Link to ordinances passed but not yet codified
This table lists all ordinances. If an ordinance is codified, its location in the code is cited parenthetically by chapter number(s) at the end of the ordinance description. Ordinances are codified if they are general, permanent, and/or include penalty provisions for noncompliance. “Special—Not Codified” indicates that the ordinance was not codified due to its transitory nature or for another reason.
Number | Subject and Location |
1 | Licenses and regulates disposal of intoxicating liquors (Repealed by 153) |
2 | Bonds of city officials (Repealed by 133) |
3 | Licenses hawkers, peddlers, auctioneers, canvassers and pawnbrokers (Repealed by 177) |
4 | Prohibits jumping on moving trains (Repealed by 157) |
5 | Salary of city officials (Not codified) |
6 | Prohibits animals running at large (Repealed by 164) |
7 | Establishes fire limits (Repealed by 160) |
8 | Prohibits disorderly houses (Repealed by 161) |
9 | Sets duties and compensation of street commissioner (Repealed by 152) |
10 | Regulates speed of railroad cars within the city (Repealed by 166) |
11 | Prohibits cars and trains from blockading street crossings (Repealed by 165) |
12 | Provides nuisance abatement (Repealed by 162) |
13 | Light wire franchise (Not codified) |
14 | Provides for city taxes (Repealed by 1011) |
15 | Creates the police department, describes its duties (Repealed by 1523) |
16 | Fixes the salary of the police officers (Not codified) |
17 | Imposes licenses for billiard tables, pool tables, pigeon-hole tables, Jenny Lind tables, etc. (Repealed by 1523) |
18 | Imposes licenses for entertainments (Repealed by 1523) |
19 | Prescribes the punishment for certain offenses (Repealed by 157) |
20 | Regulates construction or removal of buildings within the fire limits (Repealed by 87) |
21 | Prohibits opening places for selling and disposing of intoxicating liquors on Sundays and election days (Repealed by 153) |
22 | Establishes city council meeting place (Repealed by 158) |
23 | Amends Ord. 7, fire limits (Repealed by 160) |
24 | Amends Ord. 18, licenses for entertainments (Repealed by 1523) |
25 | Regulates sidewalk width and construction (Repealed by 273) |
26 | Establishes a fire department and prescribes regulations (Repealed by 1523) |
27 | Street and sidewalk improvements (Repealed by 1523) |
28 | Railroad franchise (Not codified) |
29 | Pertains to registration and elections (Repealed by 175) |
30 | Requires publishing of proposed franchise ordinances and resolutions (Repealed by 1523) |
31 | Provides the manner for vacating streets, highways and alleys (Repealed by 48) |
32 | Controls contagious and dangerous diseases (Repealed by 167) |
33 | Water franchise (Not codified) |
34 | Telegraph franchise (Not codified) |
35 | Amends Ord. 22, city council meeting (Repealed by 158) |
36 | Prohibits tents or canvas booths within the fire limits (Repealed by 1523) |
37 | Fixes council meeting time (Repealed by 102) |
38 | Requires police department report (Repealed by 152) |
39 | Fixes salary of health officer (Not codified) |
40 | Sets bond for city health officer (Repealed by 147) |
41 | Amends Ord. 9, duties of street commissioner (Repealed by 152) |
42 | Provides for 1890 general tax (Not codified) |
43 | Licenses drays, hacks and other vehicles (Repealed by 140) |
44 | Regulates construction of chimneys, flues and stove pipes (Repealed by 1543) |
45 | Amends § 12 of Ord. 15, police department (Repealed by 1523) |
46 | Provides for licensing and killing of dogs (Repealed by 1523) |
47 | Prohibits wearing of bells on cattle (Repealed by 1523) |
48 | Provides a manner of vacating streets, highways and alleys (Repealed by 1523) |
49 | Regulates street, alley and sidewalk obstructions (Repealed by 50) |
50 | Repeals Ord. 49, street, alley and sidewalk obstructions (Repealer) |
51 | Establishes election precincts (Repealed by 103) |
52 | Calls sewer bond issue election (Not codified) |
53 | Provides for street work expenses (Repealed by 155) |
54 | Property tax for 1891 (Not codified) |
55 | Street poll tax for 1891 (Not codified) |
56 | Telephone franchise (Not codified) |
57 | Provides for record of vital statistics (Repealed by 239) |
58 | Amends § 1 of Ord. 6, animals running at large (Repealed by 164) |
59 | Prohibits keeping dangerous conditions on property (Repealed by 1523) |
60 | Amends Ord. 5, salaries of city officials (Not codified) |
61 | Street vacation (Not codified) |
62 | Grants franchise (Not codified) |
63 | Sidewalk construction (Not codified) |
64 | Sidewalk construction (Not codified) |
65 | Sidewalk construction (Not codified) |
66 | Sidewalk construction (Not codified) |
67 | Sidewalk construction (Not codified) |
68 | Sidewalk construction (Not codified) |
69 | Sidewalk construction (Not codified) |
70 | Street vacation (Not codified) |
71 | Licenses merry-go-rounds and flying horses (Repealed by 270) |
72 | Amends Ord. 3, licensing hawkers and peddlers (Repealed by 677) |
73 | Street vacation (Not codified) |
74 | Street vacation (Not codified) |
75 | Sidewalk construction (Repealed by 78) |
76 | Sidewalk construction (Repealed by 79) |
77 | Telegraph franchise (Not codified) |
78 | Repeals Ord. 75, sidewalk construction (Not codified) |
79 | Repeals Ord. 76, sidewalk construction (Not codified) |
80 | Sidewalk construction (Not codified) |
81 | Sidewalk construction (Not codified) |
82 | Street grading (Not codified) |
83 | Sidewalk construction (Not codified) |
84 | Street improvement (Not codified) |
85 | Street improvement (Not codified) |
86 | Street improvement (Not codified) |
87 | Regulates construction and removal of buildings within fire limits, repeals Ord. 20 (Repealed by 1523) |
88 | Sidewalk construction (Not codified) |
89 | Sidewalk construction (Not codified) |
90 | Fund transfer (Not codified) |
91 | Sidewalk construction (Not codified) |
92 | Fund transfer (Not codified) |
93 | Fund transfer (Not codified) |
94 | Sidewalk construction (Not codified) |
95 | Sidewalk construction (Not codified) |
96 | Sidewalk construction (Not codified) |
97 | Sidewalk construction (Not codified) |
98 | Street vacation (Not codified) |
99 | Street vacation (Not codified) |
100 | Fixes salary of city officials (Not codified) |
101 | Prescribes police justice duties and compensation (Repealed by 198) |
102 | City council meeting times, repeals Ord. 37 (Repealed by 148) |
103 | Establishes election precincts, repeals Ord. 51 (Repealed by 173) |
104 | Amends § 2 of Ord. 1, licensing and regulating intoxicating liquor sale (Repealed by 153) |
105 | Street improvement assessment (Repealed by 155) |
106 | Street vacation (Not codified) |
107 | Amends Ord. 17, gambling table licenses (Repealed by 1523) |
108 | Sidewalk construction and repair (Repealed by 155) |
109 | Accepts a grant of land (Not codified) |
110 | Calls drainage system bond issue (Not codified) |
111 | Prohibits ball playing within fire limits (Repealed by 1523) |
112 | Amends § 6 of Ord. 32, public health (Repealed by 167) |
113 | Property tax for 1892 (Not codified) |
114 | Street poll tax for 1892 (Not codified) |
115 | Amends § 5 of Ord. 101, duties of police justice (Repealed by 198) |
116 | Street vacation (Not codified) |
117 | Authorizes drainage ditch improvement bids (Not codified) |
118 | Accepts a grant of land (Not codified) |
119 | Prohibits riding bicycles on sidewalks within fire limits (Repealed by 168) |
120 | Street improvement (Not codified) |
121 | Street improvement (Not codified) |
122 | Authorizes street improvement bids (Not codified) |
123 | Divides Puyallup into three wards (Repealed by 1523) |
124 | Imposes licenses for entertainments (Repealed by 179) |
125 | Amends § 3 of Ord. 87, building construction within fire limits (Repealed by 1523) |
126 | Designates number of councilmen elected from each ward (Repealed by 174) |
127 | Amends §§ 3, 5 and 18 of Ord. 29, registration and elections (Repealed by 175) |
128 | Street improvement (Not codified) |
129 | Fund appropriation (Not codified) |
130 | Street vacation (Not codified) |
131 | Plat vacation (Repealed by 145) |
132 | Fixes salaries of city officials (Repealed by 146) |
133 | Fixes bond of city officials, repeals Ord. 2 (Repealed by 147) |
134 | Prescribes duties and compensation of city attorney (Repealed by 145) |
135 | Amends § 1 of Ord. 6, animals running at large, repeals Ord. 58 (Repealed by 164) |
136 | Adopts waterworks plan (Not codified) |
137 | Property tax for 1893 (Repealed by 144) |
138 | Street poll tax for 1893 (Not codified) |
139 | Prohibits animals running at large, provides for impoundment and sale, repeals Ords. 6, 135 (Repealed by 164) |
140 | Repeals Ord. 43, licensing certain vehicles (Repealer) |
141 | Amends § 2 of Ord. 3, licensing hawkers, peddlers, repeals Ord. 72 (Repealed by 177) |
142 | Amends § 11 of Ord. 19, punishment for certain offenses (Repealed by 157) |
143 | Sets salary for city treasurer (Not codified) |
144 | Property tax for 1893, repeals Ord. 137 (Not codified) |
145 | Defines duties and fixes compensation of city attorney, repeals Ord. 131 (Repealed by 1523) |
146 | Fixes salary of city officials, repeals Ord. 132 (Repealed by 198) |
147 | Fixes bond of city officials, repeals Ords. 40 and 133 (Repealed by 202) |
148 | Council meeting times, repeals Ord. 102 (Repealed by 159) |
149 | Imposes licenses on vehicles used to carry articles for hire (Repealed by 199) |
150 | Street vacation (Not codified) |
151 | Lot vacation (Not codified) |
152 | Amends § 2 of Ord. 15, additional duties for city marshal, repeals Ords. 9 and 41 (Repealed by 1523) |
153 | Provides for alcohol regulations, repeals Ords. 1, 21, 104 (Repealed by 407) |
154 | Curfew (Repealed by 1543) |
155 | Street improvement, repeals Ords. 53, 105 and 108 (Not codified) |
156 | Street vacation (Not codified) |
157 | Defines and describes punishment for certain offenses, repeals Ords. 19 and 4 (Repealed by 1543) |
158 | Repeals Ords. 22 and 35, city council meeting places (Repealed by 204) |
159 | City council meeting times, repeals Ord. 148 (Repealed by 1523) |
160 | Defines fire limits, repeals Ords. 7 and 23 (Repealed by 277) |
161 | Restrains disorderly houses, repeals Ord. 8 (Repealed by 1543) |
162 | Regulates nuisance abatement, repeals Ord. 12 (Repealed by 1523) |
163 | Street improvement (Not codified) |
164 | Prohibits animals running at large, repeals Ords. 6, 58, 135 and 139 (Repealed by 1523) |
165 | Prohibits blockading street crossings by cars and trains, repeals Ord. 11 (Repealed by 1523) |
166 | Regulates train speed, repeals Ord. 10 (Repealed by 932) |
167 | Provides for protection of public health, repeals Ord. 132 (Repealed by 2580) |
168 | Prohibits bicycle riding on sidewalks, repeals Ord. 119 (Repealed by 235) |
169 | Amends § 1 of Ord. 164, animals running at large (Repealed by 1523) |
170 | Provides for street grading (Not codified) |
171 | Amends §§ 2 and 3 of Ord. 153, sale of alcohol (Repealed by 407) |
172 | Provides for care and custody of persons convicted of misdemeanors (Repealed by 1523) |
173 | Establishes election precincts, repeals Ord. 103 (Repealed by 1523) |
174 | Designates number of councilmen elected from wards, repeals Ord. 126 (Repealed by 1523) |
175 | Provides for voter registration, repeals Ords. 29 and 127 (Repealed by 1012) |
176 | Provides for ballots, regulates voting at municipal elections (Repealed by 1012) |
177 | Imposes a license on hawkers, peddlers, repeals Ords. 3, 72, 141 and 72 (Repealed by 2448) |
178 | Property tax for 1894 (Not codified) |
179 | Licenses and regulates entertainments, repeals Ord. 124 (Repealed by 1523) |
180 | Street vacation (Not codified) |
181 | Street vacation (Not codified) |
182 | Street railway franchise (Not codified) |
183 | Street improvement (Not codified) |
184 | Street improvement (Not codified) |
185 | Street improvement (Not codified) |
186 | Street improvement (Not codified) |
187 | Street improvement (Not codified) |
188 | Street improvement (Not codified) |
189 | Regulates the sale and manufacture of cigarettes (Repealed by 1011) |
190 | Creates the office of street commissioner, prescribes duties and compensation (Repealed by 1523) |
191 | Street improvement (Not codified) |
192 | Street improvement (Not codified) |
193 | Sidewalk construction (Not codified) |
194 | Provides for sidewalk repair and removal (Repealed by 274) |
195 | Amends § 16 of Ord. 176, municipal elections (Repealed by 1012) |
196 | Property tax for 1895 (Not codified) |
197 | Amends § 5 of Ord. 145, duties and compensation of city attorney (Repealed by 1523) |
198 | Salary of city officials, repeals Ords. 146, 101, 115 (Not codified) |
199 | Repeals Ord. 149, drays and express wagons (Not codified) |
200 | Street vacation (Not codified) |
201 | Electricity franchise (Not codified) |
202 | Bonds for city officials (Repealed by 2148) |
203 | Amends § 2 of Ord. 198, salary of city officials (Not codified) |
204 | City council meeting times, repeals Ord. 158 (Repealed by 1523) |
205 | Street vacation (Not codified) |
206 | Street vacation (Not codified) |
207 | Street vacation (Not codified) |
208 | Curfew (Repealed by 292) |
209 | Street vacation (Not codified) |
210 | Amends § 4 of Ord. 162, nuisances (Repealed by 1543) |
211 | Street vacation (Not codified) |
212 | Property tax for 1896 (Not codified) |
213 | Amends §§ 1 and 5 of Ord. 198 and § 2 of Ord. 203, salaries of city officials (Not codified) |
214 | City council meeting times (Repealed by 1523) |
215 | Amends § 5 of Ord. 218 (Repealed by 227) |
216 | Amends § 4 of Ord. 202, bonds of city officials (Repealed by 2148) |
217 | Prohibits riding bicycles on sidewalks in fire districts, repeals §§ 1 and 4 of Ord. 168 (Repealed by 235) |
218 | Amends § 6 of Ord. 167, protection of public health (Repealed by 2580) |
219 | Regulates and creates office of street commissioner (Repealed by 1523) |
220 | Amends §§ 1 and 2 of Ord. 164, animals running at large, repeals Ord. 169 (Repealed by 1523) |
221 | Regulates bicycle riding in corporate limits (Repealed by 235) |
222 | Property tax for 1897 (Not codified) |
223 | Repeals 1 of Ord. 213, salaries (Repealer) |
224 | Amends § 1 of Ord. 198, salaries of city officials (Not codified) |
225 | Street vacation (Not codified) |
226 | Amends § 2 of Ord. 202, bonds (Repealed by 2148) |
227 | Salaries of city officials, repeals Ord. 215 and § 2 of Ord. 213 (Not codified) |
228 | Amends § 5 of Ord. 198, salary of city officials (Not codified) |
229 | Plat vacation (Not codified) |
230 | Amends § 1 of Ord. 220, animals running at large (Repealed by 1523) |
231 | Amends § 3 of Ord. 213, salaries of city officials (Not codified) |
232 | Lot vacation (Not codified) |
233 | Provides for bicycle licensing and fund (Repealed by 235) |
234 | Property tax for 1898 (Not codified) |
235 | Licenses bicycles, restricts use of bicycle paths, repeals Ords. 168, 217, 221 and 233 (Repealed by 1523) |
236 | Amends § 2 of Ord. 71, licensing merry-go-rounds and flying horses (Repealed by 1523) |
237 | Property tax for 1899 (Not codified) |
238 | Street vacation (Not codified) |
239 | Repeals Ord. 57, providing for record of vital statistics (Repealer) |
240 | Street vacation (Not codified) |
241 | Lot vacation (Not codified) |
242 | Amends § 7 of Ord. 153, licensing of alcohol (Repealed by 407) |
243 | Restricts certain amusements (Repealed by 1011) |
244 | Electricity franchise (Repealed by 286) |
245 | Fixes interest rate (Repealed by 1523) |
246 | Property tax for 1900 (Not codified) |
247 | Prohibits placing certain articles on any street, land or alley (Repealed by 1523) |
248 | Street vacation (Not codified) |
249 | City council meetings (Repealed by 1523) |
250 | Property tax for 1901 (Not codified) |
251 | Fixes salary of city officials (Not codified) |
252 | Amends §§ 2 and 3 of Ord. 153, sale of alcohol (Repealed by 407) |
253 | Street vacation (Not codified) |
254 | Council meeting times (Repealed by 276) |
255 | Prohibits obstructions of creeks or streams (Repealed by 1523) |
256 | Street vacation (Not codified) |
257 | Street vacation (Not codified) |
258 | Prohibits obstructions and nuisances on streets and sidewalks (Repealed by 1523) |
259 | Gas franchise (Repealed by 440) |
260 | Street improvement (Not codified) |
261 | Street improvement (Not codified) |
262 | Street improvement (Not codified) |
263 | Street improvement (Not codified) |
264 | Street improvement (Not codified) |
265 | Street improvement (Not codified) |
266 | Street improvement (Not codified) |
267 | Street vacation (Not codified) |
268 | Alley vacation (Not codified) |
269 | Adopts a system of sewage (Not codified) |
270 | Merry-go-rounds and flying horses, repeals § 2 of Ord. 71 (Repealed by 1523) |
271 | Prevents obstruction of named street (Repealed by 1012) |
272 | Imposes license on shooting galleries, etc., repeals §§ 5 and 6 of Ord. 17 (Repealed by 1523) |
273 | Establishes sidewalk widths, repeals Ord. 25 (Repealed by 1523) |
274 | Provides for maintenance of sidewalks, repeals Ord. 194 (Repealed by 1523) |
275 | Property tax for 1902 (Not codified) |
276 | City council meeting times, repeals Ord. 254 (Repealed by 1523) |
277 | Creates fire limits, repeals Ord. 160 (Repealed by 289) |
278 | Street vacation (Not codified) |
279 | Railway franchise (Repealed by 467) |
280 | Railway franchise (Repealed by 467) |
281 | Authorizes a contract (Repealed by 283) |
282 | Provides manner of removal and replacement of telephone poles (general) (Repealed by 1523) |
283 | Authorizes contract, repeals Ord. 281 (Not codified) |
284 | Electricity franchise (Not codified) |
285 | Street vacation (Not codified) |
286 | Repeals Ord. 244, franchise (Repealer) |
287 | Amends §§ 6 and 7 of Ord. 251, salaries of city officials (Not codified) |
288 | Amends § 6 of Ord. 235, bicycle regulations (Repealed by 1523) |
289 | Defines fire limits, repeals Ord. 277 (Repealed by 290) |
290 | Establishes fire limits, repeals Ord. 289 (Repealed by 1523) |
291 | Property tax for 1903 (Not codified) |
292 | Curfew, repeals Ord. 208 (Repealed by 1011) |
293 | Prohibits animals running at large (8.12) |
294 | Pertains to repairs and renewals of sidewalks (Repealed by 1523) |
295 | Fixes license fees for riding bicycles, repeals Ord. 235 § 2 (Repealed by 1523) |
296 | Prohibits riding bicycles on certain sidewalks (Repealed by 1523) |
297 | Council meeting times (Repealed by 1523) |
298 | Provides license for auctioneers (Repealed by 1543) |
299 | Prohibits temporary vending stands without license (Repealed by 1769) |
300 | Requires licenses of peddlers (Repealed by 1543) |
301 | Prohibits sale of toy weapons (Repealed by 2105) |
302 | Street vacation (Not codified) |
303 | Lot vacation (Not codified) |
304 | Property tax for 1904 (Not codified) |
305 | Sewer system plan (Not codified) |
306 | Declares the cost of the sewer system (Not codified) |
307 | Adopts sewer plans for sewer district A (Repealed by 316) |
308 | Prescribes notice for general elections (Repealed by 1012) |
309 | Council meeting times (Repealed by 1523) |
310 | Salaries of city marshal and policemen (Not codified) |
311 | Provides for construction of sewer system (Repealed by 316) |
312 | Licenses and regulates billiard halls (Repealed by 1523) |
313 | Fund transfer (Not codified) |
314 | Council meeting times (Repealed by 1523) |
315 | Bicycle licenses (Repealed by 423) |
316 | Repeals Ords. 307, 311, sewer district (Repealer) |
317 | Defines vagrancy and provides for punishment (Repealed by 2105) |
318 | Railway franchise (Not codified) |
319 | Plat vacation (Not codified) |
320 | Electricity franchise (Not codified) |
321 | Establishes local improvement sewer district (Not codified) |
322 | Salary of health officer (Not codified) |
323 | Provides for control of diseases (Repealed by 1523) |
324 | Establishes fire limits (Repealed by 1523) |
325 | Provides for acquisition of gravity water system (Not codified) |
326 | Street railway franchise (Not codified) |
327 | Electrical wiring regulations (Repealed by 1543) |
328 | Electricity franchise (Not codified) |
329 | Licenses peddlers and hawkers (Repealed by 2448) |
330 | Public water system regulations (Repealed by 1523) |
331 | Amends § 2 of Ord. 179, entertainments (Repealed by 1523) |
332 | Provides for straightening of Puyallup River (Not codified) |
333 | Property tax for 1905 (Not codified) |
334 | City council meetings (Repealed by 1523) |
335 | Prohibits riding bicycles on certain sidewalks (Repealed by 1523) |
336 | Accepts a license granted by Puget Sound Power Co. (Not codified) |
337 | Sets duties and compensation of certain officers (Repealed by 1523) |
338 | Street vacation (Not codified) |
339 | Lot vacation (Not codified) |
340 | Billiard hall licenses (Repealed by 350) |
341 | Regulates saloons and billiard halls (Repealed by 1523) |
342 | Fixes bond of water superintendent (Repealed by 2148) |
343 | Electric franchise (Not codified) |
344 | Block vacation (Not codified) |
345 | Amends § 2 of Ord. 221, bonds (Repealed by 2148) |
346 | Amends §§ 1 and 4 of Ord. 326, street railway franchise (Not codified) |
347 | Plumbing regulations (Repealed by 1523) |
348 | Licenses plumbers (Repealed by 1523) |
349 | Creates office of plumbing inspector and defines his duties (Repealed by 565) |
350 | Repeals Ord. 340, billiard hall licenses (Repealer) |
351 | Amends §§ 1 and 2 of Ord. 312, regulating billiard halls (Repealed by 1523) |
352 | Licenses skating rinks (Repealed by 1523) |
353 | Amends § 31 of Ord. 347, regulating plumbing (Repealed by 1523) |
354 | Pipeline franchise (Not codified) |
355 | Regulates dilapidated building nuisance abatement (Repealed by 426) |
356 | Street vacation (Not codified) |
357 | Declares certain weeds a nuisance (Repealed by 1523) |
358 | Amends § 1 of Ord. 87, regulates buildings within fire limits (Repealed by 1523) |
359 | Block vacation (Not codified) |
360 | Property tax for 1906 (Not codified) |
361 | Vacates street (Not codified) |
362 | Grants franchise to Puget Sound Electric Railway (Not codified) |
363 | Prohibits the riding of bicycles on certain sidewalks (Repealed by 1523) |
364 | Amends § 1 of Ord. 293, animals running at large (8.12) |
365 | Amends Ord. 312, billiard rooms, pool halls (Repealed by 1523) |
366 | Regulates office of city wiring inspector (Repealed by 1523) |
367 | Creates office of building inspector (Repealed by 1011) |
368 | Amends § 2 of Ord. 327, electrical wiring (Repealed by 1523) |
369 | Amends § 1 of Ord. 366, city wiring inspector (Repealed by 1543) |
370 | Regulates billiard halls and pool rooms (Repealed by 1523) |
371 | Amends § 3 of Ord. 362, street railway franchise (Not codified) |
372 | Water pipe franchise (Not codified) |
373 | Creates office of city water superintendent, prescribes duties, compensation and bond (Repealed by 1543) |
374 | Establishes office of city water collector, describes his duties, compensation, bond (Repealed by 1523) |
375 | Prohibits the riding of bicycles on certain sidewalks (Repealed by 443) |
376 | Prohibits tying of domestic animals on streets, alleys or public places (Repealed by 1012) |
377 | City council meeting times (Repealed by 1523) |
378 | Prohibits discharge of firearms within certain limits (Repealed by 1543) |
379 | Amends § 2 of Ord. 345, bonds of city officials (Repealed by 2148) |
380 | Establishes LID No. 11 (Not codified) |
381 | Property tax for 1907 (Not codified) |
382 | Amends Ord. 358, building within fire limits (Repealed by 1523) |
383 | Salary of city marshal and policemen (Not codified) |
384 | Electricity franchise (Not codified) |
385 | Telephone line franchise (Not codified) |
386 | Amends § 5 of Ord. 362, electric railway franchise (Not codified) |
387 | Amends § 1 of Ord. 202, bonds of city officials (Repealed by 2148) |
388 | Prescribes additional duties of mayor and treasurer (Repealed by 1523) |
389 | Pertains to building construction within fire limits (Repealed by 1523) |
390 | Provides for condemnation of buildings specified (Not codified) |
391 | Prohibits the tying of domestic animals on streets, alleys or public places (Repealed by 1523) |
392 | Prohibits expectorating in public places (Repealed by 1543) |
393 | Gravity water system improvements (Not codified) |
394 | Puyallup River improvements (Not codified) |
395 | Requires repair of street railway tracks (Repealed by 1011) |
396 | No copy |
397 | Prohibits discharge of firearms within city limits (Repealed by 1543) |
398 | Provides for improvement of named streets LID (Not codified) |
399 | Fund appropriation (Not codified) |
400 | Grants franchise for overhead crossing (Not codified) |
401 | Sidewalk and highway construction (Repealed by 1523) |
402 | Pertains to business licenses (Repealed by 2448) |
403 | Property tax for 1908 (Not codified) |
404 | Pertains to placement of signs and advertisements (Repealed by 1523) |
405 | Provides for erection of bridge over named channel (Not codified) |
406 | City council meeting times (Repealed by 1523) |
407 | Regulates the sale and disposal of alcohol, repeals Ords. 153, 171, 242 and 252 (Repealed by 1523) |
408 | Sidewalk construction (Not codified) |
409 | Pertains to alcoholic beverages (Vetoed) |
410 | Vacates certain lots and blocks (Not codified) |
411 | Provides for condemnation of land to straighten Puyallup River (Not codified) |
412 | Amends § 1 of Ord. 383, salary of city marshal and policemen (Not codified) |
413 | Provides for house numbering (Repealed by 504) |
414 | Provides for bench marks or base lines (Repealed by 1523) |
415 | Alley vacation (Not codified) |
416 | Alley vacation (Not codified) |
417 | Defines certain duties of city employees (Repealed by 1011) |
418 | Amends § 2 of Ord. 337, duties and compensation of certain officers (Repealed by 1523) |
419 | Street and sidewalk grades (Not codified) |
420 | Street and sidewalk grades (Not codified) |
421 | Establishes standards for construction of sidewalks and streets (Repealed by 1523) |
422 | Pertains to construction of streets and sidewalks (Repealed by 538) |
423 | Repeals Ord. 315, bicycle licenses (Repealer) |
424 | Amends § 2 of Ord. 422, sidewalk construction (Repealed by 439) |
425 | Special election (Not codified) |
426 | Declares worn-out and dilapidated buildings a nuisance, repeals Ord. 355 (Repealed by 1523) |
427 | Bond issue (Not codified) |
428 | Special election (Not codified) |
429 | Provides for street commissioner office and duties (Repealed by 1523) |
430 | Amends §§ 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 of Ord. 428, special election (Not codified) |
431 | Declares certain acts to be misdemeanors (Repealed by 1543) |
432 | Provides the manner of creating local assessment districts (Repealed by 1523) |
433 | Street improvement (Not codified) |
434 | Prohibits certain vehicles on bicycle paths (Repealed by 1523) |
435 | Transfers franchise granted by Ord. 385 (Not codified) |
436 | Regulates the burning of sawdust (Repealed by 1523) |
437 | Creates “Pioneer Avenue improvement fund” (Not codified) |
438 | Street creation (Not codified) |
439 | Amends § 2 of Ord. 432, sidewalk construction materials, repeals Ord. 424 (Repealed by 538) |
440 | Repeals Ord. 259, gas franchise (Repealer) |
441 | Franchise (Not codified) |
442 | Amends § 40 of Ord. 330, public water (Repealed by 1523) |
443 | Prohibits bicycle riding on certain sidewalks, repeals Ord. 375 (Repealed by 1523) |
444 | Grants pipe line franchise (Not codified) |
445 | Property tax for 1909 (Not codified) |
446 | Regulates speed and operation of automobiles within city (Repealed by 1012) |
447 | Creates LID No. 19 (Not codified) |
448 | Creates “street improvement fund” (Not codified) |
449 | Regulates work on streets and public highways (Repealed by 1543) |
450 | Street vacation (Not codified) |
451 | Amends § 1 of Ord. 166, trains (Repealed by 932) |
452 | Street vacation (Not codified) |
453 | Creates LID No. 16 (Not codified) |
454 | Street improvement (Not codified) |
455 | Street improvement (Not codified) |
456 | Fixes salary of city officials (Not codified) |
457 | Street vacation (Not codified) |
458 | Creates LID No. 21 (Not codified) |
459 | Prohibits larceny (Repealed by 1543) |
460 | Regulates rubbish depositing (Repealed by 1012) |
461 | Establishes office of city scavenger, defines his duties and sets compensation (Repealed by 464) |
462 | Creates library fund (Repealed by 1961) |
463 | Regulates distribution of poisons and drugs (Repealed by 1523) |
464 | Creates sanitary district, regulates duties and compensation of city scavenger, repeals Ord. 461 (Repealed by 723) |
465 | Regulates toy pistols, rockets, fire crackers, etc. (Repealed by 2105) |
466 | Provides for LID No. 18 (Not codified) |
467 | Repeals Ord. 279, railway franchise (Repealer) |
468 | Amends § 1 of Ord. 436, burning of sawdust (Repealed by 1523) |
469 | Creates LID No. 15 (Not codified) |
470 | Lot vacation (Not codified) |
471 | Creates LID No. 25 (Not codified) |
472 | Regulates hauling of gravel, sawdust, or shavings on public streets (Repealed by 1523) |
473 | Creates LID No. 17A (Not codified) |
474 | LID No. 24 (Not codified) |
475 | LID No. 22 (Not codified) |
476 | Prohibits use of stationary electric gongs or bells upon railroad right-of-way (Repealed by 1109) |
477 | Regulates and licenses skating rinks (Repealed by 1523) |
478 | LID No. 25 (Not codified) |
479 | LID No. 26 (Not codified) |
480 | Property tax for 1910 (Not codified) |
481 | Amends § 2 of Ord. 460, garbage receptacles (Repealed by 1012) |
482 | Land condemnation to extend a named street (Not codified) |
483 | LID No. 22 (Not codified) |
484 | Amends §§ 1 and 2 of Ord. 329, licensing peddlers, canvassers, and solicitors (Repealed by 2448) |
485 | Amends §§ 1, 2, and 3 of Ord. 456, salaries of city officials (Not codified) |
486 | Divides Puyallup into wards (Repealed by 1523) |
487 | Establishes election precincts (Repealed by 492) |
488 | Creates LID No. 27 (Not codified) |
489 | Creates LID No. 28 (Not codified) |
490 | Prohibits the running of vehicles on certain sidewalks (Repealed by 1523) |
491 | Prohibits walking across private lawns (Repealed by 2105) |
492 | Divides Puyallup into six election precincts, repeals Ord. 487 (Repealed by 1523) |
493 | Provides for appointment of city engineer (Repealed by 1523) |
494 | Amends § 6 of Ord. 456, salary of city officials (Not codified) |
495 | No ordinance |
496 | Street improvement (Not codified) |
497 | Provides for condemnation of certain lands to straighten the Puyallup River (Not codified) |
498 | Provides for condemnation of certain land to widen named street (Repealed by 501) |
499 | Renames certain streets (Not codified) |
500 | Declares certain frame buildings a nuisance and orders their abatement (Not codified) |
501 | Provides for condemnation to widen streets, repeals Ord. 498 (Not codified) |
502 | Prohibits dogs running at large (Repealed by 1523) |
503 | No copy |
504 | Provides for numbering of buildings, repeals Ord. 413 (Repealed by 1523) |
505 | Repeals § 5 of Ord. 502, dogs running at large (Repealed by 1523) |
506 | City council meeting times (Repealed by 1523) |
507 | Regulates and licenses vehicles for hire (Repealed by 1523) |
508 | Property tax for 1911 (Not codified) |
509 | Street vacation (Not codified) |
510 | Street improvement (Not codified) |
511 | Amends § 2 of Ord. 493, appointment of city engineer (Repealed by 1523) |
512 | Sets general regulations for establishing local improvement districts (Repealed by 1523) |
513 | Creates LID No. 30 (Not codified) |
514 | Amends §§ 33, 43, 47 and 48 of Ord. 330, public water, repeals §§ 38, 45 and 46 of Ord. 330 (Repealed by 1523) |
515 | Creates a board of park commissioners (Repealed by 1523) |
516 | Creates LID No. 31 (Not codified) |
517 | City council meeting times (Repealed by 1523) |
518 | Sewer improvement (Not codified) |
519 | Licenses and regulates medicines and drugs (Repealed by 1523) |
520 | Creates LID No. 33 (Not codified) |
521 | LID No. 33 (Not codified) |
522 | Prohibits chickens, turkeys and other fowl from running at large (Repealed by 1523) |
523 | Creates LID No. 34 (Not codified) |
524 | Street vacation (Not codified) |
525 | Street vacation (Not codified) |
526 | Creates office of humane officer and defines his duties (Repealed by 1523) |
527 | Amends § 2 of Ord. 507, regulates vehicles for hire (Repealed by 1523) |
528 | Licenses all vehicles delivering or distributing alcohol (Repealed by 955) |
529 | Property tax for 1912 (Not codified) |
530 | Creates LID No. 35 (Not codified) |
531 | LID No. 31 (Not codified) |
532 | Approves LID No. 30 (Repealed by 540) |
533 | Salary for city marshal (Not codified) |
534 | Provides for appointment by mayor of city engineer, defining his duties, salary and bond (Repealed by 1523) |
535 | LID No. 31 (Not codified) |
536 | Establishes certain misdemeanors (Repealed by 1543) |
537 | LID No. 35 (Not codified) |
538 | Establishes sidewalk construction standards, repeals Ords. 422, 439 (Repealed by 1523) |
539 | Establishes curfew, repeals Ord. 208, 292 (Repealed by 610) |
540 | Amends § 4 of Ord. 532, LID No. 30 (Not codified) |
541 | Creates LID No. 36 (Not codified) |
542 | Water system improvement (Not codified) |
543 | Dog licenses (Repealed by 1523) |
544 | Storm sewer construction (Not codified) |
545 | Pertains to LID No. 34 (Not codified) |
546 | Liquor regulations (Repealed by 1523) |
547 | Telegraph franchise (Not codified) |
548 | Street vacation (Not codified) |
549 | Traffic and vehicle regulations (Repealed by 1012) |
550 | Prohibits the spread of noxious weeds (Repealed by 1523) |
551 | Prohibits named nuisances (Repealed by 1523) |
552 | Property tax for 1913 (Not codified) |
553 | Pertains to LID No. 33 (Not codified) |
554 | LID No. 38 (Not codified) |
555 | LID No. 39 (Not codified) |
556 | LID No. 40 (Not codified) |
557 | Fixes salary of city treasurer (Not codified) |
558 | Pertains to LID No. 38 (Not codified) |
559 | LID No. 39 (Not codified) |
560 | LID No. 40 (Not codified) |
561 | Authorizes a contract (Not codified) |
562 | Amends § 2 of Ord. 534, appointment of city engineer (Repealed by 1523) |
563 | Licenses electricians (Repealed by 1523) |
564 | Provides additional duties for marshal (Repealed by 1523) |
565 | Regulates plumbing in buildings, repeals Ord. 349 (Repealed by 1523) |
566 | Pertains to LID No. 39 (Not codified) |
567 | Pertains to LID No. 38 (Not codified) |
568 | Pertains to LID No. 40 (Not codified) |
569 | City contract regulations (Repealed by 1543) |
570 | Regulates sale and disposal of intoxicating liquor (Repealed by 1012) |
571 | Pertains to LID No. 37 (Not codified) |
572 | Pool hall regulations (Repealed by 962) |
573 | Pertains to LID No. 36 (Not codified) |
574 | LID No. 41 (Not codified) |
575 | Amends § 4 of Ord. 568, LID No. 40 (Not codified) |
576 | Regulates vehicles for hire (Repealed by 1523) |
577 | Amends Ord. 572, pool, billiard, and card rooms (Repealed by 962) |
578 | Creates LID No. 42 (Not codified) |
579 | Amends § 1 of Ord. 576, regulating vehicles for hire (Repealed by 1523) |
580 | Special election (Not codified) |
581 | Street improvement (Not codified) |
582 | Pertains to construction of cement sidewalks (Not codified) |
583 | LID No. 43 (Not codified) |
584 | Pertains to LID No. 41 (Not codified) |
585 | Street vacation (Not codified) |
586 | LID No. 44 (Not codified) |
587 | Pertains to LID No. 42 (Not codified) |
588 | Regulates use of roller skates (Repealed by 1523) |
589 | Divides city into wards (Not codified) |
590 | Pertains to 1914 bond (Not codified) |
591 | Fire limits (Repealed by 1523) |
592 | LID No. 45 (Not codified) |
593 | LID No. 45 (Not codified) |
594 | Pertains to LID No. 44 (Not codified) |
595 | Renames certain streets (Not codified) |
596 | Licenses and regulates dance halls (Repealed by 1523) |
597 | Regulates public walls and provides penalties for violations thereof (Repealed by 1543) |
598 | Establishes fire limits (Repealed by 1543) |
599 | Provides for appointment of city fire engineer, prescribes duties and compensation (Repealed by 1012) |
600 | Amends § 1 of Ord. 579, licensing and regulating use of for-hire vehicles (Repealed by 1523) |
601 | Licenses and taxes billposters (Repealed by 2232) |
602 | Pertains to LID No. 43 (Not codified) |
603 | Regulates construction of sidewalks (Repealed by 1523) |
604 | Property tax for 1915 (Not codified) |
605 | Pedestrian regulations (Repealed by 932) |
606 | Approves LID No. 45 (Not codified) |
607 | Establishes unnumbered LID (Not codified) |
608 | LID No. 46 (Not codified) |
609 | LID No. 47 (Not codified) |
610 | Curfew, repeals Ord. 539 (Repealed by 1011) |
611 | Licenses junk dealers (Repealed by 2012) |
612 | Sidewalk construction procedure (Repealed by 1523) |
613 | LID No. 48 (Not codified) |
614 | Electrical wiring standards and regulations (Repealed by 1523) |
615 | Approves LID No. 47 (Not codified) |
616 | Approves LID No. 48 (Not codified) |
617 | LID No. 49 (Not codified) |
618 | Approves LID No. 46 (Not codified) |
619 | Creates and regulates fire department (Repealed by 966) |
620 | Tax levy for 1916 (Not codified) |
621 | Amends § 4 of Ord. 330, water department (Repealed by 1523) |
622 | Prohibits interference with fire department (9.10) |
623 | LID No. 50 (Not codified) |
624 | LID No. 51 (Not codified) |
625 | Regulates sewer and water connections (Repealed by 1523) |
626 | Amends § 1 of Ord. 484, licensing peddlers (Repealed by 2448) |
627 | LID No. 52 (Not codified) |
628 | Amends § 5 of Ord. 534, city engineer (Repealed by 1523) |
629 | Amends § 10 of Ord. 402, amusement licenses (Repealed by 1048) |
630 | Approves LID No. 50 (Not codified) |
631 | Approves LID No. 51 (Not codified) |
632 | Tax levy for 1917 (Not codified) |
633 | Regulates bicycles on public streets (Repealed by 1523) |
634 | LID No. 53 (Not codified) |
635 | Bond issue for LID Nos. 50 and 51 (Not codified) |
636 | Approves LID No. 53 (Not codified) |
637 | Police department (Repealed by 1523) |
638 | Approves LID No. 49 (Not codified) |
639 | Approves LID No. 52 (Not codified) |
640 | Eminent domain condemnation (Not codified) |
641 | Amends §§ 2 and 3 of Ord. 362, pertaining to street railway franchise (Not codified) |
642 | LID No. 53 (Not codified) |
643 | LID No. 54 (Not codified) |
644 | LID No. 55 (Not codified) |
645 | Approves LID No. 53 (Not codified) |
646 | Tax levy for 1918 (Not codified) |
647 | Building regulations (Repealed by 1523) |
648 | Approves LID No. 54 (Not codified) |
649 | Approves LID No. 55 (Not codified) |
650 | LID No. 56 (Not codified) |
651 | Street vacation (Not codified) |
652 | Amends § 1 of Ord. 391, tying animals on streets (Repealed by 1523) |
653 | LID No. 57 (Not codified) |
654 | LID No. 58 (Not codified) |
655 | LID No. 59 (Not codified) |
656 | LID No. 60 (Not codified) |
657 | Rules and regulations for authority for keeping record of municipal expenses (Repealed by 1523) |
658 | Disorderly conduct (Repealed by 1543) |
659 | Sidewalk construction regulations (Repealed by 1523) |
660 | Approves LID No. 58 (Not codified) |
661 | Approves LID No. 59 (Not codified) |
662 | Tax levy for 1919 (Not codified) |
663 | Approves LID No. 56 (Not codified) |
664 | Creates unnumbered LID (Not codified) |
665 | LID No. 62 (Not codified) |
666 | LID No. 63 (Not codified) |
667 | Street vacation (Not codified) |
668 | Street vacation (Not codified) |
669 | LID No. 65 (Not codified) |
670 | LID No. 66 (Repealed by 672) |
671 | LID No. 67 (Not codified) |
672 | Repeals Ord. 670, street improvement (Not codified) |
673 | LID No. 68 (Not codified) |
674 | Street improvement (Not codified) |
675 | Imposes occupation tax upon trailers attached to motor trucks (Repealed by 1523) |
676 | Approves LID No. 61 (Not codified) |
677 | Property tax for 1920 and budget for 1921 (Not codified) |
678 | Creates office of fire marshal, regulates disposition of refuse and repair of certain buildings (Repealed by 1543) |
679 | Approves LID No. 57 (Not codified) |
680 | Approves LID No. 63 (Not codified) |
681 | Bond election (Not codified) |
682 | Salaries for named city officers (Not codified) |
683 | Creates LID No. 69 (Not codified) |
684 | LID No. 70 (Not codified) |
685 | LID No. 71 (Not codified) |
686 | Plumbing regulations (Repealed by 1523) |
687 | Approves LID No. 64 (Not codified) |
688 | Approves LID No. 65 (Not codified) |
689 | Approves LID No. 67 (Not codified) |
690 | Approves LID No. 68 (Not codified) |
691 | LID No. 74 (Not codified) |
692 | Approves LID No. 60 (Not codified) |
693 | LID No. 73 (Not codified) |
694 | LID No. 72 (Not codified) |
695 | Amends Ord. 640, condemnation of land for street improvement (Not codified) |
696 | Fixes bond issuance date for 1920 (Not codified) |
697 | LID No. 75 (Not codified) |
698 | LID No. 75 (Not codified) |
699 | LID No. 77 (Not codified) |
700 | LID No. 78 (Not codified) |
701 | Street vacation (Not codified) |
702 | Approves LID No. 71 (Not codified) |
703 | LID No. 79 (Not codified) |
704 | Approves LID No. 69 (Not codified) |
705 | LID No. 80 (Not codified) |
706 | LID No. 81 (Not codified) |
707 | Approves LID No. 74 (Not codified) |
708 | Approves LID No. 62 (Not codified) |
709 | Provides for form of negotiable bonds, etc. (Not codified) |
710 | Defines and prescribes the punishment for certain offenses (Repealed by 1543) |
711 | Approves LID No. 75 (Not codified) |
712 | Street vacation (Not codified) |
713 | Approves LID No. 76 (Not codified) |
714 | Approves LID No. 73 (Not codified) |
715 | LID No. 82 (Not codified) |
716 | Calls special election (Not codified) |
717 | Approves LID No. 78 (Not codified) |
718 | Street vacation (Not codified) |
719 | Approves LID No. 79 (Not codified) |
720 | Approves LID No. 70 (Not codified) |
721 | LID No. 83 (Not codified) |
722 | Approves LID No. 72 (Not codified) |
723 | Repeals Ord. 464, which creates sanitary district, provides for employment of city scavenger, etc. (Not codified) |
724 | LID No. 84 (Not codified) |
725 | Provides for construction of trunk drains (Not codified) |
726 | Regulates use of public streets (Repealed by 1012) |
727 | Amends § 1 of Ord. 600, regulations of vehicles for hire (Repealed by 1109) |
728 | Approves LID No. 77 (Not codified) |
729 | Approves LID No. 82 (Not codified) |
730 | Grants to county board right to construct and maintain open or covered ditches (Not codified) |
731 | Property tax for 1921 and budget for 1922 (Not codified) |
732 | Approves LID No. 80 (Not codified) |
733 | Approves LID No. 81 (Not codified) |
734 | Provides for construction of sanitary trunk drain (Not codified) |
735 | Approves LID No. 83 (Not codified) |
736 | Approves LID No. 84 (Not codified) |
737 | Street vacation (Not codified) |
738 | Water supply system rates (Repealed by 1523) |
739 | Approves LID No. 85 (Not codified) |
740 | Condemns property for extension of streets (Not codified) |
741 | LID No. 87 (Not codified) |
742 | Regulates sale of dairy products (Repealed by 1523) |
743 | Provides for gravity water system repair and renewal of gravity water system (Not codified) |
744 | Amends § 12 of Ord. 614, electric wiring connections (Repealed by 1523) |
745 | Provides for licensing and registering electricians (Repealed by 1523) |
746 | Provides for repair of gravity water system and provides the bond issue (Not codified) |
747 | Approves LID No. 86 (Not codified) |
748 | Grants permission to Standard Oil to erect tanks, warehouses, etc. (Not codified) |
749 | Grants a franchise spur track (Not codified) |
750 | LID No. 88 (Not codified) |
751 | Amends § 5 of Ord. 746, repair of gravity water system (Not codified) |
752 | Provides for construction of trunk drain (Not codified) |
753 | Grants right to overhang Tenth Street (Not codified) |
754 | LID No. 90 (Not codified) |
755 | Ten-year franchise to collect garbage (Not codified) |
756 | Creates LID No. 91 (Not codified) |
757 | LID No. 92 (Not codified) |
758 | Amends §§ 1, 3 and 4 of Ord. 746, repair and renewal of gravity water system, repeals §§ 2, 6 and 7 of Ord. 746 (Not codified) |
759 | Provides form and details of water revenue bonds authorized by Ord. 746 (Not codified) |
760 | Approves LID No. 87 (Not codified) |
761 | Approves LID No. 88 (Not codified) |
762 | LID No. 93 (Not codified) |
763 | Grants right to named company to operate sky line across the street (Not codified) |
764 | LID No. 90 (Not codified) |
765 | Approves LID No. 89 (Not codified) |
766 | Provides for construction of trunk storm sewer (Not codified) |
767 | Establishes LID No. 95 (Not codified) |
768 | LID No. 96 (Not codified) |
769 | Approves LID No. 91 (Not codified) |
770 | Fixes bond for treasurer (Repealed by 2148) |
771 | LID No. 97 (Not codified) |
772 | Approves LID No. 92 (Not codified) |
773 | Grants permission to construct a shed (Repealed by 1012) |
774 | Budget for 1922 (Not codified) |
775 | Street vacation (Not codified) |
776 | Provides for construction of trunk sewer line (Not codified) |
777 | Approves LID No. 93 (Not codified) |
778 | Amends § 2 of Ord. 546, disposal of intoxicating liquors (Repealed by 1523) |
779 | Approves LID No. 96 (Not codified) |
780 | LID No. 99 (Not codified) |
781 | Approves LID No. 97 (Not codified) |
782 | LID No. 100 (Not codified) |
783 | Amends § 1 of Ord. 780, street improvement (Not codified) |
784 | Regulates operation of slaughterhouses within corporate limits (Repealed by 1523) |
785 | LID No. 101 (Not codified) |
786 | Approves LID No. 95 (Not codified) |
787 | LID No. 102 (Not codified) |
788 | Establishes salaries for city officials (Not codified) |
789 | LID No. 103 (Not codified) |
790 | LID No. 104 (Not codified) |
791 | Approves LID No. 101 (Not codified) |
792 | LID No. 105 (Not codified) |
793 | LID No. 106 (Repealed by 795) |
794 | Alley vacation (Not codified) |
795 | Replaces Ord. 793 (Repealer) |
796 | LID No. 106 (Not codified) |
797 | Tax levy for 1923 (Not codified) |
798 | Apportions property tax for 1923 (Not codified) |
799 | Approves LID No. 99 (Not codified) |
800 | Approves LID No. 103 (Not codified) |
801 | Approves LID No. 104 (Not codified) |
802 | LID No. 107 (Not codified) |
803 | Approves LID No. 102 (Not codified) |
804 | LID No. 108 (Not codified) |
805 | Amends § 1 of Ord. 738, municipal water supply system (Repealed by 1523) |
806 | LID No. 105 (Not codified) |
807 | Regulates parking (Repealed by 1523) |
808 | Amends § 1 of Ord. 805, municipal water supply (Repealed by 1523) |
809 | Block vacation (Not codified) |
810 | Defines and designates nuisances (Repealed by 1523) |
811 | Garbage franchise (Not codified) |
812 | Prohibits minors from frequenting pool, billiard and card rooms (Repealed by 1523) |
813 | Street improvement (Not codified) |
814 | Amends § 1 of Ord. 811, garbage franchise (Not codified) |
815 | Regulates the keeping of dogs (Repealed by 1523) |
816 | Street vacation (Not codified) |
817 | LID No. 109 (Not codified) |
818 | Approves LID No. 108 (Not codified) |
819 | Approves LID No. 107 (Not codified) |
820 | LID No. 110 (Not codified) |
821 | Regulates wiring of buildings (Repealed by 1523) |
822 | Approves LID No. 106 (Not codified) |
823 | Approves LID No. 109 (Not codified) |
824 | Provides for bonds for LID No. 106 (Not codified) |
825 | LID No. 111 (Not codified) |
826 | LID No. 112 (Not codified) |
827 | Provides for partial payment for LID No. 106 (Not codified) |
828 | Approves LID No. 110 (Not codified) |
829 | LID No. 113 (Not codified) |
830 | Budget for 1924 (Not codified) |
831 | Property tax for 1924 (Not codified) |
832 | Telephone franchise (Not codified) |
833 | Approves LID No. 111 (Not codified) |
834 | Approves LID No. 112 (Not codified) |
835 | Street improvement (Not codified) |
836 | Establishes LID No. 115 (Not codified) |
837 | Approves LID No. 113 (Not codified) |
838 | LID No. 116 (Not codified) |
839 | Amends § 1 of Ord. 401, obstruction of streets, sidewalks and highways (Repealed by 1523) |
840 | Regulates pool, billiard and card rooms, repeals Ords. 572 and 577 (Repealed by 1523) |
841 | Approves LID No. 115 (Not codified) |
842 | Regulates entertainments at which medicines or remedies are sold (Repealed by 1523) |
843 | Amends § 111 of Ord. 348, regulates and licenses plumbers (Repealed by 1523) |
844 | LID No. 117 (Not codified) |
845 | Approves LID No. 116 (Not codified) |
846 | Budget for 1925 (Not codified) |
847 | Property tax for 1925 (Not codified) |
848 | LID No. 118 (Not codified) |
849 | Provides for meat inspection (Repealed by 1523) |
850 | Approves LID No. 117 (Not codified) |
851 | LID No. 119 (Not codified) |
852 | LID No. 120 (Not codified) |
853 | LID No. 118 (Not codified) |
854 | Regulates building construction (Repealed by 1543) |
855 | LID No. 121 (Not codified) |
856 | Approves LID No. 119 (Not codified) |
857 | Approves LID No. 120 (Not codified) |
858 | Street improvement (Not codified) |
859 | Budget for 1926 (Not codified) |
860 | Property tax for 1926 (Not codified) |
861 | Approves LID No. 121 (Not codified) |
862 | Salary for clerk and treasurer (Not codified) |
863 | LID No. 122 (Not codified) |
864 | Eminent domain condemnation (Not codified) |
865 | Regulates parking vehicles on Meridian St. (Repealed by 1498) |
866 | Regulates traffic (Repealed by 1012) |
867 | Regulates traffic (Repealed by 1523) |
868 | Approves LID No. 122 (Not codified) |
869 | LID No. 123 (Not codified) |
870 | Tax levy for 1927 (Not codified) |
871 | Tax levy for 1927 (Not codified) |
872 | Authorizes an expenditure (Not codified) |
873 | Changes names of streets (Not codified) |
874 | Eminent domain condemnation (Not codified) |
875 | Approves LID No. 123 (Not codified) |
876 | LID No. 124 (Not codified) |
877 | LID No. 125 (Not codified) |
878 | LID No. 126 (Not codified) |
879 | Approves LID No. 124 (Not codified) |
880 | Approves LID No. 125 (Not codified) |
881 | LID No. 127 (Not codified) |
882 | Budget for 1928 (Not codified) |
883 | Taxes for 1928 (Not codified) |
884 | LID No. 128 (Not codified) |
885 | Approves LID No. 126 (Not codified) |
886 | Provides date for foreclosure of delinquent LID assessments (Not codified) |
887 | Approves LID No. 127 (Not codified) |
888 | Approves LID No. 128 (Not codified) |
889 | Provides for purchase of Puget Sound Power and Light Co. (Repealed by 942) |
890 | Regulates funeral processions (Repealed by 1523) |
891 | Prescribes duties of city clerk, treasurer, and attorney and fixes their bonds and salaries (Repealed by 1523) |
892 | Regulates the burning of trash within fire limits (Repealed by 1523) |
893 | Eminent domain condemnation (Not codified) |
894 | Creates board of park commissioners (Repealed by 1523) |
895 | Appropriation (Not codified) |
896 | Authorizes the city attorney to institute an eminent domain action (Repealed by 942) |
897 | LID No. 130 (Not codified) |
898 | Regulates parking or abandonment of automobiles (10.40) |
899 | Prohibits the keeping of goats within city territory (Repealed by 1523) |
900 | LID No. 131 (Not codified) |
901 | LID No. 132 (Not codified) |
902 | Provides for construction of septic tanks outside of sanitary sewer districts (Repealed by 1523) |
903 | Budget for 1929 (Not codified) |
904 | Tax levy for 1929 (Not codified) |
905 | Block vacation (Not codified) |
906 | Garbage franchise (Not codified) |
907 | Regulates use of public streets and avenues (Repealed by 919) |
908 | LID No. 130 (Not codified) |
909 | Approves LID No. 131 (Not codified) |
910 | Regulates use of public streets (Repealed by 1523) |
911 | Amends § 1 of Ord. 596, licensing and regulating dance halls (Repealed by 956) |
912 | Requires diseased plant destruction (Repealed by 1523) |
913 | LID No. 133 (Not codified) |
914 | Amends § 3 of Ord. 902, construction of septic tanks (Repealed by 1523) |
915 | Amends § 1 of Ord. 477, regulating and licensing skating rinks (Repealed by 1523) |
916 | Approves LID No. 132 (Not codified) |
917 | Approves LID No. 133 (Not codified) |
918 | Regulates traffic (Repealed by 1012) |
919 | Prohibits construction of motor vehicle service stations, repeals §§ 1 and 2 of Ord. 907 (Repealed by 1523) |
920 | Special election (Not codified) |
921 | Special election (Not codified) |
922 | Creates Ezra M. Meeker Monument Fund (Not codified) |
923 | Budget for 1930 (Not codified) |
924 | Tax levy for 1930 (Not codified) |
925 | Regulates parking of vehicles (Repealed by 1496) |
926 | Fixes date for foreclosure of delinquent local improvement assessments (17.28) |
927 | Regulates collection and disposal of garbage (Not codified) |
928 | Creates LID (Not codified) |
929 | Amends §§ 2 and 3 of Ord. 543, keeping of dogs (Repealed by 1523) |
930 | Authorizes cemetery acquisition (Not codified) |
931 | Appropriation (Not codified) |
932 | Regulates operation of trains and street intersections use, repeals Ords. 166, 451 and 605 (10.68) |
933 | LID No. 135 (Not codified) |
934 | Approves LID No. 134 (Not codified) |
935 | Provides for public street opening (Not codified) |
936 | LID No. 135 (Not codified) |
937 | Regulates control and disposition of cemetery property and creates certain funds (Repealed by 1523) |
938 | Ratifies and confirms a loan (Repealed by 942) |
939 | Adopts budget for 1931 (Not codified) |
940 | Tax levy for 1931 (Not codified) |
941 | Approves LID No. 135 (Not codified) |
942 | Authorizes settlement and dismissal of certain court action, repeals Ords. 889, 896 and 938 (Not codified) |
943 | Appropriation (Not codified) |
944 | Appropriation (Not codified) |
945 | Designates arterial highway and regulates traffic (Repealed by 1427) |
946 | LID No. 137 (Not codified) |
947 | Budget for 1932 (Not codified) |
948 | Tax levy for 1932 (Not codified) |
949 | Fund appropriation (Not codified) |
950 | Approves LID No. 137 (Not codified) |
951 | Prescribes duties of city clerk, treasurer, and attorney, fixes bonds and salaries (Repealed by 1523) |
952 | Regulates sale of goods (Repealed by 3146) |
953 | Provides for licensing of auctioneers (Repealed by 3146) |
954 | Amends § 1 of Ord. 546, sale of intoxicating liquors (Repealed by 1523) |
955 | Regulates beer, repeals Ord. 528 (Repealed by 1523) |
956 | Amends § 1 of Ord. 596, licensing and regulating dance halls, repeals Ord. 911 (Repealed by 1523) |
957 | Fund appropriation (Not codified) |
958 | Amends § 12 of Ord. 955, regulating beer (Repealed by 1523) |
959 | Budget for 1933 (Not codified) |
960 | Tax levy for 1933 (Not codified) |
961 | Amends § 1 of Ord. 805, relating to municipal water supply (Repealed by 1543) |
962 | Amends § 1 of Ord. 840, pool, billiard and card rooms, repeals Ords. 572 and 577 (Repealed by 1523) |
963 | Establishes fire limits and provides for the construction and equipment of building (Repealed by 1493) |
964 | Appropriation (Not codified) |
965 | Amends § 2 of Ord. 745, licensing and registering of electricians (Repealed by 1523) |
966 | Creates and regulates fire departments, repeals Ord. 619 (Repealed by 1523) |
967 | Fire regulations (Repealed by 1523) |
968 | LID No. 138 (Not codified) |
969 | Appropriation (Not codified) |
970 | Appropriation (Not codified) |
971 | Regulates, licenses the operation of certain games (Repealed by 1703) |
972 | Regulates automobile wrecking establishments (Repealed by 1523) |
973 | Appropriation (Not codified) |
974 | Prohibits sale of intoxicating liquors during certain hours (Repealed by 1491) |
975 | Approves LID No. 138 (Not codified) |
976 | Budget for 1934 (Not codified) |
977 | Property tax for 1934 (Not codified) |
978 | Appropriation (Not codified) |
979 | Regulates the parking of vehicles (Repealed by 2443) |
980 | No copy |
981 | No copy |
982 | No copy |
983 | No copy |
984 | No copy |
985 | Appropriation (Not codified) |
986 | Budget for 1935 (Not codified) |
987 | Tax levy for 1935 (Not codified) |
988 | Appropriation (Not codified) |
989 | Fixes date for paying salaries of city officials and employees (Repealed by 1523) |
990 | Prohibits electrical interference with radio reception (Repealed by 1523) |
991 | Regulates and licenses the keeping of dogs (Repealed by 1523) |
992 | Regulates the establishment of fuel yards, service stations, auto wrecking land and like businesses (Repealed by 1523) |
993 | Street vacation (Not codified) |
994 | Parking regulations (Repealed by 2443) |
995 | Budget for 1936 (Not codified) |
996 | Tax levy for 1936 (Not codified) |
997 | Provides for construction and maintenance of fire escapes (Repealed by 1523) |
998 | Amends § 14 of Ord. 963, fire limits (Repealed by 1493) |
999 | Amends Ord. 995, budget for 1936 (Not codified) |
1000 | Budget for 1937 (Not codified) |
1001 | Tax levy for 1937 (Not codified) |
1002 | Parking regulations (Repealed by 2443) |
1003 | Regulates fire department (2.16) |
1004 | Creates civil service commission for fire department (Repealed by 1839) |
1005 | Creates civil service commission for police department (Repealed by 3001) |
1006 | Parking regulations (Repealed by 1498) |
1007 | Appropriation (Not codified) |
1008 | Appropriation (Not codified) |
1009 | Amends § 2 of Ord. 971, licensing and regulation of games (Repealed by 1703) |
1010 | Amends § 1 of Ord. 945, arterial highways and traffic (Repealed by 1427) |
1011 | Repeals Ords. 417, 395, 367, 610, 292, 14, 189 and 243 (Repealer) |
1012 | Repeals Ords. 175, 176, 308, 570, 773, 599, 918, 866, 376, 271, 446, 726, 549, 460 and 481 (Repealer) |
1013 | Budget for 1938 (Not codified) |
1014 | Tax levy for 1938 (Not codified) |
1015 | Regulates bicycles and equipment (Repealed by 1523) |
1016 | Prescribes duties of city clerk, treasurer, and attorney, fixes their bonds and their salaries (Repealed by 1523) |
1017 | Regulates house trailers, house cars and all other vehicles designed for use as a place of abode (Repealed by 2105) |
1018 | Amends § 2 of Ord. 972, of vehicle wrecking establishments (Repealed by 1523) |
1019 | Provides for acquisition of certain electrical works and provides for bond issue (Not codified) |
1020 | Appropriation (Not codified) |
1021 | Budget for 1939 (Not codified) |
1022 | Property tax for 1939 (Not codified) |
1023 | Appropriation (Not codified) |
1024 | Provides for employment and discharge of employees (Repealed by 1543) |
1025 | Amends § 1 of Ord. 945, arterial highways and traffic (Repealed by 1427) |
1026 | Authorizes payment of expenses for elective and appointive offices (Repealed by 1523) |
1027 | Amends § 4 of Ord. 402, licensing places of amusement (Repealed by 2448) |
1028 | Garbage franchise (Not codified) |
1029 | Grants franchise for removal of garbage (Repealed by 1523) |
1030 | Appropriation (Not codified) |
1031 | Budget for 1940 (Not codified) |
1032 | Tax levy for 1940 (Not codified) |
1033 | Appropriation (Not codified) |
1034 | Creates city planning commission (Repealed by 3001) |
1035 | Authorizes mayor to execute deeds of conveyance (Not codified) |
1036 | Authorizes a deed (Not codified) |
1037 | Amends § 1 of Ord. 1034, creating city planning commission (Repealed by 1420) |
1038 | Appropriation (Not codified) |
1039 | Appropriation (Not codified) |
1040 | Budget for 1941 (Not codified) |
1041 | Property tax for 1941 (Not codified) |
1042 | Regulates stopping and parking places for automobiles (Repealed by 1523) |
1043 | Creates municipal defense council (Repealed by 1523) |
1044 | Appropriation (Not codified) |
1045 | Amends § 3 of Ord. 459, larceny (Repealed by 1543) |
1046 | Black-out rules and regulations (Repealed by 1053) |
1047 | Amends § 1 of Ord. 301, prohibiting sale of toy weapons (Repealed by 2105) |
1048 | Repeals Ord. 629, licenses for conducting places of amusement (Repealer) |
1049 | Appropriation (Not codified) |
1050 | Amends § 8 of Ord. 402, places of amusement (Repealed by 2448) |
1051 | Amends § 2 of Ord. 971, licensing and regulating certain games (Repealed by 1703) |
1052 | Traffic regulations, repeals Ords. 945, 1010 and 1025 (Repealed by 1522) |
1053 | Prescribes black-out regulations; repeals Ord. 1046 (Repealed by 1523) |
1054 | Appropriation (Not codified) |
1055 | Appropriation (Not codified) |
1056 | Garbage collection franchise (Repealed by 1394) |
1057 | Regulates collection and disposal of garbage (Repealed by 1394) |
1058 | Provides for construction of septic tanks outside sanitary sewer districts (Repealed by 1683) |
1059 | Budget for 1943 (Not codified) |
1060 | Property tax for 1943 (Not codified) |
1061 | Establishes war-time restrictive lighting regulations (Repealed by 1523) |
1062 | Establishes salaries for certain city officers (Not codified) |
1063 | Appropriation (Not codified) |
1064 | Levies an admission tax (Repealed by 1191) |
1065 | Creates state aid fund and liquor tax fund (Not codified) |
1066 | Budget for 1944 (Not codified) |
1067 | Property tax for 1944 (Not codified) |
1068 | Adopts certain regulations of State Board of Health (Repealed by 1543) |
1069 | Restricts keeping of certain domestic animals (8.08) |
1070 | Amends § 3 of Ord. 477, regulating and licensing skating rinks (Repealed by 1523) |
1071 | Alley and street vacation (Not codified) |
1072 | Street vacation (Not codified) |
1073 | Prohibits minors from playing pinball machines (Repealed by 1543) |
1074 | Creates local improvement district revolving fund (Not codified) |
1075 | Creates cumulative reserve fund (Not codified) |
1076 | Budget for 1945 (Not codified) |
1077 | Tax levy for 1945 (Not codified) |
1078 | Salary of certain officers (Not codified) |
1079 | Alley vacation (Not codified) |
1080 | Zoning regulations (Repealed by 1523) |
1081 | Plans for improvement of sewer system (Repealed by 1122) |
1082 | Appropriation (Not codified) |
1083 | Budget for 1946 (Not codified) |
1084 | Property tax for 1946 (Not codified) |
1085 | Appropriation (Not codified) |
1086 | Electrical wiring regulations (Repealed by 1492) |
1087 | Plumbing regulations (Repealed by 1523) |
1088 | Defines fire limits (Repealed by 1493) |
1089 | Building permits (Repealed by 1523) |
1090 | Creates street improvement state development fund (Not codified) |
1091 | Appropriation (Not codified) |
1092 | Creates street improvement state development fund (Not codified) |
1093 | Street improvement development fund (Not codified) |
1094 | Budget for 1947 (Not codified) |
1095 | Tax levy for 1947 (Not codified) |
1096 | Fixes salaries of certain officers (Not codified) |
1097 | Amends Ord. 1080, building construction land use (Repealed by 1523) |
1098 | Appropriation (Not codified) |
1099 | Appropriation (Not codified) |
1100 | Amends §§ 1, 2-A(c), 2-A(h), 7, 12 and 12-A of Ord. 1086; §§ 1, 18, 126, 32, 33, 38, 39 and 48 of Ord. 1087; §§ 201, 204, 1405(c), 2522(a), 3702(a), 3703(e), 3707(a) and 3707(c) of Ord. 1089, construction; repeals §§ 13, 13-B, 13-C, and 14 of Ord. 1086 (Repealed by 1492) |
1101 | Creates street state development fund (Not codified) |
1102 | Grants franchise to erect signal control house (Not codified) |
1103 | Appropriation (Not codified) |
1104 | Traffic control regulations (Repealed by 1496) |
1105 | Appropriation (Not codified) |
1106 | Subdivision regulations (Repealed by 1665) |
1107 | Appropriation (Not codified) |
1108 | Appropriation (Not codified) |
1109 | Licenses and regulates taxicabs; repeals Ords. 476 and 727 (Repealed by 1177) |
1110 | Budget for 1948 (Not codified) |
1111 | Tax levy for 1948 (Not codified) |
1112 | Provides regulations for collection and disposal of garbage; repeals Ords. 1056 and 1057 (6.12) |
1113 | Street vacation (Not codified) |
1114 | Appropriation (Not codified) |
1115 | Appropriation (Not codified) |
1116 | Appropriation (Not codified) |
1117 | Appropriation (Not codified) |
1118 | Creates volunteer firemen’s relief and pension fund (Not codified) |
1119 | Creates garbage fund (Not codified) |
1120 | Water use regulations and water rates (Repealed by 2082) |
1121 | Appropriation (Not codified) |
1122 | Repeals Ord. 1081 (Repealer) |
1123 | Combines sewage disposal system with city water works utility and provides for improvement (Not codified) |
1124 | Appropriation (Not codified) |
1125 | Annexation (Not codified) |
1126 | Budget for 1949 (Not codified) |
1127 | Property tax for 1949 (Not codified) |
1128 | Amends § 75(a) of Ord. 1052, travel and traffic on streets (Repealed by 1322) |
1129 | Fixes salaries of certain officers (Not codified) |
1130 | Appropriation (Not codified) |
1131 | Authorizes payment of expenses to elective and appointive officers (Repealed by 1495) |
1132 | Creates sewage treatment plant construction fund (Not codified) |
1133 | Street vacation (Not codified) |
1134 | Regulates obstruction of streets and alleys (Repealed by 1828) |
1135 | Street vacation (Not codified) |
1136 | Amends §§ 31, 32 and 33 of Ord. 1120, municipal water supply system (Repealed by 1435) |
1137 | Establishes sewer service charges (Repealed by 1523) |
1138 | Adopts certain laws pertaining to fireman’s pension fund by reference (Not codified) |
1139 | Street vacation (Not codified) |
1140 | Water and sewer revenue bonds (Not codified) |
1141 | Creates engineer fund (Not codified) |
1142 | Budget for 1950 (Not codified) |
1143 | Property tax levy for 1950 (Not codified) |
1144 | Amends Ord. 1109, licensing and regulating taxicabs (Repealed by 1177) |
1145 | City joins the state employment retirement system (Not codified) |
1146 | Appropriation (Not codified) |
1147 | Amends § 3-A of Ord. 1080, use of buildings and land (Repealed by 1523) |
1148 | Appropriation (Not codified) |
1149 | Amends § 5 of Ord. 1080 zoning (Repealed by 1523) |
1150 | Pertains to sanitary sewers and removal of obstructions therefrom (Repealed by 1467) |
1151 | Street vacation (Not codified) |
1152 | Divides city into wards and election precincts (Repealed by 1523) |
1153 | Appropriation (Not codified) |
1154 | Prohibits encouragement of delinquency (Repealed by 1523) |
1155 | Employs special council (Not codified) |
1156 | Budget for 1951 (Not codified) |
1157 | Tax levy for 1951 (Not codified) |
1158 | Plan to acquire additional electrical facilities (Not codified) |
1159 | Appropriation (Not codified) |
1160 | Appropriation (Not codified) |
1161 | Amends § 7 of Ord. 1158, electrical facilities (Not codified) |
1162 | Appropriation (Not codified) |
1163 | Amends § 33 of Ord. 1150, sewers (Repealed by 1467) |
1164 | Council meeting times (Repealed by 1523) |
1165 | Salary of city manager (Not codified) |
1166 | Appropriation (Not codified) |
1167 | Creates various departments for city (Repealed by 2254) |
1168 | Appropriation (Not codified) |
1169 | Appropriation (Not codified) |
1170 | Business licenses (Repealed by 2232) |
1171 | Business licenses (5.04) |
1172 | Appropriation (Not codified) |
1173 | Budget for 1952 (Not codified) |
1174 | Tax levy for 1952 (Not codified) |
1175 | Creates recreational board (Repealed by 2953) |
1176 | Amends § 7 of Ord. 1178, electrical facilities (Not codified) |
1177 | Licenses and regulates taxicabs, repeals Ords. 1144 and 1109 (Repealed by 3146) |
1178 | Amends § 2 of Ord. 971, licensing and regulating certain games (Repealed by 1703) |
1179 | Amends § 3 of Ord. 348, regulating and licensing plumbers (Repealed by 1523) |
1180 | Establishes city hall construction fund (Not codified) |
1181 | Appropriation (Not codified) |
1182 | Plan to acquire additional electrical facilities (Not codified) |
1183 | Street vacation (Not codified) |
1184 | Fixes rates of interest on all warrants (Repealed by 1523) |
1185 | Amends § 2 of Ord 1064, admissions tax (Repealed by 1191) |
1186 | Amends Ord. 1171, business licenses (5.04) |
1187 | Budget for 1953 (Not codified) |
1188 | Property tax for 1953 (Not codified) |
1189 | Fund transfer (Not codified) |
1190 | Nuisances (6.08) |
1191 | Admissions tax, repeals Ord. 1064 (5.40) |
1192 | Cemetery management (13.04, 13.08, 13.12, 13.16, 13.20, 13.24) |
1193 | Licenses merchant patrolmen (Repealed by 3146) |
1194 | Provides for consolidation of water and garbage bills (Title 14) |
1195 | Local improvement district guaranty fund (Not codified) |
1196 | Provides regulations for initiating LID (Repealed by 1523) |
1197 | LID No. 140 (Not codified) |
1198 | Dog regulations and dog licenses (8.04) |
1199 | Amends § 2 of Ord. 1112, health and sanitation, repeals Ords. 1056 and 1057 (Repealed by 1510) |
1200 | Amends § 31 of Ord. 1120, municipal water supply system (Repealed by 1435) |
1201 | Amends Ord. 1137, sewer service charges (Repealed by 1523) |
1202 | Street vacation (Not codified) |
1203 | Appropriation (Not codified) |
1204 | Appropriation (Not codified) |
1205 | Water plant improvement fund (Not codified) |
1206 | Creates LID No. 141 (Not codified) |
1207 | Budget for 1954 (Not codified) |
1208 | Tax levy for 1954 (Not codified) |
1209 | Appropriation (Not codified) |
1210 | Approves LID No. 140 (Not codified) |
1211 | Licenses shuffleboard games (Repealed by 2448) |
1212 | Appropriation (Not codified) |
1213 | Alley vacation (Not codified) |
1214 | Equipment rental fund (Repealed by 1497) |
1215 | Appropriation (Not codified) |
1216 | Council meeting times (Repealed by 1735) |
1217 | Preserves an appropriation (Not codified) |
1218 | Sewer charges (Repealed by 1523) |
1219 | Prohibits leaving ice boxes open to children (Repealed by 1523) |
1220 | Powerline franchise (Not codified) |
1221 | LID No. 142 (Not codified) |
1222 | Sewer and water system improvements (Not codified) |
1223 | Amends Ord. 1222 (Not codified) |
1224 | Accepts a bid (Not codified) |
1225 | Approves LID No. 141 (Not codified) |
1226 | Budget for 1955 (Not codified) |
1227 | Tax levy for 1955 (Not codified) |
1228 | Fixes bond amounts for LID No. 140 (Not codified) |
1229 | Directs attorney to prosecute an action (Not codified) |
1230 | Amends § 8 and adds § 25 of Ord. 1177, taxicabs (Repealed by 3146) |
1231 | Street vacation (Not codified) |
1232 | Fixes amount, etc. for LID No. 141 bonds (Not codified) |
1233 | Sewer charges (Repealed by 2073) |
1234 | Water and sewer revenue bond (Not codified) |
1235 | Street vacation (Not codified) |
1236 | Acceptance of bid to sell water and sewer revenue bonds 1954 (Not codified) |
1237 | |
1238 | Deed acceptance (Not codified) |
1239 | Deed acceptance (Not codified) |
1240 | Deed acceptance (Not codified) |
1241 | Appropriation (Not codified) |
1242 | Creation of fire engine and equipment fund (Not codified) |
1243 | Amends Ord. 1109, taxicabs (Repealed by 1523) |
1244 | Appropriation (Not codified) |
1245 | Fund transfer (Not codified) |
1246 | Deed authorization (Not codified) |
1247 | Deed acceptance (Not codified) |
1248 | Adopts by reference certain sections of RCW, traffic (Repealed by 1523) |
1249 | Fund transfer (Not codified) |
1250 | LID No. 55-1 (Not codified) |
1251 | Deed acceptance (Not codified) |
1252 | Deed acceptance (Not codified) |
1253 | Regulates business of servicing first-aid firefighting equipment (16.10) |
1254 | Amends Ord. 1080, location and use of buildings (Not codified) |
1255 | Fund transfer (Not codified) |
1256 | Budget for 1956 (Not codified) |
1257 | Tax levy for 1956 (Not codified) |
1258 | Appropriation (Not codified) |
1259 | LID No. 55-2 (Not codified) |
1260 | Transfer fund (Not codified) |
1261 | Referendum vote for city employees plan (Not codified) |
1262 | Fund transfer (Not codified) |
1263 | Fund transfer (Not codified) |
1264 | Provides city employee insurance benefits (Not codified) |
1265 | Employee retirement policies (2.36) |
1266 | Prohibits smoking in certain areas (Repealed by 1523) |
1267 | Prohibits keeping of goats within city (Repealed by 1523) |
1268 | Establishes speed limits on certain streets (10.28) |
1269 | LID No. 56-1 (Repealed by 1310) |
1270 | Curfew (Repealed by 2105) |
1271 | Fire prevention code (Repealed by 1523) |
1272 | Relates to issuing of warrant and checks (3.04) |
1273 | Contract authorization (Not codified) |
1274 | Approves LID No. 55-1 (Not codified) |
1275 | Approves LID No. 55-2 (Not codified) |
1276 | Civil defense (Repealed by 2444) |
1277 | Submits to voters question of storm drain bond issue (Not codified) |
1278 | Amends § 7 of Ord. 1120, relating to water supply system (Repealed by 1435) |
1279 | Amends § 75(a) of Ord. 1052, regulating travel and traffic (Repealed by 1427) |
1280 | Gas fitting (Repealed by 1981) |
1281 | Amends § 1 of Ord. 1274, pertaining to LID (Not codified) |
1282 | Tax levy for 1957 (Not codified) |
1283 | Property tax for 1957 (Not codified) |
1284 | Fund transfer (Not codified) |
1285 | Parking regulations (10.40) |
1286 | Regulates construction in public properties (Repealed by 1827) |
1287 | Building moving (Repealed by 2142) |
1288 | Regulates bows and arrows (Repealed by 1523) |
1289 | Amends § 1 of Ord. 1088, fire limits (Repealed by 1493) |
1290 | Licenses and regulates junk dealers (Repealed by 2012) |
1291 | Relates to foreclosure of delinquent LID assessment (Repealed by 1523) |
1292 | Amends § 8 of Ord. 1280, gas fitting (Repealed by 1981) |
1293 | Provides for annexation (Not codified) |
1294 | LID No. 57-1 (Not codified) |
1295 | Waterworks betterment plan (Not codified) |
1296 | Fund transfer (Not codified) |
1297 | Budget for 1958 (Not codified) |
1298 | Tax levy for 1958 (Not codified) |
1299 | Business and occupation taxes (5.08) |
1300 | Rezone (Not codified) |
1301 | Street vacation (Not codified) |
1302 | Deed acceptance (Not codified) |
1303 | Deed acceptance (Not codified) |
1304 | LID No. 58-1 (Not codified) |
1305 | Amends Ord. 1086, electrical code (Repealed by 1492) |
1306 | Amends Ord. 1089, building construction (Repealed by 1523) |
1307 | Approves LID No. 57-1 (Not codified) |
1308 | Regulates sale of cars on Sunday (Repealed by 1614) |
1309 | Provides temporary voting facilities (Not codified) |
1310 | Repeals Ord. 1269, street improvement (Repealer) |
1311 | Rezone (Not codified) |
1312 | LID No. 57-1 bond issue (Not codified) |
1313 | Library construction appropriation (Not codified) |
1314 | Fixes salary of mayor (Not codified) |
1315 | Budget for 1959 (Not codified) |
1316 | Tax levy for 1959 (Not codified) |
1317 | Approval of plan for insurance benefits (Not codified) |
1318 | Approves plan for Puyallup fireman’s pension system (Not codified) |
1319 | Defines assault and provides penalties (Repealed by 1543) |
1320 | Approves LID No. 58-1 (Not codified) |
1321 | Appropriation (Not codified) |
1322 | Amends § 75(a) of Ord. 1052, traffic and travel, repeals Ords. 945, 1010, 1025, 1128 and 1279 (Repealed by 1427) |
1323 | Amends Part 3 Sec. 7 of Ord. 1086, electrical code (Repealed by 1492) |
1324 | LID No. 58-3 (Not codified) |
1325 | Bond issue for LID No. 58-1 (Not codified) |
1326 | Amends Ord. 1089, building code (Repealed by 1523) |
1327 | Gas line franchise (Not codified) |
1328 | Parking regulations (10.40) |
1329 | Requires safety chains on loaded logging trucks (Repealed by 1523) |
1330 | LID No. 59-1 (Not codified) |
1331 | LID No. 59-3 (Not codified) |
1332 | Alley vacation (Not codified) |
1333 | Rezone (Not codified) |
1334 | Authorizes a deed execution (Not codified) |
1335 | LID No. 59-5 (Not codified) |
1336 | Appropriation (Not codified) |
1337 | Fire department salaries (Not codified) |
1338 | LID No. 59-4 (Not codified) |
1339 | Budget for 1960 (Not codified) |
1340 | Tax levy for 1960 (Not codified) |
1341 | Approves LID No. 58-3 (Not codified) |
1342 | Speed limits (10.28) |
1343 | Sewer rates (Repealed by 1523) |
Number | Passage Date | Subject and Location |
1344 | 3-21-60 | Fixes sewer connection charges (Repealed by 2073) |
1345 | 4-11-60 | Amends § 8 of Ord. 1177, taxicabs; repeals § 1 of Ord. 1230 (Repealed by 1831) |
1346 | 4-11-60 | Annexation (Not codified) |
1347 | 4-18-60 | Approves LID No. 59-4 (Not codified) |
1348 | 4-18-60 | Street vacation (Not codified) |
1349 | 5-2-60 | Amends Ord. 1136, water supply system (Repealed by 1435) |
1350 | 6-6-60 | Divides city into wards and establishes election precincts (Repealed by 1481) |
1351 | 6-20-60 | Regulates teenage dances (Repealed by 2128) |
1352 | 9-5-60 | LID No. 60-1 (Not codified) |
1353 | 7-18-60 | Adopts preliminary comprehensive plan (Not codified) |
1354 | 8-1-60 | General obligations library bond issue election (Not codified) |
1355 | 9-19-60 | Rezone (Not codified) |
1356 | 9-19-60 | Establishes named street as arterial (Repealed by 1427) |
1357 | 10-3-60 | Budget for 1961 (Not codified) |
1358 | 10-3-60 | Tax levy for 1961 (Not codified) |
1359 | 11-7-60 | Approves LID No. 60-1 (Not codified) |
1360 | 11-21-60 | Annexation (Not codified) |
1361 | 12-5-60 | Fund transfer (Not codified) |
1362 | 12-19-60 | Bond issue (Not codified) |
1363 | 1-3-61 | LID No. 61-1 (Not codified) |
1364 | 1-16-61 | Street vacation (Not codified) |
1365 | 2-6-61 | LID No. 61-2 (Not codified) |
1366 | 2-20-61 | Ratifying acceptance of bid (Not codified) |
1367 | 3-6-61 | Parking regulations (Not codified) |
1368 | 3-20-61 | Street vacation (Not codified) |
1369 | 5-15-61 | Authorizes deed execution (Not codified) |
1370 | 6-5-61 | Adopts fire prevention code (16.04) |
1371 | 6-19-61 | LID No. 61-3 (Not codified) |
1372 | 6-19-61 | Amends Ord. 1086, electrical code (Repealed by 1492) |
1373 | 6-19-61 | Amends Ord. 1080, zoning code (Repealed by 1523) |
1374 | 7-3-61 | Amends Ord. 1090 § 1, nuisances (Repealed by 2091) |
1375 | 7-17-61 | Street vacation (Not codified) |
1376 | 8-7-61 | Amends Ord. 1086, electrical code (Repealed by 1492) |
1377 | 8-21-61 | Rezone (Not codified) |
1378 | 8-21-61 | Establishes an arterial (Repealed by 1427) |
1379 | 8-21-61 | Rezone (Not codified) |
1380 | 8-21-61 | Street vacation (Not codified) |
1381 | 8-21-61 | Amends Ord. 1081, zoning code (Repealed by 1523) |
1382 | 9-18-61 | Adopts uniform plumbing code for 1961 (Repealed by 1541) |
1383 | 9-18-61 | Adopts uniform building code for 1961 (Repealed by 1485) |
1384 | 10-2-61 | Budget for 1962 (Not codified) |
1385 | 10-2-61 | Tax levy for 1962 (Not codified) |
1386 | 11-6-61 | Approves LID 61-3 (Not codified) |
1387 | 11-20-61 | Amends § 3 of Ord. 1192, cemetery (13.08) |
1388 | 12-18-61 | Approves LID 61-1 (Not codified) |
1389 | 12-18-61 | Approves LID 61-2 (Not codified) |
1390 | 12-18-61 | Establishes municipal court (2.20) |
1391 | 2-19-62 | Pertains to bond issue for LID 61-1 (Not codified) |
1392 | 2-19-62 | Provides for issuance of installment note payable from LID 61-2 (Not codified) |
1393 | 4-16-62 | Zoning code (Repealed by 2147) |
1394 | 5-7-62 | Amends § 10 of Ord. 1112, garbage collection; repeals Ords. 1056, 1057 (Repealed by 1510) |
1395 | 7-2-62 | Relates to extension of water mains (Repealed by 1927) |
1396 | 7-2-62 | Amends Ord. 1393, zoning (Repealed by 2147) |
1397 | 7-2-62 | Issues of water sewer refunding revenue bonds (Not codified) |
1398 | 7-16-62 | Appropriation (Not codified) |
1399 | 8-6-62 | Easement vacation (Not codified) |
1400 | 8-20-62 | Election on storm sewers (Not codified) |
1401 | 9-17-62 | Rezone (Not codified) |
1402 | 10-1-62 | Budget for 1963 (Not codified) |
1403 | 10-1-62 | Tax levy for 1963 (Not codified) |
1404 | 10-15-62 | Rezone (Not codified) |
1405 | 12-17-62 | Sanitary sewer and storm sewer approval election (Not codified) |
1406 | 1-14-63 | LID 63-1 (Not codified) |
1407 | 2-4-63 | Amends Ord. 1393, zoning (Not codified) |
1408 | 2-18-63 | Declares certain streets to be stop streets (Repealed by 1427) |
1409 | 4-1-63 | Adopts plan for betterment of waterworks (Not codified) |
1410 | 4-15-63 | Rezone (Not codified) |
1411 | 4-15-63 | Water sewer revenue bonds 1963 issuance (Not codified) |
1412 | 4-15-63 | Authorizes transfer of property with county (Not codified) |
1413 | 5-6-63 | Approves LID 63-1 (Not codified) |
1414 | 6-3-63 | Street vacation (Not codified) |
1415 | 6-3-63 | Regulates fireworks (Repealed by 1933) |
1416 | 6-3-63 | LID 63-2 (Not codified) |
1417 | 6-17-63 | Amends Ord. 1393, zoning (Not codified) |
1418 | 7-1-63 | Prohibits moving vehicle across curbs or sidewalks (Repealed by 2978) |
1419 | 7-15-63 | Reestablishes named street, relocation of street (Not codified) |
1420 | 7-15-63 | Amends Ord. 1034, commission; repeals Ord. 1037 (Repealed by 3001) |
1421 | 8-5-63 | (Repealed by 1426) |
1422 | 8-5-63 | Provides for issuance of installment note payable from LID 63-1 (Not codified) |
1423 | 10-7-63 | Budget for 1964 (Not codified) |
1424 | 10-7-63 | Tax levy for 1964 (Not codified) |
1425 | 11-4-63 | Approves and confirms LID 63-2 (Not codified) |
1426 | 11-18-63 | Repeals Ord. 1421 (Repealer) |
1427 | 1-9-64 | Amends § 75(a) of Ord. 1052, travel and traffic; repeals Ords. 945, 1010, 1025, 1279, 1322, 1356, 1378 and 1408 (Repealed by 1523) |
1428 | 1-20-64 | Issuance of note payable on LID 63-2 (Not codified) |
1429 | 3-2-64 | LID 64-1 (Not codified) |
1430 | 3-2-64 | Establishes sanitary sewer construction costs (Title 14) |
1431 | 4-20-64 | Amends Ord. 1393, zoning (Repealed by 2147) |
1432 | 5-18-64 | LID 64-2 (Not codified) |
1433 | 6-1-64 | Adopts system for improvement of waterworks (Not codified) |
1434 | 6-29-64 | Issuance of water and sewer revenue bonds (Not codified) |
1435 | 7-20-64 | Amends §§ 7, 31, 32 and 33 of Ord. 1120, water supply system; repeals Ords. 1136, 1200, 1278 and 1349 (Repealed by 1708) |
1436 | 7-20-64 | Amends § 1 of Ord. 1344, sewer connection charges (Repealed by 2073) |
1437 | 7-20-64 | Establishing sewer connection charges and repealing all ordinances in conflict |
1438 | 9-8-64 | Street vacation (Not codified) |
1439 | 10-5-64 | Approves LID 64-1 (Not codified) |
1440 | 10-5-64 | Approves LID 64-2 (Not codified) |
1441 | 10-5-64 | Budget for 1965 (Not codified) |
1442 | 11-16-64 | Amends Ord. 1430, sewer construction (Title 14) |
1443 | 12-7-64 | Issuance of note payable on LID 64-1 (Not codified) |
1444 | 12-7-64 | Note payable on LID 64-2 (Not codified) |
1445 | 12-7-64 | Amends Ord. 1268 subsection 1; adds a new section restricting parking (10.28) |
1446 | 1-4-65 | Prescribes sight areas at intersections (10.56) |
1447 | 1-18-65 | Amends Ord. 1393, zoning (Repealed by 2147) |
1448 | 1-18-65 | Street vacation (Not codified) |
1449 | 1-18-65 | Prohibits defacement of public property (9.15) |
1450 | 2-1-65 | Amends Ord. 1435, water supply system (Repealed by 1708) |
1451 | 2-15-65 | Amends § 1 of Ord. 1427, travel and traffic (Repealed by 1523) |
1452 | 3-1-65 | Adopts plan of improvement of water system (Not codified) |
1453 | 3-15-65 | Adopts uniform housing code (Repealed by 2370) |
1454 | 5-3-65 | LID 65-1 (Repealed by 1458) |
1455 | 5-3-65 | Rezone (Not codified) |
1456 | 5-3-65 | Amends Ord. 1452, water sewer revenue bond issue (Not codified) |
1457 | 5-18-65 | Amends preliminary comprehensive plans adopted under Ord. 1353 (Not codified) |
1458 | 6-21-65 | Repeals Ord. 1454 (Repealer) |
1459 | 7-6-65 | Alley vacation (Not codified) |
1460 | 7-19-65 | Amends Ord. 1370; adopts 1965 edition of National Fire Prevention Code (16.04) |
1461 | 8-16-65 | Rezone (Not codified) |
1462 | 8-16-65 | Annexation (Not codified) |
1463 | 8-23-65 | Orders installment of water and sewer lines (Not codified) |
1464 | 10-4-65 | Budget for 1966 (Not codified) |
1465 | 11-1-65 | Authorizes operation of traffic school (10.12) |
1466 | 11-1-65 | Amends Ord. 1393, zoning (Repealed by 2147) |
1467 | 11-1-65 | Sanitary sewer regulations (Repealed by 1967) |
1468 | 11-1-65 | Regulations for commercial driveways and driveway approaches (Repealed by 2373) |
1469 | 12-20-65 | Regulates cabarets (5.48) |
1470 | 2-7-66 | Air space vacation (Not codified) |
1471 | 2-21-66 | Approves LID 65-2 (Not codified) |
1472 | 3-7-66 | Amends § 1 of Ord. 1427, traffic; repeals Ords. 1128, 1279 and 1322 (Repealed by 1523) |
1473 | 3-21-66 | Rezone (Not codified) |
1474 | 5-2-66 | Note payable from LID 65-2 (Not codified) |
1475 | 5-16-66 | Subdivision vacation (Not codified) |
1476 | 6-6-66 | Rezone (Not codified) |
1477 | 6-6-66 | Amends Ord. 1268 (10.28) |
1478 | 6-20-66 | Annexation (Not codified) |
1479 | 7-6-66 | Rezone (Not codified) |
1480 | 7-18-66 | Authorizes prosecution of action (Not codified) |
1481 | 8-1-66 | Divides city into wards, precincts; repeals Ord. 1350 (Repealed by 2985) |
1482 | 8-1-66 | Provides for construction of public safety building and submits question to voters (Not codified) |
1483 | 8-15-66 | Salaries of mayor and councilmen (Repealed by 1669) |
1484 | 9-6-66 | Annexation (Not codified) |
1485 | 9-6-66 | Adopts Uniform Building Code; repeals Ord. 1383 (Repealed by 1539) |
1486 | 9-19-66 | Street vacation (Not codified) |
1487 | 9-26-66 | Proposition to construct public safety building (Not codified) |
1488 | 10-3-66 | Budget for 1967 (Not codified) |
1489 | 10-3-66 | Amends Ord. 658, disorderly conduct (Not codified) |
1490 | 11-21-66 | General obligations bonds, 1967 (Not codified) |
1491 | 12-19-66 | Intoxicating liquors, repeals Ord. 974 (5.60) |
1492 | 2-20-67 | Regulates electric wiring; repeals Ords. 1086, 1100, 1305, 1323, 1372 and 1376 (Repealed by 1516) |
1493 | 3-6-67 | Establishes fire zone; repeals Ords. 963, 1088 and 1289 (Repealed by 1539) |
1494 | 3-6-67 | Annexation (Not codified) |
1495 | 4-3-67 | Provides for reimbursement of expenses of city officials and employees, repeals Ord. 1131 (Repealed by 1786) |
1496 | 4-17-67 | Regulates traffic, repeals Ords. 1104, 1006, 925 and 865 (10.40) |
1497 | 4-17-67 | Creates equipment rental fund, repeals Ord. 1214 (Repealed by 1907) |
1498 | 6-19-67 | Amends Ord. 1496, traffic, repeals Ords. 1104, 1006, 925 and 865 (10.40) |
1499 | 7-3-67 | Amends Ord. 1393, zoning (Not codified) |
1500 | 7-3-67 | Authorizes condemnation proceedings (Not codified) |
1501 | 8-7-67 | Street vacation (Repealed by 1615) |
1502 | 8-7-67 | Amends Ord. 1492, electrical wiring (Repealed by 1516) |
1503 | 8-7-67 | Amends Ord. 1493, fire zones (Repealed by 1539) |
1504 | 9-5-67 | Amends Ord. 1941, intoxicating liquor (5.60) |
1505 | 10-2-67 | 1968 budget (Not codified) |
1506 | 10-2-67 | Annexation (Not codified) |
1507 | 10-16-67 | Annexation (Not codified) |
1508 | 12-18-67 | Comprehensive plan for off-street parking (Not codified) |
1509 | 12-18-67 | Annexation (Not codified) |
1510 | 12-18-67 | Amends Ord. 1112, garbage collection; repeals Ords. 1056, 1057, 1199 and 1394 (Repealed by 1742) |
1511 | 1-2-68 | Street vacation (Not codified) |
1512 | 4-1-68 | Comprehensive plan for off-street parking (Not codified) |
1513 | 4-15-68 | Annexation (Not codified) |
1514 | 5-6-68 | Amends Ord. 1498, parking (10.40) |
1515 | 5-6-68 | Rezone (Not codified) |
1516 | 6-3-68 | Repeals Ord. 1492 (Repealer) |
1517 | 7-15-68 | Grants CATV franchise to KTNT-TV (Not codified) |
1518 | 8-5-68 | Rezone (Not codified) |
1519 | 10-7-68 | 1969 budget (Not codified) |
1520 | 11-4-68 | Amends Ord. 1299, business license (5.08) |
1521 | 11-18-68 | |
1522 | 11-18-68 | Traffic; repeals Ord. 1052 (10.04, 10.08, 10.12, 10.20, 10.24, 10.28, 10.32, 10.36, 10.44, 10.48, 10.52, 10.60, 10.64, 10.72) |
1523 | 11-18-68 | Repeals Ords. 15, 17, 18, 24, 26, 27, 30, 36, 45, 46, 47, 48, 59, 71, 87, 107, 111, 123, 125, 145, 152, 159, 162, 164, 165, 169, 172, 173, 174, 179, 190, 193, 197, 204, 214, 219, 220, 230, 235, 236, 245, 247, 249, 255, 258, 270, 272, 273, 274, 276, 282, 288, 290, 294, 295, 296, 297, 309, 312, 314, 323, 324, 330, 331, 334, 335, 337, 341, 347, 348, 351, 352, 353, 357, 358, 363, 365, 366, 368, 370, 374, 377, 382, 388, 389, 391, 401, 404, 406, 407, 414, 418, 421, 426, 429, 432, 434, 436, 442, 443, 463, 468, 472, 477, 486, 490, 492, 493, 502, 504, 505, 506, 507, 511, 512, 514, 515, 517, 519, 522, 526, 527, 534, 538, 543, 546, 550, 551, 562, 563, 564, 565, 576, 579, 588, 591, 596, 600, 603, 612, 614, 621, 625, 628, 633, 637, 647, 652, 657, 659, 675, 686, 738, 742, 744, 745, 778, 784, 805, 807, 808, 810, 812, 815, 821, 839, 840, 842, 843, 849, 867, 890, 891, 892, 894, 899, 902, 907, 910, 912, 914, 915, 919, 929, 937, 951, 954, 955, 956, 958, 962, 965, 966, 967, 972, 989, 990, 991, 992, 997, 1015, 1016, 1018, 1029, 1042, 1043, 1052, 1053, 1061, 1070, 1080, 1087, 1089, 1097, 1137, 1147, 1149, 1152, 1154, 1164, 1179, 1184, 1196, 1201, 1218, 1219, 1243, 1248, 1266, 1267, 1271, 1288, 1291, 1306, 1326, 1329, 1343, 1373, 1381, 1427, 1451 and 1472 (Repealer) |
1524 | 11-18-68 | Code adoption (1.01) |
1525 | 12-16-68 | Amends Ord. 1112, garbage collection (6.12) |
1526 | 1-20-69 | Annexation (Not codified) |
1527 | 1-20-69 | Amends Ord. 1393, zoning (Not codified) |
1528 | 1-20-69 | Amends Ord. 1522, traffic (Repealed by 1796) |
1529 | 2-3-69 | Annexation (Not codified) |
1530 | 2-3-69 | Annexation (Not codified) |
1531 | 3-3-69 | Amends § 4 of Ord. 1395, sewers (Repealed by 1731) |
1532 | 3-3-69 | Amends § 9 of Ord. 1351, dance halls (Repealed by 2128) |
1533 | 4-21-69 | Annexation (Not codified) |
1534 | 5-5-69 | Rezone (Not codified) |
1535 | 5-19-69 | Amends § 9 of Art. IV of Ord. 1393, zoning (Repealed by 2147) |
1536 | 6-16-69 | Amends § 3 of Ord. 1171, business licenses (5.04) |
1537 | 7-21-69 | Street improvement (Not codified) |
1538 | 7-21-69 | Street improvement (Not codified) |
1539 | 8-4-69 | Adopts Uniform Building Code; repeals Ords. 1485, 1493 and 1503 (Repealed by 2801) |
1540 | 8-4-69 | Adopts Uniform Mechanical Code (Repealed by 2801) |
1541 | 8-4-69 | Adopts Uniform Plumbing Code; repeals Ord. 1382 (Repealed by 2801) |
1542 | 8-4-69 | Annexation (Not codified) |
1543 | 8-18-69 | Repeals Ords. 44, 154, 157, 161, 210, 298, 300, 327, 369, 373, 378, 392, 397, 431, 449, 459, 536, 569, 597, 598, 658, 678, 710, 854, 961, 1024, 1045, 1068, 1073 and 1319 (Repealer) |
1544 | 10-6-69 | 1970 tax levy (Not codified) |
1545 | 10-6-69 | Abandoned vehicles (Repealed by 2105) |
1546 | 11-3-69 | Code adoption (1.01) |
1547 | 11-3-69 | Amends § 4(I)(A)(3) of Ord. 1351, dance halls (Repealed by 2128) |
1548 | 12-1-69 | 1970 budget (Not codified) |
1549 | 12-15-69 | Transfer of funds (Not codified) |
1550 | 1-19-70 | Amends § 10.40.050, traffic (10.40) |
1551 | 2-16-70 | Amends §§ 6.12.110 and 6.12.120, garbage collection rates (Repealed by 1742) |
1552 | 3-2-70 | Approves and confirms assessments for LID 69-1 (Not codified) |
1553 | 3-16-70 | Sales and use tax (3.08) |
1554 | 4-6-70 | Street vacation (Not codified) |
1555 | 4-20-70 | Approves and confirms assessments for LID 69-2 (Not codified) |
1556 | 4-20-70 | Amends § 9.80.100, fireworks (Repealed by 2105) |
1557 | 5-4-70 | Water and sewer revenue bonds (Not codified) |
1558 | 5-18-70 | LID 69-1 bonds (Not codified) |
1559 | 6-15-70 | Rezone (Not codified) |
1560 | 7-6-70 | LID 69-2 installment notice (Not codified) |
1561 | 7-6-70 | Street vacation (Repealed by 1615) |
1562 | 9-8-70 | Street vacation (Not codified) |
1563 | 9-8-70 | Amends § 5.24.100, taxicabs (Repealed by 1831) |
1564 | 9-21-70 | Amends § 14.04.310, 14.04.320 and 14.04.330, water regulations; amends § 14.12.010, sewer charges (Title 14) |
1565 | 10-5-70 | 1971 taxation (Not codified) |
1566 | 11-16-70 | Water and sewer revenue bonds (Not codified) |
1567 | 12-7-70 | 1971 budget (Not codified) |
1568 | 12-7-70 | Amends §§ 20.44.020 and 20.48.020, zoning (Repealed by 2147) |
1569 | 12-7-70 | Amends Ord. 1548, 1970 budget (Not codified) |
1570 | 12-21-70 | Street vacation (Not codified) |
1571 | 12-21-70 | Property condemnation (Not codified) |
1572 | 2-16-71 | Amends Chapter 17.04, Uniform Building Code (Repealed by 2801) |
1573 | 2-16-71 | Drugs (Repealed by 2105) |
1574 | 5-3-71 | Property sale (Not codified) |
1575 | 5-3-71 | Annexation (Not codified) |
1576 | 5-17-71 | Water and sewer revenue bonds (Not codified) |
1577 | 6-7-71 | Amends § 20.76.130, zoning (Repealed by 1746) |
1578 | 7-6-71 | LID 71-2 (Not codified) |
1579 | 7-6-71 | LID 71-1 (Repealed by 2066) |
1580 | 7-6-71 | Amends § 10.52.040, traffic (10.52) |
1581 | 8-2-71 | Street vacation (Not codified) |
1582 | 9-20-71 | Street vacation (Not codified) |
1583 | 9-20-71 | Street vacation (Not codified) |
1584 | 10-4-71 | Tax levy (Not codified) |
1585 | 10-4-71 | Amends § 14.08.020(2), sewers (Title 14) |
1586 | 10-4-71 | Board of adjustment; adds § 20.08.085; amends Chapter 20.76; repeals §§ 20.76.070, 20.76.080, 20.76.090 and 20.76.100, adds Chapter 20.84, zoning (Repealed by 2147) |
1587 | 12-20-71 | 1972 budget (Not codified) |
1588 | 3-6-72 | Amends § 14.04.070, water (Repealed by 1708) |
1589 | 3-6-72 | Rezone (Not codified) |
1590 | 4-17-72 | Approval of LID 71-1 assessment (Not codified) |
1591 | 5-15-72 | Processing fee for open space applications (Repealed by 1665) |
1592 | 6-19-72 | Bond issuance (Repealed by 2066) |
1593 | 6-19-72 | Installment note, LID 71-1 (Not codified) |
1594 | 6-19-72 | Amends § 20.68.070; deletes §§ 20.16.030, 20.20.030, 20.24.030, 20.28.030, 20.40.030, 20.44.030, 20.48.030, zoning (Repealed by 2147) |
1595 | 7-10-72 | Amends § 10.36.050, traffic (10.36) |
1596 | 7-17-72 | Solicitor licensing (Repealed by 2792) |
1597 | 8-21-72 | LID 72-1 (Repealed by 2103) |
1598 | 9-18-72 | Uniform Fire Code (16.04) |
1599 | 10-2-72 | 1973 tax levy (Not codified) |
1600 | 10-2-72 | Alley vacation (Not codified) |
1601 | 10-2-72 | LID 72-3 (Not codified) |
1602 | 10-16-72 | Amends Ord. 1599, tax levy (Not codified) |
1603 | 10-16-72 | Amends §§ 10.28.020 and 10.28.030; adds § 10.28.060, speed limits (10.28) |
1604 | 11-6-72 | LID 72-2 (Repealed by 2066) |
1605 | 11-20-72 | Street vacation (Not codified) |
1606 | 12-18-72 | Federal shared revenue fund (3.12) |
1607 | 12-18-72 | Adopts 1973 budget (Not codified) |
1608 | 1-15-73 | Alley vacation (Not codified) |
1609 | 2-5-73 | Amends Ord. 1562, alley vacation (Not codified) |
1610 | 2-5-73 | Repeals subsection (2) of § 5.04.050 and renumbers subsequent subsections (5.04) |
1611 | 2-20-73 | Alley vacation (Not codified) |
1612 | 3-5-73 | Amends § 20.60.110, off-street parking (Repealed by 2147) |
1613 | 3-19-73 | LID 72-1 assessments (Not codified) |
1614 | 3-19-73 | Repeals Ord. 1308 (Repealer) |
1615 | 3-19-73 | Repeals Ords. 1501 and 1561 (Repealer) |
1616 | 4-16-73 | LID 72-2 assessments (Not codified) |
1617 | 5-21-73 | Installment note from LID 72-1 (Not codified) |
1618 | 6-18-73 | Installment note from LID 72-2 (Not codified) |
1619 | 7-16-73 | Amends §§ 20.68.090(1) and 20.76.010(1), zoning (Repealed by 2147) |
1620 | 9-4-73 | Street vacation (Not codified) |
1621 | 9-4-73 | Amends § 9.36.040, leaving children in vehicles (Repealed by 2105) |
1622 | 10-1-73 | 1974 tax levy (Not codified) |
1623 | 10-15-73 | Bond issuance (Not codified) |
1624 | 10-15-73 | Street vacation (Not codified) |
1625 | 11-5-73 | Amends Ord. 1622, 1974 tax levy (Not codified) |
1626 | 11-19-73 | Amends § 10.28.030, speed limits (Repealed by 1643) |
1627 | 12-3-73 | Amends § 14.08.020(2) and (7), sewer connections (Title 14) |
1628 | 12-17-73 | Amends § 5.08.030(1), (2), (3), (4) and (5), business and occupation tax (5.08) |
1629 | 12-17-73 | Adopts 1974 budget (Not codified) |
1630 | 1-7-74 | Amends § 17.04.020 and adds § 17.04.100, building code (Repealed by 2801) |
1631 | 2-4-74 | Bingo, raffle, amusement game tax (5.68) |
1632 | 3-4-74 | Amends § 5.24.100, taxicabs (Repealed by 1831) |
1633 | 3-4-74 | Rezone (Not codified) |
1634 | 4-1-74 | Amends §§ 8.04.020 and 8.04.040, dog licensing (8.04) |
1635 | 5-6-74 | LID 74-1 (Repealed by 2103) |
1636 | 5-6-74 | Replaces Ch. 20.64, advertising signs (Repealed by 2147) |
1637 | 5-20-74 | Adds (c) to § 10.28.020, speed limits (10.28) |
1638 | 7-1-74 | LID 74-3 (Not codified) |
1639 | 8-5-74 | LID 74-2 (Repealed by 2103) |
1640 | 8-5-74 | LID 74-6 (Not codified) |
1641 | 8-5-74 | LID 74-5 (Not codified) |
1642 | 8-5-74 | Rezone (Not codified) |
1643 | 8-5-74 | Amends § 10.28.030, speed limits; repeals Ord. 1626 (10.28) |
1644 | 8-3-74 | Amends first three paragraphs, 1, 2(1) and 2(2) of Ord. 1631, bingo, raffles and amusement games (Repealed by 1671) |
1645 | 9-16-74 | Amends portion of § 2.40.010, reimbursement of expense for mileage (Repealed by 1786) |
1646 | 10-7-74 | Tax levy for 1975 (Not codified) |
1647 | 11-18-74 | Annexation (Not codified) |
1648 | 12-2-74 | Adopts Uniform Building Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, Uniform Fire Code and Uniform Plumbing Code, all 1973 editions (Repealed by 1732) |
1649 | 12-16-74 | Amends Ord. 1629 (Not codified) |
1650 | 12-16-74 | Adopts 1975 budget (Not codified) |
1651 | 12-16-74 | Adds (5) to § 10.40.010 and amends § 10.40.020, public parking lots (10.40) |
1652 | 1-6-75 | Street names changed (Not codified) |
1653 | 2-18-75 | Approval of LID 74-3 assessment (Not codified) |
1654 | 2-18-75 | Approval of LID 74-1 assessment (Not codified) |
1655 | 2-18-75 | Adds new (5) to § 20.64.060; repeals § 20.28.100, signs in residential zones (Repealed by 2147) |
1656 | 3-3-75 | Approval of LID 74-2 assessment (Not codified) |
1657 | 3-17-75 | Approval of LID 74-6 assessment (Not codified) |
1658 | 3-17-75 | Alley vacation (Not codified) |
1659 | 4-21-75 | Amends §§ 6.12.110, 6.12.120 and 6.12.130, garbage service rates (Repealed by 1742) |
1660 | 5-19-75 | Amends § 10.52.040, one-way streets and alleys (10.52) |
1661 | 5-19-75 | Issuance of installment note for Cemetery Endowment Care Fund (Not codified) |
1662 | 5-19-75 | Issuance of installment note for Cemetery Endowment Care Fund (Not codified) |
1663 | 5-19-75 | Installment note payable from LID 74-3 (Not codified) |
1664 | 5-19-75 | Installment note payable from LID 74-6 (Not codified) |
1665 | Adds Title 19, plats, subdivisions and dedications (Repealed by 2591) | |
1666 | 6-16-75 | Adds new Ch. 11.20, sidewalk construction or reconstruction (11.20) |
1667 | 7-21-75 | Alley vacation (Not codified) |
1668 | 7-21-75 | Amends § 2 of Ord. 1620, street vacation (Not codified) |
1669 | 7-21-75 | Salaries of mayor and councilmen; repeals Ord. 1483 (Not codified) |
1670 | 9-2-75 | Street vacation (Repealed by 1676) |
1671 | 9-3-75 | Repeals and replaces §§ 1, 2 of Ord. 1631, bingo, raffle and amusement game tax (5.68) |
1672 | 9-15-75 | Adds Ch. 20.14; amends §§ 20.28.020 and 20.72.060, zoning (Repealed by 2147) |
1673 | 10-6-75 | 1976 tax levy (Not codified) |
1674 | 10-6-75 | Transfer of funds (Not codified) |
1675 | 11-3-75 | Amends § 2 of Ord. 1633, rezone (Not codified) |
1676 | 11-3-75 | Repeals Ord. 1670 (Repealer) |
1677 | 12-15-75 | Alley vacation (Not codified) |
1678 | 12-15-75 | Amends §§ 1, 2 of Ord. 1650, 1975 budget (Not codified) |
1679 | 12-15-75 | 1976 budget (Not codified) |
1680 | 2-2-76 | Amends §§ 14.04.310 – 14.04.330; repeals and replaces § 14.12.010, water and sewer charges (Title 14) |
1681 | 4-5-76 | Sale of property (Not codified) |
1682 | 4-19-76 | Street vacation (Not codified) |
1683 | 4-19-76 | Septic tanks, repeals §§ 14.24.010 and 14.24.020 (Title 14) |
1684 | 5-17-76 | LID 76-1 (Not codified) |
1685 | 5-17-76 | Amends § 5.24.100, taxicab rates (Repealed by 1831) |
1686 | 6-7-76 | Annexation (Not codified) |
1687 | 8-2-76 | Adopts SEPA Guidelines, environmental policy (Repealed by 2038) |
1688 | 9-7-76 | Rezone (Not codified) |
1689 | 9-7-76 | Annexation (Not codified) |
1690 | 9-20-76 | Rezone (Not codified) |
1691 | 10-4-76 | LID 76-2 (Not codified) |
1692 | 10-4-76 | 1977 tax levy (Not codified) |
1693 | 10-18-76 | Rezone (Not codified) |
1694 | 11-1-76 | Adds subsection (3) to § 20.28.020, zoning (Repealed by 2147) |
1695 | 11-1-76 | Amends Ord. 1692, 1977 tax levy (Not codified) |
1696 | 11-15-76 | Alley vacation (Not codified) |
1697 | 12-20-76 | Amends Ord. 1679, 1976 budget (Not codified) |
1698 | 12-20-76 | 1977 budget (Not codified) |
1699 | 1-3-77 | Street vacation (Not codified) |
1700 | 1-3-77 | Street vacation (Not codified) |
1701 | 1-17-77 | Amends Ord. 1648, Uniform Building Code (Not codified) |
1702 | 3-7-77 | Adds subsection (5) to § 14.20.040, reimbursement for water or sewer main extension (Repealed by 1731) |
1703 | 3-7-77 | Repeals Ch. 5.56 (Repealer) |
1704 | 3-7-77 | Approval of LID 76-1 assessment (Not codified) |
1705 | 4-18-77 | LID 77-1 (Not codified) |
1706 | 5-16-77 | Installment note payable from LID 76-1 (Not codified) |
1707 | 7-18-77 | Water and sewer revenue bond issuance (Not codified) |
1708 | 8-1-77 | Adds § 14.04.055; repeals and replaces §§ 14.04.050, 14.04.060 – 14.04.080, 14.04.140, 14.04.310 – 14.04.330, 14.04.350, and 14.04.370; repeals §§ 14.04.130 and 14.04.150; water regulations (Repealed by 2082) |
1709 | 8-1-77 | Rezone (Not codified) |
1710 | 9-6-77 | Adds subsections (5) and (6) to § 9.04.120, obscenity (Repealed by 2105) |
1711 | 9-19-77 | Annexation (Not codified) |
1712 | 10-3-77 | Amends § 901 of the Uniform Plumbing Code (Repealed by 2801) |
1713 | 10-17-77 | Bond issuance (Not codified) |
1714 | 11-7-77 | Annexation (Not codified) |
1715 | 11-21-77 | 1978 tax levy (Not codified) |
1716 | 11-21-77 | Rezone (Not codified) |
1717 | 12-19-77 | Rezone (Not codified) |
1718 | 12-19-77 | Amends Ord. 1698, 1977 budget (Not codified) |
1719 | 12-19-77 | 1978 budget (Not codified) |
1720 | 1-3-78 | LID 77-2 (Not codified) |
1721 | 1-3-78 | Approval of LID 76-2 assessment (Not codified) |
1722 | 1-16-78 | Adds § 19.10.180, residential estate division (Repealed by 2591) |
1723 | 2-6-78 | Street and alley vacation (Repealed by 1761) |
1724 | 2-21-78 | LID 77-3 (Not codified) |
1725 | 3-6-78 | Installment note issuance for LID 76-2 (Not codified) |
1726 | 3-20-78 | Alley vacation (Not codified) |
1727 | 3-20-78 | Alley vacation (Not codified) |
1728 | 3-20-78 | LID 78-1 (Not codified) |
1729 | 4-17-78 | Adds Ch. 16.08, fireflow and hydrants (Repealed by 1918) |
1730 | 5-1-78 | LID 78-2 (Not codified) |
1731 | 5-1-78 | Amends § 14.20.040, water main and sewer extension reimbursements (Repealed by 1927) |
1732 | 5-1-78 | Adopts by reference the 1976 editions of the Uniform Building Code, the Uniform Mechanical Code, the Uniform Fire Code, and the Uniform Plumbing Code; adopts by reference Standard Specifications for Making Buildings and Facilities Accessible to and Usable by the Physically Handicapped, House Bill No. 98 regarding thermal performance standards and the Uniform Solar Energy Code (Repealed by 1799) |
1733 | 5-1-78 | Adds § 9.36.080 and Ch. 9.70; repeals and replaces §§ 9.28.010 and 9.28.020; weapons, minors, and public parks (9.20) |
1734 | 6-5-78 | Approves LID 77-1 assessment (Not codified) |
1735 | 6-5-78 | Repeals and replaces § 2.04.010, council meetings (Repealed by 1822) |
1736 | 6-19-78 | Repeals and replaces § 14.04.140 and amends § 14.04.070, water meters (Repealed by 2082) |
1737 | 6-19-78 | Purchase of warrants (Not codified) |
1738 | 7-3-78 | Amends Ord. 1720, LID 77-2 (Not codified) |
1739 | 7-3-78 | Amends Ord. 1724, LID 77-3 (Not codified) |
1740 | 7-3-78 | Water and sewer bonds issuance (Not codified) |
1741 | 7-3-78 | Repeals and replaces § 14.04.140, water meter installation (Repealed by 1760) |
1742 | 7-17-78 | Adds § 6.12.135; repeals and replaces §§ 6.12.110, 6.12.120 and 6.12.130; repeals §§ 6.12.140 and 6.12.150, refuse collection and disposal (Repealed by 1767) |
1743 | 8-7-78 | Issuance of installment note payable from LID 77-1 (Not codified) |
1744 | 8-21-78 | Fire protection system installation (Repealed by 1948) |
1745 | 9-5-78 | Repeals and replaces § 13.12.060, cemetery burials (13.12) |
1746 | 9-18-78 | Repeals and replaces § 20.76.130, zoning (Repealed by 2147) |
1747 | 11-6-78 | Rezone (Not codified) |
1748 | 11-20-78 | Adds § 20.72.080, zoning (Repealed by 2147) |
1749 | 11-20-78 | Tax levy for 1979 (Not codified) |
1750 | 12-4-78 | Repeals and replaces § 20.68.020, zoning (Repealed by 2147) |
1751 | 12-18-78 | Amends §§ 1 and 2 of Ord. 1719, 1978 budget (Not codified) |
1752 | 12-18-78 | Budget for 1979 (Not codified) |
1753 | 1-2-79 | Repeals and replaces § 9.48.010, loitering (Repealed by 2105) |
1754 | 1-2-79 | Repeals and replaces § 20.84.020, board of adjustment (Repealed by 2147) |
1755 | 1-2-79 | Amends first paragraph of § 5.24.100, taxicabs tariffs (Repealed by 1831) |
1756 | 1-15-79 | Creates LID 78-3 (Not codified) |
1757 | 2-5-79 | Amends §§ 1 and 2 of Ord. 1752, 1979 budget (Not codified) |
1758 | 2-20-79 | Adds to §§ 19.04.080 and 19.08.070(10); repeals and replaces §§ 19.06.060, 19.08.060(1), 19.08.070(1), 19.08.100(1) and 19.10.020, subdivision filing and fees (Repealed by 2591) |
1759 | 5-7-79 | Amends § 20.28.040, zoning (Repealed by 2147) |
1760 | 5-21-79 | Repeals and replaces § 14.04.140, water meter installation (Repealed by 2082) |
1761 | 5-21-79 | Repeals Ord. 1723; street vacation (Not codified) |
1762 | 6-4-79 | Creates LID 79-1 (Not codified) |
1763 | 6-4-79 | Property transfer (Not codified) |
1764 | 6-4-79 | Street vacation (Not codified) |
1765 | 6-18-79 | Street vacation (Not codified) |
1766 | 7-2-79 | Massage parlors and bathhouses (Repealed by 3007) |
1767 | 7-16-79 | Repeals and replaces § 6.12.110; repeals §§ 6.12.120, 6.12.130 and 6.12.135, garbage (6.12) |
1768 | 7-16-79 | Street vacation (Not codified) |
1769 | 8-6-79 | Repeals §§ 5.32.280, 5.32.290, 5.32.300, 5.32.310, 5.32.350 and 5.32.410; adds §§ 5.32.280, 5.32.285, 5.32.290, 5.32.295, 5.32.300, 5.32.305, 5.32.310 and 5.32.315, temporary stands license (5.32) |
1770 | 8-6-79 | Repeals and replaces § 20.76.120, zoning (Repealed by 2147) |
1771 | 8-6-79 | Repeals and replaces § 19.06.090(D), subdivisions (Repealed by 2591) |
1772 | 8-28-79 | Repeals and replaces § 5.32.305, temporary stands (5.32) |
1773 | 9-17-79 | Repeals and replaces § 20.64.090, zoning (Repealed by 2147) |
1774 | 9-17-79 | Rezone (Not codified) |
1775 | 11-5-79 | Adds § 17.36.075, automatic sprinkler systems (Repealed by 1948) |
1776 | 11-19-79 | Repeals and replaces § 5.24.100, taxicabs (Repealed by 1831) |
1777 | 11-19-79 | 1980 tax levy (Not codified) |
1778 | 12-3-79 | Amends Ord. 1777 § 1, tax levy (Not codified) |
1779 | 12-17-79 | Adds to § 17.04.010(1), building permit fees (Repealed by 2801) |
1780 | 12-17-79 | Repeals and replaces §§ 5.08.030 and 5.08.050, utility tax (5.08) |
1781 | 12-17-79 | Adds § 14.04.325 and adds to § 14.04.010, utility services (Repealed by 2082) |
1782 | 12-17-79 | 1980 budget (Not codified) |
1783 | 12-17-79 | Amends Ord. 1752, 1979 budget (Not codified) |
1784 | 12-17-79 | Approves LID No. 78-1 assessment (Not codified) |
1785 | 1-21-80 | Street vacation (Not codified) |
1786 | 1-21-80 | Repeals and replaces § 2.40.010, city employees expenses (Repealed by 1881) |
1787 | 1-21-80 | Repeals and replaces § 20.84.040, board of adjustment meetings (Repealed by 2147) |
1788 | 1-21-80 | Adds new chapter to Title 5, drug paraphernalia (Repealed by 2701) |
1789 | 2-19-80 | Repeals and replaces § 20.72.010, zoning (Repealed by 2147) |
1790 | 3-3-80 | Repeals and replaces § 14.04.090, water services (Repealed by 2082) |
1791 | 3-3-80 | Establishes LID No. 79-3 (Not codified) |
1792 | 3-17-80 | Approves LID No. 78-3 assessment (Not codified) |
1793 | 4-7-80 | Establishes LID No. 80-1 (Not codified) |
1794 | 4-7-80 | Warrants and interest rates for LID Nos. 77-1, 77-2, 77-3, 78-1, 78-2, 78-3, and 79-1 (Not codified) |
1795 | 4-7-80 | Amends Ord. 1780 § 1, utility tax (5.08) |
1796 | 4-7-80 | Adopts Washington Model Traffic Ordinance; repeals Ch. 10.16 (10.16) |
1797 | 4-7-80 | Repeals §§ 10.60.020 – 10.60.100 (Repealer) |
1798 | 5-5-80 | Adds §§ 19.08.100(7) and 19.10.080(12), (13); repeals and replaces §§ 19.06.090(E) and 19.10.030, plats and subdivisions (Repealed by 2591) |
1799 | 5-5-80 | Adopts uniform codes; repeals Ord. 1732 (Repealed by 1951) |
1800 | 5-5-80 | Repeals and replaces § 9.04.010, assault (Repealed by 2105) |
1801 | 5-19-80 | Establishes LID No. 80-2 (Repealed by 1861) |
1802 | 5-19-80 | Repeals and replaces § 20.44.020, zoning (Repealed by 2147) |
1803 | 5-19-80 | Street vacation (Not codified) |
1804 | 5-19-80 | Rezone (Not codified) |
1805 | 5-19-80 | Repeals and replaces §§ 14.04.140, 14.04.310, 14.04.320, 14.04.370 and 14.12.010, waters and sewers (Repealed by 2073 and 2082) |
1806 | 6-2-80 | Water and sewer boards issuance (Not codified) |
1807 | 4-21-80 | Street vacation (Not codified) |
1808 | 6-16-80 | Repeals and replaces § 14.04.330 and portions of §§ 14.04.320 and 14.12.010, water and sewers (Repealed by 2073 and 2082) |
1809 | 6-16-80 | Repeals and replaces § 5.08.070, business taxes (Repealed by 1825) |
1810 | 6-16-80 | Establishes LID No. 80-3 (Not codified) |
1811 | 6-16-80 | Adds Ch. 21.06, flood hazard (Repealed by 2112) |
1812 | 6-16-80 | Repeals and replaces §§ 17.24.010 and 17.36.050, uniform codes; repeals Ch. 17.32 (Repealed by 2370) |
1813 | 6-16-80 | Adds to § 14.04.080; repeals and replaces 14.08.120, utilities (Title 14) |
1814 | 6-16-80 | Approves LID No. 77-3 assessment (Not codified) |
1815 | 6-16-80 | Approves LID No. 78-2 assessment (Not codified) |
1816 | 7-21-80 | Amends § 19.10.060(5), street grades (Repealed by 2591) |
1817 | 7-21-80 | Conveys city property to Puyallup School District No. 3 (Not codified) |
1818 | 7-21-80 | Repeals and replaces § 19.10.030, design principles and development standards (Repealed by 2591) |
1819 | 7-21-80 | Repeals and replaces § 14.08.110, sewer regulations (Title 14) |
1820 | 7-21-80 | Adds subsection (8) to § 5.04.050, business licenses (5.04) |
1821 | 7-21-80 | Adds §§ 20.08.205, 20.08.284, 20.08.286, 20.08.535, 20.16.030, 20.20.030, 20.24.030, 20.28.030; amends §§ 20.28.020, 20.44.010; repeals and replaces §§ 20.08.350, 20.14.030; repeals 20.36.020, zoning (Repealed by 2147) |
1822 | 7-21-80 | Repeals and replaces 2.04.010, city council (2.04) |
1823 | 7-21-80 | Amends Ord. 1762 (Not codified) |
1824 | 7-21-80 | Amends Ord. 1793 (Not codified) |
1825 | 7-21-80 | Amends §§ 5.08.050, 5.08.070; adds new section to Ch. 5.08; repeals Ord. 1809 (5.08) |
1826 | 8-4-80 | Adopts classification of noncharter code city (1.08) |
1827 | 8-11-80 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 11.04, street excavations (Repealed by 3248) |
1828 | 7-21-80 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 11.08, obstructions (11.08) |
1829 | 8-25-80 | Amends § 5.08.030, business and occupation taxes (5.08) |
1830 | 8-25-80 | Amends Ord. 1782, budget (Not codified) |
1831 | 8-25-80 | Repeals and replaces 5.24.100, taxicabs (Repealed by 3146) |
1832 | 8-25-80 | Amends § 1 of Ord. 1793 (Not codified) |
1833 | 9-2-80 | Repeals and replaces §§ 5.72.050, 5.72.130(5), 5.72.320, 5.72.380(4), massage parlors and bathhouses (Repealed by 3007) |
1834 | 9-8-80 | Establishes LID Nos. 78-1, 78-2, 78-3 (Not codified) |
1835 | 9-23-80 | Rezone (Not codified) |
1836 | 9-23-80 | Vacates sanitary sewer easement (Not codified) |
1837 | 9-23-80 | Amends Ord. 1782, budget (Not codified) |
1838 | 10-6-80 | Rezone (Not codified) |
1839 | 10-27-80 | Amends §§ 2.12.010, 2.12.030, and changes title of Ch. 2.12 to Civil Service Commission; repeals §§ 2.16.010, 2.16.020, 2.16.030 (Repealed by 3001) |
1840 | 10-27-80 | Repeals and replaces § 6.12.110, refuse collection and disposal (6.12) |
1841 | 11-3-80 | Authorizes temporary transfer of funds from arterial street fund (Not codified) |
1842 | 11-10-80 | Provides for consent agenda (2.04) |
1843 | 11-10-80 | Amends Ord. 1782, budget (Not codified) |
1844 | 11-24-80 | Repeals and replaces § 5.08.040, business and occupation taxes (5.08) |
1845 | 11-24-80 | Rezone (Not codified) |
1846 | 11-24-80 | Rezone (Not codified) |
1847 | 11-24-80 | Tax levy (Not codified) |
1848 | 12-1-80 | Amends Ord. 1810 (Not codified) |
1849 | 12-8-80 | Rezone (Not codified) |
1850 | 12-22-80 | 1981 budget (Not codified) |
1851 | 1-12-81 | Amends § 2.12.010, civil service commission (Repealed by 3001) |
1852 | 1-12-81 | Adds Ch. 9.10, alarm systems (9.01) |
1853 | 1-12-81 | Amends § 17.12.010, moving buildings (Repealed by 2142) |
1854 | 1-19-81 | Rezone (Not codified) |
1855 | 2-23-81 | Amends § 2.24.010, recreation board (Repealed by 2953) |
1856 | 2-23-81 | Amends § 20.84.020, zoning (Repealed by 2142) |
1857 | 3-5-81 | Amends § 2.28.010, city planning commission (Repealed by 3001) |
1858 | 2-23-81 | Annexation (Not codified) |
1859 | 2-23-81 | Amends §§ 1 and 3 of Ord. 1793, LID No. 80-1 (Not codified) |
1860 | 2-23-81 | Revenue warrants of LID No. 80-1 (Not codified) |
1861 | 3-2-81 | Repeals Ord. 1801, LID No. 80-2 (Repealer) |
1862 | 3-9-81 | Amends § 2.04.010, council meetings (2.04) |
1863 | 3-23-81 | Amends § 3 of Ord. 1793, LID No. 80-1 (Not codified) |
1864 | 3-23-81 | Adds § 2 to Ord. 1860, LID No. 80-1 (Not codified) |
1865 | 3-23-81 | Rezone (Not codified) |
1866 | 4-6-81 | Street vacation (Not codified) |
1867 | 4-20-81 | Amends § 2 of Ord. 1864, LID No. 80-1 (Not codified) |
1868 | 5-4-81 | Licensing and regulation of towing companies (5.80) |
1869 | 5-4-81 | Amends § 1 of Ord. 1682, street vacation (Not codified) |
1870 | 5-18-81 | Amends § 1 of Ord. 1867, LID No. 80-1 (Not codified) |
1871 | 6-1-81 | Amends § 1.04.010; repeals §§ 1.04.020, 1.04.025, 1.04.030, 1.04.035, 1.04.040, 1.04.045, 1.04.050, 1.04.055, 1.04.060, 1.04.065, 1.04.070, 1.04.075, 1.04.080, 1.04.085, 1.04.100, 1.04.105, 1.04.110, 1.04.115, 1.04.120, 1.04.125, 1.04.130, 1.04.135, 1.04.140, 1.04.145, 1.04.160, 1.04.165, 1.04.170, 1.04.175, 1.04.180, 1.04.185, 1.04.190, 1.04.195 (Repealed by 2985) |
1872 | 6-1-81 | Election and removal of councilmembers (2.04) |
1873 | 6-15-81 | Amends § 1 of Ord. 1867, LID No. 80-1 (Not codified) |
1874 | 6-15-81 | Amends § 2 of Ord. 1762, LID No. 79-1 (Not codified) |
1875 | 6-29-81 | Amends §§ 14.04.310, 14.04.320, 14.04.325 and 14.12.010, water and sewer rates (Repealed by 2073 and 2082) |
1876 | 6-29-81 | Waterworks utility system, bonds (Not codified) |
1877 | 7-20-81 | Amends § 1 of Ord. 1873, LID No. 80-1 (Not codified) |
1878 | 8-3-81 | Amends § 5.04.030, business licenses (5.04) |
1879 | 7-6-81 | Amends § 17.36.020, fire protection (Repealed by 1948) |
1880 | 8-3-81 | Adds to Ch. 10.16, traffic statutes (10.16) |
1881 | 8-3-81 | Travel revolving fund; repeals § 2.40.010 (3.16) |
1882 | 8-17-81 | Amends § 9.28.050, weapons (Repealed by 2105) |
1883 | 8-17-81 | Amends § 5.40.010, admissions tax (5.40) |
1884 | 8-17-81 | Legal protection for city employees (2.48) |
1885 | 8-17-81 | Amends § 1 of Ord. 1877, LID No. 80-1 (Not codified) |
1886 | 8-17-81 | Public consumption of liquor (9.26) |
1887 | 9-8-81 | Special construction fund (Repealed by 2066) |
1888 | 9-8-81 | Special construction fund (Repealed by 2066) |
1889 | 9-8-81 | Special construction fund (Repealed by 2066) |
1890 | 9-21-81 | Amends § 1 of Ord. 1877, LID No. 80-1 (Not codified) |
1891 | 9-21-81 | Amends § 10.40.020, parking zones (10.40) |
1892 | 10-5-81 | Amends § 6.12.110, garbage rates (6.12) |
1893 | 10-19-81 | Amends § 1 of Ord. 1890, LID No. 80-1 (Not codified) |
1894 | 11-2-81 | Establishment of transit stops and transfer stations (10.46) |
1895 | 11-2-81 | 1982 tax levy (Not codified) |
1896 | 11-2-81 | Amends § 14.04.325, water rates (Repealed by 2082) |
1897 | 11-2-81 | Amends § 10.40.020, parking zones (10.40) |
1898 | 11-2-81 | Amends § 10.40.030, parking (10.40) |
1899 | 11-2-81 | Amends § 10.40.040, parking (Repealed by 2084) |
1900 | 11-2-81 | Amends § 10.40.050, parking (10.40) |
1901 | 11-2-81 | Amends § 10.40.060, parking (10.40) |
1902 | 12-7-81 | Amends § 5.08.030, telephone tax (5.08) |
1903 | 12-21-81 | 1982 budget (Not codified) |
1904 | 12-21-81 | Amends 1981 budget (Not codified) |
1905 | 1-4-82 | Economic development corporation (Repealed by 2344) |
1906 | 1-18-82 | Assessment confirmation for LID No. 77-2 (Not codified) |
1907 | 2-1-82 | Establishes equipment rental fund; repeals Ords. 1214 and 1497 (3.32) |
1908 | 2-1-82 | Adds Ch. 11.06, South Meridian Underground Utility District (11.06) |
1909 | 2-1-82 | Repeals and replaces §§ 14.20.010 – 14.20.040, extension of watermains and sanitary sewers; repeals Ords. 1395, 1531 and 1731 (Repealed by 1927) |
1910 | 2-1-82 | Amends § 19.08.070(10), subdivisions (Repealed by 2591) |
1911 | 2-1-82 | Amends §§ 1 and 2 of Ord. 1906, assessment confirmation for LID No. 77-2 (Not codified) |
1912 | 2-1-82 | Assessment confirmation for LID No. 80-3 (Not codified) |
1913 | 3-1-82 | Finance director authorization to make investments (2.10) |
1914 | 3-1-82 | Finance director appointment as auditing officer (2.10) |
1915 | 3-1-82 | Creates PAM group home grant fund (Repealed by 2103) |
1916 | 3-1-82 | Creates community development grant fund (3.24) |
1917 | 3-1-82 | Adopts smoke detection regulations (16.12) |
1918 | 3-1-82 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 16.08, fire flow and hydrants; repeals Ord. 1729 (16.08) |
1919 | 3-15-82 | Amends § 5.08.030, utility taxes (5.08) |
1920 | 3-15-82 | Adopts Design Standards and Specifications for the City of Puyallup, Second Edition, November, 1981 and Washington State Chapter American Public Works Association Standard Specifications for Municipal Public Works Construction, 1981 Edition (Repealed by 2188) |
1921 | 3-15-82 | Amends § 10.40.020, parking (10.40) |
1922 | 3-22-82 | Amends 1982 budget (Not codified) |
1923 | 3-15-82 | Amends § 20.76.030, zoning (Repealed by 2147) |
1924 | 3-15-82 | Amends § 20.84.070, zoning (Repealed by 2147) |
1925 | 4-5-82 | Rezone (Not codified) |
1926 | 4-5-82 | Amends § 1 of Ord. 1905, economic development corporation (Repealed by 2344) |
1927 | 4-5-82 | Repeals and replaces §§ 14.20.010 – 14.20.040, extension of water mains and sanitary sewers; repeals Ords. 1395, 1531, 1731 and 1909 (Title 14) |
1928 | 4-8-82 | Establishes CLID No. 77-2-80-3 (Not codified) |
1929 | 4-8-82 | Assessment confirmation for LID No. 79-1 (Not codified) |
1930 | 4-8-82 | Assessment confirmation for LID No. 80-1 (Not codified) |
1931 | 4-8-82 | Property acquisition (Not codified) |
1932 | 4-19-82 | Police dog regulations (8.16) |
1933 | 4-19-82 | Sale and use of fireworks; repeals Ord. 1415 (Repealed by 2105) |
1934 | 5-10-82 | Revenue warrants of LID No. 80-1 (Not codified) |
1935 | 5-10-82 | Creates property acquisition fund (3.20) |
1936 | 5-17-82 | Franchise to Air Products and Chemicals, Inc. (Not codified) |
1937 | 6-7-82 | Motor vehicle noise regulations (10.58) |
1938 | 6-7-82 | Amends §§ 9.28.010 and 9.28.020, weapons (Repealed by 2105) |
1939 | 6-7-82 | Establishes LID No. 77-3; assessment rates for LID No. 79-1 and 80-1 (Not codified) |
1940 | 6-21-82 | Establishes nonsalary items of compensation for management, nonunion personnel and elected officials (Repealed by 2698) |
1941 | 6-21-82 | Amends 1982 budget (Not codified) |
1942 | 7-6-82 | Establishes emergency preparedness services (Repealed by 2444) |
1943 | 7-6-82 | Adds Ch. 3.05, short term obligations (3.05) |
1944 | 8-2-82 | Amends §§ 14.04.180, 14.04.320, 14.04.325, 14.04.327 and 14.04.350, water regulations; repeals §§ 14.04.300 and 14.04.330 (Repealed by 2082) |
1945 | 8-2-82 | Amends § 14.12.010, sewer charges (Repealed by 2073) |
1946 | 8-2-82 | Amends §§ 6.12.100 and 6.12.110, refuse collection (6.12) |
1947 | 8-16-82 | Establishes LID No. 81-1 (Not codified) |
1948 | 9-7-82 | Fire protection systems; repeals Ords. 1744 and 1775 (17.36) |
1949 | 10-18-82 | General obligation bonds (Not codified) |
1950 | (Number not assigned) | |
1951 | 10-18-82 | Adopts uniform codes; repeals Ord. 1799 (Repealed by 2962) |
1952 | 10-18-82 | Adds §§ 7, 8 and 9 to Ord. 1533, sales and use tax (3.08) |
1953 | 11-1-82 | Adds new section to Ch. 10.36, stopping, standing and parking (10.36) |
1954 | 11-1-82 | Amends § 1.01.110, code adoption (1.01) |
1955 | 11-1-82 | Amends § 9.84.010, misdemeanor (Repealed by 2105) |
1956 | 11-1-82 | Amends § 5.08.030(1) and (3), business occupation taxes (5.08) |
1957 | 11-1-82 | Revenue warrants for LID No. 79-3 (Not codified) |
1958 | 11-15-82 | 1983 tax levy (Not codified) |
1959 | 12-6-82 | Amends § 1 of Ord. 1958, tax levy (Not codified) |
1960 | 12-9-82 | Amends § 3.08.026 and § 4 of Ord. 1952, sales and use tax; repeals § 3.08.027 (3.08) |
1961 | 12-20-82 | Repeals Ord. 462; transfer funds (Not codified) |
1962 | 12-20-82 | Amends § 1 of Ord. 1903, budget (Not codified) |
1963 | 12-20-82 | 1983 budget (Not codified) |
1964 | 12-20-82 | Amends § 5.08.030(1) and (3), business and occupation taxes (5.08) |
1965 | 12-20-82 | Amends § 2.28.010, planning commission (Repealed by 3001) |
1966 | 1-3-83 | Adds § 5 to, amends §§ 1C, 1D, 2C, 2D, 3C and 3D of Ord. 1940, fringe benefits (Repealed by 2698) |
1967 | 1-17-83 | Sanitary sewer maintenance; repeals Ord. 1467 (Title 14) |
1968 | 1-17-83 | Annexation (Not codified) |
1969 | 1-17-83 | Amends Ord. 1123, sewerage system (Not codified) |
1970 | 1-17-83 | Zones certain property (Not codified) |
1971 | 1-17-83 | Amends § 20.80.060, zoning enforcement (Repealed by 2147) |
1972 | 2-7-83 | Adds §§ 20.08.034 – 20.08.036, 20.08.044, 20.08.048, 20.08.075, 20.08.207 – 20.08.209, 20.08.335, 20.08.625, 20.08.665, 20.08.715, 20.72.090 and 20.72.100; amends §§ 20.08.340, 20.08.380, 20.08.540, 20.14.010, 20.16.010, 20.20.010, 20.24.010, 20.28.010, 20.32.010, 20.36.010, 20.40.010, 20.40.020, 20.44.010, 20.44.020, 20.48.010, 20.48.020, zoning (Repealed by 2147) |
1973 | 2-22-83 | Amends §§ 1 and 2 of Ord. 1903, annual budget (Not codified) |
1974 | 3-21-83 | Annexation (Not codified) |
1975 | 4-4-83 | Zones certain property (Not codified) |
1976 | 4-4-83 | Adds § 14.04.245, water consumption billing adjustment (Repealed by 2082) |
1977 | 4-4-83 | Amends § 3 of Ord. 1761, street vacation (Not codified) |
1978 | 4-7-83 | Street improvement, creates LID No. 83-2 (Not codified) |
1979 | 4-7-83 | Establishes LID No. 83-3 (Not codified) |
1980 | 4-18-83 | Amends § 5 of Ord. 1951, penalties for violations of city codes (Repealed by 2801) |
1981 | 4-18-83 | Repeals Ord. 1280 (Repealer) |
1982 | 5-2-83 | Establishes LID No. 83-1 (Repealed by 2001) |
1983 | 5-2-83 | Amends Ord. 1963, annual budget (Not codified) |
1984 | 5-2-83 | Rezone (Not codified) |
1985 | 5-2-83 | Authorizes issuance and sale of bond anticipation note for LID No. 83-2 (Not codified) |
1986 | 5-16-83 | Adds § 10-210 to Uniform Fire Code, emergency vehicle parking (16.04) |
1987 | 5-23-83 | Assessment confirmation for LID No. 79-3 (Not codified) |
1988 | 6-6-83 | Authorizes issuance and sale of bond for LID No. 83-3 (Not codified) |
1989 | 6-6-83 | Tax levy (Not codified) |
1990 | 6-20-83 | Adds §§ 9.10.220 – 9.10.250; amends and renumbers § 9.10.260, false alarms and alarm system fees (9.01) |
1991 | 6-20-83 | Amends § 20.36.010, zoning (Repealed by 2147) |
1992 | 6-20-83 | Property acquisition (Not codified) |
1993 | 7-5-83 | Amends § 10.28.030, speed limit (10.28) |
1994 | 7-18-83 | Adds M, N, O, P, Q and R to § 6.12.110(2), refuse collection (6.12) |
1995 | 7-18-83 | Adds to § 10.16.010; amends § 10.16.020, model traffic ordinance (10.16) |
1996 | 8-1-83 | System of registration for bonds and other obligations (3.44) |
1997 | 8-1-83 | Issuance and sale of bonds for LID No. 79-3 (Not codified) |
1998 | 8-1-83 | Hotel and motel tax (Repealed by 2516) |
1999 | 9-19-83 | Amends §§ 5.40.010 and 5.40.020, admissions tax (5.40) |
2000 | 9-19-83 | Amends § 6.12.110, refuse collection (6.12) |
2001 | 9-19-83 | Repeals Ord. 1982 (Repealer) |
2002 | 9-19-83 | Adds § 20.60.100(g); amends §§ 20.08.600 and 20.60.010, off-street parking (Repealed by 2147) |
2003 | 10-17-83 | Amends § 5.08.030(1) and (3), utility taxes (5.08) |
2004 | 11-7-83 | Adds § 20.68.140; amends §§ 20.08.350, 20.14.030(7), 20.16.030(3), 20.20.030 (3), 20.24.030(3) and 20.28.030(3), zoning; repeals § 20.08.350 (1) – (6) (Repealed by 2147) |
2005 | 11-7-83 | Rezone (Not codified) |
2006 | 11-21-83 | Adds subsection to § 10.28.030; amends portions of §§ 10.28.020(b) and 10.28.030, speed limits; repeals portion of § 10.28.020(b) (10.28) |
2007 | 11-21-83 | Amends § 1 of Ord. 1983, 1983 budget (Not codified) |
2008 | 11-21-83 | Creates insurance fund (3.36) |
2009 | 11-21-83 | Creates treasurer’s surplus fund (3.40) |
2010 | 12-5-83 | Adopts 1984 budget (Not codified) |
2011 | 12-5-83 | Tax levy (Not codified) |
2012 | 12-5-83 | Regulating pawnbrokers and secondhand dealers; repeals §§ 5.32.170 – 5.32.270 (5.32) |
2013 | 1-3-84 | Amends § 1 of Ord. 1669, salaries of mayor and councilmembers (Not codified) |
2014 | 1-16-84 | Amends §§ 14.12.010 and 14.12.020, sewer charges (Repealed by 2073) |
2015 | 2-6-84 | Adds new Sections 4.108, 4.109 and 4.110 to Uniform Fire Code (16.04) |
2016 | 2-6-84 | Amends §§ 9.26.010 and 9.26.020, public consumption of liquor (9.26) |
2017 | 2-21-84 | Street vacation (Not codified) |
2018 | 3-19-84 | Rezone (Not codified) |
2019 | 4-16-84 | Amends § 5.04.070, business license fees (5.04) |
2020 | 5-7-84 | Street vacation (Not codified) |
2021 | 5-21-84 | Amends § 1 of Ord. 2010, 1984 budget (Not codified) |
2022 | 5-21-84 | Grants franchise to Washington Natural Gas Company (Not codified) |
2023 | 5-21-84 | Adds § 14.20.050, sanitary sewers (Title 14) |
2024 | 4-16-84 | Assessment confirmation for LID No. 83-2 (Not codified) |
2025 | 4-16-84 | Assessment confirmation for LID No. 83-3 (Not codified) |
2026 | 6-4-84 | Annexation (Not codified) |
2027 | 6-4-84 | Zones certain property (Not codified) |
2028 | 6-4-84 | Rezone (Not codified) |
2029 | 7-2-84 | Issuance and sale of bonds (Not codified) |
2030 | 7-2-84 | Adds §§ 16.04.010(5) and 17.04.010(8); amends § 17.24.010(a), uniform codes (Repealed by 2962) |
2031 | 7-2-84 | Rezone (Not codified) |
2032 | 7-16-84 | Amends §§ 14.08.070 and 14.08.080, sewer regulations (Title 14) |
2033 | 8-2-84 | Amends Ord. 2024 § 1, assessment confirmation (Not codified) |
2034 | 8-23-84 | Amends § 14.04.245, water regulations (Repealed by 2082) |
2035 | 8-20-84 | Issuance and sale of bonds (Not codified) |
2036 | 9-4-84 | Adds § 9.04.120, domestic violence (Repealed by 2105) |
2037 | 9-17-84 | Amends § 3.04.010, warrants and checks; repeals § 3.04.020 (3.04) |
2038 | 10-4-84 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 21.04, environmental policy (21.04) |
2039 | 10-18-84 | Binding site plans (Repealed by 2591) |
2040 | 10-15-84 | Investigations revolving fund (3.48) |
2041 | 11-19-84 | Rezone (Not codified) |
2042 | 11-19-84 | Amends Ord. 2021 § 1, annual budget (Not codified) |
2043 | 11-19-84 | 1985 tax levy (Not codified) |
2044 | 12-3-84 | 1985 annual budget (Not codified) |
2045 | 12-3-84 | Special event licenses; amends § 9.04.140(7), general offenses (Repealed by 2407) |
2046 | 12-17-84 | Amends Ord. 2042 § 1, annual budget (Not codified) |
2047 | 12-17-84 | Amends § 5.08.030(5), business and occupation taxes (5.08) |
2048 | 2-4-85 | Amends § 10.36.110, stopping, standing and parking; repeals § 10.40.190 (10.36) |
2049 | 4-15-85 | Amends 1985 budget (Not codified) |
2050 | 5-20-85 | Adds (6) to § 19.04.060, plats and subdivisions (Repealed by 2591) |
2051 | 6-17-85 | Rezone (Not codified) |
2052 | 6-17-85 | Adds Ch. 20.70, zoning (Repealed by 2147) |
2053 | 7-1-85 | Rezone (Not codified) |
2054 | 7-1-85 | Street vacation (Not codified) |
2055 | 7-1-85 | Repeals §§ 20.72.060, 20.72.090(a)(9) and 20.72.100(A)(7) (Repealed by 2147) |
2056 | 7-15-85 | Adds subsection (3) to § 5.32.170, peddlers, bill posters, auctioneers, junk dealers and temporary stands (5.32) |
2057 | 7-15-85 | Street vacation (Not codified) |
2058 | 8-26-85 | Sewer and water system improvements (Not codified) |
2059 | 10-7-85 | Amends § 6.12.110, refuse collection and disposal (6.12) |
2060 | 11-18-85 | 1986 tax levy (Not codified) |
2061 | 12-16-85 | Grants franchise to Puget Sound Power and Light Company (Not codified) |
2062 | 12-2-85 | Amends §§ 1, 4 and 5 of Ord. 1907, equipment rental fund (3.32) |
2063 | 12-3-85 | Rezone (Not codified) |
2064 | 12-16-85 | Amends Ords. 2044 and 2049, 1985 budget (Not codified) |
2065 | 12-16-85 | 1986 annual budget (Not codified) |
2066 | 12-16-85 | Repeals Ords. 1579, 1592, 1604, 1887, 1888 and 1889 (Repealer) |
2067 | 12-16-85 | Fund consolidation (Not codified) |
2068 | 12-16-85 | Capital improvement fund (3.52) |
2069 | 2-3-86 | Amends § 3 of Ord. 1905A, economic development corporation (Repealed by 2344) |
2070 | 2-18-86 | Amends § 20.16.070, zoning (Repealed by 2147) |
2071 | 2-18-86 | Amends rate schedules for certain towing service contracts (Not codified) |
2072 | 2-18-86 | CATV franchise (Not codified) |
2073 | 2-18-86 | Adds Ch. 14.10, sewer system development charges and use rates; repeals Ch. 14.12 (Title 14) |
2074 | 2-18-86 | Annexation (Not codified) |
2075 | 2-18-86 | Zones annexed property (Not codified) |
2076 | 3-17-86 | Deletes and replaces (7) of § 17.04.010, uniform codes (Repealed by 2801) |
2077 | 3-17-86 | Street vacation (Not codified) |
2078 | 3-17-86 | Sewer extensions outside city limits (Title 14) |
2079 | 4-7-86 | Amends § 4 of Ord. 2062, equipment rental fund (3.32) |
2080 | 4-7-86 | Annexation (Not codified) |
2081 | 4-7-86 | Rezone (Not codified) |
2082 | 5-19-86 | Adds Ch. 14.02, water connection charges, use rates and regulations; repeals Ch. 14.04 (Title 14) |
2083 | 6-2-86 | Rezone (Not codified) |
2084 | 6-16-86 | Repeals § 10.40.040 (Repealer) |
2085 | 7-7-86 | Amends § 6.12.110, garbage rates (6.12) |
2086 | 7-7-86 | Adds § 21.06.035, flood hazards (Repealed by 2112) |
2087 | 7-7-86 | LID assessment collection (Not codified) |
2088 | 7-7-86 | Alley vacation (Not codified) |
2089 | 7-21-86 | Amends § 3.16.020; repeals § 3.16.080, revolving travel fund (3.16) |
2090 | 8-4-86 | Real estate excise tax (3.56) |
2091 | 8-4-86 | Adds Ch. 6.10; repeals §§ 6.08.200 and 6.08.220, weeds and growth (6.10) |
2092 | 10-6-86 | Adds Ch. 3.55, capital improvements (3.55) |
2093 | 10-6-86 | Street vacation (Not codified) |
2094 | 10-6-86 | Amends §§ 2.40.050 and 2.40.155; repeals §§ 2.40.100 and 2.40.150, personnel benefits (Repealed by 2698) |
2095 | 10-20-86 | Amends § 20.80.040, zoning (Repealed by 2147) |
2096 | 11-3-86 | Amends §§ 14.02.020, 14.02.030, 14.02.050, 14.02.080 and 14.10.020, water and sewer rates (Title 14) |
2097 | 11-3-86 | Alley vacation (Not codified) |
2098 | 11-3-86 | Street and alley vacation (Not codified) |
2099 | 11-17-86 | Adds § 5.68.055; amends § 5.68.060, gambling taxes (5.68) |
2100 | 12-1-86 | Amends §§ 8.04.020, 8.04.030, 8.04.040 and 8.04.060, animals (8.04) |
2101 | 12-15-86 | Property acquisition (Not codified) |
2102 | 12-15-86 | Amends § 1 of Ord. 2065, animal budget (Not codified) |
2103 | 12-15-86 | Deletes certain funds; repeals Ords. 1597, 1635, 1639 and 1915 (Repealer) |
2104 | 12-15-86 | 1987 tax levy (Not codified) |
2105 | 12-15-86 | Repeals Chs. 9.04, 9.08, 9.20, 9.24, 9.28, 9.32, 9.36, 9.38, 9.40, 9.44, 9.48, 9.52, 9.56, 9.60, 9.64, 9.72, 9.76, 9.78, 9.80 and 9.84; renumbers Chs. 9.10, 9.12, 9.16, 9.68 and 9.70 to be Chs. 9.01, 9.05, 9.10, 9.15 and 9.20; adds new Title 9A, criminal code (9.01, 9.05, 9.10, 9.15, 9.20, 9A.01, 9A.03) |
2106 | 12-15-86 | Adopts 1987 budget (Not codified) |
2107 | 1-19-87 | Amends §§ 2.28.010, 2.28.030, 2.28.040, 2.28.050, 2.28.060 and 2.28.070, planning commission (Repealed by 3001) |
2108 | 1-19-87 | Amends § 2.24.030, park and recreation board (Repealed by 2953) |
2109 | 3-16-87 | Establishes LID No. 87-1 (Not codified) |
2110 | 2-17-87 | Alley vacation (Not codified) |
2111 | 3-2-87 | Amends §§ 16.04.010, 17.04.010 and 17.24.010, uniform codes (Repealed by 2962) |
2112 | 3-2-87 | Adds Ch. 21.07, flood damage protection; repeals Ch. 21.06 (21.07) |
2113 | 4-6-87 | Property vacation (Not codified) |
2114 | 4-6-87 | Adds Ch. 9A.06 and 9A.07, criminal code (9A.06) |
2115 | 4-6-87 | Annexation (Not codified) |
2116 | 4-6-87 | Zones newly annexed property (Not codified) |
2117 | 4-6-87 | Property vacation (Not codified) |
2118 | 4-20-87 | Property acquisition and condemnation (Not codified) |
2119 | 4-20-87 | Amends § 10.36.110, parking (10.36) |
2120 | 4-20-87 | Building code fees (Not codified) |
2121 | 4-20-87 | Property vacation (Not codified) |
2122 | 4-20-87 | Adopts shoreline management master program and fees (Not codified) |
2123 | 5-4-87 | Amends § 5.32.285, temporary stands (5.32) |
2124 | 5-18-87 | Amends § 6.12.110, garbage collection rates (6.12) |
2125 | 5-18-87 | LID No. 87-1 bond issuance (Not codified) |
2126 | 6-15-87 | Bond issuance (Not codified) |
2127 | 6-29-87 | Accepts bond for bond issuance (Not codified) |
2128 | 7-6-87 | Amends § 5.40.010, admissions tax; repeals Ch. 5.44 (5.40) |
2129 | 7-6-87 | Amends § 14.08.070, sewer regulations (Title 14) |
2130 | 7-6-87 | Creates deferred compensation plan agency fund (Not codified) |
2131 | 7-6-87 | Property vacation (Not codified) |
2132 | 7-20-87 | Amends agreement with Willows trust concerning signs (Not codified) |
2133 | 7-20-87 | Amends §§ 14.02.020 and 14.02.100, water rates and billing (Title 14) |
2134 | 7-20-87 | Amends §§ 14.10.060 and 14.10.070, sewer rates and billing (Title 14) |
2135 | 7-20-87 | Amends Ord. 2131, street vacation (Not codified) |
2136 | 9-18-87 | Annexation (Not codified) |
2137 | 9-21-87 | Annexation (Not codified) |
2138 | 9-21-87 | Zoning of annexed property (Not codified) |
2139 | 10-10-87 | Zoning of annexed property (Not codified) |
2140 | 10-19-87 | Street vacation (Not codified) |
2141 | 9-19-87 | Street vacation (Not codified) |
2142 | 11-16-87 | Adds Ch. 17.13, house moving; repeals Ch. 17.12 (17.13) |
2143 | 12-1-87 | Adds § 3.10.050, hotel-motel tax (Repealed by 2516) |
2144 | 11-16-87 | Amends Ord. 2106, 1987 budget (Not codified) |
2145 | 11-16-87 | Tax levy (Not codified) |
2146 | 12-21-87 | Rezone (Not codified) |
2147 | 12-27-87 | Repeals and replaces Title 20, zoning (20.05, 20.10, 20.11, 20.12, 20.13, 20.15, 20.20, 20.25, 20.30, 20.35, 20.37, 20.40, 20.43, 20.51, 20.53, 20.55, 20.58, 20.60, 20.65, 20.70, 20.75, 20.80, 20.85, 20.86, 20.87, 20.90, 20.91, 20.95) |
2148 | 12-21-87 | Adds Ch. 2.46, bonds for officers and employees; repeals Ch. 2.44 (2.46) |
2149 | 12-21-87 | Adds Ch. 9.28, abandoned vehicles (9.28) |
2150 | 12-27-87 | Appropriation (Not codified) |
2151 | 12-21-87 | Creates municipal court trust fund (Not codified) |
2152 | 1-4-88 | Amends §§ 14.02.020 and 14.02.030, water rates and charges (Title 14) |
2153 | 1-4-88 | Amends §§ 14.10.010, 14.10.020, 14.10.030 and 14.10.040, sewer rates and charges (Title 14) |
2154 | 2-1-88 | Adds § 2.28.080, review of right-of-way vacations by planning commission (Repealed by 2539) |
2155 | 3-7-88 | Adds Ch. 10.70, cruising (10.70) |
2156 | 3-7-88 | Amends § 2 of § 16.04.015, uniform fire code (16.04) |
2157 | 3-21-88 | Amends §§ 2 and 8 of Ord. 2125, authorizes increase in principal amount and extension of maturity date of LID No. 87-1 bond (Not codified) |
2158 | 3-21-88 | Revises certain portions of corporate boundaries (Not codified) |
2159 | 3-21-88 | Street vacation (Not codified) |
2160 | 3-21-88 | Adds Ch. 8.18, vicious dogs (8.18) |
2161 | 4-18-88 | Rezone (Not codified) |
2162 | 5-2-88 | Adds Ch. 14.26, storm and surface water utility, and Ch. 14.40, combined utility (Title 14) |
2163 | 5-2-88 | Adds §§ 14.26.102, 14.26.104, 14.26.106, 14.26.108, 14.26.110, 14.26.112, 14.26.114, 14.26.116, 14.26.118, 14.26.120, 14.26.140, 14.26.200, 14.26.210, 14.26.220, 14.26.230, 14.26.240, 14.26.260 and 14.26.280, storm and surface water utilities, and amends § 14.02.100, water and sewers (Title 14) |
2164 | 5-16-88 | Law enforcement officers and firefighters disability board (Repealed by 3001) |
2165 | 5-16-88 | Amends §§ 20.15.005, 20.30.010, 20.35.010, 20.40.015 and 20.43.010, hazardous waste storage and treatment facilities provisions for certain zoning districts (20.15, 20.30, 20.35, 20.40, 20.43) |
2166 | 6-6-88 | Street improvement, cost assessment and tax levy (Not codified) |
2167 | 6-20-88 | Rezone (Not codified) |
2168 | 7-5-88 | Special election (Repealed by 2172) |
2169 | 7-5-88 | Street vacation (Not codified) |
2170 | 7-18-88 | Annexation (Not codified) |
2171 | 7-18-88 | Rezone (Not codified) |
2172 | 7-20-88 | Special election, repeals Ord. 2168 (Not codified) |
2173 | 8-1-88 | Adds §§ 20.70.012 and 20.70.013 and amends §§ 20.65.010 and 20.70.010, zoning (20.65, 20.70) |
2174 | 8-15-88 | LID No. 87-1 bonds (Not codified) |
2175 | 8-15-88 | Amends 1988 budget (Not codified) |
2176 | 6-9-88 | Annexation (Not codified) |
2177 | 6-9-88 | Rezone (Not codified) |
2178 | 9-9-88 | Property annexation (Not codified) |
2179 | 10-3-88 | Alley vacation (Not codified) |
2180 | 10-3-88 | Amends Ord. 2118, land acquisition and condemnation (Not codified) |
2181 | 11-7-88 | Amends Ch. 20.65, zoning (20.65) |
2182 | 11-21-88 | Amends Ch. 9A.02, criminal code (Repealed by 2719) |
2183 | 11-21-88 | Establishes improvement reimbursement area (Not codified) |
2184 | 11-21-88 | Amends §§ 21.07.030 and 21.07.060, flood damage protection (21.07) |
2185 | 11-21-88 | 1989 tax levy (Not codified) |
2186 | 12-19-88 | Amends 1988 budget (Not codified) |
2187 | 12-19-88 | 1989 budget (Not codified) |
2188 | 12-19-88 | Adds Ch. 17.42, design standards and specifications; repeals Ch. 17.40 (17.42) |
2189 | 1-3-89 | Adds § 5.32.220, pawnbrokers and secondhand dealers; repeals § 5.32.220 (5.32) |
2190 | 2-6-89 | Street improvement (Not codified) |
2191 | 2-21-89 | Amends § 21.04.210, environmental policy (21.04) |
2192 | 3-6-89 | Property vacation (Not codified) |
2193 | 4-11-89 | Bond issuance (Not codified) |
2194 | 4-11-89 | Bond issuance (Not codified) |
2195 | 4-11-89 | Amends Exhibit W of Ord. 2180, land acquisition and condemnation (Not codified) |
2196 | 5-1-89 | Amends §§ 20.20.020, 20.20.040, 20.30.030, 20.30.045, 20.49.035, 20.55.010, 2.55.060, 20.58.010, 20.58.015, 20.60.050 and 20.70.010, zoning (20.20, 20.30, 20.55, 20.58, 20.60, 20.70) |
2197 | 5-1-89 | Property vacation (Not codified) |
2198 | 5-15-89 | Amends § 14.10.040, sewer system charges (Title 14) |
2199 | 6-19-89 | Amends § 6.12.110, garbage rates (6.12) |
2200 | 6-19-89 | Purchase of real property (Not codified) |
2201 | 7-3-89 | Authorized property acquisition (Not codified) |
2202 | 7-17-89 | Amends § 8.04.020, animal control fees (8.04) |
2203 | 7-17-89 | Amends § 9A.02, state criminal statutes (Repealed by 2719) |
2204 | 8-7-89 | Authorizes note for cemetery expansion funds (Not codified) |
2205 | 8-7-89 | Street vacation (Not codified) |
2206 | 8-21-89 | Adopts certain state criminal laws (Repealed by 2719) |
2207 | 9-18-89 | Right-of-way condemnation authorized (Not codified) |
2208 | 9-18-89 | Rezone (Not codified) |
2209 | 10-2-89 | Street vacation (Not codified) |
2210 | 10-2-89 | 1989 budget (Not codified) |
2211 | 10-16-89 | Street vacation (Not codified) |
2212 | 12-4-89 | |
2213 | 12-4-89 | Amends § 20.55.010, zoning (20.55) |
2214 | 12-18-89 | 1989 budget (Not codified) |
2215 | 12-18-89 | 1990 budget (Not codified) |
2216 | 12-18-89 | Tax levy (Not codified) |
2217 | 12-18-89 | Amends Ch. 2.40, personnel (Repealed by 2698) |
2218 | 12-18-89 | Police and fire chief selection procedure (Repealed by 2254) |
2219 | 12-18-89 | Adds Ch. 2.45, shared leave (Repealed by 2698) |
2220 | 1-2-90 | Storm water management (Repealed by 2951) |
2221 | 1-2-90 | Clearing, grading and filling (21.14) |
2222 | 1-15-90 | Purchase of waterworks utility yard site (Not codified) |
2223 | 1-15-90 | Medical benefits revolving fund (3.17) |
2224 | 1-15-90 | Amends § 21.07.060, provisions for flood hazard reduction (21.07) |
2225 | 2-5-90 | Repeals § 8 of Ord. 2222 (Repealer) |
2226 | 2-20-90 | Rezone (Not codified) |
2227 | 2-20-90 | Adds Ch. 1.10, appeals from decisions of city council, boards and commissions (1.10) |
2228 | 2-20-90 | Adds § 10.20.130, mandatory liability insurance (10.20) |
2229 | 2-10-90 | Adds § 10.20.140, compression brakes (10.20) |
2230 | 3-5-90 | Seizure and forfeiture fund (3.28) |
2231 | 3-19-90 | Amends § 10.16.010, model traffic ordinance (10.16) |
2232 | 3-19-90 | Adds §§ 5.32.135 and 5.40.030; amends §§ 5.04.110, 5.32.280, 5.32.285, 5.32.295, 5.32.300, 5.32.305, 5.32.315 and 5.40.010, business licenses and taxes; repeals §§ 5.32.110, 5.32.120, 5.32.130, 5.32.290 and 5.32.320 – 5.32.450 (5.04, 5.32, 5.40) |
2233 | 3-19-90 | Adds §§ 20.70.021 and 20.70.022; amends §§ 20.70.010, 20.70.015, 20.70.020, 20.70.025, 20.70.030 and 20.70.035, temporary uses (20.70) |
2234 | 3-19-90 | Annexation (Not codified) |
2235 | 3-19-90 | Rezone (Not codified) |
2236 | 4-2-90 | Street vacation (Not codified) |
2237 | 5-26-90 | Amends § 6.12.110, garbage rates (6.12) |
2238 | 6-18-90 | Adds § 14.10.021; amends §§ 14.02.020, 14.02.040, 14.10.020, 14.10.030, 14.26.210, 14.26.240 and 14.26.260, water and sewer rates (Title 14) |
2239 | 6-18-90 | Adds Ch. 1.12; amends §§ 2.24.010 and 2.28.010, qualifications for membership on boards and commissions (1.12) |
2240 | 6-18-90 | Annexation (Not codified) |
2241 | 7-2-90 | Budget amendment (Not codified) |
2242 | 9-4-90 | Adds Ch. 6.16, noise control (6.16) |
2243 | 10-8-90 | Interim controls on subdivision and development of Clark’s Creek drainage basin (Not codified) |
2244 | 10-15-90 | Waterworks utility improvements and additions, water and sewer revenue bonds (Not codified) |
2245 | 11-5-90 | Rezone (Not codified) |
2246 | 11-5-90 | Rezone (Not codified) |
2247 | 11-19-90 | Borrowing for purchase of property for waterworks utility (Not codified) |
2248 | 11-19-90 | Additional real estate tax (3.57) |
2249 | 12-3-90 | Tax levy (Not codified) |
2250 | 12-17-90 | Alley vacation (Not codified) |
2251 | 12-17-90 | Budget amendment (Not codified) |
2252 | 12-17-90 | 1991 budget (Not codified) |
2253 | 1-7-91 | Amends § 2.12.010, civil service commission (Repealed by 3001) |
2254 | 3-4-91 | Adds Ch. 2.06; repeals Ch. 2.08; administrative code (2.06) |
2255 | 3-4-91 | Amends §§ 9.01.240 and 9.01.250, false alarms (9.01) |
2256 | 3-4-91 | Adds Ch. 16.16, fire alarm systems (Repealed by 2801) |
2257 | 3-18-91 | Amends § 2.45.010, shared leave (Repealed by 2698) |
2258 | 3-18-91 | Amends § 2.40.160, sick leave (Repealed by 2698) |
2259 | 4-1-91 | Amends §§ 16.08.070, 16.08.110, 17.36.020, 17.36.025, 17.36.030, 17.36.040, 17.36.045, 17.36.080, fire protection services (16.08, 17.36) |
2260 | 4-1-91 | Street vacation (Not codified) |
2261 | 4-15-91 | Amends § 3 of Ord. 2243, interim controls on subdivision and development of Clark’s Creek drainage basin (Not codified) |
2262 | Amends § 6.12.110, garbage rates and recycling (6.12) | |
2263 | 5-6-91 | Deletes Ch. 20.36, EP exclusive parking zone (Repealer) |
2264 | 5-6-91 | Rezone (Not codified) |
2265 | 5-20-91 | Amends §§ 14.02.030, 14.02.070, and 14.10.050; adds § 14.26.215, storm drainage general facilities charges, sewer and water fees (Title 14) |
2266 | 5-20-91 | Fees and charges (1.13) |
2267 | 6-3-91 | Replacement of water mains (Not codified) |
2268 | 6-3-91 | Adds Ch. 2.54, hearing examiner, and § 20.80.050; amends §§ 19.02.030, 19.04.055, 19.04.070, 19.06.060, 19.06.090, 19.06.100, 19.06.110, 19.08.020 – 19.08.040, 19.08.060, 19.08.070, 19.08.100, 20.05.040, 20.10.001, 20.10.005, 20.10.015, 20.10.020, 20.10.035, 20.12.015, 20.12.020, 20.13.001, 20.15.005, 20.37.015, 20.40.035, 20.49.040, 20.51.025, 20.51.030, 20.51.035, 20.55.015, 20.55.050, 20.58.022, 20.60.050, 20.65.030(3), 20.65.040, 20.70.010(9), 20.70.022, 20.75.005, 20.75.010, 20.75.020, 20.80.000, 20.80.010, 20.80.015, 20.80.020, 20.80.025, 20.80.030, 20.80.035, 20.80.040, 20.80.045, 20.85.000, 20.85.005, 20.85.015, 20.85.020, 20.85.025, 20.85.030, 20.85.035, 20.85.040, 20.85.045, 20.85.050, 20.87.001, 20.87.015, 20.87.020, 20.90.001, 20.90.005, 20.90.010, 20.90.015, 20.90.020, 20.90.025, 20.90.030, 21.07.030(1), 21.07.050, 21.10.340, 21.14.440; deletes §§ 20.10.025, 20.13.005, 20.13.010, 20.13.015, 20.13.020, 20.13.025 (2.54, 20.05, 20.10, 20.12, 20.13, 20.15, 20.37, 20.40, 20.51, 20.55, 20.58, 20.60, 20.65, 20.70, 20.75, 20.80, 20.85, 20.87, 20.90, 21.07, 21.14) |
2269 | 6-3-91 | Amends §§ 2.12.010 and 2.12.030, civil service commission (Repealed by 3001) |
2270 | 6-17-91 | Amends 1991 budget, revised occupational index and salary range employee classifications (Not codified) |
2271 | 7-1-91 | Amends 1991 budget (Not codified) |
2272 | 7-15-91 | Rezone (Not codified) |
2273 | 7-15-91 | LID No. 91-1 (Not codified) |
2274 | 7-15-91 | Adopts state ventilation and indoor air quality code and state energy code (Repealed by 2801) |
2275 | 8-20-91 | Establishes zoning for property (Not codified) |
2276 | 8-20-91 | Exception granted to interim controls relating to Clark’s Creek Drainage Basin (Not codified) |
2277 | 9-3-91 | Clark’s Creek Drainage Basin (Not codified) |
2278 | 9-3-91 | Amends Ch. 2.54, hearing examiner (2.54) |
2279 | 9-3-91 | Adds Ch. 21.06, wetlands protection (Repealed by 2324) |
2280 | 9-9-91 | Issues water and sewer revenue bonds (Not codified) |
2281 | 10-7-91 | Adds § 10.36.120, chain parking (10.36) |
2282 | 10-21-91 | Amends Ch. 14.22, sewer and water extensions outside city limits (Repealed by 2983) |
2283 | 11-6-91 | Orders replacement of existing water supply system (Not codified) |
2284 | 12-9-91 | General obligation bonds (Not codified) |
2285 | 12-16-91 | Amends § 1.12.010, residency requirement for membership on boards and commissions (1.12) |
2286 | 12-16-91 | Adds Ch. 2.26, senior center advisory board (Repealed by 2953) |
2287 | 12-16-91 | Amends § 6.12.110, garbage rates (6.12) |
2288 | 12-16-91 | Amends § 14.02.020, water, sewer, storm and surface water rates and charges (Title 14) |
2289 | 12-16-91 | Adopts 1992 budget (Not codified) |
2290 | 12-16-91 | Tax levy for 1992 (Not codified) |
2291 | 12-16-91 | Amends § 5.04.030, business license fees (5.04) |
2292 | 12-16-91 | Amends 1991 budget (Not codified) |
2293 | 12-16-91 | Jail commissary revolving fund (3.58) |
2294 | 12-16-91 | Adopts occupational index and salary range for police, fire and municipal services for 1992 (Not codified) |
2295 | 12-16-91 | Adopts occupational index and salary range for 1992 (Repealed by 2341) |
2296 | 12-16-91 | Amends § 5.08.030 and repeals § 5.08.035, utility taxes (5.08) |
2297 | 1-6-92 | Amends § 1.04.010, city council wards (Repealed by 2985) |
2298 | 2-3-92 | Amends § 5.08.030, tax on cellular telephone service (5.08) |
2299 | 2-3-92 | Adds §§ 10.40.015 and 10.40.019; amends §§ 10.40.010, 10.40.018, 10.40.020, 10.40.022, 10.40.026, 10.40.030, 10.40.050, 10.40.062, and 10.40.064, parking (10.40) |
2300 | 2-18-92 | Adds § 9.20.225, Pioneer Park hours (9.20) |
2301 | 3-16-92 | Annexation (Not codified) |
2302 | 3-16-92 | Rezone (Not codified) |
2303 | 4-20-92 | Approves and confirms LID 91-1 assessments (Not codified) |
2304 | 5-4-92 | Street vacation (Not codified) |
2305 | 5-4-92 | Amends §§ 16.16.020(b) and 16.16.080(b), fire alarm systems (Repealed by 2801) |
2306 | 5-18-92 | Amends §§ 6.12.110 and 6.12.130, garbage rates (6.12) |
2307 | 5-18-92 | Amends § 6.12.110, garbage rates (6.12) |
2308 | 6-1-92 | Approves and confirms LID 91-2 assessments (Not codified) |
2309 | 6-1-92 | Amends § 10.16.010, model traffic ordinance (10.16) |
2310 | 6-15-92 | Extends maturity date of LID 91-1 notes (Not codified) |
2311 | 6-15-92 | Approves revision of corporate boundaries (Not codified) |
2312 | 6-15-92 | Annexation (Not codified) |
2313 | 6-15-92 | Rezone (Not codified) |
2314 | 6-15-92 | Adds Ch. 16.20, fireworks (Repealed by 2722) |
2315 | 6-15-92 | Amends Ch. 17.04, uniform codes (Repealed by 2801) |
2316 | 6-15-92 | Amends Title 20, zoning (20.11, 20.15, 20.20, 20.25, 20.30, 20.35, 20.55, 20.60, 20.65, 20.70, 20.75, 20.86) |
2317 | 7-6-92 | Amends § 2.54.070, 2.54.170, and 2.54.180, hearing examiner (2.54) |
2318 | 7-6-92 | Amends § 5.32.305, license fees (5.32) |
2319 | 7-6-92 | Amends §§ 19.02.030, 19.06.100, and 19.10.190, plats and subdivisions (Repealed by 2591) |
2320 | 7-6-92 | Amends §§ 21.04.205 and 21.04.210, environment (21.04) |
2321 | 7-6-92 | Confirms latecomers agreement with Good Samaritan Hospital (Not codified) |
2322 | 7-20-92 | Special election for developing and acquiring park and cemetery facilities (Not codified) |
2323 | 7-20-92 | Special election for library, senior center and community center (Not codified) |
2324 | 7-20-92 | Repeals Ord. 2279; creates Ch. 21.06, amends Chs. 21.04 and 21.14, wetlands protection and environmentally sensitive areas (21.04, 21.14) |
2325 | 7-20-92 | General obligation bonds (Not codified) |
2326 | 7-20-92 | Water and sewer revenue bonds (Not codified) |
2327 | 8-3-92 | Street vacation (Not codified) |
2328 | 8-17-92 | Amends 1992 budget (Not codified) |
2329 | 9-21-92 | Annexation (Not codified) |
2330 | 9-21-92 | Rezone (Not codified) |
2331 | 9-8-92 | LID 91-1-91-2 (Not codified) |
2332 | 9-8-92 | Adds Ch. 20.28, zoning (20.28) |
2333 | 9-21-92 | Amends § 3 of Ord. 2331, LID 91-1-91-2 (Not codified) |
2334 | 9-21-92 | Property vacation (Not codified) |
2335 | 11-2-92 | Amends § 3.48.050, investigation revolving fund (3.48) |
2336 | 11-2-92 | Adds Ch. 3.09, natural gas use tax (3.09) |
2337 | 12-7-92 | Amends § 5.08.030, cable television tax (5.08) |
2338 | 12-21-92 | Rezone (Not codified) |
2339 | 12-21-92 | 1993 budget (Not codified) |
2340 | 12-21-92 | Amends 1992 budget (Not codified) |
2341 | 12-21-92 | Adopts occupational index and salary range for 1992, repeals Ord. 2295 (Not codified) |
2342 | 12-21-92 | 1993 tax levy (Not codified) |
2343 | 12-21-92 | Amends §§ 14.02.020, 14.02.040, 14.02.050, 14.02.060, 14.02.080, 14.02.090, 14.02.100, 14.02.170, 14.10.020, 14.10.021, 14.10.030, 14.26.210, and 14.26.260, water, sewer, storm and surface water rates and charges (Title 14) |
2344 | 12-21-92 | Repeals Ords. 1905 and 2069 (Repealer) |
2345 | 1-4-93 | Amends Title 19, plats and subdivisions (Repealed by 2591) |
2346 | 1-4-93 | Amends Title 20, zoning (20.11, 20.12, 20.15, 20.20, 20.25, 20.30, 20.35, 20.40, 20.55, 20.58, 20.60, 20.65, 20.85, 20.86, 21.14) |
2347 | 1-4-93 | Alley vacation (Not codified) |
2348 | 2-1-93 | LID preformation fund, District 92-1 (Not codified) |
2349 | 2-1-93 | Adds Ch. 5.86, sale of tobacco products (Repealed by 2374) |
2350 | 2-16-93 | Commute trip reduction plan (21.16) |
2351 | 2-16-93 | Amends Ord. 2240, annexation (Not codified) |
2352 | 3-1-93 | |
2353 | 3-15-93 | Street vacation (Not codified) |
2354 | 4-19-93 | Amends § 20.55.065 and repeals § 20.55.070, off-street parking (20.55) |
2355 | 4-19-93 | Amends § 14.10.020, sewer system development charges and use rates (Title 14) |
2356 | 5-3-93 | Street improvements (Not codified) |
2357 | 5-17-93 | Amends § 2.06.110, community services department (2.06) |
2358 | 5-17-93 | Amends Ch. 2.24, parks and recreation board (Repealed by 2953) |
2359 | 6-7-93 | D.A.R.E. fund (3.60) |
2360 | 7-6-93 | Property acquisition (Not codified) |
2361 | 7-6-93 | Rezone (Not codified) |
2362 | 8-2-93 | Amends § 20.60.055, signs (20.60) |
2363 | 8-2-93 | Authorizes issuance and sale of bond anticipation note for LID 92-1 (Not codified) |
2364 | 9-7-93 | Amends §§ 6.12.100 and 6.12.110, garbage rates and recycling (6.12) |
2365 | 9-7-93 | Amends § 6.16.030, noise control (6.16) |
2366 | 9-7-93 | Adds Ch. 1.02, civil infractions (1.02) |
2367 | 9-7-93 | Adds §§ 14.02.025 and 14.02.027, water utility hydrant use requirements (Title 14) |
2368 | 9-7-93 | Annexation (Not codified) |
2369 | 9-7-93 | Amends Ord. 2360, property acquisition (Not codified) |
2370 | 10-18-93 | Amends Ch. 17.04 and deletes Ch. 17.24, building codes (Repealed by 2801) |
2371 | 10-18-93 | Adds § 14.26.225, storm sewer services (Title 14) |
2372 | 11-1-93 | Amends § 21.04.210, environment (21.04) |
2373 | 11-1-93 | Amends Chs. 11.04, 11.08, 11.16, and 11.20, and deletes Ch. 11.12, street excavations (11.08, 11.20) |
2374 | 11-1-93 | Repeals Ch. 5.86, tobacco products (Repealer) |
2375 | 11-1-93 | Amends § 2.40.140, holidays (Repealed by 2698) |
2376 | 11-15-93 | Amends Ch. 17.04 and 17.42, building codes (17.42) |
2377 | 11-15-93 | Amends 1993 budget (Not codified) |
2378 | 12-6-93 | Water and sewer revenue and refunding bonds (Not codified) |
2379 | 12-6-93 | Street vacation (Not codified) |
2380 | 12-6-93 | Occupational index and salary range (Not codified) |
2381 | 12-6-93 | Occupational index and salary range (Not codified) |
2382 | 12-6-93 | 1994 tax levy (Not codified) |
2383 | 12-20-93 | Amends §§ 14.02.020, 14.02.040, 14.10.020, 14.10.021, 14.26.210, 14.26.260, water, sewer, storm and surface water rates (14.02, 14.10, 14.26) |
2384 | 12-20-93 | Amends Title 14, water and sewers (14.02, 14.08, 14.10, 14.20, 14.24) |
2385 | 12-20-93 | 1994 budget (Not codified) |
2386 | 12-24-93 | Amends Ch. 2.46, bonds for officers and employees (2.46) |
2387 | 12-20-93 | Amends Ch. 6.12, solid waste collection and disposal (6.12) |
2388 | 1-3-94 | Street vacation (Not codified) |
2389 | 1-18-94 | Adds §§ 6.08.235 and 6.08.236, nuisances (6.08) |
2390 | 1-18-94 | Amends § 8.04.010, dogs (8.04) |
2391 | 1-18-94 | Amends § 9.28.030, abandoned vehicles (9.28) |
2392 | 1-18-94 | Amends §§ 19.04.071, 19.08.070, and 19.10.070, plats and subdivisions (Repealed by 2591) |
2393 | 1-21-94 | Amends §§ 20.15.005, 20.20.010, 20.20.015, 20.25.015, 20.30.010, 20.30.027, 20.30.045, 20.35.010, 20.35.035, 20.55.013, 20.55.016, 20.60.020, 20.60.045, 20.60.050, 20.60.055, 20.65.035, 20.70.010, 20.75.005, 20.95.020, zoning (20.15, 20.20, 20.25, 20.30, 20.35, 20.55, 20.60, 20.65, 20.70, 20.75, 20.95) |
2394 | 1-18-94 | Adds Ch. 11.24, latecomer charges (11.24) |
2395 | 2-22-94 | Amends § 2.40.130, medical insurance plan (Repealed by 2698) |
2396 | 3-7-94 | Amends § 17.04.020, uniform building codes (Repealed by 2801) |
2397 | 3-21-94 | Special election for general obligation bonds (Not codified) |
2398 | 4-18-94 | Amends § 11.20.030, sidewalk construction (11.20) |
2399 | 4-18-94 | Amends §§ 20.60.030 and 20.60.045, sandwich board signs (20.60) |
2400 | 6-6-94 | Amends § 21.14.430, environment (21.14) |
2401 | 6-6-94 | Amends 1994 budget (Not codified) |
2402 | 6-20-94 | Amends §§ 10.16.010 and 10.16.020, model traffic ordinance (10.16) |
2403 | 6-20-94 | Amends § 10.40.010 and adds Ch. 10.62, bicycle helmets (10.40, 10.62) |
2404 | 8-1-94 | Adds Ch. 6.06, smoking in restaurants (Repealed by 2420) |
2405 | 8-15-94 | Amends § 11.08.130, street improvements (Repealed by 3234) |
2406 | 8-15-94 | Street vacation (Not codified) |
2407 | 8-15-94 | Repeals Ch. 5.84 and adds Ch. 5.34, parades, athletic events and other special events (Repealed by 3035) |
2408 | 8-22-94 | Amends § 5.32.285, licenses for peddlers, bill posters, auctioneers, junk dealers and temporary stands (5.32) |
2409 | 9-6-94 | Special election (Not codified) |
2410 | 9-6-94 | Amends §§ 20.05.045, 20.15.005, 20.20.010, 20.20.015, 20.25.010, 20.25.015, and 20.30.010, and adds § 20.11.012, zoning (20.05, 20.11, 20.15, 20.20, 20.25, 20.30) |
2411 | 9-19-94 | Amends Ch. 18.35 and §§ 18.40.050 and 18.40.060, comprehensive plan (18.35, 18.40) |
2412 | 9-19-94 | Limited tax general obligation and refunding bonds (Not codified) |
2413 | 12-5-94 | LID 92-1 assessments (Not codified) |
2414 | 12-5-94 | Adds § 14.10.045, sewer system charges (14.10) |
2415 | 12-5-94 | 1995 budget (Not codified) |
2416 | 12-19-94 | Amends § 5.08.030; adds Ch. 5.10, business and occupation taxes (5.08, 5.10) |
2417 | 12-19-94 | Amends §§ 14.02.020 and 14.02.040, water, sewer, storm and surface water rates (14.02) |
2418 | 12-23-94 | 1995 tax levy (Not codified) |
2419 | 12-23-94 | Amends 1994 budget (Not codified) |
2420 | 12-19-94 | Repeals Ord. 2404 (Repealer) |
2421 | 1-3-95 | Adds § 11.24.005, street improvements as a prerequisite to property development (11.24) |
2422 | 3-6-95 | Amends Ch. 6.12, solid waste collection and disposal (6.12) |
2423 | 2-6-95 | Amends §§ 14.02.040, 14.10.021, and 14.26.260, utility rate discounts (14.02, 14.10, 14.26) |
2424 | 2-6-95 | Street vacation (Not codified) |
2425 | 2-6-95 | Street vacation (Not codified) |
2426 | 2-6-95 | Adopts certain state statutes, amends §§ 9A.02(b) and 9A.02(f), criminal violation (Repealed by 2719) |
2427 | 3-6-95 | LID 92-1 interest rates (Not codified) |
2428 | 3-6-95 | Amends § 17.04.070, uniform codes (Repealed by 2801) |
2429 | 3-20-95 | Amends Ch. 2.26, senior center advisory board (Repealed by 2953) |
2430 | 3-20-95 | Street vacation (Not codified) |
2431 | 4-17-95 | Amends §§ 21.06.850 and 21.06.1020, critical areas (Repealed by 2859) |
2432 | 5-1-95 | Amends Ch. 2.10 and §§ 2.04.010 and 2.46.020, administration and personnel (2.04, 2.10, 2.46) |
2433 | 5-1-95 | Adds §§ 3.04.020 and 3.04.030 and amends § 3.04.010, warrants and checks (3.04) |
2434 | 6-5-95 | Street vacation (Not codified) |
2435 | 6-5-95 | Amends Ch. 6.12, solid waste collection and disposal (6.12) |
2436 | 6-19-95 | Amends § 16.04.010, uniform fire code (Repealed by 2962) |
2437 | 6-19-95 | Amends Ch. 17.04, uniform codes (Repealed by 2801) |
2438 | 7-17-95 | Amends Title 18, comprehensive plan (18.10, 18.30, 18.35, 18.40) |
2439 | 8-21-95 | Annexation (Not codified) |
2440 | 8-21-95 | Rezone (Not codified) |
2441 | 8-21-95 | Annexation (Not codified) |
2442 | 8-21-95 | Rezone (Not codified) |
2443 | 9-5-95 | Amends Ch. 10.40, restricted parking areas (10.40) |
2444 | 9-18-95 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 2.31, emergency management; repeals Ch. 2.32 (2.31) |
2445 | 9-18-95 | Rezone (Not codified) |
2446 | 9-18-95 | Adds Ch. 9.30, disposal of forfeited firearms (9.30) |
2447 | 9-18-95 | Amends 1995 budget (Not codified) |
2448 | 10-2-95 | Amends Chs. 5.32 and 5.64, business licenses and regulations; repeals Chs. 5.36 and 5.52 (5.32) |
2449 | 11-6-95 | Amends §§ 20.60.045(2) and 20.60.050(5); adds §§ 20.60.015(3) and 20.60.055(8), signs (20.60) |
2450 | 11-20-95 | Amends § 2.24.030, parks and recreation board powers (Repealed by 2953) |
2451 | 11-20-95 | Amends §§ 11.08.090, 11.08.130 and 11.20.010; adds Ch. 11.28, street trees (11.08, 11.20, 11.28) |
2452 | 11-24-95 | Amends comprehensive plan (Not codified) |
2453 | 11-20-95 | Amends §§ 19.02.030, 19.06.090, 19.10.060, 19.10.070, 19.10.160 and 19.10.180, plats and subdivisions (Repealed by 2591) |
2454 | 11-20-95 | Amends Title 20, zoning (20.15, 20.20, 20.25, 20.26, 20.30, 20.35, 20.40, 20.47, 20.55, 20.60, 20.81) |
2455 | 11-20-95 | Amends official zoning map (Not codified) |
2456 | 11-20-95 | Adds Ch. 21.18, concurrency management (21.18) |
2457 | 11-20-95 | Amends §§ 18.30.010, 18.40.030, 18.40.050, 18.40.070, 18.40.075 and 18.40.080, comprehensive plan (18.30, 18.40) |
2458 | 11-20-95 | 1996 budget, 1996-2001 capital improvement plan, and occupational index and salary range for 1996 (Not codified) |
2459 | 11-20-95 | Amends §§ 14.10.010, 14.10.020, 14.10.021, 14.10.030, 14.10.060 and 14.10.070; adds §§ 14.10.055 and 14.10.080, sewer system development charges and use rates (14.10) |
2460 | 12-4-95 | Waterworks utility extension (Not codified) |
2461 | 12-4-95 | 1996 tax levy (Not codified) |
2462 | 12-18-95 | 1996 budget (Not codified) |
2463 | 12-18-95 | |
2464 | 1-16-96 | Annexation (Not codified) |
2465 | 1-16-96 | Annexation (Not codified) |
2466 | 2-5-96 | Amends § 11.08.130, street improvements (Repealed by 3234) |
2467 | 2-5-96 | Amends §§ 19.02.030 and 19.08.070, plats and subdivisions (Repealed by 2591) |
2468 | 2-5-96 | Amends §§ 20.05.030, 20.15.005, 20.20.010, 20.25.010, 20.30.028, 20.55.050, 20.60.025, 20.60.030, 20.60.031, zoning (20.05, 20.15, 20.20, 20.25, 20.30, 20.55, 20.60) |
2469 | 2-5-96 | Rezone (Not codified) |
2470 | 2-20-96 | Annexation (Not codified) |
2471 | 3-4-96 | Amends 1996 budget (Not codified) |
2472 | 3-18-96 | Amends comprehensive plan (Not codified) |
2473 | 3-18-96 | Amends § 2.12.010, civil service commission (Repealed by 3001) |
2474 | 4-15-96 | Amends §§ 5.01.c, 5.01.d, 5.01.e, 5.02.a, 5.06.a of shoreline master program (Not codified) |
2475 | 4-15-96 | Amends §§ 2.06.090, 2.28.020, 2.28.040, 2.28.050, 2.54.080, 2.54.100, 2.54.120, 2.54.130, 2.54.140, 2.54.150, 2.54.160, 2.54.170, and 2.54.190, regulatory reform act amendments (2.06, 2.54) |
2476 | 4-15-96 | Amends §§ 18.10.005, 18.40.050, and 18.40.060, comprehensive plan (18.10, 18.40) |
2477 | 4-15-96 | Amends §§ 19.02.030, 19.04.070, 19.04.080, 19.06.040, 19.06.050, 19.06.070, 19.06.080, 19.06.100, 19.06.110, 19.06.120, 19.08.020, 19.08.030, 19.08.040, 19.08.050, 19.08.060, 19.08.070, 19.08.080, 19.08.100, 19.12.030, 19.12.040,19.12.050, and 19.12.100, plats and subdivisions (Repealed by 2591) |
2478 | 4-15-96 | Amends §§ 20.05.015, 20.10.001, 20.10.005, 20.10.015, 20.10.020, 20.10.025, 20.10.035, 20.11.001, 20.11.005, 20.11.010, 20.11.012, 20.12.001, 20.12.005, 20.12.015, 20.12.020, 20.12.025, 20.15.005, 20.70.005, 20.70.030, 20.75.010, 20.80.000, 20.86.000, 20.86.005, 20.86.020, 20.87.001, 20.87.005, 20.87.010, 20.87.015, 20.87.020, 20.90.010, 20.90.020, 20.90.025, 20.90.030, 20.95.001, 20.95.005, 20.95.010, and adds §§ 20.11.006, 20.11.007, and 20.11.050, zoning (20.05, 20.10, 20.11, 20.12, 20.15, 20.70, 20.75, 20.80, 20.86, 20.87, 20.90, 20.95) |
2479 | 4-15-96 | Amends §§ 21.04.070, 21.04.100, 21.04.170, 21.04.180, 21.04.205, 21.06.110, 21.06.1330, 21.07.050, 21.10.040, 21.14.110, environment (21.04, 21.07, 21.14) |
2480 | 4-15-96 | Adopts Ch. 21.20, impact fees (21.20) |
2481 | 4-15-96 | Amends §§ 14.10.040, 14.10.045, 14.10.050, and 14.10.060, system development charges (14.10) |
2482 | 4-15-96 | Amends § 8.16.030, interference and abuse to a police dog (8.16) |
2483 | 5-20-96 | Reimbursement of cost for storm drain pipe construction (Not codified) |
2484 | 6-3-96 | Adds Ch. 3.18, municipal court revolving fund (Repealed by 3006) |
2485 | 7-1-96 | Amends Ch. 20.47, fair parking overlay zone (20.47) |
2486 | 7-15-96 | Street vacation (Not codified) |
2487 | 7-15-96 | Amends §§ 20.12.010, 20.15.005, 20.25.028, 20.30.010 and 20.30.027; adds Ch. 20.89, zoning (20.12, 20.15, 20.25, 20.30, 20.89) |
2488 | 8-19-96 | Amends 1996 budget (Not codified) |
2489 | 9-3-96 | Adds Ch. 21.22, landmarks preservation (Repealed by 2986) |
2490 | 9-16-96 | Amends Ch. 5 of shorelines master program (Not codified) |
2491 | 10-7-96 | Amends § 14.22.010, sewer and water extensions outside city limits (Repealed by 2983) |
2492 | 11-4-96 | Establishes LID No. 96-1 (Not codified) |
2493 | 10-21-96 | Adopts updated parks, open space and recreation plan (Not codified) |
2494 | 10-21-96 | Adds § 17.04.095, uniform codes (Repealed by 2801) |
2495 | 12-2-96 | Amends §§ 14.10.020, 14.10.021, 14.26.210 and 14.26.260, water and sewers (14.10, 14.26) |
2496 | 12-2-96 | Adopts 1997 budget (Not codified) |
2497 | 12-2-96 | Amends Ch. 6.12, solid waste collection and disposal (6.12) |
2498 | 12-2-96 | Tax levy (Not codified) |
2499 | 12-16-96 | Amends comprehensive plan and zoning map (Not codified) |
2500 | 12-16-96 | Amends §§ 3.60.020 and 3.60.030; adds § 3.60.025, D.A.R.E. fund (3.60) |
2501 | 12-16-96 | Adds donations to Puyallup fund (3.64) |
2502 | 12-16-96 | Amends 1996 budget (Not codified) |
2503 | 1-21-97 | Amends § 6.16.060, noise control (6.16) |
2504 | 2-3-97 | Adds Ch. 20.50, agriculture overlay zone (20.50) |
2505 | 2-3-97 | Amends Ch. 21.20, impact fees (21.20) |
2506 | 3-3-97 | Amends Ch. 20.47, fair parking overlay zone (20.47) |
2507 | 3-17-97 | Adds §§ 20.30.018, 20.35.017, and Ch. 20.59; amends §§ 20.20.010, 20.20.040, 20.25.010, 20.28.010, 20.35.020, and 20.37.010, wireless communications (20.20, 20.25, 20.28, 20.30, 20.35, 20.37, 20.59) |
2508 | 3-17-97 | Amends Title 18, comprehensive plan (18.10, 18.30, 18.35, 18.40) |
2509 | 3-17-97 | Amends § 20.25.023, zoning (20.25) |
2510 | 4-7-97 | Amends §§ 20.15.005, 20.60.025, and Ch. 20.35, business park zone (20.15, 20.35, 20.60) |
2511 | 4-7-97 | Amends Ch. 20.40, planned development zones (20.40) |
2512 | 6-2-97 | Amends Ch. 6.12, solid waste collection and disposal (6.12) |
2513 | 6-16-97 | Adds § 20.11.060; amends §§ 20.20.040, 20.26.001, 20.26.100, 20.55.010, 20.58.035, 20.58.040, 20.60.031, and 20.86.005, zoning (20.11, 20.20, 20.26, 20.55, 20.58, 20.60, 20.86) |
2514 | 7-7-97 | Amends 1997 budget (Not codified) |
2515 | 7-7-97 | Hotel-motel tax (Repealed by 2516) |
2516 | 7-7-97 | Hotel-motel tax; repeals Ords. 1998, 2143, 2515 (3.10) |
2517 | 8-18-97 | Special election for general obligation bonds (Not codified) |
2518 | 9-2-97 | Amends §§ 20.15.005, 20.20.010, 20.20.015, 20.25.010, 20.25.015, 20.26.001, 20.30.010, and Ch. 20.53, special needs housing, senior housing and manufactured homes (20.15, 20.20, 20.25, 20.26, 20.30, 20.53) |
2519 | 9-2-97 | Amends Ch. 2.06, parks and recreation department and library department (2.06) |
2520 | 9-15-97 | Adds §§ 14.26.111, 14.26.125 and 14.26.130; amends § 14.26.215, storm and surface water utility (14.26) |
2521 | 9-15-97 | Amends § 5.32.210, pawnbrokers and secondhand dealers (5.32) |
2522 | 9-15-97 | Amends § 9A.02(2), criminal code (Repealed by 2719) |
2523 | 10-6-97 | |
2524 | 10-6-97 | Amends §§ 5.68.010, 5.68.020 and 5.68.060, gambling taxes (5.68) |
2525 | 10-6-97 | Amends §§ 20.15.005, 20.20.010, 20.20.040, 20.25.010 and 20.25.040, zoning (20.15, 20.20, 20.25) |
2526 | 10-6-97 | Street vacation (Not codified) |
2527 | 11-3-97 | Amends § 20.15.005, zoning definitions (20.15) |
2528 | 11-3-97 | Amends § 20.59.020, wireless communications facilities (20.59) |
2529 | 11-17-97 | Amends Ch. 20.65, nonconforming uses and structures (20.65) |
2530 | 11-17-97 | Adds §§ 6.08.237, 6.08.238 and 6.08.400; amends §§ 6.08.235 and 6.08.236; repeals §§ 6.08.240, 6.08.250, 6.08.260, 6.08.270, 6.08.280 and 6.08.290, nuisance abatement (6.08) |
2531 | 12-15-97 | Amends comprehensive plan (Not codified) |
2532 | 12-15-97 | Amends Ch. 19.10, design principles and development standards (Repealed by 2591) |
2533 | 12-15-97 | Adopts 1998 budget (Not codified) |
2534 | 12-15-97 | 1998 tax levy (Not codified) |
2535 | 12-15-97 | Amends § 6.12.080, solid waste collection and disposal rates (Repealed by 2976) |
2536 | 12-15-97 | Amends §§ 14.02.020, 14.02.040, 14.10.020, 14.10.021, 14.26.210 and 14.26.260, water, sewers, storm and surface water rates (14.02, 14.10, 14.26) |
2537 | 12-15-97 | Amends 1997 budget (Not codified) |
2538 | 1-5-98 | Amends comprehensive plan (Not codified) |
2539 | 1-20-98 | Amends Ch. 2.28, planning commission (Repealed by 3001) |
2540 | 1-20-98 | Amends §§ 19.10.060 and 19.10.160, design principles and development standards (Repealed by 2591) |
2541 | 1-20-98 | Amends §§ 20.15.005, 20.20.030, 20.25.040, 20.30.042, 20.35.032 and 20.86.005, zoning (20.15, 20.20, 20.25, 20.86) |
2542 | 1-20-98 | Amends § 20.55.010, parking regulations (20.55) |
2543 | 1-20-98 | Amends § 20.20.010, single-family residential zones (20.20) |
2544 | 2-20-98 | Adds Ch. 5.50, adult entertainment (5.50) |
2545 | 3-2-98 | Amends § 10.40.020, restricted parking areas (10.40) |
2546 | 3-16-98 | Amends Ch. 21.16, commute trip reduction (21.16) |
2547 | 4-20-98 | Amends Ch. 6.10, weeds and vegetation (6.10) |
2548 | 4-20-98 | Amends § 16.04.015, Uniform Fire Code (16.04) |
2549 | 5-4-98 | Annexation (Not codified) |
2550 | 5-4-98 | Annexation (Not codified) |
2551 | 5-4-98 | Annexation (Not codified) |
2552 | 5-4-98 | Annexation (Not codified) |
2553 | 5-4-98 | Amends Ch. 2.06, administrative code (2.06) |
2554 | 5-18-98 | Amends §§ 1.04.010 and 2.04.070, city council districts (2.04) |
2555 | 5-18-98 | Adds Ch. 3.06, payment methods of city obligations (3.06) |
2556 | 5-18-98 | Amends Ch. 9A.02, criminal code (Repealed by 2719) |
2557 | 5-18-98 | Amends § 9.26.020, alcohol in public (9.26) |
2558 | 5-18-98 | Amends § 16.04.010, Uniform Fire Code (Repealed by 2962) |
2559 | 6-1-98 | Sanitary sewer construction reimbursement (Not codified) |
2560 | 6-1-98 | Adds § 2.40.170, employee benefits (Repealed by 2698) |
2561 | 6-1-98 | Recodifies and amends Ch. 5.20 as Ch. 16.10, servicing first aid fire fighting equipment (16.10) |
2562 | 6-1-98 | Amends 1998 budget (Not codified) |
2563 | 6-1-98 | |
2564 | 6-1-98 | Amends comprehensive plan (Not codified) |
2565 | 6-15-98 | |
2566 | 6-15-98 | Alley vacation (Not codified) |
2567 | 7-6-98 | Bond issuance (Not codified) |
2568 | 7-6-98 | Bond issuance (Not codified) |
2569 | 7-6-98 | Amends §§ 17.04.020, 17.04.060, 17.04.080 and 17.04.100, uniform codes (Repealed by 2801) |
2570 | 7-20-98 | Amends § 20.40.025(2), zoning (20.40) |
2571 | 8-3-98 | Adds Ch. 10.80, motorized vehicles on nonmotorized corridors (10.80) |
2572 | 8-3-98 | Amends comprehensive plan (Not codified) |
2573 | 8-17-98 | Amends § 20.75.005, zoning (20.75) |
2574 | 8-17-98 | Adds § 11.08.130(4), encroachments, obstructions and construction of highways and sidewalks (Repealed by 3234) |
2575 | 10-19-98 | Amends § 10.80.060, motorized vehicles on nonmotorized corridors (10.80) |
2576 | 10-19-98 | Water system franchise (Not codified) |
2577 | 10-19-98 | Adds §§ 5.48.075 and 5.48.110; amends §§ 5.48.010, 5.48.020, 5.48.030, 5.48.040, 5.48.070, 5.48.090 and 5.48.100, cabarets (5.48) |
2578 | 11-2-98 | Amends § 1.04.010, city council districts (Repealed by 2985) |
2579 | 11-2-98 | Amends § 19.08.070(7), plats and subdivisions (Repealed by 2591) |
2580 | 11-16-98 | Repeals Ch. 6.04 (Repealer) |
2581 | 11-16-98 | Adds § 20.43.040, zoning (Repealed by 2704, 2745) |
2582 | 12-21-98 | Street vacation (Not codified) |
2583 | 12-21-98 | Adopts 1999 budget (Not codified) |
2584 | 12-21-98 | Amends 1998 budget (Not codified) |
2585 | 12-21-98 | Amends comprehensive plan and zoning map (Not codified) |
2586 | 12-21-98 | Amends § 5.68.020, gambling taxes (5.68) |
2587 | 12-21-98 | Amends § 6.12.080, garbage rates (Repealed by 2976) |
2588 | 12-21-98 | Amends §§ 14.02.020, 14.02.040, 14.10.020, 14.10.021, 14.26.210, 14.26.260, water and sewer rates (14.02, 14.10, 14.26) |
2589 | 1-4-99 | Adds § 17.28.005, local improvement districts (17.28) |
2590 | 1-4-99 | Adds § 2.54.015, hearing examiner (2.54) |
2591 | 1-4-99 | Repeals and replaces Title 19, plats and subdivisions (19.02, 19.04, 19.05, 19.06, 19.07, 19.08, 19.10, 19.12) |
2592 | 2-1-99 | Adds § 6.12.047; amends §§ 6.12.045 and 6.12.070, solid waste collection and disposal (6.12) |
2593 | 2-1-99 | Amends Title 14, waters and sewers (14.01, 14.02, 14.10, 14.26) |
2594 | 2-1-99 | Amends Ch. 21.16, commute trip reduction program (21.16) |
2595 | 2-1-99 | Annexation (Not codified) |
2596 | 2-1-99 | Annexation (Not codified) |
2597 | 2-16-99 | Amends § 9A.02(2), criminal code (Repealed by 2719) |
2598 | 2-16-99 | Amends § 9A.02(1), criminal code (Repealed by 2719) |
2599 | 3-1-99 | Annexation (Not codified) |
2600 | 3-1-99 | Annexation (Not codified) |
2601 | 3-1-99 | Amends comprehensive plan (Not codified) |
2602 | 3-15-99 | Amends § 1 of Ord. 2013, salaries of mayor and councilmembers (Not codified) |
2603 | 4-19-99 | Adds § 8.08.045, animals (8.08) |
2604 | 4-19-99 | Amends §§ 16.04.015 and 16.04.016, fire code (16.04) |
2605 | 4-19-99 | Card rooms, gambling establishments, game parlors moratorium (Not codified) |
2606 | 5-17-99 | Amends Ord. 2605, card rooms, gambling establishments, game parlors moratorium (Not codified) |
2607 | 5-17-99 | Authorizes easement acquisition (Not codified) |
2608 | 5-17-99 | Annexation (Not codified) |
2609 | 5-17-99 | Assigns zoning to property being annexed to city (Not codified) |
2610 | 5-17-99 | Annexation (Not codified) |
2611 | 5-17-99 | Assigns zoning to property being annexed to city (Not codified) |
2612 | 6-7-99 | Grants franchise to Advanced TelCom Group, Inc. (Not codified) |
2613 | 6-7-99 | Street vacation (Not codified) |
2614 | 6-21-99 | Amends §§ 19.02.100 and 19.08.170(3)(c), plats and subdivisions (19.02, 19.08) |
2615 | 6-21-99 | Adds § 20.75.030; amends §§ 20.20.015, 20.25.010, 20.28.040, 20.28.045, 20.30.045, 20.35.035, 20.40.040, 20.43.010, 20.43.015, 20.45.045, 20.55.010, 20.55.042, 20.60.025, 20.75.005, 20.75.015, 20.75.020 and 20.89.025, zoning (20.20, 20.25, 20.28, 20.30, 20.35, 20.40, 20.43, 20.55, 20.60, 20.75, 20.89) |
2616 | 6-21-99 | Library bond issue election (Not codified) |
2617 | 6-21-99 | Adopts findings to justify card rooms, gambling establishments, game parlors moratorium (Not codified) |
2618 | 6-21-99 | Adds § 5.68.015, bingo, raffles and amusement games (5.68) |
2619 | 7-6-99 | Adds §§ 14.02.261, 14.02.262, 14.02.320 and 14.02.330; amends § 14.02.260, water and sewers (14.02) |
2620 | 7-6-99 | Amends 1999 budget (Not codified) |
2621 | 7-19-99 | Amends § 9A.02(7), criminal code (Repealed by 2719) |
2622 | 7-19-99 | Amends § 16.16.100, fire alarm systems (Repealed by 2801) |
2623 | 8-2-99 | Approves and confirms assessments for LID 96-1 (Not codified) |
2624 | 8-16-99 | Adds § 10.40.075; amends Ch. 10.28, §§ 10.32.010, 10.36.060, 10.40.026 and 10.40.068, traffic (10.28, 10.32, 10.36, 10.40) |
2625 | 8-16-99 | Adds Ch. 10.82, skateboards, roller skates, coasters, in-line skates and similar devices; amends § 9A.06.010, criminal code; repeals § 10.20.080 (9A.06, 10.82) |
2626 | 8-16-99 | Bond issuance (Not codified) |
2627 | 9-7-99 | Adds Ch. 10.74, vehicle weight restrictions on certain streets (10.74) |
2628 | 9-7-99 | Amends § 9.26.020, public consumption of liquor (9.26) |
2629 | 9-20-99 | Amends § 5.68.020, gambling taxes (5.68) |
2630 | 10-4-99 | Police corps program (Not codified) |
2631 | 10-18-99 | Adds §§ 8.04.045 and 8.04.075; amends §§ 8.04.010, 8.04.020, 8.04.030, 8.04.040, 8.04.050, 8.04.070, 8.04.100, 8.04.130 and 8.04.140, animal control (8.04) |
2632 | 11-1-99 | Property vacation (Not codified) |
2633 | 11-1-99 | Street improvement reimbursement (Not codified) |
2634 | 12-6-99 | Bond issuance (Not codified) |
2635 | 12-6-99 | LID No. 96-1 bond issuance (Not codified) |
2636 | 12-20-99 | Adopts 2000 budget (Not codified) |
2637 | 12-20-99 | Amends 1999 budget (Not codified) |
2638 | 12-20-99 | Amends §§ 14.01.030 and 14.01.040, landfill fees (14.01) |
2639 | 12-20-99 | Amends §§ 14.01.030 and 14.01.040, sewer rates (14.01) |
2640 | 12-20-99 | Amends §§ 14.01.030 and 14.01.040, water rates (14.01) |
2641 | 12-20-99 | Amends §§ 14.01.030 and 14.01.040, storm and surface water rates (14.01) |
2642 | 12-20-99 | Amends comprehensive plan (Not codified) |
2643 | 1-3-00 | Amends Ch. 2.26, Senior Center advisory board (Repealed by 2953) |
2644 | 2-7-00 | Amends § 21.04.210, environmental policy (21.04) |
2645 | 3-20-00 | Amends § 14.02.190, water main extensions (14.02) |
2646 | 4-17-00 | Adds Ch. 8.20, exotic animals (8.20) |
2647 | 4-17-00 | Amends §§ 8.04.010, 8.04.020 and 8.04.130, animal control (8.04) |
2648 | 4-17-00 | Moratorium on adult entertainment retail uses (Not codified) |
2649 | 5-15-00 | Amends Ch. 20.60, sign code (20.60) |
2650 | 5-15-00 | Amends 2000 budget (Not codified) |
2651 | 5-15-00 | Street vacation (Not codified) |
2652 | 6-5-00 | Extends moratorium on adult entertainment retail uses (Not codified) |
2653 | 6-5-00 | Adds Ch. 11.32, telecommunications service providers (11.32) |
2654 | 6-19-00 | Annexation (Not codified) |
2655 | 6-19-00 | Zones certain property (Not codified) |
2656 | 7-17-00 | Amends §§ 20.30.030 and 20.30.032, zoning (20.30) |
2657 | 7-17-00 | Amends Ch. 2.54, office of the hearing examiner (2.54) |
2658 | 7-17-00 | Adds Ch. 9.35, hand grenades (9.35) |
2659 | 8-7-00 | Amends § 6.12.080, solid waste collection and disposal (Repealed by 2976) |
2660 | 8-21-00 | Amends zoning map (Not codified) |
2661 | 8-21-00 | Adds section to Ch. 5.34, parades, athletic events and other special events (Repealed by 3035) |
2662 | 9-18-00 | Adds § 20.11.022; amends §§ 20.55.055 and 20.86.010, zoning (20.11, 20.55, 20.86) |
2663 | 9-18-00 | Extends moratorium on adult entertainment retail uses (Not codified) |
2664 | 9-18-00 | Grants telecommunications system franchise (Not codified) |
2665 | 9-18-00 | Additional connection charges for reimbursement of sewer system construction costs (Not codified) |
2666 | 9-18-00 | Amends Ord. 2660, zoning map amendment (Not codified) |
2667 | 12-4-00 | Amends comprehensive plan (Not codified) |
2668 | 12-4-00 | Adds § 2.24.040, parks and recreation board (Repealed by 2953) |
2669 | 12-4-00 | Amends comprehensive plan and map (Not codified) |
2670 | 12-4-00 | Re-enacts, ratifies, confirms and approves Ords. 2638, 2639, 2640, and 2641 (Not codified) |
2671 | 12-4-00 | Amends § 6.16.060, noise control (6.16) |
2672 | 12-4-00 | Amends Ord. 2654, annexation (Not codified) |
2673 | 12-18-00 | Amends 2000 budget (Not codified) |
2674 | 12-18-00 | Amends § 10.40.026, parking (10.40) |
2675 | 12-18-00 | Amends §§ 2.06.080 and 2.12.030, fire and emergency services (2.06) |
2676 | 12-18-00 | Adopts 2001 budget (Not codified) |
2677 | 1-2-01 | Amends § 21.14.190, clearing, filling and grading (21.14) |
2678 | 2-5-01 | Amends § 19.02.100, plats and subdivisions (19.02) |
2679 | 2-5-01 | Amends §§ 17.13.025, 17.13.030, 17.13.040 and 17.13.060, house moving (17.13) |
2680 | 2-20-01 | Adds definition to § 20.15.005, and §§ 20.25.010(19), 20.25.015(15) and 20.25.040(16); amends § 20.26.001(3), zoning (20.15, 20.25, 20.26) |
2681 | 2-20-01 | Amends § 21.20.030(3), impact fees (21.20) |
2682 | 3-5-01 | Street and alley vacations (Not codified) |
2683 | 3-5-01 | Amends Chs. 20.20 and 20.40 and §§ 20.80.031 and 20.87.010, planned developments (20.20, 20.40, 20.80, 20.87) |
2684 | 3-5-01 | Amends § 6.12.080, garbage rates (Repealed by 2976) |
2685 | 3-19-01 | Amends §§ 21.06.820, 21.06.830, 21.06.860, 21.06.950 and 21.06.960, environmentally critical areas management (Repealed by 2859) |
2686 | 3-19-01 | Amends §§ 17.04.020, 17.04.060, 17.04.070 and 17.04.090, uniform codes (Repealed by 2801) |
2687 | 3-19-01 | Amends Ord. 2664, telecommunications system franchise (Not codified) |
2688 | 4-2-01 | Extends moratorium on adult entertainment retail uses (Not codified) |
2689 | 5-7-01 | Amends § 14.10.020, sewer system development charges (14.10) |
2690 | 6-4-01 | Street vacation (Not codified) |
2691 | 6-4-01 | Amends comprehensive plan (Repealed by 2699) |
2692 | 6-4-01 | Street vacation (Not codified) |
2693 | 6-4-01 | Amends § 5.08.040, business and occupation taxes (5.08) |
2694 | 7-2-01 | Adds §§ 20.25.0205, 20.25.0235, 20.26.009, 20.26.011, 20.26.300, 20.26.400 and 20.26.500; amends §§ 20.25.020, 20.25.022, 20.25.023, 20.25.040, 20.26.001, 20.26.003, 20.26.005, 20.26.013, 20.26.015, 20.26.018, 20.26.020, 20.26.024, 20.26.026, 20.26.040, 20.26.100, 20.28.045, 20.30.031, 20.30.045, 20.35.031, 20.58.005 and 20.58.015; renumbers and amends § 20.26.010 to be 20.26.007, and §§ 20.26.200 – 20.26.335 to be § 20.26.200; repeals Chapter 20.88 and §§ 20.26.045, 20.26.050, 20.30.042, 20.35.032 and 20.35.033, design standards and procedures (20.25, 20.26, 20.28, 20.30, 20.35, 20.58) |
2695 | 7-2-01 | Street vacation (Not codified) |
2696 | 7-2-01 | Adds Ch. 1.14, public records (1.14) |
2697 | 7-2-01 | Adds § 20.70.014; amends § 20.70.016; renumbers and amends § 20.70.015 to be 20.70.012, temporary uses (20.70) |
2698 | 8-6-01 | Adds § 2.04.080; repeals Chs. 2.40 and 2.45, benefits (2.04) |
2699 | 8-20-01 | Amends comprehensive plan; rescinds Ord. 2691 (Not codified) |
2700 | 8-20-01 | Adds §§ 10.36.130, 10.36.140 and 10.40.120; amends §§ 10.36.010, 10.36.120, 10.40.020 and 10.40.064; repeals §§ 10.40.022, 10.40.060, 10.40.062, 10.40.068 and 10.40.100, parking (10.36, 10.40) |
2701 | 9-4-01 | Repeals and replaces Chs. 9A.04 and 9A.05; repeals Chs. 5.76 and 9A.07, drugs (9A.05) |
2702 | 10-01-01 | Extends moratorium on adult entertainment retail uses (Not codified) |
2703 | 10-01-01 | Ratifies and confirms Res. No. 1665, property acquisition (Not codified) |
2704 | 10-15-01 | Amends §§ 20.12.010, 20.15.005, 20.20.040, 20.55.030, 20.60.070; 20.60.075, 20.70.001, 20.70.005, 20.70.010, 20.81.031, 20.81.035, 20.81.040, 20.91.025 and 21.06.1330; repeals § 20.43.040, zoning (20.12, 20.15, 20.20, 20.60, 20.70) |
2705 | 10-15-01 | Amends § 2.06.120, municipal court (2.06) |
2706 | 10-15-01 | Amends Ch. 2.31, emergency management (2.31) |
2707 | 10-15-01 | Amends § 10.28.030, speed limits (10.28) |
2708 | 11-5-01 | Adds Ch. 2.05, council salary commission (Repealed by 3001) |
2709 | 12-3-01 | Amends § 21.04.210, environmental policy (21.04) |
2710 | 12-17-01 | Adds §§ 6.12.075, 6.12.150 and 6.12.160; amends §§ 6.12.020, 6.12.030, 6.12.045 and 6.12.080, solid waste collection (6.12) |
2711 | 12-17-01 | Amends 2001 budget (Not codified) |
2712 | 12-17-01 | Amends § 1.04.010, precincts and districts (Repealed by 2985) |
2713 | 12-17-01 | Adopts 2002 budget (Not codified) |
2714 | 12-17-01 | Amends comprehensive plan (Not codified) |
2715 | 12-17-01 | Amends capital facilities plan (Not codified) |
2716 | 1-28-02 | Assigns zoning designations (Not codified) |
2717 | 1-28-02 | Annexation (Not codified) |
2718 | 2-4-02 | Rezone (Not codified) |
2719 | 2-25-02 | Amends Ch. 9A.01 and repeals and replaces Ch. 9A.02, criminal code (9A.01, 9A.02) |
2720 | 2-25-02 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 9A.04, drugs (9A.04) |
2721 | 2-25-02 | Repeals and replaces § 16.04.030, fire code (Repealed by 2962) |
2722 | 2-25-02 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 16.20, fireworks (16.20) |
2723 | 3-18-02 | Amends Ch. 14.22, sewer and water extensions outside city limits (Repealed by 2983) |
2724 | 4-15-02 | Extends moratorium on adult entertainment retail uses (Not codified) |
2725 | 5-6-02 | Bond issuance (Not codified) |
2726 | 5-20-02 | Amends §§ 14.01.030 and 14.01.040, water and sewer rates (14.01) |
2727 | 6-17-02 | Amends §§ 17.04.020 and 17.04.060, uniform codes (Repealed by 2801) |
2728 | 7-1-02 | Amends Ch. 21.20, impact fees (21.20) |
2729 | 8-19-02 | Amends §§ 14.01.030 and 14.01.040, water and sewer rates (14.01) |
2730 | 9-9-02 | Amends Ord. 2612, grants franchise to Advanced TeleCom Group, Inc. (Not codified) |
2731 | 10-21-02 | Moratorium on adult entertainment retail uses (Not codified) |
2732 | 11-4-02 | 2003 ad valorem taxes (Not codified) |
2733 | 11-18-02 | Adopts 2003 budget (Not codified) |
2734 | 12-16-02 | Amends Ch. 21.20, impact fees (21.20) |
2735 | 12-16-02 | Amends Title 13, cemetery (13.04, 13.08, 13.12, 13.16, 13.20, 13.24) |
2736 | 12-16-02 | Amends 2002 budget (Not codified) |
2737 | 2-24-03 | Bond issuance (Not codified) |
2738 | 2-24-03 | Solid waste rate increases (6.12) |
2739 | 3-3-03 | Right-of-way use permit grant for telecommunications system (Not codified) |
2740 | 3-3-03 | Right-of-way use permit grant for telecommunications system (Not codified) |
2741 | 3-3-03 | Condemnation, acquisition of property (Not codified) |
2742 | 3-3-03 | Condemnation, acquisition of property (Not codified) |
2743 | 3-17-03 | Adds Ch. 1.03, civil violations and voluntary correction process (1.03) |
2744 | 3-17-03 | Amends §§ 16.16.040, 17.36.010 and 17.36.025, fire alarm systems (17.36) |
2745 | 4-7-03 | Adds Ch. 20.88; amends §§ 20.10.020, 20.60.035, 20.60.050, and Chs. 20.12 and 20.43, zoning (20.10, 20.12, 20.43, 20.60, 20.88) |
2746 | 4-21-03 | Extends moratorium on adult entertainment retail uses (Not codified) |
2747 | 4-21-03 | Amends 2003 budget (Not codified) |
2748 | 4-21-03 | Adds § 19.04.285; amends §§ 19.02.100, 19.07.050 and 19.07.090, plats and subdivisions (19.02, 19.04, 19.07) |
2749 | 6-2-03 | Street vacation (Not codified) |
2750 | 6-16-03 | Condemnation, acquisition of property (Repealed by 2819) |
2751 | 6-16-03 | Amends 2003 budget (Not codified) |
2752 | 7-7-03 | Bond issuance special election (Not codified) |
2753 | 7-7-03 | Adds Ch. 3.70, property tax incentives in residential targeted areas (3.70) |
2754 | 7-21-03 | Adds §§ 20.20.022 and 20.86.012; amends §§ 20.05.030, 20.11.006, 20.15.005, 20.20.010, 20.20.040, 20.25.010, 20.25.040, 20.26.500, 20.28.010, 20.28.030, 20.28.040 and 20.30.032, zoning (20.05, 20.11, 20.15, 20.20, 20.25, 20.26, 20.28, 20.30, 20.86) |
2755 | 8-18-03 | Property condemnation and acquisition (Not codified) |
2756 | 9-8-03 | Amends § 2.04.010, council meetings (2.04) |
2757 | 9-18-03 | Bond issuance special election (Not codified) |
2758 | 9-22-03 | Amends §§ 3.09.020, 5.08.030 and 5.08.040, electricity and gas tax (3.09, 5.08) |
2759 | 9-22-03 | Extends moratorium on adult entertainment retail uses (Not codified) |
2760 | 11-3-03 | 2004 ad valorem taxes (Not codified) |
2761 | 11-17-03 | Amends § 5.04.070, business licenses (5.04) |
2762 | 11-17-03 | Amends §§ 14.01.050, 14.01.090 and 14.01.100; repeals § 14.01.130, utility billing procedures (14.01) |
2763 | 11-17-03 | Adopts 2004 budget (Not codified) |
2764 | 12-1-03 | Approves Good Samaritan Hospital master plan (Not codified) |
2765 | 12-1-03 | Amends Ch. 20.43, medical zone (20.43) |
2766 | 12-1-03 | Condemnation, acquisition of property (Not codified) |
2767 | 12-1-03 | Condemnation, acquisition of property (Not codified) |
2768 | 12-1-03 | Adds § 10.40.115; amends § 10.40.010, parking (10.40) |
2769 | 12-15-03 | Amends comprehensive plan future land use map (Not codified) |
2770 | 12-15-03 | Adds §§ 6.12.085, 6.12.090, 6.12.095 and 6.12.100; amends §§ 5.08.030(5), 6.12.020 and 6.12.075, solid waste collection (5.08, 6.12) |
2771 | 12-15-03 | Adds Ch. 11.10, newsrack regulations (11.10) |
2772 | 12-15-03 | Amends 2003 budget (Not codified) |
2773 | 12-15-03 | Adopts West Hills pre-annexation zoning (Not codified) |
2774 | 12-15-03 | Annexation (Not codified) |
2775 | 1-5-04 | Annexation (Not codified) |
2776 | 1-12-04 | Adds §§ 10.40.022 and 10.40.024; amends § 10.40.020, restricted parking areas (10.40) |
2777 | 1-5-04 | Moratorium on utility service extension (Not codified) |
2778 | 2-23-04 | Water and sewer revenue bond issuance (Not codified) |
2779 | 2-23-04 | Amends Ch. 9.15, public library (9.15) |
2780 | 3-1-04 | Annexation (Not codified) |
2781 | 4-5-04 | Amends §§ 2.54.150, 2.54.160 and 2.54.170, hearing examiner (2.54) |
2782 | 4-5-04 | Interim zoning controls, adult uses (Not codified) |
2783 | 4-19-04 | Amends § 20.15.005, Ch. 20.60, §§ 20.70.005 and 20.70.012, zoning (20.15, 20.60, 20.70) |
2784 | 4-19-04 | Amends § 6.16.050(2)(d), noise control (6.16) |
2785 | 5-3-04 | Amends Ch. 2.05, council salary commission (Repealed by 3001) |
2786 | 5-4-04 | Rezone (Not codified) |
2787 | 5-4-04 | Street vacation (Not codified) |
2788 | 5-17-04 | Extinguishes concomitant zoning agreement (Not codified) |
2789 | 6-7-04 | Condemnation, acquisition of property (Not codified) |
2790 | 6-21-04 | Amends Ch. 14.22, sewer and water extensions outside city limits (Repealed by 2983) |
2791 | 7-12-04 | Adds Ch. 16.30, ambulance transport rates (16.30) |
2792 | 7-12-04 | Adds Ch. 5.65, mobile vendors; repeals and replaces Ch. 5.64, solicitors (5.64, 5.65) |
2793 | 8-16-04 | Adopts pre-annexation zoning (Not codified) |
2794 | 8-16-04 | Adopts pre-annexation zoning (Not codified) |
2795 | 8-16-04 | Extinguishes concomitant zoning agreement (Not codified) |
2796 | 8-19-04 | Annexation (Not codified) |
2797 | 8-16-04 | Amends § 10.28.030, speed limits (Not codified) |
2798 | 9-13-04 | Annexation (Not codified) |
2799 | 9-13-04 | Annexation (Not codified) |
2800 | 10-4-04 | Adopts pre-annexation zoning (Not codified) |
2801 | 10-4-04 | Adds Ch. 17.16; amends Chs. 16.04, 16.08 and 17.36; repeals and replaces Ch. 17.04; repeals Ch. 16.16, uniform codes (16.04, 16.08, 17.16, 17.36) |
2802 | 10-18-04 | Bonds issuance (Not codified) |
2803 | 10-18-04 | Bonds issuance (Not codified) |
2804 | 10-18-04 | Amends § 10.40.019, parking (10.40) |
2805 | 11-1-04 | Adopts 2005 property tax (Not codified) |
2806 | 11-22-04 | Amends Title 14, water and sewers (14.01, 14.02, 14.08, 14.10, 14.26) |
2807 | 11-15-04 | Adopts 2005 budget (Not codified) |
2808 | 11-15-04 | Annexation (Not codified) |
2809 | 11-15-04 | Interim zoning controls, adult uses (Not codified) |
2810 | 12-6-04 | Adopts pre-annexation zoning (Not codified) |
2811 | 12-6-04 | Annexation (Not codified) |
2812 | 12-6-04 | Amends 2004 budget (Not codified) |
2813 | 12-6-04 | Adds Ch. 20.44 and § 20.60.058; amends Table 20.60.035, comprehensive plan and zoning map (20.44, 20.60) |
2814 | 12-6-04 | Adds Ch. 1.15, development agreements (1.15) |
2815 | 12-6-04 | Amends Ch. 10.82, skateboards, roller skates, coasters, in-line skates, motorized foot scooters and similar devices (10.82) |
2816 | 12-6-04 | Amends §§ 20.45.005, 20.45.010 and 20.45.013, zoning (Repealed by 2851) |
2817 | 12-6-04 | Amends concomitant zoning agreement (Not codified) |
2818 | 1-3-05 | Annexation (Not codified) |
2819 | 2-7-05 | Condemnation, acquisition of property; repeals Ord. 2750 (Not codified) |
2820 | 3-21-05 | Adds § 10.40.012; amends § 10.40.026, parking (10.40) |
2821 | 4-4-05 | Amends Ch. 20.60, signs (20.60) |
2822 | 4-29-05 | Re-adopts interim zoning controls, adult uses (Not codified) |
2823 | 5-16-05 | Adopts pre-annexation zoning (Not codified) |
2824 | 5-16-05 | Annexation (Not codified) |
2825 | 5-16-05 | Amends Ords. 2664 and 2687, telecommunications system franchise (Not codified) |
2826 | 6-6-05 | Adds § 5.50.150 and Chs. 5.54 and 20.17; amends §§ 20.15.005, 20.28.050 and 20.30.045, adult uses (5.50, 5.54, 20.15, 20.17, 20.28, 20.30) |
2827 | 6-20-05 | Amends § 1.04.010, precincts and districts (Repealed by 2985) |
2828 | 6-20-05 | Amends §§ 20.15.005, 20.20.010, 20.25.010 and 20.40.010, manufactured housing standards (20.15. 20.20, 20.25, 20.40) |
2829 | 7-11-05 | Adds § 21.04.225, planned actions (21.04) |
2830 | 7-11-05 | Amends § 10.28.030, speed limits on city streets (10.28) |
2831 | 9-19-05 | Amends 2005 budget (Not codified) |
2832 | 9-19-05 | Amends § 16.30.010, ambulance transport rates (16.30) |
2833 | 9-19-05 | Amends § 5.68.020, bingo and raffles tax (5.68) |
2834 | 9-19-05 | Amends Ch. 5.04, business licenses (5.04) |
2835 | 9-19-05 | Amends Ch. 1.03, civil violations and voluntary correction process (1.03) |
2836 | 10-3-05 | Adds § 10.20.150, inattentive driving (10.20) |
2837 | 10-3-05 | Amends Ch. 21.20, impact fees (21.20) |
2838 | 10-17-05 | Amends § 1.01.110, code violations and penalties (1.01) |
2839 | 10-17-05 | Adds §§ 9A.02.005, 9A.02.250, 9A.02.260, 9A.02.270, adoption of sections of Revised Code of Washington by reference (9A.02) |
2840 | 10-17-05 | Adds Ch. 9.001 and § 9.15.005; amends Ch. 9.20, peace, safety and morals (9.001, 9.15, 9.20) |
2841 | 11-28-05 | Adopts 2006 property tax (Not codified) |
2842 | 11-28-05 | Adopts 2006 property tax (Not codified) |
2843 | 11-28-05 | Adopts 2006 budget (Not codified) |
2844 | 12-5-05 | Amends 2005 budget (Not codified) |
2845 | 2-6-06 | Amends comprehensive plan and comprehensive plan map (Not codified) |
2846 | 3-6-06 | Adds Ch. 2.30, library board (Repealed by 3001) |
2847 | 3-6-06 | Amends § 20.30.029, commercial uses in CBD and CBD-Core zones (20.30) |
2848 | 3-20-06 | Annexation; adoption of pre-annexation agreement (Not codified) |
2849 | 3-20-06 | Amends § 2.04.080 and Ch. 2.05, city council benefits and salary commission (2.04) |
2850 | 4-3-06 | Adds § 10.40.028, parking permits in restricted parking zones (10.40) |
2851 | 4-24-06 | Adds §§ 20.25.0215, 20.25.0216, 20.30.002, 20.30.003, and 20.30.0305; amends §§ 20.05.030, 20.15.005, 20.25.000, 20.25.010, 20.25.015, 20.25.020, 20.25.021, 20.25.022, 20.26.200, 20.26.300, 20.30.000, 20.30.005, 20.30.010, 20.30.025, 20.30.030, 20.30.031, 20.30.032, 20.30.033, 20.55.010, 20.55.065, 20.60.035, and 20.60.045; repeals Ch. 20.45, zoning (20.05, 20.15, 20.25, 20.26, 20.30, 20.55, 20.60) |
2852 | 4-24-06 | Amends § 10.40.022, parking zones (10.40) |
2853 | 5-1-06 | Amends §§ 11.08.130 and 20.65.030(3), frontage improvements (20.65) |
2854 | 5-1-06 | Adds Ch. 2.30 [2.29], design review board (Repealed by 3001) |
2855 | 6-12-06 | Extends deadline for satisfying conditions to complete street vacation (Not codified) |
2856 | 7-10-06 | Amends § 10.40.026, additional parking zones (10.40) |
2857 | 7-10-06 | Amends § 10.28.030, speed limits (10.28) |
2858 | 9-18-06 | Amends § 21.04.210, environmental policy (21.04) |
2859 | 9-18-06 | Amends §§ 20.20.040(16), 20.25.040(18) and 20.40.025(13); repeals and replaces Ch. 21.06, critical areas (20.20, 20.25, 20.40, 21.06) |
2860 | 9-18-06 | Amends § 21.20.140, school impact fee (Repealed by 2956) |
2861 | 9-18-06 | Amends § 5.08.030, tax designated (5.08) |
2862 | 9-18-06 | Amends § 14.02.010; repeals § 14.02.020, water regulations and system development charges (14.02) |
2863 | 9-18-06 | Amends §§ 10.40.018, 10.40.019 and 10.40.020, parking zones established (10.40) |
2864 | 11-6-06 | Amends § 1.04.010, expanded Lindsey annexation area (Repealed by 2985) |
2865 | 11-6-06 | Right-of-way vacation (Not codified) |
2866 | 11-6-06 | Adds § 20.44.017; amends §§ 20.20.040, 20.25.028, 20.30.010, 20.30.045, 20.35.018, 20.40.015, 20.44.012, 20.60.070, 20.65.030 and 20.86.012; deletes §§ 20.25.024 and 20.25.025, zoning (20.20, 20.25, 20.30, 20.35, 20.40, 20.44, 20.60, 20.65, 20.86) |
2867 | 11-13-06 | Adopts 2007 property tax (Not codified) |
2868 | 11-13-06 | Adopts 2007 property tax (Not codified) |
2869 | 11-13-06 | Amends 2006 budget (Not codified) |
2870 | 12-4-06 | Adopts 2007 budget (Not codified) |
2871 | 12-4-06 | Amends § 16.30.010, ambulance transport rates (16.30) |
2872 | 12-4-06 | Amends §§ 20.44.020 and 20.44.045, PF zone (20.44) |
2873 | 12-4-06 | Amends comprehensive plan, comprehensive plan future land use map and zoning map (Not codified) |
2874 | 12-4-06 | Amends Ch. 1.14, public records (1.14) |
2875 | 1-22-07 | Amends § 10.40.020, parking zones (10.40) |
2876 | 1-22-07 | Adds Ch. 10.33, automated traffic safety cameras (10.33) |
2877 | 4-16-07 | Limited tax general obligation bonds (Not codified) |
2878 | 5-7-07 | Amends Ch. 2.24, parks and recreation board (Repealed by 2953) |
2879 | 5-7-07 | Amends § 10.40.024, parking areas (10.40) |
2880 | 6-4-07 | Amends 2007 budget (Not codified) |
2881 | 6-4-07 | Adds Ch. 14.06; amends Ch. 14.08, sewer use ordinance and system regulations (14.06, 14.08) |
2882 | 6-18-07 | Approves amended Good Samaritan Hospital master plan (Not codified) |
2883 | 6-18-07 | Amends § 20.43.020, MED zone property development standards (20.43) |
2884 | 6-18-07 | Amends § 10.28.030, speed limits (10.28) |
2885 | 6-25-07 | Amends § 9.20.225, park hours (9.20) |
2886 | 8-13-07 | Adds Ch. 2.08, fair employment policy (2.08) |
2887 | 8-13-07 | Adopts interim zoning controls (Not codified) |
2888 | 9-17-07 | Amends Ch. 21.07, flood damage protection (21.07) |
2889 | 11-26-07 | Adopts 2008 budget (Not codified) |
2890 | 11-26-07 | Adopts 2008 property tax (Not codified) |
2891 | 11-26-07 | Adopts 2008 property tax (Not codified) |
2892 | 11-26-07 | Amends 2007 budget (Not codified) |
2893 | 11-26-07 | Amends § 21.20.130, impact fees (21.20) |
2894 | 1-7-08 | Amends Ch. 2.26, senior advisory board (Repealed by 2953) |
2895 | 1-22-08 | Amends comprehensive plan, comprehensive plan future land use map and official zoning map (Not codified) |
2896 | 1-22-08 | Amends § 10.33.030, notice of traffic infraction (10.33) |
2897 | 1-22-08 | Amends §§ 3.70.010, 3.70.020, 3.70.030, 3.70.070, 3.70.080 and 3.70.120, property tax incentives in residential targeted areas (3.70) |
2898 | 1-22-08 | Approves Pierce College master plan (Not codified) |
2899 | 2-4-08 | Extends interim zoning controls established by Ord. 2887 (Not codified) |
2900 | 3-3-08 | Right-of-way vacation (Not codified) |
2901 | 5-5-08 | Adds Ch. 2.14, lodging tax advisory committee (Repealed by 3001) |
2902 | 4-21-08 | Rezone (Not codified) |
2903 | 5-12-08 | Adopts interim building controls (Not codified) |
2904 | 5-19-08 | Amends § 2.04.010, council meetings (2.04) |
2905 | 6-3-08 | Amends §§ 2.06.030(1)(c) and (3), 2.06.140(4), 18.40.065 and 18.40.070(3), budget (2.06, 18.40) |
2906 | 6-3-08 | Amends § 2.06.120, municipal court (2.06) |
2907 | 6-3-08 | Amends § 16.30.010, ambulance transport rates (16.30) |
2908 | 6-3-08 | Declares intent to initiate and calls election for annexation of Pierce County fire protection district No. 6 (Not codified) |
2909 | 6-24-08 | Creates revenue development area (Not codified) |
2910 | 7-15-08 | Limited tax general obligation bonds (Not codified) |
2911 | 7-15-08 | Amends § 9.20.040, dogs in public parks and facilities (9.20) |
2912 | 7-15-08 | Amends §§ 8.04.020, 8.04.030, 8.04.040, 8.04.050, 8.04.070, 8.04.130 and 8.04.190, animal licensing and impound (8.04) |
2913 | 7-29-08 | Adds §§ 14.22.030 and 14.22.040; amends §§ 14.22.010, 14.22.011 and 14.22.020, sewer and water extensions outside city limits (Repealed by 2983) |
2914 | 10-7-08 | Right-of-way vacation (Not codified) |
2915 | 8-19-08 | Amends § 2.06.030(3), administrative code (2.06) |
2916 | 10-7-08 | Amends 2008 budget (Not codified) |
2917 | 11-18-08 | Right-of-way vacation (Not codified) |
2918 | 10-28-08 | Adopts 2009 property tax (Not codified) |
2919 | 10-28-08 | Adopts 2009 property tax (Not codified) |
2920 | 11-18-08 | Amends § 3.05.030, short term obligations (3.05) |
2921 | 10-28-08 | Amends § 5.68.020, bingo, raffles and amusement games (5.68) |
2922 | 11-18-08 | Adopts 2009 budget (Not codified) |
2923 | 11-18-08 | Annexation (Not codified) |
2924 | 11-18-08 | Annexation (Not codified) |
2925 | 12-9-08 | Amends 2008 budget (Not codified) |
2926 | 12-9-08 | Adds § 8.18.045; amends §§ 8.18.010, 8.18.020, 8.18.030, 8.18.040 and 8.18.050; repeals § 8.18.060, potentially dangerous dogs (8.18) |
2927 | 1-27-09 | Adds Chs. 9A.08, regulation of solicitation, and 9A.09, solicitation of occupants of vehicles on public roadways prohibited; amends Ch. 9A.03, disorderly conduct (9A.03, 9A.08, 9A.09) |
2928 | 3-10-09 | Amends comprehensive plan, comprehensive plan future land use map and official zoning map (Not codified) |
2929 | 2-10-09 | Grants Valley Water District franchise (Not codified) |
2930 | 3-24-09 | Temporary extension of expiration date of development-related permits, approvals and applications (Not codified) |
2931 | 3-24-09 | Adds § 10.20.160, temporary street closure in undeveloped plat areas authorized (10.20) |
2932 | 4-7-09 | Amends § 10.40.022, three-hour parking zones established (10.40) |
2933 | 5-5-09 | Right-of-way vacation (Not codified) |
2934 | 5-5-09 | Amends § 1.04.010, city council districts designated; West Hills annexation area designated (Repealed by 2985) |
2935 | 4-21-09 | Bond issuance (Not codified) |
2936 | 6-9-09 | Property acquisition and condemnation (Not codified) |
2937 | 6-9-09 | Adds Ch. 20.46, Shaw-East Pioneer overlay zones (20.46) |
2938 | 8-11-09 | Adds Ch. 21.11, illicit discharge detection and elimination (21.11) |
2939 | 8-25-09 | Creates River Road Revitalization Area, Phase 1 (Not codified) |
2940 | 9-1-09 | Adds § 5.64.165; amends § 5.64.160, soliciting (5.64) |
2941 | 9-29-09 | Amends § 10.82.040, skateboards, roller skates, coasters, in-line skates and motorized foot scooters (10.82) |
2942 | 10-6-09 | Amends 2009 – 2010 biennial budget (Not codified) |
2943 | 10-6-09 | Adds Chs. 20.31 and 20.36; amends Ch. 20.35, zoning (20.31, 20.35, 20.36) |
2944 | 11-23-09 | Adopts 2010 property tax (Not codified) |
2945 | 12-1-09 | Amends 2009 – 2010 budget (Not codified) |
2946 | 12-1-09 | Amends comprehensive plan, comprehensive plan future land use map and official zoning map (Not codified) |
2947 | 12-1-09 | Bond issuance (Not codified) |
2948 | 12-1-09 | Amends §§ 9.20.005, 9.20.015, 9.20.120, 9.20.140, 9.20.170, 9.20.195, 9.20.217 and 9.20.260, park regulations (9.20) |
2949 | 1-14-10 | Grants Unite Private Networks franchise (Not codified) |
2950 | 2-9-10 | |
2951 | 2-9-10 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 21.10, stormwater management (21.10) |
2952 | 2-23-10 | Local sales and use tax (Not codified) |
2953 | 4-13-10 | Repeals Ch. 2.26; repeals and replaces Ch. 2.24, parks, recreation and senior advisory board (Repealed by 3001) |
2954 | 5-11-10 | Adds § 20.60.047; amends §§ 18.40.060(2), 18.40.065, 18.40.070, 18.40.075(2), 19.02.100, 19.12.060, 20.15.005, 20.20.010(10) and (11), 20.26.300, 20.26.400(1), 20.26.500, 20.30.025, 20.55.010, 20.59.010, 20.59.020, 20.59.040(5)(a), 20.60.035, 20.60.055 and 21.04.120(6), clean-up ordinance (18.40, 19.02, 19.12, 20.15, 20.20, 20.26, 20.30, 20.55, 20.59, 20.60, 21.04) |
2955 | 5-11-10 | Temporary extension of expiration date of development-related permits, approvals and applications (Not codified) |
2956 | 6-8-10 | Repeals and replaces § 21.20.140, school impact fee (21.20) |
2957 | 7-13-10 | Amends §§ 5.32.285 and 20.70.010(5)(a), temporary stands (5.32, 20.70) |
2958 | 7-13-10 | Right-of-way vacation (Not codified) |
2959 | 7-13-10 | Extinguishes concomitant zoning agreement (Not codified) |
2960 | 8-17-10 | Repeals § 20.30.002, zoning (Repealer) |
2961 | 9-7-10 | Amends §§ 2.06.030(1)(c), 18.40.065 and 18.40.070(3), annual budget (2.06, 18.40) |
2962 | 9-7-10 | Adds § 17.42.035; amends § 16.04.011; repeals § 16.04.020; repeals and replaces §§ 16.04.010, 16.04.025, 16.04.030 and Ch. 17.04, building codes (16.04, 17.04, 17.42) |
2963 | 9-28-10 | Amends comprehensive plan, comprehensive plan map and zoning map (Not codified) |
2964 | 9-28-10 | Adds Ch. 20.73, temporary homeless encampments (20.73) |
2965 | 10-19-10 | Amends §§ 14.10.030, 14.26.070 and 21.20.020, system development charges and impact fees (14.10, 14.26, 21.20) |
2966 | 11-9-10 | Adopts 2011 budget (Not codified) |
2967 | 11-9-10 | Adopts 2011 property tax (Not codified) |
2968 | 12-7-10 | Amends § 2.04.010, city council meetings (2.04) |
2969 | 12-7-10 | Amends 2009 – 2010 budget (Not codified) |
2970 | 1-11-11 | Amends § 14.01.030(2)(d), utility rates (14.01) |
2971 | 1-18-11 | Adds § 9.20.226; amends § 10.40.026, City Hall (9.20, 10.40) |
2972 | 1-18-11 | Amends § 2.05.040(6), council salary commission (Repealed by 3001) |
2973 | 2-1-11 | Bond issuance (Not codified) |
2974 | 2-1-11 | Adds Ch. 3.61 and § 10.16.015, emergency response costs (3.61, 10.16) |
2975 | 2-1-11 | Adds § 2.04.065, city council (2.04) |
2976 | 2-15-11 | Amends § 6.12.040; repeals and replaces § 6.12.080, solid waste collection and disposal (6.12) |
2977 | 5-17-11 | Right-of-way vacation (Not codified) |
2978 | 5-17-11 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 11.16, damage to sidewalks and curbs (11.16) |
2979 | 6-7-11 | Amends § 16.04.025, fire code (16.04) |
2980 | 6-7-11 | Adds §§ 20.30.019, 20.35.019 and Ch. 20.56; amends §§ 20.15.005, 20.20.010, 20.25.010, 20.28.010, 20.30.010, 20.35.010, 20.43.010, 20.44.010, 20.44.012 and 21.04.090, electric vehicle infrastructure (20.15, 20.20, 20.25, 20.28, 20.30, 20.35, 20.43, 20.44, 20.56, 21.04) |
2981 | 7-5-11 | Amends comprehensive plan (Not codified) |
2982 | 7-5-11 | Amends § 19.08.140, preliminary plat expiration (19.08) |
2983 | 7-5-11 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 14.22, sewer and water service outside city limits (14.22) |
2984 | 7-5-11 | Annexation (Not codified) |
2985 | 7-5-11 | Repeals and replaces § 1.04.010, council districts (Repealed by 3251) |
2986 | 7-5-11 | Amends §§ 2.29.010, 2.29.020, 2.29.030, 2.29.060, 2.29.070, 2.29.080, 2.29.090, 2.29.100, 2.29.110 and 2.54.070; repeals and replaces Ch. 21.22, historic preservation (2.54, 21.22) |
2987 | 7-5-11 | Temporary extension of expiration date of development-related permits, approvals and applications (Not codified) |
2988 | 9-6-11 | Amends §§ 14.10.030 and 21.20.020, system development charges and impact fees (14.10, 21.20) |
2989 | 9-6-11 | Amends §§ 10.28.030 and 10.40.115, speed limits and parking restrictions (10.28, 10.40) |
2990 | 9-20-11 | Adds § 10.40.023; amends §§ 10.36.140, 10.40.015, 10.40.018, 10.40.019, 10.40.020, 10.40.022, 10.40.024, 10.40.026 and 10.40.028, parking (10.36, 10.40) |
2991 | 10-4-11 | Adds Ch. 20.21, innovative housing demonstration program (20.21) |
2992 | 11-15-11 | Amends § 2.24.020, parks, recreation and senior advisory board membership (Repealed by 3001) |
2993 | 11-15-11 | |
2994 | 11-15-11 | Annexation (Not codified) |
2995 | 11-15-11 | Adopts 2012 property tax (Not codified) |
2996 | 12-6-11 | Amends 2011 budget (Not codified) |
2997 | 12-6-11 | Adopts 2012 budget (Not codified) |
2998 | 1-17-12 | Right-of-way vacation (Not codified) |
2999 | 1-17-12 | Amends § 2.04.010, city council (2.04) |
3000 | 2-7-12 | Adopts 2010 – 2016 comprehensive water system plan (Not codified) |
3001 | 3-6-12 | Repeals and replaces Chs. 2.05, 2.12, 2.14, 2.18, 2.24, 2.28, 2.29 and 2.30, boards and commissions; extends fire pension board terms (2.05, 2.12, 2.14, 2.18, 2.24, 2.28, 2.29, 2.30) |
3002 | 3-6-12 | Adopts 2011 comprehensive storm drainage plan (Not codified) |
3003 | 3-20-12 | Bond issuance (Not codified) |
3004 | 3-20-12 | Amends §§ 9.20.050 and 13.20.010, possession of firearms (9.20, 13.20) |
3005 | 4-17-12 | Amends §§ 10.36.140, 10.40.018, 10.40.020, 10.40.022, 10.40.023, 10.40.024, 10.40.026 and 10.40.120, parking (10.36, 10.40) |
3006 | 6-5-12 | Repeals Ch. 3.18, municipal court revolving fund (Repealer) |
3007 | 6-5-12 | Repeals Ch. 5.72, massage parlors and bathhouses (Repealer) |
3008 | 6-5-12 | Alley vacation (Not codified) |
3009 | 6-19-12 | Adds Ch. 1.16, initiative and referendum (1.16) |
3010 | 6-19-12 | Amends §§ 20.26.500, 20.60.005, 20.60.010, 20.60.020, 20.60.030, 20.60.035, 20.60.040, 20.60.045, 20.60.047, 20.60.050, 20.60.055, 20.60.058, 20.60.060 and 20.60.065, signs (20.26, 20.60) |
3011 | 7-17-12 | Temporary extension of expiration date of development-related permits, approvals and applications (Not codified) |
3012 | 7-17-12 | Adds § 11.20.085; amends §§ 1.02.020, 6.16.080, 11.10.420 and 21.06.720, civil infraction enforcement (1.02, 6.16, 11.10, 11.20, 21.06) |
3013 | 8-7-12 | Moratorium on halfway houses in residential zones (Not codified) |
3014 | 8-14-12 | Amends § 10.36.070, prohibited parking (10.36) |
3015 | 8-14-12 | Repeals and replaces § 20.60.070(1), political signs (20.60) |
3016 | 8-14-12 | Adds §§ 5.65.055 and 5.65.140; amends §§ 5.64.060, 5.64.080, 5.64.090, 5.64.165, 5.64.170, 5.65.010, 5.65.050, 5.65.060, 5.65.080, 5.65.090 and 5.65.120, solicitors and mobile vendors (5.64, 5.65) |
3017 | 9-18-12 | Amends 2012 budget (Not codified) |
3018 | 9-18-12 | Adds § 20.65.037; amends §§ 20.65.015 and 20.65.035, nonconforming uses and structures (20.65) |
3019 | 9-25-12 | Extends moratorium on halfway houses in residential zones (Not codified) |
3020 | 11-13-12 | Amends comprehensive plan, comprehensive plan future land use map and zoning map (Not codified) |
3021 | 11-27-12 | Adopts 2013 budget (Not codified) |
3022 | 11-27-12 | Approves recommendation to include Meeker Mansion on historic register (Not codified) |
3023 | 11-27-12 | Adopts 2013 property tax (Not codified) |
3024 | 11-27-12 | Amends § 14.01.100, disconnection of water service (14.01) |
3025 | 12-4-12 | Amends 2012 budget (Not codified) |
3026 | 1-8-13 | Bond issuance (Not codified) |
3027 | 1-8-13 | Bond issuance (Not codified) |
3028 | 1-8-13 | Amends § 14.01.035, utility rates and charges (14.01) |
3029 | 1-22-13 | Adds §§ 8.04.085, 8.04.185 and 8.18.035; amends §§ 6.08.150, 8.04.010, 8.04.020, 8.04.120, 8.04.160, 8.04.200, 8.08.050, 8.12.040 and 8.18.020, animal control (6.08, 8.04, 8.18) |
3030 | 1-22-13 | Extends moratorium on halfway houses in residential zones (Not codified) |
3031 | 2-5-13 | Adds §§ 20.25.027 and 21.04.125; amends §§ 2.54.070, 19.08.140, 19.10.045, 19.10.050, 19.10.060, 19.10.080, 19.10.100, 20.10.015, 20.25.020 and 21.07.060, zoning and development regulations (2.54, 19.08, 19.10, 20.10, 20.25, 21.04, 21.07) |
3032 | 2-5-13 | Rezone (Not codified) |
3033 | 2-19-13 | Approves application for open space classification (Not codified) |
3034 | 3-5-13 | Approves application for open space classification (Not codified) |
3035 | 3-19-13 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 5.34, special events (5.34) |
3036 | 3-19-13 | Repeals and replaces § 9.20.250, illegal activity in public facilities (9.20) |
3037 | 3-19-13 | Real property acquisition (Not codified) |
3038 | 4-9-13 | Amends § 3.61.020, emergency response costs recovery (3.61) |
3039 | 5-7-13 | Annexation (Not codified) |
3040 | 5-7-13 | Amends 2013 budget (Not codified) |
3041 | 5-7-13 | Amends Ord. 2923, annexation (Not codified) |
3042 | 5-21-13 | Amends §§ 14.01.030(2)(a)(iii) and (2)(b)(x), 14.22.060 and Title 14 Appx. A, water and sewers (14.01, 14.22) |
3043 | 6-18-13 | Amends §§ 16.04.010, 16.04.025, 16.08.040, 17.04.030, 17.04.040, 17.04.050 and 17.42.035, building and fire codes (16.04, 16.08, 17.04, 17.42) |
3044 | 6-18-13 | Adds Ch. 5.90 and §§ 20.20.018, 20.25.018, 20.30.006, 20.31.018 and 20.40.020; amends § 20.31.017, clustering of sex offenders and violent felons in dwellings (20.20, 20.25, 20.30, 20.31, 20.40) |
3045 | 7-16-13 | Amends § 1.04.010, council districts (Repealed by 3251) |
3046 | 7-16-13 | Street vacation (Not codified) |
3047 | 8-13-13 | Amends 2013 budget (Not codified) |
3048 | 8-13-13 | Moratorium on uses and activities associated with production, processing and retailing of marijuana and marijuana-infused products (Not codified) |
3049 | 10-1-13 | Renews Ord. 3048, moratorium on uses and activities associated with production, processing and retailing of marijuana and marijuana-infused products (Not codified) |
3050 | 10-15-13 | Amends §§ 9.20.005, 9.20.225 and 9.20.226, public parks and public facilities (9.20) |
3051 | 11-12-13 | Amends §§ 18.40.050, 18.40.070, 18.40.071, 18.40.075, 20.15.005, 20.20.010, 20.20.015, 20.20.025, 20.25.010, 20.25.015, 20.60.090, 20.65.030, 20.90.001, 20.90.010, 21.22.015(8) and 21.22.035; repeals § 20.52.003, comprehensive plan, zoning, environment (18.40, 20.15, 20.20, 20.25, 20.60, 20.65, 20.90, 21.22) |
3052 | 11-12-13 | Amends future land use map and zoning map (Not codified) |
3053 | 11-26-13 | Adopts 2014 budget (Not codified) |
3054 | 11-26-13 | Adopts 2014 property tax (Not codified) |
3055 | 12-10-13 | Amends 2013 budget (Not codified) |
3056 | 1-7-14 | Bond issuance (Not codified) |
3057 | 1-28-14 | Moratorium on development within certain zones located in the general vicinity of Shaw Road and E. Pioneer (Not codified) |
3058 | 2-4-14 | Amends §§ 10.40.023 and 10.40.026, restricted parking areas – time limits (10.40) |
3059 | 2-4-14 | Amends § 14.01.035 and Title 14 Appx. A, utility rates and charges (14.01) |
3060 | 2-25-14 | Amends comprehensive plan (Not codified) |
3061 | 3-18-14 | Extends moratorium on uses and activities associated with production, processing and retailing of marijuana and marijuana-infused products (Not codified) |
3062 | 4-8-14 | Amends § 10.28.030, speed limits (10.28) |
3063 | 4-22-14 | Repeals and replaces § 6.16.060(2)(c), noise control (6.16) |
3064 | 4-22-14 | Amends §§ 14.01.050 and 14.02.030(1)(a), water service fees (14.01, 14.02) |
3065 | 5-6-14 | Amends § 5.34.050(4), special events permit (5.34) |
3066 | 5-6-14 | Amends 2014 budget (Not codified) |
3067 | 5-28-14 | Adds §§ 20.46.016 and 20.46.017; amends §§ 20.46.000 and 20.46.005, Shaw-East Pioneer overlay zones (20.46) |
3068 | 6-3-14 | Adds § 6.12.220, solid waste collection and disposal (6.12) |
3069 | 7-15-14 | Amends §§ 10.16.020, 10.82.010 and 10.82.040; repeals and replaces §§ 10.60.130, 10.60.140, 10.82.030 and 10.82.060, bicycles and skateboards on city sidewalks (10.16, 10.60, 10.82) |
3070 | 8-12-14 | Amends §§ 2.05.030, 2.12.030, 2.24.030, 2.28.030, 2.29.030 and 2.30.030, board and commission terms (2.05, 2.12, 2.24, 2.28, 2.29, 2.30) |
3071 | 9-2-14 | Amends 2014 budget (Not codified) |
3072 | 9-16-14 | Moratorium on uses and activities associated with production, processing and retailing of marijuana and marijuana-infused products (Not codified) |
3073 | 9-16-14 | Adds § 20.31.014; amends §§ 19.07.070, 19.12.060, 20.15.005, 20.20.010, 20.20.020, 20.20.022, 20.20.040, 20.25.040, 20.26.500, 20.28.045, 20.30.010, 20.30.029, 20.30.030, 20.30.032, 20.30.037, 20.30.045, 20.31.045, 20.35.010, 20.35.035, 20.40.025, 20.44.045, 20.55.025, 20.55.035, 20.55.040, 20.55.055, 20.55.065, 20.58.005, 20.59.040, 20.60.005, 20.60.065, 20.70.012, 20.75.015, 20.80.025, 20.80.030 and 21.20.030; repeals § 20.30.038, plats and subdivisions, zoning and environment (19.07, 19.12, 20.15, 20.20, 20.25, 20.26, 20.28, 20.30, 20.31, 20.35, 20.40, 20.44, 20.55, 20.58, 20.59, 20.60, 20.70, 20.75, 20.80, 21.20) |
3074 | 11-4-14 | Alley vacation (Not codified) |
3075 | 11-25-14 | Adopts 2015 budget (Not codified) |
3076 | 11-25-14 | Amends §§ 21.06.910 and 21.06.930; repeals and replaces shoreline master program, critical areas (21.06) |
3077 | 11-25-14 | Adopts 2015 property tax (Not codified) |
3078 | 11-25-14 | Amends 2014 budget (Not codified) |
3079 | 11-25-14 | Grants Zayo Group, LLC telecommunications franchise (Not codified) |
3080 | 12-9-14 | Adds §§ 5.04.071 and 20.05.060; amends § 20.15.005, marijuana producers, processors, and retailers (5.04, 20.05, 20.15) |
3081 | 1-6-15 | Amends §§ 10.28.020 and 10.28.030, speed limits on city streets (10.28) |
3082 | 1-27-15 | Grants Astound Broadband, LLC telecommunications franchise (Not codified) |
3083 | 2-10-15 | Adds § 20.58.025, heritage trees (20.58) |
3084 | 2-24-15 | Amends § 10.28.020, speed regulations (10.28) |
3085 | 3-24-15 | Adds Ch. 20.59A, eligible facilities modification code (20.59A) |
3086 | 4-7-15 | Right-of-way vacation (Not codified) |
3087 | 4-7-15 | Bond issuance (Not codified) |
3088 | 5-5-15 | Amends § 14.22.060, sewer and water service outside city limits (14.22) |
3089 | 5-5-15 | Amends 2015 budget (Not codified) |
3090 | 6-16-15 | Boundary line revision (Not codified) |
3091 | 7-7-15 | Amends § 9.20.040, animal restrictions in parks (9.20) |
3092 | 7-7-15 | Rezone (Not codified) |
3093 | 8-11-15 | Annexation (Not codified) |
3094 | 9-1-15 | Acquisition of personal property for citywide energy efficiency program (Not codified) |
3095 | 9-1-15 | Amends 2015 budget (Not codified) |
3096 | 9-15-15 | Amends §§ 10.40.026 and 10.40.028, parking restrictions (10.40) |
3097 | 10-13-15 | Right-of-way vacation (Not codified) |
3098 | 10-13-15 | Amends § 9.20.250, trespass (9.20) |
3099 | 11-10-15 | Street vacation (Not codified) |
3100 | 11-10-15 | Moratorium on permits and approvals associated with methadone clinics (Not codified) |
3101 | 11-24-15 | Amends shoreline master program and §§ 21.06.210, 21.06.410, 21.06.440, 21.06.630, 21.06.910, 21.06.920, 21.06.930, 21.06.940, 21.06.970 and 21.06.980, critical areas (21.06) |
3102 | 11-25-15 | Amends comprehensive plan (Not codified) |
3103 | 11-24-15 | Adopts 2016 budget (Not codified) |
3104 | 11-24-15 | Amends 2015 budget (Not codified) |
3105 | 11-24-15 | Adopts 2016 property tax (Not codified) |
3106 | 1-26-16 | Extends moratorium on permits and approvals associated with methadone clinics (Not codified) |
3107 | 2-23-16 | Amends §§ 10.40.018 and 10.40.020, restricted parking areas (10.40) |
3108 | 3-15-16 | Amends § 10.40.023, four-hour parking zones (10.40) |
3109 | 3-22-16 | Moratorium on permits and approvals associated with emergency shelters and drop-in centers (Not codified) |
3110 | 4-5-16 | Amends Ch. 5.90, significant impact business (Repealed by 3191) |
3111 | 5-10-16 | Amends 2015 budget (Not codified) |
3112 | 5-10-16 | Amends 2016 budget (Not codified) |
3113 | 5-24-16 | Amends §§ 20.11.012, 20.12.010, 20.80.025, 20.81.025, 20.85.025, 20.86.030 and 20.89.020, public noticing procedures and project timelines (20.11, 20.12, 20.80, 20.81, 20.85, 20.86, 20.89) |
3114 | 5-24-16 | Bond issuance (Not codified) |
3115 | 6-28-16 | Amends §§ 14.01.010, 14.01.035, 14.02.040, 14.10.010, 14.26.070 and 21.04.210; repeals Title 14 Appx. A; adopts updated system development charges, water and sewers (14.01, 14.02, 14.10, 14.26, 21.04) |
3116 | 6-28-16 | Adds §§ 16.20.035 and 16.20.155, fireworks (16.20) |
3117 | 7-19-16 | Amends § 21.20.020, impact fees (21.20) |
3118 | 7-19-16 | Amends Ch. 5.90, §§ 20.15.005 and 20.43.015, methadone clinics (20.15, 20.43) |
3119 | 7-19-16 | Adds §§ 19.04.265, 20.43.045, 20.75.012 and 21.14.375; amends §§ 2.29.070, 2.29.080, 2.54.070, 19.02.100, 19.07.080, 19.08.140, 19.12.050, 19.12.060, 19.12.070, 20.10.015, 20.15.005, 20.20.010, 20.20.015, 20.20.040, 20.25.000, 20.25.005, 20.25.010, 20.25.015, 20.25.020, 20.25.022, 20.25.023, 20.25.028, 20.25.040, 20.26.009, 20.26.011, 20.26.018, 20.26.200, 20.26.300, 20.26.400, 20.28.030, 20.30.030, 20.30.032, 20.30.037, 20.35.031, 20.40.025, 20.40.035, 20.43.020, 20.55.040, 20.58.005, 20.58.015, 20.58.020, 20.60.005, 20.60.010, 20.60.030, 20.60.035, 20.60.040, 20.60.050, 20.60.052, 20.60.060, 20.60.065, 20.60.075, 20.60.090, 20.65.015, 20.65.020, 20.65.030, 20.70.012, 20.70.014, 20.75.015, 20.80.030, 20.81.030, 20.89.025, 21.04.090, 21.04.210(4)(d), 21.04.240 and 21.14.020; repeals §§ 19.04.030 and 20.35.030, clean-up ordinance (2.29, 2.54, 19.02, 19.04, 19.07, 19.08, 19.12, 20.10, 20.15, 20.20, 20.25, 20.26, 20.28, 20.30, 20.35, 20.40, 20.43, 20.55, 20.58, 20.60, 20.65, 20.70, 20.75, 20.80, 20.81, 20.89, 21.04, 21.14) |
3120 | 7-19-16 | Annexation (Not codified) |
3121 | 9-13-16 | Extends moratorium on permits and approvals associated with emergency shelters and drop-in centers (Not codified) |
3122 | 9-13-16 | Adopts 2016 comprehensive sewer plan update (Not codified) |
3123 | 10-11-16 | Amends § 5.04.097, business license decisions and appeals (5.04) |
3124 | 10-11-16 | Amends 2016 budget (Not codified) |
3125 | 10-11-16 | Adds Ch. 2.27, arts and culture commission (2.27) |
3126 | 11-15-16 | Adopts salary schedule for nonunion employees (Not codified) |
3127 | 11-22-16 | Adopts 2017 property tax (Not codified) |
3128 | 11-22-16 | Adopts 2017 budget (Not codified) |
3129 | 11-22-16 | Amends 2016 budget (Not codified) |
3130 | 11-22-16 | Adds §§ 17.42.032, 19.04.282, 20.05.070 and 20.55.018; amends §§ 1.15.020, 11.04.010, 11.04.020, 11.04.030, 11.04.040, 11.04.060, 11.28.005, 14.01.010, 14.01.030, 14.06.013, 14.20.050, 14.26.005, 14.26.070, 16.04.010, 16.04.015, 17.13.050, 17.42.010, 17.42.030, 17.42.040, 19.12.020, 19.12.040, 19.12.050, 19.12.060, 19.12.070, 20.15.005, 20.58.005, 20.58.015, 21.04.210, 21.06.110, 21.06.130, 21.06.210, 21.06.410, 21.06.840, 21.06.940, 21.06.1120, 21.06.1140, 21.06.1230, 21.07.060, 21.10.020, 21.10.030, 21.10.040, 21.10.050, 21.10.060, 21.10.070, 21.10.080, 21.10.090, 21.10.110, 21.10.120, 21.10.130, 21.10.150, 21.10.160, 21.10.165, 21.10.180, 21.10.190, 21.10.200, 21.10.210, 21.10.230, 21.10.250, 21.10.260, 21.10.280, 21.10.310, 21.11.010, 21.11.030, 21.11.040, 21.11.070, 21.14.040, 21.14.100, 21.14.130, 21.14.150, 21.14.160, 21.14.190, 21.14.290, 21.14.300, 21.14.320, 21.14.350, 21.14.370 and 21.14.420; amends and renumbers §§ 21.10.330 as 21.10.320 and 21.10.340 as 21.10.330; renumbers Art. VI of Ch. 21.14 as Art. V; repeals §§ 17.42.050, 21.10.320, 21.14.140 and Art. V of Ch. 21.14, low impact development (1.15, 11.28, 14.01, 14.06, 14.26, 16.04, 17.13, 17.42, 19.04, 19.12, 20.05, 20.15, 20.55, 20.58, 21.04, 21.06, 21.07, 21.10, 21.11, 21.14) |
3131 | 12-16-16 | Amends future land use map (Not codified) |
3132 | 2-8-17 | Amends Chs. 20.31 and 20.52; amends comprehensive plan, future land use map and zoning map, South Hill neighborhood plan (20.31, 20.52) |
3133 | 2-28-17 | Grants Sprint Communications Company, LP, telecommunications franchise (Not codified) |
3134 | 2-28-17 | Amends Ch. 21.07, flood damage protection (21.07) |
3135 | 3-7-17 | Renews moratorium on permits and approvals associated with emergency shelters and drop-in centers (Not codified) |
3136 | 3-21-17 | Adds § 9.20.227; amends § 9.20.220, public parks and public facilities (9.20) |
3137 | 3-21-17 | Amends §§ 20.20.010(2), 20.20.015 and 20.20.040(4), accessory structures and buildings in RS single-family residential zones (20.20) |
3138 | 4-18-17 | Amends § 1.04.010, city council districts designated (Repealed by 3251) |
3139 | 4-18-17 | Amends §§ 2.05.030, 2.12.030, 2.14.030, 2.18.030, 2.24.030, 2.27.030, 2.28.030, 2.29.030 and 2.30.030, start and end dates for terms of city commission, committee and board members (2.05, 2.12, 2.14, 2.18, 2.24, 2.27, 2.28, 2.29, 2.30) |
3140 | 5-2-17 | Amends 2017 budget (Not codified) |
3141 | 5-2-17 | Amends § 9.20.195, public parks and public facilities (9.20) |
3142 | 5-23-17 | Amends §§ 21.20.010, 21.20.015, 21.20.030 and 21.20.120, impact fees (21.20) |
3143 | 5-23-17 | Amends § 20.26.300, nonresidential design review standards (20.26) |
3144 | 6-27-17 | Adds § 9A.02.065, exposing minor child to domestic violence (9A.02) |
3145 | 7-18-17 | Revision of corporate boundaries (Not codified) |
3146 | 7-18-17 | Repeals Chs. 5.12, 5.24, 5.28 and §§ 5.32.140 – 5.32.160, business licensing (Repealer) |
3147 | 8-22-17 | Extends moratorium on permits and approvals associated with emergency shelters and drop-in centers (Not codified) |
3148 | 8-22-17 | Grants City of Tacoma, Department of Public Utilities Light Division (dba Click! Network) telecommunications franchise (Not codified) |
3149 | 8-22-17 | Grants MCImetro Access Transmission Services Corp. (dba Verizon Access Transmission Services) telecommunications franchise (Not codified) |
3150 | 11-14-17 | Establishes compensation for the Puyallup municipal court judge pro tem (Not codified) |
3151 | 11-14-17 | Amends Ch. 21.07, flood damage protection (21.07) |
3152 | 11-28-17 | Authorizes director of public works to waive or delay collection of system development charges for Elmwood Mobile Home Park (Not codified) |
3153 | 11-28-17 | Amends §§ 9.20.005, 9.20.226 and 9.20.227, public parks and public facilities (9.20) |
3154 | 11-28-17 | Adopts 2018 property tax (Not codified) |
3155 | 11-28-17 | Adopts 2018 budget (Not codified) |
3156 | 12-5-17 | Adds § 20.35.012; amends zoning map and §§ 8.08.010, 8.08.020, 8.08.030, 20.15.005, 20.20.010, 20.25.010, 20.35.010, 20.50.005, 20.50.010, 20.50.015 and 20.75.015; repeals Ch. 20.49 and § 20.50.035, zoning (8.08, 20.15, 20.20, 20.25, 20.35, 20.50, 20.75) |
3157 | 12-5-17 | Amends comprehensive plan, future land use map and zoning map (Not codified) |
3158 | 12-5-17 | Amends 2017 budget (Not codified) |
3159 | 12-5-17 | Amends §§ 8.04.085, 8.04.200 and 9A.02.190, animals (8.04, 9A.02) |
3160 | 1-23-18 | Adds Ch. 2.26; amends §§ 2.24.010, 2.24.020 and 2.24.070, senior advisory board (2.24, 2.26) |
3161 | 2-13-18 | Renews moratorium on permits and approvals associated with emergency shelters and drop-in centers (Not codified) |
3162 | 2-13-18 | Grants Level 3 Communications, LLC telecommunications franchise (Not codified) |
3163 | 3-6-18 | Rezone (Not codified) |
3164 | 3-6-18 | Amends Chs. 5.04, 5.48, 5.50, 5.64, 5.65, 5.80 and 9.01, business licenses and alarm systems (5.04, 5.48, 5.50, 5.64, 5.65, 5.80, 9.01) |
3165 | 4-17-18 | Amends 2018 budget (Not codified) |
3166 | 4-17-18 | Right-of-way dedication (Not codified) |
3167 | 5-22-18 | Amends § 5.40.010, admissions tax (5.40) |
3168 | 5-22-18 | Amends zoning map (Not codified) |
3169 | 6-5-18 | Amends Ch. 20.59, wireless communications (20.59) |
3170 | 6-19-18 | Amends §§ 21.06.210, 21.06.910, 21.06.920, 21.06.930, 21.06.940, 21.06.1010, 21.06.1020, 21.06.1070, 21.06.1080, 21.06.1210, 21.06.1230 and 21.06.1260; renames Art. X of Ch. 21.06, critical areas (21.06) |
3171 | 6-19-18 | Amends § 14.08.070, sewer system (14.08) |
3172 | 7-10-18 | Adds § 20.55.011; amends §§ 20.15.005, 20.25.020, 20.25.0205, 20.25.021, 20.25.0215, 20.25.0216, 20.25.022, 20.25.023, 20.25.0235, 20.26.500, 20.30.025, 20.30.030, 20.30.0305, 20.30.031, 20.30.032, 20.30.033, 20.30.037, 20.55.010, 20.55.030, 20.55.050 and comprehensive plan, downtown development (20.15, 20.25, 20.26, 20.30, 20.55) |
3173 | 7-10-18 | Adds Ch. 20.48, downtown planned action (20.48) |
3174 | 7-10-18 | Grants Seattle SMSA Limited Partnership (dba Verizon Wireless) telecommunications franchise (Not codified) |
3175 | 8-7-18 | Renews moratorium on permits and approvals associated with emergency shelters and drop-in centers (Not codified) |
3176 | 8-21-18 | Amends § 2.05.070(4), council salary commission (2.05) |
3177 | 8-21-18 | Amends 2018 budget (Not codified) |
3178 | 10-2-18 | Adds §§ 5.04.015 and 5.04.018; amends §§ 5.04.020, 5.04.050, 5.04.052, 5.04.080, 5.08.060, 5.08.090, 5.08.100, 5.10.055, 5.32.280, 5.32.285 and 5.32.305; repeals §§ 5.08.020, 5.08.085 and 5.10.020, business licenses and regulations (5.04, 5.08, 5.10, 5.32) |
3179 | 10-2-18 | Adds Ch. 20.72, homeless drop-in centers and overnight shelters (20.72) |
3180 | 11-27-18 | Adopts 2019 property tax (Not codified) |
3181 | 11-27-18 | Adopts 2019 budget (Not codified) |
3182 | 11-27-18 | Amends comprehensive plan, future land use map and zoning map (Not codified) |
3183 | 11-27-18 | Amends 2018 budget (Not codified) |
3184 | 12-4-18 | Extends water system franchise (Not codified) |
3185 | 1-29-19 | Amends § 10.40.023, four-hour parking zones (10.40) |
3186 | 3-26-19 | Amends Ch. 20.59, wireless communications (20.59) |
3187 | 3-26-19 | Amends Ch. 11.32, telecommunications service providers (11.32) |
3188 | 3-26-19 | Adds Ch. 9A.10, lewd conduct (9A.10) |
3189 | 5-21-19 | Adds Ch. 6.09, chronic nuisance (6.09) |
3190 | 5-21-19 | Amends 2019 budget (Not codified) |
3191 | 6-11-19 | Repeals Ch. 5.90, significant impact business (Repealer) |
3192 | 6-18-19 | Amends §§ 20.25.010 and 20.25.015, multiple-family residential zones (20.25) |
3193 | 7-23-19 | Adds § 20.26.050; amends §§ 2.29.070, 20.25.0215, 20.26.018, 20.26.300, 20.30.037 and 20.31.027; repeals §§ 20.26.013 and 20.30.003, downtown design guidelines (2.29, 20.25, 20.26, 20.30, 20.31) |
3194 | 8-20-19 | Revises corporate boundary line (Not codified) |
3195 | 9-24-19 | Amends Ch. 20.72, homeless drop-in centers and overnight shelters (20.72) |
3196 | 9-24-19 | Amends 2019 budget (Not codified) |
3197 | 11-19-19 | Amends § 21.04.210(4), environmental policy (21.04) |
3198 | 11-19-19 | Amends § 5.04.018, business licenses (5.04) |
3199 | 11-19-19 | Adopts 2020 property tax (Not codified) |
3200 | 11-19-19 | Adopts 2020 budget (Not codified) |
3201 | 12-10-19 | Amends 2019 budget (Not codified) |
3202 | 12-10-19 | Amends § 14.26.080, system development charges (14.26) |
3203 | 12-13-19 | Adds §§ 19.06.055, 20.20.029 and 20.25.040(19); amends §§ 14.02.040, 14.10.010, 20.20.010(11), 20.20.020, 20.20.025, 20.20.040(4), (5), (6) and (12), title to Ch. 20.21, §§ 20.21.005, 20.21.020, 20.35.035(3)(c), 20.55.055, 21.20.120, 21.20.130 and 21.20.140; repeals §§ 20.21.010 and 20.21.035, fees (14.02, 14.10, 19.06, 20.20, 20.21, 20.25, 20.35, 20.55, 21.20) |
3204 | 2-11-20 | Adds Ch. 3.72, sales tax credit and use tax credit for affordable and supportive housing (3.72) |
3205 | 2-25-20 | Adds §§ 8.04.210 – 8.04.270; amends §§ 8.04.010, 8.04.200 and 8.16.020; repeals §§ 8.04.180, 8.08.050 and 8.12.040, animals (8.04, 8.16) |
3206 | 4-28-20 | Authorizes temporary extensions to expiration date of certain development related permits and land use actions (Not codified) |
3207 | 5-19-20 | Amends §§ 14.10.030 and 21.20.020, time of payment of impact fees and system development charges (14.10, 21.20) |
3208 | 6-2-20 | Amends § 9A.02.065, exposing minor child to domestic violence (9A.02) |
3209 | 6-2-20 | Establishes biennial budget; amends § 2.06.030(1)(c) (2.06) |
3210 | 6-16-20 | Amends §§ 2.06.010, 2.06.090 and 2.06.100(1) and (2), development and permitting services department (2.06) |
3211 | 7-7-20 | Amends Ch. 20.60, §§ 20.75.005 and 20.75.015, signs and home occupations (20.60, 20.75) |
3212 | 7-7-20 | Amends 2020 budget (Not codified) |
3213 | 7-21-20 | Amends and extends Unite Private Networks, LLC franchise (Not codified) |
3214 | 7-21-20 | Street vacation (Not codified) |
3215 | 8-18-20 | Amends §§ 20.60.005 and 20.60.067, signs in the right-of-way (20.60) |
3216 | 9-1-20 | Amends Chs. 5.08 and 5.10, business and occupation taxes (5.08, 5.10) |
3217 | 9-22-20 | Adds Ch. 9A.11, street race attendance (9A.11) |
3218 | 11-10-20 | Amends Ch. 21.07, flood damage protection (21.07) |
3219 | 11-10-20 | Amends §§ 14.10.030 and 21.20.020, time of payment of impact fees and system development charges (14.10, 21.20) |
3220 | 11-17-20 | Adopts 2021-2022 budget (Not codified) |
3221 | 11-17-20 | Amends 2020 budget (Not codified) |
3222 | 11-17-20 | Adopts 2021 property tax (Not codified) |
3223 | 12-8-20 | Amends future land use map and zoning map (Not codified) |
3224 | 1-5-21 | Amends § 14.02.010, water hydrant use (14.02) |
3225 | 1-5-21 | Emergency outdoor dining and retail use program (Not codified) |
3226 | 2-23-21 | Amends official zoning map (Not codified) |
3227 | 3-23-21 | Adds Ch. 20.54, Freeman Road overlay zone (20.54) |
3228 | 4-6-21 | Grants Comcast cable network franchise (Not codified) |
3229 | 4-27-21 | Annexation (Not codified) |
3230 | 5-18-21 | Amends § 1.04.010, city council districts (Repealed by 3251) |
3231 | 5-18-21 | Amends § 9A.11.010, street race attendance (9A.11) |
3232 | 5-18-21 | Amends 2021 budget (Not codified) |
3233 | 6-8-21 | Amends §§ 14.10.030 and 21.20.020, impact fees and system development charges (14.10, 21.20) |
3234 | 6-15-21 | Adds § 11.08.135; amends § 11.08.120; repeals §§ 11.08.130 and 11.08.150, encroachments, obstructions and construction of highways and sidewalks (11.08) |
3235 | 7-13-21 | Places bond proposition on November 2, 2021 ballot (Not codified) |
3236 | 7-20-21 | Amends § 16.08.070, installation of hydrants (16.08) |
3237 | 7-20-21 | Moratorium on permits and approvals associated with emergency housing, emergency shelter, transitional housing, permanent supportive housing and similar uses (Not codified) |
3238 | 8-31-21 | Amends 2021 budget (Not codified) |
3239 | 9-14-21 | Adopts findings to support Ord. 3237, moratorium on permits and approvals associated with emergency housing, emergency shelter, transitional housing, permanent supportive housing and similar uses (Not codified) |
3240 | 10-12-21 | Interim zoning regulations amending §§ 20.15.005, 20.20.015, 20.25.015, 20.30.010, 20.31.014, 20.43.015 and Chapter 20.72, supportive housing, transitional housing, emergency housing, and emergency shelters (Not codified) |
3241 | 11-23-21 | Adopts 2022 property tax (Not codified) |
3242 | 11-23-21 | Amends 2021-2022 budget (Not codified) |
3243 | 12-7-21 | Places bond proposition on February 8, 2022 ballot (Not codified) |
3244 | 12-7-21 | Amends 2021-2022 budget (Not codified) |
3245 | 12-7-21 | Amends § 21.20.020, impact fees (21.20) |
3246 | 3-22-22 | Amends §§ 14.02.040, 14.02.050, 14.10.030, 14.10.040 and 14.26.080, water and sewer systems development charges (14.02, 14.10, 14.26) |
3247 | 4-5-22 | Extends interim zoning regulations amending §§ 20.15.005, 20.20.015, 20.25.015, 20.30.010, 20.31.014, 20.43.015 and Chapter 20.72, supportive housing, transitional housing, emergency housing, and emergency shelters (Not codified) |
3248 | 4-26-22 | Adds Ch. 11.05; repeals Ch. 11.04, right-of-way administration (11.05) |
3249 | 5-17-22 | Authorizes termination of concomitant zoning agreement (Not codified) |
3250 | 5-17-22 | Amends 2021-2022 budget (Not codified) |
3251 | 6-7-22 | Repeals and replaces § 1.04.010, city council districts (1.04) |
3252 | 7-12-22 | Adds § 21.10.221; amends §§ 21.10.030, 21.10.040, 21.10.050, 21.10.060, 21.10.080, 21.10.090, 21.10.140, 21.10.165, 21.10.190, 21.10.210, 21.10.230, 21.10.260, 21.10.270, 21.10.280, 21.14.040, 21.14.100, 21.14.150, 21.14.160 and 21.14.190; repeals § 21.10.120, stormwater management (21.10, 21.14) |
3253 | 7-12-22 | Approves Pierce College master plan (Not codified) |
3254 | 8-23-22 | Amends 2021-2022 budget (Not codified) |
3255 | 9-27-22 | Extends interim zoning regulations amending §§ 20.15.005, 20.20.015, 20.25.015, 20.30.010, 20.31.014, 20.43.015 and Chapter 20.72, supportive housing, transitional housing, emergency housing, and emergency shelters (Not codified) |
3256 | 9-27-22 | Amends § 9A.02.065, exposing minor child to domestic violence (9A.02) |
3257 | 9-27-22 | Amends § 9A.02.060, domestic violence and court orders of protection (9A.02) |
3258 | 9-27-22 | Accepts recommendation to include Harris Building on historic register (Not codified) |
3259 | 11-1-22 | Repeals and replaces shoreline master program (Not codified) |
3260 | 11-1-22 | Amends §§ 2.54.070, 21.06.130, 21.06.910 and 21.06.980, shoreline master program (2.54, 21.06) |
3261 | 11-22-22 | Adopts 2023 property tax (Not codified) |
3262 | 11-22-22 | Amends §§ 5.08.030(1), (2), (3), (5) and (6) and 5.10.030, business and occupation taxes (5.08, 5.10) |
3263 | 11-22-22 | Adopts 2023-2024 budget (Not codified) |
3264 | 11-22-22 | Amends § 9.20.225, park hours (9.20) |
3265 | 11-22-22 | Street vacation (Not codified) |
3266 | 12-6-22 | Amends 2021-2022 budget (Not codified) |
3267 | 12-6-22 | Adopts utility rates and system development charges; amends §§ 14.01.010, 14.01.030, 14.01.040, 14.02.040, 14.10.010 and 14.26.070, utility rates and system development charges (14.01, 14.02, 14.10, 14.26) |
3268 | 12-6-22 | Grants Crown Castle telecommunications network franchise (Not codified) |
3269 | 1-10-23 | Amends §§ 19.04.120, 19.04.190, 19.04.240, 19.04.250, 19.04.260, 19.04.265, 20.15.005, 20.30.005, 20.30.030, 20.30.032, 20.31.005, 20.31.026, 20.31.028, 21.20.015, 21.20.020, 21.20.030, 21.20.130 and 21.20.140, height standards, impact fees (19.04, 20.15, 20.30, 20.31, 21.20) |
3270 | 1-10-23 | Amends § 8.04.020, animal licensing, fees (8.04) |
3271 | 1-10-23 | Adds Ch. 6.07, unfit dwellings, buildings, and structures (6.07) |
3272 | 3-7-23 | Compost procurement (Special) |
3273 | 3-21-23 | Extends interim zoning controls established by Ord. 3240 (Not codified) |
3274 | 5-2-23 | Adds Ch. 5.30, emergency and supportive housing (5.30) |
3275 | 5-2-23 | Adds §§ 20.20.010(21) and (22), 20.25.010(26) and (27), 20.43.015(12) and Ch. 20.74; amends §§ 20.15.005, 20.30.010, 20.31.014, 20.43.010, 20.43.015 and Ch. 20.72, permanent supportive and transitional housing, emergency housing and shelters (20.15, 20.20, 20.25, 20.30, 20.31, 20.43, 20.72, 20.74) |
3276 | 5-2-23 | Amends § 14.02.060, meter tests (14.02) |
3277 | 6-6-23 | Places bond proposition on November 7, 2023 ballot (Not codified) |
3278 | 6-27-23 | Amends §§ 5.65.010, 5.65.040, 5.65.050, 5.65.100 and 5.65.140, mobile vendors (5.65) |
3279 | 9-12-23 | Amends 2023-2024 budget (Not codified) |
3280 | 9-12-23 | Amends § 14.01.100, utility rates and billing procedures (14.01) |
3281 | 9-12-23 | Accepts recommendation to include 113 W. Pioneer on historic register (Not codified) |
3282 | 9-12-23 | Accepts recommendation to include 505 5th St. N.E. on historic register (Not codified) |
3283 | 9-26-23 | Amends Ch. 11.05, right-of-way administration (11.05) |
3284 | 10-24-23 | Amends § 6.12.085, solid waste collection and disposal tax imposed (6.12) |
3285 | 10-24-23 | Adds Ch. 14.28; amends Ch. 11.24 and § 21.10.130; repeals §§ 14.20.030, 14.20.040, 14.20.050 and 21.10.220, latecomer charges and reimbursement contracts (11.24, 14.28, 21.10) |
3286 | 11-14-23 | Amends §§ 14.01.010, 14.01.030, 14.01.040, 14.01.060, 14.01.090, 14.01.100, 14.01.120, 14.01.140, 14.02.010 and 14.02.150, utility rates and billing procedures (14.01, 14.02) |
3287 | 11-14-23 | Amends § 21.04.205, environmental policy (21.04) |
3288 | 11-21-23 | Adopts 2024-2025 budget (Not codified) |
3289 | 11-21-23 | |
3290 | 11-21-23 | Amends 2023-2024 budget (Not codified) |
3291 | 11-21-23 | Rezone (Not codified) |
3292 | 12-5-23 | Amends 2023-2024 budget (Not codified) |
3293 | 12-5-23 | Amends Ch. 3.70, property tax incentives in residential targeted areas (3.70) |
3294 | 12-5-23 | Moratorium on methadone clinics outside of medical zone (Not codified) |
3295 | 1-9-24 | Grants Ziply Fiber telecommunications network franchise (Not codified) |
3296 | 1-9-24 | Grants Ziply Fiber telecommunications network franchise (Not codified) |
3297 | 2-6-24 | Extends water system franchise (Not codified) |
3298 | 3-26-24 | Adds § 5.32.303; amends §§ 5.32.280, 5.32.285 and 5.32.305, temporary stands and temporary fair parking (5.32) |
3299 | 4-3-24 | Right-of-way vacation (Not codified) |
3300 | 4-3-24 | Amends § 2.29.070, design review and historic preservation board (2.29) |
3301 | 4-23-24 | Accepts recommendation to include 210 5th St. SW on historic register (Not codified) |
3302 | 6-4-24 | Amends §§ 3.72.020, 20.20.040, 20.25.0215, 20.25.040, 20.26.300 and 20.55.010, land use regulations (3.72, 20.20, 20.25, 20.26, 20.55) |
3303 | 6-11-24 | Amends §§ 3.72.020, 20.20.040, 20.25.0215, 20.25.040, 20.26.300 and 20.55.010, land use regulations (3.72, 20.20, 20.25, 20.26, 20.55) |
3304 | 6-4-24 | Extends moratorium on methadone clinics outside of medical zone (Not codified) |
3305 | 8-20-24 | Amends 2024 budget (Not codified) |
3306 | 8-27-24 | Amends §§ 5.08.030 and 5.10.030, private utility and telephone taxes (5.08, 5.10) |
3307 | 11-12-24 | Adds § 10.40.085; amends §§ 10.40.018, 10.40.019, 10.40.020, 10.40.022, 10.40.023, 10.40.024 and 10.40.026, restricted parking areas, time limits (10.40) |
3308 | 11-12-24 | Adds Ch. 3.74, transportation benefit district (3.74) |
3309 | 11-26-24 | Adopts 2025 property tax (Not codified) |
3310 | 11-26-24 | Adopts 2025-2026 budget (Not codified) |
3311 | 11-26-24 | Amends § 20.31.15, prohibited uses in mixed-use zones (20.31) |
3312 | 12-10-24 | Right-of-way vacation (Not codified) |
3313 | 12-10-24 | Amends 2024 budget (Special) |