Title 18


18.04    General Provisions

18.08    Definitions

18.12    Interpretation

18.15    Rural Residential District (R-R)

18.16    Residential One District (R-1)

18.18    Residential Two/Duplex District (R-2D)

18.20    Residential Two District (R-2)

18.24    Residential Three District (R-3)

18.28    Residential Four District (R-4)

18.32    Commercial One District (C-1)

18.36    Commercial Two District (C-2)

18.40    Commercial Three District (C-3)

18.44    Industrial One District (I-1)

18.48    Industrial Two District (I-2)

18.50    Airports

18.52    Conservancy District

18.54    Overlay Districts

18.56    General Regulations

18.60    Lot and Structure Dimensional Requirements

18.64    Accessory Uses and Structures

18.66    Micro Processing/Manufacturing Establishments

18.67    Congregate Living Facilities and Dormitories

18.68    Home Occupations

18.69    Manufactured Housing Communities

18.72    Signing

18.76    Lighting

18.80    Off-Street Parking Requirements

18.82    Marijuana Buffers

18.84    Miscellaneous Regulations

18.86    Adult Concessions

18.88    Planned Unit Development

18.90    Recycling Collection Boxes

18.92    Conditional Use Permits

18.96    Variances

18.100    Procedures – Processing of Applications

18.104    Nonconformance

18.108    Amendments

18.112    Appeals

18.116    Enforcement