1 | Town seal (1.12) |
2 | (Repealed by 164) |
3 | Town clerk (Repealed by 320) |
4 | Treasurer (Repealed by 86, 164) |
5 | Town marshal (Repealed by 2511) |
6 | Bonds of officers (2.12) |
7 | (Repealed by 164) |
8 | Business licenses (Repealed by 921) |
9 | (Repealed by 164) |
10 | (Repealed by 164) |
11 | (Repealed by 164) |
12 | Dogs (Repealed by 536) |
13 | Street commissioner (Repealed by 999) |
14 | Offenses against peace and good order (Repealed by 2382) |
15 | Police justice (Repealed by 2579) |
16 | Concealed weapons (Repealed by 1133) |
17 | Imprisonment and working of town prisoners (Repealed by 921) |
18 | Vagrancy (Repealed by 1752) |
19 | Animals running at large (6.08) |
20 | Houses of ill fame (Repealed by 1752) |
21 | Health regulations (Repealed by 1668) |
22 | Council members and meetings (Repealed by 1423) |
23 | Vehicle speed limits (Repealed by 336) |
24 | Excavations (12.08) |
25 | (Repealed by 164) |
26 | Bicycles (Repealed by 2673) |
27 | (Repealed by 164) |
28 | Street trees (12.24) |
29 | (Repealed by 164) |
30 | (Repealed by 142, 164) |
31 | (Repealed by 142, 164) |
32 | (Repealed by 95, 164) |
33 | (Repealed by 155, 164) |
34 | (Repealed by 164) |
35 | Telephone franchise (Special) |
36 | Street obstructions (12.16) |
37 | (Repealed by 164) |
38 | (Repealed by 164) |
39 | (Missing) |
40 | (Repealed by 164) |
41 | Minors in pool halls (Repealed by 925) |
42 | (Repealed by 164) |
43 | (Missing) |
44 | Street grades (Repealed by 87, 164) |
45 | (Repealed by 164) |
46 | Assessment and collection of taxes (3.28) |
47 | (Repealed by 148, 164) |
48 | (Repealed by 97, 340) |
49 | (Repealed by 153, 164) |
50 | (Repealed by 164) |
51 | (Missing) |
52 | Fastening of horses (6.12) |
53 | Water works franchise (Special) |
54 | (Repealed by 164) |
55 | (Repealed by 164) |
56 | Construction and maintenance of chimneys and flues (Repealed by 927) |
57 | Open trap doors (12.16) |
58 | Minors near railroad trains (Repealed by 921) |
59 | Electric light and power franchise (Special) |
60 | Amends Ord. 8 §§ 7 and 15, business license (Repealed by 164, 308) |
61 | (Repealed by 164) |
62 | Base and grade line for streets (1.20) |
63 | City scavenger (Repealed by 921) |
64 | Privies and privy vaults (Repealed by 303) |
65 | Garbage removal (Repealed by 921) |
66 | Franchise for construction of side track by Northern Pacific Railway Co. (Special) |
67 | (Repealed by 164) |
68 | (Repealed by 164) |
69 | (Repealed by 164) |
70 | (Missing) |
71 | (Repealed by 164) |
72 | (Repealed by 97, 340) |
73 | (Missing) |
74 | (Repealed by 164) |
75 | Telephone franchise (Special) |
76 | Amends Ord. 66 § 1, railroad side track franchise (Special) |
77 | Installation and maintenance of certain water pipes (Special) |
78 | (Repealed by 164) |
79 | (Missing) |
80 | Clinging to trains (8.32) |
81 | Loitering in railroad yards (8.32) |
82 | Wards (Repealed by 326) |
83 | Election of councilmen (Repealed by 1278) |
84 | (Missing) |
85 | (Missing) |
86 | City treasurer; repeals Ord. 4 (Repealed by 921) |
87 | Street grades; repeals Ord. 44 (Not codified) |
88 | Salary of city clerk (Repealed by 320) |
89 | Street vacation (Special) |
90 | City council meeting time (Repealed by 921) |
91 | (Missing) |
92 | Special election (Special) |
93 | Sewer district No. 1 (Special) |
94 | Sewer district No. 1 improvement fund (Special) |
95 | Repeals Ord. 32 (Repealer) |
96 | (Missing) |
97 | Appointment and salaries of city officers; repeals Ords. 48 and 72 (Repealed by 209) |
98 | Grants right-of-way (Special) |
99 | Defines residence and business streets (Repealed by 2161) |
100 | Sidewalk construction regulations (Repealed by 2161) |
101 | Street vacation (Special) |
102 | Sidewalk construction regulations (Repealed by 2161) |
103—132 (Repealed by 164) | |
133 | (Missing) |
134 | Obstruction of streets (Repealed by 3035) |
135 | Sewers and drainage (Repealed by 921) |
136 | (Not passed) |
137 | (Tabled) |
138 | Plumbing, steam fitting and gas fitting (Repealed by 921) |
139 | (Missing) |
140 | Street vacation (Special) |
141 | Amends Ord. entitled “An Ordinance Fixing the Salary of the City Attorney” § 1 (Repealed by 168) |
142 | Sale of cigarettes to minors; repeals Ord. 31 (Repealed by 921) |
143 | Weeds (8.24) |
144 | Grants easement (Special) |
145 | Hitching of teams to trees (6.12) |
146 | Exempts certain lots from special assessment (Special) |
147 | Minors’ possession of liquor; repeals Ord. 62 (Repealed by 749) |
148 | Provides for elimination of obsolete ordinances; repeals Ord. 47 (Not codified) |
149 | Fruit and vegetable labeling (Repealed by 2382) |
150 | Confirms assessment roll for sewer district No. 1 (Special) |
151 | Confirms assessment roll for local improvement district No. 1 (Special) |
152 | Local improvement procedures (Repealed by 633) |
153 | Fire protection; repeals Ord. 49 and Ord. passed 6/7/10 entitled “An Ordinance for the Protection of Property Against Fire and Extending the Fire Limits of Said City of Prosser and Providing a Penalty for the Violation of Its Provisions” (Not codified) |
154 | Amends Ord. 14 § 7, public intoxication (Repealed by 921) |
155 | Curfew; repeals Ord. 33 (Repealed by 304) |
156 | Street vacation (Special) |
157 | Street vacation (Special) |
158 | Street vacation (Special) |
159 | Speed limits for automobiles (Repealed by 217) |
160 | Speed limits for animals (Not codified) |
161 | Amends Ord. 102 §§ 2 and 3, sidewalk construction (Repealed by 2161) |
162 | Fire protection in theaters (Repealed by 921) |
163 | (Missing) |
164 | Adopts revised book of ordinances; repeals all general ordinances not specifically included in revision (Not codified) |
165 | (Not passed) |
166 | (Not passed) |
167 | (Not passed) |
168 | Salary of city attorney; repeals Ord. 141 (Repealed by 921) |
169 | Removal of rubbish (8.16) |
170 | (Missing) |
171 | (Not passed) |
172 | (Repealed by 183) |
173 | Established LID No. 12 (Special) |
174 | Established LID No. 14 (Special) |
175 | Keeping of fowl (Repealed by 292) |
176 | Specifications for LID No. 12 (Special) |
177 | Specifications for LID No. 14 (Special) |
178 | (Missing) |
179 | (Missing) |
180 | (Missing) |
181 | Approves and confirms assessment roll for LID No. 12 (Special) |
182 | Approves and confirms assessment roll for LID No. 14 (Special) |
183 | City council meetings (Repealed by 335) |
184 | Establishes LID No. 15 (Special) |
185 | Sale of intoxicating liquor (Repealed by 350) |
186 | Time of delinquency for assessments for LID No. 12 (Special) |
187 | Time of delinquency for assessments for LID No. 14 (Special) |
188 | Accumulation of garbage (Repealed by 616) |
189 | Sale of liquor to minors (Repealed by 749) |
190 | Specifications for LID No. 15 (Special) |
191 | Establishes LID No. 16 (Special) |
192 | Specifications for LID No. 16 (Special) |
193 | Street vacations (Special) |
194 | Amends Ord. 185 § 2, sale of intoxicating liquor (Repealed by 350) |
195 | (Not published) |
196 | Street vacation (Special) |
197 | Approves and confirms assessment roll for LID No. 15 (Special) |
198 | Approves and confirms assessment roll for LID No. 16 (Special) |
199 | Street vacation (Special) |
200 | Curb construction (Repealed by 2161) |
201 | Establishes LID No. 17 (Special) |
202 | Establishes LID No. 18 (Special) |
203 | Specifications for LID No. 17 (Special) |
204 | Specifications for LID No. 18 (Special) |
205 | Dance regulations (Not codified) |
206 | Approves and confirms assessment roll for LID No. 17 (Special) |
207 | Approves and confirms assessment roll for LID No. 18 (Special) |
208 | Irrigation system (Repealed by 1746) |
209 | Appointment and salaries of city officers, repeals Ord. 97 (2.12) |
210 | Disinfection of trees (Repealed by 921) |
211 | Establishes LID No. 19 (Special) |
212 | Establishes LID No. 20 (Special) |
213 | Specifications for LID No. 19 (Special) |
214 | Specifications for LID No. 20 (Special) |
215 | Approves and confirms assessment roll for LID No. 19 (Special) |
216 | Approves and confirms assessment roll for LID No. 20 (Special) |
217 | Traffic, repeals Ord. 159 (Repealed by 288) |
218 | Time of delinquency for LID No. 19 (Special) |
219 | Time of delinquency for LID No. 20 (Special) |
220 | Salaries (Repealed by 921) |
221 | Special election (Special) |
222 | (Not passed) |
223 | Bond issue (Special) |
224 | (Not passed) |
225 | Establishes LID No. 21 (Special) |
226 | Amends Ord. 1 §§ 1 and 2, town seal (1.12) |
227 | Specifications for LID No. 21 (Special) |
228 | (Not passed) |
229 | Approves and confirms assessment roll for LID No. 21 (Special) |
230 | Time of delinquency for LID No. 21 (Special) |
231 | Maintenance of places where animals are kept (6.04) |
232 | Railway franchise (Special) |
233 | Establishes LID No. 22 (Special) |
234 | Approves and confirms assessment roll for LID No. 22 (Special) |
235 | Establishes LID No. 23 (Special) |
236 | Establishes LID No. 25 (Special) |
237 | Grants permission to construct warehouse (Special) |
238 | Specifications for LID No. 23 (Special) |
239 | Electricity franchise (Special) |
240 | Amends Ord. 153 § 1, fire limits (Not codified) |
241 | Street vacation (Special) |
242 | Establishes LID No. 27 (Special) |
243 | Specifications for LID No. 27 (Special) |
244 | Specifications for LID No. 25 (Special) |
245 | Salaries (Repealed by 317, 320) |
246 | Approves and confirms assessment roll for LID No. 27 (Special) |
247 | (Not passed) |
248 | Amends Ord. 246 § 2, LID No. 27 (Special) |
249 | Time of delinquency for LID No. 27 (Special) |
250 | Street grades, repeals conflicting portions of Ord. 87 (Not codified) |
251 | Collection of assessments for LID No. 27 (Special) |
252 | Establishes LID No. 29 (Special) |
253 | Specifications for LID No. 28 (Special) |
254 | Establishes LID No. 29 (Special) |
255 | Establishes LID No. 30 (Special) |
256 | Vehicle load limits (12.12) |
257 | Specifications for LID No. 25 (Special) |
258 | Establishes LID No. 31 (Special) |
259 | (Not passed) |
260 | Specifications for LID No. 29 (Special) |
261 | Specifications for LID No. 30 (Special) |
262 | Specifications for LID No. 31 (Special) |
263 | Fire limits (Not codified) |
264 | Establishes LID No. 32 (Special) |
265 | Specifications for LID No. 32 (Special) |
266 | (Not passed) |
267 | Approves and confirms assessment roll for LID No. 25 (Special) |
268 | Approves and confirms assessment roll for LID No. 28 (Special) |
269 | Business licenses (Repealed by 921) |
270 | Approves and confirms assessment roll for LID No. 32 (Special) |
271 | Irrigation water charges (Repealed by 291) |
272 | Approves and confirms assessment roll for LID No. 29 (Special) |
273 | (Not passed) |
274 | Establishes LID No. 33 (Special) |
275 | Gas franchise (Special) |
276 #1 | Land condemnation (Special) |
276 #2 | Approves and confirms assessment roll for LID No. 31 (Special) |
277 #l | Specifications for LID No. 33 (Special) |
277 #2 | Approves and confirms assessment roll for LID No. 31 (Special) |
278 | Time of delinquency for LID No. 3l (Special) |
279 | Approves and confirms assessment roll for LID No. 30 (Special) |
280 | Form of local improvement bonds (Not codified) |
281 | Time of delinquency for LID No. 3l (Special) |
282 | Intoxicating liquor (Repealed by 350) |
283 | Approves and confirms assessment role for LID No. 33 (Special) |
284 | Form of local improvement warrants (Not codified) |
285 | Time of delinquency for LID No. 30 (Special) |
286 | Time of delinquency for LID No. 33 (Special) |
287 | Street grade lines (Not codified) |
288 | Traffic, repeals Ord. 217 (Repealed by 310, 362) |
289 | Gas franchise (Special) |
290 | Salary of city attorney (Repealed by 921) |
291 | Irrigation water charges, repeals Ord. 271 (Repealed by 508) |
292 | Keeping of fowl, repeals Ord. 175 (Repealed by 2549) |
293 | Moving buildings (Repealed by 2102) |
294 | Grants permission to construct warehouse (Special) |
295 | Establishes LID No. 34 (Special) |
296 | Specifications for LID No. 34 (Special) |
297 | Approves and confirms assessment roll for LID No. 34 (Special) |
298 | (Not passed) |
299 | (Not passed) |
300 | Retains certain legal firm (Special) |
302 | Street vacation (Special) |
303 | Cesspools and septic tanks, repeals Ord. 64 (Repealed by 921) |
304 | Curfew for minors, repeals Ord. 155 (Repealed by 553) |
305 | Prohibits advertising of cigarettes (Repealed by 921) |
306 | Waterworks bonds (Special) |
307 | Condemnation of land (Special) |
308 | Electricity franchise, repeals Ord. 60 (Repealed by 521) |
309 | Waterworks bond issuance (Special) |
310 | Traffic, repeals Ord. 288 (Repealed by 362) |
311 | Fire limits (Not codified) |
312 | Waterworks bonds issuance (Special) |
313 | Water regulations and charges (Repealed by 539) |
314 | Numbering of buildings (Repealed by 431) |
315 | Amends Ord. 310 § 2, traffic (Repealed by 362) |
316 | 1928 budget (Special) |
317 | City treasurer, repeals Ord. 245 (Repealed by 541) |
318 | Local improvement general fund (Repealed by 3242) |
319 | Pool rooms and billiard halls (Repealed by 925) |
320 | City clerk, repeals Ords. 3, 88 and 245 (Repealed by 652) |
321 | Purchase of fire equipment (Special) |
322 | (Not passed) |
323 | Fire limits (Not codified) |
324 | Street vacation (Special) |
325 | 1929 budget (Special) |
326 | City limits and wards, repeals Ord. 82 (Not codified) |
327 | Gas franchise (Special) |
328 | Telephone franchise (Special) |
329 | Electric lighting franchise (Special) |
330 | 1930 budget (Special) |
331 | Traffic control devices (Repealed by 362) |
332 | Installation and inspection of gas piping (Not codified) |
333 | 1931 budget (Special) |
334 | City attorney (Repealed by 921) |
335 | City council meetings, repeals Ord. 183 (Repealed by 921) |
336 | Operation of trains, repeals Ord. 23 (Repealed by 362, 442) |
337 | (Repealed by 508) |
338 | 1932 budget (Special) |
339 | 1933 budget (Special) |
340 | Salaries, amends Ord. 313 § 19, water department; repeals § 9 of Ord. 320 and § 2 of Ord. 97 (Repealed by 921) |
341 | Amends Ord. 317, bond of city treasurer (Repealed by 541) |
342 | Amends Ord. 282 § 2, intoxicating liquor (Repealed by 350) |
343 | Sale of intoxicating beverages (Repealed by 350) |
344 | 1934 budget (Special) |
345 | (Not passed) |
346 | Street vacation (Special) |
347 | Street vacation (Special) |
348 | Street vacation (Special) |
349 | Street vacation (Special) |
350 | Repeals Ords. 185, 194, 282, 342 and 343 (Repealer) |
351 | 1935 tax levy (Special) |
352 | Volunteer fire department (Repealed by 3037) |
353 | 1936 tax levy (Special) |
354 | Lighting system bonds (Special) |
355 | Contract with Pacific Power and Light Co. (Special) |
356 | Amends Ord. 313 § 19, water department; repeals § 5 of Ord. 340 (Repealed by 539) |
357 | 1937 budget (Special) |
358 | Street vacation (Special) |
359 | 1938 budget (Special) |
360 | Pinball machines (Repealed by 509) |
361 | Fireworks (Repealed by 664) |
362 | Traffic; repeals Ords. 288, 310, 315, 331 and 336 (Repealed by 921) |
363 | 1939 budget (Special) |
364 | Amends Ord. 313 §§ 2, 10 and 13, water regulations (Repealed by 539) |
365 | 1940 budget (Special) |
366 | (Not passed) |
367 | Photographers and photographic studios (Repealed by 1379) |
368 | Amends Ord. 340 § 3, city marshal salary (Repealed by 397) |
369 | Amends Ord. 356 § 1, water department superintendent (Repealed by 397) |
370 | (Not passed) |
371 | Peddlers (Repealed by 1866) |
372 | Amends Ord. 23 § 1, running of trains within city limits (Repealed by 336) |
373 | Construction of city offices (Special) |
374 | 1941 budget (Special) |
375 | Amends Ord. 334 § 1, salary of city attorney (Repealed by 921) |
376 | Emergency warrants (Special) |
377 | Establishes certain streets (Special) |
378 | Repair of irrigation water system (Special) |
379 | Repair of irrigation water system (Special) |
380 | Emergency warrants (Special) |
381 | Board of park commissioners (Repealed by 589) |
382 | Repair of irrigation water system (Special) |
383 | (Not passed) |
384 | Repair of irrigation water system (Special) |
385 | 1942 budget (Special) |
386 | Street vacation (Special) |
387 | Municipal defense commission (Repealed by 921) |
388 | Business and occupation licenses (Repealed by 1926) |
389 | Amends Ord. 360 § 5, pinball machines (Repealed by 509) |
390 | Amends Ord. 291 § 1, irrigation water charges (Repealed by 508) |
391 | Municipal defense commission duties and authority (Repealed by 921) |
392 | Emergency warrants (Special) |
393 | Amends Ord. 390 § 1, irrigation water charges (Repealed by 427) |
394 | Emergency warrants (Special) |
395 | 1943 budget (Special) |
396 | Milk code (Repealed by 921) |
397 | Amends Ord. 340 § 3, city marshal, and Ord. 356 § 1, water department superintendent; repeals Ords. 368 and 369 (Repealed by 921) |
398 | Salaries of mayor and council members (Repealed by 921) |
399 | Amends Ord. 313 §§ 1 and 2 and Ord. 364 § 1, water rates (Repealed by 539) |
400 | Trailer house cars (8.12) |
401 | Operation and parking of buses (10.08) |
402 | Planning commission (2.130) |
403 | Emergency warrants (Special) |
404 | (Tabled) |
405 | Appointment and salaries of additional policemen (Repealed by 1052) |
406 | Amends Ord. 340 § 3, salary of city marshal (Repealed by 921) |
407 | Emergency warrants (Special) |
408 | Amends Ord. 313 § 3, water service installation (Repealed by 539) |
409 | Zoning (Repealed by 742) |
410 | Admission tax (Repealed by 2635) |
411 | Curfew for minors (Repealed by 1951) |
412 | 1944 budget (Special) |
413 | Dances and dance halls (Repealed by 1760) |
414 | Amends Ord. 397 § 2, water department superintendent (Not codified) |
415 | Purchase of fire department equipment (Special) |
416 | Adds § 6-A to Ord. 360, pinball machines (Repealed by 509) |
417 | Penalty for violation of ordinances (Repealed by 917) |
418 | Building code (Repealed by 927) |
419 | Salaries (Not codified) |
420 | Resisting or assaulting public officers (Repealed by 2382) |
421 | Vehicle operation (Repealed by 626) |
422 | Emergency warrants (Special) |
423 | 1945 budget (Special) |
424 | Salaries (Repealed by 921) |
425 | Street vacation (Special) |
426 | Emergency warrants (Special) |
427 | Amends Ord. 390 § 1, irrigation water charges; repeals Ord. 393 (Repealed by 508) |
428 | Construction of temporary sewage disposal plant (Special) |
429 | Street vacation (Special) |
430 | Rezone (Repealed by 742) |
431 | House numbering system (12.28) |
432 | Emergency warrants (Special) |
433 | Restaurants (8.04) |
434 | 1946 budget (Special) |
435 | Emergency warrants (Special) |
436 | Street vacation (Special) |
437 | Public nuisances (Repealed by 645) |
438 | Authorizes drilling of an additional domestic water well (Special) |
439 | Street vacation (Special) |
440 | Emergency warrants (Special) |
441 | Rezone (Repealed by 742) |
442 | Repeals Ord. 336 (Repealer) |
443 | Adds § 56-9 to Ord. 362, traffic (Repealed by 921, 944) |
444 | Annexation (Special) |
445 | Rezone (Repealed by 742) |
446 | Rezone (Repealed by 742) |
447 | Sewer revenue bonds (Special) |
448 | Cumulative reserve fund for municipal purposes (Repealed by 3241) |
449 | 1947 budget (Special) |
450 | Salaries (Not codified) |
451 | Amends Ord. 352 §§ 4 and 8, volunteer fire department (Repealed by 3037) |
452 | Emergency warrants (Special) |
453 | Establishes LID No. 35 (Special) |
454 | Taxicabs (5.24) |
455 | Amends Ord. 399 §§ 1 and 2, water rates (Repealed by 539) |
456 | Rezone (Repealed by 742) |
457 | Amends Ord. 418 §§ 6 and 33, building code (Repealed by 645 and 927) |
458 | Sewer connection fee (Repealed by 609) |
459 | City superintendent (Repealed by 2511) |
460 | 1948 budget (Special) |
461 | Street vacation (Special) |
462 | Street vacation (Special) |
463 | Accepts plat of addition (Special) |
464 | Annexation (Special) |
465 | Water system improvements (Special) |
466 | Rezone (Repealed by 742) |
467 | Rezone (Repealed by 742) |
468 | Amends Ord. 459 §§ 1 and 2, city superintendent (Repealed by 2511) |
469 | Accepts plat of addition (Special) |
470 | Accepts plat of addition (Special) |
471 | Amends Ord. 408 § 3, water meters (Repealed by 539) |
472 | Creates special class of water users (Repealed by 921) |
473 | Parking (Repealed by 586) |
474 | Approves specifications for improvement of airport (Special) |
475 | Water revenue bonds (Special) |
476 | Emergency warrants (Special) |
477 | Transfer of funds (Special) |
478 | (Not passed) |
479 | General obligation sewer bonds (Special) |
480 | Sewer revenue bonds (Special) |
481 | Joint airport zoning board (Repealed by 921) |
482 | Easement vacation (Special) |
483 | General obligation sewer bonds (Special) |
484 | Sewer revenue bonds (Special) |
485 | Changes street name (Special) |
486 | Trespassing (Repealed by 921) |
487 | Creates temporary office of sewer disposal clerk and sewerage treatment clerk (Special) |
488 | 1949 budget (Special) |
489 | Amends Ord. 484 § 1, sewer revenue bonds (Special) |
490 | Rezone (Repealed by 742) |
491 | Contract with public utility district No. 1 of Benton County (Special) |
492 | Salaries (Repealed by 652) |
493 | Sewage disposal treasurer and domestic water department treasurer offices created (Repealed by 541) |
494 | Salaries (Repealed by 921) |
495 | Sewage disposal service (Repealed by 609) |
496 | Rezone (Repealed by 742) |
497 | Approves and confirms assessments for LID No. 35 (Special) |
498 | Fixes amount of bonds for LID No. 35 (Special) |
499 | Street vacation (Special) |
500 | (Missing) |
501 | Outside burning (8.16) |
502 | Sewer warrants (Special) |
503 | Sewer revenue bonds (Special) |
504 | Restricts issuance of permits for service stations in certain areas (Repealed by 1917) |
505 | 1950 budget (Special) |
506 | Salaries (Repealed by 921) |
507 | Emergency expenditure (Special) |
508 | Irrigation water; repeals Ords. 291, 337, 390 and 427 (Repealed by 1746) |
509 | Slot machines and punchboards; repeals Ords. 360, 389 and 416 (Repealed by 2382) |
510 | Amends Ord. 453 § 4, LID No. 35 (Special) |
511 | Rezone (Repealed by 742) |
512 | Garbage collection (Repealed by 839) |
513 | State retirement system (Repealed by 3038) |
514 | 1951 budget (Special) |
515 | Rezone (Repealed by 742) |
516 | Special election (Special) |
517 | Rezone (Repealed by 742) |
518 | Street vacation (Special) |
519 | Amends Ord. 473 § 1, parking (Repealed by 586) |
520 | 1952 budget (Special) |
521 | Electricity franchise; repeals Ord. 308 (Special) |
522 | Emergency warrants (Special) |
523 | Street vacation (Special) |
524 | Emergency expenditure (Special) |
525 | Emergency expenditure (Special) |
526 | 1953 budget (Special) |
527 | Waterworks improvement (Special) |
528 | Rezone (Repealed by 742) |
529 | Water revenue bonds (Special) |
530 | Amends Ord. 409 § 8, zoning (Repealed by 742) |
531 | Amends Ord. 400 §§ 2, 3 and 13, trailers (Repealed by 878) |
532 | Salary of city attorney; repeals § 3 of Ord. 424 (Repealed by 921) |
533 | Accepts plat (Special) |
534 | Rezone (Repealed by 742) |
535 | Emergency expenditure (Special) |
536 | Dogs, repeals Ord. 12 (Repealed by 837) |
537 | Amusement devices (Repealed by 781) |
538 | 1954 budget (Special) |
539 | Water rates and regulations; repeals Ord. 313 (13.10) |
540 | Television installation and repair (Repealed by 921) |
541 | City treasurer; repeals Ords. 317 and 493 (Repealed by 627) |
542 | Emergency warrants (Special) |
543 | Gas franchise (Special) |
544 | Annexation (Special) |
545 | Annexation (Special) |
546 | Annexation (Special) |
547 | Rezone (Repealed by 742) |
548 | Amends Ord. 541 § 2, city treasurer (Repealed by 627) |
549 | 1955 budget (Special) |
550 | Amends Ord. 410 §§ 1-A and 3, admission tax (Repealed by 2635) |
551 | Amends Ord. 161 §§ 2 and 3 and Ord. 200 § 2, sidewalk and curb construction (Repealed by 2161) |
552 | Rezone (Repealed by 742) |
553 | Curfew for minors; repeals Ord. 304 (Repealed by 925) |
554 | Amends Ord. 537 § 9, amusement devices (Repealed by 781) |
555 | (Not passed) |
556 | Waterworks bonds (Special) |
557 | Amends Ord. 556 §§ 3, 5 and 6, waterworks bonds (Special) |
558 | Amends Ord. 539 § 1, water rates (13.10) |
559 | Amends Ord. 550 § 1, admission tax (Repealed by 2635) |
560 | Emergency warrants (Special) |
561 | Water revenue bonds (Special) |
562 | (Tabled) |
563 | Rezone (Repealed by 742) |
564 | 1956 budget (Special) |
565 | Emergency warrants (Special) |
566 | Establishes street (Special) |
567 | (Vetoed) |
568 | Sale of certain city property (Special) |
569 | Amends Ord. 550 §§ 1 and 2, admission tax (Repealed by 2635) |
570 | Emergency warrants (Special) |
571 | Street vacation (Special) |
572 | Amends Ord. 566 §§ 2 and 3, establishes street (Special) |
573 | Annexation (Special) |
574 | Rezone (Repealed by 742) |
575 | Amends Ord. 504 § 1, service station permits (Repealed by 1917) |
576 | Establishes LID No. 36 (Repealed by 596) |
577 | Guarantee of particular local improvement bonds (Special) |
578 | Rezone (Repealed by 742) |
579 | General obligation bonds (Special) |
580 | 1957 budget (Special) |
582 | Transfer of funds (Special) |
583 | Emergency warrants (Special) |
584 | Emergency warrants (Special) |
585 | Emergency warrants (Special) |
586 | Repeals Ords. 473 and 519 (Repealer) |
587 | Platform scale construction (Special) |
588 | Rezone (Repealed by 742) |
589 | Repeals Ord. 381 (Repealer) |
590 | Amends Ord. 388 § 5, occupation tax (Repealed by 1629) |
591 | Transfer of funds (Special) |
592 | Emergency warrants (Special) |
593 | Emergency warrants (Special) |
594 | Dog and cat kennels (Repealed by 921) |
595 | Amends Ord. 536 §§ 2, 3 and 4, dogs (Repealed by 837) |
596 | Repeals Ord. 576 (Repealer) |
597 | Emergency warrants (Special) |
598 | 1958 budget (Special) |
599 | City office hours (2.16) |
600 | Emergency warrants (Special) |
601 | Emergency warrants (Special) |
602 | Transfer of funds (Special) |
603 | Amends Ord. 508 § 1, irrigation water rates (Repealed by 1746) |
604 | Subsistence allowance for police officers (Repealed by 921) |
605 | Adds § 9 to Ord. 375, § 13 to Ord. 529, and § 7 to Ord. 561, water revenue bond funds (Repealed by 647) |
606 | Adds § 6 to Ord. 480 and § 9 to Ord. 503, sewer revenue bond funds (Repealed by 647) |
607 | Transfer of funds (Special) |
608 | Rezone (Repealed by 742) |
609 | Sewer regulations; repeals Ords. 458 and 495 (13.10) |
610 | Sewer revenue bonds (Special) |
611 | Emergency warrants (Special) |
612 | Amends Ord. 610 §§ 5 and 6, sewer revenue bonds (Special) |
613 | Sewer revenue bonds (Special) |
614 | 1959 budget (Special) |
615 | Transfer of funds (Special) |
616 | Garbage accumulation; repeals Ord. 188 (Repealed by 839) |
617 | Authorizes expenditure (Special) |
618 | Emergency warrants (Special) |
619 | Rezone (Repealed by 742) |
620 | Rezone (Repealed by 742) |
621 | Annexation (Special) |
622 | |
623 | 1960 budget (Special) |
624 | Emergency warrants (Special) |
625 | Emergency warrants (Special) |
626 | Adopts state traffic statutes, amends Ord. 362 Art. 9 § 57, traffic; repeals Ord. 421 § 1; Ord. 362 Art. 1; Art. 3 §§ 10, 11, 12 and 14; Art. 4 §§ 15, 16, 17, 19, 20, 22, 23, 24, 25, 28, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34 and 35; Art. 5 § 38; Art. 6; Art. 7; Art. 8 §§ 45, 46 and 47; and Art. 9 § 58 (Repealed by 944) |
627 | City treasurer; repeals Ord. 541 (Repealed by 921) |
628 | Emergency warrants (Special) |
629 | Rezone (Repealed by 742) |
630 | Establishes LID No. 37 (Special) |
631 | Rezone (Repealed by 742) |
632 | Approves and confirms assessment roll for LID No. 37 (Special) |
633 | Local improvement procedures; repeals Ord. 152 (Not codified) |
634 | Rezone (Repealed by 742) |
635 | Transfer of funds (Special) |
636 | Emergency warrants (Special) |
637 | 1961 budget (Special) |
638 | Amount of bonds for LID No. 37 (Special) |
639 | Emergency warrants (Special) |
640 | City regional planning commission participation (2.130) |
641 | Amends Ord. 638 § 1, LID No. 37 (Special) |
642 | Emergency warrants (Special) |
643 | Water revenue bonds (Special) |
644 | Conveyance of certain property (Special) |
645 | Amends Ord. 418 §§ 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 33, building code; repeals Ord. 457 (Repealed by 927) |
646 | Rezone (Repealed by 742) |
647 | Repeals Ords. 605 and 606 (Repealer) |
648 | Adds § 1-A to Ord. 626, traffic (Repealed by 773) |
649 | Amends Ord. 644 § 6, conveyance of certain property (Special) |
650 | Arterial street fund (3.04) |
651 | 1962 budget (Special) |
652 | City clerk; repeals Ords. 320 and 492 (Repealed by 2511) |
653 | Emergency warrants (Special) |
654 | Amends Ord. 334 § 1 and Ord. 375, salary of city attorney (Repealed by 921) |
655 | Street vacation (Special) |
656 | Rezone (Repealed by 742) |
657 | Rezone (Special) |
658 | Emergency warrants (Special) |
659 | Emergency warrants (Special) |
660 | Emergency warrants (Special) |
661 | Use of fire apparatus outside of city limits (Repealed by 3037) |
662 | Emergency warrants (Special) |
663 | Firearms (9.01) |
664 | Fireworks; repeals Ord. 361 (Repealed by 1542) |
665 | Emergency warrants (Special) |
666 | Annexation (Special) |
667 | Emergency warrants (Special) |
668 | Conveyance of certain property (Special) |
669 | Emergency warrants (Special) |
670 | Emergency warrants (Special) |
671 | 1963 budget (Special) |
672 | Street vacation (Special) |
673 | Annexation (Special) |
674 | Employee vacations and sick leave (Repealed by 907) |
675 | Establishes LID No. 38 (Special) |
676 | Special services of city attorney (Repealed by 921) |
677 | Emergency warrants (Special) |
678 | Emergency warrants (Special) |
679 | Street vacation (Special) |
680 | Amends Ord. 645 Ch. 7 § 34, building code (Not codified) |
681 | Amends Ord. 627 § 1, salary of city treasurer (Repealed by 921) |
682 | (Not passed) |
683 | Street vacation (Special) |
684 | Amends Ord. 609 Art. 4 § 403, sewer connections (Repealed by 690) |
685 | 1964 budget (Special) |
686 | Adds § 2-A to Ord. 539, water regulations (Repealed by 691) |
687 | Purchase of fire equipment (Special) |
688 | Emergency warrants (Special) |
689 | Approves and confirms assessments for LID No. 38 (Special) |
690 | Amends Ord. 609 Art. 4 § 403, sewer connections; repeals Ord. 684 (13.10) |
691 | Adds § 2-A to Ord. 539, water regulations; repeals Ord. 686 (Repealed by 1780) |
692 | Emergency warrants (Special) |
693 | Electric power franchise (Special) |
694 | Amount of bonds for LID No. 38 (Special) |
695 | Emergency warrants (Special) |
696 | Emergency warrants (Special) |
697 | Street vacation (Special) |
698 | Grants franchise to state to construct certain pipelines (Special) |
699 | General obligation bonds (Special) |
700 | Emergency warrants (Special) |
701 | Emergency warrants (Special) |
702 | Amends Ord. 652 § 1, city clerk (2.24) |
703 | Emergency warrants (Special) |
704 | Emergency warrants (Special) |
705 | Amends Ord. 539 § 1, water rates (13.10) |
706 | Rates for domestic water used as irrigation water (Repealed by 1694) |
707 | 1965 budget (Special) |
708 | Street vacation (Special) |
709 | CATV franchise (Special) |
710 | Amends Ord. 388 § 5, occupation tax (Repealed by 1629) |
711 | Street vacation (Special) |
712 | Rezone (Repealed by 742) |
713 | Amends Ord. 409 § 13(1), zoning (Repealed by 742) |
714 | Rezone (Repealed by 742) |
715 | Street vacation (Special) |
716 | Dangerous buildings (Repealed by 2035) |
717 | Rezone (Repealed by 742) |
718 | Comprehensive plan (Repealed by 743) |
719 | Emergency warrants (Special) |
720 | Emergency warrants (Special) |
721 | Cable television franchise (Special) |
722 | Street vacation (Special) |
723 | Annexation (Special) |
724 | Telephone franchise (Special) |
725 | 1966 budget (Special) |
726 | Emergency warrants (Special) |
727 | Emergency warrants (Special) |
728 | Emergency purchase (Special) |
729 | Heating devices to prevent crop freezing (8.28) |
730 | Amends Ord. 537 §§ 1 and 7 and Ord. 554 § 1, amusement devices (Repealed by 781) |
731 | Emergency warrants (Special) |
732 | Emergency warrants (Special) |
733 | Emergency warrants (Special) |
734 | Sewer revenue bonds (Special) |
735 | Amends Ord. 512 §§ 2 and 4, garbage collection (Repealed by 839) |
736 | Amends Ord. 537 § 7, amusement devices; repeals § 2 of Ord. 537 (Repealed by 781) |
737 | Amends Ord. 734 §§ 5 and 6, sewer revenue bonds (Special) |
738 | Sewer revenue bonds (Special) |
739 | Amends Ord. 609 § 601, sewer regulations (13.10) |
740 | 1967 budget (Special) |
741 | Sewer revenue bonds (Special) |
742 | Zoning; repeals Ords. 409, 430, 441, 445, 446, 456, 466, 467, 490, 496, 511, 515, 517, 528, 530, 534, 547, 552, 563, 574, 578, 588, 608, 619, 620, 629, 631, 634, 646, 656, 712, 713, 714 and 717 (Repealed by 1917) |
743 | Repeals Ord. 718 (Repealer) |
744 | Emergency warrants (Special) |
745 | Amends Ord. 508 § 1 and adds § 6 to Ord. 508, irrigation water rates (Repealed by 1746) |
746 | Furnishing liquor to minors (Repealed by 749) |
747 | Amends 1967 budget (Special) |
748 | Delinquent children (9.01) |
749 | Adopts state liquor statutes; repeals Ords. 147, 189 and 746 (Repealed by 1670) |
750 | Emergency warrants (Special) |
751 | 1968 budget (Special) |
752 | Amends Ord. 388 §§ 4, 5 and 8, occupation licenses (Repealed by 1926) |
753 | Plat approval (Special) |
754 | Emergency warrants (Special) |
755 | Street vacation (Special) |
756 | Amends Ord. 742 § 4.04.7, zoning (Repealed by 1917) |
757 | Emergency warrants (Special) |
758 | Street vacation (Special) |
759 | Shoplifting (Repealed by 1589) |
760 | Larceny (Repealed by 1589) |
761 | Unlawful bank checks or drafts (Repealed by 1752) |
762 | Obscenity (Repealed by 851) |
763 | Threatening phone calls (Repealed by 1752) |
764 | Injury to library property (Repealed by 2819) |
765 | Amends Ord. 417 § 1, penalty for violation of ordinances (Repealed by 917) |
766 | Emergency warrants (Special) |
767 | General obligation bonds (Special) |
768 | Amends Ord. 609 §§ 107 and 601, sewer regulations (13.10) |
769 | Amends Ord. 742 §§ 2.04.6, 2.08.6, 4.04.2, 6.08(1), 8.04, 13.32, 13.36 and 14, zoning (Repealed by 1917) |
770 | General obligation bonds (Special) |
771 | 1961 budget (Special) |
772 | Abandoned vehicles (Repealed by 867) |
773 | Traffic; repeals Ord. 626 § 1 and Ord. 648 (Repealed by 944) |
774 | Bicycles (Repealed by 1641) |
775 | Truck routes (Not passed) |
776 | Sewer revenue bonds (Special) |
777 | Amends Ord. 722, street vacation (Special) |
778 | Sewer revenue bonds (Special) |
779 | Sewer construction fund, 1969 (Special) |
780 | Amends Ord. 768 § 3, sewer regulations (13.10) |
781 | Repeals §§ 1, 2, 4, 5 and 7 of Ord. 509, Ords. 537, 554, 730 and § 7 of Ord. 537 as amended by Ord. 736 (Repealer) |
782 | 1970 tax levy (Special) |
783 | Emergency warrants (Special) |
784 | 1970 budget (Special) |
785 | Amends Ord. 508 § 1, irrigation water (Repealed by 1746) |
786 | Rezone (Special) |
787 | Sales and use tax (3.32) |
788 | Emergency warrants (Special) |
789 | Adopts state drug statutes (Repealed by 2382) |
790 | (Tabled) |
791 | Sewer connection charges (13.10) |
792 | Water connection charges (13.10) |
793 | Amends Ord. 539 § 10, water rates (13.10) |
794 | Amends Ord. 752 § 5(c), occupation licenses (Repealed by 1629) |
795 | (Not used) |
796 | Budget amendment (Special) |
797 | Water connection charges (Not codified) |
798 | Amends Ord. 609 Art. 4 § 605, sewer regulations (13.10) |
799 | Amends Ord. 616 §§ 5, 10 and 11, garbage disposal, repeals §§ 8 and 9 of Ord. 616 (Repealed by 839) |
800 | General obligation bonds (Special) |
801 | Sewer system improvements (Special) |
802 | Emergency warrants (Special) |
803 | Emergency warrants (Special) |
804 | Declares certain building public nuisance (Special) |
805 | Rezone (Special) |
806 | 1971 tax levy (Special) |
807 | Amends Ord. 801 §§ 1 and 3, sewer system improvements (Special) |
808 | Water revenue bonds (Special) |
809 | (Canceled) |
810 | 1971 budget (Special) |
811 | Library construction fund, 1971 (Special) |
812 | Amends Ord. 742 § 14.00, zoning (Repealed by 1917) |
813 | Rezone (Special) |
814 | Amends Ord. 508 § 6, irrigation water charges (Repealed by 984) |
815 | Annexation (Special) |
816 | Volunteer Firemen’s Relief and Pension Act (Repealed by 3037) |
817 | Water revenue bonds (Special) |
818 | Utility LID No. 1 (Special) |
819 | Sewerage plant construction fund (Special) |
820 | Street vacation (Special) |
821 | Amends Ord. 742 § 2.00, zoning (Repealed by 1917) |
822 | Franchise to construct underground flume (Special) |
823 | Emergency warrants (Special) |
824 | General obligation bonds (Special) |
825 | Amends Ord. 400 § 1, drugs (Repealed by 2382) |
826 | City classification (1.08) |
827 | 1972 tax levy (Special) |
828 | Permits for use of city library building (Repealed by 2879) |
829 | Criminal trespass (Repealed by 1752) |
830 | Adds §§ 5 and 6 to Ord. 18, loitering, repeals § 3 of Ord. 18 (Repealed by 1752) |
831 | Police court (Repealed by 2579) |
832 | City treasurer (Repealed by 1675) |
833 | City attorney (Repealed by 2511) |
834 | 1972 budget (Special) |
835 | Transfer of funds (Special) |
836 | Amends Ord. 531 § 1 and Ord. 400 § 2, trailers (Repealed by 878) |
837 | Animal control, repeals Ord. 536 as amended by 595 (Repealed by 2516) |
838 | (Not passed) |
839 | Garbage collection and disposal, repeals Ord. 512 as amended by 735 and Ord. 616 as amended by 799 (8.08) |
840 | Approves plat (Special) |
841 | Sewer system improvements (Special) |
842 | Adds §§ 3 and 4 to Ord. 402, planning commission (2.130) |
843 | Emergency warrants (Special) |
844 | Creates utility LID No. 2 (Special) |
845 | General obligation bonds (Special) |
846 | Cable TV franchise (Repealed by 1586) |
847 | Amends Ord. 609 Art. 4 § 601(4), water rates (13.10) |
848 | Emergency warrants (Special) |
849 | Approves plat (Special) |
850 | Emergency warrants (Special) |
851 | Sale of material harmful to minors, repeals Ord. 762 (Repealed by 2382) |
852 | Indecent language (Repealed by 2382) |
853 | Emergency work by volunteer fire department (Repealed by 921) |
854 | Emergency warrants (Special) |
855 | Emergency warrants (Special) |
856 | Amends Ord. 388 § 5(a), occupation tax (Repealed by 1629) |
857 | Approves and confirms assessments for utility LID No. 2 (Special) |
858 | 1973 tax levy (Special) |
859 | Rezone (Special) |
860 | Rezone (Special) |
861 | Rezone (Special) |
862 | Amends Ord. 388 § 5(a), occupation tax (Repealed by 1629) |
863 | Emergency warrants (Special) |
864 | 1973 budget (Special) |
865 | Amends Ord. 837 § 2.02, animal control (Repealed by 2516) |
866 | Emergency warrants (Special) |
867 | Abandoned vehicles, repeals Ord. 772 (10.16) |
868 | Emergency warrants (Special) |
869 | Amends Ord. 512 § 2, garbage collection fees (Repealed by 921) |
870 | Amends Ord. 710 § 5, occupation tax (Repealed by 1629) |
871 | Sewer revenue bonds (Special) |
872 | Transfer of funds (Special) |
873 | Amends Ord. 801 § 3(e), sewer system improvements (Special) |
874 | Transfer of funds (Special) |
875 | Federal revenue sharing fund (Repealed by 3244) |
876 | Authorizes sale of surplus library books (Special) |
877 | Emergency warrants (Special) |
878 | Mobile home or trailer permits; repeals Ords. 531 and 836 (8.12) |
879 | Amends Ord. 400 § 3, trailer park licensing (Repealed by 1069) |
880 | Amends Ord. 742 §§ 2.12.4 and 2.16.04, zoning (Repealed by 1917) |
881 | Amends Ord. 871 §§ 1, 2, 4 and 11, sewer revenue bonds (Special) |
882 | Emergency warrants (Special) |
883 | Authorized private sale of real property (Special) |
884 | Emergency warrants (Special) |
885 | Emergency warrants (Special) |
886 | Amends Ord. 539 § 1, water rates (13.10) |
887 | Waterworks bonds, amends Ord. 817 §§ 3, 5 and 6, water revenue bonds (Special) |
888 | Amends Ord. 851 § 1(c) and § 21(f)(iii), sale of material harmful to minors (Repealed by 2382) |
889 | Building lines established (Special) |
890 | Amends Ord. 706 § 1, irrigation water rates (Repealed by 1694) |
891 | Emergency warrants (Special) |
892 | Amends Ord. 609 Art. VI § 601 para. 4, sewer rates (13.10) |
893 | Emergency warrants (Special) |
894 | Litter regulations (Repealed by 2382) |
895 | Tax levies for 1974 (Special) |
896 | Fire chief-building inspector appointment and duties (Repealed by 2378) |
897 | Emergency warrants (Special) |
898 | Rezone (Special) |
899 | Shoreline plan and administration fund (Repealed by 3245) |
900 | Emergency warrants (Special) |
901 | Budget for 1974 (Special) |
902 | Certain park redevelopment fund (Special) |
903 | Shoreline management regulations (16.04) |
904 | Amends Ords. 468 § 2, 702 § 1, 894 § 1, 832 § 1 and 883 § 1, appointment and salaries of certain city officials, repeals Ord. 209 (Repealed by 2511) |
905 | Amends Ord. 886 § 1, water meter readiness-to-serve charges (13.10) |
906 | Emergency warrants (Special) |
907 | Vacations, leaves of absence and holidays for city employees, repeals Ord. 674 (Repealed by 3038) |
908 | Amends Ord. 539 § 9, water service charges (13.10) |
909 | Police department addition to City Hall (Special) |
910 | Federal disaster assistance fund (Special) |
911 | (Not codified) |
912 | Emergency warrants (Special) |
913 | (Not codified) |
914 | (Not codified) |
915 | General provisions for city code (1.04) |
916 | Right of entry for inspection (1.24) |
917 | General penalty, repeals Ords. 417 and 765, and repeals penalty portion of Ord. 14 §§ 1, 2, 3, 6, 10, 11 and 12; Ord. 16 § 1; Ord. 19 § 9; Ord. 20 § 1; Ord. 21 §§ 11 and 13; Ord. 24 § 4; Ord. 26 § 3; Ord. 28 § 4; Ord. 52 § 2; Ord. 80 § 2; Ord. 81 § 3; Ord. 100 § 4; Ord. 102 § 5; Ord. 142 § 4; Ord. 143 § 1; Ord. 145 § 2; Ord. 162 § 3; Ord. 169 § 5; Ord. 231 § 3; Ord. 256 § 3; Ord. 292 § 2; Ord. 293 § 4; Ord. 371 § 4; Ord. 401 § 3; Ord. 420 § 4; Ord. 431 § 5; Ord. 454 § 17; Ord. 501 § 4; Ord. 508 § 3; Ord. 509 § 6; Ord. 539 § 19; Ord. 609 § 704; Ord. 716 § 5; Ord. 748 § 2 and Ord. 867 § 5 (1.28, 5.24, 6.04, 6.08, 6.12, 8.16, 8.24, 8.32, 9.01, 10.08, 10.16, 12.12, 12.24, 12.28, 13.10) |
918 | (Not codified) |
919 | (Not codified) |
920 | Rezone (Special) |
921 | Repeals Ord. 8; Ord. 13 § 6; Ord. 14 §§ 4, 5, 7 and 12; Ord. 17; Ord. 21 §§ 1—7; Ord. 26 § 2; Ord. 58; Ord. 63; Ord. 65; Ord. 86; Ord. 90; Ord. 135; Ord. 138; Ord. 142; Ord. 149; Ord. 154; Ord. 162; Ord. 168; Ord. 210; Ord. 220; Ord. 269; Ord. 275 § 3; Ord. 290; Ord. 303, Ord. 305; Ord. 320 § 4; Ord. 332 §§ 1—6; Ord. 334; Ord. 335; Ord. 340; Ord. 352 §§ 5, 6 and 7; Ord. 362; Ord. 375; Ord. 387; Ord. 391; Ord. 396; Ord. 397; Ord. 398; Ord. 406; Ord. 413 § 3; Ord. 414 § 1; Ord. 418 § 32; Ord. 419 § 1; Ord. 424; Ord. 450 §§ 1, 2 and 3; Ord. 451 § 8; Ord. 459 § 2; Ord. 468 § 2; Ord. 472; Ord. 481; Ord. 486; Ord. 494; Ord. 506; Ord. 532; Ord. 540; Ord. 594; Ord. 604, Ord. 609 § 701; Ord. 627; Ord. 654; Ord. 676; Ord. 681; Ord. 833 §§ 1 and 3; Ord. 853 and Ord. 869 (Repealer) |
922 | Amends Ord. 352 §§ 3 and 7, volunteer fire department (Repealed by 3037) |
923 | Amends Ord. 454 § 5, insurance for vehicles for hire (5.24) |
924 | Amends Ord. 539 § 8, pipes (13.10) |
925 | Repeals Ords. 41, 319 and 553 (Repealer) |
926 | Adds subsection (i) to § 3.2 of Ord. 903, private docks on shorelines (16.04) |
927 | Repeals Ord. 56, construction and maintenance of chimneys and flues; repeals Sections 2 through 7 of Ord. 153, fire protection; repeals Ords. 418, 457 and 645, building code; adopts Uniform Building, Mechanical, Fire and Plumbing Codes, and Specifications for Making Buildings Accessible to, and Usable by, the Physical Handicapped (Repealed by 2483) |
928 | Amends §§ 2, 3, 5 and 6 of Ord. 411, curfew for minors (Repealed by 1951) |
929 | Amends Ord. 903 by adding § 2A, shoreline management regulations (16.04) |
930 | Establishes Interstate 82 fund (Special) |
931 | Amends § 2 of Ord. 878, trailer park licensing (8.12) |
932 | Amends §§ 1, 2 and 6 of Ord. 837, animal control (Repealed by 2516) |
933 | Establishes library memorial fund (Special) |
934 | Amends Ord. 648, traffic (Not codified) |
935 | Railway train speed (Not passed) |
936 | Tax levy (Special) |
937 | Emergency warrants (Special) |
938 | Emergency warrants (Special) |
939 | Annexation (Special) |
940 | 1974 budget (Special) |
941 | Repeals § 4 of Ord. 832, city treasurer (Repealer) |
942 | Amends § 1 of Ord. 508, repeals § 2 of 745, irrigation water rates and regulations (Repealed by 984) |
943 | Emergency warrants (Special) |
944 | Traffic, repeals Ords. 443, 626 and 773 (Repealed by 3213) |
945 | Amends § 2 of Ord. 833, city attorney (Repealed by 2511) |
946 | Short subdivisions (Repealed by 1915) |
947 | Code adoption (1.01) |
948 | Annexation (Special) |
949 | Amends §§ 4, 6 and 11 of Ord. 871, sewer revenue bonds, and amends § 2 of Ord. 819, sewage plant construction fund (Special) |
950 | Amends § 13.32.010, sewer rates (Repealed by 1078) |
951 | Adds Ch. 3.36, gambling activity tax (Repealed by 1154) |
952 | Adds subsection D to 13.12.010, water rates for mobile and trailer courts (13.10) |
953 | Adds § 2.68.011, laws governing police court (Repealed by 2579) |
954 | Adds Ch. 2.70, police court judgments (2.70) |
955 | Tabled |
956 | Creates employment and training act fund (Special) |
957 | Establishes and creates motor vehicle intoxication fund (Special) |
958 | Adopts standard specifications for public works construction; amends §§ IV.B(f), VI.A. and VI.A.l of Ord. 622, subdivisions (15.12, 17.16, 17.24) |
959 | Designates Ord. 929 as code § 16.04.021, and reaffirms Ord. 929 as use regulations for shorelines (16.04) |
960 | Tabled |
961 | Emergency warrants (Special) |
962 | Truck routes designated (10.20) |
963 | Amends § 2 of Ord. 878, trailer park licensing (8.12) |
964 | Truck routes designated (10.20) |
965 | Amends Art. IX of Ord. 944, traffic (Repealed by 2283) |
966 | Proposed expenditure for general revenue sharing funds (Special) |
967 | Amends §§ 18.12.060, 18.12.150, 18.20.010, 18.72.020, 18.72.050, 18.90.010, 18.90.060, 18.90.070, 18.90.110 and 18.90.120, zoning (Repealed by 1917) |
968 | Final plat approval (Special) |
969 | Budget amendment (Special) |
970 | Rezone (Special) |
971 | Emergency expenditure (Special) |
972 | Rezone (Special) |
973 | Rezone (Tabled) |
974 | Rezone (Special) |
975 | Amends § 13.32.010, sewer rates (13.10) |
976 | Budget amendment (Special) |
977 | Parking prohibition (Repealed by 2284) |
978 | 1976 tax levy (Special) |
979 | Amends §§ 2, 4 and 5 of Ord. 622 and amends § 3.02(8) of Ord. 946, subdivisions (17.16, 17.20) |
980 | 1976 budget (Special) |
981 | Emergency warrants for sidewalk construction (Special) |
982 | Fund transfer (Special) |
983 | Emergency warrants for city hall repairs (Special) |
984 | Amends § 1 of Ord. 508; repeals Ord. 814 and 942 and § 2 of Ord. 745, irrigation water rates (Repealed by 1746) |
985 | Amends zoning map (Not codified) |
986 | Amends zoning map (Not codified) |
987 | Amends zoning map (Not codified) |
988 | Creates Prosser housing and community development block grant fund (Repealed by 3243) |
989 | Creates waste water facilities study fund (Repealed by 3246) |
990 | Amends §§ 12.24 and 12.44 of Ord. 742, zoning (Repealed by 1917) |
991 | Waterworks expansion and bond issuance (Special) |
992 | Amends 1976 budget; fund transfer (Special) |
993 | Amends § 6A of Ord. 622; renumbers § 17.24.070 to Ch. 17.25 (17.24, 17.25) |
994 | Amends § 1 of Ord. 539; adds §§ 13.12.011, 13.12.012, and 13.12.013, domestic water rates (13.10) |
995 | Amends § 1 of Ord. 706, irrigation water rates (Repealed by 1694) |
996 | Amends § 1 of Ord. 952, domestic water rates (13.10) |
997 | Cross-connections and backflow regulations (Repealed by 1679) |
998 | Adds subsections to § 6A of Ord. 622 (17.24) |
999 | Amends § 1 of Ord. 896 and § 18 of Ord. 539; repeals § 2.28.030, officers’ salaries; Ch. 2.36, street commissioner; and §§ 2.56.020 and 2.56.030, sewer superintendent (2.56) |
1000 | Fund transfer (Special) |
1001 | Emergency warrants (Tabled) |
1002 | Plat approval (Special) |
1003 | Authorizes certain safety improvements (Special) |
1004 | Establishes leasehold excise tax (3.40) |
1005 | Emergency warrant for tourism study (Special) |
1006 | Environmental code (Repealed by 1288) |
1007 | Emergency warrants (Special) |
1008 | Annexation (Special) |
1009 | Plat approval (Special) |
1010 | Rezone (Special) |
1011 | CATV franchise (Repealed by 1586) |
1012 | Adds Ch. 18.94, annexations (Repealed by 1917) |
1013 | Amends Ord. 1008, annexation of certain territory (Special) |
1014 | 1977 tax levy (Special) |
1015 | Sidewalk improvements (Special) |
1016 | Amends §§ 8.08.550 and 8.08.650—8.08.670, garbage (8.08) |
1017 | Transfer of funds (Special) |
1018 | 1977 budget (Special) |
1019 | Amends § 2.72.070, employee holidays (Repealed by 3038) |
1020 | Amends subsection C of § 5.04.050, occupation taxes (Repealed by 1629) |
1021 | Prohibits U-turns (Repealed by 3213) |
1022 | Parking of trailers and mobile homes (Repealed by 2284) |
1023 | Amends subsection (c) of § 4 of Ord. 871, sewer revenue bonds (Special) |
1024 | Parking prohibition (Repealed by 2284) |
1025 | Expenditure of excess funds (Special) |
1026 | Amends subsection (4) of § 2 of Ord. 927, adoption of Uniform Plumbing Code (Repealed by 2483) |
1027 | Franchise (Special) |
1028 | Rezone (Special) |
1029 | Transfer of funds (Special) |
1030 | Amends subsection A(6) of § 13.32.010, sewer charges (13.10) |
1031 | Creates antirecessional fund (Repealed by 3248) |
1032 | Emergency warrant on antirecessional fund (Special) |
1033 | Nonliability of city officers under certain circumstances (1.26) |
1034 | Amends § 6 of Ord. 644, conveyance of property (Special) |
1035 | Transfer of funds (Special) |
1036 | Amends §§ 13.04.060, 13.04.110, and 13.04.140, water charges (Repealed by 1746) |
1037 | Street vacations (Special) |
1038 | Establishes special reserve fund in 1977 budget (Special) |
1039 | Establishes aging fund in 1977 budget (Special) |
1040 | Rezone (Special) |
1041 | Emergency warrants (Special) |
1042 | Rezone (Special) |
1043 | (Canceled) |
1044 | Amends §§ 5 and 6 of Ord. 991, water works extension (Special) |
1045 | Street vacation (Special) |
1046 | Amends 1977 budget (Special) |
1047 | Tax levy (Special) |
1048 | Annexation (Special) |
1050 | Prosser senior citizen fund (Special) |
1051 | Amends §§ 5 and 6 of Ord. 991, water works extension (Special) |
1052 | Repeals § 2.52.080 (Repealer) |
1053 | Amends § 17.24.020A, subdivisions (17.24) |
1054 | Amends 1977 budget (Special) |
1055 | Water works utility (Special) |
1056 | Amends § 13.12.010, water rates (13.10) |
1057 | Amends § 13.08.010, water installation (13.10) |
1058 | Amends § 13.24.030A, sewer regulations (13.10) |
1059 | Street vacation (Special) |
1060 | Transfer loan (Special) |
1061 | Amends §§ 8.08.650—8.08.670, garbage collection (8.08) |
1062 | 1978 budget (Special) |
1062 | Rezone (Special) |
1063 | Rezone (Special) |
1064 | Amends 1977 budget (Special) |
1065 | Amends 1977 budget (Special) |
1066 | Amends § 13.3 of Ord. 839, garbage collection (8.08) |
1067 | Amends § 1 of Ord. 1059, street vacation (Special) |
1068 | Mobile home parks (Repealed by 2338) |
1069 | Repeals §§ 8.12.010 and 8.12.030—8.12.100 (Repealer) |
1070 | Repeals § 2.68.010 (Repealer) |
1071 | Traffic regulation (Not codified) |
1072 | Amends 1978 budget (Special) |
1073 | Obstructing police officer (Repealed by 1752) |
1074 | Rezone (Special) |
1075 | Rezone (Special) |
1076 | Swimming pools (Repealed by 1631) |
1077 | Public power system impact fund (Special) |
1078 | Repeals § 13.32.010(5) and (6) (13.10) |
1079 | Amends 1978 budget (Special) |
1080 | Transfer loan (Special) |
1081 | Adds § 10.04.291 and 10.04.360, speed limits (Repealed by 3213) |
1082 | Amends Art. 9, § 1 of Ord. 944, traffic (Repealed by 2283) |
1083 | (Not yet adopted) |
1084 | Annexation (Special) |
1085 | Traffic regulation (Not codified) |
1086 | Fund transfer (Special) |
1087 | Adopts affirmative action program (Not codified) |
1088 | Fund transfer (Special) |
1089 | Adds § 8.08.521, waste disposal (8.08) |
1090 | Tax levy (Special) |
1091A Transfer loan (Special) | |
1091 | Adds Ch. 3.48, yard sale regulation and licensing (5.28) |
1092 | Amends 1978 budget (Special) |
1093 | Establishes public transportation fund (3.48) |
1094 | Establishes a special motor vehicle excise tax (3.52) |
1095 | Amends 1978 budget (Special) |
1096 | Adds §§ 12.04.180 and 12.04.190, street and sidewalk regulations (Repealed by 2161) |
1097 | Plat approval (Special) |
1098 | Plat approval (Special) |
1099 | Rezone (Special) |
1100 | Budget for 1979 (Special) |
1101 | Amends 1978 budget (Special) |
1102 | Amends 1978 budget (Special) |
1103 | Plat approval (Special) |
1104 | Amends subsection F of § 17.16.030, subdivisions (17.16) |
1105 | Annexation (Special) |
1106 | Adds § 12.04.200, sidewalk maintenance (Repealed by 2161) |
1107 | Amends § 2.24.060, warrant procedure (Repealed by 2511) |
1108 | Adds Ch. 18.70, zoning (Repealed by 1917) |
1109 | Traffic regulation (Not codified) |
1110 | Adds subsections (5), (6) and (7) to subsection A of § 13.32.010, sewer service charges (13.10) |
1111 | Transfer loan (Special) |
1112 | (Not passed) |
1113 | Adds Ch. 5.17, charitable and religious solicitations (Repealed by 1928) |
1114 | Adds § 18.72.155, zoning (Repealed by 1917) |
1115 | Fund transfer (Special) |
1116 | (Not passed) |
1117 | Plat approval (Special) |
1118 | Fund transfer (Special) |
1119 | Adds § 10.04.370, off-street parking (Repealed by 2284) |
1120 | Mayor and council salaries (2.08) |
1121 | Fund transfer (Special) |
1122 | Amends § 12.04.200B, sidewalk and curb construction (Repealed by 2161) |
1123 | Amends Art. IX of Ord. 944, traffic (Repealed by 2283) |
1124 | Tabled |
1125 | Adds §§ 9.12.040, 9.12.050; amends §§ 9.12.020, 9.12.030, assaults and batteries (Repealed by 1752) |
1126 | Adds § 9.84.030; amends § 9.84.010, carrying weapons (Repealed by 2819) |
1127 | Emergency expenditure (Special) |
1128 | Emergency expenditure (Special) |
1129 | Emergency expenditure (Special) |
1130 | Amends §§ 6.16.150, 6.16.190, 6.16.210, dog controls (Repealed by 2516) |
1131 | Amends Art. IX of Ord. 944, traffic (Repealed by 2283) |
1132 | Amends Ord. 867, abandoned vehicles (10.16) |
1133 | Amends § 9.84.030; repeals § 9.84.010, carrying weapons (Repealed by 2819) |
1134 | Tax levy (Special) |
1135 | Alley vacation (Special) |
1136 | Adds Ch. 9.14, sexual abuse (Repealed by 1752) |
1137 | Transfer of funds (Special) |
1138 | (Tabled) |
1139 | Emergency expenditure (Special) |
1140 | 1980 budget (Special) |
1141 | Transfer of funds (Special) |
1142 | Transfer of funds (Special) |
1143 | Amends § 8.08.660, garbage (8.08) |
1144 | Amends § 13.08.080, domestic water connections (13.10) |
1145 | Amends § 13.04.100, irrigation water rates and regulations (Repealed by 1746) |
1146 | Approval of mobile home plat (Special) |
1147 | Annexation (Special) |
1148 | Airport height zones (Not codified) |
1149 | Adds Ch. 18.22, A-agricultural district (Repealed by 1917) |
1150 | Adds § 6.20.010, animals (Repealed by 2543) |
1151 | Amends zoning map (Not codified) |
1152 | Adds Ch. 9.33, controlled substances paraphernalia (Repealed by 1752) |
1153 | Amends zoning map (Not codified) |
1154 | Repeals Ch. 3.36, gambling activity tax (Repealer) |
1155 | Amends zoning map (Not codified) |
1156 | Annexation (Special) |
1157 | (Tabled) |
1158 | Amends Ord. No. 1156, annexation (Special) |
1159 | Annexation (Special) |
1160 | (Tabled) |
1161 | Amends §§ 13.04.140, 13.12.010, water and sewers (13.10) |
1162 | Amends § 13.32.010, sewer charges (13.10) |
1163 | Amends § 13.08.120, domestic water connections (13.10) |
1164 | 1980 budget amendment (Special) |
1165 | Transfer of funds (Special) |
1166 | Amends § 10.04.291, speed limits on specific streets (Repealed by 3213) |
1167 | Adds § 13.08.015, domestic water connections (13.10) |
1168 | 1981 tax levy (Special) |
1169 | Amends 1980 budget (Special) |
1170 | Salaries (Special) |
1171 | RCW 26.09.300 adopted by reference (Repealed by 2382) |
1172 | Amends Ord. No. 1158, annexation (Special) |
1173 | (Tabled) |
1174 | Loan authorization (Special) |
1175 | Transfer of funds (Special) |
1176 | 1981 budget (Special) |
1177 | Rezone (Special) |
1178 | Adds § 13.32.100, sewer connection charges (13.10) |
1179 | Massage business regulations (5.14) |
1180 | Amends § 8.08.660, garbage rates (8.08) |
1181 | 1981 budget amendment (Special) |
1182 | Amends Ord. 944 Art. IX § 1, traffic (Repealed by 2283) |
1183 | 1980 budget amendment (Special) |
1184 | Street vacation (Special) |
1185 | (Tabled) |
1186 | Amends §§ 2.72.030B and 2.72.040A and B, employee benefits (Repealed by 3038) |
1187 | Adds § 17.24.075, street lights (17.24) |
1188 | 1981 budget amendment (Special) |
1189 | Amends §§ 13.04.140 and 13.12.010A, D and E, water rates (13.10) |
1190 | Amends § 13.08.090, water rates (13.10) |
1191 | Street vacation (Special) |
1192 | Rezone (Special) |
1193 | Designates one-way traffic on certain street (Repealed by 3213) |
1194 | System for waterworks additions and extensions (Repealed by 1261) |
1195 | Amends §§ 2.64.020 and 2.64.030, planning commission (2.130) |
1196 | Streets named (Repealed by 1935) |
1197 | Adds § 13.28.100, sewage facilities (13.10) |
1198 | Rezone (Special) |
1199 | Rezone (Special) |
1200 | Annexation (Special) |
1201 | Street vacation (Not passed) |
1202 | Amends § 16.04.030B, shoreline management (16.04) |
1203 | Adds subsections D and E to § 5.28.010; amends subsection C of § 5.28.010 and §§ 5.28.020 and 5.28.030; yard sales and outdoor sales (5.28) |
1204 | ULID No. 3 (Special) |
1205 | Advance travel expense revolving fund (Repealed by 3240) |
1206 | Rezone (Special) |
1207 | Parking prohibition (Repealed by 1767) |
1208 | Budget amendment (Special) |
1209 | Budget amendment (Special) |
1210 | 1982 tax levy (Special) |
1211 | Adds Ch. 9.10, interference with police dogs (Repealed by 2382) |
1212 | Amends subsection A of § 5.04.050, business licenses (Repealed by 1629) |
1213 | Adds § 10.04.021, statutes adopted (Repealed by 2283) |
1214 | 1982 budget adopted (Special) |
1215 | Amends § 18.94.030, zoning (Repealed by 1917) |
1216 | Amends subsections C through L of § 8.08.660, solid waste disposal rates (8.08) |
1217 | One-way alley (Repealed by 3213) |
1218 | Repeals §§ 2.04.120, 2.04.130, 2.04.140 and 2.04.150 (Repealer) |
1219 | Amends § 13.04.100, irrigation rates (Repealed by 1746) |
1220 | Nuisance vegetation removal (8.36) |
1221 | Amends § 13.08.030, domestic water (13.10) |
1222 | Amends Ch. 9.72, minors and amusement devices (Repealed by 2382) |
1223 | Amends § 4 of Ord. 1155, rezone (Special) |
1224 | (Number not used) |
1225 | Amends § 9.44.010, disturbing the peace (Repealed by 2382) |
1226 | (Number not used) |
1227 | Adds Ch. 9.90, gambling (Repealed by 2382) |
1228 | (Tabled) |
1229 | Adds §§ 10.04.011 and 10.04.021, traffic (Repealed by 3213) |
1230 | Amends § 8.08.500, garbage (8.08) |
1231 | Adds Ch. 6.18, vicious animals (Repealed by 2513) |
1232 | Budget amendment (Special) |
1233 | Amends § 2.64.010, planning commission (2.130) |
1234 | Budget amendment (Special) |
1235 | Amends § 10.04.291, speed limits (Repealed by 3213) |
1236 | Amends § 3.24.010, tax exempt organizations (Repealed by 2635) |
1237 | Adds Ch. 1.27, application and enforcement (1.27) |
1238 | Amends title of Ch. 18.60; repeals Ch. 18.64, zoning (Repealed by 1917) |
1239 | Rezone (Special) |
1240 | 1983 tax levy (Special) |
1241 | Amends § 5.04.050, business and occupation tax (Repealed by 1629) |
1242 | Amends 1982 budget (Special) |
1243 | Adopts 1983 budget (Special) |
1244 | City of Prosser public corporation (2.76) |
1245 | Adds § 2.68.080, trial by jury (Repealed by 2579) |
1246 | Fund transfer (Special) |
1247 | Amends § 9.36.010, obscenity (Repealed by 2382) |
1248 | Amends § 8.08.060, waste disposal (8.08) |
1249 | Amends Ord. 1011, cable television franchise (Special) |
1250 | Amends §§ 18.12.060, 18.12.190, zoning board of adjustment (Repealed by 1917) |
1251 | Street vacation (Special) |
1252 | Road vacation (Special) |
1253 | Readopts § 13.32.010, sewer charges (13.10) |
1254 | Establishes street tree fund (Special) |
1255 | Street trees (12.24) |
1256 | Adds § 15.04.015; amends § 15.04.010, building code (Repealed by 2483) |
1257 | Amends § 5.04.050A, business licenses (Repealed by 1926) |
1258 | (Tabled) |
1259 | Amends § 13.32.010A7, sewer charges (13.10) |
1260 | Sewer revenue bonds (Special) |
1261 | Repeals Ch. 13.14 (Repealer) |
1262 | Adds 10.04.022, traffic (Repealed by 3213) |
1263 | Amends § 10.04.140, traffic (Repealed by 3213) |
1264 | General obligation bonds (Special) |
1265 | 1984 tax levy (Special) |
1266 | Amends 1983 budget (Special) |
1267 | Adds Ch. 5.18, itinerant merchants (Repealed by 1927) |
1268 | Amends 1983 budget (Special) |
1269 | Rezone (Special) |
1270 | 1984 budget (Special) |
1271 | Amends §§ 3.32.010 and 3.32.020, sales and use tax (Repealed by 1279) |
1272 | Amends subsections C through K of § 8.08.660, garbage (8.08) |
1273 | Amends §§ 5.24.010B, 5.24.020 and 5.24.060, taxicabs (5.24) |
1274 | Amends § 2.72.080, employee retirement and benefits (Repealed by 3038) |
1275 | Adds subsections F and G to § 5.04.050, business licenses (Repealed by 1629) |
1276 | Rezone (Special) |
1277 | Loans from certain funds (Special) |
1278 | Amends § 1.08.030, establishing code city; repeals §§ 1.16.020—1.16.050, 2.04.390 and 2.04.400 (1.03) |
1279 | Repeals Ord. 1271 (Repealer) |
1280 | Amends 1984 budget (Special) |
1281 | Amends § 10.20.040, truck routes (10.20) |
1282 | Designates stop sign (Repealed by 3213) |
1283 | Amends § 2.68.011, police judge and court (Repealed by 2579) |
1284 | Amends § 1.28.010, general penalty (1.28) |
1285 | Lethal weapons in public places (Repealed by 2819) |
1286 | 1985 budget (Special) |
1287 | Forgery, frauds and swindles (Repealed by 2382) |
1288 | Environmental code; repeals Ord. 1006 (16.08) |
1289 | Annexation (Special) |
1290 | Amends 1984 budget (Special) |
1291 | Loans from certain funds (Special) |
1292 | Amends 1984 budget (Special) |
1293 | Rezone (Special) |
1294 | Domestic violence (Repealed by 2382) |
1295 | 1985 ad valorem tax levy (Special) |
1296 | Amends 1984 budget (Special) |
1297 | Adds §§ 2.32.015, 2.32.016 and 2.32.017, city superintendent (Repealed by 1656) |
1298 | Annexation (Special) |
1299 | Amends 1984 budget (Special) |
1300 | Amends §§ 13.04.140, 13.08.090, 13.08.120 and 13.12.010 A1, D, E1, E2 and E3, water rates (13.10) |
1301 | Principles of liability (Repealed by 2382) |
1302 | Amends § 8.08.660(C) through (L), removal and disposal of solid and special wastes (8.08) |
1303 | Amends 1985 budget (Special) |
1304 | Rezone (Special) |
1305 | Rezone (Special) |
1306 | Rezone (Special) |
1307 | Rezone (Special) |
1308 | Amends § 12.16.060, obstructions on sidewalks and streets (Repealed by 3035) |
1309 | Amends § 15.04.010, uniform codes (Repealed by 2483) |
1310 | Prosser transportation system rates (Repealed by 1726) |
1311 | Adds § 5.08.025, dances (Repealed by 1760) |
1312 | Rezone (Special) |
1313 | Rezone (Special) |
1314 | Amends § 8.08.660(C) through (L), removal and disposal of solid and special wastes (8.08) |
1315 | Amends § 13.32.010, sewer charges (13.10) |
1316 | Rezone (Special) |
1317 | Amends 1985 budget (Special) |
1318 | 1986 tax levy (Special) |
1319 | Annexation (Special) |
1320 | Reserves water rights to city (Not codified) |
1321 | Rezone (Special) |
1322 | 1986 budget (Special) |
1323 | Amends § 2.44.040, fire department compensation (Repealed by 3037) |
1324 | Real estate excise tax (3.54) |
1325 | Capital improvement plan (Not codified) |
1326 | Rates for services provided by city police department (2.52) |
1327 | Amends subsections (C) through (L) of § 8.08.660, garbage rates (8.08) |
1328 | Amends § 10 of Ord. 1011, CATV franchise (Special) |
1329 | Amends § 2 of Ord. 1319, annexation (Special) |
1330 | Tabled |
1331 | Rezone (Special) |
1332 | Rezone (Special) |
1333 | Amends § 2 of Ord. 1319, annexation (Special) |
1334 | Special election on bond issue for certain street improvements (Special) |
1335 | Abatement of certain public nuisance (Special) |
1336 | Amends §§ 8.08.670 and 8.08.680, garbage charges (8.08) |
1337 | Adds § 13.12.050, special water connection charge (13.10) |
1338 | Adds § 13.12.060, special water connection charge (13.10) |
1339 | Adds § 13.32.110, special sewer connection charge (13.10) |
1340 | Amends 1986 budget (Special) |
1341 | Contract provisions for architectural and engineering services (3.60) |
1342 | Registration of bonds and obligations of city (3.56) |
1343 | General obligation bond issuance (Special) |
1344 | Rezone (Special) |
1345 | Amends 1986 budget (Special) |
1346 | (Tabled) |
1347 | 1987 tax levy (Special) |
1348 | Loan to current expense fund (Special) |
1349 | Amends subsection (A)(7) of § 13.32.010, sewer charges (13.10) |
1350 | Crimes against property (Repealed by 2382) |
1351 | Nuisances (Repealed by 1669) |
1352 | Adds Ch. 15.06, building permits (Repealed by 2483) |
1353 | Amends §§ 3.32.010 and 3.32.020, sales and use tax (3.32) |
1354 | Amends 1986 budget (Special) |
1355 | Bond issuance (Special) |
1356 | 1987 budget (Special) |
1357 | Amends § 8.08.660(C) through (L), garbage (8.08) |
1358 | Adds subsections (B)(1)(c) and (B)(1)(d) to § 2.72.040, employee retirement and benefits (Repealed by 3038) |
1359 | City council (2.04) |
1360 | Amends § 2.32.016, city superintendent and other officials (Repealed by 1656) |
1361 | Rezone (Special) |
1362 | Amends 1987 budget (Special) |
1363 | Amends § 13.32.010(A), sewer charges (13.10) |
1364 | Bond issuance (Special) |
1365 | Amends 1987 budget (Special) |
1366 | Adds Ch. 15.05, building permit applications (Repealed by 2483) |
1367 | Adds § 8.08.441, garbage (8.08) |
1368 | Amends §§ 8.08.430 and 8.08.440, garbage (8.08) |
1369 | Bond issuance (Special) |
1370 | Amends § 8.08.660(C) through (K), garbage (8.08) |
1371 | Annexation (Special) |
1372 | Amends 1987 budget (Special) |
1373 | 1988 tax levy (Special) |
1374 | Rezone (Special) |
1375 | Adopts 1988 budget (Special) |
1376 | Designates city fire department as hazardous materials command agency (Repealed by 3037) |
1377 | Flood damage prevention (Repealed by 3186) |
1378 | Amends 1987 budget (Special) |
1379 | Repeals Ch. 5.20 (Repealer) |
1380 | Amends 1988 budget (Special) |
1381 | Amends § 13.28.040, sewer regulations (Repealed by 2129) |
1382 | Rezone (Special) |
1383 | Adds Ch. 2.80, hiring and employment policy (Repealed by 2870) |
1384 | Amends 1988 budget (Special) |
1385 | Adds § 13.28.150, sewer regulations (13.10) |
1386 | Work release prisoners (1.18) |
1387 | Adds § 18.60.021; amends Ch. 18.08, zoning (Repealed by 1917) |
1388 | Amends 1987 budget (Special) |
1389 | Annexation (Special) |
1390 | Annexation (Special) |
1391 | Annexation (Special) |
1392 | Annexation (Special) |
1393 | Short-term obligations issuance (Special) |
1394 | Chief of police excluded from classified civil service (Repealed by 2511) |
1395 | Annexation (Special) |
1396 | (Tabled) |
1397 | Rezone (Special) |
1398 | (Tabled) |
1399 | Adds §§ 13.12.070, 13.12.071 and 13.12.072, domestic water rates (Repealed by 1678) |
1400 | Adds §§ 13.32.120, 13.32.121 and 13.32.122, sewer charges (13.10) |
1401 | (Tabled) |
1402 | (Tabled) |
1403 | Amends 1988 budget (Special) |
1404 | Rezone (Special) |
1405 | Special sewer connection charge for Gap Road sewer extension (Special) |
1406 | Adds § 10.16.035; amends §§ 10.16.010, 10.16.020, 10.16.030, 10.16.050, 10.16.100 and 10.16.160, abandoned vehicles (10.16) |
1407 | Amends § 8.08.660(D) through (J), garbage (8.08) |
1408 | 1989 tax levy (Special) |
1409 | Emergency expenditures of funds (Special) |
1410 | Rezone (Special) |
1411 | Rezone (Special) |
1412 | 1989 budget (Special) |
1413 | Amends § 2.04.005(A), city council (2.04) |
1414 | Adds § 13.12.010(F), domestic water rates (13.10) |
1415 | Adds § 13.32.020(F), sewer charges (13.10) |
1416 | Amends §§ 17.40.190 and 17.40.200, subdivisions (Repealed by 1915) |
1417 | Amends § 8.08.660(C) through (K), garbage (8.08) |
1418 | Adds Ch. 3.70, drug enforcement fund (3.70) |
1419 | Amends 1988 budget (Special) |
1420 | Rezone (Special) |
1421 | Amends § 15.06.020, building permits (Repealed by 2483) |
1422 | Adds Ch. 10.06, bicycle and pedestrian paths (10.06) |
1423 | Repeals §§ 2.04.010 through 2.04.380 (Repealer) |
1424 | Amends § 2.40.020, treasurer (Repealed by 1675) |
1425 | Adds § 8.08.621, garbage (8.08) |
1426 | Amends 1989 budget (Special) |
1427 | Amends 1989 budget (Special) |
1428 | Rezone (Special) |
1429 | Transfer of funds (Special) |
1430 | Amends 1989 budget (Special) |
1431 | Amends §§ 17.40.170 and 17.40.180, subdivisions (Repealed by 1915) |
1432 | Lodging excise tax (Repealed by 1976) |
1433 | Adds § 13.12.070, domestic water rates (13.10) |
1434 | Adds § 13.32.120, sewer charges (13.10) |
1435 | (Number not used) |
1436 | Amends § 8.08.660(D) and (E), garbage (8.08) |
1437 | Rezone (Special) |
1438 | Adds § 9.12.060, assaults and batteries (Repealed by 1752) |
1439 | Adds § 1.27.020, application and enforcement of provisions (1.27) |
1440 | Adds §§ 10.04.315 and 10.04.318, traffic ordinance (Repealed by 3213) |
1441 | Adds § 15.04.010(B) and (C), building codes (Repealed by 2483) |
1442 | Emergency expenditures of funds (Special) |
1443 | Adds § 8.08.445; amends §§ 8.08.380 and 8.08.430, garbage (8.08) |
1444 | Amends § 13.08.120, domestic water connections (13.10) |
1445 | (Number not used) |
1446 | Adds Ch. 7.01, pit bulls (Repealed by 2542) |
1447 | Business licenses (Repealed by 1926) |
1448 | Adds § 9.48.042, vagrancy (Repealed by 1752) |
1449 | Adds § 9.48.041, vagrancy (Repealed by 1752) |
1450 | Amends § 8.08.500, garbage (8.08) |
1451 | Annexation (Special) |
1452 | Adds § 18.12.080(C), zoning (Repealed by 1626) |
1453 | Tax levy (Special) |
1454 | 1990 budget (Special) |
1455 | Amends §§ 13.04.140 and 13.12.010, water and sewers (13.10) |
1456 | Amends § 13.32.010(A), sewer charges (13.10) |
1457 | Amends § 8.08.660, garbage (8.08) |
1458 | Amends §§ 8.08.441 and 8.08.621, garbage (8.08) |
1459 | Adds Ch. 8.26, nuisances (8.26) |
1460 | Establishes funds (Special) |
1461 | Amends § 13.32.010(A)(4), sewer charges (13.10) |
1462 | Adds § 18.94.040, zoning (Repealed by 1917) |
1464 | Adds §§ 9.12.020(A)(4) and (A)(5), assaults and batteries (Repealed by 1752) |
1465 | Amends § 13.04.100, irrigation water rates and regulations (Repealed by 1746) |
1466 | Adds subsection F to Ord. 1447, licensing of businesses (Repealed by 1926) |
1467 | Adds Ch. 9.46, offenses against public order (Repealed by 2382) |
1468 | Model Sewer Ordinance and state regulations adopted (13.10) |
1469 | Emergency expenditures (Special) |
1470 | (Not passed) |
1471 | Annexation (Special) |
1472 | Amends § 8.08.660, garbage (8.08) |
1473 | Amends subsection A of Ord. 1447, licensing of businesses (Repealed by 1926) |
1474 | Amends § 15.04.010(6), building codes (Repealed by 2483) |
1475 | Rezone (Special) |
1476 | Amends § 13.24.030(A), sewer connections (13.10) |
1477 | Amends § 13.08.010, domestic water connections (13.10) |
1478 | Amends § 18.12.060, zoning (Repealed by 1917) |
1479 | Risk management committee (2.84) |
1480 | (Number not used) |
1481 | Amends § 13.32.010, sewer charges (13.10) |
1482 | Establishes LID No. 90-1 (Special) |
1483 | Sewer construction fund loan (Special) |
1484 | Street, alley vacation (Special) |
1485 | Amends § (J)(1) of Ord. 1471, annexation (Repealed by 2901) |
1486 | 1990 budget expenditure (Special) |
1487 | Adds §§ 7 and 8 and amends §§ (2)—(5) of Ord. 577, city guaranty fund regulations (Special) |
1488 | Amends § 2.04.005(A), city council meeting times (2.04) |
1489 | Rezone (Special) |
1490 | Rezone (Special) |
1491 | Adds § 18.12.025, zoning violations (Repealed by 1917) |
1492 | Adds § 12.04.005; amends §§ 17.16.030(F) and 17.24.020(A), construction specifications (17.16, 17.24) |
1493 | (Tabled) |
1494 | Amends § 8.08.660(I)(1), solid waste disposal charges (8.08) |
1495 | Amends § 8.08.660(D), solid waste disposal charges (8.08) |
1496 | Local improvement district funding (3.64) |
1497 | Annexation (Special) |
1498 | Adds § 15.04.010(1)(a), uniform building codes (Repealed by 2483) |
1499 | (Tabled) |
1500 | Electricity franchise (Special) |
1501 | Adds Ch. 12.06, driveway construction (12.06) |
1502 | Rezone (Denied) |
1503 | Rezone (Special) |
1504 | Denial of zoning change (Repealed by 1813) |
1505 | 1991 budget adoption (Special) |
1506 | Ad valorem taxes for 1991 (Special) |
1507 | Amends § 5.04.050(B) and (D), gas and cable transmission taxations (Repealed by 1629) |
1508 | Transfer of funds for land acquisition, construction (Special) |
1509 | Amends § 6.16.150, dog control (Repealed by 2516) |
1510 | Amends Ord. 1507, gas and cable transmission taxations (Repealed by 1629) |
1511 | Amends § 8.08.660(C) through (I), waste disposal charges (8.08) |
1512 | Amends § 1 of Ord. 1507; amends § 5.04.030(B), gas and cable transmission taxations (Repealed by 1629) |
1513 | 1991 budget appropriations (Special) |
1514 | Sewer operations funding (Special) |
1515 | Antique street light funding (Special) |
1516 | Railroad crossing funding (Special) |
1517 | Local improvement district expenditures (Special) |
1518 | Rezone (Special) |
1519 | City capital fund loan, transfer (Special) |
1520 | Fund closure (Special) |
1521 | Transfer of funds for land acquisition, construction (Special) |
1522 | Expenditure of 1990 funding toward 1991 budget (Special) |
1523 | Boulevard improvement bonds (Special) |
1524 | Adds Chs. 17.22, 17.30, 17.38, and §§ 17.04.040, 17.04.050, 17.06.010, 17.06.020, 17.40.145; amends Chs. 17.08, 17.12, 17.20 to Title 17, subdivisions (17.06, 17.20, 17.22) |
1525 | Amends §§ 5.18.010 and 5.18.030(B), itinerant merchants (Repealed by 1927) |
1526 | Amends § 2.64.010, planning commission membership (2.130) |
1527 | Bond issue (Special) |
1528 | Rezone (Special) |
1529 | Excise tax collection for transit system (Repealed by 1969) |
1530 | Appropriations (Special) |
1531 | Interfund loan, fund transfer (Special) |
1532 | Depot street light expenditures (Special) |
1533 | Amends Ch. 5.14, massage businesses (5.14) |
1534 | Fund transfer to street budget (Special) |
1535 | Amends § 2 of Ord. 1481, postponement of effective date (Special) |
1536 | Rezone (Special) |
1537 | Rezone (Special) |
1538 | (Tabled) |
1539 | Garbage disposal recycle charges (Repealed by 2111) |
1540 | Rezone (Special) |
1541 | Adds §§ 18.08.625, 18.52.060 and 18.56.070; amends §§ 18.22.020, 18.24.030, 18.40.030, 18.44.030, 18.48.030 and 18.60.020, zoning (Repealed by 1917) |
1542 | Repeals and replaces §§ 8.20.010, 8.20.020 and 8.20.030, fireworks (8.20) |
1543 | Repeals and replaces § 2.32.010, city superintendent and other officials (Repealed by 1611) |
1544 | Adds § 2.24.035, city clerk (Repealed by 2511) |
1545 | Adds § 2.40.035, treasurer (Repealed by 1675) |
1546 | Amends subsection A of § 13.24.030, sewer connections (13.10) |
1547 | Amends § 13.08.010, domestic water connections (13.10) |
1548 | Amends 1991 budget (Special) |
1549 | Amends 1991 budget (Special) |
1550 | Amends 1991 budget (Special) |
1551 | Adds 1992 budget (Special) |
1552 | Tax levy (Special) |
1553 | Amends § 8.08.660, garbage (8.08) |
1554 | Parks and recreation capital fund (Repealed by 2869) |
1555 | Amends 1991 budget (Special) |
1556 | Amends 1991 budget (Special) |
1557 | Road vacation (Special) |
1558 | Amends §§ 8.08.660, garbage (8.08) |
1559 | Stop sign installation (Not codified) |
1560 | Amends § 2.80.020, hiring and employment policy (Repealed by 2870) |
1561 | Amends § 13.12.010, domestic water rates (13.10) |
1562 | Amends § 13.04.140 irrigation water rates and regulations (Repealed by 1694) |
1563 | Adds § 2.24.055; amends § 2.24.050, city clerk (Repealed by 2511) |
1564 | Amends § 2.32.010, city superintendent and other officials (Repealed by 1611) |
1565 | Amends § 13.12.010, domestic water rates (13.10) |
1566 | Amends § 13.32.010, sewer charges (13.10) |
1567 | Transfer of funds (Special) |
1568 | Amends § 2 of Ord. 1481, sewer charges (Not codified) |
1569 | Amends § 13.12.010, domestic water rates (13.10) |
1570 | Energy audit grant budget (Special) |
1571 | Amends § 2.12.010, appointive office and bonds (2.12) |
1572 | Bond issuance (Special) |
1573 | (Not passed) |
1574 | Bond issuance (Special) |
1575 | Amends §§ 13.04.020, 13.04.030, 13.04.060, 13.04.090, 13.04.100 and 13.04.120, irrigation water rates and regulations (Repealed by 1746) |
1576 | Amends 1992 budget (Special) |
1577 | Amends 1992 budget (Special) |
1578 | No parking zone (Not codified) |
1579 | Transfer of funds (Special) |
1580 | Personnel policy (Not codified) |
1581 | Names certain highway (Not codified) |
1582 | Appropriation transfer (Special) |
1583 | Adds § 10.04.400, traffic ordinance (Repealed by 1871) |
1584 | Stop sign placement (Not codified) |
1585 | Stop sign placement (Not codified) |
1586 | CATV franchise; repeals Ords. 846 and 1011 (Repealed by 2691) |
1587 | Amends Ord. 1486, budget (Special) |
1588 | Adds Ch. 18.58, zoning (Repealed by 1917) |
1589 | Repeals Chs. 9.24 and 9.28 (Repealer) |
1590 | Adds § 10.04.410, traffic ordinance (Repealed by 1871) |
1591 | Adds Ch. 9.24, theft (Repealed by 1752) |
1592 | Amends 1992 budget (Special) |
1593 | Closes certain fund (Special) |
1594 | Stop sign placement (Not codified) |
1595 | Road vacation (Special) |
1596 | Amends 1992 budget (Special) |
1597 | Amends 1992 budget (Special) |
1598 | Amends 1992 budget (Special) |
1599 | Reward for information leading to arrest and conviction for vandalism (Special) |
1600 | Amends § 16.08.150(A), environmental code (Repealed by 2615) |
1601 | Amends § 17.38.010, subdivisions (Repealed by 1915) |
1602 | Amends § 17.40.180(D), subdivisions (Repealed by 1915) |
1603 | Amends § 18.12.050(B), zoning (Repealed by 1917) |
1604 | Amends 1992 budget (Special) |
1605 | Signs (Repealed by 1787) |
1606 | Adds Ch. 2.18, city administrator (2.18) |
1607 | Amends § 2.24.010, salaries of certain city employees (Repealed by 2511) |
1608 | Designation of no-thru traffic street (Special) |
1609 | Authorizes placement of stop signs (Special) |
1610 | Street vacation (Special) |
1611 | Amends Ch. 2.32 and repeals § 2.32.010, public works director and other officials (Repealed by 2511) |
1612 | Amends 1993 budget (Special) |
1613 | Repeals § 10.04.400(A)(1), disabled person’s parking (Repealed by 3213) |
1614 | Adds § 10.04.420, vanpool parking (Repealed by 2137) |
1615 | Amends § 2.20.010, city attorney (Repealed by 2511) |
1616 | Tax levy (Special) |
1617 | Street vacation (Special) |
1618 | Amends §§ 6.16.010—6.16.030, 6.16.130, 6.16.150 and 6.16.220, dog control (Repealed by 2516) |
1619 | Adopts 1993 budget (Special) |
1620 | Amends § 13.08.010, domestic water connections (13.10) |
1621 | Amends §§ 13.24.010, 13.24.020, 13.24.030(A), 13.24.060 and 13.24.070, sewer connections (13.10) |
1622 | Amends §§ 8.26.030 and 8.26.070, public nuisances (8.26) |
1623 | Adds §§ 18.08.105, 18.08.535; amends §§ 8.10.030, 18.28.030, 18.32.030, manufactured homes (Repealed by 1917) |
1624 | Amends §§ 6.16.010—6.16.030, 6.16.130, 6.16.150 and 6.16.220, dog controls (Repealed by 2516) |
1625 | Amends 1992 budget (Special) |
1626 | Repeals § 18.12.080(C), zoning (Repealed by 1917) |
1627 | Repeals § 18.58.110(B), zoning (Repealed by 1917) |
1628 | Amends § 18.58.020, zoning (Repealed by 1917) |
1629 | Adds Ch. 3.74 and repeals § 5 of Ord. 388, § 2 of Ord. 752 and Ords. 590, 710, 794, 856, 862, 870, 1020, 1212, 1241, 1275, 1507, 1510 and 1512, license fee and occupation tax (3.74) |
1630 | Amends 1993 budget (Special) |
1631 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 15.16, swimming pools (15.16) |
1632 | Adds § 8.10.145, mobile home parks (Repealed by 2338) |
1633 | Rezone (Special) |
1634 | Adds § 15.04.011, building code (Repealed by 2483) |
1635 | (Number not used) |
1636 | Street vacation (Special) |
1637 | Rezone (Special) |
1638 | Salary schedule for certain nonunion city employees (Special) |
1639 | Salary schedule for police chief (Special) |
1640 | Amends 1993 budget (Special) |
1641 | Repeals Ch. 10.12 (Repealer) |
1642 | Rezone (Special) |
1643 | Rezone (Special) |
1644 | Rezone (Special) |
1645 | Rezone (Special) |
1646 | Rezone (Special) |
1647 | Transfer of funds (Special) |
1648 | Amends Ch. 2.18, administration department (Repealed by 2511) |
1649 | Salary schedule for public works director (Special) |
1650 | Bond issue (Special) |
1651 | Critical area protection (Repealed by 2417) |
1652 | Amends personnel policy (Not codified) |
1653 | Adds Ch. 12.30, highway access management (Not codified) |
1654 | Rezone (Special) |
1655 | Bond issue (Special) |
1656 | Adds § 2.32.040; amends §§ 2.32.010, 2.32.020, public works director; repeals §§ 2.32.015, 2.32.016, 2.32.017 and 2.60.010 (Repealed by 2511) |
1657 | Amends Ord. 1446 to renumber Ch. 7.01 to be Ch. 6.19 (Not codified) |
1658 | (Tabled) |
1659 | Salary schedule for interim public works director (Special) |
1660 | Amends § 2.70.020(A), police court judgments (2.70) |
1661 | Amends § 2.12.030, appointive offices and bonds (2.12) |
1662 | Amends § 3.32.030, sales and use tax (3.32) |
1663 | Rezone (Special) |
1663A | Rezone (Special) |
1664 | Adds § 2.64.015; amends § 2.64.010, planning commission (2.130) |
1665 | Amends § 4 of Ord. 1637 (Special) |
1666 | Amends § 4 of Ord. 1307 (Special) |
1667 | Salary adjustments for deputy clerk-finance director and executive secretary (Special) |
1668 | Repeals §§ 8.24.010, 8.24.020, 8.24.030, 8.24.040, 8.24.050, 8.24.060 and 8.24.070, nuisances (Repealer) |
1669 | Repeals Ch. 8.22 (Repealer) |
1670 | Repeals §§ 5.12.010, 5.12.020 and 5.12.030 (Repealer) |
1671 | Tax levy (Special) |
1672 | Adopts 1994 budget (Special) |
1673 | Amends 1993 budget (Special) |
1674 | Creation of street utility (Repealed by 2544) |
1675 | Amends §§ 2.24.010—2.24.080, city clerk; repeals § 2.24.090 and Ch. 2.40 (2.24) |
1676 | Amends § 17.16.030, general design principles (17.16) |
1677 | Salary schedule (Special) |
1678 | Amends § 13.12.010; renumbers § 13.12.080 to be § 13.12.070, domestic water rates; repeals §§ 13.12.010(C)—(F), 13.12.011, 13.12.012, 13.12.070 and 13.12.072 (13.10) |
1679 | Adds §§ 13.08.125 and 13.08.180; amends §§ 13.08.015, 13.08.030, 13.08.040, 13.08.050, 13.08.060, 13.08.090, 13.08.100, 13.08.110, 13.08.120 and 13.08.160; renumbers §§ 13.08.015 (D) to be 13.08.015(C), 13.08.100 to be 13.08.090 and 13.08.090 to be 13.08.100, domestic water connections; repeals §§ 13.08.015(C) and 13.08.170—13.08.310 (13.10) |
1680 | Disposal of forfeited firearms (2.52) |
1681 | Salary schedule for city administrator, clerk finance director and fire chief (Special) |
1682 | Amends § 2.08.020, city council compensation (2.08) |
1683 | Transfer of funds (Special) |
1684 | Appoints police lieutenant and adjusts salary (Special) |
1685 | Repeals Ord. 1587 (Not adopted) |
1686 | Authorizes and regulates use of city credit card for authorized travel expenses (Repealed by 2596) |
1687 | Adds new Ch. 8.40, intersection sight distance; repeals § 18.72.160 (8.40) |
1688 | Amends 1994 budget (Special) |
1689 | Local improvement district assessment liens (Special) |
1690 | Establishes consumer utility deposit fund #419 to succeed the water deposit fund #409; amends §§ 13.08.090, 13.08.100, 13.08.120 and 13.08.125, domestic water connections (13.10) |
1691 | Appoints public works director and sets salary (Repealed by 1697) |
1692 | Appoints utility billing clerk and sets salary (Special) |
1693 | Amends 1994 budget (Special) |
1694 | Repeals § 13.04.140 (Repealer) |
1695 | Adds § 17.12.045, final plat map (Repealed by 1910) |
1696 | Amends § 17.30.060, subdivision approval (Repealed by 1915) |
1697 | Repeals Ord. 1691 (Repealer) |
1698 | Salary adjustment for certain police sergeant (Special) |
1699 | Sets salary for certain probationary police officer (Special) |
1700 | Authorizes placement of stop signs (Not codified) |
1701 | (Tabled) |
1702 | Amends 1994 budget (Special) |
1703 | Appoints recreation director and sets salary (Special) |
1704 | Appoints recreation department employee and sets salary (Special) |
1705 | Appoints park department employee and sets salary (Special) |
1706 | Appoints public works director and sets salary (Special) |
1707 | Appoints swimming pool manager and sets salary (Special) |
1708 | Adds § 10.04.023, local traffic ordinance; repeals § 10.04.021 (Repealed by 2283) |
1709 | Appoints regular, part-time library technician and sets salary (Special) |
1710 | Cancels uncollectible utility accounts (Special) |
1711 | Amends § 2.04.005, council meetings (2.04) |
1712 | Gap Road improvement project (Special) |
1713 | Sets wages for Prosser Pool employees (Special) |
1714 | Amends §§ 10.16.030 and 10.16.080, abandoned vehicles (10.16) |
1715 | Reclassifies certain regular, part-time transit driver and sets salary (Special) |
1716 | Places certain temporary, part-time public works employee on salary schedule (Special) |
1717 | Adopts by reference §§ 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12 and 13 of Chapter 275, Laws of 1994 (Repealed by 3213) |
1718 | Places certain public works employee on the salary schedule (Special) |
1719 | Establishes criteria for inclusion of a consent agenda for the handling of routine and noncontroversial agenda items (2.04) |
1720 | Reclassifies certain reserve police officers to status of temporary, part-time (Special) |
1721 | Reclassifies certain employee as regular full-time (Special) |
1722 | Amends Ord. 1650, bond issue (Special) |
1723 | Salary adjustment (Special) |
1724 | Places certain police officer on the salary schedule (Special) |
1725 | Places certain animal control officer on the salary schedule (Special) |
1726 | Prosser transportation system rates; repeals Ord. 1310 (3.50) |
1727 | Amends § 18.82.130, zoning (Repealed by 1787) |
1728 | (Not passed) |
1729 | Street vacation (Special) |
1730 | Lot vacation (Special) |
1731 | Adds Ch. 9.90, restrictive water usage (Not codified) |
1732 | Amends §§ 12.20.030(D), 12.30.100, 12.30.140(C) and 12.30.140, highway access management (Not codified) |
1733 | Exemption from prohibitions of subsection (4) of Section 405 of Part IV of Chapter 7, as adopted by the state in the 1994 First Special Session (9.84) |
1734 | (Not passed) |
1735 | Amends § 13.12.013, domestic water rates (13.10) |
1736 | Rezone (Special) |
1737 | Amends § 13.12.010, domestic water rates (13.10) |
1738 | Amends § 9.90.030, restrictive water usage (Not codified) |
1739 | Amends § 18.94.010, zoning (Repealed by 1917) |
1740 | Amends § 13.08.125, irrigation water rates and regulations (13.10) |
1741 | Bond issuance (Special) |
1742 | Designation of clerk/finance director as official to declare official intent (2.24) |
1743 | Salary adjustment (Special) |
1744 | Places certain regular, part-time transit driver on the salary schedule (Special) |
1745 | Adds §§ 12.08.015, 12.08.025, 12.08.035, 12.08.050—12.08.080, amends §§ 12.08.010 and repeals §§ 12.08.020—12.08.040, excavations (12.08) |
1746 | Adds Ch. 13.02, irrigation water rates and regulations; repeals Ch. 13.04 (Repealed by 2642) |
1747 | Amends § 13 of Ord. 1674, street utility (Not codified) |
1748 | Promotion (Special) |
1749 | Tax levy (Special) |
1750 | Approves interfund loan and authorizes transfer of funds (Special) |
1751 | Amends Ch. 9.76, parental responsibility (Repealed by 1951) |
1752 | Adopts certain sections of the Washington State criminal statutes; repeals §§ 9.04.010, 9.08.010, 9.08.030—9.08.050, 9.12.010—9.12.060, 9.14.010, 9.14.020, 9.16.010—9.16.040, 9.20.010, 9.20.020, 9.24.010—9.24.050, 9.33.010, 9.33.020, 9.40.010, 9.40.020, 9.46.010, 9.46.020, 9.48.010—9.48.040, 9.48.041, 9.48.042, 9.48.050, 9.56.010—9.56.050 and 9.60.010 (Repealed by 2731) |
1753 | Provides for consolidation, elimination and changing the name of funds (Special) |
1754 | Amends 1994 budget (Special) |
1755 | Establishes and adopts monthly salary level or hourly rate of pay for bargaining unit and nonbargaining unit employees (Special) |
1756 | Adopts 1995 budget (Special) |
1757 | Adds Ch. 2.62, recreation department (Repealed by 3119) |
1758 | Adopts plan of additions and betterments of the waterworks utility (Special) |
1759 | Rezone (Special) |
1760 | Repeals Ch. 5.08 (Repealer) |
1761 | Amends § 17.40.030, subdivisions (Repealed by 1912) |
1762 | Amends § 17.12.070, subdivisions (Repealed by 1910) |
1763 | Places certain animal control officer on the salary schedule (Special) |
1764 | Places certain animal control officer on the salary schedule (Special) |
1765 | Amends § 8.08.670, garbage, § 13.08.090, domestic water connections and § 13.32.030, sewer charges (8.08, 13.10) |
1766 | Adds § 18.08.538 and amends §§ 18.44.030, 18.48.030, 18.52.060, 18.56.070, 18.58.045 and 18.60.021, zoning (Repealed by 1917) |
1767 | Amends §§ 10.04.340(D), 10.04.350(B), 10.04.360(B), 10.04.370(B) and 10.04.380(C); repeals § 10.04.390, traffic ordinance (Repealed by 2284) |
1768 | Places certain recreation employee on the salary schedule (Special) |
1769 | Places certain accounts payable clerk on the salary schedule (Special) |
1770 | Places certain police administrative assistant on the salary schedule (Special) |
1771 | Adds Ch. 8.11, recreation vehicle parks (8.11) |
1772 | Adds § 15.04.012, building codes (Repealed by 2483) |
1773 | Approves interfund loan (Special) |
1774 | Places certain recreation assistant on the salary schedule (Special) |
1775 | Amends § 17.40.170, subdivisions (Repealed by 1915) |
1776 | Bond issuance (Special) |
1777 | Places certain public works utility worker on the salary schedule (Special) |
1778 | Places swimming pool manager on the salary schedule (Special) |
1779 | Adds § 13.24.005 and amends § 13.24.030, sewer connections (13.10) |
1780 | Amends § 13.08.010 and repeals § 13.08.020, domestic water connections (13.10) |
1781 | (Not passed) |
1782 | Reclassification of employee to interim recreation director and sets salary (Special) |
1783 | Reclassification of employee to accounts payable clerk (Special) |
1784 | Salary adjustment (Special) |
1785 | (Not passed) |
1786 | Amends § 10.04.291, traffic ordinance (Repealed by 3213) |
1787 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 18.82, signs (Repealed by 1917) |
1788 | Places lifeguards on a salary schedule (Special) |
1789 | Places certain public works employees on the salary schedule (Special) |
1790 | Places recreation director on the salary schedule (Special) |
1791 | Places certain recreation employee on the salary schedule (Special) |
1792 | Amends § 10.04.265, traffic ordinance (Repealed by 3213) |
1793 | Places certain utility worker on the salary schedule (Special) |
1794 | Salary adjustment (Special) |
1796 | Amends zoning map (Special) |
1797 | Annexation (Special) |
1798 | Places probationary police officer on the salary schedule (Special) |
1799 | Places certain transit drivers on the salary schedule (Special) |
1800 | Amends § 6.16.220, dog controls (Repealed by 2516) |
1801 | Fee for returned checks (3.76) |
1802 | Salaries (Special) |
1803 | Salaries (Special) |
1804 | Adds §10.04.440, parking (Repealed by 2284) |
1805 | Salaries (Special) |
1806 | Salaries (Special) |
1807 | Salaries (Special) |
1808 | Amends 1995 budget (Special) |
1809 | Amends 1995 budget (Special) |
1810 | Amends 1995 budget (Special) |
1811 | Salaries (Special) |
1812 | Appropriations (Special) |
1813 | Repeals Ord. 1504 (Repealer) |
1814 | Adds § 10.04.298, school crosswalks (Repealed by 3213) |
1815 | Adds § 10.04.294, stop signs (Repealed by 3213) |
1816 | Salaries (Special) |
1817 | Salaries (Special) |
1818 | Salaries (Special) |
1819 | Adds § 10.04.299, audio sound systems (Repealed by 2728) |
1820 | Salaries (Special) |
1821 | Salaries (Special) |
1822 | Salaries (Special) |
1823 | Salaries (Special) |
1824 | Salaries (Special) |
1825 | Amends 1995 budget (Special) |
1826 | Adds § 3.51.040; renumbers Ch. 3.50 to be 3.51, Prosser transportation system (3.51) |
1827 | Salaries (Special) |
1828 | Ad valorem taxes for 1996 (Special) |
1829 | Amends Ord. 1674 §§ 4, 6 and 9, street utility (Not codified) |
1830 | Amends § 6.16.220, dog controls (Repealed by 2516) |
1831 | Adds Ch. 6.09, killing of animals (6.09) |
1832 | Adds Ch. 6.21, transporting animals (6.21) |
1833 | Amends § 18.12.210, zoning (Repealed by 1917) |
1834 | Amends § 13.32.010, sewer rates (13.10) |
1835 | Salaries (Special) |
1836 | Adopts 1996 budget (Special) |
1837 | Salaries (Special) |
1838 | Salaries (Special) |
1839 | Amends 1995 budget (Special) |
1840 | (Not adopted) |
1841 | Salaries (Special) |
1842 | Salaries (Special) |
1843 | Salaries (Special) |
1844 | Appropriation (Special) |
1845 | Cancels certain utility charges (Special) |
1846 | Adds § 13.12.090, water utility bill adjustment (13.10) |
1847 | Amends 1996 budget (Special) |
1848 | Amends 1996 budget (Special) |
1849 | Amends § 13.12.010, water rates (13.10) |
1850 | Amends §§ 12.08.025 and 12.08.050; repeals § 12.08.035, excavations (12.08) |
1851 | Appropriation (Special) |
1852 | Calls for special election to approve bond issue (Special) |
1853 | Transfer of funds (Special) |
1854 | Salaries (Special) |
1855 | Amends zoning map (Special) |
1856 | Annexation (Special) |
1857 | Salaries (Special) |
1858 | Bond issue (Special) |
1859 | Salaries (Special) |
1860 | Amends § 10.04.315, downtown business district (Repealed by 3213) |
1861 | Salaries (Special) |
1862 | Adds § 18.08.103 and amends §§ 18.24.030, 18.28.030, 18.32.030, 18.36.030, 18.40.030, 18.44.010, 18.48.010, 18.52.010, bed and breakfasts (Repealed by 1917) |
1863 | Salaries (Special) |
1864 | Places certain employee on salary schedule (Special) |
1865 | Salaries (Special) |
1866 | Repeals Ch. 5.16 (Repealer) |
1867 | Amends § 18.08.070, zoning (Repealed by 1917) |
1868 | Adds § 8.08.525, mandatory garbage service (8.08) |
1869 | Places certain employees on salary schedule (Special) |
1870 | Salaries (Special) |
1871 | Adds § 10.04.405, disabled persons parking; repeals §§ 10.04.400 and 10.04.410 (Repealed by 2403) |
1872 | Adds § 8.08.525, mandatory garbage service (8.08) |
1873 | Amends § 2.16.010, office hours (2.16) |
1874 | Adds Ch. 13.01, water system code (13.10) |
1875 | Amends §§ 13.08.090, 13.08.120 and 13.08.125, domestic water connections (13.10) |
1876 | Adds § 13.02.105 and amends §§ 13.02.080 and 13.02.100, irrigation water rates and regulations; repeals § 13.02.090 (Repealed by 2642) |
1877 | Amends § 13.02.100, irrigation water rates and regulations (Repealed by 2642) |
1878 | (Not passed) |
1879 | Amends 1996 budget (Special) |
1880 | Bond issuance (Special) |
1881 | Adds § 8.08.690, garbage (8.08) |
1882 | Amends § 8.08.525, mandatory garbage service (8.08) |
1883 | Places certain employee on salary schedule (Special) |
1884 | Places certain employee on salary schedule (Special) |
1885 | Places certain employee on salary schedule (Special) |
1886 | Adds § 12.32.085, city street utility (Repealed by 2544) |
1887 | Amends § 8.08.660, garbage (8.08) |
1888 | Adds § 15.05.025, buildings (Repealed by 2483) |
1889 | Transfer of funds (Special) |
1890 | Amends Ord. 1776, bond issuance (Special) |
1891 | Amends 1996 budget (Special) |
1892 | Ad valorem taxes for 1997 (Special) |
1893 | Annexation (Special) |
1894 | Amends Ch. 13.02, irrigation water rates and regulations (Repealed by 2642) |
1895 | Adopts policy on the use of city-owned and maintained right-of-ways and display lines (12.36) |
1896 | Amends 1996 budget (Special) |
1897 | Adopts 1997 budget (Special) |
1898 | Amends § 3.74.020(D), license fee and occupation tax (3.74) |
1899 | Establishes City Hall/police department remodel fund (Special) |
1900 | (Not passed) |
1901 | Swimming pool fees (Repealed by 2656) |
1902 | Establishes library fees (Repealed by 2880) |
1903 | Adopts comprehensive plan (Repealed by 2592) |
1904 | Salaries (Special) |
1905 | Salaries (Special) |
1906 | Cancels uncollectible utility accounts (Special) |
1907 | Approves interfund loan and transfer (Special) |
1908 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 17.04, subdivisions (17.04) |
1909 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 17.08, subdivisions (17.08) |
1910 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 17.12, subdivisions (17.12) |
1911 | Adds Ch. 17.14, final plats; repeals and replaces Ch. 17.28, subdivisions (17.14) |
1912 | Adds Ch. 17.15, short plats; repeals and replaces Ch. 17.40, subdivisions (17.40) |
1913 | Adds Ch. 17.28, plat vacation and alteration (17.28) |
1914 | Adds Ch. 17.30, binding site plans (17.30) |
1915 | Repeals Chs. 17.30, 17.32, 17.36, 17.38 and 17.39 (Repealer) |
1916 | Adds Title 19, administration of development regulations and Chs. 19.01, 19.02, 19.03, 19.04, 19.05, 19.06 and 19.07 (19.01, 19.02, 19.03, 19.04, 19.05, 19.06, 19.07) |
1917 | Repeals and replaces Title 18, zoning (18.03, 18.06, 18.08, 18.15, 18.18, 18.21, 18.24, 18.27, 18.30, 18.33, 18.37, 18.40, 18.43, 18.46, 18.49, 18.52, 18.55, 18.56, 18.58, 18.60, 18.63, 18.66, 18.69, 18.75, 18.78, 18.81, 18.87) |
1918 | Adopts official zoning map by reference (Special) |
1919 | Amends 1996 budget (Special) |
1920 | Adds Title 20, fees (Repealed by 2611) |
1921 | (Not passed) |
1922 | Places certain employee on salary matrix (Special) |
1923 | Places certain employee on salary matrix (Special) |
1924 | Adjusts certain employee’s salary (Special) |
1925 | Reclassifies certain employee and salary (Special) |
1926 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 5.04, business registration fees (Repealed by 2609) |
1927 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 5.18, itinerant merchant (Repealed by 3071) |
1928 | Repeals Chs. 5.16 and 5.17 (Repealer) |
1929 | Amends 1997 budget (Special) |
1930 | Amends 1997 budget (Special) |
1931 | Places certain employee on salary matrix (Special) |
1932 | Reclassifies certain employee and salary (Special) |
1933 | Places certain employee on salary matrix (Special) |
1934 | Bonds issuance (Special) |
1935 | Adds §§ 10.24.010 and 10.24.020; repeals §§ 10.24.010—10.24.040, streets designated (10.24) |
1936 | Places certain employee on salary matrix (Special) |
1937 | Adds § 10.04.460, parking (Repealed by 2284) |
1938 | Amends § 10.04.291, speed limits (Repealed by 3213) |
1939 | Adopts address map (Special) |
1940 | Places certain employee on the salary matrix (Special) |
1941 | Places certain employee on the salary matrix (Special) |
1942 | Places 1997 swimming pool employees on the salary matrix (Special) |
1943 | Adds § 13.08.035, domestic water connections (13.10) |
1944 | Street name change (Special) |
1945 | (Failed) |
1946 | Reclassifies certain employee (Special) |
1947 | Reclassifies certain employee (Special) |
1948 | Places certain employee on the salary matrix (Special) |
1949 | Amends § 17.04.060, zoning (17.04) |
1950 | Adds § 2.18.020, administration department (Repealed by 2511) |
1951 | Repeals Ch. 9.76 (Repealer) |
1952 | Adds §§ 13.08.005 and 13.08.155 and amends §§ 13.08.040, 13.08.100 and 13.08.150, domestic water connections (13.10) |
1953 | Amends § 13.12.013, domestic water rates (13.10) |
1954 | Amends § 13.12.010, domestic water rates (13.10) |
1955 | Adds § 13.12.015, domestic water rates (13.10) |
1956 | Adds § 6.16.155 and amends §§ 6.16.030, 6.16.070, 6.16.080 and 6.16.150, dog controls (Repealed by 2516) |
1957 | Adds Ch. 6.30, animals—miscellaneous provisions (6.30) |
1958 | Amends §§ 13.24.030 and 13.24.050, sewer connections (13.10) |
1959 | Reassigns certain employee (Special) |
1960 | Reassigns certain employee (Special) |
1961 | Adds § 10.04.480, traffic ordinance (Repealed by 2284) |
1962 | Adopts budget (Special) |
1963 | Ad valorem taxes (Special) |
1964 | Closes Fund No. 447 and transfers moneys to Fund No. 403 (Special) |
1965 | Approves and confirms assessments and assessment roll of LID No. 94-1 (Special) |
1966 | Amends § 13.12.010, domestic water rates (13.10) |
1967 | Amends § 13.32.010, sewer charges (13.10) |
1968 | Adds § 8.08.862, garbage (8.08) |
1969 | Repeals Ord. 3.36 (Repealer) |
1970 | Cancels certain payroll and claims warrants (Special) |
1971 | Places city employees on the 1998 salary matrix (Special) |
1972 | Sets 1998 salary level for city administrator (Special) |
1973 | Amends 1997 budget (Special) |
1974 | Reclassifies certain employee (Special) |
1975 | Cancels certain parking restriction on 7th Street (Special) |
1976 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 3.42, lodging excise tax (3.42) |
1977 | Amends § 13.02.010, irrigation water rates and regulations (Repealed by 2642) |
1978 | Adds § 10.04.025, traffic ordinance (Repealed by 3213) |
1979 | (Not passed) |
1980 | Places certain employee on the salary matrix (Special) |
1981 | Establishes Fund Nos. 451 and 452 (Special) |
1982 | Adds §§ 10.04.490 and 10.04.500, traffic ordinance (Repealed by 2284) |
1983 | Cancels certain uncollectible utility accounts (Special) |
1984 | Places certain employee on the salary matrix (Special) |
1985 | Amends 1998 budget (Special) |
1986 | Repeals § 6.16.040, dog license penalty (Repealer) |
1987 | Amends § 13.32.010, sewer charges (13.10) |
1988 | Amends § 13.12.010, domestic water rates (13.10) |
1989 | Bond issuance (Special) |
1990 | Reclassifies certain employee (Special) |
1991 | Places certain employee on the salary matrix (Special) |
1992 | Places certain employee on the salary matrix (Special) |
1993 | Reclassifies certain employee (Special) |
1994 | Places certain employee on the salary matrix (Special) |
1995 | Places certain employee on the salary matrix (Special) |
1996 | Places certain employee on the salary matrix (Special) |
1997 | Adds § 5.04.165, proof of business registration (Repealed by 2609) |
1998 | Adds Ch. 3.80 [3.82], park facilities (Repealed by 2295) |
1999 | Adds Ch. 3.34, use tax on natural gas (3.34) |
2000 | Rezone (Special) |
2001 | Places certain employee on salary matrix (Special) |
2002 | Places certain employee on salary matrix (Special) |
2003 | Places certain employee on salary matrix (Special) |
2004 | Places certain employee on salary matrix (Special) |
2005 | Adds § 10.04.341, traffic ordinance (Repealed by 2284) |
2006 | Places 1998 swimming pool employees on the salary matrix (Special) |
2007 | Bond issuance (Special) |
2008 | Reclassifies certain employees (Special) |
2009 | Places certain employees on the salary matrix (Special) |
2010 | Amends § 16.08.020, environmental code (16.08) |
2011 | Adds § 10.04.510, traffic ordinance (Repealed by 3213) |
2012 | Annexation (Special) |
2013 | Rezone (Special) |
2014 | Places certain employee on the salary matrix (Special) |
2015 | Reclassifies certain employee (Special) |
2016 | Adds § 10.24.030, changing name of street (10.24) |
2017 | Adds § 18.72.075, sandwich board, sidewalk signs (Repealed by 2971) |
2018 | Reclassifies certain employee (Special) |
2019 | Reclassifies certain employee (Special) |
2020 | Rezone (Special) |
2021 | Rezone (Special) |
2022 | Rezone (Special) |
2023 | Rezone (Special) |
2024 | Rezone (Special) |
2025 | Rezone (Special) |
2026 | Amends Ch. 10 of comprehensive plan (Repealed by 2592) |
2027 | Waterworks bond issuance (Special) |
2028 | Amends Ord. 1858, bond issuance (Special) |
2029 | Amends § 10.04.510, parking (Repealed by 3213) |
2030 | Interfund loan (Special) |
2031 | Places certain employee on salary matrix (Special) |
2032 | Places certain employee on salary matrix (Special) |
2033 | Annexation (Special) |
2034 | Rezone (Special) |
2035 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 15.08, uniform code for abatement of dangerous buildings (15.08) |
2036 | Reclassifies certain employee (Special) |
2037 | Amends 1998 budget (Special) |
2038 | Adds § 8.08.527, suspension of garbage service charge (8.08) |
2039 | Amends § 8.08.525, mandatory garbage service (8.08) |
2040 | Ad valorem taxes (Special) |
2041 | Adopts 1999 budget (Special) |
2042 | Cancels uncollectible utility accounts (Special) |
2043 | Amends § 13.02.010, irrigation water rates (Repealed by 2642) |
2044 | Amends § 13.12.010, water rates (13.10) |
2045 | Amends § 13.32.010, sewer rates (13.10) |
2046 | Places certain individual on salary matrix (Special) |
2047 | Reclassifies employment of certain individual (Special) |
2048 | Places certain individual on salary matrix (Special) |
2049 | Places certain employees on salary matrix (Special) |
2050 | Sets salary for city administrator (Special) |
2051 | Places certain individual on salary matrix (Special) |
2052 | Rezone (Special) |
2053 | Bond issuance (Special) |
2054 | Places certain individual on salary schedule (Special) |
2055 | Amends § 18.72.030, definitions (Repealed by 2971) |
2056 | Amends § 18.72.070, permitted signs (Repealed by 2971) |
2057 | Amends 1998 budget (Special) |
2058 | Amends § 10.04.405, disabled persons parking (Repealed by 2403) |
2059 | Reclassifies employment of certain individual (Special) |
2060 | Cancels certain utility charges (Special) |
2061 | Places certain individual on salary matrix (Special) |
2062 | Adds Ch. 8.09, transfer station (8.09) |
2063 | Amends § 13.32.010, sewer rates (13.10) |
2064 | Amends § 12.16.030, usage of sidewalks in CD zone by abutting business owners (12.16) |
2065 | Places certain individual on salary matrix (Special) |
2066 | Places certain individual on salary matrix (Special) |
2067 | Amends 1999 budget (Special) |
2068 | Amends 1999 budget (Special) |
2069 | Amends 1999 budget (Special) |
2070 | Places certain individual on salary schedule (Special) |
2071 | Places certain individual on salary schedule (Special) |
2072 | Bond issuance (Special) |
2073 | Places certain individual on salary schedule (Special) |
2074 | Reclassifies employment of certain individual (Special) |
2075 | Places certain employees on salary matrix (Special) |
2076 | Places certain individual on salary matrix (Special) |
2077 | Bond issuance and adoption of waterworks utility improvements (Special) |
2078 | Utility local improvement district for waterworks extensions (Special) |
2079 | Places certain individual on salary matrix (Special) |
2080 | Places certain individual on salary matrix (Special) |
2081 | Amends § 15.04.010, building codes (Repealed by 2483) |
2082 | Amends § 12.08.025, construction permit fees (Repealed by 2393) |
2083 | Amends § 12.28.010, house numbers (12.28) |
2084 | Amends 1999 budget (Special) |
2085 | Closes Fund No. 119 and transfers remaining moneys to Fund No. 001 (Special) |
2086 | Closes Fund No. 401 and transfers remaining moneys to Ben Franklin Transit Authority (Special) |
2087 | Establishes General Fund Reserve Fund, No. 151 (Special) |
2088 | Places certain individual on salary matrix (Special) |
2089 | Sets salary level for city administrator (Special) |
2090 | Places certain employees on salary matrix (Special) |
2091 | Places certain individual on salary matrix (Special) |
2092 | Annexation (Special) |
2093 | Zones certain annexed property as “PF” public facility (Special) |
2094 | Adds § 10.04.296, stop signs (Repealed by 3213) |
2095 | Adds § 10.04.282, speed bumps (Repealed by 3213) |
2096 | Adds § 10.04.297, stop signs (Repealed by 3213) |
2097 | Amends § 8.20.010, fireworks (8.20) |
2098 | Cancels certain payroll and claims warrants (Special) |
2099 | Places certain individual on salary matrix (Special) |
2100 | Places certain individual on salary matrix (Special) |
2101 | Cancels uncollectible utility accounts (Special) |
2102 | Adds Ch. 12.21, moving buildings; repeals Ch. 12.20 (12.21) |
2103 | Amends § 13.02.010, irrigation water rates and regulations (Repealed by 2642) |
2104 | Places certain individual on salary matrix (Special) |
2105 | Ad valorem taxes (Special) |
2106 | Amends § 20.07.030, mobile home fees (Repealed by 2611) |
2107 | Amends § 13.32.010, sewer charges (13.10) |
2108 | Amends § 13.08.010, domestic water connections (13.10) |
2109 | Adopts 2000 budget (Special) |
2110 | Amends 1999 budget (Special) |
2111 | Amends §§ 8.08.110, 8.08.460, 8.08.470, 8.08.525, 8.08.530, 8.08.560, 8.08.580, 8.08.630, 8.08.660 and 8.08.662; repeals §§ 8.08.600, 8.08.665 and 8.08.666, garbage (8.08) |
2112 | Amends § 8.08.660 by deleting subsection (I), garbage (8.08) |
2113 | Amends § 10.04.380, parking prohibition (Repealed by 2284) |
2114 | Adds § 10.04.390, parking restricted (Repealed by 2284) |
2115 | Amends § 13.24.030, sewer connections (13.10) |
2116 | Places certain employees on salary matrix (Special) |
2117 | Sets salary level for city administrator (Special) |
2118 | Amends § 10.04.392, parking restricted (Repealed by 2284) |
2119 | Reclasses employment of certain individual (Special) |
2120 | Reclasses employment of certain individual (Special) |
2121 | Places certain individual on salary schedule (Special) |
2122 | Authorizes execution of agreement with Washington State Community Economic Revitalization Board (Special) |
2123 | Reclasses employment of certain individual (Special) |
2124 | Reclasses employment of certain individual (Special) |
2125 | Reclasses employment of certain individual (Special) |
2126 | Amends § 13.24.030, sewer connections (13.10) |
2127 | Places certain individual on salary schedule (Special) |
2128 | Amends § 13.32.010, sewer rates (13.10) |
2129 | Adds § 13.28.041; repeals § 13.28.040, sewer system (13.10) |
2130 | Adopts § 13.12.014, tampering with hydrants (13.10) |
2131 | Places certain individual on salary schedule (Special) |
2132 | Places certain individual on salary schedule (Special) |
2133 | Places certain individual on salary schedule (Special) |
2134 | Adds § 10.04.355, parking (Repealed by 2284) |
2135 | Adds § 10.04.035, impounding vehicles (Repealed by 3213) |
2136 | Places certain individual on salary schedule (Special) |
2137 | Repeals § 10.04.420 (Repealer) |
2138 | Places certain individual on salary schedule (Special) |
2139 | Places certain individual on salary schedule (Special) |
2140 | Amends § 13.32.010, sewer (13.10) |
2141 | Adds § 9.46.035, using force against another (Repealed by 2382) |
2142 | Authorizes funds transfers (Special) |
2143 | Establishes interfund loan and transfers funds (Special) |
2144 | Places certain individual on salary schedule (Special) |
2145 | Places certain individual on salary schedule (Special) |
2146 | Closes Fund No. 122 (Special) |
2147 | Places certain individual on salary schedule (Special) |
2148 | Places certain individual on salary schedule (Special) |
2149 | Places the year 2000 swimming pool employees on salary schedule (Special) |
2150 | Places certain individual on salary schedule (Special) |
2151 | Amends 2000 budget (Special) |
2152 | Places certain individual on salary schedule (Special) |
2153 | Amends § 6.30.010, animal traps (6.30) |
2154 | Adds § 6.08.110; amends §§ 6.08.010, 6.08.030 and 6.08.070, animals (6.08) |
2155 | Reclasses certain individual on salary schedule (Special) |
2156 | Places certain individual on salary matrix (Special) |
2157 | Places certain individual on salary matrix (Special) |
2158 | Places certain individual on salary matrix (Special) |
2159 | Amends § 9.01.010, adopted certain state criminal statutes (Repealed by 2731) |
2160 | Adopts Ch. 12.05, sidewalk and curb construction and maintenance (12.05) |
2161 | Repeals Ch. 12.04 (Repealer) |
2162 | Amends § 18.60.220, manufactured homes (18.60) |
2163 | Establishes Wine Country Road Improvement Construction Fund, No. 307 (Special) |
2164 | Establishes East Prosser Industrial Park Water/Sewer Construction Fund, No. 308 (Special) |
2165 | Amends § 13.32.010, sewer rates (13.10) |
2166 | Amends 2000 budget (Special) |
2167 | Places certain individual on salary matrix (Special) |
2168 | Amends § 10.04.405, disabled persons parking (Repealed by 2403) |
2169 | Establishes WWTP Upgrade Construction Fund, No. 309 (Special) |
2170 | Adds § 10.04.295, stop signs (Repealed by 3213) |
2171 | Ad valorem taxes (Special) |
2172 | Places certain individual on salary matrix (Special) |
2173 | Amends § 13.12.010, water rates (13.10) |
2174 | Amends § 13.32.010, sewer rates (13.10) |
2175 | Amends § 13.02.010, irrigation water rates (Repealed by 2642) |
2176 | Amends § 13.08.010, domestic water connections (13.10) |
2177 | Amends § 13.24.030, sewer connections (13.10) |
2178 | (Not passed) |
2179 | Ad valorem taxes (Special) |
2180 | Irrigation water rates and regulations (Special) |
2181 | Sewer rates for elderly and low-income (Special) |
2182 | Sewer connections (Special) |
2183 | Domestic water connections (Special) |
2184 | Mobile home placement fees (Special) |
2185 | Accessory buildings fees (Special) |
2186 | Construction permit fees (Special) |
2187 | Adopts 2000 budget (Special) |
2188 | Garbage service fees (Special) |
2189 | Fees for moving buildings (Special) |
2190 | Adopts 2001 budget (Special) |
2191 | Adds § 8.08.661, temporary garbage service (8.08) |
2192 | Sets city administrator salary (Special) |
2193 | Places non-bargaining unit employees on salary matrix (Special) |
2194 | Places certain individual on salary matrix (Special) |
2195 | Sidewalk usage (Not passed) |
2196 | Reclasses employment of certain individual (Special) |
2197 | Amends 2000 budget (Special) |
2198 | Amends zoning map (Special) |
2199 | Annexation (Special) |
2200 | Amends zoning map (Special) |
2201 | Annexation (Repealed by 2204) |
2202 | Amends zoning map (Special) |
2203 | Amends 2000 budget (Special) |
2204 | Annexation; repeals Ord. 2201 (Special) |
2205 | Amends 2001 budget (Special) |
2206 | Amends § 2.16.010, office hours (2.16) |
2207 | Transfer of funds (Special) |
2208 | Places certain individual on salary schedule (Special) |
2209 | Amends § 6.16.020, dog licensing (Repealed by 2516) |
2210 | Amends §§ 18.15.010, 18.15.020 and 18.15.030, zoning (18.15) |
2211 | Amends § 18.18.040, zoning (18.18) |
2212 | Amends § 18.21.040, zoning (18.21) |
2213 | Amends §§ 18.24.040 and 18.24.050, zoning (18.24) |
2214 | Amends §§ 18.27.020 and 18.27.040, zoning (18.27) |
2215 | Amends §§ 18.30.020, 18.30.030 and 18.30.040, zoning (18.30) |
2216 | Amends §§ 18.33.030 and 18.33.040, zoning (18.33) |
2217 | Amends §§ 18.37.020 and 18.37.030, zoning (18.37) |
2218 | Amends §§ 18.40.020 and 18.40.030, zoning (18.40) |
2219 | Amends §§ 18.43.020 and 18.43.030, zoning (18.43) |
2220 | Amends §§ 18.46.020 and 18.46.030, zoning (18.46) |
2221 | Amends §§ 18.49.020, 18.49.030 and 18.49.040, zoning (18.49) |
2222 | Amends §§ 18.52.020, 18.52.030 and 18.52.040, zoning (18.52) |
2223 | Amends § 18.63.030, off-street parking (18.63) |
2224 | Amends § 18.06.010, zoning definitions (18.06) |
2225 | Closes Fund No. 226 (Special) |
2226 | Amends § 15.05.030, building permit applications (Repealed by 2483) |
2227 | Amends 2001 budget (Special) |
2228 | Amends 2001 budget (Special) |
2229 | Amends comprehensive plan (Repealed by 2592) |
2230 | Amends zoning map (Special) |
2231 | Amends zoning map (Special) |
2232 | Amends zoning map (Special) |
2233 | Adds § 13.32.150, sewer utility bills (13.10) |
2234 | Amends 2001 budget (Special) |
2235 | Amends 2001 budget (Special) |
2236 | Places certain individual on salary schedule (Special) |
2237 | Places certain individual on salary schedule (Special) |
2238 | Places certain individual on salary matrix (Special) |
2239 | Adds Ch. 9.91, restrictive water usage (9.91) |
2240 | Adds Ch. 9.92, restrictive irrigation water usage (9.92) |
2241 | Annexation (Special) |
2242 | Annexation (Special) |
2243 | Amends zoning map (Special) |
2244 | Cancels payroll and claims warrants (Special) |
2245 | Amends 2001 budget (Special) |
2246 | Places certain individual on salary matrix (Special) |
2247 | Places swimming pool employees on salary matrix (Special) |
2248 | Annexation (Special) |
2249 | Amends zoning map (Special) |
2250 | Amends zoning map (Special) |
2251 | Amends zoning map (Special) |
2252 | Amends zoning map (Special) |
2253 | Adds § 10.04.515, parking (Repealed by 3213) |
2254 | Amends §§ 3.02.020, 3.02.030 and 3.02.040, advance travel expense revolving fund (Repealed by 3240) |
2255 | Places certain individual on salary schedule (Special) |
2256 | Amends § 10.04.405, parking (Repealed by 2403) |
2257 | Places certain individual on salary matrix (Special) |
2258 | Amends 2001 budget (Special) |
2259 | Places certain individual on salary schedule (Special) |
2260 | Amends 2001 budget (Special) |
2261 | Amends zoning map (Special) |
2262 | Amends zoning map (Special) |
2263 | Amends zoning map (Special) |
2264 | Amends zoning map (Special) |
2265 | Amends zoning map (Special) |
2266 | Amends zoning map (Special) |
2267 | Amends zoning map (Special) |
2268 | Amends zoning map (Special) |
2269 | Salaries (Special) |
2270 | Amends § 10.04.298, school crosswalks (Repealed by 3213) |
2271 | Adds § 10.04.525, parking (Repealed by 3213) |
2272 | Amends § 10.04.294, stop signs (Repealed by 3213) |
2273 | Amends zoning map (Special) |
2274 | Amends zoning map (Special) |
2275 | Amends zoning map (Special) |
2276 | Amends zoning map (Special) |
2277 | Amends zoning map (Special) |
2278 | Adds §§ 6.16.105, 6.16.115 and 6.16.125; amends §§ 6.16.010, 6.16.050, 6.16.090, 6.16.100, 6.16.110, 6.16.130, 6.16.140, 6.16.150, 6.16.155, 6.16.170, 6.16.180, 6.16.190, 6.16.200 and 6.16.220; repeals § 6.16.120, dogs (Repealed by 2516) |
2279 | Appoints agent to receive claims for damages (Repealed by 2459) |
2280 | Rezone (Special) |
2281 | Rezone (Special) |
2282 | Rezone (Special) |
2283 | Adds §§ 10.04.020, 10.04.030, 10.04.021; repeals Ords. 944 Art IX § 1, 965 § 1, 1082 § 1, 1123 § 1, 1131 § 1, 1182 § 1, 1213 § 1, and 1708 § 1, traffic (Repealed by 3213) |
2284 | Adds §§ 10.04.520, 10.04.530 and 10.04.700; re-enacts and amends §§ 10.04.320 through 10.04.392, 10.04.440 through 10.04.510, and 10.04.525; repeals Ords. 944 Art. IV §§ 1, 2; 977 §§ 1, 2, 3; 1022 §§ 1 – 4; 1024 §§ 1, 2; 1081 § 2; 1119 §§ 1, 2; 1767 §§ 1 – 5; 1804 § 1; 1937 § 1; 1961 § 1; 1982 § 1; 2005 § 1; 2113 § 1; 2114 § 1; 2118 § 1; 2134 §§ 1, 2, traffic (Repealed by 3213) |
2285 | Repeals Art XI § 1 of Ord. 944 (Repealed by 3213) |
2286 | Amends §§ 5.04.080 and 5.04.170, business registration fees (Repealed by 2609) |
2287 | Authorizes use of interest bearing warrants to provide interim financing (Special) |
2288 | 2002 tax levy (Special) |
2289 | Amends § 6.16.080, dog controls (Repealed by 2516) |
2290 | Amends § 2.16.010, city office hours (2.16) |
2291 | Establishes North Prosser business park infrastructure construction fund (Special) |
2292 | Closes Fund No. 225 (Special) |
2293 | Amends § 13.32.010, sewer charges (13.10) |
2294 | Adopts 2002 budget (Special) |
2295 | Amends § 10.04.025; repeals § 1 of Ord. 1998, traffic (Repealed by 3213) |
2296 | Annexation (Special) |
2297 | Annexation (Special) |
2298 | Authorizes use of interest bearing warrants to provide interim financing (Special) |
2299 | Amends § 13.12.010, domestic water rates (13.10) |
2300 | Amends zoning map (Special) |
2301 | Amends zoning map (Special) |
2302 | Amends §§ 5.28.010 and 5.28.020, yard sales (5.28) |
2303 | Amends 2001 budget (Special) |
2304 | Amends § 13.02.010, irrigation water rates and regulations (Repealed by 2642) |
2305 | Adds Ch. 13.14, cross-connections (13.14) |
2306 | Cancels uncollectible utility accounts (Special) |
2307 | Cancels uncollectible library fines (Special) |
2308 | Repeals § 13.08.180, domestic water connections (Repealer) |
2309 | Amends 2001 budget (Special) |
2310 | Adds Ch. 13.34, sewage disposal pretreatment regulations (13.34) |
2311 | Adopts new zoning map (Special) |
2312 | Places certain individual on salary matrix (Special) |
2313 | Amends § 13.12.013, bulk water rates (13.10) |
2314 | Rezone (Special) |
2315 | Closes Fund No. 304 (Special) |
2316 | Amends 2002 budget (Special) |
2317 | Amends zoning map (Special) |
2318 | Places certain individual on salary matrix (Special) |
2319 | Adds Ch. 9.90, jail booking fee (9.90) |
2320 | Amends § 10.04.025, traffic (Repealed by 3213) |
2321 | Adopts 2002 salary matrix and places nonbargaining unit employees on salary matrix (Special) |
2322 | Sets 2002 salary level for city administrator (Special) |
2323 | |
2324 | Amends § 18.43.030, zoning (18.43) |
2325 | Amends § 18.21.040, zoning (18.21) |
2326 | Amends § 18.33.040, zoning (18.33) |
2327 | Adds § 10.04.515 [10.04.518], parking (Repealed by 3213) |
2328 | Amends 2002 budget (Special) |
2329 | Reclassifies employment of certain individual (Special) |
2330 | Places certain individual on salary matrix (Special) |
2331 | Places certain individual on salary matrix (Special) |
2332 | Amends § 10.04.295, stop signs (Repealed by 3213) |
2333 | Reclassifies employment of certain individual (Special) |
2334 | Approves and confirms assessments for utility LID No. 99-1 (Special) |
2335 | Amends 2002 budget (Special) |
2336 | Places swimming pool assistant managers on salary matrix (Special) |
2337 | Places swimming pool employees on salary matrix (Special) |
2338 | Repeals Ch. 8.10, mobile home parks, and Ords. 1068, 1623 § 1, and 1632 § 1 (Repealer) |
2339 | Amends § 18.60.220, zoning (18.60) |
2340 | Places certain individual on salary matrix (Special) |
2341 | Places certain individual on salary matrix (Special) |
2342 | Amends § 5.04.175, business registration fees (Repealed by 2609) |
2343 | Amends § 12.21.010, moving buildings (12.21) |
2344 | Appoints public works receptionist and sets salary (Special) |
2345 | Creates the Prosser public facilities district (Not codified) |
2346 | Grants charter to the Prosser public facilities district (Not codified) |
2347 | Places certain individual on salary matrix (Special) |
2348 | Establishes infrastructure development reserve fund (Special) |
2349 | Amends § 10.04.555, parking (Repealed by 3213) |
2350 | Amends § 10.04.292, traffic (Repealed by 3213) |
2351 | Amends § 8.20.010, fireworks (8.20) |
2352 | Amends 2002 budget (Special) |
2353 | Amends § 10.04.295, stop signs (Repealed by 3213) |
2354 | Water and sewer revenue bonds issuance (Special) |
2355 | Rezone (Special) |
2356 | Amends § 10.04.295, stop signs (Repealed by 3213) |
2357 | 2003 tax levy (Special) |
2358 | Amends § 10.04.291, traffic (Repealed by 3213) |
2359 | Amends § 13.02.010, irrigation water rates and regulations (Repealed by 2642) |
2360 | Amends comprehensive plan (Repealed by 2592) |
2361 | Amends § 13.12.010, domestic water rates (13.10) |
2362 | Amends § 13.32.010, sewer charges (13.10) |
2363 | Amends § 13.12.013, bulk water rates (13.10) |
2364 | Property condemnation and acquisition (Special) |
2364-1 | Adopts 2003 budget (Special) |
2365 | Amends 2002 budget (Special) |
2366 | Places certain individual on salary matrix (Special) |
2367 | Adds Ch. 3.84, polygraph testing (Repealed by 3247) |
2368 | Amends § 3.78.010, fee for use of city swimming pool (Repealed by 2656) |
2369 | Amends §§ 6.16.030 and 6.16.150, dog controls (Repealed by 2516) |
2370 | Places certain individual on salary matrix (Special) |
2371 | Places certain individual on salary matrix (Special) |
2372 | Places certain individual on salary matrix (Special) |
2373 | Places certain individual on salary matrix (Special) |
2374 | Places certain individual on salary matrix (Special) |
2375 | Sets 2003 salary level for city administrator (Special) |
2376 | Adopts 2003 salary matrix and places nonbargaining unit employees on salary matrix (Special) |
2377 | Amends § 10.04.295, stop signs (Repealed by 3213) |
2378 | Adds Ch. 2.90, fire services; repeals Ch. 2.28, fire chief-building inspector, and Ords. 896 § 1 and 999 § 1 (Repealed by 3030) |
2379 | Creates position of public works foreman (Special) |
2380 | Reclassifies employment of certain individual (Special) |
2381 | Reclassifies employment of certain individual (Special) |
2382 | Adds §§ 9.01.030, 9.01.040, 9.01.110, 9.01.900, 9.01.910, 9.01.990; amends Ords. 663 §§ 1 and 2, 748 §§ 1 and 2, 764 §§ 1 and 2, 917 § 2(c), 1126 § 2, 1133 § 2, 1285 § 1, 1752 §§ 1 and 2, 2159 § 1; recodifies §§ 9.52.010 as 9.01.040 [9.01.045], 9.52.020 as 9.01.050, 9.80.010 and 9.80.020 as 9.01.060, 9.84.020 as 9.01.070, 9.84.030 as 9.01.080, 9.84.040 as 9.01.090, and 9.88.010 as 9.01.100; repeals Ords. 14 §§ 6, 8, 9 and 10, 149 §§ 1 and 2, 420 § 2, 789 § 2, 825 § 1, 851 §§ 1, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 and 3, 852 §§ 1 and 2, 888 §§ 1 and 2, 894 §§ 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, 917 § 2(c), 1171 §§ 1 and 2, 1211 §§ 1, 2, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 and 3.4, 1222 § 1, 1225 § 1, 1227 §§ 1, 2 and 3, 1247 § 1, 1287 §§ 1 and 2, 1294 §§ 1 and 2, 1301 §§ 1 and 2, 1350 §§ 1 and 2, 1467 § 1, 2141 § 1, and §§ 9.01.010, 9.01.020, 9.02.010, 9.02.020, 9.08.020, 9.09.010, 9.09.020, 9.09.030, 9.09.040, 9.09.050, 9.09.060, 9.10.010, 9.15.010, 9.15.020, 9.26.010, 9.26.020, 9.32.010, 9.32.020, 9.36.010, 9.36.020, 9.36.030, 9.36.040, 9.36.050, 9.42.010, 9.42.020, 9.42.030, 9.44.010, 9.44.020, 9.44.030, 9.44.040, 9.44.050, 9.44.060, 9.46.010, 9.46.020, 9.46.030, 9.46.035, 9.46.040, 9.50.010, 9.50.020, 9.64.010, 9.64.020, 9.64.030, 9.64.040, 9.64.050, 9.68.010, 9.68.020, 9.72.010, 9.72.020, 9.72.030, criminal statutes (9.01) |
2383 | Places certain individual on salary matrix (Special) |
2384 | Amends 2003 budget (Special) |
2385 | Boundary line revision (Special) |
2386 | Street vacation (Special) |
2387 | Places certain individual on salary matrix (Special) |
2388 | Closes fund No. 308 and transfers monies to fund No. 232 (Special) |
2389 | Amends 2003 budget (Special) |
2390 | Establishes North Prosser business park infrastructure phase 2 construction fund (Special) |
2391 | Amends § 10.04.405, disabled persons parking (Repealed by 2403) |
2392 | Amends §§ 3.74.010 and 3.74.020, license fee and occupation tax (3.74) |
2393 | Adds § 12.08.030; repeals § 12.08.025 and Ords. 2082 § 1, 1850 § 2, 1745 § 4, excavations (12.08) |
2394 | Places certain individual on salary matrix (Special) |
2395 | Places certain individual on salary matrix (Special) |
2396 | Places certain individual on salary matrix (Special) |
2397 | Places certain individual on salary matrix (Special) |
2398 | Places certain individual on salary matrix (Special) |
2399 | Places certain individuals on salary matrix (Special) |
2400 | Adds § 10.04.298A, marked crosswalks (Repealed by 3213) |
2401 | Amends § 10.04.370, parking (Repealed by 3213) |
2402 | Eliminates certain angled parking spaces (Repealed by 3213) |
2403 | Repeals and replaces § 10.04.405, disabled persons parking; repeals Ord. 2391 (Repealed by 3213) |
2404 | Amends § 13.32.010, sewer charges (13.10) |
2405 | Places 2003 swimming pool employees on the salary matrix (Special) |
2406 | Establishes narcotics dog operations fund (fund No. 145) (Special) |
2407 | Adds § 10.04.518, parking (Repealed by 3213) |
2408 | Adds Ch. 3.82, park facilities (Repealed by 2867) |
2409 | Amends Ord. 2295 to repeal § 1 of Ord. 1978 instead of § 1 of Ord. 1998 (Repealer) |
2410 | Amends § 1.04.010, definitions (1.04) |
2411 | Places certain individual on salary matrix (Special) |
2412 | Places certain individual on salary matrix (Special) |
2413 | Places certain individual on salary matrix (Special) |
2414 | Places certain individual on salary matrix (Special) |
2415 | Places certain individual on salary matrix (Special) |
2416 | Amends § 10.04.295, stop signs (Repealed by 3213) |
2417 | Adds Chs. 16.10, 16.20, 16.30, 16.40, 16.50, 16.60, Appendices A, B, C, D, E and F, and Exhibit 1, critical areas; repeals Chs. 16.12 and 18.84 and Ord. 1651 §§ 1 – 6 (16.10, 16.20, 16.30, 16.40, 16.50, 16.60, Appendices A – F) |
2418 | Appoints certain individual to city office (Special) |
2419 | Establishes skatepark construction fund (Special) |
2420 | Street vacation (Special) |
2421 | Reclassifies employment of certain individual (Special) |
2422 | Adds §§ 5.04.005 and 5.04.900; amends §§ 5.04.010, 5.04.030, 5.04.040, 5.04.050, 5.04.090 and 5.04.110; repeals § 5.04.020, business registration fees (Repealed by 2609) |
2423 | Renames portion of Wamba Road to Merlot Drive (Special) |
2424 | Renames portion of Nunn Road to South Nunn Road (Special) |
2425 | Amends § 18.63.040, parking stall requirements (18.63) |
2426 | Closes Fund No. 312 (Special) |
2427 | Closes Fund No. 309 and transfers remaining moneys to Sewer Facilities Reserve Fund (Special) |
2428 | Ad valorem taxes for 2004 (Special) |
2429 | Places nonbargaining unit employees on salary matrix (Special) |
2430 | (Dropped) |
2431 | Amends § 13.12.010, water rates (13.10) |
2432 | Amends § 13.32.010, sewer rates (13.10) |
2433 | Reclassifies employment of certain individual (Special) |
2434 | Cancels uncollectible utility accounts (Repealed by 2436) |
2435 | Adopts 2004 budget (Special) |
2436 | Repeals Ord. 2434, uncollectible utility accounts (Repealer) |
2437 | Street vacation (Special) |
2438 | Amends §§ 13.02.010 and 13.02.020, irrigation water rates (Repealed by 2642) |
2439 | Cancels uncollectible utility accounts (Special) |
2440 | Amends 2003 budget (Special) |
2441 | Street vacation (Special) |
2442 | Dissolves public facilities district and revokes charter (Special) |
2443 | Establishes Fund No. 153, public facilities district resources reserve fund and amends 2003 budget (Special) |
2444 | Reclassifies employment of certain individual (Special) |
2445 | Amends 2003 budget (Special) |
2446 | Reclassifies employment of certain individual (Special) |
2447 | Amends § 10.04.295, stop signs (Repealed by 3213) |
2448 | (Void) |
2449 | Amends § 18.81.030, board of adjustment (2.130) |
2450 | Amends § 10.04.025, emergency response caused by person’s intoxication (Repealed by 3213) |
2451 | Amends comprehensive plan (Repealed by 2592) |
2452 | Amends § 10.04.295, stop signs (Repealed by 3213) |
2453 | Places certain individual on salary matrix (Special) |
2454 | Places certain individual on salary matrix (Special) |
2455 | (Not passed) |
2456 | (Tabled) |
2457 | Rezone (Special) |
2458 | Places certain individual on salary matrix (Special) |
2459 | Appoints agent to receive claims for damages and repeals Ord. 2279 (2.24) |
2460 | (Void) |
2461 | Places certain individual on salary matrix (Special) |
2462 | (Not passed) |
2463 | Allows mayor to hire interim city administrator (Expired) |
2464 | Approves contract for interim city administrator (Special) |
2465 | Allows mayor to hire interim city clerk/finance director (Expired) |
2466 | Approves contract for interim city clerk/finance director (Special) |
2467 | Amends 2004 budget (Special) |
2468 | Places certain individuals on salary matrix (Repealed by 2479) |
2469 | Places 2004 swimming pool employees on salary matrix (Special) |
2470 | Rezone (Special) |
2471 | Rezone (Special) |
2472 | Rezone (Special) |
2473 | Rezone (Special) |
2474 | Adds Title 21 and Ch. 21.04, city park regulations (Repealed by 11-2726) |
2475 | Places certain individual on salary matrix (Special) |
2476 | Places certain individual on salary matrix (Special) |
2477 | Interfund loan, fund transfer (Special) |
2478 | Interfund loan, fund transfer (Special) |
2479 | Repeals Ord. 2468 and places certain individuals on salary matrix (Repealer) |
2480 | Street vacation (Special) |
2481 | Rezone (Special) |
2482 | Amends 2004 budget (Special) |
2483 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 15.04, building codes; repeals Chs. 15.05 and 15.06 and Ords. 927 § 2, 1026, 1256, 1309, 1352, 1366, 1421, 1441, 1474, 1498, 1634, 1772, 1888, 2081 and 2226 (15.04) |
2484 | Dissolves public facilities district and revokes charter (Special) |
2485 | Adds Ch. 2.05, finance and budget committee (2.05) |
2486 | (Not passed) |
2487 | (Not passed) |
2488 | Amends § 12.16.030, objects obstructing pedestrian use of sidewalks (12.16) |
2489 | Adopts competitive bidding policy (Repealed by 2893) |
2490 | Appointment and salary of acting police chief (Special) |
2491 | Appointment and salary of finance director (Repealed by 2495) |
2492 | Appointment and salaries of temporary police officers (Special) |
2493 | Amends 2004 budget (Special) |
2494 | Amends 2004 budget (Special) |
2495 | Repeals Ord. 2491, appointment and salary of finance director (Repealer) |
2496 | Appointment and salary of temporary office clerk (Special) |
2497 | Amends Ord. 2463 § 4, interim city administrator (Special) |
2498 | Street vacation (Special) |
2499 | Amends 2004 budget; repeals Ords. 2467 and 2482 (Special) |
2500 | Adopts 2005 budget (Special) |
2501 | Ad valorem taxes for 2005 (Special) |
2502 | Amends § 10.04.292, one-way traffic (Repealed by 3213) |
2503 | Rezone (Special) |
2504 | Adds § 3.74.900; amends § 3.74.030, license fee and occupation tax (3.74) |
2505 | Gas franchise grant (Repealed by 2690) |
2506 | Creates detective sergeant position (Special) |
2507 | Bond issuance (Special) |
2508 | Amends Ch. 2.05, budget and finance committee (2.05) |
2509 | Amends Ch. 5.24, vehicles for hire (5.24) |
2510 | City administrator salary (Special) |
2511 | Adds Ch. 2.01; recodifies §§ 2.24.090, 2.52.080, 2.52.090 and 2.62.030; repeals Chs. 2.18, 2.20, 2.24 except § 2.24.090, 2.32, 2.52 except §§ 2.52.080 and 2.52.090, 2.56, 2.62 except § 2.62.030 and Ords. 5, 459, 468, § 201 of Ord. 609, Ords. 652, 833, 904, 945, 1107, 1394, 1544, 1563, 1607, 1611, 1615, 1648, 1656, 1757 except portion codified as § 2.62.030, and 1950, administration and personnel (2.01, 2.40, 2.52) |
2512 | Rezone (Special) |
2513 | Repeals Ch. 6.18, dangerous animals (Repealer) |
2514 | Adds Ch. 6.45, prevention of cruelty to animals (6.45) |
2515 | Adds Ch. 6.40, dangerous dogs (6.40) |
2516 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 6.16, dog controls (Repealed by 2548) |
2517 | Amends § 3.74.020, license fee and occupation tax (3.74) |
2518 | 2006 tax levy (Special) |
2519 | Amends Ord. 2518, 2006 tax levy (Special) |
2520 | 2006 tax levy (Special) |
2521 | Amends Ord. 2477, interfund loan, fund transfer (Special) |
2522 | Amends Ord. 2087, general fund reserve fund (Special) |
2523 | Interfund loan (Special) |
2524 | Interfund loans (Special) |
2525 | Adds § 6.16.035, dog controls (Repealed by 3106) |
2526 | Amends § 5.04.070, business registration fees (Repealed by 2609) |
2527 | Amends salaries for COLA adjustment (Special) |
2528 | Subdivision vacation (Special) |
2529 | Adds Ch. 10.05, engine brakes (10.05) |
2530 | Amends § 10.04.500, parking (Repealed by 3213) |
2531 | Adds §§ 2.01.020 and 2.01.900, city clerk/finance director (2.01) |
2532 | Amends § 2.12.010, bonds (2.12) |
2533 | Amends § 2.01.010, appointive offices (2.01) |
2534 | Amends Ord. 2478, interfund loan (Special) |
2535 | Funds transfer (Special) |
2536 | Funds transfer (Special) |
2537 | Amends non-union position salaries (Special) |
2538 | Adopts 2006 budget (Special) |
2539 | Adds § 2.08.900; amends §§ 2.08.010 and 2.08.030, mayor (2.08) |
2540 | Amends § 2.16.010, office hours (2.16) |
2541 | Amends 2006 budget (Special) |
2542 | Repeals Ch. 6.19, pit bulls (Repealer) |
2543 | Repeals Ch. 6.20, animals—applicability of provisions (Repealer) |
2544 | Adds § 12.32.010; repeals Ords. 1674 and 1886, city street utility (12.32) |
2545 | Adds §§ 3.54.015 and 3.54.900, real estate excise tax (3.54) |
2546 | Amends § 3.78.010, swimming pool fees (Repealed by 2656) |
2547 | Adds Ch. 6.50, civil infractions, authority and procedures (6.50) |
2548 | Adds Ch. 6.16, dog controls; repeals Ord. 2516 (6.16) |
2549 | Adds § 6.08.990; amends §§ 6.08.010, 6.08.020, 6.08.030, 6.08.040 and 6.08.110; repeals §§ 6.04.030, 6.08.050, 6.08.060, 6.08.070, 6.08.080 and 6.08.100, livestock (6.08) |
2550 | Adds Ch. 1.30, public records (1.30) |
2551 | Adds Ch. 12.50, reimbursement agreements for street improvements (12.50) |
2552 | Adds Ch. 13.50, reimbursement agreements for utility improvements (13.50) |
2553 | Amends § 13.08.015, water main extensions (13.10) |
2554 | Adds §§ 20.09.030, 20.09.040 and 20.09.050, fees for reimbursement agreements (Repealed by 2626) |
2555 | Street vacation (Special) |
2556 | 2007 tax levy (Special) |
2557 | 2007 tax levy (Special) |
2558 | Amends Ord. 2523, interfund loan (Special) |
2559 | Street vacation (Special) |
2560 | Revises corporate boundary (Not codified) |
2561 | Amends § 5.04.070, business registration fees (Repealed by 2609) |
2562 | Amends § 5.04.050, business registration (Repealed by 2609) |
2563 | Amends § 5.18.030, itinerant merchants (Repealed by 3071) |
2564 | Establishes general fund capital reserve for the purchase of nonproprietary owned vehicles (Special) |
2565 | Increases salaries (Special) |
2566 | Adopts 2007 budget (Special) |
2567 | Amends 2006 budget (Special) |
2568 | Interfund loan, fund transfer (Special) |
2569 | Amends § 2.01.020, city clerk/finance director (2.01) |
2570 | Rezone (Special) |
2571 | Adds § 10.04.560, parking (Repealed by 3213) |
2572 | Interfund loan, fund transfer (Special) |
2573 | Rezone (Special) |
2574 | Rezone (Special) |
2575 | Rezone (Special) |
2576 | Rezone (Special) |
2577 | Rezone (Special) |
2578 | Rezone (Special) |
2579 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 2.68, judge and municipal department of district court (2.68) |
2580 | Increases salaries (Special) |
2581 | 2008 tax levy (Special) |
2582 | 2008 tax levy (Special) |
2583 | Street vacation (Special) |
2584 | Payment of claims and obligations (3.58) |
2585 | Amends § 2.01.020, city clerk/finance director (2.01) |
2586 | Annexation (Special) |
2587 | Annexation zoning (Special) |
2588 | Interfund loan (Special) |
2589 | Interfund loan (Special) |
2590 | Amends 2007 budget (Special) |
2591 | Adopts 2008 budget (Special) |
2592 | Adopts comprehensive plan; repeals Ords. 1903, 2026, 2229, 2360 and 2451 (Repealed by 2675) |
2593 | Approves salary payment for city administrator (Special) |
2594 | Petty cash fund; repeals Res. 00-1102 (Repealed by 2877) |
2595 | Gift acceptance (Special) |
2596 | Adds Ch. 2.95; repeals Ord. 1686, credit card policy (2.95) |
2597 | Rezone (Special) |
2598 | Rezone (Special) |
2599 | Rezone (Special) |
2600 | Amends scrivener’s error in Ord. 2596 (Special) |
2601 | Rezone (Special) |
2602 | Adds Ch. 1.40, code enforcement (1.40) |
2603 | Adds Ch. 15.10, property maintenance code (15.10) |
2604 | Amends § 13.12.010, water rates (13.10) |
2605 | Amends § 2.12.010, city officials (2.12) |
2606 | Adds §§ 2.01.020, 2.01.030, 2.01.040, 2.01.050, 2.01.060, 2.01.070, 2.01.080, 2.01.090, 2.01.100 and 2.01.990; amends § 2.01.010, city officers (2.01) |
2607 | Gift acceptance (Special) |
2608 | Amends § 2.16.010, city office hours (2.16) |
2609 | Repeals Ords. 1926, 1997, 2286, 2342, 2422, 2526, 2561, 2562; and replaces Ch. 5.04, business registration regulations and fees (Repealed by 3070) |
2610 | Adds Ch. 3.01, investment policy (3.01) |
2611 | Repeals Chs. 20.01, 20.03, 20.05 and 20.07, §§ 20.09.010 and 20.09.020, and Ords. 1920 and 2106; repeals and replaces Ch. 20.10, fees (20.10) |
2612 | Establishes fee schedule for planning services (Special) |
2613 | Adds § 12.21.900; amends § 12.21.030, fees for moving buildings (12.21) |
2614 | Amends §§ 15.04.080 and 15.04.090, building codes and permits (15.04) |
2615 | Adds § 16.08.900; repeals § 15 of Ord. 1288 and Ord. 1600; replaces § 16.08.150, environmental code fees (16.08) |
2616 | Adds § 17.12.900; amends §§ 17.12.010 and 17.12.020, preliminary plats (17.12) |
2617 | Adds § 17.14.900; amends §§ 17.14.010, 17.14.090 and 17.14.150, final plats (17.14) |
2618 | Adds § 17.15.900; amends §§ 17.15.040, 17.15.130 and 17.15.150, short plats (17.15) |
2619 | Adds §§ 17.28.900 and 17.28.090; amends § 17.28.050, plat vacation and alteration (17.28) |
2620 | Adds § 17.30.900; amends § 17.30.060, binding site plans (17.30) |
2621 | Adds § 18.72.900; amends §§ 18.72.040 and 18.72.075, signs (Repealed by 2971) |
2622 | Adds § 18.81.900; amends § 18.81.190, zoning administration and enforcement (18.81) |
2623 | Adds § 19.06.900; amends § 19.06.040, project permit applications (19.06) |
2624 | Adds § 19.02.900; amends §§ 19.02.020 and 19.02.030, project permit applications (19.02) |
2625 | Adds § 18.33.900; amends § 18.33.040, residential, mobile home park district (18.33) |
2626 | Repeals Ord. 2554 (Repealer) |
2627 | Amends Ch. 21.04, noise regulations in city parks (Repealed by 11-2726) |
2628 | Adds Ch. 18.16, agri-tourism district (18.16) |
2629 | Establishes temporary position of interim recreation research and program development manager (Special) |
2630 | Amends Ch. 21.04, noise regulations in city parks (Repealed by 11-2726) |
2631 | 2009 tax levy (Special) |
2632 | 2009 tax levy (Special) |
2633 | Adds Ch. 9.10, emergency powers (9.10) |
2634 | Amends Ord. 2489, competitive bidding policy (Repealed by 2893) |
2635 | Repeals Ch. 3.24, admissions tax (Repealer) |
2636 | Amends 2008 budget (Special) |
2637 | Amends § 13.12.010, water rates (13.10) |
2638 | Adds Ch. 13.03; repeals Ch. 13.02, irrigation rates (Vetoed) |
2639 | Amends § 13.32.010, sewer rates (13.10) |
2640 | Increases salaries (Special) |
2641 | Amends 2008 budget (Special) |
2642 | Adds Ch. 13.03; repeals Ch. 13.02, irrigation water rates and regulations (13.03) |
2643 | Amends § 3.74.020, license fee and occupation tax (3.74) |
2644 | Amends Ord. 2589, interfund loan (Special) |
2645 | Amends Ord. 2588, interfund loan (Special) |
2646 | Adopts 2009 budget (Special) |
2647 | Amends Ord. 1586, CATV franchise (Special) |
2648 | Amends 2008 budget (Special) |
2649 | Authorizes donation acceptance (Special) |
2650 | Adds Ch. 3.90, transportation benefit district (3.90) |
2651 | Rezone (Special) |
2652 | Rezone (Special) |
2653 | Restructures staff positions and salaries (Special) |
2654 | Adds Ch. 15.05, board of appeals (15.05) |
2655 | Amends § 3.04.020, arterial street fund (3.04) |
2656 | Adds Ch. 20.20; repeals Ch. 3.78, recreation department fees and charges (20.20) |
2657 | Amends § 6.50.010, animal control (6.50) |
2658 | Expenditures from police investigative fund (Special) |
2659 | Amends §§ 18.06.010 and 18.60.240, bed and breakfast uses (18.06, 18.60) |
2660 | Adds § 2.62.990; amends § 2.62.010, recreational advisory board (Repealed by 3119) |
2661 | Rescinds and replaces personnel policy manual (Repealed by 2936) |
2662 | Adds §§ 2.08.040, 2.08.050, 2.08.060 and 2.08.070; amends § 2.08.900, mayor and council compensation (2.08) |
2663 | Approves development agreement (Special) |
2664 | Approves railroad crossing cost sharing agreement (Special) |
2665 | Increases salaries (Special) |
2666 | (Number not used) |
2667 | (Failed) |
2668 | Amends § 2.40.010, claims for damages (2.40) |
2669 | Appoints swimming pool manager and sets salary (Special) |
2670 | Amends Ch. 2.68, municipal court (2.68) |
2671 | Adds Ch. 9.80, police dogs (9.80) |
2672 | Amends § 12.16.030, obstructing sidewalks (12.16) |
2673 | Repeals §§ 12.16.010 and 12.16.020, obstruction of streets and sidewalks (Repealer) |
2674 | Establishes Fund No. 103, transportation benefit district fund (Special) |
2675 | Adopts comprehensive plan; repeals Ord. 2592 (Special) |
2676 | Increases salaries (Special) |
2677 | Restructures a staff position and salary (Special) |
2678 | 2010 tax levy (Special) |
2679 | 2010 tax levy (Special) |
2680 | Amends § 13.32.010, sewer rates (13.10) |
2681 | Amends §§ 13.03.020, 13.03.030 and 13.03.100, irrigation rates (13.03) |
2682 | Street vacation (Special) |
2683 | Adopts 2010 budget (Special) |
2684 | Amends Ords. 1586 and 2647, CATV franchise (Repealed by 2691) |
2685 | Extends utility bill due date (Special) |
2686 | Public safety volunteer leave policy (Repealed by 2936) |
2687 | Rezone (Special) |
2688 | Amends Ord. 2406, K9 dog fund (Special) |
2689 | Amends §§ 20.20.030 and 20.20.050, parks and recreation fees (20.20) |
2690 | Gas franchise; repeals Ord. 2505 (Special) |
2691 | Cable franchise; repeals Ords. 1586, 2647 § 1 and 2684 (Special) |
2692 | Adds Ch. 15.30, rental licenses (15.30) |
2693 | Amends § 5.04.050, business registration exemptions (Repealed by 3070) |
2694 | Extends utility bill due date (Special) |
2695 | Annexation (Special) |
2696 | Rezone (Special) |
2697 | Adds § 2.01.015, deputy city administrator (2.01) |
2698 | Rezone (Special) |
2699 | Property condemnation and acquisition (Special) |
2700 | 2011 tax levy (Special) |
2701 | 2011 tax levy (Vetoed) |
2702 | 2011 tax levy (Special) |
2703 | Increases salaries (Special) |
2704 | Amends § 13.12.010, water rates (13.10) |
2705 | Adopts public participation plan (Special) |
2706 | Amends §§ 13.03.020 and 13.03.030, irrigation rates (13.03) |
2707 | Adopts 2011 budget (Special) |
2708 | Amends § 2.16.010, office hours (2.16) |
2709 | Amends Ord. 2705, public participation plan (Special) |
2710 | Bond issuance (Special) |
2711 | Adds Ch. 10.30, traffic controller (Repealed by 3213) |
2712 | Amends § 13.12.010, water rates (13.10) |
2713 | Village Park water system replacement; establishes Local Improvement District No. 10-23 and provides for bond issuance (Special) |
2714 | Approves plat alteration of Empire Subdivision (Special) |
2715 | Amends 2011 budget (Special) |
2716 | Adds §§ 2.52.030 and 2.52.990, reserve officers’ pension plan (2.52) |
2717 | Amends 2011 budget (Special) |
2718 | Amends comprehensive plan (Special) |
2719 | Amends §§ 3.74.010 and 3.74.020, license fee and occupation tax (3.74) |
2720 | Amends 2011 budget (Special) |
2721 | Rezone (Special) |
2722 | Electricity and telecommunications franchise (Special) |
2723 | Electricity and telecommunications franchise (Special) |
2724 | Amends § 5.04.050, business registration exemptions (Repealed by 3070) |
2725 | Amends § 5.18.030, itinerant merchant registration exemptions (Repealed by 3071) |
2726 | Repeals Ch. 21.04 and Ords. 2474, 2627 and 2630, noise (Repealer) |
2727 | Repeals § 9.01.040, noises prohibited (Repealer) |
2728 | Repeals § 10.04.299, operation of audio sound systems (Repealer) |
2729 | Adds Ch. 8.50, noise control (8.50) |
2730 | Bond issuance (Special) |
2731 | Adopts criminal code, state statutes; repeals §§ 9.01.010, 9.01.020, 9.01.900 and 9.01.910 (9.00, 9.02, 9.03) |
2732 | Approves final plat for Vintners Village phase II (Special) |
2733 | Adopts parks and recreation plan (Special) |
2734 | Annexation (Special) |
2735 | Zones annexation property (Special) |
2736 | Adds § 20.20.035, costs of goods sold at Aquatic Center (20.20) |
2737 | Adds Ch. 5.30, special event permits (5.30) |
2738 | Adds § 10.04.299, operation of audio sound systems (Expired) |
2739 | Adds section to Ch. 10.04, traffic ordinance (Repealed by 3213) |
2740 | Adds Ch. 9.15, emergency management (9.15) |
2741 | Adds § 10.04.570, parking (Repealed by 3213) |
2742 | Amends 2011 budget (Special) |
2743 | Establishes special event permit fee (Special) |
2744 | Public works board construction loan contract (Special) |
2745 | Increases salaries (Special) |
2746 | 2012 tax levy (Special) |
2747 | 2012 tax levy (Special) |
2748 | Amends § 13.12.010, meter rental or readiness-to- serve charge schedule (13.10) |
2749 | Adopts 2012 budget (Special) |
2750 | Amends § 13.32.010, schedule of sewer rates (13.10) |
2751 | Adopts 2012 budget (Special) |
2752 | Recodifies all ordinances codified in Chs. 13.01, 13.08, 13.12, 13.16, 13.20, 13.24, 13.28, 13.30 and 13.32 to Ch. 13.10, procedures and rules for city services (13.10) |
2753 | Amends §§ 13.03.020 and 13.03.030, irrigation rate increase (13.03) |
2754 | Amends 2011 budget (Special) |
2755 | Amends the fee schedule and establishes utility services fees (Special) |
2756 | Amends § 15.30.020, rental license required (15.30) |
2757 | Amends 2011 budget (Special) |
2758 | Adds §§ 3.42.055 and 3.42.990, lodging tax advisory committee; repeals Res. 1048 (2.130, 3.42) |
2759 | Adds § 2.64.060, planning commission meeting date (2.130) |
2760 | Adds § 18.81.040, board of adjustment meeting date (2.130) |
2761 | Amends Ch. 18.72, signs (18.72) |
2762 | Adds Ch. 18.07, single-family and manufactured homes design standards (18.07) |
2763 | Amends § 18.09.010, districts established (18.09) |
2764 | Adds Ch. 18.57, “SSR” (steep slope residential) district (18.57) |
2765 | Adds Ch. 18.59, clustering in “SSR” (steep slope residential) district (18.59) |
2766 | Adds Ch. 18.35, “UR” (urban residential) district (18.35) |
2767 | Adds § 18.18.990; amends §§ 18.18.010, 18.18.020, 18.18.030 and 18.18.040, “RR” (residential rural) district (18.18) |
2768 | Adds § 18.21.990; amends §§ 18.21.020, 18.21.030 and 18.21.040, “RL” (residential, low density) district (18.21) |
2769 | Adds § 18.27.990; amends §§ 18.27.020, 18.27.030 and 18.27.040, “RM” (residential, medium density) district (18.27) |
2770 | Adds § 18.24.990; amends §§ 18.24.010, 18.24.020 and 18.24.040; repeals § 18.24.050, “RMS” (residential, manufactured home subdivision) (18.24) |
2771 | Adds § 18.30.990; amends § 18.30.040, “RH” (residential, high density) district (18.30) |
2772 | Adds § 18.60.260, public or private utilities (18.60) |
2773 | Adds Ch. 2.110, civil service commission (2.110) |
2774 | Sister cities program (Repealed by 3120) |
2775 | Amends § 5.30.050, minimum requirements for special event permit (5.30) |
2776 | Amends § 15.30.020, rental license required (15.30) |
2777 | Telecommunications franchise (Special) |
2778 | Telecommunications franchise (Special) |
2779 | Accepts gift of real property (Special) |
2780 | Adds Ch. 21.01, city park hours (21.01) |
2781 | Amends § 8.08.560, solid waste collector’s performance bond (8.08) |
2782 | Adds § 20.20.055, aquatic center free days (20.20) |
2783 | Rezone (Special) |
2784 | Annexation zoning (Special) |
2785 | Adds §§ 15.30.045 and 15.30.080; amends §§ 15.30.020, 15.30.050 and 15.30.070, rental housing (15.30) |
2786 | Amends 2012 budget (Special) |
2787 | Accepts donation (Special) |
2788 | Amends § 2.01.050, finance director (2.01) |
2789 | Amends §§ 13.10.150, 13.10.160 and 13.10.190, city services (13.10) |
2790 | Amends § 2.01.060, police chief (2.01) |
2791 | Amends § 13.10.380, water rates (13.10) |
2792 | Amends Ord. 2755, utility services fees (Special) |
2793 | Amends § 13.10.420, sewer rates (13.10) |
2794 | Amends §§ 13.03.020 and 13.03.030, irrigation rates (13.03) |
2795 | Annexation (Special) |
2796 | 2013 tax levy (Special) |
2797 | 2013 tax levy (Special) |
2798 | Amends § 2.08.010, mayor’s salary (2.08) |
2799 | Amends § 2.01.060, police chief (2.01) |
2800 | Amends Ord. 2730, bond issuance (Special) |
2801 | Adds § 2.01.020 (effective October 1, 2015); amends § 2.01.010; repeals §§ 2.01.020 and 2.01.090, appointive offices (2.01) |
2802 | Increases salaries (Special) |
2803 | Interfund loan (Special) |
2804 | Confirms and levies assessments on Local Improvement District No. 10-23 (Special) |
2805 | Adopts 2013 budget (Special) |
2806 | Rezone (Special) |
2807 | Adds § 3.74.105; amends §§ 3.74.010 and 3.74.020; repeals and replaces § 3.74.100; repeals § 3.74.110, license fee and occupation tax (3.74) |
2808 | Adds §§ 8.08.035 and 8.08.255; amends §§ 8.08.525, 8.08.660, 8.08.662 and 8.08.670, garbage (8.08) |
2809 | Garbage rates (Not codified) |
2810 | Tourism promotion area (3.94) |
2811 | Gift acceptance (Special) |
2812 | Closes Fund No. 230, Gap Road fund (Special) |
2813 | Closes Fund No. 305, City Hall/police department remodel fund (Special) |
2814 | Closes Fund No. 307, Wine Country Road fund (Special) |
2815 | Closes Fund No. 310, North Prosser Business Park infrastructure construction fund (Special) |
2816 | Closes Fund No. 313, Prosser skatepark construction fund (Special) |
2817 | Amends personnel policy manual (Repealed by 2936) |
2818 | Amends § 18.66.010, nonconforming uses, buildings or structures (18.66) |
2819 | Amends § 9.01.110; repeals §§ 9.01.045, 9.01.050, 9.01.080 and 9.01.090, criminal code (9.01) |
2820 | Amends § 9.10.020, emergency powers (9.10) |
2821 | Rezone (Special) |
2822 | Amends § 18.75.060, home occupations (18.75) |
2823 | Establishes IT support analyst position (Special) |
2824 | Amends Ord. 2594 §§ 1 and 2, petty cash fund (Repealed by 2877) |
2825 | Amends § 3.01.070, investment policy (3.01) |
2826 | Adds § 2.04.060, city council acceptance of gifts (2.04) |
2827 | Adds § 10.04.580, Gap Road parking prohibited (Repealed by 3213) |
2828 | Reduces assessments on Local Improvement District No. 10-23 (Special) |
2829 | Adds § 9.01.120, prohibition of entry upon or in public facilities (9.01) |
2830 | Adopts public participation plan (Special) |
2831 | Amends § 13.10.380, water rates (13.10) |
2832 | Local Improvement District No. 10-23 bond issuance (Special) |
2833 | Amends Ord. 2612, fee schedule for planning services (Special) |
2834 | Adds § 17.16.060, clusters of locked mailboxes (17.16) |
2835 | Ratification and funding of local agency agreement (Special) |
2836 | Amends § 3.54.010, real estate excise tax (3.54) |
2837 | Establishes Fund No. 133, public safety program enhancement fund (Special) |
2838 | Closes Fund No. 141, public works equipment reserve fund (Special) |
2839 | Closes Fund No. 150, water debt payoff reserve fund (Special) |
2840 | Closes Fund No. 227, 1993 general obligation bond flexline – fire fund (Special) |
2841 | Closes Fund No. 228, 1994 general obligation bond flexline – fire fund (Special) |
2842 | Closes Fund No. 231, 1999 LTGO bond public works equipment fund (Special) |
2843 | Closes Fund No. 232, ULID 99-1 East Prosser industrial park fund (Special) |
2844 | Closes Fund No. 612, IRS Section 125 fund (Special) |
2845 | Closes Fund No. 631, claims fund; Fund No. 632, payroll fund; Fund No. 633, fiscal agency clearing fund; Fund No. 634, investment control fund; Fund No. 635, petty cash fund; Fund No. 636, advance travel expense fund; Fund No. 637, PFD liquidation fund (Special) |
2846 | Amends 2013 budget (Special) |
2847 | Amends § 2.08.020, council compensation (2.08) |
2848 | Establishes Fund No. 420, water supply improvements fund; amends 2013 budget (Special) |
2849 | Amends Ord. 2730, bond issuance (Special) |
2850 | Increases salaries (Special) |
2851 | 2014 tax levy (Special) |
2852 | 2014 tax levy (Special) |
2853 | Amends § 13.10.380, water rates (13.10) |
2854 | Amends the fee schedule and establishes utility services fees (Special) |
2855 | Amends § 13.10.420, sewer rates (13.10) |
2856 | Garbage rates (Not codified) |
2857 | Interim moratorium on medical cannabis dispensaries and collective gardens (Special) |
2858 | Garbage rates (Not codified) |
2859 | Adopts 2014 budget (Special) |
2860 | Amends Ord. 2832, Local Improvement District No. 10-23 bond issuance (Special) |
2861 | Closes Fund No. 125, contingency fund (Special) |
2862 | Closes Fund No. 311, Well 4B construction fund (Special) |
2863 | Amends § 10.04.380, parking prohibitions (Repealed by 3213) |
2864 | Amends § 13.10.420, schedule of sewer rates (13.10) |
2865 | Amends §§ 5.04.005, 5.04.010, 5.04.070, 5.04.080, 5.04.090 and 5.04.100, business licenses (Repealed by 3070) |
2866 | Parks reserve fund (3.98) |
2867 | Adds § 21.02.010; repeals Ch. 3.82 and Ord. 2408, use of parks by community groups, athletic teams or private parties (21.02) |
2868 | Park rental fees (Repealed by 3059) |
2869 | Repeals Ch. 3.72 and Ord. 1554, parks and recreation capital fund (Repealer) |
2870 | Repeals Ch. 2.80 and Ords. 1383 and 1560, hiring and employment policy (Repealer) |
2871 | Amends 2014 budget (Special) |
2872 | Amends personnel policy manual (Special) |
2873 | Amends § 10.04.525, parking prohibitions (Repealed by 3213) |
2874 | Regional fire protection service authority planning committee compensation (Special) |
2875 | Amends § 13.10.420, schedule of sewer rates (13.10) |
2876 | Adds Ch. 10.60, wheeled all-terrain vehicles (10.60) |
2877 | Petty cash fund; repeals Ords. 2594 and 2824 (3.18) |
2878 | Amends §§ 2.95.010, 2.95.020, 2.95.030, 2.95.050, 2.95.060 and 2.95.070, credit card policy (2.95) |
2879 | Repeals Ch. 2.48, library department (Repealer) |
2880 | Repeals Ch. 3.80, library fees (Repealer) |
2881 | Amends Ord. 933, library memorial fund (Special) |
2882 | Amends § 10.60.050, wheeled all-terrain vehicles (10.60) |
2883 | Amends 2014 budget (Special) |
2884 | Adds Ch. 5.05, nomadic vendors (5.05) |
2885 | Adds § 18.60.270, nomadic vendors (18.60) |
2886 | Moratorium on medical cannabis dispensaries and collective gardens (Repealed by 2909) |
2887 | Adopts public participation plan for amending zoning ordinance regarding medical cannabis (Special) |
2888 | Amends § 15.30.010, rental licenses (15.30) |
2889 | Rezone (Special) |
2890 | Closes Fund No. 442 and Fund No. 443; amends 2014 budget (Special) |
2891 | Amends 2014 budget (Special) |
2892 | Amends § 2.16.010, city office hours (2.16) |
2893 | Competitive bidding policy; repeals Ords. 2489 and 2634 (3.62) |
2894 | Amends §§ 13.10.170, 13.10.370 and 13.10.410, procedures and rules for city services (13.10) |
2895 | Amends Ord. 2755, utility services fees (Special) |
2896 | Adds [amends] Ch. 16.04, shoreline management (16.04) |
2897 | Amends §§ 16.10.120(A), 16.10.130, 16.20.010(A) and (B), 16.20.040, 16.20.050 and 16.60.040, critical areas (16.10, 16.20, 16.60) |
2898 | Amends comprehensive plan (Special) |
2899 | Amends Ord. 2730, bond issuance (Special) |
2900 | Adds Ch. 9.20, false alarms (9.20) |
2901 | Amends Ords. 1298 and 1471; repeals Ord. 1485, annexation (Special) |
2902 | Moratorium on marijuana production, processing and retail sales (Repealed by 2909) |
2903 | Approves grant agreement (Special) |
2904 | Sidewalk ramp improvements project; amends 2014 budget (Special) |
2905 | Highway improvement project; amends 2014 budget (Special) |
2906 | Creates small projects fund; amends 2014 budget (Special) |
2907 | Amends 2014 budget (Special) |
2908 | Rezone (Special) |
2909 | Adds Ch. 18.90; repeals Ords. 2886 and 2902, recreational marijuana and medical cannabis regulations (18.90) |
2910 | Amends § 2.68.010; repeals § 2.68.020, municipal court (2.68) |
2911 | Amends 2014 budget (Special) |
2912 | 2015 tax levy (Special) |
2913 | 2015 tax levy (Special) |
2914 | Increases salaries of non-union employees (Special) |
2915 | Amends § 13.10.420, sewer rates (13.10) |
2916 | Amends § 13.10.380, water rates (13.10) |
2917 | Amends fee schedule to increase bulk water rate (Special) |
2918 | Amends § 8.08.660, garbage rates (8.08) |
2919 | Adopts 2015 budget (Special) |
2920 | Amends Ord. 2856, garbage rates (Not codified) |
2921 | Amends 2015 budget (Special) |
2922 | Acquisition of property (Special) |
2923 | Establishes forfeiture and seizures fund (Special) |
2924 | Water revenue bond issuance (Special) |
2925 | Adds §§ 18.75.090, 18.75.990 and 19.01.990; amends §§ 18.81.030, 19.01.040 and 19.03.010, administration of zoning and development regulations (2.130, 18.75, 19.01, 19.03) |
2926 | Amends 2015 budget (Special) |
2927 | Approves interagency agreement (Special) |
2928 | Closes Fund No. 606 (Special) |
2929 | Amends 2015 budget (Special) |
2930 | Amends §§ 15.30.020, 15.30.040, 15.30.050 and 15.30.060, rental licenses (15.30) |
2931 | Amends § 5.30.050, special event permits (5.30) |
2932 | Administrative and departmental policies and procedures—public rules and regulations (2.115) |
2933 | Amends 2015 budget (Special) |
2934 | Amends 2015 budget (Special) |
2935 | Bond issuance (Repealed by 2942) |
2936 | Personnel policy manual; repeals Ords. 2661, 2686 and 2817 (Special) |
2937 | Amends 2015 budget (Special) |
2938 | Establishes Fund No. 306; amends 2015 budget (Special) |
2939 | Amends §§ 16.04.24 [16.04.240], 16.04.34 [16.04.340], 16.04.35 [16.04.350], 16.04.41 [16.04.410], 16.04.42 [16.04.420], 16.04.43 [16.04.430], 16.04.65 [16.04.650], 16.04.66 [16.04.660] and 16.04.76 [16.04.760], shoreline management (16.04) |
2940 | Amends §§ 16.20.010(A) and (B), 16.20.040, 16.20.050, 16.40.020 and 16.40.030; repeals § 16.40.010, critical areas (16.20, 16.40) |
2941 | Rezone (Special) |
2942 | Bond issuance; repeals Ord. 2935 (Special) |
2943 | Establishes Fund No. 307; amends 2015 budget, city park restroom improvements (Special) |
2944 | Approves grant agreement; establishes Fund No. 151; amends 2015 budget (Special) |
2945 | Adopts Benton County indigent defense standards (2.120) |
2946 | Petty change funds in general and police investigative funds (3.18) |
2947 | Recreation and conservation office project agreement (Special) |
2948 | Amends § 6.16.105, barking animals (6.16) |
2949 | Establishes Fund Nos. 456, 457, 458 and 459; amends 2015 budget (Special) |
2950 | 2016 tax levy (Special) |
2951 | 2016 tax levy (Special) |
2952 | Increases salaries of non-union employees (Special) |
2953 | Establishes Fund No. 153; amends 2015 budget (Special) |
2954 | Amends § 13.10.380, water rates (13.10) |
2955 | Amends fee schedule to increase bulk water rate (Special) |
2956 | Amends § 13.10.420, sewer rates (13.10) |
2957 | Amends §§ 13.03.020 and 13.03.030, irrigation rates (13.03) |
2958 | Adopts 2016 budget (Special) |
2959 | Revises corporate boundary (Not codified) |
2960 | Amends 2016 budget (Special) |
2961 | Amends Ord. 2953, tobacco prevention and control grant (Special) |
2962 | Adds § 3.52.040 [2.52.040], reserve officers’ compensation (2.52) |
2963 | Interlocal agreement with Washington State Department of Social and Health Services (Special) |
2964 | Amends Ch. 2.05, budget and finance committee (2.05) |
2965 | Authorizes safety policy; repeals Res. 01-1124 (Special) |
2966 | Amends personnel policy manual (Special) |
2967 | Adds Ch. 18.08, commercial development design standards (18.08) |
2968 | Amends 2016 budget (Special) |
2969 | Amends capital agreement adopted by Ord. 2848 (Special) |
2970 | Telecommunications franchise (Special) |
2971 | Amends §§ 18.72.020, 18.72.030, 18.72.040, 18.72.050, 18.72.060, 18.72.070, 18.72.080, 18.72.090, 18.72.100, 18.72.110, 18.72.140, 18.72.160; repeals § 18.72.120, § 1 of Ord. 1917 and Ords. 2017, 2055, 2056 and 2621, signs (18.72) |
2972 | Moratorium on applications for marijuana cooperatives and retail sale of marijuana (Repealed by 3007) |
2973 | Amends § 3.94.030, tourism promotion area assessment (3.94) |
2974 | Amends Ord. 2936, personnel policy manual (Special) |
2975 | Complete streets policy (12.04) |
2976 | Amends § 3.42.055, lodging tax advisory committee (2.130) |
2977 | Amends 2016 budget (Special) |
2978 | Amends § 6.16.105, barking animals (6.16) |
2979 | Amends 2016 budget (Special) |
2980 | 2017 tax levy (Special) |
2981 | 2017 tax levy (Special) |
2982 | Increases salaries of non-union employees (Special) |
2983 | Amends Ord. 2810 § 5, tourism promotion area (3.94) |
2984 | Amends § 13.10.380, water rates (13.10) |
2985 | Amends § 13.10.420, sewer rates (13.10) |
2986 | Amends Ord. 2920, garbage rates (Not codified) |
2987 | Amends §§ 13.03.020 and 13.03.030, irrigation rates (13.03) |
2988 | Amends fee schedule to increase bulk water rates (Special) |
2989 | Adopts 2017 budget (Special) |
2990 | Amends Ch. 2.05, budget and finance committee (2.05) |
2991 | Amends Ord. 2986, garbage rates (Not codified) |
2992 | Amends Ord. 2936, personnel policy manual (Special) |
2993 | Amends § 2.16.010, city office hours (2.16) |
2994 | Amends §§ 13.10.180 and 13.10.420, water and sewer service and rates (13.10) |
2995 | Annexation and annexation zoning (Special) |
2996 | Annexation and annexation zoning (Special) |
2997 | Amends § 15.30.020, rental licenses (15.30) |
2998 | Amends §§ 6.40.016 and 6.40.020, licensing of dangerous and potentially dangerous dogs (6.40) |
2999 | Amends § 6.16.080, kennel licensing (6.16) |
3000 | Moratorium on marijuana cooperatives, retail sale of medical or recreational marijuana or retail sale of cannabis-infused products (Special) |
3001 | Authorizes agreement with Community Economic Revitalization Board for aid in financing industrial wastewater facility and infrastructure (Special) |
3002 | Amends fee schedule (Special) |
3003 | Amends § 5.28.020, yard sales (5.28) |
3004 | Amends § 6.30.010, animal traps (6.30) |
3005 | Amends § 21.02.010, park use by families and groups (21.02) |
3006 | Amends § 20.20.030, recreation department fees and charges (20.20) |
3007 | Amends §§ 18.90.010, 18.90.020, 18.90.030, 18.90.040 and 18.90.050; repeals Ord. 2972, recreational marijuana and medical cannabis regulations (18.90) |
3008 | Establishes Fund Nos. 112 and 471; amends 2017 budget (Special) |
3009 | Petty change funds in general and police investigative funds (3.18) |
3010 | Wastewater treatment facility bond (Repealed by 3027) |
3011 | Amends § 10.04.025, recovery of costs for emergency response caused by intoxication (Repealed by 3213) |
3012 | Adds § 1.30.050; amends §§ 1.30.010, 1.30.030, 1.30.040 and 1.30.070, public records (1.30) |
3013 | Establishes fees for copying documents (Repealed by 3016, 3047, 3065, 3080) |
3014 | Approves grant agreement (Special) |
3015 | Approves grant agreement (Special) |
3016 | Replaces fees adopted by Ords. 2988 and 3003; repeals Ord. 3013 (Not codified) |
3017 | Amends § 13.10.380, water rates (13.10) |
3018 | Amends § 13.10.420, sewer rates (13.10) |
3019 | Amends §§ 13.03.020, 13.03.030 and 13.03.050, irrigation rates (13.03) |
3020 | Amends §§ 8.08.660 and 8.08.661, garbage service rates (8.08) |
3021 | Amends §§ 9.20.020 and 9.20.040, false alarm fees and alarm registration (9.20) |
3022 | Amends § 13.14.120, cross connection fees (13.14) |
3023 | Amends § 2.52.010, police service fees (2.52) |
3024 | Amends 2017 budget (Special) |
3025 | Amends Ord. 3010, wastewater treatment facility bond (Repealed by 3027) |
3026 | Interlocal agreement with Department of Health and Social Services for grant funding administration (Special) |
3027 | Adopts wastewater treatment facility plan; repeals Ords. 3010 and 3025 (Repealed by 3060) |
3028 | Amends §§ 15.05.030, 15.05.040 and 15.05.050, board of appeals (15.05) |
3029 | Amends § 20.10.020, planning, development and related services (20.10) |
3030 | Repeals Ch. 2.90, fire services (Repealer) |
3031 | Amends § 5.04.080, business registration (Repealed by 3070) |
3032 | Amends §§ 8.16.030, 8.16.040 and 8.16.060; repeals §§ 8.16.070 and 8.16.080, fire prevention (8.16) |
3033 | Amends §§ 8.20.010 and 8.20.030; repeals § 8.20.020, fireworks (8.20) |
3034 | Adds § 10.04.045, fire department definition (Repealed by 3213) |
3035 | Amends § 12.16.030; repeals § 12.16.060, obstructing streets and sidewalks (12.16) |
3036 | Amends §§ 15.04.040 and 15.04.080, building and fire codes (15.04) |
3037 | Repeals Ch. 2.44, fire department (Repealer) |
3038 | Repeals Ch. 2.72, employee retirement and benefits (Repealer) |
3039 | Amends § 3.90.030, transportation benefit district (3.90) |
3040 | Amends § 8.08.550; repeals § 8.08.610, solid waste collection contracts (8.08) |
3041 | Zones property (Special) |
3042 | Amends § 2.01.010, appointive offices (2.01) |
3043 | 2018 tax levy (Special) |
3044 | 2018 tax levy (Special) |
3045 | Approves revised local agency agreement (Special) |
3046 | Amends 2017 budget (Special) |
3047 | Replaces fees adopted by Ords. 2988 and 3003; repeals Ord. 3013 (Not codified) |
3048 | Adopts 2018 budget (Special) |
3049 | Increases salaries of non-union employees (Special) |
3050 | Adds Ch. 2.09, salary commission (2.09) |
3051 | Amends §§ 2.08.010, 2.08.020 and 2.08.030, mayor and council compensation (2.08) |
3052 | Adopts parks and recreation plan (Special) |
3053 | Amends §§ 21.01.010 and 21.01.020, city parks (21.01) |
3054 | Amends Ord. 2936, personnel policy manual (Special) |
3055 | Amends §§ 5.30.020, 5.30.030, 5.30.040, 5.30.050, 5.30.070 and 5.30.090, special event permits (5.30) |
3056 | Amends § 21.02.010, use of city facilities (21.02) |
3057 | Drug and alcohol policy; repeals Res. 03-1179 (2.125) |
3058 | Amends 2018 budget (Special) |
3059 | Amends § 21.02.010; repeals Ord. 2868, use of city facilities (21.02) |
3060 | Terminates purchase agreement for wastewater treatment facility owned by FSPR, LLC; repeals 3027 (Special) |
3061 | Amends comprehensive plan (Special) |
3062 | Amends Ch. 15.12, §§ 17.16.030, 17.24.010 and 17.24.020, standard specifications (15.12, 17.16, 17.24) |
3063 | Adds Ch. 18.96, housing fee incentive program (Repealed by 3208) |
3064 | Adds Ch. 18.95, housing density incentive program (18.95) |
3065 | Replaces fees adopted by Ords. 2988 and 3003; repeals Ord. 3013 (Not codified) |
3066 | Amends § 20.20.030, recreation department fees and charges (20.20) |
3067 | Amends § 13.10.150, city services (13.10) |
3068 | City administrator salary (Special) |
3069 | Amends 2018 budget (Special) |
3070 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 5.04, business license regulations and fees (5.04) |
3071 | Repeals Ch. 5.18, itinerant merchants (Repealer) |
3072 | Amends 2018 budget (Special) |
3073 | Increases salaries of non-union employees (Special) |
3074 | Amends § 3.74.020, license fee and occupation tax (3.74) |
3075 | 2019 tax levy (Special) |
3076 | 2019 tax levy (Special) |
3077 | Amends § 2.01.060, police chief (2.01) |
3078 | Amends § 6.16.010, dog controls definitions (6.16) |
3079 | Establishes preannexation zoning (Special) |
3080 | Replaces fees adopted by Ords. 2988 and 3003; repeals Ord. 3013 (Not codified) |
3081 | Adopts 2019 budget (Special) |
3082 | Amends § 5.04.050, business license exemptions (5.04) |
3083 | Annexation (Special) |
3084 | Amends Ord. 2936, personnel policy manual (Special) |
3085 | Amends 2019 budget (Special) |
3086 | Adds § 12.05.080, sidewalk cost reimbursement (12.05) |
3087 | Adds § 10.04.600, parking on Petra Avenue (Repealed by 3213) |
3088 | Right-of-way vacation (Special) |
3089 | Amends § 18.81.030, board of adjustment (2.130) |
3090 | Amends § 3.90.020, transportation benefit district (3.90) |
3091 | Alley vacation (Special) |
3092 | Amends Ch. 2.05, budget and finance committee (2.05) |
3093 | Amends comprehensive plan (Special) |
3094 | Amends § 13.14.080, backflow assemblies and devices (13.14) |
3095 | Amends 2019 budget (Special) |
3096 | Amends §§ 6.40.010 and 6.40.016, dangerous dogs (6.40) |
3097 | Amends §§ 2.01.010 and 2.01.090, appointive offices (2.01) |
3098 | Increases salaries of non-union employees (Special) |
3099 | 2020 tax levy (Special) |
3100 | 2020 tax levy (Special) |
3101 | Adopts 2020 budget (Special) |
3102 | Replaces fees adopted by previous fee ordinances (Not codified) |
3103 | Amends capital facilities plan (Special) |
3104 | Approves grant agreement (Special) |
3105 | Amends Ch. 15.16, swimming pools (15.16) |
3106 | Repeals § 6.16.035, dog license administrative penalty (Repealer) |
3107 | Rezone (Special) |
3108 | Rezone (Special) |
3109 | Amends §§ 2.64.010, 2.64.015 and 2.64.030, planning commission (2.130) |
3110 | Amends Ord. 3084, personnel policy manual (Special) |
3111 | City council (2.04) |
3112 | Amends Ord. 3110, personnel policy manual (Special) |
3113 | Rezone (Special) |
3114 | Moratorium on applications and land use approval for land use permits (Repealed by 3115) |
3115 | Repeals Ord. 3114, moratorium on applications and land use approval for land use permits (Repealer) |
3116 | Approves grant and loan agreement (Special) |
3117 | Amends 2020 budget (Special) |
3118 | City council (2.04) |
3119 | Repeals Ch. 2.62, Ord. 1757, § 26 of Ord. 2511 and Ord. 2660, recreational advisory board (Repealer) |
3120 | Repeals Ch. 2.105 and Ord. 2774, sister cities program (Repealer) |
3121 | Repeals § 12.24.100 and § 10 of Ord. 1255, gifts and funding for street trees (Repealer) |
3122 | Suspends §§ 2.04.020, 2.04.030(A)(5), 2.04.040, 2.04.110 and 2.04.140, city council (Repealed by 3174) |
3123 | Bond issuance (Special) |
3124 | Increases salaries of non-union employees (Special) |
3125 | 2021 tax levy (Special) |
3126 | 2021 tax levy (Special) |
3127 | Replaces fees adopted by previous fee ordinances (Not codified) |
3128 | Amends § 3.74.020, license fee and occupation tax (3.74) |
3129 | Amends § 15.30.050, rental license fee (15.30) |
3130 | Approves grant and loan agreement (Special) |
3131 | Amends 2020 budget (Special) |
3132 | Adopts 2021 budget (Special) |
3133 | Amends § 9.15.030, emergency operations plan (9.15) |
3134 | Adds Ch. 8.60, chronic nuisances (8.60) |
3135 | Amends 2021 budget (Special) |
3136 | Annexation (Special) |
3137 | Annexation (Special) |
3138 | Annexation (Special) |
3139 | Annexation (Special) |
3140 | Amends 2021 budget (Special) |
3141 | Amends Ord. 3137, annexation (Special) |
3142 | Amends 2021 budget (Special) |
3143 | Adds Ch. 12.38, temporary right-of-way use permits (12.38) |
3144 | Replaces fees adopted by previous fee ordinances (Not codified) |
3145 | Approves development agreement (Special) |
3146 | Amends § 5 of Ord. 3122, council rules (Repealed by 3174) |
3147 | Telecommunications franchise (Special) |
3148 | Rezone (Special) |
3149 | Adds § 1.04.015, general provisions (1.04) |
3150 | Amends § 1.30.020, public records (1.30) |
3151 | Amends § 2.40.010, claims for damages (2.40) |
3152 | Amends § 13.10.320, procedures and rules for city services (13.10) |
3153 | Amends 2021 budget (Special) |
3154 | Approves development agreement (Special) |
3155 | 2022 tax levy (Special) |
3156 | 2022 tax levy (Special) |
3157 | Increases salaries of non-union employees (Special) |
3158 | Replaces fees adopted by previous fee ordinances (Not codified) |
3159 | Adopts 2022 budget (Special) |
3160 | Approves preliminary plat (Special) |
3161 | Amends 2021 budget (Special) |
3162 | Approves preliminary plat and variance for planned area development (Special) |
3163 | Right-of-way vacation (Special) |
3164 | Amends comprehensive plan (Special) |
3165 | Amends § 1.04.010, definitions (1.04) |
3166 | Amends Ords. 3137 and 3141, annexation (Special) |
3167 | Approves preliminary plat, Arabella West subdivision (Special) |
3168 | Amends 2022 budget (Special) |
3169 | Establishes housing action plan grant fund; amends 2022 budget (Special) |
3170 | Adopts personnel policy manual (Special) |
3171 | Establishes recreation scholarship fund; amends 2022 budget (Special) |
3172 | Rezone (Special) |
3173 | Amends Ords. 1595, 1617 and 3163, street vacation (Special) |
3174 | Repeals Ords. 3122 and 3146, rules governing meetings (Repealer) |
3175 | Amends § 2.04.020, council meetings (2.04) |
3176 | Adds Ch. 1.05, meeting location—city boards and commissions (1.05) |
3177 | Amends 2022 budget (Special) |
3178 | Amends 2022 budget (Special) |
3179 | Adds § 1.30.090, request for body worn camera records (1.30) |
3180 | Adds §§ 9.03.035, 9.03.075 and 9.03.115, amends §§ 9.03.040, 9.03.050, 9.03.060, 9.03.070, 9.03.080, 9.03.090, 9.03.110, 9.03.120 and 9.03.130, criminal code (9.03) |
3181 | Revises corporate boundary (Not codified) |
3182 | Adds § 15.04.130; adopts NFPA 1 fire code; amends §§ 15.04.010, 15.04.020, 15.04.030 and 15.04.080, building codes (15.04) |
3183 | Adds § 8.20.020, fireworks fees (8.20) |
3184 | Amends §§ 2.04.020, 2.04.030 and 2.04.040, city council meetings (2.04) |
3185 | Replaces fees adopted by previous fee ordinances (Not codified) |
3186 | Amends Ch. 18.87; repeals Ord. 1377 and Ch. 15.20, flood damage prevention (18.87) |
3187 | Calls for special election to approve bond issue (Special) |
3188 | Replaces fees adopted by previous fee ordinances (Not codified) |
3189 | Amends 2022 budget (Special) |
3190 | Establishes police station and City Hall replacement fund; amends 2022 budget (Special) |
3191 | Telecommunications franchise (Special) |
3192 | 2023 tax levy (Special) |
3193 | 2023 tax levy (Special) |
3194 | Increases salaries of non-union employees (Special) |
3195 | Replaces fees adopted by previous fee ordinances (Not codified) |
3196 | Amends § 8.26.010, public nuisance defined (8.26) |
3197 | Adopts 2023 budget (Special) |
3198 | Vacates preliminary plat (Special) |
3199 | Adds Ch. 2.130; recodifies and amends Ch. 2.64 as 2.130.080, 18.81.030 and 18.81.040 as 2.130.090 and 3.42.055 as 2.130.100, citizen advisory boards and commissions (2.130) |
3200 | Amends Ch. 12.24, street trees (12.24) |
3201 | Amends personnel policy manual (Not codified) |
3202 | Amends 2023 budget (Special) |
3203 | Replaces fees adopted by previous fee ordinances (Not codified) |
3204 | Annexation (Special) |
3205 | Amends §§ 13.10.380 and 13.10.420, water and sewer rates (13.10) |
3206 | Replaces fees adopted by previous fee ordinances (Not codified) |
3207 | Amends 2023 budget (Special) |
3208 | Repeals Ch. 18.96, housing fee incentive program (Repealer) |
3209 | Adds § 18.95.070, fee waivers (18.95) |
3210 | Replaces fees adopted by previous fee ordinances (Not codified) |
3211 | Amends 2023 budget (Special) |
3212 | Amends 2023 budget (Special) |
3213 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 10.04; repeals Ch. 10.30, traffic ordinance (10.04) |
3214 | Traffic revisions (Not codified) |
3215 | Adds Ch. 10.70, parking prohibited—city-owned parking lots (10.70) |
3216 | Telecommunications franchise (Special) |
3217 | Amends 2023 budget (Special) |
3218 | Amends 2023 budget (Special) |
3219 | 2024 tax levy (Special) |
3220 | 2024 tax levy (Special) |
3221 | Increases salaries of non-union employees (Special) |
3222 | Replaces fees adopted by previous fee ordinances (Not codified) |
3223 | Adopts 2024 budget (Special) |
3224 | Temporary closure of City Hall (Special) |
3225 | Amends 2024 budget (Special) |
3226 | Rezone (Special) |
3227 | Amends 2024 budget (Special) |
3228 | Telecommunications franchise (Special) |
3229 | Replaces fees adopted by previous fee ordinances (Not codified) |
3230 | Amends 2024 budget (Special) |
3231 | Amends personnel policy manual (Not codified) |
3232 | Amends public works director compensation (Special) |
3233 | Amends § 2.09.010, salary commission created (2.09) |
3234 | Amends §§ 2.08.010 and 2.08.040, mayor and council compensation (2.08) |
3235 | Amends §§ 2.01.010, 2.01.015, 2.01.020, 2.01.030, 2.01.040, 2.01.050, 2.01.060, 2.01.070, 2.01.080 and 2.01.090, appointive offices (2.01) |
3236 | Approves position descriptions for appointed and unappointed positions (Special) |
3237 | Establishes deputy city administrator compensation (Special) |
3238 | Amends § 2.08.010, mayor’s salary (2.08) |
3239 | Amends § 2.130.100, lodging tax advisory committee specific requirements (2.130) |
3240 | Repeals Ch. 3.02, advance travel expense revolving fund (Repealer) |
3241 | Repeals Ch. 3.08, cumulative reserve fund (Repealer) |
3242 | Repeals Ch. 3.12, local improvement general fund (Repealer) |
3243 | Repeals Ch. 3.14, Prosser housing and community development block grant fund (Repealer) |
3244 | Repeals Ch. 3.16, revenue sharing fund (Repealer) |
3245 | Repeals Ch. 3.20, shoreline plan and administration fund (Repealer) |
3246 | Repeals Ch. 3.22, waste water facilities study fund (Repealer) |
3247 | Repeals Ch. 3.84, polygraph testing (Repealer) |
3248 | Repeals Ch. 3.44, antirecession fund (Repealer) |
3249 | Rezone (Special) |
3250 | Amends §§ 18.06.010 and 18.46.030, congregate living facilities (18.06, 18.46) |
3251 | Amends §§ 2.95.010 and 2.95.020; repeals §§ 2.95.030, 2.95.040, 2.95.050, 2.95.060 and 2.95.070, credit card policy (2.95) |
3252 | Amends § 18.95.030, earned increased density criteria (18.95) |
3253 | Amends 2024 budget (Special) |
3254 | Interim moratorium on planned area developments (Special) |
3255 | Plat approval (Special) |
3256 | Amends Ord. 24-3236, building official (Special) |
3257 | 2024 property tax levy (Special) |
3258 | Property tax levy (Special) |
3259 | Increases salaries of non-union employees (Special) |
3260 | Replaces fees adopted by previous fee ordinances (Not codified) |
3261 | Amends §§ 2.04.020, 2.04.030, 2.04.050, 2.04.090, 2.04.150, 2.04.160 and 2.04.170, city council (2.04) |
3262 | Adds § 2.52.050, issuance of limited commissions (2.52) |
3263 | Increases salary of deputy city administrator (Special) |
3264 | Amends Ord. 3236, position descriptions for appointed and unappointed positions (Special) |
3265 | Adopts 2025 budget (Special) |