291 | |
292 | Annexation (Special) |
293 | Property tax revenue, 1954-1955 (Special) |
294 | Adds prior code § 7022, intoxication (Not codified) |
295 | Adds § 5a to the Uniform Electrical Code (Not codified) |
296 | Annexation (Special) |
297 | Annexation (Special) |
298 | Annexation (Special) |
299 | Franchise to Pacific Gas and Electric Company (Franchises) |
300 | Annexation (Special) |
301 | Property tax revenue, 1955-1956 (Special) |
302 | Annexation (Special) |
303 | Annexation (Special) |
304 | Amends prior code §§ 7122, 7123, 7123.1, 7124, 7124.1, 7124.2, 7124.3, 7124.4 and 7124.5, building numbering (11.16) |
305 | Amends prior code § 2401, sales tax (Not codified) |
306 | Amends prior code § 2501, excise tax (Not codified) |
307 | Annexation (Special) |
308 | Annexation (Special) |
309 | Sales and use tax; suspends Chs. 24 and 25 of Division 2 of Ord. 291 (3.12) |
310 | Rezone (Special) |
311 | Property tax revenue, 1956-1957 (Special) |
312 | Amends prior code §§ 3153 and 3156, garbage and rubbish collection (Not codified) |
313 | Amends prior code §§ 3153.1 and 3157, garbage and rubbish collection (Not codified) |
314 | Adopts 1955 Edition of the Uniform Plumbing Code (Not codified) |
315 | Property tax revenue, 1957-1958 (Special) |
316 | Interim zoning (Repealed by 376) |
317 | Adopts 1956 Edition of the Uniform Electrical Code (Not codified) |
318 | Amends subdivision (a) (1) of § 4 and subdivision (a) of § 5 of Ord. 309, sales and use tax (3.12) |
319 | Amends prior code §§ 1111 and 1112, council meetings (2.04) |
320 | Annexation (Special) |
321 | Adopts 1958 Edition, Volume I of the Uniform Building Code (Not codified) |
322 | Adopts 1958 Edition of the Uniform Plumbing Code (Not codified) |
323 | Property tax revenue, 1958-1959 (Special) |
324 | Rezone (Special) |
325 | Annexation (Special) |
326 | Rezone (Special) |
327 | Annexation (Special) |
328 | Property tax revenue, 1959-1960 (Special) |
329 | Annexation (Special) |
330 | Annexation (Special) |
331 | Annexation (Special) |
332 | Annexation (Special) |
333 | Building location precise plan (Title 17) |
334 | Improvement fund continuation (Repealed by 554) |
335 | Amends prior code § 2301, billiard and pool rooms (5.20) |
336 | Rezone (Special) |
337 | Annexation (Special) |
338 | Rezone (Special) |
339 | Amends § 3153 of Ord. 291, garbage and rubbish collection; supersedes § 1 of Ord. 312 (Not codified) |
340 | Real property acquisition (Special) |
341 | Annexation (Special) |
342 | Rezone (Special) |
343 | Annexation (Special) |
344 | Annexation (Special) |
345 | Unclaimed property disposition (2.20) |
346 | Rezone (Special) |
347 | Amends prior code §§ 6131, 6132 and 6133, parking; repeals prior code §§ 6134 and 6135 (10.32) |
348 | Subdivisions (16.32) |
349 | Amends §§ 4(a)(2), 5(b)(2), 5(b)(3); renumbers § 4(b)(4)(iii), repeals §§ 2(e) and 4(b)(4)(ii) of Ord. 309, uniform sales and use tax (3.12) |
350 | Civil defense; repeals prior code Ch. 47 (Repealed by 456) |
351 | Law enforcement officers’ training (2.16) |
352 | Rezone (Special) |
353 | Annexation (Special) |
354 | Annexation (Special) |
355 | Annexation (Special) |
356 | Adopts 1961 edition of the Uniform Plumbing Code (Not codified) |
357 | Adopts 1961 edition, Volume 1, of the Uniform Building Code (Not codified) |
358 | Adds prior code §§ 4025-4028, firearms; repeals prior code §§ 4021-024 (9.68, 9.72) |
359 | Adopts Chapter 4 of Part IV of the Ordinance Code of Tulare County, dogs (Not codified) |
360 | Rezone (Special) |
361 | Rezone (Special) |
362 | Amends § 4 of Ord. 350, civil defense and disaster council (Repealed by 456) |
363 | Adopts Art. 3.5 of Chapter 4 of Part IV of the Ordinance Code of Tulare County, kennel licensing (Not codified) |
364 | Rezone (Special) |
365 | Rezone (Special) |
366 | Water system rates (Not codified) |
367 | Annexation (Special) |
368 | Adopts 1958 Edition of the Uniform Housing Code (Not codified) |
369 | Sewer connection charges, lien (Special) |
370 | Sewer connection charges, lien (Special) |
371 | Adopts Chapter 4 of Part IV of the Ordinance Code of Tulare County, dogs; repeals Ords. 359 and 363 (Not codified) |
372 | Amends prior code § 3123, garbage cans (Not codified) |
373 | Rezone (Special) |
374 | Annexation (Special) |
375 | Adds prior code § § 6141.1-6141.4, parking; repeals prior code § 6141 (10.32) |
376 | Zoning; repeals Ord. 250 (Title 17) |
377 | Annexation (Special) |
378 | Amends prior code § 3151.1, adds prior code § 3239.1, garbage and rubbish collection (Not codified) |
379 | Amends prior code §§ 3232 and 3235, adds prior code §§ 3232.1-3232.8, water and sewer service (Not codified) |
380 | Rezone (Special) |
381 | Amends § 11 of Ord. 348, subdivisions (16.32) |
382 | Amends (a) of prior code § 3221, sewer system use charges (Not codified) |
383 | Repeals and re-enacts prior code §§ 5211, 5212 and 5213, curfew (Repealed by 389) |
384 | Adds prior code § 7013.1, parades (9.40) |
385 | Adopts Chapter 4 of Part IV of the Ordinance Code of Tulare County, dogs; repeals Ord. 371 (Not codified) |
386 | Rezone (Special) |
387 | Adds prior code § § 5421-5423, fortunetelling; repeals prior code §§ 2244 and 2244.1 (5.36) |
388 | Adopts Art. 4 of Ch. 3 of Part 1 of the Ordinance Code of Tulare County, transient occupancy tax (3.16) |
389 | Repeals prior code §§ 5211, 5212 and 5213; enacts new prior code §§ 5211, 5212, 5213 and 5214, curfew (9.60) |
390 | Director of finance (Not codified) |
391 | Adds prior code § 614.14, parking (Not codified) |
392 | Amends prior code Ch. 32 and §§ 3211, 3213 and 3221, water and sewer service charges (Repealed by 648) |
393 | Annexation (Special) |
394 | Repeals prior code §§ 6141, 614.11, 614.12, 614.13 and 614.14 (Repealer) |
395 | Adds prior code §§ 613.16 and 613.17, parking (10.32) |
396 | Adds prior code §§ 6126, 6127 and 6128, parking (10.32) |
397 | Adds prior code § 2229, in-plant catering licensing (Repealed by 410) |
398 | Encroachments, excavation and improvements in public ways (Repealed by 635) |
399 | Amends prior code § 3211, water rates (Not codified) |
400 | Amends prior code § 6141.3, adds prior code §§ 6141.5, 6141.6 and 6671, parking (10.32) |
401 | Rezone (Special) |
402 | Adds prior code § 613.16, diagonal parking zones (10.32) |
403 | Adopts Ch. 4 of Part IV of the Ordinance Code of Tulare County, dogs (Repealed by 507) |
404 | Rezone (Special) |
405 | Amends § 7 of Ord. 333, setbacks (Not codified) |
406 | Repeals item 3 of § 7 of Ord. 333, setbacks (Not codified) |
407 | Rezone (Special) |
408 | Rezone (Special) |
409 | Not adopted |
410 | Repeals prior code Chs. 21, 22 and re-enacts Ch. 21, business licensing (5.04, 5.08, 5.12, 5.16) |
411 | Amends (c) of prior code § 2113, (a) of § 2114 and (d) of § 2171, adds (b) to prior code § 2122, (b) to § 2161 and (g) to § 2169, adds prior code §§ 2124, 2148 and 2149, business licensing (5.04, 5.12, 5.16) |
412 | Rezone (Special) |
413 | Not adopted |
414 | Rezone (Special) |
415 | Rezone (Special) |
416 | Fire prevention code; repeals prior code Art. 412 and Chs. 42, 43, 44 (Repealed by 543) |
417 | Adds prior code § 2327, pool rooms (5.48) |
418 | Amends § 7 of Ord. 333, setbacks (Not codified) |
419 | Annexation (Special) |
420 | Rezone (Special) |
421 | Adds (c) to prior code § 3236, water bill and sewer charge deposits (Not codified) |
422 | Rezone (Special) |
423 | Annexation (Special) |
424 | Subdivisions; repeals Ord. 348 (except (a) of § II) (16.04, 16.08, 16.12, 16.16, 16.20, 16.24, 16.28, 16.32, 16.36) |
425 | Bond election (Special) |
426 | Rezone (Special) |
427 | Amends prior code § 3221, sewer use charges (Repealed by 648) |
428 | Rezone (Special) |
429 | Rezone (Special) |
430 | Adds prior code Ch. 26, real property transfer tax (3.08) |
431 | Rezone (Special) |
432 | Repeals prior code §§ 6511, 6512, 6513, 6514, 6515, 6516; enacts new prior code §§ 6511, 6512, 6513 and 6514, truck routes (10.52) |
433 | Adds Art. 543 to prior code Ch. 54, abandoned vehicles (Not codified) |
434 | Adds prior code §§ 6171.1 and 6173, one-way traffic; repeals prior code § 6173 as adopted by Ord. 291 (10.24) |
435 | Adds prior code §§ 6610, 6627 and Art. 667, amends prior code §§ 6611, 6613 and 6631, repeals and replaces prior code Art. 664, bicycles (10.40) |
436 | Sewage disposal (Repealed by 648) |
437 | Underground utilities (Repealed by 2007-11) |
438 | Adds prior code § 4036, climbing water tower (9.52) |
439 | Sanitary sewer and storm drain use fees (Not codified) |
440 | Not adopted (Not codified) |
441 | Not adopted (Not codified) |
442 | Repeals and replaces prior code § 6142, parking time limit (10.32) |
443 | Rezone (Special) |
444 | Adds prior code § 2192, business licensing (Not codified) |
445 | Personnel policy (Repealed by 669) |
446 | State Employees’ Retirement System (Not codified) |
447 | Rezone (Special) |
448 | Park and recreation department; repeals Ord. 267 (Repealed by 489) |
449 | Obnoxious conduct (9.32) |
450 | Amends prior code Ch. 73 (9.48) |
451 | Rezone (Special) |
452 | Rezone (Special) |
453 | Rezone (Special) |
454 | Rezone (Special) |
455 | State Employees’ Retirement System Contract amendment (Not codified) |
456 | Civil defense and disaster plan; repeals Ords. 350 and 362 (9.12) |
457 | Amends prior code § 3211, water rates (Not codified) |
458 | Repeals prior code §§ 3151, 3151.1, 3156, 3156.1 and 3156.2; adds new prior code § 3151, garbage and rubbish collection rates (Not codified) |
459 | Rezone (Special) |
460 | Amends prior code §§ 6612, 6614, 6625, 6632 and 6634, adds (d) and (e) to prior code § 6640, bicycles (10.40) |
461 | Adds (E) to § 1913 of Ord. 376, zoning (Title 17) |
462 | Prezoning procedures (Title 17) |
463 | Rezone (Special) |
464 | Adds Art. 6.5 to Ord. 376, zoning (Title 17) |
465 | Rezone (Special) |
466 | Adopts 1970 Edition of Housing Code (14.12) |
467 | Adopts 1970 Edition of Uniform Mechanical Code (14.08) |
468 | Adopts 1970 Edition, Volume I of Uniform Building Code (14.04) |
469 | Annexation (Special) |
470 | Annexation (Special) |
471 | Amends § 2134 and deletes § 2133 of Ord. 410, business licensing (5.16) |
472 | Adopts 1968 Edition of Uniform Electrical Code (Not codified) |
473 | Private patrols (5.40) |
474 | Rezone (Special) 475 Missing |
476 | Rezone (Special) |
477 | Amends § 2401 of Ord. 376, zoning (Title 17) |
478 | Amends subdivision B of § 204 and subdivision A of § 304 of Ord. 424, subdivisions (16.20, 16.24) |
479 | Rezone (Special) |
480 | Adds Art. 16.5 to Ord. 376, mobile home parks (Title 17) |
481 | Adopts 1970 Edition of Uniform Plumbing Code (14.16) |
482 | Uniform Swimming Pool Code (14.24) |
483 | Fire Prevention Code (Repealed by 543) |
484 | Rezone (Special) |
485 | Rezone (Special) |
486 | |
487 | Rezone (Special) |
488 | Oil well drilling (13.04) |
489 | Parks and recreation department; repeals Ord. 448 (Repealed by 92-14) |
490 | Fire zones (Repealed by 513) |
491 | Rezone (Special) |
492 | Adopts 1971 Edition of National Electrical Code (14.20) |
493 | Signs (Repealed by 93-6) |
494 | Annexation (Special) |
495 | Rezone (Special) |
496 | Annexation (Special) |
497 | Annexation (Special) |
498 | Storm drain area (Special) |
498-A | Rezone (Special) |
499 | Rezone (Special) |
500 | Amends Ord. 493 § 5.6, adds § 13.7, signs (Repealed by 93-6) |
501 | Annexation (Special) |
502 | Land dedication (Repealed by 90-22) |
503 | Rezone (Special) |
504 | Amends Ord. 410 §§ 2121, 2131, business license classification (5.16) |
505 | Amends Ords. 192 § 5, 203 § 3, 217 § 2, 309 § 9, 321 § 5, 322 § 5, 333 § 13, 356 § 5, 357 § 5, 359 § 3, 363 § 3, 366 § 3, 368 § 3, 371 § 3, 376 § 2406, 385 § 3, 388 § 3, 396 § 1 part 6128, 398 § 24, 400 § 2, 410 § 1 part 2185, 424 §§ 804 and 1000, 433 § 2, 438 § 4036, 449 § 8, 450 § 7400, 456 § 16, 486 § 15, 488 § 2, general penalty (1.16, Title 17) |
506 | General provisions (1.04) |
507 | Adopts Ch. 4 of Part IV of the Ordinance Code of Tulare County, dogs, repeals Ord. 403 (6.12) |
508 | Right of entry for inspection (1.12) |
509 | Rezone (Special) |
510 | Rezone (Special) |
511 | Amends Ord. 309, sales and use tax (3.12) |
512 | Removal of abandoned vehicles (7.24) |
513 | Repeals Ord. 490, fire zone (Repealed by 98-10) |
514 | Industrial advisory commission (Not codified) |
515 | Annexation (Special) |
516 | Code adoption (1.01) |
517 | Precise planned zoning (Special) |
518 | Amends (A)(6)(a) of § 17.16.020 and rescinds (b)—(1) of (6) of (A) of § 17.16.020, zoning (Title 17) |
519 | Adds (AA) to § 14.32.040 and § 14.32.315, planter signs (Repealed by 93-6) |
520 | Annexation (Special) |
521 | Amends §§ 6.12.010 and 6.12.020, dogs (6.12) |
522 | Rezone (Special) |
523 | Amends § 2.36.010(A)(3), (F) and (G), § 2.36.020(C), § 2.36.040(B), § 2.36.060(A), (C)(1) and (C)(2), and § 2.36.070(A) and (B), personnel; deletes (E) of § 2.36.030 (Repealed by 669) |
524 | Adds § 13.04.040, water rates and charges (13.04) |
525 | Adds (C)(1) to § 16.24.130, subdivisions (16.24) |
526 | Amends § 17.84.100, zoning (Title 17) |
527 | Amends § 2.04.010, city hall location (2.04) |
528 | Urban area boundary expansion (Special) |
529 | Adds § 10.32.215, storing vehicles on street (10.32) |
530 | Amends paragraph C of § 17.76.040, zoning (Title 17) |
531 | Zoning map amended (Not codified) |
532 | Zoning map amended (Not codified) |
533 | Amends § 17.84.120, zoning (Title 17) |
534 | Rezone (Special) |
535 | Adds Ch. 2.05, city administrator (2.05) |
536 | Amends § § 7.24.020, 7.24.100 and 7.24.130, adds § 7.24.190, abandoned vehicles (7.24) |
537 | Amends § 10.24.010, one-way alleys (10.24) |
538 | Amends C (1) of § 16.24.130, subdivisions (16.24) |
539 | Adopts 1973 Uniform Building Code, 1973 Uniform Building Code Standards, 1973 Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings and 1973 Uniform Housing Code; adds §§ 14.04.040, 14.04.050 and 14.04.060, building code (14.04) |
540 | Adopts 1973 Uniform Plumbing Code; adds § 14.16.020 (14.16) |
541 | Adopts 1975 Uniform Electrical Code; adds § 14.20.020 (14.20) |
542 | Amends § 14.08.010, adds § 14.08.020,1973 Uniform Mechanical Code (14.08) |
543 | Adds Ch. 14.40, 1973 Uniform Fire Code; repeals Ch. 7.28 (Repealed by 98-10) |
544 | Adds § 9.36.010, drinking in public parks (9.36) |
545 | Amends subsection E of § 5.16.020 and §§ 5.16.050 and 5.16.060, business license tax (5.16) |
546 | Rezone (Special) |
547 | Not adopted |
548 | Amends Ord. 517, precise planned zoning (Special) |
549 | Adds §§ 10.32.171, 10.32.175 and 10.32.176, parking regulations (10.32) |
550 | Adopts Precise Planned Zone No. 7 (Special) |
551 | Adopts Precise Planned Zone No. 8 (Special) |
552 | Adopts Precise Planned Zone No. 6 (Special) |
553 | Adds § 17.12.142, zoning (Title 17) |
554 | Amends §§ 2.05.010, 2.05.060 and 2.05.090, city administrator; repeals Ord. 334 (2.05) |
555 | Adds Ch. 2.40, purchasing policy (2.40) |
556 | Adopts Precise Planned Zone No. 10 (Special) |
557 | Adds Ch. 2.34, commission on aging (Repealed by 640) |
558 | Approves Precise Plan No. 9 (Special) |
559 | Amends Precise Plan No. 8 (Special) |
560 | Adds Ch. 5.62, bingo games (5.62) |
561 | Annexation (Special) |
562 | Adds § 11.12.180, drinking in certain places prohibited (Repealed by 95-9) |
563 | Annexation (Special) |
564 | Annexation (Special) |
565 | Amends § 2.04.020, council meetings (2.04) |
566 | Rezone (Special) |
567 | Annexation (Special) |
568 | Amends § 2.28.020, parks and recreation commission (Repealed by 92-14) |
569 | Amends §§ 2.04.010 and 2.04.020, council meetings (2.04) |
570 | Amends § 17.40.020A (2, 11, 16), permitted uses (Title 17) |
571 | Adds Ord. 556 § 4(7), precise planned zone (Special) |
572 | Annexation (Special) |
573 | Annexation (Special) |
574 | Prezone (Special) |
575 | Amends § 2.28.020B, parks and recreation commission (Repealed by 92-14) |
576 | Amends §§ 17.88.030A(5), 17.88.050 and 17.88.060, parking and loading (Title 17) |
577 | Approves Precise Plan No. 9 (Special) |
578 | Amends Ch. 2.05 and § 2.05.060, city administrator (2.05) |
579 | Amends § 5.44.010, soliciting (5.44) |
580 | Adds § 1.16.015; amends §§ 1.16.010 and 11.12.180, penalty (1.16) |
581 | Rezone (Special) |
582 | Amends §§ 5.12.100, 5.12.130, 5.12.150, 5.12.230, 5.16.020, 5.16.040, 5.16.050, 5.16.060, 5.16.070, 5.16.080 and 5.16.090, business license tax (5.12, 5.16) |
583 | Adopting of county ordinance on dogs (6.12) |
584 | Dog control (6.16) |
585 | Agricultural district requirements (Title 17) |
586 | Rural residential district requirements (Title 17) |
587 | Adds Ch. 5.60, garage sales (Repealed by 93-6) |
588 | Amends Ch. 2.32, planning commission (2.32) |
589 | Amends §§ 17.08.395, 17.08.405 and 17.16.010(4), household pets (Title 17) |
590 | Adds §§ 14.32.082, 14.32.085 and 14.32.740; amends § 14.32.050, sign code (Repealed by 93-6) |
591 | Adds §§ 14.12.030, 14.12.040 and 14.12.050; amends § 14.12.010, housing code (14.12) |
592 | Adds §§ 14.04.045 and 14.04.055; amends § 14.04.010, building code (14.04) |
593 | Adds §§ 14.08.015; amends § 14.08.010, mechanical code (14.08) |
594 | Adds §§ 14.16.025, 14.16.030 and 14.16.040; amends § 14.16.010, plumbing code (14.16) |
595 | Adds §§ 14.20.025, 14.20.030 and 14.20.040; amends § 14.20.010, electrical code (14.20) |
596 | Adds §§ 14.24.030 and 14.24.040; amends § 14.24.010, swimming pool code (14.24) |
597 | Adds Ch. 14.45, solar energy code (14.45) |
598 | Adds Ch. 14.50, code for abatement of dangerous buildings (14.50) |
599 | Adds Ch. 14.60, Uniform Fire Code (14.40) |
600 | Rezone (Special) |
601 | Rezone (Special) |
602 | Rezone (Special) |
603 | Rezone (Special) |
604 | Adds §§ 10.12.030 and 10.12.040, speed limits (10.12) |
605 | |
606 | Rezone (Special) |
607 | Rezone (Special) |
608 | Rezone (Special) |
609 | Amends § 17.44.020, zoning (Title 17) |
610 | Annexation (Special) |
611 | Not passed |
612 | Annexation (Special) |
613 | Rezone (Special) |
614 | Amends §§ 2.36.010, 2.36.020, 2.36.030, 2.36.050, 2.36.070, personnel (2.36) |
615 | Adds §§ 10.32.260, 10.32.270, 10.32.280, 10.32.290; amends §§ 10. parking and speed limits (10.12, 10.32) |
616 | Adopts Precise Planned Zone No. 11 (Special) |
617 | Amends § 17.76.040, zoning (Title 17) |
618 | Approves Precise Plan Zone No. 79-1 (Special) |
619 | Rezone; adopts Precise Planned Zone No. 12 (Special) |
620 | Rezone; adopts Precise Planned Zone No. 13 (Special) |
621 | Adds § 2.32.031, planning commission (2.32) |
622 | Rezone (Special) |
623 | Rezone; amends § 2.36.010, personnel (Repealed by 623) |
624 | Rezone (Special) |
625 | Adds Ch. 5.64, television franchises (Repealed by 95-7) |
626 | Repeals Ch. 9.24 (Repealer) |
627 | (Missing) |
628 | Amends Ord. 601, rezone (Special) |
629 | Rezone (Special) |
630 | Adds § 2.05.020; amends §§ 2.05.060B and 2.05.070C, city manager (2.05) |
631 | Rezone (Special) |
632 | Adds Precise Plan No. 18 (Special) |
633 | Amends §§ 16.32.010 and 16.32.020, subdivisions (16.32) |
634 | Adds Ch. 17.18, zoning (Title 17) |
635 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 11.08, encroachments (Repealed by 90-19) |
636 | Rezone; adopts Precise Planned Zone No. 19 (Special) |
637 | Teleprompter of San Joaquin Valley, Inc., franchise (Franchises) |
638 | Amends public employees’ retirement contract (Special) |
639 | Rezone (Special) |
640 | Adds Ch. 9.37; repeals Ch. 2.34, distribution and display of drug paraphernalia (9.37) |
641 | Adds §§ 5.44.030—5.44.060, peddlers; amends § 5.12.050(A), business license application (5.12, 5.44) |
642 | Rezone (Special) |
643 | Designates Ord. 637 as part of Ch. 5.64; amends Ord. 637 (Franchise) |
644 | Fireworks (5.34) |
645 | Amends § 10.32.171; repeals § 10.32.171(L), stopping, standing and parking (Repealed by 699) |
646 | Rezone (Special) |
647 | Rezone; adopts Precise Planned Zone No. 20 (Special) |
648 | Amends Ch. 13.08; repeals Ords. 392, 427 and 436, water and sewers (13.08-13.72) |
649 | Adds Ch. 13.76, flood damage prevention (13.76, 13.84, 13.88, 13.92) |
650 | Rezone; adopts Precise Planned Zone No. 21 (Special) |
651 | Adds Ch. 17.96, zoning changes (Title 17) |
652 | Adopts Precise Planned Zone No. 22 (Special) |
653 | Adds § 2.04.050, city council compensation (2.04) |
654 | Establishes redevelopment agency (2.06) |
655 | Adopts Precise Planned Zone No. 23 (Special) |
656 | Adds § 17.96.020, zoning (Title 17) |
657 | Adopts Precise Planned Zone No. 24 (Special) |
658 | Changes dates of municipal elections (Repealed by 93-8) |
659 | Adds Ch. 17.19, zoning (Title 17) |
660 | Adopts Precise Planned Zone No. 25 (Special) |
661 | Rezone; adopts Precise Plan No. 26 (Special) |
662 | Rezone (Special) |
663 | (Not approved) |
664 | Rezone; adopts Precise Plan No. 27 (Special) |
665 | Rezone; amends Precise Plan No. 17 (Special) |
666 | Amends Ord. 309, sales and use tax (Repealed by 96-4) |
667 | Amends § 10.12.030, speed limits (10.12) |
668 | Redevelopment plan (Special) |
669 | Amends Ch. 2.36; repeals Ord. 445, personnel (Repealed by 95-4) |
670 | Amends Chs. 6.20—6.80; amends Ch. 6.16, animal control (6.16, 6.20, 6.24, 6.28, 6.32, 6.36, 6.40, 6.52, 6.56, 6.60, 6.64, 6.68, 6.76, 6.80) |
671 | Adopts Precise Plan No. 28 (Special) |
672 | Rezone (Special) |
673 | Rezone; adopts Precise Plan No. 29 (Special) |
674 | Amends §§ 11.08.030, 11.08.060, 11.08.080 and 11.08.230, encroachments (Repealed by 90-19) |
675 | Amends § 11.12.040, obstructing streets and sidewalks (11.12) |
676 | (Not adopted) |
677 | Adds Ch. 13.06, control of backflow and cross-connections to the municipal water system (13.06) |
678 | Rezone; adopts Precise Plan No. 30 (Special) |
679 | Rezone (Special) |
680 | Amends Precise Plan No. 25 (Special) |
681 | Adopts Precise Plan No. 31 (Special) |
682 | Adopts Precise Plan No. 32 (Special) |
683 | Repeals subsection 9 of § 17.19.120, secondary residential units (Title 17) |
684 | Adds § 2.04.050, city council meetings (2.04) |
685 | Amends contract between city and Public Employees’ Retirement System (Special) |
686 | (Not adopted) |
687 | Amends § 2.32.080, planning commission (2.32) |
688 | Establishes downtown Dinuba business improvement area (Special) |
689 | Adds Ch. 3.20, school impact fees (Superseded) |
690 | Amends § 5.60.040, permit fees (Repealed by 93-6) |
691 | Amends §§ 13.20.080, 13.32.030,13.36.050, 13.48.010, 13.48.020, 13.48.030, the first paragraph and subsection (B)(4) of 13.56.010, and 13.56.020; repeals §§ 13.56.010(b)(3) and 13.56.030, water and sewers (13.20, 13.32, 13.36, 13.48, 13.56) |
692 | Amends §§ 2.36100(B), 2.36.150(E), 2.36.170(A) and (B), 2.36.230(A), 2.36.240(B), 2.36.310(D) and (E), 2.36.490(A) and 2.36.520(A); repeals subsection (C) of § 2.36.170 and renumbers subsection (D) of same to be (C), personnel (Repealed by 95-4) |
693 | Adds § 2.32.085, planning commission meetings and amends §§ 2.04.010 and 2.04.020, council meetings (2.04, 2.32) |
694 | Adopts Precise Plan No. 33 (Special) |
695 | Adds language to § 10.32.070 and adds § 10.32.071, truck parking (Repealed by 97-2) |
696 | Adopts Precise Plan No. 34 (Special) |
697 | Adds Ch. 3.20, emergency response costs recovery (3.20) |
698 | Adds § 3.20.021, emergency response costs (3.20) |
699 | Repeals and replaces § 10.32.171, parking (10.32) |
700 | Adds § 3.20.095, school impact fees (Suspended) |
701 | Adopts Precise Plan No. 35 (Special) |
702 | Limited parking in redevelopment agency or city-owned parking lots (10.32) |
703 | Architectural review (Not codified) |
704 | Rezone (Special) |
705 | Adds § 17.08.185, zoning (Title 17) |
706 | Adds Ch. 17.15, zoning (Title 17) |
707 | Adds Ch. 17.69, architectural review (Title 17) |
708 | (Number not used) |
709 | Adds §§ 13.06.020(26) through (29); amends §§ 13.06.020(3) through (5), 13.06.070 and 13.06.140, control of backflow and cross connections to the municipal water system (13.06) |
710 | Temporary prohibition of the issuance of building permits (Special) |
711 | Adds §§ 13.84.070 and 13.92.050; amends §§ 13.80.140, 13.80.160, 13.80.170, 13.84.010, 13.84.020, 13.84.030, 13.84.040, 13.84.050, 13.84.060, 13.88.010, 13.88.030, 13.8 8.040, 13.8 8.050, 13.92.010, 13.92.020, 13.92.030 and 13.92.040, water and sewers (13.84, 13.88, 13.92) |
712 | Amends Precise Plan No. 22 (Special) |
713 | Adopts Precise Plan No. 36 (Special) |
714 | Adds § 9.48.120(0), public parks (9.48) |
715 | Adopts Precise Plan No. 39 (Special) |
716 | Public safety dispatchers training standards (2.18) |
717 | Amends § 17.16.090, lot area in the R-1 zone (Title 17) |
718 | Amends § 7.12.060, special garbage hauling services (7.12) |
719 | Prezone (Special) |
720 | Amends Ord. 637, cable television franchise (Franchises) |
721 | Rezone (Special) |
722 | Rezone (Special) |
723 | Adds §§ 13.04.050 through 13.04.170, water conservation (13.04) |
724 | Approves and adopts redevelopment plan (Special) |
89-5 | Adopts Precise Plan No. 40 (Special) |
89-6 | Approves prezone (Special) |
89-7 | Amends § 2.05.060, city manager (2.05) |
89-8 | Adds Ch. 13.100, drainage of land (13.100) |
89-9 | Adds §§ 10.32.178 and 10.32.179, stopping, standing and parking (10.32) |
89-10 | Prezone (Special) |
89-11 | Prezone (Special) |
89-12 | Prezone (Special) |
90-1 | Amends § 17.76.040, zoning (Title 17) |
90-2 | Adopts Precise Plan No. 41 (Special) |
90-3 | (Not adopted) |
90-4 | Rezone (Special) |
90-5 | Amends §§ 14.60.010, 14.60.020 and 14.60.030, zoning (14.40) |
90-6 | (Rescinded) |
90-7 | (Not adopted) |
90-8 | Rezone (Special) |
90-9 | Adds Ch. 13.07, planned extra-capacity water facilities (13.07) |
90-10 | Amends Ord. 720, cable television franchise (Franchises) |
90-11 | Adds Ch. 11.20, planned transportation facilities (11.20) |
90-12 | (Not adopted) |
90-13 | Rezone (Special) |
90-14 | Rezone (Special) |
90-15 | Adds Ch. 13.74, planned sanitary facilities (13.74) |
90-16 | Rezone (Special) |
90-17 | Adopts Precise Plan No. 46 (Special) |
90-18 | Approves amendment to redevelopment plan (Special) |
90-19 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 11.08, encroachments (11.08) |
90-20 | Authorized amendment to the contract between city council and the California Public Employees Retirement System (Special) |
90-21 | Adds Ch. 14.52, substandard housing, unsafe structures and unsafe use of property nuisances (14.52) |
90-22 | Adds Ch. 16.25, subdivisions; repeals §§ 16.24.140 through 16.24.260 (16.25) |
90-23 | Amends § 1.16.010, general penalty (1.16) |
91-1 | (Not adopted) |
91-2 | Amends Chs. 7.08, 7.12, 7.16 and 7.20, health and sanitation (7.08, 7.12, 7.16, 7.20) |
91-3 | Prezone (Special) |
91-4 | Adds §§ 10.32.031, 10.32.216, 10.32.217 and 10.32.218, stopping, standing and parking (10.32) |
91-5 | Adds Ch. 11.24, street tree/landscape maintenance (11.24) |
91-6 | Adds Ch. 5.68, waste tire haulers (Repealed by 97-4) |
91-7 | Adds Ch. 3.18, utility user tax (3.18) |
91-9 | Adds Ch. 17.70; amends § 17.44.020(A)(23), zoning (Title 17) |
91-10 | Amends Public Employees’ Retirement System contract (Special) |
91-11 | Rezone (Special) |
91-12 | Adds Ch. 14.70, density bonuses (Repealed by 93-6) |
91-13 | Approves merged redevelopment plan (Special) |
91-14 | Amends § 10.32.150, stopping, standing and parking (10.32) |
91-15 | Amends Ch. 13.06, control of backflow and cross-connections to the municipal water system (13.06) |
91-16 | Rezone (Special) |
91-17 | Rezone (Special) |
92-1 | Rezone (Special) |
92-2 | Adopts Precise Plan No. 47 (Special) |
92-3 | Amends Ch. 5.34, fireworks (5.34) |
92-4 | Amends §§ 3.18.050(A), 3.18.060(A), 3.18.070(A) and 3.18.150, utility tax (3.18) |
92-5 | Adopts Precise Plan No. 48 (Special) |
92-6 | Rezone (Special) |
92-7 | Street vacation (Special) |
92-8 | Amends §§ 7.24.020(D), 7.24.050, 7.24.060(A), 7.24.070—7.24.150, 7.24.170, 7.24.180(A), (B) and 7.24.190(C), auto nuisances (7.24) |
92-9 | Adds § 1.32.065; amends § 14.32.700; repeals §§ 14.32.680 and 14.32.690, political signs (Repealed by 93-6) |
92-10 | Adds Ch. 3.25, fee and service charge revenue/cost comparison system (3.25) |
92-11 | Adds §§ 2.07.040—2.07.160, municipal elections (Repealed by 93-8) |
92-12 | Adds Ch. 2.29, youth commission (Repealed by 95-1) |
92-13 | Adopts and amends the southwest Dinuba specific plan, amends the general plan map and the zoning ordinance (Special) |
92-14 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 2.28, community services commission (Repealed by 2017-02) |
92-15 | Amends §§ 16.25.010, 16.25.040, 16.25.080 and 16.25.090, park land dedication (16.25) |
92-16 | Adds Precise Plan No. 49 to Ch. 17.68 (Special) |
92-17 | Number not used |
92-18 | Adds Precise Plan No. 50 to Ch. 17.68 (Special) |
92-19 | Street vacation (Special) |
92-20 | Alley vacation (Special) |
92-21 | Amends § 2.29.020, youth commission (Repealed by 95-1) |
92-22 | Amends § 2.28.020, community services commission (Repealed by 2017-02) |
93-1 | Number not used |
93-2 | Amends § 5.34.010, fireworks (5.34) |
93-3 | Number not used |
93-4 | Amends § 2.29.030, youth commission (Repealed by 95-1) |
93-5 | Transportation demand management (10.56) |
93-6 | Amends Title 17 and § 16.16.180(A); repeals Chs. 5.60, 14.32 and 14.70 and §§ 16.16.180(B), (C), (E) and (H) and 16.16.300, zoning (16.16, 17.01, 17.02, 17.03, 17.04, 17.10, 17.14, 17.16, 17.20, 17.24, 17.32, 17.40, 17.42, 17.44, 17.46, 17.50, 17.52, 17.56, 17.60, 17.61, 17.62, 17.63, 17.64, 17.70, 17.71, 17.72, 17.80, 17.82, 17.92, 17.93, 17.96, 17.98) |
93-7 | Adds § 5.04.035, business licenses (5.04) |
93-8 | Repeals Ch. 2.07, municipal election (Repealer) |
93-9 | Amends §§ 2.29.020 and 2.29.050, youth commission (Repealed by 95-1) |
93-10 | Number not used |
93-11 | Adopts amendment No. 1 to redevelopment plan (Special) |
93-12 | Actions on integrated financing district No. 93-1 (Special) |
94-1 | Policies and procedures for claims submitted by other public entities (Special) |
94-2 | Adds Ch. 2.07, election of city council members (2.07) |
94-3 | Repeals §§ 2.12.030, 2.12.040 and 2.12.050 (Repealer) |
94-4 | Repeals Ch. 2.08 (Repealer) |
94-5 | Adds Ch. 2.08, department heads (2.08) |
94-6 | Repeals § 2.36.080 (Repealer) |
94-7 | Adds Ch. 9.58, graffiti abatement (9.58) |
94-8 | Adds § 6.32.050; amends §§ 6.20.030, 6.20.170, 6.24.010(B), 6.32.010, 6.32.020, 6.32.030, 6.48.010, 6.48.030, 6.52.020, 6.52.040, 6.68.010 and 6.68.020, animals (6.20, 6.24, 6.32, 6.52, 6.68) |
94-9 | Amends [adds] § 3.18.150, utility user tax (Repealed by 2009-03) |
94-10 | Rezone (Special) |
94-11 | Rezone (Special) |
94-12 | Adds Ch. 2.42, prevailing wages for public works (2.42) |
94-13 | Adds § 11.04.040 and amends § 11.04.010, street and sidewalk maintenance (11.04) |
94-14 | Adds Ch. 9.54, noise regulations (9.54) |
94-15 | Adds § 3.18.050(F); amends § 3.18.050(B), (C), (D) and (E), utility user tax (3.18) |
94-16 | Amends §§ 2.32.010, 2.32.020, 2.32.030, 2.32.050, 2.32.070, 2.32.080, 2.32.100, 2.32.110 and 2.32.120, planning commission (2.32) |
94-17 | Amends redevelopment plan (Special) |
95-1 | Repeals Ch. 2.29 (Repealer) |
95-2 | Adds §§ 2.28.030, 2.28.040 and 2.28.110; amends § 2.28.020; renumbers prior §§ 2.28.030, 2.28.040, 2.28.050, 2.28.060, 2.28.070 and 2.28.080 to be §§ 2.28.050, 2.28.060, 2.28.070, 2.28.080, 2.28.090 and 2.28.100, community services commission (Repealed by 2017-02) |
95-3 | Amends § 2.05.070(H), city manager (2.05) |
95-4 | Repeals Ch. 2.36 (Repealer) |
95-5 | Adds Ch. 2.36, personnel policies and practices (2.36) |
95-6 | Adopts amendment No. 2 to redevelopment plan (Special) |
95-7 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 5.64, cable television (5.64) |
95-8 | Amends § 14.60.010, uniform fire code (14.40) |
95-9 | Adds §§ 11.12.190, 11.12.200, 11.12.210, 11. 12.220, 11.12.230; repeals and replaces § 11.12.180, obstructing streets and sidewalks (11.12) |
96-1 | (Voided) |
96-2 | Amends §§ 1.16.010, 1.16.015, 5.34.150, 5.44.070, 5.68.120, 6.80.010, 10.28.050, 11.08.260, 11.20.080, 13.05.080, 13.07.080, 13.08.020,13.74.080,13.100.080,14.12.050, 14.16.040, 14.20.040, 14.24.040, 14.28.120, 14.45.030, 14.50.030 and 17.98.060, penalties (1.16, 5.34, 5.44, 6.80, 10.28, 11.08, 11.20, 13.05, 13.07, 13.08, 13.74, 13.100, 14.12, 14.16, 14.20, 14.24, 14.45, 14.50, 17.98) |
96-3 | Adds § 13.88.080; amends §§ 13.92.030(B) and 13.96.040; repeals and replaces Ch. 13.80 and §§ 13.84.020, 13.92.040, 13.92.050, 13.96.010, 13.96.020 and 13.96.030, water and sewers (13.80, 13.84, 13.88, 13.92, 13.96) |
96-4 | Adds Ch. 3.28 and § 3.08.110; repeals and replaces §§ 3.08.040, 3.08.050, 3.08.100, 3.12.090, 3.12.100, 3.18.140; repeals §§ 3.12.140, 3.12.150, 3.12.170, 3.12.180 and 3.12.190, revenue and finance (3.08, 3.12, 3.18, 3.28) |
96-5 | (Withdrawn) |
96-6 | (Repealed by 98-10) |
96-7 | (Repealed by 98-8) |
97-1 | (Repealed by 98-9) |
97-2 | Repeals and replaces §§ 10.32.070 and 10.32.080; repeals §§ 10.32.040 and 10.32.071 (10.32) |
97-3 | Repeals and replaces § 11.12.020, riding on sidewalks (11.12) |
97-4 | Amends §§ 2.05.070(C), 2.05.090(B), 2.05.090(E), 2.20.060, 6.48.010, 7.24.080, 7.24.160, 11.08.150, 16.24.090(A), 16.24.100(D), 16.24.100(E), 16.24.130(E) and 17.02.440; repeals Ch. 5.52, 5.68 and §§ 16.20.090 and 17.02.150, city manager to conform to charter and time limit applicable to unclaimed property; automobile nuisance abatement; government, health and safety codes (2.05, 2.20, 7.24, 11.08, 16.24, 17.02) |
97-5 | Amends §§ 17.24.010, 17.24.040, 17.24.050, 17.24.080—17.24.110, 17.24.130, 17.24.140 and 17.24.160—17.24.190, zoning (17.24) |
97-6 | Amends §§ 17.88.010—17.88.050 and 17.88.090, repeals § 17.88.060 and renumbers subsequent sections, zoning (17.82) |
97-7 | Repeals and replaces § 2.28.110, community services commission (Repealed by 2017-02) |
97-8 | Amends § 2.36.450 and repeals and replaces 2.36.490, personnel policies and practices (2.36) |
98-1 | Amends §§ 16.20.050, 16.20.060 and 16.20.070, subdivisions (16.20) |
98-2 | Adds Chs. 5.68 and 17.76, adult-oriented business regulations (5.68, 17.76) |
98-3 | Repeals and replaces § 2.28.080, community services commission meetings (Repealed by 2017-02) |
98-4 | Adds §§ 13.06.055 and 13.06.135; amends §§ 13.06.020, 13.06.050, 13.06.080, 13.06.100, 13.06.110, 13.06.120 and 13.06.150; repeals and replaces §§ 13.06.040, 13.06.070, 13.06.130 and 13.06.140, back flow and cross-connection prevention (13.06) |
98-5 | Adds § 5.04.130, chamber of commerce funding (5.04) |
98-6 | Amends §§ 5.34.050 and 5.34.100, fireworks (5.34) |
98-7 | Rezone (Special) |
98-8 | Adds §§ 13.76.020(A) and reletters (B), (C) and (D) to be (C), (D) and (E), 13.80.550(C) and reletters (C) to be (D), 13.80.565, 13.80.655,13.88.065 and 13.92.060; amends §§ 13.76.010, 13.80.550, 13.84.010, 13.84.020, 13.84.030, 13.84.040, 13.84.050, 13.84.060, 13.84.070, 13.92.010(C), 13.92.040 and 13.92.050; repeals and replaces §§ 13.80.420, 13.80.600, 13.88.010(A), (B) and (C), 13.88.030 and 13.92.020(B); repeals Ord. 96-7 and §§ 13.80.070, 13.80.090, 13.80.120, 13.80.130, 13.80.280, 13.80.290, 13.80.300, 13.80.460, 13.80.470, 13.80.520, 13.80.580, 13.80.650 and 13.88.040(F), flood conditions (13.76, 13.80, 13.84, 13.88, 13.92) |
98-9 | Adds §§ 17.40.050(H), 17.42.050(N) and (O), 17.44.050(M) and (N), 17.46.050(K), (L), (M) and (N), 17.50.050(G), (H), (1) and (J) and 17.71.240; amends § 17.40.030(A)(22); repeals Ord. 97-1 and §§ 17.42.030(D)(14) and (59) and 17.46.030(B)(11), (34), (58) and (75), alcoholic beverages (17.40, 17.42, 17.44, 17.46, 17.50, 17.71) |
98-10 | Amends §§ 14.04.010, 14.04.020, 14.04.050, 14.04.055, 14.04.060, 14.08.010, 14.12.010, 14.12.020, 14.16.010, 14.20.010, 14.24.010, 14.45.010 and 14.50.010; repeals Chs. 14.36 and 14.40, building codes (14.04, 14.08, 14.12, 14.16, 14.20, 14.24, 14.45, 14.50) |
98-11 | Amends § 17.71.230, adult material (17.71) |
98-12 | Amends § 9.54.080(A), noise regulations (9.54) |
98-13 | Amends §§ 17.70.043 and 17.70.045, zoning (17.70) |
98-14 | (Withdrawn) |
98-15 | Adds §§ 6.16.020 to 6.16.060, 6.16.080 [6.16.070], 6.20.135, 6.24.010(I) and (J), 6.32.060, 6.36.030 and 6.48.040 to 6.48.060; amends § 6.44.030; repeals and replaces §§ 6.04.040, 6.32.010, 6.32.020, 6.48.010 to 6.48.030 and Ch. 6.72; repeals § 6.04.050, animal regulations (6.04, 6.16, 6.20, 6.24, 6.32, 6.36, 6.72) |
99-1 | Repeals and replaces § 17.72.13(G) [adds § 17.72.130(G)], zoning (Repealed by 2018-08) |
99-2 | Repeals and replaces § 16.16.160, naming of streets (16.16) |
99-3 | Adds Ch. 17.73, zoning (17.73) |
99-4 | Adds Ch. 2.34, citizens police advisory commission (Repealed by 2015-06) |
99-5 | Amends contract with Public Employees Retirement System (Special) |
99-6 | Amends § 2.34.020, citizens police advisory commission (Repealed by 2015-06) |
99-7 | Adds § 7.24.030(C), auto nuisances (7.24) |
99-8 | Adds § 5.34.015, fireworks (5.34) |
99-9 | Amends §§ 2.34.040 and 2.34.080, citizens police advisory commission (Repealed by 2015-06) |
2000-1 | Amends §§ 5.34.010(A), 5.34.040 and 5.34.090(B), sale of fireworks (5.34) |
2000-2 | (Not adopted) |
2000-3 | Adds Ch. 10.42, skate parks (10.42) |
2001-1 | Adds § 17.72.200, murals and public art (17.72) |
2001-3 | Amends contract with Public Employees’ Retirement System (Special) |
2001-5 | Adds §§ 10.32.032 and 10.32.033; amends § 10.32.031, stopping, standing and parking (10.32) |
2001-7 | Amends §§ 10.32.216 and 10.32.217, sale of vehicles (10.32) |
2001-8 | Amends redevelopment plan (Special) |
2001-9 | Prezone (Special) |
2001-10 | Approves city government reorganization (Special) |
2002-1 | Amends § 17.70.024(N), secondary residential units (17.70) |
2002-2 | Adds §§ 17.46.050 and 17.71.250; amends Ch. 5.36, fortune telling (5.36, 17.46, 17.71) |
2002-3 | Amends § 9.54.040(H), noise regulations (9.54) |
2002-4 | Amends § 5.34.050(D), fireworks permit issuance (5.34) |
2002-5 | Rezones (Special) |
2002-6 | Adds § 10.12.030(9), speed limit on Nebraska Avenue (10.12) |
2003-1 | Adds § 2.04.035; amends § 2.04.020, monthly work session (2.04) |
2003-2 | Amends § 13.56.040, industrial wastewater treatment charge (13.56) |
2003-3 | Amends § 14.52.010, public nuisances (14.52) |
2003-4 | Amends § 17.64.020, off-street parking facilities (17.64) |
2003-5 | Amends § 17.70.041, garage sale definition (17.70) |
2003-6 | Amends § 2.28.030(D), membership vacancies (Repealed by 2017-02) |
2003-7 | Adds §§ 11.08.015 and 11.08.025; amends § 11.08.010, temporary and seasonal businesses (11.08) |
2003-8 | Amends §§ 17.16.030,17.16.040(L), 17.20.070, 17.20.080 and 17.20.110, northwest Dinuba specific plan (17.16, 17.20) |
2003-9 | Amends § 5.04.130, business license tax (5.04) |
2003-10 | Amends § 10.32.070, oversized vehicle parking (10.32) |
2003-11 | Adds § 10.32.174, permitted parking (10.32) |
2003-12 | Adds §§ 13.76.005, 13.76.006 and 13.80.445; amends §§ 13.80.565, 13.80.655, 13.88.010, 13.88.030, 13.88.040, 13.88.060, 13.92.010, 13.92.030 and 13.92.040, floodplain management (13.76, 13.80, 13.88, 13.92) |
2003-13 | Amends § 10.28.040, stop signs (10.28) |
2003-14 | Rezone (Special) |
2004-1 | Adds § 2.04.080, city council health benefits (2.04) |
2004-2 | Amends § 10.12.030, speed limits (10.12) |
2004-3 | Adds Ch. 3.32, public safety impact fee (3.32) |
2004-4 | Amends §§ 10.32.170 and 10.32.171, two-hour parking zones (10.32) |
2004-5 | Amends Chs. 14.04, 14.08, 14.12, 14.16, 14.20, 14.24, 14.40, 14.45 and 14.50, building codes (14.04, 14.08, 14.12, 14.16, 14.20, 14.24, 14.40, 14.45, 14.50) |
2005-1 | Adds Ch. 7.28, mobile food facilities (7.28) |
2005-2 | Adds Ch. 14.62, historic preservation (14.62) |
2005-3 | Rezone (Special) |
2005-4 | Rezone (Special) |
2005-5 | Rezone (Special) |
2005-6 | Rezone (Special) |
2005-7 | Rezone (Special) |
2005-8 | Rezone (Special) |
2005-9 | Rezone (Special) |
2005-10 | Rezone (Special) |
2005-11 | Mail ballot elections (1.24) |
2005-12 | (Not adopted) |
2005-13 | Rezone (Special) |
2005-14 | Adopts amendment No. 4 to redevelopment plan (Special) |
2005-15 | Adds Ch. 3.14, funding for police and fire protection (3.14) |
2005-16 | Adds Ch. 2.29, Dinuba pro-youth commission (Repealed by 2012-04) |
2005-17 | (Not adopted) |
2005-18 | Adds Ch. 3.14, funding for police and fire protection (3.14) |
2005-19 | Adds Ch. 14.64, construction and demolition debris recycling and reuse (14.64) |
2006-01 | Rezone (Special) |
2006-02 | Amends §§ 5.34.020 and 5.34.050(D), selling of fireworks (5.34) |
2006-03 | Amends general plan map (Special) |
2006-04 | Rezone (Special) |
2006-05 | (Number not used) |
2006-06 | San Joaquin Valley Power Authority joint powers agreement (Repealed by 2012-06) |
2006-07 | Amends §§ 3.18.020 and 3.18.050, utility users tax (3.18) |
2007-01 | Amends §§ 11.20.030(F) and (G), 13.07.030(F) and (G), 13.74.030(F) and (G), and 13.100.030(F) and (G), development impact fees (11.20, 13.07, 13.74, 13.100) |
2007-02 | (Not adopted) |
2007-03 | (Not adopted) |
2007-04 | (Not adopted) |
2007-05 | (Not adopted) |
2007-06 | Amends redevelopment plan (Special) |
2007-07 | Rezone (Special) |
2007-08 | Rezone (Special) |
2007-09 | Adds Ch. 14.55, open burning (14.55) |
2007-10 | Rezone (Special) |
2007-11 | Amends Chs. 14.04, 14.08, 14.12, 14.16, 14.20, 14.24, 14.40 and 14.45; repeals Ch. 14.28, building codes (14.04, 14.08, 14.12, 14.16, 14.20, 14.24, 14.40, 14.45) |
2007-12 | Amends § 5.04.130, business license tax (5.04) |
2008-01 | (Not adopted) |
2008-02 | Rezone (Special) |
2008-03 | Adopts amendment No. 5 to redevelopment plan (Special) |
2008-04 | Amends §§ 11.20.030(F) and (G), 13.07.030(F) and (G), 13.74.030(F) and (G) and 13.100.030(F) and (G), development impact fee deferral for green power industries (11.20, 13.07, 13.74, 13.100) |
2008-05 | Amends Title 17, zoning (17.01, 17.02, 17.03, 17.04, 17.10, 17.14, 17.16, 17.20, 17.24, 17.26, 17.32, 17.40, 17.42, 17.44, 17.46, 17.50, 17.52, 17.54, 17.56, 17.60, 17.61, 17.62, 17.63, 17.64, 17.70, 17.71, 17.72, 17.73, 17.76, 17.80, 17.82, 17.84, 17.92, 17.93, 17.96, 17.98) |
2008-06 | Adds § 2.40.020, local purchasing preference (2.40) |
2009-01 | Adds Ch. 5.70, medical marijuana dispensaries (5.70) |
2009-02 | Amends §§ 13.84.020, 13.88.030, 13.92.030, 13.92.040, 13.92.050 and 13.96.040, floodplain management (13.84, 13.88, 13.92, 13.96) |
2009-03 | Amends §§ 3.18.020(I) and 3.18.050; repeals and replaces § 3.18.150, utility user tax (3.18) |
2009-04 | Adds §§ 7.20.040, 13.04.050 and 13.60.015, senior citizen utility rate discount (7.20, 13.04, 13.60) |
2009-05 | Amends contract with Public Employees’ Retirement System (Special) |
2010-01 | Adds Ch. 1.18, administrative citations (1.18) |
2010-02 | Amends § 17.48.030, zoning (Repealed by 2024-02) |
2010-03 | Amends § 17.48.030, zoning (Repealed by 2024-02) |
2010-04 | Amends Ch. 17.72, development standards – signs (17.72) |
2010-05 | Amends Ch. 5.34, fireworks (5.34) |
2010-06 | Amends §§ 2.29.080 and 2.29.100; repeals § 2.29.010(B), Dinuba pro-youth commission (Repealed by 2012-04) |
2011-01 | Adds Chs. 14.28, 14.32 and 14.36 and § 14.40.044; amends §§ 14.04.010, 14.08.010, 14.12.010, 14.16.010, 14.20.010, 14.24.010, 14.40.010, 14.40.040 and 14.45.010 and Ch. 14.55, building codes (14.04, 14.08, 14.12, 14.16, 14.20, 14.24, 14.28, 14.32, 14.36, 14.40, 14.45, 14.55) |
2011-02 | (Not adopted) |
2011-03 | Approves development agreement (Special) |
2011-04 | Amends § 2.32.085, planning commission meetings (2.32) |
2011-05 | Urgency ordinance; participation in alternative voluntary redevelopment program (Special) |
2011-06 | Participation in alternative voluntary redevelopment program (Special) |
2011-07 | Rezone (Special) |
2012-01 | Amends §§ 6.44.060 and 6.52.020, restraint of animals and public nuisance (6.52) |
2012-02 | Adds Ch. 5.80; amends Title 17, medical marijuana (Not codified) |
2012-03 | Adds §§ 17.72.060 and 17.80.160; amends §§ 17.02.030, 17.10.040, 17.10.080, 17.26.030, 17.48.030, 17.54.030, 17.71.230 and 17.76.020, zoning (17.02, 17.10, 17.26, 17.54, 17.71, 17.76, 17.80) |
2012-04 | Adds § 2.28.120; amends title to Ch. 2.28 and §§ 2.28.010, 2.28.020, 2.28.040, 2.28.080 and 2.28.100; repeals Ch. 2.29, community services and Dinuba pro-youth commission (Repealed by 2017-02) |
2012-05 | Amends contract with Public Employees’ Retirement System (Special) |
2012-06 | Repeals Ord. 2006-06, San Joaquin Valley Power Authority joint powers agreement (Repealer) |
2013-01 | Rezone (Special) |
2013-02 | Adds Ch. 2.30, economic development commission (2.30) |
2014-01 | Adds Chs. 14.06, 14.48 and 14.49; amends §§ 14.04.010, 14.08.010, 14.12.010, 14.16.010, 14.20.010, 14.28.010, 14.28.020, 14.32.010, 14.36.010, 14.40.010 and 14.45.010, building codes (14.04, 14.06, 14.08, 14.12, 14.16, 14.20, 14.28, 14.32, 14.36, 14.40, 14.45, 14.48, 14.49) |
2014-02 | Amends zoning map (Special) |
2014-03 | Establishes home-generated sharps waste management program (7.32) |
2014-04 | Adds § 17.72.155; amends §§ 17.02.030, 17.26.030, 17.48.030, 17.54.030, 17.70.031(B), 17.70.032(D), 17.71.180, 17.73.020, 17.73.030, 17.73.040 and 17.73.090, zoning (17.02, 17.26, 17.54, 17.70, 17.71, 17.72, 17.73) |
2014-05 | Amends zoning map (Special) |
2014-06 | Adds § 17.72.040(C); amends § 17.72.030; repeals § 17.72.172(A) [17.72.170(A)], political signs (17.72) |
2014-07 | Repeals and replaces §§ 2.42.010 and 2.42.020, prevailing wages for public works (2.42) |
2015-01 | Rezone (Special) |
2015-02 | Adds §§ 11.20.020(L), (M) and (N); amends §§ 3.32.020, 3.32.040(A), 11.20.050(C), 13.07.020, 13.07.050(C), 13.74.020 and 13.74.050(C), development impact fees (3.32, 11.20, 13.07, 13.74) |
2015-03 | Adds Ch. 3.34, police facilities impact fee (3.34) |
2015-04 | Adds Ch. 3.36, parks and recreation facilities impact fee (3.36) |
2015-05 | Amends §§ 16.25.040 and 16.25.090, park land dedication (16.25) |
2015-06 | Adds Ch. 2.36 [2.34]; repeals Ch. 2.34, public safety commission (Repealed by 2015-07) |
2015-07 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 2.34; repeals Ord. 2015-06, public safety commission (2.34) |
2015-08 | Adds § 14.52.010(E) and Ch. 17.74; amends §§ 17.02.030, 17.24.100, 17.24.120, 17.26.030, 17.48.030, 17.54.030, 17.64.020(G), 17.72.030, 17.72.130(E) and 17.98.050; repeals § 17.72.050(D), zoning (14.52, 17.02, 17.24, 17.26, 17.54, 17.64, 17.72, 17.74, 17.98) |
2016-01 | Adds § 5.70.050 and Chs. 5.71 and 5.80; amends §§ 17.26.030, 17.48.030 and 17.54.030, medical marijuana (5.70, 5.71, 5.80, 17.26, 17.54) |
2016-02 | Amends zoning map (Special) |
2016-03 | Annexation; amends zoning map (Special) |
2016-04 | Amends zoning map (Special) |
2017-01 | Adds Ch. 9.18, abatement of hazardous weeds and rubbish (9.18) |
2017-02 | Repeals Ord. 2012-04 and Ch. 2.28, Dinuba pro-youth commission (Repealer) |
2017-03 | Adds § 17.70.025; amends §§ 17.26.030, 17.48.030, 17.70.012, 17.70.013, 17.70.014, 17.70.020, 17.70.021, 17.70.022, 17.70.023, 17.70.024, 17.71.130, 17.71.170, 17.80.050 and 17.82.020, zoning (17.26, 17.70, 17.71, 17.80, 17.82) |
2017-04 | Adds Ch. 5.86; amends §§ 5.80.030, 17.26.030, 17.48.030 and 17.54.030, marijuana (5.80, 5.86, 17.26, 17.54) |
2017-05 | Adds § 5.34.005; amends §§ 1.18.040, 5.34.110 and 5.34.160, fireworks (1.18, 5.34) |
2017-06 | Adds [amends] Chs. 14.06, 14.48 and 14.49; amends §§ 14.04.010, 14.08.010, 14.12.010, 14.16.010, 14.20.010, 14.28.010, 14.28.020, 14.32.010, 14.36.010, 14.40.010 and 14.45.010, building codes (14.04, 14.06, 14.08, 14.12, 14.16, 14.20, 14.28, 14.32, 14.36, 14.40, 14.45, 14.48, 14.49) |
2017-07 | Amends §§ 1.18.170, 1.18.180 and 1.18.200, administrative citations (1.18) |
2017-08 | Adds Ch. 9.14, disaster management (9.14) |
2017-09 | Smoking (9.17) |
2018-01 | Amends zoning map (Special) |
2018-02 | Amends zoning map (Special) |
2018-03 | Amends §§ 2.30.040 and 2.30.090, economic development commission (2.30) |
2018-04 | Amends § 14.40.010 [§§ 14.40.010 and 14.40.044], fire code (14.40) |
2018-05 | Adds Ch. 6.50; repeals and replaces Chs. 6.44 and 6.48, animal control (6.44, 6.48, 6.50) |
2018-06 | Amends zoning map (Special) |
2018-07 | Amends § 17.73.030, communication towers and facilities (17.73) |
2018-08 | Amends Ch. 17.72, development standards—signs (17.72) |
2018-09 | Adds Ch. 3.37, community facilities district No. 2018-1 (3.37) |
2019-01 | Adds Ch. 7.21, recycling (7.21) |
2019-02 | Adds Ch. 5.89, sidewalk vendors (5.89) |
2019-03 | Amends § 14.62.050, historic preservation commission (14.62) |
2019-04 | Amends §§ 2.36.020 [2.34.020] and 2.36.030 [2.34.030], public safety commission (2.34) |
2020-01 | Amends §§ 14.40.010, 14.40.044 and 14.55.010; repeals §§ 14.40.020, 14.40.030 and 14.40.040, fire code, open burning (14.40, 14.55) |
2020-02 | Rezone (Special) |
2020-03 | Amends §§ 2.34.100, 2.34.110 and 2.34.120, public safety commission (2.34) |
2020-04 | Rezone (Special) |
2021-01 | Moratorium on establishment of massage businesses (Special) |
2021-02 | Adds § 5.12.240, procedures for revocation of business license (5.12) |
2021-03 | Extends moratorium on establishment of massage businesses (Special) |
2021-04 | Adds §§ 17.32.130, 17.40.160, 17.50.140 and 17.52.140; amends §§ 17.20.130, 17.24.160, 17.40.040, 17.40.100, 17.42.040, 17.42.100, 17.44.090, 17.46.090, 17.63.020(D), 17.64.070, 17.70.055(K), 17.71.130 and 17.82.020(C), landscaping (17.20, 17.24, 17.32, 17.40, 17.42, 17.44, 17.46, 17.50, 17.52, 17.63, 17.64, 17.70, 17.71, 17.82) |
2022-01 | Rezone (Special) |
2022-02 | Amends Ch. 7.21, recycling (7.21) |
2022-03 | Amends § 17.48.030, residential uses (Repealed by 2024-02) |
2022-04 | Urgency ordinance, adds § 9.48.190, prohibited activities in public parks and recreation facilities (Expired) |
2022-05 | Adds new chapter to Title 2, military equipment use policy (2.25) |
2022-06 | Amends Ch. 9.54, noise regulations (9.54) |
2022-07 | Rezone (Special) |
2022-08 | Rezone (Special) |
2022-09 | Rezone (Special) |
2022-10 | Amends Chs. 13.76, 13.80, 13.84, 13.88, 13.92 and 13.96, floodplain management regulations (13.76, 13.80, 13.84, 13.88, 13.92, 13.96) |
2022-11 | Rezone (Special) |
2022-12 | Adds Ch. 17.75, electrical vehicle charging station permitting (17.75) |
2023-01 | Amends Chs. 14.40 and 14.55, fire code, open burning (14.40, 14.55) |
2023-02 | Amends Ch. 5.34, fireworks (5.34) |
2023-03 | Rezone (Special) |
2023-04 | Urgency ordinance, adds § 9.48.190, prohibited activities in public parks and recreation facilities (Expired) |
2023-05 | Adds Ch. 9.49, unauthorized encampments and prohibited activities on public property (9.49) |
2023-06 | Adds Ch. 9.50, shopping carts (9.50) |
2023-07 | Urgency ordinance setting minors’ daytime curfew (Expired) |
2023-08 | (Not approved) |
2023-09 | Rezone (Special) |
2023-10 | Minors’ daytime curfew (9.60) |
2024-01 | Rezone (Special) |
2024-02 | Adds Ch. 17.45; repeals and replaces Ch. 17.48, zoning (17.45, 17.48) |
2024-03 | Rezone (Special) |
2024-04 | Rezone (Special) |
2024-05 | Amends § 2.04.050, city council compensation (2.04) |