Title 18
18.15 Rural Residential District (R-R)
18.16 Residential One District (R-1)
18.18 Residential Two/Duplex District (R-2D)
18.20 Residential Two District (R-2)
18.24 Residential Three District (R-3)
18.28 Residential Four District (R-4)
18.32 Commercial One District (C-1)
18.36 Commercial Two District (C-2)
18.40 Commercial Three District (C-3)
18.44 Industrial One District (I-1)
18.48 Industrial Two District (I-2)
18.60 Lot and Structure Dimensional Requirements
18.64 Accessory Uses and Structures
18.66 Micro Processing/Manufacturing Establishments
18.67 Congregate Living Facilities and Dormitories
18.69 Manufactured Housing Communities
18.80 Off-Street Parking Requirements
18.84 Miscellaneous Regulations
18.88 Planned Unit Development
18.90 Recycling Collection Boxes