5 | (Repealed) |
6 | Planning agency (4.10) |
7 | Building code (15.04) |
8 | General penalty (1.16) |
9 | Review of final action (1.20) |
18 | City officers (2.08) |
19 | Permits (5.16) |
24 | City officers (2.08) |
25 | Business licenses (5.04) |
29 | Violations bureau (10.14) |
31 | Right-of-way work permits (12.04) |
83-3 | Sales and use tax (3.20) |
83-5 | Speed limits (10.08) |
83-10 | Claims fund (3.04) |
83-20 | Petty cash and change revolving fund (3.12) |
83-21 | Payroll fund (3.08) |
83-30 | Speed limits (10.08) |
84-2 | Parking regulations (10.12) |
84-3 | Traffic regulations (10.04) |
84-4 | Minors (Repealed by 2005-616) |
84-6 | Minors (Repealed by 2005-616) |
84-7 | |
84-8 | Parking regulations (10.12) |
84-9 | Parking regulations (10.12) |
84-11 | Golf carts (10.20) |
84-13 | Advance travel revolving fund (Repealed by 2009-703) |
84-15 | Animal control (6.02) |
84-16 | Animal control (6.02) |
84-17 | Fireworks (5.12) |
84-18 | Local improvement district guaranty fund (3.24) |
84-23 | Planning agency (4.10) |
84-24 | Design review board (4.18) |
84-25 | Environmental policy (18.04) |
84-30 | Municipal art fund (3.28) |
84-31 | Traffic regulations (10.04) |
84-32 | Capital improvements and facilities fund No. 316 (3.36) |
84-33 | Library construction fund (3.32) |
84-36 | Speed limits (10.08) |
84-38 | Traffic regulations (10.04) |
85-2 | City operations (2.04) |
85-3 | Public area use permits (12.08) |
85-75 | Building code (15.04) |
85-76 | Cabaret dances (5.18) |
85-77 | Building code (15.04) |
85-78 | Code adoption (1.01) |
85-79 | General penalty; minors (1.16) |
85-80 | Traffic regulations (10.04) |
85-82 | Outdoor burning (15.06) |
85-84 | Fire hydrants (15.08) |
85-87 | Sales and use tax (3.20) |
85-90 | Grading, excavation and land filling (15.12) |
85-91 | Surface water management program (Repealed by 2000-498) |
85-93 | Sales and use tax (3.20) |
85-97 | Fireworks (5.12) |
85-100 | General penalty (1.16) |
85-101 | City officers (2.08) |
85-102 | Solid waste collection and disposal (8.04) |
85-109 | City officers (2.08) |
85-110 | Weapons (9.12) |
85-113 | Board of appeals/adjustment (Repealed by 2018-830) |
86-119 | |
86-123 | Animal control (6.02) |
86-124 | False alarms (9.04) |
86-126 | Animal control (6.02) |
86-127 | Malt liquor by the keg (Repealed by 2005-616) |
86-128 | Fireworks (5.12) |
86-130 | Street assessment reimbursement agreements (12.10) |
86-133 | Zoning regulations (17.42) |
86-134 | Zoning regulations (17.26) |
86-139 | Building code (15.04) |
86-142 | Surface water management program; subdivisions and plats; zoning regulations (16.12, 17.04, 17.18, 17.20) |
86-146 | Buildings and construction performance standards; zoning regulations (15.16, 17.24) |
86-147 | Library board (Repealed by 2014-788) |
87-151 | Traffic regulations (10.04) |
87-152 | City operations (2.04) |
87-153 | Planning agency (4.10) |
87-154 | Building code (15.04) |
87-158 | Park and recreation board (4.26) |
87-159 | Public safety department (2.10) |
87-162 | Civil service commission (4.06) |
88-170 | Public safety department; civil service commission (2.10, 4.06) |
88-173 | Public safety department (2.10) |
88-175 | Library board (Repealed by 2014-788) |
88-178 | Animal control (6.02) |
88-181 | Special investigation fund (3.38) |
88-184 | Park and open space acquisition and development fund (3.40) |
89-190 | Advance travel revolving fund (Repealed by 2009-703) |
89-191 | Right-of-way work permits (12.04) |
89-193 | Petty cash and change revolving fund (3.12) |
89-196 | Buildings and construction performance standards (15.16) |
89-206 | City operations (2.04) |
89-207 | Building code (15.04) |
89-208 | City officers (2.08) |
89-209 | Petty cash and change revolving fund (3.12) |
90-217 | Construction site sanitation facilities (15.18) |
90-218 | Zoning regulations (17.04) |
90-219 | City operations (2.04) |
90-220 | Zoning regulations (17.26) |
90-221 | Zoning regulations (17.48) |
90-222 | Speed limits (10.08) |
90-223 | Gambling (5.24) |
90-224 | Park regulations (12.12) |
90-225 | Solid waste collection and disposal (8.04) |
90-227 | Solid waste collection and disposal; buildings and construction performance standards (8.04, 15.16) |
90-228 | Park regulations (12.12) |
90-231 | City boards, commissions and agencies (4.06, 4.10, 4.18, 4.26) |
90-232 | Buildings and construction performance standards (15.16) |
91-244 | Animal control (6.02) |
91-250 | Traffic regulations (10.04) |
91-253 | Parking regulations (10.12) |
91-254 | Zoning regulations (17.22) |
91-256 | Park and recreation board (4.26) |
91-258 | Civil service commission (4.06) |
91-259 | Civil service commission (4.06) |
91-262 | Subdivisions and plats; zoning regulations (16.02, 17.12, 17.14, 17.16, 17.18, 17.20, 17.22, 17.42) |
92-267 | Street vacations (12.14) |
92-270 | Solid waste collection and disposal (8.04) |
92-271 | City officers (2.08) |
92-272 | Parking regulations (10.12) |
92-273 | Environmentally critical areas (18.06) |
92-274 | Grading, excavation and land filling; subdivisions and plats (15.12, 16.02) |
92-275 | |
92-278 | Building code (15.04) |
92-279 | Fireworks (5.12) |
92-280 | City boards, commissions and agencies (4.06, 4.10, 4.18, 4.26) |
92-281 | Speed limits (10.08) |
92-283 | Civil service commission (4.06) |
92-286 | Animal control (6.02) |
92-288 | Gambling (5.24) |
93-293 | Adult business licenses (5.26) |
93-296 | Right-of-way work permits (12.04) |
93-297 | Through hauling and weight limits (10.24) |
93-299 | |
93-300 | Fees and assessments; business licenses; fireworks; cabaret dances; animal control; false alarms; golf carts; right-of-way work permits; street assessment reimbursement agreements; building code; grading, excavation and land filling; surface water management program; zoning regulations; environmental policy (3.42, 5.04, 5.12, 5.18, 6.02, 9.04, 10.20, 12.04, 12.10, 15.04, 15.12, 17.40, 17.42, 18.04) |
93-301 | |
93-302 | Public area use permits (12.08) |
93-304 | Parking regulations (10.12) |
93-305 | Gambling (5.24) |
93-306 | Speed limits (10.08) |
93-307 | Police advisory board (Repealed by 2006-640) |
93-310 | Minors (Repealed by 2005-616) |
93-311 | Design review board (4.18) |
93-312 | City operations (2.04) |
94-232 | Civil service commission (4.06) |
94-318 | Weapons (9.12) |
94-319 | Police advisory board (Repealed by 2006-640) |
94-320 | Land clearing and tree cutting (15.10) |
94-321 | Art/beautification advisory board (4.30) |
94-322 | Petty cash and change revolving fund (3.12) |
94-323 | Public safety department; civil service commission (2.10, 4.06) |
94-325 | Fees and assessments (3.42) |
94-326 | Fireworks; animal control; minors; park regulations (5.12, 6.02, 12.12) |
94-327 | Repeals Ch. 5.22, tobacco vending machines (Repealer) |
94-328 | Environmental policy (18.04) |
94-331 | Fees and assessments (3.42) |
94-333 | Fireworks (5.12) |
94-336 | Fees and assessments (3.42) |
94-339 | Subdivisions and plats (16.02) |
94-341 | Path and trail fund (3.41) |
94-342 | Emergency management; buildings and construction performance standards (8.08, 15.16) |
94-347 | Peddlers and solicitors (Repealed by 2009-698) |
95-349 | Subdivisions and plats; zoning regulations (16.02, 17.02, 17.04, 17.12, 17.14, 17.16, 17.20, 17.22, 17.26) |
95-350 | Fees and assessments (3.42) |
95-351 | Zoning regulations (17.01) |
95-352 | Noise regulations (9.14) |
95-353 | Fees and assessments (3.42) |
95-356 | |
95-359 | Fireworks (5.12) |
95-360 | Building code (15.04) |
95-366 | Fees and assessments (3.42) |
95-367 | City operations (2.04) |
96-380 | Police advisory board (Repealed by 2006-640) |
96-384 | City officers (2.08) |
96-385 | General financial administration (3.02) |
96-386 | General financial administration; animal control (3.02, 6.02) |
96-388 | Noise regulations (9.14) |
96-389 | Uniform policies and administrative procedures (Repealed by 2017-815) |
96-391 | Sale and disposal of surplus property (3.44) |
96-402 | Sales and use tax (3.20) |
97-404 | Adopts town center design guidelines (Not codified) |
97-406 | Development code administration; subdivisions and plats; zoning regulations (14.01, 16.01, 16.02, 16.04, 16.06, 16.08, 16.10, 16.12, 16.14, 16.16, 16.20, 17.01, 17.02, 17.04, 17.12, 17.14, 17.16, 17.18, 17.20, 17.21, 17.22, 17.26, 17.28, 17.32, 17.34, 17.38, 17.40, 17.42, 17.44) |
97-407 | Park and recreation board; traffic regulations (4.26, 10.04) |
97-410 | Fees and assessments (3.42) |
97-412 | |
97-416 | Flood damage prevention (Repealed by 2020-860) |
97-417 | Police advisory board (Repealed by 2006-640) |
97-418 | Environmental policy (18.04) |
97-422 | Art/beautification advisory board (4.30) |
97-425 | General financial administration (3.02) |
97-426 | Telecommunications regulations, business registration, and fees (3.42, 5.06, 12.16) |
97-427 | Sale and disposal of surplus property (3.44) |
97-431 | Fees and assessments; development code administration; buildings and construction performance standards (3.42, 14.13, 15.16) |
98-432 | Library board (Repealed by 2014-788) |
98-434 | Parking regulations (10.12) |
98-435 | Petty cash and change revolving fund (3.12) |
98-437 | City officers (2.08) |
98-441 | Zoning regulations (17.12) |
98-443 | Petty cash and change revolving fund (3.12) |
98-445 | |
98-446 | Development code administration (14.17) |
98-447 | Code adoption (1.01) |
98-449 | Building code (15.04) |
99-459 | City officers (2.08) |
99-461 | Traffic regulations (10.04) |
99-466 | General financial administration (3.02) |
99-468 | Art/beautification advisory board (4.30) |
99-469 | Board of appeals/adjustment; development code administration (14.03) |
99-474 | Board of appeals/adjustment; surface water utility (8.12) |
99-476 | Parking regulations (10.12) |
2000-478 | Art/beautification advisory board (4.30) |
2000-485 | Petty cash and change revolving fund (3.12) |
2000-489 | Library board (Repealed by 2014-788) |
2000-495 | Civil service commission (4.06) |
2000-497 | Amends § 2.40.060, art/beautification advisory board (4.30) |
2000-498 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 15.14, surface water management program (15.14) |
2000-499 | Amends § 8.04.100, solid waste collection and disposal (8.04) |
2000-500 | Amends § 8.12.060, surface water utility (8.12) |
2000-501 | Amends §§ 8.12.040 and 8.12.050, surface water utility (8.12) |
2001-507 | Amends § 2.30.030, library board (Repealed by 2014-788) |
2001-508 | Amends §§ 3.42.150, 3.42.160, 3.42.180, 15.04.010, 15.04.080, 15.04.085 and 15.04.110, building code and fees (3.42, 15.04) |
2001-509 | Amends Ch. 17.26, signs (17.26) |
2001-510 | Amends § 18.06.070, environmentally critical areas (18.06) |
2001-514 | Authorizes execution of financing contract and acquisition of property (Special) |
2001-515 | Adds § 3.44.060, sale and disposal of surplus property (3.44) |
2001-518 | Amends § 2.11.040, civil service commission (4.06) |
2001-519 | Amends § 2.36.050, park and recreation board (4.26) |
2001-523 | Amends §§ 14.01.030, 17.20.030 and Ch. 17.28, development code administration and zoning regulations (14.01, 17.20, 17.28) |
2001-533 | Amends § 6.02.130, animal control (6.02) |
2001-534 | Amends Ch. 8.12, surface water utility (8.12) |
2002-543 | Amends §§ 3.12.030 and 3.12.040, petty cash and change revolving fund (3.12) |
2002-545 | Amends § 2.04.010, city council meetings (2.04) |
2002-550 | Amends § 16.02.160, subdivisions and plats (16.02) |
2003-559 | Amends § 8.12.050, low income senior citizen surface water utility discount (8.12) |
2003-562 | Adds § 1.04.010, legal process (1.04) |
2003-563 | Amends § 3.42.210, engineering fees (3.42) |
2003-565 | Amends Ch. 17.26 and § 17.34.040(C)(2), signs (17.26, 17.34) |
2003-566 | Amends § 2.04.010, city council meetings (2.04) |
2003-569 | Amends Ch. 12.12, park regulations (12.12) |
2003-572 | Amends Ch. 16.16, public improvements (16.16) |
2003-573 | Amends § 3.42.180(A)(15), zoning and land use fees (3.42) |
2003-574 | Amends § 3.42.230, administrative fees (3.42) |
2003-576 | Amends §§ 15.04.085, 15.04.110, 15.04.120 and 15.04.140, fire sprinkler requirements (15.04) |
2004-582 | Adds § 5.24.015; amends § 5.24.010, gambling tax (5.24) |
2004-587 | Amends Ch. 10.16, bicycles, skateboards and similar devices (10.16) |
2004-588 | Amends §§ 3.42.150 and 3.42.160 and Ch. 15.04, building code (3.42, 15.04) |
2004-591 | Amends § 3.20.055, real estate excise tax (3.20) |
2004-592 | Amends Ch. 2.24, design review board (4.18) |
2004-593 | Amends Ch. 12.04, right-of-way work permits (12.04) |
2004-594 | Amends Ch. 3.42, fees (3.42) |
2004-595 | Adds Ch. 10.28, motorized foot scooters (10.28) |
2004-603 | Amends Ch. 18.06, environmentally critical areas (18.06) |
2005-604 | Amends § 17.21.070, zoning (17.21) |
2005-609 | Amends Ch. 18.04 and Titles 14, 15, 16 and 17, land use (14.01, 14.03, 14.05, 14.07, 14.09, 14.11, 14.13, 14.15, 14.17, 15.04, 15.06, 15.08, 15.10, 15.12, 15.14, 15.16, 16.01, 16.02, 16.04, 16.06, 16.10, 16.14, 16.16, 16.20, 17.01, 17.02, 17.04, 17.12, 17.14, 17.15, 17.16, 17.18, 17.20, 17.21, 17.22, 17.23, 17.24, 17.27, 17.28, 17.30, 17.32, 17.34, 17.38, 17.40, 17.42, 17.44, 17.48, 18.04) |
2005-613 | Adds Ch. 3.46, leasehold excise tax (3.46) |
2005-616 | Adds Ch. 9.04; amends § 10.04.040; recodifies Ch. 9.10 as 9.04.400 – 9.04.470; repeals Chs. 5.20 and 9.08, criminal code (9.04, 10.04) |
2005-623 | Adds Ch. 9.16, smoking regulations (9.16) |
2005-624 | Adds § 10.04.030, compression brakes (10.04) |
2005-629 | Adds Ch. 3.31, 15720 Main Street property fund (3.31) |
2006-630 | Adds Ch. 3.33, 35th Avenue reserve fund (3.33) |
2006-633 | Adds § 3.42.165 and section to Chs. 17.04, 17.06, 17.12, 17.14, 17.15, 17.16, 17.17, 17.18, 17.20 and 17.21; amends §§ 3.42.045, 3.42.100, 3.42.130, 3.42.135, 3.42.160, 3.42.180, 3.42.190, 3.42.210(C), 8.12.060(E), 8.12.090, 10.20.020, 12.12.020, 14.01.030, 14.05.040, 15.04.010, 15.04.140, 15.04.150, 15.20.020, 17.12.020, 17.22.030, 17.22.130, 17.26.010, 17.26.030, 17.26.060, 17.26.080, 17.26.090(B)(2) and (C), 18.06.210 and 18.06.980; repeals §§ 10.20.030, 10.20.040, 10.20.050, 10.20.060, 10.20.070, 10.20.090, 10.20.100 and 10.20.110, development amendments (3.42, 8.12, 10.20, 12.12, 14.01, 14.05, 15.04, 17.04, 17.12, 17.14, 17.15, 17.16, 17.18, 17.20, 17.21, 17.22, 17.26, 18.06) |
2006-635 | Amends § 12.16.920, cable franchise customer service standards (12.16) |
2006-637 | Amends Ch. 10.08 Tables 10-1 and 10-2, speed limits (10.08) |
2006-638 | Adds § 12.12.165; amends §§ 12.12.020 and 12.12.170, smoking and tobacco use (12.12) |
2006-640 | Adds Ch. 4.02; adopts Title 4; amends and recodifies Ch. 2.11 to Ch. 4.06, Ch. 2.12 to Ch. 4.10, Ch. 2.18 to Ch. 4.14, Ch. 2.24 to Ch. 4.18, Ch. 2.30 to Ch. 4.22, Ch. 2.36 to Ch. 4.26, Ch. 2.40 to Ch. 4.30, Ch. 2.20 to Ch. 10.14 and § 10.12.280 to § 10.14.015; repeals Ch. 2.38, boards and commissions (4.02, 4.06, 4.10, 4.18, 4.26, 4.30, 10.14) |
2006-642 | Amends Ch. 17.34, design review (17.34) |
2006-644 | Amends § 4.30.060(B) [4.30.050(B)], art/beautification advisory board regular meetings and procedures (4.30) |
2006-646 | Amends § 10.12.195(C), impoundment of vehicle when driver is arrested for driving while license is suspended or revoked (Repealed by 2011-724) |
2006-647 | Adds § 14.11.010(E); amends §§ 9.14.080 and 9.14.090; repeals § 9.14.100, noise regulations (9.14, 14.11) |
2006-648 | Amends § 17.28.080, review criteria for wireless communication facilities (Repealed by 2019-850) |
2006-656 | Amends §§ 3.42.090 and 3.42.100, fees and other assessments (3.42) |
2007-660 | Amends §§ 3.42.090 and 3.42.100 and Title 6, animals (3.42, 6.02, 6.04, 6.06, 6.08, 6.10, 6.12, 6.14, 6.16, 6.18, 6.20) |
2007-661 | Amends Ch. 3.28, municipal art fund (3.28) |
2007-662 | Amends § 4.26.040, park and recreation board (4.26) |
2007-664 | Amends Ch. 15.04, building code (15.04) |
2007-667 | Adds §§ 2.08.090 and 2.08.120; amends §§ 2.04.010, 2.08.040, 2.08.050, 2.08.060 and 2.08.070; amends §§ 2.08.110, 2.08.114 and 2.08.116 and renumbers to be §§ 2.08.080, 2.08.110 and 2.08.130, respectively; renumbers §§ 2.08.112 and 2.08.118 as §§ 2.08.100 and 2.08.140, respectively, city officers (2.04, 2.08) |
2007-668 | Amends Ch. 12.08, special event permits (12.08) |
2008-673 | Amends § 4.22.030, library board (Repealed by 2014-788) |
2008-676 | Adopts master plan; adds Ch. 17.19; amends comprehensive plan, East Gateway Urban Village (17.19) |
2008-677 | Amends Ch. 10.08 Table 10-1, speed limits (10.08) |
2008-678 | Amends § 4.30.020, art/beautification advisory board (4.30) |
2008-680 | Amends § 3.42.130, right-of-way work permit fees (3.42) |
2008-681 | Amends § 5.04.030, business license application (5.04) |
2008-682 | Adds §§ 17.19.050 [17.19.045], 17.21.050 [17.21.045] and 17.23.090; amends §§ 17.16.020, 17.16.030, 17.18.020, 17.22.040, 17.22.070, 17.23.080, 17.26.020, 17.26.060 and 17.26.080, zoning (17.16, 17.18, 17.19, 17.21, 17.22, 17.23, 17.26) |
2008-683 | Temporarily suspends § 17.26.050(E), temporary real estate off-premises signs (Expired) |
2008-684 | Adopts East Gateway Urban Village Design Guidelines (17.19) |
2008-685 | Amends § 17.26.080(A)(1)(b)(i) through (v) on a temporary basis, A-board signs (Expired) |
2009-692 | Amends § 3.42.230(c)(3), fees (3.42) |
2009-693 | Amends Chs. 2.10 and 4.06, police department and civil service commission (2.10, 4.06) |
2009-696 | Temporarily suspends enforcement of §§ 17.26.080(A)(1)(b)(viii) and (ix), temporary banners and signs (17.26) |
2009-698 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 5.08, solicitors and peddlers (5.08) |
2009-700 | Amends § 3.42.230, fees (3.42) |
2009-702 | Amends Chs. 8.12, 14.01, 14.03, 15.14, 16.02, 16.04, 16.12, 16.14, 17.04, §§ 17.06.030(D), 17.14.030(C), 17.15.040(C), Ch. 17.16, § 17.17.030(B), Chs. 17.19, 17.22, 17.24, 17.26, 17.27, 17.34, 17.48, 18.04 and 18.06, zoning and development (8.12, 14.01, 14.03, 15.14, 16.02, 16.04, 16.12, 16.14, 17.04, 17.14, 17.15, 17.16, 17.19, 17.22, 17.24, 17.26, 17.27, 17.34, 17.48, 18.04, 18.06) |
2009-703 | Amends Ch. 3.12; repeals Ch. 3.16, funds (3.12) |
2009-704 | Temporarily suspends enforcement of a portion of §§ 17.26.080(C)(1), temporary banners and signs (17.26) |
2009-705 | Amends Ch. 17.15, mixed-use/high density residential (17.15) |
2009-706 | Amends § 3.42.180(10), tree removal permit fees (3.42) |
2010-710 | Adds Ch. 12.06; amends Ch. 17.24, maintenance of buildings, public sidewalks, and rights-of-way (12.06, 17.24) |
2010-714 | Amends §§ 3.42.150, 3.42.160 and 3.42.180(19) and Ch. 15.04, building code and building fees (3.42, 15.04) |
2010-716 | Amends § 15.04.150, energy code (15.04) |
2010-717 | Amends §§ 3.42.180, 14.01.020, 14.01.030, 14.05.020, 14.05.030, 14.09.020, 16.04.100, 16.06.140, 16.12.140, 17.02.030, 17.04.040, 17.04.045, 17.06.020, 17.06.030, 17.12.030, 17.12.040, 17.14.020, 17.14.030, 17.15.030, 17.16.080, 17.20.050, 17.22.080, 17.24.030, 17.26.070, 17.34.020, 18.04.240, development (3.42, 14.01, 14.05, 14.09, 16.04, 16.06, 16.12, 17.02, 17.04, 17.12, 17.14, 17.15, 17.16, 17.20, 17.22, 17.24, 17.26, 17.34) |
2010-718 | Adds § 3.42.047, Ch. 4.34, §§ 14.03.080 and 14.11.090; amends §§ 4.10.030, 4.14.030, 5.04.080, 5.04.090, 5.18.050, 5.18.070, 5.26.160, 5.26.250, 14.01.030, 14.03.030, 14.03.040, 14.09.010, 14.09.020, 14.09.025, 14.09.030, 14.09.040, 14.09.045, 14.09.080, 14.11.010, 14.11.060, 14.11.070, 14.11.080, 14.13.040, 14.13.050, 14.15.010, 14.15.020, 17.19.020, 17.21.020, 17.22.060, 17.34.010, 17.34.020, 17.34.030, 17.34.040 and 18.06.430; repeals § 5.18.060, hearing examiner (3.42, 4.10, 4.34, 5.04, 5.18, 5.26, 14.01, 14.03, 14.09, 14.11, 14.13, 14.15, 17.19, 17.21, 17.22, 17.34, 18.06) |
2011-723 | Amends §§ 14.01.030(G), 16.04.020, 17.12.040, 17.22.130 and 17.28.080, zoning and development (14.01, 16.04, 17.12, 17.22) |
2011-724 | Adds § 10.12.192; repeals § 10.12.195, towing and impound services (10.12) |
2011-725 | Adds §§ 14.03.030(C), 14.03.040(C), 14.03.080(D), 14.05.010(D) and 18.04.245; amends §§ 14.09.005, 14.09.090(D), 14.11.010(B), 14.11.030(C) and Table 14.11-1; repeals and replaces § 18.04.240, development (14.03, 14.05, 14.09, 14.11, 18.04) |
2011-727 | Amends §§ 17.26.010, 17.26.020, 17.26.080 and 17.32.040, signs and banners (17.26, 17.32) |
2011-728 | Adds Ch. 12.18 and § 12.06.060(E); amends §§ 12.04.020(A), 12.04.040(A), 12.04.050(A) and 12.06.060(D), roadways (12.04, 12.06, 12.18) |
2011-736 | Amends § 14.09.010(A)(3), administrative decisions without public notice (14.09) |
2011-740 | Amends § 2.08.140, city manager authority to execute contracts (2.08) |
2012-743 | Amends §§ 12.08.040(B), 17.22.110 and 17.26.010(C), special events, undergrounding utilities (12.08, 17.22, 17.26) |
2012-745 | Adds Ch. 17.50, electric vehicle infrastructure (17.50) |
2012-746 | Amends Ch. 17.19, East Gateway Urban Village (17.19) |
2012-748 | Amends § 4.06.050, civil service commission (4.06) |
2012-754 | Adds § 17.26.035; amends § 17.26.030; repeals §§ 17.26.020(C) and (E), signs (17.26) |
2013-756 | Adds § 3.42.240, technology surcharge (3.42) |
2013-757 | Amends § 3.20.050(C), sales and use tax (3.20) |
2013-760 | Amends §§ 3.42.150 and 3.42.160 and Ch. 15.04, building code (3.42, 15.04) |
2013-761 | Amends §§ 14.01.030(P), 14.03.030, 16.12.060 and 17.18.005, housekeeping ordinance (14.01, 14.03, 16.12, 17.18) |
2013-762 | Adds § 3.42.195; amends §§ 14.07.030(A), 14.09.020, 16.04.080, 16.04.100, 16.06.120, 16.06.140, 16.10.030, 16.12.140 and 17.28.100, housekeeping ordinance (3.42, 14.07, 14.09, 16.04, 16.06, 16.10, 16.12, 17.28) |
2013-763 | Amends §§ 15.10.075, 17.22.040 and 17.34.040(H), tree sizes, fencing (15.10, 17.22, 17.34) |
2013-764 | Amends § 17.06.050, zoning (Repealed by 2024-928) |
2013-765 | Amends § 15.14.060, surface water management program (15.14) |
2013-768 | Repeals § 12.12.110, park regulations (Repealer) |
2014-776 | Amends §§ 14.03.080(A), 14.09.020(A), 16.12.130 and 17.16.020(A), reasonable use exceptions and binding site plans (14.03, 14.09, 16.12, 17.16) |
2014-777 | Amends §§ 4.18.020, 14.03.060 and 17.34.020, design review board (4.18, 14.03, 17.34) |
2014-778 | Amends § 17.34.040(A)(4)(c), stormwater vaults (17.34) |
2014-782 | Adds § 17.22.140, marijuana (17.22) |
2014-784 | Amends Ch. 3.42, fees and other assessments (3.42) |
2014-788 | Repeals Ch. 4.22; dissolves library board (Repealer) |
2014-789 | Amends Ch. 8.12, surface water utility (8.12) |
2015-792 | Amends § 5.04.030, business license applications (5.04) |
2015-796 | Amends §§ 18.06.210, 18.06.640, 18.06.910, 18.06.970 and 18.06.980, critical areas (18.06) |
2015-803 | Adds Ch. 14.19 and § 17.34.040(H)(1)(o); amends §§ 16.02.080, 16.02.150, 16.02.160, 16.02.170, 17.22.120, 17.34.040(A)(6), 18.06.210, 18.06.960, 18.06.980 and 18.06.1030; repeals Res. 95-192, comprehensive plan (14.19, 16.02, 17.22, 17.34, 18.06) |
2016-807 | Amends Ch. 15.04, building code (15.04) |
2016-808 | 2017 property tax levy increase (Special) |
2016-809 | 2017 emergency medical service tax levy increase (Special) |
2016-810 | Adopts 2017-2018 appropriations budget (Special) |
2016-811 | Adopts 2017-2026 capital improvement plan (Special) |
2016-812 | Approves final plat for Woodland Trails (Special) |
2016-813 | Amends 2015-2016 appropriations budget (Special) |
2017-814 | Adopts Res. 2017-164 adding § 17.01.010(L) and amending §§ 12.18.060(B), 15.12.030, 15.12.040, 15.12.050, 15.14.020(G), 15.14.050, 15.14.060, 15.14.095, 15.14.140(C)(5), 15.14.150(B), 15.14.180(C)(6), 16.02.150, 16.02.160(B), 16.04.020(B), 16.04.040(R), 16.06.070(S), 16.12.020(J), 17.01.010(I), 17.24.020, 17.24.030(B), 17.27.040(F), 17.34.040(A)(1)(f), (A)(2), (A)(4) and (H)(2)(b) and 18.06.210, low impact development (12.18, 15.12, 15.14, 16.02, 16.04, 16.06, 16.12, 17.01, 17.24, 17.27, 17.34, 18.06) |
2017-815 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 1.24, adoption, maintenance and publication of city policies and procedures (1.24) |
2017-816 | Amends Ch. 4.30, art and beautification board (4.30) |
2017-817 | Amends Ch. 4.26, park and recreation board (4.26) |
2017-818 | Franchise grant (Special) |
2017-819 | Franchise grant (Special) |
2017-820 | Franchise grant (Special) |
2017-821 | Approves indirect change of control of franchise (Special) |
2017-822 | 2018 property tax levy increase (Special) |
2017-823 | 2018 emergency medical service tax levy increase (Special) |
2017-824 | Approves consolidation of SNOCOM and SNOPAC; approves interlocal agreement for Snohomish County 911 (Special) |
2017-825 | Amends 2017-2018 budget (Special) |
2018-826 | Adds Ch. 2.06; approves PRA Policy; issues order relating to maintenance of a public records index, public records management (2.06) |
2018-827 | Adds Art. IA to Ch. 3.42; amends § 3.42.020; amends and renumbers Art. IA of Ch. 3.42 as Art. IB, fees and other assessments (3.42) |
2018-828 | Repeals and replaces § 2.08.030; retitles Ch. 2.08, city officers and employees (2.08) |
2018-829 | Amends Ch. 14.03, §§ 14.11.090, 16.04.055 and 16.04.060, development code administration and plats (14.03, 14.11, 16.04) |
2018-830 | Adds § 16.12.125; amends §§ 3.42.180(A)(14), 4.34.010, 4.34.030, 4.34.040, 8.12.070, 14.01.030(V), 14.03.080, 14.11.010, 14.11.090, 15.08.010, 15.14.190, 15.20.040(D), 16.04.075 and 17.30.005; repeals and replaces § 14.09.025; repeals Ch. 4.14 and § 14.03.070, hearing examiner, housekeeping ordinance (3.42, 4.34, 8.12, 14.01, 14.03, 14.09, 14.11, 15.08, 15.14, 16.04, 16.12, 17.30) |
2018-831 | Adds Ch. 12.20, complete streets policy (12.20) |
2018-832 | Amends § 3.42.150, permit fees (3.42) |
2018-833 | Amends § 4.06.070, civil service applicant qualifications (4.06) |
2018-834 | Donations and sponsorships (3.48) |
2018-835 | Franchise extension (Special) |
2018-836 | Interfund loan (Special) |
2018-837 | Adopts 2019-2024 capital improvement plan (Special) |
2018-838 | Traffic mitigation program and fees (Special) |
2018-839 | 2019 emergency medical service tax levy increase (Special) |
2018-840 | 2019 property tax levy increase (Special) |
2018-841 | Amends 2017-2018 budget (Special) |
2018-842 | Adopts 2019-2020 budget (Special) |
2018-843 | Amends Ch. 5.04, business licenses (5.04) |
2019-844 | Adds Ch. 4.08, LEOFF 1 disability board (4.08) |
2019-845 | Amends development agreement (Special) |
2019-846 | Amends §§ 14.01.030, 17.22.080(B) and (C), 17.23.060(I) and 17.24.030(A) and (B), zoning (14.01, 17.22, 17.23, 17.24) |
2019-847 | Amends §§ 3.42.230(A)(1)(a)(ii) and (iii), community room use charges (3.42) |
2019-848 | Adds § 3.42.230(A)(5), Mill Creek Sports Park fee schedules (3.42) |
2019-849 | Approves development agreement (Special) |
2019-850 | Adds Ch. 17.29; amends §§ 3.42.180, 14.11.090, 17.04.045, 17.06.030, 17.12.040, 17.14.030, 17.15.040, 17.16.030, 17.17.030, 17.18.030, 17.20.030 and 17.28.030; repeals §§ 17.28.050 and 17.28.080, wireless communications facilities (3.42, 14.11, 17.04, 17.12, 17.14, 17.15, 17.16, 17.18, 17.20, 17.28, 17.29) |
2019-851 | Bond issuance (Special) |
2019-852 | Franchise extension (Special) |
2019-853 | Amends salary schedule (Special) |
2019-854 | 2020 property tax levy increase (Special) |
2019-855 | 2020 emergency medical service tax levy increase (Special) |
2019-856 | Amends 2019-2020 budget (Special) |
2019-857 | Amends 2019-2024 capital improvement plan (Special) |
2019-858 | Authorizes sales and use tax credit for affordable and supportive housing (3.22) |
2020-859 | Amends 2019-2020 budget (Special) |
2020-860 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 15.20, flood damage prevention (15.20) |
2020-861 | Accepts donation (Special) |
2020-862 | Amends Ch. 6.08, dangerous animals (6.08) |
2020-863 | Franchise grant (Special) |
2020-864 | Franchise extension (Special) |
2020-865 | 2021 property tax levy increase (Special) |
2020-866 | 2021 emergency medical service tax levy increase (Special) |
2020-867 | Adopts 2021-2026 capital improvement plan (Special) |
2020-868 | Adopts 2021-2022 budget (Special) |
2020-869 | Amends salary schedule (Special) |
2021-870 | Amends Ch. 15.04, building code (15.04) |
2021-871 | Adds § 9.04.375; amends §§ 9.04.060 and 9.04.150, criminal code (9.04) |
2021-872 | Amends §§ 14.01.030, 17.22.050(C) and 17.22.130(C), accessory dwelling units (14.01, 17.22) |
2021-873 | 2022 property tax levy increase (Special) |
2021-874 | 2022 emergency medical service tax levy increase (Special) |
2021-875 | Amends 2021-2022 budget (Special) |
2021-876 | Amends 2021-2026 capital improvement plan (Special) |
2022-877 | Amends salary schedule (Special) |
2022-878 | Adds Art. X to Ch. 9.04, camping, storage of personal property on public property (9.04) |
2022-879 | Amends §§ 18.06.910(D), 18.06.930(A) – (C) and 18.06.980(A), wetlands (18.06) |
2022-880 | Amends salary schedule (Special) |
2022-881 | Amends §§ 15.12.050(L), 15.14.060, 15.14.095, 15.14.140(C)(5), 15.14.180(C)(6), 16.02.150, 16.02.160(B)(3) and 16.04.020(B)(3), stormwater management manual (15.12, 15.14, 16.02, 16.04) |
2022-882 | Authorizes pay retention incentives (Special) |
2022-883 | Adds Ch. 2.09, independent salary commission (2.09) |
2022-884 | Amends §§ 14.01.030, 17.04.040, 17.06.020, 17.06.050, 17.12.030, 17.14.020, 17.15.030, 17.19.045, 17.22.030, 17.22.040 and 17.22.050, fences and accessory buildings (14.01, 17.04, 17.12, 17.14, 17.15, 17.19, 17.22) |
2022-885 | 2023 property tax levy increase (Special) |
2022-886 | Adopts 2023-2024 budget (Special) |
2022-887 | Adopts 2023-2028 capital improvement plan (Special) |
2022-888 | Amends § 4.30.040, arts and beautification board meeting time (4.30) |
2022-889 | Amends 2021-2022 budget (Special) |
2023-890 | Appropriates ARPA funds; caps retention incentive payments (Special) |
2023-891 | Amends § 4.30.040, arts and beautification board meetings (4.30) |
2023-892 | Appropriates ARPA funds (Special) |
2023-893 | Adds Ch. 8.06, shopping cart regulation (8.06) |
2023-894 | Amends §§ 4.02.020, 4.02.040, 4.02.080, 4.10.010, 4.10.020, 4.10.030(D), 4.10.040, 4.18.040, 4.18.060, 4.26.040 and 4.30.040, boards and commissions (4.02, 4.10, 4.18, 4.26, 4.30) |
2023-895 | Adds Ch. 2.13, fire marshal (2.13) |
2023-896 | Appropriates ARPA funds (Special) |
2023-897 | Amends 2023-2024 budget; authorizes transfer of funds; creates opioid settlement fund (3.50) |
2023-898 | 2024 property tax levy increase (Special) |
2023-899 | Amends 2023-2028 capital improvement plan (Special) |
2023-900 | Amends land use and zoning maps of the comprehensive plan (Special) |
2023-901 | Amends § 4.10.040, planning commission meetings (4.10) |
2023-902 | Amends §§ 8.04.010 and 8.04.100, solid waste collection and disposal (8.04) |
2024-903 | Authorizes interlocal agreement with the city of Everett regarding animal shelter services (Special) |
2024-904 | Amends § 4.18.050, design review board meetings (4.18) |
2024-905 | Amends 2023-2028 capital improvement plan and 2023-2024 budget (Special) |
2024-906 | Amends §§ 6.18.050(A) and (D), impounding procedures (6.18) |
2024-907 | Amends 2023-2024 budget (Special) |
2024-908 | Amends Ords. 2023-890 and 2023-892, ARPA funds (Special) |
2024-909 | Amends 2023-2028 capital improvement plan and 2023-2024 budget (Special) |
2024-910 | Amends § 17.20.020, BP zone secondary uses (17.20) |
2024-911 | Amends § 6.14.020, animal control regulations (6.14) |
2024-912 | Amends 2023-2024 budget (Special) |
2024-913 | Appropriates ARPA funds (Special) |
2024-914 | Adds § 15.04.055; amends §§ 15.04.010, 15.04.015, 15.04.030, 15.04.040, 15.04.050, 15.04.060, 15.04.080, 15.04.090, 15.04.100, 15.04.120 and 15.04.150, building codes (15.04) |
2024-915 | (Number not used) |
2024-916 | Amends 2023-2024 budget (Special) |
2024-917 | Amends salary schedule (Special) |
2024-918 | Amends salary schedule (Special) |
2024-919 | Amends 2023-2028 capital improvement plan and 2023-2024 budget (Special) |
2024-920 | Affordable and supportive housing fund (3.23) |
2024-921 | Adds §§ 15.14.240 and 15.14.250; amends §§ 15.14.050, 15.14.120 and 15.14.230; amends and renumbers § 15.14.240 to be § 15.14.260 (15.14) |
2024-922 | Amends 2023-2028 capital improvement plan and 2023-2024 budget (Special) |
2024-923 | Adds Ch. 8.10, graffiti (8.10) |
2024-924 | 2025 property tax levy increase (Special) |
2024-925 | Adopts 2025-2030 capital improvement plan (Special) |
2024-926 | Adopts 2025-2026 budget (Special) |
2024-927 | Amends comprehensive plan and zoning map (Special) |
2024-928 | Adds §§ 8.04.160 and 14.09.085; amends Ch. 2.13, §§ 14.01.030, 14.03.020, 14.05.010, 14.05.020, 14.05.040, 14.05.050, 14.09.080, 15.08.010, 15.08.020, 15.08.030, 15.08.050, 15.08.060, 15.08.070, 15.08.090, 15.08.100, 15.08.110, 15.20.040, 16.04.055, 16.04.060, 17.02.020, 17.02.030, 17.02.040, Ch. 17.04, §§ 17.12.010, 17.12.020, 17.12.050, 17.12.090, 17.12.100, 17.14.005, 17.14.010, 17.14.030, 17.14.040, 17.15.010, 17.15.020, 17.15.090, 17.16.010, 17.16.020, 17.18.010, 17.18.030, 17.19.010, 17.19.040, 17.19.070, Chs. 17.20, 17.21, §§ 17.22.060, 17.22.130, 17.27.020, 17.27.030, 17.29.030, 17.29.150, 17.29.200, 17.29.230, 17.29.270, 17.48.030 and 17.50.030; repeals § 15.10.012, Chs. 17.06 and 17.17, comprehensive plan (2.13, 8.04, 14.01, 14.03, 14.05, 14.09, 15.08, 15.20, 16.04, 17.02, 17.04, 17.12, 17.14, 17.15, 17.16, 17.18, 17.19, 17.20, 17.21, 17.22, 17.27, 17.29, 17.48, 17.50) |
2024-929 | Amends 2023-2024 budget (Special) |
2025-930 | Amends § 4.02.070, boards and commissions (4.02) |