826 | Authorizes execution of amendment continuing joint powers agreement for Monterey Peninsula Water Control Agency (Special) |
827 | Amends § 16.32.080(C), triennial statewide bicycle license (Repealed by 1117 N.S.) |
828 | Amends Ord. 782 N.S., salaries (Special) |
829 | Authorizes restaurant lease at Lovers Point Park (Special) |
830 | Appropriates funds for aerial photographic contour map of city (Special) |
831 | Adds Ch. 11.60, designates police chief as licensing authority for concealed weapons (11.60) |
832 | Amends § 2.04.020, council meetings (2.04) |
833 | Adds §§ 10.08.070, 11.09.040 and 12.12.060; adds sentences to §§ 7.04.240, 10.04.020, 10.10.010, 14.08.020, 14.08.030, 15.08.010, 16.28.030, 16.40.030, 16.40.050, 16.40.080, 16.40.290, 16.40.570 and 16.44.020; amends §§ 1.16.010, 10.08.070, 11.04.020, 11.04.030, 11.08.030, 14.16.260, and 16.20.060, classifying certain violations as infractions (1.16, 7.04, 10.08, 10.10, 11.04, 11.09, 14.16, 15.08, 16.20, 16.28, 16.40, 16.44) |
834 | Repeals § 11.56.020 and Chs. 6.11, 9.08, 9.12, 11.28 and 11.52 (Repealer) |
835 | Joint powers agreement for Monterey Peninsula Transit Agency (Special) |
836 | Agreement for boat concession (Special) |
837 | Amends restaurant lease dated May 7, 1975 (Special) |
838 | Appropriation for possessory interest tax refund (Special) |
839 | Rezone (Special) |
840 | Amends Ch. 3.24, beautification committee (3.24) |
841 | Agreement for golf pro concession (Special) |
842 | 1975 – 1976 preliminary budget (Special) |
843 | Appropriation for street improvement (Special) |
844 | Amendment to joint agreement for sewage treatment and disposal (Special) |
845 | Authorizes purchase of real estate (Special) |
846 | Amends § 2.04.040, reading of ordinances and resolutions (2.04) |
847 | Amends § 2.04.050(A), agenda listings (2.04) |
848 | Repeals Ch. 7.18; repeals and replaces Ch. 7.16, taxicabs (Repealed by 1621 N.S.) |
849 | Amends lease of restaurant facility at Lovers Point Park (Special) |
850 | Adds §§ 18.04.060, 18.04.070 and 18.04.080; amends § 18.04.010, Uniform Industry Codes (18.04) |
851 | 1975 – 1976 budget (Special) |
852 | 1975 – 1976 tax levy (Special) |
853 | Adds Ch. 23.30, mobile home park district (23.30) |
854 | Amends § 16.08.010, traffic engineer (16.08) |
855 | Amends § 23.32.020(c), zoning (Repealed by 13-003) |
856 | Appropriation for settlement of litigation (Special) |
857 | Appropriation for replacement accounting system (Special) |
858 | Appropriation for Pacific Grove Centennial, Inc. (Special) |
859 | Appropriation for three-wheel motor scooter (Special) |
860 | Extends Ord. 809 N.S., rezone (Special) |
861 | Amends Ord. 828 N.S., salaries (Special) |
862 | Amends § 6(a) of Ord. 686 N.S., salaries (Special) |
863 | Joint powers agreement for Monterey Peninsula Water Management Agency (Special) |
864 | Adds sentence to § 18.21.010, underground utilities (18.21) |
865 | Adds Ch. 11.42, transit buses (11.42) |
866 | Adds Ch. 18.38, water well standards (Repealed by 98-07) |
867 | Amends § 18.04.010(a) and § 306(a) of the Uniform Building Code (Repealed by 1450 N.S.) |
868 | Rezone (Special) |
869 | Amends § 23.16.020(b)(11), zoning (23.16) |
870 | Amends §§ 4.20.120, 4.20.150(A), (B), (C), (E) and (H), 4.20.160 and 4.20.290, personnel (Repealed by 00-20) |
871 | Amends § 2.12.010, sale of unclaimed property (2.12) |
872 | Amends §§ 20.04.040(i), 20.04.060 and 20.04.100, signs (Repealed by 1664 N.S.) |
873 | Amends § 12.16.120(D), trees (Repealed by 1782 N.S.) |
874 | First amended joint powers agreement for the Monterey Peninsula Water Management Agency (Special) |
875 | Fourth amendment to joint agreement for sewage treatment and disposal (Special) |
876 | Adds Ch. 11.24, smoking control (11.24) |
877 | Amends § 15.16.030, sidewalk repair (15.16) |
878 | Sale of subdivided contiguous lots (23.64) |
879 | Repeals and replaces Title 24, subdivisions and lot splits (24.04, 24.08, 24.12, 24.16, 24.24, 24.28, 24.32, 24.36, 24.40, 24.44, 24.48, 24.52, 24.56, 24.60, 24.64, 24.68, 24.72) |
880 | Employment classification, range and salary scale (Special) |
881 | Employment classification, range and salary scale (Special) |
882 | Authorizes agreement for street repaving (Special) |
883 | Adds § 14.08.010(h), park regulations (Repealed by 20-004) |
884 | Adds Ch. 11.64, water connection restrictions (Repealed by 1042 N.S.) |
885 | Adds § 23.16.070, use permit in R-1 district (23.16) |
886 | Authorizes lease agreement (Special) |
886a | Interim zoning regulation (Special) |
887 | Mayor’s and councilmembers’ compensation (Repealed by 1020 N.S.) |
888 | Amends § 16.56.070, two-hour parking streets (16.56) |
889 | Preliminary 1976 – 1977 budget approval (Special) |
890 | Authorizes sewer interceptor line (Special) |
891 | Adds § 16.56.070(aa), two-hour parking streets (16.56) |
892 | Public library improvement bond election (Special) |
893 | Amends §§ 2.20.100 and 2.20.110, open market purchases (Repealed by 1405 N.S.) |
894 | 1976 tax levy (Special) |
895 | Adds §§ 11.20.020 through 11.20.160, bingo regulation (11.20) |
896 | 1976 – 1977 final budget approval (Special) |
897 | Amends Ord. 828 N.S. and § 4.20.120, cadet firemen’s work week (Repealed by 00-20) |
898 | Adds § 11.64.055, water supply restriction (Repealed by 1042 N.S.) |
899 | Adds Ch. 11.10 and amends § 23.08.075, garage sales (11.10) |
900 | Amends § 18.36.040, housecar parking restrictions (Repealed by 19-001) |
901 | Appropriation (Special) |
902 | Amends Ord. 894 N.S., 1976 tax levy (Special) |
903 | Adds Ch. 2.07, city attorney’s classification and duties; amends Ord. 828 N.S., salaries (2.07) |
904 | Amends § 16.56.070(aa), two-hour parking streets (16.56) |
905 | Adds §§ 16.40.555 and 16.56.092, parking restrictions (16.40, 16.56) |
906 | Authorizes grant of easement to Pacific Gas and Electric Co. and Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company (Special) |
907 | Amends §§ 4.20.020 and 4.20.360, employee’s probationary period (Repealed by 00-20) |
908 | Authorizes risk management audit agreement (Special) |
909 | Adds §§ 2.14.020, 2.14.030, 2.14.040 and 2.14.050; amends § 2.14.010, fixed asset inventory (2.14) |
910 | Authorizes retirement system contract amendment (Special) |
911 | Social Security contribution appropriation (Special) |
912 | Adds § 1.16.065, parking violation bail (1.16) |
913 | League of Cities headquarters construction appropriation (Special) |
914 | Law library appropriation (Special) |
915 | Amends § 23.72.110, variance grant and variance conditions (Repealed by 11-001) |
916 | Authorizes golf clubhouse food concession (Special) |
917 | Amends Ord. 794 N.S., cable television service rates (Special) |
918 | Amends § 16.56.090(2)(d), parking restrictions (16.56) |
919 | Amends § 11.24.030(a), smoking restrictions (11.24) |
920 | Amends § 2.04.050(A), council meeting agenda (2.04) |
921 | Transfer of funds (Special) |
922 | Building permit moratorium (Special) |
923 | Amends §§ 9.40.030, 9.40.050, 9.40.070, 9.40.080, abandoned vehicles (Repealed by 1880 N.S.) |
924 | Amends § 9.20.110 and repeals § 9.20.150, sewer service charges (9.20) |
925 | Amends Ord. 922 N.S., building permit moratorium (Special) |
926 | Transfer of funds (Special) |
927 | Utility vehicle appropriation (Special) |
928 | Adds § 16.56.095, tow-away zones (16.56) |
929 | Adds § 1.16.080, judicial review time limit (Repealed by 1961 N.S.) |
930 | Adds § 16.56.090(h); amends § 16.56.092(a); redesignates subsection § 16.56.070(aa) as 16.56.070(q), parking restrictions (16.56) |
931 | Adds Ch. 4.16, police reserve (4.14) |
932 | Amends Ord. 896 N.S., 1976 – 1977 budget (Special) |
933 | Adds Ch. 7.06, massage licenses and regulations (Repealed by 96-16) |
934 | Adds Ch. 11.62, alarm system regulations (Repealed by 11-015) |
935 | Adds § 16.40.055, parking restrictions (16.40) |
936 | Amends § 23.28.020(e), zoning (23.28) |
937 | Authorizes agreement for unemployment law litigation (Special) |
938 | Adds §§ 24.01.030(d) and (e) and 24.02.090, subdivisions (24.04, 24.08) |
939 | Fireworks (Repealed by 1005 N.S.) |
940 | Adds to § 12.16.100; amends §§ 12.16.090 and 12.16.160, trees on private property (Repealed by 1782 N.S.) |
941 | Amends Ord. 881 N.S., employee classification, range and salary scale (Special) |
942 | Amends Ord. 880 N.S., employee classification, range and salary scale (Special) |
943 | Authorizes agreement for food concession (Special) |
944 | Adds § 16.16.130, traffic-control devices; amends § 16.40.350 and renumbers it as § 16.40.360, curb markings; repeals §§ 16.40.340, 16.40.360, 16.40.380, 16.40.390, 16.40.400, 16.40.410 and 16.40.420 (16.16, 16.40) |
945 | Amends § 9.20.100, sewage collector system fees; repeals § 9.20.090 (9.20) |
946 | Adds § 18.04.090, building code (Repealed by 1963 N.S.) |
947 | Amends Ch. 23.77, environmental impact reports (23.77) |
948 | Amends § 23.32.020(c), uses permitted in C-1 districts (Repealed by 13-003) |
949 | Appropriation of interest (Special) |
950 | Amends § 1.16.017, enforcement by civil action (1.16) |
951 | Authorizes supplemental agreement (Special) |
952 | Establishes certain area as open space (Special) |
953 | Authorizes pro golf concession agreement (Special) |
954 | Adds to § 10.04.020; amends § 10.04.040, dogs (Repealed by 1515 N.S.) |
955 | Preliminary 1977 – 1978 budget (Special) |
956 | Amends § 23.68.060, nonconforming structures (23.68) |
957 | Adds §§ 23.64.330 and 23.64.335, landscaping during water shortage (Repealed by 1746 N.S.) |
958 | Amends Ord. 448 N.S. § 4, cable television franchise (Repealed by 1402 N.S.) |
959 | Amends paragraph 2 of Ord. 939 N.S., fireworks (Repealed by 1005 N.S.) |
960 | Amends § 4.20.180, employee benefits; establishes classification, range and salary scale for temporary employees (Repealed by 00-20) |
961 | Authorizes amendment to agreement for architectural services (Special) |
962 | Appropriation for free care equipment (Special) |
963 | Appropriation for safety equipment (Special) |
964 | 1977 tax levy (Special) |
965 | Final 1977 – 1978 budget (Special) |
966 | Amends § 23.72.130(F), council review (Repealed by 11-001) |
967 | Appropriation for equipment purchase (Special) |
968 | Appropriation for museum improvement fund (Special) |
969 | Deletes phrase from § 23.64.290(d), dancing (Repealed by 13-003) |
970 | Adds Ch. 18.40, report of residential building record (Repealed by 1553 N.S.) |
971 | Temporary change of density requirements in R-3-A district (Special) |
972 | Amends Ch. 18.28, fire zones (Repealed by 1245 N.S.) |
973 | Adds to paragraph 2 of Ord. 960 N.S., employee classification, range and salary schedule for temporary positions (Special) |
974 | Amends § 23.72.130(B) through (E); repeals § 23.72.060 and a phrase from § 23.73.080, appeals (Repealed by 11-001) |
975 | Adds § 23.64.190(h), use permits (23.64) |
976 | Adds § 16.56.092(b), waterfront parking (16.56) |
977 | Authorizes agreement for sewage maintenance (Special) |
978 | Authorizes easement (Special) |
979 | Appropriation of funds (Special) |
980 | Amends Ord. 965 N.S., funds transferred (Special) |
981 | Adds § 6.20.040, warrant issuance (Repealed by 1149 N.S.) |
982 | Amends § 2.20.010; amends and renumbers §§ 2.20.090, 2.20.100, 2.20.110 and 2.20.130; renumbers §§ 2.20.120, 2.20.140, 2.20.150, 2.20.160, 2.20.170 and 2.20.180; repeals §§ 2.20.020, 2.20.040, 2.20.050, 2.20.060, 2.20.070 and 2.20.080, purchase regulations (Repealed by 1405 N.S.) |
983 | Amends § 23.72.130(b), zoning appeal (Repealed by 11-001) |
984 | Authorizes agreement for engineering services (Special) |
985 | Authorizes agreement for employment survey (Special) |
986 | Authorizes agreement for street light installation (Special) |
987 | Amends Ord. 835 N.S. Art. II § 1, joint powers agreement (Special) |
988 | Amends § 7.16.040(a)(8), taxicab driver permit (Repealed by 1621 N.S.) |
989 | Appropriation for police car purchase (Special) |
990 | Authorizes agreement for architectural services (Special) |
991 | Authorizes agreement for apportionment of funds (Special) |
992 | Authorizes agreement for tax refund deferment (Special) |
993 | Rezone (Special) |
994 | Appropriation for museum purchase (Special) |
995 | Extends temporary provisions of Ord. 971 (Special) |
996 | Authorizes certain recreation trail joint powers agreement (Special) |
997 | Funds transfer (Special) |
998 | Adds § 14.16.235, cemetery monuments (14.16) |
999 | Amends § 7.16.040(a), taxi driver qualification (Repealed by 1621 N.S.) |
1000 | Adds Ord. 448 N.S. § 15(b), cable television (Repealed by 1402 N.S.) |
1001 | Establishes workers’ compensation fund (6.24) |
1002 | Authorizes agreement to retain tennis pro (Special) |
1003 | Confirms certain easement (Special) |
1004 | Amends § 14.04.020, marine refuge (14.04) |
1005 | Repeals Ords. 939 and 959 N.S., fireworks (Repealer) |
1006 | Amends § 9.20.100, sewage collector system fee (9.20) |
1007 | Rezone (Special) |
1008 | Authorizes agreement for fire alarm systems (Special) |
1009 | Adds to § 16.32.130(A), driving in parks (16.32) |
1010 | Appropriation for ball park lighting (Special) |
1011 | Temporary use permit requirement (Special) |
1012 | Amends § 9.20.085, sewer connection fees (9.20) |
1013 | Funds transfer (Special) |
1014 | Adds § 18.04.110(g); amends and renumbers § 18.32.015; and repeals §§ 18.32.010 and 18.32.012, Uniform Fire Code (18.04) |
1015 | Appropriation of interest (Special) |
1016 | Authorizes amendment to joint powers agreement for Monterey Peninsula Youth Project (Special) |
1017 | Adds § 4.20.265; amends § 4.20.020, layoff procedures (Repealed by 00-20) |
1018 | Adjusts preliminary budget for 1978 – 1979 (Special) |
1019 | Authorizes agreement for environmental impact report (Special) |
1020 | Repeals Ords. 633 and 887 (Repealer) |
1021 | Amends § 6.09.020, transient occupancy tax (6.09) |
1022 | Amends § 23.68.070, concrete foundations (23.68) |
1023 | Approves 1976 – 1977 audit (Special) |
1024 | Amends § 18.04.070, building permit fees (18.04) |
1025 | Amends §§ 23.64.290(4)(a), 23.72.030, 23.72.090, 23.72.130(E), 23.72.180(a), 23.73.050 and 23.73.080, zoning application fees (Repealed by 13-003) |
1026 | Adds § 18.32.100, fire prevention services fees (Repealed by 99-19) |
1027 | Authorizes amended franchise agreement with Pacific Grove Disposal Service (Not codified) |
1028 | Adds § 11.62.030(d) and amends § 11.62.020, false alarms (Repealed by 11-015) |
1029 | Tax levy for 1978 (Special) |
1030 | Adds § 23.64.185 and amends § 23.08.240, accessory use (23.64) |
1031 | Authorizes lease with Monterey Peninsula Transit District (Special) |
1032 | Amends § 16.56.070(f), parking limit (16.56) |
1033 | Amends § 11.44.030, weapons (11.44) |
1034 | Grants revocable license for architectural features (Special) |
1035 | Adds Ch. 3.02, charter boards and commissions; and repeals Chs. 3.04, 3.08, 3.12 and 3.16 (3.02) |
1036 | Preliminary budget for 1978 – 1979 (Special) |
1037 | Temporary suspension of parking limitations (Special) |
1038 | Authorizes agreement for purchase of recompression chamber (Special) |
1039 | Amends § 4.20.180, workers’ compensation benefits (Repealed by 00-20) |
1040 | Amends Ord. 730 N.S., sidewalk permit (Special) |
1041 | Rezones certain property (Special) |
1042 | Repeals Ch. 11.64 (Repealer) |
1043 | Amends § 4.20.140, Veterans Day holiday (Repealed by 00-20) |
1044 | Authorizes agreement for firefighting services (Special) |
1045 | Approves expenditure report for 1977 – 1978 (Special) |
1046 | Final budget for 1978 – 1979 (Special) |
1047 | Adds § 2.04.050(E), council agenda (2.04) |
1048 | Amends §§ 7.16.030 and 7.16.040(c), taxi stands (Repealed by 1621 N.S.) |
1049 | Amends Ord. 960 N.S., salary ordinance (Special) |
1050 | Authorizes agreements for golf pro concession and golf clubhouse food concession (Special) |
1051 | Authorizes amendment to joint powers agreement for fire service (Special) |
1052 | Appropriation for completion of Underground Utility District No. 4 (Special) |
1053 | Appropriation for fire department equipment purchase (Special) |
1054 | Appropriation for purchase for museum collection (Special) |
1055 | Adds § 16.40.360(f), handicapped parking zones (16.40) |
1056 | Amends § 4.20.140, holidays (Repealed by 00-20) |
1057 | Adds § 23.73.040(E), architectural review (Repealed by 11-001) |
1058 | Amends § 23.64.140, substandard lots (23.64) |
1059 | Approves memoranda of understanding with employee relations officer (Special) |
1060 | Grants revocable license for architectural features (Special) |
1061 | Amends § 18.32.100(c), fire permit fees (Repealed by 99-19) |
1062 | Authorizes agreement to retain tennis pro (Special) |
1063 | Authorizes concession agreement (Special) |
1064 | Authorizes grant for water main easement (Special) |
1065 | Amends §§ 23.08.130, 23.08.160, 23.08.190, 23.16.050, 23.16.060, 23.32.020, 23.40.020, 23.52.010, 23.64.110, 23.64.150, 23.64.180, 23.64.190(d) and 23.64.195, zoning (23.64) |
1066 | Establishes fire department emergency equipment fund (6.28) |
1067 | Street vacation (Special) |
1068 | Amends §§ 4.20.120 and 4.20.150, fire department duty week (Repealed by 00-20) |
1069 | Appropriation for library expansion project (Special) |
1070 | Corrects concession agreement in Ord. 1063 N.S. (Special) |
1071 | Amends Ord. 941 N.S., employee classification, range and salary scale (Special) |
1072 | Amends Ord. 942 N.S., employee classification, range and salary scale (Special) |
1073 | Grants revocable license for loading dock (Special) |
1074 | Appropriation for library furnishings and equipment (Special) |
1075 | Amends § 14.16.050, fee provision (14.16) |
1076 | Approves memoranda of understanding with employee relations officer (Special) |
1077 | Amends Ord. 1071 N.S., employee classification, range and salary scale (Special) |
1078 | Amends Ord. 1072 N.S., employee classification, range and salary scale (Special) |
1079 | Amends Ords. 960 and 973 N.S., employee classification, range and salary scale (Special) |
1080 | Establishes part-time salary scales (Special) |
1081 | Amends § 18.36.030, housecar (18.36) |
1082 | Authorizes amended joint powers agreement for Monterey Peninsula Transit (Special) |
1083 | Amends § 23.64.140, substandard lots (23.64) |
1084 | Authorizes agreement for Monterey Regional Water Pollution Control Agency (Special) |
1085 | Adds § 23.08.045 and amends §§ 23.68.060, 23.68.070 and 23.72.110, determination of value (23.68) |
1086 | Adds Ch. 16.64, cinematographic productions (16.64) |
1087 | Authorizes execution of agreement for automated criminal justice information system (Special) |
1088 | Appropriates and authorizes funds for street repaving project (Special) |
1089 | Authorizes expenditure of funds for sewer line replacement (Special) |
1090 | Adds Ch. 23.58, zoning (Repealed by 13-003) |
1091 | Authorizes agreement between concessionaire and city (Special) |
1092 | Authorizes sale of mini-buses (Special) |
1093 | Amends § 23.16.060(d), zoning (Repealed by 96-14) |
1094 | Appropriations (Special) |
1095 | Budget appropriations (Special) |
1096 | Appropriation (Special) |
1097 | Establishes salaries (Special) |
1098 | Authorizes execution of revised joint powers agreement for water pollution control agency (Special) |
1099 | Amends Ord. 1059 N.S. to authorize continuance of employee benefits (Special) |
1100 | Appropriation (Special) |
1101 | Amends § 2.04.050(E), consent agenda (2.04) |
1102 | Specifies categories of expenditures (6.20) |
1103 | Authorizes execution of agreement and expenditure of funds for emergency dispatch service (Special) |
1104 | Appropriation (Special) |
1105 | Amends §§ 9.30.020 and 9.30.030, sound amplification (Repealed by 1987 N.S.) |
1106 | Authorizes execution of consent to assignment of assets and obligations from county sanitation district to water pollution control agency (Special) |
1107 | Authorizes execution of revised joint exercise of powers agreement for water pollution agency (Special) |
1108 | Amends last sentence of § 18.21.010, undergrounding of utilities (18.21) |
1109 | Amends Ord. 1080 N.S., salaries for part-time positions (Special) |
1110 | Amends §§ 18.32.010 and 23.32.020, fireworks permits (Repealed by 13-003) |
1111 | Appropriation (Special) |
1112 | Appropriation (Special) |
1113 | Amends § 23.73.010, zoning (Repealed by 11-001) |
1114 | Tax levy (Special) |
1115 | Amends § 23.57.040, R-3-P.G.B. district zoning (23.57) |
1116 | Authorizes execution of agreement for street improvements (Special) |
1117 | Repeals § 16.32.080(C) (Repealer) |
1118 | Authorizes execution of agreement for golf clubhouse food concession (Special) |
1119 | Authorizes amendment to golf pro concession agreement (Special) |
1120 | Ratifies memorandum of understanding with Pacific Grove Police Officers’ Association (Special) |
1121 | Amends Ord. 1077 N.S. to establish current classification, range and salary scale for specified police employees (Special) |
1122 | Adds § 4.20.295; amends § 4.20.290, safety officer benefits (Repealed by 00-20) |
1123 | Authorizes special purchases and appropriates funds (Special) |
1124 | Appropriation (Special) |
1125 | Ratifies memorandum of understanding with city employees’ association (Special) |
1126 | Amends Ord. 1077 N.S. to establish current classification, range and salary scale for specified police employees (Special) |
1127 | Ratifies memorandum of understanding with city management employees’ association (Special) |
1128 | Amends Ord. 1078 N.S. to establish current classification, range and salary scale (Special) |
1129 | Approves final budget, fiscal year 1979 – 1980 (Special) |
1130 | Amends § 4.20.140, holidays (Repealed by 00-20) |
1131 | Amends Ord. 1128 N.S., classification, range and salary scale (Special) |
1132 | Authorizes agreement and appropriates funds for environmental impact report (Special) |
1133 | Amends § 4.20.270(a) and (b), employee travel compensation (Repealed by 00-20) |
1134 | Appropriation (Special) |
1135 | Amends § 4.20.130(a), overtime compensation, and § 4.20.140, holidays (Repealed by 00-20) |
1136 | Amends second sentence of § 4.14.010, police reserve (4.14) |
1137 | Amends §§ 23.72.030 and 23.72.040, zoning (Repealed by 11-001) |
1138 | Ratifies memorandum of agreement with city firefighters’ association (Special) |
1139 | Amends Ord. 1077 N.S., to establish current classification, range and salary scale (Special) |
1140 | Adds § 20.04.080(N), window signs (Repealed by 1664 N.S.) |
1141 | Amends §§ 23.16.030(a) and 23.24.030; amends §§ 23.08.140, 23.32.030, 23.36.030 and 23.40.030, zoning (23.24) |
1142 | Establishes part-time and temporary salary scales (Special) |
1143 | Appropriation (Special) |
1144 | Temporarily prohibits use permits for fast-food restaurants (Not codified) |
1144-A | Accepts bid and appropriates funds (Special) |
1145 | Accepts bid and appropriates funds (Special) |
1146 | Accepts bid and appropriates funds (Special) |
1147 | Annual audit report (Special) |
1148 | Approves and ratifies expenditure report for 1978 – 1979 (Special) |
1149 | Repeals § 6.20.040 (Superseded by 1192) |
1150 | Appropriation (Special) |
1151 | Amends § 4.20.160, fire personnel sick leave (Repealed by 00-20) |
1152 | Amends § 4.20.140, holidays (Repealed by 00-20) |
1153 | Adds § 4.20.150(j), vacations (Repealed by 00-20) |
1154 | Adds § 4.20.125, fire department standby compensation (Repealed by 1711 N.S.) |
1155 | Authorizes purchase of real estate for civic center site (Special) |
1156 | Requires architectural approval of R-1 structures in multiple dwelling zones (Special) |
1157 | Accepts bid and appropriates funds (Special) |
1158 | Appropriation (Special) |
1159 | Authorizes execution of equipment rental agreement (Special) |
1160 | Appropriation (Special) |
1161 | Amends Ord. 1101 N.S., workers’ compensation fund (6.24) |
1162 | Amends § 4.20.020, employee overtime (Repealed by 00-20) |
1163 | Amends § 4.20.020, employee probation period (Repealed by 00-20) |
1164 | Amends § 14.16.270, cemetery fees (14.16) |
1165 | Budget amendment (Special) |
1166 | Adds § 23.26.010, creating and providing regulations for Pacific Grove retreat district (23.26) |
1167 | Amends § 23.77.050, zoning (23.77) |
1168 | Authorizes execution of Amendment No. 3 to joint powers agreement for Asilomar Fire District (Special) |
1169 | Authorizes execution agreement for safety and loss control program (Special) |
1170 | Authorizes expenditure of funds for museum post-control work (Special) |
1171 | Authorizes expenditure of funds for insulation of buildings (Special) |
1172 | Grants revocable license for planter boxes (Special) |
1173 | Amends Ord. 1159 N.S., equipment rental agreement (Special) |
1174 | Amends Ord. 1128 N.S., management classification, range and salary scale (Special) |
1175 | Adds § 23.73.040(F), zoning (Repealed by 11-001) |
1176 | Adds Ch. 23.29, regulation of condominium and community housing conversions; amends § 24.18.050, subdivisions (23.29, 24.72) |
1177 | Amends Ord. 1129 N.S., attorney professional expense (Special) |
1178 | Amends Ord. 1102 N.S., authorizes certain expenditures (6.20) |
1179 | Authorizes quitclaim of part of easement (Special) |
1180 | Grants revocable permit for retaining wall street encroachment (Special) |
1181 | Amends § 10.04.040(a), dog license fees (Repealed by 1515 N.S.) |
1182 | Authorizes lease of tennis court (Special) |
1183 | Adds Ch. 23.60, planned unit development (23.60) |
1184 | Authorizes purchase of fairway mower and providing funding (Special) |
1185 | Amends § 1.16.065, traffic violation bail (1.16) |
1186 | Creates book fund (6.32) |
1187 | Adds § 23.08.245, zoning definition of “width” (Repealed by 13-003) |
1188 | Authorizes amendment of Monterey Peninsula Youth Project (Special) |
1189 | Authorizes execution of Amendment No. 4 to joint powers agreement (Special) |
1190 | Amends Ord. 1001 N.S., worker’s compensation fund (6.24) |
1191 | Amends § 4.08.010, volunteer fire department (4.08) |
1192 | Adds § 6.20.050; amends § 6.20.040, warrants and bills (6.20) |
1193 | Adds § 23.08.078; amends § 23.24.050, zoning (23.24) |
1194 | Amends § 23.64.190(b)(1), zoning (23.64) |
1195 | Amends §§ 9.16.010 and 9.16.030; repeals § 9.16.130, rubbish (Repealed by 15-007) |
1196 | Amends Ord. 1129 N.S. to increase fire department salary budget (Special) |
1197 | Adds Ch. 23.70, zoning use permit and variance authority of planning director (Repealed by 11-001) |
1198 | Establishes interim provisions for fast-food restaurants (Special) |
1199 | Appropriation (Special) |
1200 | Grants revocable license for telephone booths (Special) |
1201 | Budget amendment (Special) |
1202 | Extends Ord. 1144 N.S., temporarily prohibiting use permits for fast food restaurants (Not codified) |
1203 | Amends § 23.64.180, zoning (Repealed by 00-18) |
1204 | Amends § 3.02.050, planning commissioner termination dates (3.02) |
1205 | Rezone (Special) |
1206 | Appropriation (Special) |
1207 | Amends § 4.08.040, fire department (4.08) |
1208 | Amends Ch. 23.58, zoning (Repealed by 13-003) |
1209 | Approves preliminary 1980 – 1981 budget (Special) |
1210 | Employee classification and salary range (Special) |
1211 | Salary scales (Special) |
1212 | Part-time and temporary employee salary scales (Special) |
1213 | Lease for 605 Laurel Avenue (Special) |
1214 | Temporarily amends § 23.64.140, zoning (Not codified) |
1215 | Accepts grant of sewer access easement (Special) |
1216 | Authorizes amendment to joint powers agreement for Asilomar fire protection (Special) |
1217 | Authorizes amendment to joint powers agreement for fire department training equipment (Special) |
1218 | Adds § 9.30.060, noise control (Repealed by 1987 N.S.) |
1219 | Tax levy (Special) |
1220 | Adds § 1 of Ord. 686 N.S. as § 4.20.255; amends § 4.20.255(a) and (b)(1); repeals paragraph 3 of Ord. 1122 N.S., safety employee educational incentive pay (Repealed by 00-20) |
1221 | Adds Ch. 7.10, drug paraphernalia sales (7.10) |
1222 | Adds §§ 23.36.035 and 23.40.035, zoning; repeals §§ 23.36.030 and 23.40.030 (Repealed by 13-003) |
1223 | Adds § 23.64.115, zoning (Repealed by 1999 N.S.) |
1224 | Lease to Pacific Telephone and Telegraph (Special) |
1225 | Authorizes terminal box installations by Pacific Telephone and Telegraph (Special) |
1226 | 1980 – 1981 budget (Special) |
1227 | Bans timeshare projects (Special) |
1228 | Prezone (Special) |
1229 | Repeals Ch. 9.50, ambulances (Repealer) |
1230 | Authorizes assignment of golf pro and golf concessions (Special) |
1231 | Amends § 23.72.140, zoning (Repealed by 11-001) |
1232 | Adds § 23.08.015, zoning (Repealed by 13-003) |
1233 | Approves lease to Monterey Bay Aquarium (Special) |
1234 | Transfer of funds (Special) |
1235 | Adds Ch. 23.43, zoning (23.43) |
1236 | Grants revocable license for projection of architectural features (Special) |
1237 | Authorizes agreement for environmental impact report (Special) |
1238 | Authorizes agreement for supplemental environmental impact report (Special) |
1239 | Amends introduction of § 2.14.020 and § 2.14.020(d) and (f), inventory of assets (2.14) |
1240 | Amends § 6.20.020, uncashed warrants (6.20) |
1241 | Amends Ord. 1227 N.S. to continue ban on timeshare projects (Special) |
1242 | Temporary adoption of § 23.64.145, zoning building sites (Not codified) |
1243 | Authorizes agreement for purchase of air compressor system (Special) |
1244 | Appropriation (Special) |
1245 | Adds § 18.04.095; amends §§ 18.04.060, 18.32.010 and 18.32.060, building and fire regulations; repeals Ch. 18.28 (Repealed by 22-019) |
1246 | Budget amendment (Special) |
1247 | Appropriation (Special) |
1248 | Grants license for retaining wall (Special) |
1249 | Appropriation (Special) |
1250 | Adds sentences to §§ 23.08.020 and 23.08.110; adds § 23.64.025, zoning (Repealed by 13-003) |
1251 | Appropriation (Special) |
1252 | Adds § 18.32.010(M) and (N), fire code (Repealed by 99-19) |
1253 | Amends § 23.64.140, zoning, and § 24.01.030(e), subdivisions (23.64, 24.04) |
1254 | Adds § 23.48.050, B-4 district zoning (Repealed by 96-14) |
1255 | Adds § 23.64.145, zoning (23.64) |
1256 | Authorizes purchase of cemetery equipment (Special) |
1257 | Purchase of lighthouse service clock (Special) |
1258 | Amends § 24.12.070, subdivisions (24.48) |
1259 | Amends § 23.70.040, zoning (Repealed by 11-001) |
1260 | Amends §§ 23.16.040, 23.20.040, 23.20.060, 23.24.040, zoning (23.24) |
1261 | Adds Ch. 9.10, health permits (9.10) |
1262 | (Repealed by referendum election) |
1263 | 1981 – 1982 preliminary budget (Special) |
1264 | Adds § 23.73.040(G), zoning (Repealed by 11-001) |
1265 | Appropriation (Special) |
1266 | Joint powers agreement for David Avenue school ballpark (Special) |
1267 | Rezone (Special) |
1268 | Granting revocable license (Special) |
1269 | Memorandum of understanding with police officers’ association (Special) |
1270 | Police department salaries (Not codified) |
1271 | Amends § 4.20.295, personnel plan (Repealed by 00-20) |
1272 | Amends § 4.20.140, personnel plan (Repealed by 00-20) |
1273 | Acceptance of access easements (Special) |
1274 | Amendments to joint powers agreement for Monterey/Salinas transit (Special) |
1275 | Contract for architectural service for David Avenue school ballpark (Special) |
1276 | Adds §§ 23.16.025 and 23.73.040(H), zoning (23.16) |
1277 | Memorandum of understanding with management employees’ association (Special) |
1278 | Management position classification and salary plan (Not codified) |
1279 | Street resurfacing agreement (Special) |
1280 | Eighth Street storm drain construction (Special) |
1281 | 1981 tax levy (Special) |
1282 | Memorandum of understanding with city employees’ association (Special) |
1283 | City manager and city attorney salary ranges (Not codified) |
1284 | Part-time and temporary employees’ salary scales (Not codified) |
1285 | Amends § 23.72.210, zoning (Repealed by 11-001) |
1286 | Amends § 4.20.295, police department pay proficiency plan (Repealed by 00-20) |
1287 | Memorandum of understanding with firefighters’ association (Special) |
1288 | Agreement to use fire station for ambulance service (Special) |
1289 | Agreement for environmental impact report (Special) |
1290 | Appropriation (Special) |
1291 | 1981 – 1982 budget (Special) |
1292 | Appropriation (Special) |
1293 | Appropriation (Special) |
1294 | Appropriation (Special) |
1295 | Contract for museum addition (Special) |
1296 | Temporarily banning timeshare projects (Special) |
1297 | Agreement for beach stand food concession (Special) |
1298 | Adds § 23.64.035, zoning (23.64) |
1299 | Licenses for projection of architectural features (Special) |
1300 | Adds § 2.04.060, tape recordings of city proceedings (2.04) |
1301 | Appropriation (Special) |
1302 | Appropriation (Special) |
1303 | Lease with Heritage Society (Special) |
1304 | 1982 – 1983 preliminary budget (Special) |
1305 | Temporarily banning use permits for arcades (Repealed by 1322 N.S.) |
1306 | Amends § 23.16.020(b), zoning (23.16) |
1307 | Adds § 23.28.020(h); amends §§ 23.56.010(a), 23.57.050 and 23.64.120; repeals Chs. 23.17, 23.18 and 23.25, zoning (23.28, 23.57, 23.64) |
1308 | Granting revocable license (Special) |
1309 | Extends interim Ord. 1296 N.S. (Special) |
1310 | 1982 tax levy (Special) |
1311 | Adds to § 10.04.160, dog excrement (Repealed by 1515 N.S.) |
1312 | Amends § 18.04.070, building permit and plan-check fees (18.04) |
1313 | Granting revocable permit (Special) |
1314 | Amends Bath House Restaurant Lease (Special) |
1315 | Adds Ch. 23.44 [23.45], multiple unit developments (23.45) |
1316 | Adds Ch. 6.11, tax on timeshare occupancy (6.11) |
1317 | Settlement of workers’ compensation claim (Special) |
1318 | Adds § 16.40.525, parking (16.40) |
1319 | Adds § 18.04.065; amends § 18.40.010, smoke detector installation (18.04) |
1320 | Adds § 18.04.060(b)(12), fire extinguishing systems (Repealed by 1853 N.S.) |
1321 | Adds §§ 9.20.081, outside city connections, and 9.20.185, Monterey Regional Water Pollution Control Agency provisions incorporated (9.20) |
1322 | Amends § 23.64.035, zoning; repeals Ord. 1305 N.S. (23.64) |
1323 | Granting revocable license (Special) |
1324 | Amends Ch. 3.20, civil defense and disaster (Repealed by 97-37) |
1325 | Appropriation (Special) |
1326 | Adds § 2.20.030(L), bidding procedure (Repealed by 1405 N.S.) |
1327 | Adds §§ 23.08.035 and 23.16.020(e); amends §§ 23.16.020(c) and 23.16.030(c), zoning (23.16) |
1328 | Granting revocable permit (Special) |
1329 | Amends § 23.72.130(b) and (e), zoning (Repealed by 11-001) |
1330 | 1982 – 1983 budget (Special) |
1331 | Adds § 23.08.290; amends § 23.26.020, zoning (23.26) |
1332 | Adds § 23.08.195; amends § 23.64.190, zoning (23.64) |
1333 | 1983 – 1984 preliminary budget (Special) |
1334 | Memorandum of understanding with police officers’ association (Special) |
1335 | Memorandum of understanding with firefighters’ association (Special) |
1336 | Memorandum of understanding with management employees’ association (Special) |
1337 | Management classifications and salary range (Special) |
1338 | Amends § 2.04.050, city council order of agenda (2.04) |
1339 | Amends contract with California Public Employees’ Retirement System (Special) |
1340 | Authorizes assignment of golf pro and food concessions (Special) |
1341 | Police department classifications and salary range (Special) |
1342 | Fire department classifications and salary range (Special) |
1343 | Authorizes agreement with county housing authority (Special) |
1344 | Authorizes agreement for storm drain improvements (Special) |
1345 | Adds Ch. 11.64, newsracks (Repealed by 18-001) |
1346 | Amends §§ 4.20.020, 4.20.320, 4.20.340(b) and 4.20.360; repeals §§ 4.20.160(b) and 4.20.370, personnel (Repealed by 00-20) |
1347 | Memorandum of understanding with Pacific Grove employees’ association (Special) |
1348 | Employee classifications and salary range (Special) |
1349 | Part-time and temporary classifications and salary range (Special) |
1350 | 1983 tax levy (Special) |
1351 | Amends contract with California Public Employees’ Retirement System (Special) |
1352 | Grants revocable permit (Special) |
1353 | 1983 – 1984 budget (Special) |
1354 | Grants revocable permit (Special) |
1355 | Compensation of mayor and councilmembers (Special) |
1356 | Adds § 16.40.185, parking (16.40) |
1357 | Awards contract for purchase of pickup truck for animal control (Special) |
1358 | Awards contract for purchase of animal transport body (Special) |
1359 | Awards contract for purchase of curbilder (Special) |
1360 | Awards contract for purchase of pickup truck for fire department (Special) |
1361 | Awards contract for corporation yard roof repair (Special) |
1362 | Awards contract and allocates funds for museum construction work (Special) |
1363 | Awards contract for purchase of computers and printer (Special) |
1364 | Awards contract for sewer improvements (Special) |
1365 | Awards contract for storm drain replacement (Special) |
1366 | Awards contract for overhead fiberglass doors (Special) |
1367 | Awards contract for trenching equipment (Special) |
1368 | Authorizes payment for legal services for Monterey Peninsula Recreational Trail Joint Powers Agency litigation (Special) |
1369 | Adds § 2.04.070, city council procedures, and § 2.04.080, disclosure of confidential communications (2.04) |
1370 | Awards contract for construction of animal holding facility (Special) |
1371 | Imposes moratorium on new construction permits in Vehicle Parking District No. 1 (Special) |
1372 | Amends §§ 16.56.060 and 16.56.070, parking (16.56) |
1373 | Authorizes agreement for downtown parking study (Special) |
1374 | Refuse disposal franchise (Not codified) |
1375 | Amends § 18.32.010, amendments to Uniform Fire Code (Repealed by 99-19) |
1376 | Amends § 6.08.130, sales and use tax (6.08) |
1377 | Appropriation (Special) |
1378 | Awards contract for purchase of garage door openers (Special) |
1379 | Awards contract for storm drain improvements (Special) |
1380 | Appropriation (Special) |
1381 | Amends § 2.12.010, sale of stolen or unclaimed property (2.12) |
1382 | Imposes moratorium on new construction permits in Vehicle Parking District No. 1 (Repealed by 1412 N.S.) |
1383 | Adds § 14.12.040, municipal golf course regulations (14.12) |
1384 | Amends § 14.16.270, cemetery fees (14.16) |
1385 | Amends § 6.10.020, exemptions from utility tax (6.10) |
1386 | Appropriation (Special) |
1387 | Amends §§ 4.20.255, 4.20.295 and Ords. 1337 N.S., 1341 N.S., 1342 N.S. and 1348 N.S., personnel classifications (Repealed by 00-20) |
1388 | Imposes moratorium on requests for auxiliary housing (Special) |
1389 | Appropriation (Special) |
1390 | Approves grant deeds to complete exchange of property (Special) |
1391 | Grants revocable license (Special) |
1392 | Appropriation (Special) |
1393 | Appropriation (Special) |
1394 | Appropriation (Special) |
1395 | Extends cable television franchise (Repealed by 1402 N.S.) |
1396 | Authorizes agreement for negotiation services (Special) |
1397 | Appropriation (Special) |
1398 | Appropriation (Special) |
1399 | Amends Ords. 1348 N.S. and 1353 N.S., personnel classifications (Special) |
1400 | Imposes moratorium on requests for auxiliary housing (Special) |
1401 | Awards contract for purchase of police vehicles (Special) |
1402 | Cable antenna television systems; repeals Ords. 448 N.S., 543 N.S., 958 N.S., 1000 N.S., 1395 N.S. (Repealed by 02-02) |
1403 | Appropriation (Special) |
1404 | Amends § 23.08.035, zoning (Repealed by 1848 N.S.) |
1405 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 2.16, purchasing system and procedures; and repeals Ch. 2.20 (2.16) |
1406 | Approves contract for preparation of amendments to housing element of city’s general plan (Special) |
1407 | Grants revocable license (Special) |
1408 | Awards contract for street resurfacing (Special) |
1409 | Amends § 23.64.290, zoning (Repealed by 13-003) |
1410 | Awards contract for Asilomar storm drain system (Special) |
1411 | Appropriation (Special) |
1412 | Repeals Ord. 1382 N.S. (Repealer) |
1413 | Appropriation (Special) |
1414 | Grants revocable license (Special) |
1415 | Amends § 10.10.010, feeding birds and animals (10.10) |
1416 | Amends § 23.08.290, zoning (Repealed by 13-003) |
1417 | Adds § 23.28.020(i), zoning (23.28) |
1418 | Amends §§ 23.16.070, 23.28.020(h), 23.32.020(e), 23.57.020, 23.57.060(G), 23.64.185, 23.68.070(A)(1), 23.70.010 through 23.70.050, 23.72.130(f) and 23.72.140, zoning (23.16, 23.28, 23.57, 23.64, 23.68) |
1419 | Appropriation (Special) |
1420 | Extends cable television franchise (Not codified) |
1421 | Amends § 14.08.040, diving in park areas (Repealed by 20-004) |
1422 | Appropriation (Special) |
1423 | Renews agreement for workers’ compensation service (Special) |
1424 | Grants cable television franchise (Not codified) |
1425 | Approves agreement for administration of residential rehabilitation loans (Special) |
1426 | Amends § 23.08.200, zoning (Repealed by 13-003) |
1427 | Awards contract for property and casualty insurance (Special) |
1428 | Amends § 6.20.040; and repeals § 6.20.050, warrants (6.20) |
1429 | 1984 tax levy (Special) |
1430 | Amends § 14.08.040, diving in park areas (Repealed by 20-004) |
1431 | 1984 – 1985 budget (Special) |
1432 | Memorandum of understanding with employees’ association (Special) |
1433 | Employee classification and salary ranges (Not codified) |
1434 | Approves agreement for cemetery engineering, planning, development and consulting services (Special) |
1435 | Rezone (Special) |
1436 | Amends § 18.04.060, building code (Repealed by 1853 N.S.) |
1437 | Amends §§ 9.16.120 and 18.32.010(H), outdoor and incinerator burning (Repealed by 15-007) |
1438 | Memorandum of understanding with management employees’ association (Special) |
1439 | Management classification and salary ranges (Not codified) |
1440 | Appropriation (Special) |
1441 | Fire department personnel classification and salary ranges (Special) |
1442 | Memorandum of understanding with firefighters’ association (Special) |
1443 | City manager and city attorney’s classification and salary schedules (Not codified) |
1444 | Amendment to memorandum of understanding with employees’ association approved by Ord. 1432 N.S. (Special) |
1445 | Amendment to memorandum of understanding with firefighters’ association approved by Ord. 1442 N.S. (Special) |
1446 | Amendment to memorandum of understanding with management association approved by Ord. 1438 N.S. (Special) |
1447 | Amendment to memorandum of understanding with police association approved by Ord. 1334 N.S. (Special) |
1448 | Rezone (Special) |
1449 | Amends § 23.73.080, zoning (Repealed by 11-001) |
1450 | Amends §§ 18.04.010, 18.04.040 and 18.04.070; repeals Ord. 867 N.S. and §§ 18.04.020 and 18.04.090, building codes (18.04) |
1451 | Amends § 16.40.290, parking (16.40) |
1452 | Approves agreement for visual services insurance (Special) |
1453 | Amends § 16.56.060, parking (16.56) |
1454 | Appropriation (Special) |
1455 | Adds Ch. 16.42; and amends § 1.16.065(a), parking meters (1.16, 16.42) |
1456 | Amends § 16.56.060, parking (16.56) |
1457 | Adds Ch. 16.41; and amends § 1.16.065(a), residential parking permit areas (1.16, 16.41) |
1458 | Adds § 14.08.015, parks (Repealed by 20-004) |
1459 | Amends § 14.08.030, parks (Repealed by 20-004) |
1460 | Amends § 10.04.080, dogs (Repealed by 1515 N.S.) |
1461 | Adds § 16.56.070(bb), parking (16.56) |
1462 | Amends § 23.64.290, zoning (Repealed by 13-003) |
1463 | Interim ordinance requiring architectural review board approval for new construction and remodeling in R-1 districts (Special) |
1464 | Amends § 16.56.060, parking (16.56) |
1465 | Adds § 16.56.070(cc), parking (16.56) |
1466 | Amends §§ 16.40.520, parking (16.40) |
1467 | Interim ordinance imposing restrictions on trapping of domesticated cats (Repealed by 1486 N.S.) |
1468 | Adds § 16.56.090(2)(i) and (j); amends § 16.56.090(2)(e), parking (16.56) |
1469 | Temporary suspension of parking time limit for municipal parking lot No. 2 (Expired) |
1470 | Awards contract for Asilomar storm drain project (Special) |
1471 | Appropriation (Special) |
1472 | Imposes moratorium on demolition of buildings constructed prior to 1925 (Special) |
1473 | Rezone (Special) |
1474 | Memorandum of understanding with police officers’ association (Special) |
1475 | Police department employee classification and salary ranges (Special) |
1476 | Approves letter of agreement with police officers’ association (Special) |
1477 | Approves amendment to Bath House Restaurant lease (Special) |
1478 | Amends 1984 – 1985 budget (Special) |
1479 | Amends § 16.56.060, parking (16.56) |
1480 | Amends § 10.10.010, feeding of wild animals (10.10) |
1481 | Establishes property/liability insurance fund and special equipment sinking fund (6.40) |
1482 | Amends § 16.56.060, one-hour parking (16.56) |
1483 | Appropriation for engineering services for storm drainage facilities (Special) |
1484 | Requires architectural review board approval for remodeling and new construction in R-1 districts (Repealed by 1492 N.S.) |
1485 | Adopts 1985 – 1986 preliminary budget (Special) |
1486 | Adds Ch. 10.14, trapping of domesticated cats (10.14) |
1487 | Extends moratorium on demolition of buildings constructed before 1925 (Expired) |
1488 | Amends § 18.04.100, notice requirements for historical building relocation (Repealed by 1963 N.S.) |
1489 | Tax levy (Special) |
1490 | Amends §§ 23.73.040(D), (E) and (F), 23.73.050 and 23.73.080, architectural review requirements (Repealed by 11-001) |
1491 | Amends § 2.04.020, council meetings (2.04) |
1492 | Rescinds Ord. 1484 N.S. (Repealer) |
1493 | Amends § 2.04.050, council meeting agenda (2.04) |
1494 | Contract for street overlay work (Special) |
1495 | Contract for storm drain work (Special) |
1496 | Amends § 18.04.060, building code amendment (Repealed by 1853 N.S.) |
1497 | Adds § 16.12.025, traffic congestion (16.12) |
1498 | Grants revocable license for awnings (Special) |
1499 | Amends employees’ retirement system agreement (Special) |
1500 | Amends management employees’ retirement agreement (Special) |
1501 | Amends memorandum of understanding between city and firefighters’ association (Special) |
1502 | Amends § 4.08.010, volunteer fire department membership increase (4.08) |
1503 | Salary ranges and steps (Special) |
1504 | Adopts 1985 – 1986 budget (Special) |
1505 | Amends § 14.12.040, golf course rules and regulations (14.12) |
1506 | Amends aquarium lease content (Special) |
1507 | Adds § 4.20.370, personnel hearing board; amends § 4.20.360, removal of officers and employees (Repealed by 00-20) |
1508 | Amends 1985 – 1986 budget (Special) |
1509 | Amends 1985 – 1986 budget (Special) |
1510 | Contract for purchase of trucksters (Special) |
1511 | Adds Ch. 11.68 [11.72], aircraft landings (11.72) |
1512 | Grants easement for telephone undergrounding (Special) |
1513 | Amends § 16.56.070, two-hour parking (16.56) |
1514 | Adds Ch. 6.36, accounting, auditing and financial reporting standards (Repealed by 1808 N.S.) |
1515 | Rescinds and readopts Ch. 10.04, animals (10.04) |
1516 | Amends Ch. 2.07, city attorney (2.07) |
1517 | Moratorium on building permit applications (Repealed by 1526 N.S.) |
1518 | Approves Meals on Wheels lease (Special) |
1519 | Extends moratorium on demolition of buildings constructed before 1925 (Special) |
1520 | Adds § 10.04.165, dogs in moving vehicles (10.04) |
1521 | Adds Ch. 11.68, water allocation (Repealed by 2001 N.S.) |
1522 | Grants revocable license for cornices and awnings (Special) |
1523 | Amends Ch. 23.68, nonconforming use and buildings (23.68) |
1524 | Awards shoreline restoration project contract (Special) |
1525 | Amends § 23.08.035, zoning (Repealed by 1848 N.S.) |
1526 | Repeals Ord. 1517 N.S. (Repealer) |
1527 | Approves underground storage tank work bid (Special) |
1528 | Appropriation (Special) |
1529 | Adds § 1.16.090, violations (1.16) |
1530 | Awards contract for application of plant mix overlay on certain streets (Special) |
1531 | Approves amendment of memorandum of understanding between city and police officers’ association (Special) |
1532 | Establishes part-time and temporary salary scales (Special) |
1533 | 1986 – 1987 budget (Special) |
1534 | Amends § 23.64.110, zoning (23.64) |
1535 | Amends § 23.72.130(f), zoning (Repealed by 11-001) |
1536 | Adds §§ 23.52.030 through 23.52.060; repeals and replaces § 23.52.010, zoning (23.52) |
1537 | Adds Ch. 11.72 [11.76], wall climbing (11.76) |
1538 | Approves amendment to memorandum of understanding between city and employees’ association (Special) |
1539 | Adds § 18.04.096; amends §§ 18.04.010(k), 18.04.050(b)(9) and introductory sentence, 18.04.060 and 18.04.070, building codes (18.04) |
1540 | 1986 – 1987 tax levy (Special) |
1541 | Funds transfer (Special) |
1542 | Amends § 11.68.070, water allocation (Repealed by 1600 N.S.) |
1543 | Amends § 4.20.140, personnel plan (Repealed by 00-20) |
1544 | 1986 – 1987 budget (Special) |
1545 | Amends § 23.72.140, zoning (Repealed by 11-001) |
1546 | Employee classification and salary ranges (Not codified) |
1547 | Amends § 18.04.096, building codes (18.04) |
1548 | Amends § 1.16.010, violations (1.16) |
1549 | Amends §§ 14.08.020 and 14.08.030, parks (Repealed by 20-004) |
1550 | 1986 – 1987 budget (Special) |
1551 | Amends § 16.64.020, use of public areas for photographic productions (16.64) |
1552 | Amends § 11.68.070, water allocation (Repealed by 1600 N.S.) |
1553 | Adds Ch. 23.78, sale of residential buildings; and repeals Ch. 18.40 (23.78) |
1554 | Amends § 23.73.040, zoning (Repealed by 11-001) |
1555 | |
1556 | Amends § 2.04.050, council meeting agenda (2.04) |
1557 | Amends § 6.09.020, uniform transient occupancy tax (6.09) |
1558 | Amends § 16.64.030, use of public areas for photographed productions (16.64) |
1559 | Approves amendment to memorandum of understanding between city and management association (Special) |
1560 | Amends Ord. 1546 N.S., employee classification and salary ranges (Not codified) |
1561 | Amends § 16.40.030, parking (16.40) |
1562 | Imposes moratorium on issuance of entitlements for general on-site sale of alcoholic beverages (Special) |
1563 | 1986 – 1987 budget (Special) |
1564 | Amends Ord. 1546 N.S., employee classification and salary ranges (Not codified) |
1565 | Amends § 18.04.010(b) by adding a footnote thereto, building codes (Repealed by 02-31) |
1566 | Adds § 16.56.070(ee) through (gg), parking (16.56) |
1567 | Adds § 16.40.535, parking (16.40) |
1568 | Awards bid for Chautauqua Hall rehabilitation project and amends 1986 – 1987 budget (Special) |
1569 | Amends bid for Crocker Avenue pressure main replacement project and Hillcrest/Petra Lane drainage project (Special) |
1570 | Extends moratorium on demolition of buildings constructed prior to 1925 (Special) |
1571 | Grants revocable license for projections overhanging sidewalks and public ways on approved building at 650 Lighthouse Avenue (Repealed by 1680 N.S.) |
1572 | Amends § 4.20.150(g), personnel plan (Repealed by 1696 N.S.) |
1573 | Amends § 11.18.011, sewer cleanout and housetraps (Repealed by 04-25) |
1574 | Amends § 23.12.020, zoning (23.12) |
1575 | Approves amendment to city’s refuse disposal franchise agreement (Not codified) |
1576 | Approves amendment to memorandum of understanding between city and police officers’ association (Special) |
1577 | Approves agreement between city and Richard and Judith O’Mara for Lovers Point snack bar concession (Special) |
1578 | Awards contract to Granite Construction Company for David Avenue street overlay project (Special) |
1579 | Adds Ch. 11.80, offshore drilling support facilities (11.80) |
1580 | Grants revocable license for projection over sidewalk at 161 Fountain Avenue (Special) |
1581 | Amends § 20.04.120, signs (Repealed by 1664 N.S.) |
1582 | Adds §§ 11.24.060, 11.24.070 and 11.24.080, and amends other existing provisions of Ch. 11.24, smoking regulations (11.24) |
1583 | Urgency ban on fireworks (Repealed by 1593 N.S.) |
1584 | Approves amendment to joint powers agreement for Monterey/Salinas Transit (Special) |
1585 | Amends § 23.73.080, zoning (Repealed by 11-001) |
1586 | 1987 tax levy (Special) |
1587 | Amends § 11.24.030, smoking regulations (11.24) |
1588 | Salary ranges and steps (Special) |
1589 | Part-time and temporary salary scales (Special) |
1590 | Authorizes temporary expenditures in anticipation of 1987 – 1988 budget adoption (Special) |
1591 | Grants revocable license for projection over sidewalk at 602 Lighthouse Avenue (Special) |
1592 | Amends § 14.08.030, parks (Repealed by 20-004) |
1593 | Adds Ch. 11.80 [11.84], fireworks; repeals Ord. 1583 N.S. (11.84) |
1594 | 1987 – 1988 preliminary budget (Special) |
1595 | Amends §§ 23.72.130(e) and 23.73.080(a), zoning (Repealed by 11-001) |
1596 | Awards annual street overlay contract to Granite Construction Company (Special) |
1597 | Adds § 23.64.147, zoning (23.64) |
1598 | Accepts bid for Asilomar storm drain project, phase 4 (Special) |
1599 | Extends moratorium on demolition of buildings constructed prior to 1925 (Special) |
1600 | Adds § 11.68.060(d); repeals §§ 11.68.070, 11.68.080, 11.68.090 and 11.68.100, water allocation (Repealed by 2001 N.S.) |
1601 | Amends § 14.08.040, diving in park areas (Repealed by 20-004) |
1602 | Repeals Ch. 6.12 (Repealer) |
1603 | Grants revocable license for placement of a fence on a portion of Railroad Way (Special) |
1604 | Amends § 11.10.040, garage sales (11.10) |
1605 | Tax rate freeze and appropriations limit change for 1987 – 1988 through 1990 – 1991 (Special) |
1606 | Adds §§ 14.16.280 and 14.16.290, El Carmelo Cemetery (14.16) |
1607 | Amends § 14.16.200, El Carmelo Cemetery (14.16) |
1608 | 1987 – 1988 budget (Special) |
1609 | Accepts bid for phase 4 extension of Asilomar storm drain project (Special) |
1610 | Amends § 16.56.125, speed limits (Repealed by 06-005) |
1611 | Amends § 16.40.040, stopping, standing and parking (16.40) |
1612 | Amends §§ 10.04.010(b), 10.04.030(a) and (d), 10.04.080, 10.04.090(b) and 10.04.170, dogs (10.04) |
1613 | Adds §§ 23.08.196 and 23.40.020(d); amends § 23.32.020(c), zoning (Repealed by 13-003) |
1614 | Grants revocable license for projections over sidewalk at 169 Central Avenue (Repealed by 1717 N.S.) |
1615 | Extends moratorium adopted by Ord. 1562 N.S. (Special) |
1616 | Grants revocable license for projections over sidewalk at 165 Fountain Avenue (Special) |
1617 | Grants revocable license for projection over the sidewalk at 543 Lighthouse Avenue (Special) |
1618 | Accepts bid for softball park landscaping; transfer of funds (Special) |
1619 | 1987 – 1988 budget amendment (Special) |
1620 | Funds transfer (Special) |
1621 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 7.16, taxicabs (Repealed by 10-011) |
1622 | Funds transfer (Special) |
1623 | Amends § 11.68.010, water allocation (Repealed by 2001 N.S.) |
1624 | Amends § 11.68.020, water allocation (Repealed by 2001 N.S.) |
1625 | Amends § 23.08.140, zoning (Repealed by 13-003) |
1626 | Authorizes purchase of property subject to obtaining grant funding (Special) |
1627 | Adds § 16.56.060(p), schedules (16.56) |
1628 | 1987 – 1988 budget amendment (Special) |
1629 | Designates north-only traffic on Thirteenth Street between Central Avenue and Lighthouse Avenue (16.56) |
1630 | Part-time and temporary salary scales (Special) |
1631 | Adds § 16.56.090(2)(k), prohibited parking (16.56) |
1632 | 1988 – 1989 tax levy (Special) |
1633 | Salary ranges and steps (Special) |
1634 | Amends § 23.64.110, zoning (23.64) |
1635 | 1988 – 1989 budget (Special) |
1636 | Adds § 16.56.090(2)(i), prohibited parking (16.56) |
1637 | Adds § 16.56.070(hh), two-hour parking (16.56) |
1638 | Adds § 16.32.140, golf carts on public streets (16.32) |
1639 | Part-time and temporary salary scales (Special) |
1640 | Salary ranges and steps (Special) |
1641 | Approves amendment to contract with Board of Administration of California Public Employees’ Retirement System (Special) |
1642 | Approves bid for street resurfacing (Special) |
1643 | Amends § 16.56.070(hh), two-hour parking (16.56) |
1644 | Adds § 16.56.070(ii), two-hour parking (16.56) |
1645 | Adds § 4.20.115, personnel plan temporary assignments (Repealed by 00-20) |
1646 | Approves transfer of cable television franchise from Monterey Peninsula TV Cable to Western Communications, Inc., and from Western Communications, Inc., to Chronicle Publishing Company (Not codified) |
1647 | Extends moratorium on demolition of buildings constructed prior to 1925 (Special) |
1648 | Grants revocable license for projection of a fence into city right-of-way at 1313 Pico Avenue (Special) |
1649 | Grants revocable license for projection of a driveway into city right-of-way at 208 Chestnut Street (Special) |
1650 | Adds § 16.56.090(m), (n) and (o), prohibited parking (16.56) |
1651 | Amends §§ 3.20.030 and 3.20.045, civil defense and disaster (Repealed by 97-37) |
1652 | Funds transfer (Special) |
1653 | Extends moratorium imposed by Ord. 1562 N.S. (Special) |
1654 | Amends § 16.56.030, stop intersections (16.56) |
1655 | Amends §§ 23.20.020 and 23.20.040, zoning (Repealed by 02-15) |
1656 | Amends 1988 – 1989 budget (Special) |
1657 | Amends Ord. 1633 N.S., salary ranges and steps (Special) |
1658 | Amends § 7.16.010, taxicabs (Repealed by 10-011) |
1659 | Amends § 23.08.180, Ch. 23.68, and § 23.72.080, zoning (23.68) |
1660 | Amends Ch. 4.10, Pacific Grove ocean rescue (Repealed by 08-024) |
1661 | Amends § 4.20.270, personnel plan (Repealed by 00-20) |
1662 | Amends § 15.08.010, house numbers (15.08) |
1663 | Amends § 9.20.100, sewage disposal (9.20) |
1664 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 20.04, signs (20.04) |
1665 | Adds § 16.56.010(j), one-way streets; amends § 16.56.070 (16.56) |
1666 | Adds § 16.56.090(p), prohibited parking (16.56) |
1667 | Amends § 2.16.320, purchasing system and procedures (2.16) |
1668 | Accepts grant of an easement from Stanford University for storm drain purposes (Special) |
1669 | Adds § 16.56.070(jj); deletes § 16.56.060(k); reletters § 16.56.060(l) through (p) to be (k) through (o), traffic schedules (16.56) |
1670 | Adds § 16.56.090(q), prohibited parking (16.56) |
1671 | Funds transfer (Special) |
1672 | Grants revocable license for projection over public sidewalk at 222 Forest Avenue (Special) |
1673 | Amends § 1.16.010, general penalty (1.16) |
1674 | 1989 – 1990 tax levy (Special) |
1675 | Funds transfer (Special) |
1676 | Adds §§ 23.42.025 and 23.44.025; repeals §§ 23.42.020(c) and 23.44.020(c), zoning (23.42, 23.44) |
1677 | Temporarily incorporates 1988 – 1989 budget as 1989 – 1990 budget (Special) |
1678 | 1989 – 1990 preliminary budget (Special) |
1679 | Adds § 16.56.010(k), one-way streets (16.56) |
1680 | Repeals Ord. 1571 N.S. and grants a revocable license for projections over public ways at 650 Lighthouse Avenue (Special) |
1681 | Amends § 23.73.040(F), zoning (Repealed by 11-001) |
1682 | Compensation for councilmembers and mayor (Special) |
1683 | Moratorium on applications for construction of auxiliary housing units (Special) |
1684 | Amends §§ 10.04.020 and 14.08.030, dogs running at large (10.04) |
1685 | Amends § 14.08.020, bicycles in parks (Repealed by 20-004) |
1686 | Amends § 23.73.040(F), zoning (Repealed by 11-001) |
1687 | Adds § 23.64.135, zoning (23.64) |
1688 | Amends Ord. 1640 N.S. by adding recreation aide to classification manual (Special) |
1689 | Grants a revocable license for projections over public ways at 301 and 303 Forest Avenue (Special) |
1690 | Amends § 18.32.060, fire prevention (Repealed by 99-19) |
1691 | Adds § 16.56.060(p); deletes § 16.56.070(q) and (dd); reletters § 16.56.070(r) through (jj) as (q) through (hh), traffic schedules (16.56) |
1692 | Extends moratorium on demolition of buildings built prior to 1925 (Special) |
1693 | Amends § 23.16.030(c), zoning (Repealed by 96-14) |
1694 | Grants a revocable license for projection onto public way at 312 Walnut Street (Special) |
1695 | Amends §§ 3.02.020, 3.02.050, 3.24.040, 3.24.060 and 23.73.010, terms of board, commission and committee members (3.02, 3.24) |
1696 | Rescinds § 4.20.150(g); reletters § 4.20.150(h), (i) and (j) to be (g), (h) and (i), personnel plan (Repealed by 00-20) |
1697 | Amends § 15.16.010(f), sidewalks (15.16) |
1698 | Amends § 4.20.220, personnel plan (Repealed by 00-20) |
1699 | Grants revocable license for a street light at west entrance to Country Club Gate Center on David Avenue (Special) |
1700 | Adds classification of battalion chief to Ord. 1640 N.S. (Special) |
1701 | Grants revocable license for projection into right-of-way at 939 Ocean View Boulevard (Special) |
1702 | Repeals Ch. 15.04 and amends maps showing plan lines established under Ch. 15.04, official plan lines (Repealer) |
1703 | Amends § 23.73.040(F), zoning (Repealed by 11-001) |
1704 | 1989 – 1990 budget (Special) |
1705 | Amends § 24.02.070(d), subdivisions (24.08) |
1706 | Adds Ch. 11.88, public urination and defecation (11.88) |
1707 | Salary ranges and steps (Special) |
1708 | Salary ranges and steps (Special) |
1709 | Salary ranges and steps (Special) |
1710 | Salary ranges and steps (Special) |
1711 | Amends §§ 4.20.130, 4.20.140, 4.20.150, 4.20.160, 4.20.170, 4.20.180, 4.20.190, 4.20.200, 4.20.210, 4.20.255 and 4.20.295 and repeals § 4.20.125, personnel plan (Repealed by 00-20) |
1712 | Adds § 3.20.060 and amends § 3.20.045, civil defense and disaster (Repealed by 97-37) |
1713 | Property exchange agreement (Special) |
1714 | Adds § 16.56.090(2)(r), traffic schedules (16.56) |
1715 | Deletes § 23.64.190(h); reletters § 23.64.190(i) to be § 23.64.190(h), zoning (23.64) |
1716 | Amends § 11.68.010, water allocation (Repealed by 2001 N.S.) |
1717 | Repeals Ord. 1614 N.S. and grants a revocable license for projections over public sidewalk at 169 Central Avenue (Special) |
1718 | Adds § 16.56.090(2)(s), traffic schedules (16.56) |
1719 | Adds Ch. 6.02, fee and service charge revenue/cost comparison system (6.02) |
1720 | Salary scales (Special) |
1721 | Amends § 4.20.140, personnel plan (Repealed by 00-20) |
1722 | Directs opening of journal entries in golf enterprise fund (Special) |
1723 | Adds Ch. 2.20, election regulations (2.20) |
1724 | 1990 – 1991 budget (Special) |
1725 | Grants revocable license for placement of drainline across Twelfth Street (Special) |
1726 | Tax levy (Special) |
1727 | Adds § 23.64.340, zoning (23.64) |
1728 | Proposition of incurring bonded debt for municipal improvement (Special) |
1728A | Amends § 4.20.150, personnel plan (Repealed by 00-20) |
1729 | Adds § 16.40.600, stopping, standing and parking (16.40) |
1730 | Amends § 18.32.100, fire prevention (Repealed by 99-19) |
1731 | Amends § 11.62.030(d), alarm systems (Repealed by 11-015) |
1732 | Extends moratorium on demolition of buildings constructed prior to 1925 (Special) |
1733 | Salary ranges and steps (Special) |
1734 | Salary ranges and steps (Special) |
1735 | Salary ranges and steps (Special) |
1736 | Salary ranges and steps (Special) |
1737 | Salary ranges and steps (Special) |
1738 | Appropriation (Special) |
1739 | Adopts position classification plan (Special) |
1740 | Grants revocable license for awning overhanging sidewalk at 213 Grand Avenue (Special) |
1741 | Grants revocable license for certain projections onto and over sidewalk at 309 Forest Avenue (Special) |
1742 | Amends § 23.64.290, zoning (Repealed by 13-003) |
1743 | Grants revocable license for awning overhanging sidewalk at 209 Lighthouse Avenue (Special) |
1744 | Grants revocable license for awning overhanging sidewalk at 701 Lighthouse Avenue (Special) |
1745 | Accepts grant deed for conveyance to city of certain lots (Special) |
1746 | Repeals §§ 23.64.330 and 23.64.335 (Repealer) |
1747 | Adds Ch. 18.40, seismic hazards identification program (18.40) |
1748 | Grants revocable license for awning overhanging sidewalk at 663 Lighthouse Avenue (Special) |
1749 | Salary ranges and steps (Special) |
1750 | Salary ranges and steps (Special) |
1751 | Salary ranges and steps (Special) |
1752 | Salary ranges and steps (Special) |
1753 | Salary ranges and steps (Special) |
1754 | Amends position classification plan (Special) |
1755 | Moratorium on applications for approval or construction of auxiliary housing units (Special) |
1756 | Accepts gift deed for conveyance to city of real property (Special) |
1757 | Adds § 16.56.090(2)(t), traffic schedules (16.56) |
1758 | Amends § 24.01.030(d), subdivisions (24.04) |
1759 | Approves amendment to lease between city and Meals on Wheels (Special) |
1760 | Grants revocable license for awning overhanging sidewalk at 209 Forest Avenue (Special) |
1761 | Temporarily suspends operation of Ch. 7.16, taxicabs (Repealed by 1764 N.S.) |
1762 | Grants revocable license for awning at 127 Central Avenue (Special) |
1763 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 11.12, solicitors and peddlers (11.12) |
1764 | Rescinds Ord. 1761 N.S. (Repealer) |
1765 | Adds § 24.05.010, subdivision processing fees; amends §§ 7.06.090, 7.10.020, 10.04.100, 11.20.130, 11.62.020, 12.12.030, 12.12.050, 12.16.100, 15.32.010, 16.64.030, 18.04.070, 18.04.080, 18.38.040, 18.38.090, 23.16.020, 23.29.050, 23.32.020, 23.60.070, 23.64.025, 23.64.290, 23.70.050, 23.72.030, 23.72.072, 23.72.090, 23.72.180, 23.73.050, 23.77.040, 23.77.050, 24.17.050 and 24.18.020, pertaining to fees; repeals §§ 24.05.010 through 24.05.040 (7.10, 10.04, 11.20, 16.64, 18.04, 23.16, 23.29, 23.60, 23.77, 24.20, 24.68, 24.72) |
1766 | Adds § 16.56.090(2)(u), traffic schedules (16.56) |
1767 | Rezones property (Special) |
1768 | Moratorium on consideration of application for certain structures and additions (Special) |
1769 | Grants revocable license for nine awnings at 510 Lighthouse Avenue (Special) |
1770 | Accepts revised gift deed for conveyance to city of real property (Special) |
1771 | Amends §§ 10.04.010, 10.04.030 and 10.04.040, dogs (10.04) |
1772 | 1990 – 1991 budget (Special) |
1773 | Amends § 16.08.030, traffic administration (16.08) |
1774 | Amends §§ 2.04.020 and 2.04.050, council meetings, agenda (2.04) |
1775 | 1990 – 1991 budget amendment (Special) |
1776 | Adds § 16.56.070(ii), schedules (16.56) |
1777 | Grants revocable license for encroachment into public sidewalk (Repealed by 1794 N.S.) |
1778 | Adds §§ 23.56.010 and 23.56.015; amends § 23.16.030, zoning; repeals existing § 23.56.010 (23.56) |
1779 | 1990 – 1991 budget amendment (Special) |
1780 | Amends § 16.40.540, stopping, standing and parking (16.40) |
1781 | Amends golf pro and food concession agreement (Special) |
1782 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 12.16, tree preservation and protection (Repealed by 02-13) |
1783 | Amends § 16.56.070, traffic schedules (16.56) |
1784 | Amends retirement system contract (Special) |
1785 | Appropriation (Special) |
1786 | Adds Chs. 10.16 and 10.18; amends § 10.04.100, animals (10.04, 10.16, 10.18) |
1787 | Salary ranges and steps (Special) |
1788 | Salary ranges and steps (Special) |
1789 | Salary ranges and steps (Special) |
1790 | Salary ranges and steps (Special) |
1791 | Salary ranges and steps (Special) |
1792 | Amends § 10.04.030, dogs (10.04) |
1793 | Tax levy (Special) |
1794 | Grants revocable license for encroachment into public sidewalk; repeals Ord. 1777 N.S. (Special) |
1795 | Amends Ch. 10.10, feeding animals (10.10) |
1796 | 1991 – 1992 preliminary budget (Special) |
1797 | Transfer of funds (Special) |
1798 | Adds § 9.20.086, sewage disposal (9.20) |
1799 | Adds Ch. 3.28, arts commission (3.28) |
1800 | Adds § 11.64.070; amends § 11.64.030, newsracks (Repealed by 18-001) |
1801 | Amends § 16.56.070, traffic schedules (16.56) |
1802 | Extends moratorium on demolition of pre-1925 buildings (Special) |
1803 | Amends Ch. 23.77, zoning (23.77) |
1804 | Grants license for sign (Special) |
1805 | Amends position classification plan (Special) |
1806 | Amends §§ 2.04.020 and 2.04.050, council meetings, agenda (2.04) |
1807 | Amends 1991 – 1992 budget (Special) |
1808 | Repeals Ch. 6.36 (Repealer) |
1809 | Amends § 11.12.180, solicitors and peddlers (11.12) |
1810 | Moratorium on subdivision application processing (Special) |
1811 | Increases employee compensation in lieu of health insurance (Special) |
1812 | Amends §§ 2.04.020 and 2.04.050, council meetings, agenda (2.04) |
1813 | Extends moratorium on applications for approval or construction of auxiliary housing units (Special) |
1814 | Salary ranges and steps (Special) |
1815 | Salary ranges and steps (Special) |
1816 | Salary ranges and steps (Special) |
1817 | Salary ranges and steps (Special) |
1818 | Salary ranges and steps (Special) |
1819 | Salary ranges and steps (Special) |
1820 | Salary ranges and steps (Special) |
1821 | Salary ranges and steps (Special) |
1822 | Amends § 14.12.040, golf links (14.12) |
1823 | Amends position classification plan (Special) |
1824 | Amends position classification plan (Special) |
1825 | Approves concession agreement for Lovers Point snack bar (Special) |
1826 | Amends 1991 – 1992 budget (Special) |
1827 | Amends § 15.16.010(c), sidewalks (15.16) |
1828 | Adds § 2.16.100(j), purchasing system and procedures (2.16) |
1829 | Amends § 11.10.030, garage sales (11.10) |
1830 | Increases employee compensation in lieu of health insurance (Special) |
1831 | Grants revocable license for wood canopy (Special) |
1832 | Amends §§ 2.04.020 and 2.04.050, council meetings, agenda (2.04) |
1833 | Amends 1991 – 1992 budget (Special) |
1834 | 1991 – 1992 final budget (Special) |
1835 | Amends 1991 – 1992 budget (Special) |
1836 | Rezones property (Special) |
1837 | Amends 1991 – 1992 sewer fund budget (Special) |
1838 | Amends 1991 – 1992 budget (Special) |
1839 | Rezone (Special) |
1840 | Preliminary budget for 1992 – 1993 (Special) |
1841 | Appropriation (Special) |
1842 | Amends § 9.20.100, sewer collector system fees (9.20) |
1843 | Approves certain conservation easement (Special) |
1844 | Tax levy (Special) |
1845 | Amends § 23.16.040, exception to building site area requirement (Repealed by 96-14) |
1846 | Appropriates moneys in the E. H. Dyke open space fund (Special) |
1847 | Amends § 16.56.070, traffic (16.56) |
1848 | Adds § 23.08.205; amends § 23.16.020(e); repeals § 23.08.035, zoning (23.16) |
1849 | Acceptance of deed for conveyance to city of real property (Special) |
1850 | Appropriation (Special) |
1851 | Appropriation (Special) |
1852 | Amends § 23.70.040, use permit hearings (Repealed by 11-001) |
1853 | Adds §§ 18.32.010(Q), 18.32.010(R) and 18.32.010(S); amends § 18.32.010; repeals 18.04.060, building regulations (Repealed by 99-19) |
1854 | Acceptance of grant deed (Special) |
1855 | Salary ranges and steps (Special) |
1856 | Salary ranges and steps (Special) |
1857 | Adds §§ 16.40.515 and 16.56.065; amends §§ 16.56.060 and 16.56.070, parking (16.56) |
1858 | Amends § 1.16.065, bail schedules (1.16) |
1859 | Grants license for awning (Special) |
1860 | Extends moratorium on demolition of buildings constructed prior to 1925 (Special) |
1861 | Adds § 14.08.016, parks (Repealed by 20-004) |
1862 | Amends §§ 23.74.020, 23.74.070 and 23.74.100, zoning (Repealed by 11-001) |
1863 | Amends § 6.14.010; repeals § 6.14.020, change and petty cash funds (6.14) |
1864 | Approves lease of city property (Special) |
1865 | Amends § 23.72.130(d), zoning (Repealed by 11-001) |
1866 | Repeals Ch. 11.16, fortunetelling (Repealer) |
1867 | Extends moratorium on processing of subdivision applications (Special) |
1868 | Adopts preliminary 1992 – 1993 budget (Special) |
1869 | Amends 1992 – 1993 budget (Special) |
1870 | Amends §, telephone users tax (6.10) |
1871 | Moratorium on consideration of certain applications (Special) |
1872 | Allows mayor and council members to decline compensation (Special) |
1873 | Forgives certain delinquencies payable under terms of business license tax (Special) |
1874 | Acceptance of deed for conveyance to city of real property (Special) |
1875 | Adds § 20.04.050(h); amends §§ 20.04.020(i) and 20.04.050(f)(1); repeals §§ 20.04.020(k), and renumbers existing subsections, and 20.04.070(c), signs (20.04) |
1876 | Amends preliminary 1992 – 1993 budget (Special) |
1877 | Amends § 4.20.115(a), personnel temporary assignments (Repealed by 00-20) |
1878 | Grants license for an encroachment into the public way (Special) |
1879 | Amends preliminary 1992 – 1993 budget (Special) |
1880 | Adds Ch. 9.40, abandoned vehicles; repeals existing Ch. 9.40, abatement and removal of junk vehicles (9.40) |
1881 | Amends preliminary 1992 – 1993 budget (Special) |
1882 | Grants license for air supply duct (Special) |
1883 | Amends § 23.04.010, zoning (Repealed by 11-001) |
1884 | Amends § 23.64.130, zoning (23.64) |
1885 | Adopts final budget for 1992-93 (Special) |
1886 | Approves certificate of correction for subdivision map (Special) |
1887 | Amends 1992 – 1993 budget (Special) |
1888 | Acceptance of deed for conveyance to city of an open space easement (Special) |
1889 | Amends § 10.04.150, dogs (10.04) |
1890 | Amends 1992 – 1993 budget (Special) |
1891 | Repeals Ch. 23.76, nonregulatory plans (Repealer) |
1892 | Amends §§ 16.56.060 and 16.56.065, parking (16.56) |
1893 | Amends § 10.04.100, impoundment and recovery of dogs at large (10.04) |
1894 | Grants revocable license for encroachment at 612 Lighthouse Ave. (Special) |
1895 | Extends moratorium on processing of subdivision applications (Special) |
1896 | Amends 1992 – 1993 budget (Special) |
1897 | Amends 1992 – 1993 budget (Special) |
1898 | Amends 1992 – 1993 budget (Special) |
1899 | Grants revocable license for encroachment at 160 Seventeen Mile Drive (Special) |
1900 | Amends 1992 – 1993 budget (Special) |
1901 | Adopts preliminary 1993 – 1994 budget (Special) |
1902 | Amends § 1.16.010, continuing violations; repeals §§ 16.12.140, 16.12.150 and 16.40.590, traffic (1.16) |
1903 | Tax levy (Special) |
1904 | Extends moratorium on demolition of buildings constructed prior to 1925 (Repealed by 1956 N.S.) |
1905 | Grants revocable license for encroachment at 569 Lighthouse Avenue (Special) |
1906 | Moratorium on applications for development of assessor parcels, 007-021-09-12 (Special) |
1907 | Approves lease of city property (Special) |
1908 | Amends preliminary 1993 – 1994 budget (Special) |
1909 | Amends preliminary 1993 – 1994 budget (Special) |
1910 | Amends § 2.16.130, purchasing (2.16) |
1911 | Transfers certain city funds to workers’ compensation self-insurance fund (Special) |
1912 | Adds § 14.08.017, designating Monarch Grove Sanctuary as public park (Repealed by 20-004) |
1913 | Adds § 23.64.350, zoning (23.64) |
1914 | Extends moratorium on processing of subdivision applications (Special) |
1915 | Grants revocable license for encroachment on Fifteenth Street for tenants at 529 Central Avenue (Repealed by 1930 N.S.) |
1916 | Amends preliminary 1993 – 1994 budget (Special) |
1917 | Amends preliminary 1993 – 1994 budget (Special) |
1918 | Imposes restrictions on applications for certain unit structures or additions (Special) |
1919 | Grants revocable license for encroachment at 612 Lighthouse Avenue (Special) |
1920 | Approves agreement regarding Methodist section of El Carmelo Cemetery (Special) |
1921 | Adds § 16.40.045, stopping, standing, parking (16.40) |
1922 | Adds § 18.04.010(k), building codes (Repealed by 02-31) |
1923 | Amends § 3.24.080, beautification committee, and § 3.28.080, arts commission (3.24, 3.28) |
1924 | Approves assignment of lease of city’s Old Bath House (Special) |
1925 | Adds Ch. 16.70, trip reduction (16.70) |
1926 | Approves final 1993 – 1994 budget (Special) |
1927 | Adds §§ 16.56.060(e) and 16.56.090(2)(v); amends §§ 16.56.060(d) and 16.56.065(k), traffic schedules (16.56) |
1928 | Grants revocable license for encroachment at 229 Grand Avenue (Special) |
1929 | Amends 1993 – 1994 budget (Special) |
1930 | Grants revocable license for encroachment on Fifteenth Street for tenants at 529 Central Avenue; rescinds Ord. 1915 N.S. (Special) |
1931 | Amends 1993 – 1994 budget (Special) |
1932 | Amends 1993 – 1994 budget (Special) |
1933 | Amends § 23.64.350(a)(3), zoning (23.64) |
1934 | Adds § 18.04.055; amends § 18.04.050, building codes (18.04) |
1935 | Amends 1993 – 1994 budget (Special) |
1936 | Amends 1993 – 1994 budget (Special) |
1937 | Approves grant deed for drainage easement (Special) |
1938 | Amends 1993 – 1994 budget (Special) |
1939 | Amends housing programs fund budget (Special) |
1940 | Extends moratorium on processing of subdivision applications (Special) |
1941 | Imposes restrictions on applications for certain unit structures or additions (Special) |
1942 | Crematorium lease and operation agreement for Little Chapel at El Carmelo Cemetery (Special) |
1943 | Amends 1993 – 1994 budget (Special) |
1944 | Adds Ch. 16.68, tour buses (16.68) |
1945 | Approves concession agreement for Lovers Point snack bars (Special) |
1946 | Amends 1993 – 1994 budget (Special) |
1947 | Temporarily creates position of acting fire chief (Special) |
1948 | Adds Ch. 23.76, historic preservation (Repealed by 97-23) |
1949 | Temporarily maintains fiscal year 1993 – 1994 appropriation levels, with exceptions, for fiscal year 1994 – 1995 (Special) |
1950 | Amends § 18.04.030, building official; amends §§ 23.04.020 and 23.04.050, administrative provisions pertaining to zoning; repeals § 23.04.060 (18.04) |
1951 | Adds Ch. 23.33, C-1-T District (Repealed by 13-003) |
1952 | Tax rate for 1994 – 1995 fiscal year (Special) |
1953 | Amends §§ 2.04.020 and 2.04.050, meeting and agenda procedures (2.04) |
1954 | Amends position classification plan originally adopted by Ord. 1739 N.S. (Special) |
1955 | Amends § 16.68.020, tour bus parking (16.68) |
1956 | Repeals Ord. 1904 N.S., moratorium on demolition of buildings constructed prior to 1925 (Special) |
1957 | Adds Ch. 18.08, grease traps (18.08) |
1958 | Imposes moratorium on consideration of applications for development of certain assessor parcels (Special) |
1959 | Adopts preliminary 1994 – 1995 budget (Special) |
1960 | Amends § 11.24.030, prohibiting smoking in certain designated places (11.24) |
1961 | Adds Ch. 1.20; amends §§ 1.04.030, 1.04.050, 1.16.010, 1.16.017, 1.16.020, and 1.16.060; repeals §§ 1.16.030, 1.16.040, 1.16.050 and 1.16.080, general provisions (1.04, 1.16, 1.20) |
1962 | Repeals Ch. 2.08, damage claims (Repealer) |
1963 | Repeals § 18.04.100 (Repealer) |
1964 | Repeals Ch. 4.04 (Repealer) |
1965 | Amends position classification plan and certain salary schedules (Special) |
1966 | Amends Ord. 1739 N.S., position classification plan (Special) |
1967 | Amends budget for 1994 – 1995 (Special) |
1968 | Amends Ord. 1739 N.S., position classification plan (Special) |
1969 | Imposes temporary restriction on consideration of certain applications for structural changes or additions (Special) |
1970 | Amends § 23.72.220, discretionary permit requests (Repealed by 11-001) |
1971 | Adds Ch. 11.92, disturbance abatement (11.92) |
1972 | Urgency ordinance adopting July 1, 1994 salary ranges and classifications for positions represented by Pacific Grove employees’ association (Special) |
1973 | Urgency ordinance adopting January 1, 1995 salary ranges and classifications for positions represented by Pacific Grove employees’ association (Special) |
1974 | Urgency ordinance adopting January 1, 1995 salary ranges and classifications for positions represented by Pacific Grove firefighters’ association (Special) |
1975 | Urgency ordinance adopting January 1, 1995 salary ranges and classifications for positions represented by Pacific Grove police officers’ association (Special) |
1976 | Urgency ordinance adopting January 1, 1995 salary ranges and classifications for specified confidential administrative positions (Special) |
1977 | Amends §§ 11.24.010 and 11.24.030, smoking regulations; renumbers §§ 11.24.050 through 11.24.090 to be §§ 11.24.040 through 11.24.080, respectively; and repeals original § 11.24.040 (11.24) |
1978 | Extends lease agreement with Interim, Inc. (Special) |
1979 | Moratorium on acceptance, processing, consideration or approval of subdivision applications (Special) |
1980 | Urgency ordinance imposing moratorium on issuance of applications for permits which could create demand of additional water (Special) |
1981 | Urgency ordinance extending moratorium on issuance of applications for permits which could create demand of additional water (Special) |
1982 | Grants revocable license for encroachment at 849 Ocean View Boulevard (Special) |
1983 | Adopts final budget for 1994 – 1995 (Special) |
1984 | Transfers certain funds from workers’ compensation insurance reserve fund to workers’ compensation insurance claims account (Special) |
1985 | Adds §§ 23.08.065 and 23.64.065, defining and allowing group quarters in certain areas (23.64) |
1986 | Grants revocable license for encroachment at 125 Central Avenue (Special) |
1987 | Adds Ch. 11.94, sound amplification regulations and Ch. 11.96, unlawful noises; repeals Ch. 9.30 (11.94, 11.96) |
1988 | Urgency ordinance adopting July 1, 1995 salary ranges and classifications for positions represented by Pacific Grove employees’ association (Special) |
1989 | Urgency ordinance adopting July 1, 1995 salary ranges and classifications for positions represented by Pacific Grove management employees’ association (Special) |
1990 | Urgency ordinance adopting July 1, 1995 salary ranges and classifications for positions represented by Pacific Grove firefighters’ association (Special) |
1991 | Urgency ordinance adopting July 1, 1995 salary ranges and classifications for positions represented by Pacific Grove police officers’ association (Special) |
1992 | Urgency ordinance adopting July 1, 1995 salary ranges and classifications for specified confidential administrative positions (Special) |
1993 | Approves city’s contribution to purchase of property at Rocky Shores, and accepts conservation and scenic easement deed (Special) |
1994 | Urgency ordinance extending moratorium on issuance of applications for permits which could create demand of additional water (Repealed by 2004 N.S.) |
1995 | Revocable license for encroachment (Special) |
1996 | Amends §§ 10.04.020 and 10.04.150, dog misdemeanors (10.04) |
1997 | Solid waste franchise agreement (Not codified) |
1998 | Extends moratorium imposed by Ord. 1975 N.S., on acceptance, processing and consideration of subdivision applications (Special) |
1999 | Repeals and replaces § 23.64.115, regulation of fast food establishments (23.64) |
2000 | Fixes municipal tax rate for 1995 – 1996 (Special) |
2001 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 11.68, water allocation regulations; reconfirms certain provisions of Ord. 1521 N.S. (Repealed by 18-015) |
2002 | Urgency ordinance adopting July 1, 1995, salary ranges and steps for specified confidential administrative positions (Special) |
2003 | Amends § 23.76.020(d), historic preservation (Repealed by 97-23) |
2004 | Urgency ordinance repealing Ord. 1994 N.S., in order to allow implementation of Ord. 2001 N.S., and to avoid any potential conflict therewith (Repealer) |
2005 | Amends housing program budget for 1995 – 1996 (Special) |
2006 | Adds Ch. 3.32, Natural Resources Committee; amends §§ 3.24.080 and § 3.24.090, beautification committee; and § 12.16.160, tree preservation and protection (3.24) |
2007 | Amends § 4.20.150, officers’ and employees’ vacation accrual (Repealed by 00-20) |
2008 | Transfer of CATV franchise to TCI Cablevision of California (Not codified) |
2009 | Assignment of solid waste franchise to Carmel Marina Corp. (Not codified) |
2010 | Extends temporary restriction on consideration of certain applications for structural changes or additions, as imposed by Ord. 1969 N.S. (Special) |
2011 | Extends moratorium imposed by Ord. 1975 N.S., on acceptance, processing and consideration of subdivision applications (Special) |
Ord. | Eff. Date | Description and Disposition |
96-01 | 1/17/96 | Urgency ordinance establishing current classifications, salary ranges and steps for positions represented by the Pacific Grove police officers’ association (Special) |
96-02 | 1/17/96 | Urgency ordinance establishing current classifications, salary ranges and steps for positions represented by the Pacific Grove employees’ association (Special) |
96-03 | 1/17/96 | Urgency ordinance establishing current classifications, salary ranges and steps for positions represented by the Pacific Grove firefighters’ association (Special) |
96-04 | 1/17/96 | Urgency ordinance establishing current classifications, salary ranges and steps for specified confidential administrative positions (Special) |
96-05 | 2/16/96 | Amends Ch. 7.06, massage businesses (Repealed by 96-16) |
96-06 | 2/16/96 | Adoption of Pacific Grove Municipal Code, 1995 Edition; details certain amendments effected during recodification project (1.04) |
96-07 | 1/26/96 | Urgency ordinance transferring funds from Civic Center Fund unallocated reserve (Special) |
96-08 | 3/8/96 | Amends § 11.68.050, building permit time limit (Repealed by 18-015) |
96-09 | 3/22/96 | Amends Ch. 18.32, fire prevention (Repealed by 99-19) |
96-10 | 3/20/96 | Grants revocable license for encroachment of sign into public way at 171 Forest Avenue (Special) |
96-11 | 4/17/96 | Approves and adopts final budget for 1995 – 1996 (Special) |
96-12 | 4/17/96 | Part-time and temporary employment classifications, ranges and salary scales (Special) |
96-13 | 5/17/96 | Amends §§ 3.02.020, 3.02.050, 3.24.040, 3.24.060, 3.28.040, 3.28.060, 3.32.040, 3.32.060, 4.20.370, 16.08.030, 23.73.010, 23.76.020, all affecting committee, board and commission members’ terms of office (3.02, 3.24, 3.28, 16.08) |
96-14 | 5/17/96 | Adds §§ 23.16.070, 23.16.080, 23.16.090, 23.16.100 and 23.16.110; amends §§ 23.08.150, 23.16.010 and 23.16.020; redesignates Ch. 23.16 as “R-1 District and R-1-B Combined Districts”; renumbers existing § 23.16.070 to be § 23.16.021; repeals Ch. 23.48; repeals and replaces §§ 23.16.030, 23.16.040, 23.16.050 and 23.16.060, zoning (23.16) |
96-15 | 5/31/96 | Amends § 23.64.060, allowing certain quasi-public uses in all districts except the O district (23.64) |
96-16 | 7/19/96 | Amends Ch. 7.06, massage licensing (Repealed by 10-010) |
96-17 | 7/19/96 | Adds § 15.16.060, permitting address numbers to be indicated on curbs, subject to certain restrictions (15.16) |
96-18 | 7/19/96 | Extends temporary restriction on consideration of certain applications for structural changes or additions (Special) |
96-19 | 7/19/96 | Extends moratorium imposed by Ord. 1998 N.S., on acceptance, processing and consideration of subdivision applications (Special) |
96-20 | 6/19/96 | Amends temporary and part-time salary scales by adding classification of housing rehabilitation inspector (Special) |
96-21 | 6/19/96 | Urgency ordinance approving and adopting a preliminary budget for fiscal year 1996 – 1997, and approving certain modifications to the 1995 – 1996 budget (Special) |
96-22 | 7/17/97 | Fixes municipal tax rate for 1996 – 1997 (Special) |
96-23 | 9/6/96 | Amends § 9.20.086(b)(4), sewer connection reimbursement agreements (9.20) |
96-24 | 8/21/96 | Rezone, from R-4 to C-1, of three parcels on north side of Pine Avenue (Special) |
96-25 | 8/21/96 | Amends temporary and part-time salary scales by adding classification of housing rehabilitation inspector (Special) |
96-26 | 9/20/96 | Amends § 16.56.092, restricted parking on certain streets (16.56) |
96-27 | 10/4/96 | Adds § 16.40.610, parking of vehicles to display for sale, and amends § 16.40.050, parking of vehicle for purposes of repair (16.40) |
96-28 | 10/4/96 | Adds § 18.04.041, concerning appeals regarding accessibility standards, and amends 18.04.040, appeals under uniform codes (18.04) |
96-29 | 9/4/96 | Modifies classifications of certain employees (Special) |
96-30 | 9/4/96 | Urgency ordinance establishing current classifications, salary ranges and steps for positions represented by the Pacific Grove employees’ association (Special) |
96-31 | 9/4/96 | Urgency ordinance establishing current classifications, salary ranges and steps for specified confidential administrative positions (Special) |
96-32 | 9/18/96 | Adopts position classification plan prepared by Ralph Andersen and Associates (Special) |
96-33 | 10/2/96 | Urgency ordinance establishing current classifications, salary ranges and steps for specified confidential administrative positions (Special) |
96-34 | 10/2/96 | Urgency ordinance establishing current classifications, salary ranges and steps for positions represented by the Pacific Grove employees’ association (Special) |
96-35 | 10/2/96 | Urgency ordinance establishing current classifications, salary ranges and steps for positions represented by the Pacific Grove management employees’ association (Special) |
96-36 | 10/2/96 | Urgency ordinance amending the part-time and temporary salary scales (Special) |
96-37 | 10/16/96 | Urgency ordinance establishing current classifications, salary ranges and steps for positions represented by the Pacific Grove police officers’ association (Special) |
96-38 | 10/16/96 | Grants revocable license to project 1,600 amp. electrical meter panel over city-owned parking lot at Forest and Central Avenues (Special) |
96-39 | 11/6/96 | Imposes one-year moratorium on installation of wireless telecommunication facilities (Special) |
96-40 | 12/20/96 | Amends § 6.14.010, change and petty cash funds (6.14) |
96-41 | 1/3/97 | Extends temporary restriction on consideration of certain applications for structural changes or additions (Special) |
96-42 | 12/18/96 | Urgency ordinance establishing current classifications, salary ranges and steps for positions represented by the Pacific Grove employees’ association (Special) |
97-01 | 1/8/97 | Urgency ordinance establishing current classifications, salary ranges and steps for specified confidential administrative positions (Special) |
97-02 | 1/8/97 | Extends moratorium imposed by Ord. 1998 N.S., on acceptance, processing and consideration of subdivision applications (Special) |
97-03 | 1/15/97 | Urgency ordinance establishing current classifications, salary ranges and steps for positions represented by the Pacific Grove employees’ association (Special) |
97-03 | 1/15/97 | Urgency ordinance establishing current classifications, salary ranges and steps for positions represented by the Pacific Grove employees’ association (Special) |
97-04 | 5/2/97 | Urgency ordinance establishing current classifications, salary ranges and steps for confidential administrative positions (Special) |
97-05 | 5/2/97 | Urgency ordinance establishing current classifications, salary ranges and steps for positions represented by the Pacific Grove police officers’ association (Special) |
97-06 | 3/21/97 | Amends § 16.12.060, personnel authorized to direct traffic (16.12) |
97-07 | 7/1/97 | Establishes July 1, 1997 classifications, salary ranges and steps for positions represented by the Pacific Grove employees’ association (Special) |
97-08 | 7/1/97 | Establishes July 1, 1997 classifications, salary ranges and steps for confidential administrative positions (Special) |
97-09 | 3/5/97 | Amends the part-time and temporary salary scales (Special) |
97-10 | 7/1/97 | Establishes July 1, 1997 classifications, salary ranges and steps for positions represented by the Pacific Grove police officers’ association (Special) |
97-11 | 4/5/97 | Repeals § 23.56.015(e); reletters § 23.56.015(f) and (g) as (e) and (f), respectively, R-H district special regulations (23.56) |
97-12 | 3/19/97 | Adopts budget for fiscal year 1996 – 1997 (Special) |
97-13 | 5/2/97 | Amends § 16.32.090, use of roller skates, skateboards, coasters and other devices (16.32) |
97-14 | 5/2/97 | Amends § 9.20.050(b), septic tank connections (9.20) |
97-15 | 5/16/97 | Amends § 18.08.040, grease trap and interceptor requirements (18.08) |
97-16 | 6/6/97 | Amends § 16.40.525, evasion of short-term parking limits (16.40) |
97-17 | 6/22/97 | Amends § 4.20.150(b)(i), vacation for employees represented by Pacific Grove management employees’ association (Repealed by 00-20) |
97-18 | 5/21/97 | Urgency ordinance establishing salary ranges for positions represented by the Pacific Grove management employees’ association (Special) |
97-19 | 5/21/97 | Urgency ordinance establishing salary ranges for specified confidential administrative positions (Special) |
97-20 | 6/21/97 | Extends temporary restriction on consideration of certain applications for structural changes or additions (Special) |
97-21 | 6/4/97 | Grants revocable license for encroachment of awning at 219 Forest Avenue (Special) |
97-22 | 6/4/97 | Repeals § 23.64.025, timeshare use permits (Repealer) |
97-23 | 7/6/97 | Amends Ch. 23.76, historic preservation (23.76) |
97-24 | 7/4/97 | Adds § 24.01.040, water availability (Repealed by 19-014) |
97-25 | 6/18/97 | Grants revocable license for encroachment of awnings at 246 1/2 Forest Avenue (Special) |
97-26 | 6/18/97 | Approves and adopts preliminary budget for fiscal year 1997 – 1998, and amends budget for fiscal year 1996 – 1997 (Special) |
97-27 | 6/18/97 | Grants radio station KAZU an exception to moratorium on installation of wireless telecommunication facilities (Special) |
97-28 | 7/2/97 | Amends the part-time and temporary salary scales (Special) |
97-29 | 8/2/97 | Tax levy for fiscal year 1997 – 1998 (Special) |
97-30 | 7/2/97 | Urgency ordinance establishing salary ranges for specified confidential administrative positions (Special) |
97-31 | 7/2/97 | Urgency ordinance establishing current classifications, salary ranges and steps for positions represented by the Pacific Grove firefighters’ association (Special) |
97-32 | 7/2/97 | Urgency ordinance approving amendment No. 2 to Lovers Point snack bar concession (Special) |
97-33 | 8/16/97 | Amends §§ 18.04.010 and 18.04.095, and repeals § 18.04.096, bringing certain building code provisions into conformity with the 1994 Edition of the Uniform Building Code (Repealed by 22-019) |
97-34 | 8/16/97 | Amends §§ 4.20.150 and 4.20.160, vacation and sick leave for fire department personnel (Repealed by 00-20) |
97-35 | 8/16/97 | Repeals and replaces § 23.68.040, regulations for reestablishing or repairing a building damaged or destroyed by a catastrophic event; repeals § 23.68.050, and renumbers existing § 23.68.060 to be § 23.68.050 (23.68) |
97-36 | 7/16/97 | Urgency ordinance establishing salary ranges for positions represented by the Pacific Grove management employees’ association (Special) |
97-37 | 9/6/97 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 3.20, emergency services (3.20) |
97-38 | 8/6/97 | Amends the part-time and temporary salary scales (Special) |
97-39 | 9/20/97 | Amends § 6.11.010, correcting references to time-share properties and owners (6.11) |
97-40 | 9/20/97 | Amends § 23.76.120, providing for ten-day appeal period following historic preservation actions (Repealed by 17-023) |
97-41 | 9/20/97 | Repeals and replaces § 23.64.240, prohibiting parking or placement of large vehicles or structures in certain areas of residential premises; also repeals §§ 23.64.250, 23.64.260, 23.64.270 and 23.64.280 (23.64) |
97-42 | 10/30/97 | Repeals and replaces § 11.08.010, juvenile curfew regulations; repeals §§ 11.08.020 and 11.08.030 (11.08) |
97-43 | 9/3/97 | Amends the part-time and temporary salary scales adopted pursuant to Ordinance 97-38 (Special) |
97-44 | 9/3/972 | Assignment of solid waste franchise (Special) |
97-45 | 9/17/97 | Grants revocable license for encroachment at 230 Grand Avenue (Special) |
97-46 | 10/1/97 | Approves easement between city and Pebble Beach Company (Special) |
97-47 | 11/5/97 | Urgency ordinance adopting interim regulations permitting location of telephone equipment cabinets on private property (Special) |
97-48 | 11/5/97 | Urgency ordinance extending moratorium imposed by Ordinance 96-39, on the installation of wireless telecommunication facilities (Special) |
97-49 | 11/19/97 | Amends salary range for golf course superintendent (Special) |
97-50 | 11/19/97 | Amends salary range for senior equipment mechanic (Special) |
97-51 | 11/19/97 | Lease of city property at 310 Sixteenth Street (Special) |
97-52 | 12/3/97 | Urgency ordinance adding Ch. 11.97, Community Flood Plain (11.97) |
97-53 | 12/17/97 | Establishes January 1, 1998 salary ranges for specified confidential administrative positions (Special) |
97-54 | 12/17/97 | Establishes January 1, 1998 classifications, salary ranges and steps for positions represented by the Pacific Grove police officers’ association (Special) |
97-55 | 12/17/97 | Establishes January 1, 1998 classifications, salary ranges and steps for positions represented by the Pacific Grove employees’ association (Special) |
97-56 | 12/17/97 | Approves amendment No. 3 to Lovers Point snack bar concession (Special) |
98-01 | 2/6/98 | Adds § 16.32.150, operation of electric carts on sidewalks; amends § 16.32.140, limitation on use of golf carts rented at public course (16.32) |
98-02 | 2/20/98 | Adds Ch. 23.79, density bonus regulations (23.79) |
98-03 | 1/21/98 | Approves extension of assignment of lease of city’s old bath house, at 620 Ocean View Boulevard (Special) |
98-04 | 3/7/98 | Amends § 18.04.041(c), accessibility board of appeals (18.04) |
98-05 | 3/20/98 | Amends Ch. 23.26, R-3-P.G.R. district regulations (23.26) |
98-06 | 3/20/98 | Amends § 23.08.205, secondary housing unit definition, zoning (Repealed by 13-003) |
98-07 | 3/20/98 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 18.38, water well regulations (18.38) |
98-08 | 3/4/98 | Establishes classifications, salary ranges, steps and other remuneration for positions represented by the Pacific Grove management employees’ association (Special) |
98-09 | 3/4/98 | Establishes classifications, salary ranges, steps and other remuneration for specified confidential administrative positions (Special) |
98-10 | 4/1/98 | Approves and adopts final budget for fiscal year 1997 – 1998 (Special) |
98-11 | 5/15/98 | Adds § 16.56.092(c); amends § 16.56.092(b), parking on Ocean Front Drive (16.56) |
98-12 | 4/15/98 | Grants revocable license for encroachment into parking lot, to accommodate installation of transformer (Special) |
98-13 | 4/15/98 | Grants revocable license for encroachment into public right-of-way at 1352 Lighthouse Avenue (Special) |
98-14 | 5/15/98 | Amends § 23.16.020, uses permitted in the R-1 district, by deleting the requirement that home businesses be subject to obtaining a special use permit (23.16) |
98-15 | 5/20/98 | Amends part-time and temporary salary scales (Special) |
98-16 | 5/20/98 | Approves “Agreement – Improvements to and Encroachments on Public Property,” between city and Rudativ Trading Corp. (Special) |
98-17 | 6/17/98 | Adopts preliminary budget for fiscal year 1998 – 1999, and approves certain modifications to 1997 – 1998 budget (Special) |
98-18 | 6/17/98 | Approval of sale of property at 125 Fifteenth Street (Special) |
98-19 | 7/1/98 | Fixes tax rate for fiscal year 1998 – 1999 (Special) |
98-20 | 7/1/98 | Amends temporary and part-time salary scales (Special) |
98-21 | 7/31/98 | Adds § 10.04.030(e), providing that owners of service dogs be exempt from dog license fee requirements (10.04) |
98-22 | 7/15/98 | Establishes classifications, salary ranges and steps for positions represented by the Pacific Grove police middle management employees’ association (Special) |
98-23 | 8/5/98 | Amends temporary and part-time salary scales (Special) |
98-24 | 8/19/98 | Increases compensation for mayor and council members (Not codified) |
98-25 | 8/19/98 | Approves amendment No. 4 to Lovers Point snack bar concession (Special) |
98-26 | 9/19/98 | Adds § 16.32.160, vehicle collisions with animals, and duty to report (16.32) |
98-27 | 9/2/98 | Creates classification position of director of special projects (Not codified) |
98-28 | 9/2/98 | Establishes salary range for director of special projects (Special) |
98-29 | 9/2/98 | Grants easement to P.G. & E. on Forest Avenue (Special) |
98-29A | 7/10/98 | Approves concession agreement with Adventures by the Sea, Inc. (Special) |
98-30 | 7/10/98 | Establishes July 1, 1998 classifications, salary ranges and steps for positions represented by the Pacific Grove general employees’ association (Special) |
98-31 | 10/21/98 | Amends temporary and part-time salary scales (Special) |
98-32 | 10/21/98 | Establishes July 1, 1998 classifications, salary ranges and steps for positions represented by the Pacific Grove management employees’ association (Special) |
98-33 | 10/21/98 | Establishes July 1, 1998 classifications, salary ranges and steps for positions represented by the Pacific Grove police officers’ association (Special) |
98-34 | 12/18/98 | Amends §§ 11.97.020, 18.04.030, 18.04.050, 18.08.040, 18.08.050, 18.21.010, 18.36.010, 18.40.020, 18.40.040, 18.40.050, 18.40.080, 23.29.030, 23.29.040, 24.18.030, 24.18.040 and 24.18.060, all pertaining to modification of references to community development director and chief building inspector (11.97, 18.04, 18.08, 18.21, 18.36, 18.40, 23.29, 24.72) |
98-35 | 11/18/98 | Approves site lease, sublease option agreement and assignment of lease relating to financing plan for construction of improvements to Civic Center (Special) |
98-36 | 11/18/98 | Resolution approving historic preservation permit No. 98-65 (Resolution) |
98-37 | 12/2/98 | Amends temporary and part-time salary scales (Special) |
98-38 | 12/2/98 | Establishes July 1, 1998, classifications, salary ranges and steps for positions represented by the Pacific Grove fire management association (Special) |
98-39 | 12/16/98 | Agreement regarding lease of Little Chapel by-the-Sea by Keystone California (Special) |
98-40 | 12/16/98 | Establishes July 1, 1998, classifications, salary ranges and steps for positions represented by the Pacific Grove firefighters’ association (Special) |
99-01 | 1/6/99 | Establishes classifications, salary ranges and steps for positions represented by the Pacific Grove management employees’ association (Special) |
99-02 | 1/6/99 | Establishes classifications, salary ranges, steps and other remuneration for specified confidential administrative positions (Special) |
99-03 | 1/20/99 | Grants revocable license for encroachment of awnings at 650 Lighthouse (Special) |
99-04 | 3/19/99 | Amends §§ 3.28.020, 3.28.030 and 3.28.040, providing for two additional members of the arts commission (3.28) |
99-05 | 2/17/99 | Cable system franchise change of control (Not codified) |
99-06 | 4/2/99 | Amends § 23.73.040, architectural review board approval (Repealed by 11-001) |
99-07 | 3/3/99 | Approves 1998 – 1999 final budget (Special) |
99-08 | 4/2/99 | Adds § 20.04.020(t), permitting small neon informational signs, without permits, in certain districts (20.04) |
99-09 | 4/19/99 | Amends Ch. 11.04, intoxicating liquor, adding provisions regarding consumption and possession by persons under 21 (11.04) |
99-10 | 6/16/99 | Amends § 18.04.010, building and technical codes adopted by reference (Repealed by 02-31) |
99-11 | 6/16/99 | Preliminary budget for 1999 – 2000; modifications to 1998 – 1999 budget (Special) |
99-12 | 7/7/99 | Sets fiscal year tax rate at $0.07 (Special) |
99-13 | 7/7/99 | Adds positions to city’s classification plan (Special) |
99-14 | 7/7/99 | Establishes June 1, 1999, classifications, salary ranges and steps for positions represented by the Pacific Grove general employees’ association (Special) |
99-15 | 7/7/99 | Establishes July 1, 1999, classifications, salary ranges, steps and other remuneration for specified confidential administrative positions (Special) |
99-16 | 7/21/99 | Extends franchise granted to Monterey Peninsula TV Cable, to September 1, 2000 (Franchises) |
99-17 | 8/4/99 | Adds position to city’s classification plan (Special) |
99-18 | 8/4/99 | Establishes January 1, 2000, classifications, salary ranges and steps for positions represented by the Pacific Grove management employees’ association (Special) |
99-19 | 9/4/99 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 18.32, fire prevention (18.32) |
99-20 | 8/4/99 | Establishes July 1, 1999, classifications, salary ranges and steps for positions represented by the Pacific Grove general employees’ association (Special) |
99-21 | 8/4/99 | Establishes July 1, 1999, classifications, salary ranges and steps for positions represented by the Pacific Grove fire management association (Special) |
99-22 | 8/4/99 | Establishes July 1, 1999, classifications, salary ranges, steps and other remuneration for specified confidential administrative positions (Special) |
99-23 | 8/18/99 | Establishes June 30, 2000, classifications, salary ranges and steps for positions represented by the Pacific Grove firefighters’ association (Special) |
99-24 | 10/2/99 | Amends § 23.08.205, definition of secondary housing unit (Repealed by 13-003) |
99-25 | 9/15/99 | Establishes July 1, 1999, classifications, salary ranges and steps for positions represented by the Pacific Grove police officers’ association (Special) |
99-26 | 11/6/99 | Amends exception 2 in § 18.32.030, fire prevention (18.32) |
99-27 | 10/20/99 | Adds position to city’s classification plan (Special) |
99-28 | 10/20/99 | Adds “planning technician” position to classifications, salary ranges and steps for positions represented by the Pacific Grove general employees’ association (Special) |
99-29 | 10/20/99 | Grants revocable license for encroachment at 229 Seventh Street (Special) |
99-30 | 10/20/99 | Amends zoning classification at southeast corner of Laurel Avenue and Seventeenth Street from C-1 to unclassified (Rezone) |
00-01 | 1/5/2000 | Adds § 9.16.040(c), garbage and refuse disposal (Repealed by 15-007) |
00-02 | 3/1/00 | Grants revocable license for encroachment at 650 Lighthouse Avenue (Special) |
00-03 | 3/31/00 | Amends § 23.64.13(a), allowing low-current electric fencing materials (23.64) |
00-04 | 3/31/00 | Adds §§ 7.16.041, 7.16.080, 7.16.090, 7.16.100, 7.16.110, 7.16.120 and 7.16.130 and § 7.16.010(d); amends § 7.16.060, all pertaining to taxicab driver and owner requirements (Repealed by 10-011) |
00-05 | 3/31/00 | Amends § 23.73.060, architectural review board (Repealed by 11-001) |
00-06 | 4/16/00 | Adds Ch. 6.50, downtown business district (6.50) |
00-07 | 5/6/00 | Adds § 16.56.010(l), adding a portion of Thirteenth Street as a one-way northbound street (16.56) |
00-08 | 4/6/00 | Grants revocable license for encroachment at 230 Locust Street (Special) |
00-09 | 4/6/00 | Adopts and approves final budget for fiscal year 1999 – 2000 (Special) |
00-10 | 5/17/00 | Grants revocable license for encroachment at 865 Crest Avenue (Special) |
00-11 | 6/17/00 | Amends § 11.68.040(b), establishing the timing of placement on water waiting lists (Repealed by 18-015) |
00-12 | 6/7/00 | Adopts marine conservation initiative measure (Special) |
00-13 | 6/7/00 | Urgency ordinance approving certain modifications to 1999 – 2000 budget (Special) |
00-14 | 7/5/00 | Sets fiscal year tax rate at $0.07 (Special) |
00-15 | 8/4/00 | Adds § 23.08.131, definition of “grade”; amends §§ 23.08.140, 23.16.030, 23.16.040, 23.16.050, 23.16.060, 23.16.070 and 23.68.050(d)(1), zoning (23.16, 23.68) |
00-16 | 7/19/00 | Urgency ordinance establishing July 1, 2000 classifications, salary ranges and steps for positions represented by the Pacific Grove police management association (Special) |
00-17 | 9/15/00 | Amends § 23.08.205, allowing certain one-year exceptions to secondary housing unit provisions (Repealed by 13-003) |
00-18 | 9/15/00 | Amends §§ 23.16.020, 23.16.030, 23.20.030, 23.24.030, 23.26.040, 23.56.015 and 23.57.030; repeals § 23.08.050; repeals and replaces § 23.64.180, accessory buildings and structures (23.16, 23.24, 23.26, 23.56, 23.57, 23.64) |
00-19 | 8/16/00 | Extends franchise granted to Monterey Peninsula TV Cable, to September 1, 2000 (Franchises) |
00-20 | 9/6/00 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 4.20, personnel system, rules and regulations (4.20) |
00-21 | 11/17/00 | Amends §§ 3.28.020, 3.28.030 and 3.28.040, pertaining to reduction in membership of arts commission (3.28) |
00-22 | 12/14/00 | Amends §§ 2.07.010 and 2.07.020; repeals § 2.07.030; concerning the employment of the city attorney (2.07) |
00-23 | 1/6/01 | Grants revocable license for encroachment at 1036 Bayview Avenue (Special) |
01-01 | 1/3/01 | Amends Ord. 98-31, temporary and part-time salary scales (Special) |
01-02 | 1/3/01 | Acceptance of gift of real property located at 140 Eighteenth Street (Special) |
01-03 | 2/18/01 | Adds § 11.96.020, restrictions on use of leaf blowers (11.96) |
01-04 | 2/21/01 | Approves and adopts final budget for fiscal year 2000 – 2001 (Special) |
01-05 | 3/24/01 | Amends § 9.20.100, sewer collection system fees (9.20) |
01-06 | 3/21/01 | Amends position classification plan adopted by Ord. 96-32 (Special) |
01-07 | 6/16/01 | Adds Ch. 3.04, Procedures for Appointments to Other Boards, Committees and Commissions; amends §§ 16.08.030 and 16.08.040, pertaining to the traffic safety commission (3.04, 16.08) |
01-08 | 6/16/01 | Amends § 2.04.050, council meeting agenda (2.04) |
01-09 | 6/6/01 | Approves and adopts preliminary budget for fiscal year 2001 – 2002 (Special) |
01-10 | 6/20/01 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2000 – 2001 (Special) |
01-11 | 6/20/01 | Extends term of cable television franchise from July 1, 2001 to June 30, 2002 (Franchises) |
01-12 | 6/20/01 | Establishes 2000 – 2003 classifications, salary ranges and steps for positions represented by the Pacific Grove police officers’ association (Special) |
01-13 | 6/20/01 | Establishes 2000 – 2004 classifications, salary ranges and steps for positions represented by the Pacific Grove fire management association (Special) |
01-14 | 6/20/01 | Establishes 2000 – 2002 classifications, salary ranges and steps for positions represented by the Pacific Grove general employees’ association (Special) |
01-15 | 7/9/01 | Establishes July 1, 2001, classifications, salary ranges and steps for positions represented by the Pacific Grove firefighters’ association (Special) |
01-16 | 7/9/01 | Establishes July 1, 2001, classifications, salary ranges and steps for positions represented by the Pacific Grove management employees’ association (Special) |
01-17 | 7/9/01 | Establishes July 1, 2001, classifications, salary ranges, steps and other remuneration for specified confidential administrative positions (Special) |
01-18 | 7/18/01 | Sets fiscal year tax rate at $0.07 (Special) |
01-19 | 8/18/01 | Adds § 14.08.025, use of motorized scooters on recreational trails, public parks, golf links and cemetery (Repealed by 20-004) |
01-20 | 8/18/01 | Amends § 16.32.090, use of roller skates, skateboards, coaster, scooters, etc. (16.32) |
01-21 | 9/1/01 | Amends §§ 18.08.010, 18.08.020, 18.08.030, 18.08.040 and 18.08.050, grease traps (18.08) |
01-22 | 9/15/01 | Amends contract with California Public Employees Retirement System (Not codified) |
01-23 | 9/15/01 | Amends contract with California Public Employees Retirement System (Not codified) |
01-24 | 9/5/01 | Amends part-time and temporary salary scales (Special) |
01-25 | 10/18/01 | Amends Ch. 23.73, Architectural Review Board; amends Ch. 23.76, Historic Preservation (23.76) |
01-26 | 1/5/02 | Approves lease agreement for Heritage Barn at 605 Laurel Avenue (Special) |
02-01 | 1/2/02 | Grants revocable license for encroachment of landscaping materials into the public way on Locust Avenue in association with improvements to private property at 842 Pine Avenue (Special) |
02-02 | 1/2/02 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 21.12, Cable Communication Franchise Procedures (21.12) |
02-03 | 1/2/02 | Adds position of public works supervisor to the city’s position classification plan (Not codified) |
02-04 | 1/2/023 | Approves assignment of solid waste collection and disposal agreement from United Waste Systems, Inc., to USA Waste of California, Inc. (Special) |
02-05 | 1/16/02 | Adds position of museum education assistant to the city’s position classification plan, and adopts salary schedule range (Not codified) |
02-06 | 3/23/02 | Adds § 16.56.071, two hour parking; amends §§ 16.56.065 and 16.56.070, also pertaining to parking (16.56) |
02-07 | 3/23/02 | Amends § 3.32.080, powers and duties of the natural resources committee (Repealed by 04-02) |
02-08 | 4/15/02 | Amends § 4.20.190(a), providing for a veterans’ preference in recruitment (Repealed by 11-020) |
02-09 | 3/6/02 | Approves and adopts final budget for fiscal year 2001 – 2002 (Not codified) |
02-10 | 3/20/02 | Grants revocable license for encroachment of covered canopy into the public right-of-way at 551 Gibson (Special) |
02-11 | 3/20/02 | Urgency ordinance approving option agreement for Chase Park and a purchase, sale and leaseback agreement for 650 Jewell Avenue (Special) |
02-12 | 5/10/02 | Approves agreement to transfer real property at 769 Lighthouse Avenue, between the city and Monterey Museum of Art Association (Special) |
02-13 | 5/17/02 | Repeals and replaces Chs. 12.04, 12.12 and 12.16, trees and vegetation (12.04, 12.08) |
02-14 | 5/17/02 | Amends contract with California Public Employees’ Retirement System (Not codified) |
02-15 | 5/30/02 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 23.20, and in so doing revises content to designate a new combined district, the R-2 district and R-2-B-3 combined district (23.20) |
02-16 | 5/15/02 | Grants revocable license for installation of enclosure for grease trap in public parking lot at 170 Forest Avenue (Special) |
02-17 | 7/6/02 | Establishes January 6, 2002, through January 6, 2004, classifications, salary ranges and steps for specified positions represented by the Pacific Grove police management association (Special) |
02-18 | 6/5/02 | Urgency ordinance amending contract with California Public Employees’ Retirement System (Not codified) |
02-19 | 5/19/02 | Urgency ordinance amending budget for fiscal year 2001 – 2002 (Special) |
02-20 | 6/19/02 | Urgency ordinance extending term of cable television franchise to September 30, 2002 (Franchises) |
02-21 | 8/3/02 | Amends Ord. 02-24, part-time and temporary salary scales (Special) |
02-22 | 7/3/02 | Sets fiscal year tax rate at seven percent (Special) |
02-23 | 7/4/02 | Urgency ordinance approving and adopting preliminary budget for fiscal year 2002 – 2003, and approving certain modifications to 2001 – 2002 budget (Special) |
02-24 | 8/3/02 | Accepts real property grant deed from Monterey Peninsula Museum of Art Association (Special) |
02-25 | 8/17/02 | Change of control agreement, authorizing transfer of cable television service from Monterey Peninsula TV Cable to AT&T Comcast (Franchises) |
02-26 | 8/17/02 | Adds § 2.16.060, exemption form Public Contract Code (2.16) |
02-27 | 8/17/02 | Amends § 2.14.020, inventory assets reporting (2.14) |
02-28 | 9/7/02 | Adds Ch. 6.06, Uniform Claims Presentation; amends §§ 6.09.110, 6.10.100, 6.11.090 and 7.04.210, all pertaining to filing of claims (6.06, 6.09, 6.10, 6.11, 7.04) |
02-29 | 10/19/02 | Amends § 12.12.010, clarifying definition of noxious weeds to include pampas and jubata grasses (12.08) |
02-30 | 10/19/02 | Adds §§ 3.04.080, 3.24.085, 3.28.085, 3.32.085 and 16.08.050; amends §§ 3.02.070, 4.20.420, 12.12.030, 18.04.040, 18.04.041, 23.73.010, 23.74.020 and 23.76.021, all pertaining to required votes by committees, boards and commissions (3.02, 3.04, 3.24, 3.28, 12.08, 16.08, 18.04, 23.76) |
02-31 | 11/1/02 | Adds § 18.04.100, commercial decks, platforms and fences; repeals and replaces § 18.04.010, adopting, with certain exceptions, modifications and additions, the 1997 Uniform Building Code, the 2000 Uniform Plumbing, Mechanical and Fire codes, the 1999 National Electrical Code, portions of the 1997 Uniform Code for Building Conservation, the 1997 Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings, and the 1997 Uniform Housing Code (18.04) |
02-32 | 11/16/02 | Amends § 20.04.050, sign standards (20.04) |
02-33 | 10/16/02 | Amends Ord. 96-32, revising classification of senior library assistant (Not codified) |
02-34 | 12/21/02 | Acceptance of grant of real property at 650 Jewell Street (Special) |
02-35 | 12/21/02 | Approves lease agreement for 650 Jewell Avenue and Chase Park (Special) |
02-36 | 1/5/03 | Approves recycling and solid waste rate adjustment, and extends franchise agreement for collection, transportation and disposal of solid waste and recycling (Franchises) |
02-37 | 1/5/03 | Approves lease agreement for Lovers Point Grill (Special) |
02-38 | 1/18/03 | Grants revocable license for encroachment of landscaping and pavement materials adjacent to 1273 Surf Avenue (Special) |
02-39 | 12/18/02 | Urgency ordinance: Establishes January 1, 2003 classifications, salary ranges, steps and other remuneration for specified confidential administrative positions (Special) |
02-40 | 12/18/02 | Urgency ordinance: Establishes 2003 classifications, salary ranges and steps for positions represented by the Pacific Grove general employees’ association (Special) |
02-41 | 12/18/02 | Urgency ordinance: Establishes 2003 classifications, salary ranges and steps for positions represented by the Pacific Grove management employees’ association (Special) |
03-01 | 4/18/2003 | Approves extension of lease agreement for city property located at 140 Eighteenth Street (Special) |
03-02 | 4/16/2003 | Grants revocable license for encroachment of landscaping and paving materials at 325 Melrose Avenue (Special) |
03-03 | 4/16/2003 | Adopts and approves final budget for fiscal year 2002 – 2003 (Special) |
03-04 | 6/6/2003 | Approves amendment to concession agreement between city and Adventures by the Sea, Inc. (Special) |
03-05 | 6/6/2003 | Amends §§ 16.40.110 and 16.56.050, pertaining to parking of oversized vehicles in angled parking spaces (16.40, 16.56) |
03-06 | 7/4/2003 | Approves concession agreement between city and Pevita, Inc., for operation of golf pro and food concession at Municipal Golf Course (Special) |
03-07 | 6/4/2003 | Urgency ordinance extending budget for fiscal year 2002 – 2003 (Special) |
03-08 | 6/18/2003 | Urgency ordinance; adds Ch. 23.80, second units; amends §§ 23.08.205, 23.16.020, 23.20.020, 23.24.020 and 23.28.020, all pertaining to secondary housing units (23.16, 23.20, 23.24, 23.28) |
03-09 | 7/18/2003 | Approves and adopts preliminary budget for fiscal year 2003 – 2004 (Special) |
03-10 | 7/2/2003 | Fixes municipal tax rate at $0.07 for fiscal year 2003 – 2004 (Special) |
03-11 | 8/15/2003 | Approves Amendment No. 1 to franchise agreement with USA Waste of California, Inc. (Franchises) |
03-12 | 8/15/2003 | Amends § 16.56.010, one-way streets (16.56) |
03-13 | 7/16/2003 | Urgency ordinance amending the part-time and temporary salary scales (Special) |
03-14 | 9/7/2003 | Grants revocable license to Innovapark, LLC, for encroachment into public way (Not codified) |
03-15 | 8/6/2003 | Amends classifications, salary ranges, steps and other remuneration for confidential administrative positions of payroll technician (Special) |
03-16 | 9/7/2003 | Grants revocable license for signage encroachments into public way adjacent to 199 Seventeenth Street and 612 Lighthouse Avenue (Not codified) |
03-17 | 8/6/2003 | Urgency ordinance authorizing refinancing of leases (Not codified) |
03-18 | 9/21/2003 | Amends § 23.73.040, pertaining to required approval of architectural review board (Repealed by 11-001) |
03-19 | 8/20/2003 | Urgency ordinance approving sale of real property located at 769 Lighthouse Avenue (the Holman House) (Special) |
03-20 | 10/1/2003 | Urgency ordinance approving rate adjustment for collection, transportation, recycling and disposal of solid waste provided by USA Waste of California (Not codified) |
03-21 | 10/30/2003 | Amends § 11.10.030, pertaining to permit applications for garage sales (11.10) |
03-22 | 10/30/2003 | Grants revocable license for awning encroachments into public way adjacent to 580 Lighthouse Avenue (Not codified) |
03-23 | 10/30/2003 | Grants utility easement to Pacific Gas and Electric Co. (Not codified) |
03-24 | 11/15/2003 | Grants revocable license for awning encroachments of landscaping and paving materials into public way (Not codified) |
03-25 | 1/4/2004 | Amends § 16.40.360, designating curb markings and establishing temporary disabled parking zones (16.40) |
03-26 | 1/4/2004 | Amends § 16.42.100, unlawful parking (16.42) |
03-27 | 1/1/2004 | Approves pass-through rate adjustment for collection, transportation, recycling and disposal of solid waste provided by USA Waste of California (Not codified) |
04-01 | 2/7/2004 | Amends position classification plan and establishes current classifications, salary ranges, steps and other remuneration for confidential classification of administrative services director (Not codified) |
04-02 | 3/21/2004 | Amends title of Ch. 3.24 to read “Beautification and Natural Resources Committee”; amends §§ 3.24.010, 3.24.020, 3.24.030, 3.24.070, 3.24.080, 3.24.085 and 12.16.160; repeals Ch. 3.32, all pertaining to the combining of the beautification and natural resource committees (3.24) |
04-03 | 3/21/2004 | Amends §§ 23.70.020, 23.73.040, 23.80.040 and 23.80.060, all pertaining to approval processes for second units not meeting standards for ministerial approval (Repealed by 20-007) |
04-04 | 3/17/2004 | Amends classification plan to revise classification of museum director (Not codified) |
04-05 | 4/7/2004 | Amends Fund 34 (CDBG Grant Fund) budget for fiscal year 2003 – 2004 (Not codified) |
04-06 | 5/7/2004 | Amends § 7.04.070 to provide for exemption from business license tax for non-profit entities and to permit blanket business license tax certificate to be obtained by non-profit businesses for vendors at special events (7.04) |
04-07 | 5/21/2004 | Amends § 9.20.100 to increase sewer collector system fees (9.20) |
04-08 | 5/19/2004 | Amends classification plan to revise classification of public works supervisor and to create new classification of assistant to the director of public works (Special) |
04-09 | 5/19/2004 | Approves and adopts preliminary budget for fiscal year 2004 – 2005 and approves certain budget modifications to fiscal year 2003 – 2004 final budget (Special) |
04-10 | 6/2/2004 | Urgency ordinance amending part-time and temporary salary schedules, effective July 1, 2004 (Special) |
04-11 | 6/2/2004 | Urgency ordinance establishing April 7, 2004 classifications, salary ranges and steps for positions represented by the Pacific Grove police officers’ association (Special) |
04-12 | 6/2/2004 | Urgency ordinance establishing April 7, 2004 classifications, salary ranges and steps for positions represented by the Pacific Grove management employees’ association (Special) |
04-13 | 6/2/2004 | Urgency ordinance establishing April 7, 2004 classifications, salary ranges and steps for positions represented by the Pacific Grove general employees’ association (Special) |
04-14 | 6/2/2004 | Urgency ordinance establishing April 7, 2004 classifications, salary ranges and steps for positions represented by the Pacific Grove firefighters’ association (Special) |
04-15 | 6/2/2004 | Urgency ordinance establishing April 7, 2004 classifications, salary ranges and steps for positions represented by the Pacific Grove fire management association (Special) |
04-16 | 6/2/2004 | Urgency ordinance establishing April 7, 2004 classifications, salary ranges and steps for specified confidential administrative positions (Special) |
04-17 | 6/2/2004 | Sets municipal tax rate for fiscal year 2004 – 2005 at $0.003 (Special) |
04-18 | 7/16/2004 | Approves deed restriction for use of water saving devices at 650 Jewell Avenue (Not codified) |
04-19 | 8/6/2004 | Approves amendments and riders to lease agreement for 650 Jewell Avenue and for Chase Park, and approves associated documents (Not codified) |
04-20 | 9/3/2004 | Grants revocable license for encroachment of grease interceptor into public right-of-way at 662 Lighthouse Avenue (Not codified) |
04-21 | 9/17/2004 | Approves amendment to lease agreement with Meals on Wheels of the Monterey Peninsula, Inc. (Not codified) |
04-22 | 10/1/2004 | Approves agreement with the Paul Mortuary for lease of Little Chapel at El Carmelo Cemetery (Not codified) |
04-23 | 10/1/2004 | Grants revocable license for encroachment of sewer lateral into public right-of-way at 347 Pearl Street (Not codified) |
04-24 | 10/1/2004 | Approves lease agreement for city property located at 140 Eighteenth Street (Not codified) |
04-25 | 1/14/2005 | Adds § 9.20.090, operation and maintenance of private sewer systems; amends §§ 9.20.010, 9.20.030, 9.20.040, 9.20.210 and 9.20.230, all pertaining to the establishment of mandatory sewer lateral inspections, replacements and penalties for noncompliance; repeals Ch. 11.18 (9.20) |
05-001 | 1/5/2005 | Urgency ordinance establishing January 2, 2005 classifications, salary ranges and steps for positions represented by the Pacific Grove police management association (Special) |
05-002 | 1/5/2005 | Urgency ordinance establishing January 2, 2005 classifications, salary ranges and steps for positions represented by the Pacific Grove fire management association (Special) |
05-003 | 2/19/2005 | Amends § 3.24.020, changing the number of voting members appointed to the beautification and natural resources committee (3.24) |
05-004 | 2/19/2005 | Amends § 11.12.180, exempt activities relating to solicitors and peddlers; repeals § 11.12.190 (11.12) |
05-005 | 2/19/2005 | Approves Amendment No. 2 to concession agreement between Adventures by the Sea, Inc., and the city for rental and sale of certain items at municipal beach (Not codified) |
05-006 | 5/1/20054 | Approves rate adjustment for collection, transportation, recycling and disposal of solid waste as provided by USA Waste of California; extends agreement term (Franchises) |
05-007 | 3/18/2005 | Amends § 16.56.010, one-way streets (16.56) |
05-008 | 5/4/2005 | Urgency ordinance establishing January 2, 2005 classifications, salary ranges and steps for positions represented by the Pacific Grove police officers’ association (Special) |
05-009 | 6/4/2005 | Amends § 9.20.100, increasing sewer collection system fees (9.20) |
05-010 | 5/4/2005 | Approves and adopts preliminary city budget for fiscal year 2005 – 2006 and final budget for fiscal year 2004 – 2005 (Not codified) |
05-011 | 6/15/2005 | Urgency ordinance amending July 1, 2005 part-time and temporary salary schedules (Special) |
05-012 | 6/15/2005 | Urgency ordinance amending July 1, 2005 classifications, salary ranges, steps and other remuneration for specified confidential administrative positions (Special) |
05-013 | 6/15/2005 | Urgency ordinance establishing July 1, 2005 classifications, salary ranges and steps for positions represented by the Pacific Grove firefighters’ association (Special) |
05-014 | 6/15/2005 | Urgency ordinance establishing July 1, 2005 classifications, salary ranges and steps for positions represented by the Pacific Grove general employees’ association (Special) |
05-015 | 6/15/2005 | Urgency ordinance establishing July 1, 2005 classifications, salary ranges and steps for positions represented by the Pacific Grove management employees’ association (Special) |
05-016 | 7/6/2005 | Grants revocable license for encroachment of deck into public way adjacent to 230 Seventh Street (Special) |
05-017 | 7/6/2005 | Levies municipal taxes for fiscal year beginning July 1, 2005 (Not codified) |
05-018 | 7/6/2005 | Amends city’s position classification plan to create new position of maintenance worker I/II (Not codified) |
05-019 | 8/20/2005 | Amends § 18.04.010, adopting 2004 California Electrical Code, with certain exceptions and modifications (18.04) |
05-020 | 9/7/2005 | Establishes classifications, salary ranges and steps for positions represented by the Pacific Grove police management employees’ association (Special) |
05-021 | 9/7/2005 | Adopts final budget for fiscal year 2004 – 2005 (Not codified) |
05-022 | 9/21/2005 | Urgency ordinance amending July 1, 2005, part-time and temporary salary schedules (Special) |
05-023 | 10/5/2005 | Urgency ordinance establishing September 11, 2005 classifications, salary ranges and steps for positions represented by the Pacific Grove police officers’ association (Special) |
05-024 | 12/16/2005 | Amends § 16.40.360, curb markings (16.40) |
05-025 | 12/16/2005 | Amends §§ 16.56.065 and 16.56.070, changing city parking lot No. 2 from two-hour parking to 90-minute parking (16.56) |
05-026 | 1/21/2006 | Amends §§ 11.68.040 and 11.68.050, modifying the water waiting list process (Repealed by 18-015) |
06-001 | 3/3/2006 | Adds § 11.24.035, prohibition of smoking at designated park, beach areas and open space areas; amends § 14.08.010, prohibiting smoking tobacco products at Lovers Point Beach (11.24) |
06-002 | 3/15/2006 | Grants revocable license for encroachment into public way adjacent to 1016 Jewell Avenue (Not codified) |
06-003 | 3/15/2006 | Amends March 15, 2006 classifications, salary ranges, steps and other remuneration for specified confidential administrative positions (Special) |
06-004 | 3/15/2006 | Amends March 15, 2006 classifications, salary ranges and steps for positions represented by the Pacific Grove general employees’ association (Special) |
06-005 | 5/19/2006 | Repeals and replaces § 16.52.010, prima facie speed limit, and § 16.52.020, specific speed limits; repeals §§ 16.56.110, 16.56.120 and 16.56.125, all pertaining to speed limits (16.52) |
06-006 | 7/7/2006 | Amends § 23.64.290, liquor sale provisions (Repealed by 13-003) |
06-007 | 6/7/2006 | Urgency ordinance approving and adopting recommended budget for fiscal year 2006 – 2007 and final budget for fiscal year 2005 – 2006 (Not codified) |
06-008 | 6/21/2006 | Sets rate of taxation for fiscal year beginning July 1, 2006 (Not codified) |
06-009 | 6/21/2006 | Approves and adopts budget for fiscal year 2006 – 2007 and final budget for fiscal year 2005 – 2006 (Not codified) |
06-010 | 6/21/2006 | Amends city’s classification plan and establishes current classifications, salary ranges, steps and other remuneration for specified management positions by re-titling classification of golf course superintendent and creating new classifications of assistant to the golf course director and golf shop supervisor/pro (Not codified) |
06-011 | 6/21/2006 | Amends part-time and temporary salary scales (Special) |
06-012 | 8/4/2006 | Grants revocable license for encroachments into public way adjoining 125 Ocean View Boulevard, to accommodate signage that projects from face of existing commercial building (Not codified) |
06-013 | 8/4/2006 | Amends §§ 16.40.320 and 16.56.065; repeals and replaces § 16.40.515, parking restrictions on Pine Street (16.40, 16.56) |
06-014 | 9/6/2006 | Establishes July 2, 2006 classifications, salary ranges and steps for positions represented by the Pacific Grove police officers’ association (Special) |
06-015 | 9/6/2006 | Amends city’s classification plan and establishes current classifications, salary ranges, steps and other remuneration for specified management positions by adding position of public works mechanical supervisor (Special) |
06-016 | 10/6/2006 | Adds Ch. 2.30, campaign finance regulations (2.30) |
06-017 | 10/20/2006 | Adds § 1.16.013, falsifying information; amends §§ 9.20.020, 9.20.040 and 9.20.185, pertaining to waste discharge and sewer laterals (1.16, 9.20) |
06-018 | 11/17/2006 | Amends § 16.56.060, one-hour parking (16.56) |
06-019 | 12/20/2006 | Amends part-time and temporary salary schedules (Special) |
06-020 | 1/19/2007 | Adds § 16.40.575, parking of commercial vehicles in residential neighborhoods; repeals § 16.40.570 (16.40) |
07-001 | 1/3/2007 | Amends position classification plan (Special) |
07-002 | 3/9/2007 | Adds Ch. 9.30, storm water management and discharge control (9.30) |
07-003 | 3/9/2007 | Adds §§ 4.20.085 and 4.20.087; amends §§ 4.20.010, 4.20.070 and 4.20.080; renames Art. III of Ch. 4.20, employee recruitment (4.20) |
07-004 | 3/7/2007 | Grants revocable license for encroachment of an awning into the public way at 545 Lighthouse Avenue (Special) |
07-005 | 4/6/2007 | Amends position classification plan (Special) |
07-006 | 4/4/2007 | Amends 2006 – 2007 fiscal year budget (Special) |
07-007 | 5/4/2007 | Amends § 16.52.020, speed limits (16.52) |
07-008 | 7/1/2007 | Adopts 2007 – 2008 fiscal year budget (Special) |
07-009 | 6/6/2007 | Amends classification plan (Special) |
07-010 | 7/1/2007 | 2007 tax levy (Special) |
07-011 | 7/5/2007 | Amends 2006 – 2007 budget (Special) |
07-012 | 8/17/2007 | Amends §§ 3.28.010, 3.28.020, 3.28.080 and 3.28.085; renames Ch. 3.28, arts commission (3.28) |
07-013 | 9/14/2007 | Grants franchise agreement to California-American Water (Special) |
07-014 | 10/5/2007 | Approves rental agreement for city property located at 140 Eighteenth Street (Special) |
07-015 | 10/5/2007 | Adds §§ 12.16.055, 12.16.058, 12.16.190(b), 12.16.200(f) and 12.16.290; amends §§ 12.16.010(a)(2), 12.16.025, 12.16.035, 12.16.036, 12.16.085, 12.16.125, 12.16.130, 12.16.140, 12.16.150, 12.16.160, 12.16.170, 12.16.180, 12.16.190(a), 12.16.200(b), (c), (d) and (e), and 12.16.210(b), (c) and (d); amends and renumbers §§ 12.16.210(e) to be 12.16.215, 12.16.210(f) and (g) to be 12.16.210(e) and (f), 12.16.220 to be 12.16.230, 12.16.230 to be 12.16.240, 12.16.240 to be 12.16.250, 12.16.250 to be 12.16.260, 12.16.260 to be 12.16.270, and 12.16.270 to be 12.16.280, tree preservation and protection (Repealed by 12-017) |
07-016 | 9/19/2007 | Amends § 16.56.090, parking prohibited (16.56) |
07-017 | 9/19/2007 | Amends 2007 – 2008 fiscal year budget (Special) |
07-018 | (Failed) | |
07-019 | 10/19/2007 | Adds § 9.16.040(d) and Ch. 15.40, refuse and storage containers (15.40) |
07-020 | 11/16/2007 | Adds § 2.16.157, purchasing system (2.16) |
07-021 | 11/16/2007 | Amends position classification plan (Special) |
07-022 | 12/7/2007 | |
07-023 | 12/17/2007 | Adds §§ 6.06.015, 6.06.025, 6.06.030(d) and 6.06.085; amends §§ 6.06.020 and 6.06.070, uniform claims presentation (6.06) |
07-024 | 11/19/2007 | Amends salary schedules (Special) |
07-025 | 12/19/2007 | Pacific Grove hospitality improvement district (6.54) |
08-001 | 1/16/2008 | Grants revocable license for encroachment of awnings into public way at 221 Grand Avenue (Special) |
08-002 | 3/7/2008 | Approves lease agreement extension to the Aquarium (Special) |
08-003 | 2/20/2008 | Grants revocable license for encroachment of awnings into public way at 562 Lighthouse Avenue (Special) |
08-004 | 2/20/2008 | Adds § 21.12.270, cable communication franchises (21.12) |
08-005 | 4/18/2008 | Adds Ch. 6.085 [6.07], transactions and use tax (Repealed by 21-032) |
08-006 | 4/4/2008 | Adds references to Ch. 1.16 throughout code; repeals §§ 3.20.130, 6.08.180, 6.11.120, 7.04.290, 7.06.100, 11.09.030, 11.24.080, 11.38.040 and 21.12.060(c), enforcement (1.12, 1.16, 2.04, 3.20, 4.14, 6.08, 6.09, 6.10, 6.11, 7.04, 7.10, 9.20, 9.40, 10.04, 10.08, 10.10, 10.18, 11.04, 11.08, 11.09, 11.10, 11.20, 11.24, 11.36, 11.38, 11.76, 11.84, 11.88, 11.94, 11.96, 11.97, 12.08, 14.04, 14.12, 14.16, 15.08, 15.29, 16.12, 16.16, 16.20, 16.28, 16.32, 16.40, 16.44, 16.70, 18.40, 20.04, 21.04, 21.08, 23.64) |
08-007 | 5/2/2008 | Amends §§ 18.04.010 and 18.32.010, building codes (18.04, 18.32) |
08-008 | 5/2/2008 | Adds §§ 23.08.72 [23.08.072], 23.08.76 [23.08.076], 23.73.042 and 23.73.045; amends § 23.73.040, zoning (Repealed by 13-003) |
08-009 | 6/6/2008 | Amends §§ 10.08.030, 10.08.040 and 10.08.060, animals (10.08) |
08-010 | 12/1/2008 | Adds Ch. 11.99, food packaging (Repealed by 19-016) |
08-011 | 5/7/2008 | Amends position classification plan (Special) |
08-012 | 7/21/2008 | Adds Ch. 6.12, regional development impact fee (6.12) |
08-013 | 5/21/2008 | Adopts 2008 – 2009 budget (Special) |
08-014 | 7/18/2008 | Adds § 23.64.055, zoning (23.64) |
08-015 | 7/1/2008 | 2008 tax levy (Special) |
08-016 | 6/18/2008 | Amends 2008 – 2009 budget (Special) |
08-017 | 8/1/2008 | Amends 2008 – 2009 budget (Special) |
08-018 | 8/1/2008 | Amends § 7.04.070(c), business licenses (7.04) |
08-019 | 8/1/2008 | Amends § 14.12.010, golf links (14.12) |
08-020 | 8/15/2008 | Authorizes acquisition of open space easement (Special) |
08-021 | 8/15/2008 | Amends § 4.20.410(a), personnel system (4.20) |
08-022 | 10/3/2008 | Adds §§ 23.08.013, 23.08.073, 23.08.185, 23.08.198 and 23.78.015; amends §§ 23.78.010, 23.78.020, 23.78.030, 23.78.040 and 23.78.050, residential building records (23.78) |
08-023 | 10/17/2008 | Amends 2008 – 2009 budget (Special) |
08-024 | 12/16/2009 | Repeals Chs. 4.08 and 4.10, fire department, ocean rescue (Repealer) |
08-025 | 11/24/2008 | Public water credit in lieu fee (Special) |
08-026 | 12/19/2008 | Amends 2008 – 2009 budget (Special) |
08-027 | 12/19/2008 | Amends § 9.20.100, sewage disposal (9.20) |
08-028 | 12/19/2008 | Adds Ch. 2.40, conflict of interest; rescinds Resos. 5134, 5113-A and 06-032 (2.40) |
08-029 | Lease of city property (Special) | |
08-030 | 1/16/2009 | Classification plan (Special) |
09-001 | 2/13/2009 | Amends § 6.50.030, downtown Pacific Grove business district (6.50) |
09-002 | 3/6/2009 | Amends 2008 – 2009 budget (Special) |
09-003 | 3/6/2009 | Amends § 10.08.030, animals (10.08) |
09-004 | 4/3/2009 | Amends § 7.04.070(b), business licenses (7.04) |
09-005 | 4/3/2009 | Amends §§ 6.07.010, 6.07.090(a)(4), 6.07.100(b)(1), 6.54.080(g), 7.06.040(b), 9.30.030, 9.30.360, 11.04.040(c), 11.96.030, 11.99.060(c)(4), 12.16.270(a), 16.32.090(c)(2), 16.32.160(b), 18.04.010(b)(1), 18.32.010(x), (z) and (aa), 18.32.060(a), 18.38.100, 18.40.030(a)(1), 18.40.090(b), 20.04.020, 20.04.050, 21.12.270(d)(1), 23.12.010, 23.29.050(j), 23.32.020(b), 23.74.110, 23.79.040(b) and 24.28.010; designates Ord. 07-025 as Ch. 6.54; renames §§ 6.08.120, 6.08.130, 7.04.240, 7.04.280 and 11.24.060; renumbers Ch. 6.085 to 6.07 and Chs. 24.01 through 24.18 to 24.04 through 24.72, errata ordinance (6.08, 6.54, 7.04, 9.30, 11.04, 11.24, 16.32, 18.04, 18.32, 18.38, 18.40, 20.04, 21.12, 23.12, 23.29, 23.79, 24.04, 24.08, 24.12, 24.16, 24.20, 24.24, 24.28, 24.32, 24.36, 24.40, 24.44, 24.48, 24.52, 24.56, 24.60, 24.64, 24.68, 24.72) |
09-006 | 3/20/2009 | Supersedes Ch. 11.97, floodplain management (11.97) |
09-007 | 5/15/2009 | Amends 2008 – 2009 budget (Special) |
09-008 | 6/19/2009 | Adds § 18.32.080, fire prevention (18.32) |
09-009 | 6/19/2009 | Agreement to lease the “Little House” in Jewell Park for renovation (Special) |
09-010 | 6/19/2009 | Amends 2008 – 2009 budget (Special) |
09-011 | 6/3/2009 | Classification plan (Special) |
09-012 | 6/3/2009 | Authorizes acquisition of open space easement (Special) |
09-013 | 6/3/2009 | Authorizes acquisition of open space easement (Special) |
09-014 | 6/3/2009 | Authorizes acquisition of open space easement (Special) |
09-015 | 6/3/2009 | Adopts 2009 – 2010 budget (Special) |
09-016 | 7/17/2009 | Approves operating agreement and lease between city and Museum Foundation of Pacific Grove, Inc. (Special) |
09-017 | 8/19/2009 | Amends § 16.40.575, commercial vehicle parking (16.40) |
09-018 | 10/2/2009 | Grants encroachment license (Special) |
09-019 | 10/2/2009 | Amends § 9.20.086, sewer reimbursement agreements (9.20) |
09-020 | 11/6/2009 | 2009 tax levy (Special) |
09-021 | 11/6/2009 | Easement agreements (Special) |
09-022 | 11/6/2009 | Amends § 16.56.065, parking restrictions (16.56) |
09-023 | 10/21/2009 | Grants encroachment license (Special) |
09-024 | 11/18/2010 | Amends 2009 – 2010 budget; ratifies expenditures in 2008 – 2009 (Special) |
09-025 | 1/15/2010 | Amends § 21.12.270, state video service franchises (21.12) |
10-001 | 2/5/2010 | Adds Ch. 7.40; amends § 23.64.350, transient uses (7.40, 23.64) |
10-002 | 2/5/2010 | Reinstates Ch. 4.08; repeals provisions of Ord. 08-024 that repeal Ch. 4.08, volunteer fire department association (4.08) |
10-003 | 1/6/2010 | Amends classifications and salary ranges (Special) |
10-004 | 1/20/2010 | Medical marijuana dispensary moratorium (Special) |
10-005 | 3/5/2010 | Adds §§ 3.02.055 and 3.04.090, Ch. 3.40 and § 18.04.045; amends §§ 4.20.260(d), 4.20.410(h), (i), (j) and (k), 18.04.040 and 18.04.041; changes “disaster council” to “office of emergency services”; repeals §§ 3.20.050, 3.20.060 and 4.20.420, boards, commissions and personnel (3.04, 3.40, 4.20, 18.04) |
10-006 | 3/19/2010 | Adds Ch. 6.18, intervened loans (6.18) |
10-007 | 5/7/2010 | Amends classifications and salary ranges (Special) |
10-008 | (Number not used) | |
10-009 | (Number not used) | |
10-010 | 5/21/2010 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 7.06, massage therapy and massage businesses or establishments (7.06) |
10-011 | 5/21/2010 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 7.16, taxicabs (7.16) |
10-012 | 6/4/2010 | Approves lease agreement for city property at 140 18th Street (Special) |
10-013 | 7/16/2010 | Adds § 6.06.055, uniform claims presentation (6.06) |
10-014 | 8/20/2010 | Amends Museum Foundation of Pacific Grove, Inc., partnership agreement and lease (Special) |
10-015 | 7/16/2010 | Amends 2009 – 2010 budget (Special) |
10-016 | 6/16/2010 | Adopts 2010 – 2011 budget (Special) |
10-017 | 7/16/2010 | Amends §§ 6.02.040 and 6.02.070, fee and service charge revenue/cost comparison system (6.02) |
10-018 | 8/20/2010 | Amends classifications and salary ranges (Special) |
10-019 | 7/21/2010 | Allows city council to set 2010 sewage collector system fee by resolution (Special) |
10-020 | 9/17/2010 | Repeals Ch. 4.16, surety bonds (Repealer) |
10-021 | 9/17/2010 | Adds Ch. 4.30, employee retirement benefit – sustain ability (4.30) |
10-022 | 10/1/2010 | Amends Museum Foundation of Pacific Grove, Inc., partnership agreement and lease (Special) |
10-023 | 9/1/2010 | Amends 2010 – 2011 budget (Special) |
10-024 | 10/1/2010 | Adds § 11.94.040(e), sound amplification (11.94) |
10-025 | 10/1/2010 | Amends § 9.20.100(a), sewage service charges (9.20) |
10-026 | 10/15/2010 | Adds Ch. 11.100, marijuana dispensaries (Repealed by 17-022) |
10-027 | 11/5/2010 | 2010 tax levy (Special) |
10-028 | 1/1/2011 | Adds Ch. 18.42, green building regulations (Repealed by 13-019) |
10-029 | 1/1/2011 | Amends §§ 18.04.010 and 18.32.010; repeals § 18.04.100, building and fire codes (18.04, 18.32) |
10-030 | 12/3/2010 | Amends 2009 – 2010 budget (Special) |
10-031 | 11/17/2010 | Amends part-time salary schedule (Special) |
10-032 | 12/31/2010 | Adds § 11.24.037; amends §§ 11.24.020, 11.24.030 and 11.24.035, smoking in public places (11.24) |
10-033 | 12/15/2010 | Amends 2010 – 2011 budget (Special) |
11-001 | 2/4/2011 | Adds Chs. 23.82, 23.84, 23.86 and 23.88 and § 24.04.035; amends §§ 20.04.040, 20.04.070, 20.04.100, 20.04.110, 23.32.020, 23.36.020, 23.40.020, 23.76.070, 23.76.080, 23.76.100, 23.76.120, 24.04.030, 24.08.010, 24.08.030, 24.08.050, 24.08.060, 24.08.070, 24.08.080 and 24.08.090; repeals and replaces Chs. 23.04, 23.70, 23.72, 23.73 and 23.74, land use permit procedures (20.04, 23.04, 23.70, 23.72, 23.73, 23.74, 23.76, 23.82, 23.84, 23.86, 23.88, 24.04, 24.05, 24.08) |
11-002 | 1/19/2011 | Approves amendment to lease agreement for the Grill at Lovers Point (Special) |
11-003 | 3/4/2011 | Amends part-time and temporary position classification and salary schedule (Special) |
11-004 | 2/2/2011 | Amends 2010 – 2011 budget (Special) |
11-005 | 5/6/2011 | Adds Ch. 11.101, abandoned property registration (11.101) |
11-006 | 4/6/2011 | Approves amendment to lease agreement for Old Bathhouse (Special) |
11-007 | 5/4/2011 | Amends Old Bath House lease (Special) |
11-008 | 5/18/2011 | Amends 2010 – 2011 budget (Special) |
11-009 | 6/15/2011 | Adds §§ 16.40.521 and 16.56.072, parking (Repealed by 12-019) |
11-010 | 6/15/2011 | Adopts 2011 – 2012 budget (Special) |
11-011 | 9/16/2011 | Adds §§ 11.04.005, 11.04.050 and 11.04.060; amends § 11.04.040, alcoholic beverages (11.04) |
11-012 | 10/7/2011 | Tax levy (Special) |
11-013 | 9/7/2011 | Amends 2010 – 2011 budget (Special) |
11-014 | 10/7/2011 | Amends §§ 10.04.010 and 10.04.030, dog licenses and vaccinations (10.04) |
11-015 | 10/21/2011 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 11.62, alarm systems (11.62) |
11-016 | 9/21/2011 | Amends § 7.04.150, business license fees (7.04) |
11-017 | 10/21/2011 | Amends part-time and temporary position classification and salary schedule (Special) |
11-018 | 11/2/2011 | Ratifies 2010 – 2011 budget expenditures (Special) |
11-019 | 12/16/2011 | Amends §§ 14.16.010, 14.16.050, 14.16.060, 14.16.070, 14.16.080, 14.16.090, 14.16.100, 14.16.110, 14.16.120, 14.16.140, 14.16.150, 14.16.160, 14.16.170, 14.16.190, 14.16.200, 14.16.210, 14.16.220, 14.16.230 and 14.16.235, El Carmelo Cemetery (14.16) |
11-020 | 12/16/2011 | Repeals §§ 4.20.060 – 4.20.230, 4.20.260, 4.20.290, 4.20.310, 4.20.340 – 4.20.400 and 4.20.430 – 4.20.730, personnel system, rules and regulations (Repealer) |
11-021 | 12/16/2011 | Amends § 16.08.010, traffic engineer (16.08) |
11-022 | 11/16/2011 | Temporary extension of hours at Pt. Pinos Grill (Special) |
11-023 | 12/7/2011 | Amends 2011 – 2012 budget (Special) |
11-024 | 1/6/2012 | Temporary extension of hours at Pt. Pinos Grill (Special) |
12-001 | 1/18/2012 | Amends 2011 – 2012 budget (Special) |
12-002 | 1/1/2012 | Amends classifications and salary ranges (Special) |
12-003 | 3/16/2012 | Adds §§ 23.08.079, 23.08.121, 23.08.122, 23.08.123, 23.08.131, 23.08.161, 23.16.041, 23.20.051, 23.24.051, 23.26.051, 23.57.051 and 23.64.119; amends §§ 23.08.078, 23.16.040, 23.16.050, 23.16.110, 23.20.050, 23.20.060, 23.24.050, 23.26.050, 23.26.060, 23.30.040, 23.32.030, 23.56.015, 23.57.050, 23.64.130 and 23.64.135; renumbers existing § 23.08.131 to § 23.08.132, zoning (23.16, 23.20, 23.24, 23.26, 23.30, 23.56, 23.57, 23.64) |
12-004 | 3/16/2012 | Repeals § 3.02.055, nonvoting library board members (Repealer) |
12-005 | 3/16/2012 | Adds § 23.08.242; amends §§ 23.64.180, 23.70.012, 23.70.015, 23.70.020, 23.70.030, 23.70.040, 23.70.060, 23.86.020 and 23.86.040, zoning (23.64, 23.70, 23.86) |
12-006 | 4/4/2012 | Amends 2011 – 2012 budget (Special) |
12-007 | 5/15/2012 | Amends 2011 – 2012 master fee schedule (Special) |
12-008 | 5/2/2012 | Amends classifications and salary schedule (Special) |
12-009 | 5/23/2012 | Adopts 2012 – 2013 budget (Special) |
12-010 | 7/20/2012 | 2012 tax levy (Special) |
12-011 | 8/17/2012 | Approves rental agreement for city property located at 140 18th Street (Special) |
12-012 | 8/17/2012 | Approves school district license for use of 835 Forest Ave. (Special) |
12-013 | 8/15/2012 | Amends classifications and salary schedule (Special) |
12-014 | 9/14/2012 | Amends § 6.54.070, per room-night fee assessment (6.54) |
12-015 | 9/5/2012 | Amends 2012 – 2013 budget (Special) |
12-016 | 11/2/2012 | Amends §§ 11.10.030 and 11.10.040, garage sale permits (11.10) |
12-017 | 11/16/2012 | Adds Chs. 12.10, 12.20, 12.30, 12.40, 12.50, 12.60 and 12.70; repeals Ch. 12.16, trees and the urban forest (12.10, 12.20, 12.30, 12.40, 12.50, 12.60, 12.70) |
12-018 | 11/7/2012 | Amends 2012 – 2013 budget (Special) |
12-019 | 12/7/2012 | Adds §§ 16.40.521 and 16.56.072; repeals Ord. 11-009, two-hour parking (16.40, 16.56) |
12-020 | 12/7/2012 | Establishes moratorium on the residential use of accessory units in R-1 districts (Special) |
12-021 | 1/4/2013 | Amends Ch. 16.41, residential parking permit areas (16.41) |
13-001 | 1/2/2013 | Amends 2011 – 2012 budget (Special) |
13-002 | 1/2/2013 | Amends classifications and salary schedule (Special) |
13-003 | 3/22/2013 | Rezones property and adds § 15.16.045, Ch. 23.31 and § 23.64.134; amends zoning map, Forest Hill specific plan and §§ 6.54.040, 11.04.020, 16.04.160, 16.44.060, 18.21.010, 18.40.040, 20.04.020, 20.04.050, 20.04.070, 23.12.010, 23.64.035, 23.64.060, 23.64.065, 23.64.185, 23.64.190, 23.68.010, 23.70.020, 23.70.030, 23.70.080, 23.82.010 and 23.82.050; repeals and replaces Ch. 23.08 and § 23.64.290; repeals Res. 6499, Chs. 23.32, 23.33, 23.36, 23.40 and 23.58 and § 23.64.030, zoning (6.54, 11.04, 16.04, 16.44, 18.21, 18.40, 20.04, 23.08, 23.12, 23.31, 23.64, 23.68, 23.70, 23.82) |
13-005 | 4/5/2013 | Adds § 23.64.360; amends §§ 23.70.012, 23.70.030 and 23.86.030, secondary dwelling units (23.70, 23.86) |
13-006 | 3/6/2013 | Amends 2012 – 2013 budget (Special) |
13-007 | 5/1/2013 | Adopts 2013 – 2014 budget (Special) |
13-008 | 5/31/2013 | Adds § 23.64.067; amends § 23.08.020, integral group quarters facilities (23.08, 23.64) |
13-009 | 5/15/2013 | Amends 2013 – 2014 budget (Special) |
13-010 | 7/19/2013 | Amends § 2.40.030, conflict of interest disclosure (Repealed by 18-011) |
13-011 | 7/17/2013 | Amends classifications and salary schedule (Special) |
13-012 | 8/16/2013 | 2013 tax levy (Special) |
13-013 | 9/6/2013 | Amends Chs. 12.10, 12.20, 12.30, 12.40, 12.50, 12.60 and 12.70, trees and the urban forest (12.10, 12.20, 12.30, 12.40, 12.50, 12.60, 12.70) |
13-014 | 9/20/2013 | Amends § 4.14.040, police reserve duty and training hours (4.14) |
13-015 | 9/20/2013 | Amends title of Ch. 18.36 and §§ 18.36.030 and 18.36.040, motor vehicles, mobile homes, and mobile home parks (18.36) |
13-016 | 9/4/2013 | Amends lease agreement for Old Bathhouse (Special) |
13-017 | 10/16/2013 | Amends 2013 – 2014 budget (Special) |
13-018 | 12/6/2013 | Amends Ch. 14.04, marine refuge (14.04) |
13-019 | 1/1/2014 | Amends §§ 18.04.010 and 18.32.010; repeals Ch. 18.42, building and fire codes (18.04, 18.32) |
13-020 | 12/6/2013 | Amends Ch. 3.24, beautification and natural resources commission (3.24) |
13-021 | 11/6/2013 | Amends Ch. 16.40 for 2013 – 2014 holiday season, stopping, standing and parking (Expired) |
13-022 | 11/20/2013 | Amends 2012 – 2013 budget (Special) |
13-023 | 12/20/2013 | Adds Ch. 20.05; amends §§ 11.32.010, 20.04.020, 20.04.040, 20.04.050, 20.04.070, 20.04.150, 23.70.020, 23.70.030, 23.70.060 and 23.70.080, signs (11.32, 20.04, 20.05, 23.70) |
13-024 | 12/18/2013 | Amends 2013 – 2014 budget (Special) |
14-001 | 3/6/2014 | Amends § 9.30.130, requirement to prevent, control and reduce storm water pollutants (9.30) |
14-002 | 3/7/2014 | Amends §§ 16.56.060, 16.56.065, 16.56.070, 16.56.071 and 16.56.072, parking time limits (16.56) |
14-003 | 3/5/2014 | Amends classifications and salary schedule (Special) |
14-004 | 3/5/2014 | Approves lease of property to Pacific Grove Golf, LLC (Special) |
14-005 | 4/18/2014 | Amends §§ 2.16.080, 2.16.090, 2.16.160, title of Ch. 2.16, Art. III, §§ 2.16.220, 2.16.320 and 2.16.420, purchasing system and procedures (2.16) |
14-006 | 6/6/2014 | Amends contract with California Public Employees’ Retirement System (Not codified) |
14-007 | 6/20/14 | Amends Museum Foundation of Pacific Grove partnership agreement and lease (Special) |
14-008 | 5/21/14 | Adopts 2014 – 2015 budget (Special) |
14-009 | 8/15/14 | 2014 tax levy (Special) |
14-010 | 7/16/14 | Amends 2013 – 2014 budget (Special) |
14-011 | 7/16/14 | Amends classifications and salary schedule (Special) |
14-012 | 7/16/14 | Amends Keystone America lease and operation agreement (Special) |
14-013 | 9/19/14 | Adds § 23.80.060(m)(4), occupancy of second units (Repealed by 20-007) |
14-014 | 8/20/14 | Amends classifications and salary schedule (Special) |
14-015 | 8/20/14 | Adds Ch. 11.98, reduction of single-use plastic and paper carryout bags (11.98) |
14-016 | 9/19/14 | Amends and renumbers § 21.12.270 as 21.12.010; renumbers §§ 21.12.140, 21.12.180, 21.12.190, 21.12.200, 21.12.210 and 21.12.230 as §§ 21.12.020, 21.12.030, 21.12.040, 21.12.050, 21.12.060 and 21.12.070, respectively; repeals former §§ 21.12.010, 21.12.020, 21.12.030, 21.12.040, 21.12.050, 21.12.060, 21.12.070, 21.12.080, 21.12.090, 21.12.100, 21.12.110, 21.12.120, 21.12.130, 21.12.150, 21.12.160, 21.12.170, 21.12.220, 21.12.240, 21.12.250 and 21.12.260, cable communication franchise procedures (21.12) |
14-017 | 10/3/14 | Adds § 7.04.045; amends §§ 7.04.010, 7.04.030, 7.04.040, 7.04.050, 7.04.060, 7.04.070, 7.04.110, 7.04.130, 7.04.140, 7.04.160, 7.04.170, 7.04.210, 7.04.240, 7.04.250, 7.04.260, 7.04.270 and 7.04.280, business license tax (7.04) |
14-018 | 10/1/14 | Approves lease of property to Pacific Grove Golf, LLC (Special) |
14-019 | 9/17/14 | Amends 2014 – 2015 budget (Special) |
14-020 | 10/17/14 | Amends Ch. 3.40, economic development commission (3.40) |
14-021 | 10/31/14 | Adds Ch. 3.42; repeals Res. 10-038, golf links advisory commission (Repealed by 21-024) |
14-022 | 11/14/14 | Accepts quitclaim deed from the Pebble Beach Company (Special) |
14-023 | 11/19/14 | Amends classifications and salary schedule (Special) |
14-024 | 12/19/14 | Amends §§ 3.20.070 and 3.20.080, emergency services (3.20) |
14-025 | 12/3/14 | Temporarily allows increase of parking time limits (Expired) |
15-001 | 2/20/15 | Temporarily enacts safe sleeping pilot program (Not codified) |
15-002 | 2/20/15 | Temporarily amends § 15.16.045, sidewalk seating and dining (Not codified) |
15-003 | 3/1/15 | Approves lease of community center office to Lighthouse Fellowship of Pacific Grove (Special) |
15-004 | 3/4/15 | Authorizes design-build procurement process for local water project (Special) |
15-005 | 4/3/15 | Repeals and replaces § 15.16.040, sidewalks (15.16) |
15-006 | 4/3/15 | Amends §§ 3.02.070 and 3.04.080, boards and commissions (3.02, 3.04) |
15-007 | 4/3/15 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 9.16, solid waste (9.16) |
15-008 | 4/1/15 | Amends 2014 – 2015 budget (Special) |
15-009 | 4/1/15 | Temporarily extends Ord. 14-025, increase of parking time limits (Special) |
15-010 | 4/15/15 | Moratorium on establishment and operation of new incompatible use types in downtown commercial zone (Special) |
15-011 | 6/5/15 | Accepts easement grant (Special) |
15-012 | 6/5/15 | 2015 tax levy (Special) |
15-013 | 7/17/15 | |
15-014 | 6/17/15 | Adopts 2015 – 2016 budget (Special) |
15-015 | 9/4/15 | Adds Ch. 18.45, residential rooftop solar systems (18.45) |
15-016 | 8/5/15 | Moratorium on first-time license applications for transient use of residential property (Special) |
15-017 | 10/16/15 | Amends § 14.16.160, placement and removal of objects at burial sites in El Carmelo Cemetery (14.16) |
15-018 | 1/4/16 | Adds § 16.40.700; amends § 16.40.010, downtown parking limits (16.40) |
15-019 | 11/20/15 | Adds Ch. 23.32, C-1-T zone condominiums (23.32) |
15-020 | 1/15/16 | Amends classifications and salary schedule (Special) |
15-021 | 11/18/15 | Amends 2015 – 2016 budget (Special) |
15-022 | 11/18/15 | Amends 2015 – 2016 budget (Special) |
16-001 | 1/20/16 | Amends §§ 11.100.010, 11.100.040 and 11.100.060, marijuana dispensaries (Repealed by 17-022) |
16-002 | 2/3/16 | Amends 2015 – 2016 budget (Special) |
16-003 | 2/17/16 | Amends §§ 16.52.010 and 16.52.020, speed zones (16.52) |
16-004 | 2/17/16 | Amends § 15.16.045, sidewalk seating and dining (Repealed by 23-004) |
16-005 | 4/6/16 | Adds §§ 23.24.020(f), 23.28.020(k) and Ch. 23.81; amends §§ 23.08.020 and 23.31.030 and Ch. 23.79, zoning (23.08, 23.24, 23.28, 23.31, 23.79, 23.81) |
16-006 | 4/6/16 | Adds § 23.64.370, home sharing (23.64) |
16-007 | 4/6/16 | Amends Ch. 7.40 and § 23.64.350, transient use license (7.40, 23.64) |
16-008 | 5/18/16 | Adds § 18.36.050, temporarily sleeping in a parked vehicle (18.36) |
16-009 | 5/18/16 | 2016 tax levy (Special) |
16-009A | 5/18/16 | Adds § 23.31.025, American Tin Cannery zoning (23.31) |
16-010 | 6/15/16 | Adopts 2016 – 2017 budget (Special) |
16-011 | 8/3/16 | Amends classifications and salary schedule (Special) |
16-012 | 9/7/16 | Adds § 11.96.040, construction noise time limits (11.96) |
16-013 | 9/21/16 | Amends §§ 2.40.010 and 2.40.030(a) and (b); rescinds Resos. 08-028 and 13-010, conflict of interest (2.40) |
16-014 | 10/5/16 | Amends § 6.06.055 and council policy 000-7, uniform claims presentation (6.06) |
16-015 | 10/5/16 | Amends 2016 – 2017 budget (Special) |
16-016 | 10/5/16 | Amends 2016 – 2017 budget and makes staffing changes (Special) |
16-017 | 10/19/16 | Amends § 18.04.010, building codes (18.04) |
16-018 | 10/19/16 | Amends classifications and salary schedule (Special) |
16-019 | 11/16/16 | Amends lease agreement with Pacific Grove Golf, LLC (Special) |
16-020 | 1/6/17 | Amends Ch. 2.30, campaign finance regulations (2.30) |
16-021 | 1/6/17 | Amends contract with California Public Employees’ Retirement System (Not codified) |
16-022 | 1/6/17 | Amends § 23.74.040, call-up authority and time limits (23.74) |
16-023 | 1/20/17 | Adds Ch. 1.18; amends § 1.16.010, motor vehicle parking violation enforcement (1.16, 1.18) |
17-001 | 1/18/17 | Amends classifications and salary schedule (Special) |
17-002 | 1/18/17 | Amends 2016 – 2017 budget (Special) |
17-003 | 4/14/17 | Amends classifications and salary schedule (Special) |
17-004 | 5/5/17 | Approves lease agreement (Special) |
17-005 | 5/5/17 | Amends contract with California Public Employees’ Retirement System (Not codified) |
17-006 | 4/19/17 | Amends classifications and salary schedule (Special) |
17-007 | 6/2/17 | Implementation of community choice aggregation program (Not codified) |
17-008 | 6/16/17 | Amends § 15.16.045, sidewalk seating and dining (Repealed by 23-004) |
17-009 | 7/7/17 | Amends § 23.31.040, commercial and industrial zoning districts development standards (23.31) |
17-010 | 7/7/17 | Amends § 10.04.190, Chs. 10.08, 10.10 and § 14.08.030, animals and dogs (10.04, 10.08, 10.10) |
17-011 | 6/21/17 | Adopts 2017 – 2018 budget (Special) |
17-012 | 6/21/17 | Amends classifications and salary schedule (Special) |
17-013 | 8/4/17 | Amends Ch. 23.80; repeals § 23.64.360, accessory dwelling units (Repealed by 20-007) |
17-014 | 8/4/17 | Amends classification and salary schedule (Special) |
17-015 | 10/6/17 | Adds Ch. 18.46, vehicle charging stations (18.46) |
17-016 | 10/6/17 | Amends contract with California Public Employees’ Retirement System (Not codified) |
17-017 | 9/6/17 | Amends classifications and salary schedule (Special) |
17-018 | 9/20/17 | Amends classifications and salary schedule (Special) |
17-019 | 10/4/17 | Amends 2017 – 2018 budget (Special) |
17-020 | 11/17/17 | Amends §§ 1.19.260, 1.19.270, 1.19.280 and 1.19.290, property liens and special assessments (1.19) |
17-021 | 11/17/17 | Amends §§ 16.40.045 and 18.36.040, overnight parking of trailers and oversize vehicles (16.40) |
17-022 | 12/15/17 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 11.100, cannabis (11.100) |
17-023 | 2/1/18 | Amends §§ 23.70.012, 23.70.030, 23.70.060, 23.70.070 and Ch. 23.76, community development permit review authorities and procedures, historic preservation (23.70, 23.76) |
17-024 | 1/19/18 | Amends Ch. 7.40, short-term rental license (7.40) |
17-025 | 1/19/18 | Amends Ch. 11.72, aircraft landings (11.72) |
17-026 | 12/20/17 | Amends classification and salary schedule (Special) |
18-001 | 3/9/18 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 11.64, newsracks (11.64) |
18-002 | 3/9/18 | Amends contract with California Public Employees’ Retirement System (Not codified) |
18-003 | 3/9/18 | Amends classification and salary schedule (Special) |
18-004 | 3/23/18 | Amends classification and salary schedule (Special) |
18-005 | 3/23/18 | Amends Ch. 7.40, short-term rental license (7.40) |
18-006 | 3/21/18 | Amends 2017 – 2018 budget (Special) |
18-007 | 5/4/18 | Amends §§ 15.16.020, 15.16.030 and 18.04.055, sidewalks (15.16, 18.04) |
18-008 | 6/6/18 | Amends 2017 – 2018 budget (Special) |
18-009 | 6/6/18 | Amends classification and salary schedule (Special) |
18-010 | 9/5/18 | Amends § 16.56.100, truck routes (16.56) |
18-011 | 11/2/18 | Repeals and replaces § 2.40.030, conflict of interest disclosure (Repealed by 20-020) |
18-012 | 11/2/18 | Amends classification and salary schedule (Special) |
18-013 | 12/7/18 | Amends §§ 16.08.030, 16.08.040 and 23.70.060, traffic safety commission and architectural review board (16.08, 23.70) |
18-014 | 11/7/18 | Amends 2018 – 2019 budget (Special) |
18-015 | 12/28/18 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 11.68, water distribution regulations (11.68) |
18-016 | 12/28/18 | Amends classification and salary schedule (Special) |
18-017 | 12/5/18 | Amends §§ 6.09.010 and 6.09.020, uniform transient occupancy tax (6.09) |
18-018 | 12/5/18 | Amends general plan and § 23.64.350, transient use of residential property for remuneration (23.64) |
18-019 | 1/18/19 | Adds Ch. 15.26, telecommunications facilities in public rights-of-way (15.26) |
18-020 | 1/18/19 | Amends classification and salary schedule (Special) |
19-001 | 2/8/19 | Repeals and replaces § 18.36.040, sleeping in motor vehicles overnight (18.36) |
19-002 | 3/8/19 | Adds Ch. 15.30; amends § 15.16.030, utility encroachments in public rights-of-way (15.16, 15.30) |
19-003 | 3/8/19 | Amends classification and salary schedule (Special) |
19-004 | 2/20/19 | Amends 2018 – 2019 budget (Special) |
19-005 | 5/31/19 | Amends §§ 3.40.010, 3.40.020 and 3.40.030, economic development commission (3.40) |
19-006 | 7/6/19 | Amends Ch. 11.68, water distribution regulations (11.68) |
19-007 | 6/19/19 | Adopts 2019 – 2020 budget (Special) |
19-008 | 7/3/19 | Amends 2019 – 2020 budget (Special) |
19-009 | 7/26/19 | Amends classification and salary schedule (Special) |
19-010 | 9/6/19 | Amends zoning map (Special) |
19-011 | 9/6/19 | Amends classification and salary schedule (Special) |
19-012 | 1/1/20 | Amends § 18.04.010, building codes (18.04) |
19-013 | 10/18/19 | Amends § 3.42.020, golf links advisory commission (Repealed by 21-024) |
19-014 | 10/18/19 | Adds Chs. 24.05 and 24.06; amends §§ 23.70.012, 23.70.050, Chs. 24.04, 24.08, 24.12, 24.16 and 24.32, subdivisions (23.70, 24.04, 24.05, 24.06, 24.08, 24.12, 24.16, 24.32) |
19-015 | 10/30/19 | Amends 2019 – 2020 budget (Special) |
19-016 | 12/6/19 | Amends Ch. 11.98; repeals Ch. 11.99, reduction of single-use plastics (11.98) |
19-017 | 12/29/19 | Amends classification and salary schedule (Special) |
19-018 | 12/29/19 | Amends classification and salary schedule (Special) |
19-019 | 1/17/20 | Amends Ch. 11.24, smoking (11.24) |
20-001 | 2/14/20 | Adds § 23.64.063; amends §§ 23.08.020, 23.31.030, 23.64.060, 23.64.120, 23.70.015, 23.70.030, 23.70.080, 23.72.050, 23.73.020, 23.73.050, 23.74.020 and 23.74.030, wireless telecommunications facilities (23.08, 23.31, 23.64, 23.70, 23.72, 23.73, 23.74) |
20-002 | 2/14/20 | Adds Ch. 11.26, tobacco retailer license (11.26) |
20-003 | 2/19/20 | Adds Ch. 3.44, museum board (3.44) |
20-004 | 2/19/20 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 14.08, parks (14.08) |
20-005 | 3/1/21 | Amends Ch. 11.96, unlawful noises (11.96) |
20-006 | 3/18/20 | Amends 2019 – 2020 budget (Special) |
20-007 | 3/18/20 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 23.80, accessory dwelling units (23.80) |
20-008 | 3/18/20 | Amends zoning map (Special) |
20-009 | 3/18/20 | Amends classification and salary schedule (Special) |
20-010 | 3/18/20 | Library director salary (Special) |
20-011 | 4/1/20 | Moratorium on evictions (Special) |
20-012 | 4/15/20 | Amends 2019 – 2020 budget (Special) |
20-013 | 5/17/20 | Amends classification and salary schedule (Special) |
20-014 | 6/5/20 | Rezone; repeals § 23.16.090, zoning (Repealer) |
20-015 | 6/5/20 | Adds Ch. 2.50, electronic records and electronic signatures (2.50) |
20-016 | 6/19/20 | Amends §§ 23.24.010, 23.24.020, 23.24.030, 23.24.040, 23.28.010 and 23.28.020, zoning (23.24, 23.28) |
20-017 | 6/24/20 | Adopts 2020 – 2021 budget; amends 2019 – 2020 budget (Special) |
20-018 | 8/5/20 | Urgency ordinance; face mask enforcement (Not codified) |
20-019 | 9/4/20 | Approves concession lease (Special) |
20-020 | 10/2/20 | Repeals and replaces § 2.40.030, conflict of interest disclosure (Repealed by 22-013) |
20-021 | 9/16/20 | Amends classification and salary schedule (Special) |
20-022 | 10/16/20 | Amends Ch. 11.100, cannabis (11.100) |
20-023 | 10/7/20 | Adds Ch. 23.90, local coastal program implementation plan (23.90) |
20-024 | 11/20/20 | Approves concession lease (Special) |
20-025 | 11/4/20 | Amends 2020 – 2021 budget (Special) |
20-026 | 2/7/21 | Amends classification and salary schedule (Special) |
20-027 | 12/3/20 | Amends §§ 7.40.030, 7.40.100, 7.40.140 and 7.40.190, short-term rental advertising (7.40) |
20-028 | 12/3/20 | Amends § 16.56.072, two-hour parking schedule (16.56) |
20-029 | 12/27/20 | Amends classification and salary schedule (Special) |
20-030 | 1/15/21 | Adds Ch. 2.60, campaign disclosure statements, electronic filing (2.60) |
21-001 | 1/20/21 | Amends 2020 – 2021 budget (Special) |
21-002 | 2/19/21 | Amends § 6.07.050, transactions and use tax (Repealed by 21-032) |
21-003 | 2/19/21 | Amends Ch. 11.100, cannabis (11.100) |
21-004 | 1/20/21 | Establishes temporary cap on charges by third-party food delivery firms (Special) |
21-005 | 1/21/21 | Amends 2020-2021 budget (Special) |
21-006 | 3/17/21 | Amends 2020-2021 budget (Special) |
21-007 | 4/7/21 | Adopts Ch. 3.46, task force on diversity, equity, and inclusion (3.46) |
21-008 | 4/7/21 | Amends §§ 23.08.020, 23.26.090 and 23.64.190, parking (23.08, 23.26, 23.64) |
21-009 | 4/21/21 | Temporary outdoor dining rules (Not codified) |
21-010 | 6/4/21 | Adds § 2.04.090, ex parte communications (2.04) |
21-011 | 5/5/21 | Amends 2020-2021 budget (Special) |
21-012 | 5/5/21 | Amends 2020-2021 budget (Special) |
21-013 | 6/4/21 | Temporary outdoor dining rules (Expired) |
21-014 | 6/18/21 | Grants utility easement (Special) |
21-015 | 6/18/21 | Adds Ch. 2.05, mayor (2.05) |
21-016 | 8/12/21 | Amends § 23.90.180(c)(4), height and site coverage at the American Tin Cannery site (23.90) |
21-017 | 6/16/21 | Adopts 2021-2022 budget; amends 2020-2021 budget (Special) |
21-018 | 7/11/21 | Amends classification and salary schedule (Special) |
21-019 | 9/3/21 | Amends § 2.16.160, open market purchases (2.16) |
21-020 | 9/5/21 | Amends city manager salary and benefits (Special) |
21-021 | 9/3/21 | Amends § 23.70.060(a) and (b), architectural review board (23.70) |
21-022 | 9/17/21 | Moratorium on receipt of community development applications for projects not able to obtain water permits (Special) |
21-023 | 10/1/21 | Amends § 11.68.040, entitlement water (11.68) |
21-024 | 10/15/21 | Repeals Ch. 3.42, golf links advisory commission (Repealer) |
21-025 | 10/15/21 | Amends § 2.04.050, agenda and consideration of unlisted matters (2.04) |
21-026 | 10/20/21 | Amends 2021-2022 budget (Special) |
21-027 | 11/3/21 | Amends 2021-2022 budget (Special) |
21-028 | 11/3/21 | Amends 2021-2022 budget (Special) |
21-029 | 12/12/21 | Amends classification and salary schedule (Special) |
21-030 | 12/3/21 | Amends § 2.16.100, local preference for purchasing (2.16) |
21-031 | 1/1/22 | Adds Ch. 9.17, reduction of short-lived climate pollutants (9.17) |
21-032 | 4/12/22 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 6.07, general transactions and use tax (6.07) |
21-033 | 12/15/21 | Amends classification and salary schedule (Special) |
21-034 | 12/15/21 | Amends classification and salary schedule (Special) |
21-035 | 12/15/21 | Amends 2021-2022 budget (Special) |
22-001 | 1/19/22 | Amends classification and salary schedule (Special) |
22-002 | 3/18/22 | Amends Ch. 23.80, accessory dwelling units (23.80) |
22-003 | 5/20/22 | Adds Ch. 11.45, military equipment (11.45) |
22-004 | 4/20/22 | Amends 2021-2022 budget (Special) |
22-005 | 5/20/22 | Amends §§ 11.68.015 and 23.73.050(b), (c) and (d), time limits and extensions (11.68, 23.73) |
22-006 | 7/1/22 | Temporary outdoor dining rules (Not codified) |
22-007 | 7/1/22 | Amends §§ 14.08.030(a) and (b), dogs in public parks (14.08) |
22-008 | 7/15/22 | Adds § 16.40.710, parking in designated electric charging parking spaces (16.40) |
22-009 | 7/10/22 | Amends classification and salary schedule (Special) |
22-010 | 6/15/22 | Adopts 2022-2023 budget; amends 2021-2022 budget (Special) |
22-011 | 7/24/22 | Amends classification and salary schedule (Special) |
22-012 | 8/3/22 | Amends 2022-2023 budget (Special) |
22-013 | 10/7/22 | Repeals and replaces § 2.40.030, conflict of interest disclosure (2.40) |
22-014 | 10/5/22 | Amends classification and salary schedule (Special) |
22-015 | 10/5/22 | Amends 2022-2023 budget (Special) |
22-016 | 12/2/22 | Amends § 18.36.050, safe parking program (18.36) |
22-017 | 12/2/22 | Amends §§ 2.05.010, 2.16.160, 2.16.220 and 6.20.040, mayoral authority (2.05, 2.16, 6.20) |
22-018 | 12/2/22 | Adds §§ 14.04.035 and 14.04.090, harbor seal pupping season (14.04) |
22-019 | 1/1/23 | Amends §§ 18.04.010 and 18.32.010; repeals §§ 18.04.095, 18.32.040 and 18.32.060, building codes (18.04, 18.32) |
22-020 | 1/1/23 | Amends classification and salary schedule (Special) |
22-021 | 12/7/22 | Amends 2022-2023 budget (Special) |
22-022 | 12/17/22 | Adds Ch. 7.14, cannabis business tax (7.14) |
23-001 | 3/17/23 | Amends § 2.04.050(d), public comment (2.04) |
23-002 | 3/31/23 | Adds § 2.05.050, mayor pro tempore (2.05) |
23-003 | 3/15/23 | Amends 2022-2023 budget (Special) |
23-004 | 5/12/23 | Amends Title 15, streets and sidewalks (15.01, 15.08, 15.16, 15.20, 15.24, 15.26, 15.28, 15.29, 15.30, 15.40) |
23-005 | 4/19/23 | Amends classification and salary schedule (Special) |
23-006 | 5/10/23 | Amends 2022-2023 budget (Special) |
23-007 | 6/21/23 | Adopts 2023-2024 budget; amends 2022-2023 budget (Special) |
23-008 | 7/9/23 | Amends classification and salary schedule (Special) |
23-009 | 8/4/23 | Adds § 2.04.100, policy creation, amendment, or deletion (2.04) |
23-010 | 7/9/23 | Amends classification and salary schedule (Special) |
23-011 | 9/15/23 | Amends Ch. 23.80, accessory dwelling units (23.80) |
23-012 | 10/4/23 | Amends classification and salary schedule (Special) |
23-013 | 8/20/23 | Amends classification and salary schedule (Special) |
23-014 | 10/18/23 | Amends 2023-2024 budget (Special) |
23-015 | 8/20/23 | Amends classification and salary schedule (Special) |
23-016 | 12/6/23 | Amends 2023-2024 budget (Special) |
23-017 | 1/5/24 | Adds Ch. 23.92, cannabis businesses (23.92) |
23-018 | 1/5/24 | Amends Ch. 11.100, cannabis (11.100) |
23-019 | 12/24/23 | Amends classification and salary schedule (Special) |
24-001 | 4/5/24 | Amends § 23.76.021(a), historic resources committee (23.76) |
24-002 | 3/6/24 | Amends 2023-2024 budget (Special) |
24-003 | 4/5/24 | Repeals and replaces § 2.06.020, city manager removal (2.06) |
24-004 | 4/19/24 | Amends § 2.04.050(a), council agenda (2.04) |
24-005 | 5/3/24 | Adds § 2.04.110, council inquiry (2.04) |
24-006 | 8/20/23 | Amends classification and salary schedule (Special) |
24-007 | 5/15/24 | Amends 2023-2024 budget (Special) |
24-008 | 5/15/24 | Amends classification and salary schedule (Special) |
24-009 | 6/19/24 | Adopts 2024-2025 budget; amends 2023-2024 budget (Special) |
24-010 | 7/7/24 | Amends classification and salary schedule (Special) |
24-011 | 9/6/24 | Approves lease agreement (Special) |
24-012 | 9/20/24 | Amends § 2.06.010(a), city manager residence requirement (2.06) |
24-013 | 9/1/24 | Approves lease agreement (Special) |
24-014 | 7/7/24 | Amends classification and salary schedule (Special) |
24-015 | 10/2/24 | Amends 2024-2025 operating and capital projects budget (Special) |
24-016 | 11/15/24 | Adds § 7.40.195, enforcement of infractions posing a threat to public health or safety (7.40) |
24-017 | 11/15/24 | Right-of-way vacation (Special) |
Editor’s Note: § 1 of Ord. 686 N.S. was not originally codified; it was added as § 4.20.255 by authority of Ord. 1220 N.S.
See § 3 of this ordinance for specific conditions of effective date.
Note: Actual effective date is that date upon which the assignee furnishes the city clerk with written notice of completion of the merger described in the ordinance.
Effective date of rate changes.
Ordinances Pending Codification
The following ordinances have not been codified yet. Click on the ordinance number to view the changes.
Ord. | Eff. Date | Description and Disposition |
11/24/24 | Amends classification and salary schedule (Special) | |
12/21/24 | Adds §§ 23.45.015, 23.45.025 and 24.35.035; amends § 23.45.050, timeshare projects (23.45) |